#that behavior reminds me so much of my dad tbh
waugh-bao · 10 months
"And in this next room you'll see how Frank Lloyd Wright really made a....Mr. Watts?....Mr. Watts?" *muffled British voice coming from under a couch* "Blimey, look at this joinery!"
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
some criticisms i have of episode 2. read the tags first please.
disclaimer: i am a targtowers’ stan first and foremost. that means: aegon, helaena, aemond and daeron. they’re my favorite characters. that’s where my ‘loyalty’ stands. everyone else (including alicent) comes after.
helaena’s grief should’ve been a bigger point in the episode. this is HER episode and aegon’s (i’m not complaining about him but her screentime was so low). everyone else, rhaenyra, alicent, yada yada is secondary.
alicent can light up candles for her enemy’s son but can’t even attend the funeral of her grandson 🙄 she doesn’t cry, curse the blacks, want to bathe in the blood of jaehaerys’ killers, or can even bring herself to say his name.
i love aegon’s performance. i love all of his grief manifested in rage and anger. he cries but he will kick everyone later. tom go get your emmy.
girl your daughter just lost a son and you want to talk about you fucking your bodyguard. i’m tired of her. helaena is with all right of ignoring her.
once upon a time there was a boy that loved horses 😭 jaehaerys my dear
a larys/aegon scene is all i could wish for. the cold mastery of secrets and torture combined with the unstoppable wrath of a wounded man. i need more of them.
i like how the funeral seems, by all accounts, normal but by helaena’s viewpoint everything is too much. the people claim for her showing support but it’s all noise. the carriage showing her little boy so that people know who to blame but it only reminds her more of what happened. he even looks like he’s sleeping.
tbh this scene shows how rhaenyra doesn’t fucking care about helaena and her children. the first thought she had when she heard of the news wasn’t to have compassion or empathy, but to do damage control and worry about her reputation.
lmao i don’t have a clue what daemon’s intentions and rationality is. he only cares about looking mighty and dangerous to other people even when he does dumb shit, then justifies it. he lives only for other people’s opinions but then everyone hates his ass lol. dilffailure.
also he’s the embodiment of living for a dick measuring contest he ends up losing. all of daemon’s behavior can be attributed to erectile dysfunction.
how the writers found time for an oc prostitute having a mommy kink scene with aemond but didn’t have more time for a longer scene with helaena and literally anyone is beyond me.
aemond talking about his regret for luke but not about the death of his nephew 💀 luke died like three years ago condal pls get over it. aemond would care more about jaehaerys than poor little luke.
some much needed baela character development. i love characters that are like the female version of their dad but then also fucking hate their dad lol
i liked the tidbits of the dragonseeds during the episode. i’d like some nettles too :) but i guess the only female and canonically black character is a little too much for this show amirite :)
of course daemon would never be able to bend to anyone he considers inferior, much less rhaenyra, who under any other circumstance would be seen as ‘lesser than him’. it reminds him of his failures. i’m glad we’re on the same page.
aegon never had a chance right? aegon was literally raised by hightowers in love with targaryens. he never would’ve been able to surpass viserys and rhaenyra in otto and alicent’s eyes. nothing he did could’ve changed that.
otto’s little laugh cost him a job lol. i’m sad we didn’t get his cats.
the focus on rhaenyra in the arryk/erryk fight is too much for me. once again, leave secondary characters have their moments instead of shoving r or a down my throat please. this is their especial moment, their last moment. rhaenyra being all 😨🧍🏼‍♀️ between their shots does nothing for the scene.
otto’s realization of his life’s work being flushed down the drain is so touching and painful in a way to me. he’s like tywin if he lived long enough to see cersei and tommen fuck everything up.
‘i have sinned’ ‘i do not wish to hear of it’ that’s peak cersei and tywin from that one scene when she confessed the incest.
daeron exists? yay. and once again i’m fucking tired of alicent not reacting to mention of daeron, not comforting helaena, bashing aemond, ignoring aegon. where’s the love for her children?
the scene of otto putting resting his face on his hands? chills. it should’ve lingered there. showcase otto’s regret? grief? idk. pity it just lasted half a second because we needed to see alicent once more.
from now on, alicent is cancelled for me. i don’t care anymore about her. any parent that leaves their child in distress to go fuck can eat shit. i gave that treatment to daemon in laena’s funeral and i’m giving it to her.
we have more sex scenes of alicent than we have of daemon and aegon combined. yet she’s the pious queen and they’re the lechers. condal please write accordingly.
how do i watch a show when i don’t care for the two main characters, because they’re cardboard cuts of women who don’t do anything? i don’t know.
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one-vivid-judgment · 4 months
Hello. Could I please request some comfort headcanons with Joon-gi, Seonhee, Zhao and Tesso with a verbally domestically abused s/o? Tbh your headcanons and just any random post are kinda soul healing and even therapeutic. They give me strength to mentally deal with any unpleasant situation. So, um, thank you.
I'm so glad my posts give you strength, anon! Tbh I picked up writing myself for therapeutic purposes, so it's good to know someone else is getting something out of this as well! I genuinely wish you the best!
Joongi Han
He can relate, actually. He didn’t exactly have a normal childhood: mom passed away when he was still too young to know any better, and his dad who was already abusive before, turned to drinking and his behavior only got worse. He wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy, much less someone he loves as much as you.
Thankfully, he is no longer in that stage where he will get queasy talking about the subject because the wound is still too fresh. He would have probably had a breakdown if you had brought up the subject a few years earlier, but now he’s... grown used to it. Any pain is dulled out by now, so you can freely talk to him about your situation. He knows you need someone to turn to, and if he is not that person for you, what kind of boyfriend would that make him?
