#thanks to everyone who follows this blog for existing. i care you guys
99probalos · 2 years
ok. change of plans. im splitting apart chapter 2 and now the first batch of chapters will be released after chapter 3 is finished. also im at 8.1k words.. whew!
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Celebratory 1k+ post! (+Official Reveal of "Him.")
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First of all, before I start, I would just like to thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart. I cannot begin to emphasize just how much it means to me that more than 1,000 of you decided that this blog was follow worthy.
The fact that so many people engage with this blog, whether asking a lore-related question to know more about the world of the AU, to joking around and making me laugh makes my heart swell with pride and joy.
This AU's purpose was not only to tell a story, but to also destress myself from my problems so I can keep my head on my shoulders and keep on living. So to know that many people found this passion project interesting enough, well... All I could really say is...
Thank you.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share an incredibly canon-divergent story that is so far removed from the original source, it may as well be considered as a standalone project.
Thank you for sparing a little bit of your time and attention (as well as a few braincells) to learn about the characters, the story, the history, and the world of it.
... And most of all, thank you for continuously saving me from the darkness that attempts to consume me everyday.
No one really knows what happens to me behind the screen, and I'd rather keep it that way because I don't wanna be such a downer. Even here, I want to keep things lighthearted so I won't be delving into that.
Besides that, there's unfortunately something I haven't been entirely honest with you guys. Everyone knows about the B.O.S.S. (B.loodthirsty, O.verburdened S.corned S.ouls) roster, and how they serve as the AU's antagonists, but there is a secret character who doesn't exactly fall into that category.
Rather, he's not just a normal boss antagonist. HE'S THE OVERARCHING VILLAIN OF THIS AU, and has been teased since WAYYYY back to the early poster of the Harlequin AU.
You may know this guy as "???" from the roster list, or "HIM" from the answered lore-related asks. Well, for the sake of a celebratory 1k post that won't provide much strain for me, I've decided to reveal who this is.
Now, without further ado, I'd like you all to meet-
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"The Patriarch of Puppets" - Official design reveal!
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"Adorned in silver and reds, The Patriarch of Puppets (or simply, "The Patriarch") is an untouchable and powerful entity who constantly chases Pomni after she finishes a battle with a Boss."
No one knows what the fuck his problem is, But one thing is for sure: he first shows up after Pomni defeats the Skirmish General, and seems to like tormenting the Combat Harlequin by attempting to separate her soul from her heart and inflicting burning agony.
Pomni, in tandem, feels GREAT DREAD even at her first encounter with The Patriarch; she doesn't know why, but whenever he's in her general presence, her entire soul, AND her fight-or-flight instincts screams TWO THINGS: "DANGEROUS. RUN."
Pomni CANNOT fight him to save her life. Her sword hands starts to tremble and she can't move if she's around him for too long. She knows from the very beginning that this is a fight that she cannot win no matter what. He is the Hunter, and she is the Prize.
Bubble also seems to power off instantly and just crash to the ground with no warning, an immediate telling sign that he's already in the general vicinity. He seems to not care about the blimp in the slightest.
His classification is a King Harlequin; 1) a reference to "king-size", 2) a literal one of a kind Puppet, and 3) the tallest of Harlequins that no one even knew existed in the first place.
Just how tall exactly? Well...... here's the updated lineup.
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I hope that this is a fitting celebratory 1k treat for all you hungry lore eaters and Harlequin AU enjoyers!
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Just doing this quick and fast for anyone who doesn't know me, is new here, or just forgot who I was when I disappeared for a while.
Hi! My name is Storm (obviously not really but it's what everyone calls me here, or variations of it). My pronouns are she/her. I'm bi, married and have kids. I work in the mass communication and education fields, for now. I LOVE to read, write, and listen to music.
I've been ARMY since the beginning of 2020. I found BTS basically by accident. My music and dance loving baby was losing it and my husband said oh wait "there is this group out there who does amazing choreo to their songs" and put on the fire dance practice. And I, too, LOVED it. MOTS7 was my first comeback so it holds a very special place in my heart. And boy did BTS and learning about them save my sanity during the pandemic.
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I am Yoongi and Jimin biased. Jungkook is my main bias wrecker, Hobi a very close second. You may call me a yoonminkooker if you want. I am not a shipper, but I do exist and operate this blog in shipper spaces. I do think there is a high chance that Jimin and JK have *something* going on that's more than just friendship. I don't care if I'm wrong though. I do know for a fact that they are the bestest of friends and nothing will ever change that. I also believe that yoonminkook are all very likely queer in some sense of the word. That has nothing to do with their relationship status and is just how I see things.
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On this blog, I stress facts and original content first. Anything that isn't straight from original content though is solely my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone is always free to agree or disagree with me as they please. I am not here for followers, the numbers don't matter to me. I started this blog for me and because a friend and a few others were encouraging me to share my thoughts over larger topics and I write essays. If you follow me or not is totally your choice, but my content will be whatever it is going to be. That's never going to change. I'm always happy to talk with people though, even through disagreements on opinions. As long as there is respect, I'm always more than happy to agree to disagree.
I love and adore all BTS members. I am OT7 through and that will never change. I love all 7 members, and I love them in every single duo/trio/grouping combination. And I will never tolerate any hate or slander towards any of them on my blog.
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And finally, my post masterlist is here, if you haven't seen it yet, please check it out. Thank you!
Hopefully that's a sufficient introduction 😂 felt weird to have to do. I am not this important lol. If you guys have any questions or have anything you want to share, feel free to ask 💜
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sol-consort · 7 months
Do you think in reverse, any of the alien races also tried those tips on befriending humans? Aliens bragging online how they totally rizzedd up a human with ridiculous advice, humans are just like "lol silly little guys" and humor it happily.
Are we bringing the "loser high elf with a human obsession" trend in here from my other blog? Because I am fully down to making a loser friendgroup of aliens who are creeps towards humans as much as they are endlessly curious.
And yes, oh definitely yes they are bragging online about tottally rizzing up this new shiny species who stumbled their way into the stars.
A turian posting on his twitter about how he's been assigned with a human in C-SEC, how he has been studying a lot of human rituals by watching Hollywood movies and reading mammal herd behaviours, not realising humans are categorised as predetors.
It's a long thread of him describing his "successful" attempts and encounters with the human.
He followed the human to lunch and made sure to eat next to them since the extranet articles talked about the importance of eating together in human culture.
Except the human was a messy eater and the turian's food ended up getting contaminated, resulting in the turian having a coughing fit, throwing up, passing out and waking up in the emergency care.
A salarian saw this thread and left a very long comment mansplaining human behaviour and how the turian was absolutely wrong and an idiot. The two of them argued back and forth in the comments during the turian's stay in the hospital.
Resulting in the salarian claiming he could befriend a human much faster and easier than the turian's pathetic attempt. Leading the turian to daring him to post it.
So he read any books he could find about human evolution and history. Confident that he could apply them on the next human tour group coming to Sur'kesh.
Human primitives loved climbing trees, correct? And Sur'kesh has lots of trees! Their closest relatives are in apes huh? The salarian knows just what to do with this information.
Imagine with me, you're a human tourist in an alien planet, following the polite salarian guide in the front and taking pictures of the lovely view. You're having a wonderful time.
Then out of nowhere, comes another salarian who stops in front of the whole tour group. The tour guide seems confused and you wonder if this was preplanned or not.
This random salarian begins speaking to the entire group very slowly as he states the fact that there are a lot of trees around here. Asking if anyone would like to join him in climbing one as a mutual show of trust and friendship.
You raise your camera as you watch this salarian who's worked in a bio lab all his life, struggling to climb one tree and very slowly making progress. When he reaches the top, he is reminded of the fact oh, heights and gravity exist, this is so much more terrifying than he thought it would be.
Now he's stuck on the tree, and the salarian tour guide is dialing up security to both come and get him down but also kick him out before he causes a human diplomatic incident.
The salarian's terrified at the top like a scared kitten. You climbed a lot of trees as a kid, and this one isn't even that tall, so you climb up there and offer to carry the salarian down, which he enthusiastically accepts.
Everyone is taking pictures and smiling, the tour guide is relieved that an incident was avoided.
Then the salarian in your arms, reaches into his pocket says he has just the thing to thank you with, kind human.
