#thirsty blake
If someone hasn’t already asked, what’s Blake’s opinion on Yang’s new RWBYJL look?
Oh, she likes it very much.
Blake: Wow.... Yang... you look so.... mature~
Yang: Thanks, Blake! I like your outfit too. Granted, I'm still not used to the lack of cat ears (pantomimes cat ears)
Blake: (eyes grazing over Yangs muscles and breastplate) Gods, what have you been eating...
Yang: Huh? Just the normal stuff-
Blake: ...and why is it not me?~
Yang: (jawdrops and blushes)
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
Always stretch before exercising
Jaune: *Stretching*
Pyrrha: As you can see, Jaune has walk a long way to get to where he is now.
Blake: Yeah, he has become very flexible~
Pyrrha: But from time to time he needs a little help. And I thought maybe you can give him a hand.
Blake: Oh, I can give him more than that~ *licks her lips*
Pyrrha: Really? That's great! Jaune would be delighted to know.
Blake: Oh fuck yes, I can't wait for him to stretch me out~
Pyrrha: *Confuse* Um...Ok,.. but I meant that you will help HIM stretch.
Blake: Oh something is going to stretch out of him, believe me~💕
Pyrrha: *Weird out* Um… are we still talking about stretching? Because I feel like you're talking about something else.
Blake: I can't wait for him to stretch me out in the Cat-Cow position with his big co-
Pyrrha: *Use her semblance to kick her out of the gym*
Pyrrha: *Red* Stay away from him!!
---------------- Pyrrha is a very good person to think that her friend could be a pervert, but she has her limits.
Continuation of "Blake is Thirsty" Au
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starsm00n · 5 months
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novankenn · 9 months
He's an... ACTIVIST!?!
Blake and Deery were walking along the streets of Vale, merrily chatting with each other. Besides their joint Lust ATTRACTION to Baby Daddy... Jaune, they also found aside from tenure with the White Fang, and sticking it to the SDC... they also like good tea, hot apple scones and "Ninjas Of Love"
So currently they were on their way to discuss the latest book release and enjoy some quality tea and baked goods, when they noticed a gathering near the intersection.
Deery: Am I going crazy or is that the OLD White Fang flag?
Blake: No... no your right it is. I didn't think... is that a 'Down with the Schnee-archy' poster?
Deery: I think that one's a flag as well...
Blake: Then that's a BIG flag...
Deery: Look there's a 'this is the ONLY Remnant we have!' one!
Blake: We have to check this out. Come on.
Blake grabbed Deery by the hand, not noticing the blush that colored Deery's cheeks, and half dragged her to the edge of the gathering.
Deery: No WAY!
Blake: What... you have to be kidding me! What the hell?!?
What had the two ovulating faunus women confounded was their Baby Daddy... JAUNE, standing on the roof of a SDC delivery van. Which was slightly shocking, but it was more that he was shirtless (ara-ara) wearing a bandanna, torn jeans, multiple beaded bracelets... and an electric guitar.
Jaune: We ONLY have ONE REMNANT and it doesn't just belong to the SCHNEE-ARCHY! It belongs to everyone! To all of us! Human and Faunus! EQUALLY!!
Deery: Oh gods I think he's going to going to...
Blake: *Panting heavily*
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Weiss walking out of the VPD with a very ashamed Blake and Deery following close behind her.
Weiss: IF it is not bad ENOUGH, to have to come down here and bail both of you out, but I have to find out through Pyrrha of all people it is because you took part in a RIOT that attacked an SDC District office!
Weiss stops turns and looks at the two.
Weiss: What do you have to say for yourselves?
Blake: We're sorry... we sort of got caught up in it all...
Deery: Is Jaune okay? When the police showed up we lost sight of him.
Weiss: Pyrrha is trying to get him to surrender.
Blake / Deery: Surrender?
(Master Episode List)
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bakaqb · 2 years
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plot twist: they’re gay 
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erros429 · 1 year
it has been WEEKS and i’m still not over the fact that blake barely let yang finish saying “i love you” before she JUMPED IN and said it too. how is that even real
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nocturnalazure · 1 year
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deadbeatbirdmom · 10 months
Forbidden Fruit
So I managed to write a fic over the past couple of days.
Here it is on AO3 and FFN.
Summary: Blake has wanted to ride Yang for longer than she cares to admit. This isn’t what she had in mind.
Rated T for thirsty Blake and some swearing from Yang.
Full disclosure: this is a cursed crackfic. I blame @strawberry-seal77 for encouraging this. I think I knew about Yorse before Strawberry, but I had no intention of writing a Yorse fic until Strawberry shared some cute Yorse sketches.
