#that Ben writes for Beverly and i wanted it to feel similar
antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Okay, I'm coming clean, lol, I'm Kori– Hi, I'm your brainworms' unofficial feeder 😂 Feel free to keep calling me Kori or change to Allen <3
Sorry that I didn't come out sooner, I get so nervous asking people about the stuff going on in my brain that I just automatically go to Anon just to get them out. I just got the courage today.
I still mean it when I said I love your takes, they're freaking amazing and I never get tired of reading them. I wish I could think like you, honestly.
So I've been thinking of writing a long-term IT x Stranger Things crossover fic where the Losers Club are all numbered experiments like Eleven but managed to escaped. I haven't fleshed out the fine details yet but if you're interested, I'll be more than happy for suggestions!
Anyways, what I've been wanting to figure are their powers. What would they be and how does those powers suit and compliment the Losers' personalities. I've thought of giving them telekinetic abilities just like El but I thought that wouldn't be that complimentary to them except maybe to Richie? ( for some reason, the thought of Richie looking like El when she jerks her head to the side and breaks someone's bones spooks me lol ) then I thought of giving them the powers similar to their Neibolt selves; Beverly has pyrokinesis, Eddie has acid fluids, Stan can control spiders and detach his head to become a spider, Bill will probably have like sharp teeth and hunter like skills ( idk ), Richie will either have the ability to turn into a werewolf, be invisible ( connected to his fear of disappearing ), or something about being a doll. But if I go with that, it will leave out Mike and Ben. So now I'm conflicted.
Any suggestions?
AAAAAA Kori this makes me so happy you have no idea. And do you have a preference for what name I use?
Everytime you pop into my inbox I get so excited bc I know my brain worms are about get FED and you encourage my silliness and my takes. It's totally okay btw!! Trust me when I say I understand anxiety/nervousness 🥲
I can see where you'd want to pull from the Neilbolt versions and it works for them. Bev having pyrokinesis is so cool and Eddie being having acid fluids. For Bill maybe you could do shapeshifting? Like how he looks normal but then he shape shifts his teeth being sharper and can just shapeshift in general to have more monster like features when he needs it. I like Stan and the spider thing, VERY Henry Creel vibes and it's freaky. For Richie maybe you can incorporate the 'doll' aspect to him being physically mute- like how the doll's mouth is sewn shut. Then a fun power would be Richie being able to project into people's minds and talk to them that way. Poor Stan can't tune him out that way. Idk just a few suggestions! I really like what you've thought for these Losers already though
Ben and Mike are tricky if you're trying to stay on theme. Hmmm maybe relate it back to how It interacts with them? Like Pennywise tries to make Ben feel like his friends don't like him and with being the new kid maybe being able to turn invisible would be Ben? Then with Mike Pennywise calls him a 'mad man' so maybe super intelligence? But Mike is such an animal man and I've always thought him being able to communicate with animals would be cool.
I'm always done to talk about this with you, I really hoped I helped 😭 and my messages are also open as well! Got me all feeling all emotional that you sought my silly ole input on this fuckin dope idea 🥲
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will80sbyers · 2 years
If Byler parallels other ships like Laurie/Amy, Beverly/Ben and similar ships that i cannot name right now, doesnt it make sense for Mike to be bi and having confused his feelings and being oblivious to the fact that he loves Will romantically, especially after the painting? When Laurie confessed to Jo (El), he didnt lie. He was genuine, it was just that they werent compitable. And then Laurie and Amy got together, because they were more fitting. It is just that Laurie thought Jo was more fitting for him and confessed to her but they werent meant to last. With the Beverly situation, Beverly truly believed the poem was from Bill. It was later on she learned that the poem was from Ben and realized her feelings were confused.
If Mike parallels Laurie and Beverly, then it means 1- He didnt lie during his monologue, it is just that El and Mike wont work out because they are not compitable. 2- Mike is oblivious to the truth like Beverly because the truth about the painting is gonna be revealed later on.
I mean, not every parallel is gonna be 100% the same way but i think the writers' inspo and the way the obvious parallels hold, this is how I think the writers intended to write the love triangle.
yesss I feel like they are doing the same exact thing with those parallels and byler, Mike believed he loved El in s3 but he's 14 he's just confusing his feelings and the more they stay together more they discovered that they are not compatible as a couple, both El and Mike! They do have a lot of love for each other like Laurie and Jo do but they are not in love, Laurie believed he was in love with her but he never was really and Jo wanted to be loved by someone at one point, and I think El wanted that too because she watched too much TV lol but she really wanted her family, not romantic love
and they are using the Benverly expedient with the painting, Mike imo has to believe Will's lie for that to work
and I would love for Will to be the one that finally decides to confess his love for Mike first, maybe because Mike is getting Vecnad and Vecna is telling him that no one loves him and stuff like that and so Will hears that and wants to save Mike so he starts confessing... or something like that!
I also feel like the Robin and Vickie parallel is the same situation too, Vickie already had a bit of a crush for Robin but she was with her boyfriend still even if she was feeling like she wanted to break up (she basically says that)... same thing for Mike, he's still with El but he felt he wanted to break up before the van speech and he has a crush on Will already
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feyroon · 2 years
my heart belongs to the girl with the grey-blue eyes
not quite clear blue day
not quite deep ocean
she swims somewhere between
two endlessnesses
where the light is not warm
but i have never felt more at home
than when i’m looking into that place
between the abyss and the heavens
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scrunchi · 3 years
BREAKFAST CLUB AU (because I'm obsessed)
So I think about this on a regular basis and it is a finished story in my head, but I can't write this, I wish I could, I'm not made for it.
I don't think the characters of both movies share a of lot similarities and that it's not easy to give each loser the exact same story line of one of the breakfast club members, I just think they fit into this situation so so good.
So, the clown happened, this is all canon, but they all forgot, despite staying Derry, but I like the ending for the kids part in the book for this, wich was that they just broke apart and didn't hang out in the group anymore. So they all go to highschool, even Mike, but they think they were childhood friends who just grew apart.
Richie and Eddie
So I also really like the idea that Richie and Eddie kinda had a bad fight, wich is why Eddie is really really not happy to go to detention that day, but of course they have it badly for eachother even if they haven't talked in years...
So they kiiinda follow the story line of Bender and Claire (but I don't like the idea of Richie beeing that giant asshole that Bender is, he is too sweet) but you know the teasing and bickering makes so much sense. They are in one room together again, in the safety of their old friends who didn't know them any different, so it's easy for them to be like this again. And maybe fall in love all over again...
Mike and Bill
Themmm... I love to think they stayed friends. Also I want Mike to be a popular jock, ok? He got into Highschool after being homeschooled before, so it was kinda a shock for him at first, but Bill made him joyn a club or team, so he made the football team and OF COURSE everyone liked him. Because this is my story and I want him to be happy :c
So Bill is very focused on writing and taking extra classes for that. He also works on his stutter but it's still there. It even gets worse when he steps into the detention room as the last one to arrive. He feels a weird mix of excitement and fear in his stomach to see all his old friends together again, and can't stop thinking that this can't be a coincidence. (And it isn't, it's one of the last things the turtle can do, so it tried to bring them back together sooner)
Ok but Stan has been really into his school work. I think he would also kinda be the one who would jump between the friends, like, he would still hang out with Bill, Mike, Eddie and even with Richie, but he would be distant and maybe he gave up bringing them all back together. I like to see him work as the glue of the group that could not make himself stick enough, but he tried, I appreciate it TwT
He also, of course starts the heart to heart they have after they smoked weed, and makes them all cry and talk, so he gets what he deeply wanted at the end. All his friends back...
Bev and Ben
They haven't been talking much either the past years. Ben has been hanging out with Eddie a lot lately because they got a few classes together and after all they were still losers, so they actually became friends again. I want him to be in like a poetry club or something (were he gets other stuff done than JanuaryAmbers I'm sick of this shit, think of something new) but also he started to do some exercise!! He just started to go running and get through to his mom that he want's to get healthy. (We remember the scene from the book) But he is still a bit chubby, because cute. Also he has it still badly for Beverly.
Bev is hanging out with Richie all the time, you know those two. They still smoke and are a lot in detention for it, partly because of one speciffic teacher that just seems to hate them (I read a fic that had Bob Gray as Vernon and I LOVED this idea so much, but I don't know if this would work so great because I still want the events from IT to be canon here with him being too weak???) She has a crush on Ben since a year or so when she noticed he got more confident, but she feels bad for not talking to him anymore because she chose Richies side when their group split up. Ben is not mad at her for it but pretty sad.
Both of them have a little heart attack when they see eachother that day and when Bev walks in as one of the last, she smiles at him and it is as if they really see eachother again. They finall talk again and thEY FALL IN LOVE!!
So the message of The Breakfast Club is that deep down, we are all the same and we can be friends with everyone. It has such a bitter sweet ending in wich we don't even know if they stay together after that day. But again, I want OUR kids to be happy, so if this would have been the Losers, they stick together after it.
PLEASE let me know what you think, I love this AU so much I want more!!!
Also sorry if I misspelled stuff (UwU)
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yukinojou · 3 years
I already squeed quite a bit on Twitter, but turns out my Shadow and Bone thoughts demand longform. So that was a 40+ tweet thread or using my Tumblr for an original post for once.
I was wary about the Shadow and Bone adaptation the way I'm usually wary about good books being adapted onscreen. It was amplified because my actual favourites are the Six of Crows books, and because the American-based movie complex has a bad track record of doing anything based on Eastern Europe. 8 episodes in 3 days should tell you how much I loved it - the moment I finished, I wanted more.
First, the technical praise:
Damn but the plotting is tight. It took me a while to realised it's based on heist movie bones, where every little thing (The Freaking Bullet!) is important. The story fulfills its promises and manages not to bore at the same time - it delights by the way they're fulfilled. I called out a few plot developments moments before they happened, and I was happy about it. Such a joy after so many series where "not doing what viewers expect" led to plot holes and lack of sense. It might be an upside to the streaming model after all.
From a dramatic point of view I can tell all the reasons for all the changes, especially providing additional outsider points of view on Ravka (Crows) and letting viewers see Mal for themselves the way he only comes across in later books.
Speaking of which, this is a masterclass in rewriting a story draft. SaB was Bardugo's first, and having read later books you can really see where she didn't quite dare to break the YA rules yet, especially Single POV that necessitated a tight focus on Alina's often negative feelings rather than the big picture and a triangle that felt a bit forced. The world in the series is so much bigger, the way Bardugo could finally paint it when SaB success gave her more creative freedom, and some structural choices feel familiar too. It's a combination of various choices by crew and cast, but the end result meshes together so tightly and naturally.
Visuals! Especially the war parts because Every Soviet Movie Ever, but also the clothes (I would kill for Nina's blouse in the bar), the jewelry, the interiors. The stag was so very beautiful. And a deep commitment to a coherent aesthetic for each character and setting.
Look, you can do a serious fantasy series with colours! Both skin colours and bright sets and clothing! And all scenes were well lit enough to know what's going on, even in the Fold!
Representation (aka I Am Emotion)
To start with: I was born behind the Iron Curtain, in the last years of the Cold War. The Curtain was always permeable to some extent, and we have always been aware that while we have talented artists of our own, we never had the budgets and polish of the Anglosphere Entertainment Machine. So we watched a hell of a lot of American visual storytelling especially because yeah, you can tell we don't have the budgets. 90s and 2000s especially, it's getting better now.
In American stories, the BEST case scenario for Eastern European representation is the Big Dumb Pole, the ethnic stereotype Americans don't even notice they use, where the punchline is that his English is bad or that he grew up outside Anglo culture. Other than that, it's criminals, beggars, sex trafficking victims, refugees. Sure, we may look similar (except we really really don't, not if you're raised here and see the distinct lack of all those long-jawed Anglo faces), but we are not and have never been the West, never mind America. It's probably better for younger people now, but I was raised under rationing and passport bans. Star Trek and Beverly Hills 90210 were exactly as foreign to me.
The first ever character I really identified with was Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5 (written by J. Michael Straczynski, yay behind-camera representation). This was a Russian Jewish woman very much in charge, in the way of strong women I know so well, not taking any bullshit, not repressing her feminity. I recognised her bones, she could be my cousin. The sheer relief of it. There have been few such occasions since.
The reason I picked up Shadow and Bone in the first place was recommendations from other Polish people. I've had no problems finding representation in Eastern European books because wow our scene is strong in SFF especially, but it's always a treat to find a book in English that gets it. And Leigh gets it, the bones of our culture, and I could even look past the grammar issue (dear gods and Americans, Starkova for a woman, Morozov for a guy) that really irked me because of the love for the setting and the characters, the weaving in of religion/mysticism (we never laicisized the same way as the West, natch), the understanding of how deep are the scars left in a nation at war for centuries. The books are precious to me, they and Arden's Winternight and Novik's Spinning Silver.
To sum up: Shadow and Bone the Netflix series gets it. You can tell just how much they've immersed themselves in Eastern European culture and media, it comes across so well in visuals and writing and characters. Not just the obvious bits (though the WWII propaganda posters gave me a giggle), but the palaces, the additional plotlines and characters, the costumes, the attitudes. About the only thing missing in the soldier scenes was someone singing and/or quoting poetry.
I will blame the Apparat's lack of beard on filming in a non-Orthodox country. Poland's Catholic too, but I very much imagined him as an Orthodox patriarch, possibly because I read the books shortly after a visit to Pecherska Lavra in Kiev and the labyrinthine holy catacombs there. Small quibble, not my religion, not my place to speak.
(I've seen discussion on the issues with biracial representation in the show, which is visceral and apparently based on bad experiences of one of the show writers in a way that's caused pain to other Asian and biracial people. I'm not qualified to speak on those parts, other that Eastern Europe is... yeah. Racist in subtly different ways. If anything, the treatment of the Suli as explained in Six of Crows always read so very true of the way Roma are treated, and even sanitised.)
And now for the spoiler-filled bits:
Kaz and Inej. I mean... just THEM. So many props to the actors, the writers, the bloody goat.
