#that is a sentence I never thought I'd say
calirph · 2 days
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all sentences were taken from various scenarios related to arranged marriages mostly in the historical, fantasy or medieval setting. you can use them as base for starters or change place, pronouns as you see fit.
1. Arranged Marriages:
"You’ll be wed to him by sunset, whether you like it or not. The banners are already being stitched."
"Your union will bring peace to the realms. That’s all that matters now."
"I don't know him, Father. How am I to trust a man I've never met?"
"This marriage is a treaty, not a love match. Smile and seal the fate of our kingdom."
"The King has decreed it, and his word is law. You will marry the lord from the north."
2. Civil Marriages:
"It’s been agreed that we will marry, but it doesn’t mean we have to care for one another."
"Our union will be one of duty, not affection. I expect you to know your role."
"There will be no grand feast. Let us sign the papers, exchange vows, and be done with it."
"Marriage is a bond of power, not of the heart. We shall be civil, nothing more."
"Our marriage may not be one of love, but it will be a prosperous one."
3. Animosity Marriages:
"You think this marriage will bring me to heel? You’ll find I am not so easily tamed."
"Marry you? I would sooner take a blade to the throat than suffer beside you."
"I hate you as much as you hate me, but if it secures the throne, I’ll say the vows."
"This is no marriage, it's a prison, and you're the jailer."
"Forced to marry my enemy? I'd rather fight him on the battlefield than share his bed."
4. Marriages of Convenience:
"We both know what this is—a transaction. I expect no less than what we agreed upon."
"Our marriage will benefit us both. We need not speak of love, only power."
"Convenience. That’s all it is. We’ll play our roles and nothing more."
"It may not be what either of us wanted, but it is what we both need."
"A marriage of convenience is still a marriage. We shall gain what we desire and go our separate ways."
5. Secret Marriages:
"No one must know of this union. We can’t afford to let our enemies find out."
"By dawn, we’ll be wed in secret, and none will suspect what we've done."
"The gods have witnessed our vows, but no one else must."
"This marriage must remain hidden until the time is right."
"Our love must be kept in shadows. We cannot risk the kingdom’s wrath."
1. Shock:
"You’re marrying who? Surely, this must be some jest."
"No, I refuse to believe it! They wouldn't force me into this!"
"They have announced our marriage without even consulting me?"
"You mean to tell me my life has been decided with a mere letter?"
"Marriage? To him? I would rather be banished."
2. Calm Acceptance:
"I knew this day would come. There is no use fighting it now."
"So, this is to be my fate? Very well, I shall prepare for the wedding."
"It seems the council has made their choice. I suppose I’ll have to make mine."
"I always knew I wouldn’t marry for love. I’ll wear the crown, if that is what they wish."
"The marriage has been decided? Then let us move forward."
3. Dread:
"This can’t be happening. How could they bind me to someone so cruel?"
"I cannot—will not—marry them. Not after everything they've done."
"Marriage? To him? He’ll ruin me. He’ll ruin everything."
"How could they arrange this without my consent? I can’t do this."
"They cannot force me into this union. I will find a way out."
4. Surprise:
"A marriage? But I wasn’t even aware there were negotiations!"
"Married? To him? I thought they would never agree to it."
"Well, that was… unexpected. When is the ceremony?"
"The marriage has been arranged? I didn’t think anyone would ever want to wed me."
"I hadn’t anticipated a proposal, much less a marriage contract. How long have they been planning this?"
5. Reluctant Acceptance:
"If this is what must be done to keep the peace, then so be it."
"I never wanted this, but I’ll do my duty for the sake of the realm."
"Marriage was never my choice, but I will fulfill my obligations."
"It seems I have no say in the matter. I’ll prepare for the wedding."
"This is not the life I wanted, but if it is what the kingdom demands, I will marry."
6. Demaning the Marriage:
"You will marry him, or you’ll have no place in this house any longer." "I demand you fulfill your duty and marry the prince. It is for the good of the realm." "Your father’s last wish was for you to marry. You will honor it." "You’ll marry me, or I’ll see you cast out of every noble house in this kingdom." "The treaty demands this marriage, and so do I. You will not defy the crown." "I expect you to stand beside him at the altar. There is no other option." "Your marriage to her is the only thing that can save this alliance. You will do as you’re told." "Marry him, or the war will continue. This is your chance to stop the bloodshed." "You’ve been betrothed since childhood. Now, it’s time to fulfill that promise." "I demand you take her hand in marriage, or you will lose everything." "Marry me, or your family’s lands will be forfeit to the crown." "You have no choice. This marriage will happen, with or without your blessing." "The fate of your house depends on this marriage. You will not refuse." "You’ll marry him, or your title will be stripped from you." "Marry her, or the crown will consider it an act of treason." "This marriage is not a request—it’s a command." "You owe it to the family to marry her. The survival of our name depends on it." "There will be no further debate. You will marry him." "The council has decided, and you will marry. There is no escaping this." "This marriage has been arranged, and you will see it through." "You will wed her, or your family’s debts will never be forgiven." "Marry him, or you’ll be cast out of every noble circle in this land." "The marriage is necessary for the alliance. You will go through with it." "You’ll marry, or the consequences will be dire for your entire family." "This marriage isn’t just for you. It’s for the realm. You will marry."
