#that doesn't make me a bad person or someone who doesnt deserve healing
themagnificentmx · 2 years
going to throw shade @ some criticism i got on my poetry
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thenixkat · 2 months
decided to pull up The OMAC Project to see what happened after Ted's death they threw his ass in the incinerator
writer said Ted got graphically shot in the head and then incinerated his ass is not coming back he's * dead*
this does not deter me from having Khaji Da go 'yer not allowed to die yet' at Ted and keep him alive, conscious, and heal him from the damage
(also the implications that Dan was conscious the entire time he was trapped underground and mortally wounded do help explain why he was fairly easy for the Scarab to overpower)
wild that Blue Beetle 2 and many of his nonsuper but hero associates are getting the meta-human label
they arent metahumans Brother Eye has Batman listed as his creator, which fiar Batman did make it. Tho I doubt that Brother Eye gets considered part of the Batfam
dont want to have to kill Batman…yet. ANd Brother Eye seems to be fine with that
granted given how it was firmly on Ted's side in the dark multiverse au when Ted went against Batman, it probably doesn't have much loyalty to its maker Overthrow and Rocket Red are two guys with high tech suits! They arent metahumans, you should make yer computer better with terminology to more accurately assess shit
unless Batman was over there labeling everyone in a costume as a metahuman
Sasha? apparently Batman's ex??? Took Ted's goggles to send a warning/message about what's going down. ANd i guess if Ted never got wrecked, she wouldnt have been able to get word out and the world would have been doomed
yeah other knight lady does have a point. Given the shit that went down in Countdown, who would have believed Ted if he told people what he found? Hell, yall could have just locked him up in yer fortress and tried to make him come around to the idea of being on yer side or brainwashed him. Killing Ted was unnecessary and messy and bad for morale
also Brother Eye is watching everyone at Checkmate. ANd yeah being constantly watched by a homicidal brainwashing boss would not be great for team unity or morale
folks seriously need to get on Batman's ass about the spy satellite
Booster got out of the hospital and Wonder Woman actually following up on what she was talking with Ted about now that she's not busy
ALso loved that Skeets was referred to as having been killed, being treated like a person who got murdered and not just a robot that got taken apart and used for parts
again, I am bothered that folks made a mystery involving Ted but didnt bring in Vic Sage/The Question who is also his friend and this shit would have been right up the man's alley
like do we even get an explanation for why Vic couldnt be here in this or Countdown other than the writers wanted Ted to be alone and forgot that he has close friends outside of Booster Gold?
Did no one who watched the skies for a living question Batman's spy satellite and what authorizations it had?
we also need to get on Black Canary, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Hawkman, Green Arrow, and Zatanna's asses for deciding that brainwashing supervillains to 'not be evil anymore?' which is yikes! ANd double yikes for deciding to brainwash Batman to forget the incident when he caught them and had an issue with it. That;s not hero behavior. Like Batman deserves to get shit for the murderous spy satellite and the others need to get shit for mentally violating people
like everyone involved fucked up in this situation and in response to this situation
Batman, just cause you got mentally violated by a handful of superheroes doesnt mean you get to invade every superheroes' privacy at all times
people are rightfully pissed at Batman who does not apologize for violating everyone's privacy or his satellite being used to hospitalize Booster, destroy Ted's home and one of his Bugs, and lead to Ted's murder. Batman got hurt by a handful of people so its ok by his reasoning to fuck over everyone in the superhero community
and of course the actions of the satellite he built arent his fault if someone stole it to use it as intended more or less with all of its capable of killing people functions intact. Like…honestly Booster may have been onto something. Does Brother EYe have a death laser b/c Batman's plans to deal with any hero who crossed the line again were to straight up murder them?