I adore the fact the only people who get to have sex in the show are Jesper and a very lucky stablehand.
Ben Barnes needs either an award or a kick. The man's acting choices and puppy eyes are as epic as his hair.
So Much Love for Alina initiating the kiss. Her book characterisation makes sense, she's so trapped in her own head because she has no time to process everything that's happening, but grabbing life by the lapels is a much more active choice. Still not making the relationship equal, but closer to it.
Speaking of, Kaz's constant awareness of how unequal his relationship with Inej is, and attempts to give her agency. I'm really curious how his touch issues come across to someone who doesn't know the backstory there.
Feodor and his actor. He looks exactly like the pre-war heartthrob Adolf Dymsza, a specific upper-class Polish ethnic type that's much rarer now that, well, Nazis killed millions of Polish intellectuals in their attempt to reduce us to unskilled labour only. The faces he makes are the Best.
Nina!! Nina is perfect, those cheekbones, that cheek, I was giggling myself silly half the time. I cannot wait to see Danielle Galligan take on the challenge of Nina's plotline in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, she'll kill us dead.
I already mentioned that the writers fixed Mal's absence from the first book, but Mal in general! The haircut gives him a kind of rugby charm, and Archie Renaux is outstanding at emoting without talking. Honestly, all the casting in this series is inspired, but him in particular.
Extra bonus: Howard Charles and Luke Pasqualino playing so very much against the type of the swaggering Musketeers I saw them play last. Arken dropping the mask at the end... Howard Charles is love.
I can't believe not only was Milo's bullet a plot point, but the fact Alina was wearing a particularly sparkly hair ornament in a long series of beautiful hair ornaments was a plot point.
In conclusion: so much love, and next three season NOW please. Okay, give me a week to reread the books, and an extra day because new Murderbot drops tomorrow...
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catty-words · 4 years
Why Not Just Anyone Will Get Their Own Narration
Or, the narration meta no one asked for.
Never Have I Ever shifting the POV to Ben Gross for an episode was a pleasant surprise for most viewers—certainly was for me!—and, as a result, I’ve seen/heard the other cast members get asked who would narrate their own POV episode. And as much as I love the speculation, I’ve noticed a pattern in the narration that makes me a) think not just anyone will get a breakout POV and b) appreciate the way Ben getting his own is, not forecasted, exactly, but highlights an internal consistency in the universe that I really enjoy.
To start, let’s take a look at how McEnroe discusses Kamala—the best example of what I mean from the first episode.
Intro: That’s Devi’s cousin Kamala. She moved in after Mohan’s passing to complete her PhD at CalTech. Devi is not a fan.
Later in the Ep: Kamala was expected to have an arranged marriage after she finished her studies abroad, but she felt less than enthusiastic about that idea.
The intro is similar to what most characters get in the first episode—a brief rundown of why they’re in Devi’s orbit and a hint at their main personality traits. And, in addition to this intro being framed in how Kamala relates back to Devi, we get the bit of insight that Devi doesn’t like her. It’s all very much grounded in Devi’s head.
McEnroe popping in during the Vishwakumar family dinner, on the other hand, deviates from Devi’s perspective. Even though Kamala is clearly sarcastic about finding the potential-husband news exciting, it’s also clear that Devi is too self-involved to pick up on this. Instead of frowning sympathetically at Kamala’s clear frustration, Devi excuses herself from the table because Kamala “[doing] nothing and [getting] a full husband in the mail” niggles at her insecurity about being undesirable.
Contrast that with the Ben-centric narration from the episode.
This disgusted reaction, belongs to Ben Gross, Devi’s nemesis. … Ben Gross’s father, Howard, whom he idolized, was a top entertainment attorney in Beverly Hills. This allowed Ben Gross to dine out for years on the fact that Blake Griffin was at his Bar Mitzvah. And he and Devi have been vying for the number one spot in the class every year since first grade.
We learn of his relationship with Devi, but we don’t actually get additional insight to his thoughts and feelings. The fact that his dad’s a lawyer and that Blake Griffin was at his Bar Mitzvah are both bits of common knowledge around the school. If anything, the slightly mocking tone in which this information is delivered makes this bit of narration even more grounded in Devi’s POV rather than Ben’s.
Kamala goes on to get a couple more moments of character-building in the narration that go beyond what Devi notices about her cousin. 1.04 is a prime example (As the aunties praised her, Kamala had a sinking feeling. She didn’t want to get married, but she put on a happy face, like I did at the trophy ceremony when I lost the French Open to Ivan Lendl in 1984).
McEnroe also gives us insight to Fabiola’s inner life—insights that Devi couldn’t be said to know because, even though she concedes that it makes a lot of sense in 1.07, Devi’s clearly finds Fabiola’s coming out to be a revelation.
1.03: As a scientist, Fabiola was used to a clear-cut, data-driven life. Which is why she was struggling with these new, complicated emotions.
1.05: We’re gonna jump ship and check in on Fabiola, who has much more interesting things going on. Fabiola had told no one she was gay, except her robot, Gears Brosnan. She knew the next logical step was to come out to some humans, specifically her family.
McEnroe even makes it explicit that we’re leaving focus on Devi to tune into Fabiola’s life in the episode-five narration.
The narration over scenes involving Ben in these episodes, on the other hand, goes like this.
1.03: What made Devi most sad wasn’t seeing Paxton all over the hottest girl in her grade. It was that she let herself believe she actually had a shot with him. … Drunk and rude, Devi was indulging in what I would call self-destructive behavior.
1.05: Years ago, Devi and Ben split all extracurriculars down the middle, except for sports, which required too much locker room nudity for either of them. // Devi was panicking. How did Ben find out about her lie? Simple. Her friends told him.
In 1.03, even though Ben is present, the narration over the scene is all about Devi. If anything, Ben interjects into/interrupts the discussion of Devi’s mental state, and she promptly ignores him in favor of being “self-destructive.”
And even though we get the insight that Ben isn’t comfortable with locker room nudity, it’s—again—something Devi obviously knows/intuited because of the pact.
The second bit of narration I included from 1.05 tells us something Devi doesn’t know—that it was her friends who told Ben about her lie—but rather than being a special insight to Ben’s POV, it’s simply expository. An in-case-you-forgot bit of narration.
The only other bit of narration involving Ben after 1.06 comes in the final episode of the season, where McEnroe sets up another in-case-you-forgot exposition flashback, which makes me curious to know how McEnroe-provided narration involving Ben might evolve for season two.
Eleanor and Nalini land somewhere in an ambiguous middle in terms of McEnroe knowing their inner thoughts and feelings.
For Eleanor, the only bit we have to go off of comes in the second episode.
Devi strode off, confident her friends had believed this bullshit story. Fabiola and Eleanor were confident their friend had become completely unhinged.
This line obviously steps outside Devi’s POV, but it’s also not solely Eleanor’s moment. Everything else that would be—involving her mother—is the same expository, facts-Devi-would-know style of narration. Therefore, I think Eleanor’s still totally in the running for her own POV episode.
As for Nalini, we get these moments in 1.04.
Nalini was a little on edge. This was the first puja they had gone to since Mohan’s untimely death and Devi’s paralysis.
The day had been a long one for Nalini, and she needed a win, even if it was a small one.
They’re grounded in the isolation Nalini feels and one of the major conflicts of the season is that Devi doesn’t have access to the fact that Nalini’s struggling as much as she is. So, we can probably call this a step outside Devi’s POV. It’s simply not as dramatic a break as for Kamala or Fabiola.
Of course, for episode ten to have the emotional impact it does, it makes sense we wouldn’t spend the season discussing Nalini’s heartbreak. It has to be more subtly communicated to the audience via Poorna Jagannathan’s acting and the flashbacks we’re given. Therefore, I think it’s unlikely that Nalini would get her own episode, but definitely not out of the question.
And, finally, there’s Paxton. As the object of Devi’s desire, so much of the narration revolves around Paxton—far too much for me to compile here or discuss individually, since I’m looking to wrap up this meta in, like, a hundred words.
So, here are the bits I’ve pulled out.
1.02: Whoa, Paxton speaks Japanese? Guess his last name makes more sense now.
1.09: Even though Nalini was talking out her frustration more than anything else, Paxton was stung by these little digs at his intelligence.
In 1.02, our narrator is actively surprised by new information, which makes a pretty solid case for the fact that McEnroe doesn’t have access to Paxton’s inner-life. And that makes sense because, when I call him the object of Devi’s desire, I’m putting a lot of emphasis on object. Devi doesn’t fully let herself acknowledge that Paxton’s more than a fantasy, so of course McEnroe—the voice inside her head—wouldn’t be super concerned with his personhood, either.
The line from 1.09 seems to throw a bit of a wrench into the works, since Paxton being insecure about his intelligence has every appearance of being a special insight. And I’m not going to go all the way and say that’s not the case, but I will bring up Devi’s line from 1.05: “Paxton’s not dumb, okay? He’s just…consistently bad at school!”
Obviously, Devi’s at least semi-aware that intelligence is Something to Paxton. On the other hand, she’s saying the line to fend off criticism from Ben, so it could just as easily be posturing as protectiveness over Paxton’s insecurity rather than actual knowledge the insecurity exists.
In summation, I still think Paxton’s the most likely candidate for a breakout POV episode in season two—boy desperately needs some interiority, so this is certainly high on my s2 wish list—with Eleanor a close second and Nalini a potential third. I think it’s unlikely that the show will (or would even consider) writing one for every character, though.
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finnickodaiir · 4 years
IT Chapter Two: A Failure.
I will be criticizing the characterizations, the plot, the horror aspects and I will be comparing the film to the 1990 miniseries and the 1986 novel.
Ben. While he is still similar to his book counterpart, the writing for his character in the movies could have been better, because apart from being the lovesick poet and the history buff (a role which belonged to Mike in the book and in the 1990 miniseries), he didn’t get much of a characterization beyond that. In the novel, Ben was still a curious kid, who was interested in architecture and physics, and he was still a hopeless romantic, but he was not quite the poet the movies and the fandom makes him out to be, and as he stated in the book the reason why he liked haikus is because they are “structured poetry”. He was also the one responsible for building the dam in the barrens, the silver bullets and the underground clubhouse, which, except for the latter, were all excluded from Muschietti’s films. Another important moment from the novel, which was left out of the movies, was the scene where he stood up to his Gym teacher, who was complicit in the bullying he suffered at the hands of his classmates, which could have been in the second film, instead of his flashback with Pennywise, who was disguised as Beverly, a scene which didn’t provide the viewer with any new information about the character and its sole purpose was to pay homage to the 1990 miniseries.
Beverly. The movie at its worst never gets as bad as the book did, but one would expect that two movies made in the 21st century would be more progressive than a novel written in the 1980s, while certain aspects of the character were slightly better handled in the movies, it was not as good as it could have been. In the first film, Beverly is an outcast due to false rumors of promiscuity, an odd choice, because in the novel and in the miniseries she was bullied for being poor and wearing secondhand clothes, and because classism was still an issue in 1989 (the year the first film is set), it’s still is todays, so that was an unnecessary change. As was the fact that she didn’t interact much with other Losers, aside from her love interests (Bill and Ben), but perhaps the most infuriating decision was turning her into a damsel in distress and removing her role as the sharpshooter of the group. There are still positive aspects in Ch1’s treatment of Bev, she was given a personality while her book counterpart was an incredibly flat character. In the second film the scene where she is physically assaulted by her husband is played for shock value, while in the novel Beverly left her husband severely injured and he was later killed by It, in the 2019 film this scene was never addressed in a meaningful way, so it just comes across as gratuitous violence. Perhaps the best decision the second movie made regarding Beverly’s character was replacing the one-night stand she had with Bill with just a kiss to show that those childhood feelings no longer existed.
Bill. He was much better handled in the movies, while in the book the other Losers (except for Mike and maybe Stan) idolize Bill, in the movies they don’t, which makes them equals. My only complaint would be that scene in the second movie where he tells Audra that he wishes she would be like that woman he wanted. This would have made sense if they were going to stick with book arc and have him cheat on Audra, because he was still attracted to Bev, but that didn’t happen so that scene felt out of place with the rest of the film.
Eddie. He is the case of a character who was relatively well-written in the first movie, but then suffered a complete personality change in the second film. While in the first movie Eddie was brave and kind, traits which his book counterpart has, Ch2 Eddie was mean-spirited and cowardly. Most of his arc and coding was given to Richie, because the director thought that his fear of illness and relationship with his mother was enough, but he failed to realize that his fears of illness/germs and that feeling that he’s rotten are due to his internalized homophobia. And Muschietti didn’t even do a good job at handling what remained of Eddie’s arc (his fear of illness and relationship with his mother), he played it for laughs.  He did not even let Eddie have agency over his death, in the novel he chose to sacrifice himself to save Richie and Bill. In the movie he still saves Richie from the deadlights, but he turns his back on It, giving the creature the opportunity to stab and thus losing any agency the character had over his fate in the book and the miniseries. He also butchered his death scene, which in the novel was when he finally accepted himself:
“Fading, fading back. Becoming clearer and clearer, emptying out, all of the impurities flowing out of him so he could become clear, so that the light could flow through, and if he had had time enough he could have preached on this, he could have sermonized: Not bad, he would begin. This is not bad at all. But there was something else he had to say first. “Richie,” he whispered. “What?” Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately. “Don’t call me Eds,” he said, and smiled. He raised his left hand slowly and touched Richie’s cheek. Richie was crying. “You know I … I …” Eddie closed his eyes, thinking how to finish, and while he was still thinking it over he died.” (Stephen King, IT pp. 1086-7)
 And Muschietti replaced that with a scene that made Eddie’s death all about Richie’s grief and changed his last words to “I fucked your mom”. All the emotional impact his death had has been completely lost.
