#that he doesn't answer the door
sonohban · 2 years
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what if he installed blinds
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kami-ships-it · 3 months
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annotated floor plan of Cap's office
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arttsuka · 26 days
oooh the mer au with marine biologist spock is funny tho.
imagine if he's been trying to release the two back to the ocean for a long time now, after he rescued them from a net and patches up any injuries they have, but then they just keep coming back no matter how many times he sets them free 😂
Spock: *opens his door to see mer mccoy and mer kirk laying on his doorstep, flapping their tails idly*
"You two appear to have returned back to this location despite all attempts at release. For the fifteenth time, according to my records."
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Poor Spock, he just wants to continue his research
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hydrachea · 4 months
Have you ever noticed the parallels between the nameless child Kunikuzushi took care of pre-Fatui and Nahida and get the feeling that history will repeat Although this time perhaps, bc Nahida is a god, by the time the Wanderer has found her she'd have shrunk down into a tiny leaf, easily blown away, easily crushed underfoot if one was not careful. With shaky breaths, he cups her with one trembling hand while ripping the cloth of the left side of his shirt with the other, creating a hole where the heart should be. The skin on his chest cracks, and a door swings open, revealing a compartment once built for holding the cursed remains of god. The Wanderer, now hunched over like a pilgrim in prayer, brings the leaf close to his chest and gently places it in the compartment. For the first time in his life, he was grateful for his long life, the super resilience of his body made by Irminsul. If there's nothing else he could do, he could wait. He will wait. He will make sure Nahida sees the brilliance of the sun once more. One day, they shall be reunited.
@feroluce babe, there's someone at the door for you!
This hitting every single one of my partner in crime's buttons aside, it also hits a lot of mine so I in fact had not noticed but I will now happily be noticing. I had thought of making use of his gnosis compartment before, but in a much less... Wholesome context. This one, though, I also like.
Especially the bittersweet realization that as the Wanderer finally gets what he's been craving for centuries - the power of a god, feeble as it may have become, hosted within his body - letting him fulfill the very purpose he was created for at last... He feels nothing. None of the satisfaction, of the elation he long thought would come with this moment. Instead, he's alone, and he feels more hollow than ever.
(But he's used to feeling alone, and this is something he's learned to endure. And endure it he will, because the faint thrum of divine energy in his chest beats gently like a promise - this time you know you won't be alone forever.)
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givehimthemedicine · 3 months
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also is it me or does that strong shadow straight down half of his face ever bother anyone else? my brain always goes leo.jpg "that's fake they added it"
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
how do you think the angels plus solomon would meet little ik in the infernal friends au?
ooh, good question... i think for the angels, the constant coming-and-going of various super powerful demons from ik's house would make it some kind of hub of demonic energy, which the celestial realm then detects and is like "uh oh better send someone down to take care of that"
raphael and simeon show up disguised as Regular Dudes (TM) with a plan to try exorcising the place, but unfortunately they showed up while zhao was out, and ik (a wise child) knows not to open the door for strangers. so instead she calls diavolo to do it for her
imagine the angels' surprise when the prince of the entire devildom opens the door for them! there's a lot of miscommunication at first - the angels assume this is an attack, so raphael immediately whips out the spears while simeon yoinks ik out of the way, but then ik starts yelling and hitting him with her tiny fists, and in the confusion diavolo probably smashes something with his massive wings
eventually they talk it out! simeon thinks this is an absolutely adorable situation, so he comes up with a plan - they'll sneak down regularly to purify the accumulating demonic energy to prevent the celestial realm from getting suspicious. and, in the meantime, they can also use this as an opportunity to teach luke that see, not all demons are bad!
meanwhile solomon.... i reckon the book ik initially used to summon diavolo belonged to him, so then he finds out some child messed up one of his spells and managed to summon the prince of demons in the process and is like "hey what the FUCK"
he's not sure whether to be impressed or offended that she managed it. luckily he's just as charmed by the kid as everyone else, so he doesn't hold a grudge, but he's also constantly trying to figure out how someone with no magic managed all that
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atd-everything-girl · 6 months
Solangelo are the type of couple to host a grand elaborate wedding 💍.
