#thanks for the ask sorry this took a minute
brainoutofstock · 2 days
The accidental sugar baby for retired Simon...
It all began in a pub.
Most of your friends were already making their way home, but you decided to wait for your brother to pick you up as he was hanging out with his own friends nearby. But half an hour passed and he still wasn't there. It was only when you ordered another drink that he called you to say his car broke down and you should take a cab home.
With a groan, you took a sip of your cocktail and browsed your phone to see if you could call anyone. Being alone at home didn't sound like fun, but no one seemed to be available. Your ex, maybe, but he was trying too hard to get you back despite the terrible things he had done to you.
This guy who was tall and muscular, almost comically huge, sat on the bar stool next to you and watched you with a small smile, studying your every move as if you were under a microscope. You bit the inside of your cheek, suddenly unsure of what you should do now, because a part of you wanted to get away from this scary man, but there was another part, a much weaker and curious part that wanted to find out what he wanted.
“So you need a ride home?” he asked casually while he pointed at his empty glass and asked for another round of beer.
Was he listening to your conversation? What a creep. “I'll manage, thank you.”
He let out a deep laugh. “I wasn't offering to take you home. I drank a few beers so I don't drive tonight,” he informed you.
A responsible man. What a nice change. Some of your friends would hop in a car without hesitation. But if he wasn't offering a ride, what did he want from you? Before you could ask him, he typed something into his phone and put it in front of you.
“They specialize in taking women home at night. Female drivers only,” he told you, then took a big sip of his drink.
So he was trying to help you? “Thanks,” you said slowly as you opened the website on your phone. “Why are you helping me?”
“Can't risk a pretty thing like you getting in trouble on the way home.” He kept a pause, watching your surprised expression with an amused smile. “My friend's sister uses this method in Scotland. They can be found in all major cities in the UK.”
Only now did you notice those charming amber eyes of his, surrounded by long blond lashes. There was a scar on his chin, his nose looked like it had been broken at least once in his life, but these flaws made him strangely handsome. You felt a strong need to pry for information about him, to find out what he did for a living or if he had anyone waiting for him at home.
He finished the rest of his beer then stood up, not leaving you time to start a conversation now that you considered him trustworthy. “I'd better get going. Stay safe.”
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The next time you met him was in the gym.
When you entered, there he was, having a chat with a guy at the reception, not noticing you until he heard you speak to the receptionist next to them. You asked for a monthly pass, but only then realized you left your bag in the car, the only thing you had was your duffel bag on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, give me a few minutes, I'll go grab my stuff from the car,” you told the young woman with an apologetic smile.
“Lizzie, let me take care of it,” the man from the bar spoke up, pulling out his phone from the pocket of his jeans to pay.
You quickly shook your head and reached out to push his hand away. “No need, I park right outside, I will be–”
But he interrupted you with a smile. “Don't worry about it, love.”
It was clear that arguing would be pointless, so you nodded and quietly thanked him. Once he paid and you finished the registration, he said goodbye to his friend, then began to walk to the locker rooms with you on his side.
“First time here?” he asked as he looked down at you. You nodded. “Need someone to work out with? I have fun helping newbies.”
“I went to another gym until now, but the new owner ruined the place,” you explained.
He let out a thoughtful hum. “Then why did you ask for the personal training option?”
“Having someone to push me helps.”
“Like I said, I'll gladly help. Cheaper than a personal trainer,” he added when he stopped in front of your destination with his arms crossed. “Come on, let's change then meet here. If you don't like it, you can ask for a personal trainer.”
You agreed with a defeated sigh. When you saw him a few minutes later in a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top, you couldn't help but gulp. You knew he was in a good shape, but those muscles made you weak. He looked like an ancient Greek god, a sight that burned into your brain and you knew you would have some dirty dreams at night.
As it turned out in the following hour, he was right. Working out with him was good, he was truly patient and doing rounds together helped you focus on your goal. So you agreed to meet again in a few days, and you found out his name was Simon.
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After a week or two, he asked if you wanted to have a drink with him in the pub where you met. He paid for everything. Then the drink turned into dinner. Once again, he paid for the meal. Then he bought you smart watch since you didn't have one, saying you needed one to track your workout. Then he got you new earbuds. “The ones you have are a piece of crap, this is way better,” he explained the purchase.
But if you put these gifts aside, you had to realize he was a truly nice guy. A little rough around the edges, sure, but once he warmed up to you, he acted like a real guard dog. Some guy tried to flirt with you despite you already saying you weren't interested? He would be by your side in a second and ask, “Is everything all right, love?” Whoever tried to bother you left right away.
You began to fall for him, but you didn't want to ruin whatever you had going on. Maybe with time he would make a move on you. Maybe he would show any sign of his interest in you.
But when he rented you an apartment after your landlord broke your lease, keeping a set of keys to make sure you could ask for them in the event of losing your own, you realized this was something you would have never expected to happen. You became a sugar baby.
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mxnhoo · 2 days
like doing nothing, with you (s. jy)
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synopsis : jake who was originally your best friend, had recently became your boyfriend, and you were overwhelmed at the change. genre : fluff, word vomit, not proofread warnings : reader is insecure(?), almost smut, LMK IF I MISSED OUT ON ANYTHING ELSE pairing : sim jaeyun x reader w/c : 3.1k a/n : the 'almost smut' scene was inspired by 'my love story with yamada-kun at lvl999' ch69 hehe. and thank you guys for the amount of love shown on my previous posts! hope this doesnt disappoint!
playlist : "sjy, ilysm."
any interaction w this post is greatly appreciated!
"Hi!" a loud voice spoke out, causing you to shoot your head up over the counter.
A customer.
"Hi! So sorry for not noticing you, what would you like to get?" You quickly fixed your attire, straightening your posture as you focus your attention on the customer.
By now, it was already 10:46p.m, and you were having your first night shift. You had to take over your colleague because she had last-minute issues to attend to, and it didn't necessarily bother you.
What bothered you was Jake.
In your head was only Jake.
Recalling his voice, the way his mouth moved when he talked, the way his eyes lights up when he sees you, and how he runs his hand through his hair.
One specific thing that couldn't stop replaying in your head was when he asked you to be his girlfriend a few days ago.
He had been your best friend for years.. and years.. and you secretly had a crush on him for the longest time. You were practically going through the 5 stages of grief.. except it was for your shocked feeling when he asked you out.
The first stage : Denial.
You were in that stage. Considering that it had only been a few days since you two got together, it's normal. But it was affecting you like crazy.
Everytime you went to the toilet? You thought of Jake.
Everytime you went to your part-time job? You thought of Jake.
Eat, sleep, study and Jake.
"Hello?????" the same voice spoke out again, breaking your train of thought.
Fuck, you were seriously getting distracted, and it was Jake's fault. He was driving you insane.
"Oh my god, I'm really sorry. Could you repeat your order again?" You blinked continuously to keep yourself focused at the customer in front of you, taking a deep breath in.
"Latte. Could I get a Latte for takeout?" the customer answered, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
You quickly nodded, pressing the customer's order into the cash register.
"That would be $5.80. Cash or ca—" "Card."
You nodded, feeling slightly displeased at the way the customer just interrupted you, but you just wanted to get this over with. Both of you were impatient.
You pressed a few buttons onto the card machine, and nodded at him indicating that he could tap his card. He did so, and as the receipt came out, you voiced out again.
"Name for the drink?"
Your heart jumped up again. James, Jake. Oh man, you were even thinking about Jake when serving customers.
You nodded at the customer and walked to the espresso machine, starting to make the drink.
Brewing, pouring, steaming, and pouring.
After 5 minutes, you were ready to serve James with his order. Carefully placing the plastic lid on the cup, you placed the cup into a small bag and walked up to the counter.
"Latte for James?"
In the corner of your eye, you saw the same guy approaching you. He took the drink, and muttered out a small thank-you before turning his back and making his way to the exit
You nodded your head and turned your back, leaning against the counter. You closed your eyes and threw your head back, the sounds of the door opening and closing filled the cafe.
At this point, the cafe only consisted of you.
Or so you thought. You heard footsteps approaching you and you thought it was the customer, James, wanting to ask for something, so you took a deep breath and turned around.
"Yes, what do you need?" You said loudly, clearly wanting to go home. However, the person who stood behind the counter was in fact not James, but Jake, the person who was driving you insane.
"Hey." He looked at you, giving you his smile. He was wearing his grey zip-up with a white shirt inside. His hair fell so perfectly on his forehead, and he was wearing his thick-rimmed glasses.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you were unknowingly staring at him, unable to process the fact that the boy driving you insane was right in front of you. Your boyfriend was right in front of you.
"Do I look so good that you're staring?" he chuckled, interrupting your thoughts. You regained consciousness and you blink constantly, looking at every single thing except him.
"S-sorry.." you muttered, feeling embarassed.
"No need to apologise, I feel like the luckiest person in the world when you look at me like that." Your eyes flew to him, a shy smile creeping up his lips. The cafe was quite dim, considering that it was night time and the lighting wasn't very bright, but you could see the hint of pink filling his cheeks.
"W-well!" you felt flustered at his comment, and you wanted to change the topic. Why was he here? Was he not supposed to be in bed by now? "W-why are you here?"
"To see my girlfriend, of course, which is you."
Oh my god, his way with words literally have you folding.
"You didn't have to.. it's late" "Why not? And it's also your first night shift right? I wanna take you home."
His voice sounded so genuine, and you could not process that the boy you wanted so bad was treating you like this, so well, just like a gentleman. The warmth that filled your heart was limitless, and at this point of time you just wanted to climb over the counter between the two of you and bring him into your embrace.
"I'll quickly close-up the cafe then, give me about 30 minutes okay?" you said, turning around so he couldn't see how red your face was. Gosh, you were practically a tomato.
"Sure thing, need help with anything?" "No, it's okay. Want a drink before I start to close up?" "It's okay, maybe another day, you seem tired."
The way he was looking after you so much was driving you insane. You weren't someone who was never in a relationship before, but the way Jake treated you, made you feel, was all so different. You were convinced that he was someone who stepped out of a book, a movie, he was too perfect.
You smiled to yourself before grabbing all the used equipment and bringing it to the sink, starting to wash-up.
"You feeling okay? You seem kinda.. spaced out" he said, still at the counter.
You. It was because of you I feel so spaced out.
"I'm okay, just tired.. And the shift timing is different than usual." you replied, back facing him as you continued to wash the equipment.
"Was that guy bothering you?" he said, his tone starting to sound serious.
"Huh? What guy?" "The one you served a while ago. I was entering the cafe while he was leaving."
Oh. James.
"Ah, not at all." "You sure?" "Mhm.." you placed the wet equipment on the drying rack, washing your hands. "Okay.. but you know if you wanna talk about something, I'm always here right?"
God, he's so sweet. Gift from God.
"Thanks, Jake.." you turned your head over your neck, making eye contact and flashing him a quick smile.
"There's the smile I love so much. Keep smiling like that okay? You look so gorgeous."
You couldn't help but to smile more. You faced back to the equipment to the drying rack, taking a towel before individually drying them. You weren't looking at Jake, but you just know he was staring at you.
"I guess you're the one staring now." You teased, feeling less tensed up after how he was so sweet to you.
"Ah, shit, you caught me" — he chuckled — "How can I not when you're so beautiful?"
"Enough with the compliments." You enjoyed all the compliments, but from the amount he was giving you at once, it was quite overwhelming for your heart.
He chuckled, and he made his way to one of the tables, sitting down with his eyes still locked onto you. After cleaning, sorting the equipment, you started to wipe down the counters and sweep the floor.
After sweeping the inside of the counter, you made your way to the seating area of the cafe, cleaning up any crumbs of food. You were hard at work when you suddenly felt a pair of arms embrace you, feeling the warmth against your body. His head was resting on your shoulder, his warm breath hitting your ear. A shy smile creeped up your face as you stopped sweeping to cherish the warmth further.
"Hey, I have to get this done you know?" "Just a few more minutes. I missed you so much." "You have a way with words, y'know?" "Do I?" "Yeah. I feel like my heart is going to explode everytime you say something."
He snickered.
"I could say the same for you." He adjusted his head to the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses on your neck before you shivered and unintentionally pushed him away.
His eyes widened and head tilted, poor boy was confused.
"I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfor—" "No no! I'm.."
You were both having such a good moment and you had to ruin it, all because you were scared and not used to this.
"... sorry.." "Hey, it's not your fault." his voice was soft, reassuring you. "I'll finish up and we'll go, okay?" you looked at him, feeling guilty that you had just pushed him away. "Okay!" his voice was still cheerful. You didn't get it, how and why was he treating you so well even after you just pushed him away?
You got back to work, and after sweeping up majority of the cafe, you went back into the staff room where Jake couldn't see you, and you looked at yourself.
"How does he find me gorgeous when I look like this?" you mumbled to yourself. You sigh to yourself before removing your cap, hair net and apron, putting it nicely to one of the corners in the room.
You punched your card out, and you gathered your belongings. Turning off the light of the staff room, you went back out and was met with Jake's gaze.
His mood instantly lifted when he knew it was time for you to go home. His eyebrows were lifted and a big smile plastered onto his face. He kinda reminded you of Layla, his dog.
You finished closing up and turned off all the lights, making your way to Jake.
"Let's go, I'll take you home" he extended his hand to you, and you hesitated a bit before taking his hand. He instantly interlocked his hands with yours, both of you walking out of the cafe.