Mike. No doubt he was the character who got the worst treatment in both movies. In the first movie, he was barely given any screen time, his role as the history buff in the group was given to Ben and they killed off his parents. In the second film, they didn’t even give him his a proper place to live in, he was just leaving in an attic, they had him steal artifacts from Native Americans (I’ll discuss that later), drug one of his friends, lie about the Ritual of Chüd being effective and he was the only Loser who didn’t even get a flashback of their own. While in the book, he was the historian, had the best parents and was one of the most important Losers. The only positive change that Muschietti made was having Mike go down to the sewers with the group for the final battle.
Richie. Even though he was played by Bill Hader, he wasn’t given the opportunity to be funny, apart from 1 impression, which was improvised. Also they removed his struggles with his sexuality in the first film, which was poorly retconned in the second film, his own bi-coding in the book was ignored and replaced with Eddie’s gay-coding (whose sexuality was left ambiguous at best), had him try to run away every 5 seconds (which something he never did in the book, he is one of the most loyal Losers), made his parents negligent just to add more unnecessary angst, because Muschietti thinks trauma = nuance. And just flattened an interesting character and took away any charm he had in the book, miniseries and Ch1.
Stan. While he was still the least developed Loser in the book, we never even get his POV, he had more character traits than just “the kid who gets annoyed easily”. In the book he was an eccentric kid with an equally eccentric sense of humor, had an interest in ornithology (completely left out apart from that puzzle), a good relationship with his parents who encouraged their son’s hobbies and weren’t as orthodox as the movies portray them. They replaced his encounter with the dead boys in the Standpipe for a painting (apparently that was Andy projecting himself onto Stan), which makes no sense because the dead kids offended him and Stan is a logical person, he would not have been scared of a painting. And they romanticized his suicide, framing it was an act of heroism, which sends the wrong message about suicide and is inaccurate, because the reason why the Losers were able to fight It is because there were seven of them, It was even scared of them. So, saying that his death was necessary to keep the Losers united just misses the point.
Issues with the Plot:
Raising the stakes to be more dramatic ended up hurting the story, while in the book the Losers’ decision to stay and fight It was one of selflessness, they decided keep a promise they made when they were eleven years old, in the second movie if they didn’t destroy It, they would end up dying, so this decision became one of self-preservation.
In the movie if they didn’t kill It, they would end up dying. This damaged the plot and eliminated the feeling of friendship, in this movie the Losers barely felt like old friends and more like co-workers. Another odd choice  was to include the Ritual of Chüd, turn into a Native American ritual and portray them in a stereotypical way and it was also unnecessary to include that, because the ritual doesn’t work, so the viewer just wasted an hour watching the Losers looking for their tokens and in the end It was killed by the power of bullying. Another flaw of Chapter Two is its runtime, the movie is almost three hours along, most of the flashbacks were unnecessary and its structure is rather disjointed.
The film also fails to address important scenes in a meaningful way, while in the book the murder of Adrian Mellon was based on a real event and was included to condemn this action, the film never addressed it (it wasn’t even mentioned afterwards), instead it was played for shock value. Probably because the actual scares of this were not effective at all, instead of relying on practical effect and trying to create tension, the filmmakers decided to use CGI for all these scenes. It would have been wiser if they had only used it in essential moments, for example, when It turned into a giant spider. In an attempt to avoid the criticism the 1990 miniseries faced for keeping the spider while also trying to stay faithful to the source material, they decided to create a ridiculous hybrid, a giant clown with spider legs, whose death was caused by the power of bullying. Ironic for a movie which was supposed to condemn such a thing. What the viewer was left with was a dull, unimpressive, charmless movie, filled with problems  caused by the director’s failure to understand the source material and the characters.
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It only gets Stranger
Stranger things x the Losers Club cross over.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning: Swearing, Fighting, Blood
Word Count: 2,743
Summary: The reader moves to Hawkins, IN from Derry, MA. Once a Loser, always a Loser. Her friends from Derry, somehow end up in Hawkins to help defeat the Mind Flayer.
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“I can only remember parts,” Beverly said, “I thought I was dead. That’s what it felt like. I saw us, all of us, back together, but we were older like our parents ages.”
“W...W...What were we all doing there?” Bill stuttered. 
“I just remember how we felt. How scare we were. I don’t think I can ever forget that.” Beverly said in disbelief. 
Bill suddenly, stood up from his spot on the log, “S..S.. Swear it,” He said as he had a shard of glass in his hand, “S...S....Swear if IT isn’t dead, if IT ever comes back, we’ll come back too.”
Silence fell upon your group of friends, casting glances, at the nature scene before them. The rush of the nearby lake along with the chirping of the birds, were the only sounds to be heard. 
Beverly, was the first one to stand up, then Richie and Eddie, followed by Stan and Ben. You and Mike were the last two to stand in up in agreement with Bill. Bill then placed the shard of glass at the top of his left hand, dragging it across so that the top flesh would have cut across the palm.
Bill then, went around the group using the same piece of glass, and cut everyone else’s left palm starting with Richie and ending with Beverly. Each of you winced in pain as he cut across your palms. Slowly, everyone in the group reached to the person next to them so that everyone was holding hands, making the pack turn into a blood oath, causing everyone to be bonded for life, and to ensure that everyone kept their promise. A calming silence, fell upon the group. It wasn’t awkward or suffocating, but somehow relaxing, in knowing we would once again ban together as the ‘Losers Club,’ in the future. A certain hope. A certain promise, that we would once again, be together again, no matter where life took us. We were no longer friends. 
No longer friends the minute, we had all met and took down IT. From that moment forward we had become family.  
“I gotta go.” Stan started, “I hate you.” He said looking directly at Bill. 
Bill looked down, with his face full of guilt and sadness. 
Stan was the first to giggle, to prove that he wasn’t at all serious about the nature of his insult. Then giggles erupted from everyone in the circle, including yourself.Giggles progressed into full on laughter. A light hearted moment that was much needed in this situation. 
“I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Stan.”
Stan had been the first one to leave the group and most of the group followed. You were the third to last to leave. The group knew that this would be the last moments you had with them in Derry. Your youngest brother, much like Bill, had been a victim of IT. After IT, took your brother, your parents decided that you would finish the semester that you were in, and they would pack you and your oldest brother Milo, up and move to a “safe place,” as your parents had put it. 
As you were leaving, you turned around to say the last goodbye to your remaining two best friends, but you were stunned to see that Beverly and Bill were kissing. After the initial shock, of the scene before you, it wasn’t long before you thought, ‘Finally,’ before turning around and walking back to your house, filled with unforgettable memories. 
You’ve officially been in Hawkins, Nine months. There was never a day that went by, that the Loser’s club didn’t cross your mind. Everyone, was constantly, writing you and telling how much they missed you. As, far as you could tell, Derry was back to being the safe heaven that you all knew and loved. 
After, you moved to Hawkins, it was like you found another Loser’s club. It wasn’t long before you had become friends with them. They called themselves “The Party,” you could never find it in yourself to question why. It didn’t really matter to you anyway.
Milo and you were only a year apart so, there wasn’t that much of an age difference between either of you. There was a gap in your different friends. Milo, had become friends with another newbie, Billy Hargrove. Billy, had a step sister, named Max. Their situation was similar to yours regarding moving and siblings, so it was only fitting that you became friends. 
After becoming friends with the party, you had found another person like you. Someone else who had Telekinetic, powers. Back home in Derry, you hadn’t flat out told the others, but when IT was attacking, you and your friends, you were only able to sneakily, use them. You didn’t want to lose your best friends over them thinking you were some sort of freak. 
As, soon as the others found out you were like El, they didn’t make you feel weird or freakish. That was something that you were thankful for. That gave you a sense of belonging that you had always longed for. Once, you had opened up about your abilities, they were comfortable letting you know about a thing called the “Upside Down,” and a “Demogorgon,” along with tinier versions of a “Demodog,” as they said. The current enemy, at hand however, was a giant monster called the “Mind Flayer.” At times, you wanted to go up to your parents and tell them that Hawkins was not anymore dangerous than Derry, and that if you packed up right now, you could still go back to school in Derry. 
The eldest members of the groups friendships/relationships were enough to confuse you by themselves. You and Steve had developed a larger than life, bond and were very close as friends. He knew about your crush situation. You were crushing on Milo’s friend Billy. He was almost always, over at your house. At times, you thought he might like you too, offering you rides wherever you wanted, purposely calling your house when he knew Milo was at baseball practice, spending as much time as he could with you. 
Milo had been acting strange lately, taking off in the middle of the night, an edge to him that wouldn’t go away. Finally, you decided that you were fed up, and wanted to see what he was up to. Rolling over to the other side of the bed, you grabbed your phone, and called Billy. 
“Hello.” A husky voice answered. 
“Billy? It’s Y/N.”
His laughter sounded through the phone, ”I knew it was you.”
“Is Milo with you?”
“That would be a negative, Princess. Why?”
Suddenly, a bad feeling was in the pit of your stomach.
“Y/N? You okay over there?” Worry was laced in his voice.
Silence. Your head was filled with many crazed thoughts. 
“I’m coming over there. Be ready in five.” Once the words came out of his mouth, you were met with the dial tone. 
It took less than five minutes for Billy, to pull into your drive way, before you rushed out of the house, and jumped into the front seat of his Camaro. Billy, was able to somehow catch up to your brother. He was driving on the outskirts of town, something he never did with you, since he claimed to not be familiar with Hawkins yet. 
Suddenly, Milo had practically vanished from view. Causing both you and Billy to exchange, confused glances. Your heart had leaped into your throat.
“Billy.” Your voice came out panicked, “Billy stop the car.”
Your attention was too focused on something in front of you, missing the worried expression on his face he shot your way. He didn’t question why you wanted him to stop, but he did.
Opening your door, your left arm came up to rest on the top of the car, while your right arm came up to rest on the top of the door. Looking before you, was a business that had a lot of Steel around it. However, looking at the sky above it, made you forget to be bothered with what the, name of the business was. 
Clouds were swirling in a circle above it, with what mirrored a thunder storm, without the rain. Both you and Billy were too stunned to say anything, you were only able to give the other a confused look, before looking back at the scene before you. As you left, you were able to get a glimpse at the sign of the business. Brimborn Steel Works.
The next day, everyone had met at the Wheelers, house including Billy. Once, you and Billy finished telling the others, what you had seen, Will was out of his seat, running up the basement steps, two at a time.
“I got it.” You said to the group, all of them nodding in acknowledgment. 
Will was pacing on the front lawn, nervously. 
He hadn’t stopped his movements nor looked at you.
“Hey.” You tried again, this time grabbing his shoulders to stop him from pacing.
“He’s here.”
The realization dawned on you, as who Will had meant as “He.” The Mind Flayer was back, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had blood. 
You and Billy, were able to successfully, trap Milo, inside the sauna. Both of you knew that it wouldn’t be able to hold him off for long. But, neither of you expected him, to be back on his feet in a matter of minutes. The lights had begun to flicker throughout the building. Everyone was standing in a circle with their backs to each other. Billy, was trying to put on a strong front. He reached for your hand, with his. Intertwining your fingers, once he was able to grab a hold of your hand, his right arm in front of yours, shoulder touching, while you both glanced at each other with fear.
Milo begun, running into the sauna door. With each hit, the metal pole that the door was chained to, to try and keep him from escaping had become bent. One last hit, was all it took for the door to fly open, for Milo to tumble out of the sauna. Pushing your friends back, you were staring face to face with your brother. He was covered in what looked like black veins. Eleven, had gone to Scoops Ahoy with Dustin. Nancy, was at the hospital with Jonathon. Which left you and Billy with the remaining group members, Max, Lucas, Mike and Will.
Lifting up a near by, bench press, you screamed and used your arm to throw it at Milo to keep him trapped against the gym’s brick wall. He had impossible level strength, causing you to use both arms to try and keep him pinned to the wall. Growls filled the air, as your chest had begun to heave. Your nose had started to bleed using your abilities to keep Milo pinned to the wall. The sounds of your gasps, replaced the growl sounds.
Milo, used both of his hands and pushed the bench press off of him. You screamed in reaction trying to keep it against him. He was able to push it off and throw it back at you, which hit you causing you to hit the floor. Somehow he was right above you, grabbing you by the back of your hair, as you tried to crawl away from him. Your breath was coming out between gasps and heaves, trying to catch your breath. As he grabbed you by your hair, you let out a terrified scream, as he pulled you to your knees in front of you. 
With his left hand with a grip of steel on your hair, he turned giving your friends and evil stare. Suddenly, his right hand came up to grip the front of your throat causing you to immediately gasp upon contact, causing your friends to jump back frightened. 
Milo, lifted you up by your throat, squeezing tightly as he did. You were gasping, coughing, as your lungs screamed for air that they were denied.
“N...O...” You tried as you weakly tried to pry his grip off of your throat.
Another wave of gasping and coughing for air hit you.
“N...O..” You tried again. 
This time you were able to hit his arms and slightly scream, before coughing and gasping again. 
Your friends were frozen in place, too stunned to move.
As you could feel yourself feel faint, blood dripped from your nose, as your eyes went crossed. Your face becoming red from the lack of oxygen, as you tried to open your mouth to allow air to flow to your lungs that were on fire.
Billy, was able to get himself unfrozen before it was too late. He was behind Milo, hitting him with a steel beam, which caused him to drop you and fall to the floor. 
“Go to hell, you piece of shit!” 
Billy yelled at Milo, attempting another swing at him with the beam. Milo, flipped around and caught the beam in his hand mid air. You were laughing face down, as you were trying to breathe and regain your strength. Milo, got up and began towards Billy, whose back had met the brick wall. Getting up in time, you were able to lift Milo off the ground before be could hurt Billy. Making your way to your feet, with both arms in front of you, Milo was suspended into the air. His growls and your gasps were filling the air. Exhaustion had set in, but you were determined to save your friends. Both you and Milo, were face to face screaming at each other. Maneuvering, Milo mid air, your back was met with Billy’s chest, as you threw Milo through the brick wall. Collapsing, onto Billy, he slid down the wall with you in his arms. 
Breaking down the door, the Mind Flayer that seemed to be made of flesh, was on top of Nancy. 
“Jesus.” Mike said. At the same time Max said, “What the Fuck.”
