#that really says a lot abt it esp their age tbh !! but gosh.... the way he talked abt sunshine is the cutest
jinlix · 5 years
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His vlives are really the best...
#[warning: big rant and a lot of feelings bc I love hyunjin!!!]#call me biased but dude u can't deny it how much hia vlives are just... amazing#i love how he's so excited and chill it's just we there keeping company I love it#hes so sincere... always talking abt whatever he's thinking like someone mentioned he said he hopes they aren't our everything#that means... so much. if that's really true I swear I've never stanned someone this genuine ever I love how he keeps talking abt things#like this is his job so he should be !! abt idk ppl liking them that much but the way he just mentioned that like he's keeping our#relationship still respectful and making sure we are in a good mind set abt all this. ngl skz are one of the most down to earth groups ever#that really says a lot abt it esp their age tbh !! but gosh.... the way he talked abt sunshine is the cutest#i feel like his relationship with han is so supportive ??? and open ??? idk man but the way he just gushed abt han songs#and how he always loves it BECAUSE it's han's feelings and how han always show him the songs skdjdjsjdj it's just amazing#how all of them know each other so well and how they take care of each other tha well. I'm that kind of super worried person but...#skz is making me more and more comfortable about stanning them each day. reassuring it's not that deep and even if it's they have each other#hyunjin mentioned chn minho and han on this vlive (probably binnie ?? can't remember) hes just a big sucker for his hyungs 🙇🏻‍♀️#it just... shows how they are always so in sinc and even on little things they are there with each other... gosh#his vlives calm me down like every time. not only him singing and talking which does that too but... the way he talks abt things#and the subjects he talk abt... idk skdkdk I can tell a lot abt someone by the way their talk and what they talk about and honestly:#he's just all that. i love him showing few sides we don't usually see and be like dude that's flaws but u know what it's okay#and i be like: *crying noises * is... okay.. *more crying noises*#LOL ok im done rambling again I gtg get lunch just... i just really love his personality and him... my fave thinker boy 🙇🏻‍♀️❤💞#difkskkdkdkdd i love him so much ugh strong feelings warning lol ill put it on the first tag sjdjdjdjd okay bye#i love yall and I hope he sleeps well now 🙇🏻‍♀️ even if he might now sleep soon skdkdkdkd bless sleeping at 2/3 🙆🏻‍♀️#okay bye sjdjdjjdjdjdjd i love him a lot !!!! he makes me proud of who he is and how he acts !!! i just love him !!! bye#kelly says#dl
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goldenscript · 7 years
jack frost!minhyuk
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lee minhyuk, a man of not only jovial fun but of snow and frost and all the glorious white mush that dusts lush green lawns and ices over ponds and nips at everyone’s noses
he’s the kind of spirit that accepted his fate and didn’t mind the tasks they thrusted at him bc what else could he do??? fight the greater deities for cursing him????
you could say he’s an optimist because there’s no other way to see life at this point
he’s always been that kind of half full guy and he’ll always make the most of any situation so knowing that he let his younger sister have a life is all that he can ever ask for - he just happened to be given a second chance
this time to bring joy and life to others like he had with his sister
it took him quite a while to get acclimated to being a holiday spirit, but having fun has always been his kind of thing
he often played games with his sister, ice skating, snowball fights, sledding,,, all that good stuff
so when he was given the ability to control the one thing he loved the most in the world (aside from his lil’ sis) he made sure to make the most of every winter season
at first, he was always shy to interact with younger kids because he was so sure that no one could see him - the first time someone walked right past him, he sulked for ages ok
but then he meets your great aunt who lives away from the city and on the outskirts - at the time she didn’t have a lot of friends so she just wished for one and somehow minhyuk and her crossed paths
not that it was an accident or anything, but he has fled from the city with a sad heart, wandering until he stumbled across a lake that resembled the one when he was alive and he saw your great aunt
when she saw him, she lit up despite being so shy but she just knew he was so okay so she greeted him and gosh did he warm up
she looked right at him and nodded when he pointed at himself like “me??” and she asked him if he wanted to play and that’s what began their time together
even well into her adult life as she married and had kids, she still believed in him because he became such a huge part of her childhood and she invited him to do the same with her children
they didn’t quite remember him as they grew older but it came as a relief to him that she did
when she was alone and withered by age, he still came to see her and eventually saw you
not many people liked to visit her because she was always talking about a “minhyuk” but neither you nor your parents cared (though your parents more or less pitied the older woman tbh) so they let you stay with her and you became his playmate
