#thanks for the ask lovely !
rypnami · 1 month
Let me in your wonderful brain, lovely 😈
AHAHAHA since you're my beloved i'll hit a few hot takes
most of the people who say they would be out killing during the purge are lying. you're not the joker, david, you're 35 and would probably at most sit at home and commit mild internet fraud yes this is targeted to someone i know irl
people should be allowed to enjoy things without the morality of the creator being brought into it. if we were only allowed to enjoy things made by 100% unproblematic people we never would be allowed to consume anything again ever
dogs and cats are equally wonderful and everyone should stop arguing about it
tee hee hee anyway thank you for the ask you're an icon <3 <3 <3
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tinknevertalks · 2 months
1, 14, 43 and 69 for the writers ask!
Eeeeee, thank you for the ask. (I'm honestly super surprised nobody asked for a previously asked question.)
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike? - Ooooh, depends on the idea's pester power and how much I don't wanna fuck it up. 😂 Some ideas I write between putting the kids to bed and putting myself to bed. Some ideas get to play out in my head and buy a house there so they have somewhere to sleep at night. I am at the whim of whimsy.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in? - Bathroom, perched on the edge of the bath. Well, it was in the old house. Still not quite found the sweet spot in this house yet. I'm trying (the bathroom at night still has a lot of power).
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet? - I'm sure there is. I wouldn't mind doing a body swap fic, but like Freaky Friday style with Helen and Henry. XD
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment? - Gimme a few minutes because my memory is terrible.
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fonkeloog · 2 years
Hiii you ask for prompt and you shall receive
So Impishtubist wanted Sirius and Harry trying costume and now I want that too.
So here goes my prompt
Wolfstar raising Harry (could even be Teddy or both) trying on Halloween costume and trying to come up with a family costume idea that involves the kid's new obsession (could be a superhero or idk trains frogs whatever)
@impishtubist only you can bully people into writing things without trying
Of cats and dogs
"No! I want that one dad!" Harry stomps his foot while pointing towards the cat mask Sirius tried to hide away. It's all the 5 year old seems to care about lately. Cats
"Why not try this one, pup? We can match with moony too!" He tries to persuade his son, but Harry is a carbon copy of James and Lily. And he's raised by Sirius. That's 3 times the amount of stubbornness in a tiny body.
"No no no! I want the cat." Harry's bottom lip wobbles as he yells.
Sirius can see the tantrum that's bound to happen, so he quickly grabs the costume and hands it to his son. "Okay okay. Here, you can be a cat. Let's take a deep breath first. Can you tell me why you want to be a cat so badly?" He asks.
"I want Minnie to match with me..." harry mumbles. And oh.
Sirius blinks the tears away and takes a deep breath. Sometimes it still shocks him just how much like his parents Harry is. "Well. Let's go home and make you the coolest kitten of them all then, huh?" He says, while ruffling Harry's hair.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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I didn’t have anything on that specific day but on 6/5/2016 it was my graduation party and this is me trying to carve the gyros 😂
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moonlightpirate · 8 months
Hey girl! Love your work!! Have you got anymore Joey stuff in the works? There’s not enough love for him going round on here!😊❤️
Awww im glad you like it! No I stopped with my Joey batey and reader series since no one really seemed super into them :/. Most I have is the stuff with Jaskier in it but I know it's not quite the same 😅 i mean if you have an idea or want to read something with reader and Joey you can send me an ask (or a message!) And when I get some free time I can write it for sure!
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athenasparrow · 1 year
If you won the lottery, would you tell lots of people?
I know this is supposed to be yes or no but can I ask what you would do?
I am always happy to write more, thank you for giving me an excuse! Depending on how much I won... (1) buy my parents a house by the ocean and tell them to retire (2) open my own practice (3) take a year off and travel : D @annabtg Greece here I come! (4) it would be fun to go about and do random acts of kindness for strangers
PS: I would also absolutely go buy some expensive clothes that feel nice. Not going to lie : D
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smblmn · 10 months
Hey there! No pressure, but I'd love to see your recs: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
Hi lovely, and thanks for this question 😘
I don't have that many complete fics posted but here are my favorites:
1. On the Outside Looking Through: what can I say? Anyone who knows me, knows that I love Pride & Prejudice (esp. the 2005 version) and I loved writing this AU for David and Patrick. It's, to this day, my longest work and the one I'm most proud of.
2. In another life: A single quote from the movie 'Everything, everywhere, all at once' inspired this fic, and once I got the idea into my head, I couldn't let it go. I really, really like how this fic turned out (and the amount of comments from people telling me I'd made them cry, sorry, not sorry.)
3. In the eyes of the beholder: I let myself be a little silly with this one and even though I was terrified about trying to write humor, I think I did a good job. And it's also cute, so.
4. Just because you like to wander, that doesn't mean you don't know the way: This one gave me the chance of writing Matchmaker!Marcy, which is one of my favorite things ever, and also a fluffy, christmasy fic. I wrote it quite fast, too, which never happens.
5. Right in the doorway: A soulmates AU. I had a lot of fun figuring out how would David and Patrick live in a world where soulmarks exist. And this fic contains one of the favorite lines I've written to this day, so I'm quite proud of it.
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suguru-getos · 10 months
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
i have a cat, i am extremely good at my job, i can kickbox at the level of a pro now, also i can draw itachi without seeing a reference imagine how harsh this man’s staying in my head since 2019
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kpforpresident · 2 years
What are Clarke and Lexa's love languages in plant au?
