#thanks for tagging me I loved doing this!!
chuluoyi · 14 hours
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- gojo satoru x reader // zen'in naoya x reader
in the wake of your scandalous divorce, you fall into the arms of emperor gojo satoru. for a while, you believe you have found love… until it becomes clear that your new husband is scheming behind your back! love, marriage, divorce… are you doomed to go through this path the second time?
genre/warnings: 18+ suggestive content—minors do not interact!—might be ooc, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, marriage of convenience, explicit smut, pregnancy
note: loosely inspired by and taking some elements of manhwa remarried empress. this is the second part of remarried empress au trilogy! wc. 9.2k ! thank you so much for your love in the first part🩵 but as of now, TAGLIST IS CLOSED so i'd appreciate it if the comment section won't be flooded with asks for tags :')
credit header goes to @/kakashismain_ in twitter!
prev. all hail the empress | next. long live the empire (soon!)
general masterlist | series masterlist
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Heavens, help me... I love her too damn much!
For Gojo Satoru, love was once an abstract concept. At first, he thought it was admiration, or a sense of obsession—
But on the day he watched you become Zen’in Naoya’s bride, Satoru realized it was much deeper than that. It felt like the sharpest sword had pierced straight into him and lodged itself there.
And then, years later— as if hearing his prayers, you became his. Since then, his life was perfect, because he wasn't lying when he said that you were everything he wanted in life.
Yet in a twist of fate, that same sinking, horrific feeling washed over him... as he watched the pagoda he built for you engulfed in flames.
You were there. Satoru felt himself staggering as he took in the mortifying sight. You and his unborn child are inside!
He didn't waste a breath as he dashed towards where you were, crushing everything in his path in the process, but just as he was about to enter the scorching temple—
“Satoru, no!” Suguru grabbed him, restraining him with his own body. “Get back!”
“No!” he screamed at him frantically. “She is there! Suguru, let go—!”
And then the worst happened, as the pagoda completely crumbled into a heap of rubble. Satoru's breath was knocked out of him as he faced the reality that he couldn't save you in time. And he felt like losing his consciousness as he wheezed, and thrashed in Suguru's hold.
It was all too much for him to comprehend as he struggled against the devastation before him.
How... did this happen? You were happy. You were about to welcome a child into your lives! The two of you really were...
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Your husband is trying to use you to wage a war... against your homeland.
You secluded yourself in your study, trying to make sense what you just overheard.
In a broader perspective, Satoru's actions could be constituted as national defense. If he perceived the Eastern Empire as a threat, then countermeasures were indeed necessary. But if not...
Regardless, it was not the very idea that blew you, but how he planned to use you to sway sentiment in your former country, to weaken them.
Is that what he's been aiming all this time? You felt like a hypocrite to question this since you too were using him. But these days, you were certainly not using him—you were falling in love with him.
It was strange, because you were supposed to be furious if that was his intent from the start. Yet what you felt right now was profound sadness, possibly even denial and heartbreak. You kept thinking how there must be another explanation—
“Sweetheart, hello~!”
You were startled when the door to your study was suddenly flung open, and the man from your thoughts strode in with a broad grin, completely oblivious to your inner turmoil.
"Satoru." You fixed him with a genial smile, even as nausea churned within you. Straightening your skirts, you looked up at him.
"I've been told you haven't been well, and Shoko said you've seen the physician," Satoru frowned, his long fingers cradling your face as he half-sat on your desk. "How did it go? What did he say?"
"Oh..." you clammed up, feeling at loss. "He said..."
Your dashing husband tilted his head curiously, bright eyes softened, worried lines etched on his face were so clear... and despite your conflict, you didn't have the heart to deny him this news.
"I'm with child." This time, your smile was genuine as you pushed back your intrusive thoughts. "Satoru... I'm carrying our child."
For a full ten seconds, Satoru was stunned, staring at you with a blank expression, his lips slightly parted. "H-huh...? Child? A... baby?"
"Mm-hm. A living baby."
"O-oh..." Satoru blinked his eyes rapidly—looking at your face, then your abdomen—before his expression broke into absolute wonder, broadly grinning. "T-that's... oh— it's—!"
To say he was speechless didn't cut it as he stuttered, messed his hair, pinched his own cheek, becoming restless yet looking so incredibly giddy—
"My queen!" Satoru suddenly lifted you and spun you around midair. "My beautiful wife—!" before gently sitting you on the desk and burying his face in your skirts, hugging your waist tightly. "Good lord, I'm— I'm so—!"
It hadn't truly dawned on you until now that you were going to become a mother. Witnessing Satoru's unabashed reaction as he nestled his face into you… nearly brought tears to your eyes.
Right in this moment, you didn't entertain any other thoughts. You were deeply moved by your husband's overwhelming excitement for your baby. And the realization that, despite Naoya's accusations—
Satoru looked up at you the second you sniffled, and he immediately drew you closer, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Hey, no tears, yeah?" He rested a hand on your jaw, his eyes sparkling with utter adoration as he gazed at you. "This is wonderful. We're going to be parents. This child... a part of you and me—we're going to bring them into the world."
You tugged his collar close and brushed your lips against his. And he responded with equal fervor. You yearned for this closeness with him.
. . .
But still in the back of your head, that lingering, buried fear whispered—
Is the man who adores you this much... capable of hurting you to the same extent?
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With your bare bodies pressed closely, and you under him, Satoru could sense the rapid beat of your heart. And in return, you felt the heat of his palms against your skin and the tremors in his breath.
Yet now, in your marital bed, it quickly became clear to him that you, who were usually so composed and collected, were nervous. Satoru couldn't suppress the smile spreading across his face even if he tried.
"This is far from our first time, Empress." His coy smirk taunted you as he littered kisses along your jawline and chest. "What are you so jittery about, hmm?"
"Ah..." you let out a soft sigh as he sucked your breast with his mouth. "N-nothing... you're mistaken."
"Hmm... not confessing? Right..." He then grabbed the generous mound of your other breast and fondled it, making you squirm and moan.
But in the midst of this eroticism, suddenly your mind was thrown back to—
“That’s why I have her here.”
"Satoru," you breathed out, catching his hands. He looked up to you in slight surprise, thinking that you wanted to stop.
But he was in for a plot twist when you first pushed him, then flipped him underneath you, straddling him and capturing his lush lips, yanking his hair in the process.
"Whoa— hey..." Satoru held your hips, visibly startled but clearly enjoying your sudden whim, snickering. "My queen—ohh— you're a sight to behold, on top of me."
He grabbed the flesh of your bottom, sinking his fingers into it and pulling you forward. You let yourself be moved until your thighs were next to his ears.
Suddenly, it was, at once, the most peculiar experience—the greatest confidence boost you had ever received, and the hottest thing he had ever seen.
"You're so damn wet already," your husband nipped your inner thigh playfully as he observed your folds, and you gasped. "Are you ready?"
In response, you slammed yourself onto his face because, right now, you were in a less than forgiving mood.
"You look good under me," you darkly retorted, but then you choked on your own breath when your husband started licking your folds messily with his tongue.
Satoru smirked at the sound of your breathless noises, responding by lapping even more fervently. Your fingers tangled in his hair, tightening their grip on his scalp as you began to grind yourself against his face.
"You a-are really n-nasty!" you moaned, voice breaking at the feeling his sinful tongue parting your opening. "Maybe y-you have lied to me… all th-is time."
Satoru furrowed his brows in slight confusion, and perhaps a bit of annoyance, as he pinched your clit in retaliation, causing you to draw in a sharp breath.
"You're— awful!" but contrary to your claims, your face contorted with pleasure as the tight coil in your belly spasmed. "How m-many women... h-have you beguiled like m-me?"
He almost laughed into your ass. Literally. If being called awful was the price for pleasuring the most beautiful woman in the lands, then Satoru would be happy to be that horrible person every day of his life.
But then, you suddenly shifted on top of him, no longer positioning your hips in his face, and he quickly caught your face, crashing his lips against yours so both of you wouldn’t part for even a second.
"Nobody else," he murmured, wet lips and tongue ravishing yours, so much lust glistening in his eyes. "I'm all yours— forever." Just as he whispered it amidst pants, he groaned when your hand sneakily went to his very hard length.
And firmly grasped it. He got swollen just by tasting you and hearing your noises earlier. He growled, and against his senses, he pushed you down to lodge it inside you, penetrating and splitting you apart in one go.
“Ah—! Satoru— it’s too…!” you babbled breathlessly, your nails digging into his shoulders, feeling his huge cock pulsing inside your tight walls.
“Your fault,” he rebuked, eyes narrowing into darker shades, rigorously moving his hips against yours as he sat up. It was impossible to hold it in any longer, he could feel it already.
He tensed up, adjusting his position, so close to losing it inside you, and when he heard your dirty mewls and felt you shudder—reverberating through his body too—Satoru gripped your waist tighter, groaning, holding you in place to release his load inside you with precision.
Your body gave in as well, releasing at the same moment his cum burst inside you. Your vision blurred as the nastiest of moans escaped you, yet you felt so safe as your husband caught you in his arms.
. . .
"Are you okay?" Satoru asked worriedly after you rolled off him in the aftermath of your bliss. "Do you feel sick?" Your unfocused eyes met his, and he looked panicked, pulling you closer. "Shit, did I go too far? I shouldn't have, especially with the baby still in the early stages..."
"I'm... okay," you croaked, trying to reassure him. "Just tired..."
Heaving a relieved sigh, Satoru pecked you in the lips.
"Am I... a mess?" you leaned on him with a blissful smile, feeling his cum still trickling out between your legs.
"Yeah... My beautiful mess, that is." Satoru chuckled, reveling in the state of your disarray. "Soon enough," his hands traced your skin before settling on your tummy, a fond smile curving his lips. "Our baby will grow here."
"Yes—" you replied, placing your palm over his. "Do you... want a boy or girl?"
A boy would be the much sought-after prince, and you fully expected him to favor it, until to your surprise, Satoru lightly hummed and pressed a kiss on your belly button.
"Does that matter? What's important is you deliver them safely and they're healthy," he chuckled. "A princess will be nice... she'll turn out to be as lovely as you."
"But the heir has to be a prince..."
"Nah. I can always amend the succession norms. I'm the emperor."
And you giggled next. Seeing how free you looked, Satoru thought you were the woman overturning his skies and stars, and you truly are—as now you are the mother of his own flesh and blood, his future empire.
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There will be a nation-wide celebration for you. Satoru insisted it was a must, and he would invite dignitaries from neighboring empires and kingdoms as well.
Including the Eastern Empire.
. . .
“Your Majesty. I... bring a gift and an invitation from the Western Empire.”
Naoya clacked his heel on the carpet, casting a sharp, yet uninterested look at his aide.
“There will be a celebration for—” the poor man gulped uneasily, faltering as if he could foresee how his emperor would react. Naoya scowled.
“Spit it out.”
“The former empress’ pregnancy, Your Majesty!”
“What...?” At that moment, he snapped his head towards him. It felt like everything he had ever known came crashing down. “Y/N...?”
That can’t be possible. For many years both of you had failed. That was why he took that maid and divorced you. No, upon reflection, it was never truly his intention to divorce you—he had wanted you to raise that child if you couldn't bear one.
But then you completely ignored him and had an affair with Gojo Satoru. He was furious. He couldn't bear the disgrace of it all, so he went with the divorce, if only to assert some control. However, the joke was on him, as you ultimately fled with Gojo entirely.
But if you aren’t infertile... Then, what did that make him?
Numerous thoughts ran through his mind. Was it possible that it was his child instead of Gojo’s? How many months had it been anyway?
...or could it be that he is the one who is—!
“No...” he muttered, frantic, taking sharp breaths. “Absolute rubbish!”
The aide stared at him in fear, as Naoya appeared unhinged now. But soon, that fear gave away to pity, as the emperor trashed his desk and howled in frustration— but contrary to the expected fury, Naoya looked like he was mourning, evident by the way he flung everything but the very portrait from his coronation day.
Of him and you. Even after that disastrous divorce, he had never taken it down from the wall of his study. Now, Naoya was staring at it, a multitude emotions clouding his eyes.
This man, just as the aide had always thought, has thrown away the only good thing he has in his life.
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“Are the invitations sent already?” Satoru asked with a blooming smile, rolling the yarn out of his cat’s reach as the poor kitty grappled to catch it. “And how are the preparations going?”
“Banquets are usually handled by the Empress, but you really go out of your way and do it instead,” Suguru shook his head, unamused by the added workload it brought him, especially considering his disinterest in festivities.
“They’re all sent, some of them responded—before you ask, Naoya hasn’t— and I’ve cascaded the preparation to Shoko, since I have no clue what to do about it.”
“Well, not that I care if he’s going to stay sour and wants his name tarnished in the daily papers as a bitter ex-husband…” Satoru shrugged, petting Sugu-chan as the cat purred contentedly. “He is tactless, he very well might be.”
“You really want to spite him, don’t you…” Suguru sighed. “You even sent him a note. It was unnecessary.”
“He was the one hurling curses at me and my empress first. I’m just returning the favor.”
The note in question was of lines after lines of flowery nonsense about gratitude and whatnot. Satoru imagined Naoya's vein would burst after reading his card.
“I’m happy for you, Satoru.” As exasperated as Suguru was, his smile was genuine when he said it. “A royal baby, huh...”
"Suguru." The emperor's voice suddenly dropped an octave, surprising him. "What about the placement of the totem I told you the other day?"
The abrupt shift in conversation made Suguru visibly uncomfortable, and again, they were back to this topic.
"You're seriously going to do this?" the duke asked, almost in disbelief. "Satoru, you're going to become a father. You have everything already. This will lead to war one way or another, and—what if the Empress finds out? How do you think it'll make her feel?"
However, Satoru's gaze was cold as he dismissed most of Suguru's tirade. There was a chill in his expression that made his longtime friend inwardly questioned who the man before him was.
"I'm asking you. Have you done it or not, Suguru?"
"You're going to put a curse on a whole village, Satoru."
"I told Zen'in Naoya the moment I got Y/N, that it would mark the beginning of his downfall. I'm making good on that promise."
Suguru pressed his eyes shut to calm his fury. Morally, what Satoru did was wrong, but politically, this was the art of war. Suguru purely opposed to this out of consideration for you.
Few understood Satoru's actions as well as Suguru did. He might understand, others like you and Shoko wouldn't.
"Just remember, when the Empress catches wind of this, she's going to resent you," Suguru warned. "No matter what your reasoning might be."
Satoru's upper lip curled upwards, his eyes bereft of light, narrowing with indifference.
"Unless you never tell her, that is of no relevance."
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Love... has he ever loved you all this time?
Naoya had never been confronted with that question or pondered it, simply because he never considered love existed within the context of something as grand as monarchy.
You were chosen because you were well-bred and well-versed in the arts of nobility. You were indeed the epitome of an ideal empress, a fact evident throughout your tenure.
"Naoya!" you yelled at him and caught his hand. "You're a fool! Why did you keep doing that!?"
It was a long-buried memory, when you were still in your teens, around the time you were just made the crown princess. His hands, bruised and bloodied, and you tended to them.
"I'm not weak, you know," he sullenly barked. "I have to train to be stronger."
"You definitely have to train, yes... but you have to take breaks!" you retorted angrily.
"Why do you care so much anyway?" he snapped back. "It's not like your hands that are injured."
And that moment, you were suddenly almost in tears. Naoya never understood why.
"Don't cry." But his instincts told him to make you not cry. "Don't cry. I'm fine, see?"
. . .
Zen'in Naoya jerked awake from his slumber, realizing he had forgotten what his dream was, that it was still the late afternoon, and he was still in his study.
All he felt was that nostalgic feeling, and it intensified when he glanced up... only to see his coronation portrait on the wall.
It was almost as if you were still here. You were incredibly stunning, he had to admit that. Why hadn’t he realized until just recently?
The way your crimson dress flowed out, and that thin, serene smile on your face... you were a picture-perfect empress, and that was not an exaggeration. No one could measure up to you—
"Your Majesty~!"
Especially not Hanabi.
"Your Majesty, the princess has started holding her head up!" Hanabi, now no longer dressed in rags but rather in one of your dresses, excitedly remarking, "Soon, she will start to—"
Naoya's gaze fell on her dress. He recognized it instantly. That specific deep, vibrant shade of red with serpent-like waistband. It was one of his gifts to you for your birthday. "Why are you wearing that?"
"Huh?" she seems perplexed. "Oh this... I thought it looks pretty..."
But to her surprise, he suddenly flared with fury. "That isn't yours, you dullard," he spat out.
Her expression sank in heartbreak as he continued with his venomous speech. "Know your place." His words cut like a blade. "And I keep telling you, a princess is of no use to the throne!"
Hanabi fought to hold back the tears, because not only had he insulted her, worse still, he showed no interest in their daughter. "She is still of your blood, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice trembling.
"I told you, I only want a heir." His sneer caused her eyes to widen in shock. "Other than that, I won't care."
"Your Majesty, please—" Hanabi was desperate for him to acknowledge their daughter, when she caught sight of your ethereal face on the wall.
He still hasn't taken it down. It made her eyes twitch, and her own anger to rise.
"The former empress..." she stared at your picture resentfully. "You still have her here. We never even have our portraits painted..."
Naoya's icy gaze leveled at her without a hint of sympathy, despite the woman standing before him being the mother of his child.
"Why do you look at me like that?" Hanabi asked, tears spilling from her eyes. "You used to care for me when you thought I would bear you a son. Even if it's a daughter, she deserves love too, doesn't she?"
In the last five years, she had come to know that the emperor wasn't always this manic person. He used to be gentler, or at least not as vindictive.
And she never truly wanted you to be cast away like that. She looked up to you, admired you from up close, and meant it when she said she would carry your legacy as best as she could.
"Are you dumb?" Naoya barked. "I told you to know your place!"
...yet why? Why are people in this palace so harsh to her?
“I wish you luck on that, Hanabi. Beware, the emperor is fickle…”
Your unkind eyes, Naoya's disdainful stares even after she gave birth to his child... She didn't even care about becoming the empress anymore. She just wanted a happy life!
"If it was the former empress' child... even if it was a princess..." Hanabi turned to him with determination even amidst her pitiful tears. "You wouldn't cast her aside just like you do now with my daughter, would you, Your Majesty?"
Naoya's gaze, devoid of emotion and filled with blatant disinterest more than anything, shot through her, hurting her more than if it was filled with fury instead.
The lack of warmth in his stare made her feel like being looked through rather than being seen. As if she is that insignificant.
"Leave," he ordered coldly next, turning his back on her.
And there is her answer.
Hanabi had been your maid for five long years. She knew who you were, what you stood for, and your whole demeanor. Yet, despite her best efforts, she could never emulate you in the same way, could she?
. . .
"My lady... don't you know that the former empress is with child?"
Once again, Hanabi felt the sting of ice when her lady-in-waiting delivered the news.
"Empress... Y/N?" she whispered. "How...?"