you knew him by minnie than minhyuk,,, always shrieking his name in laughter and elation because he was the best playmate you’d ever known
most importantly, because he could conjure up snow,,,, tho he was total cheat at snowball fights ngl & at the end, he would let you win and pelt him with snowballs then return to the cottage with you for your great aunt’s famous hot cocoa
and many years went on like this and the loneliness you felt sort of melted away because all you can remember is fondness in your childhood and of a boy named minnie
who still thinks abt you tbh,,, he stops by your aunt’s to ask abt you and help her and he just,,, hopes that you’d come back one day
tbh, you’re not sure when you stopped believing in minnie but you do know it came right as soon as your visits to your great aunt grew less and less
even when you did stop, you mostly cared for her and tried to help her esp during the summer when the weather was the hottest bc she insisted she was fine during winters
unlike her own kids, you helped her the most - your parents encouraged it though mostly for their own benefit to rake up than anything else
after college, with a job lined up and everything, you actually decide to move there instead of a place in the city like they wanted and they disliked how you decided not to sell the house when you were gifted the cottage in her will 
ofc now,,,, you’re scared
it’s the first time you’re truly living alone and caring for a small place all on your own but you’re also comforted by the nostalgia because the faint memories of your great aunt and your imaginary friend minnie - a point in time when life was easier than worrying about living and paying bills
one day when you’re on the ice abt to skate and you’re wobbling he actually appears and says “still not good on the ice huh?”
you’re surprised, rubbing your eyes in disbelief, “minnie??????????????”
he just smiles, “well it’s minhyuk but you can still call me minnie!!!”
you’re almost certain it’s a dream but you don’t care bc you want to enjoy this moment and not think abt bills and taxes and all that other crap that’s sure to take away the fun from life
so you just grin and say, “hi minhyuk, i’m y/n”
“i know!”
“you do??”
“i remember u,,,, i was hoping you’d come back actually”
you’re surprised but before you can scold your dream self for being so childish you realize you don’t really care
and !!! he admits he’s always had the most fun with you bc you were always telling him silly stories and making him laugh and it makes you so happy that you can’t stop yourself from doing it again
this time with robots and dinosaurs and the great world war of the past and present and other great stuff you hadn’t actually told anyone since they were all pretty unconventional stories
you go to bed that first night wishing you didn’t have to wake up because this was first time you actually felt free since you last moved there but even in your dreams he’s there and it makes you smile and sleep well
the next day,,, you wake up a little late but you’re quick to get ready to run errands and you’re still pretty dazed as you walk off the bus and toward your cottage until you see a pair of feet that could only belong to one person
you almost drop the hot cocoa ingredients and he’s immediately scooping the items into his arms and scolding you like “careful!!! sheesh”
you laugh a little nervously bc you swore you were dreaming the other day ago bc he can’t be really right??
but as you both round the corner of the pathway toward the front door, he just laughs and says, “srsly you aren’t I’m really here”
he even lets you poke his cheek and squeeze his arm just to make sure because you’re seriously trying to wrap your head around the fact that your imaginary friend from childhood may not have been imaginary after all,,, but you figure he isn’t some malevolent spirit trying to kill you,,, hopefully
so you’re like “well,,, would you like to come in for hot cocoa then?” and as he makes himself at home, enjoying the way you decorated and everything, you make your great aunt’s secret recipe which he loves too
and the moment realization strikes him, his features just like up and he’s like “!!!!!!!!!! you’re amazing”
you laugh and you thank him for always making your childhood really fun and for keeping you company
he’s just like “yeah ofc it’s what your great aunt wanted,,,,” 
and you smile a lil sad but he just puts his hand on top of yours to comfort you and it makes you smile,,, bc he’s still nice and kind as ever and that,,,, seriously warms your heart
it just becomes this routine to stay with minhyuk, do errands, and even once in a while go to your job with him present bc ur office is pretty secluded from everyone else’s
he makes u laugh and feel really happy like even more than reliving your childhood nostalgia and you’re certain that it might be more than a platonic thing but you don’t want to say anything
it isn’t until one day when jooheon, a guy from ur office, asks you out and minhyuk is actually frowning and pouting bc “??? are you really going out with this guy???? why not spend time with me??”
you actually have to excuse yourself to take minhyuk aside like “??? what’s ur deal”
but he just clamps up because how can he just say that without coming off as some child y’know??
so he’s just like “um,,,, i,,, i don’t know! what’s urs?”
