#that said i don't think she was being malicious abt this. like i would be more angry at her if she *still* refused to believe me
viksalos · 11 months
in about 5 sessions with my therapist we went from "you can't possibly be autistic because you're not like the nonverbal high support needs teenage boys i worked with in the early 2000s," to me digging up my childhood psychological records from the early 2000s and convincing her, to her presenting my case to her supervisor and her supervisor being like "yeah you had an undiagnosed autistic client on your hands and she needs to be transferred to someone qualified to handle that" lmao
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conceptofjoy · 23 days
How is Aranea wrong abt this? It was a loooong when i last read the openbound
misinformation is handled so interesting in hs, the main three perpetrators that i can think of r doc scratch, aranea, and callie. scratch is actively malicious w his misinfo, using deception and his unreal debate bro strats to dance around outright lying.
... i was going to screenshot some of his text but its like actually impossible.
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in order he says:
Jokes are only temporary lies. If the falsehood is never exposed, there is no punchline. If the punchline is never delivered, the lie is sealed forever, regardless of initial humorous intent. Lies are not funny.
My joke was objectively funny. Who would know better than I?
No, that would be something closer to a prank. I don't play pranks very often.
I am allowed to do whatever I want. I choose never to lie. I also choose to tell jokes now and then, and to play pranks quite sparingly. But I can say that I have never played a prank on you, and no statement I have made to you thus far, or will make in this conversation, will contain any trace of falsehood for the sake of setting up a joke or a prank, with the exception of the joke I just made, and another one I will make very soon.
he plays fast n loose w his speech to get his way, using the audience's automatic trust in a narrator to get away with saying things that feel like are obvious.
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like the lecture he gave damara, it was entirely self serving. damara didn't need to hear it, he was talking to US. every bit of twisted information about alternia's "history" was essentially propaganda to insert the world view of LE into our perception of the story. his speech is even ended by him getting jumped by hussie as if it wasn't something he wanted in the first place.
both aranea and callie's information comes from this tainted backlog of history. it's almost comical how aranea wears the signless' symbol despite not being a follower. its not a symbol of the signless to him, but what he wants to strive for regarding ancestors and heroism. despite being genetically the same as mindfang, he looks up to her like saaaaay. dirk does his bro. while dirk realizes its not possible for him (though by thinking that its his fault, and not that its not an attainable nor healthy ideal), aranea goes off the deep end and learns this the HARD way.
he has rose tinted glasses about the happenings on alternia, and the values reflect his view on his friends and their relationships towards one another. he doesn't inspect power structures and how they would manifest, only reading them surface level. his exposition is just like what scratch was doing in the aforementioned speech, but HE'S the sucker here. he believes it.
callie is representative of the fanbase obvs. there's quite a bit of above, being duped by the clown tome right. but she adds something else to her readings. she analyzes general alternia and sburb happenings based off of that misinfo, which um. has some consequences. despite having a viewport into the lives of the humans, her view is tinted by expectations of how they'd act or what she thinks she knows. its rlly funny how so many of what callie said got wedged into fan theories despite being a commentary on said fan theories.
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horizon-verizon · 6 months
Isn't it like wrong to call Viserys a rapist? He groomed Aemma and Alicent but he didn't rape them in a sense he didn't go like Aegon with Dyana. There are many types of rape of course but like it seems wrong
*EDITED POST* (4/13/24)
Ask comes in response to this reblog/post. This is about the show, yes?
No this isn't like anything with Aegon raping Dyana, taking her surprise and her yelling at him to stop. BUT I'd say that seeing that your wife doesn't want you to touch her means she hasn't given consent. Alicent was very obvious in her lack of desire to have sex with Viserys.
We have no scenes of show!Viserys marrying and living life with Aemma before episode 1, right? So we have to assume that in HotD, he also married Aemma at the ages in the original story/the bks. Age is definitely a matter we can look at here to determine grooming or no grooming, but since this is a world where:
most noble marriages are arranged and those marrying often do not actually get to choose their legal partners
where the marrying AND consummating persons can be under our (American, idk abt other nations) legal age of 18
we need to see who pursued who before the betrothal (not the marriage, the betrothal) AND why they did so? Because there is a difference b/t:
someone trying to preemptively make their future spouse more comfortable with them so the eventual consummation isn't awkward or a "failure" or stressful or something else I add below about the anxiety to perform one's duty
them claiming they are doing such only to get the target to fuck them/be more vulnerable to their influence.
There's no strong proof of him wanting a sick sense of control or influence over Aemma before they married or betrothed. There's no proof of Viserys asking or pushing for a marriage with her for the express purpose of fucking with a child, because he wanted to have that type of control over her or any child. And they were arranged to be wed. He was around 16 to Aemma's 11 when they married and they consummated their marriage when she was 13.
Under this context, the 2 years of waiting might have been seen as "too long", as much as it shouldn't have been, but for whoever were willing to marry Aemma off at her 11 yrs of age are probably those who also applied some pressure to said couple to consummate, EVEN IF the couple actually liked each other, too.
Even without some external entity actively or purposefully making that sort of pressure--either maliciously or impatiently, like ordering a consummation versus constantly asking about it--the couple themselves could have both felt anxious to perform their "duties" to & for their parents/authority figures/families. But we simply don't know for sure and it wouldn't be mutually exclusive.