Malconner are the type of couple to quietly elope/run away and get married secretly and never ever tell anyone about it, keep refer to each other as 'Boyfriends' despite the fact that they are married. Just becuz Malcolm pace doesn't want Athena to find out about the relationship.
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 month
was looking through old posts and i'm surprised to see that i seemingly didn't have any commentary on anything in 3 in chapter 7, 8 or 9, the posts related to 3's story go from "my first reaction when i saw yopple-bot was 'i love you. but also you are definitely the boss for this chapter-'" to "i have been in hell all day. hell being bada-bing tower." funny to me cuz those chapters are like, the best ones sdfkljsdfjfsdkjlfsdjkl-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i love dukesville. yo-kai watch wild west. though also everyone in bbq talks like they're in the wild west-#i don't blame myself for not having any commentary on hazeltine mansion tbh. it sucks ass. i mean it's kind of fun but like#god is it annoying. i think using the mechanic of switching between nate and hailey for puzzles is a cool idea but. bad execution#very bad execution. it is so annoying#especially the section where you're in the basement and have to use the drill a bunch#... why are there prison cells in the basement anyways??????? i just realized how fucking weird that is-#i'm mostly just annoyed by the dining room puzzle tbh. i KNOW the fucking answers but verygoodsir is an ASSHOLE for some reason#and won't let me choose the FUCKING CORRECT DOORS#3's so fucking amazing tbh. i really wanna replay it soon. don't wanna have to delete a save file though#wish 3 had three save files like 1 and 2. i get why though i mean it's the biggest 3ds game klsfdjfskjfsdjksdf-#i wanna like. actually use my originyan for once. i might just end up using nyases ii instead tho fsdkljjdsfjskd-#i love every chapter in 3 after nate and hailey meet tbh. the bestie moments are so good#though also i don't think it was an amazing idea tbh. it means there's six main characters after that point#sometimes one character will go several cutscenes without talking at all. it's usually buck#he doesn't have any dialogue during any of the key quests in new yo-kai city. which is pretty amusing admittedly#i think the writers just forgot about him or something fslkdjdfslkjfsdljkdf-#i think my favorite thing related to that is like. during the stuff in bada-bing tower komasan and komajiro are there too#but they don't have any dialogue. which makes it seem kind of pointless#i get why they're there plot-wise but like. at that point you should either have them leave before you go to bada-bing tower#(esp since they don't end up in the ufo with everyone else. idr if there's a reason for that there probably isn't-)#(i think i slightly blocked out everything in bada-bing tower cuz it is so grueling)#or just. give them dialogue???#i love 3 and all but it definitely has some problems-#which is why i'm so excited to rewrite it <3 for both of those reasons. i can fix things. and also it's the best game#just. full-stop. not just the best yo-kai watch. i just think it's the best game ever#that title changes based on my current biggest hyperfixation though sfldfsjdkslfdjkfdj-#i think i'd say my overall top 5 is like. yo-kai watch 3. deltarune. ummmm. fantasy life is up there
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
Bonnie being angry and disappointed at Freddy when Cassie helps bring him back only for him to see the destruction and decay of his family and home that Freddy allowed to happen because of Gregory, and breaks up with him.
Bonnie later slowly starts falling in love with Proto Freddy (maybe a bit of it is Bonnie projecting but he's def falling) instead.
And Freddy can see it happening from where he is.
Gay drama~
(Long post. I went off on one lmao and can't use read mores on my phone, sorry mobile users)
Ohhh that's a fun one! Bonnie rebounding onto Protobear and after a while those feelings become real... he deserves it honestly. He deserves a happy ending after everything, and so does Protobear! Bet that's an emotional rollercoaster to get through though... That party doesn't sound fun... For them anyway. Very fun for us though! Sucks to be them!
You know what else is fun for this? Bonnie falling for whoever Freddy believed deactivated him. Freddy treating someone differently before the events of SB, and side eying them all the time, not trusting them at all because of what the must have done to Bonnie... It must have been them! They're the only one the makes sense! They're the one that made him disappear and is trying to act like everything's normal! They must be to blame! They took his Bonnie from him and won't tell him what they did or where he is! Whether he's right or not is irrelevant, if he believes it's true, he's going to want nothing to do with them! They need to stay away from Bonnie!