He takes out. A banana. Offering it to you.
The pictures and videos of him doing that end up on the galactic news the next day, you get word that the human ambassador Udina wants use this incident to demand compensation and sanctions on the salarians offensive gesture to a human tourist. The salarian government is very apologetic and panicking, ready to throw credits at the problem to solve it.
But you post a video on your social media laughing it off and saying it's fine. Putting an end to the incident before it escalates.
An asari sits in her office as she looks over the latest galactic news, the salarian's pathetic attempt at befriending a human that resulted in a diplomatic incident.
She sips on her coffee, a human delicacy, as she finally decides where she wants to spend her once-a-year break.
Booking the nearest ticket to Earth, she thinks, befriending humans cannot be that hard, right?
She has seen many humans in Thessia. She even talked to one once when they asked her for directions! Sure, she never really befriended any before, but they can't be that different from all the other species. After all, an asari can get anyone wrapped around their finger if she tries hard enough.
Landing on Earth, she realises just why it was called the blue planet. The sky is very blue, almost aggressively so and the sun here hurts to look at, unlike the gentle one in Thessia.
There are so many humans around, not a sign of a single alien in sight. All of them walking with a purpose, some taking their animals to a stroll and oh wow that dog is bigger than any varren she has ever seen, how did that human tame it?
Some give her a pacing glance, and others are indifferent to her. She keeps trying to strike up a conversation but everyone just declines and say they're busy or in a hurry.
Strange, the humans on the citadel are much more friendly. An asari could walk up to a group and demand their attention just like that, why are the ones here so different?
Eventually she spots an older woman, ah yes a human Matriarch! Just perfect. She goes to the elder woman sitting on a bench while feeding the pigeons.
The woman smiles, wrinkles in her face from a life full of happiness, greeting the blue lady. The two of them sit together and have a talk, the old woman is very patient and understanding with the asari as she explains that this is just how humans are, how the ones on the citadel are a very select view who are enthusiastic about aliens.
The asair is stunned to learn that this woman is merely 78 years old, yet she holds so much wisdom and charm. They spend the entire day talking and watch the sunset together.
By the end, the old woman apologises for having to leave, saying her grandkids are visiting tonight and she must go back home. But she will be here tomorrow if the asair wants to continue the chat.
Day after day, week after week. The asair keeps meeting up with her snd talking, about nothing and everything, life and its meaning, the sky and its colours, love and its sisters.
The asari asks if the old woman has her spouse in her life still, the old woman smiles, full of melancholy as she shakes her head no.
Reading on human mating rituals, the asari starts bringing the old woman flowers, red in colour and varied in shapes. A box of sweets that the old woman kindly declines because of her blood sugar, yet the asari doesn't give up and comes the next day with a box of dark chocolate.
By the end of the month, the asari brings her final gift to the old woman. A small red box that fits perfectly into her balm. The old woman has to put her glasses back on as the asari opens the box to be able to see what's inside.
Getting on one knee, the asari opens the box to present a shiny ring inside, she asks cautiously if she'd like to come back with her to Thessia to live the rest of their lives together.
The old woman smiles, the asari grew found of her smiles, so gentle and warm. Reaching with her shakey hands, she takes the box and admires the beautiful ring inside. She chuckles with delight at the flattering implication as she puts the ring back in the box and hands it to the asari.
Patting her head, the 78 human woman tells the 600 asari woman to go find a young girl her age to marry. How she basically sees her as a granddaughter.
The asari comes back home with a newfound hatred for Earth, attempting to cope with having her heartbroken by a single human who hasn't passed their first century yet.
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the-daily-male · 1 month
Hello all, Mod Elizabeth here. Just had some stuff I wanted to say
Reminder: this blog is intended to be a safe space for folks to come and submit men, or male adjacent people/characters, that they like. We exist so that you can come and share your silly little guy! And we love it when you do!
With that in mind, I’d like to address something that has been happening on some of the polls. It has not been uncommon for folks to leave comments or tags shaming, belittling, or downright bullying, the people who like/vote for certain characters.
I would just like to remind all of you that the characters in the polls are there because someone submitted them. Someone who follows, runs, or just passively enjoys this blog, submitted that character, at some point. And when comments of that nature are left, it is actively hurtful for the people who like that character, as well as annoying for us mods. We see everything.
I’m not asking you to like all of the characters in the polls, that’d be boring. But for the love of god, if you vehemently hate a character featured on this blog, don’t rant about it on the damned post! Take it to the group chat or a friend or the bloody samsung notes app. Don’t come into a space where people are enjoying their blorbos with your guns blazing. That does nothing but start pointless discourse and leave everyone feeling worse. It’s not hurting you that someone on tumblr dot com likes Bob the Cringe from LoserBoyFandom, I promise. I don’t care about your reasoning, it’s a shitty thing to make someone feel bad for having interests.
If you can’t be mature about it, don’t interact with it. It’s not hard.
(This post is NOT about people who are campaigning for a side to win. If you’re cheering for a man to kick their competitor’s ass, good for you! It’s only when we get into the “I hate this guy, we can’t let him win in the year of our lord 2024 that’d be so cringefail” type of comments that I take issue)
Thank you to those of you who have been respectful of others when sharing your opinions on a poll, some of your tags are utterly delightful to read 💕
TLDR; this blog exists for people to freely enjoy their interests. If you can’t be mature about people having interests that you don’t like, keep it to yourself.
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lemotmo · 3 months
I'm going to use the anon blog as my example here, and some other things your blog and a few others have made reference to as well regarding what you're seeing and hearing. Hopefully this makes sense....it looks like, at least for that one blog and a few others I've seen, they started out legitimately pro Tommy, in at least some relationship capacity. However because they didn't fall into any kind of fandom trap, on either side, they were actually the best representation for the "general audience" regarding this storyline because they legit let the CANON scenes drive their perception of him and the story. Which means in the beginning they liked him as a new relationship for Buck but as the excitement of his newness faded, which happens with every relationship, and the reality of what the show was going for regarding his character became clearer, for everyone not twisting themselves into knots trying to pretend otherwise, his appeal faded. Which I think was the point. Our opinions of him were supposed to change. And I think that is a good representation of what the general audience's view of him is also going to be.
I have seen more than one BT person vaguely hinting that the show might not actually be setting them up for anything long term. Most of them get it. That clip was not a good sign and I have seen several fans admit that. I like that the anon blog always brings everything about their relationship back to Buck, because he is the one the show and audience care about. Sorry Lou fans but Buck/Oliver is the definition of a fan favorite, you won't win the our guys better than your guy game. And I think we're supposed to be viewing him in terms of is he good or bad for Buck. I think that blog and others like it are following the story the way it's intended to be followed. And why I also tend to believe Tim is the one who ultimately ended the cameo garbage.
Exactly this! You nailed it. Thank you for the extra insight.
A lot of people have now realised that Tommy isn't sticking around. It is only a few very loud stans that refuse to accept reality.
Let's face it, most of the general audience that just watch the show for entertainment has probably already forgotten about Tommy's existence, because of the lack of scenes.
And what they do remember about him isn't very favourable. Then the abc account drops 'that' deleted scene. Once again a scene that isn't Tommy positive.
What this audience does clearly remember though, is the strong bond between Buck and Eddie. Two main characters who have a ton of scenes together and whom they have known for years now.
So in the end, people are not supposed to like Tommy all that much. They need to realise he isn't good for Buck. And I do think most of the general audience have arrived to that conclusion or are on their way to it.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
Dangerous Affair
An Alfie Solomon's X Arleth Shelby(FemOC) One-Shot
A/N: Hi everyone I hope you all have been enjoying Fall so far and yes I am back again with another One-Shot of our favorite Camden Town gangster. This was just cute and wanted to bring more of the Peaky Blinders world and also include Thomas in the picture. And yes this is a Thomas Shelby sister fic with a twist with Alfie. I hope you all enjoy this short story of a forbidden love that shouldn't exist between a Shelby and a Solomon's. Thank you all again for following and as always please comment, reblog and enjoy my stories. It means alt for the blog and I appreciate every single one of you as always. Please as always enjoy this short story and catch you guys on the next chapter or One-Shot. See Ya!!!
More of The King of Camden Town??? (If you wish to witness something fucking biblical!!!) 👇🏻
Word Count: 4,409
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Fluff, Some Smoking, Some Cussing, and SMUT!!!
