#that could see down to the cafe. we think we made eye contact with her once or twice by accident. we're still not sure if she saw us
boydepartment · 11 months
three strikes - nishimura riki x fem! reader
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a/n: HIIIIII this was a request from my 🧈 anon :3 i hope you love it my dear
warnings- jealousy! nothing insane tho, mostly fluff 😋 i added a small inside joke that riki would call ricky from zb1 “discount ricky” all jokes tho (pls don’t kill me)
wc- honestly over 750
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“here.” you looked over to riki setting your drink down on the table, you looked up at him and smiled as he sat down across from you at the cafe table.
“did you-“
“ask for extra peppermint? yes. even though it’s gross..” riki mumbled, you giggled and sipped your hot coco. it was freezing cold at least to you and so the coco helped a lot.
“when is your project partner arriving?” riki mumbled, sipping his coffee.
you shrugged, “any minute.” setting your coco down riki watched you, he wasn’t necessarily happy over this whole project partner thing. riki knew your project partner, and safe to say he was just irritated by his presence. he didn’t know why, but he was just irked.
so when the OTHER ricky walked in, he just waved and watched as the other boy sat next to you.
“hey y/n!” he smiled, you grinned back at him.
“hey! it’s cold outside are you sure you’re bundled up enough?” you asked, grabbing your books. riki just decided to go on his phone to pass time.
“yeah! it’s crazy how quickly the weather changed huh? are you warm enough?”
you and ricky made small talk which didn’t bother your best friend. that was until one sentence.
“your hands are freezing y/n!”
riki’s eyes shot up to see the discount ricky’s hands on yours. if stares could kill a man, discount ricky would be six feet under.
“oh! yeah that’s why riki, well, my riki got me hot coco.” you let go of his hand and turned to your hot beverage.
nishimura riki would be lying if he said some pride didn’t bubble up inside him, which didn’t go unnoticed by the boy sitting next to you.
riki didn’t take notice and he went back on his phone, he just wanted your project to be over so he could walk back to the car with you and just be away from people. by people he meant discount ricky. this was strike one for his patience.
“i think we should work more on the details of the piece of art itself. like things that normal people look past in monet’s art. there’s a story everywhere.” you suggested, this art project was pretty big for your grade. and you were just relieved that your project partner agreed to do monet.
“that’s such a good idea y/n.” ricky smiled.
oh please riki thought to himself, at that point discount ricky should just get on his hands and knees and beg for your attention. that’d be way less embarrassing than kissing your ass at every little- wait what the hell
to riki’s horror, discount ricky, was readjusting your beanie so your hair didn’t get in your face. this pissed him off, strike two of his patience gone. riki was the one who spent HOURS trying to crochet you that beanie last year and now he’s going to have to make you another one because discount ricky’s grimy hands touched it! riki felt his eye twitch, he ended up making eye contact with the boy next to you. a smirk ghosting his features.
riki wanted to kick his shin under the table or maybe throw his hot coffee-
“i think we should also choose one of monet’s less known works aswe- oh ouch…” you mumbled rubbing your hands, whenever you wrote or sketched too long your hands would hurt. riki always took notice of this so he looked up proper hand massages- safe to say he could be certified- WHAT THE SHIT?
discount ricky grabbed your hands and started massaging them.
strike three
“can you get your hands off her?!” riki finally snapped, “god at this point it’s revolting! i’m right in front of both of you!”
your eyes widened as you watched you best friend actually lose his temper, yeah you’d seen him bicker but this was different.
“what are you two dating?” ricky asked, if you were in a tv show you’d see the angry lightening bolt hit both of them. this was not good, you quickly packed your bags and grabbed your best friend. apologizing to your project partner.
“what’s his fucking problem?!” riki stomped through the fresh snow to your car.
“what’s his problem?! what’s your problem? what the hell was that?! are you okay?!” you had a million questions. and they were flying out.
“i- what- how is this my fault!? he had his grimy discount ricky hands all over you! only i’m allowed to do that as your best friend!”
it was really hard to take him seriously as you finally got to the car laughing. you leaned against the hood trying to catch your breath.
“y/n this isn’t funny!” he stood right next to you.
you finally caught your breath, “i’m sorry where did the nickname discount ricky come from?”
“well obviously i’m the better one way more deserving of, um hello, touching your hair, massaging your hands because im youtube certified, AND THE COLD HANDS THING?! he was flirting with you shamelessly in front of me!” riki swung his arms around like a crazy person trying to explain that the end was near.
your hat fell slightly as you laughed again which riki fixed gently before speaking again, “then he’d smirk at me like he knew he was getting on my nerves! like that discount version of ME KNEW HE WAS MAKING ME ANGRY!”
“should i take my hat off and give you sanitizer? since you touched my discount ricky infected beanie?” you asked, unlocking the car and throwing your backpack in the back. you turned around and bumped into riki.
“actually yeah take off that hat. i will sanitize it and crochet you a new one.” riki grabbed the hat off your head and gave you his own beanie.
“should i sanitize my hands too?” you asked giggling, going to open your door but slipping on black ice.
riki immediately caught you, “um guess who couldn’t catch you- discount ricky. i’m clearly better for you so.”
you started laughing again, hitting his chest playfully, “you’re acting like a jealous boyfriend.”
“is that a bad thing?” riki asked quickly, suddenly unsure of himself.
you shook your head no, “it’s cute.”
riki smiled down at you; it was obvious he was at least a little smug.
“you know what he didn’t contaminate?” you asked, still giggling, your eyes flickered from riki’s eyes to his lips. immediately he got the hint and took his chance.
discount ricky is out and nishimura riki hit a home run
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mystellenia · 7 months
romantic tension with abby
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summary: in the warm glow of abby's bedroom, after a day of shared hobbies, you contemplate your deepening feelings for her and hope that perhaps she feels the same
content: friends (to lovers???), sfw, literally nothing else
notes: wrote a part two :p i need to write more fluff bc there is such a shortage AND especially with abby. this is like so domestic like in the way that there's no extra interactions. like this is literally how me and a friend would act after a day of painting!! just sleepy and tired zzzzz
(wc 0.7k)
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the setting sun cast an orange glow on abby's bedroom where the two of you lay on her floor, bathing in the heat radiating from her large window. you'd just finished painting birdhouses for the married pair of sparrows that frequented the birdseed abby had set out. they would dance around each other and sing their chirpy harmonies and then take turns pecking at the various seeds from the feeder, so abby thought it necessary to handmake them houses in her shop. 
this was one of your many duet activities of abby's "grandma hobbies," as you called them. you two had fed the ducks down at the lake, gone through an entire coloring book, built lego sets, and done nearly a dozen puzzles—one of which was glued and framed in abby's kitchen. 
you guys spent every free moment of time together, and counted down the time until you could when one was busy. you were the closest of friends, but lately you found yourself wanting more—or at least thinking about how it would be if you were more. coming home to each other instead of making the fifteen-minute drive any time you wanted to see her. being able to actually tell her when she looked so pretty it made you hold your breath instead of chewing on your lip. 
she shifted next to you, bending her legs at the knees and pulling you out of your thoughts. "i should probably wash the brushes before the paint dries on them, right?" 
you almost tell her she shouldn't so that you could lay with her a little while longer, but you give in. "yeah, you should." 
she sits up to stand, grunting as she lifts her body weight and moving to the crafting cloth where your birdhouses currently sat drying. you sat up and leaned against the foot of her bed, watching as she so delicately readjusts the cloth so that it doesn't smudge your paint job. 
scrubbing your hands down your face, you push up off the bed and move to grab a sweatshirt of hers to change into, taking your paint-covered tank off and slipping the sweatshirt over your head. it sat baggy on your body with her being bigger than you are just about everywhere, and you threw the hood over your head and dropped onto the right side of her bed. 
she returns with her hands patting on her sweats to dry them off. seeing you in the bed, she comes to sit next to you, with you on your back and her laying on her side to face you. 
"you wanna just stay the night?" she says, her voice lifting at the end as if it were a question and not a declaration. "it's too late to go home alone." 
"yeah, i think i will," you respond. you remember the origami book she bought at the farmer's market last saturday. "only if we make paper cranes until our fingers bleed from paper cuts tomorrow," you grin, turning to look at her and see she's already looking back at you. 
"okay. i have lots of band-aids," she jokes. 
you chuckle, and the two of you fall into a comfortable silence, sheepishly smiling at the other while holding eye contact. 
"can we also get those berry pastries from the cafe? and make those butterflies we saw on pinterest?" you ask, your cheeks still kissing your eyes. 
"yeah, i'll wake up early to get them for breakfast," she nods. "and i only got that book so we can make things together—we can make whatever you want." 
in place of a response, you slip your fingers between hers and tightly squeeze her hand, ignoring your frustration with the uncertainty of her feelings for you. 
the tip of her nose pinks a bit before she opens her mouth. "good night. we need brain power for making cranes." 
you turn onto your side as well to face her, your noses nearly touching. "good night, abby," you grin, high on the feel of her skin on yours and the way she's looking at you.  
you fall asleep with a smile on your face because your close friend, abby, may just like you, too. 
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@picklesarenice69 @abbyandersonsrightbuttcheek
yayyy i’m back :3
click here!! oh and here too!! ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
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sinfulpanda16 · 8 months
Forget Him Sweetheart
Gojo Saturo x fem reader
Synopsis: You were just cheated on by your shit ex and go seek comfort from your friend Gojo, but one thing leads to another and soon you receive a huge comfort
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You open the door to your apartment and head inside. So many things going on in your head and all of it gave you the biggest migraine. You close the door behind you and set your keys on the little table beside you. You stand there for a second and then your tears start to fall. You were able to hold them back when you saw your boyfriend cheating on you, on the drive home, and on the way up to your apartment. You wanted to be that woman you've always seeked to be. The one that would throw away her man like trash when he was caught cheating and not even be phased about it, but you couldn't hold them back. It only hurt your head more.
You walk to your bedroom and wrap yourself under the covers. This pain was immense, it hurt so much anyone could hear it in your cry. You grab one of your stuffed animals and cry into them trying to avoid being too loud. You never thought of yourself as cheatable but right now that's all you're calling yourself. Someone who can be cheated on easily. That night you fall asleep crying thinking that the last thing you thought of was yourself as unlovable but really the last thought in your head before you fell asleep was the thought of him, Gojo Saturo.
The next day you were working at your job. A cafe where a regular would visit. All the baristas fawned over him and honestly you did too. How could you not he was so tall and charming and not to sound full of yourself, he had a thing for you. Always calling you by pet names, sweet thing and sweetheart, he made you feel beautiful. Your friend had a way with women and you've always told him his future wife would be the luckiest girl on earth.
Speak of the devil, a tall white-head enters the cafe and immediately makes eye contact with you. He smirks and goes to sit at a table by the window. You go and stand next to him, "Hello ready for your order?"
Gojo looks up at you with an eyebrow raised, "What's wrong sweetheart. No 'Good Sir' today?" You have gotten close to him to the point where you'd call him Sir or Mr as a joke. Your guys relationship had a little bit of teasing in it but thats all it was you never thought more of it.
You gave a weak smile. "Oh sorry, I've just been," a flashback of your boyfriend kissing another womans neck came to your head. You heart pound against your chest and you subconsciously clutched the fabric of your uniform above your heart. You sighed, "I just been under the weather lately." You tried of thinking about anything else that would stop the tears from falling.
Gojo did not like the view in front of him. Why was sweet thing crying? He could tell that something was wrong but he knew he shouldn't push you here of all places. He could also tell that you were trying to hide it and probably felt embarrassed.
He chuckles softly, "Well then, I have my order ready."
You look at him and get ready to write down his order in your little notepad. He looks at you, "The whole menu. Cuz it's me-n-u." You're stunned but you laugh anyway. Gojo smirks, there we go that's better. Seeing that smile on your face just looks right.
You shove his shoulder playfully, "You wierdo."
He chuckles, "Ok for real though, can I get the espresso with..." he looks back at the menu for a bit but then turns to you "What are your favorite cookies from here?"
You smile at him, "I like (f/c). They're amazing Gojo! You should try them."
He puts his menu down, "Alright then sweetheart I'll have two (f/c) please."
You write down his order in your little notepad and giggle, "Alright then we'll have your order ready for you in no time."
He leans back in his chair "I'll be waiting. Don't take too long." he says giving you a wink. You blush and turn around to make his coffee all while Gojo stares at you in your cute uniform.
Gojo is smooth as hell. He didn't take his eyes of you. Anytime you were gonna look at his direction he'd already turn away to avoid your gaze. His strong instincts just knew that something was wrong. While you were making his coffee you looked a bit too sad when usually you would be smiling and he'd get to enjoy watching you be cute. Whatever happened to make you this depressed made him want to fight your problems for you. He would fight for you but you two established from the start that you guys would just be friends and so he knew it was not his place to go fending for you. That was your boyfriends' job.
After a while he finishes his drink and was on his last cookie. He grabs the last one and takes a bite of it. Why are you so cute? Even your favorite cookies were cute like you. He gets up and heads towards you where you were cleaning one of the tables. He acts dramatic when he says "MMM! These are good. I was expecting you to have terrible taste." he teases.
"Tch you're the one with terrible taste. Don't go rubbing it off on me." you tease back. By now the cafe has gotten filled with customers so you go back cleaning the table you were cleaning. You wish you could've just stayed home and take the day off. After what happened last night you honestly didn't have the will to work today. But if you didn't than you never were gonna become that strong woman who doesn't cry over a man.
"Sweet thing." Gojo calls for you softly interrupting your thoughts.
You look up at him. Although his eyes are covered with a blindfold, you can still read his facial expression. He had a soft look on him like if he was worried for you. You stare at his facial features and then he holds out the last piece of his (f/c) for you to eat. You stood there frozen for a sec. The rest of the cafe disappeared and right now it was just you and him. Then after a while you open your mouth and go to eat the cookie he has in his hand for you. You were careful to not put your lips on his fingers, but you accidentally did, and you didn't move back. You loved his taste and frankly he loved the feeling your pretty lips touching his fingers. You slowly pull away and chew on the cookie and then looked up at him.
He's looking down at you and then he rests the palm of his hand on your cheek. "Listen darling, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. I'm here to listen and comfort you. Ok?" he says waiting for a response.
In a quiet voice you say "Ok" and he smiles softly at you. Without another word he turns around and leaves. You stood there for a bit watching him leave.
For the rest of your shift, you didn't stop thinking about him. Truth is you did need someone to talk to and you also just wanted to see and be with him. So when you got of work instead of going home you went to his place. You're not sure why but you get the feeling that soon after your gonna forget all about these thrash feelings right now.
Finally you arrive and you go up to his door. You ring the doorbell to his huge house and after a while he opens the door. "Oh sweet thing! What are you doing here?" he asks leaning towards you.
You respond shyly "You said I can talk to you when I need someone. Gojo I need someone." Gojo shocked allows you inside and he brings you to his living room. He was being so sweet the entire time. You've never seen this side of him and you've never had anyone be that kind to you. Not even your own boyfriend. Your boyfriend cheating came back to mind.
You stop walking and Gojo turns around and goes to you a bit worried. You sniff "I'm sorry it's just-" you get cut off by Gojo. Telling you that shouldn't apologize for feeling upset. Gojo goes closer to you and you feel safe. Such a pretty feeling, you've been around strong men before but not once have you ever felt this intense feeling of comfort and security.
You let go, "My boyfriend cheated on me. I don't know why he did it. I know I'm not all that pretty but the least he could've done is brake up with me. It would've stung yes but not as much as this." You continue to cry and the entire time Gojo hates it. That fucking bastard. He thought that guy was doing his job of fending for you.
"I'm such an unlovable piece of shit! I'm not worth being loved"
Those words made Gojo wrap his arms around you. He was avoiding touching you because he didn't want to invade any of your personal space, but after hearing those heartbreaking words he knew he had to hold you.
You continue to let out your emotions in his chest. The whole time Gojo did not let go and after a while you begin to calm down. "Baby listen to me." Baby? You wipe your tears again and look up at him. "Its the other way around, that bastard does not deserve to love you. You deserve only the best kind of love and trust me when i say you do have it." He pulls a strand of hair behind your ear. He smirks, "I know you're not supposed to hear this right now but I love you sweetheart. Always had and always will and hearing you talk like this hurts. Seeing you cry hurts sweet thing. You are loved. I love you sweetheart."
God how you needed to hear those words. I love you. And those words are coming from him. You slowly start to realize the whole time you should've been with him. You start to realize that it's not your fucking boyfriend cheating on you that made you cry. It was the lack of love. The lack of his love. It was him that made has always made you feel beautiful and loved and right now you wanted that even more.
Gojo notices how your look went from sadness to lust. Careful with his next move he decides to let you do whatever you want to him. You lean in closer to lips and with that he lets you kiss him. Thats all he needed and now he can pull you closer by you waist and deepen your kiss. He continues to kiss you and then pulls away.
The taste was amazing unlike anything you've ever tasted before. Gojo smirks, "I wasn't expecting you to get so bold sweet thing." You're so hot now. You want more of him.
"Gojo please~" you sigh.
"What? Does baby want me to help her feel good?" he teases.
Now you go to kiss him again to which he happily returns. Without breaking the kiss he picks you up effortlessly and you wrap your legs around his waist. He takes you upstairs to his bedroom and places you on his bed. He gets on top of you and smirks, "Let me help you forget him sweetheart."
He takes your clothes off and you take his off. There you two were, fully naked with him on top but he was still wearing his blindfold. You reach out to take it off of him and he let's you, revealing his beautiful blue eyes. "You look beautiful" you tell him. He smiles and kisses your lips "As do you sweetheart"
He kisses every part of your body making sure you understand just how much he loves every part of you. All this riled up energy both of you have for each other leads to him positioning himself at your entrance already. You look up him with those gorgeous eyes and he goes to kiss you on your lips, "I'm gonna take good care of you darling." and before you can say anything he starts sliding into you.
He's so big, "Ah~ Gojo" you whimper and the only thing Gojo hears is music to his ears. Fuck so far he's been loving your cute noises but that whimper of filling you up made him smirk. He kisses your neck "Fuck baby you're so tight~" he says in a husky voice. You wrap your arms around his neck and wrap your arms around his waist wanting to feel every bit of him.
Gojo holds onto your hips "You're so cute when you're like this." he dotes on you. You look up at him with little tears in his eyes, "Please move~". So demanding, he licks your tears away and smirks, "Your wish is my command." He starts thrusting into you causing a wave of euphoria to rush into both of you. You feel amazing, he feels like he's in heaven and he wants, needs, you to feel the same so he focuses and making you feel good.