yeah actually Batman had some info that he could have shared with Ted that could have been helpful in him not dying and chose not to give it b/c a desperate fellow hero asking for help wasnt worth his time. Batman had bigger things to worry about and didnt stop to question if maybe the cases were related. Unfortunately, Booster isnt allowed to shoot Batman. He should, I'd like it, but no not allowed
Booster hitting it out of the park. Batman is not going to admit he was wrong or that he got Ted killed and Batman wont be held responsible for any of the people his spy satellite endangers or kills even tho it is his fault
And Maxwell Lord does use the shit that was built into Brother Eye to kill people, like Batman why the fuck did you add a death laser to yer satellite in the first place? Max has Brother Eye activate an OMAC and murder Overthrow (one of Ted's villains) as a fucking distraction for the Justice League
Just Batman is at fault and could have stopped a lot of shit sooner, saved some lives, by coming forward with shit sooner At least Checkmate does attempt to murder Max b/c his Big Brother shit and murdering folks unnecessarily is a bit much
too bad it doesnt work out huh the secret society that spies on everyone and fingers in every pie and shit didnt know Maxwell Lord was a meta somehow. There's shit that should be on his medical records or ya know just fucking ask the League and they should have known. But no, they didnt know Max can mindcontrol/brainwash people and they're gonna die for their lack of knowledge
And Batman's internal monologue of no one understands and he had to violate everyone's privacy and not tell people shit. So yeah, Booster's right Batman is never going to take responsibility for all the people he endangered and got hurt or killed with teh Brother Eye shit. Max figures out Sasha is the mole
yeah yeah (mocking voice) Batman;s so bad ass you'll need multiple metahuman slaying robots to neutralize him b/c normal man in a cape is just so powerful so skilled so bad ass (/end mocking voice)
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stedebonnit · 2 years
Jfc NOBODY IS SAYING THAT STEDE'S TRAUMA EXCUSES HIS ACTIONS. Like. Why the FUCK is that always the first place you assholes go. You can't even acknowledge he HAS IT most of the time, but when you do the first thing you say about it is, "but that doesn't excuse anything!" No. One. Says. It. Does. But it would be nice to be able to fucking acknowledge it AT ALL without your asshole takes. We get it. You think Stede is the fucking worst and his trauma doesn't matter. Shut the fuck up.
Omg Stede anon is back!! Wow Im so honoured, welcome back!
I literally said in my tags that his trauma is what makes his actions so heartbreaking. Like I said, its nuanced. Someones actions can be hurtful to others and also incredibly understandable given the circumstances they're in. Which is why its so similar to his privilege, because Stede was raised in that privilege. The point is that hes a good man because he tries to learn and grow, as Im sure he'll do in this scenario as well.
Like I said, it fucking hurts to be told your self hatred hurts the people you care about. Most people who adopt self-hatred like Stedes do so for two reasons
1. To protect themselves from harm (via rejection, abuse, neglect, etc.)
2. To protect others from harm (because when you're told often enough that your existence is wrong, you start to internalize it and believe that your existence hurts others.)
That second one is so powerful, because yes, self-hate is selfish in the sense that you really have to believe that you're special or unique to believe that you, and only you, matter enough to be so deeply deserving of bad things. But the other piece is that most people who hate themselve that deeply also genuinely want to do whats best for others. Its why i see so many clients in therapy who tell me theyre afraid to be kinder to themselves because they think itll make them selfish.
Thats the stage that I see Stede at. He doesnt yet have the understanding, because of his history of trauma and chronic invalidation, to be able to contextualize how deeply selfish his self hate is. Moreover, he genuinely believes that hes doing whats best for others by acting the way he does.
This doesnt take away the hurt he caused. This doesnt negate the decisions hes made.
When I was deeply hurting, faced with a similar mindset, I made decisions that hurt people. I had a therapist tell me one session that I had hurt her by assuming the worst in her, something that I did because of how deeply I hated myself.
I resent my actions, still, to this day, and yet she showed me empathy and kindness and helped me forge a path forward so I wouldnt hurts others that way in the future.
Because of her pointing out the hurt I caused, i was able to learn and grow, and am a better, kinder person now because of it.
Thats what I mean when I say it doesnt negate the hurt he caused. Because often times seeing the hurt our self hatred causes is the ingredient thats needed to push us in the direction of healing, because we dont love ourselves enough to do it for us, but we love others enough to start that journey for them.
Anyways, its a topic Im deeply interested in, so even though you called me an asshole, Im grateful for you reaching out because it gave me the opportunity to put my thoughts into words, because as I said, I believe its an incredibly nuanced discussion, but as a Stede stan through and through it always makes me chuckle when I get these anons.
