#that didnt happen with disturbing the peace so it probably wont happen with this
Im more angry about the “Making changes to a comic book character in a adaptation is normal and people angry about it just dont get it!” page in the Peacemaker miniseries because
1. You cannot convince me there were enough people genuinely mad about the changes made for this page to read as anything but making up a guy to be mad at
2. The changes made to Peacemaker for the show were mostly things like updating his backstory so it would make sense in 2022 and other inconsequential stuff. I dont want those changes forever in the comics just because I think his comics specific lore would be interesting to explore, but he’s still the same character and them being a thing in a Show is fine
3. Peacemaker is one of those characters who gets a soft reboot everytime he shows up in something. Its literally happening right now even though hes appearing in alot of stuff: hes different in doom patrol then how he was in suicide squad and Im sure hes about to be different in the green arrow miniseries too. He was different in blue beetle and even his stuff written all by the same writer kept having changes thrown in in between appearances, not to mention the version of Peacemaker everyone writes and knows of now is literally a reboot thats a parody of the way he used to be. Like whats the point.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Evening all :)
Hope you all had a nice few days :)
Anyway, here is the next part.
Enjoy your evening!
The sun was out already when i woke up the next day. Jake was still asleep next to me. He looked so peacful, no worry showing on his face. I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek, running my hand through his hair. „'Morning, sleepyhead.“ I said, nibbling softly at his ear. He smiled, his eyes still closed. „Are you trying to kill me? I'm so sore from all the fun we had yesterday, i'm not sure i'll be able to get out of bed.“ I laughed at it „Don't worry, i'll let you rest.“ Adding, kissing him on the neck „At least for the morning.“ Now he laughed, taking the pillow form under his head, throwing it at me. „You're crazy.“ He said turning, giving me a long kiss. „You're welcome to take a shower.“ I told him „it might ease some of the soreness off.“ „That's not a bad idea.“ He gave me one more kiss, getting out of the bed. As he neared the bathroom doors, i asked „Is it ok if i turn my phone now?“ „Oh, i forgot.“ He said, going to the desk, unpluging my phone, handing it to me. „It's fine, you can use it normaly.“ „Thanks.“ I turned it on, checking a few messages i got while it was off. One was from Jessy, asking if i contacted Jake. I chuckled, thinking how Jessy will be thrown out of her shoes when i tell her about all that happened with him. I replied to her, asking if she wants to meet for coffee later. I checked other messages, and tensed a bit when i saw the one from Phil. „Hey gorgeous, hope you ok. Havent heard from you for a while, just checking up on you. Don't be a stranger ;)“ Shit, i tought, i forgot about Phil. I threw my phone on the bed, burrying my face in the pillow. Ah, crap. I will have to talk to Phil soon, and i dreaded it. He was always nice to me, and i was willing to give him a chance if things with Jake didnt turn out like this. I took my phone back, replying to Phil „Hey, hey, all is fine. Been bussy working. But thanks for checking up on me! Will come to Aurora for a drink soon, promise! :) „ Jessy replied in the mean time, telling she is free arround 13h, and i replied confirming our meeting. Phil also replied. „Glad to hear you ok! Dont work yourself out, take a break ;) See you soon, gorgeous.“ Bah, i tought, throwing my phone back to bed. I so didnt want to have another talk with Phil. Even tho he said he would be fine, i knew it wouldnt go easy on him. He really was into me, and i didnt feel good knowing what i had to do. I got lost in my toughts, that i havent noticed Jake was standing at the bathrom door, looking at me curiously. „Everything ok?“ he asked. I sighed, giving him a small smile „It will be.“ „You sure?“ he asked, and i could see he wasnt sattisfied with my answer. „Yes, Jake, im sure. Its nothing that cant wait.“ I said giving him a bit better smile. He looked at me a bit skeptically „Alright, if you say so.“ My phone rang then, and i was grateful for it. I really didnt want to talk to Jake about Phil, at least not right now. Jake got agitated at my phone as i took it, answering it a bit surprised. „Hannah?“ i said, and i saw Jake was being confused as much as me. „Hello, Maya.“ She replied cheerfuly „Hope i'm not disturbing you.“ „Ofcours not.“ I told her „Whats up?“ „Well, i called to ask if you are free tonight? I'm inviting everyone for drinks at the Aurora. I'v got some good news to share with you all.“ „Ofcourse!“ i told her cheerfuly. „Great.“ She chimed from the other side. „You we'r the last one i needed to call. I tried yesterday, but your phone was unreachable.“ „Yeah, i turned it off, wanted some peace while working, sorry.“ I said sounding apologetically, looking at Jake. He just grinned at me. „No need to apologise, i understand. Well, i do have someoe else to contact.“ She said „I dont suppose you heard from or seen my half-brother recently?“ „Jake?“ i asked, trying to sound surprised, and he looked at me rising his eyebrows. „No, sorry, i havent seen him, or talked to him recently.“ „Hmm, i called him few times, but he didnt answer or called me back.“ She said, sounding a bit worried. „Im sure hes fine.“ I told her, grinning at Jake., him shaking his head at
me. „Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, i have to go now. Cya tonight, arround nine.“ „Cya tonight, Hannah.“ I lovered my phone, Jake asking „What was that about?“ „Well“ i started „Hannah wants for all of us to meet at the Aurora tonight, she has some news she wants to share.“ I looked at him inquiry. „Dont look at me, i have no clue what she wants.“ „Hmm, i guess we'll find out tonight then.“ I said. I looked at him „By the way, was it ok i told her i havent seen you? I mean, we havent really talked ourselves about all of this.“ He smiled, sitting next to me. „Its fine, Maya.“ He took my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. „Maybe we should keep it to ourselfs for a while.“ He said, but looked at me with a grin „Even tho i dont care who knows.“ I grinned „Same here.“ „Hmm, you sure about that?“ he asked, and i looked puzzled at him. „Well, we are meeting Hannah at Aurora tonight, and i know one person there who would care.“ Shit, i tought. „If you mean Phil, im very well aware of it.“ I said, getting up from the bed. I got a bit annoyed by Jakes words, even tho i knew he was right. „Maya“ Jake started, and i looked back at him. His eyes met mine, and my heart skipped a beat. I could see insecurity written all over his face, his eyes gloomy. „Do you still feel the same about Phil?“ he asked. I walked back to him, taking his head in my hands, leveling his eyes with mine. „Do you really have to ask me that, after all that happened?“ i told him witha a smile and kissed him. I moved back, meeting his eyes again. „It was always you that i wanted. Only you, Jake.“ He pulled me to him and kissed me, and this time it felt different. Before, his kisses wer packed with desire and lust. But this time his kiss was deep, tender, i would dare to say full of love. „You're amazing.“ He told me „I'm lucky to have you.“ He kissed me again, with that same depth and tenderness as earlier, sending tingles. This time, every move we made was slow and gentle. This time, we made love.