"Fuck yes~" you moan out loud. He's pounding into you with such force its driving you wild. As he continues to thrust into you he's looking at your face. Seeing you feel so good made him feel good and your noises drive him wild. You look into his eyes and the whole world disappears. Right now it's just you two making love and it feels so heavenly.
"Kiss me~" you moan, he leans in and kisses you. The kiss was full of passion and lust.
He pulls away, continuing to thrust into you the room full of moans and your whimpering. "Is my princess feeling good~" he moans to you which you nod your head, "Yes baby~ you feel so fucking good~"
50 minutes later of him thrusting into you and you hanging on for dear life and your phone rings. Gojo didn't even see it but it was right beside your head. He looks at the caller ID and its that fucking bastard. He answers the call and puts it on loud speaker.
Baby can we please talk about this
At the sound of that Gojo starts thrusting in and out faster and rougher and you moan but he's quick to kiss you, so you don't give away your secret just yet.
I miss you (Y/N). That girl meant nothing to me, I promise if you come back things will be different.
Gojo is thrusting into you with rage. He'll be damned if he thinks you'll go back to him. You whimper his name making Gojo smirk, he's got you now and he's not gonna let you go.
"(Y/N) please give me another chance.
Both of you laughed at that and Gojo pulls out flips you onto your tummy thrusts back into you causing you to let out a load moan. He's pounding you faster and rougher and he's not being dicrete about it anymore.
"(Y/N)?" the guys calls for you with confusion in his voice.
Gojo smirks, "My baby isn't going back to him huh? Who do you belong to princess?" he asks between pants. Loud and and proud for him to hear. You respond "I belong to you Gojo.~" you say breathlessness and before the guy can say another word Gojo hangs up on him and now you're both at your reach.
"Gojo I'm *whimper* close~" you moan out. Gojo grabs your jaw and makes you look up at him. He kisses you, moaning in it, and then says "Me too baby. Together yeah? On three" you nod your head eagerly.
You're already such a moaning mess and this causing you to moan even louder the whole world can hear.
Fuck Gojo is so close he starts pounding into you at an insane speed and with such force causing you cry out.
You both release and make it well known with your voices. He falls onto you panting and chuckles lightly, "That was amazing sweetheart." You reach up to play with his hair "You were amazing baby." He gives you a gentle kiss and says he'll be back. He leaves to the bathroom and comes back with a towel. He wipes you both down and then lays in bed with you holding you close.
"Gojo?" you call his name. He looks at you with his mesmerizing blue eyes, "I love you." he smiles "I love you too sweetheart"
You are that woman you want to be. A strong woman who forgets all about her cheating boyfriend and when she goes to find a better man to help her feel good.
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k1ttef1a · 7 months
Opposite's Attract 2! |Johnnie G.
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pairing: Johnnie Guilbert x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: you and johnnie go on the date.
a/n: I know everyone has been asking for part two of 'opposites attract' so here you go 👐
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"Holy shit!" Johnnie said to Jake, it was the day of your guys first "date". Johnnie was nervous because he had never been on a date. "Johnnie you're gonna be fine, didn't she say that she liked your style? I'm sure she'll like your personality too." Jake said to Johnnie, trying to calm his nerves.
"I mean yeah but what if she thinks I'm weir-" Johnnie gets cut off by the sound of his phone buzzing, it was 'y/n🌷', the contact name he gave you. " Oh my god, oh my god-" said anxiously, putting down his makeup brush and grabbing his phone. "WHAT DO I DO?!" "ANSWER IT YOU DUMB BITCH!" Jake said. "Hello?" Johnnie said to you, his voice slightly cracking when he said hello, he hoped you didn't hear it. "Hi Johnnie! I was just making sure we were still meeting up at the mall at 4?" you said questioning. "Yeah! we're still meeting up, I'm almost done getting ready." He said lying through his teeth, he just started getting ready. "Ok I'll see you in a bit, byeee!" the phone call ended. "I'M SUCH A FUCKING LIAR!" Johnnie said, slapping his hands to his head. "You're literally almost done with your hair and your makeup doesn't take long what do you mean you aren't ready?" "NO" Johnnie blurted. "I'M NOT MENTALLY PREPARED TO SEE HER AGAIN."
Johnnie had finally arrived, having Jake drive him since he didn't have his license and he didn't want to spend money getting an Uber. His heart pounded at the thought of seeing you again, your beauty, your grace, your kindness. Everything about you made him scream in his head.
"Johnnie!" You said speed walking towards him, snapping him out of his trance, you hugged him as a greeting which made him flinch for a second. He wasn't used to that kind of affection but he wasn't complaining about it. "It's nice to see you again." You said, smiling at Johnnie like he was a million dollars. "It's nice to see you again too." Johnnie said rubbing his arm, trying not to stumble on his words.
"Have you eaten today? There's this cafe I think you'd really like." You asked, he was hungry, practically starving but since he was picky he was slightly nervous to say yes. "No I haven't actually, ummm sure, yeah let's go." He said, you smiled brightly and started leading him to the cafe.
You and Johnnie were sitting in a small booth in one of the corners. You had convinced Johnnie to try one of the chicken sandwiches you liked from the menu he took a bite out of the sandwich and he was surprised, it was actually really good. " Woah, this actually tastes good, like really good." Johnnie said, talking with food in his mouth. You smiled. "I'm glad you like it, that's one of my favorites but I decided to get my second favorite."
Silence fell between you too leaving you both in your thoughts. "He looks really nice today, I wonder what he does for work?" You thought to yourself, playing with your hair. "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this is so awkward I just want her to say something, anything!" He thought, anxiously. "So what do you do for work again?" You asked. " Oh I'm a YouTuber and make music once in awhile." "WAIT. YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU MADE MUSIC TOO, THAT'S AMAZING!" You said, practically jumping out of the booth.
"So what kind of music do you make?" You asked him, now fully paying attention to his career. "I make kind of alternative music I think?"
You and Johnnie were now walking around the mall, trying to find something to do when you guys walked past a very...cutesy store, which made your eyes sparkle.
Johnnie saw the shine in your eyes. "Do you wanna go there?" He said, pointing at the store. "Yes!" And before he could say anything you grabbed his hand gently and walked into the store.
You were looking around as he followed you awkwardly. You had a couple pins, keychains, and small cute figures for your room.
You walked to the checkout and you put all of your stuff on the counter. As you were paying, Johnnie kind you looked at everyone, how you looked at everyone and everything with glowing eyes that held millions of stars in them, how you looked at nobody with judgement.
As you drove Johnnie home from the mall it was an awkward silence so you turned on your Spotify playlist, but it started playing one of his songs his most recent song, 'Vampire.'
He immediately looked at you but you were focused on the road but your eyes were widened more and your face was more flushed then before. He didn't say anything though, he liked the fact that she enjoyed his music.
You guys finally made it to the shared house him and Jake both lived in. You both got out of the car and you walked him to the front door. "I had a lot of fun today with you." he said ruffling his hair, which was an anxious habit he had. "I had a lot of fun today with you too, Johnnie. I hope we can do this again soon." You said. He just smiled, he didn't want you to leave but he didn't want you to stay either, not when he was like this, not when he was choked up on what to say because he was thinking about the fact he had just gone on a date with you. "Well I guess I should go, you probably have a really busy day tomorrow." You said, playing with your jewelry. "Yeah..." He said under his breath. He watched as you walked to your car, sad to see you leave.
You rolled down the passenger seat window. "Call me when you get the chance, we should hang out sometime soon!" You said, hoping that he would call you later.
"I will!" He screamed from the front door, as he watched you drive a way.
He had a feeling that this would be a recurring thing.
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☆ this was requested by @anonymous! I know it's been awhile since I've posted a fanfic but I'm back and I'm gonna TRY and post more, my requests are open! ☆
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tlou-reid · 9 months
Timeless ❆ Aaron Hotchner
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☃︎ SUMMARY: a timeline of Aaron’s and his soulmates’ love life.
☃︎WARNINGS: random asshole character at the beginning, aaron and jack being cuties, death and mentions of an undisclosed illness, a funeral :(
“We would have been timeless, ‘cause I believe that we were supposed to find this. So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine. We would've been timeless.”
Day One
“Aaron!” the barista called into the busy cafe, setting down a carrier of four drinks. His name was quickly sketched across all four, signifying his loss to the team.
Aaron, Penelope, JJ and Luke had made a bet that Aaron would have a home cooked meal for five out of the seven days they were in town. He’d caved on day four, getting home late and craving the acidic burn of pizza sauce and greasiness of mozzarella cheese. He couldn’t help himself, forgetting all about the silly bet he’d made.
He remembered in the morning when he came eye to eye with the Italian man on the pizza place’s logo. Aaron figured it would be easier to just come in with their prize, coffees from Penelope’s favorite local place, and accept defeat than have to confront each of them.
So, he picks up his tray with a sigh and continues his way to his car, hoping to get to the BAU as soon as possible.
However, this would prove difficult. Aaron is shocked to see a big SUV blocking him in, and a lady jumping out of it. “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!” She yelled into the open door, slamming it at the end of her sentence. Aaron could see the passenger side window roll down. He heard a man’s voice this time, with a much darker, violent tone, “YOU SHOULD’VE THOUGHT ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU GOT IN THE CAR, BITCH!”
The law enforcement officer in Aaron kicked in when he heard the foul names being thrown towards this lady. She was gearing up to retaliate, but he stepped in front of her. Aaron used his free hand to quickly pull out his badge. It was a bit clumsily, due to the weight of the coffees in his other hand.
Once he was standing protectively in front of the lady and had his badge on full display, Aaron spoke, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave before you cause a further public disturbance.” His voice was low, the same way he talked to suspect. “Oh, fuck you.” The man said one last time, making eye contact with the lady, before pulling off.
“Are you okay?” Aaron turned around to face the lady. “Yeah, the guy’s just an asshole. Fucking offers me a ride and thinks that means he’s getting laid?” You’re rambling at this point, aggravated at the entire situation. “Where are you trying to go?” His entire plan of getting to work quickly went out the window when he saw how beautiful your eyes were.
“I work at the office around the block. I usually drive but someone hit my car yesterday and it’s in the shop today,” Aaron was growing more and more concerned with your wellbeing as you spoke, “I’m just gonna walk. Thanks for taking care of that asshole, I can’t believe I’m gonna have to see him later.”
Aaron knows he should probably walk away, but he can’t stop himself from asking, “See him later?” You nod, “He’s my fucking neighbor. Sorry, I don’t usually cuss this much, he just really pissed me off.” Aaron laughs at this, seeing as the first thing he heard you say was “fucking asshole”.
“You’re sure you don’t need a ride?” He asks one more time. “No, I could probably use the walk to cool off some. Thank you,” Your voice trailed off, not knowing what to call him. He stuck his hand out for you to shake, “Aaron.” He filled in the blank for you.
You told him your name, shook his hand, and bid him goodbye. You made it maybe six steps before you turned back around, “Aaron!” You hollered, walking quickly to catch up to him. “I know this is bold and I don’t even know if you’re single, but you were very kind and I think you’re very good looking. Could I get your number maybe?”
Aaron meets you with a laugh. You’re wary, not knowing that a laugh from Aaron was extremely rare, and something a lot of people would kill to hear. Your nerves are eased when he says, “I’d love to give you my number.”
Day 16
The night was going wonderfully. Aaron was proving that chivalry was, in fact, not dead. Just lost in older men. He was comfortable meeting you at the restaurant, he pulled out your chair for you, ordered a bottle of the fancy wine the restaurant carried, and was currently sliding his credit card into the check holder.
The conversation between you two flowed beautifully all night, making it seem like time flew by. He signed the bottom of the receipt, leaving a very generous cash tip, and turned his attention towards you. “Ready to go?” Aaron asked, not wanting to rush you away. You gave him a shy nod, trying to figure out a way to say you want to see him again soon without sounding obsessed.
Aaron stood and you followed, interlocking your arm with his. You two walked out of the restaurant, only letting each other go when he held the door for you. “Which one’s yours?” He asked, wanting to walk you to your car. You held out the key, clicking the lock button to get it to light up.
Aaron walked you over, opening the driver’s side door for you. “Look at her!” You squealed, excited for him to see your car, “Fresh out of the shop!” Aaron laughed at your excitement. Once you were comfortable in your seat and buckled up, Aaron went to speak again.
“I had fun,” He smiled at you. “I did, too.” You replied. “Would you like to do it again, sometime?” He asked, fumbling over his word a bit. You couldn’t help but find the way you made him nervous adorable.
“I would love to, whenever you’re free.” He’d told you about how hectic his work life could get, which you understood. “I’ll call you.” He promised, getting ready to close the door. “Goodnight, Aaron.” He gave you once last smile, repeated your sentiment, and closed the door for you.
Day 102
“Why’d you pick him?” Aaron’s son, Jack asked. “Jack!” Aaron laughed, loading up spaghetti noodles on his plate.
It’s your first time meeting Jack. You were both scared and excited, not knowing how he would react to Aaron bringing home a new girlfriend. “He protected me the first time I met him, I felt like I owed him.” You joked as Aaron passed you the pasta. You smiled when Jack let out a loud laugh.
Dinner continued like this, with teasing and laughter. You felt incredibly welcomed in the Hotchner household, loving the energy both of the boys created. You fit like a missing puzzle piece, being able to help Jack team up on his dad, and be there when Aaron was feigning sadness at one his jokes. Plus, both of them were happy to have a home cooked meal for the first time in about a week. Jack even said you could come over whenever you wanted, as long as you cooked.
“I think he likes you,” Aaron said as he climbed into bed next to you, later that night. “I think so, too. We laughed a lot.” Aaron nodded, moving over to press a kiss to the side of your head.
“Welcome to the family,” He muttered as he wiggled down into the blankets, falling asleep quickly.
Day 1534
“I do.” You said as you slid the ring onto Aaron’s finger, missing the first time due the tears welling up in your eyes.
Everyone seated for the ceremony cheered as the pastor said, “You may kiss the bride!” Aaron pulled you in by your waist, pressing himself as close as possible to you. The kiss was appropriate, considering there was a crowd watching, but full of love.
After you pulled away, you moved yourself behind Aaron, pulling his best man in for a big hug. Jack smiled against your neck, squeezing you tight. You grabbed one his hands, and one of Aaron, walking back down the aisle with both of them by your side.
“Mr., Mr., and Mrs. Hotchner,” Jessica smiled, introducing you three to the reception. You were ready to dance and celebrate with the people you loved most in the world. And you were so excited to share their last name.
Day 12152
You had always hoped it would be you to pass first. Something easy for Aaron, Jack, and his children to handle. Passing away in your sleep, peacefully and free of pain.
But, wishes are rarely granted. You were sat next to Aaron when he passed. As hard as his battle with illness had been, he fought as best he could. You knew he’d spent his whole life fighting, so you, as sad as you were, you relieved to know he was somewhere safe and relaxing. Somewhere where there was no fight to be had.
He would be surrounded by people he loved, more than he had around him in his old age now.
Jack held you tight at the funeral, knowing you were heartbroken. Part of him was relieved too. His father was no longer in pain. When he knelt at his dad’s casket, he made one last promise to look over you. To take care of you, to love you, and to protect you, just as Aaron had done since the day he met you.
You weren’t too worried about it, though. You knew you’d join him when the time was right, and he would be waiting for you. You two were meant to be, even if you’d met late in life. No matter how long it took, or where you guys were, you and Aaron would find each other.
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acaaai-t · 4 months
as the seasons change
[fem! reader x college au! xiao]
cw: fluff, lots of fluff, slow burn-ish, fluff, reader gets harassed, cursing, oh did i mention fluff? — [long fic ahead]
wc: 7.3k
⤷ ❝ ft song— 《小城夏天》 ❞
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“rainfall, a storming encounter— spring.”
"Do you remember the night we first met? Or well, at least when I first met you?" you asked, snuggling deeper into the warmth your blanket, and your partner, provided.
Xiao smiled and pulled you closer. "I could never forget.”
The night was still young, light rain pattering against the windows. It was hard to tell if the sun was still up or not, for the dark clouds covered everything. It was only you left, still clearing out the store, handling the remaining few customers here and there.
“Your hot americano, sir,” you said, handing the customer their ordered drink. “Would you like a bag with it?”
“No, I would like your number with it though. Say, you’re single, aren’t you?”
“Wh— huh?”
“Oh, come on, a charming fellow like you is still single, am I right?"
You really weren’t sure how to respond to his advancements, so you stood there, dumbfounded. “Um—”
“Why don’t you leave her the fuck alone?” the voice of a random customer cut you off.
You looked over to the whoever it was helping you deal with this man. ‘Oh shit, he’s really pretty,’ was your first thought upon sight.
The customer glared at the interrupter. “Look, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but I ain’t going to listen to whatever the hell you say.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll have a fun time talking to the police,” pretty boy said, staring down at the customer. He flashed the screen of his phone, the number 9-1-1 on dial.
“You—” he stopped himself, took a deep breath, and turned his attention from pretty boy over to you. “Listen here, you bitch. Shits would’ve been so much easier if you just gave me your fucking number, yeah?”
You flinched. “I’m sorry?”
“Sorry doesn’t fucking do shit,” he yelled, lifting up his cup of coffee.
Your eyes widened. “Don’t—”
Too late.
You nearly screamed when you felt the burning hot coffee sizzle against your skin. The now empty cup rolled to the side. You hastily wipe at your face, crimson from where the coffee had made contact.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” pretty boy got up from where he was seated. The man turned to look at him.
You quickly took this opening to disappeared into the back kitchen, searching for a cold towelette to ease the burning pain. You could’ve sworn you had ascended to heaven there and then when you pressed the cool towel onto your face.
‘That feels so much better…’
A loud crash pulled your spirit back down. Keeping the towel pressed against your cheek, you made your way back to the front counter— just in time to see the customer that had harassed you flee the scene. Pretty boy stood there, arms crossed, rolling his eyes as the glass door swings shut.
“Do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked the moment his eyes laid upon you.
“There’s no need,” you smiled at him. “Thanks for helping me, by the way.”
“It’s… nothing,” he adverted his gaze from you.
You finally got a good look at him. His facial features were mostly obscured by a black mask he wore, but his striking amber eyes was a prominent detail, you noticed. There was also a greenish tint to the edges of his hair and along his bangs. Peeking out from under his turtleneck, you saw a trace of some sort kind tattoo. ‘That’s hot,’ you immediately thought to yourself.