Will hold you silently and just let you talk, hands running up and down your back. He’ll suggest using the Geomijul surveillance system to keep you safe—even if you say no, he will probably go through with it anyway because he can’t stand seeing you like that. If not the entire Geomijul, just himself is enough. He can free up hours of his schedule to watch over you; Seonhee will understand. It will also be her who suggests he brings you over to the Geomijul to stay for good. They have enough bowguns left and are still a threatening enough presence around Ijincho to know no one would dare mess with them.
Unlike Joongi, she hasn’t gone through abuse herself. She’s heard the horror stories from Yeonsu though, so she has some idea of just how bad it can get. Enough to be absolutely fucking fumming by the time you are done telling her about your situation. You can be sure she will take matters into her own hands, even if you try to stop her.
Don’t worry, it won’t be anything like straight up murdering your abuser (though, why lie, she really wants to, and the Geomijul has the means to do that; she can ask Zhao for help disposing of the body, too. Meat bun filling). She will, however, make sure there is always someone watching over you. Most likely Joongi, but if he is out of comission, then it will be anyone else. If it gets too bad, she will do the watching herself. And if it gets real bad? Seonhee is outright snatching you away. She can make extra room for you in the Geomijul HQ, to make sure that person is too scared to come get you.
Not a day goes by where she doesn’t ask you how you are holding up. She’s seen what abuse can do to a person (see, Yeonsu, and to an extent, Zhao), and she has learned the importance of asking those questions. You can come to her with whatever is troubling you, you know that, but she still makes sure to remind you.
Zhao Tianyou
It will take you some time to convince him not to do anything that could potentially land him in jail. You’ve never seen Zhao so mad in your life, and he doesn’t usually yell for no good reason, but man, does he want to kill the bastard that’s putting you through all this. But he also knows it wouldn’t be useful (albeit pretty satisfactory) to get thrown in the slammer and leave you alone.
You Tian is your new home. You can stay for as long as you want: hours, days if you want to. Anything that doesn’t involve you going home to your abuser sounds great in his book. His Liumang loyalists are now basically your full time bodyguards, and if that doesn’t work to intimidate the asshole in question, he’ll have to give them a very stern talking-to. Full of death threats and intimidation tactics. It will prove hard to not take his saber with him though.
He makes sure to be extra sweet to you. Always cooking your favorite dishes, always making sure you are feeling okay. He’ll introduce you to Kasuga and the others if you are up for it, and they’ll quickly become your biggest and best support network. To be honest, Zhao may have grown a little paranoid after the whole ordeal and might need to have you within eyeshot to make sure you are safe. He knows, he knows. But he won’t let it go too far to the point it gets unhealthy.
Honestly, he wants to get angry. Hell, he should get angry! But all he can muster is hug you.  He is at the verge of crying when he does. He’s a sensitive man, these things affect him, and the fact that you are going through that when you don’t deserve it at all? Well, you bet your ass it upsets him.
It’s not professional of him, but he’ll admit he sometimes skips Liumang work to go check on you. Like Zhao, he might get a little paranoid about what happens to you when you are out of his sight. He might have hired Tsukumo and Sugiura (Yagami too, if he happens to be in Yokohama) to keep an eye on you; as far as he’s concerned, that’s money well spent. He wishes he could do more—he’ll suggest you run away and stay at his apartment in Restaurant Row. It’s deep enough in Liumang turf that it’s pretty much guarateed your abuser won’t chase after you, if they have half a brain.
His hugs are therapy in and of itself. Helps that he’s a cuddler and pretty much can’t sleep if he isn’t hugging you. Now that he knows what you’ve had to go through, he has all the more reason to do that. He can’t help the smile when he wakes up and sees that you are by his side and not back at that shitty home you grew up in.
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atlafan · 6 months
Jordan, ik you probably don’t want to have a whole conversation about this but I recently watched Drew Gooden’s video on the live action atla series (it just affirmed that I definitely don’t want to watch it lol) but it did inspire me to do a rewatch of the original and ughhhhhh it’s so incredible😭😭 all the little characterization details are SO rewarding and so good. Zuko’s small acts of kindness, even early on in book 1, just show that he’s always been Ursa’s son and help set up his arc for the rest of the show. Going after the captured Iroh instead of tracking the Gaang in Winter Solstice. Saving his crew in The Storm. It just shows you that at his core he believes in doing the right thing, and that’s a huge part of why his overall arc pays off so well. It’s the same with all of them—seeing Sokka put on his war paint and his battle regalia (in ep 2 or 3 I think) to confront Zuko in the village…it shows you that he takes such pride in the responsibility of being a leader and a warrior, especially in his dad’s absence. Yet when he gets to Kyoshi, we see the humbled side of him, and that he’s devoted to learning and respectful of the masters in their craft (whether it’s the Kyoshi warriors or Piandao or even the mechanist) and wants to learn what they have to teach him. Even Jet, who is always a very complicated character for me, is so compelling and so real. He’s suffered horribly and unfortunately has let that radicalize him. Tbh it reminds me of when anti war groups in the 60s would bomb places and things like that…the mission is “peace” but you’ve let your mission turn you into a violent radical who doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong anymore. I KNOW I don’t have to tell you lol but all the little details of this show, from design to writing to performances, are just incredibleeee and I’m so happy it exists.
GISICKAKAAK what a fun message to wake up to!
Yes I am simply pretending the new series doesn’t exist because I know it’ll just piss me off if I watch it. And I know myself well enough to know I am just not mature enough to separate the original from the new, so yeah I won’t be watching and I doubt I ever will. The one thing I am mature about is that I don’t “hate watch” things anymore lmao
I think this is why zuko is like my favorite character. I feel like he was the first character I was ever like “no, that’s actually my son” when I got older. He is so fucking complicated and so not at all what you think he’s going to be. He’s not just the antagonist, he’s Aang’s foil. They parallel each other in so many different ways. There’s a scene in book 3 where Aang literally says, “I need my honor back”, and it cross fades from one side of his face to the other side of zuko’s!!
