#that said. meat should probably be something special not something you eat every day and maybe buy more expensive than something like bread
doppelnatur · 2 years
Food is literally love tho
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
how do u think levi would be like if his partner were pregnant?
Hi! How are you? Hope you’re doing great. ❤️
I've written a few thoughts on Levi, particularly on how he might act while his partner is pregnant. I've mentioned multiple times (link here ) (Another one) that as a Captain, Levi probably isn't actively seeking to have kids because he might not have the time or resources to raise a child. But if it happens and his partner decides to go through with the pregnancy, here’s how I think he’d respond.
“Keep this man informed.” Levi wants to know everything. His usual controlling tendencies would amplify with his partner being pregnant. He’d become overprotective, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. He’d want to know every detail from the doctor: what was said, what wasn’t said, and what might have been implied. If his partner doesn't ask these questions, you can bet he will. He’ll want to know what she should eat, what kind of exercise is allowed, if daily walks are necessary, and more.
Historically, pregnancy and childbirth were very dangerous, and Levi would likely be terrified of losing her during this process, especially since it would be his first time as a dad. I imagine he’d be a bit unbearable, constantly reminding him, “I'm pregnant, not on my deathbed. Let me do something.”
He’d be 100% the anxious dad, incessantly asking about the gender, the due date, and when the baby’s movements would be noticeable. Levi would talk to the belly a lot, believing that babies recognize voices from the womb. He’d be committed to making sure the baby knows he’s there, eagerly awaiting their arrival. Once the baby starts kicking, he’d feel it and proudly declare, “They’re going to be a strong kicker, just like their daddy.”
Levi would likely ask the Reeves to set aside some red meat or special ingredients that are good for his partner. He doesn’t usually ask for privileges for himself, but for his partner, he’d make an exception. Plus, knowing how popular Levi is within the walls, as soon as people find out he’s expecting a baby, they’d shower him with gifts.
Hope you enjoyed my take! Have a lovely day!
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Hey sorry if this isn't your sorta thing but could I request a dragon that collects humans with special magic powers falling for reader?
I love this idea! Sorry it took me so long to get to this ^_^'
Dragon (Felix) x female reader
Word Count: 3k
W: yandere dragon behavior , some threats of violence, sfw fluff
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Felix had dedicated his life to hunting the most miraculous humans, the most beautiful, the most powerful, the strongest, and the most magically inclined. He was fascinated with what made them tick. Humans shouldn’t naturally have magic. In his personal opinion, it was a bit of an abomination actually. Humans were meant to be servile, toiling around in the dirt with no wings or fins or fangs to protect them. That they should be dominated seemed to simply be the nature of things and he had no intention of fussing with that. 
No, really, what he had was morbid curiosity and perhaps nothing else to do. Dragons' lives were very long and they had few natural enemies. Felix was a scholar at heart and something drew him to collecting. Over the years he’d captured and tamed hundreds of powerful, talented humans. Some cooperated with his experiments and lived in relative luxury in his castle; others had far too much pride, in his opinion, and had to be locked away for everyone’s safety. 
Each one was more miraculous than the next. One man could draw fire from his hands like a fire fairy, but tests revealed he had no fire fairy blood in him. Another person could screech so loud they could break glass. Their vocal chords were fascinating to study. It seemed to be a totally natural phenomenon. 
Still, after years and years of collecting he hadn’t found…perhaps the human he was looking for? Something still drew him to scouring the planet looking for…something. So naturally, he was quite surprised when he found you simpering and sniffling in a corner of his castle with tears on your face. You were just a maid. You had no special magic, you weren’t exceptionally beautiful, and your biggest talent was that you could make a boiled egg better than any of the other kitchen staff. It came out perfect every time with your technique, but that was it. 
“Why are you crying little one?” he asked, perhaps because he was bored. Otherwise he would have probably walked right past you. He’d never noticed you before, though you’d worked in the kitchen peeling potatoes and boiling eggs for a few years. He’d had your famous boiled egg for breakfast every day for a long time without even knowing who cooked it. 
You lived in a small cottage near the castle and came to work in the kitchen every day from sunrise until everyone had their last meal. Then you hurried home to the safety and comfort of your old hay mattress. 
Our eyes filled with terror when you realised the master of the castle was talking to you and you quickly righted yourself, trying to rub the soup one of his talented humans had dumped on your head off of your face. 
“I-it’s n-nothing my lord,” you stammered, trying to slip past his huge form. 
He was just scraping nine feet tall, not including the silver horns emerging from his head. You tried not to let your eyes linger on the glittering scales that clung just above his cheekbones and along his jaw or his silver eyes. 
“Stop right there,” he said, grabbing your shoulder with his big hand and swinging you back around to face him, “answer honestly when your master asks you a question.” 
You blushed, unsure what to say. You didn’t want to tattle on Mira, the talented human who’d waited too long to eat her soup and threw a tantrum when it was cold hours after you’d delivered it. She was far more important and interesting than you, despite her temper. She could lift objects with her mind. You could boil an egg. You were not the same. 
“I need to get Miss Mira more soup,” you decided to say, ignoring the glob of meat that wetly slid out of your hair and smacked on the floor with a splat. 
“I-I’ll clean that up, right away,” you assured him, bending to wipe up the mess you were making with your apron. 
The dragon frowned looking you up and down and tapping his chin. There was something about you that he liked. He wasn’t exactly sure what. You certainly weren’t remarkable and you looked a mess covered in red soup with bits of vegetables and meat in your hair. Regardless, he was curious about you. 
“Do you have running water at home?” he asked. 
You blinked and looked up at him for a moment, before catching yourself and looking back down to the soupy footprints you were trying to mop up. 
“Erm…no my lord, only the castle and the merchant’s manors have piped water,” you explained. 
You were not looking forward to hauling bucket after bucket of cold water to your bath to wash all of the food out of your hair when you got home. Only the rich could afford the metal pipes and enchantments that would bring warm water indoors. 
He grunted down at you.
“Come with me,” he said simply, turning on his heels and marching down the hall. 
You didn’t know what else to do, he was your boss, so you shuffled after him. 
“My lord, perhaps I should get another maid to help you,” you said apprehensively as he led you into his personal quarters and bathroom. You hovered uncomfortably at the door, wondering what he wanted you to clean while covered in soup. You were making an even bigger mess wandering around the castle dripping wet. 
“Don’t move an inch,” he said over his shoulder as he started the tap. 
You started to tremble, unsure what was going on. This was highly unusual, working in the kitchen you hardly ever saw the master. Nothing good could come of him bringing you to his personal quarters. You had no romantic illusions about some noble lord taking an interest in you. You’d seen maid after maid chewed up by the male talents Lord Felix had in the castle. They went through them and then tossed them away like toys, leaving them penniless, without a job, and heartbroken. All you wanted to do was come to work, do your work, and go home without being molested or covered in soup. 
You watched him pour a sweet smelling soap into the water that reminded you of the scent of peaches and made lots of bubbles. 
“Go ahead and undress,” he said, as he sprinkled some kind of salt as well. 
“No, my lord,” you said with fleeting confidence. 
You were an employee, not a toy. 
He turned to you and his eyebrows went up. He was handsome and very large, all things that were attractive to you, but you had some shame. 
“No?” he repeated, scoffing. 
“I don’t feel comfortable…” you said, your confidence waning. 
“You’d rather spend the day covered in stew?” he asked. 
You plucked a thread at your dress. 
“No, my lord, but…” 
He snickered at you as he crossed the room, looming over you and yanking the wool dress you were wearing over your head before you had a chance to fight him. 
“How do you plan on stopping me?” he teased you as he pulled the chaste white panties you were wearing off and removing the bra you had on. 
He wasn’t rough with you, but he also didn’t hide his strength, pinning you easily with one hand while the other worked on removing your clothes. 
“My lord!” you sputtered, “this isn’t fair!” 
He shrugged as he picked you up like you were just a kitten and carried you over to the bath water. 
“It really isn’t,” he agreed as he gently set you in it, “but such is the way of the world.” 
To your dismay he unceremoniously dumped a pitcher of warm clean water on your head so instead of fighting him you were busy wiping water out of your eyes. 
“That’s better isn’t it?” he asked drizzling a swirl of shampoo in your hair. 
This was probably the first time in your life you’d been fully immersed in warm water except maybe when you were an infant and the sensation was hard to pass up. It was warmer than you could ever get your water at home with just hot rocks heated in the fireplace and your skin felt smooth and soft from the salts he’d added. 
If you wanted to argue, you didn’t have a chance, because he was quickly scrubbing his large, strong fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp.
“Mmmm,” you hummed reflexively and he smiled, gathering a comb up to run it through your hair and remove all of the bits of vegetable matter. 
“So have I softened you up enough to tell me what happened?” he asked, as you let your eyes shut, leaning back against the smooth back of the tub. 
You tender bits were all covered in piles of bubbles, which eased your shyness. 
“Miss Mira just has a bit of a temper,” you mumbled in total bliss, the gentle scrape of the blunt comb on your skull relaxing and soothing years of built up tension, “nothing to be concerned with, my lord.” 
He chuckled at how a simple bath relaxed you and loosened your tongue, reminding himself to deal with Mira later. He didn’t tolerate badly behaved humans under his care, especially now that he’d taken an interest in you. No one would be dumping any food on you again under his watch. When he’d gotten you satisfactorily clean he pulled you from the tub and wrapped you in a fluffy towel, ringing the bell for another maid. When she arrived her eyes widened as she saw the condition you were in, shooting you a questioning look when Felix wasn’t looking. You shot back at her with a shrug and a pleading look indicating you had no idea what was going on either and begging her to do something, though neither of you had any idea what she could possibly do to save you. 
“Bring…” he glanced down at you to get your name but you kept your mouth shut tight. 
Frightened of angering the lord and to your dismay the other maid gave him your name quickly. He smiled. 
“Bring (Y/N) another dress, something pretty,” he said. 
“Yes, my lord,” she replied, tossing you an apologetic glance before she disappeared. 
“Now,” he mused, looking back at you with his finger tapping his chin, “there’s something about you…”
He lifted a lock of your hair, before smoothing his clawed fingers over the column of your neck. 
“You seem to be a normal human,” he murmured, “but I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of you…even for a moment, they are always drawn back to you…do you know why that is (Y/N)?” 
You quickly shook your head because you really had no idea. He picked you up and you stiffened in his arms as he carried you to his laboratory. Terrified, you tried to fight him when your eyes grazed over the bottled body parts he had lining his shelves. Of course it was hopeless, he was far too big and strong. 
“Don’t be so worried, little one,” he chuckled, “I have no intention of dissecting you. I’m only going to run a few tests.” 
He set you on his work table before producing what looked like a doctor’s kit. While you shivered in terror, odd drops of water dripping from your hair down your neck, he took some of your blood and tapped various pressure points with some kind of tool to stimulate your reflexes. 
You watched him hum and wrinkle his brow as he tried to sort out what made you so special, examining your blood sample under a microscope only to find your cells were perfectly average human cells. 
“I assure you, my lord, I’m just a normal human. There really is nothing unique about me,” you said when you’d calmed down enough to catch your breath. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” he informed you curtly and you shrank back. 
There was a knock at the door and the maid appeared with a dress in your size. He took the dress, waving her away and carefully pulled it over your head, letting you slide your arms through the sleeves. To your surprise he very adeptly braided your hair and secured it with a pin.
“Follow me,” he said, pulling you down off of the high counter you were sitting on, onto the floor. 
He took you to the male’s quarters and with a shout gathered all of the male special humans from whatever they were occupying themselves with. 
“What do you think of this human?” he asked them, pointing to you. 
Most of them looked bored, while a few looked a bit interested. 
“She’s just a pretty girl,” one of them said. 
“Not that pretty,” another commented. 
“Yeah, she’s not really my type,” someone else said. 
“I think she’s pretty, in a sort of farm girl type of way…” someone piped in. 
“Hmm,” Felix said, pushing you behind him and considering the data he’d collected. 
For some reason, he didn’t like these males looking at you, assessing your attributes, even though that’s what he’d asked them to do. 
He led you back to his laboratory more confused than before. The males of the castle seemed to think you were a normal human. You didn’t have any sort of excessive seductive powers. So why did his heart flutter when his eyes met yours? Why were his hands sweating like he was just a schoolboy? While the other men seemed relatively ambivalent, when he looked at you, your skin seemed to glow and your smile made him want to press his lips against yours. 
“My lord, don’t you think I should get back to work?” you asked, hoping his curiosity was satisfied and he would let you go. 
“No,” he said, “you’re not to leave my side. I’m adding you to my collection.” 
You gasped. You did not want to be one of your master’s collection. You were a maid, an employee, not a doll! You didn’t know what else to do, so you ran…or at least tried to run, but you only got a few steps before he hauled you back to him. 
He pulled you up to his eye level and glared at you with his reptilian, golden eyes. 
“Do NOT do that again,” he snarled, curls of smoke leaking from his nose. 
The idea of you running away from him was infuriating. You were his. He was sure of it. 
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you will not get away from me. Try to run again and I will remove your legs,” he snapped. 
You nodded your head quickly, trembling in his arms. 
Pleased that you understood, he led you to the other side of the castle to find Mira. 
“Oh, hello Master Felix,” she cooed when he entered her room, batting her eyelashes at him, “I’m so pleased you’ve come to see me.” 
Her eyes focused on you in your fine dress and she frowned. 
“What’s she doing here, bringing me more cold soup?” 
Felix snorted and a small flame burst from his nose. 
“I’ve found a new use for your talents, Mira,” he informed her, “from now on you will work in the laundry washing linens…I think your skills can be useful to the other maids.”
He rang the bell in her room and a different maid appeared, her eyes popping at your dress. You gave her another confused shrug, before she had to turn her attention to your Master. 
“Bring Mira a maid’s uniform,” he spat and she hurried away. 
“You can’t be serious!” Mira shouted, various items in her room levitating around her, “I’m not a maid! I’m special!” 
“(Y/N) is special,” he said, glancing down at you, then back up at her, “you are nothing more than a biological anomaly that apparently needs to be put to more productive use.” 
While Mira shot daggers at you with her eyes, you tried to return her look with the most contrite, sympathetic face possible, but that didn’t stop the shower of hair brushes, hair pins, and makeup that came sailing in your direction with murderous intent. 
With a wave of his hand the sundry items dropped to the floor with a clatter, just before they reached you. 
“Try that again and you’ll be dissected and pickled,” Felix growled. 
Mira blanched and the maid returned with one of the plain wool dresses you used to wear. 
“Change and report to the laundry, the other maids will tell you what to do…if I see your face out of the laundry again there will be consequences,” he hissed, scooping you up like you were a treasure and carrying you from the room. 
You blinked up at Felix, feeling bad for Mira. You were an employee, you had the ability to go home, but Mira was a captive…and now a servant. 
“My lord,” you gasped, “are you sure you’re not being too harsh? I’m really nothing special…” 
His eyes sparkled and he chuckled at you. 
“That’s where you are wrong, my darling,” he said, “I think you are the human I’ve been looking for.” 
“Looking for?” you murmured. 
“Since I started this project of collecting humans I could never find the one that would sate my hunger for searching…but with you in my arms…I seem to have lost the desire to collect them at all…I would rather spend my time studying you.” 
You blinked at him and swallowed thickly. 
“I am not a doll…or a biological anomaly or whatever you said,” you pouted, using your last bit of pluck. 
He turned your face to him and his golden eyes searched yours. 
“That you are not,” he admitted with a smile that revealed his sharp teeth, “but you are still mine and I have no intention of letting you go. From now on you will be my companion.” 
You blanched. His companion? You weren’t sure you liked the sound of that, but there was nothing to be done about it if you wanted to keep your legs attached to your body. 
“Now,” he said with a sigh, smoothing his fingers over your soft cheek, “let’s have a nice day, shall we? No more silly attempts to escape and no more bowls of soup on your head, hmm?” 
Your heart fluttered a bit, you were unsure if it was from fear or interest, but you accepted his words with a nod as he carried you off to the garden to enjoy the sunshine and your new life.
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
The Weight of Attraction
aka The Thicc Katniss Story
An In-Panem Everlark a/u
Imagine a world where a canon Katniss Everdeen is not a tiny, underfed girl. Picture her as more...substantial. Big ol' butt. A rounded belly. Broad shoulders. Tatas for days. A girl who is much like the author of this story (lol). Transport yourselves to this world, and enjoy your stay.
"I'm sorry, that's all I've got today," Katniss apologized. "Caught some tracks today--- a lynx or something is hanging around my spot. Scared most the game away." 
She didn't add that cold months weren't ideal for hunting. Sae already knew that; she'd spent enough years cooking her "winter special" entrail and tree bark stew to think otherwise. No matter what was in the pot, folks still had to eat. They were, for the most part, grateful to have it. 
Still, the two women frowned at the scrawny hares laid out on the back counter. Realists, both of them, but even they hoped for a proverbial bone to be thrown their way occasionally. Sae sighed. It was a soft little noise that held no trace of censure. "Ah, tis alright. With the roots you brought yesterday, I can make it stretch in the pot. Boil the bones till there's nothing left of them. Still got salt. Salt goes a long way to making anything palatable."
Sae's stand was tucked in a back corner of the Hob. Due to location, it should have afforded some privacy for their trades and conversation. But privacy was difficult to find, and soon enough, a voice that made Katniss cringe piped up from the counter where folks came for a bowl of Sae's stew. 
"What's the matter, not enough meat on their bones? Didn't leave enough in the woods for anyone else to eat?" the man asked.
Katniss had thought she and Sae were alone but of course. Shit. No such luck. Darius invariably showed up at the Hob when she did, like he was equipped with a sturdy girls radar. It wouldn't break her heart if that one bit of luck failed him. It was her turn to sigh. 
Darius was, while not threatening, very much a shithead. Sae insisted he had a yen for Katniss, "pay him no mind. He teases ya like a little boy would in school. Too tongue-tied to make an intelligent remark. Looks like a sick sheep, that one."
If Darius hankered for Katniss's company, bringing up her plump figure wasn't getting him anywhere. Or just commenting on anything to do with her looks in general. 
Not that she found Darius handsome. Blech.
"Keep that up, and you'll be getting nothing in your bowl today," Sae chided the redheaded Peacekeeper mildly. She stayed neutral regarding customer spats, at least in front of them.
"Nar, don't do that. I was only having some fun with her," Darius said. 
On a practical level, because Katniss was nothing, if not that, she knew she was fortunate to have a little meat on her bones living in a place like Twelve, where food was difficult to come by. 
Extra padding in the winter probably kept her from freezing out in the woods, but why anyone thought she wanted to hear their opinion about her body was beyond her. Just because there was a little more of her didn't mean she was open to any and all comments. It made her feel like she and her body were separate beings. There was Katniss, who lived inside her head, and then there was Katniss, who was stuck inside her legs, her ass, her chest. 
"You're a fucking idiot. No wonder you're sitting alone in the barracks every weekend. I wouldn't talk to you either if I were a woman," another Peacekeeper, whose voice Katniss didn't recognize, chided Darius, piquing her interest.
"Ha! I get plenty far with them, thank you very much."
"Sure you do," the other man said condescendingly. "Lots of dates with Sally-five-fingers is more like it."
Katniss had to choke back her laughter; she wouldn't openly encourage whoever was digging at Darius because that wasn't her. That didn't mean she didn't enjoy hearing disparaging remarks slung his way, though. Having her thoughts echoed in solidarity was good for a mood boost. 
After schooling her features into something neutral, Katniss glanced over her shoulder, immediately catching the eye of the unfamiliar Peacekeeper accompanying Darius. 
Despite not knowing him, the new Peacekeeper shot her a boyish grin, and she wanted to laugh at his cheekiness. A charmer, that one. 
Katniss suddenly knew with absolute certainty, call it intuition or the sight or what have you, the Peacekeeper had been looking her over. But not like Darius, who she was sure thought of her like a nice bit of pork at the butcher shop. Katniss was an anomaly in Twelve, where most women were near-skeletal in mid-winter from lack of nutrition. The new Peacekeeper gazed at her more as if she was impossible not to look at. 
It was a silly impression to hold of a man she'd not been formally introduced to. But hold onto it, she did, because she found him more than worth looking at.
Katniss tore her glance from his smiling eyes but scolded herself for her cowardice. It was alright for her to return the favor of looking each other over. Even if scrutinizing the new Peacekeeper left her itchy inside her skin like pins were pricking at every nerve. 
Darius might be tall, Katniss decided, but the new Peacekeeper was much taller. He practically dwarfed her, a near-impossible feat among most men she'd met. 
The man effortlessly bestowed a feeling of not sticking out like a sore thumb on her. Because he wasn't just tall but very broad-shouldered, the sleeves of his white uniform straining over an obviously thick chest and arms. 
A little jolt ran down Katniss's spine at the completely new and unexpected reaction to another person. She even wondered what he might look like underneath his clothes. She'd never contemplated what a man might look like naked. 
Her fingers twitched at her sides, and she clenched them into fists, telling her hands to behave themselves. They couldn't reach out to a stranger.
The Peacekeeper was fair-skinned. His eyes were blue, and his hair was ash blond, like the merchant class who ran the shops in town. His skin was ruddy from the January air and perhaps some embarrassment at nearly getting caught staring at her ass. He didn't realize she knew exactly what he'd been up to. He thought he was in the clear, staring at her ass like he'd been. But no. Katniss was sure of it. He'd been staring at her ass.
"And who might you be?" Sae asked the handsome ass-looker, assessing him casually. She turned back to Katniss and raised her eyebrows in approval. Katniss pointedly ignored her. As if she couldn't see with her own eyes.
