#that it would hurt and anger her to imply she's lying
its-jaytothemee · 3 days
Until I Met You - Chapter 32
Chapter 32: A Curse Broken
Pairings: Halsin x Tav
Word count: 4,999
Rating: Currently M, will be Explicit in later chapters.
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Summary: Tav and Halsin set out to find Thaniel's missing half. Part 32 of the slow burn fic. Tav and Halsin POVs.
Tags: Slow burn, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual love confessions, eventual smut, angst, implied past rape/non-con and abuse, graphic description of injuries, brief suicidal thoughts.
A/N: And we're back! Enjoy this next chapter! Sorry for the long wait between updates...don't worry I'm definitely still chipping away at this fic! They'll still be a bit sporadic while I'm in school but more story is coming I promise <3 Thanks so much for coming back to read after such a long break!
Halsin barreled past the mingling inhabitants of Last Light, still clutching Thaniel tight against him. The small groans and labored breaths coming from the small boy in his arms brought tears to his eyes. From what he could tell, Thaniel was suffering from a similar malady to Art Cullagh, but the hold on his mind was far stronger. In his weakened state, it must have been easier to take over his mind, allowing the shadows to take deeper roots. Without returning his missing piece, Halsin was certain Thaniel would remain under Shar’s spell.
Their brief sprint across through the woods led him stumbling past the edge of their camp, Gale and Astarion gasping for breath behind him. To his surprise, Shadowheart had returned from Last Light. She sat in front of her tent, lost in prayer or meditation.
Halsin laid Thaniel down next to the campfire to try and warm him up. Despite being huddled in Halsin’s arms, his skin was still cool to the touch.
“Who’s this?” Arabella had come skipping over to the fire.
“He’s a friend of mine, his name is Thaniel,” Halsin responded as he tried to catch his breath.
When he looked over his shoulder, Gale and Astarion had averted their eyes away from Arabella. They shuffled in place, kicking the dirt around their feet into little piles.
“He looks like the other boy I saw before Tav found me.” Arabella cocked her head to the side as she studied Thaniel’s face.
Of course. How did you not make that connection you old fool?
“I think you may have met his counterpart, Arabella. The part of him who has been trapped here since Thaniel was taken away to the Shadowfell.”
“Huh, he just asked me to play with him. I couldn’t find him though, so he must be good at hiding.”
“Do you remember where you saw him?” Halsin asked.
“Not exactly, it was too dark to see much. I remember being close to a graveyard,” she said.
“That’s alright, chances are he doesn’t stay in one spot for long.” He sat down next to Thaniel.
Astarion and Gale had wandered over as well, still decidedly avoiding Arabella.
What is that all about?
Having interrupted her meditations, Shadowheart also joined them.
“He…he’s just a child…” Shadowheart whispered next to him. “I thought you were exaggerating, or…or lying.”
“He’s much more than a child,” Halsin corrected her, “but he doesn’t truly know that.”
When he spared a glance up at Shadowheart, he saw confusion and anger oscillating over her features. He could see her pointed ears twitching behind the black fringe of her hair. Her hand was balled into a fist at her side.
“I don’t understand…” He heard her mutter under her breath before composing herself once more.
“Where are the others?” she asked, raising her voice so they could all hear.
“Tav was injured rather badly,” Gale explained, sparing a sympathetic look at Halsin. “Everyone else stayed behind so she could heal.”
“This must be important indeed if you came back without her,” Shadowheart aimed a bewildered scoff at Halsin.
“More important than you realize, Shadowheart. Her injuries were not life-threatening, I’m confident she’s capable of tending to them on her own.” He tried to project confidence with his words despite the fact that each one felt like a knife in his gut. When he looked back up at her, there was an unfamiliar softness in her expression.
“I…I need to meditate. To see if I can find any clues in his mind.” Halsin stood up, once again taking Thaniel in his arms. “Would you tell me when…”
“We’ll let you know when she’s back, Halsin,” Astarion said with a wink.
He gave him a grateful nod before taking Thaniel to rest in his tent.
Tav rolled her wrist and shoulder around, testing her range of motion. She had taken care of her wounds with ease – the injuries had been painful, but not life-threatening in the least. Wyll, Lae’zel, and Karlach had stayed behind with her after the fight so she could get healed up a bit. They also managed to salvage plenty of useful materials, so she was counting the battle as a win.
Gale came running up to them as soon as the camp was in sight.
“It’s good to see you up, my friend.” He patted her on the back. “Halsin’s waiting for you, he wanted to know the second you returned.”
“Thanks, Gale. I’ll head over right away.” She nodded to the others as she jogged over to Halsin’s tent, Lunari close at her heels. He was sitting on the ground outside of it, concentrating over Thaniel’s body.
“Halsin?” she called out softly. His head snapped up to her.
“Tav…you’re back.” He let out a relieved sigh as he stood up. “Forgive me, are you alright? I wanted to stay but–”
“I’m fine, Halsin. My wounds are healed, and Thaniel is safe here at camp. There’s nothing to forgive.” She held up a hand to cut him off. Even as she spoke, he was inspecting her wrist and shoulder.
“You…you dove in front of an arrow for Thaniel. For…” A single tear ran down his face as he looked into her eyes.
“Not just for Thaniel, for us. For you. And I’d do it again,” she assured him. Before she could continue, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug.
When she pulled away, she noticed marks up and down his arms in the shape of handprints.
“What happened?” she asked as she gingerly ran her fingers over one of them.
“There were wraiths and shadows that pursued us through the Shadowfell. Their grip was cold enough to leave burns,” he shuddered as he recalled the creatures.
“Here, let me.” Tav murmured her simple healing spell. She wasn’t nearly as skilled as Halsin, but it was more than sufficient to mend a few burns.
“Thank you, I suppose I forgot about my own injuries while tending to Thaniel.”
She smirked back at him. Of course he had neglected his own pain to concentrate on others’.
“Now…what have you found out? You said there was a part of Thaniel missing.” Tav reached up to wipe away his tears.
“Yes, his counterpart. It seems they were ripped apart when Thaniel was dragged to the Shadowfell. If we can find his other half, he should be able to recover. Once he is whole again, he can banish these shadows once and for all.” Halsin’s voice had taken on a new tone, full of hope and courage. Having found Thaniel, his confidence in finding an end to the shadow curse seemed to be born anew.
“Okay, where do we start though? What are we looking for?” she prompted.
“Even while subdued, this curse cannot fully suppress Thaniel’s power. We must look for signs of life in the darkness. Leaves, flowers, anything that doesn’t seem warped by the shadows.” Tav could see his mind racing, trying to think of any clues they could have seen during their travels. A sudden look of realization spread over his face.
“In fact, I saw something like that on our way here. Fool that I am, I didn’t recognize its significance.” His eyes widened as he spoke.
“Show me!” Tav fumbled with her bag to pull out the small map Jaheira gave them.
“There…just outside of Last Light,” he said breathlessly. They made a small mark on the map to save their destination.
“Okay then, I’ll see what I can do. I’ll head there right away.” She smiled and turned to walk back to the others, but Halsin caught her hand and spun her back toward him.
“Wait…” He pulled her a little closer. “This doesn’t have to be your burden alone. I’ve asked enough of you without being at your side. From now on, if you require my aid, you shall have it. Against the curse, against the Absolute…” He brought his other hand up to rest on the one he was already holding.
“…anything. Just say the word.” He tensed as he looked at her, almost as if he expected to be sent away.
“Then let’s get moving,” she responded with a smile. His shoulders relaxed as he squeezed her hand.
She whistled for Lunari to follow, but the wolf had curled up next to Thaniel with her head on his chest.
“I must admit I would feel better knowing he’s being looked after,” Halsin mused.
“Very well, we’ll leave her with Thaniel.”
Tav led him back towards the others, ready to brief them on their next mission.
She let him take the lead. The others listened with intense stares as he told them of his meditations with Thaniel. Halsin eagerly explained what would need to be done to make him whole again.
“Come now, surely this group of adventurers can handle a child.” Astarion’s eye roll was audible in his words.
“He is no mere child. Oliver is part of the spirit of the land. He has the power of this land as well. There is a good chance he will not come willingly after being isolated amongst the shadows for so long,” Halsin warned.
“We have a possible location, but this will be dangerous. I’ve asked too much of all of you to expect you to join another personal tangent.” Tav looked between her companions, hoping they would come with her anyway.
“We’re in this together soldier. Your tangents are my tangents.” Karlach came and put her arm around Tav’s shoulder.
“I couldn’t agree more.”  Wyll stood up from his seat next to the fire.
“I’ll always look for an excuse to put a bratty little child in their place.” Astarion was nonchalantly twirling his daggers between his fingers.
“I’ll be by your side, whenever you need me,” Halsin said as he took one of her hands.
“Hang on, are you coming with us bear man?” Karlach jumped in front of them to yell.
“If you’ll have me.” Halsin’s voice was anxious again.
“Fuck yes!” Karlach grabbed his free arm and hugged him. He seemed startled by the motion, but quickly recovered and hugged her back, his lips turned up in a soft smile.
“Here, this might help.”
Tav turned to see Shadowheart standing at the other side of the fire, holding out the Lathander mace they had found in the Creche.
“What happened to going against Shar?” Tav spat the words with a little more venom than she intended.
“This second spirit isn’t being held by Lady Shar. And…” She took a deep breath. “I need to see it for myself.”
“Then why not come with us?” Karlach asked, head cocked to the side.
Tav tensed at Karlach’s offer, but another bout of guilt gripped her chest when Shadowheart’s eyes darted to her. The obvious distrust she saw there was enough to make her want to hide in shame.
“Just because this spirit isn’t being held by her doesn’t mean I want to incur any further displeasure by participating in its release.”
“Fair enough,” Karlach admitted.
“Besides,” Shadowheart continued, “I heard you were injured rather badly before. This can at least help with the shadows.”
The look of shock and suspicion on Tav’s face must have been painfully obvious. Shadowheart just rolled her eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she snapped back. “Regardless of our differences I’d prefer you all come back alive. I can’t exactly dispel this Absolute cult on my own, can I?”
“Thank you,” Halsin said, walking over to accept the weapon.
Shadowheart gave a curt nod before stalking back over to her tent.
Tav wanted to call out to her, but no words would form. She could feel the others’ eyes on her, wary of her erratic behavior throughout the day.
No matter. One more step, maybe one more fight, and this duty can be done.
Halsin’s heartbeat pounded in his chest, the rhythm resonating deep in his ears as they made their way up the hill. At the top was a small, decrepit house. Just like the rest of the cursed land, it had fallen to ruin. The walls barely stood, parts of the roof had collapsed, and the wood looked to be rotten all the way through.
Despite its concerning appearance, Halsin felt his breath catch at the sight of the small pathway leading to the door.
All around the perimeter of the house were patches of grass, in each patch a small group of flowers bloomed even in the darkness. Tall, sweet-smelling flowers with rounded, purple petals stacked upon one another in little clusters at the top of the stem.
“This is it,” Halsin whispered to the others.
He walked over and held one of the delicate blooms between his fingers. They were fragile, struggling to grow in such a harsh environment, but when he closed his eyes and focused, he could hear the smallest hint of a laugh through them. He stilled his mind to all other thoughts and just listened for a moment. A hopeful smile spread over his face as he plucked one from the ground and took a deep inhale, absorbing what little life he could in the darkness.
As everyone else caught up to him, he pulled out the small notebook he kept in his backpack, pressing the small flower between the pages. He wanted to preserve this one little piece of hope he found among the shadows.
A small voice cut through his reveries, one that was familiar, but felt twisted…tortured.
“She wasn’t very fun,” the voice sneered. “All I wanted was to play.”
Halsin took note of the few bodies around the house. The freshest one was a githyanki.
“But someone else is coming.” He heard the childish whisper but couldn’t seem to find its source.
“Creepy,” Karlach said. He could see the small shiver that ran over her body.
“It definitely sounds like a child,” Tav remarked. She had the glowing mace strapped to her back to chase away the shadows.
Their group peered around the decaying doorway into the house. It was small, only one room. Broken furniture lined what was left of the walls. The air around them made the hair on Halsin’s arm stand on end.
Something, or someone, was watching them.
“Boo! I scared you!”
“Fuck!” Tav, Astarion, and Karlach all shouted together. Each of them clutched their chest in shock as they stared down at the small child that had appeared out of thin air.
“I win! No one beats me in hide and seek.” He rocked back and forth on his feet, heel to toe, like he was waiting for praise for a job well done. The eager, playful look in his eyes caused the recognition to click immediately in Halsin’s mind.
He walked up behind Tav, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“That’s him,” Halsin whispered, “he’s like an echo of Thaniel.”
Tav nodded her understanding, never taking her eyes off Oliver.
“So, will you play with me?” he asked, eyes still sparkling with mischievous energy as he looked at Tav expectantly.
“Oliver, right?” she asked gently.
“You know me?” His eyes brightened further, feet tapping in place with excitement.
“Yes, I know who you really are,” she continued, reaching a hand out. “I’m here to help bring you back to Thaniel.”
Oliver’s expression darkened.
“I don’t want to go anywhere. I have everything I need here. I just want to play,” Oliver pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. “Will you play with me or not?”
“Easy,” Halsin urged Tav, “remember, he doesn’t think of himself as any more than a child.”
“I’m not really one to play, Oliver. But I’m sure Thaniel is. If you come with us, maybe you could play with him.”
Halsin gave her an appreciative smile but noticed Oliver’s face twist into a frown.
“Spoilsport,” he muttered. “I don’t want to go back…I like it here. I get to play all the time.”
Oliver looked pensive for a moment before waving their group away.
“I don’t want to play with you anymore.”
With those words, he conjured a portal and disappeared beyond its edge.
“Any other ideas?” Tav turned to ask Halsin.
“The shadows have warped Oliver even further than I expected.” He couldn’t help the dejection seeping into his voice. “We must follow him. I think we should be expecting a fight on the other side of that portal.”
“Ah, that reminds me! Now that you’re coming with us bear man, you should know the safe word.” Karlach came up and clapped him on the shoulder.
“…safe word?” he asked, trying to hide his confusion. Either he was misunderstanding, or this group was much closer than he had originally thought.
“Yeah! The word is ‘whizbangs.’ Anybody says it, we get ready for a fight.” She smiled back at him.
“Right, understood,” he said, concealing a laugh with a small cough. Tav fought a smirk to his side.
“Onward?” she asked, looking to him for confirmation.
“Onward.” He tilted his head toward the portal and led them through.
The moment they stepped beyond its edge, Halsin felt a shift in the shadows.
“You should have just left me alone!” Oliver cried out.
A large, glimmering dome appeared over him just before he conjured several shadows that looked just like him.
Halsin dashed up to the barrier, avoiding swipes from the small shades as he ran.
“Oliver, please!” He pounded his fist against the dome but pulled it back with a hiss.
Burning pain had shot up his arm at the movement. He could feel the dark magic stinging his flesh.
“Don’t touch the dome!” Halsin turned just in time to see a large wraith making a clawed swipe at him, catching its hand with his staff.
“Maybe we can weaken it from afar,” Tav suggested as she drew her bow. She fired an arrow, careful to aim it past Oliver.
A beam of necrotic energy was reflected back at her, striking her in the gut.
“Fucking hells that smarts,” she wheezed, doubling over from the impact.
“You alright, sis?” Karlach yelled as she cleaved through two other shadows.
“I’ll manage. Keep those shadows under control until we can figure out a way to get rid of that barrier!” She stood up and shook off the brief attack.
Wyll started hurling spells at the wraith in front of Halsin. Eldritch Blasts soared through the air to strike the shadow, distracting it for a moment. Halsin took advantage of it, bringing down a tall beam of radiant light in front of him. With a blood-curdling screech, the wraith puffed out of existence.
Behind him, Halsin heard a noise that sounded like glass breaking. When he turned around, he noticed small cracks now lining the dome protecting Oliver.
The shadows are the key.
As the thought crossed his mind, he saw Tav take out another large wraith causing a large crack to appear across the top of the dome, solidifying his theory.
Oliver conjured shadow after shadow. A discordant symphony of childish cackles filled the air as each of his “friends” joined in. Whenever they dispelled a handful, another wave came to take their place. Everywhere they turned a small shadow hissed and swiped at them, desperately trying to deter them from Oliver.
“Hells below, these little brats are everywhere!” Astarion yelled as he took out another one.
“We’re close, every shadow vanquished weakens that shield around him,” Halsin called back to him. “Look at the cracks forming around it!”
The shimmering dome surrounding Oliver started to look like a glass bowl that had been dropped but hadn’t quite shattered yet.
We might make it through this yet.
Just as he finished the thought, Wyll took out the last little shadow with a spell, and Oliver let out another laugh.
“Now you want to play? Fine, let me show you my favorite toy.”
He conjured a shadow just outside of his shield in the shape of a massive owlbear. It let out an ear-piercing shriek before lunging at them.
“Fuck that’s a big guy,” Karlach hissed as she narrowly avoided one of its swipes.
Halsin responded in kind, shifting into an owlbear to counter it. Not a moment too soon either, for its next swipe caught him in the shoulder. A blow that would have been near deadly in his elven form. The creature followed with a hard stomp onto the ground beneath it, causing a small quake strong enough to knock his other companions into the dirt.
He tried to keep the owlbear busy, lashing out with his own paws to give the others a chance to recover.
Karlach was the first back on her feet, charging at the shadow from Halsin’s flank. She aimed a powerful cleave through the owlbear. The blade stuttered through the apparition like it caught on something, but then passed through the rest of the way in a smooth arc.
The others seemed to be having trouble getting up. Astarion was cradling his arm on the ground, Wyll was gasping for breath as he rolled to his side, and Tav had only made it up to her knees.
Karlach came in for another attack, but the shadow knocked her away with one mighty swipe of its paw. She was thrown into a nearby tree, slamming her back against its trunk.
While Halsin was distracted checking on the others, the owlbear leaped at him, pinning him beneath a heap of shadowy muscles and feathers. Just as it reared its beaked head, ready to attack, it cried out with a pained, unnatural shriek.
He spared a glance to his side where he saw Tav on one knee, bow still held out in front of her from firing an arrow.
With that final shot, the owlbear puffed away to be reabsorbed into the shadows, and the dome protecting Oliver crumbled to the ground around him.
Tav let out her held breath as the owlbear disappeared into thin air, still kneeling on the ground. When she looked back up at Oliver, the barrier protecting him had vanished as well.
Halsin dismissed his wild shape and was now taking slow steps toward the boy. Tav followed close behind, not wanting to startle him.
“Why can’t I just stay here, playing? I had everything I’ve ever wanted, right here, and now you’ve ruined it!” Oliver paced and pouted at the top of the stairs. “I’m not leaving – you can’t make me!”
Tav looked to Halsin for help, unsure how to soothe this powerful force of nature with the soul of a child.
“Be gentle,” he urged her, “like I said, he’s much more than a child, but he doesn’t truly know that.”
“You should talk to him, Halsin. You know what he needs to hear better than anyone.” She reached over to take one of his hands. He nodded back to her with a sad smile before kneeling in front of Oliver.
“No one is going to make you leave, Oliver. This is your home. But…” Tav choked back tears hearing the cracks in Halsin’s voice. “But it’s lonely and empty. I don’t want you to be here alone, I want you to be with Thaniel.”
“Why would I go back to him? He abandoned me!”
“No, you were taken from each other. Neither of you are to blame. I know your pain, truly I do. Thaniel was my friend too. I used to play with him, I grew up with him even though he stayed the same. I am who I am today because of him, and then he was ripped away from me, same as he was for you.”
“But would he even want me back?” Oliver kicked a small rock on the ground, not meeting Halsin’s eyes.
“Of course he will,” Halsin sniffled and took one of the boy’s hands, “you need not invent friends, you don’t have to be alone. Thaniel is back. And he’s waiting for you.”
“But I was alone. Even when it was scary.”
Tav rested a hand on Halsin’s shoulder and knelt next to him. “You’ve been so brave, Oliver. Spending so much time among the shadows? All on your own? Think of how much you’ll be able to help Thaniel.”
“I suppose he’s a bit scared too,” Oliver looked back up at them, a small smile threatening to spread across his face, “I bet he’d like to have someone to help him.”
He took a moment to think before speaking again. The brief pause felt like an eternity as her heart pounded against her ribs.
“Okay, I’ll do it. It might be nice to have someone to play with again.”
Halsin let out a relieved, breathy laugh.
“Well done.” He leaned into Tav as the tears in his eyes started rolling down his cheeks, causing hers to do the same.
“Are you crying? You’re both a bit big to be crying.” Oliver cocked his head to the side. “I guess that’s okay though.”
They both chuckled as they leaned against one another.
“I guess this is goodbye for now,” Oliver smiled, “but thanks for playing with me!”
Right before their eyes, they saw a swathe of golden light envelop Oliver’s body. The dark magic that had been lining his features was burned away, causing him to look even more like Thaniel. His face looked peaceful as he slowly faded away with the light.
Halsin and Tav stood back up, staring at the spot where Oliver had just been a moment earlier.
“It’s done…” Halsin turned to her, astonishment obvious in his handsome features.
Before she could say anything in response, his arms shot out to draw her into a crushing embrace. She threw her arms around his neck to pull herself closer. Their joyful, relieved cries mingled in the still air as they held each other.
He did it. Halsin actually did it.
Shar’s cursed darkness would choke the land no more.
“You did it.” Tav’s sobs were muffled by his shoulder as he picked her up off the ground, keeping his arms tight around her waist.
“We did it.” He sat her down again and took her face in both of his hands. “I could not have done this without you. Thank you, Tav. Thank you.”
He wiped her tears away; she reached up to do the same for him as he left a soft kiss in her hair.
“I couldn’t have done this without all of you.” Halsin let go of her to turn and address their companions. “You have helped me at a great risk to your own lives, and I will be eternally grateful.”
Karlach wore a mushy expression as she watched Tav lean against Halsin, hugging herself close to his side. The happy tears gathering in her eyes as she gave Tav a quick wink caused her smirk to turn to a toothy grin.
“Not to be the depressive voice of reason,” Astarion spoke up first, “but I see the shadows are still here and dark as ever.”
“It will take time for them to disperse. Thaniel is still recovering his strength, but with Oliver returning to his side I am confident that we will see them banished soon.” Halsin looked back to Tav, still wearing a soft smile.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys but I’m fucking beat,” Karlach yawned as she stretched her arms out in front of her. “I wonder what Gale’s got on the menu tonight?”
“Well, courtesy of our friends at Last Light, we were able to get some more fresh meat,” Wyll chimed in. “I’ve no doubt he found something incredible to make out of it.”
Wyll and Karlach turned away from Tav to start the walk back to camp. Astarion followed close behind as the other two started to salivate in anticipation of their evening meal.
Tav started to follow, but Halsin caught her hand.
“Wait…” he whispered.
She hung back a few steps behind everyone else with him.