I was getting my sneakers on, as Jake was zipping his hoodie. „Will you be ok tonight? At the Aurora?“ i asked him. „I mean, seeing Phil acting as he would arround me.“ He groaned a bit „Not really, but i'll survive.“ I walked to him, putting my hands arround his neck, saying teasingly „I'll make it up to you later, if you promise to behave.“ He raised his eyebrow at me „That sounds tempting“ he started „But i cant promise you i wont be tempted to not behave.“ I grined at him, giving him a quick kiss „Well, do your best.“ „That, i can promise.“ He said, grining back. I let go of him, grabing my phone checking the time before throwing it at my purse. I took the car keys „I'm gonna be late! You ready?“ „Yes, lets go.“ I gave him the car keys, and he drowe us to the towns center. „Are you gonna tell Jessy about us?“ he asked. „I dont know.“ I said „She was the one who begged me to contact you about the calls, so she knows abou that.“ I paused for a while, a smile creeping to my face „And Jessy can be quite perceptive, she might figure out on her own that something is up.“ I looked at him „Would it be alright with you if she knew?“ „I wouldnt mind“ he said „If she can keep it to herself, for now at least.“ „If i ask it of her, she will.“ I told him. „You two became really close.“ He said , as we came to the parking in the center. „We did , she means a lot to me.“ He turned to me, taking the keys from the ignition. „But you are on top of my 'special people' list.“ I said leaning in for a kiss. He kissed me back, moving away, giving me the keys. „Good.“ He said, grinning „Now off you go, you're late already. And before anyone sees us.“ We left the car, and i started walking backwards from it, blowing him a kiss „See you tonigh.“ He smiled „See you, Maya.“
Jessy was already at the cafe when i came, sitting myself on the chair accross from her „I'm late, i know, i'm sorry!“ I looked at her appologeticaly. „Its fine“ she said, smiling „I got here few minutes ago myself, to be honest.“ „Good.“ I told her. „So what have you been up lately?“ i asked, her face getting cheerful. „Well, as a matter of fact, i have some good news.“ „Yeah? Well, out with it allready!“ i chimed happily. „Ok, ok. Well you know i had to find a new job, after all that happened.“ Her face got a bit gloomy as she said it, and i understood it. I gave her a small smile, thinking how much her life must have been affected by all that have happened. Jet, she stayed so positive through it all. „Anyway“ she continued „I had a job interwiev today.“ „Oh, Jessy, that's great!“ i exclaimed cheerfuly „Where at?“ She smiled „At the library.“ I clapped my hands at it, i knew how much Jessy liked that place, and books, too. „Thats excellent, not just good news, Jessy! I'm happy for you.“ i told her, smiling sencerely. „Well, i havent gotten the job, jet.“ She started „But i have a very good chance for it.“ „I'm sure you will get it.“ I told her. „Anyway, enough about me. Did you contact Jake already?“ she asked, getting all serious on me. „I did.“ I said, a small smile appearning at the corner of my lips. „Good.“ She said, not noticing „And, what happened?“ A lot, i tought to myself. „Well, he checked my phone, to see if it was hacked or something.“ „Did he find anything?“ I sighed „Unfortunatly, no.“Thats not good.“ Jessy said „Can't he do anything else? I mean, isn't that like his expertise?“ „He is trying one more thing.“ I told her. „He connected' to my incoming calls, again.“ I started, and Jessy looked inquiringly at me. „We're hoping he can figure out the location from where the calls are comming like that.“ „Hmm, that would be usefull.“ „Indeed“ i said „I just wish all would end soon, i'm getting terrified by it all, Jessy.“ „I know, Maya“ she said „I'm sure Jake will be abel to find something.“ „I hope so, Jessy.“ I said. „He will.“ She said, smiling reasuringly at me „We all know how skillful he is.“ Indeed, i tought, and not just with computers. Jessy was looking at me now, like she could read my toughts. She squinted her eyes at me „Something else is up.“ „What do you mean?“ i said, trying to sound as calm as i could. „You look different.“ „Different how?“ i asked. „I dont know“ she started „It's like, you're glowing.“ She continued looking at me, and i got a bit fidgety. She was staring intensly at me. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened wide, a grin on her face. „You hooked up!“ she almost screamed. „What?“ i tried to sound confused, but she didnt bought it. „You and Jake, you hooked!“ she chimed again. „Dont denie it!“ she said, grinning at me. I groaned „Fine! Yes, we hooked.“ I looked at her, and we both started squilling like a teenage girls. „Finaly!“ she said laughing „Im happy for you, Maya.“ „Thanks, Jessy. Im happy ,too. But, please, keep it to yourself. At least for now.“ I said pleadingly. „Ohh, i'll try my best, i promise.“ she said. „Give it your best, at least for tonight.“ I pleaded her again. She got serious „Uh, oh, Aurora tonight.“ „Yes, Aurora tonight.“ I said, dreadfully “It can never be simple for me.“ She gave me an akward smile, squizing my hand. We stayed silent for a moment, before a smile started creeping back to Jessys face. „Sooo“ she started „Jake and you? Talk! And i want to hear everything. And i mean, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.“ I laughed, Jessy looking at me with the biggest grin on her face. „Alright.“ I said, Jessy clapping her hands excitedly.