You were stripped of your titles here, and yet you still remained a queen somewhere else. Hanabi might have won Naoya's favor, but now she was losing it while you had another emperor's affection.
Not much had changed about you. You still occupied the highest seat a woman could possibly attain. Whereas she...
"But she is barren!" she turned to her confidant then, almost in disbelief.
"Evidently not. Emperor Gojo has proven that."
How nice. A part of Hanabi wanted to congratulate you because she knew of your sufferings—how much you longed to hold a baby from your womb in your arms.
How unfair... But another part of her couldn't help but despise you. Because even in your absence, she still had to live in your shadow. Because you, who had lost everything, regained it all so easily.
"And my lady... Emperor Gojo is going to throw a banquet for this occasion next month. You are expected to attend it."
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"Sweetheart, you asleep?"
One night, several weeks later, just as you were about to drift off to sleep, you felt the sheets shift as Satoru slipped into bed beside you.
Though you didn't turn to face him, you felt his warm hands wrap around your waist from behind.
"Satoru... you're back," you murmured sleepily.
"Mm-hmm," he whispered, pulling you closer to his chest and burying his face in your hair, taking in your scent. "Shoko told me you've been in your bedchamber since breakfast. Are you okay?"
"I get queasy if I walk too much, so I've been lying down all day... But don't worry, the physician said it's normal in early stages of pregnancy."
His grip on you tightened, as he caressed your belly. "Hmm, naughty baby. I'm sorry I wasn't here..."
"Where were you?"
For days now, he had been away, and you hadn't really questioned him. You had your guesses though—
"I was overseeing the construction of a new pagoda," he said softly, kissing your neck. "For you, actually."
That was so unexpected that it made you open your eyes fully. "What— for me?" Building pagoda was definitely not a small affair. Usually it was for religious purposes.
"It's a gift to the heavens for blessing me with you and our baby. It's expected to be completed before your celebration banquet."
The tower would be the testament of his love for you and your unborn child. Despite yourself, your heart swelled with overwhelming warmth.
"You're so silly... why do you spend the tax funds for that?" you brushed off the faint heat in your face, not daring to look at him still.
"Whatever I wouldn't do for you?" he cheekily retorted, chuckling.
You had never felt this cherished before, and this time you were certain—you were more than ready to fall in love with this man.
But he... is planning to use you, isn't he?
"Satoru." You shuffled to turn and face him, causing him to crack his lidded eyes open. You gazed at him, placing both of your hands on his face, caressing his face softly.
You're so kind to me. I appreciate you for that. You wanted to tell him various things, but the darkness in your heart ever since overhearing his exchange with Suguru made it hard for you to do so.
"Mm? What is it?" he drawled with a small smile, leaning into your touch.
“You... love me, don't you?”
His bright eyes found yours then, sharp and steady. An impossibly fond smile graced his lips, as if finding what you said the most natural thing there was.
“Throughout heaven and earth,” he proclaimed, his voice steady to match his eyes. “Yes, my queen.”
...then you would trust him, if only just for this moment. The genuine sincerity in his eyes, the raw authenticity in his words... it all felt too real.
And so, even when you were well-aware of the bitter possibility of truth, you leaned in and kissed him, giving yourself to his touch as his hand slipped inside you.
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And soon, came the day of the lavish banquet solely held to celebrate your pregnancy.
You were seated on your throne, dressed in a stunning aquamarine gown. The skirt of the dress was full and flowing, spilling onto the floor in a waterfall of shimmering fabric. Upon your head perched your crown of diamonds, glinting beneath the light, and your ceremonial veil to make you look as queenly as you could possibly be.
Everyone would agree that you were a sight to behold, and that you were worthy of every praise possible.
"Many congratulations to you, Your Majesty."
"This is a splendid news! A royal baby!"
"To think that the emperor has settled down... sniff, how long have we been waiting for this...? We almost gave up."
You almost giggled at the way Archbishop Yaga wiped his tears with a handkerchief as he presented you with his gift.
Despite your initial reservations, you enjoyed the festivities more than you expected. You had opposed the idea at first, finding it quite unnecessary, but Satoru had pouted for three long days until you eventually relented to appease him.
Speaking of him, he was equally dressed to impress, looking every bit as an emperor he was in an exquisite aquamarine military uniform and robes. Despite engaging in conversation with Earl Nanami, he kept a watchful eye on you, stealing glances in your direction to ensure you were well.
You nodded at him, and he threw you a wink. You smiled.
Everything was truly going well... until the herald announced:
"Prince Megumi and Royal Consort Hanabi from Eastern Empire!"
There was suddenly a hush over the crowd as the two made their entrance. You stilled, looking at the figure responsible for your checkered life—
Hanabi was starkly different since the last you saw her at the courthouse during your divorce. Her dress was now a vibrant shade of burgundy red, reminiscent of a gown you once wore. Gone was her air of humility, replaced by a display of extravagance befitting a noblewoman.
She is no longer your maid, but Naoya's consort. There was no trace of the woman who once served you. You were actually impressed, as she could actually shape herself into the image of a royal consort.
"Empress." However, your attention quickly shifted to Naoya's nephew, and once also your ward, Megumi, as he bowed before you respectfully. "Congratulations."
A fond smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you regarded the young prince who had once been a very shy individual. It reminded you of the days spent with him just to get him out of his shell.
"Thank you, Megumi."
"Diamonds suit you far better than golds do. I wish only for the best for you, Your Majesty."
It warmed your heart, really. Using that reference to your gold crown from your time in the Eastern Empire, you could see how much Megumi truly understood your position and bore no resentment towards you.
Could the same be said for Naoya though?
Right after you received his gift—an ornate box that seemed oddly familiar to you—Hanabi suddenly blurted out:
"So, fate has smiled upon you. Congratulations Empress Y/N." She kept that soft, meaningful smile on her face as she offered her felicitations.
Ever since her arrival was announced, something about her demeanor had bothered you. There was a subtle emptiness that seemed to linger in her gaze.
"Thank you," you responded, and that was when you noticed it. There was never any celebration for the birth of her daughter and Naoya, only a passing announcement.
And so, you added. "Congratulations on the birth of the princess too."
You could have sworn her expression fell for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure and bowed her head to you.
For a while, you lost sight of her in the crowd, feeling quite comfortable in your dais. Soon after, Satoru returned to your side, and the herald announced:
"Attention! His Majesty the Emperor's gift for Her Majesty the Empress!"
You looked at Satoru questioningly, and he gave you a dashing smirk before turning to the crowd.
"Thank you, all of you, for joining us to celebrate this joyous occasion." The way he carried himself and the sheer confidence he exuded was mesmerizing, you couldn't deny how it made you swoon. "I've been infamous for many things, and I'm sure the tales have spread far and wide. So please, allow me one more gesture with you as the witnesses."
The crowd giggled at his words, and you finally spotted Hanabi among them, quietly assessing the scene.
Your husband turned to you, a soft smile on his face.
"This is for you my empress— my lovely queen. Words can't describe how elated I am to know that now you bear our child." He took your hand and pressed a kiss on it. "And it's only fitting that I praise you along with the skies and the stars."
A footman arrived and presented a pearly box. Satoru opened it, revealing a necklace inside. The centerpiece was a large, flawless diamond surrounded by smaller, perfectly cut stones of the same kind. No matter how you saw it, it was truly a work of art, meant to captivate and dazzle anyone who laid eyes on it.
You let out a gasp. "This..."
Satoru grinned, picking up the jewelry and preparing to place it on you. "Nothing much. Just a little trinket for you."
"This is not just a 'little trinket'!"
Your banter elicited another round of snickers from the audience as Satoru fastened the necklace around your neck. The moment he did, the crowd erupted into applause.
"Actually, my real gift is the new pagoda in the royal gardens, built in honor of the Empress," Satoru stated effortlessly, grinning unabashedly. "Feel free to stop by later, everyone."
To the ton, for him to gift you with something so sacred was the height of extravagance. Some of them wondered how you had managed to turn the elusive emperor into someone so devoted to you.
And a few... might be harboring ill will against you for it.
. . .
Later that night, you were sorting through the gifts you had received throughout the day.
"I don't understand, why would you give an expecting woman this?" Shoko picked apart a manuscript that was the gift from Archbishop Yaga. "Who would read this?"
"I wouldn't, but I'm sure Duke Geto would," you replied, and soon the two of you were giggling together.
From jewelry to ornaments, you were pleased with all the gifts presented by the guests from day one. While most were given out of formality, it was heartwarming to imagine your baby seeing all these someday.
Your attention soon turned to the box Megumi handed you earlier—Naoya's gift.
You were intrigued, because what could your spiteful ex-husband could possibly give you? And you immediately reached over to open the lid to find...
"What's that?" Shoko asked as your eyes widened in slight surprise.
Inside the box was an intricate gold and ruby necklace. One you knew well. The very one you wore during your coronation as the Empress of the Eastern Empire.
Years ago, Naoya himself had chosen this piece for you, and now he was gifting it to you, again?
“From now on, it’s going to be me and you, Empress.”
Reliving years of your marriage with him wasn't easy. You two were childhood sweethearts, and had been happy in the beginning. You couldn't pinpoint when things began to fall apart, but suddenly Naoya turned into such a person you didn't recognize altogether.
Seeing this relic made you nostalgic, and before you realized it, you touched it, trying to get a better look—
Suddenly, a sharp, unexpected pain shot through your abdomen. You instantly dropped the jewelry, letting it crash to the ground, and clutched your lower belly.
"Empress! What happened?!" Shoko rushed to your side in an instant, holding you up, and you whimpered.
"It hurts—!" Your breath hitched, as a seemingly invisible knife gutted you from inside. The intensity of the pain was overwhelming, leaving you gasping for breath. "Shoko, please—"
And before you could even scream or think, the pain blindsided you and your vision titled, before blacking out completely.
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First came the warmth, then a reassuring squeeze on your hand. As your consciousness returned, you felt groggy, with your surroundings sharpening into focus.
The first thing that became your main focus the moment your eyes fluttered open was Satoru's face, a mixture of fright and relief etched across his features.
"You're awake..." He breathlessly muttered, sitting on your bedside, interlacing his fingers with yours. "How do you feel?"
"Sa...toru..." your voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper, and as soon as he heard you speak, he exhaled sharply, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"Heavens, I—" he let out a long sigh, his breath hot against your neck. "I'm so glad... you are..."
"What h-happened to me...?" you were feeling feverish and a dull throb was pounding at the back of your head, before the shock of it all dawned on you. "B-baby...! Our—!"
"Baby is okay too, don't worry," Satoru assured, pulling away from you to gently touch your cheek and squeeze your hand. "Both of you are fine for now..."
The horror that you might lose your baby shook you to the very core. Your vision blurred with the threatening onset of tears.
"Wh-at happened to me, Satoru...?" you asked again as he wiped your first falling tears, your heartbeat sounding so loud in your ears. "I-I was just..."
His expression took on a sudden shift, as if a dark cloud had passed over his face.
"You came into contact with a cursed object," he stated, his eyes hard as he locked onto yours. "You were cursed, Y/N."
"What...?" You were rendered speechless, feeling your body starting to shake. Cursed object? Your past coronation necklace?
Naoya was trying to curse you?
"It's okay, I'm here now, yeah?" Satoru's voice broke through your spiraling thoughts, grounding you in the present. "Look at me. Hey, look at me." he repeated, his deep blue eyes locking onto yours with intensity.
“I’m here. I’m here with you. Nothing—absolutely nothing—will touch you so long as I’m here.”
But in that moment, your mind was so overwhelmed with fear for yourself and your unborn baby that you couldn't fully grasp the magnitude of the mess unfolding before you, and you just cried in his arms.
Feeling your feeble fingers fisting his robes and your inconsolable tears staining his collar, Satoru gritted his teeth.
“This won't happen again,” he whispered into your hair, feeling his rage simmering as he felt the tremors of your sobs against his chest. “I swear, I won't let anything like this happen again.”
To Satoru, that was more than enough to justify all his subsequent actions. Putting a curse on his empress essentially amounted to an act of beginning a war.
And it also meant he no longer had to operate behind the scenes.
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“Keep them in Clock Tower. No contact. Only food and water at designated times.”
Satoru's icy gaze on the captain of royal guard compelled him to hastily comply with the order, before his eyes landing on the map of the entire continent.
In response to the incident that befell you, he issued orders for open hostility along the eastern and western borders. Soon after, he would formally declare his intention to go to war.
So close. He was so close to achieving his end goal.
. . .
Several days later, Suguru burst into his study, visibly outraged. He clenched his fists, looking as if he was about to throttle him altogether.
"You—" he heaved a harsh breath. "You have gone too far!"
"What are you talking about, Suguru?"
"Is cursing the entire winery village not enough for you?" This was the first time Suguru had been this furious with him. "Did you really have to massacre the neighboring district as well?!"
"They have placed a curse on my empress." It was so easy for him to say it. "Anyone who dares to harm her shall die."
"You can direct it at Zen'in Naoya! Not the innocent civilians!"
Satoru remained silent, neither shaken nor enraged, and he had finally had enough.
“Are you even sure it’s because the empress is cursed?" Suguru challenged. In his view, this farce had been going on too long.
“No, Satoru. You are just using her. For so long, you have wanted to bring bloodshed to Western Empire. You were almost there when Empress Y/N proposed that deal to marry you.”
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You were informed, days later.
“His Majesty has placed the prince and royal consort of the Western Empire under strict watch in Clock Tower.”
Clock Tower was essentially the prison where they kept war criminals. Learning that Satoru had confined both Megumi and Hanabi there left you aghast.
After some days of bedrest and getting better, you realized that the entire situation still didn't make sense to you. As hateful as Naoya was, harming you would do him more harm than good. Eastern and Western Empires stood evenly matched in military power, and hence, a conflict between them would bring devastation to both sides.
And moreover, you knew for sure was that Megumi was definitely not the one responsible for this. He was just a boy!
You had to let him out somehow. You had to talk to Satoru about this.
Or at least that was what you thought when you came close to his study.
“Are you even sure it's because the empress is cursed? No, Satoru. You are just using her. For so long, you have wanted to bring bloodshed to Western Empire. You were almost there when Empress Y/N proposed that deal to marry you.”
You stopped on your tracks—stunned into place, to be exact.
“And you’ve struck gold when she did because her influence will provide you with greater advantage.” Suguru scoffed then, lightly shaking his head with a sneer. “Love? How laughable. All these years, you are planning your warpath, how could you claim you love her when you're trying to ravage her homeland without even considering the impact it would have on her?”
It felt like whiplash. Geto Suguru's voice had your feet rooted to the spot, causing all your doubts to resurface and sizzle in an instant. The very question you had tried to avoid, it was suddenly shoved in your face.
What... will Satoru say? Your heart thumped so loud in your ears it made you almost stagger. He couldn't possibly. He simply couldn't. All his actions... they reflected his affection for you and you believed it because you felt it yourself too.
But Satoru's next response was—
“Even when she is derided as the devil, I will bring an end to the Zen’in line in this lifetime.”
And a part of your heart withers then.
The tips of your fingers trembled, finally taking in everything that you had tried to ignore for the past few weeks. It all caught up to you in one overwhelming rush.
Suddenly, it felt as if something inside your chest was torn out and held up for you to see.
"I'm telling you, that day will come sooner than you think, Satoru." Suguru's voice broke through, his frustration palpable. His words snapped you out of your reverie, and you took a step back, retreating to the safety of your study.
The first time you felt utter hollowness wrecking you was when you had suspected that Naoya might have taken Hanabi to his bed. The feelings overwhelming you now were eerily similar to how you felt back then.
Only in this case…
You had used him first, and if he used you in return... you couldn't fault him.
But isn't it still a bitter truth, even when a mutual transaction is very well within his rights, to know that what you believe as love may apparently not really be the case?
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Love... of course, he loves you.
Of that, he was certain.
But at the same time… he had his ambitions.
Destroying the Eastern Empire. Was it so wrong that he wanted it?
Didn't you want this as well? After all, Naoya had spurned you for a lowly servant.
Satoru strolled through the halls and made his way to your study, where the sight of you, so pretty and regal in your seat, greeted him.
His beautiful, graceful wife and empress of his nation. For so long, he had desired you, and now here you were, perched within his walls. His heart couldn't be more full— his life is complete already.
"Sweetheart, hey... how are you feeling today?" an adoring grin was visible on his face as he approached you. "Does the baby give you trouble today?"
You didn't answer though, and didn't look at him either. It was quite strange, Satoru thought.
"What's wrong? Is there something—" And when you finally turned to him, the look in your eyes was so eerily cold it almost gave him a chill.
"Release Megumi from your dungeon," you told him with a strained tone. "And return him to his home empire."
The smile on Satoru's face vanished that instant.
"I can't do that."
You rose from your seat, facing him. "He is just a child."
Satoru regarded you with a stern look. “That child you speak about is a prince of the Eastern Empire. He has committed a great crime against you.”
“Naoya didn’t do it.” Your steely gaze was unflinching. “He might be senseless, but he isn’t insane enough to deliberately go into a war he might possibly lose.”
Satoru's eyes darkened at your words, as you stood before him with determination. The way you were so adamant somehow took him aback. “How... could you defend him? He has wronged you!”
It was one question you had expected, and you had the answer ready.
“Even if he has, I could never wish doom upon my own homeland, Satoru. I’ve lived most of my life there, I did a great deal of things there— even if you harbor some sort of misguided contempt or just bloodthirsty enough to lay ruin to Eastern Empire, I refuse to be the puppet for your schemes!”
There it was. You had said it. Everything would crumble once again just like your previous marriage.
Satoru was staring at you in slight disbelief, his eyes gleamed with something that you couldn't really pinpoint. Anger? Disappointment?
“Your life was in danger, as was our unborn child’s. Don’t you care about that—!” he actually had to stop to catch his breath. “Don’t you care that our child nearly didn't make it?”
“And? You must have thought it was the perfect grounds for declaring a war?” but you didn’t relent and questioned him with a scoff. “And afterwards, you would try to use me to gain defectors from Eastern Empire, is that it?”
You saw the flash of surprise in your now-husband's eyes right when you recited his words, but you weren't about to hold back any longer now.
“Now you’re using my safety to justify your actions,” you hissed, feeling like suddenly you understood what all of this was. “You’re quite cunning, Satoru. I’ve heard everything—you will do anything to bring an end to the Zen'in lineage! You won’t even consider the repercussions of my reputation being tarnished across the lands!”
“Is that even important now?” Satoru gritted his teeth to suppress his irritation. “You have been cursed. Do you honestly think I would let them get away with cursing my empress? How could I, who seek to protect you, be more vicious than whoever in Eastern Empire who cursed you with that necklace?”
“You’re doing this for your personal gratification!” you exclaimed. “It is never about me. You’re just a warmonger!”
The moment those words left your lips, Satoru stilled. His gaze on you faltered, and you could’ve sworn hurt flashed in his face.