You must’ve been staring for too long, for his voice suddenly broke off your thoughts. “Can you please stop staring…” he sounded and looked flustered. Even with the mask on, you could faintly see the red of his cheeks.
“Ah, sorry…” you were quick to reply, embarrassment crawling in showing as the pink that lightly dusted your face.
The atmosphere of the cafe suddenly felt very awkward, with neither side willing to talk. You cleared your throat, hoping to break the silence. Perhaps you could treat him to a free coffee for helping you rid of that costumer. You put on a smile. Your cash register blinked red.
“Would you like a—” you glanced down at the register for just the slightest moment, then look back up, only to find the pretty boy gone. “Free coffee…” you finished.
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“starfall, the sparkle in your eyes— summer”
“Oh FUCK.”
You scrambled about, hurriedly changing from the comforts of your pajamas to whatever you’d dug out from your closet.
“Why didn’t my fucking alarm go off?!”
“What the fuck?” the groggy voice of Aether mumbled.
Panic was racing though your body, you glanced at the clock as you stuffed your boots on.
You have three minutes to spare. 180 seconds to make it from your dorm to your campus, from your campus to your lecture hall. Under most normal circumstances, you would’ve just skipped the exam altogether, but your professor just had to be a bitch and make the exam a major part of your grade— and if you wish to pass his class, you must take it.
Exam starts the moment the clock ticks 9:00, and nobody is allowed in anymore after— as your professor had specifically told the class.
“Sorry Aether!”
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you slammed the door shut and booked it.
Two minutes was all you had left. You didn’t waste your entire high school life practicing in the track team just not make be able to make a 300-yard dash in two minutes. You can— no, you will. You will make it.
Your peripheral vision of the environment blurred together as the wind began to catch up, heart racing with every stride you take.
In your haze of sheer panic, you had failed to notice the boy you were gunning towards scrambling to move out of your way. You yelped when you absolutely bodied them. He managed to steady himself, but you on the other hand, found yourself sprawled on the concrete.
“Ow…” you muttered, rubbing your lower back regions. “I’m so sorry you see— oh it’s you!”
Pretty boy looked bewildered; his eyes trained on your figure sitting on the ground. He reached out a hand to help you up, but there was no need. You weren’t sitting for very long, for a quick glance at your watch had you up instantly.
“I am going to be late. Sorry about that,” you called out.
He stood there. “You dropped something…” he slowly said.
But you were long gone, leaving nothing but a slight breeze that tickled his cheek.
Just a little under a minute remaining. Your lungs felt like they were on fire. The sight of your class building was just in sight. Just a little bit more, you thought.
You pulled out your student ID and swiped through the scanner, barley giving the poor machine time to unlock the door before you rammed your way through it.
Scrambling up the stairs like a madman, you could care less about the student that screamed at the sight of you— going on all fours crawling up the stairs at an inhuman speed.
You’ve finally made it to the third floor; your legs were uncontrollably shaking by then. The final stretch, and with the time quickly ticking away, you ran as if your life was on the line.
The door to the lecture hall opened with a loud bang, echoing throughout the quiet room. Every head was turned to stare at you, even your professor stopped midway in handing out tests to look at you.
“I’m not late,” you panted, face flushed red.
You made it with barley a second to spare. The clock struck nine.
“Ugh, I for sure failed that exam…” Lumine grumbled, stuffing her reference papers back into her backpack. “You done organizing yet?”
“One moment…” you replied, zipping up your bag. “…okay, let’s go.”
Lumine hooked her arm around yours as the two of you exited the lecture hall. “You know when you slammed that door open, everyone jumped. I think the prof got scared too.”
“Don’t remind me. I nearly broke my back trying to get here on time… hey speaking of which. Why didn’t you wake me up?” you said.
“I tried; you were dead asleep… I accidentally woke Aether and Tao up trying to get you awake,” Lumine replied.
“Oh— ow, my back,” you muttered. The scene where you rammed into the pretty boy flashed in your mind. You suddenly frowned. “Wait a moment.”
You stopped in the middle of the hallway, realization catching up to you. “Wait a damn moment.”
“What is up with you today? Let’s go before they trample us over,” Lumine said, tugging you along as another current of students flooded your way. She led you out the school building. You winced and squeezed your eyes shut as the unbearably bright sunlight caught you off guard.
Now it was Lumine’s turn to pull you to a halt. You felt the hand grip around your arm tighten. “Ow,” you complained.
“Oh sorry— but look at that guy over there!” Lumine exclaimed, slightly gesturing over to someone.
You squinted, trying to see through the blazing glory of the sun. “Where?” you asked. “I literally can’t see, it’s so bright.”
“Over there,” Lumine hissed. “Oh, crap I think he saw us, let’s go let’s go.”
Lumine quickly began to usher you away, and you blindly followed suit. You felt her panic when she suddenly began dragging you as she sped walked away.
“Hey, wait—” a voice called out from behind.
Lumine stopped, frozen over. You turned around, using one hand to mask away the sun. “It’s you again!” you exclaimed.
“It’s me.”
“You two know each other?” Lumine quipped, turning over to look at you. Her eyes narrowed. “You aren’t stalking my friend here, right?”
“Lumine, relax. Remember what happened at work? He was the guy I was telling you about. Not a stalker.”
“Ohh— him?!”
“Why are you so shocked?”
“Need to have a word with you,” Lumine whispered, grabbing ahold of your sleeve. “Excuse us.”
She brought you over to a more secluded area— under one of the many oak trees and began talking in a hushed voice.
“Do you even have a clue as to who he is?” She lightly jabbed at your chest.
“No?” you replied. “All I know is that he’s the regular that appears and orders the same thing every day.”
“That’s Xiao?! Like the Xiao??”
“Oh, that super-hot guy that everyone loves? … THAT’S HIM?!” jaw dropped, you stared at Lumine in utter disbelief.
“Yes!” she hissed.
“Now I see why everyone was staring at him… you too.”
“How did I not know? No, how did you not know?! Your so-called protector is Xiao…”
You ran your fingers through your hair. “I didn’t think it was necessary, besides, you never asked.”
“Fuck you, let’s go back,” she said, sweetly smiling at you. You suddenly had a bad feeling. The iron grip she had on your arm slightly terrified you. Lumine led you back to where Xiao stood.
“Hi, sorry for keeping you waiting,” you said, sending Lumine a glare. She pinched you in response.
“It’s fine,” he said. “You dropped his, by the way, when you uh, bumped into me.”
Bumped was too nice of a word to replace what had really happened. You laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, sorry about that, you aren’t hurt, are you?”
He shook his head. “Here,” he said, handing you your keys.
“Oh, so that’s where my keys went,” you exclaim, taking your item back. “I was wondering where it went. Thank you!” You beamed at him.
He turned his head away. It went silent again.
Lumine took one look at the sudden mood change, then gave you a sly smile, and slipped away from the scene before you could even latch on to her. You watched as she ran away, her figure gradually merging in with the other students.
“Does it still hurt?” he asked once Lumine was out of sight.
“Your cheek, where the drink burned you. Does it still hurt?”
“No,” you said. “Thank you, again.”
“It’s nothing.”
“And uh, last time you left before I could ask you,” you said. “I would like to treat you to a cup of coffee as my thanks.”
“There’s really no need.”
“I insist. Are you free this Saturday?” you asked. “I’m [name], by the way.”
“Xiao,” he replied. “I’m free anytime.”
“Wonderful! I’ll see you this Saturday at Angels Hall then,” you said.
You hadn’t given Xiao much of a chance to speak before you left, giving him a small wave as you disappeared under the bright sunlight to look for Lumine. If you had stayed a little longer and observed a little closer, maybe you would’ve seen the furious blush that covered his cheeks that he so desperately tried to hide.
“Ooh-la-la, my goodness Xiao,” a cheeky voice came trailing up behind him. “Who’s the lucky one?”
Xiao glared at the newcomer. “Nobody, Venti.”
The short boy in green placed a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. “Oh Xiao, you won’t even tell me? That’s fine then, I’ll get Heizou to do it for me.” His voice had a slight tease to it.
“Shut it…”
The week passed by in a blink of an eye, and Saturday came faster than Xiao liked. You had told him the details when you— coincidentally, bumped into him while running some errands.
2:00pm, you had told him.
The clock was striking close to 1:45 and he was not ready to have a one-on-one conversation with you.
Xiao paced around his dorm anxiously, muttering incoherent nonsense to himself. His dorm mates looked at him curiously, but no word was said between them. Venti sat in one corner of the room, silently giggling to himself. He seemed to be the only one amused at Xiao’s demise.
“What’s got you so stressed out, Xiao?” one of his dorm mates asked. His green eyes glinted with interest.
“Nothing…” Xiao muttered.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me. Are you meeting her?”
Xiao froze. “How do you know? Did Venti tell you?”
“Ah, so you ARE meeting up with her.”
“You did WHAT NOW?!”
Aether winced at Hutao’s sudden outburst. “Tao, volume please.”
“Did she actually do it? You saw her ask him?” Hutao gripped tightly onto Lumine’s shoulders, gently shaking her. Her bright red eyes widened.
“I don’t know,” Lumine sheepishly admitted. “I ran away so they could have some time alone, you know?”
Hutao looked miserable, the way her bangs drooped down and covered her face. She dramatically sighed and spun herself onto her bed, the mattress squeaking as she did so.
You got up from where you sat and began rummaging through your tiny closet for a bag suitable for today's meeting. You couldn’t find one to your liking, so you began searching through Lumine’s closet. “Hey Lum, mind if I borrow your bag for the day? It’s the black messenger one.”
“Sure, just don’t get it dirtied,” Lumine replied nonchalantly. She crumpled up a piece of scrap paper and threw it at Aether. It landed directly on his forehead with a tiny bonk.
“Lumine!” he whined, rubbing at where the ball had hit him.
You quickly slipped on a pair of boots and opened the door. “I’ll take my leave now.”
“Have fun on your date!” Hutao cheered enthusiastically, her voice muffled. It seemed her glum mood had just dispelled.
“It’s not a date,” you groaned, exasperated.
“Make sure to tell us EVERY single little detail when you get back,” Lumine said, her eyes boring onto yours. You shivered.
“Bye [name]!” Aether waved at you, stopped short when another paper ball hit him. “Lumine! Stop throwing those at me, you’re cleaning them up.”
“Bye everyone,” you said. “Be back in an hour or so.”
Xiao was incredibly nervous. He really should’ve said no to your offer. But… he squeezed his eyes a shut and groaned. He couldn’t bear seeing the disappointment washing over that sparkle of joy in your eyes.
Curse his feelings. To hell with them.
Your eager voice snapped his out of his thoughts. He looked up at you, and his heart began to beat a little faster.
It’s just a friendly meetup, not a date.
“I didn’t keep you waiting for too long, did I?” you asked.
Xiao shook his head. “I just got here.”
“Great, let’s go in, shall we?” you said.
He nodded.
The door to the cafe opened with a jingle, and the ambiance of the environment allured you in further. Xiao followed closely behind you, his eyes darting around nervously.
A peculiar figure caught his eye, and he wanted to die right there and then at the sight.
Venti pushed his sunglasses up further and gave Xiao a shit eating grin. Seated around him was his dorm mates, everyone was there, watching him. Heizou gave him a wink, as if to say, ‘good luck’.
How they managed to get there before Xiao is beyond him.
“You fuckers…” Xiao mumbled under his breath.
You ushered him into a seat and handed him the menu.
“Order whatever,” you told him. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
When Xiao had made sure you were gone, he set the menu down and got up, making his way over to his friend group sitting in the corner.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Xiao hissed.
Venti took off his sunglasses and gave Xiao an innocent look. “We just so happen to be passing by, didn’t know you were coming here too.”
Scaramouche scoffed, rolling his eyes. Heizou jabbed him.
“You know damn well…” Xiao said.
“Well Xiao, you shouldn’t stay for too long. Your date should be back soon,” Venti mused.
Speak of the devil, his sharp hearing picked up the sound of the bathroom door being open— despite the loud chatter of the cafe. He gave Venti a glare before returning to his seat and picking up the menu, acting as if nothing had transpired.
You reappeared, taking a seat across from him. “Chosen what you want yet?”
Xiao skimmed through the menu and quickly picked the one that looked the most appealing. “Yeah, an Angels Blessing, whatever that is.”
You called the waitress over and placed your orders.
“You really didn’t have to,” Xiao said, watching as the waitress left for the kitchen.
His words completely crossed your mind. Caught off guard by your silence, Xiao looked back at you.
Your eyes bore into his, an unreadable expression on your face. Xiao couldn’t bring himself to tear his gaze away from you even if he tried. Something compelled him to keep staring.
Suddenly the noises of the cafe blurred out, fading into nothing but a tiny buzz. It was just you and him, alone, sitting across from each other.
When had you become so pretty?
You smiled at him, the corners of your eyes crinkling up. “Xiao did you know?”
When did the butterflies began appearing?
“Know…” he swallowed the lump in his throat.
When did it happen? Why?
“You have really pretty eyes; they remind me of the stars glittering in the galaxy.”
Maybe that’s what had confirmed his skeptical feelings for you, because at that moment, Xiao felt like he fell in love all over again.
In love with all of you again.
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“memoirs, anew remembrance— autumn”
Memories. Taken in the form on pictures, notes, anything.
Xiao could remember the time he first laid eyes on you clear as day.
It was on campus last year autumn, during the annual sports festival, where you were one of the many participants racing for the win. Xiao stood together with his friends, betting on who would come out victorious.
He wasn’t particularly interested in who won or who lost, in fact, Xiao didn’t even want to be here in the festival in the first place. It was only under the solemn promise of free almond tofu that he agreed to go.
“I’m betting on the one in green,” Venti said. “5 dollars he wins.”
“The player in purple,” Kazuha pointed to the billboard listing all the players. “How about you Scaramouche?”
“I don’t fucking know, the black one?” Scaramouche muttered.
“I’m calling the purple one,” Heizou said. “Who are you betting on, Xiao?”
“Uh, the blue one?” Xiao blurted out.
Venti clapped his hands in glee. “Wonderful! May the gods be on my side and let the green player win!”
“Venti that’s not how it works.”
“Of course I’m fucking nervous…” you mumbled, fidgeting with your gloves.
The pink hair girl laughed, her green eyes twinkling. “You’ll do just fine. Those months of practice won’t go to waste.”
“I really do hope so…”
“Have some faith in yourself.”
“Thank you, Fei,” you said, feeling the strings of agitation pulling away.
“Best of luck,” Yanfei said, sending you a wink just as the booming voice of the announcer came on.
It was your time to shine— or horribly embarrassed yourself.
“They’re finally starting!” Venti exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Oh there’s the green one!”
Xiao watched closely as each player began taking field. The player he had betted on stood in the far corner. He hadn’t expected himself to be so interested in the game. Perhaps it was because he didn’t want to lose five dollars today.
‘And the players had taken field!’ the announcer shouted.
The crowd cheered.
‘A soon to be fantastic yet suspenseful game tonight, five players competing for the title of king. Only the best out of the best in the field tonight, this game surely will be an interesting one. And now without any further delays…’
Xiao held his breath, his eyes trained on the player in blue.
‘…may the game commence.’
The pressure was killing you. The eyes, the cheers, the lights. Yet none of those stopped you. All those months of ruthless training— not even a single second will be left to waste away.
You dropped into a trance, body moving on autopilot. The voice of your coach commanded your every move.
It was only when the stadium erupted into screams that you broke out from your daze, startled at the sudden outburst.
‘And we have a clear winner!’ the announcer broadcasted, her voice echoing over the crowd’s cries.
Lumine jumped over the railings and ran into to the field, successfully dodging the security trying to grab her. She body slammed you and engulfed you in a tight hug. “YOU WON! YOU DID IT!” Lumine screamed. “Oh my god I’m so proud of you. See I told you you’ll win.”
I won? …
Suddenly you felt weak, head spinning, vision blurring. “I won?” you muttered.
The rest of your friend group came running towards you too, and security didn’t even bother to try and stop the two kids barreling for you. Hutao smashed into you, one hand holding a small bouquet of flower. Aether slowed to a jog and brought out a spray bottle, showering cool water on you.
“Congratulations my dear!” Hutao cheered. “We all fucking told you you’ll win this. Dinner is on me tonight.”
“You did great,” Aether said, handing you a bottle of water.
The crowd of people was still cheering for your victory, and cheered even louder when you held up your hard-earned trophy high in air for everyone to see. You laughed, a tear of happiness rolling down your cheek.
I won.
“Aw damn,” Venti groaned. “I was so sure green would win…”
“Xiao got lucky today,” Heizou laughed, handing Xiao a five-dollar bill. “Twenty dollars and a free dessert.”
“Say, where are we going out tonight?” Kazuha asked, also handing Xiao a five.
“Thanks…” Xiao muttered. He wasn’t even paying attention to the group's conversation. His interest was driven onto somewhere else— someone else.
For some odd reason, Xiao couldn’t stop staring at you.
Enveloped by your friends in a giant bear hug, the trophy glinting under the stadium lights, you stood there, crying and laughing.
Xiao smiled softly to himself.
The second time Xiao saw you was during the week before midterms, and at that time, you looked like a mess.
You were in Angels Hall with your friends, paper upon papers scattered all over the table. The coffee you had ordered was left to the side was half drank, long gone cold.
“I can’t,” you whined. “This is so.”
Lumine sat next to you, head buried in her arms. “I agree.”
“How about we finish this unit then we go, because I don’t think I can’t last any longer either,” Aether said. “Right Tao?”
“It’s been 2 hours, not sure how much longer I can go for,” Hutao mumbled. “I feel like shit.”
You straightened up. “Let’s go back to our dorm. None of us here wants to be here any longer.”
“I second that,” Lumine said, downing the last bits of her drink in one go.
Hutao began organizing all the papers into a neat stack before stuffing it into her bag, regardless of if it wrinkles. The waiter dropped by and handed you the bill with a forced smile.
“Let’s go,” Hutao said, getting up from her seat. Lumine was already by the exit, impatiently tapping her foot.
You set down a twenty-dollar bill and left with the rest of the group, the twinkling of the silver bell indicating your departure.
Xiao couldn’t help but feel disappointed, watching you leave.
Kazuha tapped his arm. “Xiao, are you good? You seem distracted.”
“He’s probably got his mind on someone,” Heizou said.
“Xiao? Liking someone? No way,” Venti gasped.
