#that man is a prehistoric lizard
dedmau · 2 years
methinks insect would let people tie his hair up in silly styles. he walks out of the ghoulettes room with a mohawk of pigtails and gets called a dinosaur the whole day
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dairy-farmer · 9 days
Did you know the little kid in Jurassic Park is named Tim!! Curious, knowledgeable about dinosaurs, great at survivability
Timmy’s parents get invited to Jurassic Park for their archaeology skills and investments in Ingen, the corporation. While Mathematician Dick (he went to college!) gets invited by a lawyer for the safety certification, he’s also investigating the compound solo.
While touring the area, Dick makes some excuses to break off from the group. Tim, recognizing who he is, clings and follows him. Bringing a kid along wouldn’t make him as suspicious so Dick takes him along.
And the tropical storm came! The powers in the park shut off, everyone is stranded on the island.
Wet and sticky with mud, and with the worry of Tim getting hypothermia. Dick took off their clothes to initiate skin to skin contact with Timmy high up on the treetop! Watching sunrise together.
Tim, in his fizzling mind, thinks that if he’s gonna die, he might as well tell Dick how he discovered his identity, and how to cover his tracks better.
And Dick held off until they’re off the island safely to snatch Tim up!
I love you dairy! Thank you for inspiring me to write, and I love how anons put cute emojis as their identities 🥰
- 🪸
oh my gof ohmygod ohmy god!!! this is so good!!! tim would absolutely know SO much about dinosaurs and everything about them, not only because his parents were archaeologists and stuff but also because it was genuinely so interesting to him!!
as a kid jurassic park was basically a nightmare inducing horror film more than anything. but dick ending up on the island because it is shady of the highest degree, in order to investigate it and meeting little tim drake who KNOWS who he is and is on a visit with his parents because they're investing in this future theme park.
the whole man vs nature survival with dick trying to protect and make it off the island with tim is SOO good especially if tim ends up helping save them more than once because he has an encyclopedic knowledge of the dinosaurs made, add in the subtle horror of the fact that the dinosaurs aren't actually "dinosaurs" they're just mashes of broken dna with snake, lizard, and whatever else the genetics company wanted. dick needing to figure of a way off the island once they realize that the dangerous exhibit animals have gotten loose and all the power on the island is completely gone. all of dick's equipment to call in for reinforcements and help are in his room because he was just going to be taking pictures and uploading them to a file because this was just supposed to be a light cover operation.
and all dicks, weapons, equipment, comm, and radio are stored in the lining of his suitcase which was behind a heavy, metal, automatic lock which needed electricity to open. he remembering their tour guide bragging about how the facility had state of the art security while showing how every single door on the facility was powered by electricity.
the island has a generator located in the middle of the park, miles away from the power station because apparently whoever designed the station was a moron who favored aesthetics over functionality of the infrastructure.
so dick has to somehow protect himself and tim while they turn the power back on and then get back to the welcome center so he can call for help all while avoiding prehistoric predators who can literally smell the sweat on their bodies.
just the absolutely stress and fear of dick in the survivalist scenario, trying to protect this sweet kid who has looked up to him for years, while navigating the capitalist hellscape of a literal prehistoric theme park built by asshole billionaires
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pizzatowerepisodes · 25 days
The Invention of Pizza
This episode takes place in prehistoric times, following all of the ancestors of the main cast. Peppinogg is sick of everyone dining on nothing but stones and grass and wants to come up with something different. So he scavenges for other food and creates dough from what he finds. However, he is mocked by the prehistoric village because the dough is way less nutrias than stones and grass. However, Ugstavo reassures Peppinogg that he’s onto something and needs some time to think about it.
That night, Peppinogg dreams up a doughy flat dish that consists of tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, sausages, and pineapples. When he wakes up the next day, he sees this as a vision to improve his dish. Mr Branch gives him and Ugstavo a slab rock of a map showing where different types of food can be located. Peppinogg feels regret as the areas look dangerous, but the other two encourage him to keep going so they can have this wonderful dish.
The first stop is a field of tomatoes. Peppinogg is quick to encounter the mighty Peppersaurus Rex who owns the area. They try standing still, but the rex instantly states that the trick doesn’t work. They run from the rex until they find a cave, where Peppinogg notices the walls are covered with different colored food. He admits it’s a nice way of making the cave look less dull, to which the rex overheard and is flattered by their praise. Apparently, the most ferocious aspect of this dinosaur is his ego. Alas, he feels like his creativity is held back by the limits of painting with tiny arms. Ugstavo rips a huge clump of hair off himself and ties it to a stick, creating a paintbrush. With the rex happy, he lets the gang leave with the tomatoes as a thank-you present.
To find the cheese they get to a field of cowceratops, however, they discover that it’s owned by a frilled lizard who goes by Vig. They’re not initially threatened by him until he spits venom. He insists that scavengers don’t get the luxury of cheese, they must earn it themselves. Peppinogg goes to milk the cows, which despite the numerous kicks in the face he gets done due to his persistence. Ugstavo uses himself as a sponge to wash all of the cows. And Branch has to do… the dirtiest work. With everything done, Vig lets them keep the cheese that they’ve earned.
The next stop is the mushrooms grown in a mountainous area, but a giant sabertooth rat is blocking the only way there. Branch and Peppinogg try fighting back but the rat is unbothered as it keeps eating mushrooms. However, he notices the smell of cheese and is fascinated by it. Ugstavo gives him a sample and the rat quickly falls in love. Ugstavo promises him more cheesy treats if he helps. The rat decides to befriend the little hairy man and join the team. They call the rat “Rock”
With over half their ingredients, Peppinogg is optimistic as they journey to retrieve the sausages. They get to a jungle that's home to a huge colony of monkeys called Noisimians, which have an infamous reputation for their wild and dangerous personalities. The sausages in the area are created by slicing off their own tails and shaving them with rocks, though their tails do regrow it doesn’t make them seem any less barbaric. Peppinogg warns the gang that despite their previous encounters, Noisimians cannot be reasoned with and they have to be careful. They agree to split into two teams so they can sneak around the jungle and obtain the sausages. Peppinogg and Branch barely make it to the hoard of sausages but are taken back as Ugstavo strolls into a populated crowd and asks for the sausages politely. The Noisimians notice the other two cavemen and quickly dogpile them.
The episode cuts to the cavemen and Rock tied up while they're pelted by food. Peppinogg rightfully tells off Ugstavo for going against the plan as they await their fate. The primates are excited as the alpha arrives, a blue Noisimian leaf crown. He licks his lips and holds a knife and fork as he’s about to dine on this luxurious meal. However, a yellow Noisimian runs towards the center and argues with the alpha. He proceeds to swipe the crown and put it on his own head, wanting to be the new alpha. The blue and yellow Noisimians begin a brawl as the rest watch on in excitement. While everyone’s distracted, Branch struggles out of the vines he was tied in and frees everyone else. As they run away from the distracted crowd, a female pink Noisimian with long ears smiles and waves, calling at them. This catches the attention of the other monkeys who stop their fight to chase the cavemen.
A big chase scene commences as the four heroes have to outrun and outsmart the monkeys. They’re able to decrease the amount of primates chasing them until they’re cornered near a lake by the two rival Noisimians. Peppinogg fights the yellow one while Ugstavo and Rock fight the other. The battle is interrupted when suddenly a big pink-moustached dinosaur drags the blue Noisimian into the water. The yellow one is easily distracted, so he takes the leaf crown and runs off to become the new alpha. Now is the chance for Peppinogg and his companions to leave.
Finally, the last ingredient on their journey is a pineapple. They arrive at a forest filled with massive black and white frog-like beasts with huge claws, jaws, spikes, horns and teeth. Peppinogg decides that the pineapples aren’t worth it and begins the journey home.
The group is caught up in a storm so they take refuge in a cave for a while. Peppinogg makes small samples of his food creation to satisfy everyone’s hunger while Rock creates a log fire to keep everyone warm. It ends up being pretty good, but Peppinogg questions if it was worth the life-risking journey. Ugstavo suggests it just might need a drink to wash it down, so Peppinogg goes outside to collect water. As Peppinogg questions what he'll put the water in, he’s suddenly struck by lightning, leaving him stunned and toasted. The other three pull him back into the cave to rest.
As Peppinogg comes to, he sniffs his roasted skin and gets an idea. He pierces his creation with a stick and roasts it over the fire for just the right amount of time. As soon as everyone has a taste, they are completely entranced by the culinary perfection their tastebuds have witnessed. When the storm finishes, the group is eager to head back home.
Up to this point throughout the episode there’s been a recurring gag of a green slimy brontosaurus stuck in a tar pit, asking for help out. Peppinogg keeps telling him that they’ll come back to help him next time. By the time they’re ready to help the bronto, he has completely drowned in the tar. Peppinogg just tells Ugstavo and Branch that they should cut their losses and go back to sharing the new food.
Peppinogg excitedly makes more dishes at his home cave and calls out of the rest of the village to try something. Everyone gathers around and has some slices, congratulating Peppinogg on how delicious this so-called “Pizza” is (The name comes from when Peppinogg said “Who wants to try a piece-AAAAHH! When accidentally stepping on a sharp rock). The Peppersaurus and Vig visit to try some pizza too, hoping to do more trade with Peppinogg if it means they can have pizzas too. Peppinogg proudly swears that he’ll let the legacy of pizzas live on for many years to come, passing the recipe down to future generations.