All of the characters have incredible arcs. They all learn something about themselves, and they actually use that to grow and get better. Remember, these are literally children who were thrusted into adulthood, forced to grow up way too early. Katara is a nagging mother, but she also remembers how to be a kid and have fun and laugh. Sokka is a sexier idiot, but what teenage boy isn’t? He unlearns so much behavior, and even though he still feels like he’s the leader of the group, and in so many ways he is, he learns that it’s okay to let someone else take the lead, that he doesn’t always have to be right or in charge. Toph learns that she’s loveable for who she is, blindness and shoeless and a badass.
Aang and Zuko obviously have the most difficult arcs. Aang has to come to terms with the fact that he ran away, and a mass genocide of his people ensued. But if he hadn’t left, he would have died along with the rest of them. Like it or not, it was fate that he froze himself. And most avatars get told who they are at 16 and are given all the time in the world to learn the other elements. Aang was 12…and then had to learn the other elements in less than a year. I would argue that he didn’t necessarily master all the elements in that year. I think he learned enough about each to get by, and I’d like to think he took some time afterwards to really master them. He still relied on his air bending a lot. Whereas if we look at Korra, she did a lot of fire bending even though water was her natural element.
And my baby zuko…I could go on for days about him. My tortured emo son. He overcame so much. He cried, he learned to laugh again, he learned how to be young again. He hated being in the slums of ba sing se, but he also went on dates and got closer with his uncle like he never had been. He was such a sweet little boy. The storm always makes me cry. Zuko alone always makes me cry.
I could go on! I always wanna talk about avatar so never be afraid to come to my inbox about it!
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metal-mouse · 1 year
Yo I kinda feel like Ominis would act like Edward from Twilight at first if he found out MC was pregnant with his daughter. Like he'd be upset at the prospect of the child being a typical Gaunt but then totally fall in love with her and regret his behavior.
I can absolutely see this and this has the potential for S tier angst.
under a cut because I just started like rambling my speculations and also bc mentions of pregnancy and childbirth.
I'm not going to lie my brain immediately went to Ominis trying to bite the baby out of MC like Edward did with Bella but clearly that wouldn't be the issue (I hope?????)
The pregnancy announcement would come as a massive shock to Ominis, and I can really see him distancing himself from MC as a form of self-preservation and in his mind it's also protecting MC from himself and his bloodline. He really feels as though he's got tainted blood, and all of his family's bullshit will get passed on to his child. It brings back a lot of his childhood trauma, and he spends the first like 7 months of MC pregnancy having horrible nightmares of his past. He still loves MC, and he still treats her with respect and cares for her but he’s a lot more quiet and he seems to be keeping her at an arm’s length. They talk a lot about his family and his emotions, MC is trying to be as supportive as possible but Ominis is a stubborn bastard and also super cynical so the conversations kind of just go in circles.
MC is understandably devastated by his reaction and is depressed as hell. She's scared too, she's the one growing a whole ass human inside of her, and she does understand Ominis' reservations about passing down his gene-pool to a child, but she's adamant that they will be loving parents who teach their children empathy and respect. She reminds Ominis constantly that he is nothing like his family and there's no reason to expect their children to be any different than him.
Towards the end of the pregnancy though, Ominis feels the baby kicking one night, and he just kind of makes a surprised pikachu face. He talks to MC's belly sometimes at night when he thinks MC is sleeping - she's listening the whole time - and he basically just asks the child to treat MC with respect and to not hurt her too much and he confesses to the baby how scared he is about who they will be and he’s scared that his family will find them and feel entitled to the baby. Sometimes MC has to get up when he’s fallen asleep to go cry lol.
When MC finally delivers the baby, which tbh yeah it's gonna be a girl - Ominis is such girl dad material it's not even funny - he is so immediately whipped. From the first second he hears her cries, he would do anything for her. He realizes she’s a vulnerable tiny little thing that needs to be cared for, and gods be praised does he care for her. He's so sweet with his daughter, playing with her and reading to her and transfiguring things for her. He charms some gold butterflies to flutter over the crib.
Ominis and MC would wait until their baby was much more grown to let her know about Ominis' family - she'd rebel against it until she saw Merope and Morfin Gaunt one day in Little Hangleton while trying to find her father's family and just nopes right out of that one.
The baby would look like him. Eldest daughter looking like her dad trope af. His hair, his nose, but MC's smile. She would share a lot of personality traits with MC, except she's got Ominis' sarcastic humour and his penchant for transfiguration. Not interested much in combat, thinks DADA is cool but doesn't love it.
Anne would be the first person to meet the baby outside of MC's parents/siblings if they're involved in MC life. After Anne, it's Poppy and Natty, and then finally Sebastian comes and meets his niece (in this world they've all made up! thanks!).
Asdgjsoeifgjsdfgn now I'm just thinking about soft!Ominis being such a dad. Look at the rant you've put me on. This is going to be on my mind all day now. Thank you LOL
And then 16 years down the line the daughter goes fucking full evil can u imagine
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lvminae · 8 months
How about Alastor? :P
These answers aren't spoiler free!
My first impression:
It's so hard to say cause that was all the way back in 2019... as far I can recall, he was an immediate fave.
My impression now:
STILL VERY MUCH A FAVE, NOW WITH CONTEXT BEHIND IT. He was already really endearing to me with his sarcasm and clear hidden power (I love me a good villain), the design, etc. Seeing a bit more of his personality ('you don't have to fuck to be fab' from the VA trying to excuse this deer's fruity ass behavior in the episode 7 preview I love it), seeing what gets to him as a character, finding out that he's also got some pretty fucked up shit happening to him? I want to unravel this man like a ball of string.
Favorite thing about that character:
I can't choose one I love so much about him... TBH I think the potential of him might be it. With what we have been given I have so many thoughts and hopes about him. Whether canon lives up to expectations or blows me away, I'll have a lot of fun with him.
