#that and band were considered popular groups my school was a bit backwards
femmesandhoney · 2 years
justice for musical theaterfems
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Wedding Date - Seokjin
"I still can't believe I agreed to do this," your best friend Kim Seokjin said from the bedroom next to you.
You chuckled as you carefully applied your second layer of mascara in the bathroom mirror.
"Mmmm have I told you how much I loooove you, Seokjinnie?" you cooed, popping your head out from the doorway to flash him a big smile.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes but smiled.
 "I'm going to need to hear it way more, you know! You owe me big time!"
He turned his body toward you as he pulled his navy blue suit jacket on over top his crisp white button down shirt.
 "So how do I look?" he asked, putting his long fingers out in a heart shape accompanied by a sexy stare.
 "Classic Worldwide Handsome," you replied.
He gave you a wink.
 "Yah! That is what they call me!"
You laughed and looked back in the mirror.
 "Seriously though, Jin, you look really, really good."
You were glad you had turned back to the mirror so he couldn't see your cheeks turn red. The sight of him in a perfectly fitting suit with his dark hair pushed back from his eyes and forehead which showed his beautifully structured face made your heart flutter.
 "Thanks, y/n. I've gotta look good if I'm going to be your pretend boyfriend, you know?"
You shuffled nervously, wondering if this was a good idea after all.
He poked his head around the doorway to look at you.
 "How much longer until you're ready?"
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
 "Umm probably about 10 more minutes. Just have to finish my make up and put my dress on."
Jin nodded.
 "Okay. I'll be in the living room when you're ready."
You sighed and made your way to your closet after you were finished with your make up. You stared at the dresses before you and wondered if it was too late to back out.
 One of your friends from high school was getting married, and after hearing that almost all your other friends from back then were bringing plus ones, the stress of not having one got to you. So you reluctantly asked your best friend Jin, figuring he would say no, or that he had a full schedule that day. He was in one of the world's most popular boy bands after all. But, to your surprise, he was free this day and he said yes with almost no hesitation. It made you smile, how kind he was. He was a great friend.
In fact, it was small gestures like this that made you finally realize your true feelings for him. He was a wonderful person, and the two of you always had a great time laughing with each other. You would never tell him how you truly felt about him though, as you were afraid it would ruin your friendship. Plus, you were pretty sure he didn't feel the same way considering how many girls he has to choose from. Why would he choose you? It hurt your heart, but it was worth it to keep him in your life.
Eventually you chose a long, pink and floral dress made of chiffon, with fluttering short sleeves. Perfect for the Spring time. It had bits of blue in it, too, so it matched Jin's outfit well. You slipped on some nude sandals with heels and grabbed a clutch purse from the top shelf.
  You took one last look at yourself in the full length mirror and actually smiled. Your hair fell nicely around your shoulders and your make up was done but still showed your natural face nicely. You felt confident and ready.
 "Ok, sorry, I'm ready," you said, walking into the living room to find Jin sitting on the couch looking at his phone.
He stood up and put his phone in the pocket of his pants. When he finally looked at you his jaw dropped.
 "Whoa..." he mumbled.
It made you intensely blush and your heart speed up.
He shook himself out of his trance and got a big grin on his face. Suddenly he started humming the chorus to his band BTS' song "Like" and snapping his fingers while stepping towards you.
 "Ohhhh pretty woman... don't wanna be fool, wanna be cool, wanna be loved, 너와의, same looove... Baby I want it"
You pushed him away by his chest, trying to play off how embarrassed and flustered you were. He laughed at himself while you rolled your eyes.
 "Oh my god, let's just go, Jinnie."
You arrived at the venue just as the ceremony was starting, so you didn't have time to greet anyone. It was outside in a park next to the Han River. It was a beautiful late afternoon in mid-Spring, the sun was shining, flowers had finally made their appearance after the long winter, and the trees were covered in lush green leaves again.
The ceremony was simple, sweet and short. Once it was over everyone headed to the patio overlooking the river where the reception was going to take place. A large tent was set up for some shade, tables and chairs, a buffet line and a dance floor. Everything was covered in white flowers and elegant decorations.
 "I guess we should find out where we're sitting," you said to Jin, and he nodded in response.
He took your hand in his, which completely caught you off guard. You looked down at your interlaced fingers in shock.
 "We have to at least hold hands, (y/n), if we're meant to be convincing," Jin stated matter-of-factly.
You gulped and nodded in agreement, getting flustered from the feeling of his strong hand holding yours tightly.
The two of you walked to the table under the tent where the place card settings were, informing the guests of which table they were assigned to. While searching for your name, you heard a shriek behind you.
 "(y/n)!? Oh my god, is that you??"
You turned around to see one of your old friends, (y/f/n), coming towards you with outstretched arms.
You smiled politely and returned the hug.
 "Hi, (y/f/n), it's good to see you."
She smiled and turned towards Jin.
 "And who is this handsome man standing next to you?"
Jin stuck his hand out to shake hers.
 "I'm Kim Seokjin, (y/n)'s boyfriend." He wrapped his long arm around the back of your waist as he said that, pulling you closer to him.
 "Boyfriend? Wow, (y/n), you certainly reached out of your league, huh?" She laughed to herself.
You winced at the comment but brushed it off. Jin, however, couldn't let it go so easily.
 "She reached out of her league? No, no, I think it's quite the opposite. Look at her! She's gorgeous! And kind, and smart and funny. You're definitely wrong there."
Anyone who didn't know Jin would think the tone in his response was light-hearted, but being his best friend you could sense the annoyance and anger that was really there.
 "Did you come with anyone?" You asked, changing the subject quickly.
Her face lit up.
 "Yes! I got married last year. My husband, Park Ji-ho, is over there," she pointed to a man standing at the edge of the tent, "He's wonderful, let me get him."
She called his name and waved him over to introduce him to you.
  "Ji-ho, this is (y/n) and Seokjin. I knew her in high school."
He bowed at the two of you and shook you hands. When he looked at Jin he paused.
  "You look... familiar," he said quizzically.
You and Jin exchanged looks. You shuffled nervously.
Ji-ho's face lit up.
  "Wait, I've seen you on the walls in my little sister's room! And on the tv! Aren't you an idol? You're in a group, right?" he suddenly recalled.
Jin gave him a small smile and nodded his head.
 "Yes, 방탄소년단, or BTS."
(y/f/n) gasped.
 "That's right! I knew I recognized you, too! You're a member of BTS!" she exclaimed with wide eyes, "Wow, (y/n) really did reach out of her league."
She turned to her husband and chuckled.
Jin's grip on your hand got tighter in anger, turning his knuckles white.
 "Well, it was nice to meet you both. We're going to our table now." He said shortly, urgently pulling you away with him.
Once you were out of hearing distance from the couple Jin asked you,
 "(y/n) you were actually friends with that girl? She's awful. Who says things like that?"
You shrugged and sighed.
  "We weren't that good of friends, just in the same group. She always has had that... interesting sense of humor."
He scoffed.
 "Interesting? I'd say it's more mean than anything."
You gave him an I-told-you-so look.
  "You see now why I so desperately wanted you to come with me, Jinnie-ah? Imagine the things she would have said if I had shown up alone."
He rolled his eyes.
Just then his phone let out a loud vibration from his pocket. He glanced down at it and rejected the call.
 "So you wanna get some food? I'm starving," he asked, shoving it back in his pocket.
You chuckled.
 "Of course you are. Let's go."
The two of you ate from the buffet, chatted with the bride and groom at your table for a little bit and listened to the live band perform songs. By then the sun had set and the whole venue was lit by the soft yellow glow of string lights stretching across the tent ceiling and out to the patio.
 "So when are we going to dance, (y/n)?" Jin asked after a while with a huge grin on his face. He took the last sip of his beer.
 You raised you eyebrows and shook your head.
 "Oh no no no, I am not getting on that dance floor with you Kim Seokjin."
Jin stood up and started walking backwards towards the floor.
  "Come oonnnnn (y/n)-ah," he pleaded in his endearing whiny voice, "If you don't come with me, I'll go alone and dance like this."
He started flailing his long arms up in the air and shaking his whole body back and forth.
  "Wooooo! Weeee! Woooooooo!" he exclaimed with his motions, causing some people from a nearby table to stare and giggle.
 "Ok, ok, I'm coming, I'm coming," you laughed and rolled your eyes, "Just please don't do that."
He smiled widely at you and took you by the hand out to the dance floor.
It was an upbeat song, and the two of you swayed back and forth in front of each other to the beat. Jin also added in some classic moves, like the sprinkler and the robot. He looked ridiculous and it made you laugh. He seemed so confident and happy, which made you forget to feel embarrassed.
  "Isn't dancing part of your job description??" you yelled to him jokingly over the music.
He continued to wave his arms in the air.
  "Doesn't mean I do it well!" he responded, grabbing your hand and twirling you under it.
You threw your head back and laughed. You were finding yourself having a surprisingly good time, despite originally being nervous to come.
The song ended and then a slow one began to play.
  "Grab onto the person who makes your heart flutter, this one is for the two of you," the lead singer of the band announced.
You and Jin looked at each other shyly. He hesitated, but gave you an adorable small smile. You felt butterflies in your stomach and you looked at the ground awkwardly. Jin didn't notice, he just stepped toward you and put one hand on your waist and the other in yours.
  You moved back and forth together, staring into his dark brown eyes and handsome face. It made you sad almost, how strong your feelings truly were and the fact that you knew he would never be yours. But you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your mind and told yourself to focus on the present.