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virovac · 8 months
Western Godzilla inspired fan continuity : a different kaiju faction
Now, Godzilla Unleased introduced the idea of formalized kaiju "factions"
Earth Defenders: An alliance of Godzilla and Mothra's allies and acquaintances.
Global Defense force: The human controlled mechs and Jet Jaguar
Aliens: Work for alien invaders
Mutants: Power hungry or distrustful. They just distrust eachother less than they do the other factions and are impressed by power. A temporary alliance if anything.
And quite a few DeviantArt artists liked that, it was fun. However what works for a global spanning apocalyptic event might not work with all tone/setting/ plot ideas
"Mutants" (a terrible name really, when their unifying ethos has nothing to do with origin), was interesting because it had no real prior basis in the franchise unlike the other.
However, there is a faction idea I have not seen much of
A horde/swarm
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Generally Aesthetic: Creepy crawlies turned giants: arachnids, lizards, insects.
Examples of precursors to this can be found by the adoptive family of Desert Monsters that escaped from a lab (plus Varan) in Scott Ciencin's Godzilla Invades America and Godzilla: Journey to Monster Island; the Kamacuras swarm in the Godzilla 2000 novel by Marc Cerasini; and the Area 51 episode of Godzilla the Series that showed some mutants peacefully cohabitating in their enclosures.
Building mainly on the first, this is a new type of faction of kaiju: a full on migratory community that builds temporary nests, where adult members that don't pull their weight face expulsion (like the prank-loving scorpion monster Sasori in Godzilla Invades America, who was not interested in capturing humans to feed to the younger monsters in the nest)
The membership is fluid, taking in new members and ejecting those that refuse to share food.
Beginning with escaped experiments, other kaiju of different origins (prehistoric, atomic mutations, or experiments in different locations or by other people) could join them in their travels.
Why such different species are capable of working together may lie in the exact nature of the classified experiments (attempts to make a kaiju army capable of working together most likely). [It did not get explained in children's book where Ant-man style size-changing technology was the main plot device]
Kamacuras and Kumonga, a giant mantis and spider from the Godzilla films, were the founders of the horde of giant desert creatures in Scott Ciencin's books.
Multiple Kamacuras were shown as cooperative hunters in their first appearance on film, and instead having them just be prey Kumonga, both Scott Ciencin and Jacqueline Dwyer (writer of the children's picture book Godzilla on Monster Island) teamed the spider and mantis up. Scott's books even had Kamacuras carry Kumonga while flying.
(Scott Ciencin also made Kamacuras a brawler like an actual mantis rather than cannon fodder, taking on Godzilla in single combat and less flammable.)
Random thoughts for Kamacuras
(I've proposed in the past a warped symbiosis where Kamacurus are brood parasites of Kumonga and feeding on its eggs, making them mantis flies rather than mandtids, )
If want to get warped, you could have a leader Kamacuras feeding other Kamacuras that fail to dethrone them to Kumongal or threatening to only to pull them back at last moment
Kamacuras dipping its claws in the venoms and poisons of allies could be an interesting way to make them a greater threat
Hana-Barbera Godzilla
The Valley of the Giants episode has some examples of other giant insects
Godzilla the Series
Many creatures from Tristar's Godzilla the Series could be repurposed for such a faction, such as the
giant rats,
The Giant Widow spiders brood,
the giant water beetle,
Giant Bees and Giant termites, and their queens
Batty the giant bat (even works with how many of the original monsters in Godzilla: Journey to Monster Island have cutesy names)
the area 51 monsters: the giant armadillo, and thorny devil
From Godzilla: King of the Monsters by Marvel:
I could see Doctor Demonicus' creations having the proper aesthetics for a horde of monsters. While in the book they could not leave the lair for long without dying from lacking a special form radiation they depended on, that can easily be dropped.
Ghilaron: giant lizard. has a saillike fin like a bassilisk lizard, and a backward curving large horn that brings to mind parasauralophus
Centipor: Giant wormlike thing with many legs that look soft and rubbery like a toy. ( I think looks more like a deep sea woerm of some kind. Has many antenna and what may be feelers or prooboscids a random-seeming pattern on head. Has a very different design on the cover of their comic.
Lepirax: Butterfly inspired monster with jaws instead of a proboscis. An agile flier that goes after smaller targets such as helicopters in their comic appearance, mostly ignoring Godzilla at first. Could be combined design-wise with Dark Horse's concept art for an unuse Mothra-like monster for their Godzilla comic series. The scary American posters for Mothra (1961) could also be an inspiration for a design.
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Batragon, the most powerful of Demonicus' creations, a combination of bat and Komodo dragon, (and smart enough it could be trained to immobilize ships without destroying cargo) could also fit if they lose a master commanding them and go rogue.
Related monster idea
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A trained giant scorpion under the employ the U.S army, the plot dumbly has the army betray and try to kill it after a cheaper bioweapon of a swarm of smaller scorpions is developed.
But honestly in a more continuity driven story , a human government having a kaiju under their control with mixed feelings about and could be tied to the mystery and intended goal of the labs of members of a swarm mentioned above. Ts-eh-go (who needs a slightly different name as it's just the Navajo word for scorpion enunciated slowly) could be their only success. Ts-eh-go in their episode seems to cause psychic disturbances with one character having prophetic nightmares about it. While just a weird plot point , it could be turned into a thing where the creature just gives "bad vibes" to psychically sensitive as a side effect of experiments. Like the opposite of Mothra.
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quill-of-thoth · 1 year
Due to a family game of telephone, my mom told me yesterday morning on the way to a family graduation that my cousin's in-laws' giant "service" dog is part wolf. Mom has always been kinda nervous around him, because he is the size of a small pony and extremely serious... and her mental picture of me is apparently of me at seven flinging myself bodily on every large dog I have the good fortune to see. In reality, this dog, who I see at baseball games sometimes, provides the "service" of obsessively guarding my cousin's mother-in-law. He assigned himself this job, and cannot be persuaded to stop. But it' genuinely helping the mother in-law, who is getting up there and starting to get frail. She got him the leash that says service dog before she recently got on oxygen, so people would stop asking to pet him because he's an abused rescue with a mouth large enough to do serious damage. And because he looks mostly like a german shepherd (size holy fucking direwolf,) and people are stupid. He also prevents crowds from knocking her over with her oxygen tank and cane, by dint of clearing a two to four foot wide halo around her with his glare. They're training him to fetch another human if she takes a fall, or at least trying to. It isn't going well, because he has an objection to leaving her unguarded. He will politely ignore other dogs, all preteen children, and the vast majority of women. Men are considered acceptable if they act calm and introduce themselves properly. Since I am no longer seven, my relationship with this extra large canine is that he arrives at an event, makes a growly little grumble at me to remind me that he is a bodyguard and I better remember it, then smells my hand and lets me pet him as long as he can keep an eye on his principal. You can bury your hand up to the wrist in his fur if he has decided you are an acceptable companion for his principal, so I did not necessarily question my mom's assertion that he was part wolf, because she said it came from a genetics test (so it could be a good few generations back) and also because after whatever trauma was in his previous life, someone hauled him to the animal shelter from fuck-nowheresville Wyoming. Where most people searching for a dog looked at him, staring at them, not wagging, and thought, like our prehistoric ancestors "If I'm gonna feed that thing, it's going to be strictly so he never gets hungry enough to bother trying to eat ME." My cousin's mother in law came in, in her bird-boned five nothing frame, and thought "he's perfect" and named him Panzer. Yes, she named him tank, but in German. (She also thought he was the Andre the giant of german shepherds.) Her husband looked at him walking out at her heel, and thought "it's been five minutes and that dog worships my wife and might be smarter than half my relatives" and gave in to the inevitable. Panzer treats him as the only acceptable substitute guardian for his principal, the queen of rescue dogs, which is the highest honor any man is gonna get from him. According to Panzer, her son and grandsons are mere servants of the queen. Trusted, but not sworn to her defense. Others (daughters in law, children, other old ladies with booze, assorted distant relatives) are allowed to petition the queen, with the strict understanding that bribing him with taco meat won't get him to change his vigil: He'll just take any bribe you're stupid enough to give him and get back to work. So at my cousin's kid's graduation party today, I sat on the stoop, nearly elbow deep in Panzer's ruff fur, thinking of gallusrostromegalus' wolfdog stories. I decided that Panzer's wolfy ancestor must be at least a couple generations back, and went back to chatting with the old ladies who were either gossiping, or heckling the teenage boys playing bags. One of my other cousins' kids barreled in, bearing a lizard for me to photograph, and Panzer inspected the lizard, found it harmless, and returned to his stoic watch. "Oh yeah," I said to the queen of rescue dogs, once I finished my duty as lizard paparazzo and the lizard was released from the red carpet, "My mom tells me you had a genetics test done on Panz. She said he was german shepherd and sheepdog and something else?" "Oh yes, he's German Shepherd, some kind of balkan sheepdog, and Czechloslovakian Wolfhound."
Needless to say, I teased my mother for confusing Wolfhound with Wolf dog half of the ride home. Before we left, Panzer reminded me that I should bring the queen food based tribute, and that he was her official food taster.
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thewastelandlosers · 3 months
CAn you please tell us more about him!! Where he comes from if theres more like him!! How did he become a riader boss!
Heeheheeehe yes I can
He's a big 7'6 boi, 169 years old and comes from a secret vault-tech science vault, not created to house civilians but to mess with prehistoric and modern reptilian/amphibian DNA with human embryos to create diseases, cures etc.