“Can you all just shut the fuck up and focus?” Scaramouche growled, already fed up. “Especially you, Venti.”
“Aha, sorry…”
The third time Xiao ran into you was at the coffee place you worked at. He had just randomly chosen a cafe to get a breather, a break from his work and from the rain. He had figured that this tiny cafe was the best place to enjoy his time and peace. It was during the evening, when there were just barely any more costumers coming in.
You stood behind the cashier, a bright smile plastered on your face.
“An iced black coffee,” he told you.
It hasn’t even been two minutes after he had paid, and his order was already ready to go.
“…thank you,” Xiao managed out. He quickly turned away and found a seat in the corner of the store, the tip of his ears already tinted red. There was no way he could return that bright grin of yours without turning into a tomato.
The way you smiled at him… the way you looked with your hair tucked behind your ear. In his eyes, you’re the literal embodiment of the ethereal celestial being send from the skies above. He had never felt like this towards someone ever before, this was a first for him. But all the signs made it clear— the way his heart pounds abnormally fast, the way his words get caught up in his throat, the way the butterflies flutter around in his stomach— it was all enough for Xiao to know that he had developed a crush for you.
No. He does not have a crush on you, he just merrily found you attractive. That is all there is to that.
“… single, aren’t you?”
Xiao snapped his head up, thoughts interrupted. He glanced over at the customer who was leaned over the counter, trying to act cool. The way your shoulders were tensed up, the stutters in your words— it was clear you were uncomfortable with his sudden advancements.
“Why don’t you leave her the fuck alone?” he snarled, caught off guard by his harsh tone.
What transpired afterwards was history, but ever since that incident, he has been coming in every day. By then, you had recognized Xiao as a regular in the new cafe you worked at. Every day he would appear exactly at 3:00pm, and order the same thing— a black coffee, and leave minutes before you get off your shift.
You found it endearing, how a mere stranger watched over you so protectively. Although your friends begged to differ.
“Pretty boy?” Lumine snorted. “Oh please, what if he’s going to kidnap you one day?”
“As if,” you retorted. “I trust my guts.”
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“crystalline, frosted confessions— winter.”
“— coffee. Got it right here,” you said, holding up the cup of freshly brewed coffee. “As per usual, that’ll be 2.35$. But since you’ve been a regular here for so long, I’m cutting the price down to 1.75$.”
“Thank you,” Xiao handed you two dollars and took the coffee, where then he proceeded to sit in the same spot he had been sitting in for past few weeks.
The store was completely empty expect for Xiao. As expected, you thought. Nobody would want to be out when the weather had predicted an snowstorm. Flurries of snowflakes bend and shaped by the wind covered the outside world in a softened blanket of white.
“It’s snowing pretty hard outside,” you thought out loud, elbow resting against the marble counter. “Are you cold? I could turn the heater up.”
“It’s fine,” Xiao replied. “Why are you still working today anyways? It’s snowing really hard out there.”
“Who’s going to run the store if not me?” you laughed. “The boss offered me a pay raise if I stayed to attend the store today. Obviously, I can’t turn that offer down.”
Xiao gave a hum of acknowledgment. “I’ll drive you back to campus. It’s too dangerous for you to walk out there alone.”
His words caught you by surprise. Never would you have thought Xiao would be offering to drive you back to the dorms.
“How kind of you, thank you Xiao,” you said. “I’ll be closing down in maybe a couple minutes. Then we can go.”
Hail had slowly begun to mix in with the snow. The tiny ice fragments pattered against the window, creating a clicking sound. You began cleaning up— there wasn’t much to be done, but you still liked the store to be spotless before you leave. Setting the dried towel by the sink, you took off your apron and hung it in the back.
Xiao finished up his drink and threw the disposable cup away, making sure to grab napkins to wipe the table clean.
By the time he had cleaned his table, you were ready to leave. Xiao narrowed his eyes.
“Where’s your jacket?” he asked.
“Oh, I forgot mines,” you said, pushing open the door. You shivered at the cold blast of wind. “Left in a hurry this morning... ha-ha.”
Xiao bit down on his lips. “Can’t be helped,” he sighed, walking out the door.
You locked the store and flipped over the OPEN sign to CLOSED. “Let’s go,” you said. Your nose was already turning red.
“Here,” Xiao muttered, draping his jacket over you. “I… don’t want you to get sick.”
You felt your face heat up and your heart race. "I— thank you, Xiao.”
Xiao turned away and began walking towards his car. His heart was pounding mercilessly against his chest as he unlocked the door to his sleek black Toyota. You stood by him, snuggled up in his jacket, and stepped into the car when Xiao opened the door for you.
What a gentleman, you thought to yourself.
The car reverberated to life as Xiao turned the engine on, and with it, the heater was turned on too. A blast of warm air surrounded you, and your body relaxed, taking in the warmth.
You felt yourself slowly dozing off as Xiao drove through the storm. You weren’t even tired, perhaps it was the environment that had lulled you into a dreamlike state.
Time passed by slowly, and when Xiao had parked by your dorm, you were fast asleep. He almost didn’t want to wake you.
“Hey,” he whispered, nudging your shoulder.
“Five more minutes…” you mumbled, shrugging his hand away. “Five…”
He stifled a laugh. “We’ve arrived at your dorm. I think I see Lumine up there.”
You snapped open your eyes and sat up straight. “Where?!”
The laugh he had been keeping in bubbled out. You looked at him, eyes half lidded, confusion written all over your face.
“We’re at your dorm, let’s go, the storms getting worse,” Xiao said, getting out the car. He jogged over to the other side and opened the door before you could. “Careful there, the roads iced up.”
Your movements were sluggish as you got out from the car, grabbing onto Xiao for support. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
You felt Xiao wrap one arm around your waist to support your weight, slowly guiding you through the path and up the stairs to your dormitory. The harsh wind that slapped you in the face was enough of a wakeup call, and you fumbled to fish your keys out your pocket.
Pushing the key into the lock, you turned back to face Xiao— but he was already down the stairs by his car. He caught your eye, and you hastily gave him a wave before disappearing indoors, where the warmth awaited you. “Thank you,” you mouthed, and the door closed behind you.
Xiao stayed outside your dormitory for a little bit, watching the shadows of your friends engulfing you through the sheer curtains that fluttered around. An unmistakable feeling of heat rushed throughout his body, and he smiled to himself, then sneezed.
“Wait, wait, WAIT,” Lumine grabbed your sleeve and pushed you onto your bunk. “You got home awfully fast today, and whose jacket is that?”
Hutao walked out from the bathroom, a towel slung over her shoulders. “I think I’ve seen that jacket somewhere before.”
“Oh, wait isn’t that Xiao’s jacket?” Aether piped in, setting his headset aside and spinning around to face the two of you.
“That’s where I’ve seen it,” Hutao said with a snap of her fingers. “That emo guy that everyone seems to be obsessed with, I’ve seen him walking around campus several times in that same jacket.”
“That emo guy,” Aether repeated. “Isn’t he your cousin?”
“Did something happen between you and Xiao?” Lumine asked, eyes glittering with excitement.
You laughed nervously. “Well yeah, sort of? I mean, he drove me back here…”
Lumine’s eyes went wide open. “Now that’s a first. Oh, girl he definitely likes you.”
“He did it because it was snowing like crazy out there and I didn’t have a jacket with me!”
“Excuses,” Hutao snorted. “I can tell you that Xiao never lets anyone else in his car other than his close friends. I’ve asked him for a ride once and I had to beg for it, EVEN though we were cousins, and I still had to Uber back home.”
Lumine nodded. “Can confirm, I was there to witness it all.”
You shook your head. “There’s no way. Anyways! To celebrate me getting a pay raise, dinners on me tonight!”
“Wooo!” Hutao cheered, throwing on a thick puffer jacket. “Where are we off to?”
“Is he… sick?” Kazuha asked worriedly.
The boys gathered around Xiao’s bed, listening to his coughs and sniffles.
“Leave me be…” Xiao mumbled, pulling his blanket over his head.
“He definitely sounds sick," Heizou commented.
"This is what you get for not wearing a jacket out yesterday... I'd say it's well-deserved." Scaramouche snorted, tossing yet another packet of tissues at Xiao.
"He wasn't wearing a jacket?" Venti echoed, his loud voice traveling from the kitchen into Xiao's room. "Didn't he leave with a jacket though? The green and black one?"
Heizou raised a brow, one hand under his chin. A quizzical look appeared, followed by a know-it-all one. "I think I know where his jacket went," he said, a sly grin dancing on his lips.
"Get the fuck out of my room."
“Tao, whenever you’re able to, can you help me return this jacket to Xiao? I haven’t been able to find him anywhere,” you said, hanging up your bag. Xiao’s black and green jacket hung next to your school bag, a scent of fresh laundry within the fibers.
Hutao popped a piece of gum in her mouth and chewed loudly. “I honestly have no clue where he is. I can help you get in touch with the pests he hangs around though.”
“That’d be lovely,” you replied, shooting Tao a grateful smile.
“Hey Xiao.”
Venti sighed in defeat and turned away from Xiao’s room, instead plopping himself down on the couch. Kazuha hummed to himself as he stirred the giant bowl of batter he had in his arms— as far as Venti remembers, he was making chocolate chip cookies. A classic favorite among everyone.
Scaramouche was out of town, called back home for a family emergency. Heizou on the hand, had locked himself in one of the many study cubbies in the campus’s library to study for his upcoming exam. And Xiao— well, he’s passed out sick.
Venti sighed once again, bored out of his mind. He lazily opened up his phone and was greeted by a text from Xiao’s cousin: Hutao.
[5:14pm] Hutao >> u available rn?
“Hey! You must be Venti, right?” you asked, standing up from the park bench you were just sitting on moments ago.
“And you’re the girl that Xiao’s been fawning over I presume,” Venti replied, smiling.
“My name— wait what?”
“Oh, it’s nothing— hey that’s Xiao’s jacket!” Venti pointed to the black jacket draped over your arms. “Right?”
“Yeah, I was hoping you’d help me return this to him,” you said sheepishly.
Venti pressed his hand to his chest. “Oh, I would love to, but I think it’s best if you do it!”
Puzzled by his response, you ask, “Why?”
He sighed dramatically and collapsed onto the bench, feigning heartache. “Well you see, poor Xiao had locked himself up in his room, burning up a fever— and wants nothing to do with me at the moment. If I were to try and enter his room, I’m afraid I won’t see the light of day again.”
You blinked at Venti’s performance, slowly soaking in the information given. Does Xiao hate him? Why? You wanted to ask. “He’s sick?” was what came out your mouth instead.
“Terribly so.”
“Xiao?” you called out softly.
A shuffle was heard as the sickly student attempted to sit upright. You quickly entered the room and closed the door behind you, rushing over to Xiao’s side the moment the door clicked shut.
“Hey,” you said, smiling. “Hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”
Xiao blinked groggily, fighting against the sleep medication he had taken hours ago. “What are you”— he sneezed “doing here?”
“Came here to return your jacket,” you replied, draping his jacket over his pink gaming chair. An odd expression crossed your face, but you didn’t speak of it.
Xiao managed to sit upright despite being in absolute agony. His head throbbed painfully, an unfortunate side effect of his medication. You placed a hand over the small of his back and helped him ease into a more comfortable position. "Easy there Xiao..." you murmured. "Don't strain yourself too much."
"I'll be fine," he said. "You shouldn't be here— you know, with me being sick and all. You might get sick too."
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "You're the one here sick, and you're worried about me? Besides, I didn't see you for the past week and I miss your presence."
There was a tease in your voice, and Xiao caught it. Yet he couldn't control the way his heart sped up. He cleared his throat, adverting his body away from where you sat. Perhaps being sick isn't so bad after all, he could at least use the fever as an excuse as to why his face is burning a scarlet red.
You felt your smile grow bigger seeing his reaction. "Don't turn around now— we've known each other for so long now, it's weird being somewhere without you." You were confident, almost too confident with your words. But with graduation so close, you knew that there wasn't much time left for you to spill your feelings. It was like gambling, gambling time and memories away.
Outside, the sun began to dip below the horizon. Snow resting upon the frail branch of the young oak crumbled when a chunk of ice shattered against the trunk.
“Heizou!” the shrill voice of Venti shrieked.
Either you win, or you'll lose it all.
Xiao remained silent, unsure of how to process your words. He wanted to believe everything you said, but some part of himself won't allow him to. For all he knows, you could just be tugging on his heartstrings, playing it like a sick sort of a puppet show. But... he glanced at you. You weren't looking at him anymore, instead your attention was fixated on the scene happening outside his window.
The way the sunset created a golden aura around you made you look absolutely breathtaking, hitting all the right angles in all the right way. He didn't know there was a way for you to be any prettier than you already are. Would he have gotten to see you like this if he wasn't sick?
"Xiao." the seriousness laced with your tone made him tense up. You pushed yourself away from the window ledge and turned to face him. “Xiao,” you repeated. “Can I tell you something?”
Your heart was pounding. A year worth of buildup— he’s seen you at your worst, as you had seen him, how much longer are you able to hold it in for? There’s nothing you could really hide from this man; he was bound to find out about your crush sooner or later.
Xiao took in a deep breath. “Go on,” he croaked out. He wiped his sweaty palms on his blanket.
You bit the insides of your cheek. The words are at the tip of your tongue, but that’s the furthest they’re willing to go. “I— fuck I can’t say it,” you groaned, turning back to face the window.
"No," he said. "No, tell me."
That intense voice you knew all too familiar— now you know that there is no backing out. Xiao's stubbornness had been a constant pain in the ass for you, yet it was also a part of him that you found endearing.
"You promise this won't change anything?" you asked, voice small.
A creak followed by a shuffle, and you felt Xiao's arm wrap around your waist. His disheveled hair tickled against your cheek as he rests his head upon your shoulder. '"Nothing will change, I promise," he muttered.
Touch. In no way was this unusual for the two of you. But this time, it felt new. In this stifling environment, where the air was tense, everything feels unfamiliar. Xiao's touch felt unfamiliar. What if this ruins it all?
Fuck it.
"I really like you, you know that, Xiao?" you whispered.
Time seemed to freeze for a moment, and you felt your heart drop. This is it. The signs point to it all, it tells you that Xiao is the one, yet you can't help but think otherwise. Overthinking has always been a bad habit of yours.
After minutes of painful awkward silence (it was only a few seconds), Xiao replied. "I know."
"I really like you too, [name]. I've liked you since last year, since the moment I saw you on the field for the annual sports festival. And I fell deeper in love with you over the course of the year, seeing you around campus, at the cafe you worked— your very presence seems to bring comfort. I wanted to confess for so long, you know? But I didn't, I feared that it would've tampered with whatever we already had going on."
he paused to clear his throat.
"I like— no, I love you."
Through the window, the view of the night sky was in perfect sight. The stars above twinkled, and flashing by for just a second, was a shooting star.
Even the stars have spoken.
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✩ ·┆ masterlist
— the number of times i accidentally typed ‘ciao’ instead of ‘xiao’ is diabolical
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© acaaai-t — do not plagiarize, repost, or translate
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strniohoeee · 3 months
Alternate ending to hidden in the shadows or a part 5 PLEAAAASEEEEE (anonymous request)
Hidden In The Shadows- Alternate Ending
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: After a year of no sign of Matt, Y/N has given up. While working on a paper for a publisher she feels eyes on her…. Is her paranoia justified or no?✉️
Warnings⚠️: NONE, I’m rusty asf so don’t judge me this is pure trash🫶🏽😋
Song for imagine: West End Girls- Pet Shop Boys
Sometimes you’re better off dead
There’s a gun in your hand and it’s
Pointing at your head
You think you’re mad, too unstable
Sitting at the cafe I peered out the window as my fingers stopped abruptly. My thoughts suddenly come to a halt, struggling to form another sentence.
“I think I’ve been going at this for too long” I mumble to myself as I wiggle my fingers, bringing them up to my face and rubbing my eyes roughly
My old professor had asked me to edit and add to my writings on everything that had taken place. He was trying to bring my work to a highly reputable publishing company. However, everything I could have ever written was in these papers.
I was stressing myself out horribly because I was trying to make something out of nothing. Hitting save I pinched the bridge of my nose as I closed out my Google Docs tab. Shaking my leg anxiously I bit my lip.
A daunting thought gnawing at me. What if I just searched up Matt’s name? I mean I would have some form of closure right?
Opening the safari tab I felt a chill run down my spine as I felt like eyes were on me. I just assumed it was my guilty and paranoid conscience. Shaking the feeling off I googled Matt’s name and address.
To my surprise I saw one news article about this small town. Looking off my shoulders slyly, I opened the article. My eyes glanced over the title rapidly.
“Pleasant Town natives car found burned and body missing”
My heart sank immediately. Scrolling down I read the full article. Coming to find out that Matt’s car had been found burnt and crushed a week after I fled. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief? But also a sense of anxiety?
I mean glad that he might’ve gotten away, but also anxious thinking of the what ifs? Like what if he was killed?
Staring off into space as I looked out the window I suddenly felt eyes on me again. Straightening my posture I happened to glance down at my now dark laptop screen.
My eyes furrowed as I saw a man in the back of the cafe looking at me through the reflection on the screen. My eyes widened a bit and I rapidly turned around.
I Wished I hadn’t because there was no one sitting at that back table. And I now look like a paranoid psycho infront of all these people. Sighing I let my shoulders slouch shaking my head I shut my laptop
As I packed my things up I happened to look out the window and I made eye contact with that same mysterious person again.
Shoveling everything into my backpack I grabbed everything in a rush. Looking up to see the person tilting their hat down and turning around to walk away.
Rushing out the cafe I squinted my eyes as the cold air hit my eyes. The wind whipping my hair into my eyes as I flung my backpack over my shoulders.
Rushing to run across the street just barely avoiding getting hit by cars. Sticking my hand out in a sincere tone I jumped onto the next street.
Following hot on their tail I was speed walking. Roughly pulling the hair from in front of my eyes. We turned on a corner and it happened to only be us two.
This person having a major advantage over me, I began to jog slightly
“HEY!” I yelled out but to no avail
Something about this person seemed so familiar, and I was started to get scared
“HEY! I’m not trying to seem like a stalker, but I think I know you from somewhere” I yelled out and still this person tilted their head and kept walking
Rolling my eyes I began to walk faster and was able to grab their shoulder
“I SAID HEY” I replied firmly as I gripped their shoulder roughly
Stopping in my tracks abruptly, my voice caught in my throat. My eyes stinging from the wind, tears threatening to fall out
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be looking at him again….