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
I kinda wanna write a better version of tlh where Tatiana is still insane but there's no Belial bc that makes zero sense to me
In this version there would be:
Kamanna done correctly with actual genderqueer rep and not toxic relationships
Barbra and Oliver bc fight me she didn't die
Genie and Filomena bc I love them and all the lightwoods are queer
The gracelet doesn't even happen bc I refuse to write that
Grace is pretty much still the same but she breaks off their(hers and james') relationship bc she notices that he loves Cordelia
No bad James. He's not a shitty person to Alastair, and he doesn't treat Cordelia like a sex object
Anna puts a stop to Kellington and Matthew's relationship before it gets serious. She also tries to get him to stop drinking all the time
Alastair apologizes around seeing them again for the first time. The merry thieves are a little reluctant because of some of the things he did but they don't actively try to keep him away from events that they're at
Matthew notices how Alastair looks at Thomas and locks them in the sanctuary with Genie and Cordelia's help
Grace gets badly injured due to a mistake in necromancy and Christopher helps her treat it without letting people know
Lucie meets Jesse, and falls in love ofc, so in order to bring him back successfully she asks Malcolm to train her in using her magic
Matthew opens up to his mom about the incident. She doesn't blame him at all and instead apologizes for often putting her work before him
Matthew finds out about Charles and Alastair because he found Alastairxs break up letter to Charles
Matthew, the mother hen he is, decided to attempt to murder his older brother, only being stopped by James who had been there at the right time
Kamala ends things with Charles and tells Anna that she still loves them and hopes that she will give her another chance
Anna told her that they needed time to think, and that she is worried how Kamala's reputation will be affected if anyone besides their friends and Anna's family finds out
Kamala respects her decision and doesn't contact her until Anna's ready to talk about things
The merry thieves don't ignore Christopher and they actively listen and help him
The merry thieves also aren't terrible to Grace bc they realize she's been isolated alone with Tatiana and 1) she might not understand what's saying/doing is wrong or 2) that sometimes she's trying to push them away so her abilities don't accidentally make them do something
Good tid parents
James and Alastair being respectful to each other despite personal differences
Matthew, Alastair, Kamala, Christopher, and Grace being besties, or as I call them, the neglected squad
No fetishizing mlm/wlw
Domestic cuddles and taking care of the other one when they're sick
Jesse/Lucie/Matthew pairing bc I love them and I refuse to pick between lucie/matthew and lucie/jesse
Christopher teaching Grace the elements(at the time) on the periodic table
Tatiana dies at the end yay
It's very unpolished and I'm open to b hearing any feedback and/or suggestions that anyone may have
The idea came to me and I decided it would be best if I told someone before I forgot
hi, I'm sorry it took so long,but I wanted to properly answer this and I keep having either internet connection issues or little time
Look, I've been on the verge of rewriting ChoI, and I keep saying I want someone to write a TLH that will live up to its potential, but I've never actually came up with a proper idea for it, and you?!! YOUR BRAIN DARLING THIS IS GENIUS
ok hold up I'll just react to each and every single one so
yes please?!? I mean it started off so sweet in EEV?! Also actually genderqueer Anna and not dancing around the subject like CC is doing now?! That's what they deserve, and that's what we all deserve too
yesss please. also just,,,, Barbara, the feminine, not-wanting-to-fight-which-doesnt-make-her-less-badass queen that she is, getting the page space and appreciation she deserves
that's actually brilliant?!? it would be so great, just imagine the new girl arrives for her travel year and Genie is completely awestruck. I'm so invested in Joshwood it's difficult to imagine not having them, but this is actually the only valid alternative?!
ok that's fine. I think it could still happen and be done well, but tbh for now... the gracelet doesn't seem to have done anything relevant to the plot itself? I mean yeah it messed up James's life and Jordelia, but what did it give Belial? Tatiana? nothing. It makes no sense atm.
could be! maybe she's still encouraged by Tatiana to befriend/seduce him, but without the gracelet it doesn't work out? or maybe James somehow manages to realize that she's in danger and he actually like,,,, kidnaps her? idk idk
yes. YES. just,,,,z James is a sweet compassionate literature nerd who accidentally makes a good leader and he actually cares about people, and not just judges them from his high horse; he does still have hero syndrome, but he's kind and respectful and overall a good character
ok yes, so what about: basically TMT don't harass Alastair and accept his apology, and realize they were also being stupid and mean at times at the Academy (especially Math). Matthew doesn't want to accept Alastair's apology, because of The Sin, but his behaviour alerts the rest of TMT and they inquire what's wrong and he tells them about the sin and that's how he later tells his parents (because his friends encourage him) and as you say, she just hugs him and reassures him it's not his fault; so after that Matthew slowly begins to heal and accepts it wasn't Alastair's fault, and also since they've kind of adopted/started including Alastair in things, he can't help but notice he's actually changed and he even starts to grow fond of him
then like you said, Matthew notices Thomas likes Alastair PLEASE HE SO WOULD. I'm not sure about the Sanctuary, if it actually happens (I'll get to why later on), but him and Lucie get really invested in the matchmaking schemes, they include Genie/Kamala because these two are friends with Alastair (both? Or at this point only Kamala?) but they also share some Moments during their scheming/talking about love 👀 (yes I'm a Fairdale shipper, I think it's time to expose myself lol)
Which leads me to (sorry I'm going off order rn) YES YES YES LUCIE AND MATH PLEASE. A FELLOW SHIPPER, HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU. But since we're actually fixing him then we can give Jesse a personality and I'm totally down for poly Math/Lucie/Jesse
Lucie seeking Malcolm's help in secret, morally gray heroine style?!? no, it's probably not legal. but also has there ever been a Shadowhunter like her? If the Law doesn't expect such situations, it can't really forbid them...