Creating a bunch of humanoid reptiles and amphibians from different periods of time.
Hetz was one of the last of the batches created and the biggest mistake, spliced with Dilophosaurus genetics he become a mix of a favourite and problem experiment amongst the human scientists.
He was only 6 years old when the breakout happened, a lil Gecko mutant having gotten into the wiring of the vault, shutting down the power which turned into a massacre of vault-tech scientists against lizard people.
For the next 163 years, it was just Hetz and his family of lizards, dinos and frogs, kept hidden in the vault, kept alive and well from either hibernation or the aid of the mr handies still functional. A quiet society that kept themselves away from the outside world, only encountering the every so often radrat, roaches or molerat.
Hetz finds a way out of the vault, though unintentionally, originally wanting to fix the air circulation ended up finding an old molerat cave that came to the outside world, collapsing when he got out and trapping him out.
Unable to get back in, he took the newly freedom to explore the world.
How he became a raider boss is simply from some raiders not leaving him alone. He killed and ate so many that he came across, word that spread around that a "Freaky Pinky-Purple talking Deathclaw-Looking Thing" is killing of raider gangs, some whack jobs are gonna want to follow in his footsteps.
Hetz just kinda went with it, at the start finding it annoying but whenever he got praised and cheers it just rubbed his ego so much he stopped chasing them away. His raider groupies started to paint themselves to match his patterns, wear spiked armour, some even putting ropes or belts on to resemble a 'tail' calling themselves the Cold Teeth which is as cheesy as you'd expect.
Really they built everything up for him, not having to do much other than spout out orders every so often and in return he gets to be a pampered princess.
Sure he misses his reptilian family deep down, but he's loving his violent fun life up in the wastes. Given the opportunity though, will try to get anyone who owns a pip-boy to help him open his vault in return, might give them a reward.
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
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(Spoiler warning for those who haven’t seen it! Let me know what other movies you’d like to see with Chris, etc- I’ll be releasing a request blog soon! <3)
Chris was a complicated man. He was picky, yet laid back about all sorts of things. But if there’s one thing he loves, is a good laugh. Where does a good laugh come from? Entertainment. And what kind of entertainment gives Chris a good laugh? The pain of others. So what movie would be better to sit to with him other than the newly released Meg 2?
“Ooooo a shark movie! If I’m lucky, I might get some inspo from this for next season!” He laughed, gleefully rubbing his hands together.
“Did you...not see the first one?” (Y/N) blinked, setting it up.
“I’m a busy man, (Y/N).” He snapped elegantly.
“Fair enough.” It was ready to play,“You want popcorn or soda?”
“Yes please.”
So the entire room settled into darkness, with the only source of light illuminating from the large screen and the two next to each other, already stuffing themselves with cinema snacks.
The opening played a dragonfly, getting swallowed by a lizard, which got picked up by the mouth of a snapper dinosaur that rapidly got locked in the roaring jaw of a t-rex. Already, Chris had things to say.
“I thought this was a shark movie.” He snarked, turning to (Y/N), which she found no sense in.
“Why are you looking at me like I made it!?”
“You were the one that told me it was a shark movie.”
“Because that’s what it is!”
“Noo. It’s a prehistoric shark movie. Get it right.”
She couldn’t be bothered to correct him when he was going to see for himself,“Chris man, just watch the movie!”
“I’ve been training Haiqi since she was a pup. We have a special bond.”
“Between her jaw and you, yes.” His voice cute.
“I’m surprised you didn’t train a shark like that to be your pet.” (Y/N) thought aloud, now curious of how Chris spent all that time surrounded by sharks and never tried domesticating one.
“When you already have a Venus flytrap that can partake in a marathon, who needs a shark?”
Ah. Right.“Touché.”
“Why doesn’t that shark go crazy and eat them? They’re vulnerable, they’re all on the boat like shrimp!” He complained, watching the crowd of well dressed guests at the party watching in awe at the spotlight the meg was in.
“That’s true, but I guess it’s a good shark.”
“They’re all good, (Y/N).” He firmly affirmed otherwise.
“Huh... I like her.” Chris spoke about Meiying,“Did we ever had anyone who jinxed like that on the show?”
“I think so...” She trailed off, seeing the characters lose control of the submarines.
He began cracking up again,“This about to get a whole lot more interesting.”
Chris groans when the sharks started spawning and failed to catch the cast(apart from two adults) who were currently navigating on the sea floor after their submarines crashed.
“Everyone make it to the station!” Jonas ordered.
“Yeah...” Chris yawned,“Make it to the station.”
After they did, one of the women, Curtis, had her skull implode just in time as a result of her cracked helmet and water pressure- her remains violently sprayed on the ground. Chris’ reaction? Chortling. Told you. Sadist. You shake your head as the characters easily move on from the disturbing tragedy and continued their search to flee.
“So, are they safe now or something?” Chris asked.
“Not really. They’re still at the depths of the ocean.”
“Just like Julia’s phones.”
“Uh...so they’re all bad guys?” Chris processed in a questioning tone, watching Driscoll demanding orders from her luxurious accommodation to Jess, the mole who suddenly switched up on Jonas’ team.
He groaned in annoyance,”Came out of nowhere, but I can deal with that.” He kept quiet to watch her eject two escape pods and hearing how if Jonas was to get killed,”She’d at least let the kid take an escape pod?”
“Yeah. Unlike some people.” She made sure to add that sharply, intentionally making it obvious to who she directed it to.
“Unlike some people who have a hosting job on the hottest reality show and more, you mean?” It’s never not funny whenever he takes these things personally.
“Hey awesome! That man’s name was DJ!” Chris announced in enthusiasm. For someone who shared the same name of one of his earlier contestants, he seemed intrigued to watch how this DJ was; the DJ in the movie put his training claims to action as he successfully knocked out some of the mercenaries he and Mac encountered on the base swaying on the salty water.
Fast forward to when the group managed to get up to the surface and were currently embarking their way on a defenceless dinghy away from the Mana One.
“I still think we look like fools” said man remarked.
“Darn right.” Chris agreed,“Unlike our DJ, this DJ knows how to fight!”
“Doesn’t our DJ also know how to fight?”
“What, you ever seen it?” He snorted,“He wouldn’t even hurt a fly!”
“Aw man. I remember when I used to cuss like that.” Chris laments, watching a scene where the adults were using vulgar language,“Had to stop though because the network wanted to keep Total Drama family friendly.”
“Really?” No way that’s where television standards drew the line,“The shot of Heather’s top being ripped off and Duncan flipping off the cameras could make the cut, but it’d be problematic if you swore? A lot of people swore on that show but had the good old pixels over their mouths and bleeps.”
“In case you haven’t realised, (Y/N), I’m grown.” He glared,”I don’t do outbursts like teenagers, nor should I, so it’d be really unprofessional, and awkward for the editors to have to go through that for a host who shoulda known better.” Really? He doesn’t do outbursts?,“Besides, it wouldn’t be fair reality tv to cut everything out. It’s scenes like that that really keep the ratings high and their self esteem low.”
What a Chris thing to say,“No comment.”
“Good, cuz we’re in the middle of watching a film. Hush.” He put his finger to his lips in attempt to shush her.
She could only kiss her teeth in disbelief.
“Hey (Y/N), are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Chris asked after a tense while of silence of keeping thoughts to themselves, ironic that it’s he who broke it given 
What happened to we’re in the middle of watching a film?
“Anyways, you’re telling me those sharks escaped the trench and the first thing all of them do is approach the same island?” He asked, completely deflecting the thing he was so-called against.
“Looks like it.” It’s easier to go along with it.
He sighed,“I’m starting to think the writers were swapping cassettes whilst writing this.”
How does that...whatever.
The movie then focused on a young couple out of many on a boat, with the man proposing to his girlfriend. He accidentally drops the ring, to which his now fiancé scolds him into finding. Just when he found it, his girl was gone. He looked around in confusion and called for her name, but nothing. Except from the tentacles that terrorised everyone into capsizing.
“Let me guess,” she started, throwing a handful of popcorn in her mouth,”This is your new ideal way to propose to me.”
“Nah. Normally I wouldn’t mind the thought of you dying during our engagement, but a shark wouldn’t return me your finger to keep the ring on.” He didn’t even take his eyes of the screen to admit that.
She slowly turned to him, trying to register what he said,”So what you’re saying is, you wouldn’t care if I died this entire time just as long as you still had my body?”
“Something like that. Take that as compliment, I actually care about you.” Just as he said that, the movie cuts to Jonas and his allies arriving to the island, urgently alerting the tourists in raised voices to get out of the water.
...In a way, I guess that was sweet? I don’t know, maybe it’s one of those things he says with his chest yet still doesn’t mean all the way.
There was a scene of another couple, where this time, they were in a paddle boat of their own. This time around, the shark made itself known earlier, so they were naturally screaming and pedalling for their lives out of the water, just to get swallowed whole by the shark. Needless to say, Chris’ laugh was the only thing she could hear, even past the scene. It had never been so loud before.
What did I say?
“(Y/N)! Why...didn’t you tell me we were watching a comedy?” He chocked out as a scene of megs bite through boardwalks and running tourists flashed on the screen.
“Because Chris, it’s actually not that funny. Imagine if they were your parents.” She dragged out to guilt trip him.
Which of course, backfired,“Like my parents would have ever done something as  stupid as going on whatever that thing was when they have the ocean to go in.”
She shrugged,“Well since that couple were wearing clothes, I could only assume they  either didn’t want to swim or simply couldn’t.”