"Peeta Mellark," the Peacekeeper said, sliding onto one of the tall stools on the customer side of Sae's front counter. 
"A Mellark. Now that you say it, you look a bit like the baker Mellarks. Surely you're related."
"In town? Yeah, I think so. My dad said we had some far-reaching relations here. I come from Seven," Peeta supplied, unconcerned by the questions Sae most certainly did not pump your everyday 'Keeper for at their first meeting. 
Sae sucked air in through her teeth. "Heard they grew 'em big out in Seven. And they were right. And a Mellark to boot! How interesting. Katniss, don't you think that's interesting?" she added, dragging Katniss's attention away from the width of Peeta's shoulders where her eyes kept invariably drifting. 
Katniss didn't mean to stare. She just couldn't look away from him.
Peeta Mellark met her eye. "Katniss?" 
Katniss nodded her assent, hating the heat in her throat and face. Her voice would have trembled if she'd tried to speak or come out high and thin.
"That's an unusual name," Peeta said as if waiting for more of an answer from her. Like he had to know more about her.
"Our Katniss is a bit of an unusual person," Sae said when she sensed Katniss floundering under his attention. "Takes good care of her family."
"Family. Are you married? Do you have children?"
Sae's smile stretched wide enough to expose those gaps in the back of her mouth where teeth hadn't resided for years at his question. "Our Katniss has no husband or children, just one sister and mother. Tis a pity no one's offered for her yet."
"Sae," Katniss said.
"I have a hard time believing no one's offered for her," Peeta said. 
Sae turned away to ladle stew into bowls and slide them in front of Peeta and Darius, the latter of whom might as well have disappeared with so little attention he was being paid. 
"Maybe she's picky. Those who can care for themselves have room to be so. Perhaps she has no use for men."
"None so far, but I'm thinking that'll change. You got to admit, she's a good-looking girl, right?" Sae prodded.
"Stop," Katniss begged, pressing her back against the wall and crossing her arms over her stomach, wishing she could melt into the sooty walls. She'd developed this stance after puberty hit her right between the eyes---self-defensive and emerging whenever she was nervous or anxious. The goal was to disappear into her father's worn leather jacket, where she wasn't scrutinized as much. 
But she'd left his coat on Sae's back counter. With the thin shirt, she'd thrown on in the wee hours of the morning and promptly forgotten about, crossing her arms over her stomach only accentuated her breasts, pushing them farther up and out until she realized too late there was cleavage peeking out the neckline of her shirt.
Darius made a strangled noise that had Katniss instantly furious. "Wow, you ought to wear that shirt more often. Really brings out...your eyes," he said, definitely not looking at her eyes.
Well, that was enough time at the Hob for one day, Katniss decided suddenly. She wouldn't be trotted out like a prize breeding swine on the auction block and then poked fun at on top of it. "You're a twit," Katniss hissed at Darius. She turned away from the three, grabbing her coat and game bag. "Sae, we can settle up later," she said. 
Katniss never settled up later, not when they all existed on the margins, but she was that anxious to go.
"Sure we can," Sae told her. Sounded amused, even.
Katniss ran into Peeta a few days later at Sae's counter, where he sat working his way through a bowl of stew. Minus Darius, fortunately. 
Katniss had thought about Peeta a lot, but she'd also spent a fair amount of time considering how she would make Darius pay for his comment about her breasts. Maybe ask Sae to slip a pinch of foxglove in his bowl next time he shows up. Giving Darius the shits would do plenty to soothe her mind. 
Dismissing pleasant thoughts of revenge she most likely wouldn't act on, Katniss walked past Peeta to trade with Sae. This time he kept his eyes off her ass as she rounded the counter to the back table. She was a little disappointed. "That's a nice-looking bird," he remarked as she unloaded a pheasant from her bag.
Katniss cocked an eyebrow at him. Yes, Peeta was handsome as they come, but was he asking her to talk to him, a Peacekeeper, about her hunting, which the Capitol most certainly regarded as poaching? 
"Don't worry," Peeta pushed his now-empty bowl across the counter and wiped his mouth. "I wouldn't shoot myself in the foot that way, so to speak. Enjoying the fruits of your labor too much. That's just. Really impressive."
She tipped her chin up, meeting his eye. Any pretense of flirting pushed back. "Alright then," she said. "Just see that you don't, Peeta Mellark." 
He smiled when his name crossed her lips.
After collecting her bowl of the day's stew, Katniss took the stool beside him. They didn't speak much, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable.
On a warmer afternoon a week or so later, Katniss was stepping through the scraggly brush leading up to the back entrance of the Hob when Peeta, after glancing around, stepped out one of the rear doors, shoving his face shield up before reaching her side. 
His expression made her frown in confusion. "What's going on?" she asked, tugging on the strap of her bag protectively.
"You can't be here today," he murmurred, tugging on her arm, giving her no chance to broker an argument. He touched her lower back when she resisted and herded her toward the Seam road.
Katniss stared at him in disbelief as they moved, the thoughts inside her head clacking like a sack of coal instead of connecting into coherent thoughts.
"New Head' Keeper," Peeta explained. "This one is bad news. He doesn't let things go like Cray did." He stopped once they were effectively camouflaged behind an oak tree and dropped his hand from her side, stepping back to put a respectful distance between them.
She appreciated his manners but missed his touch immediately. She wouldn't mind a little handsiness from him. Then again, he wouldn't be the respectful man she knew. He'd never even glanced at her ass after the first time.
"Thank you, I guess. Now I owe you one," Katniss told him, hastily shrugging off her jacket and snugging her game bag against her side before sliding the coat back on while Peeta glanced around, making sure they were still alone. 
She should be able to get home unnoticed with her bag hidden that way. But that was just the start of her problems. 
She sighed. She'd have to think of another way to trade until the heat was off. If the heat ever would be off. She'd only known one Head' Keeper her whole life. She didn't imagine it was a position in the corps that opened up often.
Peeta quietly laughed at her disgruntled attitude. "No, nothing owed," he insisted when she scowled at him. "I just wouldn't want to see anything happen to you, that's all."
Katniss caught his eye before looking away and nodding. "Just the kindness of your heart, then," she said softly, heart fluttering in her throat.
"Something like that," he murmurred.
"This way," Katniss hissed, tugging Peeta's hand to get him going as Peacekeepers raced past his inert form to escape the blaze gnawing its way across the rooftops. Hundreds were flooding out the gates away from the fire. The district was on fire. 
Katniss couldn't leave Peeta behind even if she couldn't budge his big dumb ass, not after risking her life just to get to the barracks and warn him. At least her mother and Prim were going to the lake with Gale; she trusted her friend to get them safely in the woods.
Peeta had gone mute in horror and shock at the sight of the destruction, frozen to his spot like that thick layer of ice that sealed in the lake in deep winter, locked in place until spring thaw. Theoretically, Katniss thought, because he was a horse of a man and she couldn't do it herself, he could be forcibly moved, but it would require much more strength than even she had.
Twelve blazed, the hungry fire sweeping through the district, devouring every structure in the Seam and Town. The fire had started in the Hob, flames engulfing the coal-soaked warehouse like dry leaves in a burn barrel, and a stiff wind coming down from the mountainside kept the fire in perpetual motion, allowing it to consume everything in sight.
In desperation, because the heat of the flames was growing stronger at her back, Katniss stood on her toes and grasped Peeta's face, forcing him down to her. She kissed him; it was hard and insistent and inexperienced. His lips were soft, cold, and unresponsive.
Kissing him had probably been a stupid move, but it roused him from his stupor. When Katniss opened her eyes, Peeta stared at her, wide-eyed in stupefaction. He was breathing heavily. She was breathing heavily, too, her heart skipping a panicked rhythm for all sorts of reasons she had no time to separate into neat, labeled boxes. "Peeta, we have to go. You need to come with me. It's not safe here."
"Huh? Yeah. Yeah, okay," he said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Everything is just gone."
Katniss squeezed his hands and then gave them a light tug. "Don't be sorry. Just move. We don't have much time."
Part 1 of 2
What's this? Katniss and Peeta are thrust together by a joint need for survival? Whatever shall they do? ;)
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polliwoggers · 6 months
it's the 28th anniversary of Kirby Super Star's release in Japan, so it's technically Marx and Bandee's birthday!
I probably won't have time to draw anything today, so I wanted to write down some headcanons to celebrate Marx's special day instead, because I've been thinking about him a lot more lately. I'll do something for Bandee some other time.
pranks are done purely for his own amusement and no other goal. other ex-villains might see that as boringly unambitious, but marx really and truly does NOT care what anyone thinks about him. He's just here for a good time.
freakishly good at math. he doesn't even need a calculator or anything. not that he could even really use a calculator, even if he DID have one, on account of the lack of hands.
has issues sleeping. for how energetic and bouncy he is, you'd think he got a restful sleep every night! but, in reality, he has to really tire himself out to even have a chance at getting to sleep. as in, ready-to-collapse tired. he also happens to be a very light sleeper, so on the off chance he actually gets some shut-eye, it's frustratingly common that he gets woken up by someone moving around, even if they're trying not to wake him. disturbing his slumber is sure to put you on the tippy top of his next-to-prank list. "revenge" pranks are some of his most malicious, so it's best to give him a wide berth if you see him resting.
has quite the appetite, but never seems to grow any bigger. he's not the sit-down-and-savor-awhile type of eater, either; he can be just as frantic about eating as Kirby or Dedede! He could never pack in as much as either of those gluttons in one sitting, though.
his food preference is for fresh fruits and floral-flavoured pastries. He actually doesn't eat much in the way of meat, but he'll happily crash your barbecue anyway.
DOES NOT FORGET ANYTHING. truly, he has the memory of an elephant. Just not the wisdom of one.
a surprisingly good listener. will actually sit still and take the time to hear out all your woes. he may even give you some advice! just don't expect him to pull any punches or sugar-coat anything. however, before you tell him your secrets, there is a very good chance that he will bring whatever info you confide in him up again just to poke fun at you, so be very careful with what you're willing to share.
if he had the patience (and dexterity) for strategic board games like chess or checkers, he'd actually be very good at them. Less so at card games.
the most frequent targets of his antics are Dedede, Susie, Taranza, and Magolor; that said, he's certainly not above pranking the other denizens of Dream land when he can think of something to get under their skin. When he decides to team up for a prank, he gravitates toward Magolor and Kirby as his partners in crime.
he and Taranza do NOT get along. Taranza considers Marx a deeply disrespectful, obnoxious, unfunny clown, and an overall complete waste of space within the star allies. Marx doesn't consider Taranza at all.
Marx finds Gooey very boring to interact with, since he never seems to get riled up over anything. Gooey still quite enjoys tagging along with Marx, though! Gooey finds him to be a very fun, funny clown.
Doesn't really have a proper place to call home, so places friendly to him will save a spot for him should he decide to pop by. These places include Castle Dedede, Kirby's House, and the Lor Starcutter, when Magolor's not off using it to sail the galaxy. On warm nights, Marx likes to rest outside and look up at the stars.
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
12 Days of Christmas: Day 12 (Rúben Dias)
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Day 11
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Probably because it's the 24th".
Your out-of-tune singing was the soundtrack of every day but especially of the Holidays. You always changed the lyrics to something you found funnier and your boyfriend Rúben loved that. He even taught you what some of his favourite Portuguese songs said so you could make up lyrics for those ones too. 
And now, your main goal was to make him happy even if it was by singing every Christmas carol ever invented. Due to heavy storms all over Europe, his family was stuck in Portugal and he was really sad to be spending his first Christmas ever without them.
It was also your first Christmas together after your friend Rodri tricked you into finally going on a date together the previous Christmas. So you needed it to be extra special and the weather had already destroyed half of the plans you had made.
"Dance with me!", you told him when you found him in the kitchen.
"Dance with me! Come on!"
He shook his head but joined your silly dancing. 
"We should start cooking soon so let's have fun first".
"There is no need for that. We can eat whatever is in the fridge or order something".
"Rúben, no. It's Christmas Eve. We need to make a special dinner".
"It's a waste when it's just for two".
"But I still want to do it", you said, trying not to sound too whiny. He had been saying no to most plans you mentioned since he knew about his family not coming to England. "It's our first Christmas together".
"I know", he said, and walked to you so he could hug you. "I'm sorry I'm so annoying right now. I'm just sad about my family".
"That's normal. I would be too. But we can still have a good day. What do you say?"
"Ok, let's do it!"
"This is a long list", said Rúben when you were entering the shop. "You do realize it's just you and me, right?"
"The beauty of Christmas is having enough leftovers to last you a week".
He just laughed. "Do you want me to carry the trolley. It'll be very heavy if we buy all of this".
"It's fine, it has wheels. You can put your muscles to work when it's time to take the shop from the car to the apartment".
Twenty minutes later you were checking you had everything you needed.
"Chocolate chips, flour, cranberries…I think we have everything, yes", you said, with a satisfied smile on your face.
"The queue to the checkout is so long", complained Rúben.
You then turned to look at him and wrapped your arms around his waist. "We can cuddle while we wait".
"I thought you weren't a fan of PDA", he said, but still kissed the top of your head.
"Desperate moments require desperate measures".
"You sound like Rodri".
"Spend as many years being his friend as I have and you'll sound like him too".
"Ok, Dias. Organization is key to success today", you said when you were back in your kitchen.
"Yes, ma'am", he said with a salute.
"You're too sexy when you do that. Don't distract me".
You started by preparing the chicken that would cook in the oven for over an hour and once it was there, it was time for the potatoes, vegetables and sauces you planned to have with the meat.
"I love cranberry sauce", you said, mouth full with a handful of berries.
"We won't have any if you keep eating them", said Rúben, taking the bowl from you and eating some while you weren't looking.
"So, there are a few options for dessert. But I think cupcakes are the best. And you can take the ones we don't eat to work tomorrow".
"For my teammates?", he asked, confused.
"No, for the people who work at the training centre".
"Right. I forgot you're good friends with them because they let you sneak in to see me".
"Do you want to know a secret?"
"Sure", he answered, raising an eyebrow. You two didn't keep secrets.
"They let me sneak in before we started dating because I picked up Rodri a few times".
"And I used to go see your training and…well, it wasn't Rodri I looked at".
That made him laugh. "So you were stalking me? Wow! The things I discover".
"You? No. I was there to see Kalvin. I love a man with dimples", you teased him and his only response was to throw the tablecloth at your face.
You were laughing hysterically until you realized the pot with the sauce was still in the hob. "Oh crap!"
"Food ready and dessert is in the oven. Time to get changed".
"We don't need to get changed. We didn't get our clothes dirty while cooking".
"Rúben, come on", you said, giving him a look. "I'm wearing gym clothes. I'm not wearing these while celebrating our first Christmas together. How tragic would that be?"
"I would call the way you look in those leggings many things but tragic wouldn't be one", he said, slapping your bum.
"I'm still getting changed and so are you. Wait until you see the dress I'm wearing just for you".
"Can you pass me the iPad, please?"
He picked up the iPad that had been charging and gave it to you.
"Come here", you told him, patting the chair next to yours.
And when he sat down, he saw what you were doing.
"Why are you on zoom?"
"Because your family not being here doesn't mean that we can't be with them today at all. I know a video call is not the same but it's better than nothing", you shrugged.
"They told me they couldn't talk today".
"We wanted it to be a surprise".
His smile showed you it had been worth it making all the effort you had the last couple of days, trying to make him happy. White lies included.
"I'm so lucky to have you", he told you, putting the iPad away for a second so he could kiss you and show you how grateful he was to have you by his side.
After the call with his family and having the lovely dinner you both made, it was time for some Christmas film neither of you were particularly interested in. You were a lot more interested in each other.
"Thank you for a great day", said Rúben when you were both about to fall asleep.
"You're welcome".
"Don't think I didn't notice all the things you've been doing the last couple of days. To cheer me up".
"Well, it's my job as a girlfriend", you told him, burrowing your face in his neck.
"You could have told me to go to hell many times. You've got the patience of a saint. I guess that's necessary to be friends with Rodri for so long".
Your laugh was the last thing he heard before falling asleep. But a couple of hours later, he was wide awake and had to leave the bed to put an extra Christmas present underneath the tree. Only then could he relax enough to sleep.
Christmas morning had always been one of your favourite days. Not even because of the presents, but the time you got to spend with your family. And now, with Rúben.
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”, you sang, unaware of how little rest he had gotten.
“One second”, he said, covering his face with the duvet.
You got up to make yourself a cup of coffee while he stayed in bed, thinking about what was going to happen next. He had never been this nervous before. Not even while playing big finals.
“Should we open the presents now or after breakfast?”, you asked him the moment he got to the kitchen.
“You ok, Rúben? You don’t look good”.
“Calling me ugly on Christmas Day, how rude”, he tried to joke.
His attitude made you frown, he was fine last night. What had changed?
“I know you have to train later but do you want half of my cupcake? It’s Christmas!”
“I’m not hungry”.
“Ok, Rúben, you’re not okay. What happened? You were fine only a couple of hours ago”.
He sighed. “Let’s open the presents”.
And he took your hand to take you to the tree, confusing you even more.
There weren’t really that many gifts, since you had settled on a limit. Your budget wasn’t the same as his and you didn’t want him spending too much when you couldn’t do the same.
But you still managed to get him a couple of things you knew he would love. And seeing him open the presents showed you were right. His mood even seemed to improve a bit.
“We are done! Merry Christmas, my love”, you said, giving him a kiss.
“We are not done”, he said.
“But there are no presents left”.
You looked around the tree, just in case you had missed something and saw a small little box, wrapped in a different paper to the rest of the presents.
“What is this?”
“Not really a present but it’s for you. If you want it”.
Looking at his expression confused you even more. Why did he look so nervous?
So you just unwrapped it and found a ring box. A ring box. 
“Rúben? What…”.
He took the box from you and after taking a deep breath, he finally talked. "I didn't want to do this now because I didn't want my weird mood to taint this moment but I can’t wait anymore. I’ve been up all night thinking about this”, he laughed, nervously. 
You still sat there, staring at him. And not being able to read your expression only made him more nervous.
“So…”, he said, opening the box to reveal a beautiful ring. Of course, he would pick the perfect ring for you. “Would you marry…”.
“Yes!”, you said, not letting him finish. “Yes. Of course. I mean, I still can’t believe this is happening but yes. Did I already say yes?”
He only laughed, now smiling widely. Nerves gone. And took the ring out of the box to put it on your finger. “You said yes, but feel free to say it as many times as you want to. It might be my new favourite word”.
“I knew our first Christmas together was going to be the best ever”.
“Oh, you just wait until you see what I have prepared for next year”.
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sallysgrancanwrite · 2 years
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Chapter Twenty-One
Chloe went to the wedding shop and got her dress and veil. It made her happy looking at it. But she needed to know she would be happy after the “I do’s” are over. She thanked Glenda for everything and asked to look at some wedding shoes. She saw white and silver ones. Then she saw a pair that was kind of holographic it seemed and had sparkles. Every time you moved you saw color and sparkles. They probably weren’t the ones anyone else would pick but she liked them, they made her smile and they were in her size. She bought them and left the store. When she got home Beth was there. She had gotten home from work. Chloe had taken these last few weeks off. She’ll go back after the wedding.
“How was work today. Busy?” Chloe asked Beth.
“Not really. It’s was too slow for me. It made the day seem longer. I miss having you there. Can’t wait for you to get back.” Beth responded.
“I actually miss work,” Chloe laughed, “can you believe that?”
“Beth can you help me get my dress up to my room? It’s a bit heavy and I don’t want to step on it.” Chloe stated.
They got the dress upstairs and hung it on a rack in Chloe’s room to keep it from wrinkling. Chloe pulled out the box with the shoes in them.
“I bought my wedding heels today while I was at the shop.” She said.
“Oh god Chloe, I saw a holographic pair that were so awesome but not sure they’re wedding shoes. Anyway, sorry to interrupt. Show me your shoes”.
Chloe was sick now. Obviously she bought the wrong shoes. She thought they would be fun on the dance floor. She put the box away.
“I just got an ordinary pair of white heels, nothing special. Something else to mark off the list.” she said. “Did you get our room for our long weekend at the Casino?”
“Yes I did,” Beth said excitedly. “I booked the 16th through the 18th. Have you told Michael yet?” She asked.
“No not yet. I have to make clear,” Chloe said, “that he can’t come bothering us. I’ll talk to him tomorrow morning. It Saturday, he’s off work and more relaxed.”
“So it seems,” said Beth, “that Edith is gone. Should we throw something together you think?”
“Okay, let’s go see what kind of damage we ca do.” Chloe laughed.
They looked through the pantry and the freezer and then Beth opened the fridge. “Hey there is chicken in here. How about chicken spaghetti?”
“That sounds good. You take care of the chicken meat and get that boiling and I will start chopping onions and red peppers.” Chloe said
Chloe did wonder where Edith and Bob were. They are always home around this time. They got the meat cooked and shredded they got all the ingredients incorporated and in the oven and still had not heard from them. Beth put some garlic bread in as well. They took the bread out after about 10 minutes and the spaghetti after about 30 minutes. They sat and waited not knowing what to do. Finally the phone rang. It was Edith.
“We were out at the flea markets all day and on our way home the truck started to die or something. The transmission fell we need a knew one. We decided to buy a new truck and give the guy this one for parts. We’re at the dealership now. Bob is haggling over the price of a truck he wants. Oh my goodness, have you girls eaten anything?” Edith asked.
“We’re fine, Edith. We made chicken spaghetti for all of us, how long before you’re home?” asked Chloe.
“We’re not far, just over in Harvey, 30 miles away.” Edith answered. “Put the spaghetti in the oven and we’ll eat when we get home sweetie.”
“Okay, drive safe now.” Beth hollered from the table.