Least favorite thing:
If his trivia page is to believed, my man apparently has rancid dental hygiene. I choose to Ignore it.
Favorite line/scene:
So far it is tied between what we saw in the episode 7 preview and his reaction to Husk saying that he is on a leash. Love my man being so close to Losing It.
Favorite interaction that character has with another:
Calling Husk his pet. His little near sing song exclamation of that made my brain go a little rabid.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more:
All of them.... Husk and Niffty, or a focus on Husk. Husk seems to know quite a bit about Al and even (sometimes) has the balls to stand up to him. I want to see more of that.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character:
Snatcher. It doesn't help that Husk reminds me of Conductor and I dig a fan dynamic of Snatcher doing Soul Shenanigans with the Conductor.
A headcanon about that character:
He has a tail. I think that has been confirmed as not true but you can rip that tail from my cold dead hands.
A song that reminds of that character:
I haven't actually found any that remind me of him that aren't ABOUT him because the genres he likes are outside of my preferred listening range.
I'm gonna link the Time Warp though because I think the music at least is up his alley.
An unpopular opinion about that character:
I don't know what the popular or unpopular opinions are, cause I look for fanart/fan writing and avoid everything else like the plague... A lot of people seem to really be clinging to the idea of him being like a father to Charlie thanks to ep 5, and while it is cute and I wholeheartedly support the content and want more....
That whole debacle was NOT Alastor wanting to be seen as a father figure. It was 100% to get under Lucifer's skin since Luci just completely undermines him/his power (I also have theories about it that can not currently be confirmed so..) Dad!Alastor is great but that's just the Incorrect interpretation canonically speaking.
I still will happily enjoy the fancontent though.
Favorite picture:
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silviakundera · 8 months
Empresses in the Palace Ep 24
aha! Though I felt last ep was sloppy, satisfying in this one for the emperor to finally catch on that Hua Fei is having too much conversation with her brother. The point to where she knows about battle results at the same speed as the emperor and coordinating requests for reward? No bueno.
The minion going after ZH's dad is bad timing (for my gf) but that doesn't feel as overly convenient as last episode, because they set this up previously and we've been waiting for the general's faction to take action. But yeah lmao NOT a good idea right now to remind the emperor that you're getting recognized & bowed to like royalty.
But then... they keep winning battles. He can't kill them, right? There's a danger there but they're so useful! lololol now the emperor knows what it's like to be riding a tiger.
Man, as much as Ling Rong annoys me these days I hope no one poisoned her to destroy her voice. Celestial!! That's a crime against nature.
Ep 25
So they stole the idea for the plague cure from Physician Wen?? Fr fr I guessed that at first, because of a couple moments I thought were foreshadowing. But then when the good doctor himself didn't have a shocked or upset reaction, I put that aside. Ok!! Maybe it makes that episode a bit better now in my eyes, that there were subtleties
Hua Fei, "You've been flaunting your pregnancy as if it were a golden ingot. What a small minded woman!"
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LMAO when I saw that incense scene at Lady Fusca's I was envisioning 3 or 4 different players all trying to poison her at once and cancelling each other out. And then LR's maid!! hahahahaha no but really I bet at least 1 other person is trying to murder her as they speak.
Fusca gonna finally bring unity to the harem by being the most annoying.
Physician Wen, why even tell the girls about the plot to spread the plague? They can't do anything about it. Just a blow to morale.
no I can't get over this serial killer behavior asdfghjk poisioning Pine Nut the cat is craaaaaazy
oh nevermind, just scheming an "accidental" miscarriage lol.
I really thought LR had a sudden vicious urge to vent her rage by murdering small animals 😂😭
oh shit, Zhen Huan is 2 months pregnant and everybody knows? 🚨 🚨 🚨
just hunker down stay in the house for the next 7 months tbh
I really like the empress dowager's style 👌. She's sharp, just practical about the darkness of palace life and picks her battles. Killing an imperial heir is her bottom line and she KNOWS the empress had a hand in this and refuses to pretend.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
i really genuinely thought that Mikey would be the character i related the most. just watching everything fall apart around him and knowing that murder would solve these problems but that is not the Correct thing to do. art as escapism from all the horrible things around him but also to vent and make that frustration tangible. i was so on board with him being my favorite in your au. and then i saw the new comic. Leo reminded me so much of how i am when i’m upset. just the shut down of all emotions and just digging as deeply as possible to say the most hurtful things possible. i have control over it because i hated having to apologize afterwards but just the ability to know someone so well that you can hurt them like that. that moment of hesitation cuz she knows it’s bad but it feels good because it offers that power over someone else and that sense of strength and superiority. not helped at all by the fact that Splinter does it and he is a “good dad” so therefore the best adult for Leo to model his behavior after (not at all someone stop her). i did laugh at Mikey only being shocked that Leo knew that word, but i cannot articulate the dread i felt watching Leo say all that stuff to Donnie because how could anyone not just implode upon hearing that about themself. needless to say i am having a very normal time following this story 👍
wELL we've all said shit we regret. pushed a little too far just to hurt someone. and tbh I've spent a lot more time on Leo than anyone else. Probably cause y'all keep asking about her, but also cause she's a fun little ball of contradictions.
not helped at all by the fact that Splinter does it and he is a “good dad” so therefore the best adult for Leo to model his behavior after (not at all someone stop her).
naurrr literalllyyy. she feels bad for doing it, but she cant even tell if its actually bad because Splinter is her moral frame of reference!! good lawd.
and mikey was honestly just too stunned to say anything else hefghagmsdf.
how could anyone not just implode upon hearing that about themself.
:') whose to say he didn't try to implode?? my mans already suicidal lmao. actually wait it would be so funny (not really) if this preceded one of Donnie's suicide attempts. fucked up if true!
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yippieitsarvensart · 11 months
Sleep position/behavior headcanon jumpscare!!