7. Refusing the Marriage.
"I refuse to marry him. You can send me to the gallows, but I won’t say the vows." "You may have my life, but you will never have my hand in marriage." "I will not marry her. Not today, not ever." "I will die before I am bound to a man I despise." "I refuse to be a pawn in this marriage game." "This marriage is a mistake, and I will not be a part of it." "I cannot marry him. My heart belongs to another." "I will not be forced into a marriage I did not choose." "The crown may demand it, but I will not be forced into this union." "I will not marry her, no matter the consequences." "I’ll run away before I let them marry me to him." "You can’t force me into this. I refuse to marry him!" "The answer is no. I will not marry someone I do not love." "I cannot and will not marry him. No one can make me." "I will not be sold into a marriage like a piece of livestock." "My answer is final—I will not marry her." "This is not the life I wanted, and I will not marry him." "No amount of persuasion will force me into this marriage." "I will not be tied to a man who sees me as nothing more than a prize." "I refuse to be part of this political game. I won’t marry her." "You can threaten me all you like, but I will not marry him." "I will not marry for duty. I will marry for love, or not at all." "The marriage contract is torn. I will not wed him." "No force on earth will make me stand before an altar with him." "I will not be bound by chains of a marriage I did not choose."
8. Accepting or Warming up to Marriage:
"Perhaps this marriage isn’t such a terrible idea after all. It could bring more than just peace." "I’ve had time to think, and maybe… just maybe, this could work." "I never thought I’d say this, but I’m beginning to see the value in our union." "At first, I resisted, but now… the idea of marriage doesn’t seem so unbearable." "It may not have been my choice, but I’m starting to understand why it has to be this way." "The more I think on it, the more I realize that this marriage might actually be good for both of us." "I can’t deny that there’s strength in unity. Perhaps marriage is the best path forward." "I didn’t expect to say this, but I’m willing to give this marriage a chance." "I’ve come to terms with it. This marriage could bring something more than I first imagined." "I’ve fought it for so long, but maybe… it’s time to accept my fate." "You know, I think we could make this marriage work, if we’re both willing." "Strange, isn’t it? How the idea of marriage once repelled me, but now… it feels like the right course." "I used to hate the thought of it, but now I see there might be a future in this marriage." "I’m starting to believe that we can find happiness in this arrangement, even if it wasn’t love at first." "At first, I feared this union, but now… now I think we could build something real." "It wasn’t my first choice, but I’ve realized we might find more than just duty in this marriage." "I never thought I’d come around to the idea, but this marriage could bring more than just titles and lands." "I’ve had my doubts, but perhaps we can make this more than just an alliance." "If we’re both committed to this marriage, I believe we could find peace—and maybe something more." "I once thought I’d be miserable, but now I see… perhaps there’s hope for us after all." "We might not have chosen each other, but I think there’s a way forward in this marriage." "I didn’t expect to ever feel this way, but I’m beginning to look forward to our wedding." "Maybe this marriage was meant to be. There’s potential for more here than either of us anticipated." "I used to dread the idea of being married, but with you… maybe it won’t be so bad." "It seems strange to say, but I’m actually beginning to warm to the idea of being your spouse."
9. The wedding night.
"So… this is it, then? Our wedding night. Are you as nervous as I am?" "I know we’re bound by duty, but tonight… let’s forget everything else and just be ourselves." "Do you think we’ll remember this night with fondness? Or as just another part of our duty?" "I won’t pretend this isn’t strange, but… we’ve made it this far. Let’s take the rest one step at a time." "You don’t need to worry. Tonight will be whatever we choose it to be." "This is the part of marriage no one really talks about, isn’t it?" "There’s no rush. We’ve just the night and the rest of our lives ahead of us." "Are you sure you're comfortable with this? We can go slow if that’s what you prefer." "I’ve waited for this moment for so long, but now that it’s here… I don’t know where to begin." "There’s no need for fear. We’re in this together now, for better or worse." "I know you didn’t choose this marriage, but tonight… I hope we can find some common ground." "I never thought I’d say this, but I’m actually looking forward to this part of the wedding." "This night doesn’t have to be perfect. Just… ours." "I’ve been told what’s expected of us, but I’d rather we create our own expectations." "We’re alone now. No court, no family, just us. What do you want tonight to be?" "You look… beautiful. I know this isn’t easy, but I want you to know I’m here for you." "We’ve gone through the ceremony. Now comes the real challenge, doesn’t it?" "I hope you don’t expect too much from me tonight. I’ve never done this before." "No one ever told me how awkward a wedding night might be. Shall we just talk for a while?" "Tonight is about more than just obligation. I want this to mean something for both of us." "I’m not sure what happens next, but I’d like to figure it out together." "It’s just you and me now. No expectations, no pressure—just us." "Shall we make this night one to remember for something other than just duty?" "I know this is part of the marriage, but… I want you to know you have a choice in how it goes." "We can take our time. This night is ours, and no one else’s."