“Okay, that’s just being generous,” He giggled, wiping his eyes,”But you can’t tell me you didn’t think they were annoying. Shark did us a favour!” He took a slurp from his soda,“If they really couldn’t swim, they woulda worn life jackets.”
“What, and inflate them as they’re getting swallowed by the shark?”
“Exactly! It’ll be like popping candy!”
Nah man.
“Where did those things come from!?” Chris exclaimed confused as the dinosaur looking animals chased the mercenaries that managed to arrive to the island.
“From the trench as well, I think?” Or else they wouldn’t have allowed people to come there, but she thought back to Chris’ observation about how it was strange all these marine creatures decided to go to the same place.
“Really.” He ignored the fact he remembered seeing them swimming earlier in a collective.
“Yeah, that’s why that lady was shocked that they could walk!”
“Y’know, I see a bit of myself in Jiuming.” Chris confesses, witnessing said man distracting the nearby giant lizard by banging a shovel and hammer together whilst Mac ran for the helicopter,“Always expected to do the impossible things, always doing life risky activities for the sake of other people, always having to be up to the task to not let down those around you...”
“Are you sure you’re not just describing your interns?” She put out bluntly, Jiuming now having to hold the pressure of getting the helicopter gas whilst having a batch of those giant lizards chasing him, savagely.
“What’s your point? You say that as if they have dignity written in their DNA.” Chris shot back in that remorseless manner.
She’s speechless,“Chris... That was a bit far, don’t you think?”
He rolled his eyes,“Just the truth, ma’am.”
“Where did the octopus come from!?” (Y/N) exclaimed, in profound puzzlement as the rubbery strands for legs shot up from the ocean and zigzagged through the beach.
“It’s a Kraken actually.” There Chris was, having more concern over her misuse of classification, clearly less surprised than she was,”And it was actually there from when the gang tried walking in the ocean. And Chef says I need glasses!”
“Alright...” she scoffs, and now that he brought that up,”Hey, hey Chris.”
“The lady whose helmet imploded.”
He started chortling again, too busy to pay attention to the creep getting swung forcefully into the ocean by one of the lengthy tentacles of the Kraken.
“Euuugh good, I’m glad that weirdo’s gone.” She remarks spitefully.
“Which weirdo?” He asked, laughter stopping.
“The one that was hitting on those ladies then had the audacity to try hide behind them.”
“Ohh...” He breathed in through his teeth,”Not cool dude.”
Now the helicopter was deconstructed, Jiuming was thrown into the ocean, fighting for his life as the kraken sprung a tentacle around him. Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, the meg came in and saved the day. As Jiuming found his new chance to escape, the kraken was busy wrapping its massive tentacles tight around the shark, resulting Chris to give (Y/N) a suggestive look.
“Come on Chris, you know that’s not the type of inspo you wanted.”
He snickered,”Suit yourself.” and put his view back on the movie.
Fast forward to when Haiqi approached over and her owner attempted the sound activity that failed in the beginning.
“Yes, finally! Attack him! Bite him! Eat him! Eat him!” Chris clearly wanting it to fail again, through his whooping for the impending jaw snapping death. This behaviour was all too familiar.
Fortunately (not for Chris), Haiqi must’ve appeared to recognise Jiuming because she sheered right away from him. Chris’ ambition immediately turned into a fit.
“No no no, what are you doing!? The guy was right there! Boooooo! Worst shark ever!” He shouted at the screen, sitting back down in disgust, watching Haiqi chase after dolphins,“Are you kidding me right now? The one time this movie wants to be scientifically accurate is for this scene?”
“Chris chiiiill. You’ve already seen it and its friends eat dozens of people. Poor innocent unsuspecting annoying people. Your favouriiiite.” She sang.
“...True.” He grumbled,“I liked him anyway.”
“Yay! Happy ending! All the best guys survived and enjoy the beach whilst all the hoes got eaten by the shark and more along the way!” (Y/N) cheered, throwing her popcorn box in the air, unintentionally stretching. Ah, just what she needed after an hour of sitting!
“...Hm.” Chris on the other hand had his thumb under his chin, as though he was deep in thought to realise the movie had ended.
“What’s the matter, Chris?” It was going to be something only he would be preoccupied with.
“I’m wondering if I could get the legal rights to rewrite this...and rename Camp Wawanakwa to Fun Island...”
Joke thing. “Oh come onnnnn. You know you liked it.”
“...Okay, that lady who thought she was safe inside that chamber before she died...” he chuckled,”That made up for it. It was so funny how that guy was so devastated by it. And that other witch who got dragged by those Slappers. A well deserved death for a well dressed idiot, who goes into those kinds of situations in party clothes!?”
“I think they were called Snappers... And you can’t tell me those were the only scenes you liked! How about the way that annoying guy died?”
“Which one? There were plenty.”
She laughed,“Y’know Montes? The one that was devastated over that lady on the phone? The one that was trying to shoot up Jonas when he was doing the Lord’s work, and fell into the Meg’s mouth?”
“Ohhhhh yeaaaaah! It was so clean, I’m gutted I didn’t come up with it!”
She momentarily rested her head on his shoulder,“My favourite part is knowing the dog survived.”
“Only exception. It’d be lazy if they killed the dog off.”
She suddenly remembered what Chris said and takes her head off to look at him,”Did you get your inspo?”
A sinister smile crawled onto his face as he proudly took out a notebook, with bold words scribbled at the top “TDI future ideas”. “Absolutely.”
...(Y/N) says her condolences for those poor contestants.
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wei75631 · 9 months
P6 Idea - 22 Dragon Veins
First let's talk about dragon veins. They are formed from the collective subconscious of extinct creatures on the earth, and they have always supported the balance of this world. After the protagonist completes certain tasks and the dragon veins enter into a contract, the dragon veins will reside in the protagonist's body and allow the protagonist to give birth to a "cosmic egg" that symbolizes motherhood. As the protagonist takes care of the cosmic egg, it will turn into a persona.
The personas hatched from the cosmic egg are a mixture of their own mythological images and Mesozoic reptilians. The arrangement of the 22 Arcana is as follows:
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The Fool - Yam, the sea god in Ugaritic mythology - A dromaeosaur covered in ocean-style armor
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The Magician - Aitvaras, the fire spirit in Lithuanian folklore - An oviraptor dressed as a wizard with hands on fire
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The Priestess - Kuraokami, the water goddess in Japanese mythology - An elegant plesiosaur wrapped in Shinto relics
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The Empress - Meretseger, the winged snake goddess in Egyptian mythology - Archaeopteryx in ancient Egyptian style
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The Emperor - Yatonokami, the horned snake god in Japanese mythology - A stegosaur decorated with cold weapons from the Jomon period
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The Hierophant - Itzamna, the lizard god in Mayan mythology - A sauropod made of Mayan architectural stones
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The Lovers - Melusine, the winged human-snake fairy from French folklore - A petite pterosaur with a draconic fairy sculpture on its tail
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The Chariot - Tarasque, the monster suppressed by a saint in French legend - An ankylosaur assembled from a round tank and turret
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Justice - Mushussu, the hybrids appearing on decorations in ancient Mesopotamia - Shringasaurus decorated with snake, ram, lion, eagle and scorpion armors
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The Hermit - Fafnir, the dwarf who transformed into dragon in Norse mythology - An megalania wearing dragon-shaped armor
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Fortune - Illuyanka, the sea serpent in Hittite mythology - Mosasaurus with cyberpunk style
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Strength - Vrtra, the powerful monster in Hindu mythology - A tyrannosaur that blends into the truck and keeps smoking
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The Hanged Man - Python, the big snake killed by Apollo in Greek mythology - Titanoboa with steampunk elements
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Death - Crom Cruach, the heretic god in Celtic mythology - Triceratops with steam train and gothic decoration
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Temperance - Nyami Nyami, the snake god of the Zambezi River - A spinosaur with Gaigan elements
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The Devil - Apophis, the evil snake god in Egyptian mythology - A giant cobra made of dark energy
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The Tower - Fernyiges, the cunning black dragon in Hungarian folklore - A wise stygimoloch wearing a black cloak
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The Star - Yurlungur, the rainbow serpent in Australian Aboriginal mythology - Prehistoric salamander in Aboriginal totem style
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The Moon - Bakunawa, the sea dragon that swallowed the moon in Philippine mythology - Ichthyosaur composed of moon-shaped luminous wooden boards
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The Sun - Quetzalcoatl, the greatest god in Aztec mythology - A giant pterosaur in the style of a fighter jet and Rodan
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Judgement - Kur, the dragon that symbolizes the underworld in Mesopotamian mythology - Countless dragon veins and sharp metals piled up to form a Daikajiu like Godzilla
As for "The World", I'm keeping it secret for the time being in order not to prevent the plot from leaking out.
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sassykattery · 2 years
Rites and Rituals, Pt. 8
Welcome to the Chapter and Season 2 Finale. I have an announcement at the end of the post, so please make sure to read it.
CW: MC is afab, uses she/her pronouns. MC is a demon and poly. Major fighting scene here, with other characters attacking the MC/reader. No blood mentioned, but highly violent.
Themes: Action. Experiments. Lore. Demon forms. LuciferxMC. DiavoloxMC.
Characters: MC="you", Diavolo, Lucifer, Barbatos, Satan, Mammon.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
As always, I hope you enjoy~
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Barbatos, sensing Lucifer's hesitance, dove in first. He managed to grab you from behind, putting your human skull into a headlock and dragging one arm behind your back, while Diavolo took a step back to recompose.