Plz Matthew ready to strangle the carrot when he learns about their relationship, YES. sure, maybe he's still not the biggest fan of Alastair, but he's seen how much the boy's been through and starts to develop an attachment to him, and besides, NO ONE DESERVES TO BE GROOMED AND TREATED LIKE THAT. He's SO MAD at Charles, and he confronts him about it - remembering Kellington as he does, and it makes him sick to think his brother would do the same thing to someone. Maybe he gets very emotional over this and later finally tells his friends about Kellington? Maybe they didn't know before, only Anna did? So when they all realize what was happening then they comfort him etc? Or maybe it's just Alastair that learns now, and the others knew before, and they share a bonding moment over that?
Injured Grace seeking Kit's help is a genius idea I didn't know I needed
Kamanna giving each other time and space and deciding they need to question their relationship and figure out if it actually makes sense would be great. Anna realising she's very privileged and Kamala doesn't have those same opportunities, and also in general realising coming out should never be pressured or forced. Just,,,, Anna being self-aware and respectful towards Kamala. Well-written Anna. Plz. Also Kamanna is actually developed and not just "in love" because,,,,, they're attracted to each other? Maybe even remaining friends while Anna makes up their mind?
yeah just TMT being more compassionate and less judgy because they're not written by Judith so her bias isn't projected onto them
It's not a want, it's a need. They adopt Alastair and Grace eventually. Like, maybe not literally - although, Grace? - but you know what I mean.
I think they all should just have various friendship dynamics and switch between them, because people need more than one friend group
no fetishizing, no watching your brother make out with his lover, yessss
yes domestic cuddles, affection, taking care of wounds, all those things. plz.
Gracetopher bonding over science yes
obviously. or maybe she's imprisoned?!
ok, now for some more notes/my ideas etc., if you don't mind:
I actually think Belial could still be featured? After all, I don't think Tatiana could do much on her own, and since she seeks help from demons, it makes sense to include a Greater Demon as well. But Belial would have to be a stronger villain, written better; I'll think more about this
if that was the case, the serial killer plot could still happen, but be done better. and it would allow for a scenario I talked about with @littlx-songbxrd to happen, where it's Alastair who's falsely accused of murder. It creates a great opportunity to explore some things, because we know Alastair is much more likely to be seriously suspected, considering all the prejudices and bad rep his family has and all that
...what do you say to well-written Jordelia? 👀 Cordelia hasn't been obsessively in love with James since childhood, she only had a crush then. And now that they meet again, she's fond of him but not in love, not straight away. They're both grown up, and different people, but as they spend more and more time together, they fall in love. What if Cordelia gets to flirt with some other boys first? What then. What if she ends up choosing James, instead of going for the only boy she's ever had feelings for and idealized since childhood. What if we even make it friends-to-lovers and have James be a little jealous at some point?! but not in a possessive awful way, just "oh damn oh no"
Now I won't know peace until this exists BUT THANK YOU
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sagewolfsbos · 3 years
My fiance doesn't like me doing witchcraft... I dont know what to do now. My altar is still up but he made me take some stuff off of it. It made me feel like I really was doing something wrong. How would you handle this. (Also one of my spells may have made someone ill which wasn't my intent).
Hello. First, I want to say I'm sorry your fiance isn't very accepting of your path. I can't imagine how hard that would be.
That being said, my next bit of advice may not be pleasant and it wont be easy to hear. I, personally, would never be with someone who doesn't accept me and my path. You deserve someone who respects you, and this isnt respect. I'm even a bit concerned by the fact that he "made" you take some stuff off your altar. This comes across as very controlling to me. No one in your life should be making you change your sacred space. That space is for you and unless you have a shared altar, he has no say in that. If he wouldn't walk into a church and tell them to change their altar, he shouldn't be doing it to you either.