“I don’t know what to say. There are no words to express my gratitude.” He brought his other hand up to envelop the one he was already holding.
“I…” Tav trailed off as she looked up into his gentle eyes, still shining with tears even in the darkness. “I’m so very happy for you, Halsin.”
One of his hands came up to cup her cheek.
“This victory is yours as well, Tav. I want you to share that joy with me. I know Tev’s death weighs heavily on your mind, but I hope you can allow yourself just a brief reprieve from your grief.”
She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. For just a moment, Tav let her pain float away. She gave herself permission to have a fleeting feeling of happiness and accomplishment.
“Banishing these shadows was such a distant dream for so long. Seeing it become a reality…I must admit, I’m not sure what to do next.”
She smiled back at him as she opened her eyes. “I guess you’ll just have to find a new dream to chase.”
“Perhaps once there’s less talk of curses and mind flayers, I can do just that,” he chuckled.
Tav saw the rest of their group turning around a nearby corner.
“We should catch up with the others, otherwise Karlach might claim all the food before we get back,” she teased.
“Lead the way,” Halsin said as he placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.
At least one problem had been solved. Soon enough, the shadows would no longer choke the land.
Now all she had to do was dismantle a murderous cult of mind flayers being led by a former paladin of Shar before all of its True Souls could be turned into illithids and take control of the Sword Coast. The past three days had already proven difficult and overwhelming, but Tav had a feeling that the hardest fights were still yet to come.
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winguontheweb · 2 years
SLARPG idea I'm gonna doodle someday probably but also I feel like it's funny enough to share on its own
Jodie: I don't have Uno, so… Claire: …EVERYONE HAS UNO! It came free with your XBox, Jodie Jodie: I guess I didn't get it. I might honestly have the oldest XBox in Greenridge. Claire: No you don't, I bought mine on day one, liar! Jodie, now upset at being called a liar: Well mine didn't have it! Claire: YOU HAVE UNO, BITCH! Jodie: I DON'T HAVE IT YOU FUCKIN-
cut Melody and Allison walk in with a pizza box Allison: whooo's ready for- Claire: YOU HAVE UNOOOO!!!!! Jodie: I DON'T FUCKING HAVE UNO MOTHER FUCKER
Mel and Allison just look like that one gif of Troy from Community coming back in with the pizza as Claire and Jodie yelling at each other
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dontsh0vethesun · 2 years
Can we get some more jealous Wednesday from you your writing is just so great! Maybe an angsty thing where Wednesday has a friends with benefits situation with reader and they get into an argument about it and reader avoids her for the next few days hanging out with another person and Wednesday watches this all go down and as days go by getting more jealous how touchy this person has been and she drags reader away up to her room and could you give it either a fluffy or smutty ending please? 👀
casual love
masterlist word count: 2332
any ‘wednesday’ fic i do will be set at ‘nevermore university’ so the minimum age of any character will be 18
wednesday addams x fem!reader
18+ : angst with a happy ending, smut; fingering, brief choking, heated kissing, jealousy, implied dom/sub, pretty soft smut tho
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A secret, that’s what you were. Just a way to pass time in the privacy of her dark room, it didn’t mean anything to her and it didn’t to you to begin with. A casual relationship is what you both had agreed upon, no strings, no feelings, just a tryst. A way for you to blow off steam.
And it was great, it really was. Until you let your heart control you - but it happened all at once. You didn’t notice until it was too late, the way she kissed you felt different and any compliment she gave in passing made you bashful. What once was meaningless sex suddenly meant something to you; you had fallen for the painfully unattainable Wednesday Addams and she was none the wiser.
It was bittersweet. You’d often imagined your first love, how you’d get butterflies around them and their kiss would feel like fireworks, how their lips would taste oh so sweet and when you’d hug you’d never want to let go. But expectations only hurt you in the end.
The worst part of it all is that you were right, you had fallen down the rabbit hole of romantic cliches with flushing cheeks and an eager excitement at the knowledge of her company. You’d fix your appearance any time she’d knock on your dorm’s door and greet her with a smile, a swirling in your belly when she’d give you a smile in return. 
It was all you’d imagined but it wasn’t real. Feeling this way was forbidden, as stated in the agreement the pair of you had made. So now each sweet kiss comes with a sour aftertaste and the sex leaves you feeling empty, clinging onto something you can never truly have. You think it’s better to have her like this than not at all, but how long can it last?
So you’re holding on to a hope that you know will crush you, the idea that she could feel the same. Lying beside her half naked in your bed after an evening of lust all you can do to stop the nauseating sadness is stare up at your ceiling. The way her arm brushes against yours gives you goosebumps and it’s enough to make you cry. 
“Wednesday, I’m not sure I can do this anymore.” The words came out before you had a chance to think them through. You couldn’t look at her, focusing instead on the lightbulbs dimly lit filament with your nails picking at a loose thread in the material of your t-shirt. 
“Why not?”
You coughed to clear your throat, sadness beginning its change into anger at the way she seemed so unbothered. Any chance of quelling the simmering feelings was that hope you clung onto but you’d be a fool to entertain the idea of her loving you back. 
“Because I broke our number one rule.” You sighed, wiping the tear that fell from the corner of your eye before it reached the pillow. You thought you heard her breath hitch and that glint of possibility flickered for a moment until all she said was ‘oh’. You kept quiet, you both did, with Wednesday leaning against the headboard and you feeling hot with embarrassment. With sadness. And anger.
“I suppose we should stop this, then.” She spoke, classically indifferent just as always. You’d usually find it endearing but right now all it does is heighten that bubbling fury. “I thought we’d agreed to keep feelings out of this-”
“Get out, Wednesday.” You interrupted through clenched teeth but she just looked at you, lips parting for just a second as though she was about to speak and when she didn’t words rose from your throat like acid. “I said. Get. Out.” You sat up to look at her, gesturing towards the door, watching as she noticed the pure anger over your face and the glazed over eyes, whites turning pink with held back tears. 
You didn’t watch her as she left, fixing your gaze on your hands in your lap with the tears spilling now, causing you to gasp out a sob with the aching in your chest. 
Wednesday didn’t truly understand what she was feeling, feeling much at all was rather new to her so this strange hollow sensation doesn’t make sense. She wandered the hallways back to her own dorm with her eyes cast down, wondering why you had to spoil it.
She thought it had been going well, she wasn’t like her parents with how obsessed with all things romance they are, she didn’t need love. What she needed was something to pass the time, to satisfy the urges that she finds herself having. She would never fall in love. 
Wednesday didn’t care, not at all, she didn’t return your feelings so what issue is it if you try to move on with somebody else? She doesn’t care when, the next day, you quite obviously avoid even glancing in her direction. Keeping your eyes so far away it was as though she was an eclipse.
It definitely didn’t bother her to see you spending more and more time with Bianca over the following few days, laughing in her company and allowing her hand to linger on your arm. Anyone would imagine themselves crushing the offending hand with a hammer and some brute force - it didn’t mean anything. 
“Wednesday, go and talk to her.” Enid spoke with a nudge to her best friend’s arm. You were lingering in the hallway with Bianca and Yoko and Wednesday had barely taken her eyes off you. Enid saw the way she looked at you, longingly and in adoration, if only her best friend wasn’t so oblivious.
“Why would I do that?” She muttered in response, dragging her eyes away from where you laughed, leaning into Bianca’s side in a much too close fashion for Wednesday’s liking.
“Because you obviously care about her.”
“You’re delusional Enid, I think those nail polish fumes are getting to your brain.” 
“And you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous, I just don’t see how she could’ve moved on so quickly.”
“I thought you weren’t an official thing?” Enid answered with a teasing smile, catching Wednesday in a little bit of her own logic. 
“We weren’t. I’m not like my parents, Enid. I don’t fall in love, I don’t get butterflies in my stomach or whatever other nauseating concepts you all like to babble about. It wasn’t anything, it was just casual.”
“People who don’t have feelings for somebody usually don’t stare down anybody who so much as puts an arm around them. Whether you like it or not, Wednesday Addams, you have been bitten by the love bug.” She grinned, a perfect contrast to the scowl on Wednesday’s face.
“I can assure you no insect has bitten me, I’d rather enjoy such a thing.” She muttered, crossing her arms in front of her chest in annoyance, a burning anger bubbling inside of her at the sight of your head leaning against Bianca’s arm as the three of you chatted.
“You laugh at the things she says-”
“I find her amusing.”
“You invited her to our dorm to watch movies.”
“We have the same taste.” 
“You let her read your manuscripts.”
“She’s one of the only intelligent people around here.” Wednesday shrugged.
“You know her coffee order, you bought her her favourite book, you let her meet your parents, you-”
“Enid. You may be my best friend but I am not immune to the annoyance of your incessant rambling.” She interrupted her with a raise of her hand.
“My point is, you have feelings for her. And they’re definitely not negative ones.” Enid returned with a smirk. “And you’re definitely jealous.” She added in a whisper. She expected an arguing retaliation, a comment on her being stupid or ‘too wrapped up in trying to witness a real life rom com’ as Wednesday had once labelled it. But instead she was met with quiet, seeing Wednesday intently looking behind her with her jaw clenched dangerously tightly and her hands balled into fists. 
She glanced over her shoulder to find you being pulled into a hug and turned back to the empty place that once held the body of her best friend. 
Thick soled black shoes clicked against the wooden hallway floor as Wednesday walked past her, nearing where you stood, oblivious to her approaching form. You weren’t aware of her presence until she grabbed your arm, yanking you away from the group as they just watched in a stunned silence as she dragged you away without a single word.
“Wednesday, what the fuck are you doing?” You asked her as the way her fingers grasped at your upper arm were bound to leave a mark behind, and you knew how much she enjoyed that. 
“I am sick of watching her put her hands all over you.” She hissed, dragging you through her door before slamming your back into it firmly with her hands on your waist. 
“You lost any right to give a shit the moment you walked away.” You returned in an equally angered tone, trying to fight against her strong hold of you. A hand made its way around your throat at your attempt to move.
“You’re mine. Nobody else is allowed to touch you. Only me.”
“And why the hell should I do as you say?”
“Because I broke the rule too.” She rushed out, hovering her lips over yours. “It has been brought to my knowledge that I’m actually in love with you.” Her breath was warm against you and you closed the space between you with a push of your lips against hers, reunited with more passion than before. 
It was an easy rhythm to fall back into after a few days apart, with her hands pushing beneath your shirt to feel your skin beneath her palms and yours pushing the jacket past her shoulders. 
She stepped backwards with her hold still on your waist, locking eyes with you with a small smile tugging at her lips which you returned until you reached her bed. She guided you onto your back, climbing on top of you to straddle your waist as she pulled her shirt over her head, ridding you of yours shortly after. 
Her lips kissed along your collarbone softer than they had before, teeth grazing your skin, licking tentatively across your neck with a bite and a suck to leave a mark behind. It was more tender than before but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to show who you belonged to,to let everyone see.
She reunited your lips once more, pushing her tongue past your lips along with slow and heated kisses. Your tongue flicked against hers only to be pushed with dominance whilst she smirked against you at the small whimper you let out. Everything about the kiss was intense, messy and palpable with little thought and precision, just two bodies moulded together in lust. 
Her hips pushed into yours, mindless grinding against one another with desperate attempts to relieve the aching feeling between your thighs. The way she pulled at the button of your jeans just showed how truly hungry she was for you, slipping her hand past the waistband of your underwear with a teasing fingertip sliding through your folds,
“God, Wednesday, touch me. Please, I need you.” You murmured into her mouth, it was as though she was addicted to the feeling of your lips moving with hers the way she wouldn’t pull away. It was different than before, less transactional, not something for a quick relief but something neither of you wanted to end.
She groaned into your mouth at how you felt around her fingers when she pushed them into your pussy, revelling in the warmth she’d missed as she began a steady pace, curling them into you perfectly whilst her kisses never wavered. 
It felt so good to be kissing you, letting herself feel everything she’d been trying to ignore. How she loves the flavour of your lip balm and how you play with the hairs at the nape of her neck when you hold her close. She let herself enjoy the way your teeth gently tug at her bottom lip and how you sound when you whimper into her mouth when her thumb rubs over your clit and how excited she gets when your hips buck in an attempt to chase your release because it lets her know just how good she makes you feel. 
She let herself feel, finally letting herself experience what is an act of love between two people and no longer just a casual fling - a quick fuck with a focus on pleasure before parting ways. 
Wednesday could feel you getting close, soaking her fingers while your hips matched the rhythm of her pushes into you and your nails dug into the skin of her back leaving crescent shapes behind. 
“I want to see you fall apart for me.” She spoke through her heavy breaths, breaking away from the kiss to look down at you and your parted swollen lips. Her cheeks were tinted pink and her eyes were even darker than their regular shade. Her hair was slightly ruffled from your hand and she looked at you with pure lust. The sight along with the fingers fucking into you was enough to bring you over the edge, clenching around her digits with a moan of pleasure and an arching of your back off of the bed. 
She watched you intently as you came down from your orgasm whilst she pushed her fingers past her lips, sucking your juices from her skin appreciatively until they were licked clean.
“Fuck, I love you, Wednesday Addams.” You breathed.
She greeted you with a rare large smile, immediately grabbing your face between her hands and smiling into the kiss she pressed to your lips. She loved you too and she’d spend the rest of the day showing you just how much. 
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pennyellee · 1 year
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, smut, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, yandere, threatening, kidnapping, partial religious behaviour, graphic violence, graphic depictions of torture, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, implied non-con, minor character death, spanking, blood, gaslighting (more to be added)
word count: 655
author’s note: yaaaaaay!! can't believe I actually made it to post a fanfic I desperately wanted to write for two whole years now. I am very much excited to share this preview from one of the chapters ♥ I'm rising from the dead when it comes to writing fics, so excuse any ridiculous mistake I make, I'll always try to look into it backwards. Lastly a big thank you goes to Bex @chaoticpuff17 who not only inspired me to write but constantly showed me love and support, therefore I would love to express my unending gratitude and admiration, love you baby ♥ lots of love, 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊
m.list CHAPTER I
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“You crave the throne don’t you?” she asked cocking her head and chin defiantly, her narrowed eyes fixed on him. “I want you too.” She chuckled at his response. “I'm merely a convenient excuse, am I not?” Y/N smiled too sweetly. “You’ll kill m—” he rose from his chair, not even letting her finish. Grabbing her by her shoulders in steel grip with a penetrating gaze.
The fragile cup slipped from her trembling hands and shattered on the floor, a nearby maid prepared to clean up the shattered shards. “Leave us!” he barked at the startled girl, his voice filled with anger. Y/N's eyes widened. He was even more aggressive and intimidating than before.
“I could—” his voice seething with fury, “— I could gather man and slaughter your entire clan keeping you as a trophy, a symbol of my power.” The threat hung in the air, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Fear was coursing through her, yet she resisted letting it control her.
“Matter of fact—” he continued, his grip tightening on her shoulders, eliciting a whimper of pain from her, “—you will be a symbol of the magnitude my power has, no matter if your father and family remain alive. So it’s on you. The fate of your kin rests in your hands. Their survival hinges on your decisions and how well you’ll cooperate.” He tightened his grip again, eliciting another whimper of pain from her.
“But I will never dispose of you.” he growled through gritted teeth, his tone a mixture of possessiveness and frustration. Gathering her courage, she managed to speak again, her voice trembling but filled with resolve.
“You cannot manipulate me like this. You think I’ll fall for this fucked up scheme? I have spent my entire life under the orders of others, forbidden from making choices for myself! And you have the audacity to use my innocence thinking I will willingly crawl into your bed and love you like a devoted lover.” Venom in her voice and the desperate tone made fall for her even more.
“I've only recently met you, so spare me your attempts to deceive me that you’re being my saviour.” Y/N has enough fire to still conquer and fight him back. “I refuse to be a passive participant in this game.” She shall not take it lying down.
“I'm giving you a choice—” he asserted, his voice laced with a dangerous undertone “—either you’ll walk down the aisle to me or there will be a bloodshed. I won’t send you back to your father nor will I relinquish you easily.” His eyes locked onto hers, and she could see the darkness consuming his pupils when anger consumed him.
“Call it love, obsession, or whatever you please, but no matter what imbecile attempts you make to fight or flee, we will inevitably end up together nonetheless," he declared with conviction. Was this the fate God had laid out for her? Her faith wavered, and if he didn't provide assistance soon she shall forbid him altogether.
“You just want to fuck m—” he cut her off abruptly, his voice low and seductive.
“I can either fuck you hard or I can make love to you,” said he, whilst setting her left arm free and sliding his to her thigh, caressing it sweetly.
Breathing started to become harder for Y/N. Unfamiliar sensations welled up in her lower belly whilst his touch was sending shivers through her body. Was this attraction? Excitement? Mother told her this is how love is supposed to feel like. Butterflies in her stomach. But she certainly wasn't in love with her captor.
He sensed her confusion and distress. Leaving her fall back to the chair. Finally letting her breathe freely. Yoongi sat back to his chair, collecting himself and his three peace suit he wears today.
“Loss of words, innit?” He chuckled.
coming soon CHAPTER I
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©pennyellee. please do not repost
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
taglist: @chaoticpuff17 @honsoolgloss
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Recovery - Chapter 35
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Eminem x Female Reader Fanfiction
Synopsis : Reader is mad at Em after their heated argument and he does everything he can not to lose her.
Y/N’s POV 
You had decided to sleep in one of the guest rooms after your argument with Marshall. He had tried to reason with you, apologize for the millionth time and tell you he loved you but you just needed to be in a different room and not see or hear him. With him begging and pleading, it was impossible to process your feelings. After you locked yourself in the guest room, you heard him knock and apologize for a while but he eventually went away when he understood that you would not open the door, let alone talk to him. To say you were hurt would be the understatement of the year. How did he dare accuse you of lying ? How did he dare imply that you would not deserve to raise children when he knew full well that it was all that you wanted for yourself ? You understood that he might have said that out of anger, fear or whatever extreme emotion he might have felt in the moment but that was no excuse. And it did prove one thing : after knowing you for nearly two years, having witnessed you work towards recovery, he still saw you as an addict. This made you feel worthless, like everything you had done, all the meetings, the therapy sessions had done no good and that you would always be seen as the stupid girl who made a couple of bad decisions because she had a hard time handling trauma. Before messing with your anxiety prescription and eventually overdosing, you had never done a lot of drugs. You had never been the party type, drinking too much and experimenting with substances. The heaviest thing you had ever tried was smoking weed during trips to Amsterdam with your friends from college. You were not a crackhead, for crying out loud ! Looking at the bigger picture, your experience with drugs was limited and represented a few months. It could have been worse. You did not want to minimize your mistakes, but you also did not want them to be held against you for the rest of your life. You were twenty-eight, you still had a lifetime ahead of you. Three months messing with Xanax should not earn you a life sentence. And if Marshall thought different, to hell with him. 
Having him throw all these things in your face hurt on so many different levels and you cried yourself to sleep. Out of anger, sadness and frustration. And on top of that, you had to deal with the guilt of feeling unable to truly rejoice for Talia. You were feeling more lonely than ever. The last time you had felt this lonely was after you lost your baby. Simon was there physically but nowhere to be found on an emotional level and your friends, despite trying their best, did not really understand what you were going through. Now, things were different but also similar in a way : you couldn’t really talk to your friends and it was painfully obvious that your partner would not be of any support. All you had wanted for the night was to have some peace, some alone time and, eventually, Marshall’s arms to fall asleep in. Instead, you had an argument that led you to sleep in a guest room and a possible breakup on your mind. 
You didn’t want to break up with Marshall. Even after the awful things he threw in your face, you were still in love with him. It didn’t make sense. If anything, you should hate him. And in a way, you did. But you still loved him. The perspective of breaking up was making you sick to your stomach but what choice did you have, when the person you loved the most, the one who was supposed to protect you, be there for you and have your back did not respect you and thought of you as a failure ? Yes, he had apologized countless times and professed his love for you, but what good did it do if he saw you as an addict and a charity case ? 
The only reason you managed to sleep at all was from the exhaustion from crying. You had sobbed so much that your head was hurting when you woke up, your vision still blurry. That’s when you felt a presence in bed, next to you. You rubbed your eyes and saw Marshall laying there, staring at you intently with bloodshot eyes. You had locked the door behind you. What the hell was he doing here ? How long had he been staring at you for ? 
What are you doing here ? You asked in a raspy voice. How did you even get here ? 
Masterkey. Baby… I can’t sleep without you, he said. I don’t want to sleep without you. Not tonight. Not ever. 
So you thought you’d stare at me in my sleep like some sicko ? 
Y/N, I… Please don’t do this, he sighed. Don’t leave me. 
He was staring into your eyes, as if he were trying to read into your soul. He was wearing a white tank top and gray sweatpants. He knew full well that was the clothes you liked the most on him. You had told him countless times how sexy he was in them. And you had to admit that, laying on top of the covers, icy blue eyes and muscles on full display, he was a vision. Even when you were mad at him, he had you drooling and it was painfully unfair. 
Marshall…, you began. 
I can’t lose you, he pleaded. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t live without you. 
You hurt me, you said as you swallowed dryly. You really hurt me. 
I know, baby, I-
No you don’t ! You interjected. You have absolutely no idea how bad it hurts. This is worse than the time you told me I should have overdosed before we met. Losing this baby, it’s the worse thing that ever happened to me. How dare you tell me I shouldn’t get to be a mother ?! How dare you tell me that when it was my biggest dream and the reason for our breakup ? How dare the man I told everything about my miscarriage to, the one who consoled me when I was hurting, say something so mean when I gave up on this dream in order to be with him ?! 
I’m so sorry, he sobbed. I don’t deserve you. I know it. I fucked up. 
And I don’t deserve you either ! You spat.  I deserve better. You said you had my back. You said you were here for me. You were supposed to be my best friend in the world. You were supposed to protect me. You had me believing that I could recover. The man who gave me this fucking sobriety pendant and told me I wasn’t alone doesn’t believe in me and thinks I’m basically a crackhead ! 
No, Y/N, it’s not true, he said. I don’t think that at all. You’re so strong. I know it. I see it. 
Then why would you say what you said ? You cried. What good reason can you possibly have for hurting me this bad ? 
I… It’s hard to explain. 
The both of you were crying, laying in bed, staring at each other. Seeing Marshall in tears broke your heart but, hell, he had broken yours. You were mad at yourself for having so much empathy for him. He reached for your hand and, with the other, wiped his tears. 
Look, I know it’s no excuse, but… When I saw the tests, I freaked out, he said. Because it’s not even that I don’t want kids. I mean, I don’t, because I’ve had three beautiful daughters, I feel like my family is complete and, who wants to change diapers in their fifties anyway ? Or be mistaken for their child’s grandpa ? But really… When I thought you were pregnant, I was terrified. Because there is no fucking way I can be chill with the idea of having another baby when I put mine through so much. I traumatized my daughters. Their mom traumatized them too. Their parents were fucking zombies. They saw us struggle. No child should ever, ever see that. No kid should have to call 911 because their dad is dying on the bathroom floor, or have to wait for their mom to call them from jail. They should not have to say “Mom is in rehab. Again. She was sober for years but she relapsed and now she’s a mess”. I can’t even begin to tell you all about the times my kids didn’t have their parents with them for important events. Or the times when we were there but not mentally present. 