The two girls were relieved Edith and Bob were okay. They sat down and ate and then Chloe covered the pan with aluminum foil and put it back in the oven on warm. As they were washing dishes the phone rang. Beth answered it. It was Michael.
“Chloe, it’s Michael,” she said all excited.
“Why are you excited Michael is on the phone?” Chloe asked.
“So you can tell him about our trip!” She smiled and laughed..
“Okay. Okay I’m going”. Chloe responded.
She picked up the phone and took a deep breath, still upset about their discussion earlier.
“Hello, Michael. I didn’t expect to hear from you tonight.”
“I know,” he said “but I just wanted to say I love you and goodnight.”
“That’s all?” She asked “You don’t need to say anything else?” She said a bit ticked off.
How could he just act like treated her like garbage this afternoon!
“I know I was a bit mad today. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you cry. “Michael said
The same apologies he always gave and yet for some reason Chloe couldn’t see it. As long as he was sorry that was enough.
“Michael, I’m going to be gone from the 16th through the 18th. We’re doing a girls last fling bachelorette party before the wedding on the wedding Saturday. “
There was silence on the other end. Then he spoke.
“Why do you feel you need to do such juvenile things? I will need to know where you are going and where you’re at at all times. I have to look out for you.”
“No, Michael. This is for us girls. We can take of ourselves like we always have. And by the way, it isn’t juvenile, it’s a little bit of fun. Get some friends together and have some fun too.”
“I’m not happy about this but go ahead. We’ll goodnight. I love you.” Michael said a bit cold.
“Good night darling” I love you too.” Chloe said as she hung up.
When Michael got off the phone he was full of rage.
“Go ahead on your weekend but when we are married things will be different. We’ll see who is in control!”
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I'm pursuing him on special warrant and he is going to go down and probably won't make it to Easter maybe not even Christmas and he is a vulgar person. He's trying to get into the character of The Hitchhiker of the Galaxy to take over biden's job
Tommy f is a warlock and Trump is and they wiped each other's fleet out and their waste of time actually they all are but didn't have to get rid of them except for these two provoked it to happen and they should not be congratulated or helped they should not even be given a warm hearts to live near and should not be given a warm meal to eat... This should not be given the client place to go that seems like dan it is. And he's going to be gone shortly from here he just planned and he's leaving for a long time coming back for a day or two leaving for a long time soon he'll be out completely and he keeps on forcing her son to have stuff it was a stupid code name on it and he's ridiculous needs to pay for it. We're doing all sorts of work
Most of it is down here no but we're doing a bunch of work in Florida and we get grief from these idiots more than anybody and it is generated by them and we have absolutely no use for these people it they're absolutely utterly useless and I'll tell you what they're just parasites and they put a damper on everything that we tried to do even though I made it easier to do they're not worth keeping around and we have several million requests a day to come and just pick them up and we do and we go get them and we pull them out it's many more than that but I'm so sick of looking at them they're so ugly they're so mean and nasty the life they don't try for it they don't have a right to life and Lily's nasty too he's an idiot the same stupid things to our son. Now I got the police attention about this amount this a****** thing and he's put it in his Jesus film his little TV show this is Giant profile he says so we're going to awaken that giant you can use this idiots and crush him and take the ship out that's there and destroy his areas and I'm not doing that I didn't have him go there but a bunch of people did know that guy's a fool what's going on shortly. We have Manning machine up there and we have a vortex hole ready all we need is Trump's meat to show up because we're challenging him using those too the ship is prepped
Thor Freya
Shut up Trump you're such a huge loser I can't believe that you're such a little baby and they let you in such a position it's indicative of the lack of respect and lack of adult behavior that your entire kind represents on this planet and you must be extinguished and you're a shining example of just how irresponsible they are and your proof positive that they're trying to get away with ringing something into use you as a shield it was just so blatant and so easy to read that you ruined the Max and then you opened your mouth on top of it you're an arrogant spoiled little brat and you ruin every single thing that you touch for yourself and your people and by the way you're going to end up in the mound outback because we're planning to put you there and you're a sack religious cow and you keep on getting milk now I'm going to activate those monsters up there and the Giant and there's two of them and we're going to slaughter a particular area of yours using it in the ship and you have nothing that you can do about it at all
Zues Hera
No s*** I'm challenged
Mentally and physically
Zues Hera
We're going out there now and we're going to take him apart he's already heading up there he says and we don't care how many you bring we have plenty of monsters to raise up there I'm going to use your blood and your muscles send you organs and Bones to do it the whole thing you're a lot more healthy than corky we recognize that and we need that
Thor Freya
He's racing up there and we're glad you said that and turned it around and we're glad that he marked it out of ignorance total ignorance they had no idea what was up there he's an absolute fool and not tell you I haven't seen many people that are that stupid
0 notes
Wounded Love Pt. 2 (Lady Dimitrescu/F!Reader)
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T? Maybe? Almost the exact opposite of the first one. Language, minor violence Genre: Fluff, mainly, with admittedly a little bit of humor? I blame my lack of sleep. And my adhd. Warnings: Implied cannibalism adjacent activities because guess what honey, this is a fucked up family, what do you expect of me??? Sure, they have breakfast in this, there's cute stuff, but c'mon, they don't eat flowers and oatmeal! Notes: Doubt it needs to be said, but this is a sequel to the good ending of part one. Also Cass has one line in this that might be OOC, or seem oddly placed, but admittedly this chapter is also loosely based on a dream I had, and I couldn't not include the few direct quotations I remembered, and she seemed the most likely to say the line. And yes, there will be a part 3, because I am weak and also kind of maybe made this one less plot-moving than intended.
{Wounded Love: The re-woundening}
Every step ached more than the last, even with Alcina supporting you. She had wanted to carry you down the stairs, of course, but you had insisted that you would be fine. Now you were just determined not to complain out loud. One yelp or cry and you’d be scooped up in her arms, surely to be carried for the rest of the day. As much as you appreciated your girlfriend’s assistance, you hated feeling useless, and hated putting a burden on others. So here you were, one arm wrapped around Alcina’s waist, limping ever-so-slowly towards the dining room.
Further ahead (unburdened by your injury) the three Dimitrescu daughters talk among themselves, voices hushed as they too headed for breakfast. It was odd to see them all awake, and socializing, as there was usually at least one who came to meals late. You couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with your condition… or the circumstances that had caused it.
Less than eighteen hours had passed since your fight with a stray lycan, and tension had been high since. While you hadn’t yet spoken to the sisters, you had spoken to Alcina, who had briefly mentioned their concern for you. Whether they actually cared about you as a person or just cared because you are dating their mother is unclear. Based on how they had acted while treating your wounds, though, you were inclined to think that they were fond of you. And seeing as Alcina had already vowed to get revenge on your behalf… well, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that her daughters intended to assist.
“Careful on the last step, dear,” Alcina says, positioned as to catch you if you fell. It takes a little willpower to resist the urge to hop down the rest of the way. As long as you landed on your uninjured leg, it wouldn’t even be that bad. Still, irritating your girlfriend first thing in the morning felt like a pretty stupid thing to do. Instead you just nodded, slowing down even more, and took visible care not to trip. “Good girl.”
Well, you certainly couldn’t say that being careful didn’t have its rewards.
“I have my moments,” you replied, blush rising to your cheeks. Suddenly your pain didn’t feel so bad (at least until you took another step and winced). “Damn, who woulda thought that cutting a chunk out of my leg would make it hurt more?” The leg in question throbbed in pain, as if to prove your point, protesting the weight you put on it. Changing the angle at which you stood helped some, allowing the lower half of the limb to bear more of the burden.
“Dearest…” Alcina starts to say, looking like she was going to readdress her desire to carry you. For a moment you try to avoid her gaze, but she moves in front of you, making sure that you could still hold onto her for support. “I know how you feel, how you want, desperately, to be independent. When I was first… granted this gift, it took a long time to adjust. There was so much I had to relearn how to do, so much that I suddenly needed done for me.” A pause, a deep breath. At last you look up at your girlfriend, warmth in your heart, reaching out to hold her hand. “You have time, my dear, and plenty of it. More than that… this will not last forever. The more you push yourself, the longer your recovery will take. Now, please, allow me to assist. You have already proven how strong you are.”
“Oh, you drive a hard bargain… but if you insist, who am I to decline? Or, well, who am I to decline twice in a row?” You answer, somewhat begrudgingly. It wasn’t much farther to the dining room, you figured, so it wouldn’t be much of a loss to accept help. Or at least that was what you told yourself. Even with Alcina’s encouragement it was so hard for you to accept her help. After all, you were the one that worked for her. Never mind the fact that she was somewhat responsible for your injury- really, you were actively avoiding thinking about that.
It’s much easier to forget once Alcina carefully picks you up. One arm goes under your legs, the other under your chest, lifting you without any effort. You might as well have been a kitten or a child’s toy. The movement does, however, shift your injured leg in such a way that it aches. At this point you can hardly move the limb at all without it hurting, and even the slightest friction against the bandage makes your eyes water.
Apparently someone would be delivering some painkillers later in the day. You assumed it would be The Duke (whose name is apparently not Doug, as you had thought), seeing as he knew some special way to get to and fro without risking the same fate that had befallen you. Which, of course, made you feel a lot better. Getting someone else hurt would weigh on your mind forever.
Regardless, you were safe now, as was your strange, bloody little family. Before long you would even be enjoying a pleasant meal together. Certainly that would help get your mind off of your wound? For now, though, you were met with an unexpected impasse. The sort of impasse that really, really should have been expected.
“Why… is the doorway… so small?” You asked, jokingly, as you stare into the mildly embarrassed face of your girlfriend. It’s already hard enough for her to crouch through the gap normally. When she’s carrying you? Impossible. “Can we ask Mother Miranda for bigger doors? She gave you eternal life and also three kids, she’s gotta be capable of making bigger doors. Put me down, I’ll go call her and-”
“That won’t be necessary, dear,” Alcina cuts you off, not fully appreciating this part of your humor. Or maybe she had already asked for bigger doors, only to be told no?... Okay, yeah, it was probably the first option. With a sigh she sets you down, as gently as she can manage. Ready and raring to go, you start to hobble forward, only to find all three of the daughters waiting for you, just beyond the door. They’re grinning as they watch you, and Bela extended her arm to offer her help. “What appears to be the matter?” Alcina asks from behind you. Accepting your fate and Bela’s arm, you let the sisters guide you to the table, Cassandra holding your other side, and Daniela pulls your chair out for you. Honestly it’s pretty adorable. Evidently your girlfriend agrees, from the way she smiles as she follows.
“Thank you,” you say, more out of reflex than genuine gratitude. Again, you weren’t thrilled about needing this assistance. If the girls notice they’re at least polite enough not to mention it. They simply move to their own seats at the large table, eager to dig in. It feels… strange, to be here, on this side of things. Stranger still to realize you’re the only one intending to eat actual food. There’s wine in your glass, but it’s a much fainter red than those you’ve previously served to your girlfriend. Thank goodness, you think, after how raw my throat was yesterday, I really don’t need to taste any more blood.
Once Lady Dimitrescu sits down, the meal formally begins, with several maidens appearing from the kitchen. Several seem relieved to see you, although surprised, and one even gave you a brief smile. The smile did not last, however. It wasn’t unexpected, considering the nature of her job, the pressures that it put upon her. No one smiled at mealtimes. Well, no maidens, that is. They simply moved around, wordlessly, faces blank, doing exactly as instructed. Only a few days ago you had been among them, fear keeping you in line. Was it wrong of you to care for Alcina, knowing what she was capable of doing to others? Knowing what she might have, in another life, done to you?
A maiden places a plate of warm food, as well as a bowl of fresh fruit, in front of you. For a moment your eyes meet, but she looks away instinctively. Your heart threatens to break.
“This looks wonderful, thank you for your hard work, all of you,” you speak up, glancing at each of the women working so hard. There’s more you want to say that dries in your throat; you are valued, you are deserving, someday I will join your ranks again.
“You don’t need to thank them, they’re just doing their jobs,” Cassandra chimes from the other side of the table. Hearing her say that damn near makes you drop your fork. It’s not an uncommon settlement, particularly among older generations and the rich, but one that irks you nonetheless.
“They’re doing my job. They are taking on extra work, for no pay, because I am injured. Why would I be so cruel as to ignore them? Have I not toiled alongside them enough to call them my kin?” You ask, struggling to keep your voice even. Next to you Alcina is slowly cutting into her meat, watching the scene unfold out of the corner of her eyes, perhaps considering when to step in. On the other end of the table, Bela looks increasingly uncomfortable, as if silently willing her sister into silence. None of the maidens have reacted to what you said, likely too afraid of Cassandra to even consider speaking.
“Ooooh, this is much more fun than our usual breakfasts,” Daniela says, stifling a giggle. “Do you have any other thoughts you’d like to share? Preferably ones that aren’t about me.” At this, Alcina sets her utensils down, clearly intending to put an end to the discussion. Unfortunately for her, you were a bit… impulsive, especially considering the previous night’s activities had left your mind struggling to cope.
“Dead lycans smell terrible. Literally the worst thing I’ve ever smelled, easily, no question about it,” you answer, shrugging a little as you do. It’s such a simple thought that you almost don’t realize how the others at the table react. Until the clatter of silverware on the table catches your attention, that is. All three sisters are eying you with different expressions (Bela is confused, Cass is impressed, and Daniela looks shocked). But it’s Alcina’s wide-eyed stare that gets you to elaborate. “Should I have said ‘a dead lycan’? I only got one, so I guess I shouldn’t say they all smell bad. C’mon, though, they have to all smell bad, right?”
Suddenly Daniela shifts from shock to pure amusement, a fit of giggles overtaking her. You’re still confused, not sure what the matter was, so you just sip your wine and hope someone asks the right questions.
“You… killed the lycan that attacked you?” Bela finally says, after a few moments of her sister laughing, expression still incredulous. When you nod she sort of shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts. “May I ask how you managed that?”
“Oh, you know, I just meh meh-” you mime a stabbing motion with your fork- “until the stupid thing stopped moving. I had to use a tree branch as a weapon, but then it broke after a few whacks, which actually helped because then I had two stabbing implements to, you know, stab with. That’s right around when it got my leg, and it tried to bite me. Thankfully it wasn’t very smart, so when it leapt at me I just hyah-” this time an upwards strike- “right into its neck. That didn’t kill it, but it was enough to slow it down, which allowed me to stab the other half of the branch into its skull. Made this horrible, horrible sound as it died. Seeing as we are eating, I will not imitate the sound. Not that I could, now that I think about it…”
Once again there’s silence. Even Daniela has quieted now, and is watching you with rapt interest, likely hoping that you’re hiding another story up your sleeves.
“So… did you guys actually think that I managed to run away from the lycan? Or were you under the impression that it simply got bored of me and left?” You ask, casually returning to your breakfast afterwards. No one says anything, at first, taking in your words as best as they can. A few moments later both Daniela and Bela resume their meal, as nonchalant as one could be in the current situation. Alcina, however, rests a gentle hand on your shoulder, meeting your gaze with a loving look.
“You will never cease to amaze me, my dear. But let us ensure you never have to… smell, or see, one of those wretched things again, yes?” She says, softly squeezing you as she does. You can’t help but agree, and nod eagerly, mouth too full of hashbrowns to speak. Still, there’s been a shift in the atmosphere of the room. It’s not that the family didn’t respect you before, as far as you can tell, but they evidently hadn’t expected you to prove as capable as you had. It brings a sense of pride to the forefront of your mind, making you completely forget about your injury for the remainder of the meal.
Unable to stop yourself, you insist on helping the other maidens clean up, and Alcina eventually agrees to let you wash a few dishes- as long as you stay sitting the entire time. The last thing you hear before you shuffle off to the kitchen is the start of a conversation between Cassandra and her mother.
“You picked quite a feisty one, didn’t you?”
“That I did, that I did…”
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deluluass · 3 years
What bliss, domesticity.
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for: @tink2kagome. i’m sorry it took me so long to work on ur pretty setter squad request T^T i’ll probably do like another one in the future! 
  & @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @belpomme @chaichai-the-weeb for being such lovely mutuals <3 <3 
Content warnings: rape/noncon; nsfw; yakuza/organized crime; gun mention; a lot of (non-sexual) food references in this one
  Jun’ichi Saikawa was obviously the kind of man who liked to laugh. Not unlike most people in their world. The kind who use their entire body when they do, announcing to the entire world with a bellowing “Ha Ha Ha!” how pleased they are with whatever’s going on in front of them.
  Which, in all honesty, was pretty admirable, that the old man could still do it considering how bored to tears Wataru was. 
  That it’s a humid afternoon didn’t help either. He could feel the sweat on his back even when the doors were already slid open, exhibiting a verdant garden filled with blossoms and shrub peonies. From his place he could see the school of koi swirling in the shallow pond, their scales iridescent under the warm rays of the sun. 
  “Didn’t know you were the funny sort, 'Kaashi!” Saikawa blurted out, the sake in his hand spilling to his fingers.
  This wasn’t Wataru’s first day on the job, but this is the first that he gets to do something this important. And with someone he highly respects, too. 
  So he gave his collar a light tug, steeling himself to endure as he tucked his legs further beneath him, and resorted to thinking about the many things he would absolutely surrender just to lie down on the warm mat. 
  His car, maybe.
  The brand new noise-cancelling headphones he bought, if pushed. 
  Wataru saw Akaashi nod.
  “I appreciate a joke every now and then,” he said.
  The larger man laughed again.
  “Here, here!” Saikawa thundered, snatching a tiny, yellow box from the maid who appeared as swiftly as she’d left. 
  “I heard you like sweets. Here,” he said, grinning as he handed it to Akaashi. “My youngest son just opened a cake shop. I know what you’re thinking, but who am I to say no, eh?”
  Akaashi passed the box to Wataru. 
  “Mind it for me, please,” he whispered.
  How unexpected. Akaashi-san has a sweet tooth.
  That’s pretty neat. Wataru himself wasn’t partial to cakes, but he does love pudding. 
  “You are a good father, Jun’ichi-san,” Akaashi told him. 
  This time, Wataru didn’t bother suppressing a yawn as Saikawa fumbled for his phone, hiding it behind his hand as he stared at the birds chirping and hopping about outside.
  “Wanna see him? He’s much like you! Good head on his shoulders, that one.” 
  “I am honored, Jun’ichi-san,” Akaashi echoed back, peering down at the photos Saikawa showed him. 
  “He sends me a lot of these- uh,” Saikawa snorted, his nose reddened by the alcohol. “What do young people call it, the- pictures-”
  “Selfies?” Akaashi politely supplied. 
  “That’s the one! Look. Precious, ain’t he?”
  His earpiece crackled to life. 
  Konoha’s voice emerged from the static. 
  “We’re ready when you are,” his senior murmured. “Man, this is taking too long. Let’s get some burgers when we’re done.”
  “Akaashi-san,” Wataru croaked, feeling his cheeks heat up as he continued, “K-Komi-san and the others are waiting for you.”
  Saikawa perked up. “Ah, of course! Of course!” 
  He stumbled when he attempted to stand up. Akaashi was quick on his feet to assist him.
  “I knew I could count on you, son,” he muttered, patting Akaashi’s back. “Now, you tell Bokuto that what happened between us- it’s all in the past! All in the past! And if those bastards mess with him again, you tell him to run to old Jun’ichi!”
  Akaashi clasped Saikawa’s hand.
  “Thank you,” Akaashi said. “I’ll be sure to relay your sentiments to Bokuto-san.”
  “You do that, my boy.” Saikawa’s belly shook as he laughed. “Your generation’s a smart one, indeed. The in-fighting and wars, bah! All that trouble for nothing; that’s not your style. Your lot’s the future now!”
  Then, Akaashi stepped a few meters back and bowed. 
  Wataru followed behind him. 
  “We will be taking our leave,” Akaashi said. “It has been an illuminating talk, Jun’ichi-san.”
  The sound of the bamboo drip trickling water into another stalk permeated through the silence.
  It collapsed and clunked against a stone. 
  He heard the birds flutter away.
  When Wataru raised his head, Saikawa had already been lying face down on the floor. 
  And, of course, Wataru’s used to it: the crack of a gun muffled by a silencer. 
  He’s been practicing his entire life, after all. He actually doesn’t flinch anymore and Wataru thinks he should be proud of himself.
  It’s just that... how could someone who used to be there, suddenly...disappear? Saikawa was right in front of him a few minutes ago. Laughing and showing off photographs of his son. And now he’s...not.
  But, Saikawa didn’t disappear. Not really. 
  The blood seeping through the tatami is proof of it, but Wataru chooses not to look. In theory, he knows what a bullet through the skull looks like. He’d just rather not see today if what he’s taught reflects true in the real world. 
  Maybe some other time.
  Wataru flinched. “Y-yes?”
  Akaashi looked back at him. “The cake?”
  His body was still trembling and it took a lot of strength to not let it show in his hands when he gave it back to Akaashi, the box pleasantly yellow with doodles of doe-eyed eggs dancing along the handle. Unblemished, unlike Akaashi, who was sporting a splatter of blood along his cheek. 
  It’s surprisingly still cool to touch, too.
  “No, thank you,” he said, rejecting the handkerchief that Wataru offered. 
  From afar, Wataru could hear the faint melodies of an old love song being played by a car radio. No doubt Konoha’s doing. It followed them, growing louder the closer they walked back into the parking lot. The others bowed and sent gruff salutations along Akaashi’s way as they dragged bodies out of the Saikawa mansion. 
  (It was nauseating and Wataru wanted to pass out.)
  He pressed his nails harshly into the meat of his palm. 
  “A-Akaashi-san,” Wataru began. “I didn’t know that- that um, you liked... sweets.”