It sounds to me like your fiance holds a lot of fear and ignorance about your beliefs and practices. Sadly, this is still so common with so many people. Pagans, witches, and people of many different faiths and spiritual paths have been criticized for their beliefs and practices because society has taught them that we are evil and dangerous. If you have tried educating him about your path, and he still wont budge, I would genuinely stop to think about where you want your relationship to go from here. Can you really marry someone who doesnt accept you? Are you ok with giving up your personal path for him? How far are you willing to go to please him? Where do you draw the line in changing yourself for him? A relationship needs to be built on trust and respect. I can't tell you what to do, as I dont know your entire situation. What I can tell you is that, if it were me, I hold my path very close to my heart. It's very personal and very important to me, and I could never give it up just to make someone else happy. At that point, I would be sacrificing my own happiness and forcing myself down a path I know isn't right for me. No relationship is worth that to me.
I want you to know that you are doing nothing wrong by choosing witchcraft. Remember that we are blessed (by whatever deity/energy you believe is out there) with the ability to make real change in our lives. I dont see that as evil or dangerous. Magick is neutral. It is up to us to decide how to use it. Think of it this way: a knife is neither good nor bad, but I can choose to use one to prepare a meal for my family, or to harm someone. The choice is mine. The same can be said about magick. Magick is a tool. We decide how to use that tool.
To touch on your final part, spells that dont go as planned are always frustrating, and they become more worrisome if someone is hurt in the process. If you feel that you are responsible for an illness you didnt intend, I encourage you to look back see what may have caused it. Learn from this mistake and do your best not to do it again. Keep in mind that this could also just be a coincidence. It's easy to see a cause and effect when it isnt there. If you truly believe a spell has backfired that hurt someone, I would suggest doing a reversal spell, a spell to break your previous spell, and/or saying a prayer to your chosen deity, asking them for help and guidance, and to heal the person that was effected. You could even do a healing spell for them and see if it helps.
If you have any further questions, you are welcome to message me and we can speak further. I wish you the best of luck in your path, your relationship, and your life.
Blessed Be
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years
God it's so nice to see someone who doesn't like Bakugou, THANK YOU😭. Sometimes I feel so fucking alone in this fandom cause everywhere I look there are ppl praising Bakugou and saying that he's the best, I have no fucking idea how he keeps winning popularity polls🤢🙄. And I HATE that Deku puts him on a pedestal. Horikoshi saying that Bakugou has to apologise gives me hope but I think that it'll happen super late and that it'll be written like a super bad apology so yeah... what do you think?
YEAH Idk where his popularity comes from when he's a shitty character who yells at everyone and calls them names. Its just really weird to me. It doesn't make sense to me at all because he's a bully that told Izuku to kill himself and that's something I'm never going to let slide like ever since the first time I watched the show, it really hit me and I even mentioned it to my little brother, who introduced me to the show. Its just...that just hit my heart you know? And then he doesnt get any better. I see people saying he's improving and he's getting development, but I can't see it? Like if he's doing something, it's not even that Great. Like wow he saved a person. That's...that's exactly what a hero should do yeah. But none of that erases what he has done to Izuku which is 10+ years of abuse. He hurt him so much verbally and physically. How do you just ignore that? And I also see people argue "we can enjoy a character and still acknowledge their flaws", but like? I still fail to understand. Like I'm sorry, I just don't enjoy characters that are assholes. ...actually I'm not sorry. I am also really annoyed with Izuku excusing his behavior or just...Not reacting to it. Like I get he is super kind and caring and forgiving, but I also feel like hero society has shaped his opinion. K*tsuki has a strong quirk, therefore he is fit to be a hero. But I'm not sure if Izuku connects abuse to heroism, or lack thereof. Like I really wonder if after Shouto told him about his abusive father, Izuku started to change the way he saw k*tsuki.