“Matt?” I said squinting my eyes and tilting my head
His eyes softening as he looked around
“This wasn’t supposed to happen” he said grabbing me shoving us into a corner
“What the fuck happened to you? I thought you died? No contact for a year?” I said angry and saddened
“What else was I supposed to do? I had a target on my back and you had one on your head” he replied sinking into his coat a little more
“Matthew I was so fucking worried about you” I said as I pulled him in for a hug
“I was worried about you too, that’s why I’ve been keeping my distance” he said
“For how long?” I replied
“For a year” he said shamefully
“A year?” I screeched out
“Listen I had to watch you from a distance I didn’t know how safe it was for me to immediately come to you” he stated
“I’m just so glad you’re safe” I replied shaking my head in shock
“I always keep my eyes open for anyone who might come back from our past” Matt says to me as he pulls me in for another hug
“I can only imagine how tiring that gets for you” I said to him
“A little bit, but I’m used to it” he replied
That night we went back to my apartment and Matt went over exactly how he fled. His perfect elaborate scheme that surprisingly everyone believed.
The fear I dealt with since leaving was indescribable. Many nights I’d wake up in a cold sweat thinking I had been found and that I was about to be killed.
But to know Matt had been keeping an eye on me for a year made me feel better. I’m not sure what I’d do without Matt. Our bond was inseparable and since he came back I knew I had to protect him at all costs because he was no longer
Hidden in the shadows….
The End
Yall this was shit bc I’m rusty AF, but also I didn’t really want to end this fanfic on a happy note LMFAOOO. But anyways I love yall dearly for all the continued support. My requests are closed as I got 12 requests (oh yeah baby). THANK YOUUU AND ILYYY🥺🖤🖤🖤
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Hunt game (Charles Leclerc x reader)
Series contain stalking, harrasment, sexual violence.
‘Humans communicate mostly through body language. Licking your lips indicates a desire to consume something or to have an appetite.’
Chapter 2
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The sound of laughter erupted in the outdoor area of the restaurant. It had been raining heavily the last couple of days, and you could barely see the sky. Now that it was all sun and rainbow, everyone was out to have a pleasant evening with their friends, partners, and family members.
But some chose to cast a shadow over someone else.
"So, are we going with Greece, or does anyone else have any other idea?" Martha chirped in.
"Y/N and I are okay with Greece. Not sure about anyone else?" Charles brushed his lips on your temple, letting it linger on your skin as you played with his fingers while leaning against him.
"You better pack enough swimming suits this time, Lizzy!" You blurted, making Lizzy and Martha laugh, recalling the incident from the last trip where she had to borrow yours and Martha's swimming suit because hers mysteriously went missing.
"Remember when she almost had an emotional breakdown from it?" Martha commented, making you giggle.
"She was like—" Martha's voice went lost in the background when your fiancé gashed into your attention.
"I think I love you." Charles intertwined his fingers with yours as you tilted your head to look at him. "What?" You pulled a face, making him chuckle and rested his forehead against yours. "I can't tell my own fiancée I love her?"
"Are you obsessed with me?" You squeezed on his cheeks and laughed at the way he frowned at his face.
"No one's ever going to be as obsessed as I am with you, love." He muttered. The weight of his head was softly added to your shoulder as he leaned in. "Are we still going to get your ice cream after this?"
The ring on his finger was pulled off and slipped back on his finger as you kept fiddling with it. "Of course! I need to get my daily mint chocolate ice cream."
"You should have just eaten our toothpaste!" He yelled and moved away when you pinched his cheek. "What was that for?"
"Stop insulting my mint chocolate!" You playfully stuck out your tongue. Charles held your arm, refusing to let you go when you took a step, heading towards the inside of the cafe.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to pee!"
"Oh, I’m so sorry!"
The cold drink that speckled your legs made you gasp. The other person crouched down crouched down right away to take the drink can on the floor, as a breeze wafted towards you, revealing his scent that somehow smelled familiar to you.
"I have this," He anxiously tried to take the tissue pack from his back pocket and started crouching down to wipe the checkered-patterned handkerchief across your calves, making you jump from the sudden contact with his finger.
"It's—it’s okay! Don’t worry about it." You took a step back, constantly shaking your hands just so he would stop getting closer. Giving him a satisfactory nod, you strode back to your group of friends.
His gaze lingered on you. The tissue he had in his hand left a faint scent of vanilla as he sniffed on it, making him smile.
"What happened?" Charles’s eyes went on your leg as you bent down to wipe the rest of the splattered drink as it made your legs feel sticky.
"I accidentally bumped into someone who was holding a drink." You frowned in frustration.
“I’ll do it for you. Put your leg here.”
He was looking from afar at how Charles traced his hand along the silky smoothness of your skin. How lucky it was for him to be able to hold you whenever he wanted to when he himself could barely touch you when you moved away, as if you were disgusted by him. But you couldn’t be disgusted. You wouldn’t be disgusted because if you were, why would you smile at him whenever you saw him in the paddock? His grin went wider as he saw you laugh.
He saw the way your eyes were glistening when the server handed you the mint chocolate ice cream. He saw the way your eyes squinted every time you licked on it. Just like Charles was admiring you from a step away, he was also admiring you from afar, for now, because he believed you hadn’t had a chance to know him yet. His tongue unintentionally trailed the fine lines of his own lips, moistening them whenever he saw the way you got the taste of the ice cream.
"Your hair looks so fluffy!" You leaned away a little bit to get a good look at your fiancé as you tried to fix the soft curls that went a little wild this morning. "Perfect. You look so handsome today."
"Are you sure you don’t want me to send you?" Charles’s words became inaudible as he buried his face in your neck.
"No, I’ll be fine. Lizzy’s going to wait for me at the cafe." You pecked at his lips as you broke the hug. He had been offering to drop you off and fetch you up but it was his week off, and he literally had been sleeping while you were getting ready, so you wouldn’t want to trouble him when the cafe is just around the corner. It wasn’t your first time walking around the town. Everything should be fine, right?
"Let me know if you need me, alright?"
"I’m all good! Go back to sleep, sleepyhead!" He plops back on the bed and wraps himself in the cover, making you chuckle as he blew you a kiss.
"Where are you?"
Once the video call connected, Lizzy and you went into a fit of laughter as both seemed to be way behind schedule. "Are you kidding me? No way, you just got out of the house?"
"As if you were any different? Show me where you are right now!" Lizzy requested.
You tilted the phone up, showing your surroundings, while Lizzy did the same. The cafe was just a few minutes away, and it was situated in the middle of yours and Lizzy’s residence.
"Oh my God! Is that a new necklace?" Lizzy blurted out, her mouth gapping at the mesmerising necklace that was around your neck.
"Yeah, is it pretty?" You moved the phone closer to the white gold chain with the lotus pendant.
"It compliments your eyes so well! Did Charles buy that for you?"
Lizzy opted to seat at the outdoor area because the lightning was just perfect for a picture. Martha would have joined if only there was someone who could take care of her little one so this time it was just the two of you. Though you texted and called almost everyday, there were always new things to talk about. The outdoor area wasn’t pack compared to the inside to Lizzy picked the perfect seat where the background would be looking splendid in her photos.
When you first arrived, your table was the only occupied one. Perhaps it was on week day so it wasn’t pack as it was during lunch time. It was later on when the other table, two tables from yours was occupied by another man in a black cap.
lizzyhernandez has added to their story
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Casa del Caffe
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anonymoususername ❤️
11 minutes ago
"Hi, handsome!" On your way home, you decided to ring your fiancé, You were flaunted by his shirtless body while he munched on a ranch flavoured chips as he picked up the video call.
"Hi, honey. Did you have fun?"
"Yeah! I got a few hot things to share with you, but I...” You were hit by an impact on your right shoulder, a little too hard for someone who just happened to walk past. The whiff of his cologne that hit you soon after triggered your olfactory. It was the same cologne that you smelled a week before at the restaurant. You always had a heightened sense of smell, which was both a blessing or a curse for you.
"Honey? You alright?"
Charles’s voice pulled you back to your senses as you turned your attention back on your phone. "Yeah? Yeah, I’m fine. I just—“ Looking back, you scanned through the number of strangers who were walking the other way and brushed it off when there wasn’t anything questionable. “it’s nothing."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Charles’s looked so serious, yet you couldn’t take him seriously with his bunny mug as he took a sip of his drink. "Baby, you look hilarious."
He laughed along, trying to hide the mug. "Stop it, honey. This mug was your idea! Are you close?"
"Yeah! I’m like 5 minutes away. I’ll see you at home. Bye!" The image of him still lingered around in your mind, making you chuckle as you took the last turn to your apartment.
The bell from the elevator ding, indicating it was your level as you stepped out. A few steps away, you heard the door to the emergency staircase open and close. It sounded too forceful, as if someone banged into it, as if they were running from something.
as if they were chasing something.
Your ceased as you traced your steps back. Deciding it was unnecessary for you to go all the back, you stopped just before the last turn to the elevator. The doors to the emergency staircase were closed but the sound was way too clear for it to be your imagination. There should be at least someone walking because it shouldn’t take them too short to get into their unit. What you didn’t know was that all the time you were looking at the emergency door, there was someone in the area who was staring at you. You felt his presence when the smell, the same scent hit you again. Your steps seemed to be in a slow motion as you tilted your head, peeking at the elevator area and your eyes landed on someone. He was grinning from ear to ear,
or more like salivating.
You felt your chest tighten and your ears started ringing as you took a step back and started heading towards your apartment unit. You were trying to keep calm but within every step, you felt the presence getting closer and closer; their steps went from a steady pace to almost running, and you caught a whiff of the scent again.
"Charles!" You yelled, and the doorbell was pressed repeatedly. It didn’t even get to ring until the end before it started all over again. The whiff of the cologne hit you again as you shut your eyes, your hands knocking on the door time after time until you heard his voice.
"What’s with the rush—woah, hey, hey, Y/N?"
You collided into his chest, causing him to let go of the door as it closed behind you, hands gripping on the back of his shirt while you started breathing at a rapid rate. Your heart were still beating against your ribcage like crazy, even after Charles wrapped his arms around your trembling frame.
"Breathe with me, Y/N." He cupped on your cheeks, bending down a little so your eyes would be on the same level as his. "Breathe, baby. That’s it. Look at me." Your breathing slowly started to match Charles's, and he kept his eyes locked on you. "You’re okay." The words were repeated over and over as you felt his lips on the side of your hair, leaving lingering kisses while he stroked you on the back.
"There’s someone out there."
"Stay here." He places a reassuring kiss when you tug on his hand. "I’m just gonna check, baby. I’ll come back."
The corridor was empty. He only heard a few voices from the neighbours and their kids, who were just coming back from school. Nothing seemed unusual that would trigger your anxiety.
Nothing conspicuous, at the very least.
"There’s no one out there, sweetheart. Just a family that lived a few units away."
"Check again. He was wearing a cap, a black one." That was impossible. You did feel the subtle change in pressure when they walked into your space. Even if you elucidated the energy wrong, you could have sworn you heard his steps very clearly. It was impossible; what your eyes landed on just now was just a misapprehension. They weren’t just a shadow or a figure; there was really someone smiling at you.
"There wasn’t anyone else, I promise."
"I swear they were there, Charles." You gave a despairing shrug and headed to the room.
"I’m not saying what you saw was nothing, Y/N." The sound of the door closing and locking echoed as he walked in and tripped on your heels.
"I really heard the sound of their steps! It sounded far, but it felt like they were imitating my steps because it sounded more recurring as I ran! You are looking at me as if I were being paranoid because I always listen to true crime podcasts, but I swear, Charles, I saw them!"
"Woah, woah. Where is this coming from? Y/N—" Charles was astounded. You were tense. It was evident in your voice. What he thought was a light argument turned out to be a murky one.
"I told you there was someone!"
"I know!" Charles asserted, seemingly enervated, grabbing on your flailed arms. "I know you saw someone, and it felt like they were chasing you. You are here, in the house. The door is locked. Whatever and whoever was outside won’t get to you. I’ll go and check the corridor again if you want me to."
You caught Charles’s wrist, not wanting him to leave the room, not wanting the front door opened again. "No, please don’t leave me."
"Listen. No one’s saying what you saw was nothing, alright? Look at me, Y/N." He pleaded, softly tugging on your wrists.
Your shoulder dropped, giving in as Charles engulfed you in a hug, swaying a little as he had one hand on your head and another one on your shoulders. "I’m sorry.." You muttered, shutting your eyes as his familiar, calming scent hit you. Different from the one you kept on getting a whiff of.
"It’s okay, baby. It’s no one’s fault. I get it; you were scared. How about I run you a bath?"
"I told you so."
"You are imagining things."
You were waiting for any of these, any effort to shoot down your words, but it never came. Charles didn’t dismiss any of your worries or any of your claims, though you sounded like a mad man with no attestation for any of your claims.
When you walked out of the bath, your favourite pyjamas were laid out on the bed. Your fiancé even went to an extent to match the colour of your underwear with the pyjamas.
You realised the whole couch had been moved around when you came out to the living room, forming some sort of bed with a few blankets draped over it. The room gave off a self-arranged movie theatre with the warm and yellow lighting from the incandescent bulbs. "Gosh! You scare me. What are you doing?" A touch on your shoulder made you flinch as you turned to see Charles with a bowl of popcorn.
"Movie night? I have prepared your favourite snacks and gummies." He responded, nodding at the small table placed in front of the television.
You gasped and quickly covered your mouth. "Can we watch Love, Rosie tonight?"
"Of course, honey. It’s all yours."
Halfway into the movie, you could barely keep your eyes open. The setting of the room simply made it feel like every word from the movie sounded like a lullaby, lulling you to sleep.
The feeling of lethargic from earlier dropped when you looked up to him, feeling some sort of comfort from the way he looked at you with his hand under your shirt, stroking on your back.
"I saw someone." You muttered.
Charles didn’t say anything, but you felt the stroke on your back stop as he secured his grip on your waist.
"I think… I saw someone. I don’t know. It was stupid." You repeated.
"It wasn’t, baby." His free hand on the popcorn bowl started picking out caramelised popcorn bits and offering them to you.
"And I kept on smelling this." An image of him smiling made you speechless.
"What was it?"
"No, nothing. Can we go to sleep?" Sitting up, you push the blanket off your body and stretch out your arms, still munching on the popcorn he offered earlier. Your eyes landed on the main door again.
"Y/N?" A stroke on your cheeks pulled you back from your thoughts.
You grabbed his hand, tugging it softly. Charles tilted his head towards the door, wondering what was there when you kept looking at it. "Can you check if the door is locked?"
"It has always been locked, baby, but I’ll check it again."
The warmth of his body always gave you some sense of security and comfort, but not tonight. Whenever you closed your eyes, you would see the face—the way his upper lip curled with mirth. His eyes weren’t like how you would describe the eyes of a shark. It wasn’t dead inside. There was somewhat of a hint of joy in those eyes when you looked at them, but it wasn’t the one that gave you some sort of approval. You ended up jolting awake every now and then, eventually falling asleep due to exhaustion.
"Morning, princess."
"Morning." You strode your way to the kitchen. Your arms went around his middle as you leaned your head against his back.
"You woke me up a few times last night. Bad dream?" The smell of coffee took over the kitchen, and the sound of the machine pouring the liquid into the mug filled your morning, like wise.
"Yeah. It’s nothing. Are you going out today?" Charles took a sip of his coffee, facing you, and you chuckled again with the cute mug.
"Yeah, I’m going out for a while. Do you need anything?" A gentle stroke of your thumb on your waist made you squirm a little.
"Can you buy me the milk chocolate macadamias?"
He rolled his eyes, making you laughed. You will always run out of the chocolate bar, your favourite kind.
"Good luck on your next race, Charles!"
It was nothing new; he would always get stopped by whenever he was spotted outside. It was something he had gotten used to, regardless of the time of the day. It was the constant feeling of being watched and recorded; every action and expression would be put on the internet to watch. But he never paid too much attention to it, knowing they weren’t looking for anything. It would just be a harmless update that would fill up the gap of emptiness during the break between races.
He continued to drop a few signatures before giving the striped marker pen back to the owner. "Nice bracelet, by the way." His words made the other guy laugh. The bracelet is identical to his, the same one that you got for him on his birthday last year.
"Girls always crave sweetness, isn’t it?"
"Sorry?" Charles looked at the chocolate bar he was holding in his hand, putting two and two together, when he saw the other guy was also holding one in his hand. "Ah, yeah. It’s the time of the month, I guess."
He was wearing a black cap with a printed black hoodie, the same one as the guy he met earlier. Charles saw the personalised bracelet peeking a little from the small movement of his arm—the same bracelet he pointed out earlier—and it clicked to him that this was the guy he had a short meeting with before.
As if he could sense the conjecture, he replied nonchalantly before focusing back on the rows of chocolates. "Yeah, we met earlier." He pulled his sleeve up, revealing the bracelet. "I was heading back, and my girlfriend asked me to buy some of her needs."
Charles laughed, picking up another bar of your favourite chocolate. "Well, that makes two of us."
"Your girlfriend likes that one?"
"Yeah, she’s the biggest fan of this. Well, have a nice day ahead." Charles ambled away, oblivious to the smile. The same smile he was being told before last night.
"Baby?" Charles called out.
"I’m here!" You yelled back, ripping the heart-shaped sticker off and sticking it in the corner of your journal.
"Oh, wow. We got guests?" A round of chortling could be heard as the girls, Martha and Lizzy, saw Charles when he got into your camera view. "Sharing teas again?"
"Of course. Tea tastes better when served hot." Lizzy replied.
Charles lay by your side and groaned in pleasure at being able to stretch out his limbs. "Well, ladies. Mind if I have my privacy with my fiancée?"
The tickling kisses on your bare shoulders made you chuckle as you took your phone, which was propped up against the headboard. "Bye, girls! Talk to you later! You shouldn’t lay down on the bed in those clothes, Charles." You sent him a glare when the call was disconnected.
"Ow! Come here." He winced when you pinched on his arm, resulting in a short cuddle attack as your laugh and giggles filled up the room. "This is beautiful, babe." The journal book in front of you was taken as Charles flipped the pages, tracing your scrapbook work. It was a journal that you have had since you were in high school. There were a lot of pictures and memories kept in the book—every detail of your life. You even drew a portable mini fan in pink, the one you got from Charles when you first met. It was the story of your life. The storybook of your life, but make it a picture one, as it was fully decorated with stickers, random pictures, and cuts of paper with different colours and designs.