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pomefioredove · 19 hours
since my little dorm post has been getting a lot of notes(?!) I wanna explain why I feel I'd get sentenced I mean sorted into diasomnia ^^
the thing about twst dorms is that while there are superficial traits (ignihyde students being introverted, savanaclaw students being athletic, etc), those are more like stereotypes, and are not why you would be sorted into one of those dorms
the dark mirror reads your soul, not your hobbies. it's not a quotev quiz that'll ask you what your favorite color is. it's about you as a person: your values, beliefs, dreams, wants and needs, etc
like, epel felmier is a rough 'n tumble rural boy who swears and picks fights. but he belongs in pomefiore, because pomefiore isn't actually about looking pretty and doing fancy things, it's based on the fairest queen's tenacity. no, epel isn't proper or polite, but that's not what the dorm is about. he's a goal-oriented, determined, hard-working young man who embodies the spirit of persistence. that is why he's in pomefiore, and not savanaclaw or what have you
so when talking about diasomnia, I am never saying "oh, I think I'd be a really powerful mage" because that's not what the dorm is. that's just a stereotype. etc etc
(I feel like what we actually know about diasomnia itself is quite limited. at least compared to the other dorms. the thoughts I have of it could be completely non-canonical, but I have thoughts, nonetheless. so)
I said somewhere on this blog that I put a lot of value on things like politeness and civility and respect, and that I consider myself a polite person. I was raised to mind my manners and put aside my personal feelings for the sake of formality. I have never started a fight in my life, but I do get very upset when I feel as if I'm being disrespected. my family observes a lot of old traditions that are rather outdated
if you are invited to something but don't attend, you still send a gift
if you are invited to something, you invite the host to your future events
you always say thank you after receiving a gift
if you don't have anything nice to say, then you can complain about it at home. but you never, ever insult a host to their face. it's so uncouth and terrible it's like a deadly sin to me
things like that. lots of rules about hierarchy and respect. doing something disrespectful or impolite (especially without an apology) is enough to create schisms in my family. we hold grudges here
when I think of the thorn fairy's "nobility", this is the sort of thing that comes to mind. the high emphasis on the hierarchy of respect, on civility and graciousness. the value of tradition, and doing things the old-fashioned way (and the dislike, or fear, of change seems to be a common theme in diasomnia)
you could surely look at the things I just said and say, "well, you would also fit in at pomefiore" because, sure, I would! I can do the rules, I can respect the housewardens, but I lack the tenacity and the want to be something that makes the dorm what it is. diasomnia may have some similarities, but its reluctance to embrace change is what makes it so different
I, as a person, do not have dreams. most of my life has been spent just trying to get by whilst at the level of this hierarchy I was born into. I couldn't be in pomefiore because, unlike epel, I don't have big goals to work towards. I feel more comfortable being a follower than a leader, and I have a tendency of structuring my life around the lives of others rather than my hopes and dreams. I do not live boldly
and it doesn't bother me. I've found that there are benefits to staying in the shadows, and I'm comfortable with my socially nocturnal life
that is why I'm diasomnia, and not pomefiore
my favorite fairytale, which is not sleeping beauty, is very much about social structure. it's about a heroine's malicious compliance to that structure and how she manages to turn it in her favor
ironically, it also is about a spinning wheel
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okaioh · 1 year
q!missa failing a water drop after seeing q!phil do one and going "just like the old days" WAAAHHH
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Dazai: Okay Kunikida what's my final score?
Kunikida: so tired 6.
Dazai: grins And how many cases do I have to finish the reports of 👀???
Kunikida: 6-
Dazai: Whoop! 🙌😁
Kunikida: 600
Dazai:... What?! That's illegal!
Kunikida: It is not.
Dazai: Kunikida! That's soo much work 😭! My hands gonna fall off!
Kunikida: Well maybe if you didn't slack off all the time, you wouldn't be in this mess.