I've wanted an apology since like last decade because it's just too much. If he is going to keep being an important character, Horikoshi has to give us a balance. Its becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy this series by having him as one of the protagonists when he is a piece of shit. He yelled at his hosts during the family dinner despite knowing how heavy the subject Shouto and Fuyumi were discussing was for them. I'm never going to let them go because when you talk about something important like that between you another person, the last thing you want is for a 3rd party to yell at you. That just peeved me so much. And he also stabbed Izuku on his head with his accessory and he bled because of that. And nobody reported him. The boys showed concern, but like who intervened? Nobody. Its so annoying. He hasn't changed at all if he's still hurting Izuku. And now its played as a gag, how disgusting. Thanks Horikoshi, for playing off his bullying as a joke, real clever of you, that's exactly what I needed. 😒
Anyways yeah I want a good apology, but because Horikoshi bends over backwards to kiss k*tsuki's ass, I don't know if he will give us a good apology. I hope he does. Because it's what Izuku deserves AT LEAST. At most, he deserves to get away from him because he's so toxic and he needs to heal. So what I would totally LOVE is for Izuku to not only get an apology, but also to spend time away from him. I know from experience that I healed a lot after I spent time away from the person that bullied me in elementary school and I am healing now because I am away from the person that really hurt me. At least the latter apologized to me, but the bully didn't. She never stopped her behavior until I was in a different class from her and I became more confident because of that. When I had a class with her again in high school, she couldn't do anything to me because I was savage. I would have eaten her face off with sass. I'm not trying to say Izuku should totally do this, but Izuku should totally do this. But anyway back to the topic. Izuku deserves better. He has better friends and classmates now, but wouldn't it just be amazing if class 1St and Aizawa and All Might found out that he bullied Izuku "Sunshine" Midoriya? God that would just be cathartic. I would legit frame that on my wall and personally thank Horikoshi for my existence. An apology would be such a gift, though. And k*tsuki also acknowledging that what he did was WRONG and he will try to be a better person and a better friend. Because as it stands now, he does not regret anything he did. He still treats Izuku like shit and he is still a Grade A+ Asshole. So if Horikoshi does not do hustice to the apology, then it will be horrible writing honestly. Like I am afraid for this event because we are getting a damned redemption for endeav*r and that bastard abused his entire family in different ways and just NOW realized he did wring. Its too late, sir, you messed up 5 people, good job, you selfish bastard. K*tsuki is still a 16 year old twerp, so lets hope he'll change and get the proper development he so desperately needs. If Horikoshi butchers it then that'll be a dann shame. I have one fear for the series and this is it. Either we get a shit apology or we get no apology at all. I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I felt like this would 've a good answer.
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A lot of control freaks are at risk. Mostly,control freaks
The ones that must invite evil into other's lives.
The mom that doesn't care her daughter doesn't like her fiance and feels it a mistake to have gotten engaged. But continues to push her daughter, even planning the wedding for her to force her to marry someone whom will be unkind to her
The moms that get limited money welfare or child support and goes and gets her nails and hair done and leaves the children in rags.
The moms that force their children to be perfect at all times, children never had the joy of feeling free. Mud between their toys without receiving corporal punishment aka an ass whipping.
The "friend" always pushing you into drug use.
The "friend" bullying you to go out every night calling you a nerd for wanting to do homework or eat dinner with family.
The teacher that stuffs more and more work down your throat with nary an encouraging word nor tone.
The principal that beats students so hard with paddles it can be heard through the halls of the school and the child not being able to sit pain free without days.
The doctor that doesnt listen to your symptoms and sends you home without proper care Because they are too busy and overbooked.
The dentist that applies a chemical to rot teeth so that they can get money from repairing what looks like cavities in xrays
The adults breaking bones in others because they're "too" drunk or high or much of an ass hole not to be selfish jerks.
Bullies. People that don't mean well but we trust with our souls and lives and they purposely push advice or decisions onto others who dont want them.
Someone who doesn't allow you to breathe freely.
"You don't know how to allow us to breathe. So let us breathe for you" The Ventilator response to idiots and jerks who think they rule the world and you aren't allowed to think or breathe for yourself. In response to the person whom says "you don't know how to breathe. Let me do it for you"
Breathing the same term as live.
Its a beautiful virus Corona and COVID-19
Ironically it affects most Zulululu aliens... And they are the ones that created it.
Welcome to Eaerth. 🌎
Co Ventilator ID (children & adults as age) 19
Those of us helicopter parents ... Co parent the child with the world and the child as age 19.
Those of us helicopter children .... Co parent the parent with the world and parent as age 19.
Thus you see the equation is equality between children and adults.
I by far have raised more children than any other teacher taught for a maximum of 60 years and done it better than them by treating them as adults.
62% of negative comments about the way i taught the NHRA children said I needed to tone down sexual abuse and other information i gave them, the problem is As Adults we Learn that we were sexually abused and People KNEW at that time we were young that it was bad. So i had to tell them each and every thing that could be bad. Because they asked.