You stared at him in silence as he spoke. He had already told you about his addiction, how he had struggled, but he had never really spoken about the impact it had on his daughters, on his family. Tears were falling down his cheeks as he spoke and you could tell the memories were still vivid. 
And when I say that addicts are shitty parents, I’m just talking from my experience, he continued. No matter how much I’m trying now, no matter how long I’ve been sober, it doesn’t erase everything the girls have been through. And I can’t, in good conscience, have another child. Being an addict doesn’t mean you don’t love your kids to death. But it means that they have to put up with a lot and might end up having to care for you when, really, you’re the one who should take care of them. And I won’t even get into the bad genetics they might inherit. When I got back from the hospital, the girls had to take care of me. And throughout the years, they’ve had to take care of Kim, too. 
I know, you said. And I’m so sorry you had to go through this but… You were mean to me. You were cruel. 
I never meant to say you wouldn’t be a loving mother, he explained. Because there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about this. And I know it’s a sensitive subject for you. What I really meant to say is that, even though you’ve worked so hard, even though you’re doing so good, there is no certainty you won’t relapse at one point or another. It doesn’t mean I don’t trust you, it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be there for you if something happened. It means that it’s scaring the living shit out of me. I wouldn’t be able to handle having a kid with anyone, but if I’m being honest, I couldn’t handle the pressure of having one with you especially, because I’d be even more scared. 
You nodded sheepishly. When he put it in these words, it made more sense. You were still hurt but, in a way, you would see where he was coming from. 
But I realize that… It’s a me issue, for the most part, you know ? He finally said. And I guess that, just because it’s the way I see things doesn’t mean it has to be true for you. I know we’re in different situations. 
Yes, you said with tears in your eyes. Because for me… It was three months, Marshall. I only used for three months. And it doesn’t change the fact that I made mistakes. But I don’t want to be thought of as an addict for the rest of my life. Because that’s not who I am. It shouldn’t have to define who I am. And I will not have you think of me as a charity case.
I know, he agreed. I fucked up. I’m sorry. But I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. For the record, I don’t think of you as an addict. And you are not a charity case. You have never been. Even at the beginning, we bonded over the topic of addiction and I wanted to be there for you, but it was never about charity or whatever. Or maybe it was, but with me being the damn charity case. 
I never saw you like that, you said. 
Before I met you, I was a fucking mess, you know ? He said. I was sober for fifteen years, I was doing good on paper, but I wasn’t… I wasn’t happy. I never really thought I could be. Content, maybe. But happy ? No. You’re the one who showed me what true happiness looks like. You were never a fucking charity case, Y/N. You’re the air I breathe. 
You could see the sincerity in his eyes. He was holding your hand in his and staring at you. Things seemed a bit clearer now but you weren’t ok. Maybe he didn’t actually mean all the things he’d said, but you still took them to heart. You stared back at him, not saying much. And if you weren’t pushing him away, you weren’t exactly making a move in his direction either. You were just sitting in bed, feeling emotionally drained. 
I’m really sorry, you know, he reiterated. I know I’ve said that a hundred million times tonight, but I mean it. Can you forgive me ? 
I… I don’t know, you said blandly. 
I’ll do whatever it takes, Y/N, he said. I swear to God, all you have to do is tell me what to do and I’ll fucking do it. I’ll jump in front of a train, I’ll sell a kidney, I’ll take my heart out of my chest and offer it to you. Anything. 
Can you… Leave me alone ? You asked. 
He looked absolutely heartbroken and you didn’t want to hurt him but, at the same time, you didn’t want a sacrifice. What you wanted, what you really needed was time and space. You looked at him as he swallowed dryly. There was a hint of panic in his eyes. 
Please don’t leave, he pleaded. 
I need time, Marshall, you explained. I need space. 
Please, he begged. 
He cupped your face and whispered to you how much he loved you, how much he needed you. “I can’t lose you”, he kept on saying. He then proceeded to kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your lips… He seemed virtually unable to let go of you. You burst into tears as soon as his lips touched yours and he held you as you sobbed in his arms, repeating how sorry he was. Your tears were getting his tank top wet but he didn’t seem to care. He kept on spilling soft kisses on your face, holding you close. You let him kiss you as you clutched his top. His hands slowly started to wander, gently stroking your thighs. “Let me show you how much I love you”, he whispered before kissing you. You enjoyed his touch, the warmth of his embrace… But something was still off. You didn’t feel in the right headspace. You knew he loved you, but you didn’t feel safe on an emotional level. 
Marshall… No, you simply whispered. 
Are you alright ? He asked. What can I do ? 
Please, just leave, you asked with tears in your eyes. 
He bit his lower lip but eventually nodded. He stroked your cheek with a worried look before getting up and walking towards the door. He took one last look at you as you muttered an apology. After he closed the door, you let your head fall onto the pillow. 
After leaving Y/N alone in the guest bedroom, Marshall was unable to sleep. He had fucked up big time, he knew it. And now, she might leave his sorry ass. For good, this time. The perspective of her walking away from him again was making him sick to his stomach. He kept on thinking he’d done everything wrong in their relationship, perhaps from the start. All he wanted was to give her the very best in life but he kept on fucking up, on saying the wrong things, on letting his anger and past trauma take over. Perhaps he was right when he said he’d end up alone. He was consumed by self-loathing and self-hatred, with absolutely no clue as to how he could possibly make things right (assuming it was even possible). His mind kept on going to the darkest places. He’d always been prone to weird, dark and intrusive thoughts but it’d been a long time since he had felt this way. Ever since they had gotten back together, life had been sunshine and candy. Now, it was the contrary. He kept on filling pages upon pages in his notebook with words, rhymes, schemes, phrases… If anyone ever found this, they would probably call a psych ward to have him committed. His lyric sheets had always resembled the scribblings of a mad man - something a lot of people made fun of him for - but these pages were something else. They were deeply disturbing. Probably because that’s exactly what his thoughts were. Disturbing. After a night alone in the living room, staring at the ceiling and writing, he decided not to go to the studio. Whenever he was having a bad day, going to work and keeping up with his rigorous 9 to 5 schedule usually helped but, this time, he didn’t have it in him to get ready, get in his car and go to work like nothing happened. Not when Y/N might be gone by the time he would come back. So much for their first holiday as a family. For the perfect future he had planned for them. For all the places he wanted to take her. All the plans he wanted to make. He couldn’t imagine facing his family and telling them that he had fucked up. He could already see the look of disappointment on his daughters’ faces. They had managed for Y/N to get back to him only for him to ruin everything. 
He was laying on the couch when he heard her come down. He immediately went to see her. 
Hey, he said. 
Good morning, she replied. 
Did you sleep well ? He asked in a sad attempt to make small talk and connect with her. 
Not really, she admitted. Aren’t you late for work ? 
I’m not going, he said. Not today. Look… Can we talk ? 
I came to talk to you, actually, she said. I have made up my mind. About leaving. 
For a few seconds, she didn’t say anything and time seemed frozen. He found himself unable to breathe as he stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate and put him out of his misery. He needed to know. These few seconds were absolute torture. The nine circles of hell. 
So ? He asked nervously. 
I don’t want to leave, Marshall, she said. I want to give us a chance. 
Thank God, he sighed as he went for an embrace. 
But, she said intently as she put distance between the two of them, I need time. 
O-ok, he said. Sure. Whatever you need, baby. Whatever you want. I told you, I’ll do anything, I’ll give you whatever you ask for. 
Would you consider therapy ? She asked carefully. 
I already do therapy, he replied with a puzzled look on his face.
You haven’t been to therapy since we came back from Europe, she pointed out. And I know that it’s mostly addiction counseling. With everything you told me yesterday, it’s clear that you have unresolved trauma that you should work on. So that you don’t take it out on me. And so that you can move on. 
I-I don’t think it’s something you can move from, he said honestly. But yeah, sure. If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it. 
Ok, she said. Thank you. 
Is that all ? He asked nervously. 
And I’m taking over the guest bedroom, she added. 
You want to sleep apart ?! He blurted out. 
I told you I need time, she said. Marsh, I… I love you. With all my heart. And I know you’re sorry. But I’m still hurt. And I have a lot to process. I’ll still be in the house, I’m not moving out. 
Ok, he sighed. 
He wasn’t happy about the prospect of spending more nights away from her, but at least she wasn’t moving out and that was enough for him to be able to breathe properly again. He would just have to suffer through it and do his best not to fuck things up. Y/N went to her appointment and he waited patiently, not too sure what to do. When she came back, she informed him that Talia would be coming over. No offense to Y/N’s best friend, but he had absolutely no wish to see anyone, so he simply decided to retreat in his home studio, trying to at least do something with all the lyrics he had written. Putting together tracks and getting the words out of his head was therapeutic, more so than any amount of time he would spend in a shrink’s office. He’d seen therapists before. When he started addiction counseling, he’d been advised to seek help regarding his childhood trauma, but he wasn’t too keen. So therapy had mainly been focused on his anger issues, his anxiety regarding work and addiction. He wasn’t a big fan of therapy, but if that’s what it took for Y/N to forgive him, he would bite the bullet. When he went back to the living room, at the end of the day, he was spent and his voice was raspy. He had been yelling in the mic a bit more than he usually did but, at least, his mind was a bit clearer. He found Y/N and Talia on the couch, drinking tea and looking at bridal magazines. 
Hi Em, Talia said with a huge smile before hugging him. 
Hey, he said. How’s wedding planning going ? 
Lots to do, she said as she gestured to the pile of notebooks and magazines on their coffee table. By the way… Are you free two months from today ? 
I’d have to check with Tracy about my schedule, he shrugged. Why ? 
Because I’m getting married, she shrieked ! We have a date ! 
That’s… soon, he pointed out. 
Well, I told Y/N not to tell you, and we’re not telling people yet, but you’re Jamal’s best man so you might as well know… We’re having a baby ! 
He looked at Y/N who was standing behind Talia, gesturing to him not to say anything. Obviously he wasn’t supposed to know. He smiled and congratulated her. He could see a sullen expression on his girlfriend’s face while Talia was talking about how Jamal took the news. Apparently, he was surprised but overjoyed and they decided to get married before she started showing. Y/N was smiling but he could see that she was not doing too well. Given everything he knew about how hard losing her own baby had been for her, it wasn’t too surprising. 
So, anyway, we’re going to need all the help we can get, Talia said. Can we count on you, Em ? 
Sure, he sighed. But don’t count on me to help pick flowers or stuff like that… 
Can you at least hook Jamal with one of your stylists so that he has a decent tux ? Oh, and if you know a venue we can use, too… I mean, I bet you’ve visited a few between Hailie’s engagement and Alaina’s wedding. 
None that can fit your guest list, he chuckled. Jamal has told me about it. Nothing that’s available two months from now can accommodate 350 guests ! 
Believe it or not, they have actually agreed to shrink it down, Y/N said with a slight grin. We’re down to 50 guests. 
Only because we’re having a second wedding after the baby is born, Talia warned. This is basically eloping. With a few guests, a party and an actual ceremony. 
So it’s an actual wedding, he said. 
Y/N and Talia went back to their wedding planning. From what he gathered, his girlfriend would have her hands full for the next two months. He went to chill in his office for a bit, listening to some music. When it was dinner time, he went to see Y/N and ask if she wanted to have dinner but found her on the couch, curled into a ball. She was crying and seemed in pain. Talia was gone. 
Baby, what’s wrong ?! He asked as he checked on her. 
Nothing, she mumbled. I got an IUD inserted this morning and I’m having contractions and cramps. They said it’s normal, though. 
I’m sorry, he said. Is there anything I can do ? 
Don’t worry about it, she said. 
She tried to move and pick her phone from the table but even that seemed too hard to do for her. 
You seemed fine, earlier, he commented. 
They gave me pain medication immediately after but it’s starting to wear off, she explained. Plus, I didn’t want to worry Talia, you know ? 
Right, he said. Don’t you have any pain meds you can take ? 
They prescribed some for me but they warned me it was pretty strong so I didn’t pick up the prescription. 
Oh, he said. Do you want me to take you to the doctor ? ER ? 
It’s fine, she said. Don’t worry about it. 
Maybe you should have taken the prescription, he commented. I don’t like seeing you in pain. 
I still don’t fully trust myself, you know ? She said as she nervously played with her sobriety pendant.
You’re stronger than you think, Y/N, he replied. I mean it. 
No you don’t, she huffed. 
Yeah I do, he insisted. Remember, when we started hanging out, when I told you nothing would happen between us ? I thought your sobriety was too new and I was scared But you proved me wrong. You’re doing so good. It’s impressive. 
Thanks, she said sheepishly. 
You never cease to amaze me, you know ? 
She blushed and smiled a little. Watching her act so shy made him realize what an asshole he’d been for failing to protect that smile. She was too precious and she had absolutely no idea about it. All he wanted to do was to take care of her. And that was exactly his plan. 
I wanted to know if you were hungry. Do you want to eat dinner ? He asked. 
Sure, why not, she said as she started to get up. 
Stay here, he said. I’ll cook. 
I can do it, she assured him. 
You’re not in the state to cook, he pointed out. Let me take care of you, ok ? 
Before she got a chance to protest, he went to get her hot water bottle, her favorite blanket, a hoodie and the book on her bedside table and brought them to her before heading to the kitchen and preparing something to eat. They ate in relative silence. He couldn’t speak for her but he wasn’t too sure what to say. At that point, he’d apologized enough times that she knew for a fact how sorry he was. She was a bit distant but, at this point, she didn’t seem too mad either. Ever since they started dating, it was the first time they had an argument that wasn’t solved in the next hour. With anyone else, he wouldn’t have cared too much but with Y/N, he hated it, probably because he realized it was his first serious, loving relationship with someone who had a rather healthy outlook on relationships. No shade to Kim, he had truly loved her but, looking back, he knew they’d been doomed from the beginning, always scheming and playing games. Y/N, on the other hand, had always been brutally honest, when she made it clear that she was attracted to him, or when she broke up with him to stay true to her dreams. He’d always been used to his partners bending their own rules in order to be with him, wanting to be with him at all costs even if it meant that the whole thing would be unhealthy and disingenuous, but Y/N was not like that. She was honest and true. She would rather leave than take bullshit and, even for his fifty-two year-old self, it was intimidating. 
Thank you for taking care of me, she said softly. 
I take my job seriously, he said with a slight smile. I promised to care for you and I fully intend to stick to the plan. 
You don’t have to, you know ? 
I want to, he replied. How’s the pain ? 
The water bottle helps, she shrugged. I think I’ll go to bed, though. I’m tired. 
Before she could get up, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up before carrying her up the stairs. She gasped in surprise but let him. She was securing herself with her arms around his neck. 
You know… I could have walked, she pointed out. 
Oh. Too late, he said innocently - enjoying the contact with her far too much. 
He let her down on the bed in the guest bedroom. For a split second, he considered bringing her to their bedroom but he wanted her to see he respected her decision, however strongly he might disagree with it. He wasn’t sure how he could be expected to sleep well without her. Last night had been a nightmare, just like any night without her. In retrospect, it was a miracle he hadn’t ended up in the hospital in the six months they’d been apart. He had gotten so little rest. To be fair, he had Talia and Jamal to thank for keeping him somewhat sane and healthy. He wouldn’t have been able to release the album and tour otherwise. Hopefully, this time, he wouldn’t have to sleep without her for the next six months. 
So, do you need anything ? He asked as he tried to hide his nervosity. 
I think I’ll be fine, she replied with a soft smile. 
Look, I saw the look on your face, earlier, when Talia was here, he said. Are you sure you’re alright ? 
I’m triggered, that’s all, she said as she looked down. These contractions are bringing memories. So does Talia’s pregnancy. If I’m being honest, I’m having a bit of a… hard time rejoicing for her. 
Tears were welling in her eyes and he could not resist the urge to hold her. He sat on the bed and pulled her in his arms. She looked at him with a sad look on her face. 
I’m a terrible person, she muttered under her breath. My best friends are having a baby and I’m thinking about myself. 
You’re not, he assured her. Considering what you’ve been through, it’s absolutely understandable. And I guess I didn’t really help last night, with my shitty remarks…
Not really, she admitted.
You’re a great friend, Y/N, he said reassuringly. You just need a little time. 
I guess, she shrugged. Plus, they deserve to have a happy family life, you know ? That’s everything Talia’s ever wanted. They’re going to be amazing parents. 
They are, he nodded. And they’re pretty lucky to have you, too. 
You think ? She sighed. 
Of course, he said. You’re always there for people. Look, you’re even putting together their wedding at the last minute. 
That’s the least I can do, you know ? They’ve always been so good to me. I just want to make them happy. 
He pressed a kiss to her temple and she gave him a weak smile. 
I think I should sleep, she said softly. 
Ok, he replied. Call me if you need anything ? 
Sure. Thanks, Marshall. 
They stared at each other in silence. Sleeping in separate rooms felt unnatural and he could tell she felt it too. He reluctantly left her and went to their room, though he knew for a fact he wouldn’t be able to sleep. 
In the following days, things seemed to ease up a little. Y/N was still a little distant and keeping to herself but, from the looks of it, she could see he was making efforts. He tried not being too obvious and not sucking up to her too much but he also wanted her to see that he was serious when he said he would do whatever it takes. They managed to have small talks and ate dinner together in front of the TV before going to sleep - still in separate rooms. As for physical intimacy, it was sparse. The only thing he got away with was holding her hand. It was incredibly frustrating - having her so close but so far away at the same time while trying his best to get her to forgive him. He was nervously beating around the bush, avoiding the topic but it was driving him crazy. In all of his previous relationships, it would have led to angry sex and the matter would have been settled and buried only to be dug up for the next argument. Not very healthy but, at least, he wouldn’t have to sleep alone. Thankfully, the evening before Thanksgiving, the universe seemed to be on his side. When he got back from the studio, he found Y/N in the home theater, preparing to watch a movie. 
Hey, he said. Mind if I join you ? 
Sure, she replied with a smile. How was your day ? 
It was alright, he said. What are we watching ? 
You can choose, she offered. I just wanted to get my mind off flower arrangements for a minute. 
Horror movie ? He suggested. I bet we can find one where a bridezilla gets killed, that might comfort you. 
Hey, Talia’s not that bad, she giggled. But yeah, let’s go for horror ! 
She seemed in a good mood, which was a good sign. They settled on a movie and he joined her on the couch. In all honesty, he couldn’t care less about the movie - all he wanted was to be with her. And the only reason he had suggested watching a horror movie was because he knew she was chicken-hearted and, at that point, he would take any excuse and opportunity to hold her. If that implied relying on a jumpscare scene, so be it. He usually had better moves than that with the ladies, but this felt like a last resort. Sure enough, a scary scene came up and he saw her jump up a bit. He tried to hide a smile and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She muttered a “thank you” and focused on the movie. Every time the atmosphere got tense in the movie, he could feel her squirming and nervously bite her lip. And every single time, he pulled her a bit closer to him, until her legs were practically over his. He was almost brought back to the times when they were just friends and every brush against her took his breath away. Being with her, he had gotten used to the proximity, but now that she had deprived him of her touch, it felt the same as before. She took him by surprise by reaching for his hand and interlocking their fingers. He was feeling like a teenager on his first date at the movies. Should he try and kiss her ? Or would it ruin the moment ? It was stupid how much power she had over him. How nervous she could make him, and her ability to make him fall for her all over again just by holding hands. Another jumpscare scene occurred and she let out a small scream before hiding her face in his neck. God bless horror movies. He couldn’t contain a small laugh. 
You’re enjoying this, aren’t you ? She whispered accusingly. 
I missed this, he admitted. I missed you. 
I missed you too, you know ? 
She looked at him and he could not resist the temptation to capture her lips with his own. She immediately kissed him back, her lips feeling softer than ever. Four days without her touch was way too long. He could feel his heart rate increasing as her lips parted and their tongues found each other. He ran his fingers through her hair while she traced his shoulders with her fingers. Her touch was electrifying and he simply couldn’t get enough. He kissed her over and over again. 
I love you, he whispered. I love you so much. 
I love you too, she said emotionally. 
I need you, he pleaded. Let me make love to you. 
Ok, she whispered, her breath accelerating. 
As soon as she spoke, he did not waste time and got up before taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. Their bedroom. He closed and locked the door behind them, making it clear that she was not going anywhere. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to want to. She was looking at him in anticipation. He went back to her and kissed her passionately before pushing her on the bed. He took his time making love to her, enjoying her soft moans and the sensation of her legs around his waist. Her nails scratched his back as she cried his name when they both reached their apex. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck as they caught their breath. 
You’re incredible, he said lovingly. And I’m never letting you out of this room ever again. 
Really ? She giggled. 
Try me, he said with a grin. 
She gave him a playful look and tried to get out of bed but he held her even closer, causing her to struggle a little. She tried wrestling him, but to no avail. Eventually, she gave in to his warm embrace and let her head roll onto his chest. 
So… I guess I have no choice but to sleep here tonight ? 
Don’t tell me you were seriously thinking about sleeping in the other room ? He groaned. 
Not really, she confessed with a small smile. I don’t like sleeping apart. I hate being mad at you, you know ? 
And I hate it when you’re mad at me, he replied. I’ll do better. I promise. 
I know, she shrugged. Sorry it took me a while to cool off. 
I really hurt you, he said. I understand. But just so you know, I want to do everything I can to deserve you. 
In all fairness, it wasn’t just you, you know ? She explained. It was a lot to process in very little time. I was triggered and brought back to some tough memories. I needed a little time on my own… 
I get it, he said. I missed you, though. 
I missed you too, she said. 
I don’t want to lose you, Y/N, he said in all seriousness. 
I know, she said. I’m still here. 
He nodded and closed his eyes, relaxing a bit as she traced the outline of his tattoos with her index. She let out a small giggle as she looked at his stomach tattoo. 
What ? He asked as he opened an eye. 
I just remembered I’m meeting the woman whose name I see every time I go down on you, she said with a smirk. 
He was a bit taken aback by the comment. She was smiling but it was the first time she commented on Kim’s name being tattooed on him. He’d had these for so long that he tended to forget about them anyway. Now that she mentioned seeing the tattoo every time she went down on him, though, he was feeling a bit self-conscious about it.
Is that a problem ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. The tattoo ? 
Not really, she shrugged. I don’t really see it, most of the time, you know. It’s just kind of funny, when you think about it. 
Right, he hummed. So… You’re not too stressed out about tomorrow ? 
I don’t know, she said. It’s still weird but, realistically speaking, I don’t have anything to worry about, right ? 