of course, you’re confused but before you can say anything else he just disappears and says he’ll see you later
,,,but by “later” he actually means later bc he doesn’t appear for a few days especially since ur lil’ hangout with jooheon
it wasn’t even anything special either since all you could think about was minhyuk and if he was ok because he seemed really upset and the thought of him upset actually,,, hurt you,,, A Lot
so anyway, you’re out in your backyard drinking hot cocoa with a plate of cookies and there’s another mug for him
you’re just sitting there like “where r u dummy?” but he doesn’t show up and it’s starting to get really cold so you leave it out and the next morning you find the plate and mug washed in your dish rack
and the rest of the day kind of drone on without minhyuk’s company and it makes you even more sad bc you miss him terribly
turns out he misses you too !!
well, duh
in all that time you two spent together, he’s grown attached to you and a part of him has been at war with himself since then because is that even ok ??
he’s known you since childhood and you’ve seen him as a figment of your imagination ,,, having feelings for you now seems so out of the question but then he thinks back to the way you look with snow caught in ur hair,,, the way you’ll hold his hand real tight even when you’re both inside,,, the fact that you can make ur great aunt’s hot cocoa and cookies so effortlessly ???
but ok rlly,, you’ve become such a kind and caring soul with such a selfless way of thinking and it makes him feel so happy to see that y’know??
it also makes him sad tho bc you told him abt how you were pretty much alone since your parents didn’t like your decisions to keep your great aunt’s place and how you didn’t have a lot of friends just bc of your parents and honestly he was your sole friend
like that? that breaks his heart and it makes him so freaking torn because he doesn’t want to hurt you like that yknow?
he doesn’t want to abandon you but he also doesn’t want to have these feelings for you but he just,,, he can’t help himself
even when his friends keep telling him to leave well enough alone, he looks to the man on the moon and he just,,, knows that this is where he should be
(ofc after all his tasks are done and all,,, which doesn’t take long but he sees that one of the weather spirits are being particularly mean and aiming a storm in your area and it has him racing there)
one night there’s a particularly horrid snow storm with lightning and thunder and you’re kinda terrified bc you’ve never been that keen on thunderstorms
and to be frank, it’s the first time you’ve ever suffered through a storm in the cottage without your great-aunt too,,,,
but minhyuk shows up bc he can’t stand seeing you so freaked out and he eases up on the snow even tho some of it isn’t his doing
(though he’s sure to deal with that later)
he asks if you’re ok and u get only a lil snippy bc “where have you been, you chicken head????? how could u just leave me and take my hot cocoa???”
he apologizes and admits he’s jealous bc jooheon can be seen out with u and u won’t look crazy and he just,,,, really likes u.
in all that time you two spent together, even in that time apart - it dawns on you why it upset you so much that he left and it isn’t just cuz he’s one of your only friends
so you say, “god you’re a dummy” and before he complain, you admit, “i like you too so don’t leave me ok it makes me sad”
he just lights up and a lot of the angry snow sort of dissipates as he draws you into his arms and feels you tighten ur hold on him
and because of this, it makes u both closer than ever
like christmas is even better than ever bc even tho your parents weren’t keen on that stuff, he helps u decorate and make cookies for santa (tho he eats them because he refuses to share those godsent cookies)
you both exchange gifts and he adores the mittens you made him with the lopsided thumbs and you love the snowflake necklace he had made and purchased (it took lots of begging from the man on the moon just to have a physical form that day even for like ,,,, 2 hours,,,, yes shopping really took that long for him,,,, rip)
and as you both get up from your spots on the rug by the fire place to put the dishes away by the doorway, he can’t help but point up when you’re down with the dishes with this cute, mischievous smile
you look up, brow raised and cheeks flushed but you pull him downward by the collar of his sweater and y’all kiss under the mistletoe
of course, it makes you sad when spring rolls in but he promises to pop in even if it is unconventional and he gets in trouble
and boy does the man on the moon do a good scolding every now and then, just for him
but even the spirits love the two of you together and they’ll send you nice gifts because it makes them happy to see minhyuk happy after this long
regardless of everything, even with the grand design telling you both that this won’t work out, you’re content bc he’s in your heart and you’re in his
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bakukirikami · 7 years
I'd like to request all the angsty headcanons please
GOD ok this ask is over a week old but im finally ready 2 deliver
under the cut bc this is literally 2k of bakukirikami angst hc’s
not rlly super angsty but he’s rlly touch sensitive
mainly bc of the sludge villain which. makes sense
the first time kiri and kami swings an arm over his shoulder he flinches To The Max and they’re shocked bc angry baku just jumped away from them
though it’s good for the beginning of their relationship bc it helps them realise and understand it
they both ask him first if they can hug him and tbh for the first few seconds baku doesn’t know what to do
eventually he hugs them back and Gosh it’s such a good feeling
he feels a little calmer and he just relaxes and shit he feels gr88
he doesn’t even mind if he tells anyone else abt hugging them bc he’s just so glad that he feels safe being held by someone
tbh it’s not easy to overcome something like that? esp for baku, he’s so used to having control that the sludge villain really hit him hard.