  Akaashi halted. 
  “No, I don’t,” he said, blinking. “But my wife does.”
  Wataru stared at him. 
  Akaashi went ahead. 
  He stayed that way— staring and wondering, until they stopped by the fast food restaurant that Konoha loved so much. Wataru couldn’t even finish his burger and fries. 
  By the time that they hit the freeway, Akaashi had already cleaned himself up and Wataru was still grappling with the word “wife.” 
  Of course he knows the man is married. 
  But, how, exactly, do you reconcile his reputation with the sight of him, every passing headlight sharpening his features, quietly humming along to Aki Yashiro? Who was longing for Shinjuku at night, the beauty of it, and oh, how wonderful it’d be, she said: a rendezvous with her lover, waiting for her under raining cherry blossoms. 
  Wataru figured that he was tired and starting to see things. 
  That small smile that graced Akaashi’s lips couldn't be real, either, especially those hands of his that held the box of cake like it’s worth more than gold.
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He wasn't really particular when it comes to music. A song's a song, in Akaashi's opinion. Another form of noise that helps when the silence gets too overbearing. 
  But you, on the other hand, liked music. Listened to it the same way one eats their favorite food: memorizes the lyrics; goes out of your way to collect unearthed photographs and newspaper clippings that made the singer seem more human.
  You loved music— was probably the right way of putting it.
  Especially the old variety. He didn't get it at first. The sounds are dated; no one speaks in that language with that cadence anymore; the singer's probably dead.
  Well, Akaashi still doesn't get it, if he were to be honest. 
  Yet here he is. 
  His hands were wrapped around your waist, coaxing you into a slow— albeit clumsy, waltz.
  "Kei-kun!" you squeaked. "The dishes!"
  You dragged your slippers beneath you, struggling to wipe the suds off your hands. 
  "S-seriously, Kei-kun..!"
  Sure, he doesn’t fully understand what’s great about it, music. 
  Yet here he is. 
  Perhaps it’s because he immediately recognized the first few notes this time, that’s why he’s doing this. He didn’t even wait for the DJ to finish saying, “You’re still listening to Vintage F.M. Here’s a classic for you couples out there. Have a romantic night with Nat King Cole’s L-O-V-”
  Perhaps it’s because your cream stew tasted extra special that it made him shrug the fatigue off, giving in to the urge of pulling you close and taking your damp hand in his to sway and bob along the skipping bassline. Your bashful objections went in one ear and out the other.
  Sure, he’s not the type to do this, either, dancing. 
  Yet here he is. 
  Perhaps it’s because he knew that it’s your favorite song.
  Perhaps it’s just what marriage does to you.
  "Did you like the cake?" he whispered against your neck, inhaling the scent of cinnamon and the way your skin jumped as he did.
  Your breaths were shallow against his chest, but you managed a soft, “Yes, sweetheart. Thank you.”
  Akaashi caressed your back, kneading the tensed muscles as he huffed. 
  “Good,” he murmured, trembling. “Good girl. What a relief." 
  It was endearing, how offbeat the both of you were. A shame, though, considering that Nat King Cole’s fervently insisting on love; that it’s all that I can give to you; that it’s more than just a game for two. 
  So Akaashi makes up for his two left feet by joining in. He pressed his lips to your forehead. How strange, your presence in his life. What did he do to deserve you by his side, for this contentment that thaws away the chill?
  (He put a ring on your finger, is what he did. He deserves this.)
  “Two,” he droned, made giddy by the sparks in his belly, “in love can make it.”
  You looked at him, wide-eyed. 
  “Take my heart and please don’t break it.”
  He spun you around.
  “Oh my god, Kei-kun,” you gasped. “You can’t sing.”
  Akaashi’s aware of it all too well. He can’t carry a note; not him: the guy who’s had monotony ingrained in his very being. But that’s why he has you.
  A startled giggle left you as he guided you into a box step, the trumpet rising and falling over the strings. You stepped on him a few times, so he lifted you up, just so, and kicked off your slippers. Then, he set your feet atop his own. 
  He took you with him as he moved, waddling and careful not to hit his back against the countertop. It came as no revelation that both of you weren’t any better dancers even after this maneuver.
  Akaashi continued. Starting with L—
  “Is for the way you look at me.”
  “Stop, stop-” Your eyes crinkled at the sides. “You’re flat.”
  Akaashi persisted, anyway, taking your cheek to pepper kisses all over your face.
  “O is for the only one I see.”
  Your laugh was airy— light and buoyant all over the kitchen, like a fairy leaving stardust in its wake. Not gratingly booming nor demanding. After all, you weren’t the kind who felt the need for it: an audience to witness how pleased you are; how strong and powerful you are over everyone else. 
  Besides, your laugh was just for him. A private and intimate thing. And he was so lost in it that he almost forgot what’s been gnawing at him for the entire morning.
  Akaashi rested his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling the downy fabric of your dress as he gripped you by the hips. 
  “Where did you go earlier?” 
  The orchestra was in a joyous uproar, joining the rapid beating of your heart; the trumpet bright and clear, singing in harmony with the bass and saxophones and trombones, as Nat King Cole repeatedly guaranteed, as if an oath, that love was made for me and you. 
  Love was made for me and you.
  “I had to buy some groceries!” you piped up. “We ran out of ingredients. Sorry, I forgot to bring my phone with me. Oh, I have to run you a bath. I’ll tell you when it’s done, alright?”
  You broke away from him with a beaming grin, but Akaashi wanted to ask, despite the evidence of it before him. 
  “Are you happy?”
  It has already ended, the song. The DJ was signing off for the night.
  You nodded, playfully jabbing his arm with a fist. 
  “Of course,” you told him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
  Perhaps it’s because you were never really good at pretense, no matter how much you hid behind needless noise. 
  Music. Laughter. Running water. 
  Akaashi sighed as he slumped down the nearest stool.
  Of course you’re happy. Why wouldn’t you be?
  After rubbing his eyes with clammy fingers, Akaashi fiddled them together beneath his temples. He released a heavy breath and fished for his phone in his pocket.
  He spoke after the first two rings. 
  “Wataru-san, I’m sorry for bothering you,” he said. “Can you do something for me?”
  His subordinate didn't ask him why, neither did he react when he'd stated his request. Akaashi knew, however, that the question was sitting in Wataru's clipped replies. The boy’s “yes, sir” and “understood, sir” were far too enthusiastic than normal.
  Akaashi didn’t mind, though, if he did ask. And despite that familiar pang of dread, Akaashi would answer him like the common— just like the average, everyday husband— with that characteristic, bordering on irksome pride that they have when they talk about their wives. 
  “Well, Wataru-san,” Akaashi would answer. “Perhaps this is just what marriage does to you.”
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The house was a house like any other.
  There was an old pickup truck parked outside the freshly painted gate, carrying crates of fruits and vegetables in its trunk. Along the bricked walls was an overgrowth of vines and ferns. It extended around the windows and crept up the balcony.
  A large Shiba ran outside and jumped to your lap as soon as it saw you by the driveway.
  Wataru heard Chiaki stir at the back of the car.
  “Pay up, asshole,” he grunted, waking a disheveled Ryota who’s still holding a half-bitten melon bread.
  His lackey cracked his neck and gave the scenery a cursory glance. “Could be a front.”
  Ryota grumbled and went back to sleep.
  “Idiot,” Chiaki clicked his tongue. “She traveled all the way to Miyagi just to give intel? And here? Of all places?”
  Three days. 
  They’ve tailed you for three days. Akaashi-san never said anything else, besides that within the week, while he’s gone and sealing deals in another country, there was a high likelihood of you folding and getting out of Tokyo. 
  To run right here. In Miyagi.
  He didn’t say why, really, but Wataru supposes it’s better that he didn’t. Because during the days of absolute, mind-crushing boredom, of watching some suburban wife go out for a morning walk, chat with her neighbors, and shop around the market, rinse and repeat, coming up with the Why had been their only salvation.
  The betting pool has two answers: cheater or snitch.
  Chiaki was insistent on the former, while Ryota stood by the latter. 
  And Wataru...Wataru could only watch, waiting with a bated breath as the door finally opened.
  “I bet it’s someone younger,” Chiaki said. “Usually is.”
  Seems that none of them were winning anything today.
  The man who emerged from the house was far older— who, oddly enough, resembled you. An  old woman soon followed behind him. Both of them looked at you as if they were witnessing a specter, or someone who's crawled back from the dead. An appropriate comparison, especially since they’re both wearing somber black clothes.
  It wasn’t his place to assume. Though he’s been promoted to a slightly higher position, it will never come close to the place that Keiji Akaashi occupies. Wataru knows all of these, but nothing was stopping him from putting the pieces together, no matter what little he has.
  They could only stare when all of you broke down into tears, locked in each other’s embrace as you knelt on the pavement. 
  Don’t let her stay too long.
  That had been one of Akaashi-san’s orders.
  So the three of them didn’t wait it out. By the time that the sun had set, Wataru had already stepped out of the car, taking Ryota with him. He made sure to remind the boy, just in case he’d forgotten.
  “Be gentle, alright?” Wataru reiterated.
  There hadn’t been any need for that, it turned out. 
  He’s sure you’ve never met before, but Wataru saw bitter understanding flash in your eyes when you caught them loitering in front of your house. Fear was there, too, of course. 
  Wataru was convinced that surely it’s a good thing. It saved everyone a lot of time, that way.
  You didn’t even say a word, only giving Wataru a stiff nod when he’d introduced himself, and remained like so on the ride back to Tokyo, with the strap of your handbag trapped by a clenched fist. Wataru didn’t try to initiate small talk; it felt unnecessary.
  It took a while for Wataru to realize that you also hadn’t bothered to change out of your pajamas, though he gave you a couple of minutes to say your farewells. 
  Pajamas, obscured now by a thick, gray coat. 
  Akaashi-san was right.
  You had no plans of coming home. Not tonight. Maybe not for a while.
  Wataru decided not to linger on it anymore. 
  He ignored the blank stare that pierced right through the rear-view mirror. And then, Wataru wondered, hand sweating in his pocket, what the three of them should have for dinner.
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Thick chunks of pumpkin melted in your mouth with just the first spoonful of broth. 
  It'd been a while since the last time Akaashi cooked. So, more than anything, it was the sight of him setting plates and utensils that took you aback, greeting you with a, "Welcome home. You're just in time. Food's ready," his sleeves rolled to his elbows while donning your baby owl-printed apron. 
  The taste didn't. Surprise you, that is. He's a good cook. Unlike you, who only became marginally better one hundred burn scars later. 
  It also didn't surprise you that he flew back home at the drop of a hat. Even when he said he'd be gone for a week.
  "How is it?" Akaashi asked after chewing. "Took me a while to make it."
  It obviously did, you thought. When you arrived, Irma Thomas was already begging through the record player.
  "Do you need me, like I need you?" she implored, straight from the heart. "Look at me, I'm crying from holding you." 
  The last song on your favorite record. It was cheap and had the best from the artists you loved. 
  Etta James. Ella Fitzgerald. Aretha Franklin. The Mills Brothers. Bessie Smith. All in one vinyl.
  "Yeah," you replied, clearing your throat when you realized how hard it is to speak. "It's delicious."
  You looked back down to your bowl. The  tofu had gone untouched. Your food was still close to spilling to the brim, while Akaashi was almost finished with his, scrolling on his phone laid on the table.
  "So no one coaxed you into it," you heard him say, and that had ripped your eyes away from the broth like a bandage on an infected wound.
  Akaashi was holding your phone, reading the messages- his number was the only one there, as pealing bells resonated in the dining room. 
  "I'd think of all the things that I wanted of you," cried Irma Thomas. "To make me forget the pain that you caused."
  "I would've known if anyone else talked to you, anyway," he huffed, locking the screen before blowing steam off the morsel. 
  "You would," you conceded. The tofu was soft when you bit into it, sinking into your teeth.
  "I found that in our cabinet. Last time it was in the kitchen drawer, wasn't it?" Akaashi helped himself to a bowl of rice. "Don't leave it in stuffy places. What if you forget where you hid it and you won't know when I call?"
  "And I can no longer keep track of where you are for every moment of the day?" you could hear him say. Though he didn't; though all that could heard, besides the scraping of utensils, was Irma Thomas declaring:
  A fragile thing, like life. It just don't last so long.
  It could be for a minute or an hour. Or then again, from now.
  Your lips tightened with a grin. "I won't do it again, sweetheart," you said, spoon hanging limply in your hold.    
  He didn't need to say it. 
  That your phone has a tracker. That this house is still the same cage that it'd been before. That the only difference between then and now is that silver band on your finger.
  Akaashi’s blinked back at you as he sipped  what remained of the soup. You tried to do the same.
  The savory taste was cloying and it burned in your throat, so you didn't attempt to finish the bowl. It cut down to your heart, sinking heavily on your stomach, bile rising as the song came to a close.
  You gulped it down, though. You had to. And in the final moments, Irma Thompson told you what she really wanted. 
  "Make me forget," she said, "the pain that you'd caused."
  The chorus joined her. "Understanding is a great thing," she concluded. "If it comes from the heart."
  Akaashi was on his own phone this time. Most likely checking on the business that he left, judging by those furrowed brows and that long-suffering look in his eyes.   
  Fizzling noise came at the heels of the fading music. Then, it stopped. And there was nothing left anymore but silence.
  It's over now. Akaashi’s making a move to clean up. You were supposed to say, "That was a lovely dinner, honey." Or, you could tell him to sit down and watch a movie with you when he's done. 
  "I'll help you with the dishes," you wanted to say. 
  I'll help you with the dishes. It was so easy to say. 
  Instead, what came out of your mouth was a hushed call for his name.
  "Kei-kun," you repeated, brittle and weak and dry.  
  "I'm so sorry," you might've mouthed. 
  You could barely hear your own voice as you looked at him. Akaashi paused from tidying the table. 
  You're parched and a lot has happened today. Gathering the courage to take that first step out of the city had taken what little strength you had. The fear never left you. Seeing your old house almost ended you. 
  It should be physically impossible for you to still be able to cry. And yet there doesn't seem to be an end to your tears now, the same way your apologies unfurled in an embarrassingly infinite string.
  "Don't lock me inside here again," you whispered, clinging to him as he shushed you, wiping your cheeks with his thumbs as he helped you drink a glass of water.
  He carried you to your room and sat you down on the bed, right between his thighs. You sobbed into your hands, tears and snot on the sleeves of your pajama top.
  "I- I just wanted to see them. That's all. Just one day, Kei-kun. One day. I was gonna come back, I swear." 
  You're rambling. You're a madwoman pleading and bargaining with a stone-cold judge because playing house is the only thing keeping her alive. 
  And you messed that up you foolish, foolish girl.
  "Please don't hurt my family," you heaved. "They're all I have left."
  Akaashi doesn't speak, not for a while, but when he did, you bawled harder.
  "I can kill them all," he said, matter of factly. 
  It is true. Hearing him say it does not make it easier to take, though. 
  "I can hurt you the same way that you hurt me."
  Your neck strained as he tipped your chin towards him with a slender finger. 
  "I can break you," he muttered, not batting an eye.
  That, too, is true. You know it all too well. He said it with such serenity, still and undisturbed by the shaking of your head, because it goes without saying. 
  Except, you, too, know it. 
  When he is breaking. When he is falling apart.
  He smothered you, taking your entire body to curl against you, making himself small as he pressed his face on your back.
  "Yet- and yet I-" Akaashi sniffled. You felt your shirt dampen. "I've given you everything."
  When he finally brought his face close to yours, he looked so lost. Almost like a little boy who's on the verge of drowning,  clinging desperately onto a lifesaver and too shocked to shout for help. 
  You hated him all the more for it.
  "Each other," he said, snarling, almost, through tears as he grabbed your face with both hands. "That's all we have left, you hear? You and I. Husband and wife."
  He seized your jaw and turned it towards the vanity mirror.
  The room was dark save for the light in the hallway, peeking into the crack through the doorway. 
  But you could see yourself. And you could see your hand intertwined in his, your rings gleaming like muted starlights. 
  "We made a vow," he whispered, kissing your ring finger. 
  A detached part of you is astonished with how inescapable it is. Whether it be a reward or a punishment; a good day or a bad one.
  No matter what happens, you always end up like this, don't you? 
  Begging to him with your legs spread wide.
  You did as you'd always done when he began unbuttoning your top. 
  You go back to that autumn morning, when you first laid your eyes on him, a cup of coffee in his hand, and you thought that he had the prettiest face you'd ever seen.
  You go back to when he was just this really romantic guy who sent you flowers every day. There was a letter, every time. 
  Nothing too grandiose. Just short messages hoping that you'd have a great day ahead.
  He kissed your neck, wet smooches and long, flat-tongued licks dipping down your shoulder.
  He watched you through the mirror, his eyes a pair of darkened blues daring you to look away.
  Akaashi Keiji was your boyfriend, you told yourself. You dated him for quite some time before you married.
  Akaashi Keiji got along well with your father and doted on your mother. On Sundays, you visit them and they send you back to Tokyo with ripe watermelons. 
  Akaashi Keiji has never hurt you.
  The man tracing the hem of your bra, cupping your clothed tits and drawing lazy circles over nipples, however, did.
  (And he still will in future. He still is, right now.)
  This man is the real one. 
  And you have angered him, so he will not make this easy for you.
  "What did you promise me?" Akaashi whispered as he lightly bit the shell of your ear. "Or have you forgotten?"
  Of course, you haven't forgotten. You were chained to this very room when you made them, after all.
  "N-no, I remember," you said, catching your breath. "I remember, Kei-kun."
  "Then say it," he said. "Look at me."
  You shivered as his palms swept over your  stomach; as he unfastened your bra, letting it fall down your arms.
  "Look at me when you say it."
  You felt your nipples harden, gooseprickles spread all over you, as the air hit your bare skin, cooling the sweat that made it glisten.
  "Please," he rasped.
  The eyes of the woman in the mirror was hooded, threatening to close as she puffed with each squeeze and caress to her tits, swiveling her hips against her husband’s crotch as he grinded into her. 
  "I will be happy," she said.
  Akaashi nuzzled your temple, using his rough fingers to tease your nipples just as he did, brushing them to and fro, then grazing the bumpy skin around until you're squeaking out his name. 
  And when he began pressing down on the stiff peaks with his thumbs, before rolling and pulling at them, the heels of his palm digging into your tits, you saw the woman claw at her husband's hair, a graceless affair that almost scratched his eye out, making him reach for both her arms to wrap them around his neck. 
  "I- I will..!" Her lips parted in a breathless scream and it was disgusting how lewd she appeared. "I will not run away!"
  The streak of tears on his cheeks touched yours when he kissed you. His lips were soft and warm, his wet tongue gliding in so slowly as he deepened the kiss with a throaty groan.
  His other hand crawled down to your soaked panties. You couldn't contain the mewl that left you.
  Both of you gasped and struggled to breathe again after you parted from each other.  
  "You understand, don't you?" he rasped.   
  Two of his fingers slid down your folds, only to slither back up, then down again, smearing your cunt with its own slick.
  But he never touched your swollen clit, even though it's throbbing and aching to be rubbed and the hard bulge sitting between your ass grew harder the more you squirmed in his hold, whimpering like a bitch in heat.  
  You heard your husband sigh, his hot breath tickling you when he said, "This isn't about you now."
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Belly pushed into the edge of the dressing table, rattling and battering against the wall with each forceful thrust, and your leg perched atop it, made numb by Akaashi's grip on your thigh.
  That was the first thing that you could recall when you opened your eyes.
  But your entire body was screaming in pain, so you knew that everything else that happened last night would come back to you soon enough.
  The flesh had a memory of its own. 
  You sat up with a groan and you didn't have to see the marks to know.
  His teeth were still nipping at you, biting you until they drew blood, only to follow with an apologetic lapping of his tongue. 
  You could feel him beneath you, his hands clawing you down to him, palms kneading your ass cheeks as you bounced up and down on his cock.
  You could feel him above you, gripping your wrists not unlike the cuffs that once kept you shackled. He had your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling you close to him, filling you up with loads and loads of cum, squelching every time he sank down your weeping hole.
  And when your vision began to blur at the edges, he carried your body, mere seconds into fainting, to the dressing table. 
  The evidence of that stared back at you in shameful streaks and smudges, traces of your fingers on the mirror when he rammed your cunt from behind.
  "Are you happy?" Akaashi whispered.
  You don't know. 
  When he's just your husband who comes home to your arms and brings you sweets because he knows how much you love them; who dances with you in the kitchen and listens intently to you when you talk about that cute dog you saw at the park, were you happy, then?
  You don't know, but the woman in the mirror, in that moment, surely was.
  She even said, "Yes, yes, Kei-kun, right there, fuck me right there!"
  Her pupils were blown wide, eyes rolling almost over to the back of her head. And despite the cries that escaped her, there was a wide, dissipated smile on her lips,  spit trailing down her chin.
  "Look at you," Akaashi said, grunting when your walls tightened around his shaft. "You're clearly happy with me."
  "So why? Why'd you even think of leaving?" He rocked his hips, grinding his thick cock against that spot that had you holding onto the mirror. "Don't ever do that to me again." 
  You told him no, no, you won't run away again, but it didn't seem to placate his unease, nor his tears.
  "I'm so scared, everyday, that you'll leave me and- and- it feels like hell. I would rather die." 
  He kissed your nape as he huffed and said, "Because I don't know what I'll do without you."
  You never really understood why; what about you had caused him to single you out in the sea of people that had vied for his attention. Especially now as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
  There were dark circles under your eyes and Akaashi’s t-shirt was rumpled on your body, engulfing you whole with its size— a far cry from that lovely, dazzling bride that his best friend, Bokuto, had described you as on your wedding day. 