The couple lived & grew up in a world with little concept of a strong "legal" age, or a boundary for girls that was also enforced by laws. A world where doing your duty to your families, to your "God", to the authority figures around, to oaths you take you were often held as higher ethical standards than doing what some of us moderns would think is an ethical duty to "humanity".
Adult!Viserys expressly chose Alicent, though. And with Alicent being very obvious, I don't see how he couldn't have seen Alicent's reluctance or hesitance in all the times they had sex (at least 4 for each child)? From what little we see, they don't seem to be a couple where they (really Viserys) at least watch for each other's cues or signs of desire in bed. AllegedlyLola on TikTok says it best of HotD!Viserys (but much can the same shoudl be said for his book version): he says he loved Aemma, that he will always love her, etc. and pedestalizes Aemma to the degree that Rhaenrya could never be Baelon, her siblings can never be her, and all to never really give us a real picture of who Aemma was so he does not have to divulge how some of his actions have ruined Aemma's life. Helaena not having kids or at least stop having them before Rhaenrya becomes Queen/he dies would have even helped Rhaenyra...smh. He doesn't ever think to not let his daughter Helaena marry at 13 & have TWINS not long after (as Aemma died in part bc she started having children WAY too early after they consummated their marriage); he forces his daughter to marry Laenor to fix a problem he created instead of actually thinking about what would be better for her claim and position--which is not to marry a gay man!, esp when everyone knows he is gay; I mention Alicent already...this is the same guy who marries a 15 year old but gets angry with Daemon for seducing his 19 year old daughter and saying she is just a "girl"...bro...Add on the fact he allowed a faction against his heir and be lead by his second obviously hostile Hand & wife exist in court instead of properly intervening and diminishing Otto and Alicent's influence over Rhaenrya so she wouldn't have to escape to Dragonstone...no self reflection, just constant deflection, ignoring, placating the wrong people, putting his foot down at the wrong moments, not pursuing certain avenues or voids of information like in the Vhagar claim incident AND allowed the same thing that happens to his first wife happen to his next wife and his two daughters...ugh.
Getting back to Alicent, remember, consent is not a one-size-fits-all. You need to constantly ask for it and confirm it.
Keep in mind that this is an HotD Watsonian reading/analysis. The writers chose to make show!Alicent so vulnerable and defenseless to introduce something that modern viewers would easier think of her with their no-under 18s (and in certain age gaps, really under 25s) rule without making them really think about what these people themselves were going through. It's easier to assess a medieval setting or circumstance with the rules of conduct that we follow and know and then apply to them as if they would 100% understand how we think INSTEAD OF us FIRST trying to understand how they would think & react to what they have had to live with or learned so that we may expose how/where the double standards are.
I'm not saying that we should go back to marrying 15 year olds, I'm saying take a breather and assess how these people will think & act and assign the "fault" of such to the world instead of just them. Where it's appropriate. I am also not saying that you shouldn't feel uncomfortable, either. I'm saying do the activity fiction requires of us and see through the characters' eyes to understand them instead of trying to enforce you own views right away and all the time to find the nuance.
Example, this Youtube commentator perfectly describes Alicent's mindset within the lens & contextual vocabulary of what the feudal world asks of its people, acknowledging her victimhood but still holding Alicent accountable/showing/implying how wrong she isr:
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Greetings, I come with late night ramblings abt diabolik lovers. Big fan of your blog, I really like the side of the fandom which discusses the characters
Sometimes i wonder what it was like for the mukami bros to turn into vampires. Since vampires look so similar to humans the fact that they are a different species really slips my mind sometimes.....
So sometimes I find myself wondering what that psychological shift was like. The mukami bros were all pretty young and had grudges against humans in some way when they were turned, so parting with their humanity wasn't on their minds I think lol.
But despite spending lot of their childhood/puberty around vampires they still do act a lot more human like than the sakamakis. Granted, the sakamakis def have a lot trauma that compromises their ability to have any type of healthy relationship. But characters like ayato suggest that vampires aren't inherently incapable of the more "human" emotions (don't rlly know a good word for it mb).
I do remember ruki saying somewhere that because he is weak he stays with his family (not the only reason ofc, but having to band together/find strength in numbers to survive is a very human-like thing), yet he and his bros abandoned being human/ hold some level of resentment for humanity.
Anyways all that to say the mukami bros have an interesting relationship with their "humanity" and I'm overanalyzing characters in an otome game of which the lore is constantly retconned. Complicating this is the fact that we don't have a "average" or "normal" vampire to compare with
Also reject totally missed an opportunity to make a character that didn't want to be turned into a vampire, and had to struggle with the changes.
// Hello, thank you for enjoying my blog!<3
Hmm… If the person who becomes a vampire is kind-hearted and mentally stable enough to avoid wishing revenge upon someone or using their newfound vampire status as an excuse to treat people badly, I sincerely doubt that the psychological transition from human to vampire would hit that hard. Trauma caused the Mukami brothers to develop such a vicious nature, exactly like Yui in HDB did at one point when, as a result of being mentally broken, she started killing people in an After story. While pure-blood vampires do have their own set of morals and they obviously need blood to survive, I wouldn’t say they are inherently evil, taking into account that in LP and VC, some vampires were nice to Yui and the Diaboys. They are indeed predators, that’s something they can’t control no matter how much they try, but not all of them are malicious.