The Mind Flayer, had begun screaming at the sight of you, while trying to charge at you. As he was running at you, you raised your arm quickly and threw him to the wall nearest you, while screaming in the process. He wasn’t giving up, so you flung him into the right wall, screaming again. This time he let out a low growl, before you flung him into the ceiling, causing chunks of the ceiling to fall onto the floor. By this time, your nose was bleeding again. Finally, you flung him back onto the floor with all your might screaming as you did so. Standing up straight in the process, putting both of your arms on the door frame trying to protect your friends and stop the Mind Flayer from getting past you. This, time he growled louder, trying to charge you again. Using both of your arms this time, you flung him out of the window, screaming one last time. 
“Nancy!” Jonathon yelled in concern as he ran past you. 
You and your friends ran as fast as you could to see what happened to the Mind Flayer. As you all ran out of the ER entrance, your body collided with another, causing the arms of the other person to shoot out and grab your forearms in attempt to keep you from falling. 
Looking up, you were met with seven familiar faces. 
“We figured you might need some help.” Beverly said making her way to you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. 
“Nice move, throwing that monster from the fourth floor.” Ben said as you received another bone crushing hug, whispering in your ear, “We know about your abilities. You saved our asses way much more than we can count with Pennywise.”
The rest of the Losers, greeted you with the same level of enthusiasm. 
“Not that i’m not happy to see you, but what’re you guys doing here?” Asking with a smile on your face, your arm was wrapped around Beverly's, shoulders as her arm was wrapped around your waist. 
“We figured you might need some help.”
“Yeah.. But how did you-”
Stan spoke up, “Your boyfriend Billy called us.”
Everyone’s gaze turned to look at Billy with wide eyes. Not meeting anyone’s gaze but yours, his hands made their way into his front pockets, while shifting uncomfortably under everyone’s stare. 
“Besides, once a Loser always a Loser.” 
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s-oulpunk · 5 years
Bill first meets Stan through Richie.  He creates a group chat to create, in a word, chaos.  The group chat lasts a fairly long time, as long as group chats can, but it isn’t long until it’s forgotten, lost in the depths of Bill’s messages.  What isn’t forgotten, however, is Stan’s number, secure in its own private chat.
Bill likes Stan.  Likes his seemingly endless knowledge of birds.  Likes his witty, dry humor.  Likes the music recommendations he sends at odd hours of the night.
But he doesn’t like him like that.
They’re friends.  Bill likes friends.  He doesn’t have very many, but he likes them.  And they’ve been harder to find, due to his increasing self-isolation.
His baby brother has just died.  Seemingly disappeared into thin air.  And despite how hard Bill tries to stay kind, it makes him see red.  There’s always anger inside him.  It crawls just under his skin, fighting to get out.
Anger makes it hard to make friends.
But he has Stan, and Stan is enough.  He’s sweet.  He listens when Bill needs him to, and doesn’t push when Bill doesn't.
The only problem, Stan likes him like that.
He never says anything, not outright, but Bill knows.
He knows because Stan has told him he had “always wanted to be his friend.”  He knows because Stan’s type is eerily similar to himself.  He knows because Stan never denies an offer to text until 3 in the morning, even when he has places to be the next day.
And it makes Bill feel a little guilty, because Stan’s nice.  Great, in fact.  Anyone would be lucky to have him.  But Bill doesn’t need a boyfriend, he needs a friend.
Stan seems to understand.  He never once complains, never blames Bill.  Because he’s good like that.  It’s ingrained in his bones.  He doesn’t know how to not be good.
Bill and Stan don’t go to the same school.
Stan goes to school with Richie and the rest of his friends, a short wheezy boy named Eddie and a soft hearted boy named Ben.  Bill goes to school with his own friends, a fiery girl named Beverly and a boy with a heart of gold named Mike.
They’re nice, and he loves them.  But Stan is special.
They’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Stan, but, boy oh boy, do they know who he is.  He talks about him nonstop, and when he isn’t talking about him, he’s texting him.  Even if it’s hard to find time to see each other in person, they’re always together.
One time Stan leaves his sweatshirt at Bill’s house.  Bill wears it to school the next day, for safekeeping.  Bev and Mike giggle and share knowing looks, but Bill ignores them.  They don’t understand.
By the time Stan gets around to visiting him at school, he’s practically famous.  Bev and Mike know nearly everything about him, all their friends have heard the stories, and everyone else at least knows his name.
He’s coming to see a play Bill wrote.  A play Bill is really proud of, and he wants Stan to see it.  He wants everyone to see it, but Stan especially.
Despite the dozens of people in the audience, Stan is the only one Bill invited.  He’s the only one whose opinion really matters.
That summer, Bill goes away to camp.
It’s a writing camp, for a whole month, a few states away.  A whole month without seeing Stan.  It sucks, Bill misses him like crazy, but they talk every day.  Bill tells him his ideas for his stories, Stan tells him about the birds he sees back home.  It’s not the same, but it’s enough.
Bill meets Audra there.
She’s nice.  She’s really pretty.  And, best of all, she thinks Bill’s real cute.  And she lets him kiss her after classes, alone in his dorm when the world is asleep and the only one around to see them in the moon.
He tells Stan, of course he does.  Stan says he’s happy for him.  Richie says Stan’s jealous.
Bill tries not to think about that too much.
Next year is senior year.
Bill’s happier now.
Sometimes he still feels that same old anger in his chest.  But anger’s just an emotion.  Everyone feels anger.  What does it matter if Bill feels it stronger?  He feels happiness too.  He feels an overwhelming amount of happiness.
Stan’s happy too.
He has a girlfriend now, her name is Patty.  Bill thinks she’s nice.  He thinks they’re sweet together.  He also thinks his favorite moments are when Stan hugs him.
Bill doesn’t have a girlfriend.  Audra’s nice, and he still talks to her sometimes, but she lives in California and long distance isn’t something Bill wants to commit to.  Besides, while Audra’s wonderful, they don’t click.  He wants a relationship with someone who’s also his best friend.
About halfway through the year, he realizes something important:
Stan’s his best friend.
He’s in love with Stan.
But Stan likes Patty, and what kind of person would Bill be if he broke them up?  So Bill doesn’t say anything at all.  Instead he deals with the longing that lingers in his chest, and tries to ignore the looks Mike and Bev send his way.  They think he should tell Stan.  Bill thinks they’re living in a fantasy.
Then Bill meets Connor.
Connor’s nice.  Connor’s sweet.  Bill likes Connor.
Except he doesn’t.  Because Connor’s not nice, he’s not sweet.  He doesn’t listen to anything Bill says on their first date.  He laughs at all the wrong times on their second date.  He gets too handsy on their third date.
But Bill’s lonely.  And angry.  So they keep dating.
Except they’re not dating-dating.  It’s not like he’s his boyfriend.  Bill doesn’t want a boyfriend.  Bill still lies when Connor asks if there’s anyone else in his life.
A few days later, Connor tells him they should be together.
Bill doesn’t know what to say.  So, apparently, he has a boyfriend now.
That thought makes his stomach squirm and skin grow tight.  But he’s sure it’ll pass.  He likes Connor.  It will work out.  It has to work out.
Stan doesn’t have a girlfriend anymore.  Him and Patty broke up only a few weeks ago.  It’s too soon and too late to confess.  Too soon after Stan’s breakup, too late now that Bill has a new relationship.
A few days later, Connor kisses him.  Bill cries alone in his bedroom afterwards.
He spends nearly a week fretting over the fact that he has to “break up” with Connor.  They’re not even supposed to be together.
Now he has to get out of something he never even agreed to be a part of.
Connor takes it well enough, if Bill ignores the few snarky remarks here and there.
He still doesn’t say anything to Stan.  They don’t talk as often as they used to.  Bill misses him.  But he doesn’t want to ruin the last bit of friendship they have.
It’s been weeks before he realizes it doesn’t matter.  What does he have to lose?
He calls him before he can change his mind, never minding that its nearing 1 in the morning.
“Hey,” Stan says, sounding only a little bit tired.  Bill had missed his voice. “What’s up?”
“Hey,” Bill says breathlessly. “I think I’m in love with you.”
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stxn-the-mxn · 5 years
Family || 2019!Richie Tozier X Daughter!Reader
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Being in the town of Derry felt more surreal than anything. It didn’t seem real, actually being in the town your father grew up in. Richie didn’t talk about Derry, in fact, he never once mentioned his childhood. In the fifteen years you’d been alive, not once was Derry mentioned. The first time it had ever been mentioned had been the night he came home and started packing.
It hadn’t been that long since you’d gone to bed, 1:30 am most likely. Usually, you went to bed earlier, maybe 10 pm or 11 pm, but on nights when Richie had a show, it would be hours till you went to bed.
It was a tradition for you to watch every one of your dad’s stand up shows, and hope that some of the jokes you had written made it in. Richie made it his mission to have at least one of your own jokes in his set.
Tonight, he had included three of yours, which all went down well after his hiccup at the start. One of yours got the biggest laugh, and you could see Richie’s proud face through the screen.
You switched off the TV after the show ended, and as usual, crashed on the couch. When Richie got home, he usually carried you back to your room, but that night, he made no move to pick you up, pacing around their rather large home instead.
“Dad? What’s going on?” You wiped the sleep from your eyes, as Richie thundered around the house. It was around 2 am, a regular time for Richie to come home after a show, but usually, he tried to be quiet to let you sleep. Tonight was not one of those nights.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry, I tried to be quiet, I did. I jus-”
The empty suitcase in his hand rang some quiet alarms.
“Dad? Where are you going?”
“Home. I have to go home.”
“Take me with you.”
Richie thought it over. He couldn’t in good faith leave you home alone for as long as he would be gone. Surely you’d be fine if you did what he said. After all, he promised you all those years ago, when one of his late-night flings left a baby girl on his doorstep, that he would be the best damn father around.
“Only if you promise to not leave my sight.”
You held up your crossed fingers and crossed those fingers over your heart. 
“Right well, get packing, sweetie. We leave as soon as we’re done.”
The drive to Derry was a combination of obnoxiously singing along to the radio and you catching up on some sleep. The sign welcoming you to Derry sent a shiver down your spine, not going unnoticed by Richie.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
“W-what? Oh! Yeah, yeah I’m good.”
He didn’t believe you but didn’t bring it up again. 
The car pulled into the parking lot of the Jade of the Orient, a Chinese restaurant. Your dad seemed almost shocked by its presence. Clearly, this wasn’t in Derry when he was a kid. Richie spotted two other people off to the side and seemed to recognize them.
“Big Ben? Bev?” You trailed behind him, a few meters behind, somewhat out of sight.
“Richie?” The woman asked, not noticing you as you peered at the two adults. The taller male made direct eye contact with you, a confused expression forming. You stepped closer, not caring if they saw you at this point.
“Uh, Richie, you seem to have a fan.” ‘Big Ben’ said, gesturing behind him. Richie whipped around, only to be met with you smiling awkwardly at him.
“Oh, no, actually this is my daughter, Y/N.”
The pair had extremely shocked faces. You felt a bit more offended than you should have at that comment. The pair seemed to notice but didn’t backtrack on their comments.
“I’m Beverly, it’s lovely to meet you.” Beverly held out a hand for you to shake, which you took happily. Ben simply greeted you with a smile.
“Well, let’s go meet everyone else. I wanna see how they react to Y/N.”
The whole vibe of the restaurant felt normal until you stepped into the reserved room for what you had heard was called “The Losers Club”. Your dad, being your dad, hit the gong on his way in, causing three heads to snap towards where the four of you were standing.
The three pairs of eyes stared at Richie, Ben and Beverly, before instantly snapping to you. Their expressions were similar to Ben and Beverly’s.
“Richie, Ben, Beverly.” One of the men at the table stated, trailing off as he looked at you again.
“Right, I’m starving. Let’s eat.” Richie cheered, and everyone else just accepted that Richie was not doing what they expected. And for some reason, they felt like that was what they expected.
“Hey, Rich, would you mind explaining who that is?” Another man asked, nodding in your direction.
“Oh! Right, this is my daughter.” The three men who weren’t Ben and Bev all dropped their jaws.
“It’s lovely to meet you all, I’m Y/N.” You smiled, feeling less nervous as they smiled back. Going around the table, they all introduced themselves as Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough and Eddie Kaspbrak.
You immediately noticed a strong bond between all of them, even if they had only reconnected less than an hour ago. It was a similar bond that you and your father had; family.
You also noticed a different bond between Richie and Eddie. It wasn’t news to you that your father wasn’t straight. And this Eddie man, no offence to anyone, did not give off straight vibes.
It was strange, how well you felt you fit in with the group of forty-year-olds. You and Eddie found many a common interest, including joking around and teasing Richie. The more Richie remembered, the more he realised that you were basically a baby Eddie, save for the hypochondriac-ness.
It brought a smile to his face as he watched the two of you mucking about like toddlers from beside him. 
Dinner continued on, and eventually, one of the waitresses brought out a bowl of fortune cookies. Everyone eagerly took one, cracking them open.
“Huh, mine just says ‘Could’. These cookies are bullshit.”
You looked at your slip of paper, and something about the words written caused that shiver to once again run down your spine.
Welcome to Derry, Y/N! Why don’t you stay forever?
Your hands were shaking, quite violently. Richie glanced over at you and immediately rushed to your side. He took the paper, reading it quickly before ripping it up. He hugged you tightly, comforting you like he would when you would get nightmares.
“You’re alright, sweetheart, you’re gonna be alright.”
You felt guilty, honestly. Richie had made you promise to stay in the hotel, not to set foot outside, but you didn’t listen. After finding yourself in a brand new town, so much different from your hometown, writing new material for your dad seemed bland. 
Exploring the place your dad grew up in seemed way more fun. Plus, it was a small town, what could really go wrong? 
In your journey to the centre of town, the only thing that went wrong was the kid who almost ran you over with his skateboard. Aside from that, you were yet to run into the other adults or anyone for that matter. The Canal Days fair was drawing in quite the crowd.