He was going to walk you home since your apartment was only nearby, but you were feeling worried since his place was quite far away.
You and Jake had been best friends, reguarly coming over to each other's apartments to hang out, whether it was to play games, gossip, or something else. You were okay with the fact that he was coming over, but this was the first time he was coming over, as your boyfriend.
The reason why you had been so "cold" to your boyfriend was not because you didn't like him. Fuck, you were heads over heels for him. It was just that you and him were always best friends, and you were just not used to him being your significant other. During the friendship, you and him were always close, but now that you and him were actually official, it inevitably made you awkward. You wanted to do so many things with him — beach date, restaurant date, netflix date, arcade date, too many things for you to even list, but you were scared that you'd be "overbearing" for him, so you held yourself back.
The walk back home was silent. Both of you hand-in-hand, swinging your interlocked hands together. The silence was so tense it was making you feel uncomfortable, until his voice broke it.
"Do you feel uncomfortable with me?"
His question was so sudden. The answer was obviously a 'no', but the way you acted with him contradicted it.
"Not at all." you sounded stern. You didn't want to make him wait for a response, so you answered with whatever appeared in your head first.
"You can tell me if anything I'm doing makes you uncomfortable, okay?"
Usually, after he says this, all you can respond with is "okay" or "sure", but you didn't want that. You wanted to open up to him, tell him that whatever he was doing was completely fine, and that you were just not used to it. You wanted to reassure him the same way he did for you.
"Jake." you suddenly called out. "Yes?" his head quickly turned to you, attentive to whatever you're going to say next. "I'm sorry." "For wh—" "The reason why I'm this way is just that.. I'm not used to it."
He was still looking at you, but he didn't say anything.
"To be honest, I've had a crush on you for the longest time"
When you said that, his eyes widened.
"I hope you know this, but I was really happy when you asked me out. But considering that you were a man who had everything, I was, and still am, questioning how the person you chose to be with is me. All those pretty girls after you, and you still chose me. That's one thing I'm confused about."
He was about to speak, but you continued.
"You've always made me feel so special, so happy, that I was convinced that I was out of your league. Not only that, I was your best friend. I was so convinced that I would be stuck in the friendzone for my entire life, considering how much I liked you. The fact that you're treating me so gently, it just makes me go insane. Don't get me wrong, during our friendship, you treated me well too, but the fact that I get to call you 'mine' overwhelms me a lot."
By the time you finished confessing how you felt, you both had already reached the front of your apartment complex. You finally confessed how you felt about him, and it was almost as if all the weight on your shoulder was removed.
You were preparing to say your goodbye's, but he suddenly spoke out.
"Can I stay over?"
Him staying over was nothing new, but your heart started to beat so fast. He tucked the hair on your face behind your ear and looked at you with such loving eyes.
"Of course you can."
Not breaking your interlocked hands, you both enterred the building and stepped into the elavator. As the lift was going up, he suddenly spoke out.
"Did anyone ever tell you how crazy I was over you?"
His words surprised you.
"What?" your eyes shot to him, tilting your head in confusion. "I was going crazy over you. I don't know how you didn't know. I think Sunghoon and Jay got sick of me talking about you so much."
Sunghoon and Jay were the other guys in your friend group. Jake, Sunghoon and Jay were the closest amongst the friend group, and you never questioned it.
The elevator door opened and you both walked out, walking towards your apartment door.
"Those 'pretty girls' you mentioned? I turned all of them down, and I told them that I was courting you."
Your heart felt like it was going to explode at the information he was confessing to you. You nervously took out the keys and unlocked your door, feeling his intense gaze on you.
"I don't want anyone else. I want you and only you, Y/N. The things you make me feel are unexplainable, and it was driving me crazy. I thought that I won the lottery when you accepted me."
You opened your door, stepping in and he follows you. You felt so happy, so elated, contented, fortunate, lucky, and all the other synonyms of 'happiness' at what he was saying.
"I want to make you happy, just the same way you make me feel happy. I want you to hurt me, ruin me."
You locked your front door and turned on the light, then faced him properly. You took both of his hands into yours.
You saying his name made shivers run down his spine. You looked down at his lips.
"I wanna kiss you so bad."
Without wasting anymore time, he leaned in, placing his soft lips on yours. His rhythm matched yours, and he was soft with you. His hands creeped up to your neck, pulling you closer. He tilted his head to get more access. The way he kissed you was so soft and sweet, you felt like you were in heaven.
You were sitting on your bed with no clothes, the blanket covering you. Jake was now shirtless, but still had his jeans on. He was walking back to you after you had requested to turn off the lights.
"W-wait.. I'm not ready yet.." you nervously muttered as he climbed over you. You were caged between his arms.
Despite having dated other people, you never reached this stage of intimacy. Jake was going to be your first, and you felt scared. You felt vulnerable, exposed. At the same time, it felt special especially since he was someone who had always been there for you.
"It's okay, you can take your time, I'm always waiting for you." he comforted you. The room was completely dark, but the smile on his face was visible.
"C-can you see anything?" you nervously asked, feeling completely exposed to him. "Yeah I can. My eyes already adjusted to the dark" he let out a low laugh. "Oh my god.." you groaned. You felt self-conscious about how you looked, afraid that he would suddenly view you differently if he were to see every part of you. "It's okay. No matter what, you're still the most beautiful person in my eyes, okay? I'll tell you that as many times as you want." He tucked a hair behind your ear, looking at you with such an intense gaze.
You looked back at him, maintaining eye contact.
"You can tell me when you're ready, or if you wanna stop now before we take it too fa—" "I'm ready." you cut him off. "Really? Are you sure? You don't have to, I don't think i can hold back once I start.." "I'm sure, Jakey." your hands that were gripping the blanket slowly wrapped around his neck.
He had his arms wrapped around your bare waist, his face resting at the back of your head as he breathes slowly, warm air hitting your neck.
"Y/N" "Yes?" "I love you." "I love you too."
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miley1442111 · 3 days
hi ! can I request Derek Morgan x Pregnant! Reader?
Where reader is a couple days past her due date and is literally miserable and Derek’s lowkey frustrated because he’s tried every thing he can to help and he hates seeing his girl upset,
so they start looking up ways to help induce labor, and they try a few and none of them work, so reader gives up and starts to cry and Derek is there to reassure her that everything is gonna be okay,
& that he read somewhere that s*x induces labor and it’s turns into light fluffy smut?
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a/n: i love this idea, probably didn't do it justice, also my most sincere apologies for letting this rot in my inbox for so long :)
summary: derek has to do something when you're 3 days past your due date
pairings: derek morgan x fem! wife! pregnant! reader
warnings: pregnancy issues, smut (lowkey praise kink but wtv), going into labour
It would be an understatement to say that being pregnant sucked. 
You were tired, you were achy, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t sleep, and you were literally 3 days past your due date, with no end in sight. 
Fuck this stupid baby, and fuck your stupid husband for getting you pregnant in the first place. 
 You sat in your bed, miserable and in pain as Derek held you in his arms. He was annoyed. He could see how much pain you were in, and knew how much pain you’d be in soon when you had to give birth. He just… he wanted it to stop. So he looked up methods of inducing labour. 
“Apparently spicy food helps with inducing labour,” he muttered as he mindlessly rubbed his hand over your stomach. 
“I’ll try anything at this point,” you said in a small voice and Derek’s heart shattered. 
“I’ll order something,” he nodded and you offered a meek ‘thank you’. He ordered the spiciest things on your local Mexican place’s menu, and waited eagerly for its arrival. When it did come, he plated it and watched as you ate it.
Nothing. Not even a contraction. 
“Fuck’s sake,” you groaned, washing your hands after eating. “Now I just feel fucking sick.”
“I’m sorry baby,” he sighed, pulling you in to give you a soft but reassuring kiss. “The next thing on the list is physical exercise.”
That was not met with much enthusiasm, but you obliged anyway. You got on the treadmill that lives in your home-gym, and ran for 30 minutes. 
Still nothing. 
Derek watched as your frustrated face turned into the one you make before you cry, and his heart shattered a second time. “Come here baby,” he sighed and pulled you into his arms, pressing kisses to your forehead as you cried. He whispered words of reassurance and love,but you couldn’t stop crying. You were in so much pain, you were so tired, and you just wanted this baby out. You wanted to see your little girl and hold her. 
“What’s next on the list?” You asked between sobs. 
You looked up at him, drying your eyes. “Sex?”
“Sex,” he nodded. “But if you’re not up to it we can-”
“Derek Morgan, this baby is coming out of me today or so help me god, I will hurt someone,” you swore. Derek nodded quickly and took your hand, leading you to your bedroom. 
“What’s safe for the baby?” You asked him timidly as he undressed you. 
“Spooning, if that’s comfortable,” he offered. He’d done so much research about how to help you, it almost made you sob all over again. Stupid pregnancy hormones. 
“That sounds nice,” you swallowed back the lump in your throat as Derek smiled at you, then pressed soft kisses to your bare collarbone.
“So pretty for me,” he cooed. “My beautiful girl.”
You both laid down on the bed as he kissed you, whispering words of encouragement. God he was so attractive like this, taking care of you, loving you. You were getting ridiculously wet.
“I’m going to be real gentle, okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded as his hands started kneading the plump of your ass. 
“You feeling alright?”
“Good, just please- do something,” you begged and he chuckled. 
“Already beggin’ for me? God you’re perfect,” he kissed your cheek as he slowly slipped inside you. You let out a series of moans as his long cock filled you up, while his hands groped your body. “That’s it, good girl. Take all of me.”
He slowly started moving as you squirmed and moaned under his thrusts. 
“Come on, you’re so good for me baby. Doin’ so good babygirl,” he groaned. “So pretty around my cock.”
You felt yourself clench at his words. Then it happened. Your water broke. 
“Oh my god!” You shouted, immediately getting off of the bed and running to get your clothes on. Derek smiled as he watched you. 
“It worked?”
“It worked!” You chuckled, then the contractions came in, ruining the moment. You hunched over and leaned on the bed and Derek started getting dressed. 
“Come on mama, we gotta get you to the hospital,” he smiled as he helped you out. 
Twelve hours later, you two welcomed your first little girl, Emily Morgan. 
Derek already wanted another one.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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s-brant · 2 days
Please I am begging you to make a part 2 or 3 or 4 to threes company?!?! Like I would PAY YOU!! I need to see how Art and reader fuck vs reader and Patrick then all of them together again because that fic was so fucking sexy
I don’t feel like I could do a full part two for three’s company right now but I can absolutely do some blurbs abt how both of them fuck reader one on one as well as when the three of them hook up again. Sorry for the late response, this took a minute to write out. 18+ below the cut.
Patrick would be insatiable. He’d go crazy for putting her on all fours and fucking her roughly from behind with his hand pulling her hair. With them paired alone, he would naturally take on a dominant role and manhandle her into whatever position he wants. He would take a sense of pride in it too, as though he’s winning a competition between him and Art every time he fucks her. If he heard about the time Art made her come four times in a night, this would feed his competitive side. He loves to tease her when he’s fucking her hard and deep, her wrists pinned above her head, by asking her if Art ever fucks her this well and demanding an answer from her that she’s too sheepish to give. I see him being more incentivized to “prove himself” every time they hook up seeing that he only sees her when he visits Stanford whereas Art is with her on a daily basis. His favorite place to come is on her face or tits. Seeing it glistening on her skin is enough to get him hard again in a matter of moments, and he’ll gather it on his fingers to spoon-feed it into her mouth.
Art is more tender of a lover than Patrick, but that doesn’t mean he’s lacking any passion. He starts out quite gentlemanly and sweet, but that quickly gives way to an all-consuming desperation that almost possesses him. He takes great pleasure in going down on her—the actual definition of a munch—and could come untouched in his boxers from doing it. When it comes to the main event, he’s a switch. Depending on his mood, as well as the energy she’s giving off, he could fuck her rough and fast like Patrick often does, or slow and tender. His favorite position is having her on her back with her legs over his shoulders and pressed to her chest to let him thrust as deeply as he can while still being face to face. He’s such a sucker for eye contact when he’s inside of her. Nothing turns him on more than watching her face twist up into an expression of pleasure with her body pinned beneath his. His favorite place to come is inside of her, and despite her being on contraceptives and them being too young, it turns into a breeding kink. Once he gets past the shyness of admitting to it, he won’t let her leave for class without having his load dripping out of her.
The next time they fuck her together, she would take control. Art and Patrick would be so excited, almost buzzing with energy the second get her alone in her dorm room. Patrick would find it hot to force Art to sit back and watch him fuck her, but it would only go on for so long before she’d begin to feel bad for cuckholding him and ask Patrick to let him join. He would always say yes, because how could anyone say no to her, but not without complaining about how much she “babies” Art. He, of course, would go to her like the devoted little lap dog he is and kiss her sweetly as a “thank you” for her allowing him in on the fun. They wouldn’t go the route of double penetration too often for her sake, so the next time it happens, Art would lay beside her as Patrick eats her out and kiss her, cupping her breast and kneading it the entire time.