The Mukamis got rid of their humanity but they still kept acting like humans around one another because, after all, that’s how they were initially accustomed to. As for the Sakamakis… due to trauma as well, they were pretty twisted since childhood. I mean, most of them were the main cause something bad happened to any of their brothers in the past, therefore it’s to be expected that their relationship is not a healthy one. However, vampires are actually capable of experiencing human emotions, and Ayato is the living example of this given that he is confirmed as being the most human-like out of all due to the fact that he was already capable of displaying these emotions prior to meeting Yui (for example: wanting to sacrifice himself for his brothers, ruining Karl’s blue rose so as Cordelia wouldn’t get sad, crying when Cordelia died and, most importantly, valuing his life). Additionally, a vampire will begin to experience human emotions the more Eve's blood he consumes, so... that's basically part of the plan, according to what Karl said in Ayato’s DF route.
I wouldn't say the Mukamis hate humans; they held a grudge against aristocrats, but not humans in general, because they only see them as an inferior species. As for Ruki, the reason he would feel weak without his family isn’t only due to banding together or finding strength in number but rather it’s about them as his emotional support. Kou, Yuma, Azusa respect, praise and accept Ruki with all his qualities and flaws, therefore feeling needed and appreciated is actually what makes Ruki strong.
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artis-lined · 2 years
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long story short, yes, it was incredible and if ur able to see it I would HIGHLY recommend getting tickets
Going into detail tho...
Let's start off w/ Jordan Fisher since he was (imo) the weakest link of the main cast. The end of Joannah was kinda anticlimactic and his vocal range wasn't the best. You could tell he didn't have opera lessons or smthn whilst the whole cast was very classical sounding, but I'm going to take a guess he just didn't have enough breath support since he sounded a bit shakey towards the end. He was stronger in the second act tho he wasnt rlly belting then. Jordan Fisher has never rlly surprised me vocally, but that's not rlly a bad thing, I just kinda wish they casted someone a bit more fit for the role.. but if that was the "worst" thing abt the show, I think it's going to be just fine.
The ensembles dancing was either hit or miss, some of it was very awkward whilst other numbers was incredible and clever. For "there was a barber and his wife" They had two dancers on a platform where they danced in the dark and it made them seem like silhouettes in the moonlight. Seeing as the show is still in previews, tho, they still have time to patch it up :).
Gaten Matarazzo was great as Toby and had nice vocals. I was also able to see him in deh and although he was more a talking role I think he is a great singer and actor. He definitely pulled off the ending as well and didn't worry about looking attractive or something while conveying to the audience that he had succumbed to the stress of his situation. Believe it or not I've seen a few shows where an actor would try to make themself look hot but also insane and its just kinda annoying tbh-- like they always sacrifice being believable over being handsome/pretty. All in all, he is a great performer and had wonderful stage presence.
Johanna was incredible. Like actually incredible. Green finch and linnet bird is one of my favorite numbers and she did it justice. I forget her actresses name unfortunately, but she was truly Johanna when she was onstage, and embodied the character beautifully.
Beedle was hateable as was the judge, but that's good because it means that they did their job well. Funny thing is that when he said his line "Deceiving slut!" A person behind me just went "oh-- 😨" and it was clear everyone was surprised.
The beggar woman was so good omg-- like she was great at switching between personalities when begging and it was so funny at times but other times it had the audience sobbing or thinking.
Mrs. Lovett was so incredibly funny it was unexpected. She's no Angela Lansbury but I think it's unfair to compare them to each other since no one is going to be as great as her. She was very lively and I never felt bored when she was onstage! Well-- I was never bored during the show but you know what I mean! Her songs were great and she has her own little twist on things. I don't know if they changed the key for "worst pies in london" bc I haven't listened to the og recording a lot but I wouldn't be surprised since every Mrs. Lovett has had a different key it seems. I really hope I get to see her in something else because she was just so fun to watch and I just loved her so much!
And finally...
I love that man! I fucking love that man so much 😭!
He was absolutely incredible. My mother said she doubted he would be able to pull off an insane middle aged man but my god, he did it. It was strange to see him being so mean and malicious considering he seems so nice irl, but he was so great and I'm so glad he got to play Sweeney. And I'm even more thrilled that I got to SEE him play Sweeney. His vocals were stunning and he was incredible at acting (even if Todd himself is a rather silent and monotonous man).
So yes, all in all, it was amazing and I rlly hope I'll see it again! Here are some pictures of the stage and playbill :)
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@succsessions @mystically-michaela
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Honestly i 100% think we should stop calling anti bkdks any form of Ochako/izoch stans. Bc the very last thing they ever do is actually stan Ochako or their ship.
Like, all they do is use her to be sexist and homophobic, and when it comes to anything else abt her, they don't give a shit. They "ship" izoch for that same reason, they assume Horikoshi will also write an ending for her that coinsides with their mysogyny, and that this is somehow the only option that is there to give her.
You know what, yep!!
Honestly, this could go for anybody for any ships and characters they "stan".
Like I will never get anyone who says they like a ship, but don't like the characters individually. They only like the character when it comes to using said character to support their hate. (And I feel this way about any ship and their characters. Yep, I feel this way about BakuDeku.)