Turning the corner, you froze.
Something about the abandoned cinema in the middle of the town drew you in. It ran in Tozier blood to love the movies. Finding a hole through the newspaper, you pushed the door open. It was incredibly dusty, and you felt your throat constricting. Eddie had warned you earlier about how gross this town could be.
The hallway that led to the cinema was lit up, and the smell of popcorn was on the verge of overpowering all your senses. Something told you to run, walk, do anything in the opposite direction. But your body wasn’t listening, and you found yourself in the screening room in no time.
The screening room seemed harmless, but nothing in this town really was. You turned to leave when the sound of a projector turning on echoed through the empty room. Turning around slowly, every bone in your body trembling, you were met with the blinding white glow of the screen.
Your eyes locked with the harmless, yet frightening screen, panic settling in. 
The white screen wrinkled, and two beady yellow eyes opened. A scream latched itself in your throat, unable to escape through your dust infected lungs.
“Well, well, welcome to Derry, little Miss Tozier.” The face shrunk, smaller and smaller, and became a clown. At this moment, you wished your feet would just move, but alas, you remained glued to the spot.
The clown’s glowing eyes pierced your soul and reached out a gloved hand, grabbing the screen. The screen began to tear. The scream you were holding in escaped, causing the clown to laugh. Once the screen was entirely gone, the clown made his way towards you, leaping over the seats. 
Your feet, much to your dismay, remained glued to the ground. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t real. You would pinch yourself, open your eyes, and be back at home, watching some crappy movie and bullying it to death with your dad.
It wasn’t working. No matter how hard you pinched, no matter how many times you whispered that “it wasn’t real”, you kept opening your eyes to see that fucking clown.
Your entire body was shaking, all senses except sight seemed to disappear. The clown was only two rows away. One row away. Here. 
A gloved hand clamped around your neck, your already constricted throat growing tighter. The clown smiled, never breaking eye contact. Drool dripped from his mouth, as he growled lowly. His face contorted, turning into Richie.
“You’re useless. A burden. I should’ve left you on that fucking doorstep. You’ve done nothing but hold me back. I never even wanted a child. Your mother was a drunk mistake, and so are you. I might as well leave you here to die.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks. No, your dad would never… Is that really what he thought? Had he spent fifteen years blaming you in secret? No, no, he promised that he loved you. He swore on his life that you were his everything.
Maybe it was true… after all, would any gay man want to live with and raise a reflection of someone who he never wanted to be with?  No. You had to push the thundering thoughts aside. No.
“N-no.” Your voice was weak, only just loud enough to hear. “Richie” tilted his head, a sad expression on his face. His skin was reverting to the pasty white of the clown. 
“No? Poor Y/N doesn’t want to accept that no one truly loves or wants her. Not even her own father.”
“Y-you’re not r-r-real. You c-c-c-can’t be real.” Words struggled to form, and those that did struggled to escape. The clown dropped his Richie facade and in a terrifying turn of events, smiled at you.
His grip continued to tighten, and you could see black dots forming in your vision. The sensation of trickling blood set your mind ablaze. You didn’t know where it was coming from, but it was there, and the clown was the cause.
In your last seconds of consciousness, you heard the thundering sets of footsteps coming down the hall, but the clown had sensed them first. You felt like the world was spinning before everything faded to black, your father’s panicked, fearful face the last thing you saw.
“Fuck, shit, shit, fuck!” The five other losers sat, heads hanging as Richie stormed around the building. They didn’t know what to do. Who would, in this situation? Bill was the only one who was close to understanding what Richie was experiencing.
“I’m a terrible father.” His pacing stopped as his knees gave out, collapsing onto Eddie, who caught him with ease. He held Richie tightly, letting him sob into his shoulder. 
In the minutes since Richie had been too late, he was already struggling to come to terms with the gap of silence where you used to stand. It wasn’t right. It was unnatural, unheard of,  unorthodox. 
He couldn’t speak, the wave of guilt and despair pulling him out to sea.
“Richie, I wholeheartedly promise you that you are the best damn father ever. We are all going to get Y/N back, and we will stop at nothing until we do.”
Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie, and one by one the losers joined in. Y/N Tozier was a loser now. And losers never left a loser behind.
The sewers were cold, wet and extremely uncomfortable. It was impossible to tell how long you’d been stuck here, but you did know that you’d walked through what felt like thousands of tunnels. You just wanted your dad back.
You couldn’t shake the tiredness that weighed you down. Closing your eyes wasn’t an option. You couldn’t let your guard down, not for a second, unless dying at the hands of a killer clown was on your bucket list.
The clown hadn’t shown his face since he took you. Part of you felt relieved, you didn’t have to fear for your life yet. But God knows what he was doing on the surface. You could only hope and pray that your father and his friends were okay.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as thoughts of your dad filled your mind. All you wanted was to be held in his arms again. Your dad was your everything, and you were his. This was most likely the longest you’d been away from each other. 
You threw a small pebble up and down, catching it over and over again. Your trajectory was off on one throw, and it bounced and rolled its way over to the wall. Building up some courage, you scampered over to where the rock was, but your mad dash back to the “safety hole” was cut short by an echo.
“Come one, we gotta squeeze through that hole. We can all make it through if we try hard enough.”
That was Mike’s voice. They had come to save you. Somehow, no matter how far below Derry you were, they found you. You ran to where Mike’s voice was coming from, tripping over the smaller spikes on the ground.
Said man’s jaw dropped and he ran towards you, and you grasped onto his jacket. Having a physical being to cling onto was calming. As you stood there, clinging to Mike for dear life, more people came through the small gap, the first being Beverly. She ran to you too, her hug even tighter than Mikes. She was the only loser who knew exactly what you had just experienced.
As Bill and Ben appeared, you could barely see them from between Mike and Bev’s arms. But they were there, and they were real and they were everything you needed right now.
“Y-you found m-m-me!” Bill looked at you surprised as you stuttered over your words. Your stutter wasn’t simply a stutter of fear, it was like his. He knew the causes of a stutter very well. And looking at the causes, he could cross out genetics and prayed he could cross out a brain disorder. Which left emotional trauma. Psychogenic stuttering.
As you remained surrounded by the four losers, quiet bickering drifted into the cavern. 
The four stepped aside as Eddie and Richie came through the hole. Eddie froze, his dropped jaw widening to a smile while Richie remained frozen. There you were, alive, seemingly unharmed, surrounded by all his closest friends.
“Y/N. Holy fucking shit, Y/N!” Eddie exclaimed, hugging the girl close to him. They had only known each other for a few days, but they were already extremely close.
Richie still hadn’t moved, so Y/N and Eddie took the first step, sending Richie into a crazed sprint as he ran to hold his daughter again. Tears blurred everyone’s vision as father and daughter reunited. 
If Richie had an option, he would have chosen to never let his precious baby go.
“Richie. We have to perform the ritual. It's now or never.” 
The Ritual of Chüd didn’t work. Mike hadn’t been telling the whole truth. And also, a spider-legged demon clown was chasing and tormenting the Losers Club. 
Each loser had run off in different directions, Richie and Eddie both pulling you with them as your eyes lay transfixed on the evil entity. The sewer’s tunnels were long, windy and tight at some areas. They seemed never-ending.
Until you came to a sudden stop.
Standing in front of the three doors, Richie, Eddie and yourself contemplated what to do. In this sort of situation, nothing was to be trusted. Flinging open the ‘Very Scary’ door, you all found an empty closet.
“O-oh. Well, this s-s-s-seems harmless eno- oh what the f-f-fuck?” You screamed as a pair of disembodied legs ran towards you. Richie pulled you behind him as he slammed the door shut. 
The next door they opened read ‘Not Scary At All’ and at this point you were highly doubting that. From behind your barrier of Eddie and Richie, you could see a small dog staring at you all. It also seemed harmless at first, so you waited for it to fuck around and scare the shit out of you.
“Aww, it’s actually kinda cute.” Eddie cooed, leaving you a tad confused. Richie seemed to agree, telling the dog to sit, which it did.
“Aw, that’s precious.”
The dog twisted into a beastly creature, which was truly inevitable, wasn’t it? Your father and Eddie screamed as if they hadn’t been expecting any of this. The door slammed shut, and you quickly found yourself running out of the cave, back to where this whole mess started.
As you stepped foot into the cavern, bright lights drew you in, and you couldn’t feel anything. You were numb to the world around you. The screams of your father were nothing but faint echoes.
You could feel yourself succumbing to the lights. You let them decide your fate. This was how it all ended.
Until the lights disappeared, and you came crashing into Richie. You blinked slowly, adjusting to the darkness once more. Richie cradled you to his chest as Eddie stood off to the side, amazed at what he had just done.
IT lunged a clawed limb at the Eddie, but he ducked in time for IT to get trapped in the rock walls. It was a chance to escape.
On your feet once more, you ran to meet all the losers. Clambering through the hole once more, you used the time to think of a plan.
“We n-n-need to bring IT d-down to size. If w-w-we can lure IT in, IT’ll h-h-h-have to shrink to f-fit through that h-h-h-hole.” You muttered, mainly to yourself, as you contemplated your options.
“That just might work,” Bill announced, bringing you out of your daze. “But I don’t think we have to lure IT out here…”
Bill had a plan.
Crawling through another entrance, you mentally cursed yourself for coming back to this hellhole. Bill stood before the clown, who loomed over you all. 
“You’re just a clown.”
Physical pain flashed across IT’s face. 
“A clown!”
“You’re a sloppy bitch!”
“You’re nothing!”
The clown’s spider legs weakened, collapsing slightly. The insults continued being thrown, and IT continuously grew weaker. As IT staggered backwards into the centre spikes, IT grabbed the smallest loser, pulling her towards itself.
You fought against IT’s arm, yet somehow still found yourself powerless. Even now, IT was too strong for you.
“Put me d-down. You’re just a clown. Just a motherf-f-fucking clown!” 
With a final punch to the clown’s stupid red nose, IT let you go, deflating into an ugly baby-looking creature. You ran to Richie and Eddie, the pair making another protective barrier around you.
You all moved towards IT, and Beverly kneeled down beside IT. IT’s expression was pure fear. 
The beautiful irony of it all.
She reached into IT, yanking out a rotten, yet beating heart. Each loser placed a hand on the heart, and IT seemed to be begging for mercy. For forgiveness.
You all squeezed the heart, crushing it and watching the life drain from the monster that had tormented Derry for millions of years.
IT had been defeated for good.
Driving away from Derry was therapeutic. It was a breath of fresh air. For the first time in far too long, you felt safe.
On your way out, Richie pulled over on the bridge and got out. Walking over to the wooden rails, you followed behind him, not noticing the other car pulling up too. Richie traced a pair of letters on the wood.
“R + E.” You murmured, much louder than intended. Your dad spun around, catching you just in time to make the connection. His eyes drifted behind you, to the man standing beside his car.
“It was a-a-always you and E-Eddie, huh?” 
You kneeled beside him, hugging him tightly. You knew how long it took your dad to accept who he was, so seeing him recarving the faded ‘E’ into the wood, with ‘E’ standing not so far behind meant the world to you.
“Can you just go kiss h-him, for god’s s-s-sake?” You whispered into his side, making him laugh.
“I just might, so you better close your eyes.” He covered your eyes with his hands, making you laugh loudly.
“And miss s-s-seeing my dad happier than e-ever? I could never.” 
His smile held so much love and appreciation for the beautiful girl he had raised that people all across the USA could feel it.
“Dad! These are our s-seats.”
Your dad followed behind, making sure you were reading the right part of the tickets.
“Yep, these are them.”
You sat down first, leg bouncing in anticipation. You had wanted to see this live for years and finally, you could get into the show, with adult supervision.
“It s-starts in three m-minutes!”
If it weren’t for the sheer fanciness of this building, you’d be bouncing off the walls in excitement.
Three minutes passed quickly, and the announcement was made that the show was starting. You stared at the stage, a huge smile on your face.
He walked out on stage, and the applause was thunderous, but you knew you were the loudest.
“Yknow, my husband is a bitch and I love him so much.”
Looking at Eddie’s jokingly hurt expression, you burst out laughing, harder than you ever had in your life.
It was around 2 am when you all paraded back home. It had been a long, carefree night, only made better by the pure joy radiating off everyone in your family. Eddie fumbled for the house keys, eventually unlocking the door, only to be knocked down by their surprisingly strong Pomeranian, Stanley.
A minute after you walked inside and kicked off your shoes, you passed out on the couch. Stanley curled up beside you, licking your face.
Eddie and Richie shared similar expressions as they gazed at the adorable sight. Not once had either of them believed their lives would come to this.
Richie Tozier never believed he’d be a world-famous comedian, married to his best friend that he’d been in love with since childhood, with the most amazing daughter anyone could ask for.
Eddie Kaspbrak never thought he’d escape his never-ending cycle of letting an emotionally abusive woman control his life, marry the man of his dreams and have a daughter.
Y/N Tozier-Kaspbrak truly believed that no other kid was as lucky as her. No other kid had a perfect, unbreakable pair of parents like she did.
No other family was as beautifully perfect as the Tozier-Kaspbrak family.
Not even close.
@peteporkers @unamused-fangirl
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kxhlzn · 5 years
[i.] the birdwatcher & his lover.
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➳ synopsis: it's the summer of '89, and you discover new things about yourself— some good, and some you wish you could swallow and never see again. dealing with the newfound confusion of sexuality, you must learn the ins and outs of friendship and what it means to grow up.
➳ genre: coming-of-age drama, fluff, crack, angst, slow burn romance, lgbtq+ themes.
➳ characters/pairing(s): eventual stanley uris/reader (main couple), unrequited!beverly marsh/reader, eventual richie/eddie (possibly unrequited), eventual bev/ben.
➳ wordcount: 3.2k
➳ warnings: profanity, partial nudity (the lake), slight angst.
➳ song recs: "beverly" from the it soundtrack & "she" by dodie.