the first time they share a bed together baku’s in the middle although he’s the tallest.
he’s been so long without proper touch and kiri and kami really just wanna make him feel loved
at first it’s Too Much Touch and he feels really trapped but his bf’s really did some research abt touch sensitivity and they figured out how to calm him down
he sleeps really well when he’s in the middle bc he knows that he’s literally surrounded by love
he’s the last of the three to wake up in the morning and when he does he can just hear kiri and kami whispering about how much they love him so he buries his head in his pillow and kicks them both so they don’t see him smiling and blushing
eventually after a REALLY LONG TIME he does end up trusting 1a so he doesn’t really mind if they know about his touch sensitivity
there’s nothing wrong with it ofc he’s not any less of a hero it’s just another part of him
but if anyone from another class/in general mocks him about his flinching he will try to explode him and it takes kiri and kami 43 tries to get him to calm down
he finds it really irritating ofc bc he wasn’t always touch sensitive! fuckin sludge villain
when he goes home to visit his family he brings kiri and kami home to meet them
mitsuki hasn’t seen baku in ages so her first instinct is to hug him which is p normal for a mom imo
he flinches for a second and then he realises this is my mom she literally has baby soft skin she can’t hurt me before he relaxes
she still notices his flinching bc she’s his fuckin mom so she asks kiri about it later bc he seems like a good lad
kami overhears and helps explain
later when they’re trying to go to sleep they tell baku and he just shrugs bc he doesn’t mind. he’s getting used to it now
sidenote bakugou’s family fucking love kiri and kami
when he finds out ragdoll lost her quirk he gets a few nightmares about losing his own quirk
makes sense tbh bc the majority of his confidence and arrogance stemmed from his Super Awesome Quirk
usually ends up with him waking up really sweaty and holes in his blankets from uncontrolled explosions during his sleep
he goes to the bathroom to cool off and he stares at his reflection a lot and constantly reminds himself that he’s not going to lose his quirk he’s not he’s not he’s not
what happened to ragdoll isn’t going to happen to him he’s okay
when/if kiri and kami find out they’re shocked again bc they’re not used to insecure bakugou
however they do reassure him a lot that he’s not going to lose his quirk
they remind him a lot that nightmares don’t make you weak at all
he doesn’t usually say anything but if he does it’s usually just “yeah, yeah, yeah, i know.”
“thanks dumbasses”
his dreams usually rotate between hero dreams and fluffy dreams abt his bf’s so the first time he has a nightmare he’s super pissed off bc! He’s strong he shouldn’t be getting nightmares
kami and kiri are Best Bfs they buy baku all might merch when he’s feeling Bad
right so listen up kiri’s rlly insecure about his quirk in general so like after baku got kidnapped he really beat himself up about it like A LOT A LOT
his updated hero costume has sleeves from a few of the scars he gave himself during that time
bc of his quirk he rlly doesn’t need armour or anything so everything when they tell him he can upgrade he goes
“fuck i need to hide these scars”, thus, sleeves
during the hero license exam arc kami’s confused bc why the fuck would kirishima, whos ((pretty much)) made of steel need s l e E V E S
kami doesn’t question it tho bc who the fuck is he to judge. kami’s costume is literally just a cool jacket and pants w/ lightning bolts
baku (and everyone else) doesn’t really notice bc theyre used to kiri’s Extra As Fuck costume
anyway eventually bakugou and kaminari are going to end up seeing his scars, whether on purpose or not
when kiri explains baku’s first reaction is just anger bc not only does he think he’s the reason for all might’s end, but he’s thinks that it’s his fault kiri hurt himself
its no one’s fault of but neither of them know what to say but they just both hold kiri really tightly and at that moment, that’s all he needs
sunshine kid needs to stop bottling things up blease kiri
spends half of his time in class overthinking about things
he wants to make everyone happy and please everyone but kiri u can’t do that you gotta make yourself happy first
after he, baku and kami get together he talks a lot abt his insecurities and he feels so liberated honestly its a good feel u go kiri 👏👏
they’ll be in bakugou’s room watching a movie and as soon as the credits start rollin he exhales and sits up straight and just Starts Talking
bakugou and kami don’t interrupt them, they just let him talk and as soon as he’s done kami cuddles him and drowns him in blankets
baku does His Thing but kiri still knows he cares so he smiles really fondly at baku which makes him blush bc kiri has the nicest smile!
eventually kami will make bakugou cuddle w/ them
they all sleep a lot better that night.