“Just how low… is your opinion of me?” he asked, his tone dropping, eyes devoid of emotion. “You jump into conclusions only after overhearing something in a passing and yet you know for sure Naoya wouldn’t harm you—” he clenched his jaw.
“You… really loved him, don’t you?” he asked with a sardonic smile. “I know it already. You won’t ever be able to do the same for me. You can’t even trust me.”
You were rendered speechless. Despite your doubts of him, hearing this still felt like a slap in your face.
Won’t be able to do the same for him? No. That’s not true. You were—
Satoru let out a defeated laugh and ran his hand through his hair, leaving you uncertain whether he was amused or heartbroken by your lack of response.
“It’s funny, how I have loved you for so long... but apparently the woman I believed to have even a semblance of affection for me doesn’t even exist.”
It felt like that one part of you that was capable of feeling love had been stabbed once again.
To say this out loud hurt you deeply, unbeknownst to him. You didn’t mean this at all, still it was what came out of you—
“In the end, we’re just using each other. That’s all we are.”
Satoru bitterly snorted, finding your accusation so unfair to him.
“How cruel is it that I’m the only one who has to prove this love to you? What about you? You’re terribly, horribly selfish!”
You stayed silent, looking away, caught between the scorching knives that seemed to twist your heart and conflicting emotions in it, uncertain of what to believe anymore. And you didn't really know what heartbreak was like before—
"It has been really exhausting, and I don’t want to bother anymore.”
When his gaze next met yours, dark and piercing, you realized he was no longer the same man who once promised you love and devotion.
“You're free to believe whatever truth you wish. But remember, even if you are my wife and the empress of this nation, should you commit any transgressions… I won’t hesitate to accuse you of treason, Empress.”
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You have committed treason.
Satoru had conducted investigation of the sorts just to prove his point. And yet days later, no direct evidence pointing towards Megumi or Hanabi were found in that cursed necklace.
Punishment for treason is imminent death. You were well-aware of that more than anyone, but your consciousness wouldn't allow it if Megumi had to be hanged due to Satoru's antagonism.
"Your Majesty, your kindness knows no bounds," Megumi said, dropping to one knee before you and lowering his head in the throne room. Satoru had chosen not to grace any of you with his presence, leaving you alone to bid farewell to both Megumi and Hanabi.
Since then, you hadn't spoken with him, nor had he visited your chambers. It was as if he considered you nonexistent at all.
And it is really only a matter of time before he finds out.
But at the very least, you were right. It was never Megumi. That boy was fond of you, he could never. So, you shifted your gaze on the woman next to him.
"Royal Consort Hanabi. A word."
It was the cue for everyone else to exit the throne room. Now, you were faced with this woman once again, and yet one thing remained the same— you were still towering over her.
"Why did you do it?" Your calm gaze betrayed a quiet anger that was unmistakably clear. All because of this woman. It was beyond you, how despite having left your past life behind, she had somehow managed to taint your new one as well.
Hanabi looked away, a hint of shame coloring her features. "Your Majesty knows, so why do you spare me?" she asked quietly.
"How preposterous of you to think that I have spared you," you scoffed. "All this time, have you learned nothing at all from standing by Naoya's side?"
She flinched, visibly making herself smaller at your unforgiving tone, still, she dared herself to meet your eyes.
"Can I ask... why you never consider it as Emperor Naoya's doing?" she seemed more confused more than anything, even as her lips wobbled. "The two of you... you don't really hate each other, so why...?"
You didn't want to dwell on why Naoya had chosen that specific piece of jewelry to return to you. If anything, you'd consider it his final parting gift and be done with it.
But the naivety of this woman was astounding. Someone like her wouldn't last long in your seat. You let out a sigh, torn between feeling sorry for her or not.
"You have much to learn about court affairs, Hanabi. And do not think this is an act of mercy. Sending you back to Naoya is a punishment in itself—you know that by now."
Hanabi trembled where she stood, her breaths were shallow, and her hands shook slightly as she struggled to maintain composure in your presence.
Realizing it was futile to continue the conversation, you decided to conclude it.
"Know that I will never forgive you for what you have done to me." Your sharp eyes squared on her, the cold ire in your tone making her shudder. "And when Satoru comes to know, he will definitely come for you as well."
In all the years Hanabi had known you, you had never appeared more fearsome than you did now, adorned in silks of deep blue hues, with that crown of diamonds gleaming in your head.
Then, as if sealing her fate, you delivered these parting words:
"You've always coveted what I have, and sooner or later, that will be your downfall."
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The palace felt suffocating for you. After sending Hanabi away, you took a walk in the gardens, followed closely by your ladies-in-waiting.
Good heavens, what have you done? You definitely didn't regret saving Megumi, but no matter how, you had committed a great crime against your own empire. A sentence would loom over your head!
And what about your baby? Would Satoru execute you while you still had his child inside you?
The very thought made your vision tilt, and you had to lean on the wall for support. Your ladies-in-waiting were immediately clamoring against each other.
"Leave," you commanded, trying to catch your breath while doing so. "I'll… take some time to rest here."
It took you a moment to realize you had reached the pagoda that Satoru had commissioned for you. This was your first time visiting it. The structure was magnificent, towering in height and adorned with exquisite decorations, leaving you in awe.
"It's a gift to the heavens for blessing me with you and our baby."
You wanted to cry. His voice, soft and smooth, conveyed those words so easily to you. He really loved you, didn't he? What made you so unsure about that undeniable fact?
And now you had broken his heart.
Your hand reached for your belly. Though hidden by your dress, you could distinctly feel that it had become firmer these days, holding the product of your love with Satoru. So small...
"I'm sorry, baby..." you whispered, heartbroken. "I didn't mean to drag you into this too..."
You felt nauseous, your breaths coming in short pants, and you felt a headache coming. It didn't really register to you that you had crashed into the candle table, before you collected yourself and ventured deeper inside.
You just wanted a sense of peace and quiet. You would think more later, and right now, the darkness inside felt like a comforting lull for you to rest.
. . .
Or at least that was what you had intended, until you looked back and saw the swirling inferno creeping through the halls.
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It didn't take long for Satoru to figure out you had really orchestrated Megumi's release.
More than his wounded pride, it was the searing pain of realizing that you truly believed he was only using you for his own benefit. It felt like an insult to everything he had done for you.
Why couldn't you see that? Just how hard is it for you to understand?
And now that it had come to this... what did you expect from him? Should he really make good on his word and punish you? It tore his heart to even consider it.
However, what was worse was… did you think he was really capable of that too?
Amidst his heartache, suddenly he heard loud commotion from outside his study, yells and cries of help— and it roused him from his thoughts, only to come right into a familiar face.
"Anyone! Anyone at all!" your maid was sobbing and hysterical. "Her Majesty! Please help Her Majesty!"
"What is all of this ruckus?" Satoru demanded, catching the maid by the hand, as she stuttered in tears.
And then, everything came crashing down with the next words.
"The Empress— is trapped inside the burning tower!"
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lerclan · 3 days
orange | lando norris
type: smau + written
pairing(s): influencer!reader x lando norris
summary: you wanted to share your love for orange but it ends up with you and an f1 driver having dating rumors which slowly develops and turns out to be true at the end.
warning(s): slightly suggestive at the end
fc: random girlies off of pinterest!
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Liked by amayamoore, lilymhe, and 376,193 others
ynnn in love with orange atm 🧡🐚🪸
tagged: amayamoore
View all 73,618 comments
amayamoore LOVE YOU BABESSS 🫶
ynnn LOVE U 2 MAMI😻😻😻
user1 okay girlll we see you with f1
ynnn chat i have no idea what that is
user1 ohhh 😭😭😭 okay girl eat it up 🙏🙏 ❤️ by author
user2 soft launch??
user5 considering that y/n doesnt know what f1 is im not really sure abt this one
user3 what if its like a cover up or something
ynnn 😈😈😈 *author deleted a comment*
user4 OH
user6 OMG NO WAY 😭😭
lilymhe okay come hangout with me when?
amayamoore in 3 days trust.
ynnn girl...where are we going...
amayamoore you wont like it but me and lily will
lilymhe OMG NO WAY?? FR??
amayamoore YESSSS
ynnn chat im lost
user7 okay shes in her wag era ❤️ by author
user7 OOP.
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Liked by mclaren, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 721,917 others
landonorris im orange 😭🧡
View all 112,172 comments
carlossainz55 i told you to not do it but you still did it anyways mate
carlossainz55 yeah now look at you. you look like an actual papaya. shouldve left that fake tan alone.
charles_leclerc no wonder you looked like that. 😂😂😂
mclaren someones a true dedicated papaya 👀🧡 ❤️ by author
oscarpiastri mate you look like the lorax 😭
landonorris thanks osc...really needed that
user3 guys aint no way...IS THIS ACTUALLY REAL?? OR LIKE AM I OVERTHINKING 😭😭🙏
user3 IKR LIKE HER CAPTIONING "in love with orange atm" AND NOW LANDOS CAPTION "im orange" LIKE????
user9 you guys are so delusional 💀 landos talking about him putting on fake tan and it made him orange 💀💀
user3 let us be delusional please 😔
user10 lando has rizz?
user11 y/n and lando lowkey have matching captions
user12 who is y/n?
user11 shes an influencer. shes friends with lily mhe 😄 heres her account @/ynnn
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Liked by user3, user4, and 127,232 others
f1wagnews potential f1 wag in the process? or is it all just a mishap?
View all 12,232 comments
user3 IM CALLING IT I SWEAR. ❤️ by author
user3 THEY WOULD BE SO CUTE THO... ❤️ by author
user4 FR???
user10 i agree w you guys fully.
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Liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 628,162 others
ynnn no cuz im being fr she actually just kidnapped me and forced me to put on the outfit 😟
tagged: amayamoore
View all 92,717 comments
scuderiaferrari please kidnap her more. the garage enjoyed her rant about despicable me 😂❤️
redbullracing were gonna have to bribe her friend to bring her here...that sounds interesting 🧐
mclaren too late we already sent them invites.
scuderiaferrari telling our drivers to crash into you.
ynnn ladies, ladies...relax ive got enough of me to have around 😏
amayamoore get out y/n 😭😭😭
mclaren we dont like to share.
user11 ik y/n got lost about 50 times im calling it
amayamoore more than that im afraid 😔
ynnn SHUT UP.
user11 LMFAOO
user3 oh so theyre on the low low i see
charles_leclerc soo...how long are you staying for?
carlossainz55 you did not.
charles_leclerc 😇😇😇
georgerussell63 shes WAY out of your league leclerc. anyways how long though? 😉
alex_albon lily told me to tell you guys to stay away from her. she got suspended for 3 hours from commenting bad stuff about you guys.
amayamoore lily also told me to tell you guys to get out of y/ns comment section
charles_leclerc never answered our question...
ynnn a while leclerc.
maxverstappen1 did anyone else hear a yell from mclarens garage or was it just me?
mclaren 🤫🤫🤫
user5 watch it be an engineer
oscarpiastri it was nice talking to you, ill show you around yeah?
ynnn YES PLSSS 😊😊
landonorris wow ok
charles_leclerc i know right. FROM MY OWN SON.
ynnn ???
oscarpiastri theyre being dramatic. dont mind them 🙄
oscarpiastri posted on their story !
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👁️ 782,173
landonorris replied to oscarpiastris story
landonorris OSCAR.
oscarpiastri LANDO.
oscarpiastri what do you mean lando?
oscarpiastri lando you had 6 chances and you ran away every time...
landonorris anyways...next time..for sure....
oscarpiastri okay lando we will see...
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, ynnn, and 812,173 others
oscarpiastri am i the best guide ever or what? 😄
tagged: ynnn
View all 161,172 comments
ynnn YOU ARE NOT. ❤ by author
landonorris yeah dont listen to him he told me he did it on purpose
oscarpiastri I DID NOT 😟
user3 k chat...maybe her and lando arent dating...maybe its her and piastri...
user14 yn and the mclaren drivers. never knew i needed them till now 😩
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Liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, amayamoore, and 826,173 others
ynnn you can tell who kidnapped me this time. (also peep oscars stance 😭)
tagged: amayamoore, oscarpiastri, landonorris
View all 127,718 comments
user4 LMFAOO 😭😭😭
user4 this is fr your moment girl 🙈🙈🙈
mclaren will tell oscar to kidnap you again.
oscarpiastri already on it 🫡
scuderiaferrari we had her first :(
landonorris she looks way better in orange.
charles_leclerc nuh uh shes way better in red.
ynnn awhh guys fr theres enough of me around 🤭
amayamoore LMFAO I CANNOT W YOU 😭
ynnn lets just say im in the shadows...
landonorris dont question her any further.
oscarpiastri what is going on 😞
ynnn thank you norris
landonorris anytime for you l/n 🫶
ynnn such a gentleman 🙈🫶
amayamoore they fr took my girl. 🙁
ynnn girl...YOU LEFT ME WITH THEM.
amayamoore OOPSIES. 🙈
lilymhe shes doing that thing again y/n
lilymhe even i dont know 😟
ynnn 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
amayamoore 😈😈😈😈
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Liked by landonorris, osarpiastri, and 1,231,642 others
ynnn i like this guide way better. he doesnt push me into bushes. 🤍
tagged: landonorris
View all 233,123 comments
landonorris id never push a pretty lady like you into bushes. ❤️
ynnn so basically what youre saying is that if i was ugly you would?
landonorris that sounds impossible coming from you l/n.
ynnn why thank you norris 😊
amayamoore LET HER SIT LILY 🤭🤭🤭
mclaren whatever amaya said. ❤️ by author
mclaren stop stealing our drivers 🙁
ynnn ill try my best 🫡
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Liked by ynnn, amayamoore, lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 1,854,321 others
landonorris shes my bestfriend now.
tagged: ynnn
View all 321,283 comments
amayamoore NUH UH.
lilymhe lando norris bites the curb in 4k ultra hd.
alex_albon i cant even help you w this one...im scared of her...
lilymhe stay quiet alex.
alex_albon 🤐🤐🤐
amayamoore she maybe your best friend but shes not yours.
landonorris she said i was 🙄
ynnn ONE of my bestfriends
landonorris now were lying now huh 😒
ynnn excuse me norris. i will make sure lilys statement becomes true
landonorris im sorry my lady 😞❤️
ynnn good. ❤️
charles_leclerc guys go to your dms before i cry.
georgerussell63 fr im gonna start bawling. we lost a baddie 😔
ynnn what are you guys even talking about...
oscarpiastri dont even worry about them
carlossainz55 i agree with oscar
mclaren shocker...coming from carlos
scuderiaferrari what a moment
user4 @/user3 are you alive?
user3 i think i fr passed out when i swiped and saw her.
user3 i have a feeling chat. ❤️ by oscarpiastri, amayamoore, carlossainz55
user4 your feeling may come true soon.
user16 why is lando so fine?
user17 not lando being her personal photographer shes such a devourer for that 🙈
user18 both of them are so fine 😫😫😫
you were sitting on a swing on the beach waiting for lando to come back. it had been a few months since you and him started hanging out and became friends.
it wasnt surprising when you, along the way of you guys becoming close, started catching feelings for him. you were captivated by his charms, his beautiful and flirtatious personality, and those eyes that hold a million stars.
"y/n?" you hear a voice call out from behind you.
"yes, lan?" you respond back using his nickname.
"i got us some juice. they said these two were the top sellers." he hands you one as he sits down.
"oooo these look good. what flavour is this one?" you ask him waiting to take a sip.
"i think that ones called 'golden sun', it has pineapple, orange, and mango im pretty sure." he answers.
you take a sip from your juice and you were met with a wonderful taste. sweet and sour, but savory as well.
"is it good?" he asks as you eagerly nod your head.
"of course!! you can never go wrong with mango." you answer taking another sip from your juice, "whats yours called?"
"mines called 'starfish dreams', i think it has strawberry, kiwi, peach, and pineapple. not quite sure, but its good. sweet with a hint of sourness." he answers, "wanna try mine?"
"yes!! that sounds equally as good! you can try mine as well." he was ready to give you his cup and you suddenly had an idea.
you grabbed his and gave him yours and then you grabbed his arm making him give you a confused look until he realized what you were doing.
"ohhhh..." he sighs in relief, "i thought i did something wrong for a second."
you laugh out loud at the thought of him being concerned for a second.
"no, no, i just need a nice pic for the gram since you took all of the ones i was gonna post." you give him a side eye as you take out your phone for a picture.
"you snooze you lose." he sticks his tongue out at you, to which you do back.
after you snapped a couple photos, you guys go back to having a conversation about how pretty the view was at night.
"it was really nice of you to invite me here." you say to him as he looks at you.
"im glad i grew the balls to ask you to hangout with me when nobody was willing to," he chuckles, "i wouldve been alone today."
"oh so basically what youre saying is that i was the last option?" you joke around waiting for his response.
"no, no, no...not like that. more like you were the scariest option on the list." he says as you give him a look.
"how? im not that scary looking...right?" you ask him as he violently shakes his head.
"obviously not...i meant–ughhh...what i meant was you were only the scariest option on the list because i was afraid youd reject me." he spews out.
"reject you? why would you think that?" you give him a more confused look.
"because compared to me, i am definitely way out of your league," you look at him in the eyes as he looks away, "youre just too beautiful, refreshing, fun to be around, and youre just so charming. after our first lunch together, i kept thinking about you and how it was impossible to love somebody at first sight, but it was definitely possible and im the living proof of it."
"is this you confessing your love for me, norris?" you ask him as he finally looks into your eyes.
"yeah...i guess it is." he looks at your face for any sort of reaction, but all you did was look into his eyes which made him nervous.
all the nervousness he had were washed away from his body in seconds after you leaned in and gave him a kiss, to which he reciprocated.
"i feel the exact same way, lan." you give him a smile as you give him another kiss.
both of you guys spent your night at the swing looking at the stars, talking about random things that you both were interested in, and getting in the water for a little swim; soaking in each others love for one another.
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Liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, lilymhe, charles_leclerc, and 923,213 others
ynnn the beach at night>>>
View all 162,172 comments
amayamoore idk how you guys can get into the water at night. it gives me the creeps...😟
ynnn its j so relaxingggg maya 🙁
amayamoore THE SHARKS.
lilymhe REAL.
landonorris beach at nights>>>
ynnn YHHH>>>
user19 who is the dude?
user3 according to my calculations, lando norris. 🤓☝️
user4 😭😭😭
user20 the view!???!? 🙈🙈
ynnn had the best view ever 🤫
landonorris i had an even better view.
charles_leclerc if you ever need another tour guide im still an option 😊
scuderiaferrari even im starting to feel bad...
carlossainz55 me and you both.
georgerussell63 me too!! im still an option! 😚
mercedesamgf1 george...
user21 IM CRYING 😭😭
user1 they are not giving up 😭
ynnn posted on their story !