  But you’re aware, more than anyone, that Akaashi Keiji is the last person to care about appearances. 
  When he entered the room, carrying a tray in his hands, he gazed at that disheveled girl with eyebags big enough to be dragged around the same way he looked at her when he waited for her at the end of the aisle.
  “I made you pancakes,” he muttered, clearing his throat as he sat down beside you.
  You were tired so it didn’t dawn on you as quickly as it should that he made them the way you preferred. Four fluffy pieces stacked atop one another, sprinkled with powdered sugar, whipped cream and a smattering of berries on the side.
  He fiddled with his fingers when you only stared at it, so you immediately took the fork in your hand and sliced the pancake in half.
  “I’ll be taking some time off work,” Akaashi said as you took the food in your mouth. You only nodded, having noticed that he wasn’t wearing the usual bespoke suit as soon as he entered the room.
  You felt him near you; felt his hand, warm to touch, cup your face.
  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His eyes were misty and, this close, it seemed that he, too, wasn’t in a good shape. “So please-” Akaashi licked his chapped lips, “Please don’t go.”
  “I won’t,” you replied, giving him the smile that you knew he needed. “I promise.”
  Then, as you moved to kiss him on the cheek, the chains that tethered you to the bedpost clinked softly beneath the blanket, and you didn’t bother to keep the tears at the bay.
  Akaashi wiped them for you when you said that you loved him. And when he asked why, you only shrugged and told him that the pancakes were so sweet that they could make anyone cry. 
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iminye · 3 years
5 + celebrimbor or gil-galad? :o
Hello thank you for the ask! Although I was meant to answer every number on the post for the ask I just went with what you asked for and it got a uh little long.
Also my dumb ass read Maeglin instead of Gil-Galad for some reason so you get all three of them now lol
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
Gil-Galad finds the whole "who is your father" question terribly amusing, to a point where he purposefully doesn't even try to help to find an answer for the question anymore.
As a child he wanted to know, he craved for it more than anything else but neither Cirdan nor anyone else would tell him who his parents were.
They probably didn't know either since he was brought to them as a baby by a dying man in Nolofinwean blue, who only got to tell them to protect him before he died. Baby Ereinion was also dressed in Nolofinwean blue and that's where the assumption came from that he might be the son of Fingon or any other Nolofinwean relative but he could have been the son of that man as well for all they knew. They just assumed it was the former because that would make it more convenient for political reasons or something.
The rumour that he might be Orodreth's son was set into motion by Finarfin himself by the way who commented during a meeting that Gil-Galad's eyes look very much like his grandson's I.e. Orodreth's.
As an adult he very much doesn't care anymore if his father is really a king or just a servant or if his claim to the throne is rightful or not. Elrond has made very clear that he doesn't want to be king and Galadriel even said that he did his job better than the majority of his predecessors, so why change?
Besides watching scholars getting frustrated over this minor detail is hilarious to watch.
Maeglin has a really and I mean REALLY weird relationship with food... for normal elvish standards anyways.
Growing up in Nan Elmoth there was not a whole lot of stuff you could eat because most plants were either poisonous or would make you high immediately, the water was undrinkable unless it was boiled first and don't you dare pick any of the mushrooms. Ever.
So the things they could eat were few and rare. There were sometimes people from Doriath at the border who would trade food with Eol in exchange for his craft and while visiting the dwarves Maeglin got into contact with his first ever grand meal with meat and cheese and everything he could ever dream of and he probably ate himself sick more than once.
In Gondolin however meat and cheese and bread weren't a rarity, he could eat soft white bread with berry jam practically every day for breakfast and it would never have an end and he had a very hard time realising this. At first he would eat as much as he could in record time (which made Turgon believe that the boy had been starving for his entire life and this gave him some unfriendly flashbacks to the ice) and he would always super surprised and a but weirded out when people just handed him food on the streets. Like ma'am. That's a piece of the best cheese he has ever tasted and you just handed it to him! On the street! Don't... don't you need that for yourself?!
Food for Maeglin is something very special and very precious and the better and more tastier the food is the more special it is for him. If it weren't for his status and the dinners his uncle invites him to regularly he would probably live off of bread and water and be happy about that because the bread isn't stale and the water doesn't need to be cooked to be drinkable.
Celebrimbor doesn't remember Aman or anything related to Aman for that matter. He wasn't a baby or toddler anymore when they left, he was a young teenager who had already started his apprenticeship under his grandfather's tutelage and he knows that he should remember Aman, he should remember the light of the trees, his parent's home, his great-grandfather's stories and songs, the evenings they spend as a family in front of the fireplace but he doesn't he really doesn't.
It wouldn't bother him if the light in his eyes wasn't proof of the time he was born in, the life he had lived and forgotten, if there wasn't that unspoken question in the eyes of those he meets.
It is especially hard when he meets his mother's father, his maternal grandfather, again for the first time during the War of Wrath and just... Doesn't remember a single damn thing about him. And his mother is so excited to see her father again, she is crying tears of joy and is the happiest she has been in nearly 500 years but Celebrimbor, he just looks at this man, who according to his parents was the first one he walked towards on his own two legs, and feels a absolutely nothing. Although he knows, he knows he should. The same thing goes for Finarfin and whatever Noldorin relatives came with him.
Even after he is reborn those early memories doesn't return even though everything else does eventually. He tries his best to rebuild those relationships though and to find the love he held for those people at one point again.
Send me a character and I....
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Normal Ending
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--> This ending is the same across all ten different routes. You can unlock it by failing to select the right choices in the individual chapters. 
ー The scene starts in the dining hall
Yui: ( I had plenty of worries at first, but ultimately, I was able to enjoy the Carnival quite a bit. )
( I’m glad I was able to make some nice memories... )
( However, for some reason I’m kind of...exhausted...It’s the good kind of tiredness though. )
Ayato: Whatcha sighin’ for, Chichinashi?
Azusa: Eve, are you okay? 
Yui: I’m just feeling a little tired.
Reiji: Good grief...Even though the Carnival’s finale has yet to come.
A dinner prepared by the nr. 1 rated chef in the whole Demon World is about to be served.
Subaru: Well, can’t blame you for bein’ tired after you walked all over the place...Oi, take a seat here.
Yui: Thank you, Subaru-kun.
Kou: Hold it, Subaru-kun! M-neko-chan is the Queen, remember?
She should sit here, no?
Yui: Eh...? In the very middle...?
Kou: Exactly! Sitting next to Subaru-kun by the edge of the table (1) would be way below your rank! 
Subaru: Oi, you bastard! You better don’t think you can get away with casually insultin’ me like that!
Ruki: Oi, quit the violence. Take a good look at the table. Can you not see the beautifully lined up cutlery?
Subaru: Aah!? So what!?
Yuma: He’s upset ‘cause hittin’ the table will mess up the set up.
Shuu: Who cares about that...Haah, let’s just start eating already. I’m sleepy...
Kanato: ーー want to...
Ayato: Aah? Didya say somethin’ just now, Kanato?
Kanato: I said I don’t want to.
Why do we need to all gather around the table together and have dinner as a group?
I want to enjoy my meal with just me, her and Teddy...
Yui: K-Kanato-kun, calm down!
Kanato: How can I remain calm!? Don’t tell me you’re going to disagree with me as well? You’re fine with not being together with me...?
Yui: Um...You know, they say that food tastes better when enjoyed with a bunch of people, right?
Shuu: ...There’s absolutely no solid proof of that.
Yui: Uu...
( I-I guess I shouldn’t have expected them to fall for such a childish lie... )
B-But either way, you don’t get to eat like this every day, do you?
So don’t you think...You’d want to enjoy the food in the most delicious way possible?
Kanato: ...
ーー Understood. If you say so...
Yui: ( T-Thank god... )
Laito: Nfu~ Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get to our seats, everyone~!
I’m sure we’ll never enjoy a meal together with the Mukami’s at the same table after all, don’t you think~? Nfu~
Ruki: I sure hope so. Having to share the table with a bunch of uncultured swines is bad for my mental health.
Yuma: Ah-ahー Can’t ya at least stop talkin’ shit ‘bout others while we’re eatin’...?
Reiji: Look, the food has arrived.
Yui: Waah...!
Ruki: Seems like they have chosen for an elaborately planned multi-course meal to fit the Carnival...Now this is something to look forward to.
Kou: Honestly, there’s way too many forks and knives, I feel like I’ll mess up.
Yuma: Whatever. Ya can just pick a random one, right? 
Azusa: They’re good knives...I’m sure they cut wonderfully...
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Ayato: It looks hella good! This piece of meat’s mine!
Subaru: Ah, oi!! You jerk! I had my eyes on that piece!!
Ayato: Idiot! The early bird gets the worm, right?
Subaru: Aah!?
Kou: Come on! Don’t fight! M-neko-chan’s startled, right?
Yui: Y-Yeah...It’s okay, Subaru-kun. There’s still plenty more, see?
Right. Give me your plate...? I’ll grab some for you.
Kou: Eeh~~? Why does Subaru-kun get to have all the fun? Hey, M-neko-chan, can you put some on my plate as well?
Yui: Yeah, sure!
Yuma: Come on, try this already.
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: I can tell by lookin’ at these veggies. They’re fresh and packed full of nutrients, I’m sure they’ll taste delicious!
Yui: Waah...Thank you...!
Laito: Ah, Bitch-chan. Keep your plate there, okay?
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: Nfu~ I’ll drizzle plenty of this special Demon World-exclusive dressing on top...
There you go! All good to go!
Yui: Thank you, Laito-kun!
Laito: It’s fine. No need to thank me...Nfu~
Azusa: ...You’re already eating your dessert, Kanato-san...?
Kanato: I don’t need anything else. You can all eat the rest of the food as you please.
Azusa: Hm...Then...Shall I cut the cake for you?
Reiji: You shouldn’t, Kanato. You have to eat some of the other food as well to ensure a balanced diet.
You can have dessert afterwards.
Kanato: Oh come on, why not? Today is the Carnival after all. Right, Teddy?
Azusa: I can’t cut the cake yet then...?
Ruki: Exactly.
Azusa: Ruki...
Ruki: Haah...Give me that look all you want, no is no.
Come on, Azusa. Give me the knife in your hand.
Azusa: ...
Kanato: Fufu, please wait. I just had a great idea.
Azusa: ...?
Yui: Here you go, Subaru-kun. I guess this covers the basics.
Subaru: Yeah...
Kanato: Hey, you.
Yui: Eh...? Me?
Kanato: Exactly. Who else could I be talking to...?
Please give me that plate you’re holding right now. I’ll put on some cake as well.
Yui: B-But...This is the plate I put together for Subaru-kun...
Kanato: Uu...You’re going to ignore my order...?
Subaru: Oi, don’t you dare give it to that guy. Just hand it over to me like that.
Kanato: I was just...trying to be nice...by offering to put some of the cake on there...
Yui: ( Despite what Subaru-kun said, Kanato-kun claims he has good intentions. )
( In that case, it shouldn’t be wrong to hand Kanato-kun the plate, right...? )
In that case, I’m counting on you, Kanato-kun.
Subaru: Idiot! Who gave you permission to!?
Kanato: Fufu, thank you very much.
There you go, Azusa. Now you have a perfect excuse to cut the cake.
Come on, go ahead.
Azusa: Fufu, understood...
Ruki: Haah...
Azusa: There you go, I cut it up...This blade is very sharp. It cuts beautifully.
Kanato: Come on, put the slice of cake on top of the plate.
Azusa: Sure...
Subaru: Oi, wait, wait, wait! The food’s gonna get all mixed up!
Don’t put it on there!
Kanato: Good grief, you’re so noisy.
Yui: ( Ah, the plate I prepared for Subaru-kun is becoming quite the mess... )
( I wonder, did Subaru-kun perhaps...realize this would happen? )
( That might be why he told me not to hand his plate to Kanato-kun... )
( I accidentally ruined it for him... )
Kanato: Here you go, Subaru. Azusa, please put some cake on this plate as well.
Azusa: ...
Kanato: Fufu, now I can have some cake as well.
Reiji: Kanato. Are you trying to abuse the commotion to have some cake?
Kanato: Geez, you’re so fussy, Reiji.
This is for Teddy. I won’t have any. Right, Teddy?
Eh...? What did you say just now, Teddy? Is that so? I can have some first? Fufu, thank you.
Fufu, it’s delicious.
Reiji: Haah...Good grief.
Subaru: How am I supposed to eat this hot mess of a dish!?
Yuma: ...My condolences...
Shuu: ...Haah.
Yui: ( Shuu-san seems...tired per usual... )
U-Um, you’re not going to have anything, Shuu-san?
Shuu: I don’t really need any. It’s too much of a drag.
Yui: But it’s such a rare opportunity, so you should probably try at least something...
Shuu: Then I don’t mind eating if you feed me something.
Yui: N-No way!
Kou: Say, M-neko-chan~? Are you cheating on me now?
Yui: Eh?
Kou: After Subaru-kun’s, you would prepare my plate next, remember~?
Yui: Ah, sure. I’ll do that right away, okay?
Yui: ( This really is quite the sight. )
( I didn’t think I’d ever see all of them around the same table... )
( It almost feels like a dream... )
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Why are you over there grinnin’ by yourself?
Yui: Eh!? I-I’m not grinning, really...
Laito: Nfu~ Were you having lewd thoughts perhaps, Bitch-chan~?
Yui: N-No...!!
ー Fireworks go off outside
Yui: ...!?
Reiji: Oh dear? As if on cue, the fireworks indicating the Carnival’s finale have been set off.
Yui: Waah! Amazing...! How pretty...!
Ruki: The fireworks here are slightly different from those in the human world. They are induced with magic, so they remain in the air much longer.
Yuma: Ohー I see. I guess that’s why they keep their shape mid-air like that.
Yui: I see...That’s amazing!
Azusa: Eve, are you happy?
Yui: Yeah, I am! This is fun...!
( It was a wild ride, but I’m glad I was able to make a fun memory with everyone in the end. )
( I hope we all get to spend time together like this again one day... )
 ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) 末席 or ‘masseki’ is the term for the seat which is the furthest away from the ‘seat of honour’ at a long table.
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dottielovegood · 3 years
ASMR - Chapter 7
Elriel fanfiction
Since this is the last chapter, I just want to thank all of you for reading and reblogging and leaving such sweet comments. It really warms my heart <3
Note: There will be some explicit sexual content in this chapter. If that's not your cup of tea, you can skip the part written in italics.
About this fic:
Azriel can’t sleep Elain has an ASMR channel Match made in heaven (or you know, on youtube..)
You can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here, chapter 3 here, chapter 4 here, chapter 5 here and chapter 6 here.
Read this fic on AO3
One year later
Azriel had just returned home from his morning run, the scent of freshly baked bread greeting him when he walked through the door.
Home. This was his home now.
It hadn’t taken long for Azriel to fall in love with Elain. Part of him probably fell in love with her before they even met. After that first date, he returned to her apartment every day. He told her that he just wanted to help her, but they both knew that he couldn’t stay away. At first, Elain had told him that he didn’t have to come over. That she didn’t need the help. So the next day, he didn’t show up.
Her apartment had never felt as lonely and empty as it did that day.
The next day when he came to visit, she had pulled him down on the couch and made out with him for a good half hour. Maybe more.
They had been like desperate teenagers, going to both first and second base. Elain wanted to go further, which meant that Azriel had to be the voice of reason.
“Not when you’re hurt,” Azriel had said.
Elain had just rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to his again.
Azriel chuckled to himself at the memory as he walked past the green couch and into the bathroom. Elain had already gone to work. She was delivering flowers for a big wedding, so she was going to be away for most of the day.
It was perfect, because it gave Azriel plenty of time to prepare.
After his shower, Azriel walked into the small, but homely, kitchen and made himself a sandwich. He would never get enough of Elain’s baking. If she ever tired of selling flowers, she could just open a small bakery instead. Her bread was the best bread in Velaris (he was definitely not biased…)
As he took a bite of the warm bread, his mind drifted back to the first time she had ever baked something for him. It was a loaf of sourdough bread that she had brought to his apartment two weeks after their first date. Azriel smiled to himself as he remembered the big smile on Elain’s face when he had opened his apartment door that day.
It was her first time at his apartment, and she hadn’t told him that he was coming over.
She hadn’t even told him that she was up and walking again, so imagine his surprise when she was outside his door, wearing a goddamn sundress that reached her mid-thigh. He had been too stunned to speak.
“I come bearing gifts,” she said and held up the bread. “It’s my special recipe.”
“You can walk,” Azriel answered, feeling stupid as soon as the words left his mouth.
She laughed. “Yes. I can. Are you going to let me in?”
Azriel moved away from the door and let her into his apartment. He was suddenly very happy about his nervous cleaning habit.
Elain stepped into his space and did a little twirl. “You have a very nice home, Azriel.”
“Thank you,” he said. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The yellow dress complimented her skin so well. She lit up his apartment as if she was his personal sun.
God, she was gorgeous.
Azriel took the bread from her and put it on the kitchen counter, which she was now leaning against. “So, should we try the bread?” Azriel asked, even though he really wasn’t in the mood for bread.
He was in the mood for her.
A small smirk played on her lips. “I did not come here to eat bread, Azriel.”
Azriel’s mouth was suddenly very dry. “So, why did you come to visit then?”
She took a step towards him. “Because I’m all better now,” she said and wiggled her right foot. He understood the innuendo. She took another step, and then another, their chests almost touching.
His palms were sweating. Was his apartment always this hot?
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he breathed.
“I’ve been okay for days. You’re just overprotective.”
He couldn’t deny that.
“You don’t want to wait a while longer? I don’t want to hurt you.”
It had taken all of Azriel’s strength and willpower to say those words. He wanted nothing more than to rip that dress off her body. To put his lips and his tongue all over her skin.
“If I wait any longer…” she gently pressed her hands against his chest. Azriel almost stopped breathing. “I might go crazy. And you will be the one to blame.”
Azriel let out a shaky breath.
Elain stroked his chest and moved her hands slowly downwards, over his abs. She was looking up at him through her eyelashes, an innocent but playful smile on her lips, “Besides, don’t you want me to see your meat banjo?”
Azriel snorted, every single feeling of anxiety and nervousness leaving his body. “Fuck. Don’t ever say that again. That’s the worst dirty talk I have ever heard.”
Elain laughed. “Well, at least I got you to loosen up.”
She sure was right about that.
Azriel slowly moved his own hand up, over her arms, until he reached her neck. Gently, he cradled her face in his hands. That beautiful face that he could look at all day and never get tired of. “Are you sure?” he asked again.
“Stop asking stupid questions and just kiss me already.”
And so he did. He leaned down, gently pressing his lips to hers. He wanted to go slow. Wanted to be gentle. But Elain had other plans. She fisted his shirt and pulled him closer, opening her mouth for him. When her tongue teased his bottom lip, he decided to just let go. He moved one hand to her neck, angling her head to where he wanted her before claiming her completely. As he kissed her, he slowly walked her backward until her back hit the wall. He placed one hand on the wall next to her head, the other still in her hair. She had moved her hands to his hair, gently tugging it. He shivered and deepened the kiss, needing to be even closer. She tasted so sweet, like sugar and sunshine.
Elain’s hands traveled to his chest again, and then lower until she could stick her hands underneath his shirt. When her nails scratched his stomach, he thought that he would go crazy with need. With want. He had never wanted anyone like this.
“You should take this off,” Elain panted against his lips and tugged the hem of his shirt.
Azriel gladly obliged. In a swift motion, he reached behind him and pulled the shirt over his head. He leaned in again, already missing the taste of her lips, but she put a hand on his chest, stopping him. Her eyes went to his chest, his abs, drinking him in. He had never felt so desired before. When her fingers started tracing the swirls of the tattoos that covered his upper body, he felt a familiar shiver run down his spine.
“I like these,” she murmured, biting her lip playfully.
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” he mused, which earned him a sweet laugh. He wanted to bottle that sound up and keep it for a rainy day. She met his gaze again, and the hunger he felt was mirrored in her eyes.
They were really doing this.
He leaned in once again, and this time she didn’t stop him. He kissed her greedily and let his hand fall to her thigh, his fingertips gracing her skin just below the hem of her dress. His other hand was still in her hair and he tugged it gently, but firmly, forcing her to head back slightly. Azriel moved his lips to her jaw, leaving sweet kisses there.
“You are so goddamn beautiful, Elain,” he whispered before letting his tongue taste that sensitive spot just below her ear. She let out a whimper and the sound went straight to his aching cock. He was so hard, it wasn’t even funny. When she pressed herself against him, he knew that she could feel the proof of his arousal. He slowly kissed his way down her throat while moving his hand up her thigh, under her dress.
He could feel her part her legs for him, showing him what she needed. He smiled against her skin. “So fucking soft,” he murmured and licked the column of her throat.
“Azriel,” she moaned. “Azriel, please.”
He chuckled. “Please, what?”
She dragged her nails down his chest, not stopping until she reached his pants. “Please, I need you to touch me.”
“Hmm.” He kissed her again, her lips red and swollen and begging for more. “I’d rather taste you,” he said against her lips. He felt her breath hitch, a shiver running through her body.
“Please,” she whimpered again.
“So impatient.” He was teasing her, and he could tell that she liked it. “Where do you want me to taste you?”
“God. Anywhere. Just… please.”
Azriel pressed his lips against her throat again. “As you wish.”
He took a step back, his eyes never leaving hers as he kneeled before her. Her hands were curled into fists at her sides, her breathing heavy.