While Lucifer and Diavolo were avian and draconic in nature, respectively, Barbatos was reptilian. He stood at twelve and a half foot tall, and his body was covered by glowing teal scales that rippled as he moved, his forked tail now a florescent green. His feet were reminiscent of yours, rather prehistoric looking. His arms were nimble but still similar to a lizard in appearance. His head was that of a monitor lizard, glowing turquoise and emerald orbs for eyes with the most narrow slits for pupils. His body was more rectangular and boxy, akin to the animal he so represented with his head, but still highly muscular.
Lucifer retained a more elegant and refined image, all black, covered in feathers much like yourself. His head was that of a peacock's skull, no surprise there, but the rest of his body was sleek, still similar to that of a human man, but far more muscular and retaining his narrow waist. His eyes lost their crimson hue in this form, completely blacking out instead. He was as tall as you and Diavolo. His feet resembled that of human world raptors, and his hands became much like your own, decorated with talons that curled in, ready to strike. The way he moved was languid and graceful, lacking the staccato and robotic movement of most avian creatures.
When you felt Barbatos at your back, you swiftly reached behind in a flying headlock and tossed him at Diavolo. Lucifer saw his opening and took out your legs, knocking you down to your knees so he could take both of your arms behind your back. You dropped forward and rolled, and actually continued rolling as both of you swung at each other to gain the upper hand.
"My lord, we have to put her in a sleeping hold," Barbatos spoke to Diavolo in creatiotonic Creatiotonic was the language formulated by elder demons, back when they were exclusively in their ultimate state in the early days of the Devildom. It's an innately known language by any demon, including yourself.
"Very well," Diavolo replied.
Just as you straddled Lucifer to reel your clawed fist back, Barbatos rushed by and attempted to put you in a reverse headlock, and Lucifer held your hips in place. With core strength, you took a deep breath and grabbed Barbatos' arms and launched him forward. He landed in a slide on his feet. Lucifer used the distraction to send you onto your back, putting you in a full pin, using his entire body weight to keep you in place.
Darling, you have to stop, he tried to tell you telepathically. All he received in reply was an ear-piercing shriek. With all your strength, you rammed your skull into Lucifer's, causing him to falter. You took the opportunity to shove him off and put him into a cross bar toe hold.
Pro-wrestling is banned from here on out at home, Lucifer thought to himself.
Meanwhile, Satan and Mammon were fruitless in the office, so they eventually discovered the lab Canary must have worked out of, and after some searching, they rifled through everything, finding documentation on the psychotic she used on you.
"Fuck! Canary wasn't even trying to look for cures, she really did just want to poison MC into making a pact with her. She was never going to fix what she did," Satan swore. "Her plan was to basically make MC her mindless animal, siphoning magic off of her."
"What can we do?" Mammon asked, stressed.
Satan threw the notebook in a fit of rage, sinking down to his feet. "I don't know what we can do," he sobbed in pure dismay.
Mammon looked around. "We can't give up on her. She needs us," he stated.
"I know! I know..." Satan cried out, frustrated. He racked his brain for ideas.
At the same time, both brothers looked at each other. "Somnum!"
They scrambled to look around, and to their luck, they found large quantities of the green powder stored away under a lab hood.
"Diavolo! This isn't working! Come on!" Lucifer called out as you held Barbatos in a Japanese arm bar hold, while holding the throat of Lucifer with the other arm. The three were impressed with how well you held up, but it was wearing them down, while you seemed relentless.
In favor of your assailant, you threw Lucifer aside and snatched Diavolo's ankle, sweeping him out from under himself. But while you were distracted, Barbatos found the strength to roll you both over and sliding into leg lock, holding you in place.
"Anytime now!" The butler shouted.
Lucifer came around and got his feathered arm locked around your neck, pulling you up to your feet. You clawed at him viciously while Barbatos caught his breath. They had been fighting with you for far too long, and now Diavolo and Barbatos were losing patience.
The Avatar of Pride stiffened. It was your voice; it was your essence in his mind.
Darling, please, he called back to you.
I can't stop, please make me stop, you pleaded. You know what I'm asking. It's okay. You can do it. Please. I can't stop myself.
"Lucifer! Do it already!" Diavolo choked out, approaching you angrily.
Lucifer struggled. You were asking him to do the unthinkable, and his fears were starting to take root in his confidence.
I won't do that. We'll fix this, he thought.
You shrieked and began to thrash about, losing your sense of real consciousness again.
"Fucking– let me," Diavolo shouted, grabbing hold of your shoulders, yanking you from Lucifer's grasp, but in the transition, you slithered out and ducked under the arms that reached for you.
"Guys! Get out of the way!" Mammon shouted, holding a glass jar.
Your gazes landed on the second born, and he instantly gulped at your appearance. When you took a step forward, Barbatos kicked you down to your hands and knees, and further stepping into your back to force you down. He brought your arms up behind your body, finally holding you in place. Diavolo dove down to hold up your legs, so you couldn't wriggle your way out this time.
"If you're going to, I suggest now is the time," Babatos growled as you continued to wail and thrash beneath him.
Mammon quickly approached and opened the rather large jar of somnum, nearly the size of his torso, and then without much grace or decorum, he tossed the powder onto your human skull face. Carefully and swiftly, he closed it and staggered back. Satan waited with more in his hand, unsure of how much it would take to subdue you.
After several more moments of struggle, your movements became sloppy and languid. Within a minute, you laid out flat on the floor, still and silent.
"Oh gods, we did it," Satan gasped.
Lucifer dropped to his knees beside you, watching your motionless frame. Barbatos stepped off of you, walking over to his master.
"My lord, are you hurt?" Barbatos asked.
"No, no I'm fine," Diavolo said breathlessly, staring at you, unsure if you were really unconscious or not.
The eldest decidedly pulled you into his arms, looking you over. In a flash, your form dissolved, and Lucifer was left holding your regular body. There was a sigh of relief from everyone.
"At least when she looks like that, it's a bit more bearable," Mammon tried to joke. No one laughed.
Barbatos, Diavolo, and Lucifer all reverted back to their regular forms too, beaten and bruised.
"Let's go," Satan said quietly, gathering up their things.
Lucifer's POV
I walked down to MC's room for the fifth time since arriving home. She was still where I left her in her bed, but I'm constantly tormented by thoughts of her disappearing again, and I couldn't help but have to check on her, just to calm myself.
When I looked down at her, she looked the same, but there was a part of me who didn't see her the same way anymore. Deep down, I knew there was a terrifying creature beneath the many, many layers of her mind, but I never imagined in all my years something as truly fear-inducing as that.
I've sworn my brothers to secrecy, and to never speak of what happened to anyone. Not to each other, MC, the royals. It was to remain between us. I informed Levi, Asmo, Beel, and Belphie of what happened, sparing them the gory details about MC, but I could see it changed how they viewed her too. You're too powerful, MC, and I'm sorry this happened to you.
As I looked down at MC, I couldn't help but be brought back to what she said in her final moments. Did she really think I had it in me to stop her? That I could end it all if we couldn't bring her back? She thinks far too highly of me, then. I'd let all three realms crumble under the weight of her foot before I'd lay a hand on her in such a way.
Seeing her still comfortable, I left to go back to my office, knowing I'd just return in a few hours to check on her again.
Barbatos' POV
My young master hadn't left his office since we arrived at the palace. We ensured MC's safety at the House of Lamentation, though it seemed Lucifer was eager for us to leave. It was, without a doubt, that he saw how brutish Diavolo and I became after too long of fighting with MC. It couldn't be helped, and the sooner it all came to a halt, the better.
Though I've tried to reconcile what I saw at Mount Blanc, it's hard to imagine MC any other way. Though undoubtedly arousing she could be, she was also now fearsome, truly an opponent to the three realms with that much strength to take on Lord Diavolo, myself, and the Avatar of Pride. Could such a reality tolerate a presence? Could our timeline withstand the power MC has if this is the truth? These things can only be answered when my lord gives me permission to seek out the truth.
Tried as I might, tea was far from what I wanted to be making. I wanted to check on MC and my master, however, it was clear he wished to be alone, and she wasn't going to awaken soon. I could only hope that neither of the two were too sore.
I was informed that MC was fighting off the effects of the neurotoxins by Satan, but it was unclear as to what effects it would have, temporarily or permanently. Solomon told me there was nothing he could do except create antipsychotics should MC need them. My only hope was that we'll all be together again, soon, for my master's sake as well as my own. I missed MC terribly, and my hope was to see her in the castle again soon.
Diavolo's POV
If I were asked what happened at Mount Blanc, I'd be inclined to say nothing. In reality, I would simply smile, say warm wishes about MC and how we're happy to have her home, and continue on.
My bride. My soulmate. Riddled to nothing but a mindless beast. Is that how humans saw us?
As I paced my office more, I couldn't help but relive the disaster in Italy again and again in my mind. When would it be that MC would be safe from harm? When will we finally know an era of peace? Is it my fault that she's this way? Did my selfishness bring us this monster that could possibly be a threat to the three realms?
It seemed as though my reputation was not what I thought it was, and it appeared I needed to remind the people what it was I stand for and what it was I would not tolerate. Some changes would need to be made around here, starting with the witches. I cannot allow them to think such behavior is tolerable, and I will have to make sure anyone else who contributed to this disaster sees a just end.