 "I really do appreciate you coming with me today, Jinnie." you said softly, "You're a really great friend."
He blinked slowly at you in adoration.
  "Of course, you know I'd do anything for you, (y/n)-ah."
Suddenly his phone started vibrating again. He let go of your hand to remove it from his pocket and again hit the reject button. Then he scrolled through a few things.
  "Is everything okay?" you asked curiously.
Jin looked up from the phone at you.
 "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm going to turn it off."
You shook your head in protest.
  "No, don't do that. What if the members need you?" you paused, "Wait, is that who's calling you?"
Jin looked down and scratched the back of his head.
  "Jin, you can answer the phone it if it's important, it's okay." you reassured him.
He shook his head.
  "It's not... really that important, it's fine."
He doesn't look at you, which means you can tell he's lying.
You grabbed his arm gently.
He finally looks at you and squeezes his eyes shut in shame.
  "Aiishhh, we were supposed to go over some choreography changes and they want to Facetime me so I can see."
  "Seokjin!" You exclaimed.
Couples around you glared at your sudden loudness.
You dragged Jin off the dance floor and sat him back at the table.
  "You told me you didn't have any work to do today!"
He buried his face in his hands.
  "I know, I know, but skipping one practice will be okay... I think."
You shook your head in disbelief.
  "Oh my gosh, I wouldn't have asked you or let you come if I had known! Why Jin-ah, why did you come with me when you had work?"
You studied his embarrassed red face. He looked nervous.
 "I-I don't know... I guess I just wanted to be there for you."
Your stomach twisted at those words, but you ignored it.
Instead you sighed and looked down at your hands.
  "Well they clearly need you there. So let's get you to them."
You stood up. Jin did too but he grabbed your wrist.
  "We don't have to go, I'm having fun. Let me just call them back really quick. It will be fast, I promise."
  "You sure? I don't want you getting in trouble or the other members getting upset with you..." you worried.
Jin smiled reassuringly.
 "I'm sure. I'll be right back."
And with that he pulled out his phone and walked out of the tent towards the illuminated patio.
You sighed again and slumped back in your chair, twirling the stem of your wine glass between your fingers. You couldn't believe Jin would skip a dance practice to be your date to a stupid wedding. You felt horrible for asking. Why would he do that anyway? The other 6 members were his everything. His job was his everything. His love for entertaining was his everything. As far as you knew, all these things meant so much more to him than being your date to a wedding you didn't even really want to come to.
  "Excuse me, young lady," an old woman with glasses and white hair had come up to your table, interrupting your thoughts, "I just wanted to say what a beautiful couple the two of you make."
She gestured towards where Jin had retreated to make his call.
You felt your face get hot and you chuckled lightly.
  "Oh... well thank you."
She continued,
  "You can tell how in love with you he is just by the way he looks at you."
Your heart thumped in your chest and you put your hands up in protest.
 "Oh, no, no, I don't quite think he feels-"
She interrupted you.
  "Honey, I've been married 54 years... I know a thing or two about being in love. You looked very happy out there, and so did he, especially when he made you laugh. Keep him close, dear, he's a special one. And he obviously adores you."
Before you could protest again, she smiled and gave you a wink before walking away.
She could tell by the way he looked at you? You chuckled to yourself. Clearly she needed a new glasses prescription. You shook her comments off and exited the tent to find Jin before she could come back and fill your head with more wishful thoughts.
You found him alone leaning over the railing, looking out across the river, the city lights of Seoul visible in the distance. You walked up to him and crossed your arms on the railing next to him.
  "Hey." you said, noticing he was no longer on the phone.
He turned from the river view and looked at you. The string lights gave his pale face a warm tanned glow. He looked almost angelic.
You stared back at the river and fiddled with your hands.
  "How were the members?"
He shrugged.
  "They're good. They just wanted to make sure I was okay with the changes. I told them I am and promised I'd be there with them tomorrow."
  "And they weren't upset with your absence?" you questioned.
He shook his head.
  "Not at all, they understand."
You smiled.
   "Well that's good. They're really great people. You're lucky."
Jin hummed in agreement.
There was a pause when you suddenly realized how chilly it had gotten. Outside the tent and adjacent to the river felt a good 10 degrees colder. You shivered and rubbed your arms.
  "You're cold? Here."
Jin removed his suit jacket and placed it gently around your shoulders. It was warm and smelled like him; an instant comfort.
  "Wow, classic move giving me your jacket," you teased, nudging your shoulder against his, "you're such a gentleman."
He shrugged and chuckled, showing his perfect teeth and adorable eye wrinkles.
  "I try my best."
You looped your arm in his tightly and rested your head on his upper arm.
  "Mmm you're a great pretend boyfriend, Jinnie."
You sighed in content and looked out over the water again, the moon reflecting on it's surface, a cool spring breeze blowing across your face.
  "What if... we didn't pretend?" he suddenly whispered softly.
You felt your heart stop. Had you misheard him?
You took your arm out from his and turned to face him. He was studying your face intensely. His was serious, a rare sight.
 "What?" you managed to squeak out.
He shifted his body so it faced yours. There was hope and determination in his eyes. But also fear. You could feel your heart beat in your ears.
  "I-I," he shut his eyes in hesitation, "I have feelings for you, (y/n). I have for a long time now. I didn't know how to tell you, or if you even felt the same way. You're always referring to me as your friend so I was afraid to tell you... and I didn't, I don't want to ruin our friendship. You are so important to me and I guess somehow I was hoping coming with you here tonight would make you see that, and give me an opportunity to tell you. So... here I am. That's part of the reason the members were so understanding... they knew I was finally going to tell you today," he chuckled sheepishly and looked at the ground, "I understand if you don't feel the same way, really, I don't want to lose you as a friend, but.... I thought you should know."
You felt like you were dreaming. Your eyes teared up at his words and you were thankful he couldn't see you in the soft light. Your heart felt like it was going to burst.
His face looked at yours in concern.
"Jinnie..." You could barely speak.
So instead you stood on your tip-toes and gently pressed your lips on top of his large, pillow-y ones. He kissed you back passionately, wrapping his long arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. He was so warm, and smelled so comforting and familiar. You felt like you were in heaven.
When you broke away you both had the biggest grins on your face. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes, humming in content.
  "Seokjin-ah," you whispered, burying your face in his chest, "I'm so glad you told me."
He kissed the top of your head and rested his chin on top, holding you against him tightly.
  "And I am so glad I skipped work today."
You both chuckled and kissed once more.
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Why I believe 5SOS didn’t work as a pop-punk band (+ my opinion on THAT Rolling Stone article)
This title of this post may be an unpopular opinion for a lot of you. But I don’t believe 5SOS worked as a pop-punk band. In this post I will explain exactly why. I hope that even if you don’t agree, you will at least understand my POV. This post is probably gonna have a lot of text. Not a lot of links, videos or pictures involved. I hope it will still be interesting for you. All of this is just my personal opinion, I have no way of proving that this is 100% true. It’s just a careful deduction of things I’ve seen and thought about over the last few months, mixed with some personal opinions. With this post I’m trying to tackle some topics that are being talked about often and showing them in a different light. I’ve put quite a lot of time into writing this, so I’m hoping you will appreciate it. Finally a huge, massive thank you to my friend R for proofreading this, it means a lot to me.
To start things off, I’ve had quite a lot of thoughts about this topic: I don’t think 5SOS truly worked as a pop-punk band. The image didn’t fit them and it wasn’t right for their era. It was a fun sound, I enjoy listening to it, they probably even enjoyed making it. Obviously fans enjoyed it as well. I fully believe that when they first started, pop-punk is what the guys wanted to sound like. It’s the music they listened to, those were the bands they looked up to. When they got signed they had not been a band for a super long time, they were young and barely had any experience in both life and music. I’m not someone with an extensive knowledge of pop-punk groups, but from what I know a lot of these bands were misfits, outcasts. People who didn’t feel like they had a place in society. In some cases from broken homes, with bad childhoods, etc. That’s who they were and it’s what their music was about.
I’d say 5SOS as whole do fit those characteristics. They were from a small town where music wasn’t really a career for most people. So they felt the need to get out of their town and pursue music. Michael dropped out of school for music, Ashton obviously had a very difficult home situation. Calum has mentioned that his family didn’t have a lot of money when he was younger. I’m not sure how the situation was for the others. But besides this, everyone but Ashton came from a stable home, Calum’s parents separated later on. So I can see why the guys related to these pop punk bands put out songs about this. Especially when you’re a teenager you often feel misunderstood by everyone else.
But when 5SOS started they looked more like a boyband than a pop punk band. Their earliest songs were mostly love songs. While the boys might have felt like being a pop punk band, and maybe even considered themselves to be one, I would say they were more of a pop/pop rock band.
In some cases a label can mold an artist or band into a certain image upon signing. But 5SOS had already gathered a following before they were even signed, so molding them into a rougher pop-punk image right upon signing would not have worked, it would not have been organic. They probably didn’t want to alienate the fans they already had, because they were valuable in getting the word out about 5SOS.
Their first manager, Adam Wilkinson, didn’t seem to think 5SOS would work as a pop-punk band as well. Just look at these quotes taken from That infamous 2015 Rolling Stone article (I will not link it, because I despise it, just google if you feel the need to read it).
“While they cannot cross into the realm of pop punk, they can stand on the sidelines and capture the end of that market.”
“They always wanted to be Blink 182 or Good Charlotte, but I’ll be the first to admit I thought that was shooting too far,” says Wilkinson. “We tried to make them a little more pop.”