Once they get an orgasm out of her, they’ll lay her on her back with her head on the end of the bed and—actually—play rock paper scissors to decide who gets to fuck her mouth and who gets her cunt. It goes two out of three, and Art wins, so he practically jumps onto her and settles between her wide-spread thighs grinning from ear to ear. As stated above, at this point in their relationship, he has a thing for coming inside of her, which later develops into a full-blown breeding kink, so he’s happy where he’s at. And so is Patrick. No girl had ever let him fuck her mouth before, so when she lays her head back on the edge of the bed and opens her mouth up for him, he almost loses it. Being as relentless and unforgiving a lover as he is, he doesn’t take it easy on her. He lets her gag and swallow around him, his cock deep in her throat, and groans at the sight of her tits bouncing from the force of Art’s thrusts. When they’re both close, about to spill into her from how her throat and cunt squeeze around them, they make eye contact. They come instantly.
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serejae · 1 day
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WHEN ? - (warning) this is not a REAL display of the members im just doing this for weeping entertainment:) cursing
WHO ? - (a/n) i had a lot of mixed reactions whether to make a p2 or not but here we are!! i love niki sm
uncapitalization intended and not proofread
theres a theory that you will always meet the same person twice
as soon as he turned around and made eye contact with you he knew he had a decision to make. either leave you alone or try and attempt to fix what you two had. and one thing Sungho didn't want to do was admit he didn't try when he had the chance to. he didn't care if his friends looked at him weirdly when he suddenly got up from the table and walked away. everything was a blur now, he didn't know what he was doing but his brain went on autopilot and took charge. when he finally stood in front of you he snapped back into reality, at this point your table had gone quiet as well. he stared at you and you stared back at him in silence.
"can we...uhm talk?" he said scratching the back of his neck as his voice died down with each word. to avoid the awkward situation your friends were in you just nodded and walked out of the bar with sungho. the first 3 seconds which felt like minutes were just of uncomfortable silence until he spoke up.
"i'm sorry, no i'm really sorry. i don't-
you were right that day that you left, that i didn't pull my weight and it was wrong of me to even get mad at you for wanting a healthy relationship but it was even worse of me to let you leave not knowing how much i love and value you. i'm not ask for forgiveness now or to be taken back i just want you to know that i realize how ashamed i am for how i acted that night and how i do love you
so much. "
he whispered that last part but you heard it clearly. "thank you for that, it's nice for peace of mind but this is a lot...i'll call you once i made up my mind" you said to which he nodded with a closed smile knowing he knows that you know he loves you (still)
he couldn't speak, if he did his first words would probably be tears. you spoke up to interrupt the silence. "here's...your things" you said to which he looked up at you, and he moved out of the way. you just stood there though not knowing what he meant "can you put it on the counter?" he asked quietly not wanting his voice to shake, you walked in put the box on the counter, and turned around ready to leave. you told yourself two things, drop the box and go. he held your shoulder, not in a rough way but rather in a desperate way. "don't you want your things?" he asked
shit. you forgot about that
"uh yeah," he emptied the box of his things and you picked it up walking into the bedroom. you walked into the closet and started putting your stuff in the box with your back facing him
"i'm sorry."
you freeze at his words, please don't do this riwoo.
"i took these last days to reflect upon myself and us and...i understand why you wanted to leave. i clearly wasn't healed and you didn't deserve to be treated like that, it was selfish of me to always blame you when it was really me. we both know I'm still not ready for a relationship but if your willing to
will you wait for me to heal?"
you turned to look at him and could see some remorse in his eyes
"i can try."
jaehyun couldn't do it anymore. he couldn't live his life normally as he did since there was no more you. he had to see you one more time
even if it meant it was the last time
jaehyun spent the whole week reciting the moment, what he would say what he would bring. what he would do. unfortunately for him, things weren't going according to plan, he had a last-minute online meeting and the only way he would make it to your favorite cafe and flower shop on time before they closed was if he arrived in the clothes he was wearing currently. a worn-out t-shirt and some sweatpants, he could've done it another day but today would've been your 1st anniversary if you had stayed together. he wanted to make it...special
after scrambling in the lines and traffic he had gotten the cafe goods and the flowers. so there he was at your door. he didn't know where his confidence went. so he just stood there, impulsively he knocked rather harshly and almost ran until he saw you open the door. it sounds dramatic but after 3 days he had forgotten your face, scent, and voice, he was just deprived of you. "yes jaehyun?" you asked
what happened to his week of planning?
why was he failing miserably now?
why was he about to cry a river?
"i miss you a lot." thats about all he was able to get out
"jaehyun we talked about why i had to leave"
"i cut her off! I promise! i'm sorry i didn't realize it sooner, i just thought that was normal but clearly it was not. one more chance please, I'll cut off anyone you want me too" he said on the verge of tears.
"it wasn't about cutting people off silly, i just wanted you to set some boundaries with her"
"i'm sorry i just let you leave before realizing how right you were about her and defending her so stupidly without seeing your side and now i understand how weird and wrong of me it was and i understand why you felt the way you felt. i'll set all the boundaries you want, we can just be friends i just need you back in my life"
you could tell by his eyes and tone that he was sincere with his words and was desperate to have you back
"lets start off fresh jaehyun"
taesan didn't know how to approach this. he didn't know whether to scream out his love for you or to do it simply, either way his mind was like a fish out of water without you, just spinny spin. he knew you weren't the type to forgive easily and he was okay with that, especially with how he treated you.
taesan was rather calm with his approach as he knew that he would have to do some groveling. he picked up flowers and a plush and knocked on your door. when you opened the door and saw who it was you closed it immediately, he expected it so he let out a deep sigh of disappointment and decided he'll try again tomorrow. as he picked up his head and was about to turn he felt water on his face, he stood there shocked for a second before realizing what you were doing. you were spraying him with water to punish him, when you stopped he opened his eyes to see your barely visible smirk. you spray him one last time before closing the door. he stood there trying to process everything before you opened the door again for the third time, except much calmer
"how can i help you?"
he stared at you drenched "i'm sorry for just letting you go like that, i should've valued you more-"
"you heard me"
"i'm sorry for hurting-"
"i will spray you again"
"I'm sorry for being a asshole and not realizing how much you meant to me before you actually left. I'm sorry for taking so long to realize that i love you and you were actually all i needed on those days i shut everyone out. I'll work on communication but i do trust you and do want to tell you everything i feel."
he was going to speak again until he felt another spray of water on his face, wiping away the water he could see your smile now
"come inside, you have a lot of explaining to do"
after losing you leehan stopped craving the attention of anyone else but you. he stopped going to areas he knew would attract his fangirls. one of the places he avoided most was parties despite his friends still inviting him. this one day he felt it in his gut to go. he didn't know what would happen but he knew it needed to happen. there just so happened to be a party that day.
after he had gotten ready he pep-talked himself in the mirror and gave himself on last look before leaving. at the party, his friends were hyped that he finally came to one in months. his friend brought him over to the balcony to talk and he saw that there were no one there besides 2 people standing against the railing. his friend stood against the railing and was talking, to which leehan didn't pay much attention to until his friend caught a glimpse of the other person standing at the balcony and excused himself to go catch up with this person leaving leehan and one other person. he looked over and caught a quick glimpse before taking a double take.
it was you. you looked over too and smiled warmly before looking back.
he may be delusional but this had to be his gut feeling.
"i haven't seen you at these parties lately" you spoke up playing with your nails
"yeah, i just didn't want to go" he said scratching the back of his head "after our..." he continued
"i know, i know" you quietly laughed
"I'm really sorry, you know?" he started while looking over at you he saw you look at him and got that feeling in his stomach. this was definitely his gut feeling
"over these months i took time to reflect and set my priorities straight and understood how not okay it was to just treat you like that. you mean more to me than anything and i was too busy being satisfied with proving to myself that you loved me when in reality i didn't have to make you go through all of that." he felt you grab his wrist and looked up at you, he saw you look over and turned to see where you were looking. both of your guy's friends returned with their mouths dropped at what they had heard
you looked over at leehan "lets go on a walk yeah"
he nodded with a smirk on his face
woonhak was particularly sulky today, he couldn't get you and your relationship out of his mind. i mean he couldn't daily but today it was just more extreme.
to clear his mind he decided to go for a walk, as he walks he noticed a figure walking towards him on their phone. as the blurry figure got closer he realized its you
as you almost walked past him he gasped when his suspicions were confirmed. you looked up because of the rather loud gasp and realized who it was.
"yn!" he said instinctively grabbing your hand into his and in return, you grab his back. "please just 5 minutes, you don't have to take me back i just need to explain myself.
you stare at him for a second before nodding and continuing to walk. he may have let out a little 'yipee! ^-^' but he ran to catch up to you and wasted no time
sense of peace
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samoankpoper21 · 1 day
Dasher - Gojo Satoru
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A/N I've stumbled upon a couple posts online where dashers have gotten upset because they weren't tipped enough and I wasn't trying to be part of that narrative 😅; I ordered food this week and I felt bad because I didn't have enough to tip the dasher via card so I texted them letting them know hey sorry funds are a bit tight but I can only tip you this much, thankfully they were understanding! To all the dashers y'all are real ones! Enjoy~!!
Grabbing your meal Satoru glanced down at his phone when he saw Tip: $0. You've gotta be shitting me. Shortly after his short inner monologue he received a text from you:
Hi! I know you're probably wondering why I'm not tipping you but I usually tip with cash. I'll have your tip ready as soon as you get here. Thanks!"
Scrolling through Satoru noticed that you had selected the "hand to me" option making his way to your apartment.
Ringing your door bell he stepped back mindlessly scrolling when you peeled the door open smiling causing him to gasp aloud. You were beautiful. He took in your full, chubby figure as you were wearing an oversized black Jujutsu Kaisen tshirt with denim shorts that were squeezing the tops of your thighs deliciously, Satoru internally groaning when he noticed you were wearing white thigh high socks. "Wow," you say breaking him out of his reverie. Satoru?"
"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought I died and went to heaven." Playfully rolling your eyes you say, "Gimme a minute. Mind holding my door so I can get the tip?"
"Your number and our first date will do just fine." Blushing your rush off Satoru letting out a low whistle as he watched the way the shirt grazed your ass, riding up as you ran towards your purse. "Sorry," you shout. "I read somewhere online that sometimes you guys don't get the full tip so I figured it's the least I can do since you're going out of your way to get my food."
"'s no problem at all sweetcake."
"You're just layin' it on real thick ain't ya? Found it!" Rushing back towards him you hand him the $20. "There." Satoru swears that with your smile he could feel the heat traveling from the top of his head all the way down to his tippy toes. Hating having to end your first meeting abruptly he reluctantly hands over the food as he says, "Do me a favor sweets: next time a male dasher comes to deliver your food don't have them holding your door; there's all types of weirdos roaming the streets."
Giggling you ask, "So you wouldn't be considered a weirdo?"
Playfully clutching at his broken heart he quips, "I'm offended you would even think that about me." A comfortable silence settled when you reluctantly say, "Well it was nice talking to you. I'm glad you got your tip. Thank you Satoru."
"I was bein' serious you know."
"About your number and a date. I'll take that as a tip any day over $20." Your face growing hotter, you bite your lip, nodding your head as you spout out 7 digits.
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ang3l0fthursday · 2 days
“Jus’ Wanna Feel You”
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summary: reader has a rough day and just wants her boyfriend, matt, who also really wants his girlfriend.
warnings: cockwarming | VERY SLIGHT angst(matt has some insecurities) | p in v | sub! matt x softdom!reader| i think that’s it
word count: 1.5k
matt is blue
reader is pink
i stumbled through the front door of Matt and his brothers home, putting my keys on the row of hooks, and throwing my shoes off onto the ground next to the door.
i fumbled my way up the stairs, which seemed endless at the time. i had such a rough day, my feet hurt from walking, and everyone i talked to had a stick so far up their ass it was peaking out of their mouths.
i just needed matt. he would make everything better. everything.
i made my way to his bedroom door, slipping in as quiet as possibly when i noticed he was at his desk with his headphones on.
i set my bag behind the door and made my way to my side of the bed. i took of all my rings and bracelets, and then taking off my necklace, before placing them all on the bedside table
i threw off my sweatshirt and finally, i could go to matt.
i shuffled my way to his chair
“huh? oh hello sweetheart i didn’t see you come in”
“are you streaming”
“no baby i’m not”
“can anybody see or hear you right now”
“no” he giggled at my assortment of questions
i stumbled into his arms and onto his lap, placing my head in the crook of his neck
“rough day baby?”
i let out a soft “uh huh” before closing me eyes and nuzzling further into his embrace
“jus’ need a minute”
“of course mama whatever you need”
i shuffled my hips and adjusted my legs to be the most comfortable i could be
matt lett out a low noise. i couldn’t really make it out from the way my ear was pressed to his neck
i sat up straight to analyze matt’s soft features and try and figure out what had happened
“what was that?” i asked curiously
“nothing m’ sorry! i didn’t mean to i just got overwhelmed from the way you moved im so sorry-“
“what are you- oh.” i looked down and saw his hardened cock. “oh baby you’re alright i know you can’t help it sometimes baby”
“i know but m’ so sorry, you had a rough day and i know you don’t wanna do anything like that right now baby”
“baby calm down, can you do that for me?”
he shyly nodded his head, his cheeks flushed and his hair slightly fell in front of his face, untucking from the band of his headphones
“good boy” i said lowly into his ear, kissing his jaw and leaning up to him
he bucked his hips slightly
“wanna make you feel good mama”
i giggled, “you just wanna get off”
“nuhuh, making you feel good makes me feel good”
“you mean it?”