He reached for her feet first, helping her out of her heeled sandals. He didn’t want her to fall over again. Then, he let his hands travel up her calves while he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her knee. And then the other knee. When his hands found the hem of her dress, he looked up with a purely male grin. Without saying a word, he started pushing the dress up her thighs, over her hips, until he could see the white, lace underwear she wore underneath.
Azriel almost became religious at the sight of the damp spot on the thin material.
“Hold this for me.”
With one hand, Elain grabbed the dress, her eyes totally focused on his every move. Gently, he pressed a kiss to her covered sex.
“Can I take these off?”
“Another stupid question,” she said, her voice shaky but playful.
Azriel snickered and slowly pulled her panties down her legs. Her wonderful, gorgeous legs that he wanted to spend hours between. He tossed the underwear somewhere behind him, not really caring where they went because she was standing in front of him, bare and so, so wet.
He kissed her inner thigh and placed his hand behind her right knee. He lifted her leg and placed it over his shoulder, giving himself access to her.
He could feel her eyes on him. “So wet,” he murmured and kissed her inner thigh again. And again, but this time closer to where she needed him.
“Stop teasing me,” she whined, her entire body stiff from anticipation.
“As you wish.”
Azriel let the tip of his tongue taste her, and at that first lick, he knew that he was done for. He licked her again, his tongue parting her folds. She tasted so fucking sweet, like honey and musk and Elain. He couldn’t get enough. He moved his hands to her ass, pulling her closer. Elain moaned and moved one hand to his hair when he let his tongue tease her clit. He did it again. “Azriel, oh god,” she moaned, and that was all the encouragement he needed. He ate her out like he was a man on death row, and she was his last meal. Honestly, if he died and the last thing he ever tasted was her, he would die a very happy man.
Elain was moving her hips, trying to get his tongue to just where she wanted him. Needed him. Azriel moved one of his hands to her entrance, teasing her there. Slowly, he pushed one finger inside.
He moved the digit in and out of her a few times before adding a second finger.
“Fuck,” Elain breathed. The tugging on his hair was almost painful now, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything but the taste of her. The sounds she made.
He curled his fingers slightly, making sure to reach just the right spot. When she made a sound that told him that he had definitely found her spot, he moved his mouth to her clit. He flattened his tongue and licked her a few times before closing his lips over the bundle of nerves, gently sucking it. When he added his tongue once more, he knew that she was just seconds away from her orgasm.
She was moaning and moving her hips, almost fucking his face. He loved every single second of it. When she came, she let out the sweetest sound he had ever heard and he felt her pulse around his fingers. He made sure to lick up every drop of her pleasure. He didn’t move from her until she tugged his hair, silently asking him to move. With one last lick, he got back to his feet.
Elain’s breathing was heavy, her skin flushed. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Elain pushed herself off the wall and flung her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his. She moaned at the taste of herself there.
“Bed,” Azriel growled against her lips, and he could feel her smile.
“So greedy,” she teased.
Azriel didn’t answer. He just bent down and picked her up, hooking her legs around his waist. Since the bed was basically in the same room as the kitchen in this studio apartment, he didn’t have to walk far. He put her down at the edge of the bed and she scooted back until her entire body was on the bed.
On his bed.
He had dreamed of this.
But this was certainly better than anything his imagination could ever make up. Her dress was covering her again, which certainly was a shame. Azriel took a step toward the bed, ready to rip that dress off her when she motioned for him to stop.
So he did. He stopped, even though every cell in his being was telling him to go to her. To taste her again.
If she wanted to stop, he would.
But her eyes were not asking him to stop. No, her eyes were focused on the bulge in his pants. He almost laughed as she bit her lip.
“I showed you mine.” That fake innocent look was back on her face. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
“Well, come and take what you want,” he said, his voice thick with lust.
She looked like the cat that got the cream when she crawled towards him.
Azriel thought that he must have died or fallen asleep because this was all of his dirty fantasies coming through. But no, this was all real because when she reached for his belt, he didn’t wake up.
And when she unfastened the belt buckle and the button, he didn’t wake up.
And when she lowered the zipper, he didn’t wake up.
And when she grabbed the edge of his boxers and started sliding them down, he was so fucking glad that he didn’t wake up.
Azriel was holding his breath, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. He was standing as still as possible, trying to not make a sound. He was unable to look away from her hands on him. And when she freed his cock from his boxers, she finally met his gaze, a smirk playing on her lips.
She grabbed the base of his cock, her eyes going back and forward from his cock and his face. It almost made him laugh. Her hand barely fit around him, which made him feel weirdly proud. Her dainty hands looked so perfect on him.
She leaned forward before he could even register that she had moved, and when her tongue slowly licked him just below the head of his cock, he almost came right then and there.
She grinned and did it again. That little vixen.
Azriel put his hand over hers, the other hand under her chin. He moved her head until she was looking up at him again.
“Enough playing,” he growled.
“I agree.” With a wicked smirk, she stroked the length of his cock once before leaning back on her elbows again. “So, how do you want me?”
Elain laughed as Azriel basically pounced on her. They were just a tangle of limbs and lips and desire, and somehow in that frenzy, he was able to remove both her dress and her bra.
He groaned at the sight of her breasts. “You are perfect.”
She was underneath him now, and he couldn’t help but kiss his way down to her breasts. He let his tongue play with one nipple while his fingers teased the other one. Elain was moaning and writhing underneath him, her hands tugging his hair again.
“Enough playing,” she said, echoing his own words. Azriel couldn’t agree more.
Azriel lifted his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He reached over to his nightside table for a condom, but Elain stopped him before he could even open the drawer.
“I… I have an IUD. And I’m clean. If you are…”
“I’m clean.” Azriel blurted out.
They stared at each other for a moment. “Are you sure?” he asked her. Honestly, he was very proud of himself for being able to form words at this moment. He was even more proud of the fact that he had remembered that condoms existed.
“I’m sure,” she whispered. “I want to feel you.”
Those words were his undoing. He kissed her again, their tongues tangling together as he placed the tip of his cock at her entrance. He didn’t ask any more stupid questions.
Slowly, he pushed inside her. Elain moaned against his lips, urging him to go faster.
When he was fully sheathed in her warmth, they both stared at one another in wonder. Or at least, that’s what Azriel felt when he started moving again. She felt like heaven. Like a dream. She was everything he had ever wanted.
With his lips pressed to her throat, he groaned, “You feel so fucking good,”
“You’re so big,” Elain said, meeting every thrust. “I love it. I love it so much.”
Azriel dragged his teeth along her throat, eliciting a sound that sounded like something between a whimper and a moan from her. It was glorious.
Elain wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him know to fuck her deeper. Harder.
He did whatever she wanted.
When her words stopped sounding like words again, Azriel reached a hand between them until he found her heat. With two fingers, he started teasing her clit as he fucked her.
“I’m so...so close, Azriel. Please.”
If there was one thing Azriel knew, it was to never change the pace when a girl was close. Even though he was seconds away from his own release, he forced himself to hold off until she came again. With every thrust, he could tell that she was getting closer.
Elain’s breathing became erratic, and then, he felt her clench around his cock. She threw her head back into the mattress, her lips forming a silent ‘O’ as she came for him a second time.
With a few more thrusts, Azriel was right there with her, spilling into her.
He rolled them over to keep from crushing her beneath him. She laid on his chest, both of them catching their breaths. He was still inside her.
“That was…” Elain started.
“I know.”
Azriel could barely speak. Barely think. His brain was just empty and happy.
“You’re really good in bed,” Elain said and kissed his jaw.
Azriel couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up. “Well, thank you. So are you.” Azriel placed a kiss atop her head.
She snuggled closer, nuzzling his neck.
They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s naked company. Azriel never wanted to leave the bed. They could stay there and fuck forever, right?
After a few minutes, Elain moved to sit up. When Azriel hugged her closer, she just laughed. “I need to…”
She didn’t have to finish the sentence. Azriel understood. He pointed to the bathroom.
When Elain returned, she sat down next to him on the bed. He was lying with an arm behind his head, a blanket covering his nether region.
She looked at him with a teasing smile. “You know... you’re really good at finding the bald man in my boat.”
Azriel had to drag a hand over his face and take a deep breath in order to not lose it completely. “Fuck. That’s awful,” he laughed. “I think we need to ban that synonym list from your dirty talk.”
She laughed and leaned in to kiss him. It turned into a lazy kiss, which turned into Elain straddling Azriel, which turned into another round of sex.
They didn’t sleep much that night.
Even now, a year later, Azriel still thinks back to their first time now and again.
It was an amazing first time. Never in his life had he laughed so much with a sexual partner as he did with Elain. Sex with her was hot and sexy and wonderful, but it was also fun. Just like their relationship. Since that first date, Azriel had fallen more and more in love with Elain with each passing day.
Their relationship had moved fast. After two months, Azriel was practically spending all his time at Elain’s place. After three months, they said ‘I love you’ for the first time. After seven months, he sold his apartment and moved in with her. Everything just felt so right.
And now, exactly one year after their first date, it was time for another milestone.
Azriel had prepared for this day for a few weeks. It had to be perfect.
He had contemplated doing it in front of people, maybe at a restaurant or in her flower shop, but that just didn’t feel right. They were both very private people that didn’t like attention, so he had decided against those options pretty quickly. Instead, he had planned for something more intimate. More them.
A few minutes before she came home, he made sure that everything was in order.
Clean apartment. Check.
Her favorite wine in the fridge. Check.
Her favorite food from her favorite restaurant. Check.
His computer was fully loaded. Check.
The headphones worked. Check.
A bouquet of dahlias on the kitchen table. Check.
After living with a florist for months, he had finally learned the meaning of different flowers. He had also learned that Elain didn’t care about such things. But when he learned that that yellow dahlias represented commitment between two people, it felt like the perfect flower to give her. It didn’t hurt that she really loved dahlias.
Azriel was pacing the apartment, unable to sit still. He had never been this nervous and excited in his life. A few minutes after six, he heard someone move outside the door.
This was it. This could be the start of the rest of his life.
He opened the fridge and grabbed the wine, opening the bottle at the exact moment she stepped in through the door.
“It smells amazing in here,” she called out as she walked into the apartment. “Is that what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s food from Sevanda’s, you would be correct.”
Azriel poured two glasses of wine. Elain walked up to him, embracing him from behind. “What have I done to deserve such a treat?”
“Can’t I just treat my girl? Do I need a reason?”
Elain kissed his shoulder and stepped back, letting him turn around. “No, I love it.”
“Wine?” He handed her one of the glasses of white wine.
She sipped the wine and looked around the apartment. “Clean apartment, food from my favorite restaurant, and wine? Either you have done something stupid, or you must really love me a lot.” She winked at him and leaned against the kitchen counter.
“The latter would be the correct answer.”
She smiled at him, and it was one of those smiles that could light up his entire life. He smiled back, his heart almost beating out of his chest.
She looked over at the table where he had placed his laptop. “Can I help you set the table?”
Azriel shook his head. “Not yet.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “What are you up to, mister? You never leave your computer lying around like that.”
This was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for.
He felt sick with nerves.
“Well, I have something to show you before dinner.”
She raised her eyebrows in question. “Have you found another one of those cute animal videos?”
Azriel chuckled. “Something like that.” He gestured for her to take a seat at the table.
“You need to wear these,” he said and handed her the headphones. Elain looked at Azriel, asking herself what this was all about. She was curious to find out, so she reached for the headphones. They were the noise-canceling ones that she usually wore when she edited her ASMR videos. Before she put them on, Azriel opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again, almost as if he was unable to form words.
What was going on?
“Azriel?” Elain asked, humor in her voice.
“I… Well, I have something to show you, and I want you to watch the entire video.” He seemed nervous. What on earth was he going to show her?
“Should I be scared?” she teased, hoping to ease some of the tension in his shoulders.
He leaned in and kissed the top of her head. “I don’t think so,” he said, his lips pressed to her hair.
She turned her head so he could place a kiss on her lips too. He tasted like mint and wine. Clean.
He motioned for her to put on the headphones. “Ready?” he asked, and she could have sworn that his hands were shaking as he leaned over to press a button. The computer screen lit up, and she was met with...Azriel’s face.
She looked at him questioningly, but he just pointed at the screen. “Just watch.”
And so she did. She pressed the play button, not knowing what to expect.
On the computer screen, Azriel leaned closer to a microphone that was placed on a table in front of him. She recognized that microphone. It was her Blue Yeti.
“Hello, Elain,” video-Azriel whispered. “I know that this is a bit weird, and I know that I’m not as good at this as you are. But please, bear with me for a few minutes.”
Elain had to bite her lip to keep herself from grinning. “You made an ASMR video?”
She looked at her boyfriend, and he was definitely blushing now. “Just...just keep watching.”
She returned her focus to the screen.
“A little bit over a year ago, I saw this odd video on Youtube. It was a girl, whispering into a microphone. I had no idea what I was watching, but that night I slept like a baby. The next day, I couldn’t get her out of my head. Flower Girl ASMR, she called herself. That day, I was at work and Rhys and Cassian were bugging me, as usual.” Video-Azriel rolled his eyes, which made Elain laugh.
“They asked me to describe my type, my dream girl, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Elain. When I imagined my dream girl, I saw your face. We had never met, yet I still dreamed about you.”
Elain had stopped breathing.
“I didn’t think I would ever have a chance with a girl like you, but then you asked me out on a date,” video-Azriel smiled at the memory.
“Exactly one year ago, we had our first date. Never in my life had I felt so comfortable, so at peace, with another person. I could be myself with you. I knew that you were special from the very start, and when we kissed that night, I could feel it in my bones that I was meant to be with you.”
Elain hadn’t realized that she was crying until she tasted the salty tears on her lips.
“The week after, I couldn’t stay away. You were constantly on my mind. And then you showed up at my apartment in that fucking sundress,” video-Azriel shook his head and chuckled. Elain remembered the dress. It was her yellow sundress. She knew exactly what kind of reaction she would get from him when she put it on.
“After that night, I knew that I was in love with you. And ever since then, I have fallen in love with you every single day. You are the light in my life, chasing away the darkness. You are my happiness and my dreams. Everything you are made of, I am made of too. You make me want to be a better man. I never want to go a day without making you smile.”
Elain was sobbing at this point.
“Elain, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you and buy a house with a garden where you can grow flowers. I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. The only future I want is a future with you.”
The video was ending, and Elain hadn’t noticed that Azriel had moved until she looked up and found him next to her, kneeling on the floor. With a shaky breath, she took off the headphones and placed them on the table. She turned around to face the only man she had ever truly loved. He was holding a small velvet box with a ring inside. Elain could barely see the ring through tears clouding her eyes.
“Elain,” Azriel started, his voice thick with emotion. “I love you. You are every dream I have ever dreamt. Elain, will you marry me?”
Elain nodded, unable to get any words out at first. She cradled his face in one palm, tears still running down her face. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, yes, yes.” She fell to her knees in front of him, needing to be closer. She had never been happier.
Azriel felt his own eyes tear up as Elain kept whispering yes, yes, yes.
She didn’t even look at the ring, she just leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Azriel thought that he might burst from happiness. Elain kept saying yes as she kissed him.
Yes was Azriel’s new favorite word.
When they had both stopped crying, Azriel took Elain’s hand in his and slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.
“It’s beautiful, Azriel,” she whispered, another tear running down her face. Azriel cupped her face and caught the tear with his thumb.
“It’s a Toi et Moi ring,” Azriel explained. He looked at the two stones held together by a band of white gold. One diamond, one sapphire. “The two stones are supposed to symbolize two souls coming together.” He swallowed, hoping that she would like it.
Elain was looking at the ring in awe. She had never seen anything so beautiful.
“These are our birthstones, aren’t they?”
Azriel nodded and brought her hand to his lips, kissing the ring.
“How did I get so lucky?” Elain sniffled.
“I’m the lucky one, Elain.”
With one hand on her neck, he pulled her in for a kiss. It was sweet and slow; unhurried.
They had all the time in the world now. Just the thought of being able to kiss Elain for the rest of his life made Azriel all warm inside. He was truly the luckiest man alive.
Later that night, when Elain had fallen asleep with her head on his chest, Azriel lay awake just listening to the sound of her breathing. It was the sound that lulled him to sleep every night. Just being near Elain was like ASMR for his soul.
Azriel couldn’t believe that his insomnia had led him here; to the woman of his dreams. If it wasn’t for his inability to sleep, he would never have found her ASMR channel, which in turn meant that they would never have talked. The thought made Azriel hug her even tighter. Elain let out a content sigh and snuggled closer.
Never in his life had he believed that he could ever be this happy. He had always thought that he was supposed to walk with darkness and shadows for the rest of his life. Yet here he was, happy and content; his life so full of love and light.
And it was all thanks to Flower Girl ASMR.
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sweetberrysmooch · 4 years
HC: Call This The ‘Can This Man Cook’ Section
(….. I don’t think these men can cook 😔)
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First post pog :D I wrote a majority of these super late at night, so please forgive and let me know of any mistakes you find <3 Also, it’s a little long lol
Characters: Dream, George, SapNap, Badboyhalo, Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza, Quackity, Fundy, Schlatt.
Warnings: None, except for a kinda risqué comment in Philza’s. Oh and I guess there’s mentions of eating meat in case someone wants the warning :3
Song Recommendation: I Love You So- The Walters
Hella fluffy! Hope you enjoy <3
From best to worst:
#1: BadBoyHalo-
Bad is the best at cooking on the server. He is the creme of the crop, absolute top one percent, king shit at cooking.
He can cook, bake, and temper chocolate perfectly, what more could you want?
His favorite to-go recipes are cheesy garlic bread and a special spicy chicken and rice recipe which he typically makes when the boys are over at his house for the night. When he’s with you he goes for something a little smoother, some mulled sweet berry cider with a smoked cod fillet, eaten under the light of candles while you quietly chat about life and your fellow friends. It’s always one of Bad’s most anticipated hangouts, and he’s very careful about planning when it comes to those days.
While he appreciates being complimented on his food or his skills, deep down he wants to have someone to cook and share his knowledge with so the cooking process becomes much richer. He’s cooked for so long and learned so much, but it means nothing if he can’t share it with another person. The moment you come to him and ask him for help on any kind of recipe, he’ll drop almost everything to help you.
Side note; he absolutely carried lunch and dinner for his fellow DTeam members. While Sapnap would mostly take over breakfast, Bad would be hounded by begging puppy looks from these adult men who couldn’t cook and kind of just sigh and get the ‘kiss the cook’ apron ready. It’s not like he hates it or anything, but the endearing factor kinda slips off after a few years of adult men groveling.
(Bad’s hands rest over yours, dwarfing them entirely as he helps you cut the pasta sheet straightly. “There you go!” He encourages, squeezing your hand gently and stepping away, moving back to dice the vegetables on the cutting board next to you. A comfortable silence falls, and with it comes something in Bad’s heart softening. The worries and exhaustion in his mind ease, and he slips into a contented routine of finely chopping and slicing. It’s been a while since he’s felt so calm. There’s nothing that can ruin this- 
The front door slams open. Footsteps walk in and approach the kitchen and you both hear it, 
“Baaaaaaaaad.” Bad cringes, taking a step back.
“Baaaaaaaaaaad, we’re hungry.” Sapnap. 
“Yeah Bad, feeeeeeeed uuuuuuus.” George. 
And then, from around the door frame, a white mask peeks in. Nobody says a word, but you can feel Bad deflate next to you like let go balloon. 
“It’s alright, big guy.” You laugh, grabbing his forearm and leaning up against him. His sad puppy eyes make you smile a little, and you try to reassure him. “We can hang out alone another time. Let’s keep working on the pasta.” He sighs, but still returns your smile. “Yeah, another time.”)
#2: Philza 
Sigh…. he can cook. Not quite as good as Bad can, but better than Quackity. A solid second place. It stems mainly from being so knowledgeable that he just knows and has tried so many different foods, but since he doesn't actually do much cooking, I'm making him a flaky second place.
Doesn’t mind cooking, but doesn’t love doing it either. He’s always focused on so many different things that he’ll forgo eating to keep working on what he’s doing. He mostly cooks for Techno and Ranboo or the few guests (you) they seem to receive. Makes great stew, and even better roasted chicken, is absolutely immaculate when it comes to cooking bird.
He didn’t teach Wilbur or Techno shit! I wish I could say it’s because he wanted to but just couldn’t, but he was literally like “hmm. Im a little busy now, maybe next year” every year!! But, this being said, if you ask him to make something with you or teach you how to cook a particular dish, he will agree to help you. Old age has really mellowed him out, and after certain events, he realizes he needs to stay a bit closer to those he cares about from now on.
He likes sweets well enough, and will always thank you for any gifts you make for him. Along with growing older, he’s had time to lose his pickiness he had in his youth. If he does end up cooking with you, he’ll prefer doing the harder recipes over easy ones. He will lose it laughing if it turns out bad, so don’t worry about any disappointment (his children make up enough of that ^^).
(“Now,” Phil starts, washing his hands quickly as you wait for him next to the cutting board. “Pufferfish needs to be prepared perfectly, or we will die when we eat it. But I don’t need to explain to you how a pufferfish works, now do I?” 
When you shake your head no, he comes up behind you, tarnished wings bound and hair pulled up in a pony tail. 
“The meat of a pufferfish is very delectable, and much better with a glass of wine.” He grins cheekily, “ If this works out well, which I’m sure it will, dinner will be delicious.” 
It falls quiet for a second, and as your hesitantly looking over the fish that may be your last, you gasp when you feel him press up against you back and rest his chin on your shoulder. “Maybe there’ll be other delicious things to eat as well,” He murmurs into you ear, before leaning back and busting out laughing. Your face feels stupidly hot. Dilfza quest activated.)
#3: Quackity-
Quackity can cook. I know!! I’d say he’s like the third best cooker on the list. And he’s not half bad at baking either.