And now here he is. Watching Bonnie flirt with that person. Be it Monty, Roxy, Moon, Chica, whoever. Freddy finally saying out loud what he's felt he's known for a long time now, that this animatronic killed him, how could Bonnie possibly even still look at them, never mind fall in love with them after that?!
Bonnie's face falls flat. He turns to Freddy and stares him right in the eyes. "They didn't do it, Freddy." or even, "They did it to save me, Freddy. What did you do?"
Absolutely devastating. The gay drama is so good
On another note, this is making me think of Protobear and Roxy being fucking hilarious. "Hey, you wanna really freak him out?" one of them asks and they start fake dating in front of Freddy to piss him off. Like they're the most over the top, mushy couple with the most insufferable nicknames, trying so hard not to laugh their asses off, and the first one to crack loses. Everyone gets in on it. Whaaaaat?? Roxy and Protobear?? Oh they're sooooo in love so so so in love, they're not pretending, they would never pretend!!
Jskdndk they get Cassie in on it and she starts calling them mum and dad 2 and Freddy is pointedly trying to leave the room as quickly as possible, but as usual, the fucking doors aren't letting him out again. They're always on the blink now, it's absolutely never Roxy using her security clearance to play Musical Doors with him. Nope. Never. Look at their fake mushy romance boy, you can't escape.
Freddy has never been more confused and sickened in his life. He's always hated Roxy and Roxy's always hated him, this is the worst thing to have to watch ever. He's even more upset if Bonnie pretends to be their partner as well, and even more so if Roxy was who he assumed deactivated him. This is a nightmare scenario and he's being so brave about it.
Sat there trying so hard not to say a word. He's so fine. Not glaring at all. No no no, he's not staring listlessly at them, he's just trying to contact maintenance via the network, obviously. He's not resisting the urge to grimace and not wishing the floor would swallow him up right now. Absolutely not. He would never. He's so so so happy for them. Yup. So so happy. Could not be happier. Why won't these fucking doors open?!
You could apply the fake dating to Protobear and Bonnie specifically too. Bonnie's going through a rebound, and he knows it, so he stays away from Protobear for a while. He tries to take care of himself and the others are right there to help him out the best they can. When he's feeling better, he starts gradually spending more time with Protobear (who has had the situation of Bonnie and Freddy explained to him and is very understanding about it) and the two start slowly building a friendship. Slowly, so as to not rush Bonnie through anything. Protobear himself has walked away from several hangouts because he can tell that Bonnie is struggling, even if he won't admit it, they're handling this with the utmost care...
But then Bonnie, Roxy, Monty and Chica, the four that should never be trusted without supervision, get talking. Bonnie is laughing at these three clowns telling him all about how they're fucking with Freddy for fun, and let him in on some of their schemes. They're hilarious, and he would have thought so before everything happened too, even if he did think they were a bit mean at times. I mean, rallying a bunch of kids to gang up on Freddy in their Fazerblast game as a 'super secret mission' is a touch mean, right? Not anymore. He deserves it.
But then they get to thinking. Bonnie wants to try messing with him too. They bring him in on some of their dastardly plans, and come up with several new ones for him, and believe me, at this time, not a single one of them has the braincell, so you can imagine the bullshit they come up with lmao. He finds this weirdly cathartic. The ability to moderately inconvenience Freddy in funny ways is more fun than he thought it'd be. He was worried it would hurt, worried it would make him think about things too much, and while it does hurt to look at him sometimes... Well his heart is more with his friends than ever now. He feels no desire to be nice to him, or to go back to how things were anymore. He's okay now and this is what makes that real to him...
Then one day it hits him. His own plan to mess with Freddy. Completely his own, the three stooges had nothing to do with this one. It hit him when he was hanging out with Protobear and DJ. What if they were fake dating in front of Freddy? Bonnie and Protobear! Madly in love, with the most sickeningly sweet pet names and the worst pick up lines you've ever heard in your life! DJ thinks that would be pretty mean... But would get him so good, he's a surprisingly petty guy sometimes. Protobear agrees and is completely up for this, it sounds hilarious, but... is Bonnie sure he's ready for that? Is he sure he can handle that?