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littlebigafterdark · 4 years
I'm feeling in a particular mood for some more Logan stuff, (totally not my comfort character who unfortunately is a medium for a lot of angst /s) so maybe the almost-relapse?
the littles accidentally trigger logan's ED (janus and patton help him thru it)
This is a copy pastd from a really long message i sent to liv a few weeks ago, just in case the grammar is weird or somethin!
context: whenever roman is a brat and refuses to eat dinner, logan gets noticeably more frustrated than with any other bratty behaviour because it hits too close to home to his eating disorder
one day when patton is out somewhere, maybe at his carpentry class ((thats actually slightly spoilers for a big concept for the main blog lol)), logan has both the littles
and roman is bratty and refuses to eat dinner and logan breathes evenly and tries not to worry abt it bc he KNOWS roman always eats, hes just doing it to be annoying, breathe, he isnt actually restricting its ok
and logan was literally holding the baby fork up to vees mouth and suddenly she giggles and pushes it away
"come on baby, yummy time" logan coos and smiles a little but he doesnt feel it, and with his other hand he tickles lightly under vees chin and she giggles and logan smiles and goes to feed her again
but she pushes the fork away and babbles "mo bima!"
and roman laughs "yeah, no dinner! no dinner!" and bounces
and logan is feeling rlly shaky and hot suddenly and swallows thickly and ignores roman, and keeps looking at vee "princess, please open up," trying not to pay attention to how shaky his voice is. "its papa's spaghetti remember? yummy" he nods enthusiastically and goes to feed her again
but again vee just giggles all squeaky and pushes the fork away and looks at roman with a big smile for his approval. and roman is like "yeah vee! rebellion!!!" still so playful
but he hasnt noticed logans chest is heaving a little and hes staring at where vee pushed the fork away and logan was too shaky not to drop it on the floor.
and he looks up at vee and how small she is and how shes genuinely on the lower end of average weight and they need to make sure she doesnt dip down into underweight and thinks about how terrified he is of the idea that if she did develop an ED like he did it would be so dangerous and he cant see his baby go through that and-
it just hits him so so so harshly and hes suddenly crying and roman and vee freeze and look at him. and he hurriedly wipes away his tears and breathes shakily and tries to say again
"vee pl-please just ea--" and his throat closes up, he cant even say the word 'eat' and he gags on his tears and jumps up from his chair to run out to the downstairs bathroom and locks himself in trying to calm down and stop gagging.
and he can hear vee crying and roman - adult now - promising her its okay, mama feels a bit sicky but everythings okay, lets phone nana, its ok baby
and logan is breathing too fast and shaking and crying with his back against the bathroom door, not gagging anymore, but unable to take himself outside
. he hears roman feeding vee, and vee giggling and clearly enjoying the food, but no matter how comforting that is to hear he cant get over that genuine terror he felt when vee refused to eat, its his worst nightmare for vee to develop disordered eating - for any of them, but vee is already very thin and it could be critical, and logan cant get over that
when janus arrives (barely ten minutes later, he must have jumped in the car straight away which is only used for emergencies bc of janus' partial blindness) he speaks quietly to roman, and of course theyre trying to be subtle
but the kitchen is only across the hall from the bathroom and logan hears every word of roman explaining what happened and how confusing it was and how patton wont be home for another forty five minutes and roman didnt want either vee or logan to be alone but they probably shouldnt be around each other right now since vee gets so upset when the others arent happy
roman tries to talk to logan first through the bathroom door, apologising for misbehaving and promising he wont do that again. but can logan tell him what exactly was so bad about it this time? so roman can not do whatever it is in future.
but logan cant bring himself to say anything. he cant tell roman about this at least not yet he hasnt felt ready yet even if its been years and he doesnt know if he ever will be ready to tell roman about his ED
so after realising logan wont talk to him, roman swaps with janus. janus doesnt know the details but he knows theres something about logan and eating and hes made an educated guess from all the fibs hes heard over the years.
