#that means for Tenma and atom
p2ii · 4 months
too bad both Tenma and atlas are too obsessed with they own respective fathers/sons they could've been such a powerful duo tbh
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arinrowan · 2 months
Experiencing Emotions about Tenma Umataro and his relationship with Atom.
You are a genius and global authority in robotics and AI. You can build any robot, you can design any type of AI. Your son dies, and you decide you can fix this the same way you'd fix a broken robot or program.
You build a robot that looks like your dead son, and not only that, you 'fix' all the things that were wrong with him. You make him smart, curious, polite, well behaved. You make him love you.
And then one day, you look at the thing that loves you, that you built to love you, wearing your dead son's face, and you think, "I Fucked Up."
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good-wine-and-cheese · 5 months
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Mermay!!! I get to make fish people AUs :)
Tenma is a merperson/siren/variant whose son was caught by a fishing vessel (and was either thrown back only to die of his injuries, or has not been seen since, his status unknown) which leaves Tenma resentful of the humans he was already suspicious towards. He has taken to attacking ships and has become something of a folkloric monster spoken of in hushed whispers by seafarers. He collects mechanical parts from wrecks (his own or others) to a secret cavern where he has been building an automaton in the image of his son that he hopes to use to exact final revenge on the humans that took his child from him.
Somewhere along the line he finds himself critically injured - many ships know of him now and have been arming themselves to fight back - and he's forced to flee, fully expecting to die from his wounds. Instead, he finds himself cared for by a bizarre human (Ochanomizu as like a marine biologist or something, there are many benefits etc) who seems not to care about the warnings told of his monstrous nature. Tenma fully intends to kill him when he recovers - and says as much, often - but Ochan keeps taking care of him regardless. And unfortunately, he's quite charming. Over the course of taking care of Tenma, Ochan shows him human kindness exists and convinces him not to take revenge on all of humanity (and, well, his plan probably wouldn't have worked anyway and do you really want to see the image of your son destroyed again)
In the alternate version where Tobio might not be dead, Ochan helps him find his son :(
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choberr · 10 months
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tezuka-brainrot · 24 days
I get why people simp for Tenma now but I swear you wouldn't be ready IRL.
He looks like he smells like cigarettes and cheap beer and lots of cat pee.
And he doesn't even own a cat.
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pinkeatom29 · 5 months
unpopular(?) opinion about the 2009 movie
i would like the movie much more if it was 2D/closer to tezuka's stlye/looked good in general
i know it wouldnt fix the other issues of the movie like the bland vilan or the terible paceing but GOD a good artstlye makes SO much diferençe!
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Astro boy reboot, oh boy
So news of the new Astro boy reboot series broke out like WILD FIRE and as I predicted the fandom that has been waiting so long for it is very worried of how it'll turn out
But honestly
I'm actually quite hyped for it.
They removed the Miraculous creator from working on it which is a great start in my book THANK THE HEAVENS. Secondly I don't mind Astro having a girl he has feelings for at 9 as that happened in the 80s version and it was genuinely very sweet (ya know until she was found out to be a bomb and the two had to heartbreakingly seperate by her needing to be taken apart which destroyed the fandom's hearts). And he had plenty of crushes over the years so I'm not phased by it.
The only thing I hope for is that they don't make her human, because the problem with a robot child being together with a normal human child is the fact that she can age and he can't as he is permanently stuck with the mind and body of a 9 year old, so OOOO THAT RELATIONSHIP WILL BE *BAD* IN THE LONG RUN IF THEY MAKE THE RELATIONSHIP A PERMANENT THING AND NOT TEMPORARY.
Now to talk about some other things, I am actually really excited for the plot. It's a very slept on plot on the idea that Astro has to keep his robot identity secret from others to blend in as human and sometimes not even discovering he is a robot himself till later as usually unless told or shown otherwise Astro is mistaken to be a normal human child. That idea of self discovery and finding about who you are, who can from, and who you decide to be is a core trait for Astro and I find the plot as a cool way to show that.
And speaking of which, the elephant in the room. Tobio. By the looks of the plot it makes it known that Astro is gonna have the hero name be Astro when he is fighting and will most likely be called Atom by others AND I HOPE I PRAY TEZUKA GOD OF MANGA YOU BETTER HELP HERE I HOPE that they actually keep in and address the fact that Astro/robot Tobio is a robotic replacement by a father gone mad of his 9 year old dying in a tragic car accident as it's a CORE part of his character. The implication that robot Tobio has been living as a replacement in this series and is discovering himself and who he truly is by becoming Astro would be SO COOL
Lastly, the cgi, ima be honest it looks pretty decent. I like the way it looks as we could've gotten something so much worse if it was animated like Miraculous believe me. It looks bright, cartoony and colorful which ppl associate with it causing stir for it being aimed towards kids but the original Astro boy was also aimed towards kids in that same goofy cartoon style. What made it memorable was the story, the meaning, how a goofy and silly looking manga who could hold such darkness and truth and bringing to light deep societal and human issues while dealing with the inner turmoil of a boy trying to find out who he truly is beyond what he was made for. That he isn't a replacement, that he isn't just a robot. So as long as they are able or atleast TRY to hit that mark, then that's what matters to me more than the style.