“i’ve never meant anything more in my life”
“cornball” i snickered and kissed his blush-adorned nose
suddenly his face fell, “don’t start” he paused to poke my ribs “YOU made me like this”
he continued to jab my sides and i couldn’t stop giggling at the way it tickled my ribs.
“i didn’t MAKE you do anything”
he kept doing this and i couldn’t help but get frustrated, ofcourse i love his playfulness but it’s natural girl instinct to get scared from tickling. right?
i quickly grabbing both his hands and pinned them to the sides of his chair, next to his head.
his cheeks quickly flushed, saddening his already beautiful face. more hair had fallen into his face from our small play-fight and his breath had quickened.
what a sight.
“you’re so pretty baby you know that?”
“th-thank you mama” his eyelashes fluttered slightly as i slowly moved my hips along his length
“f-fuck..” his breath slowly sped up and his jaw hung lowly
“what if we just put it in and not move?”
“like- like cockwarming?”
“yes baby exactly like”
“okay mama”
he leaned forward and placed a soft b out meaningful kiss on my lips
i moved off of him and took off both my pants and my panties before making my way to the bed and grabbing a blanket
“what’re you doing ma?”
“i don’t want my ass too be out it’s too cold for that”
we both giggled before i made my way back over to matt
“come here baby” my hands made their way to the waistband of his dark grey sweatpants. my fingers slipped under both his pants and boxers waistband and i slowly brought them both down his legs. i met his gaze and smirked slightly to show i was teasing him.
“please mama i need you… jus’ wanna feel you”
“i’m coming baby” i finally pulled his pants and boxers off of his ankles and stood up, before making my way back onto his lap, wrapping his blanket acrossed my back.
with matt’s video game long forgotten, his controller having fell on the floor, i slowly hovered my way above him.
“you ready baby?”
“fuck- yes ma please”
i grabbed his cock and guided to my entrance before slowly sliding down onto his length. i made my way down slowly, inch by inch taking him in, holding matt’s flustered gaze.
when i finally bottomed out i shuffled on habit, causing matt to let out a loud, low whimper, his hands flying to hold onto my waist.
“fuck sorry baby i forgot”
i peppered kisses acrossed his forehead, waiting for his breathing to calm down
“mama-“ his gaze was on the floor, and as he started to speaking my hand went up to his face, landing on his cheek. his nuzzles his way into my hand. “m’ sorry for being so sensitive mama.” he looks up at me through his pretty lashes as he almost seemed to break down.
“oh sweet boy don’t be sorry for that, you and i both know you can’t help that. and it doesn’t bother me.”
his soft blue eyes never left mine before he spoke again, “you promise?”
“i promise sweet boy”
“oh and i’m also sorry for having you comfort me when you had a bad-“
“baby you have got to calm down okay? you’re okay i promise”
“i love you” i had never heard him say something so sincere before, it made my heart flutter and i immediately kissed him.
“i love you so much matty”
“how about i just-“ i swiveled my hips forward
“fuck- are you sure?”
“i’m sure matty”
i sped up my hips against his, quickly feeling the effect of my movements, and from the sounds matt was letting out, he was too.
“mmm- fuck you made me feel so good” he bucked his hips up before looks to me for approval.
“do whatever you think is best matty”
as soon as i finished my sentence, his hands made their way back to my hips before quickly thrusting up once more. his hands guided my hips in a gear-shift motion against his own. me made me feel euphoric.
his hands dug into the soft flesh of my thighs before he threw his head back, knitting his eyebrows and dropping his jaw and i took this as a sign to move my hips instead of letting him do it.
matt started shamefully letting out moans and whimpers as i brought my hips down onto his.
i decided to switch it up. i normally slide my hips back and forth, going the ready route, but god i knew that it would feel better if i properly rode him.
i put my hands on his shoulders before bringing my self up, almost completely off of his length.
he looked at me in confusion, before i quickly slammed back down onto his length. his face immediately switched into one of pleasure.
his jaw going slack.
his eyebrows knitting.
and his eyes fluttering shut.
god how i loved him.
i quickly repeated my actions of bouncing acrossed his length
“fuck- if you keep that up i’m gonna cum”
“well that’s kinda the whole point matty”
“no i know but- but i want you to- shit - feel good too ma”
“i know you do baby but im almost there too okay?”
a specific movement of my hips cut off his “okay” as i sped up my movements.
“holy shit i’m so close mama”
i let out a quiet moan, before throwing my own head back and leaning back to rest my hands on his knees
“ohhh shit matt oh my god”
he let out quiet whimpers. almost like a silent praise at the way i made him feel
“fuck fuck fuck i’m so close- mama please”
i leant forward and grabbed the sides of his face. i brought his forehead to mine, “fuck cum with my matty”
his hands made their way to my wrist as he closed his eyes and i felt his breath against mine as he quickly flung his hips up into mine.
his movements sent me over the edge. my core felt so tight as i came unraveled on his cock.
as i came undone on his cock, clenching tight on him, matt let out an extra loud moan, followed by quiet whimpers as i felt him cum inside me, costing my silky walls.
“fuck fuck fuck” he whispered into the close proximity we shared.
i slowly brought down my movements, hearing matt’s breath slow with mine.
“you make me feel so good mama”
“i try” i smile sarcastically
i try to pull off, before being stopped
“can we cockwarm- like for real this time?”
“okay baby” i giggle as i kiss his lips one last time.
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slayagami · 2 days
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𐙚 synopsis: after losing consciousness in a villain attack, you wake up 2 and a half years later in the hospital. the time doesn't feel long to you, so adjusting to the new updates takes you by surprise. like your boyfriend of 2 years, izuku midoriya, apologizing that he found love elsewhere, in your best friend ochaco uraraka. you find refuge and comfort in your old friend todoroki, who visited you everyday you were out. does new love blossom or do you fight for midoriya back?
𐙚 pairing: midoriya x afab!reader x todoroki
𐙚 warnings:: mild violence, cursing, cheating?, love triangle-ish, angst to fluff, slow burn, friends to lovers, depression, nonchalant reader but over thinker, reader struggles expressing emotions, characters are 22
𐙚 readers quirk: poison arrow. can appear a bow and produce arrows that are ingested with poison that can temporarily paralyze or slow down the movement of who was shot. effects lasts roughly 20 minutes but depending on the victim, possible to move but will be slowed down. quirk allows the reader to have sharp sight, and can see farther and more clearer than most. reader has to train to shoot arrows more accurately. strength of poison depends on readers emotions. hero name: artemis.
𐙚 a/n: slow writer </3 SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT im such a slow and unmotivated writer but thanks for being patient and im sorry if this sucks or is short! also went ahead and added to the tags, included people who were interested in the second part! 3.03k words! [previous] [next]
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° m.list ! ┊ ➶ 。˚ ° mha m.list ! ┊ love again
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you left the hospital in daze, bitterly rethinking of the harsh words from midoriya, reliving the uncharacteristic look in ochaco’s eyes. the thing that bugged you the most is the raw emotion in his viridescent irises, the way his eyes told you so much but was trapped. like he was under control. and it pained you, because you knew he wouldn’t be with ochaco if he didnt love her. he must be confused. you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but every time you tried reasoning with yourself you became pressed and bothered, eyebrows bunching together in discomfort. it was his choice to leave, his choice to move on, his choice not to wait. that underlying fact should’ve been enough for you to ration, but your heart weighed over your reasonability.
you walked aimlessly, taking in the change of scenery. it was winter now, or at least the cusp, as trees bare nakedly from the ground, the wind blowing coldly across the tip of your nose. it grew a hue of pink as well as your ears, and you silently cursed the hospital for allowing you to walk off without warmer clothes — or even a blanket. you took in the newer buildings that were placed around, or the updated shops that took over some hole-in-wall restaurants. it felt so familiar to you, holding a sense of nostalgia, even if it wasn’t all that long ago.
your feet carried you a long way, sniffling ever so slightly as the run of your nose. you glanced up at the penthouse in front of you, neck craning to eye up the several stories it compiled. you heart pinged, migraine oncoming. this place felt familiar, and it was almost at the tip of your tongue, but i felt like your body knew where to take you. knew where you’d find comfort. knew where you’d feel safe. grudgingly you stepped forward into the building, hair blowing in several directions at the different air pressures. only then did the penthouse look familiar, the lobby remaining the same as it did years ago when todoroki first moved in, asking you for help with some boxes and casual hang outs. you dragged your feet to the lobby, allowing your body and faint memory to recollect the door your friend lived behind. a funny number to you, something so easily remembered. 808. eighth floor, eighth room. you remember always commenting how the numbers looked like a silly face, a face that could be used as an emoticon during texting.
you tried your best not to stand out, sinking your head lower and sliding your hands in your pockets, slipping into an elevator, though thankfully it was empty. the numbers glowed softly, changing as it passed each floor with a soft ‘ding’. you rocked on the balls of your heels, roughed up black and white converse your parents had left you fit snugly with a double knotted tie. your eyes watched the numbers, slowly growing anxious. you haven’t seen todoroki in — for him — two and a half years. the last time you remember seeing him before the hospital was moving into this penthouse, carrying boxes with yaoyaorozu. oh yeah, you remembered, nodding to yourself, he was dating yaoyaorozu last time i was here. the elevator dinged softly, the speaker muffling a short announcement as the doors shifted open. your feet stepped onto the hardwood floor, turning a hard right and letting your feet carry you to his room, large ceilings aligned with marvelous paintings and chandeliers. you remember gawking at it when you first visited his place too, hopelessly praying you were able to achieve a living space like this too.
you didn’t even know if he was home or not. if he had work, or was on an errand run. you didnt think about much, just knowing you wanted the comfort of your friend, wanting to let him know you were awake finally with your own words. a gentle knock hit the wooden door, eyes glancing down to the doormat with a faded ‘welcome’ message on it, some stains of red pressed on the corners. it was quiet, no noise or rustle, no television or mumbling. maybe he wasnt home. your teeth nibbled at the bottom plump of your lips, the nervous feeling growing increasingly worse. maybe i should leave? you sighed and spun around, lowering your head as you walked off, hands back into your pockets. you made it about halfway down the hallway before the soft sound of the door unlocking filled the air, the gentle pull from the door with a quiet squeak. you froze, not knowing if you should turn around or keep going. but the familiar voice rang in your ears so softly, and you knew exactly why your body aimless took you here in the first place.
“excuse me? what that you knocking?” you can gear the tired croak in his voice fighting back a yawn, “did you need anything?” your body turned slowly, feet picking up as you walked towards him excitedly, that nervous feeling from earlier gone. his eyes met yours, the bi-colored orbs widening with shock, lips parting ever so slightly. for him, time had completely stopped. in fact, todoroki could’ve sworn he was still asleep, replaying a dream he had often of being able to see you again. seeing the radiance that covered your face, the way your arms were outstretched in a hug. but it felt so real he swore if he woke up, the whole world might as well burn.
your body collides with his, pushing him back a few steps before his head catches rest on top of your shoulder, perfectly fit in the crane of your neck. his arms held you tightly at the waist, your own arms circling around his shoulders and neck, sniffles and pants reaching his ears. he was shocked, obviously, but stayed in the hug, not daring to move an inch. the familiar hospital spent fills his nostrils with a weird ease, his hands softly rubbing the small of your back as you sobbed. he knew now this wasn’t a dream, far too real to be. and as happy and relieved he is to see you, he cant help the worried pain he feels as the shirt on his shoulder grows more and more wet, your chest heavily heaving as you hugged him and sobbed.
after giving you the time to recuperate, he invited you inside his home, bending down softly to help you unlace your worn out converse, a hand holding leverage on your shin as the other tugged gently at the shoe. you stood there, surprisingly unfazed, using your forearm to wipe any tears from your eyes while your flushed nose sniffled here and there. with your pearly white socks now stepping onto the soft carpet of his home, a cold hand tugs your wrist to lead you to his grey couch, expectant eyes finding your face.
he had so many questions to ask, so many things that filled his brain on what to say and what he wanted you to know, but he just stared. he let you take your time. let you breathe. the sincerity of his entirety made your eyes water once more, chest puffing out whiney sobs while you laid ur head on his shoulder, a hand holding onto his forearm. it was such a domestic hold, so natural between the two. though your cries were too important for him to worry about anything else at the moment.
you gulped inaudibly, taking a small breath. you began to slowly tell him everything. the moment you woke up, seeing your parents show physical signs of aging, midoriya rushing in, the stupid look in his green eyes, uraraka expecting you to give her your blessing, and finally not even being able to remember the fight you were involved with in the first place. time did not feel long to you, which is why its even harder to understand how much things have changed.
the entirety of the situation felt completely unfair.
shoto hummed softly, letting you talk it out to him. he felt the grip on his arm grow strong as the topic of your now-ex-boyfriend came up, his own feelings getting twisted inside his heart. seeing you cry over someone like him making a stupid decision, he wished to comfort you in a domestic manner yet refrained.
"i need to tell my supervisor i need a break. and to switch me to a different agency. there's no way i can still work with izuku after this." another hum, his back sinking into the couch. "do you have any ideas where you want to go? or how long you plan to take your break for?"
you sighed, the thought of it all already giving you a headache. your yawn filled the small silence, before responding. "agency? no clue. someone who wants me to become the best version of myself and not only wanting me to make their company look better." another yawn, your eyes growing heavy. "i need to consult with my doctor since i can't strain myself for a while anyways. gotta see what she recommends me, first."
todoroki nodded in understanding, noticing the change in demeanor. his blue blanket was folded on the arm rest of the couch, inching away from you slowly to not disturb you. he reached out for the blanket and slowly laid it over to your body. he muttered softly, telling you to lay down and that you should rest before you decide to go home.