"hey, dic" (janus' unsavoury nickname for logan that he insists is just short for dictionary) "do you need a glass of water?"
logans throat is actually dry from hyperventilating and he says with a quiet scratchy voice through the door "yes please"
and when janus brings it to the door he just knocks gently and when logan opens the door to accept it janus doesnt make any comment on logans messy hair where hes run his hand through it or on his glassy red rimmed eyes or on the tremble of his fingers. but he does say "i know it must be so cozy in there" he nods to the cramped cold bathroom "but you might just prefer it in your room"
logan flushes a little and nods, comes out of the bathroom and heads to the stairs, but he pauses at the bottom of the stairs thinking... he doesnt know if he can be trusted alone upstairs. theres another bathroom up there and the gagging has made his stomach churn and he feels FULL from dinner and if only he emptied it then maybe he would feel better right? .... no
so he rasps without turning back to janus "i... i cant be alone"
"look behind you, idiot" janus says and its far closer than logan remembered him being.
he whips his head round to see janus was following closely behind him. janus raises a pierced eyebrow "well, are we going to stand in the stairway all night?" and of course its snarky but its soft too
so logan breathes deeply and they go upstairs to his room. janus makes himself at home, immediately grabbing a book from logans book case and collapsing sideways in logans armchair as soon as they stepped in the room. logan reclines on his bed and sips his water and does breathing exercises and tries to not feel humiliated about this breakdown
every time logan tries to apologise for disturbing janus' evening (he didnt) or asks if janus is sure roman is grownup enough to look after vee appropriately (he is) or insists that he is okay to be left alone now (he's not) janus just murmurs "shut up im reading"
when patton gets back roman just tells him logan isnt feeling good and patton hurries up to see him - and upon seeing his husband logan is overcome by shame that he almost relapsed and relief that his best friend is here and a wave of tears that he tries and fails to blink away
and janus just quietly bids them good night and promises he'll stay a couple hours to keep roman and vee company, but patton insists he stays the night in pattons room (its not safe for him to drive in thr dark) and janus is used to this routine by now that he knows where the spare pillows are
so janus leaves quietly and logan croaks "thanks, old man" trying to sound casual but regretting it when his voice shakes. janus just holds up a peace sign and closes logans door behind him on the way out.
as soon as the door closes logans face crumples and he hides his eyes behind his arm and patton practically bounds over to logan and climbs onto bed next to him and cradles logans head to his shoulder as he cries
they stay like that, cuddling in bed, patton cradling logans head and kissing the nape of his neck and wrapping his arm around logans waist to spoon him and whisper about what happened and how they can avoid it in future
but mainly they just breathe and cry together and patton fills the hours with soft affirmations of love and getting logan a tea and promising its okay if logan wants a cookie with it but logan says maybe later (later turns out to be 2:30 in the morning but at least it really was later)
they barely sleep that night but its all comfort and talking and by morning despite being exhausted, logan feels safer and breakfast goes by without a hitch
just some notes me and liv made that i think highlights some main points:
logan struggling so much even when he knows that the kids are just playing around and they don't really mean that they don't want to eat, but it's just one of those things that inevitably hits too close to home
it just suddenly hit him! like any other day he can cope with roman doing that, its a small blip usually, but the fact that VEE started refusing food freaked logan out so much bc they genuinely have to keep an eye on her weight just bc shes naturally so small
his emotions about his history with an ED plus his overprotective mama cg space making him nearly go into a panic attack from the thought that vee could develop an ED is very sad and very true
and janus coming right away!! and he and roman handle the siatuation so well, like roman was so smart knowing not to leave logan alone, and janus calling him dic and taking him to his room and staying there until patton gets back
and him crying from just seeing patton because he's his best friend and he can be vulnerable around him is very :'c <3
hes so so relieved to see patton but theres also the slightests "ive let my husband down" bc he thinks bc patton helped him so much he owes it to patton to not relapse - but of course pat reassures him its natural to relapse but he didnt! he caught it in the early stages and asked for help and patton is never disappointed in him
he caught it!!! he caught it and he stopped himself and he let himself be helped by both roman and janus and patton and he didn't even relapse!! and this whole thing is really a sign of how far he's come that he was able to accept their help in his vulnerable state, even if roman and janus didn't have the full story, they still wanted to help him through whatever he was experiencing
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Now what I'm about to tell you sounds outrageous, and might be disturbing, but it's something that happened to me, and even though it was brief, I can't feel at peace until I tell you what's going on.
I'm a big fan of the online animated show, Epithet Erased. As such, I'm a huge peddler of fan content, indulging in other people's edits, fanart, and OCs, and creating my own. I dont share any of it, not with anyone online that I don't know. I am a good editor though, and I get asked to help edit compilations a lot by my friend, who's name I wont tell you for privacy reasons. They've asked me to edit silly little compilations out of raw material they send me, usually just of funny thing their favorite characters say.
This is the reason why I wasn't that perturbed to receive a video file over email from an unknown person. Their email was "[email protected]", and even though it's just a bunch of random letters, I didnt think anything of it. I myself have some weirdly named emails because I like getting free trials of stuff over and over, and I only remembered the name because I copied it to include in a message to said friend, asking if they'd sent someone who needed editing my way. I didnt get a response, but I decided to open the file anyway, just to watch it and see what was up.