➳ author's notes: hi hi hi! this is my first fic on tumblr and honestly i'm a bit anxious about this bc i haven't written in ages lmfao. this is a series, so pls don't hesitate to send in asks and the like! nothing is set entirely into stone yet. please note! the characters are fifteen in this, and pennywise doesn't attack derry at all; so georgie is alive and well and chasing paper boats in the rain. richie & reader are both bisexual, ben & bev fall in love as kids. reader and bill are vv close but platonically.
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June, 1989.
the first time you meet stanley uris, he is perched on a oak bench planted in the middle of derry park, his bruised knees pressed together in order to keep his journal steady. his chin is pointed to the heavens, eyes searching the clouds, a curious glow in them; cheeks dusted a light pink, he was angelic, the sun's rays a dull comparison to the golden glow of his messy curls. the boy had a nervous tick of tapping his pencil against the yellowed paper in his lap, followed by the curve of his brow when he noticed a bird flutter overheard.
you, at age eleven, were fascinated by him, and lacked a filter to save you from your mouth. it's almost as if the hinge of your jaw had lost a screw, and you feared if it hung open too long a fly might seek entrance there. of course, it would have been entirely avoidable if you hadn't sat your butt right next to him, and stuck your nose right where it didn't belong: in his journal.
"your handwriting is pretty, but your drawings can use some serious work. is that supposed to be a bird? it looks like it's having a heart attack," you had said, tilting your head, "the wings are too jagged and the legs too... sticky, you know? not like sticky like honey, but sticky like... you know, sticks? are you mute or something?"
your blank stare forces stanley's hand to shoot to the back of his neck as he tries to find the words to attend to all of your commentary. his mouth opens and closes a few times before you roll your eyes dramatically, slumping into the back of the bench. stanley clears his throat, eyes falling to the ground.
a silence ensues, and you glance from his crestfallen expression to the drawings. "and, uh, his eyes are buggy; they look like fat marbles. they're taking up his whole face."
stan releases a breathy laugh, and he raises an eyebrow at the graphite drawing in front of him. "they do, don't they?"
you mirror his laugh, and nod solemnly. "there's no saving them," you say, and decide to tell him your name, outstretching your hand proudly.
"stanley," the boy replies, meeting your grip and giving it a good shake. "uh, you know a lot about drawing. could you fix him?"
you hum, taking the journal from his lap and dropping it in your own. you tilt your head at the sketch, putting your chin in your hand. "it's going to be a tough job, but i think he'll survive. scalpel, sir?"
he hands you the yellow pencil, sharpened down half its original length. "anastesia? or uh," you inquire, not aware of how to spell or pronounce the word, "the stuff that doctors give people during surgery."
"anesthesia," stanley corrects, pulling a pink eraser from his pocket and giving it away.
"yeah, that," you bring the eraser down and the bird lines are soon gone, but the remnants of what was stays behind on the paper. "your lines are really hard. you've prolly got heavy hand, you know. but don't worry, i do too."
the next few minutes are in comfortable silence, save for your absent-minded humming. stanley leans over your shoulder, but not to the point of invading personal space, studying each pencil stroke gracing the journal. he makes a comment about the structure of the real-life bird, and you nod your head in agreement. the two of you synchronize nearly perfectly — you sketch what he tells you to. you aren't very observant to the outside world, but you focus on details in your drawings. stanley will mention that the creature has a stray mark on its beak, and you pencil it in without the graphite being too dramatic, which stanley is quick to do in his work.
after an hour of chatting and working, you are sitting on the back of the bench, feet placed comfortably on the seat. you are talking on and on about a story that happened during your english class, and you don't refrain a single detail. stanley listens intently, body slouched forward over his journal as he writes physical descriptions of the bird next to the drawing. he checks the time on his watch, and nearly jumps out of his seat. he swivels around, eyes blown wide, but you don't seem to notice as your arms wave about, mimicking a girl in your class.
stanley barks your name, which sounds sweet on his tongue, he realizes. when you focus on him curiously, he looks guilty. "i have to go. i was supposed to go to my friend's house so we could go to the quarry together. uh, unless you want to.. go?"
you grin, hopping onto the soil beside him. "for sure!" you hook your arm in his, and skip forward a few steps.
"wrong way," he says sheepishly.
you turn around, now exceedingly confident. "onward, steed!"
the next few years, up until freshman year, you are best friends with stanley uris and his gang of friends; bill denbrough, richie tozier, and eddie kaspbrak. bill was the kindest of all of them, a sensitive boy with a heart of gold. his love for art made him an easy companion, and you grew very close the summer of 7th grade, spending many hours a week at his house simply talking and making art. his little brother is like your favorite person, the little squirt constantly bugging bill about when he'll see you again, and telling bill he likes you better because you'll play with him.
eddie is a mother hen to you, warning you about the dangers you put yourself in on a daily basis. you are more reckless than the other boys, so it's common to see eddie turn an ugly shade of purple when he witnesses you do something exceedingly ignorant. with your asthma, he can relate to you, but you personally believe the inhalers you have are pointless and there's no need to rely on them, but eddie disagrees. when he takes a puff from his emergency inhaler, which is more of a daily one, he tends to shove one in your mouth too for simple sake of anxiety. you've found that he calms down when you play with his hair or give his scalp a light scratch, his voice lost in the serenity of it all.
ah, richie tozier; you two are scarily similar, and everyone is aware of it. he's of course referred to as "trashmouth", and you're known as "loudmouth", as richie has a tendency to speak inappropriate things, and you just keep speaking and can't properly whisper to save your life. a major difference between the two of you is your vulnerability, naiveness, and positive charisma. his talkativeness is characterized by sarcasm and the "class clown" stereotype, while yours relies more on really just being a chatterbox, whose thoughts spill out at rapid speeds without being filtered by your brain. fortunately, it's easier to make friends this way, and you tend to be the ice-breaker of your friends. richie, personally, admires this about you and thinks of you as an "innocent little ball of sunshine", and likes to put his arm on your head to show his dominance.
your relationship with stanley uris is a bit complicated; of course, at first, it was unproblematic being friends with him, as you were easy opposites. you spoke into the space that he was too quiet to fill, and it was comfortable for the both of you; you got to speak your mind without interruption, and stanley was able to have company that didn't force him to interact gregariously. however, as you grew with time, he found your carelessness to be irritating, as he hated feeling he had to be anxious all of the time; stanley enjoys turning his alarm off, and running on low function, and he thinks it is hard to do that when you're jumping off cliffs, climbing on slippery rocks with your eyes covered, and provoking bullies three years older than you. he finds you irrational and childlike, which is difficult for him to grasp as an inherently strategic and analytical person. you are a glass half full, and he is glass half empty. he prefers to consider the consequences, and you have a tendency to wait to find them out after you commit the deed. he has his future planned, and you want to live in the moment; you enjoy surprises, new opportunities, as there is something entirely boring about being sure what you plan to do each day. sometimes, you believe stanley wakes early, dresses in the outfit he put aside the night before, and takes a seat to write down a schedule. you shiver at the thought. unfortunately, the disagreements put tension on your friendship, as hanging out periodically ends with an argument, and one of you stomping out to rant to one of the others. you sincerely care for each other, but also find each other extremely irritating when the situation calls for it; which is becoming increasingly habitual as you grow taller with age.
but you also find him to be beautiful.
you're fifteen when you properly meet ben hanscom, beverly marsh, and mike hanlon. it's also the first time you felt something strike deep in your gut for that particular redheaded girl, and the way her newly chopped locks curled at the ends. she had tucked your hair behind your ear as you wrestled with the button on your overall shorts, and took your hands in hers, pushing them aside so she could slip the button through the hole properly. she was so graceful, elegant even, in the way she held herself. that day, you labeled the twist of your insides as insecurity, nothing else.
it was a mix of many things, you realized a long time after. insecurity, deep-rooted sexual confusion, and jealousy.
beverly is the first to jump off the cliff and into the lake below. after aiding you in your clothing disaster, she slips her creamy overdress from her shoulders, and gives her arms a good shake. she departs with a glance back at you, the sun beating down on her hair like fiery red flames, and her icy eyes contrasting its intensity. suddenly, you feel so small; so plain. before she could see your lip quiver, she was in the air, high like an angel, before falling towards the murky waters.
the stars in bill and ben's eyes, and the admiration in the rest of theirs, erupt a cacophony for you, striking your heart like a harsh note: these aren't your boys anymore.
bill jumps next, and then the others, eddie last. the splash sends spikes in your spine, but it's a warm hand on your shoulder that kick-starts your body. sandy curls appear in front of your face, tilting to reveal the kind eyes of stanley uris. his mouth is shaped in a firm line, a bit disappointed by your lack of enthusiasm. he seems to be at war with himself.
he stays silent for a moment, eyes searching the sky for the right words. "i want to go last," he finally breathes, seemingly triumphed in his verbiage, "i don't want them to see me cross my fingers behind my back before i go."
you laugh softly, relieved. you are grateful knowing he wasn't going to pry in your hesitation, or your brief self-consciousness. even when the two of you bicker, you hold high respect for stan; he's a boy of few words. he isn't shy, and certainly isn't bashful; he simply chooses to speak sparingly, believing that the chattiest voices aren't always loudest. he doesn't word vomit to fill the silence; that is how you know his words are meticulously chosen, like pieces to a greater puzzle.
stanley's thin frame makes no unnecessary movements, but rather awaits yours. his hand has long since abandoned your shoulder, and rather is cuffing his other calmly in front of his hips. the lack of speech isn't menacing or awkward, but instead a bit comforting; it gives you adequate time to finish undressing, tossing aside your socks and shoes. you pull the loose scrunchie from your hair, and give yourself a silent nod in reassurance.
"promise not to tell?" stan says quietly when he's sure you're more stable, curious eyes searching for yours.
"pinky promise," you insist, holding up the smallest finger on your right hand. when his wraps around yours, you toss him a childlike grin. "i never break them."
and then you're gone, cascading down towards the green waters, each wave crystalizing in your descent.
"i know," stanley whispers to himself. little do you know, he has the same epiphany you had just seconds ago, aweing after beverly.
he crosses his fingers behind his back, and steps off the cliff's edge.
air reaches your lungs when you pull your head above the surface, and you gather your sopping hair from your skin, laying it against your neck. you face the sky, and stan's dive is a flash of gold: like a bird, graceful in it's dip, his curls like its wings.
you find yourself wanting to ask him what it's like to fly.
on a boiling day in the middle of june, you and the others spend a day in the quarry again, but instead have a picnic by the rocks rather than racing back into town for a snack at eddie's house. it was mike's idea; he hadn't told anyone until he showed up early that day, sweaty and beaming with a quaint basket and blanket tucked under his arm. you felt a bit guilty, honestly— you wish he would've told you so you all could pitch in.
he seemed ecstatic, though, setting it up, so you couldn't bring yourself to mention that.
beverly says she wants to sunbathe with you, so you agree with hot cheeks and position yourself awkwardly next to her, posture straight with your knees tucked under your arms. your stiffness goes unnoticed by her, thankfully, so you're able to admire her form in peace as she stretches her limbs out with a soft sigh. compared to her, you feel unbearably rigged, unbearably not feminine. a thought crosses your mind that her own feminity outshines yours so much that the boys must think of you as one of them, minus the third leg, and with twin petals blossoming on your chest.
the boys are curled around their usual spots, the multiple boulders a few feet from your seated position, chatting carelessly. mike is discluded, lost in preparing the perfect picnic for you all. perhaps if you had noticed the simplicity of it all, you wouldn't have blurted out something ignorant to force a tension in the summer air.
"do you guys think i'm pretty?"
the conversation drops briefly, takes a soft roar, and then entirely ceases as seven pairs of eyes draw to you, including mike and beverly. the red-haired girl has a smirk on her lips, tilting her head ever so slightly as if to test your patience and purpose.
bill clears his throat gently. "u-um, well, yeah of c-course.. w-why wouldn't w-we?"
you shrug nonchalantly, and the others eyeball each other, pleading for another to say something else. eddie and ben slyly play rock paper scissors for a sacrifice.
richie whistles lowly. "this is gonna be good."
your face's temperature soon begins to rival the sun as your breath hitches in your throat, attention turned directly on beverly, as though her presence might calm your nerves. it doesn't. your lower lip is caught between your teeth, as you grow progressively more embarrassed of yourself the longer the others stare.
beverly smiles gently, her intensely blue eyes never straying from yours. "i think you're the prettiest girl in the world."
you sputter suddenly, adjusting your aviators, and spill out something along the lines of "i have to go take a piss", and skitter off in the direction of the woods. you curse yourself the entire way.
richie laughs, breaking the tension. he pats stanley's bare back roughly as the lanky boy stares at the trees you disappeared behind. "and the hits just keep on coming."
"beep beep, richie," eddie scolds, and richie winks at him, suggestively nodding towards him. eddie rolls his eyes and his gaze drops to his feet.
"sandwiches, anyone?" mike whimpers, a lopsided grin as he holds up a loaf of bread. stanley gently pushes past him and disappears into the brush.
"well, i, for one, would like three," richie replies, slapping his thighs as he stands.
eddie mumbles a word or two about richie being "as selfish as ever", and makes his way to mike also. beverly is a bit quiet, and bill chooses to sit beside her; his hands fall to his knees, rubbing them subconsciously.
"u-um, you didn't do a-anything wrong," he says, aware of the deep concentration beverly has. he can usually tell when everyone is upset or has something on their mind. "she's j-just been a l-little self conscious lately."
"please," beverly whispers, lifting her head to the sky, "i can tell she's been different around me. i must have said something to offend her. i should apologize—"
beverly pulls herself up, dusts off her legs, and is yanked down by bill's shaky hand.