That's not a true fan, that's just being cruel.
It's why I am sometimes skeptical of "fans" who "like" Uraraka but hate BkDk.
Do you truly like her character because of what she brings as a character? Or you like her because she's a girl and easily could be used for your homophobic and misogynistic views?
"I hate BakuDeku because how Bakugou mistreats Midoriya".
Then why are you shipping him with anybody? There are people who don't ship BakuDeku but ship other Bakugou ships who use that reason which can be applied to every Bakugou ship. Last time I checked, Bakugou's relationship with everybody starts off on a bad note except for Midoriya. He and Midoriya were childhood friends and then it turned sour. With everyone else? Immediately Bakugou wasn't nice. He didn't call them by their names, he was rude to many of them, etc.
Back to Uraraka! I just want to get that tidbit out.
I find it funny that people tend to call Horikoshi misogynistic because "He can't write female characters" and look, I don't know the man personally, but... Uraraka as a female lead is better than some of other female leads in anime, especially in shonen.
She doesn't follow Midoriya around, stalking him. She doesn't get violent out of jealousy at Midoriya or other people. Her arc doesn't evolve around Midoriya. She isn't introduced immediately going heart eyed at Midoriya and doesn't even get a "crush" on him until much later. Her whole purpose to wanting to be a hero is to support her parents and make people smile. Hell, she's not even helpless because she fights on her own through learning skills!!
And what's crazy is, IzuOcha isn't a bad ship! It's not. I can see why anyone would like the ship without malicious intentions (being homophobic and misogynistic).
Both characters are great and they're like those characters who have that mutual understanding, they're friends, equals. Uraraka isn't written to be Midoriya’s "damsel" and Midoriya isn't written to be her "hero, only person she cares about". They have cute moments, they do.
IzuOcha is sadly one of those ships that have great characters, but terrible shippers. Just like, let's be for real, every other ship.
Not to say everyone single person who ships them is terrible. I'm sure there are plenty of shippers who are pretty chill and like Midoriya and Uraraka as how they are as characters.
They're just overshadowed by the bad eggs who only care about Uraraka as "the girl who has a crush" and not as a "hero student who wants to do good for people with a bubbly personality and can be a badass".
Personally, I don't care why anyone would hate a ship. But reasons like being homophobic, want to troll and be an ass to people, and having other bigot views? Yeah, can't talk to you, don't want you near me. Because if you're like that with ships, I'm skeptical of how you treat real people.
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monpalace · 1 year
hi so completely unrelated anon here— i’ve been stalking this whole thread on athena, aphrodite, songbird, atalanta, etc. mayhaps, can i have the lion thoughts about atalanta? thoughts, perhaps, involving the whole century long situation? the yearning!! the longing!!
hey anon! i saw your other ask and dw abt it! i'll take any opportunity to spill my thoughts, but i kinda held off since atalanta is more 🧚🏽‍♀️'s creation and i didn't wanna like,, shoehorn (???) it-- but at the same time, like i said, if i'm prompted i will ramble and make no sense whatsoever. so.
in atalanta's original story, she was turned into a lion by artemis/zeus because she lost her virginity/having sex in his sanctuary (respectively), right? i'd imagine that [name] was turned into an animal by ganondorf because she had relations (either romantic or sexual, both would be good enough reason for him) with wild/flora
(keeping in mind that [name] is gerudo and i'd imagine that ganondorf wouldn't take kindly to any of them (the gerudo) having relations with his enemies-- especially the ones that are his sworn, eternity-long enemies that kill him almost every single lifetime)
(she likely didn't even know he was the link or recognize that flora was the princess. they were just two foreigners she took a liking to and ganondorf wanted to be safe and assure nothing came from it)
(but on that note, i like to ignore most of what botw/totk say lorewise when it comes to each race/species. i like to imagine that even though the gerudo supposedly turned ganondorf away from them, they're still 🤞🏽 with him because being in cahoots with him put them in a lot of danger)
i imagine that ganondorf wouldn't turn [name] into an animal like a lion, but rather a monster of sorts? maybe a unique lynel that's not white, blue, golden, or silver-maned? either that or an animal that can only survive in the desert (to lessen the chances of link finding her) that's mystical like a blupee?
(i also think that ganondorf planned to turn her back after a certain amount of time (not a century) but got caught up with his battle with zelda in the castle and was perpetually like "wtf am i forgetting")
it wouldn't take long for rumors surrounding [name]'s sudden transformation to spread among the gerudo and news of a mythical creature to reach outside the deserts.
the gerudo know better than to approach [name] with malicious intentions not only because she's still their sister regardless of her form, but because the monsters that are always surrounding her act like bodyguards (more assurance. they aren't aggressive to gerudo). her tale is a required story for (gerudo) mothers to tell their (gerudo) daughters as both a cautionary tale to be careful of who they choose as lovers and so they're aware that she (and her monsters) are friend rather than foe.