That last quote is basically what happened. 5SOS ended up connected to One Direction, a huge pop act at the time. A connection that wasn’t as much of a “coincidence” as they wanted to make it look like. Louis was never the one to truly discover 5SOS, this was simply a smart PR decision to connect 5SOS to the 1D fanbase and grow their audience. I highly suggest reading this post that lays out exactly how 5SOS came to get signed and how their connection to 1D began. You will see that there is clear evidence that it didn’t happen like they wanted us to believe.
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And let’s be real. Take a look at this early 5SOS picture. Does this look like the next Green Day or All Time Low? They all look like the boy next door, with maybe the exception of Michael. Basically they had the looks of a boyband, and while they never have been a traditional boyband (and certainly aren’t now), they certainly were marketed as one early on. This is a label that still sticks to them to this day.
I fully believe that their team (management/record label) tried to slowly evolve them into a more pop-punk image as they got bigger. They couldn’t ride the 1D train forever and had to stand on their own 2 feet. That’s where we arrive at the Sounds Good Feels Good era. This is a fascinating era for me, because there is a shift. Their looks start changing, suddenly they slowly become rockstars, piercings start happening. The boys are growing up. They are old enough to drink, girls are in the picture, etc. Musically it’s also clear that their sound is changing. The self-titled album is still fairly pop-rock, 1D but a little edgier perhaps. Sounds Good Feels Good is the more pop-punk album. But is it really? Because as most fans will know, the album knows 2 sounds. It has the clear pop-punk bops, such as Money or Safety Pin (to name a few), but there’s also some songs that already predict the sound for Youngblood such as, for example, Waste The Night and Vapor. It’s clear to me that while they probably still enjoyed their pop-punk sound the guys were growing up and were slowly discovering what music their sound as a band should be.
If we’re being honest for a moment. What songs from SGFG really feel the most personal? Sure, She’s Kinda Hot is a bop, but what about Vapor? Vapor is by far my favorite song on the album, it tells me a story, it makes me feel emotion. Now I’m very biased towards SKH, because (unpopular opinion) I don’t like the song much because of the lyrics. But that’s a different story (we may get to that someday). There is nothing wrong with a song that’s a bop, you need those. I could enjoy SKH if it wasn’t for the lyrics. But bops can have meaning too. SKH doesn’t in my opinion. Besides the fact that the guys were growing up and maturing their sound, the music scene just wasn’t very pop-punk or even rock based anymore. It wasn’t a sound that was popular anymore.
I took a look at the billboard charts and pulled some statistics. Friday October 23 was the release date for SGFG. The Top 3 Billboard hot 100 songs that week were
The Weeknd – The Hills
Drake – Hotline Bling
Justin Bieber – What Do You Mean?
The songs/artists closest to 5SOS in sound in the WHOLE Billboard Hot 100 that week were One Direction – Drag Me Down, Fall Out Boy – Uma Thurman and Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out. That’s 3 songs in a list of 100 songs and you can debate how close the sound of those actually was to the sound of 5SOS at the time.
Taking a look at the Billboard 200 Year-End chart, the #1 is Taylor Swift – 1989. SGFG ended up at #136 (keep in mind that the album was released in October, so close to the end of the year). 5SOS self-titled ended up at #73. The LIVESOS album ranked #176. There’s a few other records that can be considered rock in the list, but barely any pop-punk in the whole chart. The only one to be considered for that title would be Fall Out Boy’s – American Beauty/American Psycho album, which was #15.
Pop-punk or rock in general, wasn’t a popular sound that topped the charts around the time 5SOS got started as a mainstream act. Number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 the week 5SOS released their first ep (Unplugged) was Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. The real mainstream success of pop-punk was mostly in the late 90’s running all the way through the early 2000’s. This is why I wonder why the label tried to make them into a pop-punk band in the first place. My best guess is that their team relied on the fans to push the success of the band forward after they came off of 1D’s Where We Are tour. They might have tried to create an edgier version of 1D with similar success. Where you create a fan base that is big enough to support the band without the need of casual listeners or fans from different demographics (male, female, old, young, etc.).
I think they relied too much on 1D fans to gravitate towards 5SOS as well, which may have been a mistake. Not all 1D fans actually liked 5SOS, some even actively stayed away from them the more they were pushed under their noses. When I entered the 1D fandom in 2014 most things I saw about 5SOS were negative. 1D fans considered them problematic and didn’t like them. This is partially why I steered away from 5SOS at the time. Besides that, I had enough going on with 1D to keep me occupied. Of course 5SOS’s fan base still grew quite a bit from the 1D exposure, but they never got to the same heights as 1D did. In several interviews the guys have said that they were being called “the biggest band that nobody has ever heard of”.
On a more personal note. As a recent fan, the whole pop-punk image never felt very genuine to me. Which might be because I came into the fandom backwards, starting with CALM and going back to their older material after that (side note: I did listen to the Youngblood album once or twice before). Don’t get me wrong, I love SGFG, I play it regularly. Money is a banger, Hey Everybody!, a bop, Permanent Vacation, love it! But as a fan I like to identify with songs and recognize that the artist is telling something that is personal to them. I don’t get that feeling from some of these songs. 
An example of a song that is emotional, yet (mostly) not personal to the band is Broken Home. It’s a beautiful song, but I generally skip it. 1, because it’s a very sad song and it’s not always something I’m in the mood for. 2, because it’s not a song I relate to on a personal level. And most importantly 3, I don’t see the song relating to 5SOS as people, other than maybe Ashton. An interesting quote about the song, made by their producer John Feldman, is on the genius page for this song.
“Other than Ashton, the three guys have parents who are still together. Ashton has never met his father. Ashton really connected into the theme. “We’re saying something with this song, it’s going to connect with the audience, at least 50% of our audience comes from broken homes. We’re actually taking a stand.” The other guys are loyal and family-driven and sweet, so they were like, “What are our parents going to think about us singing about a broken home when we don’t come from broken homes? How authentic is it?” It was a two-month debate.”
So the guys themselves were already questioning the authenticity of the topic when they were recording it. Ashton connected to the theme of the song, but the others didn’t. It wasn’t something they had experienced. It doesn’t say why the song made it on the album anyway. As stated in the quote, a lot fans can relate to it. I’m sure many fans found comfort in the song, which is a nice thing. The song doesn’t make you relate to the band though. If any of them had written this song from a personal experience it would have connected a lot differently. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing that the song is not personal, it just doesn’t feel very genuine when you know the artist has no relation to the story they are telling.
Moving on to the 2015 Rolling Stone article I have mentioned before. This seems to cause some division among fans. Was it all true or was it made up? My opinion is that it’s a mixture of truth and BS. But a whole lot of it feels taken out context or exaggerated. I have been a fan since March, so I wasn’t around at the time this came out. But since becoming a fan I have watched tons of interviews and clips and have extensively discussed this band with my friend, so I’d like to say I have done my homework and have a good picture of this band. On top of that I’d like to think being a 1D fan sharpened my critical thinking skills and might have helped me see through certain bullshit. I don’t claim to be the person with all the answers, but maybe my thoughts make sense to some people. There might be some context that I’m missing or facts that I haven’t come across, if you feel like there’s a piece of information I’m missing, feel free to let me know.
The way the article starts, it reads like fanfiction. Literally. The extensive description of the surroundings, the time of day, everything. The first time I read it, it made me cringe so hard I had trouble getting through the whole thing. First things first. This interview takes place the day after the AMA’s. Who the fuck scheduled this? Either someone should have prevented them from getting drunk and partying, or they should have scheduled this on another day when these guys were in a better state of mind. That is, assuming things went the way they went as described in the article. Which is something I highly doubt.
The only direct source saying that this article is not genuine is this tweet from Luke. Besides that I have only read secondhand that the band and people surrounding them have spoken up about the inaccuracy of the article.
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Some people believe 5SOS could have sued Rolling Stone for slander if this article was really as false as they claim. Now I’m no lawyer, but this is not how things work in the entertainment industry. An article like this has been agreed upon before. The interviewer didn’t just decide to drop by one day. During celebrity interviews there’s always someone from their management or PR team around to make sure they don’t say any stupid shit. Celebrities are a brand, they have an image to protect, albums to sell. If they say things that make them look bad it can cause damage to their good name. Record companies have invested money in artists and they want to see a profit in return. They don’t want to risk losing money, that’s why celebrities have PR teams. RS may have had a reputation for being a very honorable publication, but these days that’s not the case. They are not that far removed from cheap gossip rags such as the Sun or The Daily Mail nowadays. They still get read by a lot of people, which puts them in a position of power. Often when an interview takes place there are certain topics that have been agreed upon before, there are also topics that can be blacklisted if the artist or their team doesn’t want them talked about. For example relationships or family matters. These will also be agreed upon beforehand.
Here is a story about a former journalist for the British tabloid The Daily Star, who has admitted to making up stories and explains how they get away with it.
For arguments sake, let’s say the guys slipped up and showed their “true colors”. With a big publication like this it’s common that their team would have to approve the article before it comes out. If there’s anything in there that was not agreed upon that they don’t like, the article can be edited.
This leaves us a few possibilities.
The article is completely true and their team is shit at their job. They failed to prevent the boys from slipping up about stuff they shouldn’t and did nothing to stop Rolling Stone from publishing.
The article is true and their team just allowed the article to be published for whatever reason.
The article isn’t true, but their team let it happen anyway, possibly because they wanted to move the band away from their boyband image into a more punk-rock image that went with their sound.