Of course not, he said. 
I’ll be fine, then, she replied. I guess I’m curious, though. 
About what ? He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
About her, she said. You had a complicated relationship with her. 
That’s one way to put it, he said. But, you know, as far as I’m concerned, she’s more like an old friend, and I know it’s the same for her. I’m just good old annoying Marshall. So, really, you have nothing to worry about. 
I know, she said with a smile. And when I start freaking out about it, I remember that you’re not married to her anymore. 
She was smiling softly, visibly at peace with the situation. That was encouraging and a good sign for the next day’s celebrations. However, he was starting to feel his anxiety rise once again. Right when he thought everything was getting back to normal and that he could enjoy Thanksgiving in peace, his past had to come and bite him in the ass. Y/N was looking at him lovingly and he could not find it in himself to contradict her. The only problem was, by saying nothing, he was lying to her face. He was still very much married to Kim.
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animeyanderelover · 3 months
Request: Can I get a yandere ciel and yandere sakamaki with male reader? It's not homophobic but like male reader is just... Confused on how they can fall for a guy. Specifically him please and thank you!
So, I already did something very similar to this before with Ciel and the Sakamaki brothers so I will only add the characters in here that I haven’t done in this previous request.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, manipulation, harrassment, violence, isolation, abduction, death, male s/o
But you're a guy!
Ayato Sakamaki
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🥇​Ayato is already plenty confused himself about the fact that he fell for another guy yet obviously he won't allow you to express the same feelings that he is currently experiencing. In fact he actually gets rather pissed whenever you express any confusion about how you can fall for another man as this isn't the gender you find yourself attracted to. Obviously a part of him is sane enough to realise that he can't just expect you to flip your entire sexuality overnight yet another part of him just hates seeing you being all bewildered as you look at him. Would you stop looking at him like this?! It is interesting to see the mixture of anger, confusion and disbelief playing out in Ayato as he struggles for a while to comprehend what he is even supposed to do with you, although he is the one who abducted you in the first place. Sometimes he starts ranting about how he is better than some dumb, emotional girl anyways before he realises what he is doing and snaps at you to stop laughing even if you don't even do that, his head threatening to start smoking with the embarrassment he is feeling in that moment. He's still going to some lengths to establish himself as the dominant part in this relationship.
Kanato Sakamaki
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🧸​Whilst a man isn't his usual target group, Kanato accepts the situation quickly as he doesn't question his attachment too much. That implies by no means that you can even think about relaxing though because he is screwed over in his head. Kanato is extremely jealous, all the more whenever he picks up the signals that you do not consider him as someone you could ever love. Whenever you do as much as looking in the direction of some other girl, he murders her and in the worst case he is even gifting you strands of her hair, her eyes or even shows you the doll he turned her into before he burns it down in front of you so that he can erase her image permanently from your mind. There are some things that don't change, regardless of what gender his darling is though. He will still insist on matching plushies, the tea parties and the outfits to doll you up, though since you are a man he will find you other pretty clothes that aren't dresses. His proneness to violence stays prominent though, especially if you dare to question how you could feel attracted to another man. The pain is the least scary part though as you instead dread it much more when he asks you for names of women who must have seduced you.
Laito Sakamaki
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🎹​Normally he has always gone after women and his attraction for a guy is fairly new to him yet he takes it as an exciting and new challenge. There is a new kind of thrill as he goes after you and he doesn't shy away from being a pervert to you as he has been to the women in his life as he enjoys exploring the body of a man for the first time in his life. He's aware of your attractio solely lying in the opposite gender yet he doesn't care about that piece of information as he just goes after what he wants. If you have a silly crush on a girl, he will simply bully her until she avoids you. He hangs around you all the time, prepared to spew hurtful and insulting words to every girl you show an interest in. Lashing out at him is like giving him what he wants as he can't help but be entertained by almost all emotions you display. This openly flirtatious and seducing behavior continues even after the abduction, though now you really have no way avoiding him anymore. You are instead stuck with Laito all of the time as he clings to you, the clinginess only fueled by his intrigue that he fell in love with a man. Now both of you have a lot of time to get to know each better though~
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snakes-and-fluff · 5 months
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I only saw this illustration now, and the first thing I see people saying is that it looks like a funeral and that the way they hold their flowers might pertain to how they feel about their victim. This makes sense but is also horrifying if we break it down:
Yuno, Mahiru and Shidou are carefully holding it in both hands. Yuno is cradling it like a small child (ouch) while Mahiru and Shidou are holding it close to their chest. Like you would a lover.
Take the above into consideration and the fact that Kazui is not only holding it with one hand, but looks like he's ready to toss it hurt a lot more. Sure, he didn't love Hinako, but I was still under the impression that he cared for her.
Speaking of tossing, Amane's has already dropped and is lying on the floor behind her, implying she has no more respect for her victim. Which makes sense both from the horrible abuser angle and the "went-back-on-your-beliefs" angle.
Haruka also looks ready to drop his, holding it upside-down with some petals already having fallen from it. I've never really thought about how Haruka viewed his victim before and this isn't really giving me a good read on it either, but I do find it immensely interesting.
Kotoko is holding hers the lowest but doesn't seem intent on dropping it. She hates her victim, of course, but doesn't want to let go of that hatred. Of that anger. She'll remember him, even just to remember what "real evil" looks like.
Mikoto is grasping it with both hands in what I can best describe a "normal" way. Like a corporate funeral you have to attend but didn't know the person so you're just trying to be polite. After all, he didn't know who he killed, so how is he supposed to have an opinion on them?
Muu is a strange one. She's holding it behind her back but doesn't seem about to discard it like Amane did. And with her pose it makes her look like a nervous teen about to confess her love. Maybe she did hold some romantic feelings for Rei after all.
Fuuta's is tossed over his shoulder; only holding it with one hand but that hand is holding tight. He's also the only one holding it at face-level. I think he feels a closeness with his victim that the others do not; a similarity in their situation.
Also, sidenote: once again the boys were robbed and just get uniform suits where the girls get to get different outfits (I have the same problem with the birthday arts). Also what is Es wearing? That doesn't look modern to me and looking up "traditional Japanese funeral wear" doesn't get me anything that looks like that. So if somebody knows, please tell me! kani-miso has informed me it is a Buddhist monk outfit; thanks so much!
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
I'm probably going to hell for this, but I don't feel any sympathy for Julio Borromeo at all.
Dude not only cheated on his wife but also impregnated another woman, and kept this as a secret for years until the death of Filipina.
While I disagree with how Carmela treats Adelina, she has every right to be furious at Julio--this motherfucker had been lying straight to her face for YEARS. Telling Carmela and Teresita that they're the only women in his life, and him telling Adelina how his and Fina's ✨love story✨ began, how he wanted to make her happy after Fina was left by her ex boyfriend after getting her pregnant was like...pure cringe, like bitch who the fuck do you think you are? Some God's gift to women? Some knight-in-shining armour who ought to "save" every lonely woman in the country?
Some of y'all would probably be like, "Oh but he regrets it now, he has been asking for his wife's forgiveness, he's a good father, blah, blah, blah."
This pathetic excuse of a man, tried to deny Adelina when Amelia brought her to his theater (after Fina's death). Tried to lie AGAIN to his wife and daughter despite the truth being slapped on their faces, he's sorry and regrets it? Motherfucker was sorry only after he couldn't deny the truth anymore. Imagine being in Carmela's shoes and your husband, whom you thought was a good man turned out to be a horrible one?
And him not showing up to Fina's funeral to be there for Adelina because he doesn't want to see Fina lifeless is bullshit. He didn't go to the funeral because people will talk, rumors will spread which will eventually cause humiliation to his family, his business going bankrupt, etc. Adelina just loves her father too much.
He loves Filipina?
No, he's a selfish bastard who wants both Carmela and Fina for himself.
He loves his wife?
LIE. You don't betray the person you love. Cheating is a choice, those who cheat always have the excuse of "nagmahal lang ako," and "nagkamali ako," these are so overused. May utak ka diba? You know cheating is bad yet you did it anyway. It's a choice, it's always a choice.
In the show, it was implied that Carmela paid someone to burn the theater. I'm not saying what she did was right, but as the saying goes, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." She was deeply hurt, and betrayed by her own husband. She wanted to inflict the worst pain possible for Julio, to ruin him the way he ruined her. It was Julio who turned her into the villain that she is now, Carmela's only mistake was she projected that anger towards Adelina who is innocent in all of this, and in doing so she ended up resenting her own daughter, Teresita for choosing to have a sisterly relationship with Adelina.
"Oh but she can choose to forgive and move past that."
Yeah, because doing that is a walk in the park **insert sarcasm** you can't just tell someone to move on especially when they are still clearly hurting. Betrayal is the worst kind of pain you could inflict on someone, and when trust is gone it's hard to earn it back...chances are, you won't.
"But Carmela going as far as burning Julio's theater is too much."
I do believe it's too much. But Julio begging Carmela to save the theater by selling some of the properties to save their livelihood? And that being a performer is the only job he knows? Nah, he wants to save the theater to preserve the place that reminds him so much of his affair partner. The livelihood, the shows were not the main reasons. Carmela might have turned into a cold, bitter, resentful woman but let's not forget who turned her into this.
Moral of the story: Julio is a walking red flag and that he deserves the karma hahahaha! Also, divorce should be legal in the Philippines.
P.S. I hope the writers don't come up with the bullshit that the wife is a bitch to justify the man's affair. It's 2024, not the 80's.
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lupinmoonlight · 1 year
Hi hi hi!!! I am literally obsessed with your fics, they quite frankly give me life, they're so amazing. Could I potentially request something hurt/comfort with Remus, maybe r with family problems and doesn't like talking about it, but Remus lets her confide in him? Btw I love your fanfics, I always check your blog for updates, and seeing a new fic just makes my day :)))
Masterlist AO3
Summary - "You couldn't quite decide if you wanted him to be your father, or if you had a crush on him. It was a weird feeling, but it made you feel warm inside." Your situation at home is not ideal. Your dad is abusive and you are afraid to go home for the summer. Lupin notices and comforts you.
Warnings - mentions of abuse, alcoholism, parent passing away, mentions of food and struggling to eat, mentions of bruises and cuts, implied student having a possible crush on a teacher, my grammar.
Notes - Anon, your message absolutely made my week! I hope you enjoy this one. I was trying to include some "daddy issues" in this one as I thought it would be fitting. Lupin tends to trigger that in me (lol). The address refers to Lupin's cottage in Yorkshire.
You felt the familiar dread building up inside you as the end of the term approached. Most students were excited to go home for the summer, but the simple thought of being under the same roof as your father made your stomach turn. He was a muggle, and he hated people of your "kind"- as if he had not been married to a witch for half of his life- that is until she passed away. You were 4, and nothing was ever the same again. Your father, who was once loving and kind, became an abusive drunk who would take his anger out on you. Although he always refused to tell you what really happened to your mother, you always had the feeling he blamed it on you- or on the entire wizarding world for that matter. He grew to despise anything "magical". The sight of you alone was enough to set him off. He was broken. Soulless. Unloveable.
Every time you went home, it was the same story- you tried to make yourself as small as possible, to pretend you didn't exist. You would spend hours locked away in your room, thinking about the next time you would be able to go back to Hogwarts. But even this wasn't enough, as you always ended up boarding the train with bruises and cuts. This year it was a black eye. No one really noticed anyway and you were good at lying about those things. You were used to it.
As the days went by, your anxiety only grew stronger. You couldn't concentrate in class, you lost interest in things that usually excited you, you distanced yourself from your friends, and despite being surrounded by them, you felt lonely. So you just sat there in the Great Hall, picking at your food. You couldn't even eat anymore. You were drowning and no one was noticing. No one except-
"Y/N, are you alright?"
Your heart stopped as you felt a hand on your shoulder, but you soon relaxed as you recognized the voice. It was soft and gentle, yet deep and rich at the same time, like warm honey, and it went straight to your stomach.
You glanced up at him, startled by the concern in his voice.
"You haven't touched your food," he pointed out.
You shrugged, trying to brush it off. "I'm not hungry," you mumbled. But inside you were screaming, there was a storm and it was threatening to take you away.
He studied you for a moment and it was like he could hear your internal screams. The man was perceptive.
"Why don't you come to my office for lunch? It's quieter and perhaps we can talk."
You hesitated, but the genuine kindness in his eyes was hard to resist. You nodded in agreement and followed him to his office, feeling a little less alone for the first time in weeks. There was something about him, something that made you feel safe and comforted. You couldn't quite decide if you wanted him to be your father, or if you had a crush on him. It was a weird feeling, but it made you feel warm inside.
"Cup of tea?" he asked as you took a seat in the cozy office. You nodded again, not trusting your voice.
He tapped the kettle with his wand a conjured a plate of sandwiches and fruit for you to share.
"Eat as much or as little as you like," he said, giving you a warm smile and setting a steaming cup of earl grey tea before you. "Sometimes, eating with someone makes it easier."
You took a bite of the sandwich, finding comfort in the simple act of eating in his presence as he gently steered the conversation. He talked about random things like the pranks he pulled when he was a student, where to find the finest chocolate, why he preferred earl grey over green tea…and you just listened. He even made you chuckle a few times and you allowed yourself to get lost in his soothing voice. It was nice because he never pressured you to talk and nothing ever felt forced with him. He was just there, offering comfort. Before you knew it, the plate of sandwiches was empty and you were on your second cup of tea. You felt more at ease than you had in a long time. He seemed to have sensed this and took the opportunity to gently probe further.
"Y/N, you've seemed quite…preoccupied lately," he began. "I know it's not my place, but I can't help but worry about you. Is something on your mind that you'd like to talk about?"
The weight of everything you had been holding inside began to overwhelm you. Your heart tightened and suddenly, the office felt too small and there was not enough air in the room. You felt tricked, and you were almost angry at him for setting a trap like this. You wanted to bolt out. But he just sat there, patiently waiting for your response, his eyes full of understanding.
"I… I don't really want to go home for the summer," you finally admitted, your voice barely a whisper.
As the words left your mouth, your hands started to tremble, and you could feel the panic rising within you. It was like he could feel it too, because he immediately moved closer to you. "Y/N, take a deep breath," he said gently. "Focus on your breathing. I'm right here with you."
You tried to take a deep breath, but it was like there was a vice around your chest. Tears started to blur your vision, and you felt like you were losing control.
His voice remained calm and steady. "It's all right, Y/N. You're safe here. I won't force you to talk about anything you don't want to, do you understand?"
With great effort, you nodded, closing your eyes and trying to pull yourself together.
"Now, I want you to take a slow, deep breath through your nose, then slowly breathe out through your mouth. Do this with me, all right?"
You followed his lead, inhaling deeply and then exhaling slowly, focusing on the rhythm of his breaths, using his presence like an anchor. Gradually, the tightness in your chest began to ease, and your trembling hands started to steady.
"Good. You're doing great, Y/N," he encouraged you.
You managed a shaky nod, and after a few more deep breaths, you felt the worst of the storm pass. You opened your eyes to see him watching you with a gentle, caring expression. You knew then that it was going to be okay.
"It's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes, and there are people here who can help you through those moments, like me."
His words resonated with you, and you decided that it was time to confide in him about the root of your anxiety. With a shaky breath, you began to share your story about your father, the alcohol, the abuse, the bruises, the scars, your mother.
"I-I just… I don't know how to deal with it anymore. It's just getting worse, and I'm so scared to go back home."
As you continued to open up, he listened attentively, maintaining a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"It's understandable that you're scared," he said softly. "But you've already taken an important step by talking about it. That takes a lot of courage."
As you kept talking, your body instinctively leaned closer to his, as if seeking the comfort you were denied your entire life, and he let you. You found yourself slowly relaxing, the knot of anxiety in your stomach loosening a bit replaced by a familiar warmth only he could provide.
After a while, you went quiet again, feeling empty yet relieved. You just sat there, enjoying the physical proximity. You knew nothing was fixed, but you also knew you had someone to lean on. He pulled back slightly to grab a piece of parchment from his desk and scribbled something on it before handing it to you. It was an address- an address in Yorkshire.
"If you ever need anything, day or night, you know where to find me."
You kept staring at the piece of parchment, confused.
"Y/N look at me."
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with tears and uncertainty.
"Day or night, do you understand?"
You nodded. You wanted to throw yourself in his arms, to tell him no one had ever done this for you, to tell him how safe he made you feel, but you didn't need to. Before you could do anything, your face was already buried in his chest as he pulled you into a hug. It was warm, gentle, safe. It was home.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I'm In Control Part 23 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I bare you...the conclusion! I am more than happy to return to these three if I or y'all come up with ideas :)
Warnings: Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Eddie gets spicy in this one. Him and the reader fight, Smut, angst, and fluff :)
Word Count: 3331
“Steve! Eddie! No!”
You try and stop them but they are on a mission, eyes dark with anger, and lost in that protective mindset as they charge into TJ’s office. 
“You can’t do this to her. She’s the best agent you have.”, Steve sternly points his index at the man. “If you need to fire anyone, fire us. She deserves to be here.”
“You’re right.”, TJ sighs. “You’re absolutely right but imagine being on the outside looking in? Can you three prove to me she didn’t give you priority roles? That anything within this past year was done purely off of profession and not just because she’s dating you?”
“You know she wouldn’t do that. You’ve known her longer than we have.”, Eddie defends. 
“And those concerns are just from the outside. Since you two have become her clients, you three disappeared constantly, you walked out of a shoot last week—”
“We told you about that immediately.”
“Tell me, Steve. If you hadn’t been dating Y/N, would you both have done the job?”
“No.” When he responded with zero hesitation, your heart swooned. “Cassie Leigh is a fucking terrible person.”
“Angel…”, TJ turns to you. “I know you. They are right about that but…this looks really bad from a professional standpoint.”
“I know…”
“Plus, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I was hurt you hid this from me.”
“I never expected this, TJ. I swear. It just—”
“I know. That’s why…”, he turns back to the boys. ���She’s only suspended WITH pay. I need to think some things through and figure out what’s best.”
“If she goes, we go.”, Eddie announces as Steve nods. 
“No, they don’t.” They both angrily turn their heads towards you. “This company still has your best interest in mind. Just…stay until we get this sorted out, ok?”
It had been two weeks since you were suspended and it was killing you. Not just because you missed the job but because you saw it torturing the guys to. They felt like this was their fault and constantly apologized every time they caught you zoning out or hiding your tears. 
Moving in with them helped ease some of that tension especially since now that they weren’t seeing you at work every day at least they got to come home to you. They hated the agent TJ assigned them. He was one of those cocky, slick types that felt like the world centered around them. To him they were just cash machines and pushed them towards any project that was sent his way without even discussing it with them. 
Thankfully, Luke’s show had started filming again so they were able to focus all their energy there when they weren’t focused on you. 
While you were browsing through job ads, you phone rang, giving you pause when you noticed the number. 
“Hey TJ.”
“Y/N, angel…we have a problem. Eddie got arrested on Luke’s set today.”
“He what?!”, you shouted as you got up searching for your shoes. “Where’s Steve?”
“He’s at the station in the process of bailing him out. I’m trying to talk Michael into not pressing charges… talk to them, Y/N. They are out of control.”
“What the fuck happened?!” You scream at them as soon the enter the front door. Eddie ignores you as he swishes past to grab a beer from the fridge. Steve sighs as he watches him, folding his arms across his chest. 
“To be fair, I almost knocked the son of bitch out myself. Eddie just got there first.”
“Steve, don’t play games with me. What. HAPPENED?!”
“We went to Michael’s office today because he said he found us job. When he went into more detail, we… we told him it wasn’t something we would be comfortable with. He kept pushing so…”, he gestures to Eddie. 
“So, you punched him in the face because you didn’t agree with him?” The metalhead continues not to answer as he glares into the void and chugs down more of his beverage. “You both have had disagreements with me but you’ve never taken a swing at me.”
“This was different.”
“How, Steve?! How was it different?” You angrily turn towards Eddie. “And why are you letting him speak for you again?!”
You’d be lying if you didn’t say the eyes that met yours scared you a bit. “Get out of my face, Y/N. I’m not in the mood.”
Trying to regain your composure, you reached to caress his face but he swiftly grabbed your wrist and pushed you backwards, knocking you into Steve’s chest. The man’s arms swiftly shot out to catch you, looking down to make sure you were ok. 
When you saw Daddy reflecting back, you tried to reel him in and assure him. “Steve, no. It’s ok. I’m alright.” It was too late. All he saw was his baby girl that he needed to remind was safe. 
“Eddie, we don’t do that. Apologize to her. Now.”
The boy chuckled sarcastically under his breath as he rose to his feet and turned to face him. “Steven Harrington, you are not my Daddy. I do not belong to you and you do NOT tell me what to fucking do.”
“Eddie…”, you squeak. 
“Now YOU belong to me and as your Master, I’m telling you to shut your fucking mouth!”
“No. Right now, you are not my Master. My Sir is a confident, powerful, sexy man that I fell in love with. At this moment, all I see is an angry, pathetic little boy!”
“What the fuck did you just say to me, little girl?!”
As Eddie stepped forward so did Steve pushing you behind him. “No! We do NOT play when our emotions are heightened, right? Answer me, Ed!”
The metalhead glared between the two of you before reaching to grab his jacket. “Fuck you both.”, he spits as he heads out the front door.
Eddie didn’t come home that night and it tore you apart. You knew he wasn’t thinking clearly and all you wanted was for him to be alright. After Steve told you the whole story, you decided to focus on something you could control as you sped to the agency. He tried to stop you but you were furious busting into TJ’s office with a loud bang as you slammed open the door.
“You said they were out of control. Did you know he tried to force them to do a shoot they were uncomfortable with?! They told him no but he signed them up anyway. TJ, they’ve stated numerous times, they don’t feel comfortable doing BDSM type work for the camera!”
“Y/N, listen to me—”
“No! You listen to me. This is unacceptable even if I wasn’t dating them and you know it. I’m not going to let anyone drag down their careers that they worked so hard for! There’s a reason they’ve gotten this far and it’s because they do what works for them. Michael should have trust their intuition and even if he didn’t, he had no right signing their names for a job!”
“He did what?! Y/N, I didn’t know that.”
“No, you didn’t because you are so focused on how people could possible view our relationship that you didn’t notice things that were actually happening…”, you sigh as you fold your arms over your chest. 
“That right there is why she’s a good agent.” You jump when you hear Steve’s behind you as he enters TJ’s office. “And it’s not because she’s fucking us or the fact that we are in love with her. She pays attention and actually fucking cares about the people she represents.” 
TJ sighs as he places his hands on his hips. “Angel, I’m not going to hire you back.” Your heart breaks as you nod and hang your head. “I’m not going to hire you back because you’re too good for this place.” He smiles when your eyes look up to find his. “I’ve taught you everything you know and then some. The rest is all you, babe. You deserve to run them and anyone else without a big boss hanging over you.”