I asked Barbatos to look into MC's future, and to our confusion, it stopped, and all he could see was her sleeping. We've looked high and low in everyone's futures for any sign of her, and it's like she disappeared. We didn't understand what it meant, but all I could hope for at this point was for her to wake up soon. It had been six days since the incident in Italy, and every time I visited her, she was in the same spot as before, never changing. I truly just want to hold her in my arms again, to tell her how much I love her.
Even if that monster is what lurks within the depths of her mind, she's proven many times over that she can handle things, and I could trust that she'll learn how to control that as well, with time.
Lucifer's POV
I walked into her room at the House for the eighth time that day, just before going to bed. I stood at her bedside, looking down at her sleeping face.
Unfortunately, Mammon had given her so much somnum, she had been asleep for eleven days at that point. The first three were the hardest as her body fought off the toxins, her temperature reaching well above what was normal for a demon. MC never moved, never stirred, and never made a single noise. It made everyone nervous, especially me. Now, it was merely a waiting game for her to awaken, and we were unsure of what she would be like when that happened.
"My sleeping beauty," I murmured, caressing her cheek.
All at once, MC's eyes fluttered open.
A gasp got caught in my throat, and I immediately started sputtering as I choked on my own spit.
"MC!" I rasped, kneeling down beside her bed. "Oh heavens, darling, you're awake. How do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere?"
MC blankly stared at me, clutching the sheets as she tried to scoot away from me.
"Who are you?" She asked.
Thanks for reading! <3
I hope you enjoyed this season, as well as this chapter! This concludes Season 2.
As for my announcement, I will be taking a break from posting "Love, Eternal." The next season, Season 3, will be the final one of this series, and it is high time I start finishing up the ending! There will also be an epilogue to this that I also need to write and finish. I also just really need a break!
That said, I am aiming to start publishing Season 3 starting April 5th. It may end up being later, depending on life stuff, but that is my goal to start again.
I don't mean to sound uncertain and cause anxiety and make it seem like the series will just stop. I assure you, we will pick it up again. My goal is to always deliver a satisfying story, so I need time to make sure that happens.
As always, I thank you all for reading my story. I hope to see you all back when we return. You all, my darling sinners, mean the world to me, and I'm happy to continue providing entertainment for you.
-The Royal SK 😈👑
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @itsmeninerz @flemmingbamse @themythicaldisaster @dajitm @bontensbabygirl @obeymediasimp @frozengoldie
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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We’re finally at not only my favorite episode of not only Season 2, but the entirety of Prehistoric Planet so far; OCEANS! As much as I love prehistory, I’m also a huge marine biology nerd, and have been since early childhood. I’ve always been a fan of marine animals, and the same applies for the sea creatures of the deep past. And when it comes to highlighting the various marine fauna of the Maasrichtian, this episode does a pretty good job with that. Aside from a few complaints that I wanna save for the end, I’m more than happy to say that this episode has many scenes that I consider to be some of my favorites in the entire series. Let’s “dive” in to see what I mean.
…I hope you laughed…
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Anyone else getting “Cruel Sea” vibes from this?
The episode begins with an animal that I’ve been hoping to see make an appearance since the very beginning; Phosphorosaurus. This was a species of mosasaur that has adapted large eyes. During the day, this creature hides in the various coral formations, while much larger mosasaurs stalk the depths in search of prey. However, the night is a much different story, as when the Mosasaurus is away, Phosphorosaurus will play. Y’know those large eyes that I mentioned? Well, they’re used to assist the animal while hunting in deep, dark waters, as the female mosasaur zips and darts her way through a school of lanternfish. As if this didn’t become clear enough, this scene is highly reminiscent of the Ophthalmosaurus from Walking with Dinosaurs. Think about it; both are marine reptiles that hide within coral reefs by day, and stalk prey by night. The latter part of the track used for this scene certainly helps with the whole vibe. And while I consider this to be nothing more than a coincidence, I really love how the scene plays out. As much as this series is more similar to Planet Earth, I’m all for similar vibes to the Walking with series in this show.
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Chicken of the Sea, anyone?
The episode then cuts to the shallow waters of North America, where two familiar faces of the Late Cretaceous oceans finally make their debut within the PHP universe; Hesperonis and Xiphactinus! Alot of people are aware of these two species. One’s a man-sized diving bird with teeth in its beak, while the other is a gluttonous fish with the face of a bulldog. Once a school of these fish stop by a bunch of Hesperonis snacking on a baitball, things go well…at first, that is. Once enough baitfish have been gobbled up, the X-Fish (A name that David Attenborough lovely calls the Xiphactinus) start attacking their avian acquaintances. Another WW parallel in this episode is how both species did similar things between this episode, and the Hell’s Aquarium part of "Chased by Sea Monsters'’. The main difference between both is well… the lack of a certain time-traveling zoologist peeking in.
One last note to bring up for this scene is how the first draft of it (According to concept art made by Gaëlle Seguillon) also had Hydrotherosaurusin it. For those who aren’t aware, that was a species of elasmosaur that was discovered in California, and its name means “water beast lizard”. While it blows that we didn’t get to see this species show up in the final product, it’s still interesting, and I’d like to think we’ll see the creature in full for season 3 (Again, my season 3 idea may or may not be including this particular species).
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Pictured here; Thousands of autism creatures going “Yippee!”
The episode then cuts to a tide pool on what will become Europe, where thousands of baby ammonites are hatching into the world. Not only are these lil’ guys adorable as a button, there’s so, SO many of them, which can be a problem when dealing with limited space. In order to get to deeper water, the ammonites straight-up use piles of their own masses like a living wave, allowing them to reach a deeper part of the pool. While a few dozen of these creatures are left stranded on the beach as food for other creatures (Including a pair of adorable Pyroraptor chicks), the vast majority of them reach the sea. Not alot for this segment, but it’s got some things going for it. The question then remains; What species do these tiny autism creatures belong to? That’s a question that’ll be answered in due time…
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In a very similar vibe to the T. Rex from the last episode, the next segment shows off how, despite its rather calm manner from Season 1, Mosasaurus was still a formidable predator to behold. Hunting a pod of Tuarangisaurus near a drop off, the giant lizard tries to ambush one of the elasmosaurs. The first attempt, while having a good start, doesn’t end with a kill, so the mosasaur has to try again. The trick is to curve your body into a c-like shape, use your tail to spring yourself off the seafloor, and do it in a manner where your prey can’t see you coming. We then witness one of the greatest visuals in a series already filled to the brim with great visuals, as the Mosasaurus breaches out of the water with a Turangisaurus in his jaws, very similar to how great white sharks do the same with seals. A good point to note is the fact that the PHP team commissioned a study on how mosasaurs like Mosasaurus hunted prey. The creature is not only big and strong, but also fast enough to catch its prey by surprise. The mere impact alone would kill its prey before they get eaten. The fact that the people behind this series commissioned info for the show that ties perfectly into the segment is incredible enough, but they absolutely KNEW how much the shot of the Mosasaurus breaching with its prey would be one of the most famous moments from this season, mainly due to its majesty and power. Not bad at all for a whale-sized Komodo dragon.
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This is what dreams are made of. Only with alot more tentacles and shells.
The next segment after the sheer majesty of the Mosasaurus might be not only my favorite episode from this episode, but in the whole series. Y’know those baby ammonites from earlier? Well, a good few of them have survived months at sea, long enough to flow into a seagrass meadow full of their kind. Not only are some bizarre species like Baculites and Diplomoceras here (The latter essentially being a giant, swimming paper clip), the young ammonites we follow are revealed to belong to a species called Nostoceras. The shells of this species consist of a helix spire ending in a U-turn that faces the animal towards its own shell. Is it weird as hell? Yeah, sure. But like the living paper clip that is Diplomoceras, this was a real animal that existed. Alongside the visuals and major focus on the ammonites, another huge reason why I love this scene alot is the music. Prehistoric Planet, as a series, is no stranger towards banger tracks, but this one might be one of the most whimsical, majestic, and alien tracks of both OSTs for the show. Have a listen.
Imagine a fever dream with that sorta music.
The select choice of instruments used for the track, especially the use of techno noises, all help to solidify what’s basically the theme of the ammonites. Most other forms of paleomedia tend to either use these creatures as nothing more than background visuals, or have them be eaten by larger predators. In the nature of what it sets out to do, the show does these shelled goofs justice yet again. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show does the same for a species like Parapuzosia. While that particular ammonite species was only around for the early years of the Maasrichtian, it should be worth noting that these creatures grew as big as tractor tires, so I’m hyped to see if the show will do them justice too in the future.
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With teeth like those, trips to the dentist must be weird.
The last segment of the episode travels to the South Pole, where pods of Morturneria arrive from their migration. Unlike other elasmosaur species, these guys not only can deal with the chilly water, they also have a unique way of getting food. You see the bristle-like teeth that the mother and her calf in the picture above have? They serve in filtering out small animals that these reptiles get from scooping up mouthfuls of polar mud from the seabed. The Morturneria not only have a feeding behavior similar to gray whales, they also peek out of holes in the sea ice like belugas. Pretty neat way to close out the episode, I must say.
And if you thought Jaws was scary.
The Uncovered segment for this episode goes more into depth (Pun not intended) about the way mosasaurs used speed to hunt. We’ve already covered alot of that during the Mosasaurus segment, but it’s still neat that the people who’ve worked on this show went and commissioned a scientific study into how these seagoing lizards were faster than we thought.