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @ao3feed-symbrock, @annisse, @zablife, @jarvisrocks, @omgeternal, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @kittycatcait219, @theshelbyclan, @theshelbyslimited, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @star017, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @97freaknik, @weirdgirl16355, @solomons-finest-rum, @madame-wilsonn, @tea-atfive, @veddieiscanon, @symbean, @edwardthomashardy1, @mollybegger-blog, @rikki-b-lake, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @darklydeliciousdesires, @rayanee05, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @thehardy-boys, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @mariadecapitated, @quarterpastmidnight, @queenofthefaceless, @queencoraline3, @queen-multi-fandoms, @professor-alfie-solomons, @alfiesolomons-treacle,
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“Polly please, you’re the only person who I can rely on and trust, unlike Tommy and the boys. I… I have a confession to make,” Arleth said, stopping her pacing around the small living room while her Aunt Polly sat on the couch with her arms crossed together.
“Arleth, whatever it is you’re going to say to me, I will support you no matter what. Tell me, my child, what would you like to tell me?” said the grown woman, patting the side of the couch gesturing for her niece to sit down.
The girl took a seat next to Polly as she took in slow, deep breaths. Feeling that her heart would burst out of her chest at any moment. Nervous to tell her wise and caring aunt about what she was going to say that might either be joyful about or be wildly upset. Arleth clasped her hands together, placing them on top of her knees while Polly placed a gentle hand behind her back. 
“Go on, my dear, tell me what’s on your mind. Is someone causing you trouble again? Or did one of your brothers say something that made you feel uncomfo-.”
“I love Alfie Solomon’s auntie Polly, and he wants me to be his bride. And… if you can grant me permission to be with him, he is not a wicked man as Tommy and the boys think he is. Mr. Solomon’s has been awfully gentle and sweet, and never put a single hand on me. But you have the last word and if you say no, then… well, I’ll guess I have to decline his offer,” Arleth said, lowering her eyes down, tightening her hands together, feeling sweat forming against her palms. 
She felt Polly’s hand stop mid-way behind her back, knowing that this was going to be a terrible talk. Polly felt so many emotions at that moment, trying to acknowledge if she heard her niece correctly or if she was fooling around. Arleth felt herself become anxious and felt her heart pumping uncontrollably. Expecting to be yelled at the most and knowing what type of afflictions she will get into with her brothers. But what shocked her the most was what Polly told her next: that she didn’t expect the most.
“How long have you two been seeing each other” Polly said, making Arleth gaze back into the old woman’s eyes.
“Your not mad at me, auntie Polly? Not even for a single bit?” said Arleth in a timid tone. Her hands fiddled together as she was holding her breath in between.
“Well, yes, in some parts I am disappointed with who you are in love with, knowing that it is Tommy’s enemy, Arthur’s, John’s, mine, and The Shelby family” Polly said reaching out the small case of cigarettes placing one in between her lips lighting the small roll with a fire match.
“But I want you to know something Arleth,” Polly continued talking, taking a slow drag from the cigarette and letting out a small slow puff from her mouth, “if this man ever even if it means one slight mistake he does. If it either means he puts a hand on you, breaks your heart, or if he is just manipulating you to get close to your brothers, I will tell Thomas. It is a warning right now, my dear. Do I make myself clear?”
Arleth thought long and hard about what her aunt told her, knowing the many risks that will take place. Since she is doing this behind her brother’s back’s feeling like she was betraying them. But the love that Arleth had for Alfie was something she couldn’t resist or ignore. It wasn’t love at first sight when she first met the Jewish king of Camden Town. Thomas, to her surprise, told her to come along with him, which was something unusual about his personality. Tommy was very overprotective of Arleth since she was the youngest in the family, besides Ada. But on that day, he suddenly decided for her to come along since he was making a deal with a man that has double-crossed him and his other two brothers so many times. Arleth didn’t understand this reasoning at first, but once they got to Alfie’s distillery, she was furious.
“My sister here would be of some use in your business here, Mr. Solomon’s. She would be a great secretary,” her brother said, making Arleth’s eyes grow wide in shock.
“Are you fucking around, Thomas? Me, working for this man here who has betrayed you so many times. And you think I should be his secretary? Have you gone mad Tommy!” she burst at him, getting up from the chair while her big brother only remains quiet.
After a moment of silence, she made her way out of Alfie’s office, leaving both men on whatever else business they will discuss. She waited patiently outside for Thomas, still furious about her brother bringing her along. For only to make her work with someone who Thomas can’t trust and probably get stabbed in the back again. She let out a heavy sigh under her breath until she heard the front door of the distillery open. Thomas walked his way towards his little sister, who looked the other way, not wanting to speak to the person who was supposed to protect her. He then took out a cigarette from his gold box, lit it up with a match, and took out a long, smokey drag. 
“Arleth, listen to what I am about to tell you.”
Arleth didn’t want to hear what Tommy had to say and instead made her way to the car instead. On the ride home, it rained, which didn’t bother both Thomas and Arleth for one bit. They were gypsies by blood; it ran through the Shelby family tree, which she was proud of. Tommy and Arleth didn’t speak to each other for a long moment until Thomas broke the silence.
“You won’t be working for Alfie in his distillery, ok? Instead, you will work with me at the betting shop. Does that sound better for you?” he said, making Arleth arch a big eyebrow in his direction while he was busy looking up ahead on the road.
“Are you being serious this time, Tommy? Or this is another game of yours for you making me spy on Mr. Solomons? Because I am not falling for your stupid games, brother,” she said, folding her arms together, feeling like she is wasting precious energy on a ridiculously false proposal.
“I’m being serious with you, Arleth. You will work with aunt Polly, Ada, Lizzie, and Esme but nothing more, yes? But I know you won’t like what I’ll be saying next. You will visit Alfie sometimes. You will be the messenger and nothing more, alright? If he dares touches you, asks you out, or anything that wasn’t part of our deal, I’m going after him. I promise you on that little Arleth, he is a fucking dead man, ok?” Tommy ended his proposition, while she just rolled her eyes looking out through the side window overlooking an endless green field not liking the job he was offering.
Some 3 months later, Arleth has been coming back and forth to deliver messages to Alfie. While being the bookkeeper at the betting shop with her aunt Polly, and the other ladies. It was fun to be at the shop with her family, seeing many people betting on the amount of money they were putting in. Some won and others would burst into anger after losing so much money, which made Arleth laugh on the inside. However, whenever Thomas sent her to Camden Town with Alfie, it made Arleth feel scared. Not knowing if this could be the day Mr. Solomon’s would want to ask her out for dinner or anything that could make her big brother upset. It was something that Arleth wanted the least to see both men get into a bloody fight. Or even worse, go to war over for someone like her she would think would be unreasonable. But in the end, she did her job, and she wanted to do it fast, give the message, exchange a few words with the Jewish man and get back home. The car stopped in front of the building. The driver then opened the door for Arleth saying “thank you” to the gentleman. Once inside the building, Ollie was there to greet her, as always, leading the way to Alfie’s office. As they reached the front office door, Ollie announced Arleth’s arrival. The bearded man looked up from his paperwork, looking into her bright dark purple eyes.
“Ah Ms. Shelby, do come in love please have a seat, yea? It is nice to see you again, as always wha’ news have you brought for me from your dear old brother today?” he said as the woman didn’t take a seat saying nothing in return.
Alfie didn’t seem bothered by her behavior since he got used to not getting a reply from Arleth. He too reminded himself to not get too close to her since she is both a Shelby and Tommy’s little sister. And Alfie knows how dangerous the Shelby boys can get if they found out he has been growing feelings for her. He found Arleth an attractive woman, strong-headed, sarcastic, and smart, but what he liked about her the most was her almond purple eyes. Never in Alfie’s life has he seen a woman possess such a vibrant color that he felt himself get lost in them. But he would only shrug that thought away from his mind, pulling back into reality and still with the deal he made with Thomas. They both said nothing after what felt like minutes going by until Arleth took out a brown folder with the paperwork inside and gently tossed it on top of Alfie’s desk. She said nothing from the entire exchange until she finally said something to Alfie which he really didn’t like.