They think on it a bit and talk to the others about it, who think that's fucking genius but have the same concerns as Protobear. Sunny thinks it's a bit much (and he's probably right) but is very excited to play along with this. He loves playing pretend, he's where Cassie gets it from. When they decide they're gonna do it, they set a few boundaries just in case, make a safe word for if they feel they start going too far with it, and swear to eachother to call it off if it all starts getting too much... Or maybe too real.
Oh my god they have so much fucking fun with it. Protobear has never laughed so hard in his life. The others joining in, helping them pull this off, and building on the joke too make it even more fun! They're having a blast and Freddy is suffering greatly! Customer service mode can't save him now!
But after a while, things start to change. Some of the flirting becomes a little too heartfelt. The insistence that they're not actually a thing becomes less frequent. The act starts to spill over into their everyday lives. Suddenly, they're not so sure this is still a joke anymore. Suddenly, the overdramatic cuddles last until long after Freddy has left the room. Suddenly, they're starting to wonder what it be like to be together for real.
Realisation hits and oh god oh no oh fuck this was NOT the PLAN god DAMN IT
So much fun to be had here!
One more funny one: instead of just Roxy or Bonnie pretending to be with Protobear, what if it's everyone? Protobear has one giant polycule going on where everyone apparently adores him and he dotes on everyone cause he loves them all so so so much. Freddy is staring in disbelief at the 'romantic' cuddle pile Protobear is right in the centre of like this is the most normal thing in the world. It's a Plex wide competition to see who can be the most insufferable in a fake relationship and whoever cracks first loses. It's a team effort! A coordinated attack! And sometimes they actually do fluster Protobear and eachother they're all having fun!
I'd like to call this plan the Protocule :)
(Also, hi jellycreamjammedart! This is the first post I've made today so you may wanna check I've not reblogged with more additions later on. I know you get online kinda late in my timezone, or at least that's when I tend to see you around, so saying this is just in case!)
#comedically torturing freddy is my favourite thing to do it's so funny#he has this massive grip on what emotions he displays it's like he's in permanent customer service mode sometimes#watching him struggle so hard is Roxy's favourite pass time lmao#long post#pop rox answers#OH GOD I'LL REBLOG WITH THIS ADDITION LATER TO MAKE SURE IT'S SEEN#BUT BONNIE ACCIDENTALLY USING THE PET NAME HE HAD FOR FREDDY IN PROTOBEAR#AND PROTOBEAR DOESN'T KNOW SO BONNIE FLINCHES EVER SO SLIGHTLY#WHILE PROTOBEAR TURNS TO LOOK AT HIM A BUT FLUSTERED BY THE NAME AND SMILES SO SWEETLY#BUT SO UNLIKE FREDDY AND BONNIE IS MELTING ABD OH GOD OH NO WAIT A SEC IS HE FALLING OH GOD OH NO#wait is this bullying? i feel like roxy would bully him but hmm. I'll have to think on that...#maybe it's the doors specifically that's suddenly bugging me#hmmmm i dunno. anyway#i love waking up to things that give me ideas dnjdjd#now imagine proto is zags the old freddy and the confusion is rising djdnjd#to be clear freddy is unaware most of this is just them fucking around#he's suspicious of a few things but not everything#they're all very sneaky about their crimes and the vast majority are harmless and just inconveniencing#very few of them actually want to hurt him but will mess with him a little from a distance if it's funny#they would all mess with eachother before hand they just weren't sneaky about it so the whole 'getting caught' thing is all that's really-#-changed. not for roxy though. she's always fucked around with freddy specifically as sneaky as possible#was just less often before now...#I'm wondering what the scenario is here btw. how did we get to a presumably open plex that freddy is a part of?#i feel like certain animatronics wouldn't let him through the fucking door again#hmmm anyway
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year
Me watching the artist of the redacted fandom have fun with their character designs while I force myself to keep my characters designs in line with the cannon
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Thena and Gil are filming a movie with Eros this time. Eros still doesn’t like Gil and finds a perfect time to take revenge! Gil and Eros have a fighting scene and Eros takes the chance to “accidentally“ hit Gil really hard at his temple causing him to loose consciousness for a few seconds. When Gil regains consciousness again he is really angry at Eros and his reckless behavior but lucky for our snob Thena is here to hold Gil back before it could escalate😈
It was pretty basic choreography. Blow for blow, it was Gil vs. Eros. Not that everyone thought a fist fight between the two of them would necessarily translate the right way on screen. But Gil's character had thus far sustained a few injuries, he was at the end of several other fights he had faced.