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👁️ 934,283
amayamoore replied to ynnns story
amayamoore so im guessing lando helped you w that huh? 😉
ynnn ....
amayamoore girl be fr...it was either oscar or him. last time i checked you were w lando 🙄
ynnn anyways...🤐
amayamoore yeah exactly. also check the gc xoxo
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Liked by user21, user3, user4, and 102,232 others
f1wagnews alert: lando norris sighted snuggling and kissing with an unknown girl!
View all 11,232 comments
user3 oh thats not...!!
user3 ME NEITHER 😭😭
user9 it is definitely not y/n guys 💀
user5 fr everyones being so delusional
user9 that is not y/n for everyone being delusional out there 🤣
user3 IT HAS TO BE
you and lando laugh together as you both read the comments of the new post created by f1wagnews.
"i would soft launch but it would be a little suspicious and obvious..." you say to him as he laughs.
"i told you hard launching would be the only way. considering the fact we already had a rumor around us." he tells you as you give him a look.
"i guess so. also im only hard launching to prove user9 and user5 wrong. trying to make user3s and user4s day since theyve been rooting for us." you say as he laughs, "you gotta do it with me tho, i have a plan."
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, mclaren, amayamoore, and 2,939,234 others
ynnn i only ride mclarens.
tagged: landonorris
View all 341,234 comments
landonorris so funny how im actually named mclarens 😘
ynnn you are so getting it tonight.
lilymhe Y/N.
mclaren we didnt even read this.
mclaren CONGRATS!! 🍾 ❤️🧡 (were just gonna ignore the caption!)
ynnn thank you sm 😝 (enjoy it)
carlossainz55 HE DID IT???
landonorris and did.
ynnn bro confessed without knowing he confessed...
landonorris SSHHHHH
landonorris excuse me.
landonorris EXCUSE ME.
user3 @/user4 WHERE ARE YOU...WE DID IT!!!
ynnn you guys are the og believers.
landonorris y/n only hard launched because of you guys fyi
user4 THEY KNOW WE EXIST @/user3
charles_leclerc so im guessing you dont need another tour guide 😕
ynnn sorry charles...ive already got the best tour guide around ❤️
landonorris my loveee ❤️❤️❤️
maxverstappen1 do you guys hear sobbing from ferraris garage and mercedes?
scuderiaferrari yeah...dont worry about it.
mercedesamgf1 the weather is nice today...
amayamoore that caption is insane.
ynnn 🙄🙄🙄
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Liked by ynnn, carlossainz55, mclaren, lilymhe, amayamoore and 3,343,964 others
landonorris hi, im mclarens.
tagged: ynnn
View all 394,934 comments
ynnn hi mclarens!!! 🙈🙈🙈
landonorris hey there beautiful lady 😍
georgerussell63 theyre so cute im gonna vomit.
mclaren beat the no-rizz and no-wins allegations!!! thats our driver!! 🧡 (still gonna ignore the caption)
landonorris it was y/ns idea believe it or not.
ynnn SHUT UP.
oscarpiastri i just put two and two together with their captions. i wanna bleach my eyes now.
carlossainz55 i just told my teammate to look at their captions and he started sobbing more. 😂😂😂
lewishamilton i dont think my teammate figured it out yet 😅
lewishamilton nvm 😭😭
maxverstappen1 yeah we can hear them all sobbing...
maxverstappen1 congrats mate!! you finally have balls now!!
landonorris last time i checked ive had balls my entire life.
maxverstappen1 idk about that mate
landonorris ask my mother or y/n
ynnn idrk lando...ive only known of their existence since last week...
ynnn okay ariana grande 😭😭
lilymhe we did not wanna hear about what you two did last week.
user4 theyre so iconic for that tbh. the first time they were put in an article together it was because of their captions being accidentally matching and now its actually real. 😭
user3 genuinely brings tears to my eyes.
user22 theyre so cuteee 🤍🤍
charles_leclerc i think im done crying.
ynnn ill buy you some lec ice cream to make you feel better. 🫶
charles_leclerc thank you 🥹🫶
landonorris and what if i tell you ill eat all of it before it gets to you.
charles_leclerc that might be my 13th reason.
ynnn 😭😭
scuderiaferrari please give our driver a break.
authors note(s): this is my first smau so i hope it isnt booty cheeks. i literally started tweaking after trying to do the instagram post layout properly 😭😭
hope you guys enjoyed this and maybe ill make more in the future xoxo
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harrysfolklore · 2 days
plsss can you make a fake instagram where the reader is a lawyer
you know how to ball, i know aristotle - op81
i really liked how this one turned out ! we love sino oscar 🥰 make sure to leave your feedback
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 18,637 others
yourinstagram greetings from the library 🧐 keeping an eye on my angel boy who started kindergarten (aka formula one) last month
tagged: oscarpiastri
view all 498 comments
username1 serving cunt in the library we love to see it ♥︎ by author
username2 fellow columbia student right here 🙋‍♀️
↳ yourinstagram omgg we should hang out soon
username3 since when are you into f1 bestie
↳ yourinstagram since i’m dating one of the drivers 🤔
oscarfan1 THIS IS OSCAR’S GF??? SHES GORGEOUS ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri
username4 i’ve been following for ages now but i just found out that she’s dating a famous athlete 😭
oscarfan2 i was ‪hoping that oscar was single but now that i found out that he has a beautiful AND smart gf i want them to adopt me
logansargeant I’ve been taking care of him in the playground, don’t worry
↳ yourinstagram i wouldn’t expect any less from you
↳ landonorris We haven’t met yet but I’m also taking care of little Oscah ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram well thank you, little lando norris
mclaren When will we see you in papaya gear at a race? 🧡 Ps. The last picture is so real
↳ yourinstagram omg when college stops kicking my ass
↳ oscarfan1 i love her already
oscarpiastri I miss you so much, but I’m so happy to see you in your dream school, smart girl🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram i love you 🥺
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 457,296 others
oscarpiastri The smile on my face could only mean one thing: It’s home race weekend 🇦🇺
view all 12,027 comments
oscarfan1 BABYYYYY
oscarfan2 he looks so kissable
mclaren Australia’s National Treasure 🧡
logansargeant Good luck on your home race bro 🙌 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 bestiesss
username1 i’m still waiting for his girlfriend’s paddock debuttt
alex_albon The superior papaya boy ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 i love them
landonorris I’m going to categorically ignore what alex albon just said
↳ landofan1 HES SOOOO😭
landonorris Don’t to fool your audience, your smile is because your girl is finally coming ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ landofan2 OMFGGGGGGGGG
↳ oscarfan3 goddd i was praying for this
↳ yourinstagram but can you blame him? ♥︎ by author
yourinstagram i can’t wait to see you, squish 🥺 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan2 they’re so adorable i can’t do this
↳ oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️
yourinstagram added to their stories
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 47,836 others
yourinstagram took a break from law school to finally go to my first race 🕺 SO PROUD OF YOU @oscarpiastri
view all 611 comments
username1 AWEEE your wag era finally
oscarfan1 QUEEN OF THE PADDOCK ♥︎ by author
carmenmmundt It was so lovely to meet you ✨ ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram likewise beautiful carm 💓
↳ username2 i just want to be one of them
oscarfan2 thank you yn for giving us a weekend of blushy and smiley oscar and the best boyfriend content ever
↳ yourinstagram i would love to but i have to get my degree 🥲
mclaren You’re officially a papaya girl now 🧡
username2 they make the best couple ever bc she’s all brains and he’s all muscle ♥︎ by author
landonorris Go get that degree now, I need someone who can get me out of jail for free
↳ landofan1 WHY IS HE LIKE THIS 😭😭
↳ yourinstagram 🫡🫡🫡
username3 she’s stronger than me because is oscar piastri was my bf and i had the chance to travel around the world with him and look pretty u would drop out of college already
↳ yourinstagram just a few months till graduation i can do it okay
↳ oscarfan2 I LOVE HER
oscarpiastri Having you here made this weekend the best ever. I love you ❤️ ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 why can’t my boyfriend simp for me like this
↳ yourinstagram i loveeee youuuu
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourinstagram and 654,386 others
oscarpiastri The perfect home race weekend 🇦🇺 I miss you already @yourinstagram 🤍
view all 15,099 comments
oscarfan1 AWEEEEE
oscarfan2 MY HEART
georgerussell63 I need more of those grandma Piastri cookies ♥︎ by author
↳ danielricciardo Same
↳ username1 LET ME INNNN 😭
mclaren We love Australia 🦘🌏
oscarfan3 yn and oscar shouldn't be separated that's like a crime ♥︎ by yourinstagram
landonorris Your girlfriend is cooler than you btw ♥︎ by yourinstagram
↳ landofan1 and teammate of the year award goes to lando norris
↳ logansargeant I agree
↳ username2 imagine the entire grid loving you
↳ oscarpiastri You're supposed to be my friend
↳ landonorris And she’s going to be my personal lawyer soon so
↳ yourinstagram 😭😭😭
yourinstagram i love you so much, angel. thank you for this weekend 🥺 ♥︎ by author
↳ username2 their relationship is the purest thing ever
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liked by yourinstagram, georgerussell63 and 764,389 others
oscarpiastri Little mid season recharge. Visiting my favorite future lawyer 🤎
tagged: yourinstagram
view all 16,036 comments
oscarfan1 AWEEEEEE
oscarfan2 we love softie oscarrrr
username1 oh to be a columbia student
landonorris My kids ❤️❤️
↳ landofan1 lando is the biggest shooter for this relationship
↳ yourinstagram you’re just two years older than me..
↳ landonorris And? You’re my kids
↳ oscarfan2 I LOVE THEMMMM
username2 yn’s curls are so prettyyyy omg ♥︎ by author
nicolepiastri Our smart girl ! 👩‍⚖️ ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan1 aweee mama piastri
↳ yourinstagram love you 🥺
username3 imagine chilling in the library procrastinating some homework and you turn around and oscar piastri is there
yourinstagram i love you so much squish 🫶 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 why are her pet names for him so damn adorable
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 49,635 others
yourinstagram i can’t believe it’s my last week here and i’m going to be a real lawyer soon 😳
view all 633 comments
username2 i’ve been following you since you graduated high school and posted tips about college applications and now you’re about to finish college omg ♥︎ by author
lilymhe congratulations smart girl 🤍🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram thank you lovely 🫶
username3 she has the coolest life ever
mclaren Everyone in the papaya department is super proud 🧡
↳ yourinstagram ilysm mclaren admin
logansargeant How come you’re still dating my friend, who barely finished high school 😂 congrats!
↳ yourinstagram he’s cuuuuute 🥺
↳ oscarfan1 oscar’s friends are always dragging him help
↳ landonorris And can’t win a GP
↳ oscarpiastri You surely got confident after Miami, Lando Onewin ♥︎ by author, georgerussell63, alex_albon
↳ landofan1 STOOOOOP😭
oscarpiastri I’m always proud and in awe of you, but specially now 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 I LOVE SIMP OSCAR
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liked by oscarfan1, oscarfan2 and 2,936 others
f1updates “My girlfriend graduating from Columbia Law School next week so as soon as the job is done here I’m heading to New York. I’m really proud of here and I wouldn’t miss this moment for anything else.” - Oscar Piastri for SKY Sports
view all 288 comments
oscarfan1 OMFG IM CRYING
oscarfan2 smile heart eyes and blush make an appearance again
oscarfan3 he’s super proud you can tell by his eyes
oscarfan4 flexing his lawyer girlfriend as he should
oscarfan6 my definition of a simp
yourinstagram has added to their story
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 865,388 others
oscarpiastri My girlfriend is a lawyer 💙
view all 27,034 comments
oscarfan2 WHAT IF I CRY
username1 that cake is too iconic i need it
georgerussell63 Congrats YN! ♥︎ yourinstagram
oscarfan3 the cake is that tiktok audio 😭😭
nicolepiastri We’re all so proud of you @yourinstagram 👩‍🎓🤍 ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan1 mama piastri loves her they’re getting married
↳ yourinstagram love you! thank you for the unconditional support 🥺
charles_leclerc Well done 👏👏 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
lilymhe ��💓💓 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
username2 imagine having a columbia degree AND a hot boyfriend i can’t relate
mclaren Our favorite lawyer 🧡 ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan2 the mclaren intern just loves yn
oscarfan4 good time to remind everyone that oscar barely finished high school but he somehow bagged a lawyer girlfriend
landonorris Yooo congrats @yourinstagram I can speed while driving and pass red lights now that I have someone who can get me out or jail for free
↳ landofan1 LANDO PLEASE 😭
↳ yourinstagram please do not do that i beg you
landonorris You’re welcome for the cake idea btw
↳ oscarfan1 I KNEW oscar could never come up with that
↳ yourinstagram so it was you ! huh
↳ oscarpiastru Shhhh
yourinstagram i love you so much ❤️❤️ ♥︎ by author
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 69,736 others
yourinstagram you know how to ball, i know aristotle 🤍 proof that we’re both awkward for pictures
view all 904 comments
username1 CUTIES
oscarfan1 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭
oscarfan2 they really said 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ ♥︎ by author
mclaren 🧡🧡 ♥︎ by author
oscarfan3 they match each other’s freak
alexandrasaintmleux ❤️ ♥︎ by author
username2 you look so cute together
nicolepiastri My babies 🥺 ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri
landonorris Hug your girlfriend wtf @oscarpiastri
↳ landofan1 😭😭😭
↳ oscarpiastri Don’t tell me what to do thank you very much
oscarfan4 that lyric is literally THEM
username3 pretty, smart and a swiftie we love to see it
oscarpiastri I’m the trophy boyfriend 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 ugh i need a man like him
↳ oscarfan1 exactly oscar know your place
904 notes · View notes
sagasolejma · 2 days
Happy 6-month HRTnniversary to this lil weirdo!🏳️‍⚧️
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To celebrate it, and also to celebrate my follower count reaching literally 4 times the amount of people my home town has (which isn't saying a lot cause it's a really small town, but still wtf you guys) I'm posting this EXTREMELY rare and exclusive picture of me smiling!
(holy shit balls you probably didn't even know I could do that!!!!)
I kinda hate this pic cause I don't really like my faciular area, and I look like a blobby mess but oh well, that's what I look like sometimes and I wanna show y'all that side of me too :3
Thank you to all my mutuals and followers on here who constantly support me and put up with my never-ending bullshit, I love y'all and I don't know what I would do without you💚💚💚
(seriously, y'all mean the world to me)
Now I'm gonna be a bit sappy here and tag some people, not really because I want them to see this or because I want them to interact with my silly little post, but because they're all amazing and have given me friendships and a community I never thought I would have, they're all amazing people and I want them to know who they are <3
In no particular order: @shakukon-to @crowned-lozar @shequotesherself @theprofmoth @whalesharkcat @godless-of-the-hunt @jessica-1103 @crowmance @coelii @lilithtransrights @anarqueeen @glowingemberz @girlthingnova @twiggybeing @pacificglovebox @subsequentlysilly @crystalline-fox-girl @something345
(if you aren't on this list please don't think I dislike you, maybe we just haven't talked a lot or I forgot)
BONUS: extremely silly and cringe picture from when I was like, 1 month on HRT xP
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Have a nice day everyone, remember I love you <3
871 notes · View notes
luvsupa · 3 days
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tags: fem!reader x prince! gojo satoru, childhood enemies to almost lovers to enemies (☹️), bully!gojo, love (ish)-hate relationship, gojos so confusing, ANGST, royalty, lots of tension, smut-ish (intense kissing), family dinner ruined, ayana is a bully, reader cries, soft gojo at the end. mdni.
w.c: 3.5k (woa)
a/n: thank you all so much for almost hitting 100 followers! tytyty for all the support too ! 🩵
read part 1 here! + likes and reblogs are very appreciative 🩵
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for the rest of the night, gojo zoned out of every conversation as you occupied his mind. he couldn’t find the will to enjoy the event, your words haunting him relentlessly. i'll see you inside, prince gojo. 
he had dreaded this feeling since childhood, after overhearing that fateful conversation between your families. gojo had always masked his emotions, distracting himself from the pain by giving you the cold shoulder. but in reality, he was desperate to be near you.
“ruru? are you unwell? you don’t look so good,” ayana asked, her voice tinged with concern, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“i am well, just nervous about the big crowd,” gojo lied, his voice strained as he fiddled with the cuff of his sleeve. “enough of worrying,” he added, scanning the room, only to find his mother and yours conspicuously absent. shit, he thought, his anxiety mounting. 
“baby, i’ll be right back. i think i’m missing a family discussion,” gojo said, pecking her on the lips before rushing out of the ballroom, his heart pounding in his chest.
gojo's heavy footsteps echoed ominously down the long hallway, his urgency concerning, causing guards and servants to glance at him. he burst through the double doors of the drawing room, startling his and your mother, who were sitting opposite each other on blue velvet couches.
“'toru! you should be with the others,” his mother said, her eyes scanning him for any signs of distress.
“what were you just discussing?” he demanded, his voice barely controlled, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. the two women exchanged uneasy glances, sensing his agitation.
“dearest, this conversation is really between me and your mother,” your mother said, trying to calm gojo as his glare grew more intense, his jaw tightening.
“then include me,” he said, stepping closer, his presence menacing. “you are in my estate, a guest in my home. you will include me in this conversation, or you will leave immediately,” he commanded, his voice dripping with authority, as if speaking to a mere commoner.
“satoru!” the queen exclaimed, standing abruptly, shocked by his audacity.
“very well. we have found a nobleman worthy enough to marry my daughter. we were discussing when they should meet,” your mother revealed, her voice steady but cautious.
his heart sank at her words. “that's why you all came as a family? to marry her off? all the times you visited were simply to find her someone to wed?” his voice rose, trembling with barely suppressed rage as he pieced together the painful puzzle. his mother scolded him for his behavior, but he continued, “I do not approve.”
“satoru, no disrespect, but you have no say in this! she has already reached adulthood; being married is a priority!” your mother said calmly, her words striking him like a physical blow. gojo stormed out of the room, the same despair from his youth crashing over him. the memory of overhearing your parents arranging your marriage had tormented him for years, but now, knowing the deal was sealed, the helplessness was unbearable.
he stormed off in the opposite direction from the ballroom, his steps quickening as he ascended the stairs to where the bedrooms were located. breathless, he found himself standing at your door, hand mid-air about to knock. his heart ached, praying you would open the door and tell him you weren’t going through with the marriage.
gojo clenched his fist, lowering it to his side, his fingers twitching with frustration, a deep sense of powerlessness washing over him.
⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . *
“good morning, dear. did you sleep well?” gojo’s mother asked as he entered the breakfast room, ignoring her greeting. your mother and the queen were seated at the end of the table, with you sitting across from ayana. the empty chair beside her was likely where gojo would sit. 
his breakfast was already plated, and he made his way to the chair beside ayana, who looked excited to see him. the room was filled with an almost unbearable silence, broken only by the scraping of forks and knives against plates.