You tackle him as your arms wrap around his neck. “Jesus Christ!”, he chuckles. “I’ll give you a month’s pay till you really get going. I’m not calling it severance because you’re not fired. You’re just…moving on to better things.”
“Baby, stop.” Steve reaches over and places his hand over your knee that hadn’t stopped bouncing since you both got back home. 
“Steve, I can’t…I’m worried about him. What if he got hurt or something? This isn’t like him—”
The front door opened as Eddie slunk in, his hair hanging heavily over his face. You jumped up from the couch, running to him, and immediately wrapped your arms around his waist. His arms stayed at his sides as he remained stiff in your embrace. 
You pulled away, giving him a once over to make sure he wasn’t hurt before you abruptly reached out and shoved his chest. 
“Where the fuck have you been?! I have been worried sick! You didn’t come home last night! You won’t answer your phone! Talk to me, Eddie!”
Steve was standing off to side as he kept a careful eye on you both. You gently pushed his hair back so you could look at his face. His vacant eyes continued to stare past you into the floor. 
“Eddie?” He suddenly fell to his knees, pressing his face into your stomach as he began to cry. His fingers dug into your back as you hugged his head tightly to you. “Eddie, please. Talk to me.” You glanced at Steve, silently begging for help. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“No!” He leans back as he looks up at you. “No, I’m so sorry. I…I…that fucking asshole pissed me off and then getting arrested…I wasn’t in the right place mentally. I never should have talked to you like that or pushed you. You were right. I’m a fucking pathetic, little boy.”
“Eddie, it’s ok.”
“Jesus, Y/N!”, he rises to his feet causing the other boy to move closer to you. “It’s not ok! I saw the way you looked at me! You were scared… I—”
Your palm collided with his cheek. “You’re going to hear what I have to say! Do you understand me?!” His eyes searched yours before slowly descending back to his knees. 
“Yes, Miss.”
You cupped his face with your hands as you stepped closer. “You’re right. You shouldn’t have behaved that way but Eddie, that’s not normal behavior for you. I knew something was wrong and when Steve told me what happened… I wanted to fucking hit him to. He violated a boundary for you; for both of you. Baby, I am so fucking sorry you went through that but that’s never going to happen again.”
“She’s our agent again. Seems baby girl is starting her own agency.”
Eddie’s eyes shift between you both as what Steve said fully sunk in. You smile as you pull him to his feet. “You’re safe with me, Sir, and I am safe with you. Just don’t fucking disappear me on again.” You hug him again and this time his arms wrap around you. “I was so worried.”
“I’m sorry, princess. Can I make it up to you?”
He grinned as he lifted you into his arms and headed for the bedroom. “Come on, Harrington. You to.”
“Me? What do I need to make up for?”
“Fine. Stay out here then.”
“Nooo…”, you whine as you make grabby hands, reaching for him to follow. 
Steve laughs at the sound as he trails behind and Eddie tosses you on to the bed, climbing on top of you as he kisses your neck. As soon as you lift off your shirt, his mouth descends to your chest, reaching behind you to take off your bra. Your legs wrap around his waist trying to keep him as close to you as you possibly can. 
“I missed you so much. It—mmm—it felt weird without you next to me last night.”
Eddie’s lips encase your nipple, his finger trying to unbutton your pants while grinding against you. 
“Where did you sleep last night?”, Steve asked. 
“Van.” His mouth dipped along your stomach, tugging your jeans and panties with him down your legs. 
“Eddie…” You felt a pang in your heart of him sleeping in his van out on L.A. streets, leaning up to quickly grab his chin after he took off his shirt. “Promise me you’ll never do that again. Even if you don’t feel comfortable talking to me at least tell Steve where you are.”
He saw the hurt in your eyes and it killed him all over again as he leaned forward to gently kiss your forehead. “I promise, little miss.” Eddie guided you back down with soft kisses before making you giggle as he playfully lifted your legs, yanking you closer to him.
A moan escaped you as his tongue licked a stripe through your folds. He moved slow at first, his mouth pressed just so against you but when Eddie got going it was like being transported to another world. You always loved the way he felt with his head between your legs. Unlike Steve, when the metalhead got passionate, he was still coherent and controllable but he was very focused and determined. He had one goal and it was to please you. 
Your eyes squeezed shut as his lips wrapped around your clit, two of his thick fingers breaching your entrance as he pumped and curled them inside of you. You suddenly felt warmth press against your side and whimpered when you felt lips suck on your neck. 
Steve’s hand caressed your skin, his fingers stopping to play with your erect nipples making your pussy clench around Eddie who had begun thrusting his own digits faster into you. 
“Please…fuck…Sir, yes. Just like…like that. I…need you…please, Eddie.”
At the sound of his name, he crawled up to your side and attached his lips to the opposite end of your neck as his hand moved faster between you. 
“Cum, baby. You deserve to feel good. Come on, pretty girl.” His soft, syrupy voice continued to encourage you until your hand shot down clasping over his as you came. 
“Atta girl, honey. Such a good girl.”, Steve whispered as Eddie sat up to throw off his pants. 
You rolled the other boy onto his back, smiling to see he was already undressed and waiting for his turn. Hovering over his firm cock, you glided your tongue over the tip, tasting the salty pre cum he already had lingering there. 
Eddie came up behind you, adjust your hips and pushing one of your legs further up the mattress to he could have better access. You both groaned as he guided his dick into your dripping core, delivering slow, strong strokes as he pushed deeper into you. One of his hands clung to your hip as the other balanced on the side of the bed while his chest hovered just above your back as he watched you bob your head around his friend’s cock. 
Steve mewled as he brushed your hair to side so they could both watch you take him. The vibrations from mouth as Eddie thrust harder into you had his eyes rolling back. 
“F-fuck, baby girl. I can fucking feel the back of your throat. You take us both so…so well.”
You lifted your head for air, panting as the metalheads fingers slide around your thigh to reach your pussy, massaging circles against your clit. 
“Yes, Sir. Jesus…that feels…”
“Tell me, princess. Tell me—mmm—how it feels.”, Eddie cooed.
“So deep…amazing…f-faster, please.”
You spit over Steve’s length, stroking him rapidly as the other man placed both palms on your side, balancing more on his knees as his own hips pounded into you at a dizzying pace. 
Craning to face him, your eyes met his as his mouth fell open in silent moans. 
“Can…can I cum, Sir?”
As soon as he nodded, your eyes fluttered closed, your forehead falling against Steve’s body as you came. Eddie’s arms wrapped around your front, holding you to his chest as he rolled his hips aggressively until you heard a strangled grunt and felt him warm your insides with his release. 
The delicate action of him pulling out of you was countered with Steve leaning over and lifting you onto his lap. You reached between your bodies, taking his cock and sliding it into your core. His hands clung to your waist as you began bouncing on top of him, your head flying back in ecstasy. 
Leaning back on your hands, you grind your lower half against him as Steve tilts forward to trail his lips along your stomach up to your chest making you whimper.
“Yes, Daddy. Ma-make me cum, baby.”
Abruptly, he wraps his arms around you, flipping you onto your back as your head hits Eddie’s tummy. 
You giggle as the other man smiles down at you, kissing your lips as he thrusts into you. The metalhead’s fingers run through your hair as Steve’s forehead leans against yours, his breathy whimpers fanning your face. 
“Just like…that, Steve. Please. I’m…fuck…can I?”
He nodded as his rhythm quickened, the sound of skin hitting skin filling the room until your eyes closed and you clung to the back of his head as you came. As your pussy fluttered around him, you heard him groan above you as he pumped rope after rope of his spend deep inside of you.
Nobody moved except for Eddie who was still tenderly petting your head. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Eddie, you don’t have to keep apologizing.”
“No, I know. I just…this wasn’t really a great welcome home experience for you. I don’t want you to think this is common. Matt said this was a big step for you.”
You poke at Steve’s back as he jokingly whines, rolling off you before you turn around and climb on top of the other boy. 
“I know this isn’t normal for you. I don’t…I don’t think you’re both going to suddenly change just because I’m here. Not in a bad way anyway.”, you smile. “He knows it’s a big step for me because I was terrified to leave home after I graduated high school. It was all I ever wanted but I was so scared of being in this ‘sinful city’ alone. Then I dated those douchebags and…” He chuckles as you shake your head and shudder. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I never would have moved in if I didn’t trust you both. All three of us have come a long way from that night in the hotel. This one…setback…doesn’t ruin the idea of me being here.”
Eddie’s palms cup your face as he guides your lips to his. 
“Now your careers…that’s a different story.” You smile as Steve comes up behind you lifting you off the boy with one arm and carries you to the bathroom. 
“Why do you say that?”, the metalhead asked as he jogged up behind you two. 
“If word got around that you punched an agent and got arrested that doesn’t look so hot but I think I can spin it especially since Michael dropped the charges.
“Jesus, woman. What voodoo did you do?”
“She yelled at TJ and told him what that asshole did. TJ said if he dropped the assault charge, he wouldn’t fire him for signing our names.”, Steve grinned as he guided you under the warm water of the shower. 
“Which technically he didn’t. He still works for the agency…he’s just not an agent anymore.”, you beam up at him as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“So…you’re really our agent again?”
You kiss his lips before leaning back against Steve’s chest.
“Yup. I’m in control of you and all yours.”
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @alienthings @lunatictardis
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hurlingsupport · 2 months
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Gender Neutral Reader Insert)
Chapter 18: Recovery
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Normally, when someone wants to create a sense of peace and tranquility, they'll describe the feeling of the sun on their skin. I mean, who wouldn't? What's better than the feeling of warmth you get from the sun on a chilly day? Or the burning sensation of an oncoming tan while you're lying in the sand at some beach resort? Well, not that you knew anything about that. You lived in some random Midwest town. The closest thing you could get to a beach tan is by standing in a parking lot at 2 pm.
That's off topic though, what you're trying to imply here is that the sun isn't doing jack shit to make you feel peaceful. In fact, you're convinced that big, stupid, orb of light is shining on you in order to ruin your day more than it's already been ruined. Although, It's not entirely the sun's fault. It's mostly due to the fact that you're being treated like a toddler that's going to eat an electrical wire as soon as you're left to your own devices.
“You're seriously not letting me come?” You hiss, hands outstretched in perplexity.
Darius shakes his head, “You need to rest some more. We don't know what we'll find–”
“We've been in the tunnels before; I'm fully aware of what's in there. It's not like I broke my leg!” You spare a quick glance at Yasmina's frown before adding onto your sentence. “Why does Yasmina get to go?”
“Yasmina's basically fully healed.” Darius argues.
“So am I!” Ben grabs your shoulder, maybe in an attempt to calm you down, but you shrug his hand off.
“No, you're not.” Darius mutters, his brows furrowed in a rare expression of anger. “You reopened your wound yesterday, and you're obviously not…” He pauses, eyes darting away from your face.
“Nothing! You just need to rest more!” He sputters.
Darius spins to face away from you, pulling the others away to discuss what to look out for while they explore the tunnels. You're not sure what would even be down there at this point, but if they didn't want you to come, then fine! You'll just find another way to occupy yourself.
Taking a seat on your bed, you huff in agitation. It's not like you're going to walk using your face. There's no way you'll reopen the wound again, that was a one time thing. It wasn't your fault. And what was Darius even going to say? You're not what?
“Hey,” Brooklynn takes a seat next to you, the dingy bed creaking under the extra weight. “Darius wants me to stay with you.”
You spare her a fleeting glance, not wanting to take your anger out on her. It wasn't Brooklynn's fault that Darius was so paranoid now. Granted, you didn't expect him to give you a babysitter of all things.
“He's being really strict now.” Brooklynn whispers towards you, her eyes watching as Darius gives out different orders and directions, letting Kenji butt in when needed since he ‘knew the tunnels like the back of his hand’.
“I know.” You murmur in agreement, arms crossed.
She stares at you for a bit before leaning in closer to take a look at your bandages. “Do they hurt at all?”
“Yeah.” You pull away as her finger traces the wrappings on your face.
It actually hurt a lot, but you were hoping that if you could ignore it you'd be able to join the others. It's obviously pointless now. So, you don't hide your nauseous expression as the burning wound on your face continues to throb. The bite on your neck had lost its numbness as well, and now you've had to avoid the temptation to itch it. It was like a giant mosquito bite but prehistoric.
“There should be some painkillers somewhere around here.” Brooklynn says, fingers pressing against the bite on your neck, only relenting when you winced. “We should change these bandages, too. And you need a shower.”
“Do I smell bad?” You ask before sniffing your arms.
“You smell like metal.” Brooklynn stands from her spot on your bed, off to find the medical supplies now that the others were gone.
To be honest, you barely noticed they left, too busy grimacing at Brooklynn's poking and prodding. Now that you think about it, that may have been on purpose. Ignoring that, you head towards the makeshift shower.
“Oh, make sure not to get any soap on your face.” Brooklynn warns you.
“I know.” You pull the curtain back, stepping in before shutting it again.
You really should get a clean set of clothes to change into, but they're not that dirty. Most of the blood got on your sweater, which you're sure is long gone by now. So, you leave your clothes in a pile right outside the little shower room.
With Kenji's morning showers, it's not unexpected when the water comes out rather cold. You don't mind that much. Still, you feel a pricking feeling along your back as you wash. Like a feeling of disgust stabbing your flesh and sinking into your bones. But you're not sure what for.
You're careful to avoid your face as you put shampoo and conditioner in your hair. But even then, you can see little droplets of blood falling to your feet. Or maybe that's the blood that dried in your hair. You just know that your fingertips are a slight pink, and you feel like puking.
The wounds on your face are still fresh and fiery. However, the Compy bite has already scabbed over. And when you glide your fingers across it, you can picture the dinosaur biting down. And after that, you can imagine what would happen if Ben didn't find you when he did.
Would their little pack eat you alive? Would you even be alive by then? Would you wake up to the feeling of your flesh being torn into and be forced to sit there and endure it? Sit there and watch as each bite numbs you more and more, until you can't even feel the pain anymore and your body feels like another's.
The feeling of disgust builds, a ringing in your ears distracting you from anything else but your hand as it makes its way to your face. Then, with your pointer, you feel the painful groove in your nose, which had before been spotless. And you trace the sensitive flesh leading to your eye. You wonder if it's still there, hidden under skin that's so desperately trying to rebuild itself. Or maybe it just went ‘pop’ when the bullet hit you. Your hand goes higher and higher, fingers just barely grazing where your eye should be. You can't hear anything besides the ringing in your ears and the ‘click, click, click’ of a spinning dial as a hunter prepares his shot. If you turn around, will you see the red reflection of his scope? Or will your vision go black as he takes your other eye?
“You okay?”
You startle as Brooklyn knocks her knuckles against the outer wall. You gulp, quiet as you catch your breath, which you hadn't even realized was stolen away.
You turn the shower knob, and the lukewarm water leaves you shivering. Beach towels aren't very good at drying people off, in your opinion. They're better for lying on the ground, whether that's to avoid hot concrete at a public pool or hot sand at a sunny beach. Still, they're the only towels you saw back at Main Street. Or, at least according to the others. You weren't in charge of gathering supplies back at Main Street. Before Mitch and Tiff. Before…
“I'm getting dressed.” You tell Brooklynn, making sure her back is turned before you grab your bundle of clothes. You pull your tank top over your head with a wince. At least your jeans don't come into contact with any annoying injuries. Once you've got the important things on, you sit on your bed and give Brooklynn permission to look. You're putting your socks on when she walks over. Once again, she takes a seat right next to you, sorting the supplies she had in her hands.
“Your bite scabbed over pretty quickly, so we shouldn't have to rewrap it.” Brooklynn says with a slight smile.
You hum, adjusting your position when she motions to do so with her hands. Once you're facing her, she pushes some of your wet hair out of the way so that she can get a good look at your face. Even though you know she's doing this for a good reason, you feel grossed out by the feeling of her eyes on you.
“Y'know Darius is just worried about you, right?” Brooklynn asks diffidently.
“I can tell.” You scoff.
Brooklynn grabs your face, forcing you to look at her stern expression. “I'm serious.”
“I know.” You shove her hands off you, “Did he tell you to say that?”
“What?” Brooklynn hesitates, hands lingering in the air. “No, why would you think that?”
“If he has something to say to me, he can say it himself.” You watch as Brooklynn's face falls.
“No, no, I didn't…” She stutters. “Are you really mad at him?”
You don't answer her, and you're about to just up and leave, even if nobody approved of you doing so. But Brooklynn grabs ahold of your shoulders.
“Look, you can be mad at him. It's none of my business.” Well, that’s surprising. “But I still need to rewrap your head.”
“I can do it myself.” You push her hands off of you, but she grabs onto you again with twice the vigor.
“Please.” Brooklynn begs. “Let me help you.”
You watch as tears build in her eyes, and guilt stabs you in the chest. Why was she so adamant about this? Why did it matter so much to her? Was she trying to make you feel bad? But, no matter her intentions, you didn't want to make her feel this way just because you were angry at Darius.
“Fine.” You mutter, sitting still as she sniffles.
Her grip on your arms is tight, as if she's afraid you'll make a run for it at any second. She takes a bit to gather herself, and briefly, you wonder if she's ever going to actually do anything. But you never ask her to get a move on or shove her hands off of you for the thousandth time. You just watch as she cries for reasons you can't understand.
After some time, she quietly starts rewrapping your head. You feel her hands shake as she stuffs your oculi area, and even as she makes sure the outer bandages are snug, she seems almost scared. And after she's done, she continues checking the bandages, dragging on the entire interaction.
Finally, she sits back, staring at you solemnly. “I'm sorry.” She whispers, wiping at the tear trails left under her eyes.
You're not sure what to say. You're not sure about anything that just happened. She tried to defend Darius, you got angry, and all of the sudden she's trying not to be nosey for once, and then she started crying? Still, despite your confusion, you can't help but feel bad. You caused this, even if you're not sure how or why.
“It's fine.” You utter, still staring at her in befuddlement. “What… what's wrong with you?”
You immediately regret your wording as her bottom lip starts quivering and the waterworks happen all over again. You lunge forward, unsure of what to do except hold her. She merely shakes in your arms for the first few seconds, until her arms snake around your neck.
“I'm sorry.” She cries again.
“For what?” You ask a little aggressively, only because you have no idea what she's talking about.
“I wasn't talking about Darius.” She admits. “I'm worried. I was scared, and I still am.”
“What?” You mutter, still unsure why that was such a big deal.
“Because I had to do it! You could've died, and it would've been my fault, and I'm not a doctor. I just make videos!” She breaks into sobs at the end.
You go silent, your bafflement too great to form words. Was she talking about tending to you while you were unconscious? Why did that matter so much? You wouldn't have minded it if she messed up and you died. Mostly because you thought Ben was dead too, but he's not, which is good.
But, she obviously doesn't think of it that way. You were so focused on Ben that you didn't put much thought into the rest of your fellow campers. Isn't that selfish? It definitely is. Especially since you can feel Brooklynn's tears on your shoulder and her nails clawing at your back. Brooklynn cared for you. Isn't that nice?
You hold her tighter as she continues mumbling about all her worries and her guilt. Most of which wasn't entirely made up. She could be blamed for a lot of things, but she's still a kid. Well, you shouldn't be saying that you're only a year older than her. You're both still kids. That's weird to think about. Kids don't go through things like this, usually.
Most kids still have both their eyes, they're not stuck on a dinosaur-filled island, they're not surviving on canned food, they don't have to build their own treehouses because someone's science experiment broke free and destroyed the original one, and they don't have to carry the weight of someone else's life on their shoulders. Or, at least you don't think so.
Brooklynn's tears eventually run dry, but you both continue holding onto each other. It's silent aside from the chirping of unseen bugs and the distant bellows of dinosaurs. Even the sun has died down and left the two of you to feel the growing coldness of the night.
“I'm sorry.” She apologizes again, sniffling.
You don't say anything in return at first, mostly because you weren't sure what you could say. What would make her feel better in this situation? What made you feel better when it was just you and Ben?
“I'm glad it was you.” You say softly.
Brooklynn's grip grows stronger at your words, and you're a little worried she might start crying again. But, it seems she's all out of tears because instead, she pushes her head into the crook of your neck, and you swear you can feel her smile against your skin.
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tealmaskmybeloved · 5 months
Toxic Consequences AU: Chapter 4
Winning It Over
(As always, notes will be under the cut. Enjoy)
Kieran made his way through Mossui Town, not making eye contact with anyone. He was going to find his sister and those liars and win Ogerpon over.
He headed to his room and grabbed his Pokeballs in a hurry, before leaving some behind. Kieran wasn't going to risk with anything holding him back.
He quickly left his house and headed up to the Dreaden Den. Kieran knew he was acting irrationally, but he didn't care. Why should two outsiders who barely knew Ogerpon get to keep her? Why couldn't Kieran befriend her?
Eventually, he made it to the Dreaden Den, where Florian and Juliana were playing with Ogerpon while Carmine watched.
If only they didn't lie to him, then he'd be there with the group, having a good time.
He'll just have to try to convince Ogerpon that he's a good person to be around, that he'd be a good friend.
The group noticed Kieran standing there. Carmine was quick to try and explain the situation.
"Kiki! Listen... we've been talking, and... this might hurt, but.... Ogerpon wants to go with Florian and Juliana."
Kieran's heart sank. No, no...
"But..." Kieran started, "But I want Ogerpon to come with me!"
This had to be a trick, right? They had to be lying! No way would Ogerpon choose those two over him!
"Kieran, I know you like Ogerpon and all, but you have to think about her feelings, too." Juliana said. Was she implying that Ogerpon didn't like him?!
"But this isn't fair!" Kieran yelled. He clenched his fists, looking at the group with a cold stare. "Why do you two get everything?! What are you, the heroes of a story?!"
He couldn't let them get away with this. He had to win Ogerpon from them.
"If.... if I win a battle, I'll get to be friends with Ogerpon.... and if you win, you get to keep it.... deal?"
Juliana sighed, a melancholic expression on her face.
"Kieran, you know how this is going to play out-"
"I don't care! Don't you hold back!" Kieran interrupted. He pulled out a Pokeball, fist clenched in anger.
The battle went as expected. Juliana dominated Kieran's team, even after his modifications. Even Florian, who was more of an artist than a battler, still won against Kieran. Was he this weak? No, it couldn't be. It was never his fault..... right?
This battle broke Kieran. He fell to his knees and covered his head with his hands. He lost. Ogerpon was now theirs.
"Figures...." he mumbled.
It took everything in his power not to have a meltdown. Why did life taunt him like this? Kieran always liked the Ogre, and was willing to defend it, no matter the weird looks he got.
But like how the Loyal 3 weren't heroes, perhaps the Ogre wasn't as amazing as Kieran thought.
He got up from the dirt, an ache in his stomach.
".... Have fun with Ogerpon. " He said before running off, his eyes filled with tears.