Riddle: Always goes to sleep laying very straight and proper. Always wakes up off to the side and/or curled around a pillow or something
Trey: Doesn't matter how he sleeps, he snores like a dad either way
Ace: One leg off the bed at least
Deuce: NEVER any limbs off the bed, what if something gets him?? He thinks Ace is actually insane for letting his legs just dangle out in the cold
Ruggie: Sleeps better propped up/lounging than he does fully laying down
Azul: Fetal position 1000%, catch him small and compact and under a weighted blanket
Jade: Scary still, like makes you question if he's even breathing. Arms by his sides, pretty standard. I hc that he he's a very light sleeper and any movement near him will have his eyes wide open and he's just Looking at you with his signature Jade expression like he was awake the whole time???
Floyd: Bro is doing flips and shit, he goes to sleep with his head on the pillow and wakes up half at the end of the bed, half on the floor
Kalim: He always has a HUGE bed so he sleeps full on starfish
Vil: Sleepy beauty style, looks gorgeous and doesn't move much if at all
Rook: Naked and with a gun
Idia: Doesn't
Ortho: He goes into sleep mode and runs dream.exe in the background
Malleus: Another corpse pose sleeper, bro looks like he's ready to sit straight up out of a coffin
Silver: Gorgeously, bro is just so majestic he rivals Vil for prettiest sleeper
Sebek: Plank. Muscles locked. Ready to rise at a moments notice
Lilia: Upside-down like a bat or floating 2 inches above his mattress, no in between.
This is so random but akdbsjskdhhd enjoy
I REALLY DO GET JUM,PSCARED WHEN I SEE A NOTIF FOR MY INBOX 😭😭😭/g That's so embarrassing for me tbh
I love every single one of these... hc drops are my faviest ever... The DIFFERENCE between the twins always gets me. Silver n' Vil being the most beautiful sleepers is so cute too. Ruggie is just like me fr. I also think he wouldn't care for many blankets but he NEEDS those pillow stacks to really fall asleep (reminds him of huddling with his family on colder nights) Somem of These actually made me laugh so hard ?? ROOKS ONE GOT ME GOOD I FELT LIKE SOMEONE HAD JUST PUNCHED THE AIR OUTAA MY LIUNGS WHEN I READ IT But you... You missed Cater, Jamil, Epel, Leona and Jack... /lh
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
Tumblr media
i have a big ol' headache but i feel like talking about kaiya so :' ) i'm gonna power through for a minute to write a lil bullet point hc post!
it's very hard to have a properly " awkward " moment with kaiya bc she's so? go with the flow, i suppose! it isn't easy to fluster her with accidents like brushing hands, spilling tea on her, etc. she'll easily laugh it off, link your hands together, and generally take the interaction with a grain of salt. most people mean well, so she can't be rubbed the wrong way unintentionally, and she's much too friendly to take most interactions the wrong way.
even in a situation in which someone's being rude to her purposely, kaiya has no problem remaining polite and all smiles asdf that kind of behavior means they want a reaction, so she just won't give it to them!
but be mean to her pals?? be rude to them?? kaiya will 100% say something and it'll feel like being scolded by your mom probably
i'm thinking of reworking kaiya's background a lil bc i don't really imagine her as a farmer like i can with satsuki and hyouka. i think it's more likely her father was a smithy and/or carpenter ( the man might've been a jack of all trades tbh ) and her mother maybe worked with herbs to produce medicines and teas and whatnot for their village. it makes more sense to me.
something i keep returning to with kaiya is scars. she sort of romanticizes them, i guess? but it isn't that she finds them attractive or unattractive -- she likes them bc they represent memories, maybe even people that were helped or saved. she likes the reasons and stories behind scars, and she'll gladly show you all of hers and tell you all about how she got them!
also!! kaiya loves her own scars very much bc they're proof that she did have a life before being a demon. she had a childhood that was full of love and laughter, and she'll never forget those memories again if she can help it. if you see her lost in thought and looking at one of her scars, it's usually bc she's thinking about the memory behind it.
i said this before, but a reminder: kaiya's got a scar on her forehead, and her dad cut her bangs in an attempt to hide it. she ended up liking her bangs enough to keep them, but she doesn't feel self conscious about the scar itself one bit
honestly kaiya has so much self confidence and i love that about her :' ) which is also so unexpected bc she kinda?? thinks she's the worst if you let her think about her past for a smidge too long asdfg
thanks for listening to me ramble about my sweet lil lady <3
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Hi, this is the recent anon with the racist, sexist etc mom.
Tw emotional abuse, suicidal ideation
I need some tips: not only me but also my partner are living with my mom at the moment and my partner can bear my mom much worse than I do. He's always soo close to replying to her racism etc or, for example, we decide to cook something and she will be inspired to cook too (at the same time) and just take our pots with boiling water and put her stuff in etc. My partner is very sensitive with that because he loves cooking, his parents are cooks as a job. And while I have.... Repressed all emotions, when I am around her, and just leave the pots to her and cook a bit later, he always gets very angry (understandable but not helpful). We usually cook separately because my mom usually eats meat with meat and occasionally a bit rice at the side, and we are vegans.
And my moms racist talk.. That's harder for me to bear than the usual bs she talks, but he sometimes has to leave the room so he won't say anything. And I am very afraid this won't work out much longer.
And my mom seems to be pissed of him too. I mean, she's generally more pissed since her diagnosis etc understandable but tbh I can't feel any sympathy for her and can't bear her much. I have one of my recurring (and re-leaving so don't worry, I don't worry either) suicidal phases so yeah. Idk which breeded which but I try to be away from her as much as possible.
She's been more abusive again. It became less as I grew older (and knew and followed the rules) and when my partner moved it, it almost stopped (don't embarrass yourself in front of strangers, right?). But it started again. Don't need to get into details, it isn't as verbal as before but very passive aggressive. She's also very restless so she always finds a reason to be mad at me.