“the ball was very beautiful, mrs. gojo,” you said, attempting to break the tension. “I had forgotten how much I enjoy attending your events.” you smiled warmly at the queen, feeling gojo’s eyes on you.
“ah, thank you, dear. It’s nice to know someone enjoyed it more than others,” she replied, her words carrying an edge you couldn’t quite grasp.
“I also enjoyed it, mrs. gojo!” ayana chimed in, trying to outdo you. “I especially loved the orchestra and ruru’s welcome speech,” she continued, wrapping her arm possessively around gojo’s. the queen thanked ayana for her kind words, but the tension in the room still remained.
“I have to ask, where have father and the king gone? I’ve barely seen them around the estate,” you said, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. the queen immediately made eye contact with your mother, and gojo seemed to catch on.
“they are discussing an important upcoming event with other parties,” your mother said, her voice tight.
“what event?” gojo quickly intervened, his tone demanding, drawing all eyes to him.
“a royal event,” the queen said through gritted teeth, clearly trying to keep her composure.
“hmm, a royal event for whom? If her father is part of the discussion, she should also be aware, right, mother?” gojo challenged, taking a bite of his food. the room felt like it was shrinking, the awkwardness growing. You felt completely out of place. what is his problem?
“satoru, you are asking too many questions for your own good! It’s too early to be this curious,” the queen snapped, her voice unusually harsh. you were shocked; she hadn’t addressed gojo with the usual nickname ‘toru. had they gotten into an argument? 
you glanced around the room, noticing ayana poking at her food, clearly uncomfortable. the silence that followed was excruciating, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.
with that, gojo stood up abruptly and left the room, his shoes clacking loudly against the hardwood floor, leaving all the women in stunned silence to finish their breakfast.
⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . *
time has passed since the awkward breakfast you had in the morning, and you wish you hadn’t brought up your concerns about your father’s whereabouts. you had no intention of causing any arguments, and rethinking what had happened makes you cringe. sitting in the drawing room, writing in your journal is the only thing that gives you peace. 
just as you start to enjoy your silence, you hear laughter and footsteps approaching the doors to your quiet space. damnit. the double doors open, revealing gojo and ayana giggling together, her arm wrapped around his.
“oh! we didn’t think anyone was in here..” ayana says in a fake tone. you stare at them in utter annoyance, feeling like you can’t find any time alone. “you wouldn’t mind if we joined you! you look pretty lonely here,” she says, walking closer to the royal blue couches. you close your journal as they make themselves comfortable.
“what are you writing in there? ways you can seduce me?” gojo says, walking closer to you. you stare at him in shock from the wild accusation, made worse by ayana’s obnoxious laugh as if it were the funniest joke. catching you off guard, ayana snatches your journal from your hand, your reflexes too late to stop her. she hands it to gojo for him to read. 
“ruru, maybe you can find another confession of her undying love for you,” she says. you attempt to grab your journal back, but gojo holds it above your head. fuck!
you’re practically chasing the two of them around the room as he flips through pages, looking for something to embarrass you. you repeatedly ask for it back. “ooo, this is interesting, titled, ‘forbidden love,’” gojo says as they both burst out in laughter. he begins to read your personal words. you quickly reach up, grabbing one end of the book as he grips the other. 
“let go, prince gojo,” you warn. he fake pouts, “we’re not on a first-name basis? alright, my lady,” he taunts, your blood boiling in anger.
without thinking, you raise your hand and slap him hard across the face. ouch!
the laughter comes to a complete stop as he stares at you in shock, releasing his grip on your book, causing you to grab it back- hold it tightly against your chest. “you bitch! how dare you slap the prince!” ayana exclaims, attempting to claw at you, but gojo holds her back, his cheek turning red from the slap.
“I don’t know what sick and evil games you like to play, but I will not be the one you two toy with,” you declare, your voice steady despite the anger coursing through you. with a firm grip on your belongings, you turn on your heel and stride towards the door, making your way to another quiet place.
your entire stay at the gojo estate feels like a horror house. day by day, you are taunted by both gojo and ayana, their relentless torment threatening to break you.
just after your altercation in the drawing room, you receive a letter informing you there will be a family dinner, with the king and your father in attendance. as you prepare, making sure your gown is perfect in the mirror, you hear a quiet knock at your door. expecting your mother, you open it to find gojo standing there.
“look who decided to finally show some effort,” he drawls, eyes scanning your attire. “trying to impress someone?”
your irritation flares, cheeks flushing with annoyance. “what do you want, gojo? here to read more of my journal?” he straightens up, entering your room without invitation.
“mmh, as much as i would love to, your mother sent me. apparently, you need some jewelry your father gave you,” he remarks, amusement dancing in his eyes. “or maybe she thought you’d need help with getting dressed.”
you cross your arms, defiant. “i don’t need your help with anything.” he smirks, stepping closer. “such a shame, but i’m here. why not make use of me?” your heart races as you snatch the jewelry box from his hands. before you can open it, his grip tightens on your wrist, sending a jolt of electricity through you. “now, now,” he murmurs, “let me.”
you attempt to pull away, but he holds firm. “i can manage on my own,” you grit out. ignoring your protest, he takes the box from you entirely. 
“turn around,” he commands softly. you comply, facing the mirror. he steps closer, his breath ghosting over your neck, sending shivers down your spine. you’re watching his every move as he delicately removes the necklace from its case, the glint of jewels catching the light.
“hold still,” he murmurs, his voice low and intimate. you obey, your breath catching in your throat as his presence is overwhelming. he drapes the necklace around your neck, his touch gentle yet electrifying.
as he fastens the clasp, his fingers linger on your skin, sending a rush of heat through your veins. you feel him staring at you through the mirror, intense and probing, as if daring you to resist him. through the reflection in the mirror, you meet his eyes, a silent battle of wills passing between you.
“there,” he murmurs, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. “perfect.”
the air crackles with tension as neither of you moves, locked in a silent dance of desire and defiance. you can feel the heat of his breath against your skin, his presence engulfing you entirely. every nerve in your body is on edge, anticipation coursing through your veins as you struggle to maintain your composure.
“you know,” he whispers, his voice a seductive murmur in your ear, “seeing you like this… so obedient for once. I wonder what else I can make you do.” his words send a jolt of heat straight to your core, igniting a fire within you that you struggle to contain.
before you can respond, you feel his lips press softly on the sensitive base of your neck, a soft caress that sends a wave of desire crashing over you. a gasp escapes your lips as you crave his touch.
you tilted your neck instinctively, inviting more of his attention, despite your attempts to maintain composure. a soft whimper escaped you, as he smirked against your skin. the room seemed to shrink around you, the tension between you and gojo intensified. every nerve of your body was on edge as you struggled to control your emotions.
in a bold move, your hand reaches back, fingers tangling in the soft strands of his hair. and at that, he whines at the grip you had on his hair. as your intense gaze continues through the mirror and him kissing you, everything hits you. what are you doing? this is gojo- the man you hate, the one who invaded your privacy, the one who made your life miserable. with a sudden clarity, you pulled away, turning around and moving back to create a distance between you two as you look at his flushed cheeks.
“mm- you looked like you enjoyed yourself sweetheart, especially for someone who claims they hate me,” he teased. you scoff, trying to regain your composure. “this can never happen again.” you sternly say. he chuckled softly as he looks down at you, “you don’t seem too sure,” he taunts.
“you’re unbelievable,” you confront, making his brows rise in curiosity. “one day you torment me and make me feel like shit, and the next you want to kiss me!” you nearly shout. he stares into your eyes as you’re so desperately trying to find some answers for the way he acts.
“I’ll see you downstairs,” he says, ignoring your distress as he walks out of your room, making you even more mad and confused. what the hell is wrong with him today?
⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . *
as you make your way towards the dining room, your eyes catch sight of your father in the hallway, and quickly to catch up with him, giving him in a warm hug. “I've missed you, father! thank you for this beautiful necklace,” you express, gesturing towards the shimmering diamond pendant.
"dearest, while the necklace looks stunning on you, I'm afraid I did not gift it to you," your father gently remarks, his words sending a pang of confusion through you. If my father didn’t gift me the necklace, then does that mean—
“the food is being served,” gojo's interruption jolts you out of your thoughts as you slowly turn towards him. your father strides towards the doors leading into the dining room, leaving you standing there, trying to piece together the puzzle before you.
did gojo gift me the necklace and then falsely claim my father gave it to me? Is this part of some twisted game to kiss me? suddenly, a hand on your back startles you, and you jump, your mind racing with unanswered questions.
"apologies, honey, I didn’t mean to startle you. are you not joining us inside?" your mother's voice soothes your confusion.
"mother... did you send gojo to my room earlier with this necklace?" you slowly question, fingers grazing the shimmering diamond adorning your neck.
"no, dear. I was busy with my own preparations. but let's not keep everyone waiting. we should head inside; we might be running late," she responds, gently guiding you into the grand dining room. he gifted me the necklace.
you and your mother both enter the shiny dining hall, the sparkling ambiance surrounding everyone. your father and the king occupy seats at opposite ends, with their wives seated adjacent to them. you find yourself directly in front of the queen, with gojo and ayana beside, as always.
as the food is served to each of us individually, the room fills with the lively chatter of the adults. amidst the chatter, the queen’s voice breaks through as she calls your name, capturing the attention of everyone present.
“have you considered marriage now that you've reached adulthood?” she inquires, putting you in a delicate position as all eyes turn to you, much like last time.
“not recently. I find comfort in the fact that my friends aren't married either, so I see no rush,” you respond, hearing an awkward chuckle from your mother and seeing concerned glances from the king and queen. It's another awkward moment, just great.
“are you lonely because your fantasies with satoru were crushed when you were rejected?” ayana’s words slice through the air like a knife, her smirk dripping with venom. you choke on your food, the room falling into a stunned silence as all eyes fixate on you, hungry for answers.
“Is this true?” your mother’s voice cuts through the tension, her tone heavy with disappointment. mentally cursing ayana for thrusting you into this predicament over a mere childhood crush, you struggle to find your voice amidst the mounting pressure.
“mother, I-it was simply a childhood crush-“
“then what are these sinful fantasies you’ve written in your journal?” she interjects, her words igniting the already heated atmosphere. your throat tightens as you meet the shocked gazes of those around you, a lump forming as you grapple for an explanation.
“that’s— that’s not true, ayana,” you manage to utter. but just as the situation couldn’t worsen, Ayana brings up a fake torn page. from my journal? no. my pages do not look worn out.
In the midst of the chaos, gojo’s expression mirrors your shock, his eyes widening in concern as he looks at you, his usual confidence momentarily faltering.
"just look at the disgusting things she wrote about satoru, my partner... shame on her," ayana spits out with a mock pout, giving the forged paper into your mother's hands. why is she setting me up?
tears run down your cheeks, your heart pounding in your chest as your mother's eyes bore into you with utter disgust and disappointment.
"enough, ayana," gojo's deep voice says, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and concern as he watches the scene unravel. but ayana ignores his warning.
you're paralyzed by a whirlwind of emotions, fear and frustration gripping you as you struggle to defend yourself against the false accusations.
"honestly, it's disgraceful. a whore, if you ask me, but who am I to—"
"I said enough, ayana!" gojo's voice booms through the room, the force of his words sending shockwaves through your family dinner. with a clenched jaw, he slams his fist down on the table, the sound echoing in the silence as he rises abruptly, his chair crashing to the ground behind him.
"r-ruru? I was just—" ayana's voice trembles, but gojo's fury cuts through her excuse.
"get the fuck out!" He angrily yells, as tears are forming in her eyes as she ignores him, remaining seated.
with a frustrated tsk, gojo strides across the room, his steps purposeful as he harshly grabs your arm, pulling you away from the torment. shock courses through you, your humiliation fresh and raw in front of your family.
gojo's grip on your hand is tight as you numbly follow him, your mind clouded with pain and disbelief. silent sobs leave your body as he leads you away, his own heart heavy with guilt at seeing you broken, especially because of him.
eventually, you arrive at a grand double doors with gold initials, “G.S,” engraved into the white-painted wood. as the doors swing open, you step into his ginormous chamber.
he strides across the room, his steps echoing against the polished marble floors, before crouching down to scoop you up in his arms. with effortless strength, he carries you in a bridal embrace, placing you gently onto the comfort of his king-sized bed.
as you sink into the softness, drained and defeated, he lowers himself to meet your gaze, his hand tenderly caressing your tear-stained face.
“my baby,” he softly coos, his voice laced with concern as he gazes upon you in your current state, hating to see you so broken.
“‘toru,” you whisper the nickname he despises, not to make him upset, but he just smiles.
“I hate you,” you choke out between sobs, tears streaming down your face. yet, he wipes them away gently, nodding in silent understanding.
“why do you do this to me? why do you despise me so much?” your words are muffled as you struggle to formulate words.
he takes a deep breath, wanting to tell you everything, how he’s feeling- how The very idea of you being with another man feels like a dagger piercing his heart.
“I cannot tell you yet. but one day, I promise,” he whispers, cradling your face tenderly in his hands before pressing a gentle kiss to your trembling pout. 
“sleep here tonight. I’ll resolve everything,” he reassures you, his voice filled with determination and love.
you nod in understanding as he leaves you alone in his dimly lit room as your slowly doze off into slumber, hearing the choas erupting downstairs.
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523 notes · View notes
ham1lton · 2 days
good old fashioned lover boy!
pairings: lando norris x actress!reader.
faceclaim: woo da-vi! <3
summary: lando is in love. his girlfriend is the perfect girl in every way possible, except for one thing: she’s a pescatarian, and lando hates fish.
author’s note: i’m back bitches. requests are now open again but i’m going to be a little more selective with what i choose!
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liked by bestie, zendaya and 234,828 others.
yourusername: no cause why is my uber driver doing the most rn. bro you will get a tip i promise 😭
view all 5,282 comments
user1: wait. why does that dude look familiar…..
bestie: you went out for food without me? 😔
-> yourusername: food didn’t taste half as good without you stealing it from my plate babe <3
-> user7: bad day for delusional yners.
-> user3: london i know how you feel…. i lost my queen too 😔
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liked by favcoworker, landonorris and 673,928 others.
yourusername: life recently. does anyone get obsessed with one song and play it over and over until you get sick of it?
view all 7,267 comments
hudabeauty: gorgeous girl!
-> yourusername: this face is all ms huda’s work 😘
user9: what song are you playing on repeat?
-> yourusername: glue song by beabadoobee!! :D
-> user6: oh no she’s serious abt this man 😭
-> user9: what happened to my misandrist queen 😔
favcoworker: i took the pics on our way to jimmy kimmel. say thank you 🤭
-> yourusername: pic creds to my bestie on the show and my fav girl off it!!! maya and dara 5ever <3
user8: who is that guy?? he seems so familiar???
-> user2: i swear it’s one of the beckham boys.
-> user3: it’s central cee. i swear yn said she liked british guys.
-> user5: i think it’s one of her coworkers !! she plays dara on day by day. i swear she’s dating the guy who plays matt.
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 1,238,727 others.
landonorris: golden hour with my golden girl :)
view all 23,737 comments
user8: the way yn was soft launching him and he just hard launches tf out of her 😭
-> user5: i mean… it’s yn yln. wouldn’t you?
*liked by landonorris.*
charles_leclerc: happy for you guys!! 😊
oscarpiastri: still can’t believe yn got you to eat fish.
-> carlossainz55: maybe he just needed the right motivation. unlike some people, lando can actually grow up.
-> charles_leclerc: this is public 😊
danielricciardo: when did you become a professional photographer?? these pics look great.
-> landonorris: she did all the work. it helps when your gf is gorgeous.
-> user3: me to yn… 😔
— taglist: @23victoria @luckyladycreator2 @alexmarie29 @k1arsworld @mxdi0 @booksandflowrs @cuteskz @dangeroustacoalienbiscuit @purplephantomwolf @casperlikej @nichmeddar @decafmickey @evie-119 @ironmaiden1313 @wildflowermarns @d3kstar @f1kenzzz @ravisinghs-wife @thehistoryone @raevyng @colmathgames2 @iloveyou3000morgan @namgification @xaviersslut @sya-skies @formulaal @landoism @firelily-mimi @lemon-lav @sharlsworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @bernelflo @hiireadstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @c-losur3 @lavisenri @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @seokjinkismet @dhanihamidi @tallrock35 @f1fan676 @f1withleire @kamabokogonpachro @oliviah-25 @handsupforamiracle @lichterfee @jiggly-puff-12 — don’t want to be tagged anymore? send me an ask!
973 notes · View notes
watch my boyfriend|| matt sturniolo
an hiiii it's 3.12 am while i post this heh how are y'all im super disappointed rn so enjoy a cute little piece to make up for the disappointment :')
tagged; @t1llysblogs [let me know if any of you want to be tagged in my works]
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warm air blew through her hair as she sat in the backyard. she was totally bored out of her mind. her boyfriend- matt was in the house doing good knows what. suddenly an idea stuck through her.
she had recently seen the trend where one person asks their followers to watch their partner. and she had to do this with matt.
going inside the house, she spotted matt quietly cutting some apples. opening her camera, she went beside him and kept her phone against a jar. quickly pressing the record button she said "hey guys can you watch my boyfriend for a second?" pressing a small kiss to her boyfriend's cheek she ran away from there, leaving a very confused and awkward matt.
matt knew he was socially awkward. and this moment added more proof to it. giving the camera a small wave and hello, he countinued chopping the apples. feeling bad for not entertaining his girlfriend's followers, he started talking.
"i was just chopping some apples for y/n/n so she could snack on them later. woman loves her apples more than me. anyways how are you guys doing? would you like some apple juice? y/n/n loves it too much!"
saying the last line he pushed a box of apple juice towards the screen. growing awkward again he started munching on the cut apples while wondering where on earth his girlfriend is.
"was he good? thanks for watching him guys." said a sudden voice. she was about to end the video when matt grabbed her from behind and continuously kissed her cheek. giggling at her boyfriend's behaviour, she ended the video. "babyyyy i missed you. look i even cut apples for you." was the last thing the video captured.
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@/user1 could be us but you busy cheating
→ user2 you cheated in my dreams CHEATER😾😾
→ user1 goodbye
came for yn and matt stayed for user1 and user2
liked by author
he sold me drugs yn 😖
→ yourusername believable 😖
he stole my phone yn 😖
he kidnapped my grandma yn😖
→ yourusername AGAIN??? 🙀🙀
he bullied me yn 😖
they're so cute🎀
liked by author
sleeping on the railway tracks tonight
user10 i'm joining
i hate happy couples 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯
liked by author
the comments are concerning 😟
block me pls🙏🙏
they're so pookies🎀🎀
liked by author
583 notes · View notes
afterglowsainz · 1 day
Hiii! Could i request a Jude Bellingham x Messi!reader where they are dating but not in public and someone (maybe Antonella or Leo) accidentally posts them together and everyone goes absolutely crazy for the couple 🥹 thank youuu 🩷
don't blame me | jude bellingham
this request!!!
summary: no one knows jude and you are dating until antonela accidentally posts a picture of you two
fc: jenna ortega
a/n: sooo we all saw that skims campaign right?