"today was tough, so take a quick nap to replenish your energy. don't worry, I'll still be here when you wake up."
warmth enveloped you on a soft cushion, a light weight draped over your body making it unbearably hard to wake up. but with a groan straining out your throat and scrunch of your face, your eyes peered open slowly to look at the familiar apartment. the room smelled of some kind of soup, the broth being enough to make your mouth water. you glanced down at the suspect of the newly added weight to your body, a red blanket on top of your figure. it was weighted, along with a fluffy white cat balled up at your feet. in the kitchen, was todoroki. you can hear the clash of metals as she shuffled through various pots, placing them as quietly as he could on the stove, yet the smallest noise still ringing through the apartment. it felt homey. and it made you feel guilty. todoroki was important to you, but so was izuku. spending the night here, feeling and finding comfort in him, waiting patiently as he cooked you some dinner, it all felt wrong. you still felt the unbearable tie between your ex, and even though your brain finally understood that things were different, and that time has changed, your heart reminds you otherwise.
your hands picked up the ball of fluff at your feet, cradling the tiny baby in your arms to ease your mind. it purred softly, nudging its head into your fingers, its heterochromatic eyes of blue and green peering up. your socked feet scuffed its way towards the kitchen, watching fondly as todoroki lifted the ladle of broth to his mouth, taste testing his soup concoction. he winced at the taste, almost in disbelief at what he tried. who knows how long he's been trying to make this. with a stifled laugh, you offer to help.
"do you even know how to cook? let me taste it and I'll tell you what you need!" for being a pro-hero, him not noticing your presence was a little silly. he jumped a little but played it off, eyeing you softly. the cat meowed, jumping out of your hands and onto the floor effortlessly, rubbing itself on todoroki. it was a cute scene, his cheeks a pale pink and his ears flushed, the soft purrs of his cat and the disheveled wrinkles of his shirt was so cute. cute? oh, the guilty feeling is back again. your smile faltered as you walk to the pot, taking whatever leftover broth was in the ladle into your mouth to taste. you had the same reaction as him, grimacing in distaste. it was so bland, like, uncharacteristically bland. and watery? and.. missing every single spice needed to make it flavorful. you giggled, lifting yourself on the tips of your toes to reach into his cabinet, pulling out every spice needed and some other ones you wanted to try.
you spent the rest of the night cooking the soup, engaging in another game of catch-up over the past two years you were in the hospital. he mentioned the newer stores that opened near your home, or the stores that closed down recently or changed locations. because, of course he would remember all your favorite locations. he kept tabs on probably everything you had an interest in. he wasn't sure if that was good or bad, though. you listened intently nonetheless, nodding in understanding or gasping at the new news. he gave you updates about your friends, how mina went abroad to model for a partnership, or how bakugou actually mellowed out for once. he wasn't as invested in you guys' friends as he was about the things in your life, so there wasn't too much said, thought he said as much as he knew.
"oh, and yaoyaorozu? last I remembered you guys were together, no? we helped you move in here!" right. yaoayorou. he refrained from saying much about her. things didn't end well with her, and to be completely honest, he was to blame for it all. with an uneasy look, he pet his cat in his arms. shoto looked over the digital clock on the wall, 1:29 am. the story was far too long to explain. but he knew neither of you were tired. but if he explained it all, would you view him differently? he bit his lip in thought, uncertain and nervous.
"we broke up not too long after you were in the hospital." he breathed, allowing himself to get comfortable in the solace of his couch. "she said I was invested in everything but her, and that I never acted like a boyfriend to her but a.. placeholder." his blue and grey eyes peer in your direction, your orbs wide but focused, taking in the new information. you didn't want to believe though, you always believed shoto would have been a great boyfriend.
"she said that? im sorry for asking about it, but I'm sure you weren't as bad as she claims. maybe you guys were compatible, to she wanted more than you could give, y'know?" you tried to reassure him, but a part of it only made him feel guilty. he pressed on, thanking you gently while he continued his story.
"I visited you in the hospital every day, for several hours at a time. I went when I woke up before my shift, I went after, I went on my days off, I went on lunch breaks. I sat in the hospital chair, talking to you and sharing a meal more than I ever did with yaoyaorozu. My life had completely revolved around your well-being and it made her upset, rightfully so. I was never intimate with her, we hardly ever slept in the same bed. Our conversations were bland unless you happened to be brought up. Only then did I become interested, or it ended up in an argument. She said if I cared for you so much then why was I even bothering with her?"
the long tangent had you shocked, feeling the irresistible heat crawl up the back of your neck to your cheeks and ears, a hand covering your mouth as you watched him. he sunk further into the couch, almost sulkingly, clinging onto the white cat on his chest. maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the magic of being up late into the night, but he continued to talk and speak nothing but the truth. as bare and open as it was.
"I think my whole life has always been about you. but you were interested in midoriya. I figured it would have been a smarter move to move on from you since you were with him. and since yaoyaorou was the only person who could've been an option I half hazardly chose her and practically exploited her feelings for me to form a relationship, just to find closure in some one-sided feelings. that's why I visited you often in the hospital, and cut all ties with midoriya and ochaco when all those articles came out."
another look at the clock read 2:33am, before his eyes landed on yours. wet, big, and full of raw emotions. you let out a small sob, before sniffling and wiping your face, the faintest blush your nose. you scooted closer, laughing.
"if you say all that, I can't help but feel bad for yaoyaorozu. I can't imagine how that must've felt, for both of you. but i won't take your feelings lightly. give me some time, okay? things are complicated for me, too. if im being honest, hearing you say all those things makes me beyond happy, its almost embarrassing. but my conscious can't help but feel guilty, I still feel tied to izuku. I mean, just the other day in my timeline we were talking about marriage. then I wake up and find out hes with my best friend." your hands reach out towards the cat as well, scratching the top of her head as she purred, your fingers brushing up against todoroki's every now and then, before he decide to holds your fingers between his, his ow eyes never leaving your face as you spoke.
"I want to take your feelings with honesty. so just give me a little more time, okay?" even though the wallowing pain of guilt still continued to eat at you, you persevered and kissed the softness of his pale cheek, his face flaming up in red. he nodded meekly, giving your hand a squeeze.
"of course, anything for you."
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ell-alexanderarnold · 10 hours
Vanilla kisses
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Summary: Y/n and Trent share a kiss after his family’s been over for dinner.
Note: guysss😭 it’s been ages since I posted a fic, hope you like this one!! trying to really get back into writing again. xoxo💋🤍
You helped Trent put in the last pieces of dirty plates in the dishwasher, you had been invited over for dinner with his family. You admired his close relationship with his family, they always make sure you feel at home when you’re with them.
The tension between you and Trent during the dinner was strong, it was like something was about to happen any minute. During the dinner you felt a hand slip into yours, you tried to hide your face when your cheeks turned red as well did Trent, who was just as nervous as you.
“Thank you for this lovely evening, I hope to see you soon!” Dianne said as she stood by the door ready to leave and gave you a farewell hug.
“It was lovely seeing you Dianne, take care!” You smiled and waved goodbye to Trent’s two brothers.
After your goodbye’s you went back to the kitchen where Trent just finished the dishes, you checked your phone and at the same time you put on your vanilla Burt’s Bees chapstick on your lips.
Trent leaned against the kitchen counter as you noticed him watching you and you laid down your phone.
“They really love you, Y/n.” Trent began as you met his brown eyes.
“And I love them, they’re so sweet.” You answered and he smiled at you and moved his body towards you.
“You’re also sweet, sweet like candy.” He shyly said and looked at your lips.
“I thought you didn’t like candy?” You responded and he laughed, “You’re right but I do like some types of candy.”
“Oh really?” You said.
“Yeah, but what about flavours?” He asked.
“Flavours?” You questioned.
“You know salt, sweet sour, and all that.” He explained as you stood in in front of him, listening as he talked.
“I don’t really know, but I can give you a hint.” You said and smirked at him.
“Alright.” He answered and watched you reapply your chapstick.
“Close your eyes.” You giggled as he furrowed his brows.
“What are you going to do Y/n?” He implored as he studied the look on your face.
“Just trust me Trent!” You laughed and took his hands and put them over his eyes as he was unsure about the whole situation.
You stood watching him a few seconds before you got on your tippy toes to be the same height as him. Then you cupped his face gently and pecked his lips. You weren’t sure if he got the hint, he removed his hands from his eyes and smiled at you. Your stomach was filled with butterflies as he made eye contact with you, you loved the feeling.
“Vanilla?” He guessed and you nodded.
“I like that.” He confessed as he placed his hands on your waist and leaned in for another kiss. You put your arms around his neck and fought for your life on your tippy toes. Trent noticed and helped you get on the kitchen counter so you could sit down.
“You’re so pretty baby.” Trent whispered and gave you a forehead kiss.
You loved how Trent recently started using nicknames for you, the two of you have been dating for a few months now and every time you hang out you never get use to all the nicknames and praises. It makes you so happy and you could not imagine how boring life would be without him.
“You’re all I need Y/n, don’t you ever leave.” He cooed as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“I’m not going anywhere Trent.” You reassured and rubbed his back.
“I’m sorry I have to ask you, where did you buy that chapstick?”
The end ♡
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kimoralov3 · 16 hours
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mornings in the harrington household had become synonymous with chaos.
"willow dear, would you please sit down so mommy can give you your breakfast?" steve pleaded with your 7 year old as he wrestled your 1 year old daughter into her highchair. you would think by now he would learn how strong babies can be.
willow, always wanting to be helpful, ignored steve's plea. instead, she was busy trying to convince her 4 year old brother asher to leave his toys behind and join the five of you at the table. she wasn't having much luck either.
"willow, sweetie?" you call as you help steve get sage into her highchair. willow turns to you and smiles sweetly.
"yes, mommy?" she asks as she drops her brother's hand.
"you know what would be really helpful? if you sat down at the table first. asher will surely follow the lead of his big sister, hm?" you say as you continue trying to get sage into her highchair. you let out a triumphant laugh as you finally manage to get her in, steve buckling her up.
willow thinks about it for a minute, seemingly considering her options. she eventually decides that you're right, climbing up into her assigned seat beside steve. you mumble a thank you and press a quick kiss on her head, smiling as you see asher climbing up in his seat beside you.
you quickly tear up their waffles, making sure they've cooled down enough before setting their plates and forks in front of them. willow had basically achieved mastery when it came to using utensils, but asher still had a few accidents every once in a while. you just have to keep an eye on him.
"god damn it." you hear steve mumble as sage hits her bowl, causing the contents to spill over. you quickly hand him the wet wipes, picking up the bowl and placing it by the kitchen sink. "guess she's not hungry." he jokes as he unbuckles sage and hands her off to you.
you laugh as you settle sage on your hip, grabbing a wipe to clean off her face. she whines softly as it touches her face, yanking her head back. "c'mon sweetie, we have to get all the oats off your face." you say as you gently bounce her on your hip. after a few more failed attempts, you finally manage to calm her and wipe the breakfast from her chubby cheeks.
the rest of the morning goes on without a hitch, you and steve helping willow and aj get ready for school.
"dad, where's my project?" aj asks as steve helps buckle him into his car seat. the both of you freeze, giving each other a subtle look.
"what project are you talking about, bud?" steve asks as he straightens up.
"the family tree! you and mommy helped me with it last night." he says as he looks between the two of you. steve looks at you once more, silently begging for help.
you falter for a moment, trying to remember what your son could possibly be talking about. last night, after you made dinner the kids all took a bath, then you all watched an episode of clifford before putting all the kids to bed. once they were settled, you and steve enjoyed a nice glass of wine before-
"oh shit." you mutter as you close your eyes.
"that's a bad word mommy!" willow says quickly.
"sorry sweetheart, mommy'll put a dollar in the swear jar." you apologize as you give your eldest a sweet smile before turning to aj. "i'll go grab your project right now, okay sweetie?"
steve watches as you scurry off back into the house, confused and concerned. when you come back a few minutes later with a mess of blue and green construction paper, it all clicks for steve.
aj had gotten out of bed last night while the two of you were on the couch, telling you (for the first time, to steve's irritation) about a family tree project he had for school. the two of you were slightly drunk, so the resulting project was a half assed cutout of a blue tree with green leaves to represent every member of your little family.
"what would i do without you?" steve mutters as you pass by him. you chuckle, handing aj the project before turning to face your husband.
"be stuck with three crying children." you joke before getting in the passenger seat. steve rolls his eyes, although he has to admit that there is some truth to your statement.
a/n: shout out to jess (@arkofblake) she helped me create this world lol
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xoxoxkisses · 2 days
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Muichiro had seen you pass by on his afternoon walk. It’s common to see other demon slayers pass by him, but you were different and he didn’t know why. Maybe it was the way your hair blew in the subtle breeze, or maybe the way you laughed. Your cheerful laugh carried itself to him even though there was a good distance between you two. You glanced over at him after feeling someone staring, when you looked over you saw him looking. You gave him a small smile and waved at him. Without realizing it, he waved back, mesmerized by you. What was going on? Why did he feel this way? The way his heart fluttered and his face got warm, it was all foreign to him.