(the monsters are like the hippomenes to her atalanta, just platonically)
[name]'s tale isn't known outside anyone gerudo. it's to both keep her safe from hunters looking for their next animal to mount or sell and because they don't want to go through the very long process of gaslighting/jailing anyone who saw her out in the desert.
with only monsters for companions as you go throughout a seemingly endless desert with the occasional (seldom) visitor from someone you have to watch age as you stay the same is both lonely and disheartening, especially since you're essentially trapped in said desert with no chance to interact with anyone outside of it.
i'd figure that the gerudo would take [name] (and, by association, the monsters) back to the main city for festivities and celebrations so they're able to remind her that she still has a place with them, as well as make it so she's not just in the empty desert, by herself, with only monsters for company a few days/weeks out of the year.
uhmmmm,, talking about the pining/longing from atalanta during the 100 years (it is Not my strong suit), i personally think it'd be more like "there is no way i let this manlet rizz me into being cursed," and blaming herself?
like, yeah, part of her longs to be with wild/flora again because,,,,, woah,,,, she'd never been so infatuated with someone like she has been with them, but the other part is screaming "if i get out of this i'm becoming celibate," and it's a constant battle of that until she's eventually like "i'm never getting out of this. why would i stay stuck on someone who's probably dead now," because word travels fast and it wouldn't take long for her to find out wild/flora is dead/hasn't been seen for a while.
so now she's over them. supposedly. after maybe 5-12 years because she wasn't gonna spend the rest of her (possibly endless) existence hung over someone she'd never see again.
(and it wasn't even getting over them? it was more like repressing any and all feelings by calling them mean names and recognizing their flaws-- but then overtime it's like "damn. i kinda miss the way he would frog blink at someone when they talked a little to long," or "huh. the way she side-eyed anyone who came at her wrong was kinda cute" and suddenly repressed emotions have come back tenfold)
anyways 🧍🏽‍♂️ like i said longing isn't my strongsuit so i dont think i have many thoughts on that? it's mostly centered around her transformation, possible events that happened while she was the creature, and her getting out of it?-- but i also like the idea of [name] keeping some of her creature-features when she's turned back (by either flora post-ganon battle or wild) (wild turning her back are separate thoughts), so post totk, she and [totk spoilers] [totk spoilers] [totk spoilers] and wild gets to have fun with that.
idk i'll have to write [name]'s experience with the century in a drabble or smth
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tojikai · 2 years
Hi there. Just finished your lastet update, and all I can say is WTFFFF💀💢😡🔥ADADADJKJKJKJL.
Okay, but like wtf? Rie, girl, I really want to believe that you're simply a flawed human being whose reaction is normal for someone in your position , but you've gone too fucking far this time. No one would confess something huge and horrible like that to a person who just woke up from a goddamn coma 💢. I don't believe for a second that she's just that oblivious and dumb. It's extremely deliberate on her part now, if not outright malicious. Idk her full intention for doing this but it's either bc (out of good will) she feels more guilty after Shoko calling her and Satoru out on their cheating and the knowledge of Y/N cutting, but I really doubt so bc her attitude is incredibly sus here, or it's bc she finally let her jealousy take over, so she intentionally said that to spite Y/N (her love rival) or... Satoru (for lying to her abt visiting Y/N and generally, caring for Y/N more). Either way, thanks a lot, Rie. Y/N wants to be in coma for good now 😊. Love you 😘. Not. 😡🔥👎😠.
And honestly, while this will prove to break Y/N even more 😊, Satoru... I don't think he can excuse Rie or himself out of this one. Not this. The reason everything in this fic happened. It's not a secret anymore. The cat is out of the bag now. Time to face the consequences for what you did, Hoejo. And I honestly believe that Satoru will feel extremely betrayed by Rie, good intention or not. Throughout this chapter, all he did were defending and excusing Rie from everything she did. He didn't want her to be the bad guy here. But this? Rie did something that surely will affect him directly and hurt Y/N emotionally? How could he keep taking her side after this? No, no fucking way. Hoejo is fucking clueless, but even he must have feel when enough is enough. Oh boy, I smell a big fight between them coming up. He will definitely question her why the hell would she do that. Maybe he can forgive her for saying the truth bc she's feeling guilty (aka another excuse 🙄), but this will look like something really intentional on her part in order to hurt Y/N. He definitely won't let Rie get away with that.
And dang boy, you lied to Rie not once, but twice, but you also thought about your ex while having sex with your current girlfriend? The signs are so obvious now it makes me go hehehehehehehehe 😈🙊🙈😈 the whole time reading this. Go on, Kai, let break this relationship even further. I'm not only in the "let's break Gojo" squad now. I'm in the "let's fuck both Satoru and Rie up" army 😈. I get that many want to give Rie the benefit of the doubt, but I say, Rie sympathizers are going to be even less now after this chapter. None of her action makes me or the comment section feel sorry for her. I hope karma will come to you fast, bitch 😠😈. Or maybe not since you have a hand in making things worse for yourself 🙈🙄.
Also, I hope that Y/N, after hearing the truth, while it will definitely hurt a lot, will find the strength to rethink, resolve, stand up, heal, and move on from Satoru ass. Girlie is being trampled on enough already. She needs to learn how to think for herself now. Her fucking parents, her ungrateful ex. She needs to flush them down the toilet and starts things over. She deserves healing and inner peace. And please, "Y/N x Happiness" is the only ship I can support rn bc I really hope Y/N can get her own happy ending in this story. I still love Suguru tho lol. But that's just a little treat on the side 😉.