(kiri’s in the middle)
used to get a lot of shit @ middle school during The Edgy Phase
filed his teeth in anger
vowed to be the nicest person he could be
he doesn’t like thinking about it a lot but he definitely thinks it made him a stronger and better person
got mocked a lot abt his quirk bc it wasn’t “flashy enough” ://
this is already canon but he cried when meeting tetsu for obvious reasons
STILL CANON but best bros w/ tetsu
he talks to tetsu abt their quirks a lot
tetsu is a Comfort Buddy
initially tetsu doesn’t rlly understand why kiri is upset about the lack of originality of his quirk, but once he does understand he’s very comforting
of the two, people say tetsu’s quirk is more unique because he’s transforming his body from flesh into steel, whereas kiri’s is flesh into harder flesh
(this is p much why tetsu initially has difficulty understanding)
tetsu reassures kiri a lot tho and in the end they always feel a lot better about their quirks
once or twice tetsu mentions it to kami and bakugou
out of the blue they’ll randomly compliment kiri and his quirk and he’s super happy
they never say anything to kiri about tetsu but kami and baku are really grateful that he told them
forever upset that he won’t meet crimson riot
mmmMMMKAY maya has some angsty kami hc’s here in case u havent seen them yet but ITS MY TURN NOW
super pissed off bc of how he always gets called stupid and dumb!
yes he doesn’t have the best grades but can you stick a knife in a toaster without dying? no? didn’t think so
whenever anyone is a dick about his intelligence he gets really pissed and starts shooting tiny sparks out of his body
when he came to UA he did that a lot less tho
but he does it most often around jirou
(at UA its usually her being a dick)
once she pushed him a lot and he nearly did fry her
kiri had to calm him down and hold him back
when he was little and figuring out his quirk he accidentally fried his favourite book and he cried for ages
got yelled at by teachers as a kid by teachers for accidentally short circuiting the building
bc of this he doesn’t like loud shouting a lot
he Will Flinch
especially when he goes to UA and when all might teaches
nothing wrong w/ all might ofc but his voice is really loud i’d flinch too
like he knows all might’s not going to hurt him but fuck it sounds like he is
after a while all might is the only loud adult voice he can deal with
he doesn’t really want the teachers to know bc its sorta a sensitive topic
when/if kiri and bakugou find out they won’t force him to tell anyone, they’ll just help him cope with it and comfort him
scars on his limbs from not knowing how to use his quirk as a kiddo
constantly terrified of losing control over his quirk and hurting ppl he cares about
idk i think that’s already canon but it’s important bc !! he actually likes the people at UA and he doesn’t want to hurt him
craves affection and attention all the time
he doesn’t need to be the center of attention at all, he just wants to be noticed and would rather not blend it
it’s not like he would go out of his way to stand out though, he just wants to be liked for who he is
it helps him a lot w/ his self confidence since he’s so used to him and his quirk being shoved aside (a result of the backlash of overusing his quirk) 
will cover up his pain or hurt with a joke because he like other people seeing him helpless
always stressed on how to be a better hero
runs his hands through his hair a lot
on bad days he’ll pull at his hair
bakugou and kirishima can tell whenever he’s feeling more upset because they’ll notice random strands of his hair floating around
a short attention span
it contributes to his “bad grades” and he hates himself for it
literally when he figured out just how short it was he electrocuted a couple trees because he was so pissed off
his parents gave him a really old record player for his dorm at UA but it broke when kiri and bakugou were having an arm wrestle in his room
dunno why they arm wrestling in his room BUT THEY WERE
he’s upset for ages bc that’s what reminded him of home
tries every possible way to fix it
he’s not even upset with kiri or bakugou he’s just. Empty
kiri and even bakugou apologise a lot and they actually feel awful for ages
at some point they buy him another one
ofc they know they can’t replace the other one but what else can you do
can’t go a day without someone insulting his hero costume
cries when he can’t buy a new video game and starts shooting sparks if someone else in 1a has it but he doesn’t
he gets really insecure about his body randomly, especially when he compares himself to bakugou and kirishima
but he wouldn’t mind being a little stronger but boi gets distracted all the time
but its obviously different bc ofc baku and kiri use their whole body to fight, but kami doesn’t need to do that
that being said, he doesn’t really want to be Super Buff either
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