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liked by bffusername, judebellingham and others
ynmessi yeah we still go on family vacations together
tagged leomessi and antonelarocuzzo
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username im obsessed with her she’s so pretty 😩
username hot girls go to family vacations!!
username specially if you parents are leo messi and antonela like 😭
username she’s so effortlessly cool i love her
bffusername miss you!💞
ynmessi facetime rn!
username omg you’re in LA🥰
username yeah my girlfriend’s in a band, she plays guitar !!!
leomessi ❤️
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liked by ynmessi, vinijr and others
judebellingham post champions calm☀️
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username girl diner
username looked at my boyfriend and sighed
username delete pls
username jude bellingham save me … jude bellingham … save me jude bellingham
username gang can’t know i’m simping for this man on main 🥵
username ohhh i wonder where that is the ocean looks beautiful 🥰
username ain’t nobody looking at that damn ocean
vinijr JUDE!!!
judebellingham VINI‼️
antonelarocuzzo’s instagram stories
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[caption 1: ynmessi on big cousin duties🥰] [caption 2: cuties❤️] [post deleted]
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liked by leomessi, judebellingham and others
ynmessi not a lot going on at the moment
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username girl stop lyingggg just tell us
bffusername are you allergic to color? why are all your clothes black and white? 🤨
ynmessi leave me alone 😩
username you’re gorgeous first of all, second of all are you and jude dating?
username bestie we saw the story, anything you wanna add? 🎤
username yn swiftie confirmed!!
username lowkey wondering what messi thinks of you dating a madridista 🤭
antonelarocuzzo hermosa!❤️ (beautiful)
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liked by ynmessi, trentarnold66 and others
judebellingham guys did you knew my girlfriend? 🩷
tagged ynmessi
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username OH MY GOD???
username guys this is totally unexpected !!! i’m so surprised !!!
username they’re so cute 🥰🥰
username oh that was fast
ynmessi well let’s all thank my beautiful mother for that one 😁
judebellingham thank you antonela 😁
antonelarocuzzo don’t blame me! it was an honest accident
judebellingham no genuinely thank you i’ve been beggin yn to let me post her for MONTHS
ynmessi and i’m the obsessed one 🙄
username and what do you mean they’ve been going out for months???
username guys this means jude goes on family vacations with the messi’s that’s so sweet 😭
leomessi what is that last picture?
judebellingham nothing sir 😀
ynmessi dad look away 😭
229 notes · View notes
vanillawurld · 2 days
༊*·˚ Wait For Your Love
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✧.* Pair - Joost Klein x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Angst, crying, alcohol, kissing, cussing, fluff at the end.
✧.* Summary - After not seeing each other for almost a year due to a breakup, a whirlwind of emotions flooded both Joost and (Y/N). The desperation to be with each other again took over for the both of them.
✧.* Extra- We can't be friends (wait for your love) by ariana grande crying emoji heartbreak emoji.
✧.* Word Count - 1,998
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The club was always packed with drunk assholes and beautiful women dancing. It was a place to have fun. Dance, drink, and not worry about tomorrow (unless someone had to work). (Y/N) and her friends decided to go clubbing to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Everyone wanted to get shit-faced drunk and some wanted to end up in a man or woman’s bed by the end of the night. (Y/N) couldn’t wait to get drunk and dance her ass off to the music that was playing. As soon as they get into the place, everyone was already ordering shots and mixed drinks.
Even though she wanted to get drunk, (Y/N) decided to get mixed drinks because she hated the bitter taste of hard liquor in tiny shot glasses. She decided to take her night a little slow to be more alive in the club. (Y/N) felt like she needed the time out with her friends. After a massive heart break 10 months ago, it felt like she couldn’t move from her home, especially her bed. Her friends would try to get her to hang out, but most of the time all she wanted to do was stay in bed and stalk her ex-boyfriend’s social media.
By the time she was on her second mixed drink, some of her friends were already on their 4th shot of the night. The music was starting to get to everyone and they all dragged each other to where everyone was dancing. The DJ was playing American 2000’s music so the whole club was dancing and/or grinding on one another. (Y/N) and her best friend were dancing and practically grinding on each other to the beat of the music while singing and laughing together. Everyone was having the best time.
That was until (Y/N) mysteriously smelled a familiar scent she hadn’t smelled in a while. His scent. She slowly stopped dancing and started looking around to see if she can catch him somewhere in the crowd. (Y/N)’s best friend looked at her, “Are you okay? What happened?”
(Y/N) didn’t want to ruin everyone’s night with the topic of her ex-boyfriend, “Im fine, girl. I just need to use the bathroom and then im gonna get a shot.” (Y/N) walked away but stopped when she felt someone grab her wrist. She turned around and saw her best friend holding her wrist.
“Do you want me to go with you?” She asked. (Y/N) simply shook her head and continued making her way to the restroom. (Y/N) thanked God when she saw there wasn’t a line to go to the bathroom. She immediately walked in and looked at herself in the mirror.
She let out a sigh and was trying to convince her brain to not freak out because she smelled his scent. She didn’t want to ruin everyones night, she just wanted to have fun with no worries. She quickly fixed her lip liner and lips and head out to the bar. When she got to the bar to order her drink, she had a feeling someone was watching her. She decided to ignore it because there were a lot of people in the club so it didn’t matter.
The feeling of being watched got stronger by the seconds and it bothered (Y/N). She looked around to catch whoever was staring at her and when she turned around, she locked eyes with him. Joost Klein, her ex-boyfriend. She felt her heart race and her stomach drop to the floor. He looked extremely handsome and beautiful. They stared at each other strongly until the bartender put (Y/N)’s drink on the table, making her break the contact and turn around.
Even though they stared at each other for a couple of seconds, it felt like an eternity for them. (Y/N) leaned forward towards the bar table and let out a deep sigh. She was trying to keep herself together. Tapping her foot against the floor, sighing, but all of that didn’t work because she felt her eyes start to water. She knew she couldn’t stay in that place much longer. She didn’t want to look like the weird bitch crying in the club. She quickly took her shot and sped out the doors, walking toward the empty side of the club wall. She started to hyperventilate before letting the tears spill. She covered her mouth to prevent making any sound, but everything was going crazy in her mind, she didn’t care who listened.
Beautiful moments between (Y/N) and Joost started flashing in her mind. (Y/N) truly loved Joost. She still loves him. She truly felt a connection with that man. He always took care of her and she returned the nurturing energy all the time. They never had a dull day together, it was always filled with happiness and laughter. Everyday was a blessing for them. Everyone, fans and friends, idolized their relationship, so when they broke up, everyone was filled with shock and confusion.
The day Joost left (Y/N) was the day she died. She didn’t want to go out anymore. She had no motivation to do the things she loved. Everything reminded her of Joost. Even when she went to the places her and Joost last visited together, she would always tear up a bit. The truth was, (Y/N) was waiting for Joost to come back. She was waiting for his love to find itself back to her. The more she waited, the worse she got. (Y/N) slowly started detaching herself from him 7 months after the break up and was slowly started bettering herself. But in that moment in the club, felt like all of her self improvement was tossed out the window.
While (Y/N) was in her head, she hadn’t notice a tall male figure walking towards her side. When she looked, it felt like her heart skipped a beat. There he was, staring at her with a yearning look with sadness in his eyes. (Y/N)’s tears started coming in more but she didn’t want to cry more in front of him so she looked away and looked up at the sky.
“Hey,” she heard Joost say. That didn’t make things better. Hearing his voice made her tear up even more. At that point, she didn’t care and let her tears flow.
“Hi,” she said back.
Joost stared at (Y/N) and started tearing up as well. He was finally looking at his girl again after almost a year of not being able to. Even with running mascara, puffy lips, red eyes, and a tired look on her face, she still looked pretty as ever to him. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of his teary eyes and got closer to her. “How are you?” was all he said.
“Uhm, i’m… doing good, I guess. What about you?” she asked.
“Im doing pretty well too. I just saw the most gorgeous girl at the club, but she walked out and now she’s crying,” he said. He wanted to lighten up the mood. While his body language gave off zero energy, deep down he wanted to hold (Y/N) and kiss her tears away. Joost missed (Y/N) more than anything and seeing her teary eyed made his heart ache.
(Y/N) let out a chuckle and went silent. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two until Joost broke the silence, “I’ve missed you.”
That made (Y/N) tear up even more. “Then why did you leave me,” She asked.
Joost stayed silent for a moment before answering, “Honestly, I don’t know why. At the time, my mental health was down the toilet and I thought you were the reason why. I thought leaving you was going to fix it.”
Hearing that made (Y/N)’s heart ache. “Did it?” she asked.
“No. It didn’t. It actually got worse. When I realized you weren’t the problem, I felt like it was too late for me. I thought you hated me and didn’t want to talk to me. I thought of that saying you told your friend once ‘You made your bed, so now lay in it’ and that’s exactly what I did. I punished myself for ruining something so beautiful,” he replied.
Deep down, (Y/N) was happy when she realized she wasn’t the problem. But at the same time, she was sad for Joost when he thought she was mad at him. “Can I tell you something?” she asked and he nodded, “I was never mad at you. You could never be mad at someone you truly love.”
She said love. Not loved. That made Joost smile.
“For a good few months, I was stuck in a delusion that you would come back. I wanted to reach out to you so badly, but my friends kept telling me to let you feel my absence and that that was the best thing to make someone realize their mistake,” she continued.
“They were right,” he spoke, “when I realized you were gone, I wanted to crawl back to your apartment and beg for your forgiveness. I had no one to text me ‘good morning’, ‘good night’, ‘i love you’, ‘i miss you,’ it was hell for me.”
Their confessions made both of them realize that they were still in love with each other. They never stopped. They followed through with the, ‘if it was meant to be, let it be,’ and it brought them back. They never gave up on each other, even when they were apart. That is the true beauty of love.
Joost grabbed (Y/N)’s chin, making her look up at him with her beautiful teary doe eyes. “baby, I am so sorry for breaking your heart. I regret it so much and seeing you makes my heart ache and happy at the same time. I would do anything to be with you again,” he said with a yearning voice.
All (Y/N) could do was look at him. Her eyes started to become more teary. “I love you. I never stopped loving you,” she replied. They both started getting closer and closer until their lips touched. It was electrifying for both of them. The more their lips were in contact, the more loving and passionate it became. (Y/N) wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss.
When they pulled away, they looked at each other in the eyes. Deepening the intimate moment. The moment was ruined when Joost’s phone rang. When Joost checked who it was, (Y/N) saw it was one of his friend’s. She frowned because she thought their moment was over, but instead, Joost ignored the call and pulled her close to him by the waist. He laid his chin on her shoulder and closed his eyes, wishing this was his forever moment.
They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Getting comfortable and feeling each other’s presence after months of not being able to. It all felt like a dream come true. Until reality hit (Y/N). She didn’t want to break away from the moment, but she kind of had no choice,
“I have to go.”
“No, you don’t.”
(Y/N) giggled, “I do. My friends are probably looking for me and I have to visit family tomorrow in the morning,” she said while pulling away from his embrace. Joost and frowned. He didn’t want her to go. (Y/N) kissed him on the cheek and started walking away.
Joost watched as she walked away before calling her name, “Can we… call tonight?” he said, referring to staying on facetime while they slept like they use to. (Y/N) nodded and blew him a kiss. Joost practically sprinted towards her and passionately kissed her, one last time for that night.
“I’ll call you when I get home,” She said.
“You promise?”
“I promise, handsome.” She said. He raised his pinky, indicating a pinky promise gesture. She raised her pinky and hooked it onto his. Settling the promise.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
Guys was this good be honest also im too lazy to spell check
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saerins · 3 days
ᯓ ᝰ RIGHT HERE .ᐟ — touya todoroki
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touya x female reader. content tags modern au, childhood sweetheart!touya, both are working adults, making out, mentions of infidelity/murder, he’s a tease. word count 1.7k
ᯓ notes .ᐟ haha can you tell i love touya too much rn ? just getting back into writing so have some of my touya :) thanks to any of you who read this <3
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“touya, you’re gonna make me late for work tomorrow,” you whine, pouting as he wins you in yet another round of super smash bros. (and hence you’d have to stay up and continue playing at his behest.)
beside you, touya smirks, rows of pearly white visible while he clearly enjoys tormenting you. “weren’t you the one who said you needed a distraction?”
you grumble as you take the couch pillow and hold it over your face, groaning in frustration. touya’s right; you’d called him right after dinner, practically forced him to come after you figured out that you’re actually not as strong you thought and you’re actually still really upset that your ex cheated on you.
it’s only pathetic because it’s already been a couple of months and you’re still wallowing over it somehow.
“you know, i bet all that frustration will go away if you just let me kill that fucker,” touya tells you, flicking your forehead as leans forward, yanking the cushion off your face.
unamused, you deadpan at him. “yeah? then what am i gonna do when you’re in jail, huh?”
touya snickers, “aww, what? can’t handle being without me?”
in a strange way, your honest answer is definitely not. you’ve known touya forever. ever since you were five and your families connected at a preschool event. ever since your friend fuyumi introduced you to her brother. ever since touya confided in you how much he hated his father.
fast forward more than a decade later and you’re both sitting in your apartment, in a different state than either of your families, still as close as you were when you were kids.
you glare at touya, rolling your eyes before scrunching your nose and smirking at him. “actually, go ahead, i’ll go find myself a better guy while you rot in the cell.”
your best friend scoffs, cocking a brow and looking like he’s offended. “i off someone for you and you don’t marry me immediately? the fuck is wrong with you?”
the shit-eating grin that dawns on his face immediately after makes your heart skip a beat. yeah, you’ve always found him attractive, maybe even had a crush on him back in high school, but he’d always had girls after girls, and somewhere along the way you learned to stuff those flimsy emotions back down.
until you remember that he’s been single for a while now, and the fact that you’re both working adults with all the freedom in the world.
fuck, you really shouldn’t go back there.
“haha, funny,” you try to wave it off sarcastically. “says the one who told his ex that he just sees me as a little sister.”
he laughs, leaning back against the couch, a hand behind his head, abs sticking out from the edge of his shirt. it takes you a second to rein yourself in, not wanting to get teased relentlessly by him if you get caught staring.
“hey, she was getting jealous of me spending so much time with you! what was i supposed to say?”
yes, you’re aware. most of them were. most of the time you never told touya about any of that; of how his girlfriends were coming up to you, all insecure about your friendship and asking if you could back off. that was the most common thing among all his relationships: the girls’ pleas for you to keep a distance.
you did… the first few times.
and after his fifth relationship, you realised that touya would always pull you back close. would always end up breaking up with them if your friendship is causing them too much worry.
“you didn’t have to say anything, maybe you should’ve just kept your distance, you know? since most of them seemed to have a problem with it,” you comment, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, though even you don’t believe yourself.
a life without touya is unimaginable for you. even if you can’t really say the same for him.
touya sighs, shifting in his position before ultimately putting an arm around you, pulling you close. he smells like your soap and his hair against your face tickles.
he’s always like this; always touchy, always close. recently he’s been more than usual, coming over and sleeping the night (you never did anything physical!), chasing other guys away at the club because they’re not good enough for you.
and when he’s like that, you think maybe there’s no harm in letting those long-lost feelings flow back.
it’s dangerous.
he’s always like this. always way too much for you to handle. and yet you can’t live without him.
and then he does something he’s never done before.
you feel his lips on your temple, and you hear the chuckle reverberating from his throat. his left arm around you holds you tight, not that you’re running anywhere—you’re pretty sure you’re frozen stiff from the shock.
did that really happen?
“how can i do that when you’re the only one i want?”
you’re sure that’s his voice. it can’t be anyone else’s. but you’re not sure if you believe him. is he really saying what you think he’s saying?
slowly, you turn to face him, expecting him to wear that smug grin and tease you for being so gullible but it never comes. instead, you’re greeted with his half-lidded eyes, blue pupils staring at your lips like he’s hypnotised, his thumb caressing your lower lip from left to right like he’s trying to memorise all the grooves.
it’s so soft that you barely recognise your own voice when it comes, “touya, kiss me.”
and maybe he’s always wanted to, because he doesn’t miss a beat. the second you open your mouth, he’s giving you what you asked for, his tongue prying your lips open and he tastes just like the warm in winter mornings, like the comfort people always dream about.
mint. you can taste the sweet from when he ate it right before he beat you in the game. you can feel the cold on the tip of your nose from when you brush against the piercings on his nostrils. you can feel him carry you onto his lap, feel his hands wrapping around your waist. you can feel his heartbeat under his chest, under your palm, almost as erratic as your own.
were you really just upset over someone else?
every relationship you’d been sad over suddenly didn’t seem to make sense anymore. not when touya’s right here, lips locked with yours and telling you more with his kiss than you’ve ever heard from his words.
by the time you pull away, both of you are breathless, his hand on your cheek, lips softly brushing over your own like he can’t bear to be away even for just a second. you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes, half overwhelmed and half confused.
“fuck, did we really just—”
“shh,” you hush him, putting a finger on his lips, suddenly embarrassed. your foreheads are still pressed together, and you can’t see it but he’s admiring your face, holding himself back from just kissing you even more.
touya moves your finger away. he whispers your name in the most gentle tone you’ve ever heard, “does that mean you feel the same?”
you swallow the lump in your throat, tongue-tied and still straddling your best friend on the couch. you’re just a single impulsive action away from going all the way.
pulling back even further, you’re about to make a break for your bedroom when touya pulls you back, making sure you face him.
“no running this time,” he tells you, voice raspy and his eyes flicking from your eyes to your nose and your lips but mostly your lips. “i want you,” he whispers, and the minute you lock gazes, the answer has never been more clear to you.
“i want you too, touya,” you answer, both excited and afraid but he never lets you harp on things too much because he’s already kissing you silly, barely letting you breathe—you don’t have to guess with him; he wants you so desperately you can feel it in his actions.
“touya, we should stop,” you whine, knowing that this might be going way too quick yet you want it all the same.
touya shakes his head, big hands slipping under your shirt and squeezing your waist. “no, don’t wanna stop,” he whispers into your mouth.
he’s about to pull your shirt over your head when the loud shrill of his phone interrupts. he would’ve tossed it to the side if you hadn’t taken it and insisted he should take it. it’s from shoto, after all. (he doesn’t call often, it’s a complicated relationship.)
grumbling, touya leans back, keeping your thighs in place so you can’t move away. he’s smirking at you as he answers, “shoto, what is it?”
you can’t hear his brother over the phone. you can only guess snippets of the conversation from touya’s end.
“what for?”
“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever.”
when he finally puts it down, he pulls you close by the chin, a glint of mischief in his grin. “get ready, doll.”
“huh? for what?”
touya gives you a peck on the lips. “family’s visiting, a surprise or whatever. they’re already in the city.”
you blink, praying he’s not being serious and wishing it’s not what you’re thinking. “okay, have fun!”