"I just added a new page!" You turned to the latest page and gratifyingly pointed at the particular coffee sticker, a small drawing of pan au chocolat, as well as a Polaroid of a selfie between Lizzy and you
"Is this from yesterday?" His mouth split into a grin and left a peck on your crown.
"Yeah! I included everything in." You exclaimed.
Well, not everything. You didn’t include the smiling figure; you didn’t include the familiar scent you had been smelling on your way to meet Lizzy at the cafe—the familiar scent that you caught on your way back. Basically, the scent that had been sticking with you all day long yesterday. You chose to play pretend as if none of it happened; perhaps that way it would be easier for you to forget.
But can you?
Because he was still right outside the apartment, still waiting to catch a glimpse of you, with your favourite chocolate bar in his hand.
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✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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toasttt11 · 5 months
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October 8, 2022
Luca walked into the small cafe and saw the bright golden hair that is impossible for him to stop thinking about, he rubbed his hands nervously on his pants and took a deep breath walking over to her.
Julianna had her notebook and computer open on the table and was writing in her notebook. She had an ice coffee in front of her and a hot coffee across from her.
Luca pulled out the chair in front of her making her head snap up and she smiled at Luca, “Luca!” She sounded happy as she spoke his name making Luca’s heart clench in fondness.
“Hi Julianna.” Luca softly smiled back sitting in front of her, he noticed an extra coffee in front of her and looked at it curiously.
Julianna followed his eyes and saw the hot coffee, she blushed slightly but pushed it to him, “I asked Adam what you like.” Julianna smiled softly tucking her hair begin her ears.
Luca smiled softly feeling very touched she cared enough to ask his baby brother, he knew his cheeks were bright red, “Thank you.” Luca softy smiled at her.
“It’s not a problem.” Julianna simply shrugged and smiled softly back, she looked back down at her notebook.
Luca opened his back pack and pulled out his workbook and computer and set down in front of him.
They were going to start working on their project.
Luca and Julianna were both working on their project but kept looking up at each other and blushing when they caught each other.
Luca excused himself to the bathroom about two hours in and sneakily bought a warm chocolate chip cookie and brought it back to the table, he placed it in front of Julianna smiling at her suprised look.
“I know we are both on diets but thought we could share it.” Luca softly replied, splitting the cookie in half and holding half out to her.
Julianna nodded happily and took the cookie from him gently and took a bite and made a happy sound, “Thank you.” Julianna beamed in appreciation.
“It’s no problem.” Luca smiled and watched her with a certain look in his eyes that seem common when he was looking at her.
Julianna looked up as she happily munched on her cookie and blushed slightly seeing Luca staring at her with a smile, “What?”
Luca let out a small chuckle and shook his head and leaned toward slowly bringing his hand towards her face giving her a look and she nodded, he gently wiped off the chocolate that was right by her lip. He leaned back and showed her his thumb, “Chocolate.” Luca smiled.
Julianna let out a little breath and when she went to respond she felt her phone buzz and she pulled it out seeing her reminder for practice, she frowned feeling disappointed but shook that off.
“Sorry Luca, i’ve got to get to practice.” Julianna smiled and started packing up her stuff into her backpack.
“It’s no problem.” Luca smiled even if he was a little disappointed to see her go.
“Oh, can i see your phone?” Julianna realized and held out her phone and Luca nodded and unlocked his phone handing it to her.
Julianna quickly put her number into his contacts and handed his phone back to him, “So we can talk some more… about the project.” Julianna added the last few words slighty flustered.
Luca smiled and nodded back. Julianna stood up putting her backpack on her shoulder and waved at Luca and walked out. Luca’s eyes followed her until she was out of sight.
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rafferty3207 · 1 year
Hi!! Can a request a fluffy Roy x Reader oneshot? Maybe one the reader is part of the gang and is Roy’s plus one for the charity gala. She and Roy are being very sweet and flirty with each other throughout the evening. When Roy and Keeley tease Jamie about being bid on by a little old lady, reader joins in on Jamie’s side and defends him, and playfully teases Roy back. Roy takes the dig, but sexily whispers to her later that she’ll pay for it after the party. Just overall fluff with these two love birds. Sorry if this is too long & thank you in advance!!
hello!! I love this!! I'm a sucker for a fancy dress moment and I may have gotten carried away - Only after having written several thousand words did I realise you maybe meant more of an established relationship but I thought a get together at the gala would be so cute so enjoy!!
You'll Pay for That
Warning: Swearing (because its Roy obvs), teensy bit of jealousy, two horny idiots in love
A/N: proofreading is for the weak, gif is not mine
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You couldn’t stand it any longer. 
You’d been to black tie events before, but none like this one. This was the Richmond FC annual charity gala, and as you waited in your living room, fiddling with the straps of your dress, you were nervous.
When Roy Kent, famously the grumpiest bastard in all of Nelson Road, asked you to be his date, everyone was surprised. Especially you.
You’d been at Richmond for the last six months and not a single day had passed without you thinking about Roy Kent. 
You had noticed how attractive he was the minute you first saw him, with his dark curls and thick stubble and toned arms.  He definitely caught you staring more than once. You had even once walked in on him changing, although you swore to this day it was a complete accident. It was an accident, but you may have lingered on his muscled back perhaps a minute or two longer than necessarily. You had also caught him glaring once or twice, but he glared at everyone so it was hard to tell.
But it wasn’t until you had caught him icing his knee after everyone else had gone home that everything really changed. You had said nothing, but left him a ready-made cool pack in his locker before the end of the day, and if you saw he was starting to limp around or look tired, you would make up some excuse for him to come into your office so he could sit down. Of course, he never said anything, but your coffee order miraculously started appearing on your desk every morning, and he always would invite you to eat lunch, whether it was with the players, the coaches or just with Keeley and Jamie, who had founded a new tradition on the Friday to try a nice new restaurant nearby. While you had got along with everyone in the office before this on a professional level, you found yourself becoming thick and fast friends with the whole gang after this, especially Jamie, who started teasing you about how he had gone soft around you. You batted it off, but your heart couldn’t help but race whenever the possibility was mentioned. But you had to tell yourself it was nothing,
One lunch trip however, a month before the gala, both Jamie and Keeley cancelled at the last minute, and you found that you and Roy would be alone. But Roy had already reserved a table at this nice new Italian cafe nearby, so the two of you decided to go anyway.
This is not a date, you told yourself. But you were surprised to see Roy quickly order a bottle of wine. Was he nervous?
“It’s 12pm on a Friday?” You chided him as the waiter handed him the bottle of red.
“And? We’re two adults, we can do whatever the fuck we want?” He was still avoiding eye contact, looking at the bottle.
“I guess we’re not getting any work done this afternoon.”
“I have nothing better to do today than this, do you?”
“‘Nothing better?’ Wow, okay. Glad to see that’s how you see my company.” You folded your arms, playing stern.
Roy’s head suddenly whipped around. “I mean - that’s not what I meant -”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I really like spending time with you.”His eyes flitted from you to the empty plate in front of him.
“Oh.” You tried not to blush at his words. “Well, I really like spending time with you too.”
“Good.” Roy nodded.”Now let’s order some fucking food shall we?”
Over the course of the lunch, which ended up lasting almost three hours, you found yourself chatting about anything and everything. He told you all about Phoebe’s progress in school, Jamie’s progress in training, and after the third glass of wine, all about his grandad and how he taught him everything from football to taking care of orchids. You told him how you were finding the new job, how your new flat still needed decorating and after the third glass of wine how you only had the new job and flat to begin with after a big breakup and now everyone wouldn’t stop asking you who you were going to the gala with.
“I feel like I’m sixteen and I’m the sad sack who doesn’t have a date to prom again.” You fiddled with your necklace. Roy’s eyes dip for a second before looking back at you intensely.
“That is because they are all mentally sixteen. It’s fucking stupid, just ignore them.”
 You swill the remaining wine in the glass, eyes intently not on him. “Easy for you to say Roy. I bet you have a queue of supermodels waiting for an invite from yours truly.”
Roy snorted in derision.
“Supermodels aren’t interested in old ex-footballers.”  You look up to see Roy looking at you, eyebrows softened. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to go with a supermodel anyway.”
You leaned in slightly closer. 
“So who do you want to go with?”
Roy opens his mouth but his phone starts vibrating.
“We really need to get back to work.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed when you got home that night. But when you walked into your office, there was a small white orchid on your desk with a note.
For your flat.
I don’t know how the kids do this but apparently it’s a prom tradition to give your plus one a flower?
Over the next month, you spoke to each other every day. When you weren’t leaving little post its of your favourite Jamie quote or exchanging glances over the morning meeting whenever Ted said something so very Ted,  you were texting trying to figure out all your gala details - you were having difficulty finding a dress suitable that would match his ‘heather charcoal suits’ or whatever he said.
Eventually, one morning, Keeley had asked for your measurements as she apparently ‘knew someone’ which she told you while winking and walking away.
Two days before the gala, a beautiful black box arrived on your doorstep. It is the most beautiful dark silky dress, with just a small note attached.
This is what I mean by heather charcoal.
Of course, it fit perfectly.
So here you are, It is the day of, and your hair is done and your makeup is done and you are sitting on your couch, ready 30 minutes early, tapping your heel impatiently. 
When there is a knock on your door.
Roy is standing there, looking even more handsome in his all black suit. It is tailored perfectly and you wondered if you could sack off the gala entirely and just spend all evening in your bedroom. But you shake the thought quickly away.
“You’re early.”
Roy looks around. “Well you said you always get ready too early for these things and it stresses you out and you just want to leave, so here I am, in case it was true.” Your heart wants to burst right there and then.
He finally takes you in, looking you up and down.
“Whoever didn’t take you to prom was a fucking idiot.”
You blush and you really do feel sixteen again. 
“Oh that reminds me.” You pull out a small box. “This is for you.” 
Roy opens it to find a small delicate corsage of white flowers, including one white orchid.
“Someone told me it’s traditional to get your prom date flowers.” You swear you see Roy’s eyes water, just a little, before he steps closer to you, bringing his hand to your face. You hold your breath, lean in, until -
“Oi you two, are you coming or what?!” Jamie yells from the limo. The two of you jump back from each other.
“Sorry, I forgot to say -” Roy tries to explain, but you hurry down the stairs.
“Don’t worry about it.”
The ride to the venue you find yourself tightly packed with Roy and Jamie in the back seat. Your hand is right next to Roy’s thigh, and you try to subtly inch it towards him, until a sharp corner finds it right in his lap. You pull away, hoping Jamie hadn’t noticed, but he’s oblivious, still talking about some new book he was reading.
“It’s called “The Body Keeps the Score”, but it’s not even about football…”
You and Roy exchange looks, trying not to giggle. The slit in your dress has hitched up just a little, and you suddenly notice Roy’s hand leaning just against your bare thigh. His fingers are drawing small circles and your whole body feels electric.
“...ooh we’re here!” Jamie once again interrupts you and Roy pulls his hand away. The car pulls to a stop. Roy steps out first and offers you a hand out of the car, leading you up the stairs. His hands are large and warm and only slightly calloused and you wished you didn’t have to let go, but once you are through the door he immediately pulls away. 
“We are going to need a drink to get through this. French martini right?” You nod, impressed he still remembers your cocktail order after one late night drunk text conversation where you drunkenly told him about your teenage dream to live in Paris and drink cocktails in a bookshop like Hemingway.
“Babes, please tell me he has snogged you already.” You jump.
“Keeley you cannot sneak up on people like that!” You brushed yourself down. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Oh come on, everyone can see it babes that you fancy the pants off each other. Just find a broom cupboard already and get on with it.”
“For god’s sake Keeley. It’s not that easy. Everytime I think he's going to do something, he gets scared or we get interrupted. Or both.”
Keeley huffs, thinking hard, before catching sight of Jamie.
“Look all I can say is that there is one man who can annoy Roy into doing anything and that’s him.”
“So I get Jamie to kiss Roy for me?” 
“No, although that would be hot. I don’t know babes, but if anyone could figure it out, it’s you.”
“Figure what out?” Roy stands behind you holding two fancy looking cocktail glasses.
You turn around to find Keeley gone.
“Nothing, Keeley’s just talking some shit.” You look down. “I didn’t realise you liked Sex on the Beach.”
“I like sex in lots of places.” You tilt your head. He looks down at the cocktails. “Oh. You meant the drink, didn’t you?”
“Yes, although that is very interesting information. Where else do you like sex, Roy?” You tease him, watching his jaw clench ever so slightly as he starts walking over hurriedly to the table.
“Let’s sit down.” You poke his cheek, at the tiniest hint of his blush..
“Not before you tell me.”
At that point, Roy stops, places the glasses down and leans over, his lips right by your ear. You can feel his breath against your cheek and his chest mere millimetres from yours and all of you tenses.
“Why? Would you like to find out?” He leans back smiling. “Now who’s embarrassed?” He takes a seat next to Keeley and you try to gain composure. You know you need to gain one up on him, but it is not until the subject of the charity auction comes up, you see your chance.
“How much do you think I’ll rake in this year?” Jame leans back in his chair.
“50p?” Roy suggests, arms folded.
“Maybe £1 if you’re lucky.” Keeley chimes in.
“After Lust Conquers All, you’ll be lucky if one of these old biddies at the front coughs up.”  Roy grins.
Jamie’s brow crinkles.
You see your chance.
You lean towards Jamie and place your hand on his arm. You notice Roy’s eyes burning into you.
“So what exactly do you get if you win one of these bids Jamie?”
“You can spend the night with me, doing whatever you like.”
“Whatever I like?” You practically purr. “Interesting. Maybe I’ll bid on you Jamie. To save you from an old biddy of course.” You wink at him before leaning back. Jamie’s eyebrows raise, and he looks to Roy as if to ask for help. Roy simply glares at him.
As you sit back, you feel Roy grab your wrist. Without saying anything, he drags you out to the corridor.
“Am I in trouble?”
He finally lets you go.
“Don’t you dare think of bidding on that little prick.”
“Why? Do you want me to bid on you instead?” You look back at him with a smirk.
“Don’t be stupid.” You feel a sudden deflation. “You never have to buy me. I’d be yours for free.”
The breath leaves your lungs for a moment. “What?”
“Why do you think we’re here?  Why I’ve done all of this? You know you could have me any time, any place, just say the fucking word.”
At that point, you step to him, grab his face in both hands and kiss Roy Kent. For a moment, he is still, almost surprised at the sheer force. But then he melts back into you with equal passion, pulling you in by the small of your back. You run your hand through his hair, kissing him over and over until you eventually have to come up for air.
Once you finally emerge, face scratched from all the stubble, lips swollen, you smile at him. “You know I was just teasing about Jamie right?” You say to him, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“Oh I know.” He growls into your neck, “You’ll pay for that later though.” You can't wait.
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peterpparkrr · 1 year
Banter (ch. 5)
Series: Banter
Pairing: Roy Kent x f!Reader
Summary: Keeley gives you some much needed advice. You and Roy finally talk about your feelings.
A/N: Sorry for the delay with this chapter! Motivation is a fickle mistress and this chapter is a bit shorter than I’d like it to be, but thank you for your patience!
(Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4)
series masterlist
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The next morning you wake up to a text from Keeley insisting on a coffee date to debrief the night before unless quote-unquote “Roy already made you breakfast in bed.” 
You ignore the joke and tell her you’ll meet her at your favorite cafe near the stadium.
"Did you and Roy talk all night?" Keeley asks before your butt can make contact with your seat. 
Keeley already has your latte and croissant sitting in front of you which would be a kind gesture from your friend if it wasn’t coupled with Keeley literally bouncing up and down across from you, leaning in as if she’s worried she’ll miss anything.
"Yeah," You reply. "I don't know, it was weird," You admit with a shrug.
"Good weird or bad weird?" She asks with an eye wiggle.
"Well we stayed at Ola’s until Sam kicked us out and so I asked him if he wanted to go for a drink so we could keep talking, right? And then we were at the pub until late, still talking. And he walked me home, but then I was like standing outside my flat, waiting for the goodnight kiss and he just... left?" You explain.
"I made eyes at him and everything," You tell Keeley with a groan. "God, it was so embarrassing."
“Woah,” Keeley murmurs as you place your head in your hands.
It’s not until your shoulders start to shake that Keeley pushes out of her chair and comes to crouch beside you.
“Hey! Hey! You’re alright!” Keeley consoles you as she rubs her hand on your back. 
You laugh mirthlessly as you look up at her and Keeley breathes a sigh of relief when she  realizes you’re laughing and not crying.
“I know I just, I think I’m really starting to like him which is just… shit,” You tell her.
“Remember what we talked about?” Keeley asks you as she grabs your hand and squeezes it tightly.
“You need to be upfront and honest with him about your feelings. Roy’s not a mindreader. Obviously,” She points out. “So maybe you just need to ask him what’s up.” 
“I can’t do that I-” You stammer out in mild panic.
It’s one thing to be rejected in the sense that you’re left at your door, kissless, it’s an entirely different thing to explicitly state your interest and be brutally rejected with words. You’re not sure you can handle the latter.
“Yes you can,” Keeley cuts you off. “You are a strong, capable woman who can do anything she puts her mind to, and Roy would be fucking lucky to have you.”
“I’ll ask him,” You reply with a nod as you set your determination.
“Good girl,” Keeley replies.
“I’ll go ask him right now,” You say as you move to stand up.
“Oh,” Keeley murmurs, her eyes widening as she watches you stand up and collect your things.
“Why not? Right?” You offer her with a shrug.
“Yeah,” Keeley replies. Though she’s suddenly wondering if she’s possibly too good at motivational speeches. “Um, do you want me to come with you?”
“I think I have to do this on my own,” You tell her. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
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“Roy!” You shout as you march through the AFC Richmond hallway, trying to catch up to the dark-haired man striding down the hall towards the coaches' offices.
“Hey,” Roy greets you as he turns to see you headed in his direction.
“Do you want a croissant?” You ask as you push the bag into his hands before he can even respond.
“This croissant has a bite taken out of it,” He points out as he pulls it out of the bag. “I know, I got hungry while I was walking over here,” You tell him. 
“But that’s not why I’m here,” You tell him as you try to get yourself back on track before you lose the sudden burst of self-confidence that carried you the four blocks here.
"Do you like me or don't you?" You ask him.
"Of course I like you," Roy replies.
Your chest deflates significantly with relief. That was way easier than you thought it would be. And the ideal outcome. 
Except you’re still confused.