In conclusion, it's just the pitch idea mind you, just a summed up concept. Everything is subject to be changed and tweaked as things get made and processed. For all we know it could end up being something completely different. The fandom has a reason to be on edge but we should be atleast a bit more open minded towards it until we see it in action it might not be another 2003 but it's definetly no 2009. And as for the ones working on it with both Tezuka productions and the fandom holding them at gunpoint over a series we've waited nearly a decade for, that better encourage them to give out one hell of a series.
Also Tenma and Oshan better be the same divorced science dads we all know and love or I swear to god-
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ben-the-hyena · 29 days
I'm a bit confused. I know about Osamu Tezuka's Star System, consisting in reusing his characters from different stories for other stories as different roles as if they were actors, think a bit of Muppet adaptations. They could be interpreted as AUs. But is it the case of this one example ?
In a volume of Black Jack, another manga by Osamu Tezuka, Dr Tenma looks older (ormaybedoesntdyehishairandbeardfullyanymore), is more unhinged, is trying to get into politics and he doesn't seem to be a doctor of robotics but he is a doctor in medecine, even owning a hospital. And more importantly : he has NO son, but a total different child, a daughter named Kasumi (or maybe he had 2 children and she is the youngest hence why he looks older ?)
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He also acts more unhinged I fucking love his expressions lol and no matter the comic he is a father in, bastard always makes his kids feel neglected because he is a workaholic
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She mentions no mother, meaning he is a widow in that continuity too. But he mentions a granny, meaning that unlike Tobio who seemed to have no grandparents, either Hoshie's or Umataro's mother is around (ngl at first I thought he was maybe the grandfather hence why he looks older than usual but then he does call her his daughter later so no)
And not only Kasumi looks kind of a human version of Uran, at some point he does a mistake and accidentally calls her Uran before correcting himself. Does this mean in this universe there was something going on between Kasumi and Uran like between Tobio and Atom, or is it just because shebis meant to be played by Uran like an actress with the Star System and it was just meant to earn a chuckle from the reader ?
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She doesn't die fortunately, but she almost does in darker circumstances. She is so sad by him becoming greedier, angrier and more corrupted and ready to be gone on long trips poor little girl attempts at her own life, and goes into a coma. But fortunately Black Jack saves her, and we saw that Tenma does really care for her since by being seen with Black Jack he ruins his reputation and any chance at winning but he no longer cares, she is more important. And it's a nice change to finally see him have a child who lives and him being relieved and deciding to look on life a different way
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So yeah either Tenma and Uran are actors as himself and as Kasumi respectfully, or better yet : HC that in the Black Jack universe, which is like an AU to the usual Astro Boy universe (and vice Versa since Black and Pinoko both often appear in Astro Boy media ; I guess both franchises are AUs of each other), robotics doesn't seem to be as developped so Tenma turned to medecine instead and being intelligent became as good at it as he would be in robotics in another world, climbed the scale quickly to the point of having a reputation anf money, still married Hoshie and had Tobio, Tobio never died since no toy car since no robotics, so Tenma being happier longer, he and Hoshie some time when Tobio was older like a teenager they had a 2nd child Kasumi, Hoshie fortunately died of her heart attack since I guess her heart is fragile in every universe and Tobio would soon leave home to study so Tenma found himself with his newborn daughter but he was so deep in his career and work (maybe to make sure nobody dies like Hoshi did again) he didn't have as much time as before all while maybe increasing his work cadence to cheat his widower grief, and nowadays Kasumi is the same age Tobio would have been when he died in the Astro Boy continuity whereas he is alive and a young adult here and Tenma grew older and got a love for power and money the deeper he got in and Kasumi got lonelier and lonelier with her father and brother away and her mother she always hears about but never knew and can't help but wonder if time was better for the family before she was born which, of course, neither of them think so and they adore her
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yuubaehachi · 1 month
Heres what I want to know... if Atom: The Beginning is split off of the original Astro Boy timeline because Atom traveled back in time from the og timeline where he is made in 2003... and Atom: The Beginning begins in 2020-something... wouldn't that mean that Umetaro Tenma is an alternate timeline version of the original Tobio, and his father was an alternate timeline version of Dr. Tenma? In some convoluted, roundabout way?