Thank you so much for this. The update is really fast this time, so I hope you don't rush yourself into writing this chap. You just recovered recently, right 😰? Don't push yourself too much and take it easy with the writing. At least, with you, I have the luxury of knowing there's an update schedule, but not so much with other writers, so don't you burn yourself out, okay? But this chapter is such a nice surprise when you wake in the morning. I felt myself goddamn trembling reading the new chap it's kinda embarrassing, and I had to send you this lengthy ask right away after finishing bc I couldn't contain my thoughts any longer. Your writing is fantastic as always. Once again, look forward to the next update 😘☺
the keyboard smash + emojis 😭😭😭😭😭 but yeah, Rie real reason for suddenly saying that to yn is still unclear, but for now readers can only assume that it's her being inconsiderate of yn's condition. as for Satoru's reaction to that, it can really say a lot about him, it can change the way people see him, IF he does it right. but as i said before, any intense emotion or feeling can be blinding 👀 and yeah yn's parents are workaholics. that's part of the reason why she's so emotionally dependent on others :((
anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH bb~ i really appreciate that <33 I wasn't able to write for two days because of my fever last week but im much better now !! please take care of yourself as well and i hope you're doing great !! <33
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elytrafemme · 2 years
mare ur so right for ur the quarry and until Dawn commments I agree a lot. I don’t think I finished until Dawn apart from the uhh snapcube fandub version and I haven’t finished the quarry playthrough yet but yes agreed o7
hello hello thank you also the snapcube vers is SO FUNNY im about to show my sister clips from it cos i showed her some snapcube vids before and also jsut ranted to her abt this topic so i think it'd well due (also ty for getting me into snapcube in the first place ^^)
yeah i just talked myself hoarse about it in the shower also but ultimately i think that the quarry characters are just less nuanced in their conversations even if the game is more respectful in its elements (by a margin) , though the quarry definitely loses out from being a "spiritual successor" that has VERY similar character and backstory concepts. also i won't spoil anything but the ending of until dawn is ultimately (excluding some parts) more satisfying than the quarry but i skipped through a cut down playthrough so like there's probably more stuff i could bitch about if i cared to listen in
until dawn is a game i hatewatch and i do think it has some compelling elements but ultimately it has a racist concept, rampant misogyny in how they treat jessica, rampant ableism in how they treat josh, and this malicious nature that shows the game really is merciless-- none of the characters really grow and none of the characters forgive, and that makes it so fucking boring.
so yeah. i dislike those games. i used to love until dawn but after like really thinking it over i think i only loved the idea of what it was trying to do but ultimately failed to properly execute.
it's also... annoying that i feel like so many creators don't acknowledge the disrespect in the concept as well as josh's ableism (which just personally hits). and i mean i am not surprised people didn't see how much misogyny went into jessica's character because yeah she's kind of a bitch but at every point in until dawn's actual game they made a point of her having ZERO agency and having to be dependent on a man to support her and save her life. she had NO agency NO personal rights, she could have been one of THE MOST FASCINATING CHARACTERS but they treated her horribly because until dawn is not about character redemption it's about everyone suffering and never growing. so yeah they fucked up jessica and i get it bitchy white girl sure i've dealt with a lot of those in my lifetime but like. they also said here's the flirty one who's an airhead, let's take away her fucking agency and. god. she makes me so frustrated.
if i could rewrite until dawn i literally fucking would. and i think the quarry, with abigail and emma, did something interesting with the game producer's obligatory shy redhead and emma AKA the combination of sam and jessica.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Still high, and emotional abt that SR baby AU again lmaooo
Cuz I started thinking abt SR3 and *ouch* my heart if I do a version of this AU that follows canon
I'm loose here on the timeline but you've got this kid who's lost one adoptive parent/guardian in Aisha and one uncle figure in Carlos by the end of canon SR2, and then is all of maybe 3? 4? When it appears they lose one of their adoptive dads in Johnny, and it leaves an utterly wrecked Ellis to try and keep running the Saints while also dealing with a confused and sad toddler. Cuz like I remember my cousins at that age, ya know? And they know if someone is gone, but they don't get death yet really.
Like canon SR3 already breaks my heart, but my AU here breaks it an extra degree because like. There's So Much happening in SR3 as it is, that I can see a lot of babysitting Shaundi and Pierce coming through because what other option do they have? The Boss only trusts certain Saints with the kid now, somewhat understandably considering how bad the intro events of the game went, and that's mostly them. (Plus the image of Pierce with like a purple saints branded car seat in his car for the kid is adorable af, and Shaundi who's all business as long as she's distracted from thinking abt Johnny being gone using babysitting as a way to try and apologize to Johnny because she wrongly blames herself for his appeared to be death!!!)
And kids that age accidentally ask like. The best and silliest but also most accidentally serious and painful questions sometimes, and it isn't malicious! They just are curious and don't have that social filter to know that some questions we don't ask or not in certain situations, so on and so forth
Like I know I've already said but god a canon following version of this AU is all pain. Specifically thinking on my boss Ellis being as wrecked as Shaundi by the loss but trying to hold it together, and doing pretty okay whenever he's around others, until the kid looks up all innocent and asks daddy Ellis if daddy Johnny is coming home soon, because she wants to show him her new room in the Steelport apartment (and eventually in all of the crib locations too, all covered in drawings made for Ellis and Shaundi and Pierce and Johnny and even Aisha and Carlos, though the latter two the kiddo remembers mostly in what Ellis can tell them, about how dearly they cared for the kid too.)