"Well, then why didn't you kiss me last night?" You ask him as your brows furrow again with the reminder of why exactly you’re so confused by this man. “The hot-and-cold, mixed signals are doing my head in.”
"I like to take things slow," Roy tells you. “And I don’t want to rush into things before I understand where you’re at.”
"But you do? Like me, I mean?"  You ask.
"Of course I fucking like you," Roy replies. "Even after you brutally fucking rejected me I liked you."
"You rejected me!" 
"No I fucking didn't," Roy replies, shaking his head. "You walked out of that restaurant before I could even say anything and then told me that being seen with me was a fucking embarrassment."
"That's not how-"
"If either of us is hot-and-cold and impossible to read it's you," He tells you
Roy cuts you off.
"I fucking like you, (Y/N), and if I need to keep telling you that every fucking day until it sinks in I'll do it, but only if you admit that you have feelings for me too."
"I-I do,” You reply. "Like you," You tell him.
"I like you a lot, Roy," You tell him.
"Well, there we go," Roy replies. “That wasn’t too hard now was it?”
"But what does that mean?" You ask. "What do we do now?"
"I have one idea," Roy says as he closes the gap between you two and moves forward to cup your face in his hands. 
His lips are pressed against yours and the hand curls around to cup your neck before you can get your brain firing on all cylinders. 
Roy Kent is kissing you. 
Roy Kent is kissing you in the middle of the hallway in your place of work. 
His place of work.
You break apart as quickly as you were pulled together. 
"I..." You stall as your brain struggles to form the words you want to say. 
"What are you doing tonight?" Roy asks you in a low voice as his thumb traces over the curve of your cheek. 
"Normally I'd say something like, you," You reply as you gaze back at him. The heat of that kiss still fresh in your mind. "But apparently you want to take it slow."
"Fuck slow," Roy growls. 
God, he's the hottest man you've ever met. 
"Come over to my place, I'll make us dinner," He tells you.
"As long as you kiss me like that again I'll go wherever you want."
"Tonight," He promises. And you don’t know if it’s about the date or the kiss or the unspoken thing you’re definitely both thinking about right now as you can feel Roy’s eyes tracing down your body.
“Tonight,” You agree before you take a step back and turn to head out before you do something truly reckless.
Like shagging a football coach in a closet.
You’re halfway down the hallway when you realize you’ve forgotten something.
“My croissant!” You shout as you turn around.
“My croissant now, you gave it to me, remember?” Roy replies before he pulls it out of the bag and takes a bite before heading into his office.
Tonight. You remind yourself as you walk out of the training facility. You just need to keep a handle on yourself until tonight.
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: after a trip down memory lane and a 'coincidental' run in with your ex after moving back home, you thought you would be able to move on but sparks seemingly started flying once again between you and jay.
pairing: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers to exes to lovers (again) au
word count: 1.3k
request: " I almost cried reading Best Part, may I request a part 2 with a happy ending?? "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: I had initially wanted to leave this as a oneshot with a bittersweet ending but because you so kindly asked, here it is anon, enjoy :)
a/n (2): please be sure to read part one [ here ]
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You were finally back home after being overseas and for the past two weeks you've been settling back in into your new apartment and catching up with your friends and family.
It felt great to be back and seeing everyone you love in person again but after the day of your trip going through your box of keepsakes, you would catch yourself thinking about Jay once in awhile wondering how and where he was.
Although a big part of you also knew maybe it was best not to see him because you wanted to, no, needed to move on from him and start a new page in your book called life.
Your new apartment still needed some decorating with a personal touch and you thought adding a few vinyl pieces could make your space feel more like home.
Walking into the old music shop you had been introduced to by Jay in the past, you kindly greet the store owner in the front and begin to browse through the various vinyls picking out some you wanted to get.
The store bell rung alerting the owner and you, seeing as you were currently the only customer, that someone else had come in.
You had obviously paid no mind to this simply paying attention to this box of vinyls looking for a new album.
"(Y/n)... is that you?"
Turning your head you immediately recognise the voice you'd missed but also wanted to forget for the longest time.
"Jay... h-hi." you say weakly as your voice cracked.
It felt as thought your entire world was crashing down and in that moment you were just holding back tears and wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
"How've you been, it's great to see you again. When did you get back?" he asks calmly trying to make small talk but little did you know his heart was beating uncontrollably fast.
"Uhm yeah haha. I've been good I guess. Got back about two weeks ago so I've just been settling in." you tell him wanting to run away.
"It was nice to see you too but I have to uhh... unpack some of my other things back home." you excuse yourself avoiding eye contact with him fiddling with your fingers nervously.
Just as you turned around to leave to go pay for the vinyls you picked out, Jay stops you gently grabbing your wrist and you notice a particularly familiar bracelet on his wrist.
"I hope it's okay if I message you again if you don't mind... maybe we can catch up over a coffee sometime." he suggests letting go of your arm and scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Y-you still have my number..?" you ask him suprised by this.
"Yeah. I kept them... you know just in case." he said smiling sheepishly.
"Oh uhm, okay then, you can text me. I'll see you soon then."
Your heart and mind were both racing at this point.
You didn't know whether it was the right move to let Jay back into your life but having met him here again has to be some sort of sign right?
And the bracelet you made him, not only had you both broken up but he was still wearing it too...
You plop down onto your couch, after arriving home, letting out a deep sigh trying to figure out how your life suddenly took an entire 180.
Jay did in fact text you that night and talking to him again brought back so many emotions you'd tried so hard to let go of.
You felt like a giddy high schooler experiencing her first love all over again.
You both had agreed to meet at a cafe not far from where you lived the following Saturday and you were quite nervous.
Seeing Jay again after so long only proved to you that you were still undoubtedly in love with him and you were secretly hoping he was too.
Walking into the cafe that afternoon, you catch Jay sitting across a table near the window looking beautiful as the sun hit him at the best angle making his skin glisten.
"Hey Jay." you greet him about to sit down but before that he abruptly pulls you in for a hug.
You feel yourself melting in his embrace taking a whiff of the vanilla scent you missed still proceeding to hug him back despite how awkward you felt.
"It's great to see you again, thank you for agreeing to this." he says pulling away first as he pulled out your chair to let you sit as you thanked him taking your seat.
"Wow, this place sure has changed, felt like just yesterday we were here on one of our dates." you say looking around admiring the new interior of the place as you reminisced about the past.
"Yeah, it feels good to be back here with you, it didn't feel the same coming alone." he admits shyly as a waiter suddenly places your drinks and food down.
"Why am I not suprised, you still remember my go-to order." you say trying to hide your smile as Jay chuckles.
"I wanted to make a good impression. Although I was worries maybe it might have changed, glad it didn't." he says feeling relieved watching you enjoy your food.
"So how was it studying overseas, anything memorable?" he asks trying to make conversation.
You were glad Jay was able to make you feel comfortable, it felt like talking to an old friend and catching up.
You both then exchanged stories of what has been going on for these past two years you'd been away from each other and yet, you hadn't picked up any romance in his story.
"So you didn't meet anyone while I was gone..?" you ask clearing your throat.
"I wasn't really interested in anyone. Plus I'm still I love with y-" he stops himself realising what he just said as your eyes widen.
"I-I'm so sorry, uh, I don't want to put you in a difficult position. I completely get it if you've moved on-" he rambles and you stop him trying to calm him down by laying your hand on his across the table.
"It's okay Jay, I feel the same way." you admit as his ears turn red and he had the biggest smile on his face.
It felt so relieving being able to finally get that out to him and even better to know he felt the same way.
You both then spent the entire day catching up more and visiting old places you'd go to making new memories there.
"Thank you for today, I had a great time." you tell Jay as you stop in front of your door both your hands in his as you gently sway them.
"Wait uhm, I actually have something for you." he says gently rubbing your hands with the pad of his thumb letting go briefly handing you the small letter from the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Oh, thank you." you accept the letting wondering what it was.
"But open it only once you're inside and I've left." he says smiling shyly.
"Okay Jay, goodnight." you tell him nodding in understanding.
Letting go of his hands, not really wanting to though, you decide to make the first move planting a short peck on his cheek leaving Jay in awe as you went inside.
You look at the letter once more opening it and reading it's content feeling yourself about to burst into tears.
At the end of the letter it read:
'Day 01: I love your presence, no matter how much time passes, I still feel myself loving you more and more and now we can finally start over together.'
He still remembered the letters, you thought to yourself with the biggest smile.
Maybe things would work out just fine.
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deadsnothere · 2 years
"I'm sleeping with your sister"
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Synopsis - While alias and lockwood are on a date Alias's brother Quill Kipps find his sister and his enemy enjoying a "conversation and a cup of tea." (warning: it gets a bit spicy at the end no actual smut but hints at it!!)
Request - Nope but they are open, pls request stuff guys i'm begging!!!
Word count - 1.7k
Speak Ali! - PLEASE REQUEST!! I will not use y/n but i will use Alias, and you can request things like "george's sister" or "the best listener" Alias is just the base name i'll use 😭 SO PLEASE REQUEST <3
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Alias didn't mind when Kipps was a dick.
Except for when he was a dick to Lockwood and Co. Alias joined Lockwood and Co a good while ago, Quill always thought it was a waste of her talent. Thought that instead of agency work she should’ve gone into making flare’s and engineering since she was so good with that field of work. He even got Fittis to offer her a job as a mechanic after a mission went wrong as an agent. But she declined and told him she already got another job and left it at that. Alias and Quill were never that close, They had almost exactly opposite personalities, Alias was kind and sweet, sarcastically caring and the biggest drama queen in residence of 35 Portland row, and loves Anthony lockwood. While Quill was- Well Quill and despises Anthony lockwood.
“Well..if it isn't Andrew.” I immediately felt my eyes roll. When I looked up there was my dear brother himself. Quill Kipps! He looked over to me smiling, Ethan, one of Quill's agents, who stood closest to me, doing the same. Quill was acting nicer now then when he first learned that I’d joined Lockwood and Co as an Agent/Mechanic, he wasn't exactly happy. I was rendezvousing with the ‘enemy’. Little does he know I'm doing much more than that.
Me and Anthony were just trying to enjoy a date- A simple date at a small cafe before we went out with Lucy and Norrie, Can't even get that in this family! “What do you want, Kipps? Can you not see I'm trying to enjoy a cup of tea and a conversation?” Lockwood looked pissed. I'm pretty sure he was more pissed about Ethan being here than anything. If it was just Quill I'm sure he would be a little less angry but he always said he hated the way Ethan looked at me.
And so did I honestly but mainly because it was creepy- Even now in the middle of a cafe he was staring at me through the corner of his eye, acting like we definitely could not tell what or who he was looking at. “I'm sure now that Quill got his tea he can leave us alone Anthony, don't worry.” I spoke calmly trying to keep the little peace there was.
Quill snapped his head over to look at me. I’m not even kidding, I think I actually heard a crack- “Anthony!? Since when did you call him Anthony, Alias?” I raised an eyebrow, faking a confused face and biting down on my tongue, to keep my nerves down. “Since, I joined the agency…Me and Anthony have become very close friends, I’ll have you know.” Anthony snorted out a laugh from across the table, looking out the window to the side. I kicked his shin lightly, giving him the best ‘I will kick you in the balls’ glare I could muster.
Quill looked over to him, aggravated. “You have something to say, Tony?” Lockwood looked back to Quill acting like he didn't just laugh at me calling us ‘friends’. “Hm? Oh no-” Anthony turned his head to me next, making eye contact. He tilted his head up slightly, his fingers played with his chapped lips. Gods that made me think of last night, my lipstick marks was all over his face, it was so cute he looked so done with me but continued to let me kiss all over his face nonetheless. I looked away from him this time trying to keep the redness in my face down. Gods, this man is infuriating. I just want to kiss him till he can’t breath-
“No I just think it's funny is all.” “What's so funny?” Ethan responded next, even surprising Quill. “That you're both so caught up in Alias’s business. She's more mature than the both of you combined and yet you cling to her like she needs to be protected from everything.” He looked away from me to the other two to the right of him, taking a sip of his earl gray.
What a fucking hypocrite. He acts like he doesn't do the same shit! ‘Oh Alias you can’t do that! It’ll explode’ Or ‘Oh Alias Let me test that very new flare design instead of you even though you're the one who made it’ and ‘I'll protect you darling, even though I have a broken arm and I've been stabbed 14 times in the ribs!’ Ok maybe that last one was a bit dramatic but sometimes I think he would…
“How dare you! I'm their older brother- I have full right to be worried over their safety at your shady agency, Lockwood.” “I've known them both my entire life, it's just being a gentleman!” Lockwood scoffed back at both of their words. Although he seemed more offended at the thought that I wouldn't be safe at Lockwood and Co.
“If there's one thing I'm sure of Kipps, is that Alias’s safety is prioritized at our agency. More than you can say after your last mission together.” After a mission as an agent at fitties went south, Quill became a lot more protective over me. It was bothersome the majority of the time but there were very rare moments it was useful. “Don't you dare bring that up! You have no right to say that about me- You don't even know what happened other than what was put on the papers and that's barely true.” Anthony nodded along with Quill, a knowing look on his face. “But Ali told me everything. What you did..what you didn't.”
Quill looked so pissed, but immediately tried to ignore the comment about me telling him everything from that night. “Ali?! You let him call you Ali! You hate that nickname, you’ve always hated that nickname-” Ant looked so proud of himself, Laughing dryly. Interrupting my own response. “She's let me do a lot more than that Kipps, A lot more.” Three head’s shot over to him. Me kicking him in the shin, harder than the first time to hopefully get a point across. Ethan looked less than happy, with his pitiful little stare. And Quill looked as if he wasn't sure what he was going to do first, torture or kill him.
“He started to call me by the nickname on his own! I just didn't stop him..” I put my hands up in defense. “He’s a stubborn man ok? and plus it's..kinda sweet.” I put my hands back down, taking a sip of my hot chocolate, avoiding eye contact from my poor brother. It didn't take much to know Lockwood was enjoying this, just the annoying smirk when I called him sweet, and when Quill’s face turned red from anger.
“Sweet? Him sweet! He's a prick! an arsehole- The biggest dick I've met since trevor.” Trevor was a mutual friend we had, let's just say it didn't end well. “She certainly thinks I do.” I choked on my hot chocolate about dying as I tried to regain my composure. Quill’s face went dead serious. “She what.” I have a feeling this is going to end as badly as trevor. “I’m sleeping with your sister Kipps. We’ve been dating for almost a year.” Ethan’s face dropped, jaw opened, while Quill just looked at me, his eyes almost pleading for it not to be true. “Surprise?” I said in an uncertain tone, slowly moving my hands up to do jazz hands. Yeah just keep doing Jazz hands they make everything better-
It's not completely unprompted that we tell my brother, I mean we've had conversations about it in the past, we just never really got to it! “Alias Kipps when I told you don't rendezvous with the enemy I meant it!” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “He's your enemy not mine!-” Quill looked almost offended. “You used to hate him too!” “Well He's obviously far from my enemy now!” “We bonded over hating him!” “Well now we can bond over making out with him!”
Lockwood was watching this conversation like a tennis game. A smirk on his face the entire time, until my head snapped to him. “And you, don't think you're free, and don't think I don't know of your little jealousy game. I have half a mind to kick your ass right now.” Quill’s face now held a smirk. I was looking back and forth between the boys, about ready to murder, and it showed on my face. “Now Quill, Ethan please walk away and if you’ll excuse me and my boyfriend. We are going to continue our date. bye bye” If it weren't for the fact that I looked ready to kill, they probably wouldn't have left, but after being my sibling for so long I think Quill learned what I could and couldn't do. They both reluctantly walked away keeping his stare on me and Anthony until he was out of the cafe.
I'm not sure which feeling was stronger, lust or anger. but i'm pretty sure it's both. I mean what an ass! Who does anthony think he is! He didn't even ask if it was ok to tell him. God he made my blood boil, but by the way he was sitting there with his legs man spread looking so proud of himself gods, I just want to absolutely ruin his perfect face. Force him to whine and whimper for my touch. Gods he'd look so perfect...
This was going to be a long date.
“Anthony.” I took in a deep breath trying to relax my head, at this point I couldn't tell what was anger and what was lust. He smiled at me with his ‘please forgive me’ smile. “Yes darling?” I stood up and took two steps to stand beside him, whispering in his ear. “When we get home, I expect to find you on your bed ready for me, got it?” I put my hand on his thigh and set my other hand on his shoulder. He nodded as a yes but that isn't exactly what I was expecting, he knows exactly what I'm expecting. The hand on his thigh trailed up just a bit higher, “Excuse me?” “Yes ma'am.” I nodded in satisfaction, patting his shoulder and moving both of my hands away. Picking up my to-go cup of hot chocolate, which was still hot, thank gods.
“Come on, Ant! We have places to be don't we? Promised Lucy and Norrie that double date.” I kissed his cheek and patted the other with my hand. “But I'll uh- give you a minute, I'll be outside getting a cab.” Even as I was walking away I could feel him staring at me. This time his stare was almost pleading for me to come back, desperate for attention.
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part 2?
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
hehehe wrote a "fake dating/kiss" locklyle thing in my campus cafe mwah ha ha
“Lockwood, you have royally screwed us this time.” Lucy Carlyle muttered under her breath. 
Anthony Lockwood scoffed, their forced proximity causing his breath to fan over Lucy’s face. She tried to suppress a shiver at the prolonged contact with his body that she was forced to maintain. 
“Yeah, well- Luce, you might not believe me, but I certainly didn’t have this in mind while we were planning out how the case was going to go earlier.” Now it was Lucy’s time to scoff.
And what precarious situation did the members of Lockwood & Co. find themselves in this time, you might ask? Well, it just so happened that Lucy and Lockwood had to go “undercover”, as Lockwood like to call it, to retrieve yet another dangerous relic that had been stolen from the gravesite of another job that Lockwood had recklessly dove headfirst into, despite both George and Lucy consistently telling him that they were all way out of their depths. 
And now, Lucy Carlyle was stuck in a horribly small broom closet in an intimidating warehouse-turned-banquet hall with Anthony Lockwood, her employer, her best friend, and the man she was extremely attracted to as they tried to evade being caught.
The night was not going well.
Lucy’s breath hitched as Lockwood laid a hand on her waist, trying to maneuver himself closer to the door so he could attempt to hear if anyone was coming down the hallway.
“What-” Lucy began to speak, but stopped as Lockwood put a finger to his lips. His face was the only thing she could see within the dark space due to the bright light leaking in from the gap between the closet door and the ground. “There’s someone coming.” He whispered, and Lucy nodded in understanding. 