Dazai: Atsushi! Atsushi help me! 😭🙏🏼🥺! Save me Atsushi!
Atsushi: Well...
Kunikida: sternly Atsushi.
Atsushi: Ah...Yeah sorry Dazai I'm not allowed to do them for you. Presidents orders I'm afraid.
Dazai: 🥺! Atsushi no! Don't leave me!
Atsushi: Hey it'll be okay pats his head jt'll be over before you know it.
Dazai: Betrayed! Betrayed my own partner, 😭 my own subordinate! Is there no love left in this cruel world? 🥺😭
Kunikida: Stop whining and carry on writing, you're wasting time.
Dazai: I hate you, you mean, mean man!
Kunikida: rolls his eyes Love you too dear.
Dazai:... Pause I don't actually hate you..
Kunikida: I know.
Dazai: Stupid reports making me spend less time with my hot partner 😑.
Kunikida: snorts Well that's one way to motivate you to finish them.
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kaicean · 1 year
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happy (late) nalu day 2023! ✨
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tonycries · 18 days
Tony, are u rlly sigma alpha omega skibiditoilet gyatt rizzler with fanum tax?
(I should be studying for my exams but here I am...)
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hepbaestus · 2 months
So I forgot that I owned one of those shitty cinema light boxes and I thought "why not take from my online space and something that's definitely not gonna get asked about into the real world?"
And this is the result, because I'm very predictable:
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This is literally right above my head when I'm sat at my desk. So not only am I always looked at by Kristin and Phil, I now also have the Fitties with me. It's so bright
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theinksimpression · 8 months
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Heres the finished 20 minute sketch that i last minute decided to add colour to lol. Pls dont come for me for what crowley is wearing, I didn't want to give him his turtle neck so u could see his addams apple and chest hair. *edit* FUCK I FORGOT TO REDRAW HIS CHEST HAIR
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
okiii new question (sorry for all of them) what IS the A World That Deserves You AU about exactly?
no worries about asking many questions! sometimes if i take a while to respond it's because 1) i'm making a bigger response (or one that involves art), 2) thinking more about the answer or 3) trying to space out who i respond to.
ones that are just text answers are sometimes faster for me because i can do them on days when i can't draw!
anyway, to answer your question:
the A World That Deserves You AU is an alternate universe timeline created by galacta knight defeating meta knight at the end of Robobot, and making a wish on star dream for them to trade places.
meta knight goes kicking and screaming into the rock candy. galacta knight is inserted into meta knight's life and existing relationships on popstar. galacta knight gladly lives on a happy and peaceful little planet training kirby of the stars, and nobody is none the wiser.
at least for a time.
eventually bandee (of all people, someone galacta knight thinks is totally inconsequential) figures out that something is up. once the severity of the situation is confirmed, he and magolor work together to try and correct the timeline while also developing an insane trauma-bonded a super healthy normal person relationship with each other. (i have talked about this part very little but their relationship and decision to work together is actually extraordinarily central to the whole plot haha.)
then there are a variety of AUs of the AU and different endings that are worse or worser, so on and so forth.
the 'true ending' for awtdy au, "the immortality integer", is actually remarkably happy, all things considered! there's lots of crying and yelling and screaming and a little bit of melodramatic self-sacrifice but it all works out, as things tend to.
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tennis-shenanigans · 1 year
I am now fully onboard the Ben Shelton train. That SERVE 😳
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dazzlerazz · 9 months
aro edelgard call that arodelgard (that doesn't even work word play wise I'm so sorry I tried-)
ARODELGARD!!!!!!!!!!! DSUIOGHPASDG79PSyfg97p8ydgp9hewtopfiuadysfg089adyrhgtiayught-p98GHDF8IYUDGTH9PWEIBUOTGIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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coswinx · 1 month
Apparently my little sister's feet are in a relationship with her and each other.
And one of them is her kindle's boyfriend. (Important context, she does not have a kindle)
Or in her words: My foot is my girlfriend!
Then later; my other foot is my foot's girlfriend!
Then later; my other foot is my kindle's boyfriend!
So... Her feet are both poly, and one of them is bigender. That's cool.
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jan-jan-binks · 4 months
"I want to smell spiderman"
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sebvettelsv5 · 11 months
thinking i was actually gonna socialise this weekend but f1 has decided to really ruin my plans (there wasnt any to ruin)
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aroaessidhe · 1 month
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2024 reads / storygraph
Mrs Mix Up
romance novella
two librarians are just beginning to acknowledge their mutual attraction as they start to work more closely together to save their library from budget cuts
when they go to a conference they’re accidentally marked as married and given the same hotel room
demiromantic lesbian MC
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dodgeryaps · 2 months
"gothic frat boy mattsun save me"
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