Like. Parents deal with hard situations but a question like that would just be shattering, especially if one is already grieving hard. I want to think I would write Ellis never breaking down in front of the kid because that's like the ideal, but I don't think that would be a realistic way to write it. I don't think any parent would want to break down and be visible to their kid during it (tho there's a whole discussion to be had there abt healthy shows of vulnerability around kids but I digress), but everyone's human and life doesn't play out ideally every time.
And that's even worse because ya know how kids that age are. Little copy bots, so like. There's a little hand patting Ellis's back, and 'is okay, Daddy' and a tiny hug, and I think any full fic I write abt this along this line would only end in tears: probably me and Ellis lmaooo
Just. SR3 is played for all haha dick joke tiddies but if you look aside from that at the base story a non comedic version of this would be just a sad painful drama with a layer of weird sci fi intrigue, with an extra layer of keeping a kid safe and happy and healthy in this AU. I know it's Not That Deep, but at the same time it absolutely can be if I want for a version of this AU and it's So Much qkdbkfngk
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topconfessions · 3 years
the thing abt tarot is: they give kinda ambiguous answers. it's up to the reader how to interpret each card. i think, even if u try hard to be as objective & honest as possible, u still unconsciously see what YOU want to see/believe in
I have objectively with all due respect asked and gotten services from some readers on here & YouTube who have hit the nail on the head telling exactly what would happen or transpire.
A reader on YouTube I did a personal paid reading with did predict a family member passing away in my family in a very specific way in a way that could never be predicted whatsoever as this was a family member not a part of my immediate family tree and not someone she could look up I.e via cheating. And I did have a reader on here hit spot on about a tough situation I experienced very truthfully in a great detail but that reader had a bitchy personality in the end.
All I will say is a majority of them do read correctly and are truly gifted with fair & decent discernment with clarity and their system of reading. Some are "gifted" but abuse it by creating a fandom / fanbase through their people who want readings that begin to prop them up and they get very bitchy and abusive over treating reading like a business with attitudes. So its a very complex Pandora box catch 22s with. It depends on who you encounter.
But I do agree to some extent that in tarot if reading from the cards (unless it's a personal unique deck you have an energy on / connection to) everyone has their own slight interpretation.
But for me Respectfully disagreeing its not a lie. I will tell you all what the other readers won't clearly reveal to you that is common sense:
Tarot reading is a direct invasion of an individual, public figure, deceased person or celebrity private life and privacy. You can see and learn things about a person thoughts, feelings, outlook, secrets, plans, views on you or about you and sometimes their intent and what they may do if free will and external factors doesn't change it.
To me that's a fact no matter what anyone says about it cause I've encountered many honest nay sayers who have said that tarot and tarot decks are tools of the devil. It's satanic because it either opens up portals to spiritual relm to let demonic forces and spirits in OR is satanic cause it's a form of Magik and God did not intend not would ever intend for you to have the advanced ability to foresee the outcome of future events before it happens or to see what people around you truly think and what they have done or will do. It's like a form of manipulating one's own path and I've also heard tarot can be dangerous for celebs cause a celebrity shouldn't know or hear about a reading cause it may alter their destiny if they find out what may happen.
It's all a mixed bag tbh. But I would def stay away people those overly positive readers who give you empty hogwash or those readers who are up their own asses even if they may be talented cause Tarot is like Christianity and God. It's not a concrete proven factual thing. So I don't believe in monetizing off of it and being an asshole about it by making rules, guidelines and astronomical prices for services. I give a pass to those who do it in good will and arent malicious.
Extreme divas was a good kpop reader but she is very obsessed in trying gay shipping in the wrestling world with new Japan now so her credibility tanked to me although a lot of the old readings she did on many idols should still be up in her blog and we use ti exchange tea.
I mean shit if I'm being honest it is very minor but I had a vision / tarot prediction of CL getting into a small controversy over putting her heels up on the taxi glass. I saw that before it happened and I saw she would have a tedious pointless journey to America. But I am not tarot expert tbh.
Readers like that lionsdentarot girl on YouTube she to me does her shit on personal bias sometimes and sometimes her readings are very common sense. Like anybody could give the reading she gave on Jessie using black culture and black aesthetic a shield to mask her insecurities and use it as a persona cause it empowers her cause she not comfortable with who she is as a person without it. Anyone can tell us HyunA ironically is into E'dwan less than he is into her and may cheat.
Like I said on YouTube her Seungri reading I felt 50/50 about. Like okay sis sure. I can kinda see Seungri coming back in the future but her prediction was very outlandish and it felt like she was riding on information about him and her bias against him being this bad scum of a villain.
My own bias aside I don't like that she tried to demonize TOP and say that TOP forced seo hee into the bullshit and that Seo was innocent. No. Clearly that was a case of her doing a bullshit reading using just netizeenbuzz and internet info / her own opinion to half ass it.