My vote goes out to the last one. I think their team wanted to make the boys look more edgy/punk-rock and get rid of their boyband image and this is how they tried to do it. I think parts of the article may be true, but a lot of it is greatly exaggerated and in some cases made up. If my theory is true, it also means 5SOS or their team had no reason to sue Rolling Stone if they wanted to. Because it would mean you have a major publication on your bad side, which means no more future promotional opportunities for the band and/or the label. While Rolling Stone may be trash, it’s a publication that a lot of people read. Therefore it’s a very important connection that you don’t want on your bad side.
If you still think they could have sued Rolling Stone then take a look at some examples from 1D. 1D has been targeted by the British tabloid The Sun for YEARS. They wrote the most awful shit, a lot of it not true. Yet they still had exclusive scoops whenever something important happened. Exclusive meaning, these topics were given to them exclusively for publishing. It was proven that their PR manager is friends with the journalist from The Sun responsible for most of the stuff written. 1D never sued The Sun for those articles, because they most likely were agreed upon by their team beforehand. 1D has never tried suing the Sun over anything, despite what they wrote. This was not 1 article, these were many articles. Especially towards the end of 1D, when it was clear their label was losing 1D, there was a smear campaign in the media to discredit 1D and its members. There was a chance some members were going to sign with a competing label, and that’s something their label didn’t like. Here is a good collection of headlines from that smear campaign. Nobody ever got sued over these articles.
Do you still think 5SOS could have just stood up and sued Rolling Stone? The entertainment business is full of politics. If you don’t play the game you’re out. Also, question yourself. Why does Luke still say the article was twisted and inaccurate 4,5 years later? He has owned up and apologized for past mistakes, yet he keeps insisting the article didn’t tell the truth. He even goes to say that the article “broke and hurt him”. If you believe Luke is still covering his ass for what he said in that article, that essentially would he mean he is emotionally manipulating people by saying the article hurt him. Is that the person you think Luke is?
1 more thing I want to point out. Yes, I am aware of the fact that Calum has a large version of the magazine cover hanging around in his house. I can’t say exactly why. This is my best guess. That cover was still a big thing in their career, despite the article, it is still a Rolling Stone cover. That’s a milestone that not every artist gets to do in their career. Just because he has the cover hanging around doesn’t mean he enjoyed the article that came with it.
This whole post has gotten super long, it may not be the easiest thing to get through. So thank you if you made it till the end. As stated before, this whole thing is mostly just my opinion. But the parts about how PR teams work are a fact. I do not work in the music or entertainment industry, I’m not a lawyer, so I may have gotten some things wrong. If I did, please let me know and I will try to fix it. Feedback is always appreciated.
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always5hineee · 4 years
Profit Margin- Chapter 1: The Stage is Set
Chapter warnings: Mild language
Word count: 1181  
Story can be found on the Profit Margin tab on my page, or on Wattpad and Quotev under Taffysamg
       "Yeahhhhh!" Y/N was screaming along with the hundreds, if not thousands of people on the ground floor of the arena. The lights were glaring and the heat of the bodies around her was pressing in, but the adrenaline rush was more than enough to keep her jumping with energy. Watching her idols in front of her, it was like a dream come true.
       It had taken her ages to come across the opportunity to come to this show. Originally, they weren't even planning on playing in her city. She tried to find a way to afford both concert and plane tickets, but the journey was too much hassle. Devastated, she had come to terms with her lot. That is, until they released an updated concert schedule. They would be so close, she could practically walk to the arena if she tried hard enough!
       Ecstatic, she had pulled together the money to attend in general admissions almost immediately. Lighstick and a small backpack in hand, she walked in as prepared as a fan could be for an event. She was there nearly a full day in advance, more than willing to wait in rain or shine. The people she met in line seemed to feel the same way, antsy to get into the building. Now, her ears were ringing, the floor was vibrating beneath her, and she couldn't be more excited.
       WayV. By no means were they the most popular group, but that didn't matter to her. She knew every one of their songs, learning every lyric she could, no matter the language. She was happy no matter what photocard she got, thankful for whatever albums she could get her hands on. Although the group was fairly new, she started to learn the members' personalities, both from recent content online as well as old clips from other groups they had participated in.
       As the last song came to a close, her eyes were almost watering, whether from physical stress, sadness that it was almost over, or the sheer joy she felt in seeing her idols on the stage, sweating in the heat of the glaring spotlights. Kun, Lucas, Ten, Xiaojun, WinWin, Hendery, YangYang- they were all such beautiful, wonderful people. And she was here, right in front of them! Every time one of them even so much as looked her way, she felt as though she was going to faint.
       "Thank you everyone!" Kun said as one of his bandmates handed him an old-school microphone. "Have a good night!" The crowd went wild as they waved, lights dimming. She could just barely make out their silhouettes leaving the stage as the house lights rose and exiting directions began blaring over the sound system.
       Heart still beating wildly, skin shiny with sweat, lungs gasping for air, and enough adrenaline to run a marathon, Y/N began to follow the masses out the side exits into the gaping corridors of the arena. Having been vacant for the several hours in which the concert was happening, the air was chilly, a stark contrast from the floor. Her muscles began to react to the cold, making her realize just how tired her body was. Feeling the effects of over two hours of nonstop fangirling, she looked up to the directional signs in search of a bathroom.
       Sure enough, the closest one wasn't more than a few exits away. Following the arrows, she came to a door marked with a woman, tucked into a corner behind a cinderblock wall. Assumedly, the men's restroom was on the other side. Surprisingly, even after such a long show, she didn't see any line. Maybe there was a more obvious restroom on the way to the main exit? Regardless, she was thankful for it. Despite having just spent all that time crushed up against strangers, she wasn't really an extrovert. The opportunity to have a moment of alone time before starting her trip home was a welcome one.
       She took her time in the bathroom, sitting in the stall for a minute scrolling through her phone. At least, she thought it was a minute. It was only when the silence started to get to her that she got up, recomposing herself and exiting. Walking up to the bathroom counter, she glanced into the mirror.
       Her makeup was less than stellar, and a thin layer of sweat still graced her face. Her hair was a disaster, as was to be expected post-concert. Laughing to herself, she looked into her own eyes. Imagine if the band members saw her like this? Instinctively, she turned around, but obviously no one was there. This was the women's bathroom, after all. Plus, she had nothing to worry about. She couldn't really afford any insanely expensive meet-and-greets or fansigns, so she would have to settle for as close as she had gotten today. At least she had plenty of videos on her phone, no mater how shaky.
       Washing her hands, she splashed water into her face, cooling her off and getting rid of a bit of the salt that still lingered. She couldn't wait to get home and take a shower. Her feet were beginning to ache from the weight of her body, overworked from the show. Adjusting her clothing, she made sure her bag was secure, looking around for the paper towels. She saw the dispenser, but- it was empty.
       Grossed out by the idea of drying her hands on her sweaty pants, she considered just shaking them off, but the dampness remained. Going back into the stalls to grab toilet paper would practically defeat the purpose of washing her hands to begin with. Sighing, she just decided that she would have to deal with it. She had been in the bathroom for far too long anyway- if she lingered, she may end up getting locked inside the arena!
       Putting her hand under her shirt to open the doorhandle, she reached out tiredly. At that moment, her vision went black. Surprised and scared, she realized that it was because something was over her face, dragging her backwards as she tried to regain her footing on the grungy tiles.
       "Hey! What the fuck!" She started yelling. "Don't fucking mess with me, I have a pepper spray in my-" She started to say, before another weight clenched on her mouth. Feeling something leathery slide across her tongue, she bit down in a panic, causing the thing to retract.
       "Fuck! The stupid bitch bit me!" She heard a male voice say.
       "Suck it up, you have gloves on. Now knock her out and let's move!" A second said. Knock her out? Eyes widening under the covering, she took in a deep breath to screech. Rather than oxygen, though, her lungs were quickly filled with a different gas. It smelled sort of like chlorine, and left a sickly-sweet taste in her mouth. Against her will, she felt her eyelids growing heavy. She had been drugged.
       She felt her knees fall out from under her as she sank to the ground, unable to do anything...
Go to Chapter 2
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stacijya · 5 years
My thoughts, opinions, and revelations following that one video with that one youtuber and that one journalist.
I promise to keep this positive and enlightening. Buckle up for a long read:
So, yesterday a video went live from a popular kpop youtube channel that featured a “controversial” kpop journalist from Billboard. They expressed many opinions and thoughts in regards to kpop and BTS that many ARMY’s felt degraded BTS’s success and hard work. 
The comment I want to focus on today
 “People are exhausted for getting so much exposure to BTS, I do feel like we need some fresh faces in the industry.” 
 “A lot of people are frustrated that there haven’t been any popular boy groups since BTS, its all been BTS.” 
So first, before I get into my analysis of why these individuals might think this way, I want to put out a little disclaimer. First of all, I don’t think they are terrible people for saying what they said. I think that they were simply expressing their opinion and showing us their perspective. I understand where they are coming from but I COMPLETELY disagree with their statements (more on that in a bit). I actually think opposing opinions keep ARMY on their toes, motivated and goal-oriented. If everyone agreed with us, then our jobs would be done and we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves. These kinds of comments have the power to mobilize our efforts, which we saw with the cypher party. So in some weird, backward way, I’m thankful for their commentary because it ultimately makes BTS more successful. 
Now on to my revelation regarding the Kpop worldview and the changing of the industry. 
Worldview, according to Merriam-Webster, is a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world, especially from a specific standpoint. Often worldviews are established in early to middle childhood and expand with experiences as a person ages. Worldviews can also be established in later life regarding systems that are introduced into a person's life such as workplaces, the school system, or, in this case, the Kpop industry. 