It looked like content I'd already seen before, and since the thumbnail was of Sylvie in the museum, I immediately recognized it as the beginning of the 3rd episode. I watched through it, and nothing really stood out. For a moment, I had thought someone really just sent me the third episode as a .MOV file. The battle between Sylvie and Giovanni and Molly began, and everything went on like normal. Right up to the part where Giovanni was batting Molly on the head with a ball of yarn, it was all how it should have been, and I laughed at the joke the same as I always did. Then, Giovanni tossed the yarn, hit it with the bat... and things started to diverge from there.
First off, the ball didnt just bounce off of Sylvie like it did in the original. He flew right off screen, and that's when I had become confused. It had already been edited, it seemed to me, so I became confused as to why it was sent to me.
Giovanni said something like "wow, that worked? I didnt think it would", and I realized I hadn't actually heard that line before, or if I had, the inflection was different. I'm autistic and this is a special interest of mine, so I've watched the whole series over again nearly a million times. I could probably recite the first episode word by word if you asked me. As the dialogue continued, it became more apparent that these were professionally recorded lines from the original voice actors.
I got really excited, thinking or hoping for a moment that it was like, a leak of some first-draft content. I didnt even think about how weird it was that it was just something I'd gotten in an email. I paused the file and tried to exit my editing program to tell my friend, but my computer wouldnt let me exit the program. It's old, so this isnt unusual. I pulled discord up on my phone to tell my friend, and that's when I'd noticed they replied to my message earlier. They told me that they hadn't told anyone my email, and to not open the file, because it was probably a virus.
I told them that I had ended up opening the file, and that it was of epithet erased, but it was different. For a while, they thought I was pulling a prank on them, but I told them it was really well done, and the voice acting was too spot on to be fan made. They *demanded* I send the clip to them when I finished watching it, and I promised them I would.
I continued playing the video, and molly and Giovanni walked over to where Sylvie had fallen over. Molly suddenly became very upset, shouting and crying. Giovanni had to drag her away. The acting was spot on, and I was seriously disturbed. I couldnt imagine what it was that made Molly react like that. Giovanni pulled her out of the room, shushing and cooing at her as she struggled and kept crying. As they left, the camera didnt move, and the music had faded. It stayed at the exact angle for another few minutes. I don't actually know how long, but I couldnt skip forward, even though I tried. Actually, I couldnt view a preview of the video when I hovered my mouse over the bar at the bottom like I usually can. I could move the mouse over the line and see it was still playing, though. I tried to pause it, but for some reason it couldnt pause anymore. I decided since nothing was happening, I could just pull out my phone and text my friend about it.
I told them about all that I had seen so far, and they told me it might have been an original storyline that was just way too dark. Then I asked them why it was sent to me. They said they didnt know. I set my phone down, and looked back up at the computer, then froze.
Because I was staring at my phone, I missed it, but there was a clip of Sylvie on the ground. It was a sprite that was unlike his usual slouch/laying down sprite. This was about the time I knew something really fucked up was going on.
The ball of yarn had lodged itself into sylvie's eye. I could see the glass had broken, and the yarn ball was seriously deep in his face. Glass stuck out of his eye socket and his cheek, and blood dripped down his face, pooling down the sides. His head was also tipped back a little, and with the blood seeping into his hair and up his head, the back of his head must've split open, too. There was a dragging mark down the wall, and the origin point was a huge red splatter where he probably got thrown into the wall.
The sprite wasn't static like they normally are. Sylvie shivered and his chest would rise and fall with his shaky breath. I was honestly grossed out by how far this had gone, but it was like I couldnt stop watching. I knew it wouldnt pause anyway. I was too scared to message my friend, because I thought it might change again.
It might have gone on for another minute, just Sylvie breathing and bleeding, until he just stopped. There was no sudden flail, no cough or sputter, he just stopped breathing, and there was no more shuddering. After he stopped, it only took a few seconds for things to start happening. The flames started up again, like they did when he used nightmare fuel on molly, and the fire alarm went off. It cut right to Mera panicking about the fire alarm, and hitting indus with a crowbar.
I was so jarred by how this became normal again, I actually didnt believe it had happened for a second. I didnt believe they would just... kill a character like that. I didnt know what was going on.
Things didnt stay the same though. Before Mera could even find the amulet, Molly and Giovanni ran into the room. Molly looked shocked to the core, and Giovanni was really panicky. Mera made Indus apprehend them both. Indus went on his whole spiel about barriers, but Giovanni and Molly never finished the punchline. He did eventually trap them, and Mera found the amulet. She admired it, and put it on. As she walked towards Molly, Giovanni tried to escape his containment to stop her, but Molly actually looked more panicked when he called out to her. Mera extended her hand, and lifted Molly up.
The sound cut out for the next few moments, but you could tell a really awful noise alerted all 4 of them, and it must have been loud, because the screen shook. The camera panned over to the entrance, which had been blocked by rubble. The roof caved in, trapping everyone inside of he storage area. The sound returned, and there was audio of molly crying, but her sprite wasn't matched up to that audio. It moved as if she was speaking, and characters would reply, but her crying would be playing over it.
The room filled with white fire, and the fluid animation that usually appears at the end of arcs began. Mera, Indus, Giovanni, and Molly were all silhouetted by the fire, but the focus was on a figure that walked through the flames. It was obviously Sylvie. As he was illuminated though, you could see he was different. It was as if he had been grayscale. His skin was white, the clouds and decoration on his coat and pants that would have been teal were all dark gray, and everything else was varying shades of gray. His hoodie and his glasses, however, were red. One eye was red with a black sclera, and drooped. The other was pure black, and the glass of the glasses were cracked. Blood dripped from that eye, and from his mouth. The back of his hair was adorned with a ring of red.