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the-labyrinth-of-me · 2 years
Henry Blake tummy appreciation post
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Yang with dad bod so true. Blake is thirsty for dilf Yang 100% too
100%!!! But, my version of Dad Bod/DILF Yang is where she has the firm potbelly and solid dad forearms and calves. Like the blue collar, construction worker dad bods. The kind of solid belly that if you slap it, it's gonna break your hand.
DILF Yang: (mowing the lawn in the hot sun, takes off shirt revealing a sturdy dad bod with a solid pot belly)
Blake: (sitting on the patio with hearts in her eyes and panting like a dog)
Cubby: Ugh... (passes Blake iced tea) Here, Mom.
Blake: What's this for?
Cubby: To help quench your THIRST. I'm sitting right here!
DILF Yang: (squirts water bottle in her face to cool off)
Blake: (Warning! Blake.exe has stopped working!) Oh, I want to lick up all that water....
Cubby: EWWWWWW!!! That's it! I'm going over to Aunty Weiss and Ruby's for the afternoon!!!
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juanarc-thethird · 9 months
You are talking about food, right?
Jaune: *Cooking some sausages on the grill*
Yang: Man, they look delicious
Blake: I know, I bet it's juicy.
Yang: What? You don't mean "they're" juicy.
Blake: *Ignoring her* God, just thinking about how thick it is makes my mouth water.
Yang: *Worry* H-Hold on. You are talking about food, right?
Blake: *Heart eyes* I can't wait to shove all that meat down my throat~💕
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superiorsturgeon · 1 month
Yang: *gets up in the night* Mmm…thirsty…
Yang: *fills up a glass of water at the sink*
Yang: *turns around to return to bed*
Blake: *standing one inch behind Yang* Why did you leave me? 🥺
Yang: *falls over* JESUS BALLS!!!!
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howlingday · 3 months
Jaune: Adrian? ADRIAN, NO!
Jaune: (Pulls Adrian out of the arena) What are you doing?!
Adrian: I'm bringing my boss a soda, right across the arena.
Jaune: That's crazy talk, Adrian! Why would you do that?!
Adrian: I'm giving a hundred and ten percent, Uncle Jaune, just like you said I should do.
Jaune: Not like this! I... (Sighs) Look, we'll talk about this later. For now, head up to your aunties. I think they might be thirsty.
Boss: (Via radio) Hey! Rat boy! Where the hell are you?! What, do I need to dangle some cheese to get your attention? Where the hell's my soda?!.
Jaune: (Turns off radio, Walks across arena)
Announcer: And what's this? It looks like a member of the audience is walking across the field! I sure hope they have aura!
Announcer: Oof! After a blast like that, I sure hope- WAIT! HE'S STILL WALKING! AND HE'S GOING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ARENA!
Boss: Where the hell is that kid?
Boss: Heh heh heh~! And how you gonna do that? I'm up here and you're down-
Jaune: (Yells, Punches wall)
Boss: (Falls off, Repeatedly kicked in his ass)
Ruby: Are you getting pictures, too, Weiss?
Weiss: What kind of girl do you take me for, Ruby?
Weiss: (Smiling as Jaune keeps kicking) I'm getting this all on film~.
Blake: Thank you for the soda, Adrian.
Adrian: That'll be four lien, Auntie Blake~!
Yang: Yeesh, when did the prices go up?
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infamous-if · 3 months
So far, based on thirsty asks in your inbox, which RO's do you think are the most popular?
I don’t think Seven will ever leave the top spot (theres still a HUGE gap between them and the others) but Blake has been bumped to #2 based on my inbox so that’s cool :)
rivals to lovers trope gets us all eventually
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pilot-boi · 2 months
Horror aside of Twins!Yang finding out what her brother has gone through in the Ever After, I can only imagine the teasing she gives Blake for being thirsty for her brother, something along the lines of "nobody can resist twins". Another heartwarming moment would be realizing that the "Ferocious Yet Kind Golden Dragon" that the fabled Rusted Knight searches for in all the fairy tales... is Her.
And Blake’s just like “Shut up!! I didn’t have a crush on Your Brother, I had a crush on the character!!” She knows it’s just teasing, they’re cute like that
“So you admit that us twins are irresistible~”
“I was five!”
“Didn’t you write fanfiction about-“
“No! Nonono shut up! I can’t believe you brought that up, what if he hears??”