He likes making up stupid bad recipes and trying them out with you, even if at the end of it the one of you up chucks your damned creations the hour after. Despite his reigning need for chaos though, he knows how to make a decent amount of recipes and strives for praise when he’s actually putting forward effort. He’ll arrange little dinner dates (“A handsome man and his very pretty friend, good food made by yours truly, and La Chona, what do you say, baby?”) and will sit there with a 🥺 look on his face until you tell him if you liked it or not.
He tries to act like he’s unaffected by your words, but even a small, “That was really good.” will make him turn red and giggle like a schoolgirl. He tries to play it off, but it’s easy to tell he loves the complements. Will also never tell you anything you make is bad. You are a deity descended upon  minecraft Earth and he is but your prettiest disciple who will uphold your honor and treat you like you should be treated!!!! But he’ll then promptly choose to help you with and guide you into cooking/baking better ^^; He loves you!
As for baking, he really likes making cakes because of how simple they can be. It helps calm him down when he can just slip into bake mode and follow a recipe and make something nice at the end of it. Speaking of, he also has a sweet tooth, but not quite as bad as Techno does. Any sweets or food you make for him is always eaten, and always held in high regard. Will try to entice you into feeding him 👀👀 so watch out.
(He’s doing it again. You try to avoid looking directly at the dopey lovesick smile Quackity has on his face at the moment, but as you lift the fork up, you get a better idea. 
You look at him (to which he seems to melt a little under your gaze), look at the fork, and then back to him, raising the piece of cake up to his lips. His expression turns flabbergasted and his blush deepens. 
He doesn’t seem to believe you for a second, until you nudge the cake close and flash him a smile. Then it’s like a switch has been flicked; he giggles, blushing, and eats the cake right off the fork. He’s gone back to smiling that silly smile again, this time even brighter, but it’s okay. You try to ignore the way your heart speeds up in your chest when he begs you for another piece.)
#4: Schlatt-
Another cooker~! He specializes with formal dinners more than anything else, and adores a good steak.
During his presidency, he didn’t cook very often. Quackity and you had to keep him fed through most of it, and the memory of watching you cook in his kitchen while he looked over work papers at his dining table leaves a mark on him, sealing a new crave for domesticity that he hadn’t ever wanted before.
Sometimes he would cook though. You, Quackity, and Tubbo would all gather around and eat together every once in a blue moon, when Schlatt was sober and calm. It feels tense at the table but also not in a way? Schlatt always seems to be chillest during dinner, a mix of the alcohol wearing off and the emphatic family feel that comes with Tubbo, Quackity, and you surrounding him.
He loves cake! It’s one of the few desserts he’ll eat, but you have to watch him closely or he’ll gorge himself of the treat. Indulge him and invite him to make a cake with you, and it will be one of the most interesting bakes of your life. How Schlatt got three eggs to stick to the ceiling is beyond you, but the look in his eyes tells you he’s completely fucking sober and hamming up his own cluelessness. You probably wouldn’t have even noticed if it weren’t for him hiding all the other eggs around your kitchen as well. How did he get one on the top of your door without it falling when you opened it? That’s between him and god.
Overall, a good 4th place on the list.
(“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Schlatt says, deadpanned, looking you right in the fucking eyes with an undisturbed egg sitting perfectly straight on his head. 
“Where are the eggs, Schlatt.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
The container you kept them in is completely empty on your kitchen counter, once full of eggs but now reduced to a desolate husk of its former glory. Speaking of former glories, your president turns around, arms crossed and stands there silently. 
You look around. Theres one in the door handle of in the pantry, another wedged between two slices of bread in your bread box, and- oh god. On the fucking ceiling. Three, stuck to the ceiling, unmovable. After a full minute of dead silence you manage a “What the fuck have you done?”, and Schlatt turns to look. 
“Oh hey. There they are.” Your mind turns into a rock, shatters, and crumbles into dust.)
#5: Dream-
Honestly if you’re looking for edible food that tastes range from ok to good Dream is your man. 5th place.
He knows a lot of ‘depression era’ type recipes just because he’s pretty homeless and his man hunts don’t allow him much time to hone his skills. Stuff like bread or mushroom stew comes easy to him after so many times of having to do it on the run. Bread is the only baking he won’t screw up.
Can cook meat well enough too, but doesn’t really do anything special to it (besides his sauces).
To elaborate: Over the unknown span of his life, he’s acquired these recipes for forgotten and questionable sauces that he’ll store in little jars and leave at your house for you to use. They’re odd, and the ingredients aren’t ever what you think might be edible, but they’re surprisingly tasty none the less. He likes to show you a new one every month or so to keep things fresh.
Pretty general about sweets, but has a severe love for chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Has never had one, but dreams about chocolate cake. It’s high on his bucket list and written another four times over.
One of his favorite things to do with you is bake, mainly because of how ruinous it always turns out. No matter your skill, Dream’s vibes decimates any luck the two of you will have while baking. It’s scientifically proven. You left the cupcakes in for a minute-JUST a minute over what they should’ve been and they came out rock solid. Dream tried to eat one anyway. Best part was watching him try to bite through the shell.)
(He thinks he’s over selling it, half-gnawing on the brown cupcake (it was supposed to be vanilla, he thought) and making stupid growls when his teeth barely break through the surface, but the feeling he gets when you start laughing hysterically next to him wipes away any negative thought he had and fills him with utter joy. 
It's very late into the night, and you’re both a little loopy, but all the while you still lean against him as you giggle, the spot tingling where your hand rests on his arm. 
His heart thumps crazily, before sinking. Oh god. He’s in love with you.)
#6: Technoblade-
Knows a lot, but very little. He can cook the meat perfectly fine, but there’s a difference between being cooked and tasting good. He doesn’t know how to season them. Salt is the bare minimum you get.
6th place ^^; sorry king.
He’s good with potatoes though. I like to think that the countless hours spent potato farming had to account for something. He likes having cheese and butter on them every once in a while, but for the most part just eats them salted like an animal. It’s practically a show to watch him eat a cooked potato in three bites without anything but salt on it.
Big man loves food though, even if he doesn’t eat like it. Steak and cooked fish are high on his list of foods, but only if it’s cooked by Philza. And eventually you fall into his “I trust to eat this from you” category as well, but he has a special place in his heart for Phil’s cooking. Rabbit stew is at the very top.
He also eats a lot, being 6’10 and 200 something pounds of muscle, gotta consume quite a bit to keep him moving.
As for the sweeter variety of food, he’s got a massive sweet tooth. The moment you make him an apple pie or honey candy or anything of the like, he’s immediately enamored with you. Sweet things are hard to come by on the smp, especially with how far out he lives, but it’s a secret weakness of his that is very easily exploitable.
(You’ll be the death of him, he thinks, watching you closely as you trudge your way through the freshly fallen snow towards his house. Your normal pack is lighter than it usually looks, and he worries that you may slip and hurt yourself on the ice before you make it to the door. But still, you keep walking until you're standing at his doorstep, fist raised to knock when he opens it for you. 
You look surprised for a second, and then a grin splits your face and his heart races. 
“I can’t stay for long,” you say, having spent at least 30 minutes to get there. “But I wanted to drop this off for you before you went out to hunt again.” 
Out of the bag, you pull another smaller leather bag and hand it to him gently. It rests heavy in his palm, and for a moment he’s sure it’s ender pearls that you’ve brought him. But still he opens it, and he’s immediately taken aback by the smooth golden candies you brought him. 
“They’re honey candies.” At this point you’re practically grinning. “I thought you might like some while I was making them last night.” 
He doesn’t have to see his own face to feel the deep blush setting in on his cheeks and ears. You…. you’re so…… sweet. You are very…. sweet, he admits to himself, and he is very not attached to you. Not at all.)
#7: Fundy and Sapnap tie.
Has his old man's cluelessness but is a fast learner. He doesn’t have much time to expand his food repertoire so it’s pretty much the basic stuff that he’s eaten during the war or before that when he was younger.
He really likes cooking though, and will invite you to come cook with him for dinner or lunch if he wants to hang out. When they were together, Dream had given him an old dusty cookbook that had several recipes he hadn’t ever heard of before, so that’s where most of what he tries to make comes from. His favorite to date was a special mutton dish that he asked you to try with him on his last birthday. It was just the two of you, but he had never had so much fun before.
Doesn’t like eating fish however, there’s just some bad vibe he gets when he thinks about cooking one or catching one. (Desperately ignores the fish fucker. Desperately ignores the fish fucker. Despera-)
Loves sweet berries as treats, seeing as that’s the only sweet thing he grew up with. Not too big on other sweet flavors. Likes honey in his tea though.
7th place cooker, will get higher as he learns more dishes.
(He raises his wine high with a laugh, clinking your glass with it as you both giggle drunkenly. 
The lamb you had cooked together turned out amazing, juicy and tender and flavored with crimson fungus juice. The recipe was from an old cookbook he had, he faintly remembers telling you, hiding the fact that it was Dream’s cookbook that he was given after a particularly nasty argument. 
He doesn’t want to think about him, especially not while he’s with you. Especially not when it’s his birthday. 
So instead he ponders the trip through the nether he took with you to harvest some of the fungi, how the juice was tangy and slightly bitter, but how it had done wonders when basted onto the meat while frying. 
You had looked so happy when you two plated the dish, so proud of him, all in a way that Dream never was. 
Even now, as you tiredly smile at him from across the table, cheeks pink and eyes focused solely on the moment you were sharing, he feels at peace for once. This is what contentment felt like. Oh, how he loves you so.)
Shame the shit cooker. Ok ok, he’s not as bad as some of the others on this list, but that’s just because he can make a half decent breakfast. It’s not much competition.
Bad has desperately tried to teach this boy some cooking besides eggs and toast, but the only things that seem to have stuck are mashed potatoes and grilled pork chops. Neither of which he even likes enough to make often.
He prefers fish to meat, and would eat any kind of cod you offered to him. Likes smoked salmon a lot, it’s something Bad made for him a lot when he was younger. He tries to recreate the dish, but comes up short and feels disheartened when it isn’t like Bad’s. He’d appreciate any time you took with him to learn how to make the dish, and it wholly sticks to his mind afterwards. He never forgets the experience, and treasures it very closely.
Likes not-sweet sweets. Not bitter per say, but just not very sweet. He likes chewy taffy in particular, but the old lady kind that lasts 60 years but gets hard in 6 minutes after being exposed to open air. Gotta be polite about it too, or he’ll end up embarrassed and pout for an hour.
(He’s eaten 6 of those fucking taffies since you sat down on the couch, completely straight-faced as the two of you of you listen to Dream and George talking. 
At this point you’re completely checked out of their conversation, solely focused on the taffy Sapnap keeps eating. Where does he even get those? How many does he have?? You’ve been friends with him long enough to have seen him pop a taffy every other second of the day. He seems to have a stash on him at all times tucked away, filled with paper-wrapped pastel covered sweets. 
“Want one?” Sapnap asks, holding out a light blue taffy with a little star drawn in yellow dye on the wrapper. 
“What?” Startled, you lean back a bit and realize you had been staring him down as he ate, and flush with how rude that probably seemed. 
“Want a taffy? I don’t mind sharing with you, cutie.” He winks and offers the taffy again. “....” You gaze at the taffy curiously. You’ve never seen him offer another person one of his precious taffies before. Hmm. “...Yes, thanks.” 
You take it delicately, unwrapping the wrapper and taking a bite of it experimentally. It’s very lightly sweet, soft and chewy and surprisingly pleasant. 
Sapnap watches you from the corner of his eye, softly smiling when he sees you eat the rest of it. Glad to see someone else has good tastes around here.)
#8. George-
Meager man makes a meager meal. I said what I said!!! This flatbread boy knows diddly squat, and the only things he can cook successfully are bread and mushroom soup. Which he will make. And that’s all he’ll make. Any food that isn’t that is cooked by either Bad or Dream, and he’s still picky about it.
He’ll make you the soup and bread ladies and gents. I’m not saying they’ll taste great together, but he will definitely make them for you. Anything else he’s pretty critical about, and he doesn’t care much for treats or dessert. He does occasionally like dark chocolate though, which he and Dream will beg Bad to make for them. Soon he begs you to make it for him, and then you have to go ask Bad how he makes it so George won’t complain about how it tastes different from Bads. It’s a weird situation. You make a lot of chocolate. Dream and George linger at your house for weeks on end until you get fed up and shoo them away with a broom.
To his credit, even though he can’t cook much, he’s really proud of his mushroom stew. Any time you let him cook, his go-to is his mushroom stew. He likes to feed you and know that you’re not hungry somewhere, and to top it off he gets to show you his prized dish; not Bad’s or Dream’s stew, but his. He’s cute or whateva…
(George places the bowl down in front you, stepping back and turning to grab his own, before sitting down next to you. He immediately begins to eat, and you give him a half glance as you bring the soup up to smell it. 
It… doesn’t smell that bad, actually. Not burnt, at least. You spoon some of the soup into your mouth. 
Despite all you’ve seen of George’s cooking, this is pretty well made. It’s nice and warm, and the flavors are rich and the mushrooms soft. You choose to ignore the small smile of his face next to you, and keep eating your soup quietly together.)
#9: Wilbur
Wilbur can’t cook for shit. Literally nothing. This man knows apples grow from trees and that animals are made of meat and that’s it.
You think Wilbur made any of his food when he was president or exiled or ever? Not a chance. He ate anything given to him, Tubbo and Tommy absolutely brought this man all the food they could find so he wouldn’t get eat straight trash or starve throughout the presidency. Techno slid him bare cooked potatoes in Pogtopia and he thought “oh this slaps….. this is the pinnacle of food”
Which I know, not really sexy. But! This means that the moment you feed him something a step up from a bare cooked potato he is in food heaven. He especially loves saucier kinds of foods with lots of flavor and spice to them, it’s just so fucking good. Food becomes his kryptonite after you feed this silly man.
With sweets, however, he isn’t that much of a fan. He does like those small lemon creme crackers, and you and da boys are the only ppl he’ll share them with.
(You hear him before you see him. The familiar clambering at your window draws your attention away from the pork you were dicing, and one look over your shoulder shows a disheveled but grinning Wilbur. 
“I hope I’m not too late for dinner.” He jokes, brushing off his pants before approaching you to press a kiss to your temple. Soon after that you hear another set of clambering, and two pairs of stomps reveals one Tommy and one Tubbo respectively. 
“What’s for dinner tonight, mate?” 
“Hope you don’t mind if we join in!” 
You sigh, turning back to hide your smile before they can see it.)
// Hope you enjoyed! I might write a pt2 of this later with some other ppl in it lol we’ll see :3
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couldyouspeakmyname · 4 years
Hi! 💕 I hope I'm submitting this correctly but I'm assuming you write for the Shishigumi lions? If so, I'd like to request some sfw and nsfw headcanons for them dating a female herbivore and it's totally up to you which members you would like to write for (although Free and Agata are my favourites!)
You know I love the Shishigumi, a lot. So I went overboard. I offer my apologies.
I will say, since I usually put NSFW under cut, but due to length I put it all under cut, I do have a big warning for it as to not surprise y’all
There’s a lot I could write for them, but to keep it reasonable I kept it kinda short! Feel free to request more if you’d like!
I’m also not great at nsfw so I tried my best I hope you like it anyway
Ibuki (I love him and will never NOT include him in an ask about the Shishigumi)
Ibuki is probably the best one at dating an herbivore. He’s very gentle and conscientious of you as an animal and your limitations 
That being said, he’s top tier respectful. He knows you may not be as physically strong as her is, but that doesn’t mean you’re not strong in your own way. He also likes the idea of protecting you. 
Always walks side by side with you. He’s nervous about holding your hand, but he’d never say it. Do it for him. 
Has eaten meat for YEARS and really struggles with that part of himself. 
Doesn’t kiss you for a really long time, he’s inwardly terrified that he’s going to hurt you. You’d have to make the first move.
Keeps you away from his work. He doesn’t want you to get hurt. 
He knows his world is dark, gritty, and that you shouldn’t be a part of it. He wants to send you away, but can’t. He thinks he’s selfish. You’ll need to reassure him this is what you want. 
Herbivores can’t see in the dark, so he keeps lights on in key areas so you can see better.
Protective. If anyone gives you any trouble he’s quick to correct their behavior, he can be incredibly intimidating when he wants to be
Slouches so you’re around the same height. Give him a back/neck rub at the end of the day. It will make him feel better, and he liked being close to you
The kind of boyfriend that remembers all the major events in your relationships, including small ones. 
Once he gets comfortable, he’s a snuggle bug in private. Cheek kisses, arm around your shoulders when you’re sitting, wrapping his arms around your waist when you’re standing.
Lions can’t purr, but if they COULD oh man, he’d never stop
He’s famous for enjoying females, so the fact that he’s dating someone seriously that’s not a feline is really strange
You should have seen the expression on one of the more flirty female lions when he turned them down. 
Everyone thinks he’s joking about dating you at first, when they see he’s actually serious the teasing dies down, but doesn’t stop (it’s at his expense don’t worry).
“Has hell frozen over? What’s someone like you doing with a guy like Free?”
He honestly doesn’t expect you guys to stay together for very long. He expects it to be a fling. Only it doesn’t stop. He doesn’t get tired of you or eat you....It’s weird but wonderful. 
Has eaten meat for years, and has a hard time letting himself kiss on anywhere but on the cheek. Likes to throw his arm around you and hug you. So he does show affection, but keeps his mouth FAR AWAY from your throat. 
Rests his head on top of yours 
Calls you “Babe” a lot. He has a lot of other nicknames for you to. Some of the lions don’t even know your name, just that you’re dating Free. 
Over. Protective. He knows the market, the animals in it and the animals who come to it. He is very prepared to shoot or maim anyone who tries anything. The fact he’s such a loose canon does help scare people off. Everyone knows who you’re dating and they make sure not to push it. 
He likes to show you off. He’s that guy that carries a picture of you in his wallet. Anyone who asks about him dating someone and he’ll show you off. 
“Sure she’s hot, but have you see the ass on my girlfriend?” 
Likes to show off in front of you. Fights? Yes. Please watch him and root for him.
Tries to get you to get a tattoo, but will NOT get identical ones. He doesn’t want to jinx it. If you wanna have similar tattoos though, that’d be okay. 
A relationship with Dolph when you’re an herbivore is really low key. A lot of people don’t know you’re dating. He doesn’t want to put you in jeopardy
He’s pretty serious and it’s hard for him just to relax. He does relax when you’re alone and he knows you’re safe. 
Likes to lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart beat 
When you do go out together, you may have to initiate any hand holding.  He plays it off, but he’s secretly happy
He smokes, and you may have to get on him for that if you don’t like it. It’d be very hard for him to quit 
Will let you braid his mane, but wont keep it in if you go out
Supports your endeavors and does whatever he can to help. He may get a little to into it. You’ll say you wanna take a trip and he has everything planned out. It’s a blessing and a curse. 
Likes how small your hands are in his
When he has a hard day, just hold him. He’s heavy and will lean into you, but he just needs the support
Has to relearn how to be himself, and you really help with that. He smiles more when he’s alone with you. 
Has a really deep, gruff, morning voice
If lions could blush you bet he’d be constantly red. If you actually look close, the insides of his ears usually are
Loves holding your hand and hugs
Respects your boundaries. If Ibuki is the king of respect, Agata is the prince.
He’s still part of a dangerous organization in the black market, so when he’s working he’s all business. Only a few of the members know about you (just the inner circle). 
Agata, like most of the others, is petrified to kiss you. He probably has the worst anxiety out of anyone else. He’s a meat eater, he’s eaten your kind of meat before. What if He accidently hurts you?
Texts you all the time.
The one you can be on the phone with for hours and not know it
Likes it when you run your fingers through his mane
He’s stronger than he looks, so he may just pick you up and carry you every now and again. He just likes to hold you, let him have this
Brings you flowers and your favorite snacks whenever you have a bad day
Stammers when he’s flustered.
Likes to bury his face in your neck
He has a hard time being who he is versus how he thinks he should be. The fact he can goof off and just enjoy life without the strain of being a lion is a blessing. 
Probably says he loves you before you do. He does it when he’s half asleep on your lap. He falls asleep before he realized he said it, whoops.
You’d have to be the one to be aggressive in public. “Excuse me, he asked for no pickles”  meme
He’s pretty quiet in his group, so no one knows you’re dating
Miguel is really good at thinking his feelings and thoughts, but isn’t great at voicing them. He does a lot of little things to show affection. He brings you a warm drink on a cold day, has food for you when you wake up, holds you hand
He likes to try and see the best in everything, even if he knows how ugly the world is
His mane is maintained carefully. Once you get really serious, he may ask you to help him with it. It’s pretty intimate, and when you’re done he looks at you like you have stars in your eyes
He’s the force of protection you don’t even know is there. He’s probably saved your life like, eight times, and never let you know that he did
If Miguel is quiet, Sabu is dead silent
No one knows anything about his personal life, let alone his dating life
They find out one day when the group is trying to make plans for a fun sort of day, and he turns them down because you two have a date. It becomes a secret mission for the group to find out who you are.
They don’t, Sabu is the oldest member and one of the most clever
A popular headcanon is that his face is really, REALLY messed up. I share that headcanon. The first time you kiss the scars on his face he chokes up
He goes all in. he’s yours as long as you’ll have him. He expects the same respect from you. 
He’s eaten meat for a really long time, but he has more semblance of control being a smidge older than most of the other lions. 
A bit pessimistic 
Kisses you good morning and goodnight. 
Cuddles on the couch. He’ll watch whatever you want to, but he has his preferences
Wears his face covering everywhere, you’ll need to remind him he can relax when you’re alone
. If you get out of somewhere like work or school late at night, he’s waiting for you to take you home. 