You remember how I said there was audio of Molly crying overlapping everything else? When sylvie appeared, it stopped for just a second, and then grew more panicked. It was loud enough to drown everything out, and I couldnt hear what anyone else was saying. Molly just sobbed and screamed. There wasn't even any music, just that. Sylvie didnt say anything. He just stood as the flames grew closer to the four.
Indus shouted something, then ran at Sylvie. Before he could reach him, there was a spark of red dust, and he stopped. The back of his head exploded, and he fell forward. Another track of molly crying began playing over the current one. Mera looked around for a quick escape, but I guess she just got too panicked, and she ran right into the flame. She fell down in it, and i could see her silhouette burning and clawing at her skin, which was flaking off in the fire. Yet another track of molly screaming and crying played over the two, and it was beginning to get discordant.
Giovanni brandished his soul slugger doom back, taking a step back. His eyes filled with tears, watching as Sylvie approached. His grip on the bat tightened and it shook as an extension of himself. Giovanni let go of the bat and fell to the floor on his knees.
All the tracks of Molly crying cut off as Sylvie reached down, and picked up the bat. Giovanni bowed his head, and Sylvie threw the bat to Molly. Her eyes full of tears and her gaze averted, she picked up the bat and swung it down hard over Giovanni's head. There were a few frames where the bat collided with the back of his head, but then the screen went black. The audio continued to play. I didnt catch a lot of what was happening, because I began to feel this awful pain in my neck that caught my attention.
At first, it wasnt very specific. It was just an ache at the very top of my spine, like I'd been sitting funny. I heard molly crying again, and crackling fire. Then the pain got worse, and there were police sirens. The last thing I really heard clearly was percival reporting something to her radio, about being at the scene and finding the body of "an adolescent boy" in the museum, which I assumed to be Sylvie. The pain became unbearable - it was like someone was driving a nail into the base of by neck. I closed my eyes. I couldnt see the video anymore, anyway. As I focused on the feeling, I realized it was becoming more specific. My breathing cut short, and at first I thought I was having a panic attack, but it became more apparent that there was a pressure on my neck, like a hand squeezing my throat harder and harder, nails digging into my skin.
I lurched forward and turned my computer off. Once it was off, the feeling vanished, leaving a small ache in my throat. I coughed and wheezed, and the actual panic attack began to set in. I turned my swivel chair, expecting to see someone behind me, since it felt distinctly like I had been choked, but nobody was there. I grabbed my phone and fell onto the couch, hiding under a blanket as I fell deeper into a panic attack.
Once I was calm (or once it was over, anyway), I messages my friend and told them about what happened. They didnt actually believe any of it, and they thought I had been pranking them. I swore up and down that it was real, and I still do, but they demanded proof. So I had to turn my computer back on.
I got the courage to turn it on again about half an hour later. The file was no longer open, because the program closed when I turned my computer off. I tried to open it again, but I got an error box titled "Oops! An error has occured", and the box read "you weren't supposed to see this." When I checked the email again to download it and send it to my friend, I'd gotten a response from Lptnmjngaeprkfl that just read "sorry. That wasnt for you. Don't watch it again okay? I'm so sorry." No matter how many times I tried to message Lptnmjngaeprkfl I never got a response, and every time i downloaded the .mov file, it wouldnt open. If i tried to send it to my friend, it would crash my phone or computer, and the message would never send.
To this day, I'm still not really sure what I saw. I kind of wondered if it was possible for some other people to contact the creator and see if they would respond. I got my friend to message them, but they didnt respond at all. I'm hoping they respond to someone. Please, message [email protected] and tell me what you find out.
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buginabog · 6 years
Sweeping and Singing
Summary: Virgils a techie at a local theater, after hours he loves to sing as he cleans up. A certain actor happens to hear. Trans virgil
Pairing: platonic prinxiety
The director glanced at their watch, "alright everybody. That's it for today. GO HOME!" they smile good humoredly. As everyone began to file out they grabbed Virgil's shoulder. "Hey V, I'm really sorry but can you do cleanup today?"
Virgil smiled, "sure thing Joan, I didnt have plans anyway."
Joan grinned, "thank fuck, sorry again, but Logan said he was feeling sick and I made him go home."
"No prob, L would probably have done it anyway if you hadn't forced him."
Joan rolled their eyes, "I know. I'm just glad he actually listened," they started walking off, "oh yeah!" They tossed Virgil the keys, "do you mind locking up once you leave?"
"Not at all."
Joan jogged off, "thanks again V!"
Virgil smiled to himself, "anytime," he grabbed a broom and started sweeping the dust. He waited a few seconds before checking that no one was in the hallway. He smiled to himself as he started singing.
"Often, I am upset, that I can not fall in love, but I guess..."
Roman made it all the way home before he realized he left his script in the theater. He sighed as he walked out of his apartment to the bus stop. He plugged in his earbuds, but when he turned on his music he just got weird static. "Shit." He stuffed them into his pocket, "for fucks sake can SOMETHING go right today?"
.....then it started raining.