Eros didn't really appreciate being told that he didn't seem like he would be able to fight Gil realistically, but that was beside the point.
Gil swung a few times, Eros managing to dodge and deflect them. There were a few hits that would be faked for the camera, but they had both practised how to make them look as believable as possible.
They had promos and interview to do! They couldn't go damaging the goods.
"Easy, old man," Eros taunted as he leaned out of another punch. "Don't want to pull your back!"
Gil was 'panting', some fake blood already applied to his arms and some bruising and scratches just faint enough to be a nice subtle touch. He huffed, "don't push your luck, kid."
Eros cracked his knuckles, the large signet ring on his pinkie indicating the allegiance of his character. He pulled back his fist and wound up.
The sound of the ring meeting Gil's head was deafening.
"Gil!" Thena sprang up from the side of the sound stage. Under any other circumstance she would never display such unprofessional behaviour. But she leapt from her chair.
Gilgamesh swayed a little, completely dizzied by the punch. He touched his temple where it landed, where there was a sizable welt growing, as well as blood that was not special effects. "Shit."
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Thena rushed onto stage, pushing grips and gaffers alike out of her way. She leaned close to Gil, who swayed right into her. "Are you okay?"
He grunted, but his attempts to stand upright didn't go as planned.
"Gil, mate, I'm so sorry, are you all right?"
Thena would glare at him if she weren't supporting most of Gil's weight as much as she possibly could. "Gil, it's okay, just sit down."
"I'm fine," he groaned, obviously not fine.
"Gil," Thena tried again to calm him, running her fingers through his hair.
He put his hand on her back, but he pulled his head up from her shoulder, glaring at Eros behind her, "what the fuck?"
"I really am sorry," Eros professed, putting his hand to his heart and everything. "Honestly, I didn't-"
"I took the time to work on this shit with you," Gil huffed at him, squinting with the eye closest to where he got hit, "just for you to wide swing and hit me in the face?"
"Gil," Eros held his hands out, taking a step back as Gil took an even more aggravated step forward.
"Gil," Thena said gently, pushing against his chest. "I know, but I need you to sit down right now."
Gil swayed a few more times, flush with adrenaline. "You get away with a lot of shit, man, but this-"
"Gil," she repeated, still working on trying to get him to sit down and take a breath. "Hey, look at me."
Gil moved his squinted eye from the man he wanted to punch right with the face. He looked at Thena, who was still somewhat holding him up. "Thena, I'm okay."
"You're not," she shook her head, tipping his chin at her. "You are almost certainly concussed, and that's nothing to say of the black eye you're going to have."
Gil did sigh faintly as Thena's soft skinned and cool fingers touched his temple. "This sucks, though--we have to get this scene shot."
"Not with an injury like this," Thena broke the news to him, even making a face as she watched the swelling on his face begin to protrude.
"I think Thena's right, mate," Eros added, which the entirety of the room could have told him was a stupid choice.
Gil made one more feint of a lunge at him, spooking Eros just for the fun of it. He chuckled, letting Thena press her hand to his chest to keep him in place. Although she didn't remove it afterward either, so really she just had her hand over his heart.
Thena put her (other) hand on Gil's cheek, "we're done for the day."
The director inched forward from the shadows, "uh, we?"
"Come on," she coaxed him back to his chair at first, leading him with her hand on his peck and letting him lean on her.
Gil peeked out from the crook of Thena's neck at Eros behind them. He couldn't wink with his bad eye, but he couldn't resist smirking a little as he nestled back into Thena's hair and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"You poor thing," Thena whispered, running her hand over his cheek as she helped him sit.
"Thena, you know you can't really take the day off, right?"
"What about him?" Gil sighed as she gave him a sip of her water, and then pressed the bottle to his temple.