The journalist, during the pod-cast/live stream, shared her experience with kpop and how she got to where she is as a fan and a professional. She said that she got into kpop around 2008 and eventually took Korean language courses and studied abroad in Korea. She is fairly knowledgable considering her experiences. However, her worldview was established during a point in kpop history that enforced a set of certain beliefs. those being: Big3 domination, multi-fandom engagement, quick turnover rates, frequent “throne” turnovers, and general success from a large group of bands who were close to the top, but not occupying the top spot. These beliefs held for many years. from 2008 to 2015, they really didn’t see any change to that pre-existing system. Those “truths” became the essence of Kpop to many people. It's hard for those who hold that worldview to accept a change in paradigm. 
It’s from this ideology that the “kpoppie” was born. They simply have been introduced to Kpop when these beliefs were being enforced by the system or they were introduced through a channel that followed these beliefs. 
I avoided subscription to these beliefs by finding my own way to be a fan. I started listening to kpop in 2012 via SHINee and BigBang but quickly found fascination with debuting groups and rookie idols. I enjoyed a multi-fandom lifestyle but always held one or two groups close to my heart. I also love good underdog stories and developed a bitterness towards Big3 privilege, especially after experiencing the fan wars that went on between exo-l and babiez during 2012 and 2013. Then in 2013, I stumbled upon BTS, a group that I first dismissed because hey bore resemblance to BAP but later found captivating and enigmatic. From then, I truly felt a connection to BTS. They were so unlike everything else that had been introduced to me up to that point. From then, my kpop worldview evolved to include ideas and beliefs that contradicted the aforementioned subset. I’m thankful for BTS, for this reason, and many more. 
Onto a detailed look at those ideals: 
1) Big3: So, up until BTS won AROTY, every previous winner was from the Big3. MAMA, in 2016, probably assumed that BTS would reach their peak of success that year or maybe the year after and then slip just a bit to allow other artists to rise. However, after 2016, BTS doubled their success every year making it impossible to justify giving AROTY to anyone but them. That challenged everything everyone knew up to that point. That change frustrated and angered many people who believed that Kpop had to operate in a particular way. 
Big3 ideology also created a culture in kpop that placed limits on smaller groups from smaller companies. Many of these groups faced outright discrimination from big3 fans for simply being from a smaller company. This is also why BTS’s success angered and confused so many people. They broke that stereotype as well. 
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2) multi-fandom engagement: Because the Big3 had such a chokehold on the industry, they encouraged “multi-fandom engagement” which ensured that they could rely upon relatively the same pool of fans to feed their entire catalog of groups and artists. It also maintained an audience for an always shifting pool of talent. If fans loved the system and industry, then groups could come and go but the money would still be flowing. As we know, groups often have short lifespans and their popularity fluctuates quite regularly. While this system is very fan-friendly, it can be brutal on up and coming acts, as well as acts that are aging. Their fanbases don’t necessarily develop a close attachment to one group which means that many groups have success based upon casual listeners. 
This is where the whole “other groups deserve it too” mindset comes from. For them, if one group wins one year, then they will fight for their other fave to win the next year. It's not about longevity, it's about sharing the wealth, which ultimately cuts some careers short. 
3) Quick turnover rates: Kpop operates on an extremely fast pace. That pace has only increased in recent years to combat the incredible amount of new talent flooding the industry. The quick turnover rate ensures constant engagement that keeps fans eyes trained on a particular company or group. However, this rushed system translates into rushed production and short blips of popularity. It's always “on to the next” for many fans. 
BTS, however, created a concrete fandom that didn’t buy into this system. In fact, for many fans who are international and form the GP of countries like the US and UK, this fast-paced system with quick turnover rates doesn’t exist. They view longevity as a true marker of success and attempt to ensure that certain acts stay in the heart and minds of the people for a very long time. This is why the ARMY, particularly from other countries, has fought to place BTS among stars such as Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Drake because those acts will be making music and winning awards for years and years to come if they haven't already. 
4) Throne turnover: This probably relates the most to what the youtuber and journalist were talking about (I invite you to refer back to the image under my first point for this). Essentially, since 2006 or so, there has been a different boy group dominating the scene every year or so. BigBang enjoyed success for many, many years and so did TVXQ before them and EXO intermittently after them. kpop fans expect the next “legend” or “king” to arrive every couple years or so. Its the way it has been since most of them can remember (And even BigBang, who remained at the top and won AROTY a few times, stepped away between comebacks and allowed other groups to find success). BTS challenges this idea because they have experienced what many kpop fans believe to be their max amount of time at the top. However, BTS show no signs of relinquishing their throne any time soon. Plus, their throne has effectively been relocated to an ambiguous spot that isn’t really located in the kpop industry anymore. There may very well be two thrones now, one cemented firmly in Korea and one that is located in El Dorado, or Atlantis, or Olympus which BTS only know the coordinates too. That elusiveness probably angers kpop fans the most. 
This is why many ARMY and others believe BTS is beyond Kpop. It's not so much a drag to those who reside within the kpop realm so much as it is a way to describe BTS’s success because it has transcended what typical kpop is. There really isn’t a space or system that can contain or encapsulate BTS’s success because it challenges the existing paradigm and exists in some quasi-system that BTS are establishing on their own. BTS have to build their own infrastructure to support their success because neither global or local industries have experienced this type of crossover before. 
Those individuals who shared their opinions are experiencing a shift in their worldview that makes them question what they believed to be the unchanging truth. They are uncomfortable with the changes they see and are attempting to make sense of a world that appears unlike what they have seen before. It will take time for them to realize that the world is simply a different place now. Their thirst for “fresh faces” comes from their desire to resist change and find comfort in the predictable ecosystem they had come to believe was “kpop.”
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honey-starlight · 7 years
The Class of 198X Episode 1 One shot
I would like to start off with I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FROM THE CLASS OF 198X!!!!
Now that’s out of the way, let me explain. As I listened to the first and second episode I realized that it would all sound a lot more put together if it was written out in more detail, leaving out the D&D conversations in the show. Later down the line, I’ll be writing more original one-shots. For now, I wanted to start off with the heart of the show, the Origins. Enjoy! 
Also if you don’t already have a first acc like me, please please get one and support the guy’s since they work really hard to produce this content for us! 
I’ll also be posting these on my wattpad if you’d rather read on that format
wattpad: honey_starlight
Feel free to leave an ask/DM of a request for an one shot
Origins: Pt 1
Word count: 2,955 
TW: Mention of the words Retarded and Jap
It was a typical fall day in Springfield, Illinois. The Barton Creek Mall was buzzing with teens who had just escaped their prison, better known as school. In the food court sat four unique teens, all of which would become close friends in the next ten minutes.
The first teen was Amanda Hess, who was known as one of the most popular girls in school. She was undoubtedly rich thanks to her parents. They bought all of her pink outfits and accessories to keep up with the 1980’s fashion. However, her parents recently died, so she sat in the food court to eat and repress the thought, sipping her coffee calmly as she judged people who passed by and waited for her boyfriend Steve; who hadn’t replied in three days. She had faith in Steve, but in her scenario, faith wouldn’t bring Steve back.
The second teen was Samuel “Cool” Beans, a known druggie. He sat at his table, fixing his hair with his comb as he stared at his reflection in his spoon. He was probably the most obvious one of the bunch with his colorful jacket and his baggy American flag pants, yet he was also very sneaky; able to pickpocket as he pleased. He was waiting for a client to approach him and score a couple bucks on pain killers. He was taking a break from his dad’s sporting goods store, which was failing nonetheless and needed all of the helping hands it could get. Not only was Sam waiting for a client, but he also needed a break from his dad, who usually yelled at him and beat him for being a lazy son. He glanced over to Amanda, who was looking at a nearby store with TV’s in the window, which showed the weather. He thought she was cute, but was more focused on important matters, like his client, who was now late. He decided to pick up his boombox, which splayed across the speakers in bold letters, said: “X-BASS” to advertise the brand. He turned it on and played his music at a low volume to not disturb others around him.
The third teen was Hannah Lee, a quiet Korean-American girl who was listening to her metal music. Her parents saw Hannah as the smart sweet girl they raised her to be, but Hannah discovered thrash metal and leaves home as much as possible to wear her band clothing and express who she really felt like she was. It was definitely not a phase. She had also just bought two five-pound dumbbells since she wanted to be tough; the look she desired.
Finally, the most special teen of them all, Mike Jaundice. Mike was… unique to say the least. He was faced towards the wall, eating his chicken fingers carefully with his long nails, making sure to not break them. He had grease all over his hands and his chin. He sat next to the dumpsters, his only friends at the moment. He was at the mall simply to escape the unsettling noise of his mother fucking their neighbor loudly. Mike aspired to own a moving company called “We Care About Your Packaged Goods” so he carried around his box cutter in his pocket. Also, in his pocket, he had a joint he bought off of Sam and a cigarette he got off of his mom. He rubbed the grease off of his fingers onto his Wrangler jeans, which complimented his Wrangler jacket, to suit his “Mover man” aesthetic.
In amidst all of these events, they were all stopped when the jocks rolled in with their brand new letterman jackets. Everyone in the food court stared at them, which consisted of mostly freshman and the four teens. There were four jocks all together, two small, two big. The two larger ones were named Jim and Berry, who were popular wrestlers at their school. The smaller jocks were named Vince and Gary. It was almost as if they were all made for each other.