"Am I in a movie now? Is that's what happening?" Roman groaned as he pulled his hood over his head. The bus pulled up and he got on. Focusing on his phone the whole time, he eventually made it to the theater. He ran in through the rain. He walked in and shook the water off. As he walked towards the theater, he heard a melodic voice singing. Beautifully, might he add.
"Turn off, your porcelain face, I cant really think right now, and this place, has too many colors..."
Roman opened the door and saw VIRGIL of all people, on the stage. He sat down in the third row as he watched the peaceful man swept the stage and sang with a gentle smile on his face.
The peace was disturbed as Virgil launched into the last verse, dancing around the stage as an almost violent look contorted his face.
"Look at this monster,
He doesnt know how to communicate,
His mind is in a different place," he practically shouted the next line,
"Could everyone please give him a little bit of space!"
His voice lowered, and a sober look overtook him,
"Look at this trainwreck,
His hairs a mess and he doesnt know who he is yet," he kept his sad dancing, until he slowed to a stop in the center of the stage, slightly swaying,
"But little do we know the stars,
Will welcome him with open arms."
His eyes opened on the last line, "shit! ROMAN!"
Roman looked at him, his jaw dropped, and slowly, he started clapping.
The asshole roman! He just walks in and then has the audacity to just SIT there and watch me... oh god what if he thinks I'm weird. Or..or... is he clapping?
Roman was standing and clapping, his mouth stretched into something like a smile. Roman walked up onto the stage. "My god Virgil, that was.... FANTASTIC!"
Virgil looked at the smiling man in front of him, "what."
"The emotions on your face! The slow down and speed up with the song! And your voice...oh." roman frowned, "one thing I dont understand, why do you feel the need to hide THIS"
Virgil turned away and started sweeping, "because the song kind of outs me."
Roman frowned, "what do you mean?" He thought back, "I thought you told us you were gay?"
Virgil turned toward Roman slightly, "well yeah, but I'm also..." he turned away, "nevermind."
Roman put his hand on Virgils shoulder, "Virgil, it's ok. I wont tell a soul."
Virgil turned all the way around, "you promise?" Roman nodded, and Virgil sighed, "roman, have you ever listened to the song I was singing?"
Roman scratched his hair, "technically...no. no I have not."
Virgil laughed, "of course, but, the songs about being FtM...indirectly. I mean, I see it that way."
"Oh that makes SO much sense you have no idea."
Virgil cocked his head to the side, "I'm sorry what?"
Roman smiled, "how you never change in the main changing room, and how your voice isnt that deep actually."
Virgil sighed, "yeah I hate it."
Roman elbowed him, "hey, now I got someone to do the high parts of romantic duets while still being incredibly gay."
Virgil hit him, "I am under no circumstances going romantic duets with you."
Roman sighed, "fiiiiiiiiine," he looked around, "by the way, have you seen my script?"
Virgil rolled his eyes, "did you check your purse?"
Roman blushed, "Its a SATCHEL! You know, like Eugene!"
"Sure buddy"
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lyxxstories · 6 years
He watches as the girl runs her hands through her hair for the umpteenth time today. No doubt frustrated with whatever work she has laid out on the table.
He arrived the library about two hours ago and at those hours, this girl was working non-stop. He kinda felt guilty for only using the place for sleeping especially now that he sees another student getting worked up with school.
He doesn't know how long she's been here since she was here before he entered but he could tell that it's a long time, judging by the way she looked.
His eyes widen when he saw tears running down her face.
I-is she actually crying?
She slams her pencil down and starts to cover her face with her hands.
Now he felt bad for the girl.
Quiet sobs were heard at the area. He looks around to see if anyone noticed and actually they were a few number of people staring at her weirdly. Some with scowl faces, probably thinking that she's annoying.
He watches as she breathes in and out trying to calm herself down. She wiped a tear with her sleeve and grabbed the pencil before starting to work again.
For some reason, he stood up from his seat, went to the vending machine, bought water and biscuits, and started to go to her table.
When he got closer, he noticed a bunch of notebooks, ledgers, and bank statements.
Ah, she must be taking Accountancy.
He cleared his throat. "Uh, miss?"
She looked up to the owner of the voice and gave a confused look.
He suspected that she was tired, considering she's been working for hours but woah does she look stressed.
He felt even more guilty for sleeping.
"I-I'm sorry... did I disturb you?" She asked softly, wiping her face in case she missed some of her tears.
"Oh no no no," he smiles. "I just thought you might want a drink."
She got even more confused when he handed out a bottle of water.
"Or perhaps a snack?" He says, offering her the pack of biscuits.
She raised her brow, not knowing what to reply.
He retained the smile on his lips, but its getting a bit awkward with the silence she's giving.
Okay. I didn't think this through.
He cleared his throat again. "Uh I just thought you were working so hard that you deserve a break."
Her eyes widen. "You... you noticed?"
"Hmm," he nodded. "Please. Take it. I bought it from the vending machine. You dont have to worry."
With his gentle expression, she felt convinced. And honestly, she's been hungry and thirsty. She gave a small smile before getting the biscuits.
He noticed that her hands were slightly shaking.
"Ah let me open this for you." He says, getting the bottle cap off before handing it over.
"Thank y-"
Her hand betrayed her. Once she got a grasp of the bottled water, it fell to the ground with the liquid oozing out to the library's floor.
"Ah! I'm sorrry!!!" She says quickly crouching down to pick up the drink.
"No no its fine," He reassures, beating her into getting the bottle. "I'll just go get another one okay?"