They asked me an "adult" question. I treated their questions as they were planning to go play with another child's vagina and wanted to know what the abuse part was.
Had I not explained in exact and general terms as I did they could become sexual predators themselves.
That is how i dealt with the situation. Because I was too afraid they would say "that happened to me" So i treated them as potential abusers. Because I would have ended up back behind that candy shack shaking and hysterical losing my mind. So i put up a barrier between their possible pain and myself.
And educated them in how not to become a sexual predator.
Of those NHRA children, in that sexual awareness class, 13 children only 1 became a sexual offender, repeat rapist and it was Ben who refused to listen and usually sat at his desk drawing. Of the kids that paid attention 0 became sexual offenders.
And if you watched the video they clearly focused on Ben to show he was not listening to the content nor context.
Furthermore. I had to teach them all the ins and outs so if perhaps they were an unfortunate victim they would tell me and we would have the CIA investigate so it would never happen to them
I didn't know if they asked because they were thinking about bodies and various ways they could be touched or if they were asking because they had been touched that way.
So had i shut down any child's question with that's too much information and not have a male come explain it and never have the question answered. I knew i would slam the door in the child's face from self healing from abuse or preventing it from happening to them or to someone else.
They needed all the information available. To understand that if they are touched wrongly they have to know it was wrong and that they could get help. They deserved help and someone would help them.
If i said generally "if you are touched here here or here and you don't want to be and so you were molested" then we would have a shit ton more false rape reports out there.
More lives ruined for lack of information
More lives ruined for lack of information.
Treating every one as age 19. Old enough to smoke. Old enough to rent their own home. Old enough to have their own car. Old enough to know better and too young to care.
50 year old ... "Oh sonny I can't do that I'm too old" no ya ain't old lady. You can do it too.
5 year old ... "My mom says I'm too young but i know I can" then it's something that age isn't discriminatory about.
One common thing is Learning. A child can go to an University class. 7,852,931,862,985,301 people signed up for the free wellness class at Yale of those people 76% were under age 18.
Yale. A top Ivey League school. A University most people are aged 18 or more to attend.
13% were age 50 and above.
Two different people age groups vastly far from one another deciding they could do the same exact thing a 19 year old can do.
COVID-19 surviving.
We don't take away Granny's drivers license simply because shes old. She has the same rights to decide her driving benefits as a 19 year old.
No putting granny in a nursing home when she can still keep up her own residence. She has the same rights to decide where and when to live as a 19 year old.
No telling granny and our son who they cannot or can date. When our 3 year old says "my soulmate Is here. I want to introduce you and myself to her" then you go as if they were 19 years old.
COVID-19 that term will allow us surviving the Apocalypse to survive our world that is leftover.
Corona Virus. Time down with Our Spouse and children. The difference between a child and adult is the adult can drink a beer because they are over the age of 21. So in the state of COVID-19 we still respect you're fucking old enough to have kids and we can't tell you what to do.
Wahu Virus. Whahoooooo!! The world will be a better place everyday.
We didn't create the virus. Only the names and chose to not prevent the disease to be released but to be available to be spread.
Nathaniel is always ordering the release of Viruses in China and Hong Kong. I over heard his phone calls and wrote them here. Only 62% of you remember.
He wanted a job...
So it was apparently a code. So our CIA went into the computer and advised them to release it into the Wahu zip code. Meanwhile our CIA on the ground prevented and arrested the ones spreading the disease and only allowed 25% of the virus to hit its targets.
We knew it would spread naturally and the thing was to make a big deal instead of a big virus splash into our air and land.
The targets were outlying rural areas that we allowed. Not deep city but because it was air based we chose to allow the open air places to receive the diseases.
So in a place where 500,000 people would be exposed we closed that to an area where only 5,000 would be.
So while we chose to allow a virus to spread we already had magic done to allow it to kill only EVIL HUMANS. as aliens are not ours to kill...
Except as it progressed evil aliens took too much joy and wanted to do destruction, too. So that is when Wendy and her Team changed the virus to include also Evil Aliens who have no right to be on Earth.
As People became concerned as to how to not catch the Virus COVID-19 became the name.
We never wanted China to be held responsible nor it be called The China virus so we never called it Wahu. Straight to Corona. We said we would back fold it to why we chose that location in particular.
Nathaniel's Zulululu lab is in northern China. So it would been in China it was released. We made up a huge event that was top secret about anti government assassins... People like me would be attending in the millions. And so this way we manipulated the Zulululu to believe it was the best place when really we Jist liked the name and it would suit our purpose to educate for future reasons.