“Am I finished here, Mr. Solomons? I would like to go home now if that doesn’t bother you?” Arleth said in a fret tone while crossing her arms together against her chest and tapping her right index finger against her left arm. 
Alfie didn’t want to let her go just yet. He really wanted to get to know Arleth a bit better than just being a simple messenger, greeting her and saying a quick ‘goodbye.’ Alfie saw something in her which he couldn’t quite get a grasp on, but he has been wanting to ask her out for dinner. But he knew of the consequences, but he couldn't care less if it meant putting his life at risk of getting close to Arleth. So he took the ladder as he stood up from his chair, placing his hands on top of his desk. Arleth took a step back, looking confused what the man was doing, feeling uneasy about what he was going to do next. 
“Darlin’ I… well, would you like to accept my invitation to take you out for dinner? I know we’re not supposed to talk further with each other or whatnot. But I would like to get to know you better. You are a lovely lookin’ woman, especially your purple eyes,” Alfie said, feeling his insides become undone, knowing he was getting into deep waters in where this was going. “You don’ have to give me a straightaway answer, love. Take your time in thinkin abou’ this. I would be happy to take yous anywhere no matter what it is you ask, yea?”
Arleth didn’t know what to say about this unexpected invitation, wondering if he was being truthful or toying with her. She only stood silent and without saying another word Arleth left the dimly brown office, trying to steady her breathing. She tried her best to pretend and ignore Alfie asking her out for dinner some days later. But once Tommy told her sister to go with Mr. Solomon’s again, Arleth’s blood turned cold. Making her way back to Camden Town some weeks later, she could feel a lump form in her throat. Expecting the worst to come when she has to see his face once again. Making her way with Ollie as always, she made it to his old brown-lit office. Where he was writing some notes down on a piece of paper, stopping mid-way to see Arleth on the other side of his desk. 
“Good afternoon Ms. Shelby, it is nice to see ya again like always. How may I help? Any news tha’ you have for me today, love?” Alfie said while his small spectacles rested on the top of his nose, looking up in her direction. 
“Mr. Solomon’s I… I’ve been thinking about your invitation for a while and.. may I ask. Why? Why is it you have so much interest and want to know me better?” Arleth said, questioning Alfie as if they were making some sort of interrogation.
“First, my treacle, you will address me from now on as Alfie, not Mr. Solomons righ’. And to answer your question, love, I could see through your eyes and body language who wants to break free from your brother’s reign. And because… well, to put it out lightly, you’re the most lovely woman tha’ I have ever seen in me life,” Alfie said, removing his spectacles from his nose as Arleth felt her cheeks become warm.
Alfie stood up from his chair and walked his way around his desk towards Arleth. She stood her ground while he was coming in her direction, feeling helpless at that moment. She had the sense of hitting him with all of her strength or on the other side of herself. Arleth wanted to let him come to her. Arleth didn’t realize her hands turned into fists and she relaxed her hands afterward. She felt his warm presence next to her as they both gaze at each other’s eyes, catching a hint of what must have been a mix of smoke, rum, and a pleasing fresh cologne. 
“Well, umm Alfie,” Arleth said, trying her best not to make eye contact as she continued, “Thank you for your kind compliment. But I also wanted to tell you about my decision to accept your invitation for dinner. And… I want you to be sincere with me here at this moment. Are you trying to manipulate and use me for your own pleasures? Or do you really have to want to get to know me as in you really have grown feelings towards me as a person? Because… I… I have liked you for quite some time and it would be lovely to get to know you better than this, really.”
Alfie placed a tender hand on her left shoulder. Arleth’s body suddenly tensed up while goosebumps filled her entire body. 
Is this really happening?
“I am not in any way manipulating you and will never take advantage of you love. You are something special in me eyes and I really wan’ to get to know who you truly are, Arleth Shelby. Besides being your brother’s messenger and his youngest little sister, when will you like to have dinner, love?” he finally said, giving her a small side smile that Arleth found welcoming.
“How about Friday evening, outside of Small Heath, yes?” said Arleth, gesturing a shy but bright smile at the tall man in front of her.
“Friday evenin’ it is, then.”
After their first secret date that Friday evening, it then became another date. After many shadowy meet-ups both Alfie and Arleth lost track, they were busy enjoying each others company. Until now, however, they both have done so many things together. Including giving gifts to each other, teaching Alfie to speak her family’s tongue, visiting his home in Margate, and they especially never missed a chance to make love to each other. Arleth and Alfie knew they were doing these things behind her entire family’s backs. She knew it was wrong, but her heart was easily stolen away by the man that she at first despised, hated, and didn’t want to be close to until he show his true colors to her. 
While Arleth was busy processing what her aunt Polly said about her injunction, she suddenly gave her last word.
“However, you have my permission for you to marry Mr. Solomon’s and that is final,” Polly said, placing her hand on top of her niece’s hands, making Arleth look in her direction.
“Do you understand what I have told you, Arleth?”
“I understand, Aunt Polly. I promise you, he is not as bad as Thomas and the boys think he is. But thank you very much, Polly, and for also understanding,” she said, holding onto her hand while both ladies exchange a smile at each other.
“Your very welcome, my dear. Now then, how about we grab a cup of wine, just you and me, eh? To celebrate your secret soon-to-be wedding day?” Polly suggested, making Arleth chuckle at this request.
“Why yes, of course, aunt Polly, I would love that very much.”
Later That Night
The sun was setting behind the ever-bright green fields, illuminating a pleasing dark orange sky with gray clouds. Alfie paced slowly back and forth on the dirt brown road waiting for Arleth to arrive at their hidden get-together. He would always grow worried every time when they both meet each other at these hours. Thinking if they would get caught and that they have been followed all this time by one of the Peaky boys. Or, even worse, the main three brothers themselves. But as time has passed by, both Arleth and Alfie haven’t been caught yet, so that was a good sign to begin with. As Alfie continued to hear his pocket watch tick-tocking for the past few minutes, Arleth suddenly appeared from behind a large oak tree. Making Alfie jump in fright, thinking it was some unknown person he didn’t recognize. She let out a small giggle, seeing his spooked reaction while Alfie cursed under his breath.
“Fuckin’ hell love, you almost gave me a fuckin’ heart attack I though’ it was fuckin’ someone else,” said Alfie while putting away his small watch back in his waistcoat while Arleth wrapped her arms around his neck giving a small kiss on his left cheek.
“What a way to greet your future wife, my lovely king,” she jokingly said, closing the gap between his and her lips and feeling Alfie’s hands on top of her small hips.
Parting their lips away from each other, they rested their foreheads against each other. Arleth caressed her thumbs against his scruffy beard. Alfie’s right hand cupped her delicate chin. 
“Wha’ you say we get out of here just you and me yea?” He asked, giving a cheeky smile at his future wedded wife she will soon be Mrs. Solomon’s.
“I thought you never asked.”
The heat inside the car became moist while the sky outside became cold as small drops of rain poured down. Arleth and Alfie embraced in each other’s arms, exchanging kisses back and forth. They parked in some quiet forest where there was no other living human except for trees, wet dirt, and chilly rain. Arleth’s exposed chest became visible as Alfie took in her right nipple while teasing her other breast with his left hand. His massages became erotically enjoyable while her hand reached down between them. Feeling his hard cock growing in her right hand. 
“You like that, don’t you, my dirty man, hmm?” Arleth whispered in a seductive tone next to Alfie’s left ear, thrusting her hand up and down his length and nibbling his ear with her lips.
Alfie went off like a madman as he teasingly bit down on the side of her neck, making Arleth let out a soft moan. Their kisses became alluring as Alfie gently laid her on top of the back seat of the car hovering over her small body. While her thrusting increased on his dick, Alfie now left a hickey mark on her neck as he lower himself down between her breasts. Leaving a trail of kisses so passionately until he reaches her long black shirt. Kissing her stomach, Arleth gently grabbed his short brown locks as he undid her shirt. She was now only on her lingerie lace panties, which Alfie found the sight pleasing and sexy. Her perfect round breasts, those lips, her eyes, everything that he never thought he would feel so lucky to possess and to have. Arleth bit her lips together as she smoothes her hands against his semi-exposed chest. He then undid his white long sleeve shirt, feeling the chilly atmosphere hitting sound his upper body. He didn’t hold back a grudge when he made his way down between Arleth’s legs, kissing both of her thighs. The roughness of his beard made her insides tingle with delight. Feeling her now wet flower become hot and moist against her panties. 