“and where do you think you’re going?” touya laughs, pulling you back down after you barely got back up.
“go spend some time with them, it’ll be fun.”
“oh i’m sure it’ll be fun,” he smirks, typing something into his phone and sending the message before you can sneak a peek.
you’re almost too scared to ask. but you do. “and why’s that?”
touya chuckles, thinking you’re way too stubborn, playing dumb even if it’ll kill you. but he guesses it’s fine if he has to spell it out for you. “because i wanna re-introduce you.”
“wait, what do you mean?”
with a gentle smile and a poke on your forehead, he looks you in the eyes. “i’m gonna introduce them to my future wife.”
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starlostseungmin · 20 hours
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✰ notes: here concludes my husband!skz series with hyunjin. i hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing everyone! not proofread and not edited. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
seungmin , chan , lee know , jeongin , han , changbin , felix( hyunjin )
Husband Hyunjin whom everyone expected to make a grand proposal, prepared a simple candlelight dinner in your shared apartment and cooked your favorite meals. You thought it was just a usual dinner date at home which you’d do sometimes. He suddenly got down on one knee and opened a small box with a diamond ring, “Will you be my everlasting muse? The one who would love to spend the rest of their life with me?” 
Husband Hyunjin who cried and hugged you tightly as he thanked you for saying yes. 
Husband Hyunjin who was the happiest and got emotional during the weddingーmentally screaming, hair-ripping, toe-curling, exaggerated excitement (sincere), and deeply in thought about how he would spend an eternity with you. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to stare at you while talking, especially on your lips thinking how much he wants to kiss you. His kisses start with innocent, soft, and warm then later change into intimate, hot, and intoxicating which makes you get addicted to them. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to be babied and cuddled when he’s tired or just wants to be a small spoon whenever he feels like it. He’d refuse to go to work just to stay in bed all day with you. 
Husband Hyunjin whose dates consist of visiting art museums, picnics, watching musicals or movies, evening strolls, and road trips. Sometimes it gets over the moon when he decides to take you to (country) because you’ve been dying to visit the place. He giggled nonstop when he surprised you that he bought the tickets. 
Husband Hyunjin who would always bring his sketchbook and camera on dates just to take a picture of you or make his hand busy sketching a portrait of you just because he finds you beautiful every time. He will show them to you when he’s done. The pictures or sketches will be hung on your shared apartment's wall for safekeeping and memories. 
Husband Hyunjin who drives you crazy when he’s just doing normal things like simply unbuttoning his polo, rolling up his sleeves, taking off his jacket showing his bodybuild especially when he wears a tanktop inside, brushing his bangs upward, dancing? It would add fuel to the fire when he kisses you like a man starved from your touch. 
Husband Hyunjin who brings you food and medicine when you get sick. He will probably take his day off from work depending on how fast your recovery is that it would take days for him to sit there and take care of you. The type to make sure that you won’t die since he would end up grieving so hard. “It’s just a mild flu, Hyunjin.” “Are you sure?” 
Husband Hyunjin who is loud and dramatic whenever he realizes he got betrayed, lost a game, or is just being dumb (lovingly). He and Jisung are a perfect match and you’re the one who actually gets in between. 
Husband Hyunjin who gets shy whenever you compliment him but sometimes he would feel a blast of confidence that he gives you a wink as a response and becomes flirty.
Husband Hyunjin who loves to make a fool of himself, vocabulary just consists of memes (you can blame Han and Felix for that) cringes at his own cuteness and regrets it later just to make you laugh. 
Husband Hyunjin who lets you play with his long hair. He loves it when you do pigtails. You often tease him that he looks like Boo from Monsters Inc. 
Husband Hyunjin whom Kkami wants to disown. 
Husband Hyunjin who tries his hardest to comfort you as best as he can whenever he sees you being vulnerable in trying times. Promised not to leave you alone until you feel better, crack a dad joke he got from Chan to lift the atmosphere (which is effective by the way) and take you to his arms, whispering how he is proud of you. 
Husband Hyunjin who made a playlist filled with songs that make him think about you, scream your vibe, and the ones that would portray his exact feelings. Sometimes he would write down lyrics about how lovesick and hopeless romantic he is. All songs and melodies are heavily inspired by you. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to send you selfies, videos of him taken by the members that serve husband material, and voice messages whenever he’s abroad because he misses you so much that he cries himself to sleep and can’t wait to go home. It’s also necessary to send you short vlogs and pictures of sceneries of the places he went without you because of work and leave messages like, “This reminds me of you.” “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s visit this place together soon!” “I’m sure you’d like these souvenirs I got you!” “The food out here is great! Treat me here soon!” 
Husband Hyunjin whose love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, gift-giving, quality time, and acts of service. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to spoil you even if you tell him not to spend a lot of money on you but he won’t listen and insists on accepting them. 
Husband Hyunjin who doesn’t admit his mistakes during the first few minutes of the argument but later apologizes over and over again and promises never to do it again. He’s also the type that is hard to make up with but he can’t keep it up for hours and just cuddles you whispering “I’m sorry, I’ll do better.” 
Husband Hyunjin who gets jealous easily and is possessive whenever he sees you having a good time with his members. “I’m yours, Hyunjin. Don’t worry.” You’d say but you know that is not enough for him so he’d show you to whom you belong (affectionately, or depending on how you both want it).
Husband Hyunjin who refused to get a divorce when you felt that your marriage was falling apart because he couldn’t imagine his life without you. He won’t let go of you easily and you didn’t even make any attempts to leave him. 
Husband Hyunjin who is careful whenever in talks of having kids because your decision matters in this relationship but he would reassure you that if you ever wanted to have one, he will be the best dad your kid could ask for. 
Husband Hyunjin who is the most precious, kind, and pure to your heart that you wouldn’t even want to live a life without him. He is the moon and stars to your night, the sunshine after the rain, the rose amongst the thorns, and the pretty shells you find on a beach where no one knows. 
Husband Hyunjin who holds your hand and intertwines your fingers as he kisses your knuckles saying, “I love you.” 
Husband Hyunjin whose wedding vows are not enough to show how much he would love to spend his entire life with you. “I fucking love you so fucking much and we’re married, you can’t leave. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not!” 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89 , @lashaemorow
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toji-girl · 2 days
Hi! Can i request or ask for toji and pregnant reader in labor process and a nervous toji trying to calm her down with dumb jokes and reader giving hin the side eye
I love your content so freaking much! Have a nice day!
hello, and yes you may! thank you so much for being so kind and I hope you have the best day ever sweetheart 🩷🩷
tags: pregnant! fem reader who has a vaginal birth + fluff
When you read about other women's birthing stories they always added that it was different for everyone, but there was something you noticed. They all spoke about the ring of fire during birth.
As well as all the different types of birthing plans that made your head spin, women have been doing this for ages, well before hospitals were built along with midwives or doctors came in as well.
Toji was also a nervous mess, but he hid it behind jokes that could've been told at a better time. For example, when you had your last ultrasound the nurse asked if Toji was your husband or boyfriend.
Not that it mattered to anyone, but the conversation made it go faster and smoother, what you didn't expect was for your husband to tell her that he was your brother-in-law and was carrying his kid which only made the appointment tense with the fake drama.
He wasn't sure if he could be a good father, and sure the internet told him how to but what if he failed? Toji knew deep down you would be a good mother and he couldn't ask for a better one for his son.
"My brother-in-law? You made us look like homewreckers!" You hissed at the end of the appointment when you waddled past him toward the car letting your anger fuel your steps.
Your hormones have changed in ways you never expected so you were a bit touchier than normal and the whole thing left you embarrassed and angry but you also understood that Toji was nervous and he had a habit of saying out-of-the-pocket things.
Toji opened your door but stopped you gently before getting in. "I'm sorry darlin', our lives are about to change, and I—"
You cupped his cheek and kissed him softly. "I know baby, I'm nervous too but we got this, we're a team and you're going to be such a good dad, I know it, we have each other." You assured him softly.
He pulled you into him despite your big belly which created some space between you both but he still held onto you peppering your face in soft kisses before pulling away to help you in your seat.
Later that night the last thing you expected after dinner was for your water to break, especially on the couch which would have to be cleaned when you came back or tossed out altogether, the whole time Toji stood there reminding you of a Sim from the game you played.
On the way to the hospital, he was sure you cracked the bones in his fingers when each contraction hit you like a wave of pain that reminded you of menstrual ones but ten times worse and your birth plan was quickly going out of the window when you got in your room.
You told everyone your plan which included no meds or anything of the sort but as time went on and the pain only intensified you finally let them grant you a little bit of relief.
Toji was sure to tell the nurses all but barking orders out while he was soft and sweet on you. "This is all your fault, you wanted this and I have to push a baby out of my vagina for you!" You wailed and gripped his hand again as you sagged on the bed.
He stood next to the bed with a grimace as he dried the sweat off your forehead. "Sorry darlin', but I'm pretty sure you begged for this after seeing that family at the park."
Your head almost snapped when you jerked back to glare at him yanking your wrist away from him. "Are you blaming me?!"
At this point, the nurses stepped in and escorted a blubbering Toji who told them to all but fuck off, his wife was not going to give birth alone even if you wanted to skin him alive he wasn't going to miss it.
Once everyone was calm and you were crying for Toji he came up and made sure never to leave your side but his nerves got the best of him when the nurse moved him between your legs in time for Megumi to crown. "Oh—is her vagina supposed to be stretched like that?"
His question made your face burn as you glared at him. "Yeah, we are never having another baby again." You grunted through clenched teeth before pushing once more to finally birth your son.
Toji all but snatched him from the doctor with a glare as he looked down at the life you both created and you watched as your husband went from a man who was hard as stone when you first met him, and now he was a man willing to lay his life down for his family.
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His forever and ever | Bucky Barnes
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(Ex-)Boyfriend!Mob!Bucky Barnes x (Ex-)Girlfriend!Reader
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James Buchanan Barnes, mobster in town and your boyfriend. You feel for his charm, his smile, the way he loves and treats you.
But things change and you feel like that he thinks you’re self-evident around him. Moving on is the only way you see to get out of that situation between pain and love for that man. But moving on also means to leave him behind you, leaving everything what you had together behind you.
So what happens when you really do so and Bucky appears at your work place, is he there because of you or is he just drinking his whiskey there? He would always find you, he is the most powerful man in town, and you know exactly that.
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// Status //
On going
// Wordcount //
31.329 Words
// Authors Note //
I wanna thank @bucks-babe for all the help, encouragement and love. You helped me whenever I stuck with something and brought every chapter to another level. The series wouldn’t be the way it is without you. So thank you so much.🩷🩷
// Taglist //
If you’re not added to my Taglist yet but want to be added here, please let me know!
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This story will include angst, fluff and smut, I will add the warnings in each chapter.
Feel free to leave a comment, reblog or like to support your content creators! Other than that enjoy!
Asks, ideas, small Drabble ideas are appreciated! So feel free to reach out in case you have ideas or questions. You can find everything he in the Masterlist or the tag #his forever and ever.
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Fluff: ❤️ | Angst: 🍂 | Smut: 🔥
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— Prologue
— 4.296 Words | ❤️🍂
Your mobster sees you as self-evident so as much as that hurts you decide to move on — without his broken promises, without him.
— Chapter One
— 4.067 Words | ❤️🍂
Moving on, living with your best friend and working in a part isn’t as easy as you thought but it’s not bad either. Some flirts here and there — you can be whoever you want, right?
— Chapter Two
— 3.389 Words | 🍂
After work you hope that Bucky isn’t in the bar anymore or at least he is just there to have a drink. But what when he is just there because you are, because it’s his opportunity to talk to you and make you come back home into his mansion again?
— Chapter Three
— 3.034 Words | ❤️🍂
Your best friend is always there — even though he has a date, for you he has always time. And even better when his date comes with him and you end up on the couch with two men, chocolate and movies.
— Chapter Four
— 4.325 Words | ❤️🍂
Steve follows you everywhere, making sure that Bucky can’t get too close to you. But when he has an appointment you tell him that you’re fine. During your work shift you get closer to a man, who asks you out and who wouldn’t say yes to such a nice offer.
— Chapter Five
— 4.646 Words | ❤️
Bucky does everything to show you what you really mean to him - also being stuck in a swing as long as you laugh. Plus rooftops are still the best place to make confessions.
— Chapter Six
— 4.204 Words | ❤️🔥
Back home Bucky makes sure you get how much he missed you and just how much he loves you.
— Epilouge
— 3.368 Words | ❤️
Beautiful in white, promises and the perfect day.
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f1orza · 17 hours
Lucky girl part two
Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
Summary: y/n and charles finally meet and y/n proves her nickname to be true
Faceclaim: threemillion and pinterest
(Bottom tweets are the ones you read first on the 2nd, 5th and 6th slide, also some of the tweets have replies under them so I personally would read those before going to the next tweet)
A/n : here's part 2, part 3 should be coming out on Sunday. I can't believe so many people ended up liking this, now I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it justice 😭 but I'll try for you guys, so thank you everyone 🫶🏽. I hope you guys enjoy and feel free to comment anything - critics (nicely tho), ideas, thoughts on the story, I'd love to see what you guys think ❤
yourusername • stories
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yourusername swipe to see pictures of the winning boys🏆
Tagged : charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari
Username19 WOW, that Charles photo ?!?!
Liked by creator
Username156 she is gorgeous, omg
Username90 lucky really is lucky 🍀
Username5 please come to more GPs we need your good luck 🫶
charles_leclerc it was nice meeting you lucky, I hope we can see more of you in the paddock 😊
yourusername it was lovely meeting you Charles and I guess I have to come more often, if it means seeing you on the top step 😉
charles_leclerc I guess it does 😁
Username1 okay charles I was unfamiliar with your game
carlossainz55 it was nice to meet you lucky 🍀
yourusername It was nice to meet you too Carlos 👍🏻
y/b/username love you sis 🫶
Liked by creator
Friend1 pretty pretty girl 💋
Username25 if I saw her in real life I'd fall in love with her too Charles you're not special
scuderiaferrari our ragazza fortunata ❤ lucky girl
Username16 honey come home the kids miss you :(
landonorris hey, I was there too 😔
yourusername Sorry Lando 🫶 but I'm a Ferrari girlie (congrats tho)
landonorris it's okay I guess 😕 (thank you 🧡)
yourusername ❤*
landonorris 😐
Username326 help not that thread between lando and lucky, they are so funny 😭
yourusername • stories
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Username92 you look so good y/n 🫶
y/b/username where are you going? You're in Miami right?
yourusername just going out to eat with a friend here 😌
y/b/username a friend ? 🤥
yourusername a NEW friend 🙃
y/b/username what?!?!? Who??!!
yourusername 😘
Bestfriend1 where you going looking so good 🤨
yourusername I'll facetime you ma'am
Bestfriend2 who you looking this good for and why is it not me 😒
yourusername Guess 🤭
Bestfriend2 a driver?!?!
yourusername 😇
Bestfriend2 CHARLES LECLERC?!?!
yourusername hehe 🥰
charles_leclerc you look beautiful, I will see you in a few okay ❤
yourusername thank you charles, I can't wait I'm so excited 😊
Username12 are you going out with a driver?
Taglist: @exotic-iris13 @boywondrgrayson @oliviarodrigostan13 @evie-119 @boypls @gigigreens @styl1shl1v @formulaal
If your name is crossed out it wouldn't let me tag you guys for some reason 😕
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fairene · 9 hours
hello!! i LOVE your work you write the most interesting dynamics and your style always completely sucks me in! i saw you mentioned in the tags that requests were welcome and if it sounds fun, i'd love to read something with lando and a tennis player!reader, not just bc i love tennis lol but also bc it could be interesting to have him with someone who has experienced the same level of pressure. i'd love anything you wrote though!❤️
say less, my love.
pressure / ln4
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a/n ⋯ a short pause from the one of your girls dual part. this was a beautiful request, and as a huge challengers enthusiast, i had to put it to paper. thank you so much for the request. also i am aware that the u.s. open takes place in new york, but for simplicity sake, we'll say its in miami.
music ⋯ link
warnings ⋯ no smut, fluff, angst, insecure thoughts, anxiety.
wordcount ⋯ 2.6k (unedited).
“you’re going to do amazing, my love.” lando’s words were soothing as he held you firmly against his chest. it was a saturday night in miami, both of you were dueling your own matches for the weekend. you were in the finals of your tournament held for the US open, whereas he was debuting in the miami grand prix the following afternoon. 
your head shifted into his chest, nose burrowing into the fabric of his shirt with a soft hum. you knew he was right, but the pressure waned on you. how could it not? your entire career balanced on your performance, and thousands of people would be watching you. not only were you lando norris’ girlfriend, but also an up and coming star in your own career. 
you kissed the fabric of his shirt, knowing the sentiment held little, but he appreciated the gesture regardless. his hand found the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair. his touch was gentle, kind, one reserved only for you. it was moment’s like these that the pair of you found solitude in one another. 
“i know, i just…” you hesitated, lifting your head so your chin rested on the center of his torso. he tightened his hand around your hip, cradling you against the firm shape of his body. 
“what, baby?” he said with a soft tone, velvety to your ears. you couldn’t resist him. couldn’t hold anything back from him, despite wanting to spare him the worries you held. the last thing you wanted him to do was worry about you. especially when he had a huge event of his own.
but all he did was worry about you.
day and night he would dream both through the sun and beneath the moonlight of you. you. it was always you that he was concerned about. you, that he searched for atop his podiums. you, that he would attend all your matches when he could.
this was one of the rare events where they overlapped. he would only be there with you in the morning to see you off before your matches. then, you would reconcile with him in the evenings. post race, post tournament. it would be a tough day to manage on your own, but he felt the same way. you were the light to all of his races, the focal point of which he could relax. his anxiety roared in these conditions, but you somehow soothed him at every turn. 
he needed you. but you couldn’t be there. 
“i want you there.” 
his features softened. there was a cloud of guilt brewing a thunderstorm above his head, threatening to rain down tears in your obvious distress. he hated seeing you this way, and most of all, he hated being the one who caused it. 
“i know.” his thumb stroked across your cheek. “i would if i could.” you believe him. he was your number one fan, just as you were his. a match made in heaven, one might be able to jest. “‘nd i want you there, tomorrow, with me on the radio.” 
you blushed, letting your face drop into the fabric of his sweatshirt. you felt his chest bellow with a deep laugh, centered at his core, letting his lids flutter at your bashful expression. your teeth even went as far as biting at his sweatshirt, which had him grumbling and pulling your hair up into a makeshift ponytail, raising your head to meet his eyes. 
“you’ll be the death of me,” he uttered, saying with pure love. your relationship with him was full of complexities, but overall dominated by your fatuous love for one another. the pressures you both face in consequence of your performances…
“you’re going to win tomorrow.” you sat up on his lap, straddling his hips. you were both in your shared bed in the hotel, lounging in your sleepwear in the messed up sheets. tonight was between you two and no one else. lando slammed that ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door the minute the pair of you walked in for the evening. “i can feel it.” 