Jaune is adorably oblivious, bless him
The Rusted Knight always told Alyx that he was waiting for his friends, but most of all the ferocious (yet kind) Golden Dragon. The girl supposed this made sense, he was a knight after all. Knights are meant to slay dragons.
He always laughed when she brought that up. “No, Explorer, I’m not looking for the Golden Dragon so I can kill her. I just won’t feel complete until I do.”
Some details are in ever version of the story. The Rusted Knight guides Alyx through the Ever After. The Rusted Knight drinks poison to save her life. The Rusted Knight is searching for the Golden Dragon. Anyone who’s ever heard the story knows these details
It’s never made clear in the story what the Knight means when he says that he won’t feel complete until he finds her
Some people say that it’s because he’s a knight, and knights in stories always have quests (And the Rusted Knight has inspired many a story). Some say that he wants to find the Golden Dragon because once he does he’ll finally be able to stop wandering the Ever After
Some people even believe the Golden Dragon isn’t a real character at all, and is instead a metaphor for the Knight always striving for peace in the Ever After. Maybe the “Golden Dragon” is just a symbol for his eventual triumph over the Jabberwalker
Whatever the case, many kids are upset when the Rusted Knight drinks poison in Alyx’s stead, not just because he dies, but because he never found the Golden Dragon
So when Yang finds out that not only is the Rusted Knight her brother, but that the ferocious yet kind Golden Dragon that will “complete the Rusted Knight” is HER, she just holds him so tightly
And in his soul she can feel something broken slot back into place after decades of being missing
“I never stopped looking for you, ya know.”
“I’ll never leave you again.”
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fandomflotilla · 1 year
Nora: So…you guys went to a fairy tale-ass dimension where everything was fucked up. Did…did you guys get anything while you were there? Find out any new things about yourselves?
Weiss: Nah, not really, it was pretty uneventful-
Jaune: I got trapped in there for 20 years so now I’m mentally older than everyone I know while dealing with the crippling knowledge that I can’t save everyone.
Ruby: The stress of leadership got to me, so I tried to commit suicide. Kinda.
Yang: Blake and I got LAID!
Weiss: …oh. right. Forgot about…all that.
Nora: Okay. So…that sounds…traumatizing.
Jaune: It was!
Ruby: Thank you for asking.
Yang: I mean it depends if Blake’s tongue counts as traumatizing-
Blake: Shut Up Yang.
Nora: …
Nora: …Ngl feel a little uncomfortable inquiring any further about THAT can of worms.
Nora: Was there anything that…wasn’t horrifically awkward to talk about?
Weiss: Uh…I guess not really-
Yang: Weiss is into DILFs.
Weiss: HEY-
Nora: Oh HELL YEAH, that’s what I’m talking about. Wait, who was she thirsting over?
Weiss: I wasn’t thirsting over anyone-
Ruby: Jaune.
Yang: Jaune.
Blake: Jaune.
Jaune: Wait, what?
Nora: Oh REALLY?
Weiss: That wasn’t me being thirsty-
Blake: “Oh Jaune, when did you get so mature…”
Yang: When she saw Aged-Jaune she wanted to climb that shit like a LADDER.
Ruby: I’m not sure I want to know what she would’ve done if we weren’t there to shame her.
Nora: Ice Queen wanted an Ice Daddy?
Weiss: I Hate. You ALL.
R_BY_N___: *Proceed to begin teasing Weiss relentlessly*
Jaune: *Whispers* Sorryyyyy…
Weiss: *Whispers* It’s okay. I’m glad they’re talking about…literally anything besides the traumatic stuff right about now.
Jaune: Fair, still, little rude to be making stuff up about you. Not like you actually wanted to jump my bones or anything, right?
Weiss: …
Jaune: …
Weiss: *Blushes*
Jaune: Wait. Hang on. There’s no-Weiss I hadn’t taken a shower in a WEEK-
Weiss: Okay yes but also neither had I, so it’s not like I was gonna judge, besides that sweaty musky smell was kinda hot-
Jaune: …
Weiss: Oh I probably shouldn’t have said that. Sorryyyyyy….
Jaune: Its okay Weiss. It’s flattering. A little weird. But flattering.
Weiss: Thanks…
Jaune: Besides, we can put that behind us! Now that I’m kind of young again it’s not like you still want to bang me.
Weiss: …
Jaune: …
Weiss: *blushes*
Jaune: Weiss?
Weiss: *jumps up and places a kiss on his cheek before scurrying away*
Jaune: Weiss?!?!? Weiss what was that???? Weiss?!?!??
Jaune: *runs after her*
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