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alitontress · 11 months
Q&A: Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto
Ask on the subject of Brau-1589’s knowledge, and Europol’s actions:
Regarding Brau1589, how did they know so much if they had no contact with the outside world? Is it because they're so advanced that they're able to garner signals from the other robots? Also, is it implied that when they removed the spear to kill Teddy, does that mean they die as well? Also on the subiect of Gesicht's child, Robita, what happened to them when Gesicht and Helena's memories were wiped? Were they dealt with by Europol? Is it something related to Adolf's brother's crime, on killing the robot children? Sorry for such a long ask, but I'm really glad to see another Pluto fan! I am overall really happy with the anime adaptation!
Don’t be sorry! I freaking love long asks! Here’s a long reply:
In volume 2 of the manga Brau-1589 learned about the outside world because Gesicht exchanged memory chips with him. Brau-1589 then knew everything Gesicht knew and even found the memories Gesicht couldn’t remember. Gesicht exchanged chips because he wanted Brau-1589 to tell him if his memory had been modified since Dr. Hoffman didn’t have an answer for him; Brau-1589 wouldn’t give Gesicht an answer but did freak him out by saying “500 Zeus a body” and then just started laughing at Gesicht. Gesicht was so overwhelmed by Brau-1589’s memory chip that he screamed in horror and quickly ejected the chip; his reaction afterwards was similar to someone getting sick and about to throw up. He tells Brau-1589 that he couldn’t read the data on the memory chip. In the conversation that’s also where Gesicht learns about Dr. Roosevelt. In the anime, Brau-1589 says that he knew Atom was awake, which Tenma finds impressive, but in volume 8 of the manga, Brau-1589 learns Atom is awake only after Tenma tells him.
Yes, it’s implied that Brau-1589 would die if the lance was removed, but Tenma could’ve fixed him up slightly, maybe? And we have Atom promising that they’ll see each other again, so I dunno... maybe he survived. I like the idea that he survived, but I also think it’s interesting that Brau-1589 would sacrifice himself to save humans by killing Teddy when, because he is/was the Blue Knight, he absolutely hates humans.
I think Europol would just send Robita to a scrap heap after they wiped his parent’s memory. Robita was tortured, molested (so others have told me, I don’t quite remember which volume or if that is actually implied), mutilated (while still alive), then killed by Haas. When Gesicht found Haas, there was the bag with the remains of Tobita’s body inside. Europol would need to do something which would leave no trace for Gesicht to find after his memory was wiped. It’s interesting to think what Gesicht did after he killed Haas. Gesicht might’ve taken Tobita’s body to Europol… or might’ve just been paralyzed in that alley, not knowing what to do, but just waiting for Europol to come find him. According to the manga, Gesicht wanted Europol to execute him after killing Haas… so I don’t know. The whole situation is depressing.
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dweamofsweep · 9 months
I’m very sorry to the 5 ATB readers out there but if I had to think about this so do you
the other day I was re-reading the earlier chapters and I realized Ochaji (Hiroshi’s grandpa / the original “Dr. Ochanomizu”) was cousins with Dr. Saruta, who in this universe is the grandpa of Hoshie (Tobio’s mom). So I was like, wow, that means Ochanomizu is actually related to Tobio, however distantly. Kinda cool since usually they don’t know each other at all (as far as we’re told) and only Atom meets Ochanomizu after he’s built to replace Tobio, by coincidence. (Of course, it does line up with all the characters generally being closer in ATB, what with Tenma and Hiroshi being friends and all.)
but then it occurred to me that in the most recent arc the story is kind of bent on pushing Tobio and Botan together. And Botan is Ran’s daughter, and Ran is Hiroshi’s half sister (they share a father, who is Ochaji’s son)… uhhh
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I mean yeah, the shared lineage is pretty far back, but did the writer not realize this? Or did they just decide to ignore it 💀 because invariably Tobio is gonna die soon anyway so……..????
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arinrowan · 2 months
Hi. I just found your Pluto posts and you just made my night with your analysis on it's themes of humanity, grief and hatred. I finished it last month and I still can't get over how deep and painful it all was.
Dare I ask, do you have any favorite scenes or character moments from Pluto?
I don't think it was meant to be funny but there's something darkly hilarious to me about how many people showed up to talk with Brau 1589 and that he (it?) was somehow the closest thing to therapy any of those characters got. Also the guy losing his human chassis because Pluto accidentally stole it for a few days so the poor dude was just wandering around in his construction body like the worst possible version of losing your car and house keys so you can't drive home.