“you think so?” he gulped, both his hands coming to run up the skin of your thighs. you shivered at his touch, but you were determined to keep a clear mind. 
“i know so.” you watched his face relax with relief. your words of comfort meant ten times than anyone else's, and you would always give him the truth. its what he loved about you so much. your blatant honesty, your charisma, your ability to power through every obstacle in your life. but he knew just as much as you did that you wouldn’t be able to do any of it without each other. it was one of the many little beautiful things about your relationship.
lando’s anxiety would gnaw at him every chance it got. but since he’s entered a relationship with you, he feels like a fucking king, but he was nothing without his queen. 
“don’t know,” he said, breaking the silence. “you’re my lucky charm.”
you rolled your eyes. “you’ve scored points at every race this season,” you pointed out. it was a fact. he was one of the only contending drivers to have such a prosperous season. you were delighted for him. “with or without me there.” 
but he didn’t like your excuses. he squeezed your plush thighs beneath his calloused fingers, which had you gasping. 
“don’t do that.” 
you quirked a brow. “do what?”
“pretend like you don’t mean the world to me.” 
you blushed and fell forward on his chest, your head falling into his neck. you giggled against his skin, unable to contain your smile. “stop that,” you insisted, blushing fiercely. a hand of his came to hold the back of your neck in a comforting grip. 
“loving you?” you caught his gaze, bleary with love. “i don’t think i can.” 
you were up at 5:30 that morning getting ready. lando was still sound asleep, snores being heard from the ensuite bathroom as your brushed your teeth and fixed your appearance. you wore a white tennis dressed, sponsored by fila, and just left when you made your way to the bed.
your hand brushed over lando’s exposed hip, shirtless in the bed with only a pair of boxers. he moaned in his sleep, pulling a pillow closer. but he was wide awake when he realized the pillow was made of feathers, and not you. 
“come on, my love.” you said to him in the dark room, looming over him with your hair undone and bright white dress. he turned to face you, sitting up against the headboard. his hands came to rest over his head, stretching. 
then he leaned in for a kiss, his hand cupping your cheek. you met him half way, sucking on his lower lip. he groaned, and you felt yourself shift, but couldn’t fall into his trap of desire. 
“ah, ah.” you pulled away before his hand came to snatch you down into the bed. “you promised me breakfast.” 
he fell back into the bed with disappointment. you laughed to yourself and made your way to the foyeur. you didn’t have to wait long when you heard him shifting and getting ready for the day ahead. 
when you arrived to the courts that morning, lando was carrying most of your things. it had you smiling with appreciation, insisting that you could carry your wilson tennis bag. but he refused, saying that you worked too hard for this day to be carrying your own bag. let me help you, and you were sold. 
you caught on to how much the crowds began to fill in. you were a sensation. but the notion would consistently fly over your head. 
you were tense and lando could see that. 
“hey,” his hand came to rest on your back. you leaned into him. “you’re going to do great, baby.” 
you sucked in a tight breath. but what if you didn’t? what if, that these set of matches, would damn your career to near ruin? what if you could never be perfect? 
your breathing became erratic. lando’s eyes widened, jumping into swift action as he covered your body with his. he backed you into a corner where no one could see the pair of you, and wrapped his hands around your body tightly. 
“match me.” he said. the words were so familiar to you. the both of you had discovered a coping mechanism when things got too much, too overwhelming, and too over pressured. you’d fall into each other’s arms and hear one another breathe. 
your lip quivered with tears. but you did as you were told. 
with an ear pressed to his chest, you could hear the steady beat of his heart. the strength in his muscles. the blood rippling through his veins. most importantly, the rise and fall of his abdomen against your own. 
with your thummering heart, you found pace with him. “in and out,” he would soothe, saying into the top of your head where he left kisses in his wake. 
he stroked the small of your back, thumb running circles over you. you fell completely into him. 
“what if i’m not good enough?” 
the words broke him. 
“then the world is full of fuckheads, i’ll tell you that.” his tone was firm, but ebbed with softness as he spoke into your scalp. his attempt at humor had you breaking into a soft chuckle. you appreciated him in this moment. “i’d kill all those fuckers, you just tell me who–”
your head broke away with a smile, finger coming to shush him. 
“what? it’s true.” 
you loved him. 
“maybe so,” you reached up to kiss both of his flushed cheeks. “but i want you here. with me.” 
his forehead connected with yours. 
“you’ll always have me.” he placed his hand over your heart, and you placed yours over his. 
“always.” he promised. 
the matches were flawless. you played to your body’s ultimate limit. you were skating across the base line, the volley line, snapping your shoulder with everything you had for your serves. 
“love, all.” the announcer began. 
you were up serving first. 
this was it. 
the final match out of six. whoever won this, won the title. 
you thought about lando. you thought about his breath against your neck. the texture of his stubble. the pride in his eyes. sweat dribbled from your forehead as you let the tennis ball bounce a few times before you to get a feel for the clay courts. 
and with one fluent swing and leap, the ball was set into the air. 
the cockpit was hot. lando was sweating profusely in the miami air. the humidity had changed their course of strategy at mclaren, but he agreed with his engineers wholeheartedly. there had been a safety car, and he abused it. attack it. 
when he was rounding corner after corner, lap after lap, he only thought of you. he thought of you in your pretty tennis dresses. you and your bright smile. you and your comforting touches, kissing him goodnight. it had his racing heart relaxing, fingers flexing against the steering drive. 
you were perfect. his perfect fucking girl. you were all his– his soon to be championship winner. and he wanted to make you a promise that he would win. he would win this for you. 
‘you’re going to win tomorrow,’ you said idly from atop his hips. you looked towards him with such riveting devotion. such intimacy that he never imagined was possible for someone to convey. but with you, anything was possible. 
the two of you were not so different from one another. the pressures you both faced were immaculate. it’s what held you both so heavily bonded to one another. you needed each other’s comfort. the touch of your hands. the sweetness of your lips. he didn’t give a fuck about codependency. fuck who ever came up with that. 
he’s going to fucking win. he will win for you. whatever it takes, he will stand on that podium in the firelli hat, and dedicate it all to you.
the score was 40-40. 
your body shook with adrenaline, muscles pounding beneath your layer of skin. your body pumped with red hot blood, blood of a future champion. this title would be yours. you knew that the minute you walked onto this court with your opponent. 
he was a smug gentleman. too smug. you wanted to wipe that fucking look off of his face. bruise it black and blue if you could. 
though your anger could be taken out on the court. you let it. 
your strokes were harder. faster. your serve pace was up to 140mph. he couldn’t even get to most of them with how your body contorted mid air, slamming it down and leaving an indent into the clay. you were a powerhouse. a machine. a gauntlet of beauty. 
and when you scored the winning point after an intense rally, jumping high into the air for an ace, you rocked back into the balls of your feet. your hips swung, racket thwanging, and you cheered; “come on!” 
your anger for him was palpable. it blinded you enough to forget the crowds. the only thing you had on your mind was winning, and that you did. 
the stadium lit up and you were met with a flushing amount of cheers. you were handed a towel from one of the members of your team before being swarmed with paparazzi.
they all complimented you. congratulated you. asked about certain points, but there was one member that caught your eye. 
“lando’s in the lead!” a cameraman said from the back. your head raised, brows quirking.
“what did you say?” you forced a path for the man to walk forward. he accepted your invitation, holding up his phone screen in one hand.
sure enough, you saw the standings. lando was in first. your boy was in first. 
your eyes widened. “this is live, isn’t it?” you were panting, wiping the sweat from your forehead with the lemon-scented towel. 
the man nodded, holding a microphone to you. 
“how do you feel right now?” you kept watching. lap 55. 
you kept quiet, and the rest of the paparazzi did too.
lap 56.
your hands clasped together, raising them to your mouth. 
“come on, baby…” you said beneath your breath. this was the longest minute of your life, you were sure of it. 
and when he crossed the finish line, he was only thinking about you. 
lando norris, first time grand prix winner, shrieked with joy over the microphone. 
you did, too, jumping up and down from your place on the court. the paparazzi swarmed you again, anticipating what you had to say for the both of you. 
“he’s incredible, isn’t he?” you gushed with a smile on your face, tears dripping down your cheeks. 
“what a day for you two, isn’t it?” 
you couldn’t agree more. “i’ll cheers to that.” 
you practically ran through the paddock. your tennis dress was still on, your team was irritated that you didn’t stay for press. you didn’t give a fuck. you just wanted to see lando. you had the rest of your life to deal with the press, but he only had one maiden win. 
you were greeted with a plethora of congratulations from the mclaren team. zak brown even caught a glance at you, waving you over. 
“podiums just about to start.” perfect. you made it in time. 
and when you saw him there, standing idly as they played the national anthem, you were brought to the front. the camera panned on you and your weeping expression, hand covering your mouth from your sobs. 
he saw it from the distance and his head snapped down to find you. his own emotions couldn’t be contained, not with you there– you, here, looking beautiful in the sea of people– and the tears slid down his cheeks. 
your face broke into a smile when he saw you. he was yours. 
and you were his. and you were in this together. 
forever and always. 
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Leader of the Pack 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: On a night out at the bar, you're promoted from wing woman to main star.
Characters: James Conrad, short!reader
Note: it’s hump dayyyy.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting ‘part 2?’ is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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"Go grab us a pool table," Martyna demands as she leans on the bar. 
"Oh, sure," you turn to search the bar. There's only one table and it's taken. You frown. "Someone's already on it." 
"So what? Go put a stack of quarters on it," she says, "I can't. I gotta get my drink." 
"Right, er," you teeter on your feet and look back at the table, one man lining up his shot as the other watches, his thick hands around his cue.  
The shooter snaps the stick and the clack of balls is sharp and strong. You near nervously, pulling out change as you keep just outside their perimeter as the second man considers his turn with a suck of his teeth. Where he's burly, with a shaggy dark beard, and faded ball cap, the other man has blonde hair and is lithe. They are both tall, though the slimmer man has at least an inch on the other. 
You step forward as the man aims from the other corner. You set down four quarters in a stack, just enough to feed the table for another round. The thicker man pauses as he pulls back the cue and narrows his eyes. 
"Eh, you're gonna mess me up," he barks. 
"Oh, sorry," you recoil and fold your hands over your chest, "I was only..." 
You quiet as he grumbles and shakes his head, eyes pinpointing on the felt. You shake your head and back up as the other man tisks. 
"Syverson, don't have to be so rude, the lady is merely claiming her turn," the slender man intones, just a foot from you as he twirls the cue, it's butt set to the floor. "Don't fret over my companion," he girds in his peculiar accent, "he's a sore loser." 
"Heh, what's that about..." the other man hits the cue ball and sends a striped one into the pocket, "losing?" 
You're quiet, nodding as you try to think of the proper response. No one's ever called you a lady. Most people don't notice you. It's why Martyna prefers you as her wing woman, you keep her company until she finds someone fun. 
"Rather, you set me up finely," the first man retorts. 
You cross your arms protectively and back up, making sure you're out of the broader man as he stalks around to place his next shot. His friend watches calmly, unbothered as he knocks another ball in, then lines up for the third. That one's a miss. 
"Shit," the man in the ball cap stands straight and sends you a look. You're not even close to the trim. 
"Oh, don't even try to blame her," the blond reprimands, "that's not very valiant, is it?" 
"Whatever," the other grumbles as he plants his feet and watches the other. 
The slimmer man puts his first shot easily in the corner, the next he sends two balls into opposite pockets, and the next sees him with only the eight ball left to sink. His opponent huffs and shakes his head. You rock back and forth, you hope he wins if only to clear the table. 
"Finally," Martyna nudges you as she comes up beside you, "they didn't have Corona, you believe that?" 
"Oh, that's crummy," you say, watching the mam measure his shot. 
"Mmph, I know you don't give a crap," she scoffs, "why didn't you grab a ginger ale?" 
"I'm fine, just had that iced coffee," you shrug. 
She hums again. She knows you don't drink, that this isn't your scene, that you're not exactly a social butterfly, so why does she act so disappointed. She invited you. It's always her idea, never yours. You just go along, otherwise you'd have nothing to do and no friends.  
"Kinda cute," she leans over to whisper, "look at his shoulders..." 
You lower your brow as your cheeks burn. You hadn't really thought of that. Then, you wonder, which one she's talking about. They both have nice shoulders and muscular arms. 
They're strangers! You shouldn't think of that. You uncross your arms and once more clasp your hands together. 
The man finally shoots, calling left pocket. He calls it true. The ball rolls in and his buddy sighs and swears. 
"Nice," Martyna pops her lips off her bottle of flavoured vodka, "our turn." 
She steps and grabs the quarters. The bearded man tilts his head at her and fixes his camouflage cap. His cheek dimples as the other man rounds the table and pats his shoulder, "better luck next time, chap." 
"Isn't luck," the burly one utters and rolls his eyes, "hustler..." 
"And yet you keep falling for it," the other snickers, "come on, I'll buy you a celebratory pint, eh?" The blond turns and strides toward you. "Miss, you're up." 
He offers the cue and your lashes flick. You couldn't see his eyes before. They're so blue. You gulp and accept the wooden stick. 
"Thank you," you squeak. 
Martyna chuckles and grabs the triangle frame from the slot and sets it out. The blond leads away his second, the man with the beard sending a glance at Martyna as she loads the quarters to release the balls. You wait for her to set up, standing back with the cue in hand. You can still feel the warmth of its previous holder's grip. 
Martyna swigs from her bottle and sets it back on the trim. She fluffs her black curls and makes a pouty face. She's not doing that for you. 
You glance behind her, those men are watching. The blond nods cordially and returns his attention to the bar. The beard one continues to leer in Martyna's direction. You spin back. 
"You wanna break?" You ask. 
"Sure, whatevs," she turns to the table. 
You wait patiently as she scatters the balls. She sinks two solids. She's always been better at this than you. You don't mind losing. It doesn't make much of a difference. 
She sinks two more before your turn comes. You regret not grabbing a soda as you mouth grows dry. Martyna is sure to loudly tell you about this guy she works with and how much he wants her. You just humour her with smiles and mhmms. It isn't you she wants to hear her. You know her tricks. 
You sink a stripe, then a solid. Back to Martyna. You aren't very good at the game. Your arm's are too short. Maybe if you could get on the table you'd have a chance but that's not proper. 
She narrows the solids down to two plus the eight ball. You try your hand again. Scratch. But she misses her shot and you get another go. You sink two before you're done. Still, you're behind. 
She empties her bottle, a dramatic gulp that extends her whole body. She outshines you in all aspects; her hair, her looks, her height, her clothes... 
She wiggles her but as she bends to clean up. One ball, then two, then she lines up for the final blow. The eight. She calls the corner. She bounces it easily into the pocket and squees and hops, her shirt doing little to contain her amped up excitement. 
You lean the cue against your arm and give a clap, "good job, Mart," you say. Genuinely. It was fun enough.  
"Aw, you did good," she preens, "how about a rematch? Got any more change?" 
"Ahem," a voice interrupts as you grab your purse. The jangle of change comes from behind you and a shadow steps forward, "perhaps you might want to make it interesting? Fancy a round of pairs?" 
You glance over at the man with blond hair and lilted accent. Well, you look at his sleeve and follow it up. His profile is well-forged. If you had a type, he might be it. You never considered many men, they never considered you either. 
"Pairs?" Martyna toys with proposal coyly and eyes the bearded man as he comes up beside his friend, "I guess it makes sense. But girls vs boys?" 
"No fun," the blond agrees, "we might mix it up, eh?" He grins, "James," he touches his chest, "this is--" 
"Sy," the other man, who you called Syverson, speaks up, "ladies." 
"Martyna," your friend rolls out. 
You offer your name in a pitchy stammer. You already feel like the odd one out. The tension is thick enough to choke you. 
"Sy, fetch us some cues," James demands, "I'll claim a partner," he looks over at you, "do you mind?" 
"Oh, er, yeah, but um, I'm not very good," you say, certain he must have been able to see as much from across the room. 
"I'm certain we'll work fabulously together," he assures. 
"Here," Sy returns with two sticks, nearly jabbing the James with the spare.  
You cling to your cue and fidget. You have no idea what to do now. Someone has to begin. 
"I'll break," Sy insists. 
"Of course, loser's first," James quips. 
He gets an arch of the thick brow in return before Sy bends to aim between two fingers. You dig your nail into the wood of the cue in your hand. James sidles closer, crowding you as you catch a hint of something citrus. 
Sy bends and pulls back the cue. He hits the ball and sends it zooming fast enough to crack the triangle on the other end. The stripes and solids scatter, bouncing all around. James chuckles and leans towards you. 
“You’ll see he’s about strength, he doesn’t realise the significance of precision,” he intones, “I can show you. It isn’t about how hard you hit but the exact angle,” he tilts his hand to demonstrate as the balls still but non fall into the pockets. “Ladies first.” 
You don’t move right away. At first, you don’t get his meaning. You lift the cue and approach the table. You look around. It’s your choice; stripes or solids. Whatever you can get, as usual. 
That number four is hovering right at the side pocket. It’s an easy score. You’ll take it. 
You position yourself, overly aware of your audience. It feels like the whole bare is watching. You blow out your breath and set your sights. You pull back and snap forward. The cue ball wobbles in its path but hits true, knocking the four into the hole. 
It isn’t exactly precise. You stand straight and let out and oomph as your back meets an unexpected wall. James brings his arms up and puts his hands around yours. His proximity is suffocating. 
“You’ve got an easy in on the five,” he advises, guiding you to bend with him as he directs your stick. “Loose,” he wiggles your front hand and squeezes your back hand. “Keep it like this, not too high.” 
He holds you like that for a moment then draws back. He steps to the side and crosses his arms. You focus on the ball, your skin speckling with heat. His scent lingers, perhaps a touch of orange in his cologne. You keep your hold loose and grip tight the butt of the cue. You shoot and the white ball clacks off the red solid, sending it neatly into the corner. 
Martyna giggles and you look up. She’s not laughing at you. Sy is muttering something to her. You blink and stands straight, glancing over at James. You understand what this is but you’re the placeholder, the wing woman, you just keep the friend busy while she has her fun. You know how this ends. 
“You’ve got another go,” James says. 
You nod dumbly and face the table again. You search for your best hope and shift around to the other side. You nearly cross your eyes in your efforts to bounce the ball from one wall into the opposite pocket. You just miss. You cringe and back away. 
Your gaze meets James’ as you find him watching you still. Martyna moves to line up her shot, giggling over her shoulder as she does. As you edge away from her, that man’s eyes follow you. They’re so blue. So, intense. 
You look at the tip of the cue and tap your thumb to the side. You’re in your head. He’s not really staring. When you peek up again, he hasn’t looked away. Not even as you hear the balls hit. He winks and your chest pounds in disbelief.
This can’t be real. 
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