She always asks me stuff about my partner or tells me something I shall tell him. Like, last weekend he was cooking for us and she was behind him with her cooking stuff (ready to steal his pots) and he wanted to clean the hotplate but since she was behind him, he just brushed the dirt into his hand and threw it away. And on monday, my mom gave me her most aggressive cleanser since "we obviously never clean the plate properly. She saw, how my partner did it so now she's disgusted" (since she can't imagine, this was an hurry-exception). Which is so hurtful because I clean the kitchen daily to give her less reasons to yell but ok.
Like, this is a sidestory but she always thinks shitty of me. I remember one random day, I came home from school, walked the dog (as usually), came home again and short time later, she came home from work and immediately yelled at me because she was certain, that I didn't walk the dog that afternoon. She had no reasons, nothing was different, she was... sensing it? Idk she has such days on which she accuses me randomly and wrongly. And it shows me that overall, she believes I am a bad person, who wouldn't do anything good or properly, if I wasn't watched.
And her... arrogant behavior. "Yeah, you'll now clean the kitchen properly! I already put the cleaner-bottle on the hotplate." ohh, too gracious. Try not to overwork yourself. It's also never a question but a command.
I am getting a bit drawn away but I feel like I need this.
And after I cleaned she told me, how wrongly my partner "cleans" the kitchen but "Oh, I just wasn't in the mood to argue, so I just thought, I'll tell you and you can tell him".
This really reminds me of the time after my parents seperated. They didn't talk but still wanted to insult one another so I had to deliver the messages "Mom said, you should pay child support!" "Dad said you should get a fucking job" etc. And I hated it as a kid and refused at some point but... Me and my partner need this home atm. So I have to keep the peace. Which is hard work.
She is also always so... into things that aren't hers. My partner has skin issues and got a creme from his doctor recently to use after shower and he forgot it the first time. And my mom saw the still closed bottle and was like "Didn't he use the creme yesterday, after he showered? Oh he's so unreliable!!" or, he needed to talk to his doc so he wrote him an email but got a number wrong from his medical insurance id and the doc said, "sorry, there's something wrong and I can't help you until you give me the right number". And my mom somehow knew about the doc issue (it was a sole bureaucratic issue, no health thing, nothing urgent) and randomly one day said "what did the doc say?" and I didn't think quick enough so I made the mistake to be honest and said "He got a number mixed up and needed to write to the doc again". And my mom was sighing so loud, for like 5 minutes straight, how my partner can't do anything right. It's not your problem!! It's actually nobodies problem since it is no problem!!
So yeah, situation is... tense. And I fear it won't calm down easily. And.. it kinda is my job to hold the peace? Like, my partner doesn't has the capability and experience I have with my mom and I don't want him to have to do this. And my mom doesn't have the emotional maturity and self reflection. And me... atm has no energy and a deathwish so... Yeah.
No seriously, how can I calm everyone down? All those situations, those teensy things that destroy the peace, happen daily. There is no day without it. I tried to calm it down by doing everything perfectly and being there for my mom (also as a conversation partner) whenever she needed one. But.. omg I can't bear her existence at the moment so... I am so afraid it will explode. My partner just has to make one comment about her racist behavior or that she should stop stealing his pots and she would kick us out.
I really need tips to keep the peace until we find an appartment. And maybe tips to overcome myself and spent more time with her.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this. You don't deserve to put up with this.
It can be very difficult knowing how to handle being around an abusive person. Transparency and honest conversations would usually work, but these conversations typically go in one ear and out the other for abusers. But you may not exactly be able to simply ignore your abuser either, because they may demonize you for it and escalate things. Unfortunately there is no clear answer.
However, there is information about how to respond to things such as verbal abuse. Some of the main things are to maintain your boundaries such as how you are spoken to, remaining neutral in your tone and body language, walking away or leaving if needed, as well as looking into therapy, and maintaining contact with friends and family.
Ultimately please know that your mother's behavior is not your responsibility to quell. It's her own responsibility to behave herself and be mindful of how her behavior affects others, instead of putting the responsibility on you to tell her what's not okay.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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silkiemae · 7 months
The Serpents and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent
There will be spoilers in this review.>
The Serpent and the Wings of Night was far more enjoyable than I expected it to be. It’s advertised as being like From Blood and Ash and A Court of Thorns and Roses, but I was honestly reminded more of the first Underworld movie. At the very beginning of the book, the vampire king Vincent finds a little girl called Oraya in a burning building and decides to adopt her and raise her as his own daughter in a world full of vampires. Much like Viktor and Selene in Underworld. I thought the dynamic between Vincent and Oraya was interesting and well done. I felt really bad for Oraya that she couldn’t see the way Vincent was manipulating her and I’m still wondering if his feelings for her were ever genuine. I want to believe that they were because there were moments where he seemed to truly care for Oraya but abusive relationships like that are always complicated and I feel like Carissa Broadbent did a good job capturing that. I almost wish there was more of it though so that I could have a clearer picture of their relationship. But I do think that based on Oraya’s behavior and defensiveness in Vincent’s favor do a good job conveying what’s left unwritten. 
When it comes to the White Pantheon that make up the gods in this series, I almost wish there was like an Odyssey-type retelling of Nyaxia’s story and that it was at the very beginning of the book. While bits of her story is revealed throughout the story, I always found myself confused regardless and wished that there was better exposition at the beginning of the book. I’d love to read a whole book on the White Pantheon alone tbh, I’m very curious. 
I liked the slow-burn relationship between Oraya and Raihn a lot. I found myself really rooting for them to get together even though I knew it would be idiotic of Oraya to let herself get attached to him when she’d have to kill him. More than anything, I am just so glad that the sex scene didn’t make me cringe out of my skin. Plated Prisoner is probably my favorite dark romance series at this point, but the sex scenes were the most uncomfortable things ever to me. But shockingly, I didn’t feel that way at all here. So, THANK YOU CARISSA. 