As they strode into the room, they preyed on the people eating, deciding whose day they were about to ruin. They first glanced at Hannah, who narrowed her eyes at them. She wasn’t all that intimidating, considering that she was a sophomore. They ignore her and swiftly move to their next target, Sam.
“He sold me and my brother drugs once,” Vince whispered to his friends. “He’s cool.”
As they approached, Sam weakly said: “Hey, what’s up fellas? Nice to see you guys here again!” trying to get by.
“Shut up nerd,” Berry snapped, bumping into Sam’s shoulder.
Sam cowered away saying “Shiiiit.”
They finally moved onto their last victim, Amanda. She was a pretty girl, and most guys liked her even though she was taken. The jocks did not care one bit.
“Hey guys,” She greeted, annoyingly smacking her gum between her smile.
“Hey,” Gary grinned, touching her hair while Vince blew in her ear.
“Come out to the van baby,” Jim intimidated her.
Amanda’s friendly attitude changed into a defensive one. She sensed hostility coming from them, so she grew anxious.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” she loudly said, swatting away Gary’s hand. “Steve will hear about this if you keep it up.”
“Hey, meatheads!” Hannah shouted from across the way. Vince glanced over but quickly ignored it since she wasn’t loud enough.
“Well Steve isn’t here right now, is he?” Berry took her shoulder, slowly going to her neck and almost down her shirt.
“HEY MEATHEADZA!” Hannah hollered over to the group.
Berry stopped his actions and looked over to Hannah, who was standing up now, her hands on the table.
Across the room, Mike hears the commotion and turns slightly at the noise, but returns to his chicken fingers.
“Shut up you dirty Jap!” Jim snaps back at her.
“Hey, no one here is interested,” Hannah told them with a little zest in her tone. “Why don’t you run a train on each other like normal.”
“Damn,” Sam grinned, his eyebrows raised behind his shades.
The jocks were slightly embarrassed that they were getting attacked by a sophomore, let alone a girl.
Amanda picked up her shirt a little, fixing her hair as she watched the gang swarm around the sophomore.
“You callin' us a bitch?” Barry angrily slammed his fist on the table.
“Well, I bet you haven’t listened to ride the lightning in its entirety, so yeah,” Hannah replied with a cocky grin, wanting to get a rise out of them.
Gary grabbed her by the shirt and was face to face with her. She turned away a little, disgusted by his bad breath on her face.
“Def Leppard rules. Metallica sucks.”
He shoved her out of her chair, her back slapping on the hard grimy tile.
Mike turns around fully, putting a chicken finger in his mouth to aggressively gnaw at it, growing more and more annoyed by the commotion.
“Hey, why don’t you come out to the van?” Berry asked, raising a brow.
Gary grabbed her arm and pulled her up. Thrash metal was playing in Hannah’s head, amping her up to fight. She began to enter tunnel vision, only seeing Gary. She slowly grabbed one of her dumbbells from her bag on the table.
“You’re not that bad for an Asian chick,” Gary squeezed her arm.
That was the last straw. The music in her head was the loudest it could ever be and she began to see red. She took a hefty swing at Gary, expecting to take off his head and have blood squirt everywhere, the jocks running away and her being victorious.
What ended up happening was a failed attempt at an attack, and she missed completely. She wasn’t as strong as she had hoped, but she was determined.
Across the room, Mike his last straw. His retard strength had finally built up to its peak and he pushed the table built into the floor, pushing his chair away making a loud screech. He stood up and Naruto sprinted towards the jocks, clutching the straps of his backpack, some books falling onto the floor. Gary was focused on Hannah while Berry, Jim, and Vince focused on Mike.
In all of this mess, Amanda briefly contemplated the idea of helping Hannah. There was only one guy harassing her, plus he seemed dumb enough to distract. She hesitated, still intimidated by the jock manhandling Hannah. She quietly sipped her coffee and watched, not knowing what to do. She looked over to Sam who was also watching. Amanda snapped her fingers to get his attention. Sam looked over to see Amanda mouth “Help them!” pointing at both Hannah and Mike.
Wanting to impress the beautiful, popular, annoying Amanda Hess, he stood up and walked over to the guys harassing Mike.
“Guys! Come on fellas! Do we really have to fight like this?” Sam pleaded, putting his hands up passively.
Vince turned around, familiar with the voice. He was met with Sam, who seemed friendly.
“Oh hey, Red Leader. You and me are cool!” Vince quickly assured Sam.
Sam nodded, smiling at him and said: “Yeah! Right! I sold your brother some weed that one time. We’re cool. We’re just chillin'. You guys don’t have to bully this girl.”
Vince just nodded and stepped back. “I’ll get out of your hair then. You owe me some painkillers though.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sam brushed off, knowing he didn’t owe him anything.
“You want some of this nerd?” Barry threatened Mike, shoving him a few feet away. Jim laughed at how Mike stumbled backward, which pissed off Mike even more.
A few feet away, Hannah swung her other dumbbell at Gary, missing yet again, but she escaped his grip.
Mike pulled out his box cutter, startling Berry and Jim, who put up their hands and stepped back a little.
“You guys better stop it or ima-... ima stab you,” Mike mutters under his breath, grinning a little, avoiding eye contact.
Sam saw all of this happening, so he kicked on his boombox and started loudly playing his music to grab everyone's attention. Sam thought he was doing some killer moves, but in reality, he was doing the broken robot dance which consisted of jerking around.
As the jocks were briefly distracted by Sam’s awful dancing, Amanda’s conscience overcame her fear. She got up and walked over to Gary saying “Steve is on his way, you know.”
Gary paid no mind to Amanda, too quiet for him to hear over the music. She gave up easily, cowering away and returning to her food to drink more coffee.
Berry and Jim decided to take the moment and hit Mike, both in the stomach and the shoulder, causing Mike to hunch over in pain.
The music of the boombox annoyed Jim, so he turned to see Sam still dancing, closer to him. “Get out of here!” Jim shoved Sam into a plant, his head hitting the edge of the pot.
Gary turned his head to see Sam fall into the plant, and Hannah saw his perfect weak spot. There was a crusty red growth behind his ear, much like a skin tag, but pulsating and ready to burst. This was her one chance to dominate the situation and defeat her foe.
“He’s about to swing!” Gary shouted at Berry and Jim.
Hannah looked over to see Mike slice Berry’s arm, blood gushing out from it. He screamed, clutching his bloody arm.
“Fuckin’ freak stabbed me!” He shouted, his voice wavering in pain.
Sam stood back up from the fall he took to the potted plant and was angry. He took the opportunity to hit Jim in the back of the head with his boombox, knocking some screws out, cutting the music off.
“Hey! Break it up!” the mall cop shouted, bursting into the food court.
“Oh shit boys! It’s the feds!” Vince shouted, bolting away.
Mike grabbed his twelve remaining chicken fingers and Naruto ran out of the food court.
The rest of the jocks followed, but Hannah took a swing at Gary’s growth, hitting it square on. He howled in pain, holding it as the fluids dripped in his hands. He ran away, but not as fast as he could’ve. The officer ran after all of them, not getting too far judging by his obesity.
Hannah walked over to Amanda, who seemed calm after everything that happened.
“You okay?” Hannah asked, pulling up a seat beside Amanda.
“Yeah,” Amanda said, scooting away a little, knowing that she was an underclassman.
Sam noticed the two girls together and picked up his boombox and whatever pieces he could find, bringing it over to their table. He set it down, obviously upset by its state.
“Aw shit. How am I gonna fix this shit?” He groaned, running his fingers through his high brown hair.
Mike returned, still clutching his chicken fingers for dear life. He quietly sat in between Amanda and Sam, placing them on the table. Amanda grimaced at the site of Mike, greasy in all his glory. He ate a chicken finger off of the table, chewing loudly with Amanda and her gum.
The officer came back, red-faced and breathless.
“Oh shit,” Mike muttered in distress, avoiding eye contact and breathing heavily.
The bronze nameplate under the officer’s sewn-in badge said “Nosgrad.”
“What was going on with the fighting back there?” Officer Nosgrad interrogated.
Hannah began lifting her weights nonchalantly. “It was for justice.”
Sam jumped into the conversation quickly. “Officer, officer. I can explain what happened. It was a bunch of guys- they’re a bunch of no-gooders, alright? They do drugs. I would know. I’ve sold them tons of drugs before.”
Officer Nosgrad widened his eyes in shock, and Sam retracted a little, realizing what he had just said.
“Getting in fights? Selling drugs? I’m gonna call the cops here!” Nosgrad threatened the teens.
“I thought you were a cop,” Hannah countered his threat.
Nosgrad choked up a little, thinking of how to reply.
“W-well I’m a cop to you! Alright? So-”
Hannah pressed on. “Well, you don't look like a cop. What? You couldn’t catch the four other guys so you came back for the leftovers?”
Nosgrad completely ignored Hannah’s statement and turned to the rest of the group. “Well, if I ever see you kids fighting again I’m calling the sheriff. Alright?” He turned and pointed at Hannah. “I don’t want to hear any more lip out of you.”
As he went on his spiel of how irresponsible it was to fight in a public area the way they did, Sam eyed his wallet peeking out of the officers back pocket. He leaned behind Mike and tapped Amanda, who looked over to see him.
“Distract him,” Sam whispered, rubbing his fingers together before pointing at his back pocket.
Amanda grinned and said: “I want half,” a little louder than a whisper.
Sam rolled his eyes behind his shades and nodded, sitting upwards now. Amanda loudly laughed at the officer, smiling and chewing her gum as she twirled her hair.
