#that movie is a masterpiece
littlegalerion · 7 months
Okay, okay, I get that a lot of the Emperor fans like to say that the Emperor is the Phantom to their Tav/Dark Urge's Christine, but consider...being the Sarah to their Jareth soundtrack wise?
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daddy-dotcom · 2 years
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Oh I would 100% write about the first avenger no doubt about it
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helloitshaley · 15 days
Excuse me, what do you meeeeaaaaan Van Helsing only has 24% on Rotten Tomatoes what do you meeeaaaan
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nyaslashthreat · 10 months
shout out to when i told my dad about goncharov and he figured out it was fake because i told him "1973 martin scorsese film with robert de niro" and he said that wasn't possible because the godfather came out in 1972 and the godfather part II came out in 1974 and they wouldn't have had time to make a movie in between. a perfectly good jest, foiled by this man's weird and vast knowledge set
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boccs · 10 months
I feel like tumblr should be bigger fans of The Blues Brothers. It's a movie that has everything we value as a community. Attention and respect to pioneering black musicians, open hostility to nazis, open defiance to police, Carrie Fisher with a rocket launcher and flamethrower, a soundtrack that goes hard as hell, John Belushi so blasted on cocaine that he continues to do somersaults despite having a broken ankle. It's got it all!
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gilly-moon · 14 days
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No one requested haikyuu but I have been thinking about Them since seeing the movie in theaters last weekend
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sassytheturtle · 1 year
Can’t stop thinking about this
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Floor and Teefs were begging Rocket to leave. But, he was too distraught and consumed by grief over Lylla to listen. Floor and Teefs died because of that. And that’s something Rocket has blamed himself over for a very long time.
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what truly gets me with knives out and glass onion both is the use of the viewers' memories. like when harlan gives marta the instructions where to park the car, before or behind the statue. or when we see miles hand duke the whiskey glass.
like i watched those parts. i heard harlan say where to park the car. i consciously took in how miles gave duke his glass the first time. but then the characters show that twisted scene and suddenly i also don't remember. park the car before or behind the statue? did he hand duke the glass or did duke take it by mistake?
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coreinthian · 2 years
Das erste Medium, das meine obsession mit enemies to lovers tropes ausgelöst hat, war Asterix und Obelix: Mission Kleopatra
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weirdlookindog · 8 months
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Jessica Harper in Suspiria (1977)
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syoddeye · 2 months
sy ur tags on that military issued spouse post,, im going insane thinking about it omg
insane about what?
+18 only. x gn!reader. a smidgen of ghoap x reader.
cw: some dubcon. possessive and controlling behavior.
about simon 'touch starved and trust issues' riley not letting you see his face for the first six, eight weeks of marriage? he doesn't take off the mask in front of you once. locks the door when he showers. eats separately. just a skull face glaring down at you when he has you on your back. doesn't say much, barely says goodbye when he goes off on his first deployment post-wedding. he's gone for weeks with no word, no updates. then, one night, you wake up to find a sweaty, mountain of a man crawling into your bed, knocking your legs open, face covered in smudged eye black and scars. claps a hand over your mouth when you scream. don't recognize your own husband? you'll recognize something.
about kyle garrick, who was, sure, a little rougher than you expected that first night? he makes up with it with a massage the next day, kneading his skilled hands into all your sore spots. has you gasping while he apologizes, fingers somehow finding their way back to your holes. you quickly find out this man never keeps his hands to himself. out in public, it's an obvious problem. a hand slipping from the small of your back to your ass at the store, shoving between your thighs at the movies. he follows you into fitting rooms and lavatories. at home, it's worse. you work remote. it's plush, comfortable - until he starts making space for himself between your knees under your desk. hooking you off screen at the end of video calls for quickies. insatiable. you learn to schedule time off when he comes home from deployment.
about john mactavish? who won't let you call him 'johnny'? it's either 'john' or 'soap', and he doesn't have a preference for either so long as you're screaming something when he's got his head between your thighs. goes down on you for an hour, minimum. wrings orgasms out of you until your legs are useless and his jaw's sore. it works for him, makes it easier to play with you. pesters you for pictures and videos when he's deployed. don't bother with anything vanilla. he doesn't care if your underwear matches or if it's brand new, he needs a pick-me-up. a boost to morale. and don't forget to say his name. when he tells you he's coming home, you prepare as if a storm is making landfall. you learn to wait in the bedroom or else he'll have you against the door. he puts you on your knees, unusual for him, he likes seeing your face. you're two orgasms in when a deep, unfamiliar voice comments you're just as vocal in person as you are in the videos, and tells johnny that it's his turn.
about captain john price, who makes one too many comments about turning you into the perfect house spouse? he encourages you from day one to quit your job. you got the benefits you wanted the moment you married him, so there's no reason to continue working. he doesn't like that you're out of the house for hours at a time when he's home. he doesn't like it when you go out with your friends, saying you need your own space. doesn't like you going anywhere without him, period. plays the perfect husband when your boss suddenly lets you go, and your friends give you the cold shoulder. you don't understand why or where it's coming from. a string of bad luck. but he'll make it all better. he'll bury himself inside you over and over again until you understand you don't need anyone else. just him. maybe his boys, too, when you're good and ready.
edit: still thinking about john price
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linusbenjamin · 11 months
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Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity. Oppenheimer (2023) dir. Christopher Nolan
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artwinx · 3 months
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happy 10 years anniversary of catws
aka the movie who shaped the stucky ship forever ❤️
my commissions are still open and you can support me on ko-fi
day 4: @catws-anniversary
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thatonespacek1d · 3 months
You ever see a movie and while watching it you think, “This is going to be a cult classic.” I thought this while watching Lisa Frankenstein. In this TedTalk-
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horygory · 1 month
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The Shining (1980)
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cupidsatdawn · 11 months
No but whoever is Margot Robbie stylist done their research and I love them for that
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photo credits: voguefashion
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