In my brain Lexa is a Capricorn (same as meeeee) and she really prizes acts of services as her top one (both to show her love but also receive love). When Clarke takes out the trash without asking, when Lexa comes home from a long day at work and the apartment is clean and Clarke has made dinner, candles lit and a Hozier album crooning softly on the record player? You bet your ass Lexa is performing a different act of service later that night 😏😏😏
Clarke is a words of affirmation girly. Lexa leaves little notes taped to their coffee maker when Clarke stumbles out of bed bleary eyed and with rumped bed head, melting when she sees Lexa's neat handwriting and the tiny heart that caps the L that signs the note. Lexa has also taken to nicknames with Clarke, calling her beloved or darling or love in between heartbeats, in between breaths. Clarke smiles the first time Lexa ventures a "love?" when Clarke doesn't quite pick her takeout order quickly enough, stowing that feeling away in her heart.
Lexa started to texting her little snippets of her funniest conversations from customers not long after they dated, looking for any reason to text the artist. Meaningwhile, Clarke's just staring with huge heart eyes on her phone, heart melting that Lexa is taking time out of her busy day to shoot off messages, showing that she's thinking of Clarke.
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questwithambition · 1 year
Hi, for the "weider asks": 1, 21 and 31.
1) Who is/are your comfort character(s)?
This is a difficult one, especially since I’ve discovered so many new books in the past few years. Anne in Anne of Green Gables is always a joy to reread and experience the world from her eyes again.
21) Something you’ve kept since childhood?
Something very special to me is my heart cushion - it’s a red fusion in the shape of a heart and I’ve had it as long as I can remember, and it’s followed me across international moves and all throughout uni. One of my earliest memories involves this cushion!
31) What type of music keeps you grounded?
Anything from Of Monsters and Men is what I always return to when I’m overwhelmed, especially their song Silouhettes and the entire Cabin sessions album (it’s what’s getting me through the last few weeks of my degree).
Thank you for asking! ✨ (From these asks)
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For the movie/tv show ask, may I request doctor who?
Oooh another good one! Gonna stick with revamped 2005 Who since I haven’t watched that much Classic Who
Favorite female character: Donna Noble
Favorite male character: Tenth Doctor (although Nine is a veeerryyyy close second)
Least favorite female character: it’s between River Song and Clara Oswald…I think Clara wins out
Least favorite male character: Nardole
OTP: Doctor x Rose
BROTP: DoctorDonna
NOTP: Twelve with anyone
Send me a show/movie
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
🐸 describe your aesthetic!
Omg this one is tough, I don’t have a specific aesthetic that I stick to because in reality I’m a mess 😋✌🏾
But here’s my description:
Visually you’ll always see me in soft colored clothes, cardigans and I’ll be typing away in my phone or laptop with my headphones constantly on my head. I love my jimmikis and wearing indian clothes, feeling like a soft princess. I like lying down on green grass and staring at the sky, mostly the morning sky. I take myself out on adventures and I love walking around my city and I know the transit like I made it myself. I love the smell of coffee and the smell of a temple early in the morning.
Idk what aesthetic this is LMAOO
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loserdiaz · 2 years
Can I ask F, H, M ?
Thank you! ✨
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
"...so I was reading about black holes, right? And turns out that supermassive black holes also give birth to stars and determine how many stars a galaxy gets. Did you know that, Eddie? I didn't! I never thought about where stars came from but—"
“I love you,” he says softly, cutting Buck off. He wasn't planning on saying 'I love you'. He... he wasn't- God, Eddie doesn't even know but now that the words are out it feels right, it feels natural to say them. Except that Buck is silent and his eyebrows are almost dissapearing into his hairline. "I... I wasn't planning on telling you. I wasn't even sure how I felt but today... Evan, I love you."
"You... you mean that?" Buck asks softly, almost as he's scared that the answer would be no.
Ok so this is one of my favorites bc it's from the first fic i wrote for the 911 fandom and it's one of the fics i'm most proud of. Like, I was new to the fandom and so nervous about posting but it was pretty well received and it made me feel so welcomed!
H: How would you describe your style?
Aaaaa I really don't know?? I don't think about my writing much, like i just write it and post it and then that's it? I don't know how would I describe it, decent I hope. lmao.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
Bestie, so many actually. I have the gilmore girls au I never finished and Tattoo artist Eddie. And so many more... i really should try to continue some of them hahahsh.
FanFic Ask Game
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
Helen Magnus, Sam Carter, Dr. Jager (Amanda's character on Killjoys, though I'm sure you know that)
Lol, like my tags said in the original post, I'm gonna agonise over this.
One night stand: Dr Jager, mostly because I don't know her (I haven't watched Killjoys yet).
Now this gets hard, because both Helen and Sam are workaholics who rarely take time off (and I love them both).
Best friend: Sam.
Wife: Helen.
Mostly because I'm good at not seeing people for ages and just picking up as if I'd seen them yesterday, so Sam could chill and not be worried about stuff, but if I'm married to Helen I can have kisses (😉) and Henry teach me how to computer. 😂👍😄
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retquits · 4 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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kermit-the-hag · 2 months
26 and 27 <3
hiya! thanks for the ask
26. what movie would you want to live in? that is so hard to pick because i love so many lol i’m way too indecisive to pick
27. which character would you want to be? that’s another really difficult choice, but maybe book sophie hatter from the howl’s moving castle trilogy
send me a soft ask
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