Thena didn't even look over at Eros, still hovering around nervously at the edges of things. "Don't worry about him. We're going to get you checked out and then we'll head home."
Maybe he usually wouldn't, but Gil nuzzled in more, his head on Thena's shoulder, letting her run her fingers through his hair. If he could purr, he would.
If he couldn't actually hit Eros back, this would have to do.
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iori-tono-official · 3 months
Who do you think is the stronger sibling? You or Arata?
huh. like, physically? i think i tend to fare better when we get into fights. to be honest though, his mental strength is insane. i... do not know if i could handle half the shit he's gone through, so ig i kind of admire him for that. like, genuinely tried to imagine what i'd do in that one situation of his and. yeah, couldn't.
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neodarkdark · 6 months
What would be some of Svern's recent Google searches?
I actually have no idea. He knows a lot of stuff and he has stupidly good recall so he doesn't need to double-check things most of the time, whatever he remembers will be fine as reference on its own.
Having said that, he doesn't know Everything and he likes adding to his knowledge bank so if he's been in conversation with someone and they've been talking about things he doesn't know much about, or he's curious, he'll probably have gone searching for more information on it afterwards. If he wants to learn how to do something that he isn't already familiar with, he'll probably go looking up tutorials for that, too.
If there's been any interesting developments in the general world around him, he'll go looking for that. If there's some kind of drama going on, he'll do a search on it. He likes reading different opinions just to see what people are saying, and to pick out details and nuances. But most of the stuff he has a personal interest in he probably gets new information directly from relevant sources or from circles he's part of also involved with it. He might do a search on it to cross-check it if it's something he feels the need to do that with, as well as something that you would do a general search on.
If he wants to send someone a source on something to back up something he's saying he'll search it up as well. Will look up memes, images, videos he doesn't have saved if he wants to send one of those.
I would joke stuff like "cool bug" but realistically he doesn't really search for stuff like that much, if at all. He won't search for stuff just because he's bored, he normally has a purpose to his searches.
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galwaygremlin · 5 months
absolutely batshit call last night i don't even wanna know what my on-scene time was we were there FOREVER
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just-a-mod · 1 year
Is zalla a character of some sort or a real person?
what an interesting question that is difficult for me to personally answer
no! she is not a physical bodied person, she lives in my brain and soul :) i don't personally enjoy calling the people in my head characters just due to personal choice
some people call them brain children or head mates, i haven't found an apt term that fits for us. they simply live in my brain
i don't think i'd ever post and IRL people on here without explicit consent. more often than not i'd draw personas, and i'd @ them if they had a blog
though i HAVE drawn my partner Neos a few time, who doesn't have social medias, so i don't really do anything with that xD
any way! Zalla is a person who lives in my brain, she is lovely and she lives in my personal RP world and Universe, as well as one of my friends RP worlds
she's very lovely and i adore her ^^
but to the point! that's actually why my icon is the way that it is!
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i have a whole planet and galaxy full of people who i get the privlage of writing or drawing ^^
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Atreus - Has your father ever told you of his first wife? What of his daughter?
Send My Muse Anons About Their Relationships // Accepting!
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The question comes as something of a surprise.  He thought back to the time after they had scattered Mother's ashes, after the two of them had finally started to figure out how to be a FAMILY without her. His father had told him that he was a god, the first time he had really said much about his past.
Atreus knew that it was......painful for his dad to talk about his time in his homeland, but there had been one night, when they'd been staying warm around the fire, enjoying a moment of companionable silence, that his father had spoken first, telling him more about what had happened to bring him to this land.  He wasn't naïve enough to believe his dad had told him everything about his past, but he had mentioned, at least briefly, that he had had a family before, that it was their deaths had started the killing spree that had led him to kill his own father.
"He didn't tell me much, but I know that his first wife's name was Lysandra....., and that I had a sister named Calliope."  His father had sounded so sad when he talked about them, and Atreus had been able to FEEL his regret.  The sadness and pain that had washed over him as his dad had talked...., it was different than how he felt when Kratos talked about Faye.  
"I hope he'll tell me more someday."  He didn't want to make his father sad, or force him to relive his past if he didn't want to....., but he wanted to know more about his dad, so he could TALK to him, the way they'd finally started to be able to.
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