Are Atom and Goji perfect AIs because they can lie? Was Geischt a perfect AI because he reacted in anger and murdered the man responsible for the death of his child? What do any of these scientists actually mean by a perfect AI, and what do they want to accomplish by creating one? What's the difference between the emotions of an AI and the emotions of a human?
Tenma is a disaster. Just. An absolute disaster. He's responsible for almost the entire plot yet takes responsibility for none of it. With both Atom and Goji we see him show up, do something deeply traumatizing to the robot, and then wander off before he has to deal with any potential fallout or consequences. The closest moment of connection we see him have is with Helena when she asks him how to grieve for her dead husband. He almost connects with Uran but her worldview is too different from his so he ends up insulting and belittling her instead. He lies to himself that he can bring Tobio back to life, he lies to himself that he won't try and fix Atom, does nothing to try and connect with Atom once it's confirmed Atom is alive again and leaves Ochanomizu to deal with any potential fallout, essentially sabotaging any possible fix he could have with his and Atom's relationship. He keeps showing up, saying cryptic things, then wandering off without bothering to provide any context. He also keeps warning people not to do something and then three episodes later we find out he said that because he already did the thing but didn't feel like explaining.
Did he honor Abullah's last request out of respect for his grief?
Is it a kindness for Helena to not remember her dead child? Is it a worse violation that her memory was changed without her consent or knowledge and then two different people in her life, Geischt and Atom, failed to tell her what was missing? Is she grateful Atom lied to her about not knowing what was in her missing memories?
Epsilon refused to be conscripted and dedicated his life to raising children who were orphaned by the war, and despite Goji showing he knows this ON SCREEN he still wants Pluto to kill him. Twice.
Goji being about to potentially kill Wissily by beating him with a pipe, a traumatized child he's had kidnapped, and Pluto not allowing him. Pluto begging Epsilon to kill him because he doesn't know how to stop.
Atom and Pluto, after their fight, waiting for Bora by lying down and stargazing until it's time.
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good-wine-and-cheese · 8 months
Heavily inspired by @ssserf's fic here. It got my brain gears brring
Summary: After a harrowing incident, Ochanomizu's survival is dependent on Tenma constructing him an artificial body. He'll do it; but there is something darkly ironic in transforming the most "human" of them all into a machine. Though perhaps humanity isn't so narrowly defined.
Relationship: Tenma/Ochanomizu
Characters: Dr. Tenma, Professor Ochanomizu, Atom, Uran, Inspector Tawashi
Warnings: Near Death Experiences, Terrorism, Medical Procedures, PTSD
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ludwigoat909 · 1 month
The more I watch this vid the more I get pissed and I literally didn't even watch this series (I only saw the Astroboy movie and like the first volume of ATOM the beggining)
"yeah screw this scene about a Father and his son's broken relationship finally confronting eachother, this about evil bad dude wanting to rule the world vs Cool Hero Robot kid. Yeah let's replace the kid venting his frustrations on how he thinks he's dad never loved him and replace it with something COOLER like "I'll never take part in your evil plan" cause astroboy is all about being a coll robot that serves the greater good. OH YEAH and for that scene where he hugs his daddy telling him not to die let's make it about how he just saves Tenma because he's just such a good a kind hero he even forgives his ennemies, like duuuude look at him hugging the bad guy while saying "I forgive you" isn't he so cool pure and kind?? Isn't he such a pure hearted soul??? Like what is he RoboJesus??? Hahahaha what do you mean Tenma wants to kill himself because he continued failed to be a proper father to his son? Naaaaah bro he just wants to die because he fucked up his evil plans dude. If you want to add parent and child drama theb let's fucking add a sequence where he said his son's name, that would do it and make sense after an whole ass dialogue about bro's evil plan."
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tezuka-brainrot · 4 months
My AU of Tenma 🤝 my AU of Epsilon
Genuinely really caring about their children and just wanting to be a father again. But their current personalities make it really difficult... They are immatiations of actual loved ones who are practically long dead...
I mean it's different considering Riguel is a robot clone of Tenma like Atom was of cannon Tobio. Purposefully made with a different personality that Tobio thought he'd like way more than his real father, but he grew to despise it because he realized he can't just play God and make everything perfect, under his control.
Meanwhile Epsilon...is still, well, Epsilon. Rebuilt and revived after Pluto murdered him. But his memories were wiped completely, and the orphans are confused and heartbroken over their guardian not recognizing them (or even himself.)
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puniper · 1 year
in celebration of atom's birthday, atb has been unlocked all the way to chapter 100 which means that if you wanna see tenma getting his hand crushed by a robot now its your chance
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