I loved reading Oraya kick everyone’s ass. I love that she gets her ass kicked constantly but never gives up. Like that girl gets her shit wrecked throughout this book but gives as good as she gets. 
Now for the things that I didn’t like. As fun as I found reading about Oraya competing in the vampire competition, it was sort of ridiculous that she was allowed to compete at all. Everyone believes her to be human and while at the end of the book it’s revealed she’s half-vampire, nobody but Vincent even knew that. Maybe Nyaxia realized when she made her blood vow, idk. What about the defanging vampire children because the parents don’t want them to rise up and seize power until they’re ready? Do their fangs grow back? Ibrihim was hobbled and it seems like his leg never heals. I thought vampires could heal if they drank enough blood? Why is Oraya allowed to leave the Moon Palace to meet her dad and get special poisoned weapons? If the Moon Palace is supposed to provide for its contestants why doesn’t it provide these weapons for her? Why doesn’t it provide medication when she’s injured? Why are contestants allowed to request to leave when they’re too badly injured? It feels like the rules consistently change and while that’s acknowledged in text, a lot of it doesn’t make sense imo. At one point we’re told only one person can win the Kejari then we’re told that sometimes two people survive it yet, Oraya had to kill Raihn anyway? 
I feel like the world building could've been way better as well. The Bloodborn vampire curse is confusing, the difference in each vampire house wasn't explained well enough at the beginning of the book so I was confused by all the vampires and why they hated each other. I was confused if there were other continents beside vampire world. Idk there were things that could've been described better. 
And the only other thing that made me kind of mad was the bullshit Raihn does at the end. I understand why he does it, and It’ll definitely make for a very interesting hill to climb in book 2 but oh my god I’m so mad at him but I also still really ship him with Oraya. 3.5 stars.
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south-park-meta · 1 year
So I watched Ladybird and Ladybird's relationship with her mom, Marion. kinda reminds me of Stan's and Randy's (based on your analysis), and it makes me wonder.
If Stan wasn't Randy's son, would Randy actually like him as a person?.
I haven't seen that movie so I can't draw any comparisons sorry lol
So I think it kind of has to be framed as in an AU where they're both adults, or at least both the same age, because even if there was a swapped-at-birth switcheroo, there's a limited amount that anyone 'likes' their neighbors kids anyway.
And from there this is a little tough because the only time we saw Stan and Randy interacting as adults was in Post Covid where Stan did something that made him explicitly unlikable to Randy, even if the audience largely was sympathetic to him.
But for the most part if they were in a like, 'in the wild' setting, just two Random Adults who went to the bar or something, I think it's tbh more likely that Stan would dislike Randy than the other way around. The times that Randy seems to dislike Stan is when Stan is doing something that specifically gets in the way of Randy's goals. He's mean to Stan about the farm. He's mean to Stan about breaking him out of jail. He's mean about Spring Break. Etc. This is something that I feel uniquely only has the opportunity to come up because Randy and Stan have that built-in close relationship of being father and son FOR Stan to get in his way at all.
Randy is both more selfish and more childish than Stan is-- even in the cases where Stan being selfish and childish can be assumed as not being because he's literally a kid, this is the case. These are the cases where Stan 'gets in Randy's way' and is annoying or unlikable to Randy. Outside of this, when Stan is in his 'no, Randy's my dad and I love him' mode, blindly defending Randy to his friends, Randy seems to legitimately like and get along with Stan in addition to loving him. When Stan goes against him, he still loves Stan (presumably. I personally don't like the throwaway gags about Randy not ACTUALLY loving his family) even if he doesn't like him in the moment.
Without the relationship of father and son, I don't think Randy would have reason to LOVE Stan but would have reason enough to LIKE him, because they have the similarities of personality without the differences that make Stan get in his way.
I think if they were just drinking buddies, Stan would be far, far more likely to find Randy outright unlikable than the reverse. A lot of his defenses of Randy are because they have the father-son bond rather than one of a friend or stranger; friends, strangers, and even other loved ones are much more critical of Randy's behavior.
So...I think Randy would like Stan fine, but Stan wouldn't like Randy.
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pao-pao-pao · 2 years
So why do you draw Sora so much? Is it just cause he's your favorite?
thats a very good question
i draw sora alot not only because he's my favorite but he's been the very person that has made me happy for a very long time. my parents played kh alot when i was a baby so seeing sora for the first time was one of my earliest and fondest memories. as i started growing up to like 3 to 5 years old, i began to develop this admiration in sora and i began to draw everywhere, in books, on walls, in my mom's notebook. i do vividly remember asking my dad to draw me a picture of sora, which he did and it made me want to start drawing more. fast forward to 2009, i got kh2, my first ever kh game as a gift from my auntie since she was the one who introduced it to my parents. i have absolutely fallen in love with sora at that point, nothing made me happier than coming home from elementary school and booting up the ps2. tbh when playing it for the first time, i only played to see sora but kh is a legimately fun game so it made it even better to see sora but also get some exciting gameplay and a good story too. my love for kh grew as the days went on but during a specific part of my life, the years of 2015 and 2016, i would experience a very hectic family situation that still has a impact on my life present day. during those times, i drew less and less but indulging in sora and kh helped me the most, it was my method of escapism from the reality i was living so it brought sora alot more closer to my heart than he already was. this was also during a time i was becoming a teenager and leaving middle school so not only was i dealing with family issues, but i also was dealing with school and changes in my body as well. all of it was so tiring but sora always made me forget about it all... temporarily, but it helped me. the problems persisted as i got older but became less frequent for me since i was then moved into a brand new home away from the toxicity during late october of 2016. then came the new year of 2017, which i think was around the time i made this tumblr. i was still a bit shaken from the past year but i did start drawing regularly again. i also started a new account on the kh amino since i only used my old account 1 or 2 times before. i dont talk about it alot here but before i started posting art here and on twitter, i got my start on amino. my old art can be found there and i think you can find some here too if you scroll down far enough. i drew all sorts of things but from what i saw, people liked it the most when i draw sora which i was totally fine with bc well, he's my favorite thing to draw ever. many artists i looked at and the people i hung out with on social media influenced my art behaviors alot, and still kinda do today, which also serves as a reason why some of my soras don't look the same. im gonna stop there bc there's a whole lot of stuff i could go on about but i wont bore u anymore lol, im very sorry for giving u my entire life story but i felt like u really needed to know why i draw him so much😭😭😭
basically i draw sora bc i love him for who he is but he also brings me comfort and reminds me of happier days. he is that one piece of my past that i don't think i ever want to let go of.