“Alfie…,” she moaned out, feeling his hands now digging underneath her panties. Feeling the material go down underneath her hips. 
Once the soft panties were off, her pink pussy was shown in front of Alfie’s eyes, ready to consume her tasty juices. He then licked the top of her clit while gently extending her folds apart with his fingers. His tongue roamed between tasting her sweetness as he then placed two fingers inside of her vaginal canal. Arleth arched her back, letting another luscious moan as she grip his hair harder than before. He held nothing back as he licked and fingered, fucked her loving to hear Arleth moan out his name.
“Fuck… Alfie, please go harder… I think… I’m going to cum,” she said with her eyes closed, feeling she was being sent up to the sky, loving the way his mouth and fingers felt inside her cunt.
Alfie went quicker than before as he added a third finger inside of Arleth while messaging her clit with his long fingers. 
“Fuck, ALFIE!” she exclaimed as her orgasm came undone around his fingers while he consumed her white orgasm with his mouth. 
After releasing her juices, Alfie then pressed another hard kiss on her blush lips as he then took off his black trousers. Feeling desperately hungry to just already fuck his lovely sweet queen. As their tongue danced between their lips, Alfie readied himself between her legs once again. Lifting her legs to rest on top of his broad shoulders, loving how Arleth looked below him. Alfie reached out his right hand and he placed it against her small right cheek, while she gave him a smile back.
“Arleth my dove, please be mine forever? I love you so much and I will give you everything that your heart desires. Would you want that, my dear sweet jewel?” he said as Arleth placed her hand on top of his, placing a small kiss along with her touch.
“Yes, my Alfie, I want to be your queen and your happiness forever. The only thing that I desire the most in this life is you, my Alfie Solomon’s, and nothing more. For you are my king that I want to please. Be a good wife too and give you as many children as we ask. That is the life I want with you, my love,” Arleth said as Alfie placed his other hand on her other cheek, rating his forehead on top of hers.
“Then I’ll give you the life that you are askin’ for, my beautiful Mrs. Solomon’s. I love you forever and ever,” he said, finally nuzzling his pointy nose against her small nose as they exchanged another kiss.
Not before long, Alfie was in no time inside of Arleth’s warm wet canal, as they both moaned together all at once. As they both felt each other’s tightness as Alfie thrust in and out of Arleth, feeling small beads of sweatiness forming on his forehead. His pressure only grew heavier as he felt the tip of his cock hitting her G-spot, knowing he was hitting her favorite place Arleth loved to feel the most. Alfie’s animal side showed while he picked the pace up, grabbing hold of her ankles. Arleth’s breasts bounced lovingly while she rested her hands above her head as the car made a creaky sound. While rocking slowly from side to side, thinking they might break the delicate machine at any moment. Arleth slapped her right hand against the car window, leaving an exposed handprint. 
“Oh babe, Alfie more, more, please. Don’t stop fucking me, keep going,” she said while Alfie wrapped his enormous arms around her as he thrust her precious flower, hearing a faint slap between their genitals.
‘You so fuckin’ tigh’, love. Cum for me one last time, my dirty little slut. Let your juices consume my godly made cock,” he said between breaths while Arleth only continued to moan louder. 
As they both felt they were reaching their highest peak, Alfie then grabbed both of Arleth’s breasts as he gave his last few hard thrusts upon her pussy. And as they both expected, Arleth and Alfie’s orgasms burst together, feeling his hot white liquid consume her wet walls. Alfie breathe in and out against her left shoulder while Arleth hugged his muscular shoulders, giving a side kiss on his left cheek.
The sound of the pouring rain outside of the car made the couple doze off into a deep sleep. Alfie slowly caressed the top of Arleth’s hazel hair, watching her sleep with no care in the world. Thinking about the many happy memories of what their future as husband and wife will be until they all come true. But only time will tell of what the future awaits them and what mattered to Alfie the most was to embrace the moment and get a good night’s rest. He slowly dosed himself to sleep as the last thing he thought about the most was seeing Arleth with her round stomach. Carrying inside of her were both his and Arleth’s bloodlines in one.
A Shelby and a Solomon’s… now that is somethin’ worth lookin’ forward to…
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akanothere · 1 year
About me
Part time fandom artist, full time clown.
20+, she/her.
What to expect or not here:
I can tolerate/will create darker themed content when it comes to slashers or mature fandoms and villains. I would say this is NOT a safe blog (I mean come on those are bad guys what do you expect! Don’t be too delulu to a point you gonna make them a good guy). However I do not tolerate any form of violence, abuse and discrimination in real life. Seriously, get help if you come across to any of these.
All my darker artworks are NOT for you to follow irl (can’t believe I still have to say this in 2020s do people use their brains nowadays)— It is for me to explore darker concepts, trying to figure out how, for example, how people attracted by psycho criminals, WITHOUT using an existing criminal and hurting anyone irl. Bc everyone is FAKE, they don’t exist, it’s FICTIONAL. Also, to explore my own/seen traumas. I turn personal issues into NSFW kinks or simply dark shit etc, and cope with it as a fictional content. Not exactly the best idea I know but this keeps me sane and overthinking about the past irl. I do not tolerate death/abuse threats and insults towards human in real life, it’s stupid. And all of you should also keep every dark shit fictional content in fictional world. We do not need anymore crime irl thank you very much. Think before you act or talk. Fandom is not that serious to a point you wish death and suggesting violence upon someone.
For my Haikyuu or Naruto art those are mostly safe as hell (my opinion) just loving caring and tons of smooch smooch!😭💖 OMFG I MEAN BOKUAKA HOW YOU GONNA LOOK AT THEM AND THINK OF ANYTHING DARK HELLO EXCUSE ME
Generally I’m open-minded to all ships and kinks (even with complicated relationships where abuse are mentioned for plot reasons, or larger age difference), I’ll simply not interact with contents I’m not interested with… so it would be nice to not recommend any ships or contents through ask, because I mayyyyyyyy ignore it if I don’t like it lmao.
⚠️I draw fictional slashers/villains, g0re and blo0d and other dead dove/ abusive relationships shit, you are warned again!!! However irl crimes/ criminals supporters please do us all a favour go fuck yourself. People who can’t distinguish fictions from real life are not welcomed here.
I DO NOT accept any NSFW commission. Also again and again, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is NOT a minors safe space.
I create art for my inner peace and needs. I cannot babysit and accommodate everyone, so, if you don’t like, don’t engage. The definition of “problematic ships” differs from person to person coz fk me people nowadays overuse this too much to a point idk what is & what is not…
Fandoms and ships
Dead by Daylight
Ghostface centric, Ghostface x OC/ x reader, sometimes GhostFrank, GhostMeg and GhostFrankMeg-the-daddy-issue-trio-poly
⚠️IMPORTANT: It’s totally okay to consume my version of Jed Olsen X OC content and imagining in your brain it’s you or whoever his S/O is, but I block people who draw my version of Jed with themselves/self-inserts/OCs, or generally drawing him. It’s a culture here: impolite to draw someone’s design without permission😭💦 So please don’t take it personally, it’s just me not comfortable with sharing my design of Jed with other people’s self insert/OC. Also I have many plans for him so when people draws him (even not a ship art), it might actually interfere with my WIP sketches and ideas which makes me so awkward like “should I continue when someone drew it already???” However I am glad many people like him! Thank you for giving him love he really doesn’t deserve it he belongs in the trash💥
PS. There are some designs out here alike which of course is fine, I do not own the character himself, but I‘ll stay away or block if it’s too alike/ overly referenced. I stay quiet about things I don’t like so unless shoving it in my face, I will just walk away🧍‍♀️💦Need not worry!
BokuAka, sometimes Tsukishima centric and SunaKita
Harry Potter (Wizarding World)
Tom Riddle centric, Tomione. Casual: Tomarry, Drarry/Harco, Voldantonin, Antonmione, GGAD, SebOmi/OmiSeb, Sebastian Sallow x MC, Ominis Gaunt x MC, Seb+Omi+MC trio friendship.
Don’t follow me for ships. See me as a cheap ass £10 all you can eat cushion buffet please. No quality of art here. Just pure delulu and bad drawing skills.