“Oh my gosh Y/n! Muichiro waved at you!” Your friend whispered yelled so he wouldn’t hear. “Who?” You tilted your head at her. She facepalmed. How could you not know who Muichiro Tokito was? “The Mist Hashira dummy!” She slapped you on the back. “Owww, that hurt!” You whined. She let out a laugh and soon enough you both erupted in laughter.
So your name was Y/n. Muichiro made a mental note in his head. He did think you were pretty, I mean how could he not? He continued his was to his estate. It was time for afternoon training.
As he was sparring with one of the slayers, he heard your name. “Yeah Y/n is so pretty! She’s like a rose.” He turned towards the person who said it. As soon as he turned, he got struck in his ribs. He let his guard down, he’s never done that. He looked back shocked. You had distracted him. This was new, he’s never once been distracted by anything. So why were you different?
Ever since he saw you, he tried his best to see you more. He couldn’t get you out of his mind. It had been a few days, until he heard your laugh. He knew it was you, who else had a laugh like that? He followed the sound and saw you sitting by yourself as you watched your crow impersonating someone else’s crow. Muichiro walked up behind you. He noticed your crow was acting like his crow. “Is he acting like Ginko?” You jumped. You never heard him walk up. “Oh um I’m not really sure.” You tried laughing it off. “Well your crow seems to be impersonating my crow.” You rubbed the back of your neck. “I’m sorry about that.” You looked at him, “it’s fine, she doesn’t get along with everyone. Mind if I sit beside you?” He pointed at the empty space. “Oh! Go right ahead.” You smiled at him, and for some reason that made his face heat up.
He sat down slowly, careful to not accidentally sit on you. “Soo your Tokito?” You looked at him. “Um yeah. But call me Muichiro.” You nodded at him. He was pretty cute you couldn’t lie. The two of you had talked for what felt like forever, only it had been 20 minutes. “Y/n! It’s time for your training session!” You crow called out. “Oh right! Sorry Toki-Muichiro! I have to go.” You sat up. “It’s okay, I have to get to my training too. Oh, who are you training with right now?” He asked. “Uzui! I’ve only been there for 2 days though. He told me I should be moving up in a day or two!” You gleamed at him. But your crow reminded you again and you left. That’s great, he thought, he was the next hashira you’d see.
It’s been around 2 days, then he heard a knock. He turned from what he was doing and opened it. There you stood. “Hi Muichiro! I didn’t know I’d come to you next!” He blushed, you somehow looked even better than before. “Y/n! Welcome.” He guided you in. You placed your things down and immediately joined everyone else.
It had been a few days since you joined Muichiro’s training. He noticed how you easily surpassed everyone else. He always had something to compliment you on. Unfortunately, he had to send you to the next Hashira. He didn’t want you to leave, but you had to. He walked you out and handed you a note. You took it and began to walk out. “Goodluck Y/n.” You turned at him and smiled, “Thank you Muichiro!” And then you left.
You opened the note and saw it had read “Y/n, I’d like to meet at ****** at 7pm on Friday. I really like spending time with you and I want to talk to you more.” You blushed immensely. You thought it was really sweet of him to want to meet up.
Friday came and you decided to go to the place. Once you got there, Muichiro was already there. “Hi Muichiro!” You cheered. “Hey.” You walked closer to him and sat down beside him. He had taken you to a field of flowers. It was beautiful. He had already picked some flowers and taking the most beautiful one, he put it in your hair. You whined at him to give you one so he did. You put the flower in his hair so the two of you could match. “Sooo what did you want to talk about?” You questioned him. “Well-, y/n I think you’re really pretty and I think I may be in love with you.” You blushed at this. “WHAAAAA!” You accidentally yelled. “You love ME?” Your eyes went wide. “Yes y/n. I think I do.” He was trying to look away but he couldn’t. “Would you um, be my girlfriend?” You squealed. “Of course I will!” You hugged him and he slightly jumped. “Oh im sorry! I didn’t even ask to hug you.” You were so embarrassed. “No it’s alright.” And he pulled you back in for a hug. Both of you not wanting to let the other go. ————————————————————————
Bonus: Muichiro had went to Shinobu to tell her about how he was feeling. She told him he might be in love with you, and the more the thought about it, the more he realized it. He knew he had to confess to you soon before anyone else did. Shinobu ended up telling Mitsuri but told her to keep it on the low, but soon every Hashira found out.
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froggibus · 9 hours
kisskisskiss - Venture
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Pairing: Sloan Cameron x gn! reader
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Word Count: 800
Summary: you ask Sloan to try out a tiktok trend with you
CW: established relationship, suggestive content, based off this request, lots of kissing, reader wears lipstick, possession/marking, semi-implied sex
hey! sorry this took like a month to write, honestly i struggled a bit & ended up rewriting this twice. i know it isn't quite what you asked for, and if you end up not liking it, maybe we can work together to come up with something that fits a bit better! otherwise i really hope you enjoy! ^~^
(also trying out another new banner! i really liked the style for these ones so ill probably keep them?)
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“Are you—are you almost done yet?” Sloan’s voice shakes with every word. “Can I see?”
The tanned skin of their stomach trembles as you lean forward and blow hot breath across it. Your glossed lips make contact to the centre of their stomach, eliciting a soft moan from them.
You flick your eyes up through your lashes to meet theirs. “The more you whine,” you say calmly, pressing another kiss lower to emphasize your words, “the longer this takes.”
They nod, though you can see the glassy desperation hiding behind their dark eyes. Sloan relaxes into the bed once more, pinning their arms behind their back in an attempt to stop squirming. 
‘Only a few’, they repeat to themselves. It’s what you had told them—begged them—when you’d first shown them the Tiktok from that couple's page you liked so much. Despite dangerously bordering on the edge of steamy, they thought it was a cute idea, and unfortunately believed you when you said you would do ‘only a few’.
However, as soon as you planted your first marks of glistening lipstick to their face, there was no going back. You’d started with their mouth, then their face, and little by little, you trailed down. Now, a half an hour and nearly a tube of lipstick later, you were skimming the seam of their boxers, playing a wicked game.
Even if you tried, you wouldn’t be able to stop at this point. They look so hot, so marked, so yours covered beneath the red imprints of your lips. And they are yours, why wouldn’t you want to show it off to the world?
You press your lips against the warm skin of their hips, your chin now resting on the waistband of their sweatpants. Sloan inhales a deep, shaking breath—the only indicator of the boiling desperation bubbling inside them.
You drag your finger across the line on their hips where fabric meets skin, gently hooking your index finger inside the waistband. Sloan gasps, but stays impossibly still.
You plant one more tantalizing kiss, the base of your bottom lip just barely brushing the cotton of their pants. You pull back, admiring the smear of lipstick across their abs, chest, and all of their other visible skin. Your eyes dart down to their hips, where your most recent mark is half-faded.
You frown. “At this rate, my lipstick is gonna be all gone.”
“I’ll buy you more after this.” Sloan offers you a disheveled smile sandwiched between the redness of their cheeks. 
You grin at your partner, twisting up your lipstick to smear even more on your aching lips. Sloan’s smile only grows at your sudden excitement.
Sloan sits with their legs crossed on the edge of the bed, their cheeks flushed nearly as red as the lipstick covering their face. The sweatpants and baggy tee they’d been wearing have long since been discarded, leaving them only in a pair of baggy printed boxers. 
They offer you a bashful smile, tilting their head to the side to look at you behind your phone. Your own face is somewhat smeared with lipstick, thanks to the constant kissing you’ve been doing.
You’re recording yourself, applying the very last of the tube of lipstick that had almost been full at the start of the day. Sloan watches your fingers flex around the tube, smearing the rouge over your parted, swollen lips. Lips that had been all over them minutes earlier, marking them and claiming them—all for this video.
You notice Sloan watching you and return their grin, counting down on your fingers to let them know you’re about to start recording them now. They nod subtly, taking a deep breath and dropping their shoulders from their ears. The camera beeps and the second part of the video starts.
You zoom the camera in on their face, letting the camera capture the big, red stains all across their forehead, their cheeks, their mouth, their jaw. You hover for only a second before drifting down, showing the marks on their shoulders, collarbone, chest, abs, stomach. 
The kiss marks are never ending, trickling down their tanned skin, disappearing under the waistband of their boxers. Your eyes drift down to the centre of their underwear, where you know their inner thighs and more will be stained red for days to come.
Finally, you slowly raise the camera back up to their face, capturing the awkward, embarrassed blush gracing their cheeks. 
You settle next to Sloan on the bed once you’ve stopped recording, handing them your phone so they can watch back the video. You watch them watching it, their eyes locked onto their kiss patterned figure in the video.
“Wow,” they say. “That’s really hot, actually.”
You nearly trip over yourself jumping up in glee. “I know, right?”
Sloan stands too, levelling their gaze with yours. They wrap their fingers around the dark tube laying on your bed, rolling the cold packaging across their palm. “So,” they say, that bashful smile replaced with a teasing smirk, “your turn?”
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overwatch masterlist | masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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simplydannie · 3 days
“I’m A Twin” Velvet Art
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Me and @fairytypingg are trying to come up with some ideas for various species of Under Rageons. Some here were inspired by them and a TikTok I once saw!
Velvet now wears her brother’s beanie… She is pained, she is numb… She’s just trying to escape the hurt that haunts her. One day, she finally hears those dreaded words… “Where’s Veneer?”
3 months ago…
All you could hear was the sound of their feet against the concrete down the alley. Velvet strung Veneer by the wrist, pulling him violently behind her. She lead them behind a dumpster big enough for them to hide. Velvet pulled him close.
“Quiet!” She whispered to him. Veneer covered his mouth attempting to hide his staggering, broken breathing… he was scared. Velvet peeked around the dumpster; she saw shadows and quick movement far off the alley.
“Where the hell did they go!!!”
“I saw them come this way!!!”
“Cursed Rageons! Find them now!”
She heard their footsteps and voices leave, “We’re okay… for now.”
“What do we do? Where do we go?” Veneer asked her.
“I… I don’t know… Why in the hell did they send us back here in the first place?” Velvet looked at the glooming under-city of Under Rageous. Way above she could see the dazzling lights of Mount Rageous. “We’re not supposed to be back down here.”
“…. I broke their contract. When I told everyone what we were doing… I’m sorry Vels. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was just scared that….”
“… that you were loosing me. Well thanks for the protection Ven! Look where we are at now! You idiot!” She yelled. Velvet took a look at both of them…they were back into their under-city clothing. Veneer had his stupid purple beanie again… god she hated that thing. “You look ridiculous.”
He turned away frowning. Veneer had never intended for this to happen, for them to be hunted down, for them to be living in fear again, “I’m sorry Vels.”
“Shut it! We need to get out of Rageous for good. It’s the only way we’ll be safe. Follow me.” She led them through the alleys away from the any eyes. For one they stood out, their kind of Rageon was known for pale skin, the bright green hair didn’t help much either. Velvet knew of a back way out of the city, an opening they could take…and leave for good. Only thing is, where would they go?
As if reading her mind Veneer responded, “Can we make our way to the Trolls?”
She rolled her eyes, “Why are you still thinking about those damn Trolls?”
“They’ll take us in. I know Floyd would.” Veneer said.
“No. We’re not going to those Trolls. We’re going to find another way.”
“But Vels…”
“I SAID NO!” Velvet turned around and stabbed a finger into her brother’s chest, “I am not listening to you any longer Veneer! Look where that got us! From now on you do as I say…GOT THAT!”
Veneer was hesitating to respond…
“I said go that!”
“….I hate you….” She told him before continuing…They walked a few minutes in silence before she started recognizing the layout; they were close, the opening to the outside world was not far off…
“There you guys are!” A happy voice boomed from behind them. The twins turned to see a Rageon with glowing blue eyes and mouth staring at them, he had spirals where his pupils should be…he was a Neon. “Thought you could run away huh?”
“Let’s go Ven!” Velvet grabbed his wrist and started running again. Their feet barely touching the ground on how fast they were running. “We’re almost there!”…But she skid to a halt as two more Rageons appeared blocking her way: Both had pointed like ears with slanted pupils, when they grinned they bared sharp pointed teeth… Those in Mount Rageous called every one down here “defects”, the product of years of mutation from the horrible, harsh environments.
“Go back, go back!” She turned around to find more Under Rageons surrounding them. “….shit.”
“Corned like little mice. We’d get you one way or another.” The Neon Rageon approached. He snapped his fingers. The other Rageons came in and grabbed each twin firmly by the arms, a grip so tight that they could feel their arms grow numb.
“What the hell! Let us go! What did we do to you? We don’t even know you!” Velvet cried out.
“True. True. You don’t. But we know you. The failed superstars Rageous. You’re name definitely went down in history. I mean you could’ve gone far if it wasn’t for this yapper here.” He pointed towards Veneer, “You guys have done nothing to us, by all means you’re innocent.”
“Then let us go please.” Veneer begged.
The Rageon nodded his head, “No can do.” He pulled out a knife, playing with it in front of the twins…he was taunting them. “You know how Under Rageous feels about you Succubi Rageons….cursed, the sight of your kind is just bad all around. And then who get’s pulled to be up at the top from the hundreds of thousands of Rageons in the under-city? A pair of bratty teenaged Succubi Rageons with no damn talent, other than stealing abilities of others and sucking their damn life! Funny how your kind makes a living like that.”