Kieran ran to his house and back into his room, slamming the door in rage. The force was strong enough that his mask of Ogre fell off the shelf and clattered to the floor.
The mask was once a symbol of admiration and coolness for Kieran, but now it was nothing but a disgrace. He grabbed it and shoved it in the space under his bed. He didn't have the heart to destroy it completely... at least not right now.
He wanted to become stronger. He needed to. Not to win Ogerpon over, no, he was done with that. Rather, it was to prove them wrong, prove everyone wrong! He's not just some weak little boy, he's better than that!
He couldn't rely on his old team, no, they weren't good enough.
But then, a thought hit Kieran. That odd Pokémon.... it offered Kieran whatever he wanted... perhaps it would allow him to get stronger. He had to try!
Kieran left his house and headed to where the Loyal 3 and that Pokémon were last seen. While the Loyal 3 were absent, the odd Pokémon was there.
He walked up to it, a determined glare on his face.
"Listen... I.... I'm ready to... accept your help. I.... need to become stronger. A lot stronger."
The Pokémon was pleased with this. It opened up its outer shell covering and offered a pink chain to Kieran.
The same one that the Loyal 3 wore.... this was its way of making the deal, wasn't it?
Kieran was having second thoughts about all this, but the memory of the battle made him confirm his decision.
He took the toxic chain from the Pokémon, and immediately felt a wave of nausea and pain overwhelm him. It was getting to be too much for him to handle. He was losing consciousness...
Dokutaro's POV
It is done. The deal has been made.
Now, it is time for the next stage of the plan.
Oh goody Kieran making bad decisions yippieee
Can't wait for tomorrow when the next chapter is uploaded (do not ask me how I manage to keep up with this schedule)
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J x MD!Reader - One push
Reader is GN
Warning, this is heavy angst. Might do a alternate happy ending one for this. TW: implied death, torture, not proof-read.
J’s arm shakes, the gun aimed directly at your head. No matter what she did, it wouldn’t move from its place, and neither would she. Heaving and sweating, all doubts she ever had run around in a whirlwind in her mind, scrambling her thoughts and messing with her programming. And yet through the chaos, her thoughts would always return to you. You, whom she loves with all her heart. The wounded you in front of her, knocking on death’s door.
J never hesitated. Never with a kill. Obeying the company, she’d kill any worker drones that crossed her path and punish all signs of deviancy in her team.So what happens if you’re the deviant?
In J’s head, you’ve betrayed the company. You’ve disobeyed their orders and questioned their intentions. You’re defective, like the workers. And the best course of action is to put you out to prevent you from wanting to harm the humans.
But in J's heart? You betrayed her. Stabbed the knife into her back and twisted and turned it at her most vulnerable state. Even if you never intended to hurt her, she was caught in the crossfire. And despite that, you continued, dragging the knife deeper down her back, watching her bleed. She thought seeing you bleed would make this easier. After all, she was only doing what you did to her, right?
Broken and shattered, there you lay in front of her, unable to move or regenerate. And yet you still managed to look up to her with pleading eyes. And still unmoving, J faces the consequence of her blinded rage. She didn't know whether saving you was even possible, and for a second she feared herself. Maybe, you would have been better off without her from the beginning. If she hadn't cared, you wouldn't be lying here.
"What are you waiting for?" Your once soft voice that would always calm J's nerves only added to her stress. "Do you want a goodbye kiss?"
Yes, is what she wanted to say. Pick you up and beg for anyone to help, even a worker. Anything to keep you alive and with her.
"Do what you have to do. I won't hate you for it." You smile meekly. "I could never."
"Yes, you do!" J couldn't belive that she'd still find her voice. "You hate me. Otherwise you would have never betrayed me." While her voice managed to keep her anger at bay, the feeling kept rising, slowly reaching it's limits. Her hand no longer shacking.
There she stood, on the edge. And all it needed was one push.
"J..." You muster any strength you have left to look up at her. "I love you"
And there was the push.
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hamsamwich23 · 8 months
Shattered Glass (Unreality Au)
Content warnings: blood, implied physically harming another person, semi-graphic death scene, verbal and emotional abuse and manipulation, subtly implied self harm.
Word count: 1,188
[This one shot was based off of a Goretober/Angstober prompt: Shattered Glass]
Scout's Brother never liked her....
He was very avoidant and dismissive around her. He would get annoyed easily and snap at her for anything he found to be annoying or bothersome. He was angry, all the time, worse than Riley's anger when she had a bad day. he would call her names and belittle her whenever he saw her. Whenever she did anything.
It was clear to Scout that her brother did not like her and wanted nothing to do with her. So she would simply avoid him. Deciding that if he wanted to talk to her, he would come to her himself.
And one day it happened.
her brother came up to her one day while she was watching the old TV that Riley had allowed her to keep after she found it. He had a calm smile on his face. He never smiled around her. It was almost...unnerving to witness.
He told Scout that he wanted to surprise Riley. Today was her birthday, and he wanted to make it special. Which confused Scout. Her brother hated Riley. He couldn't care less about anyone's birthday either. Her ninth birthday was just last month and he didn't want anything to do with her. So why did he change all of a sudden?
Regardless of how odd it was, she decided to help. Even if she was hesitant, he never asked for help, so she wasn't going to just turn him away.
Her brother told her that he was planning a small party for her, and she needed to be completely distracted so she wouldn't find out.
"that's why I need you" He said. "She cares about you way more than she really should"
That was always his argument
"She cares about both of us, she's just overprotective of me.."
"Whatever you say, number one"
"Why do you keep calling me that?"
"Don't worry about it, this isn't about you anyways."
"...okay...what do you want me to do? How do I distract her?"
"Don't worry, I know what will cause a big enough disturbance that will take up all of her attention. I'm going to help you by setting the bait"
He smiled, holding his hand out"
"just give me your hand..."
"Are you SURE that's what happened?"
Riley hadn't been doing anything too important. She was sitting at her private desk reading some sort of newspaper, catching up on the outside worlds scientific discoveries, when her daughter came in. She was sniffling, holding onto her arm. Blood was dripping down onto her shirt and onto the floor. there was a long and decent sized cut going over her elbow.
Riley immediately rushed her to the medical section of her lab and sat her down. She then began to clean, stich and bandage the wound.
"Y....yes... yeah. I was running, but I wasn't paying attention... and then I tripped and fell on some glass and it got stuck in my arm, I pulled it out but it left a scar.."
"Uh huh, Okay."
She finished bandaging the injury, but she didn't move from her spot.
"I know you're lying to me"
Of course she did. But Scout wasn't supposed to let her find that out. "I'm not..it was just an accident-"
"Scout, there's no way this was an accident. The cut is a perfect straight line, there was no stuffing removed or anything, it looks like someone cut you"
Scout went silent. Riley sighed and gently held her daughters hands.
"What happened?"
As it turned out, Scouts brother lied about everything.
Riley's birthday was back in October, she and her siblings all had the same birthday. October thirty first, and it was currently the sixth of January.
Riley was absolutely LIVID. And rightfully so. Her son just slashed her daughters arm, just to use her as a distraction. And she needed to find him, now.
She took Scout with her as she began searching for her son. Why did he dare to hurt Scout to distract her? Why was he trying to distract her in the first place?
A loud crack caught her attention. She rushed towards what sounded like the source of the noise...and there he was. Slamming a chair into the window.
"Mom" Axe hissed, taking another swing at the already cracking window. Scout flinched and covered her ears upon hearing the awful sound of glass breaking. The warehouse windows were rather strong, but they weren't invincible... if broke, they would lead to outside...
Was he trying to escape?
Riley had a rule in place when it came to outside. Neither of the two were allowed to go out. Not until they were thirteen, then she would go with them. her brother was four months away from being able to go outside. Why was he trying to escape like this? Was there another reason? Was it Riley? Was it the warehouse conditions? Was it...her?
Scout didn't attempt to question him and his reasoning. Riley and her brother were now fighting. yelling. shouting over one another. Riley yelling at her son for hurting his sister and Axe yelling at both Riley and Scout.
They kept shouting, as Riley tried to take the folded metal chair away from him...but when she got close Axe raised the chair above his own head...and slammed it down on hers.
Riley fell to the ground and stopped moving. Trembling, Scout knelt down beside her, leaning her head against her chest. Her heart was still beating, and she was still breathing...but she was unconscious and her head was bleeding. But she was still alive.
She glared up at her brother. "You almost KILLED HER!" she snarled, her ears standing up on end.
Her brother raised the chair again, ready to swing once more. He returned the glare. His eyes were cold and full of hate.
"You should have stayed dead"
He swung the chair, and the window finally broke. Shattered glass was thrown everywhere. Scout covered her face with her hands as glass hit, scratching into her palms.
When it was safe, she ran over to the window and looked out of the damaged remains. Watching as her brother ran through the snow. Watching as he ran...and ran...
She watched as he ran right into death itself. And she watched in horror, as death tore her brother to shreds
she watched it devour him while he was still alive.
"So...that's what happened to your brother, then?"
"Yeah..its a messy story, I know. But that's how I remember it..I watched something horrifying tear him apart...it came out of nowhere and fucking ate him. I told Riley everything that happened after she recovered. She says its not my fault, but I just....I don't know."
"I'm sorry to hear that. He was not a good brother to you, but you still seemed to care a lot about him"
"yeah..I used to. But he was an asshole..He's dead anyways."
Scout sighed, running her hands over her bandaged arms.
"it's not like anything he said stuck to me that badly anyways."
[thank you for reading!! My work is also on SquidgeWorld (Crying_God_tm) and Wattpad (judgment23)]
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lxvejohnny · 1 year
the endless beginning
part ten
scream VI fanfiction with implied ethan x oc!
find the masterlist for this fic here. she is long and painful. enjoy!
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That smile, that damned smile, was all too bright considering what he had just done. Amelie’s jaw drops as her eyes demand tears to her waterline again. She felt her heart break into thousands of little pieces, and she is sure that everyone else heard it as it shattered on the ground in front of them. This feeling of betrayal was all too familiar for her, and she wants to scream, yell at Ethan, yell at the detective, yell at the last unmasked Ghostface for what they have done to her. She wants to scream until her voice is raw and gone, hoping that someone can hear her frustration from outside of the city and come save her. She wants everyone around her, especially Ethan, to feel how angry she is about this whole situation, how she feels like her body is on fire and all she can see is red.
“What the fuck?” Amelie mutters in shock but the boy can’t bring his eyes to look at the expression on her face. He knows it will hurt, he knows he will falter, and he can’t. Not now.
“Mindy was right,” his smile doesn’t fade from his face as he continues to talk, but his gaze shifts between Sam and Tara, never making it to Amelie’s. His heart was beating faster than it was before; this was the moment, and he has been dreading it since the day he met Amelie. If he looked at her, he would break and he needed to do this. “It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you was room with the conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad!”
Amelie was disgusted. Chad was his friend, Chad trusted him.
“Fuck, it felt good to kill him!”
He was a psychopath, no real emotion had to have ever floundered through his body. Amelie wants to sob, she wants to throw up, and she wants to punch him, hurt him like he did to her.  Like he did to Chad.
“This was your grandmas, Sam; Nancy Loomis,” Ethan continues as he holds up his bloody knife and points it to his Ghostface mask in his other hand. His smile falters from his face as he continues to speak. “Really runs in the fucking family, doesn’t it?”
“Speaking of family…” the detective trails off, letting Ethan jump in again. The smile creeps back onto his sickening face and Ethan takes his que.
“My name’s not Ethan Landry, isn’t it dad?” Ethan turns to his dad, and they share a sick smile at each other. Amelie feels like her breathe got knocked from her chest again and her brain falters. Of course, his name wasn’t even his fucking name. Ethan Landry was a person Amelie wanted to love so bad, wanted to kiss and be held by, but this Ethan in front of her isn’t him. He is a psychopath who has been lying to her, to all of them this whole time.
“Dad?” Amelie almost shouts at him. Her jaw remains ajar and her eyes wide at the scene in front of her. She watches as the detective brushes the hair on Ethan’s forehead, chuckling as he does, visibly proud of his son. Ethan finally brings his eyes to Amelie’s and his smile drops from his face. He knows it was a bad idea to look at her, but he had to, he needed to see her face. The anger and betrayal on her face was almost enough to make him want to take back everything he said, and just reassure he that he still likes her so much, that he would never physically hurt her. Amelie tries to distinguish what emotions are swirling through Ethan’s eyes when they finally make contact with hers, but she can’t look past the pure evil that lays in them.
"I was always dreading this part, you know?" His tone could almost fool her to believe that he actually cares. "I never wanted you a part of this."
"I have always been a part of this, Ethan!" If that even was his name. She is so hurt, so angry that her stomach churns every time he even opens his mouth. His eyes soften the longer he looks at her and she genuinely thinks he is fucking crazy.
"Yeah, well, it almost screwed us over," Wayne jumps in, watching the longing gazes between his son and Amelie. Amelie finally looks away from Ethan when she hears another voice, confused by the detectives words. "My boy here-" patting Ethan's shoulder as he talks, "was starting to get a bit too sensitive. Trying to protect you from us..."
Wayne lets out a sadistic chuckle, looking back at his son with a smile that made Amelie feel even more sick. "...from him."
"Fuck you!" Amelie spits at the man. The smile never falters from his face and Amelie has never wanted to punch someone so bad. She knows her words mean nothing when these people are literal monsters.
"You know, if you weren't such a vital piece of this mission, you would make one hell of a killer," for once, she could possibly believe his words. Because right now she wants nothing more than to kill this man in front of her. Wayne's tone remains condescending, his ego far too large. Their current situation making him believe that he has succeeded. "But you aren't one; after all, you are too much like your dad."
"You know nothing about my dad!" Amelie is furious. She pushes past Sam's defensive arm but the two sisters grab her arms, making sure she doesn't get too close. Her hand gripping the brick so tight that her knuckles turn white.
Amelie looks back over to Ethan where his gaze was awaiting hers. She knows that they probably heard all about her dad through the movies, the books, the news, history, but she is sure that Ethan spilled his big mouth when she opened up to him.
"Dad," Ethan says in a warning tone. He knows how bad talking about her dad hurts her, and he can't keep watching it. His irritation only growing with his father as he talks to Amelie the way he is.
Sam finally quips him, drawing the attention away from Amelie.
“Wait, so, if it’s you two, that just leaves…” Sam trails off as she looks over to the last masked Ghostface and can’t help but think the worse. “…Mindy?”
“No, no, no, I saw her get stabbed,” Amelie says, her voice broken, and she has barely even talked yet. She peels her watering eyes away from Ethan and turns to also look at the last masked figure. She knows the only person left was Mindy, but it can’t be Mindy, there was no way.
“Hey roomies,” Quinn reveals herself and Amelie gasps. Both Tara and Sam widen their eyes and their mouths remain open as they stare in awe at the girl who they thought was dead. “Didn’t see that one coming, did ya?”
“Yeah because you died-“ Tara shouts at Quinn. The three girls can’t believe that they let themselves live with her, with a person who is trying to kill them. They all grieved her when they thought she died, Amelie felt the weight of her dead body on her and yet here she was, fine in front of her.
“-I kind of didn’t though, it was a good way to get off the suspect list,” Quinn talks so casually that it scares Amelie, way more than she was before. Ethan, nor Quinn, were who they said they were and she can’t believe that she let herself be so foolish for letting them into her lives so easily, thinking everything was going to be different this time. “Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train-“
Quinn turns to look at Amelie and glares into her eyes as she continues, “-almost, get you on the train. That sort of thing.”
Amelie scoffs as Quinn continues to look murderously into her eyes. She had so many questions, and she wasn’t quite sure where to even begin.
“Yep, and I just needed to get first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one; a little fake blood, a prosthetic. You’d be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with,” detective Bailey explains to the girls in front of him. As he continues, his two kids separate and surround the three in the middle. Quinn finally shows her mask and lets the girls know she got Stu Macher’s mask, saying something about how he was her favorite. Amelie’s eyes turn to Quinn’s and she glares at the girl. Stu was the one who reportedly killed her aunt Tatum, and now the girl who is trying to kill her, idolizes him. How fucking sick, she thought.
Amelie’s eyes finally turn around back to Bailey’s when she hears him about to explain the mask he was wearing. She stands on the opposite side of Sam, closest to Ethan and sees Bailey pull his mask out from his coat.
“This leaves your fathers, this is what we’ve been counting down to, Sam,” he only looks at Sam as he talks and begins to hand the mask closer to the older girl. “I’m gonna need you to put it on.”
“Fuck you!” Sam looks at the mask hard before shoving it out of her way and onto the ground. Amelie, from beside Sam, feels an arm reach out in front of her and push her backwards. She stumbles and catches herself on one of the glass displays beside her. She watches as Ethan swiftly pushed himself across the display he was across and swipes his other hand out at Sam, slicing her arm with his knife. He pushed her back to get her out of the way so he could get to Sam. Amelie’s eyes widen as she is now directly across Ethan himself and she stumbles her feet back, to get away from being so close to him. Ethan looks at her after he mocks Sam, making sure she was okay but is only disheartened when he watches her try to scramble away from him. She stands beside Tara as her eyes stay connected to his.
“You stay the fuck away from her!” Tara screams at him and she grabs onto Sam.
“Oh, come on,” Quinn moans out of complaint and Amelie turns to look at the girl. Tara pulls on Amelie’s arm to bring her in closer to them. Amelie furrows her eyebrows at Quinn and the redhead only glares further at Amelie. She shakes her head in question at Quinn, “what?”
“What?!” Quinn shouts at Amelie and points her knife at her. Ethan takes notice of his sister’s advancements and approaches her. “You! Is what!”
“Yeah?” Amelie only looks even more confused at Quinn, the girl has some issue with her and she isn’t quite sure what she did to deserve her hate. Amelie is scared, she can’t deny that, but she is also angry and figures that any question she may have had, now would be the chance to ask. “You were on the train, right? Why the hell did you say I was lucky?”
“Because, Amelie,” Quinn says her name in sickeningly sweet tone and doesn’t even blink as she stays focused on the girl in front of her. “I could never hurt you!”
“Ethan here-“ Quinn turns to her brother who is now beside her, looking at her with a hard expression on his face. “-wouldn’t fucking allow it! His stupid, little crush made him so protective over you that he begged us to not touch you…”
Amelie’s head is fuzzy once again and she feels like it was possible that Ethan did like her at one point. She still hates him, but Quinn is making her believe that Ethan was genuine at some point of their little relationship. Her eyes can’t stop shifting between Ethan who is looking at her with another unreadable expression and Quinn who looks ready to murder her.
“…In fact, he made us promise him that we wouldn’t. So, I went for Mindy on the train but god, Amie,” the tone in Quinn’s voice is back when she says her name again, like poison in her mouth. Quinn starts smiling at the girl and Amelie can only look at her as she continues, her heartbeat racing faster as she talks. “I could have got you; I could have finally killed you right then and there.”
“But you didn’t,” Amelie says pointedly, a small smirk almost apparent on her face and Quinn visibly doesn’t like that very much as her lip snarls even further. She was about to play with fire, and would it work out for her? Amelie was sure that it wouldn’t, but she saw her chance to take power back from Quinn and she needed to do it. “You backed off like a little bitch, because your little brother told you to.”
“Fuck you!” Quinn screams in her face and reaches forward to stab her knife into Amelie’s shoulder, the same side that Quinn sliced into on the train. Amelie gasps and reaches to hold her shoulder. Ethan yells his sisters name and pulls her shoulder back; he knows she angers easily but he told her not to hurt Amelie. He knew better than to believe that she would listen to him, anyways. They never did get along that well after becoming revenge seeking killers. Tara grabs harder onto Amelie’s arm and pulls her even closer to her and Sam after that.
“You bitch!” Amelie shouts at her as she clutches onto her bleeding shoulder, searing pain shooting throughout her whole left arm. “That’s why you hate me so much? Because Ethan liked me?”
Ethan catches the use past tense in her sentence and wants to cut her off, let her know that he still does like her, so much, but Quinn beats him to it.
“No, you stupid bitch!” Quinn screams at Amelie once again and Amelie can almost feel the heat radiating off of the girl, her anger bright like her hair.
“So, what? You did this as a family?” Sam looks around the three and cuts in. She pulls Amelie closer to her when she notices Quinn step closer to them again.
“Yeah, bitch, you should know better than anyone,” Quinn snarls at Sam and her knife stays pointed out at them, tauntingly.
“They’re still not getting it,” Ethan smiles amusingly and looks at the girls in front of him. Amelie clutches tighter onto her shoulder and blood begins to flow between her fingers holding the wound.
“Getting what?” Amelie asks Ethan. She was still so confused, and she was sure that both the sisters were to at this point. They were hinting at something, clearly their motive, but none of them could figure out what they were talking about.
“Look, I don’t know what you believe, but I didn’t commit those murders in Woodsboro! It wasn’t me!” Sam shakes her head furiously in denial as she tries to defend herself. That was the only possible reasoning that Sam could think of, but they knew that she wasn’t the one to commit those murders.
“No, we know that. Of course, you didn’t, what do you think this is based on? Some bullshit conspiracy?” Bailey replies back to Sam. “Come on, who do you think started those rumors about you in the first place?”
Quinn raises her knife equipped hand as her dad points to her. Amelie lets out a scoff in disbelief that they went that far ahead with their whole plan. The three turn their heads back around to Quinn as she begins to speak.
“Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro, into the villain? How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people, rather than the best?” Quinn shakes violently as she talks.
“Because it’s not enough to just kill someone these days. You have to assassinate their character first, so when dad here, discovers that your horribly mutilated body-“ Quinn takes a teasing jump at Amelie with her knife pointed and she gasps, pushing herself back in defense at the supposed attack. Quinn merely smirks at the girl before letting her brother continue, “-wearing her father’s mask, they’ll say some poor dumb bastard wrote on the internet that you’re the real Ghostface and took matters into their own, diluted hands.”
“You're fucking crazy!” Amelie speaks her thoughts immediately after Ethan finishes, shaking her head in disbelief at his words. He looks down at the girl, hurt at her words, though he expects nothing less. He knows he is hurting her, he expected this, but her reactions still wound him. Amelie couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth, their plan to accuse Sam after they kill her just angering her further.  
“Shut up!” Quinn snaps at the girl. Ethan would be quick to defend his name if it were anyone else insulting him, but he just couldn't find the courage to when it was Amelie. He would let her shit on his name ever single day if that meant she would still talk to him. He would do anything to keep her around, keep her his.
“Exactly! That’s why it’s a perfect alibi. And all the best lies, are based on the truth. You’re a killer-“ Bailey points at Sam, “-just like your father.”
“No, I’m not!” Sam screams furiously at Bailey. Her conscious about her father has bothered her since the day she has found out about him and she was not going to have this psychopath tell her, her worst thoughts.
“And you…” Bailey turns to Amelie and points at her next. “...are going to be Sam’s accomplice, before turning into her next victim-“
“-What the fuck?” Amelie mutters at his ludicrous idea.