KakaSaku, ObiRin, ObiKaka and InoSaku.
⚠️Note that my main ship in this fandom is KakaSaku, but only when Sakura is of age and usually I ship them in same age/ sort of colleague AU
Other games, films and anime
Who’s Lila?, Cube Escape & Rusty Lake series, Year Walk, Disco Elysiumc, Good Omens, Hotline Miami, Chainsaw Man, Golden Kamuy, Dorohedoro, any Kon Satoshi/ Ito Junji/ Wong Ka Wai’s creations, Horror and thrillers, Sci-fics
Fic recommendation lists
(Most of them are dark, dead doves and NSFW. Some are light and cracks! Read TW and tags. Read at your own risk.)
Danny x You/OC/SO
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rottingraisins · 1 year
could you recommend me some (any and all) scp fics to put on my to read list? im trying to get back into the fandom after not really keeping up with it for a while and now i cant fund anything that isn’t incredibly confusing or like 7 years old
also. the way you draw meri is absolutely gorgeous shes so fluffy
First of all thank u i love deer woman hehe! 2nd of all by god I sat on this for over 3 months bc, like, see, the thing about scp is that the line between fanfic and canon might as well not exist. I sincerely recommend that if youre trying to get back into it you start with the actual site itself bc most of the good writers who are into scp are just straight up on there.
However (!) there’s still a handful of offsite scp writing deemed “too soft” for the site or written by someone unwilling to engage with the wikis greenlighting process (which I respect massively, same hat) that im very fond of that I put under the cut 4 you. I hope you find something you like in there!
Peanut Butter Cookies by bandtrees
Possibly my favorite SCP fanfic on all of AO3. Follows Troy Lament during the events of In His Own Image, but with a few more glimpses into his private life and inner workings than he is afforded on the wiki. Also features some really charming appearances from miscellaneous senior staff, most prominently Agatha Rights. An examination of what it would actually be like to work for the Foundation, especially under one of its old legends, carried by very real-feeling character interactions.
the delicate art of sleeping through the night by thefriendlyvandal
I feel like everyone already knows about this one but it deserves to go here anyway by virtue of making me so thoroughly unwell (in the very best of ways). Clef/Kondraki fic taking place in the same universe as SCP-4231, and in fact written by the same guy. Perpetually unfinished, but what's there is enough to tear my heart out thrice over. Those old men can be so doomed.
The First Year by existentialterror
Arguably not fanfic at all by virtue of being written by Light's author, but it fits the above-mentioned criteria of being offsite writing that I think is really underrated. Light and her assistant Vaux's first Christmas at their newly acquired Site up in Scandinavia where they look at ghosts and contemplate the past and the Foundation and their place within it. Wonderful little character study and full of the humanity that authorlight imbues all of her writing with
Then and Now by bondsmagii
In the same weird not-really-fanfic-limbo as the above Light story since it's written by authorkondraki, but who cares. Set in the same universe as Quiet Days, Kondraki and his twin sister explore the ruins of Site-17 some few years after the end. A bit hammy, but I think about it a lot.
feathers and lonely cells by Nacho
Iris angst set in the Devils Advocate canon but not necessarily requiring having read it to understand what's going on. Wingfic, which I didn't know was like, a whole thing, before stumbling across it but it sure does take the concept of "people having wings" places. Ongoing, I'm acquainted with the author and they're planning on continuing it!
Also I fail to pick just one but I think everyone should check out my friend John @handsome-john's entire ao3 gallery he is such a skilled writer and I think everyone should clap and cheer for him. Known on this blog mostly for Mann/Kondraki cannibalism yaoi so far but he's been letting me peep his works in progress and he's dropping some massive bangers soon it looks like. Haha John you are on my tumblr blog
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shamelessrabbithole · 2 months
i’m probably late to the party about noel and all but i wanted to throw my two cents in that discussion! i think we sometimes forget that actors/celebrities are just normal people like us and they’re not obliged to look a certain way to make us happy or anything like that. i don’t mean that we can’t have opinions (as i, for example, don’t like certain look choices of cam from recent years) but i think that speculating on wherever noel has some mental illness due to how he dresses and takes care of himself, isn’t exactly the best thing. to me the answer is very simple: noel is a normal guy who likes to wear cozy clothes and is comfortable in his own skin and with the concept of aging (that could mean accepting his hair getting thin and such— even tho to me it doesn’t look as tragic as people make it sound, he simply keeps them short and being light colour makes it look like it sometimes) he’s a guy, an adult. he surely flirts with his wife, he swears, tells dirty jokes and fucks around (he drinks, gets drunk and such) i don’t even think he sees himself as popular or anyone ‘important’ so he doesn’t have the need to appear in a certain way to the public. like, i think he’s okay with doing ‘low-key’ acting jobs instead of big franchise (not saying he wouldn’t like it but i don’t think he loses sleep from that) cameron said he’s trying to convince noel to do more and imo it doesn’t mean that noel is depressed or whatever (he could have some issues or not, anything is possible but we shouldn’t assume things like that) to me, until proven differently, noel is cozy and doesn’t want to be everywhere and do everything like cam does. cause cameron is the type of person who wants more and more and be famous, recognised and stuff. noel is just a dude chilling in his garden, having fun with his lowkey friends. he simply happens to be an actor and it’s a bit sad that just because of his career choice and how he decides to live his ‘famous life’— people will judge and think he’s not doing okay.
i personally don’t go out much, if not needed, when i do i just pick the first things i find which sometimes can be the same clothes i wore to my latest outing as 1- i don’t use it often as i don’t go out much 2- washing machines exist!
probably there’s this strong feeling towards noel’s appearance because he’s often confronted with cameron who’s always trying to find new things to do, new styles to try and always be talked about. not everyone is the same and wants much from their life/career.
sometimes i think of it and it makes me sad, ive followed shameless since the beginning and i saw how noel went from being just a guy interacting with fans of the tv show, having normal interactions like i would with anyone on the internet. sharing songs, books, his silly thoughts/jokes. the day he stopped it made me sad as it was due to fans judging, demanding and treating him and everyone else in the cast like they owe them something. it would be overwhelming as hell for me tbh.
i’m all in for gossips and such, i discuss here a lot and i like to see silly things like ranking of hairs and such but sometimes i feel like some people forget that we all are people with feelings. it’s like the internet anonymity makes people incredibly mean and bitter, we need to take a step back sometimes
Thanks for your ask. I agree with a lot of what you said. I just want to clarify that when anons write in to lament how rough and mean-spirited people have gotten in their critiques of Noel, they're not necessarily pointing out the posts on this particular blog. They mean in general because it's gotten bad elsewhere, out there.
So, sensitivities (including my own) may be running high, not because anons here have been hitting below the belt, but that Noel-bashing is becoming the new normal and it's not slowing down. In fact, the more visible he is, the more he's picked apart. There was a time on this blog where a Noel sighting was beyond rare and anons mostly were sad over his complete disappearance. I think some people ought to recall how much worse it is when he hibernates and not lose sight of that. Or, simply move on and stan someone they find more appealing.
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game-set-canet · 2 years
I love Christmas and every year i can't wait for December and Christmas because somehow the Christmas holidays are something really important for me. I love to spend Christmas in a quiet way with my family and every year i write a little letter to my closest friends of how much they mean to me. And i want to do the same here on Tumblr:
Dear mutuals, dear people i love to see on my dash bc you make me happy, dear friends,
my year wasn't easy. There was so much happening in my life in 2022 and a hugh part of it wasn't that positive or beautiful.
But as funny as it might sound i think you guys really helped me through this whole sh*tshow disaster: sometimes with your really sweet and caring dms, sometimes with encouraging comments under my posts, sometimes with very creative and funny asks or just because you made me smile a little with one of your posts.
I love loging on to Tumblr because i know i won't get judged because of things that i do or things i don't do. I know i can be quite ✨special✨ sometimes and i can be really annoying or i don't make any sense. And i know that it's not always easy with me (since i tend to open dms, read them and forget to answer them or stuff like that but i want to say i appreciate every single message you send and i love talking to you).