"d-d-don't—" when the girl steadies, he continues, "let them b-b-be. if y-you really did s-something to h-hurt her, s-s-stanley will f-find out. trust him."
the greenery is exceedingly massive— miles and miles of towering woodland, filtering in streams of sunlight, rocky terrain around every trunk. you find yourself breathing heavily while seated on a boulder that is tucked away behind a ledge, facing the opposite way of the opening that your friends are at. elbows pressed into your knees, you put your face in your hands.
the air is tightening around your throat, and your uneven breaths become wheezes. you fist your hair in frustration, and smooth it down seconds after. this turns into a cycle, as you calm your wild nerves. fuck. are you allowed to think of her like that? you inhale deeply, the scent of soil filling your senses.
twigs crack in the distance, rapidly approaching feet obliterating the silence that has so graciously aided you in your toxic thoughts. you run your hands through your hair, and then fist a handful at the scalp. you smooth it out tenderly. when the footsteps are extremely close, slow down their pace, and stop entirely, you squeeze your eyes shut.
"go the fuck away, bill, i don't need your lect—" you bark, waving him away, but are cut off by long arms wrapping around your neck. your anxiety washes away, but you make no effort to embrace them in turn. your hands become fists, with no fabric of a shirt to grasp. you don't notice the tears racing down your face until your eyes and cheeks burn furiously, and your throat is caught up in sobs. when you peek, the sight of stanley's dusty curls in your peripheral sends waves of numbness and comfort over your skin.
your thoughts become hazy once you've lain your head against the bone of stanley's bare shoulder, and you feel a weight on your body lift from you— and transfer to him.
you swear you can hear faint whispering, voice cracked and vulnerable: "it's okay, it's okay, it's okay."
the part that leaves you aching for days in the future, is that you're not sure he was talking to you.
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➳ i hope you liked it! it's a bit short but idc cuz i'm tired.
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nostlgic · 3 years
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allison, vanya / diego : obviously. there are a lot of things that weren’t explored, especially with diego and vanya. but i love his and allison’s dynamic, you can tell they love each other and i want to see more of them.
beverly / my it muses : i have richie, ben, and my oc danny. bev is clearly the superior loser, and she doesn’t get enough rep. i would love to write with her.
dinah lance / deadshot : two badasses, two assholes, working together to do bad ( or good ) we’ll have to see.
harley / deadshot : obvs, we love suicide squad. plus i feel like they had more chemistry in the movie we didn’t get to see, and their dynamic is fun.
jess / sam : i’m a simple man - i see jessica moore, i fall in love. i can’t believe they never brought her back, i feel like that would have been a good twist, but hey. that’s what fiction’s for.
lydia / blair, atticus : blair and lydia have a similar mindset, and could talk about darkness and death for hours. atticus is an evil boy and he’d try to manipulate lydia by offering to kill her parents for her if she stays with him.
mandy, veronica / bender : two very different dynamics would come out of either muse with john, but both would be equally interesting.
zoe / kyle : because.... we love.
send 📝  to see which muses i want to throw at you.     @hrtbrkrs​.
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fandomsconfuseme · 4 years
I have been playing in my head with an idea for a fanfic (i actually never wrote fanfiction but oh well) and would love if any of you guys could tell me if you think i should try to write it!
After It is defeated Richie is the one that goes to see Patty and explain everything and since every other loser is occupied doing something with their lives (Mike is traveling, Ben and Beverly are together and Bill goes back to his wife) they end up leaving Richie completely lost without realizing, so he becomes friends with Patty because they are both in a "what now?" moment in their lives. Patty finds out she is pregnant and Richie offers to be there to help.
Fast forward 9 months and Richie and Patty are trying to take care of this kid while having zero idea what they are doing. Bev is pregnant, Audrea is pregnant and Mike found a girl he really connected to in Florida, they got married and are now expecting twins. While Patty was pregnant Richie basically started going out and getting drunk in order to try to feel something beside numbness, having quick sex with any boy or girl that took his mind of his life. When the kid is born he stops drinking and straights up his life but by that time he got a model pregnant.
Fast forward 18 years and we have 6 adorable kids:
Anne Uris (18)
She grew up with Richie and Patty and basically became a mini Richie with better sense of style. She is the one that is always cracking jokes, is always ready to fight but can barely talk about her feelings. She plays a ton of instruments and dropped a lot of other ones, loves skating, is always wearing her dad shirts and t-shirts with some dark acessories, is confused about her sexuality but has supportive parents that tell her that at the end of the day she doesn't need labels and it doesn't matter and she is the first one to call people out on their bullshit (like Stan).
Samantha Tozier (17)
Richie got full custody of her when she was 4 because she is trans and her biological mother didn't "agree" with it so ended up becoming psychologically abusive. She is a ray of sunshine and is really similar to her mom (Patty). She is the nerd of the group, allways talking at the speed of light about some new subject she adores, she loves history (especially queer one), is totally a bookworm and an activist, loves studying cultures and learning new languages for fun (she is fluent in 5 but can understand a ton of other ones with a little bit of help). She also got Richie interest in sex (haha) and while she is in fact a virgin she is always reading smut and ends up being the one that teaches good sex education to the others and gives them shit about being safe and stds (like Eddie would). And while her sister is not the most touchy person ever her love language usually involves physical contact, they complete each other, are always doing stuff together and are also best friends.
Ruby Hanlon (17)
She is one of the popular kids, plays volley and really likes math and fashion. She sometimes gets involved with drama for the guys she chooses to get involved with (that are not always the best ones) but is a strong cookie and a feminist that would not turn on another girl for something a guy did. She is extravagant and loud and lovely to be around, she has friends from completely different circles and with completely different interests and its good at seeing people for who they truly are.
Theo Hanlon (17)
He is allways fighting with his sister and hates drama but is the first one to get involved to have her back. He is in the Track team and is always getting medals because he works hard and loves running. He is the person that is allways there if you need, loves hearing his friends rambling even if it's about something he knows Jack shit about and although he wouldn't admit it to his sister his family is one of the things he cares the most about. He is really popular with girls but has been in love with Samantha since they were little kids (she also loves him but they are just too dumb to realize each other feelings so everyone has to silently face palm themselves while they go on about how they won't say anything because they don't wanna ruin their friendship).
Adrian Hanscom (17)
Adrian is loud and vibrant, he is openly gay and having Bev as his mom means he can always have clothes that scream his personality, never apologizing for who he is. At first glance people might say that he just wants to have fun all the time and doesn't think about the future but he is actually the one that worries the most about which path he wants to take because he doesn't really know what he truly loves or wants to do with life. He likes to experiment and try new things and has a closer relationship with Ruby and they are two vibrant puzzle pieces that belong together.
George Denbrough (17)
He is the quiet kid, loves to dance and plans to do it professionally in the future. He is closer to Samantha and Anne but adores Adrian, and might have a little crush on him if you ask the others. He loves musicals and cats and has a laughter that is always louder than anyone in the room, he adores his younger sister (i didn't put her on the list because she is not exactly a main character but she is 5 or 6) but has a hard time connecting with his parents. He is the person that you would go to if you wanted to talk about your feelings without being judged and without them giving you advice in return.
Samantha has anxiety but is in therapy and talks openly and healthy about it. George is currently pretty much depressed but believes that since he doesn't think he is clinically depressed and he doesn't "have reason to be depressed" he shouldn't worry his parents about it. Ruby has a bad relationship with food that her friends are trying to help her with.
Ideally this would be a Fix it fic, the Tozier-Uris kids decide to research about Derry and their parents past because they wanna learn more about the people their parents love and end up finding things that Mike missed because of bad translations and lack of information available at the time. They decide to go back and try to save Eddie and Stan and the other kids get involved and go with them.
Another idea i played with in my head was Eddie having his sperm conserved as a way to try to delay Myra "requests" (more like manipulative behavior) to have kids, and Myra finding a way to use his sperm some years later because she is lonely (this would be HIGLY unethical but hear me out). And while researching about Eddie, Anne finds out about his kid and decides to find him because she believes he would be important if they are really using magic for this. She ends up finding a way to work as a babysitter for Myra but the kid doesn't really communicate a lot with other people and hates physical touch (i thought about making him autistic but i would have to learn more about the spectrum to portrait it accurately) and she is actually not that good with children. So one time when she tries to get close to him he basically has a meltdown and she calls Samantha who actually knows how to help and ends up getting close to the kid with time passing. From that point forward Samantha always goes with Anne and while Anne is researching about Derry, Pennywise and the Tuttle she is playing with the kid and starts building a strong relationship with him, teaching him what real family should feel like, not something overbearing and stressful but unconditional love, support and mutual understanding.
I don't know if i people would read this, specially since the main characters wouldn't be the Losers so please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you :))
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
ben hanscom hcs
@gazebros and i were very deep in Loving Ben Hours tonight so we put our heads together and wrote these hcs for our boy.
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soft ben hcs.
you were like the absolute best of friends for so long.
like, the stereotypical best friends to lovers trope.
you and ben leave derry together. you go to the same college and do the same architecture courses.
the decision to leave derry behind was an easy one.
you get a small, cheap apartment in a dodgy building because it's all you can afford
and ben absolutely Hates how small it is, because he HATES feeling trapped.
he keeps it clean and free of useless clutter so it feels bigger.
cuddling because its definitely platonic and we don't have buried feelings for each other or anything and it's not like we've never shared a bed before yknow like it's totally Normal and also we can't afford central heating and it's COLD.
listening to new kids on the block very loudly and very often to piss off your asshole neighbours.
true crime documentaries!!!! trying to solve the cold cases!!!!
neither of you have the stomach for the supernatural ones, though, but you can't figure out why.
supporting ben's decision to lose weight.
reassuring him that he doesn't have to do this, that maybe it isn't worth the struggle.
you see how hard it is on him sometimes
but he works hard and it's something he really wants so you support him wholeheartedly.
working out with him and tryna do his diets with him even though you HATE IT and give up after a week.
doing that thing where you sit on his back and he does press-ups.
he's not-so-subtley hostile to anyone you bring home, as hard as he tries to be welcoming, and you behave in a similar way to his many girlfriends.
there were a Few.
because ben is fucking hot.
unbearable sexual tension
and one drunk kiss
maybe two
(ft. inappropriate touching.)
but when you Finally get together,,,,,,,
unsurprisingly due to a drunk hookup, the sexual tension reaching boiling point.
oh my god.
ben is the Absolute Softest Boyfriend Ever.
hand kisses
cheek kisses
lookin up at you with those big ass heart eyes and kissin your palm and you're just... 😔💕💕
not to mention, a Sex God.
he's all about body worship and praise because he knows what its like being insecure and unhappy in your skin.
telling you how perfect you are
and he really believes it.
he is such a good listener too, and toxic masculinity is NOT his thing.
"ben hanscom, poet, architect, sex god."
"shut up, nerd."
he's so Disgustingly In Love with you.
"hey, babe?"
"have you always been so beautiful?"
and since you'd been best friends for years before, there's a deeper level to your relationship that not many people can understand.
the inside jokes and knowing looks and deep understanding of each other that could only come from being best friends first.
ben is quite insecure.
which means he knows not to brush off your insecurities as if they're silly.
because he knows how it feels.
you pretend not to notice how he spends a little longer than probably necessary looking in the mirror, eyeing his stretch marks and poking at his stomach
even after the weight loss
because the marks are still there
and the faded H on his stomach that he can't remember how he got.
"are you sure you don't love me just because i got in shape?"
"no, baby. of course not. i've been in love with you for as long as i can remember."
kissing his stretch marks and assuring him that you'll love him no matter what he looks like.
and he cries.
you've been dating for a Long Ass time when ben finally popped the question.
now, ben isn't a violent person by nature, but something about shouting "that's my wife!" and knocking a guy out with one swift punch really appeals to him.
his architecture business really took off, so you have more money than you'd ever had as college students.
more money than you knew what to do with, really.
seriously, for christmas, the first christmas after buying your first house together, ben buys you a real tree.
and you're lowkey pissed bc of the whole cutting down trees business, and he apologises.
the next day, he shows you files for his plans to plant like 2000 new trees.
this man is so extra.
you're both lowkey environmental activists and have criminal records bc you've been arrested at like 12 separate climate change protests.
he donates SO MUCH to charity.
though you had the money, ben knows you won't want a grand gesture.
he does it at home.
after dinner and a movie. (cliché)
he took you back home, and a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶x̶
s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶,̶ ̶b̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶s̶c̶o̶m̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶G̶i̶v̶e̶r̶
holding you in your shared bed, all soft touches and heart eyes, as usual.
you had no idea what was coming.
and then he just
slipped a ring onto your finger.
then you cried.
and he cried, because yknow, baby.
"can we kiss and watch true crime shows for the rest of our lives?"
"i would love nothing more, benny."
you want so badly to tell people that you were engaged, but there's nobody to tell.
the only people you have, really, are each other.
of course, there were work friends and such, but there's... something else.
you keep wanting to call people, to tell them that you and ben had finally gotten engaged.
but you can't remember who.
you can't remember much of your life before college, actually.
sometimes you'd go to the phone, start dialling some number, and realise you didn't know who you were dialling.
you thought you were losing your mind.
until you caught ben doing the exact same thing.
the next day, you get The Call.
"it's mike. mike hanlon. from derry."
"uh... ben? can you, um, come down here, please? now?!"
he was on a conference call, arguing about some open plan on a new building, but he came running as soon as you asked.
"babe, what is it? what's wrong?"
"just... here."
"...holy shit."
and then you remembered.
"i've really been in love with you my whole damn life, huh? even since you were all heart eyes for beverly."
he felt guilty at that
but it wasn't his fault.
"right, well, we'll have to postpone the wedding, huh?"
"yeah, and add six new people to the guest list."
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trickkombowerskru · 5 years
A Father’s Worst Nightmare-Henry Bowers X Daughter!Reader Imagine
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Request: Anonymous: Can you do an imagine where henry didn't kill anyone and had a family and his daughter (who would be like 16) is getting terrorized by it and something happens similar to beverly and henry comes to see what's wrong and is like really confused why shes talking about blood and a clown and then remembers what happened to him the reader would be his daughter btw if you don't want to do this that's completely fine with me or if you don't understand what I'm saying
A/N: Thank you for  being so patient with me anon, I know you sent his in before the Christmas event, but now it is here! Also yes it is still not new year’s for me on the west coast so I succeed in getting all the prompts done, but word of advice whatever you do don;t do a writing sprint of 30+ prompts in 2 and half days it will drive you a little crazy
Warnings: None
It wasn't easy being the daughter of a single parent in Derry, especially when you were the daughter of Henry Bowers. It wasn't like he didn't work his ass off to support both of you or that he wasn't a good dad. It's just being his kid for some years of your life and still to this day people expect you to act a certain way because of your dad's reputation around town as a kid. 