Lockwood moved back to his previous position, standing directly in front of her, but didn’t drop his hand from its place on her waist. She was grateful. That area of her body had been extremely, devastatingly cold just seconds before, so he was doing her a service, really, keeping his extremely warm hand on her extremely cold waist. 
“What do we do now?” She forced herself to whisper, attempting (successfully) to find Lockwood’s eyes in the darkness. Suddenly, his other hand was also holding her waist, and thank god for that, because she was just thinking about how terribly cold that side of her was becoming. 
“Plan K.” He whispered, and Lucy’s face contorted in confusion. She furrowed her brow as she searched her brain for whatever he meant by “plan K”. Lucy looked at him, and if she wasn’t so busy being confused, she would’ve noticed just how close his face was to hers. “What the hell is plan K?” She whispered, the rest of her mind catching up with what was occurring. 
Lockwood’s arms were now wrapped around her waist, his forehead close to resting on her’s. Her hands had somehow made their way up and were resting on his chest. At this proximity, she could see everything- the batting of his eyelashes, the slight discoloration across his cheeks that might just be a blush, his open lips. She especially noticed his lips.
Lucy couldn’t breathe, but she felt her heart pounding an increasing staccato and she knew that if someone were to turn on the light, her face would be bright red. But she couldn’t worry about anything like that, because in that moment, Lucy Carlyle saw Anthony Lockwood’s eyes flit from her eyes down to her mouth, then up and back down again.
She was overwhelmed but in the best way possible. Lockwood’s chest was strong under her touch. His arms were around her waist. His eyes rested on her lips. And there were the telltale signs of someone running in the hallway.
“Please don’t hate me, Luce.” He pleaded, almost like a repentant prayer.
And then the door was opening, and Anthony Lockwood was kissing her.
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ejzah · 3 days
A/N: I’m working on some of my WIPs, but don’t have any chapters ready to go. So, I thought I’d write the other day’s angsty fic from Kensi’s perspective.
Reached the Limit
Kensi rolled onto her side, rubbing her “good” hand over her face. When she opened her eyes a few seconds later, she saw Deeks standing in front of one of the two small windows, blind partially drawn up.
He turned around, his face briefly in shadows before he moved into the early morning glow. “Morning, Kensalina.” He greeted her with a gentle kiss that was over way too soon.
“I thought I told you to go home and sleep in a real bed,” she told him as he settled into the stiff couch. He tried sleeping there last night again, but she couldn’t bear to see him awkwardly curled up one more night, and eventually he’d relented. She didn’t miss the sleepy look in his eyes or his slightly more than usually disheveled hair.
“Eh, it’s just not the same without my favorite Ladybird,” he said flippantly. “Speaking of, how did you sleep?”
“Actually, not that bad. I keep getting this weird twitch in my leg that’s super annoying,” Kensi told him, rolling her eyes. When it first started, she’d been excited, relieved that her stupid leg was finally doing something, but now it just made her restless.
“Awesome.” Deeks grinned softly, brushing her face back from her cheek with a gentleness that had her sighing softly in contentment. “Hey, I was thinking maybe we could break out for a couple hours and go to that cafe down the street.”
“Mm, I have a better idea,” she told him, gesturing him forward with her right hand.
“Oh? What did you have in mind?” Deeks asked as he slid off the couch and bent down to her level. Instead of answering verbally, Kensi stretched forward far enough to press her mouth to his, sliding her hand up into his hair.
“Get up here.”
After a moment of hesitation, Deeks crawled into bed with her, carefully curling around her. Drawing his mouth back to hers, Kensi sighed, losing herself in Deeks’ touch. In this moment, there were just the two of them. She wasn’t in a hospital bed, she didn’t have severe injuries, Deeks wouldn’t be leaving her soon to do the job she no longer could.
A jarring knock broke through her fantasy, and Deeks pulled away, slipping away before a nurse walked in. Kensi sighed at the loss of contact.
“Good morning, Kensi. You have your first round of PT in 45 minutes. Would you like help getting dressed?” The nurse asked.
“I think we’re good, thanks Alex.”
“Of course.”
While Alex quickly took Kensi’s blood pressure and heart rate, Deeks grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. She didn’t love that she had to rely on someone to help with such simple and mundane tasks, but she’d discovered that it was actually easier with Deeks. Even though she still found it embarrassing at times, Deeks made the experience less miserable.
“Alright, pants or shirt first?” Deeks asked, holding up a couple options with a flourish.
“Let’s get the shirt over with,” she decided. She managed get her hospital gown off with minimal support; putting clothes on was significantly harder.
Once she was dressed in a green shirt and gray sweatpants, Deeks crouched down in front of her with a pair of socks, patting his knee.
“I think I can do it myself.”
Deeks looked dubious for the tinies of the seconds before handing her one of the socks.
Pressing her lips together, she concentrated on lifting her leg high enough that she could reach her foot. Her hand shook as she tried to get her claw around the fabric and keep ahold of it. Just when she got the sock over her big toe, her hand gave out, and it fell on the floor. Kensi made a noise of frustration, not saying a word as Deeks retrieved the sock.
Five minutes later, her hand shook with the pure effort of holding the sock in mid-air, she felt sweaty, and her upper lip trembled with barely contained frustration. As she brought the sock towards her foot one more time, it slipped out.
Kensi swept her arm across the table by her bad, the sound of crashing bottles and cups doing nothing for her anger. To her horror, tears started sliding down her cheeks, and in a second Deeks was by her side, wrapping his arms around her.
“Hey, it’s ok, baby.”
Sinking into his chest, she sobbed, body shuddering with anger, grief, and feelings she couldn’t even put words to.
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guqwrvte · 2 years
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make it three | two
⨽ summary: everything made sense to you, until it didn’t. you expected the name of your soulmate to appear on your shoulder the day you turned twenty one. and on the day of your twenty first birthday, that happened, but instead of one name, there were three.
⨽ pairing: vminkook x f!reader
⨽ genre: fluff , soulmate au , slow burn (?)
⨽ warnings: strong language, mentions of tipsy reader,
⨽ word count: 2,5k
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"So, you actually met your soulmate last night?" Yuna asked, and you nodded.
"And even though he knew he was your soulmate, he still left?" Yeonjun asked, and you nodded again.
"Wow," Yuna muttered. 
"Well, at least he got her number," Yeonjun said, causing Yuna to scoff.
"Yeah, but has he tried contacting her? I mean, he could've sent here her a text as soon as he got home, but the guy didn't, and he still hasn't."
You let out a sigh and closed your eyes. "Maybe the guy's busy? Did I not tell you he said he was famous?"
"Famous? Maybe your soulmate doesn't want to contact you because he's embarrassed? He probably lied to you since he didn't expect to ever see you again?" Yeonjun suggested, but you shook your head in disagreement.
"We found out we were soulmates when he gave me his phone to put my number in. I don't think he would've asked for my number if he had lied."
"You know his name, right?" Yuna asked, and you rolled your eyes. "You remember it, right?"
"Of course, I know his name," you huffed. "And even if I forgot, I'd just need to look at my shoulder for some memory."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, if the guy told you he was famous, why don't you try to google him?" Yuna said, digging into her backpack to retrieve her phone.
You were sitting in a cafe, telling them everything that happened before your soulmate ditched— no, left you alone.
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"I guess your friends were right. The club is the perfect place to look for your soulmate." 
"I guess they were," you muttered. You couldn't believe their idea of looking for your soulmate in a club wasn't so stupid after all.
"As much as I want to stay here and keep talking to you, especially now that I know you're my soulmate, I can't." 
You frowned. "What do you mean you can't?" 
He raised his phone and shook it, reminding you of the call he received earlier. "I really have to go. I promise I'll contact you. You made sure this is the right number, right?" You nodded, causing a smile to grow on his masked face.
"But Jimin-" 
"Great! I'll make sure to text you when I get the chance. Bye, y/n!"
"Jimin!" You exclaimed as you watched him disappear in the crowd of dancing people. 
Your mouth fell open in shock. 'Did Jimin really leave? Just like that?'
"Well, that's a first," the bartender said, causing you to glare at him. "Sorry."
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"Found it! Now let's google this bitch. What did you say his name was again?" Yuna said, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
"I asked for his name, sweetheart," your friend said. 
"Sorry. Jimin. His full name is Park Jimin," you told her, scratching your nape. 
"No way! He said he was Park Jimin? I wonder if he's talking about the Park Jimin since he claimed he was famous." 
'Claimed? Why was she making it seem like he actually lied to me and ran away?' 
"Don't say he claimed as if he actually lied." You muttered. 
This man was still your soulmate, whether he lied about being famous and who he was or not. But he could've been telling the truth... because the first name on your shoulder if you read going down, is Jimin.
"Do you know a famous Park Jimin?" Yeonjun asked, and Yuna hummed in response as she typed away on her phone. 
"The Jimin I know is from the rising boy group, BTS. y/n said her soulmate said he was famous, and he did say his name was Park Jimin. So it's kinda easy to guess who he says he is."
"Anyway, y/n. Are you sure the guy's name is Jimin? Did you check your arm?" Yuna asked, causing you to groan in annoyance. 
"Of couse I did, Yuna. Jimin is the first name on my shoulder."
"So y/n's soulmate could be some liar, or he could actually be famous," Yeonjun whispers. 
"Bingo, Yeonie," Yuna said.
"Ah, here he is. y/n, look at these. Does this guy look familiar? Other than on billboards and shit."
You took the phone from her hand, and Yeonjun shifted his chair closer to you, peeping over your shoulder to get a look.
"Holy shit, he's beautiful," he muttered, and you silently agreed. Yeonjun was right.
Even though you didn't see his face, you knew the man in the picture was also the man you met yesterday. You also knew that this Jimin was your soulmate.
You didn't need to see a picture of him in a mask to figure that out. Just by looking at his eyes, you could tell. In the photo, he was smiling so brightly that his eyes disappeared. And you remembered how his eyes did the same whenever he laughed yesterday. 
"He's my soulmate. I remember his eyes." You said, handing her the phone, and they both gasped.
"No fucking way," Yeonjun whispered while Yuna squealed, drawing attention to your table. 
"Will you shut up? People are looking at us."
"I'm sorry, y/n, but I can't help it! I just found out that one of my bestie's soulmates is famous! Like the Park, Jimin is your soulmate!" Yuna said, almost exclaiming, causing Yeonjun to hiss at her.
"Shut it! We don't want people to know. Imagine how many fans might come for her once they find out? Let them find out when she's got his bodyguards protecting her."
'Bodyguards? Aren't this two over-exaggerating?' 
"Is Jimin and his group that famous?" You asked, causing Yuna to gasp. 
"Oh, honey, they are. You've probably listened to a lot of their songs without even knowing."
"Who would've thought that one of y/n's soulmates would be famous?" Yeonjun muttered. 
'It's not one of them, Junnie. I believe all three of them are.'
You remembered Jimin talking about how he could find two of his soulmates so quickly because they were already in his group.
"And who would've thought Jimin could be a dick?" Yuna sighed, shaking her head. 
"He's not a dick," you muttered. 
"Uh, he kinda is. He did leave you semi-drunk and alone in a club, even after knowing you were his soulmate. That's a pretty dick move if you ask me."
"He was in a rush. He had somewhere he needed to be," you said, trying to defend him, but it didn't seem like any of them were having it.
"He's still kind of a dick, y/n. He should've checked in on you when he was done his business—" 
"Well, what if he finished late?" 
"—or he should've checked in on you this morning."
"Come on, guys. We just found out he's a k-pop idol. He might have a busy schedule."
You really didn't understand why they seemed to be so bothered by Jimin's actions last night when you weren't. 
Your friends seemed to pick up that you didn't want to talk about him any longer, so the topic of the conversation quickly changed.
You felt a sudden buzz coming from your back pocket, causing you to take it out and view the notification.
new message from unknown contact! 2m ago
Your brows furrowed in confusion before clicking on it.
unknown: hey, is this y/n?
y/n: yes, may I know who this is?
unknown: i’m so sorry for not contacting you earlier. it’s jimin :)
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You looked at his now saved contact on your phone with a smile.
"Why are you suddenly smiling at your phone like that?" Yuna asked, eyeing you weirdly.
"Jimin texted me."
"Really? What did he say?" Yeonjun asked, peering over your shoulder as he tried to look at your screen.
"He apologised for not texting me sooner. What should I say?"
"Tell him it's okay and ask how he's doing! Do that!" Yeonjun suggested.
"No! It's not okay. This guy left you at a club, alone and semi-drunk, even after knowing you were one of his soulmates. And he didn't bother texting you until now," Yuna huffed, crossing her arms.
"But… he apologised," you muttered, looking back at you pone.
"Yeah, but-" Yeonjun cut Yuna off with an over-exaggerated sigh.
"Come on, Yuna. Let y/n tell him it's okay so that they can conversate. She needs to bond with her soulmate." He turned to you and smiled. "Now, tell him it's okay, and ask how he's doing."
you: hey, jimin. it’s okay don’t worry about it.
jimin: that’s good😅. i was lowkey worried you’d be mad at me.
you: don’t worry, i’m not! anyway, how are you?
jimin: i’m good, just a little tired from practice.
you: oh, i hope you’re not overworking yourself
jimin: you’re already worried about me? that makes me happy :)
Your friends looked at each other when they saw you bite your lip, fighting back a smile.
"Oh, you're blushing. Did Jimin say something sweet?" Yeonjun asked.
"Uh, he told me he was practising, right?"
"Right…" they said together, growing curious.
"And, uh… I told him I hoped he wasn't overworking himself," you told them.
"And what did he say?" Yuna asked, growing impatient.
"He said it makes him happy. That's I'm already worried about him," you finished.
"That's why you're blushing?" She asked in disbelief.
"What? I think it's cute. It reminds me of how I was when I first found Mingyu," Yeonjun smiled, causing you to cringe as you remembered how he acted at the beginning of his relationship.
"Ew, I don't want to be like how you were when you first found your soulmate."
"Well, good luck with that, love. You have three soulmates. I know… for a fact, you're going to be three times worse than I was," Yeonjun chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and looked back at the screen. 'Shit, I've been leaving Jimin on read.'
jimin: y/n?
jimin: why are you leaving me on read? ://
jimin: is it because of what i said?
jimin: y/n, are you still there?
y/n: sorry, my friends distracted me for a bit.
jimin: you’re with your friends?
y/n: yeah.
jimin: i’m not disturbing anything, right? 🧍‍♂️
y/n: not at all, we’re just chilling until we have our next lectures.
jimin: oh yeah, you’re a student.
y/n: yep, and you’re an idol.
jimin: so you don’t think i’m lying?
y/n: my friend did, until we googled you.
jimin: you guys googled me? 🤣
y/n: uh, yeah 😅
jimin: how do you know the person you googled was me? i’m pretty sure i kept my mask up the whole time.
y/n: your eyes. i kinda used my memory of your eyes as confirmation.
jimin: really? 👀
y/n: yeah. i hope you don’t find it weird. 🧍‍♀️ your eyes were just so captivating.
jimin: i don’t find it weird at all, don’t worry. and thank you 🤍
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"Who are you talking to, hm?" Jimin looked up from his phone to see his soulmates walking toward him.
"Yeah, you only smile like that when you're talking to us," one grumbled, sitting next to Jimin. "And I know you're not texting one of us right now."
"Don't get jealous or anything like that, Tae," Jimin chuckled. "I'm talking to our other soulmate."
"Really?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin hummed in response.
The two males peered over their soulmate's shoulder, growing curious as they tried to read the text conversation.
"Did you apologise for leaving her like that? Don't forget you left her alone when she was kinda drunk and shit," Taehyung asked, remembering what Jimin had told him yesterday when he got home.
"You should've told the manager you had just met your soulmate. I know what you were needed for was important, but I'm sure he wouldn't have minded," the other frowned. "Imagine how she felt watching her soulmate leave just after meeting her."
"I know, and I felt horrible in the car, Kook. I was so close to asking the driver to turn around and take me back just so I could talk to her some more," Jimin sighed. "I haven't apologised for leaving her like that, but I did for not texting her sooner. The next time I see her in person, I'll apologise."
"You better," he warned before resting his chin on Jimin's shoulder. "Now tell us what's she like. You didn't tell us much about her yesterday."
"Well, Kook, she's beautiful, like so beautiful. And not only is she gorgeous, but our soulmate is adorable too. Well, tipsy her is adorable." Jimin giggled, remembering how you were acting yesterday.
"We've been searching for so long, and I'm so happy you found her yesterday," Taehyung whispered. "Now, I can't wait to meet her."
"You two will meet her soon," Jimin placed a soft kiss on the side of their heads.
"Come on, guys. Practice proceeds in five!" One of the other members called, causing Jimin to frown. He wanted to talk to you more.
jimin: as much as i'd love to talk for longer, i can’t. i need to get back to practice.
you: that’s okay. my class in ten minutes, anyway
jimin: i’ll talk to you later then :)
you: later it is :)
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"Jimin had to go back to practice," you sighed, turning off your phone with a slight pout.
"Going to be three times worse than I was," Yeonjun sang, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shut it, will you?" You groaned, crossing your arms.
"By the way, did you talk to Jimin about your other soulmates? Has he found any of them? Or do you need to search for the rest? If he hasn't, I would love to take you to a bar this time-"
"There will be no need to take me to a bar, Yuna. Jimin has already found them. Both of them." Both of their eyes widened.
"Really? You're so lucky you don't have to search for them!" Yeonjun exclaimed.
"Yeah, he told me they're in his group. So he found out on their birthdays," you told them.
"His members? Oh my God, y/n," Yuna gasped.
"You said your soulmate names were, um… what the fuck were their names again?" Yuna asked, causing you to giggle.
"Jungkook, and Taehyung."
"Yes! Them! I know Jungkook's part of BTS, but I'm not entirely sure about Taehyung."
"What do you mean you're not entirely sure. Jimin said they were in his group," Yeonjun said, causing Yuna to sigh.
"He could've meant friend group as well because, as far as I know, I don't remember a Taehyung being in BTS," she said.
"Stage names, love. What if one of the members with a stage name's real name is Taehyung?" Yeonjun did have a point.
"Ugh, just google them when you have time, sweetie. Don't you two have to go to have a Criminal Law lecture to attend?"
Your eyes widened, and you quickly turned on your phone to look at the time.
"Shit, we have five minutes to get there," you muttered.
You and Yeonjun began to pack your things while Yuna laughed.
"Bye, you two. We can discuss y/n's soulmates later."
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