She didnt even have the chance to protest. After a few minutes, he was already back with a new drink in hand.
"Here," he carefully puts the bottle in her hand, making sure that it wont fall this time.
"Thank you."
Since she already stopped. Might as well take a break like he said. She closed the current transaction book she has but made sure that there was a mark to remind her where she should continue.
He watches as she almost immediately finish the pack of biscuits with just a few bites. The way she gulped down the water was enough statement that she is exhausted.
"Must be hard being an Accountancy student, huh?" He says, starting a conversation.
How did he-? Oh. My papers are on the table.
"Well not really... I just crammed..." She answered hesitantly.
"Somehow I find that hard to believe."
"Huh? Why?"
"You look like someone who takes school seriously." Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Not that its a bad thing. I just didn't see it as cramming you know?"
"Well it is cramming," she sighs. "It's due tomorrow and I still havent balanced my accounts."
"Oh..." He mutters. "That explains it."
"Yep," she exhales once more. "What about you?"
"Do you got some work you need to do as well?"
He laughs awkwardly, "Not exactly..."
She tilts her head.
"I uh..." cleared his throat. "Came here to nap actually."
"Oh wow."
Lucky guy. I would kill to get some sleep. I've been awake for who knows how long.
"Do you need help?"
"With your work," he says eyeing the papers on the table.
"You know how to bookkeep?" She questioned, slightly interested.
"Yeah, my brother's an Accountant so he kind of taught me how." He answers. "But that's all I can do. I kind of forgot to do other accountancy stuff."
"It's okay. I can do it. I just needed a break."
"Uh are you sure?"
"Well yeah I have like a lot of time to do this."
"I'm gonna do it for now," he grabs the transaction book.
"B-but why? You dont know me. You dont need to do this." She say, slightly panicking.
He chuckles. "It's fine seriously. You need to rest."
"No I have-"
"Have a 15 minute nap," he suggested. "That's all. Then I'll leave you be."
She's pretty much sold. She just thought she should be courteous about it. She really IS tired.
"Why are you so nice?"
"You think so?" He chuckles. "Thank you. I try my best."
She smiled as well. "I uh... I guess I'll take a quick sleep."
"You're not going to steal my stuff are you?"
He chuckles before shaking his head as a no. "You can call security if ever that happens."
"Well okay then..." she says yawning a bit. "Thank you, Stranger."
Okay the amount is... $418,267.
He puts down the pencil and checked his work again. Okay, its balanced. He reads the next instruction and gulped.
Adjustments? How do this work again?
For the next few minutes, he tries to figure out the first account adjustment he had to do. He scratches his head trying to recall which accounts to debit and credit. He lets out a breath. He doesn't know how to do this.
He looks at his side and sees the girl sleeping soundly, head and arms resting on the table. He puts his arm on the table and rests his head on his palm just gazing at her.
She looks so peaceful like this.
It sucks that she has to cram her work. Then again... it isher fault for doing it at the last minute. But who is he to talk right?
15 minutes of nap is so not enough for her. He thought of waking her up when the time ran out but thinking of how stressed she was just made him do the opposite. That's why he thought it was best to do the next steps on her book.
"Mm..." she slowly sits up, scratching her face.
"How was your sleep?" He smiles at her.
She stretches her arms before giving two thumbs up.
"Well that's good."
He then hands over the ledgers and the journals.
"O-oh right," she suddenly blushed, getting the books. "Thank you."
"No problem." He flashes another smile.
She opens the book to check the work he had done. Surely, he only did one or two transactions. But as she skims through the pages, her grip on the books tightened.
"H-how long was I asleep?" She peeks at him.
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"Its just that uh..." she says softly. "It's all footed and posted..."
"Did I do it wrong?" He questioned, slightly panicking. He moves next to her wanting to see if he made mistakes.
"No. Its just that..." He stares at her curiously, making her blush even more. "You... you didnt have to journalize every transaction. You could've just woke me up."
Thats it?
He lets out a sigh of relief. Glad his brother's annoying lectures finally paid off.
"It's alright. You didnt sleep that long either... just an hour or so..." he replied, mumbling the last part.
"What was that?"
"Nothing." He answered quickly. "Um... I'm sorry that's all I can do. I kind of forgot how to do the adjustments."
Her eyes widen. "You're apologizing? Wow. You truly are nice."
"Haha I guess so."
"Seriously though," she gives him a small smile. "Thank you."
He returns the smile. "No problem uh-"
"Oh its Andrea," she stretches out her hand. "Or Andy. Whichever you prefer."
He shakes her hand and nods. "I'm Kian."
"Well Kian, you have definitely made my day less stressful." She states.
"And you actually made me do something other than sleeping," he said making her chuckle. "So I think I should thank you too."
Kian takes out his phone and frowned when he saw the message.
"You okay?" Andrea asked curiously.
"Yeah..." he sighs, returning his phone back in his pocket. "My brother is making me go home."
She raises a brow. "... Is that bad?"
"Nah. I just thought I could stay here for a bit longer." He says with a sad smile. "But anyway,"
He stands up from his chair.
"I hope you finish your work."
"Ah yes, of course." She smiles at him. "Thank you again."
"Don't stress yourself okay?" He said patting her head and turning around to leave.
She watches as he walks away, chin resting on her hand.
What a strange nice guy.
I wrote this instead of doing my practice set in accountancy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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