We had to shut down the world's government. And this was simple.
To prove i do have control of the world and we don't want Zulululu here at all or other aliens. They don't fit. They don't live well here. We don't mesh. We aren't friends.
I'm not living on a planet that always deems killing and war necessary. For Some one to try to gain control like sport while hurting my friends I allow to live here, this is my planet it wasn't created by any another than me and Alex. Marc is a star from a collapsed galaxy. Its a long story. But we are a 3some.
When Venus was attacked. We allowed them a safe Haven. We invited them and changed our world to include them
Those some aliens that attacked Venus live here now.
I allowed them and all aliens from 1777 to 1977 to prove they have the ability to sustain their alien life here. Only 1 planet has proven they had the ability.
In the film Virgin River i once again visited to notify the leaders of Zulululu they needed to evacuate inn 1979. They instead said they would change me to rule the world. So i took that challenge. It is now 2020. And they have failed. All alien life has failed.
In the film you'll see I do things my way. To prove they are wrong and do not deserve a place on my planet.
You'll see i do allow friendly conversation and warmness between the community and I.
I get tired of the lying bitch ass mayor and i do strike her with a heart attack. You'll see me extra extra pissed off in those episodes.
So review those and realize I'm totally fucking pissed. Especially when i am standing in her living room after.
But i still remain friendly. I even bring the bitch her dam mattress down.
But i wanted to kill her and didn't. I could had but th3 point was to tell her to quit lying. She figured out who I was fairly early on and abandoned the baby to distract me. I was a trophy to be kept In the neighborhood. Not someone to listen to.
Look at Chloe's eyes. She's certainly of an alien quality..
I also knew what they were up to.
If you watch it seems things take abrupt turns ... Its research. Knowledge gained from patterns and observations.
Like now i watched and right away knew who was lovers. But it is not revealed until i figure it out then. So when she brings out the divorce I had only realized it after going into,her bedroom that the cabin was hers. And doctor had already yelled at her about me staying in his cabin. So in her bedroom I realized they were at one time living together due to her decor. And photos on the night stand on his side of the bed...
Point is we ghosted into alien communities refusing to leave to ask them to leave. Walked and existed in their communities as we did in our own with our True Loves, family and friends.
We proved they had not adhered to guidelines.
And this is why we have WWIII.
Because they are still here.
In the film you'll see phones like now to show them what we could be provided and would provide their home planets with to communicate on.
When they refused we took all our stuff away. And left them with nothing. If we replaced a TV with one of ours... When i left. They had nothing left. I took what was mine in a fit of rage. And didn't return what had stood there before.
We provided them with these items via magic 1-4 months before arriving so they would not suspect a stranger.
The first time we hadn't and in 1979 it was the second time we attempted to help them gently understand they needed other leave.
That is why what you see now in WWIII is so cold, calculated and done. Pissed off. No 2 ways. Fuck you do what i say.
33 years extra i tried different ways. Their recommended ways. To allow them one last chance..
Now in my mind these bitches are all dead. Cause im gonna kill what they live in and eject their souls.
Currently our galaxy is in a black hole. So they can't find us and how to return. Any Galaxy in a Black Hole means if you try to enter you will be killed upon sight..
No "are you lost can i help you?" Instant death.
And our planet is in a black hole within the black holes. It has been since 1817. That is why the only planet we see is Venus because we brought it with us.
Otherwise we could see almost every planet and moon in existence but we don't.
Because of rude ass alien invaders.
So with the Corona Virus we made rules that have punishment of death attached if they are not followed precisely.
To further protect us in the future.
"What's your parenting plan?"
"COVID-19 and if we don't do it we will die"
Aliens will think again about settling in if for some reason they happen to make it to Eaerth.
Then we ruthlessly kill aliens "that wasn't age 19" no second chances..
Loop hole is all ages are treated as 19. So if they do treat us as age 19 because they studied before trying to invade...,well that happened to so and so when,they were 10 --- "we are informed you treated him like a 10 year old. You must be executed immediately"
19 at age 10. 10 at age 19.
You see? Air and water tight.
No one is fucking with our planet again.
Simply they will learn to stay the fuck off.
Don't worry m I break this down to nano if ever we're invaded.
But I built it beyond xyano to prevent it.
So we will be okay.
Work on being safe and taking care and enjoying life. Memorizing your new parental models of COVID-19
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