“You’re so funny,” she complimented.
Nosgrad smiled a little, bashful. “Why thank you. I-”
He quickly turned to catch Sam trying to pickpocket him.
“Hey! What are you doin’?” the officer raised his voice, as Sam returned to his seat quickly.
“I uh, I thought I dropped somethin’ in your back pocket. Uhhh, I musta mistaken it for my back pocket… I’m so sorry officer. This is real awkward,” Sam made up an excuse, flustered and embarrassed.
The officer grew redder than before. “You tryin’ to grab my ass?”
Sam’s eyes widened and he began to stammer. “Well, what happened was… uh… yes.”
“Well I don’t go for that stuff kid-”
Sam nervously laughed, saying “M-me either. That shits gay.”
The officer shook his head, getting annoyed that he was there for so long.
“If I have to come out here, I’m gonna be pissed and call the sheriff, and you’re all gonna be in serious trouble with your parents.”
All of them nod, seeming nervous at the idea of parents getting involved.
“I don’t have parents,” Mike mumbles, clenching a chicken finger.
Sam elbowed Mike, saying “Mike! Shut the fuck up!” in a harsh whisper.
Officer Nosgrad left the kids alone, and without a minute passing Sam’s dad stopped by.
“Son,” he said firmly, glancing over the other three kids. “You can go talk to your friends later. I need you down at the store. Wrap it up.”
“Yea dad,” Sam hung his head, waiting for his dad to leave. Once he was gone, he looked at his new friends. “I gotta go, guys, uh, my fuckin’ pops wants me for some shit. Nice seein’ you again Mike.”
Sam went in for a fist bump, but instead Mike went for a high five and ended up grabbing Sam’s fist. After giving Mike a weird look, Sam got up and left the table.
“I uh, have to work,” Mike flatly said, not wanting to be there anymore. He also got up and left.
Amanda and Hannah looked at each other.
“What now? Hannah asked.
“I’m going to shop at Marcy’s 4th Avenue. Don’t follow me,” Amanda coldly said, getting up to leave.
She looked back to see Hannah sulking at her table, staring at her dumbbells.
Hannah turned to Amanda, who gave her classic charming smile.
“Thanks for helping me earlier, I guess. See you around.”
Hannah smiled and gave a nod, before grabbing her dumbbell and lifting weights.
The ten minutes that happened in that food court sparked an everlasting odd friendship between the four teens, but the day wasn’t over yet, and neither are the mysteries in this town.
Thanks for reading! 
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myaekingheart · 6 years
You know, I’ve been feeling really unnecessarily nostalgic about music lately, and I’ve been thinking a lot about my strange fluctuation in taste over the years and how they’ve all kind of coincided with shit that was going on in my life at the time. I feel really grateful to have grown up exposed to tons of different genres due to both my parents and what was popular at the time so I kind of got to experience multiple different things and choose for myself what I leaned towards. Let me just make this clear that this was late 90′s/early 2000s that we’re starting with, by the way.  From my mom, I got tastes of Shania Twain and Andrea Bocelli. From my dad, it was Green Day, No Doubt, and Evanescence. I got 80′s music from both of them, and pop music from what was popular at the time i.e. anything played on Radio Disney (Upside Down by A*Teens is still such a mood, okay? That and the Hamster Dance were my favorites). As much as I enjoyed pop music, though, there was something about rock music that really struck a cord in me. I loved how raw and chaotic it was, how powerful listening to it made me feel. Truthfully, I considered myself a rock kid. I loved the 90′s bands that my dad did, and I fell in love with Avril Lavigne (my aunt got me a book all about her when I was four and the one page said something about “Chicken-Fried Ass” and little old me of course grabbed a pen and scribbled the bad word out of it because oh my god what is this blasphemous language?). I wanted to be like Avril and Gwen with plaid pants and combat boots and crop tops, some sort of tomboy punk-grunge goddess. I remember being four years old and thinking that when I became a teenager, I’d cut my hair to my shoulders and dye the tips bright red like Ariel and paint my walls black and just blast loud music constantly. A few years later when we frequented Universal Studios, I always wanted to go to the Beetlejuice show and I desperately wanted to be the Bride of Frankenstein (because let’s face it, her 2004 outfit was and will always be goals. Also Hip and Hop. Hip and Hop were also goals, especially in those clear raincoats when they sang “It’s Raining Men”). My mom even has an embarrassing home video of me in my favorite red boots from the time and a polka dot skirt dancing around to KISS’s Rock and Roll All Night. So in a nutshell, I would consider myself a rock child, you know? But then there was the phase. I look back at everyone I knew in like later elementary school and middle school who all went through their emo phases and I feel like I kind of did everything backwards. I was reverse emo. When everyone was starting to dye their hair and listen to screamo, I started phasing out of my rock love affair and into more mainstream shit. I don’t know if it was just a force of nature or if my childhood best friend had something to do with it or maybe it was both but around fourth grade I switched schools and kind of became a different person. I was still dressing the same (not that I ever really dressed like the way my music taste might suggest) and all that good shit but I was barely listening to rock music anymore. Instead, it was all pop music and top 40 hits. I was obsessed with Hannah Montana. It was like I was trying to be a basic bitch but I was still trapped in the body of a nerdy ten year old. There were still aspects of me that were quirky or adhered to that rocker side of me but they kind of clashed with who I was becoming at the time so that I became this kind of jumbled, incoherent human being. I remember playing kickball one day at recess and asking the girl in front of me what her favorite movie was. She said High School Musical. When asked the same question, I replied with Juno. I was without a doubt probably the weirdest kid. I had a few friends at the time who did kind of tether me to what was left of my previous self, and who I probably should’ve become. Friends who watched anime and played video games and listened to Evanescence and Panic! At the Disco and all those emo bands that were super popular at the time. I’m glad I at least had that. By the time middle school came around, I was at a crossroads. My best friend and I broke up after an arduous year and a half of us clashing in regards to where we wanted to be and who we wanted to be-- she became obsessed with popularity, which was a mold I did not at all fit into-- and afterward I was kind of floundering to find myself and my true friends. I didn’t listen to exclusively pop music anymore, adding indie shit like Lana del Rey, Florence + the Machine (who was my favorite for a time), and The National to my playlists, as well as that one Avril Lavigne song from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (peeking into the past a bit there, even though Avril has actually kind of been the only mainstay in my music taste: when I was five, it was Sk8ter Boi; when I was nine, it was Hot and Girlfriend; when I was 13, it was Alice; etc.) When I started high school, that’s who I was. I was kind of plain, super innocent, still overall just a kid. I ended up finding a friend group that lasted me throughout the entire four years I spent in that hellhole who helped mold me and I changed a lot during my time with them. My best friend exposed me to more Aerosmith than just “Dream On,” and then the summer before my junior year I fell in love with Nirvana. Later on, in like 2014 I became a big Blink182 fan and started dipping my toes back into the genre I should’ve stayed with all these years, thanks to a boy who was into that kind of music at the time. By the beginning of my senior year, I had begun spiralling into my hardcore, super duper late emo phase. I would tease my hair sometimes. I would do the raccoon eye makeup every day. Everyone legit hated the fuck out of me. I was depressed as all hell. It was fun. It was a really fun time. Over the past three years, my level of emo-ness has fluctuated a bit but now I’m at the point where I think I am comfortably alternative just like the good lord intended lmao. I listen to pop punk and metalcore (if it’s got demonic screaming, I’m there). I’ve got those swoopy side bangs and layers that everyone had literally ten years ago. I have way too many articles of black clothing and a constant resting bitch face. And I think the best part about it all is that I am now the way I am because this is the way I should be as myself, not how I think I should be in order to transform into someone else. I struggled with that a lot for two years because a part of me felt pulled back to this but I was conflicted due to an ex of my boyfriend’s who was very emo/scene queen. A part of me desperately wanted to be exactly like her but better, but then the thought of doing that to myself disgusted me because of this very love/hate deal I had going on with her for a while. I hated myself for wanting to be like her, and feeling a sick satisfaction of doing my hair the same way she did or listening to the same music. I felt both simultaneously the most and least like my true self and after a while, I couldn’t discern where the real me ended and the fake, “trying to be like her” me began. That whole dilemma still isn’t totally perfect and I still think about it every so often, but I’ve been doing so much better than I was a year ago and I’ve finally been finding, and in some ways rediscovering, myself and it’s strange but satisfying. And music really has a hand in that. I will still listen to Florence + The Machine and Lana Del Rey or some old Ke$ha songs (back when she still had the dollar sign in her name lmao) and enjoy them if for nothing else but the nostalgia, but I‘m happy I can finally embrace who I think I’m supposed to be, who I’m comfortable being, happily and without any regret. That I can wear what I want and listen to what I want and be who I want without any implications or guilt or opposing influence.
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floral-and-fine · 8 years
Almost Like the Movies
Pair: Reader x Thor
(F/n: first name)
(R/n: rival name)
Warning: tiny bit of cursing, I guess.  
A/n: Just a fic based on an idea I thought was cute. This is my first fanfic. I also would like to apologize for any errors, grammar and I don’t always get along. Loosely inspired by Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle and Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion.
Special thanks to @sharknadoslut for helping me out. 
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As you were looking through the mail, you were extremely pleased to see a letter addressed to you. This letter was the first piece of mail addressed to you at your new home. It felt great to be acknowledged as a resident of the Avengers tower (even though you had been living here for several months now). At the height of your excitement which featured you dancing, jumping on furniture, and tripping over self. You had ended up the center of attention with pretty much everyone watching you.