“Don’t even go there! Our kind is the one that gives you guys the Trolls you so happily buy in the Black Market!” Velvet declared.
The Rageon snickered, “Ah yes there’s my other reason. Turns out that Trolls have a negative effect on everyone. A poison if you will. Pretty nice way to try to wipe out the rest of us when your kind take their claim in the under-city.”
“That’s a lie!” Veneer cried out.
“….One by one, we have been taking Succubi Rageons out….cleansing the city of them for good.”
“You can’t do that! There’s, there’s families! Kids!” Veneer cried out.
“And those kids will grow to be soul sucking creatures just like the family that raised them… just like you two.” He told them.
“Some don’t!” Veneer continued.
“Ven, shut it!” Velvet warned.
“Some kids were just like me and my sister. We didn’t have parents to help us control what we have! Our parents were good people too. They didn’t want us to do what we did. We were just stupid. We believed in the wrong person…”
“Veneer that’s enough…”
But he continued, “It’s not us anyways! Those up in Mount Rageous is what caused our separation in the first place!”
“Oh my gosh!! Blah, blah, blah! Don’t you ever just shut up! I don’t care what you have to say kid! I just really dislike your kind in the first place…. They took everything from me!” The Rageon screamed.
“… I’m sorry. But that wasn’t us…”
“I had enough of you! Bring me the yapper!” The Rageon holding Veneer dragged him to their leader. He pulled out the knife again and gently skidded it across Veneer’s porcelain skin.
“No….No…NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Velvet cried in desperation. Veneer’s eyes grew wide in horror, tears beginning to fall from his face, his body began to tremble.
“Oh! Listen to that boys! She begs.” He laughed as he continued to glide the knife across Veneer’s face and down his neck.
“Leave him alone! Out of all of us he’s the most innocent!” Velvet continued to cry.
The Neon Rageon licked his lips, “No Succubi Rageon is innocent…You’re all guilty…You’re all cursed…”
Veneer struggled against the Rageons….he began to grow desperate, he began to grow more afraid. Veneer continued to beg for his release, for the release of his sister…His eyes began to glow a hue of pink. The Rageon holding him down began to panic, “Boss…What’s happening?”
“The poison effect first hand.”
But something else began to happen…Veneer pulled and struggled, trying to break free, “Please let me go he begged.” As his eyes glowed, something began to happen to those around him…their bodies illuminated light as Veneer began aborbing their essence…their life force. They could feel themselves growing weaker, their bodies growing numb.
“Stop it….STOP IT!” The Neon Rageon yelled.
“He can’t control it! Just let him go please!” Velvet yelled struggling against her captor. She tried, she tried her hardest, but she couldn’t break free. Velvet hoped the high of the poison would come to her…but it didn’t. What’s going on, she thought to herself. The Rageons around Veneer grew weaker and paler.
“Tell him to stop!” The Rageon holding him cried. The Neon Rageon put a hand around Veneer’s throat, grasping it hard and firm.
“No please! No please, leave him alone!” Velvet cried as her tears began to fall. Holding Veneer’s throat, the Rageon brought out his knife again…
“Cursed brat”…
…..Veneer began to cry out in pain…
Present day…
Velvet was on a bus that lead away from the city she resumed in for the past couple of weeks…
It had taken three months, but she had finally found where Floyd would be at, where the Trolls lived. She carried with her a small duffle bag with only a few belongings she had acquired on her small journey. Velvet still had on her Under Rageous attire, one of only two outfits she’d switched back and forth too. Her hair now fell in loose curls around her…on her head, her brother’s purple beanie…
Velvet could feel the stares of those riding in the bus with her…Rageons were not common outside from Rageous, the sight of one was extremely rare, and quite alarming. She didn’t care to make any eye contact or conversation. All that mattered was for her to reach her destination and finally rest…perhaps be rid of the pain she had been carrying for the past three months. Velvet leaned her head against the window and stared at the scenery outside. She had no more tears to cry…she was drained…she was numb. Velvet had grown paler and duller…as if the life was completely sucked out from her….and it was, it really was.
Night had fallen and the stars shown brightly. Veneer would’ve loved this, she thought to herself. He was always curious about what world lay outside Rageous, about what life was like. Everything in Rageous was artificial, well, mostly everything. He was an idiot, she told herself….Nope, still no tears…
“BergenTown. Next exit.” The words displayed on the over-head. This was her stop, finally, after three months…at least she’d hope those in BergenTown would be able to help her…She really had no other option.
The bus came to a halt at the stop. Collecting what she had, Velvet made her way out of the bus and into the bus stop. The doors screeched behind her as they closed, the tires of the bus whirring against the asphalt is it drove off. There was a road that lead away front the bus stop leaving her no choice but to follow it through. The road lead her through the outskirts of a wooded area… it wasn’t barren like the woods in Under Rageous but rather green and sprouting with life, with creatures she had never scene before or even knew existed….She hated it, she hated every last little bit of everything she saw..…it reminded her of him. Velvet averted her eyes from the scenery, she continued to walk with her eyes glued to the ground.
Eventually, she came upon the gates of BergenTown, home of the King of the Bergens, “Really? This is it? Not much.” She pushed the small button that rang the bell of the gates of the Bergen Kingdom…
“So tonight what she would do? I was thinking like a game night! Oh even better! A dance off game night!” Poppy beamed.
“Oh boy.” Branch exclaimed next to her. The little Trolls had decided to spend the evening with their Bergen friends. Normally it would be all the Trolls, Branches brothers and Viva, but this night, Poppy just wanted it to be a couples evening really.
“How about we just play some board games? I brought out some pretty cool we can play. For this one I was thinking we do boys vs. girls!” Gristle chimed.
“Great idea Grissy!” Bridgette clapped her hands.
Branch pumped up his arms, “Be ready to go down Poppy!”
Before they could begin their game, a guard came into the room they were gathered in, “Sire, forgive me but, we have a visitor who requests an audience with you.”
“A visitor? Is it a Troll?” Gristle asked.
“No sir. It’s not a Troll, it’s not a Bergen either.”
“Oh! Maybe a Vacationer! We’ve been getting more Vacationers since Bruce advised our kingdom.”
“No…No sir not a Vacationer.”
Bridgette looked at Gristle with an arched eyebrow, “Then what?”
The four of them followed the guard to the main entrance…That’s when they stopped and realized who their visitor was.
“Oh no. No, no, no. She has to get out of here!” Branch exclaimed.
“Velvet?” Poppy’s voice sounded.
“Yes, yes. It’s me in the flesh.” The Rageon said sarcastically.
“Are you out of prison? Because we promised the other kingdoms we wouldn’t harbor fugitives.” Gristle stated.
Velvet crossed her arms and scoffed, “I’ve been out of prison for the last couple of months. Thanks a lot.”
“Okay good. Now go somewhere else!” Branch scrunched his face as he looked upon the girl.
“Such a happy little grudge Troll.” She teased.
“Why are you here?” Gristle asked.
Velvet let out a sigh, “I need….I need a place to stay. It took me three months but I finally found you all. I left Rageous. I’m done with that place. I just need a fresh start, something new.”
They fell silent. Should they turn her away? Gristle didn’t want to risk any friendship the Bergens had with the Trolls. Velvet may just mess that up if the Trolls found out she was staying here…but then, she needed help, she needed a place to say…she needed a home…but they couldn’t help feel that something was missing. Seeing her standing there alone felt odd. That’s when the dreadful words were asked, the words she didn’t want to hear, the words that she knew would be asked when the Trolls or anybody that knew her saw her again…the words that stung her heart…
“Where’s Veneer?”
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shadowsxgwynriel · 2 days
Day 1: Friends and Family
This is a short drabble of Gwyn visiting Catrin’s grave.
Word Count: 733
Gwyn knelt in the grass, ignoring the fact that it was damp with morning dew.
She stared at the gravestone before her, feeling guilty at the lack of attention it had received over the years. It had taken her way too long to find the courage to come here. There was a part of herself that had been convinced everything was just one continuous bad dream. That her sister wasn’t really dead and buried in a graveyard all alone.
But seeing her name on the gravestone made it a reality that Gwyn couldn’t wake up from.
Catrin was dead. She wasn’t coming back.
Gwyn’s chest clenched and her eyes burned with unshed tears. “I’m sorry for not coming to visit before now. I just . . . I didn’t know how to do this, any of this, without you by my side.” She touched the stone, stroking her fingers over the words just below Catrin’s name. Beloved sister. “It’s true, you know? I loved you fully. You were my best friend. Even though we had our disagreements, I always knew that I could depend on you.”
After their mother had died, it had been just her and Catrin. And now it was just her.
Except, she wasn’t completely alone. Not anymore.
A small smile formed on her lips. “I made friends,” she said proudly. “We all found each other when nobody else was looking.” Gwyn thought of Emerie and Nesta, and all of the things that they had accomplished together—becoming Valkyrie, surviving and winning the blood rite. Then she thought of her sister, and how kind and courageous Catrin had been. “You would have loved them,” Gwyn whispered.
She pictured Catrin’s brilliant smile and the way her eyes used to sparkle with joy. A twinge of sadness filled her, and yet it wasn’t all consuming like it used to be. Gwyn would always miss Catrin, but she was finally starting to find happiness, and she knew that Catrin would be proud of her.
Soft footsteps sounded from behind her. Gwyn turned and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Emerie and Nesta standing there. “What are you two doing here?”
Emerie knelt beside her and smiled softly. “Because you’re here, and we thought that you might need us.”
Her vision blurred and tears slid down her cheeks. “You did?”
Nesta touched her shoulder. “You didn’t have to do this alone, Gwyn. We never face the hard stuff alone, we always face it together. Remember?”
Gwyn blinked until her vision cleared and she could see Nesta staring back at her with concern. “We face the hard stuff together,” Gwyn agreed around a sniffle. “Unlike the Blood Rite.”
Nesta winced. “You really won’t let me live that down.”
“Because I can’t stand the thought of losing another sister!” Gwyn wailed.
Nesta’s eyes softened. “You won’t.”
Gwyn took a moment to compose herself. Her emotions were all over the place.
“We didn’t want to show up here empty handed, so we made this,” Emerie said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a familiar looking item.
It was a friendship bracelet. Like the ones they all wore.
“You made Catrin a friendship bracelet?”
“Of course,” Emerie told her, sincerity shining in her eyes. “She is an honorary Valkyrie after all.”
Gwyn took the bracelet with a trembling hand. “Thank you.” She placed it on the soil in front of Catrin’s grave.
They all sat in silence. Gwyn could feel their bond growing stronger, and could have sworn that she felt Catrin’s spirit right there with them.
As if Nesta could also sense it, she said, “We’ll look after Gwyn.”
Emerie nodded her agreement and grabbed Gwyn’s hand. “We will.”
Gwyn thanked The Mother for bringing these two amazing women into her life. Their friendship made her want to take the least traveled path, because as long as they were all together, nothing could break them.
“Can I have a minute?” she asked.
“Of course.” Emerie gave her hand a gentle squeeze, then she and Nesta stood and walked away to give her some privacy.
Gwyn touched the gravestone. “Thank you for being the best sister. I miss you, more than you can ever know.”
She got to her feet gracefully and hurried to join Emerie and Nesta. And as they were leaving, a gust of wind blew through the air, almost like Catrin was saying her own goodbyes.
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luke-hughes43 · 2 days
how we met | luke and stella
Luke and stella's oldest daughter has her first heartbreak and while he siblings attempt to comfort her, she asks Luke and Stella the story of how they met and fell in love.
(so victoria is the oldest and is 17, she has a younger brother aidan or aj and he is 16, and their are a set of twins isaiah and isabella and they are 14. and the kid she was dating his named john)
so stella is in their kitchen cutting veggies for dinner when she hears vic slamming the door to the house open with aj hot on her heels. she hears vic yell, "stay out my life you annoying brat!" before vic slams her bedroom door closed.
luke yells to stella, "stel, what was that? are you ok?"
"I'm good babe. can you come up here?" she yells back. luke is coming up the stairs a minute later. he asks, "what's up baby?"
"I think that vic and aj just into a fight. and we might have to divide and conquer. I'll take vic? I think that this is over a guy, bc we know that aj wants her to date bella's oldest. maybe you talk to aj about staying out of his sister's love life?"
"didn't you and trevor need to have this talk from quinn when we started dating?" Luke asks with a small smile. Stella rolls her eyes, "maybe. but this is different. where are the twins?"
"upstairs. I think zay was helping izzy with homework or something?"
"ok i'm gonna take vic into our room. talk to aj. please babe?" stella says wrapping her arms around luke's waist. he nods and kisses her head. he says, "consider it taken care of sweet girl." she smiles and they go their separate ways up to their kids.
stella knocks softly on vic's bedroom door. she says, "vic, honey, it's mom. can I come in?" she hears sniffles and a faint, "yea." from inside. stella opens the door and sees her daughter curled into a ball with tears streaming down her face and she can feel her heart breaking at the sight.
stella says softly, "vic, baby, what happened?"
"john is a fucking asshole. sorry for swearing." vic says through her tears. stella's heart drops, "what'd he do baby?"
"I overheard him telling his friends on the phone as I was leaving that he's just dating me because of you and dad. and the name. and it hurts mom." vic cries. she crawls over to stella and hugs her. Stella holds her daughter tight and rubs her back, "how about we go to my room? have some me and you time?" vic nods and the two ladies go across the hall to luke and stella's room.
stella gets on her side and then vic lays next to her. vic says quietly, "why are guys such assholes mom?"