tldr; i draw what makes me happy and sora is what makes me happy as a kid and still is what makes me happy present day
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tahdashi · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
Hope you’re having a splendid day sayu!
ooh i saw a couple of my moots do this !! i'll do the ones i talk to the most bc it's easier for me mwah (i genuinely think i bother them on a daily basis, and if not daily, more than i should)
this is in no particular order !!! self-ship moment 🤕
@rindouphiliac [#yuris] ris (my bf yeah) is so precious to me <3 they're the main reason i started writing and i look up to them sm !!! and and and i love talking to them about anything and they don't mind when i rant so mwah extra points <333 i think we're really cute together and would do anything to be w them rn (don't tell rindou)
@skniven [#shoyu] shona's my gf :0 pls she's so precious and pretty and angelic and i love her with my whole heart <3 we already picked out our wedding song and everything. and i like when she calls me pet names bc i get flustered v easily
@sourstars [#sandora] pandora is literally my other half. my scary dog privilege. she's so creative and funny and can tolerate my ranting (which is a lil too often sorry bby) and i love hearing her stories, too. i think we'd get along really well if we knew each other irl bc we seem like such opposites !! AND she's such a good writer i'm always in awe when she shows me what she's working on :0
@atsumiye [#riyu] riya (aka owner of dad!hq) is who i wanna be when i'm her age. she's smart and funny and so so talented !! i love everything she writes and we're getting merch made for each other bc we're each others' biggest fans. ALSO i'm blaming riya for my baby fever.
@sugamintchocochip [#saia] maia my beloved <3 he's literally so precious bc he sends me sunset pics all the time :,) i love it sm and !!! maia always checks up on me and is so so sweet :( truly one of the kindest people i've met on here mwah
@bokutoism [#saryu] ryu my pretty baby !! ryu's the sweetest angel ever lemme tell you guys. every time they message me or pop up in my inbox i smile. wow their power !! and i have the urge to hold ryu's hand 24/7. kidding not really. also their works. oh my god. literally drooling at my screen every time i go through their masterlist.
@mysterystarz [#novyu] nova and i are a lot alike i think!! we both <3 keiji and suffer through school :,) (although i'm sure she's doing far better than i am) she's so sweet and intelligent and HARDWORKING !!! talking to her is like a breath of fresh air :,) and she reminds me so much of my high school self <33 i love her
@tetsuphobia [#hanyu] hannah's my wife. we had a halloween wedding we're getting married again in the winter bc i wanna kiss under the mistletoe !!! ok but fr hannah's so precious to me bc i remember freaking out when we became moots bc she's so TALENTED. and funny. and pretty. and sweet. and i love her. and and and omg she's so comforting i literally have a mental breakdown every day and i think of her sweet words all the time. also, she makes me soup <33 best roommate ever
@yutari [#savyu] sav's gonna be my first kiss i'm in love w her and she's also the best roommate ever <3 i also think i freaked out when we became moots bc hello. TALENT. and she's really pretty and caring and loving <33 i like when she tells me about iwa and ball they're so cute. and omg whenever i talk to sav she's so sweet i wanna cry i feel so loved </3 can't wait to give her a lil smooch !!!
@melsun [#melayu] mel's my angel omg he's so fun to talk to and i love hearing about his cute moments w mystery girl hehe pls i can't help but think of atsumu n sakusa when i think of mel. ALSO i love when mel checks up on me and pops up in my inbox he does a good job of making sure i feel loved <333 conversations with mel are always fun and he's so so so talented !! melsun supremacy tbh.
@titsuya [#yusar] sar is so sweet i love talking to her so much. our friendship is an example of how fan behavior works sometimes /j 😌 i was her #1 fan before i started writing and look at me now <3333 still her #1 fan. actually i was so scared to talk to her when we became moots bc i was like :000 intimidated but she's the sweetest ever and so relatable. (we're both hot, vegetarians, college students, and poc. the sexiest combo).
@fsrintaro [#honyu] HONEY my beloved <33 she's so cute and hot and i love her. she gives off the best vibes ever and we bond over tig biddies <333 as we should tbh. omg once she woke me up with the cutest message and i fell in love all over again. i'd do anything for my honey and i really hope i can study abroad so i can meet her and take her out on a nice date >:) she deserves it !!! smooches
@kiyelle [#isayu] ISABELLE my wifey !!! one of the first moots i started talking to. she's so SWEET and pretty i'm completely head over heels for her. not only is she incredibly talented, she's also so hardworking, smart, and angelic. (i think i always use the word angelic to describe her bc there's no other word !!! she's truly an angel !!) every interaction i have with her makes me feel so warm n happy and i'm so glad i started talking to her. i'd do anything for her i'm gonna fly to france rn just to give her a lil smooch.
@faetarou [#faeyu] fae my pretty bby. i love talking to fae and interacting w her. and she has such good hcs. pls. i think about them all the time. AND she's the most thoughtful person ever how can someone be that sweet and caring and loving??? she once passed on a note from keiji and i wanted to sob it was so cute i'll never get over it.
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