And that sums up all of the thoughts about my favorite Prehistoric Planet episode. All and all, I had a fun time with it, and I enjoyed the array of fauna shown. With that said, the only complaint that I can bring up is how the episode could’ve used more. Don’t get me wrong, between mosasaurs, ammonites, filter-feeding elasmosaurs, and bulldog-faced fish, we got a solid selection of marine animals in this episode. However, there were more than that in the seas of the Cretaceous. Animals like seagoing pterosaurs, rudist clams that played the role of coral reefs, a tube-nosed sea turtle in the form of Ocepechelon, massive filter-feeding fish like Bonnerichthys, polycotylid plesiosaurs, and especially SHARKS were also around during the Maasrichtian. As much as I wish they were in here too, I had a fun time with this episode as a whole.
We’re nearly at the end of our Season 2 review series, so join me again next time, as we cap off Prehistoric Planet’s second season with not a biome… but an entire continent? I dunno how they came up with that, but it’s gonna be a weirdly neat end to the season as a whole, so stay tuned for the finale of our second trip to the Maasrichtian!
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
Dinosaurs are among one of the most iconic of primordial creatures. The exact time period they first arose is made fuzzy by the temporal anomalies and time travelers who have helped scatter them across history, but mainstream paleontologists such as Ross Geller and Eva Jain have concluded dinosaurs arose first in the Triassic period circa 252 million years ago. Throughout the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs dominated the ecosystem alongside similar species of marine reptiles, pterosaurs and the earliest proto-dragons (whom often engaged in predation of the dinosaurs, especially the slower, lumbering species of semi-aquatic sauropods and hadrosaurs). Some dinosaurs were largely peaceful herbivores while others were vicious and at times voracious hunters. The exact form dinosaurs could take varied wildly, even among many who through fossils were labeled identically. Some dinosaurs were slow-moving, lumbering behemothic lizards, slow-witted and inefficient. Other dinosaurs, however, were swifter, more agile and intelligent. In the Jurassic period, a subspecies of Ornitholestes developed Stone Age-level technology and intelligence. While this sentient species of dinosaurs did not make it to the end of the period, by the Cretaceous period, some dinosaurs had managed to develop sentience and various forms of society. This includes one that curiously mirrored the human society that would exist millions of years later and another with a level of scientific knowledge that enabled them to develop multiple time machines including one that operated as a train that traversed the Mesozoic era. It is theorized these sentient dinosaurs were uplifted by the time traveler Captain Neweyes.
The Mesozoic era is, of course, most famous for its vicious end. One factor behind the Cretaceous extinction was time travel. The Trans-Time corporation sought to farm dinosaurs for meat and, despite several containment breaches, was able to inflict a severe dent in the dinosaur population. A powerful superweapon developed by a cult leader was sent back in time by a group of scientist-adventurers led by Benton Quest, which further devastated the planet. Alien incursions also battered the dinosaur population. The Predators hunted dinosaurs for sport and the Nesk flung a meteorite at the planet to deal with a rival species known as the Mecora. The Achuultani also flung several asteroids into the planet, wrecking the environment. These two causes linked when the Brainspawn visited Earth and proceeded to ravage the dinosaur population. Beyond outside forces, sentient dinosaurs also inflicted severe damage themselves by triggering large-scale climate catastrophe. Dragons also ravaged sentient dinosaur populations after evolving past the so-called ‘Prehistoric Dragon’ form. A small portion of intelligent dinosaurs were able to evacuate Earth and set up colonies beyond the Solar System, while non-sentient dinosaurs were preserved in an ark created by the Silurians. Despite the seeming extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth, however, in fact many dinosaurs managed to avoid extinction.
The migration of numerous dinosaurs to a ‘great valley’ in the south where a microclimate protected against the worst climate effects of the Cretaceous disasters and its hidden location guarded against intelligent species targeting the dinosaurs protected some of them. Other dinosaurs were able to survive in deep caves underground, accessible only through passages into Earth’s interior. A few dinosaurs emerged from these underground caverns during the Ice Age, leading to brief periods where dinosaurs coexisted with later megafauna such as mammoths and sabertooths, as well as with ancient humans. Prehistoric man, naturally, tended to greatly fear dinosaurs that they shared the planet with for the most part. However, at various points early humans were able to forge cooperative relationships with dinosaurs. The ancient society known as Bedrock is known to have domesticated numerous species of dinosaurs, keeping some as pets and making use of others as beasts of burden or sources of meat. The contemporary society of Lem also had a cooperative relationship with dinosaurs. Elsewhere, depictions of a caveman who could ride a Tyrannosaurus rex and fought other dinosaurs, humans and various monstrosities have been documented on multiple cave paintings found in Europe. However, conflict did continue more commonly. The alien Yargonians, who attempted to invade Earth nearly 1 million years ago, weaponized dinosaurs against primitive man. Eventually, the large-scale dinosaur presence alongside prehistoric humanity would end amidst a deeper Ice Age freeze, once again relegating dinosaurs to the ‘great valley’ (whose climate remained suitable for dinosaurs despite the general drop in global temperatures) and underground refuges.
As the Ice Age concluded, rapid continental drift occurred. This had significant consequences for the ‘great valley’ that was the last bastion of dinosaurs above ground. The region split apart and drifted into many areas. Much of the valley would become islands later labeled ‘lost worlds’ by observers. The Skull Archipelago, Caprona, Dinosaur Island and Yaanapalu all would be formed in this time. The islands would also enable the formation of other ‘lost worlds’ thanks to the frequent appearance of temporal anomalies on them. It is believed dinosaurs arrived in the Savage Land, Maple White Land, Gwangi Valley and various regions of the Congo thanks to anomalies opening up. Despite dinosaurs’ presence for much of human history, humanity at larve only really took notice of the lost worlds in the late 19th century, on the heels of advances in paleontology. The ‘bone wars’ between Cope and Marsh and Bolt and Cartland helped fuel numerous waves of fossil discovery as well as public captivating, especially as the likes of William Johnson and Deborah MacGuiness added fuel to the wave of fossil-driven dinomania. Dinosaur fossils were used by Stephen Maturin to justify the theory of evolution, an argument picked up by Charles Darwin and other subsequent advocates of the theory. It is likely this that laid the groundwork for adventurous explorers to seek out remnant dinosaur populations.
While the earlier Lidenbrock expedition had encountered dinosaurs in Earth’s interior, it was the Challenger expedition of the 1890’s that was the first to prove dinosaurs still existed. This in turn sparked a wave of exploitation-some dinosaurs were captured and placed in circuses for entertainment beginning with the famed Gertie, a trained Brontosaurus who toured globally for nearly 20 years. Ambitious big game hunters would seek dinosaurs as quarry, a key factor in nearly wiping out the Mokele Mbembe species of carnivorous sauropod native to the Congo. The realm of Dinotopia, inhabited by sentient dinosaurs coexisting alongside humans, was wiped out by Nazi forces in 1937 as part of their attempt to capture and weaponize dinosaurs ahead of World War II. The mass extermination inflicted forced the Nazis to make use of crude cloning techniques in their haphazard attempt to use dinosaurs against the D-Day invaders. By the late 20th century, dinosaurs were reduced to the status of a critically endangered species. Poachers, vengeful hunters, climate change and introduced diseases wiped out most known lost worlds, with only very isolated realms like the Savage Land being left intact. The war against the Dinosaur Empire left many habitats in the subterranean world inhabited by extinct fauna desolated. The biggest subterranean ecosystem to survive was in Canada and would not be discovered until several surprisingly intelligent dinosaurs emerged from it in 2007. Dinosaurs were not technically extinct but as far as everyday people were concerned they might as well be. However, a new solution emerged: cloning. The first large scale attempt at cloning dinosaurs in the postwar era was carried out by Darren Penward in 1979, which led to his creation of a small private zoo of dinosaurs by 1984. Penward’s death at the hands of his clones would not be the end of this, as his research was acquired by operatives hired by InGen CEO John Hammond who envisioned creating a large scale zoological centering on dinosaurs. Hammond set up what he dubbed Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar off the Costa Rican coast, but disaster struck in 1992 before it could open when a disgruntled employee shut down electricity which unleashed many ravenous dinosaurs from containment, killing at least a dozen. Hammond, despite his reputation as a cold capitalist, was shaken by the peril his two grandchildren ended up in during this event as well as his own near-death at the hands of a group of Compsognathus and abandoned the planned park.
However this would just be the beginning of a push to establish dinosaurs in captivity. Hammond’s nephew Peter Ludlow would oust him as CEO and attempt to reopen Jurassic Park in San Diego only for the plan to fail when a Tyrannosaurus escaped and rampages through the city, eventually consuming Ludlow himself. This led to Isla Sorna, InGen’s so-called Site B, being declared a nature reserve by the reinstated Hammond and the Costa Rican government. But the push for dinosaurs as attractions would not end there. Gerry Harding, former veterinarian at Jurassic Park, had made copious note of the healthcare needs of dinosaurs, making the prospect of raising them in zoos more feasible than it had been. This sparked a boom in ‘dinomania’ as dinosaur-centered parks like Enoshima Dinoland and Jurassic World (set up on the same island as the original attempted Jurassic Park) would arise over the next decade. Smaller scale education-centered facilities such as Prehistoric Park would also set up during this period, the latter earning a great deal of attention for its use of temporal travel (based on technology developed by Britain’s Anomaly Research Center) and the documentary series set at it starring Nigel Marven, whom had used the same technology to make similar documentaries on prehistoric life earlier on. Marven’s program would temporarily be handed off to Drew Luczynski after Marven disappeared through an anomaly, thought to be eaten by a Giganotosaurus until reappearing alive almost a decade later, just as the park he built began to franchise out under the name Prehistoric Kingdom.