So i want to say thank you: thank you for listening to my (sometimes really uninteresting) person rambling (and still liking it), to my motogp/2/3 followers: thank you for dealing with my tennis obsession (sometimes I'm not aware that a third of my blog consists of Alcaraz, Rublev and all the other tennis players), to my tennis follower: thank you for dealing with my motogp/2/3 (and Rinaldi) obsession (and sometimes I seem to forget that another third of my blog already consists of posts about how much I love Canet, Bezzecchi and Rinaldi), to my wintersport-fan-followers: thank you for following me although i seem to forget that all the wintersport athletes still exist in summer and don't post a single word about them.
Thank you for making me laugh with your posts, comments and asks. Thank you for often encouraging me when things aren't going so well.
So, to those who celebrate it: Merry Christmas! Apart from that, I wish you all the best, that your wishes and dreams come true and also (although today is December the 24th) all the best for 2023.
Every single one of you deserves the world and I probably wouldn't have made it through the year without you.
Yours, Mira
thank you to everyone who follows me and therefore reads this!
and a special 'thank you' for your dms/asks/comments or just that you are on Tumblr and post:
@waru-chan8 @colourful--bubbles @lxndonorris @bwehdal @andreyrublevs @lewizhamilton @tam-is-blogging @vivalaxnda @melissa-leaf @augustofernandez37 @soronya @ryoyukobayashis @aliceinqueensland @melxncholyman @charlitosalcaraz @thedutchgirl46 @collecting--stardust @racingmuppett @hola-felicidad @kodachromatics @worldchampionpeccobagnaia @ofbooksandstardust @bahattinscar @acrazybayernfan @kuumaasikas
I'm a 100% sure that i forget someone and i'm terrible terrible sorry! Feel hugged! You're very important to me!
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michellemisfit · 1 year
Tag game Tuesday Wednesday
Thank you @celestialmickey for creating this <3
Tagged by @look-i-love-u @lingy910y @mikhailoisbaby @captainjowl @sleepyfacetoughguy @spaceofentropy @ardent-fox @deedala @gardenerian @creepkinginc @thepupperino @energievie
I’m super late to this, so not tagging anyone. Sorry. Love y’all. Have some flowers 💐
Name: Michelle
Age: 38
What country do you live in? Britain (the great feels very subjective right now…)
How many blogs do you have? 2. This one and the podcast account @f-f-podcast
How many blogs do you follow? 327
Are you a hugger? Hell yeah! I’m a hugger, and a snuggler, and a biter, and a poker, and a raspberry blower, and a whatever else you’ll let me-er… I do understand that not everyone’s into it though.
Summer or winter? Eh. Not a fan of extremes. Farming in 40 degrees heat is MISERABLE. Farming in deep winter when pipes are frozen and you spent your morning break 2 inches thick sheets off ice out of water troughs is also MISERABLE… however @look-i-love-u was spot on by saying “there's the point in summer when you just can't take off any more clothes without getting arrested” so I guess Winter 🤷🏽‍♂️
Coffee, tea, soda, or something else? Tap Water. Then tea. Then fuzzy water. Then ginger ale.
Something about you that might surprise people? Cameron Monaghan and I have more in common than you might think? We’ve both been in Star Wars!
And hey, his character might have a name, but Cal’s “only” in a game. The Tatooine farmer I played was in one of the movies! So I win! 😆
If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be? It’s weird to me that I do not have a Buffy tattoo, so probably that? I’m a bleeding heart, so it would 100% be one of the BIG MOMENT quotes, like ‘You’re not special. You’re extraordinary’ or ‘Every girl who could have the power, will have the power, can stand up, will stand up’ or ‘The Good Guys Are Always Stalwart And True’ or ‘Are you ready to be strong?’
But in my more frivolous moments I think I’d be hilarious to get “Out for a Walk… Bitch” on the arch of my foot or something silly like that lol
Would you consider yourself a private person or an open book? I always thought I was an open book. Until a friend of mine of like years and years said that I’m funny and great to be around and supportive and sweet, but that she doesn’t feel like she knows me. That was a brutal thing to be told. Basically, if you ask me anything at all, I will tell you the answer. But I don’t just share of myself because I was raised to think that no one would care, so why bother them with my personal life story? I’m working on that now…
Do you believe in soulmates? If soulmates do exist, they're not found, they're made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship. (The Good Place)
Also, because @sleepyfacetoughguy casually dropped this in and made me WEEP: ‘Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same’
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert, but I get very sleepy..
Tell me something good that happened to you recently: Went to see Patrick Wolf yesterday. It’s been 20 years. And he’s had a tough time. It was nice to see him, and to see him happy.
And finally, say something nice to yourself: You’re not well at the moment. Maybe you can’t put an exact name to it. Maybe there’s too many names you can put on it. It doesn’t matter. You’re not well, and that’s valid. You need a break, and that’s valid. You wanna have a nap when you get home from work, and that’s valid. You feel like crying half of the day, and you know what? That’s valid, too. Fuck what you feel you should be doing/being/feeling/achieving. Stop being mean to yourself. Shut the fuck up and listen when people who love you tell you you’re good enough.
Oh, also? No one wants to hunt you for sport.
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mdzsartreblogs · 2 years
Look, it's 4 am here and I probably shouldn't post this at all but I've been thinking about it a lot for months and something that happened yesterday really drove it home so fuck it.
You guys realize I'm a real fucking person, right? My name is unforth, I run 8 art blogs because I fucking love danmei and I fucking love art. I'm not a bot. There is no algorithm. I do all the finding art, all the tagging, all the queueing, all the organization, by hand. Across my blogs I usually spend about 2 hours a day everyday on this, and that's about enough to barely keep on top of it. If I want to catch up on my huge backlog, it takes longer.
I am a real human. I have a real job. I have a wife. I have two small children (6 and 4). In the past year my wife and I have both had surgery, my son has been sick 5 times already, my kids have had to miss week upon week of school due to illness, covid exposures, car issues, and more. Four members of my extended family have had covid. I could go on, but fuck it.
I do this because I love fandom, I love art, I love artists, and I love organizing things. It's good for my brain. And it means a lot to me to help artists grow their platforms, to help get more eyes on their work, their merch, their commissions, their shops. But I also work my ass off. I own a small business I started 2 years ago that is growing, and doing okay, but has still not done well enough for me to take a single paycheck in that time (the owner always gets paid last. Everyone else gets repaid first).
This blog has something like 1800 followers.
Yesterday I reblogged a thing for my own latest project and just said, "signal boosts appreciated" and I got 1 reblog. From over *eighteen hundred of you*.
My name is unforth. I just adopted two guinea pigs. I think my son is sick again. I had to beg my dad for money to pay our mortgage this month. I've spent hundreds of hours for over two years running this blog and it feels like y'all care *so fucking little* that I might as well be invisible, a bot, a machine, a memory.
I am a real person.
And I'm about this close to saying "fuck it" and walking away from this project because being nothing feels like *shit.*
I don't need or want thanks, but yall should CARE. Not just about me, either. I've seen how few notes artists get on calls for commissions, on their shops, on their personal projects. We're all real people! And no you don't "owe us" but ffs common courtesy suggests if you like what we do you'd help all of us get more eyes on our stuff. No ones saying "give money" but among your followers, or among their followers, there might be someone who Wants The Thing but if the post doesn't spread no one will even know The Thing fucking exists. Folks say they want more indy art, indy stories, queer creators, on and on, but act like even giving a project signal boost is asking too much. I'm so exhausted watching people I care about beg for scraps. I'm so exhausted begging for scraps myself. It should be a no-brainer - if you like what someone creates HIT THE FUCKING REBLOG BUTTON.
And yet.
I'm so tired, yall.
It's now almost 5 am. I shouldn't post this. I'm going to, though. And if I do quit, when I do quit, don't say I didn't warn you.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hello there! First of all, this blog and the mods are amazing, tyvm for what you guys do, and second, are there any fics that have (for lack of a better term) bible lore? Like mentioning other angels/devils that exist (I.E. Raphael, Leviathan, Belphegor? It doesn’t have to be exactly that) or are set during biblical events? Like umm the flood or Sodom and Gomorrah. Sorry if this is kind of scattered lol 😅 it would be cool to see ancient shenanigans tho lol. Anyways thanks, have a nice day!! :D
Hi, thank you, and you’re welcome! You will certainly be interested in the fics that can be found on our blog under the following tags: #through the ages, #garden of eden, #mesopotamia, and #religious themes so do check those out! Here are a few more biblical through the ages fics...