That being said he was a lot better now your mom had even him out a lot, so while his rage was still caged inside of him it wasn't nearly as much because of her and the fact that his own father was dead. You were thankful however that most people after meeting you and getting to know you quickly picked up you were nothing like him as a kid, sure you were tough and all, but you didn't go around making other kids lives a living hell. 
This could be said for any of the adults still here who were once his peers or victims when they were young they all expected you to go off, but soon enough you subverted that. It had been a long day you and your best friend Amy were getting some books for school, waiting to get all of them checked out.
"Okay girls remember your due date and good luck on your project."
"We will thanks Mr.Hanlon," you tell him before you leave and you two make your way back to your places.
You wanted to find some good points separately before meeting up to compare notes.
"Hey Dad," you greet seeing your father sitting at the table doing some kind of paperwork.
"Hey kiddo. What's with all the books?"
"Project for school, we have to do this presentation that needs like seven sources and only two of them can be digital, so Amy and I figured to find stuff first and then we dive into it."
"Well before you get too deep into those books what do you want for dinner?"
"Sounds good. Let me know when you start gettin' hungry."
You tell him you will and head to your room, putting the books on your small desk, and changing out of your school clothes. After a bit of researching you needed a bit of a pick me up, cold water always did the trick so you made your way to the bathroom.
Once you dry off your face you hear voices.
"H-Hello?"It sounded like they were coming from the sinking
"Y/N come float with us. We all float down here."
"Who are you?"
You get an array of names before a decaying hand comes out of sink, it starts pulling you near the drain and a large burst of blood covers you and the entire bathroom. 
You take the hand and shove your nails into it making disappear down the drain. Your scream alerts your dad and he comes rushing in.
"Y/N what's wrong!?"
"You don't see it?"
"See what?"
"All the blood."
"Blood!? Did you hurt yourself or something?"
"This is gonna sound insane, but I need you to promise you'll hear me out."
"Okay what happened."
"I was splashing some cold water on my face to wake me up a bit, and then I heard these voices"
"They came from the sink and they said something about floating and then this nasty looking hand was trying to pull me into the drain and then this large burst of blood just came out and covered everything."
"Floating?'" when he asks this you can see shock and realization hit his face like he knew what was going on.
"Did they uh say anything else? Or did you see something? Like a clown or uh a red balloon?"
"Why would I see a red balloon?"
He shakes his head and leans down, kneeling and cups your face.
"We'll clean this up later okay, just take a shower,I gotta make a call real quick alright."
You just nod. You scrub the blood off of yourself once you're changed you hear your dad in a panic on the phone.
"Listen Eric I don't give a shit if it’s closing time,I just need to Hanlon okay!"
You wondered what he needed to talk about with Mr.Hanlon.
"I think that fucking thing is back!....what do mean you know?....That thing nearly ruined my god damn life and now it just attacked my fucking kid I am not gonna let IT touch her......you called em?....later tonight?.....the Jade of Orient?.....Got it....yeah yeah I'll be there.....bye."
He turns back to look at you, digging in one of the miscellaneous drawers in the kitchen.
"Listen Bud the plan changed, I'll leave some money so you can order pizza, but I need to go to dinner tonight it's important. You can invite Amy over so you won't be by yourself, and if you see anything weird look it in the eye and I want you to say "Screw you I'm not afraid." Here's my old knife in case you need it, I"ll be back later. Love you be careful."
"Love you."
He practically runs out the door and you immediately call up Amy before ordering a pizza.Your dad comes home much later and thankfully it was a weekend so it didn't matter how long you were up and also you didn't see anything else. 
You both had started to fall asleep when the door opened you heard other voices with your dad's along including Mr.Hanlon's and another one that was familiar, but you couldn't quite place.
"No no way we should get the hell out of here before we become IT's next meal. Also what are we doing. Working with Bowers? After all he did to us? Come on guys let's ."
"You got a kid Trashmouth?" you hear your dad's voice go almost dark.
"Well I do she’s my entire god damn life and that fucking thing attacked her. I ain't gonna let it get her. So shut the fuck up for once and let's kill IT.,"he threatens.
"Wait you actually managed to find a wife?"
You hear you dad sigh not wanting to talk about your mother's death since it was only just a few years ago. You decide to break up the tension and then go out there.
"What're you still doin' up?"
"Well we were starting to fall asleep and then we heard the door."
Then your eyes widen as you see the rest of the group.
"Holy shit," you say when they land on Richie Tozier.
"Hi I'm Y/N I'm a big fan."
"Thanks. See Bowers you may never have liked my jokes, but your kid has taste."
"Shut up," he mutters.
As you scan the rest of the group you are also in awe of Beverly Marsh and Bill Denbrough
."I totally love you guys too, Beverly you and Tom's lines are amazing, and Bill aside from the endings I really love your books."
"How the hell is your daughter so nice?," a shorter man in a hoodie asks.
"Can it Wheezy," your dad chimes in.
"Okay what the hell is going on?," you ask.
Once they all explain the situation you are in utter shock.
"So....so that thing wanted to eat me......and IT likes it's when you're scared...so that's why you told me to tell IT I wasn't afraid."
"Exactly," your dad confirms.
After a few days of the group finding "tokens" for some weird ritual you go with them to defeat IT despite your dads protests. Everyone gets split off at one point, you getting flung with Richie and Eddie before getting completely split up.
You're in a white room and you see a bunch of what look like people suddenly combust into blood and guts, IT takes the form of the clown and inches slowly towards you. You feel terrified, but try to remember what your dad said.You stop looking IT dead in the eye.
"Screw you I'm not afraid."
You kick IT in the face and keep fighting IT until it turns onto a pile of mush. You find the way out, then run through the rickety house trying to find your dad.
"Dad? DAD?"
You frantically fling open doors until find him. You see your dad along with a younger version of him getting talked down to and beaten by his father. It kills you to see him in that much pain, feeling inside your pocket you grin. Your fingers curl around the blade,you sneak behind the "man" and jump on his back.
"Leave him alone you fucker!" 
you stab him in the back and then get blood spurted onto your face when you get him in the neck a few times. Your dad stands up and punches IT in the face he punches and punches until it fades away.
"Thanks Sweeheart," he says hugging you.
Once you get back with the group  defeat the clown, but not before your dad gets hurt in the process. He was trying to get you out of the way and one of IT's claws went right into his side. Thankfully if wasn't all the way through, like Eddie's wound, but it was bad. 
As the house crumbles down you try to run out, Richie and Mr.Hanlon carrying the very injured Eddie, while Ben and Bill helped your dad. Once you were out of the house, you all went to the quarry, to take care of the wounds, although shortly after that they had began to disappear along with scars on the group's hands.
You run and hug your dad, you thought for sure things were going to go south before you could save him.
"I thought I was gonna loose you," you cry.
"I'm right here Babygirl, I'm never leavin'." he tells you, pulling you closer.
After that you head home and to your surprise before you go, your dad actually apologizes to all he put them through as kids.
"It may be safe now, but I'm getting out of this town soon. I suggest you two do the same," Mr. Hanlon advises.
"We might, " your dad replies.
Later that night you sound cleaning up the bathroom finally, along with any little wounds you got from the rubble in the house. While the entire experience was terrifying, it brought you even closer to your dad. So in a very weird way, it was a good thing, and the strangest bonding exercise you could find.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Can You Move Your Foot? / 2019 Richie Tozier Fluff
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Request: Can I request a Richie Tozier (it 2019) imagine that’s similar to the Bill one you posted recently?? It’s so cute, and I’m a sucker for the “there’s only one bed” trope, it meLTS MY HEART🤧💜 
Yess thank you anon darling I love writing for IT too much, I’m going to continue it from my ‘Beep Beep Richie’ Imagine so if you haven’t read it I will link it here!! <3
Standing up from the table, thumping down the last remains of his beer that spin around the bottle like broken Cola glass that shimmers in Richie’s mind like a memory that is just out of reach, a slight cold shiver trembles through his body as Big Bill and Mike do the same. 
‘I’ll see you all tomorrow, but please, try and keep yourself in at least pairs as much as you can. It could be anywhere, and we don’t know when it could pop up again.’
‘Y-y-you’re making i-it sound like y-you’re g-g-going off by yourself, M-mike.’
‘There are a few more things I need to check in the library before morning, but will someone please keep an eye on Eddie so he doesn’t collapse during the night.’
‘I’m fine’, Eddie squeaks out, thumping back down onto his chair with a slight wince and a sick sucking from his aspirator as he glances back down at his hand, his fingers twitching with their coating of blood droplets like dirt flecks. If his mother could see him now, she wouldn’t let him leave the house for a month. Hell, she’d probably take him to the hospital so they could x-ray his hand, making sure every little dip and creak of his bones hadn’t moved an inch. Eddie laughs without humour to himself, a dull, painful sound that makes Richie grimace as he realises how absurd this thought was.
‘It’s alright, I’ll go with him’, Ben pipes up from the corner, dragging his gaze away from the side of Beverly’s face with slight dismay as he glances back along the table. ‘It saves me from being paired with Richie, and having to listen to his terrible English gentleman voice all goddamn night. Or heaven forbid, his snoring.’
‘Alright, mistah-’
‘Beep Beep Richie!’ everyone shouts in unison, a slight silence surrounding the seven of them sitting around that sticky, blood stained table, splinters of fortune cookies and the scattered remains of black bean noodles and stringy spring rolls that dangle off the edge like bloody remains, before Bev starts giggling. And then Ben. And then Eddie, who starts guffawing in massive, stomach aching giggles that bends him over his stomach and makes Bill place two comforting hands on his shoulders in fear the desperate wheezing sound might be him about to faint. And then everyone’s giggling, silly, high pitched squeals that covers them all in a warm familiarity, a happy second of peace as they revel in the feeling of being thirteen again and being the only people that mattered to each other.
‘Ahh, okay y/n, I think it’s time for us to go before we all collapse.’
Ignoring Eddie’s slight yelp as he slips against the strangely sticky Jade of the Orient carpet as Richie makes a beeline straight for his hair, a bright smirk on his face as he tries desperately to ruffle it past Eddie’s swatting arms but managing only to make them both fall with a sick thud against the fish tank, you shake your head to yourself for giving your heart away to this gigantic, loving fool. With one last rough ruffle and sly grin, Richie saunters back over to you, his hair dishevelled and falling in soft locks around his forehead as he holds out an arm to you.
Linking gingerly with him, your hips bump against each other comfortably, his jacket cold and rough against your skin, but the fingers that slip timidly in between yours burn, his knuckles white as he tightens his grip against your palm.
‘Don’t worry, it’s going to be great’, he whispers down to you, a smile twitching on his lips and his eyes twinkling with such a passionate devotion that your breath hitches for a second, not helped by Richie leaning down to press a wet kiss against your forehead. He stays there for a couple seconds too long, not wanting to move, but having to once his glasses hit the top of your head and he becomes temporarily blinded.
The motel was one of those seedy places people around Derry usually pull down the brims of their hats and duck down their heads when they walk by; it was an old, derelict ornament of the town no one ever really knew who had built or when they had built it, it had always just been there. But for Richie, as long as you were there, it just felt like returning home. Returning to something long forgotten, but so tangibly real and exciting and intimate. There were external wooden stairs that lead to a second floor and the cars in the lot wouldn’t have been out of place in a wrecker’s yard, but as Richie turned the key in the lock, the stench of stale cigarette smoke hitting his face making him wince back a little, the biggest shock was still yet to come. Squeezing past him to saunter into the room with a confused expression, banging your hip against the little wooden dresser by the front door, the daffodil patterned peeling wallpaper scraping off just that little bit more as you reach the centre of the room, Richie laughs from behind you as he spots the single bed lying on its last springs in the centre of the room.
‘I guess we’re going to be cosy tonight, right y/n?’
‘Richie, for the love of- ow! Can you move your foot?!’
All you get in response is a loud, hiccuping snore as Richie jolts over onto his side, the heel of his foot hitting against your nose again. You sigh in frustration, trying to yank the thin blanket back up to your shoulders, but only finding empty hands as they bunch up under Richie’s thick, pulling arms, his nose smushed up against the pillow. Sitting up, the pale moonlight bathing the room in ghostly light through the broken blinds, you thwack Richie against his thigh, crossing your arms as he wakes up with a jolt, groaning into the pillow before rubbing his eyes.
‘This upside down way isn’t working, budge your butt over a bit so I can snuggle against you.’
‘Did you seriously just use the word snuggle? Am I still dreaming??’
‘Shush and budge over.’
Squirming your way up to the top of the bed, kicking against Richie’s hairy leg before your head lands plop onto his forehead, you both burst into thin streams of laughter as you settle back down onto the lumpy mattress, tucking yourself into his open arm and nestling yourself against your chest. His heart thumps painfully against your cheek as his arm wraps around your shoulder, pulling you tighter against him. Feeling how cold you are, his long legs kick out from under the blanket and come to entangle with yours, itching against your skin familiarly as his stubble tickles the top of your head.
‘I’ve been dreaming about this moment for a while, you know.’
You raise your head at the seriousness of his voice, the faraway gaze in his eyes as he glances down at you, a pink blush lining the pale freckles on his cheeks as he tries to make out the features of your face in the darkness using the map he so thoroughly knew in his mind.
You lean further into his pounding chest, reaching up to trace his lip lightly with the tip of your finger, enjoying the way his eyes widen but he refuses to pull away. His lip feels slightly chapped under your feather light touches before he finally takes the leap and rushes down towards you, pressing his lips lightly against your own. It’s sloppy, and unsure, but as he reaches up to cup your cheek, his fingers dancing over your skin, it’s so perfect.
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