From 2003 on, many zoos that were not specifically dinosaur-centered would begin to open dinosaur exhibits as the cost of care for dinosaurs dropped. This had a number of causes-the Shiawise decision helping weaken liability risks, the spread of clean energy technology pioneered by the Future Foundation and a general zoo boom prompted by animal-centered reality shows such as The Wild Thornberrys and V.V. Argost’s Weird World increasing earnings for zoos enough to make having a handful of dinosaurs a plausible option. This caused heavy competition for dinosaur-centered parks, especially the aforementioned Jurassic World which was increasingly forced to rely on corporate sponsorship and a luxurious resort experience to remain profitable. It is likely due to this competition that the park resorted to trying to create new hybrid dinosaur species, which in turn led to the disaster of 2015 that saw the park closed down for good. An attempt to evacuate dinosaurs from Isla Nublar during a subsequent volcanic eruption led to a large dinosaur population becoming invasive to California, causing widespread panic and calls from some to render dinosaurs genuinely extinct. For now, those calls have been resisted as moves have been made to get feral dinosaurs out of populated areas and into either captivity or the Isla Sorna and Savage Land reserves.
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ask-zerotrio · 10 months
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making fun of myself lmao
hey, it's your resident old people enjoyer aka blasting the professors with the old person ray so I can have some disaster polycule thing with the sweetest old man in the game. AKA mixing up the past/future obsessed professors with the one guy that keeps telling you to treasure the present and maybe dresses up with a pompadour and rides a regular ol' cyclizar instead of digging up prehistoric and futuristic versions of said lizards that could kill you
i feel like that guy with the map explaining about them everytime I open my mouth lol
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Mayak Datat: The Hairy Man Pictographs
Line drawings of the Hairy Man pictograph, "mother" Hairy Man pictograph, and "child" Hairy Man pictograph, located in central California
"ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to examine the association of prehistoric pictographs with contemporary stories told by the Tule River Indians about Hairy Man. Located on the Tule River Indian Reservation, the Painted Rock Pictographs are approximately 1000 years old. According to members of the tribe, the pictographs depict how various animals, including Hairy Man, created People. Other stories tell why Hairy Man lives in the mountains, steals food, and still occupies parts of the reservation. Since the Tule River Indians equate Hairy Man to Bigfoot, the pictograph and stories are valuable to our understanding of the modern idea of a hair-covered giant."
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"... when the Yokuts observed animal behavior in the wild, they incorporated those observations into their traditional stories. The more they observed, the most elaborate the stories and details. Following are several examples of traditional stories, collected by the author unless otherwise noted, and the observed animal behavior represented in the story. How People Were Made All the birds and animals of the mountains went to Hocheu to make People. Eagle, chief of all the animals, asked each animal how they wanted People to be. Each animal took a turn and said what they had to say. Fish said, "People should know how to swim, like me, so let them be able to hold their breath and swim very deep." Hummingbird said, "People should be fast, like me, so let them have good feet and endurance." Eagle said, "People should be wise, wiser than me, so People will help animals and take care of the Earth." Turtle said, "People should be able to protect themselves, like me, so lets give them courage and strength." Lizard said, "People should have fingers, like me, so that People can make baskets, bows and arrows." Owl said, "People should be good hunters, like me, so give them knowledge and cunning." Condor said, "People should be different from us, so give them hair, not feathers or fur to keep warm." Then Coyote said, "People should be just like me, because I am smart and tricky, so have them walk on all fours." Hairy Man, who had not said anything yet, shook his head and said, "No, People should walk on two legs, like me." All the other animals agreed with Hairy Man, and Coyote became very angry. He challenged Hairy Man to a race, and they agreed who ever won could decide how People should walk. They gathered at the waterfall, below Hocheu, to begin the race. Coyote started and took a shortcut. Hairy Man was wiser than Coyote and knew that Coyote would cheat to win and People would have to walk on all fours, so Hairy Man stayed behind and helped Eagle, Condor, and the others to make People. They went back to the rock and drew People, on two legs, on the ground. The animals breathed on them, and People came out of the ground. Hairy Man was very pleased and went to People, but when they saw Hairy Man, they were scared and ran away. That made Hairy Man sad. When Coyote came back and saw what they had done, he was very angry and drew himself on the rock eating the moon (he is called Su! Su! Na). All the other animals drew their pictures on the rock as well, so People would remember them. Hairy Man was sad because People were afraid of him, so he drew himself sad. That is why Hairy Man's picture is crying to this day. That is how people were made."
Strain, Kathy M. "Mayak Datat: The Hairy Man Pictographs." The Relict Hominoid Inquiry, vol. 1, 2012, pp. 1-12. Idaho State University, https://www.isu.edu/media/libraries/rhi/research-papers/Mayak-Datat-Hairy-Man-Pictographs-1.pdf.
Strain, Kathy M. "Mayak datat: An Archaeological Viewpoint of the Hairy Man Pictographs." Bigfoot Information Project, 13 Aug. 2004, http://www.bigfootproject.org/articles/mayak_datat.html.
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grumpygreenwitch · 2 years
Farm Living
I go to bed last night, as I must, against my wishes. And I'm in bed fussing with the eight blankets currently on it (look, I'm a lizard, I hate cold, I don't know what to tell you) when I start hearing clunking outside on the porch. Events through the past year have conditioned me to Dislike Immensely clunking sounds in my vicinity. That, and we're supposed to have a bear nearby. So I get back into my pants (they're really nice PJ pants), wriggle into my flipflops, and head out to the kitchen. Turn on the kitchen light. Turn on the porch light.
I see nothing. Clunking stops. Well, at least it's not a bear. Or someone trying to steal the engine out of the Cherry Bomb. At this point I know it's a critter. Likely something small. We have a number of cats in the area (If I ever get rich I'm buying a dozen Hav-a-Hearts).
So I open the door, fairly confident that whatever it was has fled into the darkness. Step outside, and discover that it is SLEETING. Like, dang. Thin layer of ice on the ground as far as I can see. It's still raining now, by the by. I admire it for a moment, as one does when there are eight blankets and a toasty cat waiting inside.
I turn around.
Between me and the door there is a long, naked, furless tail roughly as thick as a hot dog.
The owner of said tail, who was until that moment tearing into the bags of our recyclables, is now investigating the incredibly large object (the door) that has come up behind him, and which is currently the only thing separating my toes from his prehistoric teeth. I cannot see him, he can't see me, but I do see the tail moving as he turns around, and I can hear him sniffing at the door. Because possums, like skunks, apparently fear neither man nor god.
I leap inside, slam the door shut, turn off the lights and go back to bed, because you know what? At that size and with that ancestry, he's welcome to the recyclables. They're his now.
The End.
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dysphoriaposting · 2 years
I just realized something interesting about the names of the paradox Pokemon:
The weirdly separated names of beasts such as Brute Bonnet and Iron Bundle are possibly based around the scientific names of dinosaurs and the names of superheroes.
Think about it: The name of pretty much every dinosaur or other prehistoric organism translates to some goofy ass name like "Tyrant lizard king" or "Bull lizard". So something like Scream Tail sounds like a name a paleontologist would totally give pieces of a tail bone and evidence of an engorged larynx in a piece of shale!
And the future paradox forms? "Iron Jugulis, Iron Treads, Iron Barbs"? It's like names of superpowered heroes and villains! Like it or not, the name of such a powerful and resolute element conjures imagery of glory antics in comic books! Less cool than the ancient paradoxes, but I still think the fact that one of these is just straight up called "Iron Valiant" reminds me too much of an Iron Man/Captain America type to let it pass up.
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brighth0pe · 1 year
10:54 P.M. Beijing China
Across China where the undead and these highly evolve neo complex organisms now in a powerful alliance continue to push their way and decimate more of Makai's forces all while destroying everything Shinki has claim and achieved. More and more of prehistoric creatures brought back from the primordial hearth either fully normal or warped by the bio mass and it's spores. The environment and geology of the planet changed into that of gensokyo where the ground have grown more lively and beautiful with grass covered all over the land, breathing more life all while destroying every single inga gate Zenith has sense causing them to combust into flames burning the dark energy into ashes all while the evolved creatures fight alongside their undead allies. Neo-Kyoryo march through the dead streets overwhelming the demon beasts and crushing them with full fury.
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Among one of the neo complex organisms appear out of a webbing like cocoon nearby at an apartment building being disturbed by the loud stomping of tyrannosaurus rex the lizard king marching fourth into the streets. Tilting her head while starting to fly a bit she is a bit curious about the new world coming to a new. This creature is among the highly evolved bees call Apis mellifera. Or simply as the Mellifera which is a latin for honey bearing bee. But this Mellifera is special for she is rather curious of humans rather than see humans as prey or anything. She still do but not to the extreme. This lovely little bee is Bessie and she has been staying out along with her sisters, she's a little explorer in a war of death and carnage but the war does not bother her. The Mellifera started flying through the sky to just stare at the undead and others of her species devour and maim everything in their sight. Seeing this fight made her hungry.
" Man...I'm so hungry... "
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But then she has an idea!
" Oooh! I think I can go for grub or honey! "
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Bessie looked around for anything she can get her hands on, anything for her to eat and sustain her hunger. She would eat a human but she wants to try regular food.
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