I don't like when readers like her want to do literal fuck shit and say "spirit told them" who the fuck is spirit exactly? Every reader says "spirit" but is it your own tailored "spirit guides" or God's angels / messengers as spirit? When she said spirit constantly she fucking lost me. Who you are as a person will remain who you are regardless of a few incidents that occur where you actively put yourself in that situation. Seo Hee reminds me of Megan Markle. Strategically manifesting and social climbing very carefully her way to her man. I feel she or some other reader should have told the truth.
Seo Hee is a well social climbing "trainee" who failed numerous times and began using her money, connections, and social connects to hang with all sorts of higher up people in the social scene. She was questionably close to Jong Hyun and out of respect I won't give any opinion on that but I see from my own view and clairvoyance that she had certain people in mind and knew of TOP. he did not fall into her lap out of the blue by chance like she want y'all to believe. She been social climbing and rubbing elbows with the right people to cross paths with him and knew he would get her number from someone.
Nobody used common sense. Nobody gets your number from someone unless you co sign for that by giving approval or actively allow your friends to toss your # around or have it set up to let any dude who seem worth his coin to contact you period. He may have contacted her first but seeing how TOP is that has to be a very mutual and close connection based on more than casual chatting. Which we know was weed dealing now.
If TOP forced her into anything she went along cause og pressure to achieve the clouts and aspirations she was holding onto for so long. I'm not saying TOP a saint or can't but you can't force blame onto two people.
If it were that serious sis could have aired his ass out mega early by snitching to police in a regular call / contact or story sell to dispatch.
Readers like lions den are the type you're speaking of anon. She admitted she didn't know shit about bigbang so its easy for her to say shit like that. Usually people would think its more authentication for someone to not know the subjects but she looked a hot mess revealing that.
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if it's not too much to ask who are problematic nhl players like a whole list please? or ones you don't like personally im getting into hockey and don't wanna be looking like a clown supporting certain teams ik blackh*wks are a big one but idk much about everyone
no problem! there’s a list somewhere on tumblr of nhl players who are trump supporters; i don’t have it to hand but you can probably find it fairly easily. (and if anybody else has it handy, would you mind linking it in a reply/reblog?)
as for the ones i remember personally. p*trick kane is obviously the big one & the things jonathan toews said about that don’t make him look good either, not that you need me to tell you about the h*wks. varlamov, the avs goalie, is a known abuser; so’s desmith on the pens, so’s drew doughty on the kings, so’s austin watson on the preds, so’s kampfer on the bruins. evander kane on the sharks is violent towards women and is iirc suing a woman who got an abortion, so he’s real great. alex tuch of the golden knights is racist against latino people (and if you mention it even one (1) time on twitter he’ll block you lmao). max domi in montreal is too, he’s anti-immigration and islamophobic. brendan gallagher has said some nasty racist stuff abt pk subban. andrew shaw once called a referee a homophobic slur and then the habs made him their hockey is for everyone ambassador! you can decide for yourself how genuine his redemption arc was. (this year their hockey is for everyone ambassador is max domi. yeah.) the habs are also famous for making alex galchenyuk apologize for being a distraction when he was the victim of domestic abuse. they sure are……a sports organization.
getzlaf on the ducks is a homophobe. kevan miller on the bruins is, yknow, a trashbag republican type. mario lemieux, currently owner of the penguins, was at least present at if not participating in a gang rape and he’s hired a lot of rapists since. the tampa bay lightning organization iirc basically traded jt brown for protesting during the anthem. tom wilson of the caps has been if not necessarily malicious definitely outright dangerous in the past; i’ve heard he’s turned over a new leaf recently but i don’t know that i believe it. tyler seguin on the stars once publicly outed a gay dude without his consent and is bffs with patrick kane. ovechkin (caps) is an incredibly large putin fan, like more than you would think would ever be necessary, like the level of someone who started a MAGA club at their high school to support trump, but if he’s ever done anything heinous he’s kept it under wraps very well.
i have a grudge the size of a mountain against leon draisaitl (edmonton oilers) for not stepping up to give brianna decker her prize money this january when the nhl wouldn’t, and for not bothering to learn the names of the four (4) female athletes at the asg. morgan rielly of the leafs, aside from whether or not he said a homophobic slur at that game, said when talking about work ethic “you’re not here to be a girl about it” and follows jordan peterson on twitter so personally im not into that. brent burns on the sharks follows some scary scary right-wing people on twitter but afaik keeps his thoughts in his head where they belong. there’s some guys on the jets who are kind of trash but i can’t hold an image of a single non-laine winnipeg jets player in my mind for even a full second so you’d have to ask an actual jets fan who they are.
realistically, a lot of the guys who look unobjectionable now are probably going to turn out to be awful people later. you can’t catch em all and you’re not going to find an organization that doesn’t have at least one man you would 100% beat up if you got the chance. so long as it’s not the h*wks and you don’t get capital-w Weird about the players, if you boo the people you know (or have just learned) to be terrible when they appear onscreen it’s all good.
on the bright side: brad marchand, patrice bergeron, zdeno chara, jt brown, and pierre-edouard bellemare all seem to be genuinely great people! many of the new jersey devils wear rainbow shit all the time! you can go on the internet and see multiple videos of austin watson getting punched! also, not nhl, but hilary knight is fantastic and the face of women’s hockey and she is very i_am_aware_of_the_effect_i_have_on_women.gif
hockey is a fun time despite all the terrible men who play it. let me tell you, it’s gonna be great.
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