Blessed Amongst Women by xzombiexkittenx (G)
And do not forget kindness to strangers, for by this, some who, while they were unaware, have entertained angels.
Maryam, mother of the Son of God, buries her son with the help of a woman everyone says is a sorceress; has a crisis of faith; and curses an angel.
In Care of the Dark by PinkPenguinParade (T)
“Angel... I will help you, if you let me.”
The faint light caught on wet curls, gleamed in golden eyes. Aziraphale took a breath, and another, and let go.
“Close your eyes,” the demon said, moving closer to him. “Trust me. Trust me.”
Heaven help him, he did.
Or, Crawly finds Aziraphale in rough shape after Sodom and Gomorrah, and helps.
The Brazen Serpent by ImprobableDreams900 (T)
The Israelites have almost reached the end of their forty-year exile, but Heaven has some business with them first. Unfortunately, that business includes a certain interfering demon.
Then I Saw Him in the Crowd by saretton (M)
Aziraphale spoke again. “Do you want to tell me what’s been on your mind? That is,” he cleared his throat, “if it can make you feel any better.” ------ The fic about the friendship between Crowley and Jesus that probably no one asked for.
Heaven's Best and Brightest by cyankelpie (M)
Another smiting. Another failure. Aziraphale didn’t understand why it had to be this way.
Seems to me, said the voice in Aziraphale’s head that sounded like Crawly, if destruction’s such a central part of your purpose, it shouldn’t feel so wrong.
It’s ineffable, Aziraphale told the voice, as he always did.
And a bonus Raphael fic...
Post--Apocalyptic Tea Time by TogetherAgain (NR)
Just over a week after Armageddon, the bookshop gets an unexpected visitor.
And tea gets a little heated.
“Biscuits?” The plate of sweets Aziraphale shoved between their faces made both of them recoil, which was humorous, but he did not laugh. He stood perfectly calm and still while the other two snapped out of it. “If you don’t mind,” he said, sternly and evenly, “We just did an awful lot to avoid a war, and I would quite prefer if you two didn’t start a new one right in my bookshop.”
Crowley instantly forgot his temper and went straight to gazing at Aziraphale with pride and admiration. His way of (not) apologizing was to obediently take a biscuit, but a mischievous little grin twitched over the utterly adoring look on his face. “Shall we take it outside, then?” he said mildly.
Aziraphale rolled his eyes. “Do kindly shut up, dear.”
- Mod D
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
I'm afraid to ask (yet here I am Lol) but what does this whole pro life and pro choice discourse think of female on male rape?
Because, believe it or not, it often leads to pregnancy. Surprising, I know.
Many (pro life) people blame abortion on men, ignoring women who made the choice themselves. Or men that pay child support for a kid they did not consent to. So, I don't expect much sympathy. Or any.
Some clarification would be appreciated, thank you.
Sorry about the delay on this had church and wanted to be sure I could give it the appropriate level of attention is needs,
Looking again and after giving it some thought while at church and associated car rides I probably could have done it before.
It's not something that's come up too much that I've seen but when it does it's not a thing that's likely to change a position, with the possible exception of the victim or their family changing their stance.
Pro life side is comprised of a bunch of people who believe life begins at conception and that doing anything unnatural to cause the end of the development of that life is murder. There's also likely other pro life positions that I'm not too informed about one I see near always is that it's murder.
(Wonder where peta stands on this or do they only care when the parties involved aren't humans.....(fuck peta anyhow)
On the flip side you have the 'clump of cells' contingent and other more extreme views like the it's a parasite and all that good stuff, you also have the bodily autonomy people and the other groups.
Like I said, I don't see any of them shifting their stance just because the victim is a male, if they even believe it's possible for a male to be raped, which is a whole other conversation.
"Because, believe it or not, it often leads to pregnancy. Surprising, I know."
Not surprising, rapists body that's dealing with the shock and violation in this case isn't the one that would be carrying the end result so probably easier.
That and we've got cases of statutory rape being one of the more commonly prosecuted female on male types of rape. Teachers, babysitters, ethel down the street that wants to help "make you a man", the lady in the community who parents send their kids to to "make them a man" or other sexist nonsense about prerequisites for manhood (none of which are true).
When Male Rape Victims Are Accountable for Child Support
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Hermesmann v. Seyer < that's the case, got it's own wikipedia page because it set the stage for rape victims to be financially responsible for the result of the crime perpetuated against them.
Love that the justices said that he had initially consented because he didn't say anything about being raped, but unless something changed
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He legally couldn't consent.
But circling around to the original question after taking a moment to soapbox, folks aren't likely to shift their thoughts on abortion in cases of rape just because the victim is a male.
Unless they're incredibly evil and shift to the pro life corner for the sole reason of forcing the victim to pay child support as some sort of evil thing.
Which the pro life crowd would be ok with, because that's gonna be one less innocent victim killed in their minds.
Be nice if they had a fun for guys that got raped by a teacher and now have to pay child support too,
Which might actually exist already, I dunno. I do have several staunchly anti abortion blogs following me so they may chime in if they know of something.
It would also be unfair of me to not include the fact that there are women who have also had to pay child support to their rapists who somehow got custody, not sure how common it is but if there's a conviction for rape or sexual assault the victim should not be required to be punished financially for a crime committed against them.
This ask was about guys tho, so i focused on them. __________
As for everyone else please do not mistake anything said here for a position I hold on abortion one way or the other, I am trying to step outside of myself and give a clinical response, to the best of my ability.
hopefully I did ok
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rielzero · 7 months
Bit venty, but this is me talking about my disability, tw: ableism.
Random, but I thought I'd just blog about it. In case you didn't know when you followed my blog: I am mute! I cannot speak. I am not ''non-verbal'' As I can still verbalize, (Laugh, make sounds) I simply cannot speak words as the result of chronic pain. Laughing can still trigger migraines, but I'd still rather retain my ability to laugh than be unable to function due pain.
One thing that really frustrates me about my personal experience is the casual ableism that has been thrown my way ever since I lost my voice. The constant begging and pretending that my voice is missed- the ignoring of my chronic pain.. Acting like It doesn't exist and that me using speech assistant (app) is inconvenient for everyone else- when it really just isn't to people who actually care about me.
I've had a therapist tell me I am not disabled?? Guess who got fired? Chronic pain and invisible disabilities get treated this way by ''professionals'' too often unfortunately.
Casual ableism ranges widely.. ''You could train your voice!'' (Toxic positivity) As if my vocal chords / throat aren't the source of chronic pain. There's nothing to train. (Ex: If you have permanent nerve damage in your feet, walking on them is not going to remove the problem??) Then there's also ''You're just shutting yourself out of society, you are selfish.'' Which is absolutely bullshit and incredibly hurtful. Society? Fuck that, If there's anything that shuts me out its people unwilling to compromise for someone who has a disability. I have friends who do not agree with people who think like this and accept me as I am.
''You are choosing not to speak'' Which is also a gross assumption. I did not ''choose'' not to speak, if there was a choice here at all it was to not be in pain 24/7. (I still am often sick and in pain regardless, just less.) I still speak. I have speech assistant. It might be a robot voice, but it is a voice.
People have tried to link my mutism to my autism, or claim I have an anxiety disorder.. Or fill in the blank that it is a fear thing, but it is a pain thing. I'm not scared to use speech assistant to speak my mind? It makes no sense.
People often assume I am deaf because I can't speak.
People have said ''I won't speak'' instead of accepting I can't. Speak. ''You could if you tried'' I have in fact, tried on several occasions. It's gone? Even if I ever recover a voice, it will always be incredibly painful to use.
Speech assistant is a tool I use as a mute person to speak, like how a deaf person uses hearing aids to help them hear.
On the bright side, I have experienced otherwise mostly compassion from strangers without being asked about it when I go out and do my shopping and groceries. No one asks why I'm using my phone to speak here. No one demands anything from me. Only on occasion they think I'm deaf, and try to write a response on my phone because of that..
Anyway, if you ever see me blog about my life, I hope the mutism thing adds context to some situations. I am very private for the most part. (But I also have written about this before a while ago.)
I got a ton of new followers this month, so I thought I'd inform you guys? If you read this at all, thank you! Have a nice day <3
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