“You, still mad about what happened last year to your dad, are blinded by rage and are convinced under Sam’s manipulation to join her. She becomes like her dad and you seek revenge for yours-“
“What the fuck?!” Amelie shouts this time. Sam continues to shake her head beside Amelie and mutters no’s as Bailey talks.
“-before Sam becomes too much like her father, too consumed by the bloodlust, and slices you all up. Just like how your dad died,” Bailey finishes letting the girls know his scheme and Amelie can’t believe that he had planned all of this so far ahead, so thoroughly. She turns to Ethan where he looks both angry and confused. Almost as if this was the first time he heard of this plan, but he has experience in this act. He has done nothing but pretend around her and their friends.
“What are you talking about?” Ethan just about turns and asks his dad. He sounded angry, and he was, because he wasn’t told this plan. He was told the whole part up until Amelie getting killed, becoming like her father. Ethan figured that his dad was keeping something from him this entire time, he was always the least favorite, the least popular, and the disappointment out of the three kids. He’s sure he also wasn’t told about the final touches to the plans because he would do anything in his power to stop them.
“You were going to go along with this? This whole time?!” Amelie faces Ethan, fuming and screams at the boy. She has been waiting to do this, waiting to yell at him and it feels good. Ethan did look like he wasn’t aware of this whole plan, but she wasn’t going to let his facade fool her anymore. “You asked me to tell you about my dad, knowing this was all planned! You’re fucking sick!”
“No, no, I’m not, I swear I didn’t know about that whole plan,” Ethan tries to convince her and shakes his head in denial, but his voice is soft. He glares at his dad as he admits his unawareness, but his dad just gives him the same hard look back. “I did care, I did want to know.”
“Yeah, right,” Amelie scoffs at him, disgusted. “I have trusted you too fucking much this whole time. I can’t fucking believe you.”
Ethan continues to repeat no’s, wanting to prove that he was sincere with her before, but she turns away from him in disgust and looks at Bailey once again. He was loosing her more and more. “No one will believe you, Sam isn’t a murderer!”
“Yes, she is, you motherfucker!” Quinn screams at Amelie and she whips her head around to look at the crazed girl. Quinn turns her head to look at Sam, “you killed our brother!”
Realization dawns on the three girls slowly as the hear Quinn’s words. Amelie begins to realize that Richie, Sam’s boyfriend who turned out to be Amber’s, from last years Ghostface attacks is the brother that Quinn must be referring to. She looks at Ethan and sees the same pained expression painted over his face.
“What? But-but you told us that your brother died in a car accident?“ Tara begins, her eyebrows furrowed as she recalls Quinn's story. Amelie's expression mimics Tara's as she remembers the time she had asked Ethan months ago about his life story, wanting to know all about him. He hesitated and stuttered to begin but eventually told her that he was an only child.
"And you said you had no siblings?"
“No, no, no, you sweet dumb thing-“ Ethan begins, his eyes soft and voice quiet. Yeah, so he did lie to Amelie about his family situation but it wasn't like he could just tell her. He felt bad enough when he did lie to her in the beginning, anyways.
“Don’t fucking call me that,” Amelie cuts him off harshly and she watches as his eyes drop. She knows that if times were different, her heart would have melted at those words coming from Ethan’s mouth, but this was different, and it can never be like that again. It was like there were two different people in Ethan right now. He would be so soft with her, try his best and prove that he was still a good guy, then become all crazed again and hungry for revenge and blood spill.
“He died in Woodsboro,” Ethan continues nonetheless and points his knife at Sam. “At the hands of this bitch.”
“You’re Richie’s family,” It all clicked for Sam and Tara now, and Amelie’s suspicion was confirmed. They were doing this for revenge, avenging their brother and son, Richie, who was killed by Sam back in Woodsboro. Amelie looks between the three and notices their hard faces now. Ethan’s glare, Quinn’s teary eyes and shaky hands, and Bailey’s heartbroken face whose eyes are also wet.
“And you, were Amber’s best friend,” Quinn adds, her voice quivering as she speaks as she points at Amelie once again. Amelie figures that Amber must have been close with their family since she was dating Richie, and looking at Quinn’s glaring eyes, Amelie also figures that she was doing this for Amber as well.
“That’s why you hate me so much?” Amelie asks the girl in realization, her voice almost at a whisper. “You were close with Amber?”
“She was my best friend. And you killed her,” Quinn is so angry at them, so full of hatred, and Amelie almost wants to applaud her for her act she had to put on. “We got along so well after Richie introduced her to us, and we became so close. She told me all about you when you guys first met; how close you two got and how you felt like a sister to her.”
Amelie felt her heart seize at Quinn’s words, her lips quivering just a bit. Amber meant everything to Amelie at one point and she fucking ruined her.
“But she was always a little crazy in the head, and then she found out that you were Dewey’s precious little girl and fuck…” Quinn smiles and her sickening tone reminds her of Amber, back when she finally reveled how she was. She can see how the two got along so well. “…She knew she had to have you.”
Amelie watches Quinn break in front of her and knows she is too far gone for any type of help. She was out to avenge more than just her brother, but also her friend. She was also so angry because her brother had this protection over the girl who she wanted to kill so badly, so she can finally get revenge for Amber.
“And I just knew that since Amber got the privilege of ending your daddy, the only way I could really make up for you killing Amber, was to do the favor of killing you,” Quinn takes a slow, menacing step towards Amelie and the girl takes one step back. Tara and Sam still hold onto the girl and pulled her closer into them. Ethan also takes a step closer to his sister as he watches her advance for the second time tonight, he knows how bloodthirsty his sister is, but he vowed to protect Amelie, and he will. “Avenge her by ending the bitch that killed my best friend and killing the daughter of her greatest kill.”
"Watch it, Quinn," Ethan pipes up, the same warning tone he had earlier. Quinn will not kill her, not on his watch.
"Oh man up, you pussy," Quinn snaps at Ethan, turning for a second to glare over at him.
“You know, I can see how you and Amber were so close, Quinn…” Amelie begins, she feels angry all over again. Quinn looks over at the girl again. Amelie could barely even register the flaming pain in her shoulder from the stab and could only focus on her roommate in front of her. She thought of her dad, and she thought of Wes as she stared at Quinn. “You both were fucking crazy.”
Amelie scoffs and shakes her head at Quinn, a small smirk making a way to her face once more. She glances over at Ethan as well, making sure he knew she was including him in her sentence. She was not going to feel powerless; she was not going to feel scared. These people took and they didn’t care, and she was going to make sure that they knew they would regret doing this to her, to Sam, and to Tara.
“Actually, I can’t believe that we couldn’t see it before; the resemblance between Richie and you guys,” She doesn’t care how mad she was making the killers in front of her right now because she was livid. “You’re all sick in the fucking head, with the same soulless and empty look in your eyes. Just a bunch of fucking pussies.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Quinn screams but the smirk doesn’t falter from Amelie’s face. She is shaking in anger and the sight is almost pleasurable.
“And the best part? You’re gonna die like pussies too; just like Amber and Richie. Because it was us that killed them, you have fucking nothing!” Amelie’s face is red and hot, but she feels fucking good.
It all happens so fast before Quinn lets out a gruelling scream and rushes forward at Amelie, just about sticking her knife back in the stab she caused earlier before Ethan jumped forward and pulls his sister away from Amelie. Amelie screams in shock and pain, the cool blade about to enter her open wound livens the pain. Ethan shoves Quinn to the ground, quickly looking at Amelie and makes sure she is okay. He fucking despised hearing her words, but he was not going to watch his sister lay a hand on her.
During this time, Quinn moans from the ground and Tara grabs onto Sam, pushing them away from the two men who were approaching in closer. Amelie stares at Quinn’s manic face glaring at her brother and pushes herself up as fast as she could, before turning back around to reach Sam and Tara.
Quinn quickly runs around to corner Sam and Ethan reaches his arms out to snatch Amelie when he sees her try to get away. He holds her close to him as his free arm wraps itself around her waist. Amelie tries to push him away but the pain in her shoulder caused her grip to weaken and she fails to prevail. He brings the two to stand opposite his sister, now in front of Tara to trap the two girls between the three of them.
“Let her go!” Tara shouts at Ethan and swings the brick in her hand towards him, making sure she wouldn’t get Amelie. Ethan dodges the swing with the girl still gripped in his arm.
“Now, it wasn’t until I saw the photograph of what you actually done to him, that I knew! I knew you had to fucking die, you had to be punished!” As Bailey talks Sam spins around to make sure Tara is okay and notices Amelie tucked under Ethan’s arm and her eyes widen. “Along with anyone else who stands in our way.”
Amelie watches as Quinn approaches Sam with her bloody knife, holding it up to her neck. “There she is. There’s the fucking killer.”
“Real great parenting job, by the way,” Tara says sarcastically, looking at Bailey before she is shoved by Quinn. “Shut your whore fucking mouth!”
Tara and Sam fall down the step and stumble back to the spot they were standing in before. Ethan still holds onto Amelie tightly as she squirms in his hold, hitting his arm and pleading for him to let her go. He brings them over to stand behind Quinn, so they are facing all the people in the theatre.
“Have I been a perfect dad? No. Have I maybe over-indulged Richie’s love with these movies? Yeahh, maybe,” Bailey begins again as she looks at Sam. “For me, they are just a little dark. But Richie really loved them…”
Amelie watches as Bailey talks and begins to make his way up the stairs. She continues to squirm in Ethan’s hold, the pressure of his arm hurting her shoulder even more and she gasps out heavy breathes. “Ethan, Ethan, please.”
“I can’t, Amie, I can’t let you go. You will run away,” Ethan whispers from behind her and she can feel him shake his head. No shit I would run away, she thinks. His face falls and he looks to be in pain for doing this to her, but he needs her to know that he won’t hurt her.
“Please, Ethan, please,” She continues to plead as a sob escape from her mouth. "If you ever cared about me you wouldn't do this."
She can feel his hold loosen on her at her words before he tightens his arms again, almost snapping out of his moment of falter. He shakes his head, whispering in her ear, "Amie, I did care and I still do. That is why I am doing this."
"No, no, Ethan, please," Amelie sobs, squinting her eyes shut as tears continue to fall.
“-a very special bond, between a father and his first son,” Amelie zones back in when she hears Bailey solemnly utters the words, looking at the screen that plays one of Richie’s films. Amelie feels Ethan grow rigid behind her and can guess that it was his father’s choice of words. She wants to feel for him, understand that Ethan may be feeling the pain of being the underrated son, but she knows that he did this by choice, and he can’t be completely sane if he is doing this. Ethan’s arm remains tight around her, but his movement stopped. She quits squirming in his arms, though she still remains afraid of what he might do. She notices his right hand grip the knife pointing at Sam, tighter.
She can hear Bailey go on about how the theatre was made for Richie, he put it in the names of Greg and Jason before killing them, and that this is the place that they, mainly Sam, need to die and suffer for what they did. Amelie can feel Ethan getting riled up again at his dad’s words and knows she needs to try again and escape from his grip.
“Oh, so pathetic,” Sam whispers. Amelie lifts one of her hands and places it on the top of Ethan’s that is wrapped around her waist. She hesitantly places her fingers through his and she can feel his grip loosen, probably shocked by her actions.
“Yeah, your son. Who was a man-baby, who made his girlfriend do all the killing.”
Amelie pulls their hands down slightly to now rest on the front of her stomach but doesn’t loosen the grip on their hands, so Ethan doesn’t freak out.
“He was a strong, feral young man.” Amelie can’t help but worry for Sam as she continues to talk. Bailey starts shaking more as she does and the gun in his grip looks ready to fire.
“He was a limp dick, little fuck who cried before I slit his throat.” Sam smirked.
“Shut the fuck up!” Quinn screams once again and Amelie takes this as her chance while Ethan is distracted. She grabs their hands and pulls his arm away from her body, spinning her out of his grip, throwing his arm back to his body, and right in front of a fuming Quinn. Her eyes widen, thinking that maybe she was safer in Ethan’s arms as Quinn’s blade enters her stomach.
“No!” Ethan yells as his eyes travel to where Quinn holds her knife in Amelie’s stomach. The girl can hear both Tara and Sam yell out behind her, but all she can feel is the warmth of her blood trail down her abdomen.
“Gotchya, bitch,” Quinn smirks as she twists the knife and Amelie screams in pain. Tara rushes up and swings the brick in her hand at Quinn’s face, causing the girl to fall onto the girl and spit up blood and teeth. Amelie can hear gunshots ring out and looks ahead of her to where Kirby stands with her gun, aiming for Bailey. She pants and whimpers in pain, attempting to push herself forward and away from the group, where she falls on her knees and grips the handle of the knife to pull it out of her stomach.
“Ahh!” Amelie screams as she loosely holds the handle. She tries to flip herself over onto her butt and leans back against one of the displays behind her. She places her other hand on her bleeding stomach and notices Tara rush up to her.
“Amie, are you okay?” Tara spits out and looks behind her face and wound. Amelie tries to nod at the girl and notices that two of the Ghostfaces are on the ground, while Ethan looks at her with panic in his eyes. He turns to Kirby and runs at her.
“We need to go,” Amelie pants to Tara and the girl helps her get up. One of her arms slung over Tara’s shoulder and the other gripping onto her stomach. Tara brings them to the ladder leading up to the balcony of the theatre and pushes Amelie to get her to climb.
“C’mon, Amie you got this,” Tara says behind her and ushers her up the ladder, following close behind.
“This is fucking hard,” Amelie pants out again, her face contorted in pain as she tries to push herself up the ladder further. Her grip is weak and shaky, but she manages to push herself up to the top, letting her fall back to her knees once she reaches the floor. Amelie looks down and sees Sam stab at Ethan profusely, a mix of emotions flowing through her. Her mouth opens as she stares at the scene, watching the boy she has come to love get brutally injured. She wants to be able to talk to him, to see what was real and what wasn’t, but she also knows that he wants them dead. Well, maybe just Sam and Tara specifically.
Sam manages to climb up to them and Tara pulls Amelie back up onto her feet so they can move. Tara pushes Amelie to stand in between Sam and her and the three girls attempt to climb across the obstacles and railings along the side of the balcony to get further up top. Amelie goes to copy Sam’s movements and step across the balcony rail to land on the floor, but her shaky foot slips on the edge when she hears another gunshot ring, and she falls down the side. Luckily, she manages to grab onto the rail with her bloody hands but screams when she feels the stretch of her stab wound being pulled due to her body hanging. She looks down and sees Ethan below her, almost waiting for her to fall and a sob escapes her mouth. She looks back up to the sisters and her bloody hand slips from the rail.
“I-I can’t hold on,” Amelie cries out and the two girls reach forward to grab onto her hands.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Sam repeats as she looks at Amelie in panic. She can’t let Amelie fall, she won’t because she can’t give them the chance of killer her.
“Hold on, Amie, you can do it,” Tara cries out as her hands continue to slip through theirs.
“C’mon, Amie, come down!” Ethan shouts manically from below her and another wave of fear runs up her spine at his voice. "I promise i won't hurt you!"
“Fuck you!” Amelie screams down at him, tears falling past her face at the panic striking through her body.
Amelie turns her head to the side when she notices both Tara and Sam look in that direction. She sees Quinn had made her way up to the balcony and is slowly advancing her way to the girls, her knife scraping against the metal bars as she passes them. Amelie turns back to the girls, eyes wide open with panic.
“Let me go,” She whispers. Both Tara and Sam widen their eyes at her words and shake their head.
“No, no, no, no way,” Sam repeats as her grip on Amelie’s hand tightens.
“Sam, you have to let me go,” Amelie repeats as she notices Quinn approaching even closer to the girls. She looks back down to where Ethan stands and sees his eyes never strayed from her dangling body. She looks back up and into Sam’s eyes, “Ethan won’t hurt me.”
“Amie, he’s the fucking killer,” Tara says to her, face contorted in shock and panic.
“You-you heard Quinn, he won’t hurt me, okay? You have to trust me,” Amelie rushes her words, knowing they don’t have much time left. She looks at the knife that Tara grabbed from her earlier and the girl passes it back to Amelie with her spare hand. Sam nods at Amelie and let’s go of her one hand holding onto them.
Amelie yells as she falls down, her eyes squinting shut in fear of landing flat on the ground. She peels them open when she doesn’t feel the hard floor, but a pair of arms wrap around her body. Ethan holds her, eyes wide open as he caught her from falling on the ground. She pushes him back after realizing who it was and holds the knife clutched in her hand tighter, pointing it out in front of her.
“No, no, I won’t hurt you, okay? I promise,” Ethan looks at her with pleading eyes and hands out in front of him to prove to her, in a way.
“Why?!” Amelie cries to him. Ethan looks in her eyes and he looks like he could be sorry, but she knew better than to believe him. “Was any of it actually real?!”
“Yes, Amie, I swear it was,” Ethan’s voice is so soft, he needs her to know that he was real about this all, everything with her. “I have liked you so much, since I first met you, and I knew that I couldn’t hurt you. I couldn’t let you get hurt.”
“But you did!” Amelie shouts at him and then points to her chest where the bandage she had is currently peeling off. She knew better than to believe that shitty excuse of him being at econ. “You did this me! You were the one at the apartment!”
“I was, okay? I was, but I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Ethan shakes his head as he tries to defend himself. “I had to do it, to prove to my dad that I wasn't useless and that he could actually be proud of-"
"Oh, save me your fucking sob story! What, you had to prove to your dad that you were worthy? Worthy of killing your fucking friends, people who trusted you?!" Amelie shouts at Ethan, her eyes hard and she notices his teeth grind at her words, his jaw feathering.
"Look, I felt someone pull at my mask and I-I couldn’t let that happen. So, I just swung, and I am so, so sorry, Amie. I didn’t want to even touch you that night.”
“You fucking killed Anika!” Amelie screams out. She doesn’t care anymore if he didn’t want to hurt her, he still did. Even if he didn’t mean to stab her, he hurt her when he decided to put that mask on, when he killed her friends.
Ethan can’t find a response in him that he could say to her that would make her hate him less, he meant to kill Anika. He did it on purpose and he knew what he was doing, so he doesn’t feel bad. He only does because it has led to the girl he likes, hating him because of it.
“All those times when you told me to be safe, to not go or leave the apartment, was because you knew what would happen!” A cry leaves her mouth, and her hands shake as she talks. “The only person I needed to be safe from, was you!”
“I did that to protect you!” Ethan shouts back at her, pointedly. Her knife still points at him in protection, but she is visibly weaker than before. Her cries have caused her body to shake, and her wounds have weakened her strength, but she is just so sad and angry that she can’t stop from shouting at Ethan. “Please, Amie, you have to believe me when I say that I never wanted anything bad to happen to you.”
“And you have to believe me when I say that you already have, Ethan” Amelie cries. Her eyes hard as she stares at the boy who once caused her cheeks to flush and heart to flutter, now frigid in fears and sick to her stomach. She can’t help but still think that he can genuinely be a good person, that he could truly be who she thought he once was. His brown eyes so soft when they look into hers and his touch so gentle when he is near her.
"What?" Ethan pauses and looks at her confused. Why the fuck would she be bringing him up right now?
"Dean, Ethan. Is he okay?" Amelie evaluates his expression, trying to gauge how he reacts to her asking about the boy who she still hasn't heard back from. "And was it you in the mask the day I was walking with Dean?"
"Yes," Amelie figured as much, now knowing that Ethan was crazy both in the head and about her.
"Because I needed to make sure that nothing happened with him, that he didn't try anything," Ethan sounds almost ashamed at his confession, but he pushes his shoulders back to at least appear more confident in himself. Just the thought of Dean was irritating him. "When I saw you guys at that party together, god Amie, I was so fucking jealous."
Amelie keeps her expression neutral and doesn't say anything. He was fucking crazy, she knew this by now, but she also couldn't imagine watching the person you love freely be with someone else.
"It was him who got to touch you, who got to kiss you, after just meeting! Fuck, Amie, I wanted it to be me so bad and then we finally got to have that and finally, it was me. And then I knew that you felt the same way, that Dean meant fucking nothing!"
Ethan takes a step towards her and drops his knife to the ground when he notices that she doesn’t back away. She was listening so intently to him, still not giving him any reaction other than her soft gaze.
"So, it was me who called you first as Ghostface but you wouldn't pick up. Though, I don't entirely blame you. You wouldn't answer knowing it was the killer, so I just decided to fuck it, and call you myself. As Ethan this time."
"You just wanted me away from him?" Amelie finally speaks up, her voice quiet.
"I-I guess, I don't know. I saw you two together and-"
"Woah, woah, you were stalking me?" Amelie asks incredulously. She felt shivers down her spine at the idea that Ethan did more than just kill her friends and like her a lot. He potentially watched her without even doing anything.
"What? No! No!" Ethan rushes out, his eyes wide in panic at Amelie's insinuations. Guess he should have cleared that up first. "I was on campus, too, and then I saw you about to start heading home. I was going to come up to you, but Dean got there first. So, i just watched from a distance."
Amelie falls quiet again, her shoulders relaxing only slightly at Ethan's response. She feels a bit more relieved, knowing that it at least only happened once.
"I have only ever cared for you, Amie, I promise. I know it is so selfish but I just wanted you to myself. After you kissed me, I realized you must have felt the same. From then, I wanted to prove to you that it can only be me. That I am a good person, that you can trust me."
Amelie needs to sit the fuck down. This mans change in demeanour was throwing her for a loop. He was brutal, ready to kill her his friends, but treated her like she was a delicate piece of glass. Maybe he was telling her the truth, there was no way he would go this far with the act if he wasn't.
“Ethan!” Bailey shouts from behind him. The boy turns to his father and Amelie looks at him as well, her knife staying in spot. “She can’t live, son.”
“I know, dad,” Ethan replies and turns to look at the girl. Her eyes widen when she realizes that he must have been faking it all along and takes a step back, trying to distance herself once more. “Go! I will deal with her.”
At that Bailey looks at his son hesitantly, knowing how much his son wanted to protect Amelie, remembering how many times he had pleaded to him to leave her alone, and when the time comes, he will deal with it himself. So, Bailey listens and begins to find a way up to where Quinn and the sisters are.
“What the fuck?” Amelie shouts at him, so angry thinking that he just lied to her and was going to do as he said for his father. "You were fucking lying!"
“I just said that, Amie. I needed him to leave,” Ethan lowers his voice as he replies, not wanting his dad to get the chance to hear him. He takes a step closer once more and holds his hands out in front of him to show her that he wasn’t hiding anything. “I promise I haven’t lied to you, not once have I today.”
Amelie bites her lip as it starts to quiver, looking to see if Ethan wasn’t telling the truth. When she looks around him to notice that he doesn’t have any weapon hidden on him, and his eyes appear to be truthful, she nods. Ethan sees her come to an acceptance and takes one more step closer to her. He grabs her wrist that is holding out the knife and slowly brings it down to her side. His other hand places itself onto her bicep of the arm that Quinn stabbed and gently holds onto it.