"at your age, it's because they think with the wrong head. they mellow out eventually." stella says knowing all too well how Luke was at that age. they lay in silence for a bit, stella rubbing vic's back trying to make her feel better. after a while, there's a soft knock on the door, "stel it's me. I got aj, can we come in?"
stella looks at vic for confirmation and she nods. she says to luke, "yea. you guys can come in." luke comes in with aj and they climb into bed too. aj breaks the silence, "I'm sorry tori. I wasn't trying to invade your life like that and I'll stay out of it going forward. are we good?"
"yea we're good. I was never even mad at you, john was just dating me because of our family anyways. I had picked you up right after I found out so I kinda took it out on you and that's not fair to you. I'm sorry." vic explains to her brother. aj's face drops and he says, "can I kill him?"
luke and stella say at the same time, "absolutely not."
aj then says, "fine. and your better off without him. you don't need a guy like that in your life. you're victoria hughes, you're going to michigan on a free ride for softball as one of the top prospects in the country. he doesn't deserve you."
luke and stella smile at their son being nice to his sister. vic smiles, "thanks. it still just sucks."
stella says, "and it's gonna suck honey. not everyone's first love is who they marry. look at uncle jack, and uncle trevor. maybe uncle trev is a bad example but uncle jack was dating someone and got her pregnant but it turned out she was just with him for the money and status. but now he's with aunt sarah and sarah is perfect for him."
"what about you and dad?"
"your mom is the only woman I've ever loved."
"no way!" aj exclaims. isaiah and isabella come in and say, "we heard aj yell."
stella smiles, "come here. your sister just had her first breakup and so we're gonna cheer her up." zay and izzy climb onto the bed and the 6 of them are all laying together. vic asks, "so if you guys have only ever loved each other, how did you guys meet and start dating?"
"you guys wanna know?" luke asks smiling at stella. the kids all nod and stella is smiling at luke. stella starts by saying, "well, we knew who each other were before we officially met. because uncle jack and uncle trevor played together at the program. and so we knew that I was trevor's sister and your dad was jack's brother but we had never met. not until we were 15 and 16. it was at jack and trevor's draft that we officially met in person."
"and I thought your mom was the prettiest girl in the room. still do. but 15 year old me was so nervous to be around her." luke says.
"gross dad." aj fake vomits.
"anyways. that whole first year that we actually knew each other, we were just friends. we would text a lot and talk on the phone a decent amount too. and whenever we could, we'd always watch other's games. I knew pretty early on that I had a crush on your dad. I mean, he was so thoughtful, a great listener, and liked me for me. not because my older brother is trevor zegras, or I was a division 1 softball commit, he liked me for me. which was big for the both of us back then." stella explains.
vic asks, "what do you mean mom?"
"well, vic the same thing that happened between you and john, happened to me and your dad at least once or twice each." stella says looking at her oldest. luke chimes in, "and your mom doesn't just mean dating. she also means friends. I had a bunch of guys try to be my friend in high school because of quinn and jack and your mom dealt with the same thing because of trevor, so we understand what your dealing with tori. a lot."
"I didn't know that." vic says quietly. stella rubs her back, "we didn't want you know baby. we found our own ways to deal with it, that's why our circle seems so big but in reality is really small. and everybody is married to everybody. it's part of why I liked your father so much back in the day, because I knew that he knew what it was like to be compared to your older brother all the time and have people wanna be friends with you or date just to get close to them."
"that's really the only appeal I had when we were 16?" luke questions, feigning offense. stella giggles and shakes her head. vic asks, "so is dad still that way with you now mom? like the whole thoughtful, a great listener, and liking you for you thing?"
"everyday. and he as since the day we started dating, July 27, 2020. I remember it like it was yesterday."
"wait, isn't that your wedding anniversary?" izzy asks. luke and stella both nod with smiles. stella says softly, "yea."
"it's also the same day I proposed." luke comments. aj asks, "did you do that on purpose?"
"yes. when I was asking her to marry me and then when eventually got married that was planned. but when I first asked your mom out, it kinda just happened."
"how come you asked her to marry you on the same day you started dating?" zay asks quietly. the other 3 hughes's kids affirmed his question by asking similar ones. luke smiles at his beautiful wife, "because I wanted us to have a day that was just ours. a day that no one can take away from us. a day that I don't have to share her."
vic says, "that's so cute. did you know that he was doing that mom?"
"at the time no. but when we were planning the wedding and he suggested it, I knew why. despite how slow your father can be, he's quite the romantic." stella says giggling at luke who just pouts.
the kids giggle at stella poking fun at luke. vic quietly asks, "mom, do you think I'll find a love like you and dad have?"
"I certainly hope so baby. I hope all of you guys do." stella says softly at her oldest. vic asks stella again, "how do you know if you found that love?"
"you just kinda know. I knew with your father pretty quickly. the best advice I can offer is never settle. and find someone who looks at you like you are the stars and moon and whole world. and that is with you for you and nothing else."
"and what if I had that person all along and just didn't know until now?" vic whispers. stella softly sighs, smiling at luke. stella says to vic, "vic, honey, I would've gone through a 100 heartbreaks if it meant I still got to be with your father. if you think you found that person, regardless of what happened with john, go for it. talk to them, tell them how you feel."
"thanks mom." vic smiles.
stella also smiles, "anytime baby. now aj, stay out of vic's love life. even if she happens to date your best friend. it's her business got it?"
"yes mom." aj says mumbling to himself. stella says firmly, "good. and twins, never grow up and start dating please?"
"no promises mom." zay says smiling. vic crawls out from stella's arms and says, "I have to go call someone and then study. thanks for cheering me up guys."
"always tori." luke says giving his oldest daughter a smile. aj groans, "it's literally school vacation week. you're such a nerd."
"she gets that from your mother." luke says poking back at stella. the kids giggle as stella smacks him in the head and threatens, "I will make you sleep on the couch luke warren."
the kids hurry out of their parents room and luke gives stella is soft kiss with a smile. he mumbles against her lips, "we did good baby."
"we did. now come help me finish dinner." stella dragging the two of them out of bed. "coming sweet girl." luke says following behind her down to the kitchen.
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boysbellyrubs · 2 days
hi! I love your work, if you don't mind could you make a sickfic where a male character of your liking mistake a stomach flu as motion sickness, because he's in a car/airplane/boat. Thank you.
Sorry for making you wait so long for this. I'm finally free of exams so I had time to write this, it's kinda short and rushed but I hope you enjoy :)
The drive to Queenstown had always been known to cause motion sickness. The twisty roads stuck high up against the hills were a recipe for disaster. Caine felt himself sliding around in the passenger seat, trying desperately to stare at one spot outside the car. 
“Feeling okay?” Quinn asked. The car's radio turned down as Quinn took notice of Caine’s silence. Monitoring each other on the drive was something they had agreed on before they left, knowing how treacherous the trip was going to be. Caine didn’t want to think about when he would have to drive back, the thought of plummeting face first down the cliff made his insides curdle. 
His inside curdled on their own though. The roads curved and wrapped around his stomach, sending ominous gurgles and neon warning signs lit up in his head. Caine cringed inwards, hating the queasy feeling nestled deep in his belly, it made his head spin and his eyes water. 
Quinn tried again, “Caine? I asked if you were okay.” 
“Feeling a little queasy.” He mumbled, arms squeezing across his middle. His boyfriend groaned a little. 
“I’m sorry, hon, but we’ve got a ways to go before we get to some flat. Can you hold out until then?” 
Caine really wanted to say no. But, Quinn was right. It was impossible for them to pull over. He nodded but a small whimper left his lips. It felt like his brain was sliding around inside his skull, bouncing against bone and spinning up his eyeballs. He looked directly forward, breathing heavily through his nose. Quinn silently turned up the air con, an icy blast of air hit Caine square in the face. 
As they drove on, Caine found a good spot on the horizon for his eyes to rest. He ignored the speeding images of other cars and green hills beside him. A cramp tore up his middle, gurgling angrily at him. Every breath he took caused another fresh wave of nausea to rise up. 
“Do you need a bag or something?” Quinn said, eyes focused on the road. Even though Caine was clearly suffering, driving them off into the depths of the mountains was a lot worse. “There’s one in the glove box.” 
Caine shakily reached for it. He knew it was coming, he just didn’t know when. He closed his eyes at the uncomfortable feeling, hating the suspense and the build up of bubbly nausea brewing inside him. With some more shaky breaths he lowered his legs from their curled up position and let himself sit in misery, plastic bag crumpled up in his grasp. 
The sun was beaming into the car, the noon brightness causing his eyebrows to crease. The air conditioner was suddenly useless. Caine felt himself sweating under his layers but shivering like a leaf. He opened up the bag a bit, letting out a breath through his mouth. 
He could barely talk. “Quinn, I really don’t feel good.” It was a struggle to even open his mouth. Caine was terrified any indication of an escape would send his stomach hurtling into the bag. 
“I know, honey. Maybe ten more minutes.” Caine didn’t think he’d be able to last that long. No matter how hard he tried, the car’s movement was something he couldn’t just ignore. He felt his jaw clench, aching with the beginning of the end. His stomach chose that moment to cramp. 
“Oh, fuck me.” This was one of the worst experiences of his life. Trapped inside with only a plastic bag to calm his fears. His stomach lurched. Caine’s back arched and he dropped his head into the bag, hovering over his knees like he was elderly. The sudden movement made his vision swim. He was the picture of miserable. 
His shaky hands wrapped tightly around the handles as his stomach let go. A throaty heave brought up a mouthful, cutting off his air supply with little warning. He gagged again as the ache inside his stomach tripled. The entire atmosphere of the car changed, it felt like he was floating through space as another heave assaulted him. 
Caine’s mouth was wide open, desperate for a breath of air, but vomit won the battle. The sweat on his brow dripped into the bag. He felt disgusting. He could vaguely hear Quinn’s voice. Caine desperately needed to hold his belly, hating the way it contracted and heaved. The car took a sharp turn. Caine’s stomach took its own turn and pivoted up to his throat, another rolling gag made him spit up hot acidic vomit. He groaned at the feeling, his throat scratchy. 
The sharp turn however was Quinn finally being able to pull over. The car's engine rumbled quiet and Caine lifted his head just a bit to see the rolling countryside of the vineyards in his view. Well, if there was any place to get violently sick, it was Queenstown. 
His door opened and Quinn’s voice finally was loud enough to be heard over the blood in his ears. He guided Caine outside, clinging to his arms. “Take some deep breaths baby.” 
Caine’s legs were shaking. “Can I sit down?” 
“Oh, yeah, yeah. There you go, just relax.” He still had the bag in his hands. Caine imagined the sloshing to be what his stomach was doing. Despite being outside and stationary, his belly still tossed and turned. He moaned, wrapping one of his arms around it. There was a light breeze around them, drying his sweat and making him shiver. Quinn’s arms never let go. 
A few moment of rest was all he was allowed. Right outside a beautiful winery, Caine felt his stomach cramp again and he belched thickly into the bag. Saliva gathered quickly inside his mouth. His cheeks filled up with vomit and he coughed it up. With no time to breath, another gag made his shoulders roll forward and he burped up more, shaking at the force. 
Quinn’s steady hand rested on his back, and the other pushed up the hair that was beginning to stick to his forehead. That hand however, stilled when he touched skin. Quinn hummed as he held his hand there. “Are you sure this is motion sickness, Caine?” 
His answer was anything but coherent. Caine’s mind was burning and his grip on reality was faltering. 
“I think you have a fever, my love,” His hand moved to his neck, knuckles gently grazing under his jaw. “You’re very warm.”
Caine didn’t want to believe it. A nice trip ruined because of him. “I don’t even know where I picked this up though.” His voice was shot. Desperately tired and violently cold, Caine leaned into Quinn’s body, tucking his head down. The other just wrapped his arms around him. Cars whizzed past, probably wondering what the hell they were doing, but Caine needed the support. He was dizzy as fuck, feeling like the ground underneath was swaying like the ocean. 
“How are you feeling now?” Quinn tried after a few minutes of silence. Caine shrugged his shoulders, exhaustion outweighing everything else he was feeling. He put his hands onto his belly. 
“I think we can go. I’m freezing out here.” 
“Okay, hold on to me, okay,” Quinn got him standing. They slowly walked back to the car and Quinn handed him a new sick bag. “Found this in the backseat. If you want me to pull over just say so.” He brushed back Caine’s hair again, subtly checking the fever. Caine was so weak his head fell back against the seat as a result. He closed his eyes at the feather light touches along his cheeks and around the delicate skin of his eyes. 
A soft kiss was placed at the tip of his nose. 
“Not too far to go. Then you can sleep away this nasty bug.” Quinn’s hand patted his stomach and then buckled him in. 
The drive from then on was quite smooth, no longer winding and dangerous. Caine dozed for most of it, waking up only to cramps or to burp up vomit into the bag. The lethargy that usually came with stomach bugs was too strong though, making his bones ache and his muscles weak. Getting out of the car again stirred up his nausea once again and an embarrassing few gags filled the silence in the elevator. 
However, once they finally made it to the room, Caine collapsed onto the bed and let Quinn fuss over him. Belly rubs and kisses made his body shut down, falling into sleep as he let his body battle the sickness.  --
Some New Zealand scenery for ya'll. Thankfully I don't get sick when I go on this road lmao.
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