"It's my first piece of mail guys!" you shouted, waving it around in air.
"Well aren't you gonna open it? As much as I love seeing you all giddy, I'm dying of suspense." Clint joked amused at how something so simple could make you so happy.
"It's probably an application to a credit card or something. Who even sends letters nowadays?" Tony said joining the group.
However his comment didn't dampen your mood at all, even if it were true it didn't change the fact that it was your mail.
"Well only one way to find out..." you ripped open the envelope, and read the letter mumbling some of its content aloud as you skimmed through it.
"It's an invitation to my high school reunion!" you exclaimed, your excitement from seconds early was coming to life again.
You loved the idea of a high school reunion, it's such a great TV and movie trope. Like Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion filled with drama, redemption, comedy, drinking, and dancing. You loved to dance! You could imagine it now, meeting up with old friends, showing off to the snobs, finding out an old classmate was in love with you, or better yet you could hire a date and then fall in love with him.
"Well I guess we can assume from her smile that she's going" Natasha's voice brought you out from your daydream.
"Of course!" you squealed.
"You seem pretty excited about that y/n. When I graduated high school I never wanted to go back," Bruce added.
"You didn't like high school Bruce?" you asked.
"Not really, I didn't exactly fit in."
"Same here," Steve chimed in, "I'm guessing you had a better experience?"
"Oh yes! I was the school's mascot, part of the drama club, and I did yearbook! It was great!"
Everyone with the exception of Thor and Vision were either smiling or laughing a little at the statement.
"Ah! I knew it our precious y/n was an adorable geek." Natasha said smiling at you.
Thor finally spoke up who was quite puzzled by the whole thing. "What is this high school and its reunion?"
As the group tried explaining it that's when you got the brilliant idea to invite him to be your plus one. What better way to explain it?
"Well... you could come with me Thor and see for yourself. It'll be fun, I promise!"
 "It will be my pleasure lady y/n."
Unknown to you, Thor could never turn you down. Since joining the team he had been drawn to you, by your passion and spirit. Unlike so many Midgardians who hold back their emotions and hide their true intentions, you were honest and always approached life with such determination. And now he was feeling particularly content over the fact that you extended the invitation to him over the others.
On the day of, you spent forever getting ready. You decided to wear your hair down in loose curls, you picked out a simple yet sexy floral dress that was form fitting with a 3/4 sleeve and subtle set of pearl earrings and matching necklace to go with it. For shoes you choose a pair of red heels and prayed that you wouldn't regret the choice later. From what you heard Thor asked Tony and Steve for help on what to wear for the event. You had to admit you were pretty happy that you were getting to spend the evening with Thor. The two of you got along swimmingly, always joking around and hanging out. Plus you always felt safest going on missions with him. Your fighting styles worked well together, and anytime you were in jam he was the first one there.
There was a small knock on your bedroom door. You shouted for them to come in, as you were still busy in the bathroom finishing your makeup.
"Hey, it's just me and Nat" Wanda stated as they entered the room.
 "This place is a disaster y/n" Natasha said, as she tried not to step on anything that had been carelessly tossed on the ground.
"Sorry about that, had to go through my whole wardrobe to pick out something to wear." you said, as you walked out of the bathroom. By the looks on their faces you knew that you looked stunning.
"Well my lady friends shall we check in on the boys?" you asked grabbing your purse and heading out.
As you walked down the hallway you could hear Steve and Tony complimenting Thor. Tony also added how the blazer he picked out is what really made the outfit. You could sense Natasha's eyes rolling at the comment as you giggled. Once you reached the living room and saw Thor and grinned. He looked handsome dressed in a pair of jeans, with a dark red dress shirt and a black blazer.
"Wow! Looking good." you stated winking at Thor.
You could have sworn that he blushed a bit. Tony quickly gave you once over, nodding approvingly. Steve also approached you commenting on how lovely you looked. Thor coughed drawing your attention away from everyone.
"Y/n you look ravishing, and I believe it is also time for us to depart." Thor offered you his arm which you accepted, and he led you towards the garage. Tony was nice enough to let you borrow one of the cars.
At the reunion everything went perfectly. When the two of you arrived, Thor was a complete gentleman, holding doors open, escorting you inside, pulled out your chair at the table; in other words he was the perfect date. You couldn’t picture anyone better. You also couldn’t help but notice all the people staring at him.
“You’re quite popular.” you mentioned, looking around the room.
 Thor glanced around the room as well, “As are you lady y/n.”  
“I’m definitely not as popular as you are tonight. I bet every single lady here would be happy to take you home.”
“Does that include you?” your mind went blank as you looked him.
 He didn’t look like he was joking he looked very serious. You cleared your throat and mumbled about needing something to drink. Thor smiled at you before he got up, and walked over to the bar to get that drink you absolutely needed especially if he continued to flirt with you like that.
While Thor was waiting at the bar to order your drinks, he was approached by a woman. Even from a distance you could recognize her as r/n. She was such a bitch to you throughout high school. She constantly treated you like you were less. Maybe because you were the school mascot instead of a cheerleader or something. You tried to be friends with everyone, and overall had a great time in high school. Stephanie however was a constant thorn in your side. Always trying to one up you with everything from class projects to student council election.
When she flipped her hair the side and leaned closer to him, you probably would’ve snapped if Thor didn’t immediately move backwards away from her. You were so proud of him, when Thor declined all her advances. He didn’t do it very subtly either. His body language was easy to read. Thor was usually relaxed, but every time she spoke you could see his whole body tense. He kept his answers short and to the point. He even avoided all her attempts to touch him. It was becoming painful to watch. Without thinking, you strutted over there wrapping your arm around Thor’s.
“Hey sweetheart, there’s few people I want to introduce you to. We can get drinks later when the bar isn’t as crowded.” You tried to sound as sexy as possible.
Thor smiled down at you, catching on to what you were getting at. “Of course my y/n, anything for you.”
As the two moved away from the bar, r/n had the nerve to interrupt.
“Honey, I thought we were having a good time.” She said while batting her eyelashes up at him.
You were about to cut in and give her a piece of your mind, when Thor interjected, and in a stern voice stating he was not interested.
When the two returned to where you had been sitting, you let out a huge laugh you had been holding in.  
“I can’t believe you turned her down like that, I knew you were the perfect date!” “Like I said anything for you.”
“Thank you for coming with me.” You told Thor, lightly squeezing his hand.
The rest of the reunion continued without a hitch. You told him all about high school such as your favorite classes, teachers, sporting events, and dances. Thor had all your old friends entertained, telling stories of your great adventures as an Avenger. The best part was listening to the way he described you in the stories. Making you sound way more heroic than you actually were.
"Y/n's instinct and agility on the battlefield are unrivaled. Many times I have witnessed her ability to maneuver through enemy fire and attacks unscathed." Thor explained, as you sat there listening smiling from ear to ear.
In what seemed like a blink of an eye the whole reunion started to die down. Which might have been a good thing considering that you could barely walk anymore. You knew those shoes were a bad choice. You managed to waddle back to car despite Thor following you insisting that he should carry you.
And now here you both are back at the tower. Thor again insisted on carrying inside, and this time you gave in. He sat you down gently on the couch, and left returning with Band-Aids and hydrogen peroxide. As you took care of your feet, you decided to strike up some kind of conversation instead of just letting him watch you put Band-Aids on all your blisters.
"So what did you think, Thor?" "The festivities were enjoyable although I still do not quite grasp the purpose for such a gathering."
"I think it's just one of those things that seems important, like high school was really important to a lot of people and for some of those people it still is. It symbolizes a time in their life when they achieved things or had hope or something along those lines."
"I see...Then high school in those terms seems to be similar to my coronation, a time in my own life that I viewed as my greatest achievement. Although I now know that life has much more to offer and that achievements are not always recognized with crowns or celebrations."
"Did you have a good time?" you inquired.
"It was a most magnificent time."
"Yeah it was pretty incredible" you said thinking about the evening and that is when it dawned on you, you didn't get to dance with anyone.
Your sudden realization mixed with disappointment must have been obvious because Thor looked at you questioningly.
"Something wrong y/n?"
"It's silly, I'm just a little sad that I didn't get to dance with anyone..." Thor stood up immediately and offered you his hand.
"Dance with me."
"Really?" you sprung up off the couch and into his arms. "You're the best!"
With no music you and Thor slowly swayed back and forth. Your right hand in his, your other hand on his chest, and his on your waist. You were inexplicably content. You moved your head so you could look at Thor.
He was smiling down at you and without even realizing it you whispered "I love you".
Thor abruptly stopped "Do you mean that y/n?"
You felt your whole face heat up but you nodded anyway "yeah... YEAH! I mean it!"
Thor smiled widely as he picked you up your legs wrapping around his waist. "I love you as well."
You placed your hands gently on his cheeks as you kissed him. It soon became much more heated as you moved your hand to the back of his head your fingers tugging at his hair deepening the kiss. You other hand moved down from his cheek to lightly down his neck and clutched against his chest. His hands that were holding you up began to slowly explore further up your thighs. You broke away from the kiss wiggled out of his grasp, before he could question your motives you grabbed his hand and started running.
Holding his hand as tightly as you could you sprinted upstairs towards your bedroom. You came to a sudden stop in the middle of the hallway.
"Wait... wait..." you said short of breath. Thor looked at you, worried that perhaps you had a change of heart.  "My room is a complete mess right now. Rather not have you see it like that...let's go to your room." you giggled, turning and running the opposite direction pulling Thor along behind you.
Taglist: @sleeping-with-the-snakes
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