Amelie continues to shake in her spot but makes no move to push him away, too convinced that Ethan wouldn’t actually hurt her. She moves her gaze down to where his hand meets her wrist and sees the knife still clutched in it. The boy himself doesn’t quite know what he is trying to do, he knows that she won’t ever be able to look at him the same way again. He also doesn’t know if either of them are actually going to make it out of this theatre tonight, but if this is the last moment the two of them will ever have with each other then he needed it to be peaceful and genuine.
His right hand that rests on her arm brings itself up to tuck strands of her hair behind her ear and rests his palm on the side of her head. Amelie lets him get close but makes no move to place her hands or arms on the boy in front of her.
“I am so sorry, Amie,” Ethan whispers down at the girl, his hand holding the side of her face and neck so gently. Tears escape her eyes when she lifts her head to meet his gaze. He looks so sad, and she is sure that she looks no different. Amelie knows that this moment can’t last for much longer, and that the both of them won’t be able to walk out of this theatre alive. Even if they did, she wouldn’t be able to look at him the same way ever again, only a killer and a traitor.
“Ethan,” Amelie tries to talk but only manages to sob out. She shakes her head as her body shudders with her cries. Her heart aches, feeling a pain that she is sure will only hurt more as she stands here with Ethan holding her.
“It’s okay, Amie-“
“-No, no, no,” she tries to interrupt, her voice cracking as she speaks, and tears get caught in her mouth.
“It’s okay-“ Ethan tries to plead to her again. His hand on her wrist raising to place itself on the other side of her face.
“No, it’s not!” Amelie shouts at the boy, cutting him off. Ethan looks down at her, stunned and sad. He would do anything to have her look at him the same way she did just a day ago, anything. Because after everything he has done for his family and for his brother, it doesn’t feel worth it. Not when she looks so heartbroken, not when he jeopardized the one greatest thing he had in his life, not when his dad is not even as proud of him as he had yearned for him to be. But he was too far gone, he didn’t dislike killing his friends and he hated that it made him feel good. He is so crazy and so delusional, he truly believes that just because he wants to protect Amelie from being killed, it’s enough to save who he is and make Amelie feel okay about all of this.
Amelie is so full of emotions; she doesn’t even know where to begin. Sam had told her earlier that day, and she believed every word: they were going to kill these Ghostface’s, and they were going to live. Amelie also knows that the time is ticking and as much as she wants to believe that sane part of Ethan that is left, she can’t. He killed Anika, he killed Chad, he has been part of this fucked up plan to kill her friends and eventually her, despite what he says. God, she left him with Mindy, too, and she can only hope with any part left in her that Mindy is still okay and safe.
So, Amelie raises herself onto her toes and pushes her head closer to his. Ethan, taking the chance while he can, leans into her as well. Longing to feel her lips against his just one more time, longing to feel that sense of peace he received when he was so close to her. Just as Amelie lets her lips graze his, she takes her hand that is still clutched onto the knife and pushes it forward into Ethan’s stomach. He pulls his face back stunned, eyes wide and betrayal stricken on his face. His hands fall back down to his sides and he looks down to where her hand is connected to his torso, then back up at her face. He can’t find any words to say to her or find the ability to fight back, he deserves this. He deserves every bit of this for causing her so much pain, for ruining the once chance he could have had to go back and take back his decision of being Ghostface.
“What a fool,” Amelie stares in his eyes, hers have stopped leaking and a snarl has made a way onto her lips. She needed to do this, she was so angry at him and what her and her friends have been put through these past couple of days. She twists the knife in his gut, and he lets out a gasp. Blood begins flowing out of him and covers her hand. “That’s for Anika.”
She retracts the knife and Ethan takes his chance, attempting to take a step back away from her but she only takes her knife, swings it up, and stabs down into his shoulder. Ethan lets out a shout of pain and falls down to his knees. “For Chad.”
She pulls the knife out of his pin-cushioned body and drags the tip of her knife down from the cut she made on his shoulder to the end of his collarbone. Her face is red in anger, and she can’t quite believe she has brought herself to do this, but she was so tired. She needed to do this for too many reasons, and the mere fact that she even had a list to begin with was enough to set her off. She watches as Ethan screams out in pain from the injuries she is inflicting onto him, but he can’t hurt her. He said he wouldn’t, and he won’t. So, he takes it and lets her do what she needs to do. He knew neither of them were going to make it out, and if that meant him at the hands of her, he was okay with that. He was always ready to die for her, even if that meant that it was from her hands.
Once Amelie reaches the end of his collarbone, she lifts the knife from his skin and looks at his broken eyes. “That was for me.”
“I-I’m s-s-so sorry,” Ethan is chocking on his blood, but he needed her to know. Amelie wants to feel bad for what she is doing to him, but she keeps getting reminded of what he has done, and what he has become a part of. This was for her dad, for her aunt, for Gale, for him becoming part of what took her family from her. With his mouth open and blood dripping out of it, he tries to talk over the searing pain. "Please, Amie."
He wasn't quite sure what he was begging her for, neither was she. Amelie was just overcome with an immense feeling of pleasure seeing Ethan like this; on his knees, begging her.
Amelie shouts and raises her knife back up and into his mouth, stuck into his throat. Blood now flows out of his mouth like a waterfall and as grossed out as she is from the warm mix of saliva and blood, she feels her shoulders drop. “Now die a fucking virgin.”
Amelie lets a sob rack through her body as she watches the life slip from his face and is about to pull the knife out of the boy’s mouth but is only able to let a scream rip through her mouth.
“Amie!” She can hear Sam and Tara shout from above, but she can only focus on the knife that just entered her back. Ethan stares at her one last time with wide eyes, just catching what happened to her before he drops to the ground.
“I believe this is what Amber did to your dad, right?”
Detective Bailey pulls the knife out of her back and kicks her to the ground where she falls face first and onto her stomach, just missing Ethan’s body in front of her. Quinn, from above, tauntingly laughs as she watches the events taking place just below her. The two sisters watch with their eyes wide open, tears streaming down their face as they just watched their best friend, their sister, get stabbed. She was now bleeding from either side of her torso.
Amelie can only feel an abundance of pain as she attempts to crawl forward, her hands desperately gripping at the floor beneath her to push forward with her fingertips.
“You just took my last son from me,” Wayne says standing behind her, venom laced in his words. “He cared about you so much, too bad you also had to go.”
Wayne leans down and swings his knife, stabbing the side of Amelie’s right thigh. She tries to let another scream rip through her throat, but it cracks to no end, and only a sob comes out. Her head lulls to the side and onto the cold floor as she watches the man leave the knife in her leg, and actually disappear upstairs this time. She can hear the sounds around her, the screams, the gunshots, the glass breaking, but it is so faint and she can’t bring herself to lift her head or attempt to get up. She is in so much pain that she can almost not even feel the throbbing in her shoulder, her stomach, her back, or her leg anymore. The only thing she can eventually make out is the reflection of fire project onto the white sheet and she does everything to try and keep her eyes open. She can’t close them; she knows that if she does, she may not make it and her worst fear will come true; she will become part of this shrine and part of the legacy.
Amelie isn’t sure how much time passes before she realizes it is becoming significantly harder to breathe. All she does know is that she feels a twitch at her hand and a clothed hand grab onto her fingers. She assumes its Ethan’s and can’t express her shock that he is still alive. She nearly feels relieved that he is still there to hold her hand through it all, but also scared that he has managed to make it through.
The girl tries to tilt her head slightly when she sees two figures make their way to her, and through her blurred vision makes out Tara and Sam who rush down to her.
“C’mon, Amie,” Amelie hears Tara cry.
“Tara, help, let’s try to move her,” Sam says, and Amelie can feel the two girls grab onto her arms gently and the two manage to life her, bringing her to the steps of the stage where they lean her against the bottom step.
“It hurts so bad,” Amelie weakly cries, unable to hold herself up from the stinging in her back. She fears that Wayne may have hit something significantly important when he stabbed her in the back because she can’t find any strength or ability to sit up straight.
“We know, we know, help should be on the way” Tara says as her and Sam sit on either side of her, holding her up and Sam lets Amelie lean against her legs so she can sit upright. Amelie tilts her head back slightly to look back at Sam, “Are they dead?”
Sam nods her head back at the girl and strokes her hair, softly muttering a “yeah.”
“I promise I’m going to get so much therapy after this, I’m serious,” Tara chuckles and looks at Sam. Amelie tries to nod her head in agreement, catching Tara's words. If she makes it.
“We’re gonna get through this,” Tara looks at Sam, then down at Amelie and places a hand on her unhurt shoulder. “Together.”
The three girls turn in shock, Amelie wincing hard as she does so, when they hear a scream and see Ethan charging at them. Suddenly, before he can make his way to the girls in his vengeful rage, he trips on the cord of the broken TV used to kill Stu Macher and the heavy unit falls on his head. Amelie gasps as she watches his body twitch under the TV before it stills.
“Saw that in a scary movie once,” Kirby smiles, revealing herself since she got stabbed earlier by Ethan. The three girls turn to her, also relieved that she is okay. Amelie looks ahead when she hears metal clinking and sees police begin to bust through the door, Amelie smiles once she sees them and feels her head fall to the side, onto Sam’s thigh. Sam looks down when she feels the weight on her leg and her eyebrows furrow.
“Amie?” Sam questions the girl and nudges her head with the hand that was already on it, previously stroking her hair. When the girl below her doesn’t move, she calls again, “Amie?!”
“Help, we need help!”
Amelie can hear, but she can’t see or speak. She only feels weak and lets the darkness behind her eyelids trick her into the peace. The voices and yells coming from her friends begin to sound hollow and all she can focus on is that fact that she doesn’t feel pain, not as bad as she did before. For once, her head is quiet and her shoulders don’t feel like there are a ton of boulders weighing them down. She finally found solace and a breath of fresh air. She was free from this curse, free from the all the noise that wouldn’t leave her head since the moment she learned her life would forever be different, last year. Amelie wasn’t sure if she was dead, or even dying, just that she was comfortable in the state she was in. What she does know, is that she is okay. That she managed to kill the boy who she came to love, and that the other two who were ruining her life, are dead. That Sam and Tara were okay, that they were going to walk out of this place all okay.
If she makes it out alive is still a question to her, but the endless darkness that surrounds her eyes finally makes her feel okay. She did what she could, and although she took a lot, she knows that her dad would be so proud of her, and that Ethan died sorry to her.
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taddymason · 11 months
One shot of Kaida and Noah (from @finn-m-corvex)!! This au has possessed my mind and made me really want to write something after reading Finn's amazing one shot. Chronologically this would be a continuation (not relevant, but at least in this one Jay hasn't recovered his memories).
I will publish the next chapter of Lighting Pin soon, these weeks I have been with exams and for some reason the third chapter has been quite heavy to write.
(also sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language!)
Words: 2.9k
TW: implied child abuse.
Living in the monastery is weird. Kaida feels like an outsider and that sucks.
It's weird because there are times she's too aggressive to let her guard down for a fucking second and stop yelling at any of these people. It's weird because sometimes she allows herself to stop and think about how screwed the Administration was with the rest of the world, that these kids here weren't ordered to kill from a young age or that they've never washed someone else's blood under their fingernails. That there are things that she thought were normal and when she says them out loud she realizes that they were not.
Sometimes she feel like a rabid dog that just wants to bite something and not let go, she feel like if any of them talk to her the first thing they will say will be an insult or something hurtful. She is angry at how things have changed, that her father is no longer hers, that there is no normality to return to because there never was one.
And when Tessa tells her how her father treated her and Noah, that anger doesn't diminish. Not when she knew every word was true.
It was hard to process… that. Especially when her Jay would probably set the world on fire before letting something bad happen to her. When he preferred to stay in the Administration despite all the bad things that happened there, the bad things that they had to do in their job, just so as not to lose her.
They had never talked about it, she didn't even know how he would react if she told him, but she was sure that the reason the Administrator had let him adopt her was solely so that he would stay there. Have two elemental masters nearby. It had worked well she supposed.
After her training, she enters the monastery dining room once she saw that it was partially clear. Only Noah was there, lying on an couch reading a book with complete concentration. She didn't have as much trouble talking to him compared to the others. He was calm in a way the others weren't and he wasn't actively trying to make her angry like Jenna.
"What are you reading?" She asks, raising her voice, a few steps behind the couch where he was.
She had been trying to talk to them more, to build a relationship that wasn't based on her speaking sarcastically to them, to be more empathetic as Jay liked to say. It was an effort, but she felt like she should at least try.
The boy looks up, startled by her presence, smiling friendly in a rather familiar way as he gestures to his book.
“Hey, Kaida! I was working on some ideas for a future project. You want to see?" He says in a kind and jovial voice. It was quite difficult for her to believe how he and Tessa could be so calm, have so much patience with what they had had to suffer. How could they make it look so easy? She supposed it was something that came with having siblings.
Kaida nods somewhat uncertainly, and he holds out the book for her to see, a few scribbles and paragraphs of engineering terminology written on the pages that seemed to be some time old.
She can't help but roll her eyes while huffing. She shouldn't be surprised that half of them were so passionate about inventing. “A mech. You really like these mechanical things, huh?”
Noah raises an eyebrow curiously, not responding to the mockery. “Do you know how to read Ninjargon?” She nodded vaguely with disinterest as she continued searching through the notes for some idea similar to a weapon or a ship. "I had no idea. Although it makes sense I guess…”
She didn't miss the way his tone fell at the end. It was easy to read between the lines. Hoping it wouldn't show, she clears her throat. “Yeah, actually, I have quite a collection of books from here. They are better than any shit from the Administration. Especially the animal ones.”
His face lights up with a smile, he brushes away the blue locks that fell from his forehead as he sits up slightly. "I also like them a lot! What’s your fav-?”
His tone is suddenly cut off when a voice interrupts him from behind them.
“Hey, kiddo.”
Both she and Noah turned their gaze toward the door. Jay enters at a brisk pace while giving her a half smile. She doesn't miss the way Noah tenses next to her at the sound of his voice.
That moves something red and burning in her chest and she pushes it down, remembering Tessa's words. She couldn't blame them.
“Hi, old man.” Kaida waves mockingly, hoping the worried look she gives the boy next to her wasn't obvious. It seemed like he could run away at any moment.
“How was your training?” he asks and she's grateful that in that moment he keeps his distance and doesn't get too close to where they were. She felt stupid for not realizing why sooner, but Noah never liked being in the same room with him for long.
Kaida glances at him carefully, gauging his withdrawn expression before turning to Jay as she takes a few steps forward.
“Well, I still insist that target practice is better.” She jokes, although she actually meant it half seriously. She wasn't used to fighting for so long without using a weapon or her powers, physical strength had never been one of her advantages. The fights had to end quickly in her opinion.
But she had also been able to talk to Tessa more, which ultimately must have been something.
Jay laughs softly while rolling his eyes. “If you want, early tomorrow we can do target practice in the yard.”
She smiles. “Don't you think the green one would be against that idea?”
He frowned half defensively as he snorted arrogantly. “Well, he's not my leader.” And that's when he scans the room, paying attention to the boy on the couch for the first time. Jay's gaze lingered on Noah for a moment, no doubt noticing the boy's rigid posture, the way he had deliberately turned his eyes to his book, how he avoided looking at him or making the slightest sound whenever he spoke.
His brow furrows slightly, and for a few seconds, he opens his mouth as if he wants to say something, struggling with the words with a slurred sound.
However, in the end he just sighs dejectedly and mutters a few words under his breath.
“Let me know if you need anything.” He murmurs, keeping his voice deliberately calm. His hand absentmindedly pats her shoulder as he passes, giving the other teen one last look before he leaves.
She nods firmly, waiting for him to leave the room before turning around and walking over to where the other boy was. He was hunched over, his black hair completely covering his eyes as he read his old book. Although it seemed more like he was glaring at the pages more than reading them.
"Hey." She calls, attracting his attention. Kaida took a deep breath before saying. “You don't have to be afraid of him, you know. He’s not going to hurt you.”
Noah frowns with a small inhale, his mouth opening and closing a few times as he lowers his gaze. His fingers absentmindedly run through the pages of his notebook.
“It's… complicated, Kaida.” He whispers, almost as if he was preparing for her to fight and argue like he had with Tessa. His body was so stiff that he was practically shaking as he crumpled in place. “I don't think you understand. You don’t want to hear about this.”
She didn't really want to hear about it, what Tessa had said had been too much. She might as well have taken that as a sign to continue on her way and mind her own business.
But she didn't want them to continue being afraid of Jay either. Especially when he could definitely tell, and she already knew he was dealing with too much shit right now.
Instead of leaving, she makes a sympathetic face, hesitating for a moment before sitting down in one of the other chairs. Her hands clenching together as she absentmindedly pulled at her cuticles.
“Tessa told me about your timeline.” she murmurs, trying not to make her voice sound as sharp or harsh as she felt. She had noticed that he didn't like it when she and Jay spoke loudly, which was all the time because they were both terrible at speaking softly. Noah's gaze clears with understanding and wonder as he sits up straighter. “I'm sorry about what happened to your parents.”
He seems to bite his tongue and his own voice, running a hand through his hair several times between slow breaths.
“He never tried to be my father.” He says in a heavy voice, slurring his words. His tone is calm, however, there's more resignation than anger than she expected and she didn't know what to do about. “All he did was… make things worse. For me and Tessa. He didn't even care when he hurts us or-“ he cuts himself off as he shook his head in regret. "No, I'm sorry. You don’t want to hear this, kid.”
She frowns, trying to think clearly as she spoke. “If you want to talk about it, I can handle it.” Her eyes dart back in the direction Jay had gone before looking back at him. “Jay is not like that. He wouldn’t hurt you, much less want you to be afraid of him.”
He shakes his head slightly. “I just don't think I'm ready to give him that chance.”
Kaida took a deep breath as she bit her lip nervously. She knew he wasn't winning any awards for emotional talks and she appreciated the infinite patience this boy had in handling her pathetic attempt.
“Look- Noah, I'm telling you this, because I know how you feel.” she explains, the words something bitter that she spits into the air with difficulty. “I know what it's like to be… scared like that.”
He looks at her uneasily, looking her up and down intensely. Looking genuinely confused as he cleared his throat with halting words. "How?"
“It wasn't Jay, if that's what you think.” she assures with a rigid tone. The scars on her eyebrow stung with a burning sensation, the memory of the grip of a gun crossing the air, and she absentmindedly scratches them as she looked away.
She hears him sigh in relief before starting to speak. "But then, what-"
She cuts him off with a sharp sigh, speaking quickly as she waved a hand in the air.
"I, um, I grew up in an orphanage, you know? And it was a military orphanage, so it was double shit." "She explains, clicking her tongue between the pauses in her words. As if she had a mouth full of cotton." "They trained us to be agents. Soldiers." She could hear him swallowing hard, swallowing whatever words he wanted to say, but he doesn't speak. “And the people there didn't treat the children well. We were supposed to be tough and disciplined. They did not tolerate mistakes and they had their… methods to make us obey them.”
Noah looked at her intensely the same way Jay did when she said things like that. When she was a fucking mess who bit the hand of anyone who came near, when her first instinct for any mistake was to run because she didn't know what the punishment would be.
She can imagine what it must be like for Tessa and Noah and it doesn't help her calm the knot of anger that coils in her throat and chest. It was one thing for the stupid Administration guards to give her a scar on her face because of her intelligent mouth, but for their father to do things like that to them? That made her stomach turn.
She makes a sudden gesture with her hand, trying to downplay it, so that it doesn't show how much that look affects her. “I'm just saying, I'm still- I'm still dealing with it. Being distrustful of people. Or- “she takes a breath before continuing. "-being afraid all the time."
Noah purses his lips, his face pale as he rubs his eyes, a tired expression that underlines everything he has endured. “Kaida, I-“
"I just want you to know that Jay helped me with that. It didn't matter if I was practically a burden, or if I was too screwed up not to get upset over the smallest thing-" Noah frowned as if to interrupt her, but she continued. "What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be afraid of him. He's never laid a hand on me. And I know he wouldn't do it to you either."
He is silent for a moment before speaking. “It's just… it's harder than it looks. It's too much. For me and Tessa. It doesn’t help that he- well, he doesn’t even remember Nya or the others.”
Kaida grimaces, rubbing her hands restlessly. “Yeah, I don't think I'm helping with that.”
Noah frowns immediately as he shakes his head a few times again. "It's not your fault."
“Yeah, but I'm not making it any easier either, right?” she snorts harder than she intended. It takes her a moment to catch her breath again between her teeth. Noah looks at her attentively and not for the first time, she wondered where he got the desire to stay and listen to what she had to say. She wasn't good at this. She clears her throat, eyes closed. “I don't want to pressure you to see him as- you know. Just give him a chance. And, uh-” her tone stumbles stiffly and struggles to keep her words steady and not shake pathetically. “I want you to know that you can talk to me about these things if you want, not just with Tessa. I can deal with it.”
She opens her eyes to see his expression, Noah, to his credit, just blinks in surprise for a few seconds before nodding. Clearly confused as to whatever peace attempt they're forming here, but taking it at least. There is a softness in his gaze that she cannot decipher and she tries to ignore it as she crosses her arms.
"Alright." She hears him say in a stiff voice and she only nodds once.
"Good." Her fingers drum against the arm of the chair several times for a moment before she clicks her tongue sharply. “Anyway, do you know the story about the claustrophobic astronaut?” She asks in complete seriousness, he looks at her blankly as she waits dramatically in silence. She waits just a second before smiling. “He just needed some space.”
If she had known how he was going to laugh at a joke like that, maybe she would have told one of her stupid puns much sooner. His loud laughter only encourages her own, and soon the red acid burning in the pit of his stomach evaporates like a cloud.
Noah interrupts himself in the middle of his laughter with a firm and intense voice.
"Hey, Kaida, you can talk to me too if you need." He wasn't lying. He makes sure to add emphasis to his words as he leans forward. "And you're not a burden. You know that?"
She doesn't really agree with that, but the way he says it sends something warm and safe in her chest and she doesn't have the strength to contradict him. Instead, she nods vaguely with lost eyes.
He gives her a tentative smile and looks back at his book, although he still didn't seem to be reading the pages. Kaida, once she is sure that no one is approaching, takes courage before speaking.
"Do you want to tell me about any of your inventions?" Her hand vaguely points to the notebook.
His gaze practically glowed as he looked at her with a dumbfounded smile. "Really?"
She shrugs, approaches him less cautiously than before. "I'm sure there must be something good about Ninjago's primitive technology, right?"
He laughs again, not even bothering to respond to her mockery, before delving into complex, technical terms about his inventions at full speed. She stays by his side, still a good distance away, but listens to him attentively while he speaks without even stopping to breathe.
Maybe having a brother wasn't so bad after all.
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