So used to wearing a suit and tie, he doesn’t know how to do casual wear very well. He lets you pick most of his stuff out. 
He knows a lot about the black market, so he’s over protective from the get go. However, since he does know so much, he knows what connections to make to keep you safe. 
Eats meat, and is self conscious that you’ll judge him for it. Please be nice to him
Kiss his eye with the spot, it makes him feel special
(Personal headcanon) His mane has never grown right, so he keeps it short. He’s kind of self conscious about it. A lions mane means a lot to male lions, he tries to keep it nice but...it’s nothing like some of the other Shishigumi’s manes. Pet it, run your fingers through it. Males don’t complimented enough. It’ll make him feel loved. 
If you ever wanna go anywhere fancy, because of his connections and knowledge, you can basically go anywhere at any time...as long as it’s in the black market, but he may know a guy that knows a guy. If there’s something more legal you need, he checks in with his other gang members to see who knows who
Has a wicked good memory, remembers pretty much everything you’ve said
A gentleman. He will hold doors open for you, offer his arm and hand when you walk together, brings you flowers. 
He, like all the Shishigumi, eats meat. He is self conscious about it an doesn’t want to scare you away. He will be upfront about it though. He wants honesty. he talks it out with you, and he will try and cut back but being part of the Shishigumi, and a meat addict, means it’s very hard for him to stop. He probably wont, not completely, but he tries not to do it around you. 
He doesn’t brag he’s dating you, but if he’s asked he gets this really peaceful look on his face
If you ever take him shopping at any flea market or outdoor stalls, he will get you the best bargain. He’s also amazing at helping you with any work contracts, apartment contracts and anything else.
Likes it when you brush his mane, and lets you put it up for him before he goes out. He doesn’t let you do anything fancy, but says when you do it it somehow turns out better
Hino is very attractive. His looks are what brings jobs in, so he keeps the fact that you’re dating a secret for business. 
Gives you extra affection in private because of it. Kisses, hugs, all that. His favorite is to kiss the back of your hand, he is kind of a romantic. 
Don’t get him wrong, he’s still a lion. If he hears that an animal is giving you a hard time, he will take them down and look handsome AF doing it
Eats meat, and like all the other lions worries for your safety. He tends to eat before he sees you, but after a while of you dating he becomes more relaxed. He doesn’t eat in front of you though. 
Spends a ton of time getting ready for the day, you may have to fight him for the bathroom 
Compliments you a lot. He uses the basic one liners at his job with older, lonely, animals. So, he uses unique ones for you. 
“I think the sun is jealous of your smile”
Totally lets your style his mane, and if you’re going out to somewhere not the black market, he’ll keep whatever style you give him. He’s confident and pulls anything off
Calls you Darling
Worst bedhead. 
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
NSFW Manage yourselves safely!
It was almost impossible to get him in bed with you. He’s so worried and full of anxiety. Any mood you get in, you instantly gets ruined by him being worried he’ll eat you
You’re going to have to plan in advance and spend a lot of time talking about safety and safe words
Honestly? He does try and eat you the first time. Not intentionally and he stops himself, but to be fair to HIM as an herbivore...you almost let him
It kind of ruins the mood and you end up talking it out with him. He’s so ashamed he can’t look at you for a while. 
Once time goes by, and you move pretty slow, but it’s worth it. Sex with Ibuki is amazing
Remember how Ibuki is really diligent about your limitations and you as  an herbivore? Pays OFF when he’s with you
He’s all about foreplay and making sure you are ready and prepared before he does anything. Ibuki has big dick energy. He doesn’t brag but is blessed. But he knows that with you being smaller than him, he’s not down to hurt you with it 
 He starts keeping his nails short for you. The other guys may try and tease him for it, but Ibuki gets defensive over you and so it’s short lived.
His voice drops when he’s in the mood, and he borderline growls. You’ve been teasing him all day, you really should make it up to him
Surprisingly good at dirty talk, it kind of comes naturally to him and neither of you know why
Loves your thighs, and his whiskers tickle. 
He has big hands, and when you’re alone he may saunter up behind you and run them down your sides slowly, kissing your check and down your neck. 
Best at aftercare, no matter how tired he is, he will take care of you 
Is more concerned than he lets on. He tries to pretend he’s all confidence, but he has a pretty hard time getting to the point of actually having sex with you. He actually start actively avoiding it. He blue balls himself. Someone help him.
He’s used to doing what comes natural, and what if what comes natural means hurting you? He’d rather not.
When you do finally try and have sex, he doesn’t kill you...but he does bite you. You need stitches, and he has even more of a complex (tell him he just gave you a cool tattoo or something)
He may actively avoid you or being near you. It’s a set back. He’s not like Ibuki who can talk it out, he’s supposed to be a lion, not a scaredy cat. 
You have to put your foot down. You’re dating a bad ass mafia lion, not some nervous school boy. Remind him about how much you care about him and how much you want him.
The second time goes better, but he’s a LOT more careful. he does maim a few pillows, claws the mattress. Their sacrifice is appreciated. (you two become famous for ruining and destroying beds. The other guys are both impressed and disgusted. Free has no shame)
Trims his claws so he can use them the next time. He’s learning.
This male is a womanizer, but he’s not great at doing things that females would stay for? It’s more of a hit-it-and go. He knows some tricks but...not a lot. 
Tries his best though. Loves to dig his hands in your hips. Leaves bruises. One time he got hammered and asked Ibuki for advice. Ibuki was helpful, but needed therapy afterwards. 
Rough sex 90% of the time (that other 10 is passionate sex that lasts hours, it’s pretty impressive)
Once you guys get comfortable, hope you’re okay with bite marks and kiss marks. You’d have to wear winter clothing 24/7 to hide them all. He’s VERY proud of you being his female, he doesn’t want any other male getting ideas
Turns him on if you take control. Most things you do turns him on. He’s near insatiable. You could roll out of bed, eyes still squinty, mascara from last night all over, and he’s like..man, that’s hot. Hope you’re okay with having sex in weird places, he’s going to ask. 
Not great at aftercare, but BOY can he snuggle. If you’re able to walk afterwards, you wont be able to. Clingy. 
Wants it to happen organically, but when it finally does, he catches himself.
He’s looking at you under him, how your eyes sparkle and shine, and how vulnerable you are...And the idea that he could rip out your throat comes to mind and it terrifies him. He practically throws himself off you
You have to reassure him and talk to him. 
Dolph is careful with you the first time, and while he doesn’t bite you, he does dig his claws in a little to much. They may or may not scar. He feels bad, but he’s so in the moment he can’t help it
May drool a little. Don’t tease him until later. 
He doesn’t stop until you’re satisfied. It’s a promise. You will NOT be able to walk the next day. He’s going to make the claw marks up to you if it kills you and wakes everyone in ear shot. 
Out of all of the lions, you’re safest with Dolph. He’s ”the serious one”, which makes him practical and knowing. He actually does research and goes online to inform himself. 
Love bites. He doesn’t break skin, so you’re safe there. 
Loves it when you try and claw him. You can’t do a lot, as an herbivore, but the fact your instincts try and make you...really gets him going. 
Casual at aftercare. Better than average but nothing near Ibuki or Agata.
Not a sex maniac, and with work, it’s not high on his priority list. He’ll make up for it though ;)
Likes to pretend it’s not something he’s interested in, but he is. He just doesn’t want to pressure you, or scare you. Dating a lion is one thing, being fully exposed is another and he knows it. 
He thinks about it a lot, but doesn’t act on it. You probably will have to take the lead. Agata gets way to in his head.
The sweetest kisser ever, but when he’s heated they’re like fire. Biting your lip, you face carefully with his claws just teetering on the edge of digging in. He loves kissing you, doesn’t matter where. 
Kissing will lead to other things if you don’t stop him, but do you really want to?
Likes to pull you close, and the more heated he gets the more likely he’s going to grind on you without realizing he’s doing it
Totally whines if you stop kissing him. 
Younger than the rest of the Shishigumi, and is more prone to using his instincts. He eats meat and is afraid of hurting you, but his desire to fuck your brains out is far greater than the instinct to eat you
He does end up biting you, and uses his claws. The damage he does isn’t serious, but he still fuses over you when its over. 
Takes a while to let himself near you like that again. He beats himself up. You may have to prove to him you’re tougher than you look. 
When you try again, he makes up for his shortcomings. You’re not sleeping tonight, call in sick to work tomorrow. 
You may have to ask him to slow down. He intends to go all night, you may have to curb his enthusiasm. Don’t forget to take breaks for water so you don’t pass out. 
Wont stop until you’re satisfied. Doesn’t matter how tired he is. 
Sweet nothings in your ear non stop...between the moaning. He’s surprisingly vocal
Talk to him too. Part of the reason he cares so much about you is because you see him for who he is, not his status as a lion. 
Since he doesn’t plan having sex with you, and just lets it happen naturally, he always has things in his room for you. Just in case. Please don’t tease him about it, the other lions do that enough. 
Is totally the kind of guy to help you bathe afterwards if you want.
One of the biggest snugglebugs 
Miguel is worried about having sex with you, but no one knows it but him. 
He’s the brawn of the group, and is strong as hell. He may end up trying to show off and you may end up in positions when you have to totally vulnerable (if it makes you uncomfortable, he’ll adjust. Just talk to him)
Muscles for days. The lion is made of stone, but has surprisingly soft touches. He knows his body and knows how to use it
He’s never had sex with an herbivore, he’s thought about it, but having sex with something he may eat later didn’t sit well with him. You are a different story. He’s thought about it a little to much
First time he has sex with you he claws you, and they’re pretty deep. You end up getting stitches. Unlike a lot of the other lions though, he doesn’t avoid you afterwards. He’s there when you get stitches, intimidating the doctor (who has a small heart attack every time Miguel moves)
Apologizes but isn’t afraid to try again. He trims his claws this time, you should really tell him the other things his fingers could be used for outside clawing your back. 
Do not mess with his mane or pull it, he’ll get grumpy. 
Loves your chest and carefully uses his tongue. Doesn’t matter what size they are, he’s a fan. 
Not very vocal, but likes it when you are. 
Sabu is older and more controlled, so you’re pretty safe with him. 
He doesn’t seem like he’s interested in it, and since he doesn’t talk much, him bringing it up comes out of no where.
“Wanna have sex?”
Just out of no where. He doesn’t talk much so he doesn’t beat around the bush. You were just scrolling on your phone, and you nearly drop it.
He doesn’t hurt you when you have sex, not even by accident, but the couch you were on gets shredded. It looks like an animal twice his size attacked it. 
Runs his hands over your body, he can’t stop touching you. 
Kiss his scars, it sooths him, and he’ll pay you back
Loves your neck, but is careful not to leave any marks (you have no idea how he doesn’t, it’s like magic)
He doesn’t care if you leave kiss marks on him
No great with aftercare, but will make sure you’re okay and kisses your cheeks and on top of your head
Disaster. He doesn’t mean to be, he just is
He wants it to be perfect, but while he knows everything about the black market, he doesn’t know much about having sex with an herbivore. He never really though of it, and now that he is...help him. He knows rumors of herbivore and carnivore relationships that have gone wrong so...he kind of freezes up. That, and he hasn’t been in a lot of long term relationships. 
While the others do their research, Jinma goes way to into it and becomes a bit overwhelmed, but hides it. 
You end up having to take control. For someone who knows the black market like the back of his hand, Jinma is the student and you are the teacher. You’re an herbivore, and you’re going to show him just how much you know (you are the captain now)
He bites you, and he does break the skin, but he just closes his mouth and allows you to decide if you wanna continue or stop
He starts keeping a med kit in his room just in case. 
He gets better, the more he learn and the more serious he is with you. Soon he’s compiling a book of knowledge on you.. He knows where to touch to make your toes curl, what to say, and your weak spots
He takes everything he learns and uses it against you one night. He’s a fast learner. 
Part of negotiations is to know what a person wants and what they will go through to get it. So, when you bring it up, the look in your eyes is all it takes for him to know he needs to take you serious. 
Usually his kisses are quick and satisfying, but once he actually starts to seriously kiss you its like it’s the last time he’s going to do it. 
Likes to have you in his lap. Seeing your face is important to him. Every movement and actions of your body paints a picture of what you want. 
Third best at foreplay, what drags him down is he watches you to the point that he forgets what he’s doing
When you first have sex, he ends up clawing your hips and biting your lip to hard. You lip bleeds a little and his nails break the skin.  He’s a little worried, but if you don’t tell him to stop he’ll get permission to keep going. 
Ends up also biting you, but nothing to terrible or life altering. 
He loves watching you, body language tells a person a lot about someone, so no matter where or how, he likes seeing your face. 
Afterwards, he makes sure you’re okay, and comfortable, He does the basics, but doesn’t go overboard 
May leave a kiss mark or two, but it’s accidental. He doesn’t want to embarrass you (even if seeing you with kiss marks makes the animal in him deeply satisfied)
Hino knows a females body like no other. He’s not exactly promiscuous, but he likes being satisfied
Since dating you, he hasn’t been with any other females, he’s very needy. He’s not as bad as Free, but he’s getting there.
You have no idea how he seduces you every time, one moment you’re making tea, the next, you’re on the kitchen counter 
The first time you try and have sex with him, he claws you way to hard and you end up having to get stitches and fixed up. He feels awful and can’t look you in the eye. He swears he will NEVER do it again
He never does, he keeps to his word
Unlike some of the other lions, the fact he hurt you doesn’t keep him away. He feels bad, but now he’s going to try twice as hard to make sure every time he has sex with you is amazing.
Wont stop until you’re satisfied, and just seems to naturally know your body and what you like.
While he’s composed in public, you get to see a little wild in his eyes when he fucks you. He has this low growl that rumbles through his chest that you feel deep in your body the tighter he holds you
Probably has had sex with you on most surfaces in your home. 
Above average at aftercare. He tries, but having more one night stands than not hasn’t equipped him for great aftercare. He learns though. 
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love-kazin · 3 years
Mixed Feelings
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Genre: friends-to-lovers, smut.
Pairing: Jang Wooyoung x Reader (female) x Lee Junho.
Warnings: a little bit angst in the beggining but it’ll pass soon, a lot of dirty talk.
Word count: 3.778.
You came to a conclusion about your feelings and also how to avoid it. It wasn’t your best idea, and gladly they changed your mind. 
"Taec just told me you're talking normally with him, so why aren't you answering any of my texts or calls?" and "Did I do something wrong? Or is it something I said? It's been almost a month since I heard about you from yourself..." were the first messages you saw after grabbing your phone to turn off the alarm at that cold morning. It was actually ironic how the weather seemed to match perfectly your feelings. Those messages weren't helping, not even a little bit. And Taecyeon was the one who could ease your pain, being the only person whom you shared your little secret. Which was why you had a meeting with him to get some lunch that day.
"So, how's your heart?" "Unfortunately, the same. I don't know what to do. But seeing you brights my feelings a little bit." "I'm touched. But seriously, you should just tell them. I mean, it's not like they're gonna turn their backs from you." "How could you know?" "I've been friends with them for more than a decade, so I guess I'm safe to say this. Plus, you're friends with us for at least the five last years, so we could never judge you or step out of your life. Specially both of them." "What do you mean, 'specially them'?" You stopped your fork that was tossing aside the piece of meat on your plate. The possibility of talking with Wooyoung and Junho that you liked them both and they tossing you to the side just like you were doing with that juicy meat caused you some nausea.  "If I may add this, to burst you some courage, I know Wooyoung has a little crush on you." "What?" "Seems like you have some positive effect on his life, which makes him ramble about you every time after you meet. About Junho, I can't affirm anything, but he also seems very fond of you." "That's crazy. I couldn't be lucky enough to have these two men liking me just how I like them." "You may find out, but you have to talk to them. They keep coming after me to discover things about your daily life since you cut them off. You don't want them to do this with you, so I don't think what you're doing is fair." "You're right." "You bet I am. Now, while you think about it, eat a little. The meat is perfectly tender." Nodding, you started to eat a bit as your mind went to a crazy place where those two guys liked you back. This couldn't happen. It'd be a total mess. But what was the difference between how you were all dealing with each other now? In the worst case scenario, they wouldn't like you and you'd probably step out of their lives a little, to soothe your heart. It was better to rip off the bandage once for all. "I'm sorry for the absence. I'm dealing with some stuff. Can you come over friday night? I wanna talk to you in person." As soon as you sended the text for Junho and Wooyoung, your phone was ringing like crazy. You just turned it off and shrugged when Taec looked at you arching his eyebrows. "I invited them over at friday. I hope we can talk through this." "I know you will, but I still wish you a good luck." Smiling, you finish your lunch just in time to go back to work. Taecyeon drove you off since it was on his way and you thanked him once again for all he has done and he just chuckled. "C'mon, how couldn't I help my favorite people?" He was truly the best friend in the whole world, and left after motioning for you to answer the - probably - 5th call after the invitation you made for those men. Sighing, you pick up the black phone almost lost inside that filled purse. It was Junho. "Why are you ghosting me? If you have something to deal, I can help you with it, and you know that! Do you know how worried I got? I was in another country and couldn't come to you, but it was the first thing I tried to do when I came back, but you weren't anywhere to be found. Then, Taec told me you didn't wanted to see me. Taecyeon, not you! You couldn't even tell me this? Seriously, after all these years?"  He was angry. His voice was kinda aggressive, just how you knew it would be. And you also thought that you deserved that treatment. Junho was right in every word he pronounced, but your heart still felt hurt. It made your heart ache because behind those words, you knew he was suffering too. It was the first time ever you have cut him off of your life in all those years. You got so caught up in your feelings that didn't even noticed when you started crying, and the tone in Junho's voice changed immediately.  "Wait, don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm just really preoccupied with you, I didn't mean to sound so rude. You know how I am. Please, stop crying. I can't deal with this if I'm not close enough to hold you." "Junho..."  He sighed.  "I'm not waiting until friday. I'm coming over tonight. We need to talk." "But... That's not only our business." "I know you cut Wooyoung off too. What did we do?" "It's not that, you didn't do anything wrong." "I'll bring him with me so we can all deal with this as soon as possible. Is that okay?" "Yes..." "Ok. I need to go now. But please, the only thing I ask from you is to not cut me off again. Not like this. If I do something, talk to me. Or even if I don't, but you feel something that put you some doubts, just talk to me." "Ok. I will. I'm so sorry. Seriously. I don't even know how I can start to apologize because of this." "You can tell me tonight why this even happened in the first place. Alright?" "Yeah... I'll wait for you." As soon as the call finished, you hurried to the bathroom to fix your make up before going back to the office, but didn't result as great since you looked paled and bothered, even with all that concealer in your face. "Hey, who's that guy from before? Are you dating?" Looking at your colleague with a expression that screamed 'what?', she saw your red eyes and how you were still sniffing. "Oh, did you guys break up? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch in a sensible topic." "Oh, no, is not that. We weren't dating. We're just friends, really." "So why are you crying? I know you're not feeling so good lately, so I'm a little concerned. I never saw you look like this." "You don't need to bother, I'm just dealing with some stuff." "Wanna talk?" "It's a little weird topic, so it's better if I don't talk about it." "Well, if you feel like it, I'm here, ok?" "Thank you." You were so anxious about finally confessing and not knowing the reaction you'd get that the day passed quickly enough to make you even more nervous. Soon the clock was hitting the 5PM and you were heading home.  "I wish you good luck with your stuff!" The girl from before said when the elevator opened to the parking lot in the building. Thanking her once again, you got on the car and on the whole way, your mind was working on what to say to Wooyoung and Junho. What would be their reactions? And what was that about they having feelings for you? Nothing was making sense. And these questions stayed on your mind until the door bell ring loudly on the apartment just after you finished showering, but those guys behind the door didn't gave you any time to dress before. "Jeez, I was on the shower!" "Oh, sorry..." They looked like they never saw a woman in a towel before, turning their heads to the side. "Come in, I'm gonna put on some clothes." Wooyoung and Junho were sitting on the couch, looking apprehensive when you came back dressed comfy and serving some beers.  "So, are we gonna talk?" "Oh, straight to the point." "You didn't answered me in almost this whole month, come on. What's happening?"
Wooyoung looked really desperate, which only made you feel worse.  "I'm sorry I put you guys through this, but the thing is I've been dealing with something that I don't want to, and I don't know how to break the news for you." "Are you dating? That's why you don't wanna talk to us anymore? Did the guy told you to back off from us? Because if he did it, I need to talk to him." "He can't tell you what to do! Who the hell does he think he is?" "Wait, no. I'm not dating anyone." "Oh. But do you want to? Because I know a guy." Junho only looked in disbelief at Wooyoung. "Well, If I can say this, yes. But that's not up to me anymore. Not at this point." "What point?" "Ok, let's do this. The reason why I've been distant is because... I mistook what I feel. I thought it was only a deep friendship, but it's not." "What do you mean? Do you like someone?" "I do, yes." That answer hit them hard. Wooyoung felt like his heart was being crushed, while Junho started to think that what he felt could never work well.  "And that's why you stopped talking to us? That doesn't make any sense." "Well, it does for me, since I don't know how to deal with this. I mean, how could I tell to two of my closest friends that I like them?" Junho choked on his drink, being the first one to understand the situation. Wooyoung looked lost. "What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about that I like you both. I really do. And I tried to not to, but that doesn't seem to work. I thought the best I could do was staying away, since you both couldn't like me as well. And everything would be a total mess if other people found out. But Taec told me that if I don't want you both cutting me off of your life, then I shouldn't be doing this to the both of you. So here I am, confessing the reason behind the mess I made." "Are you serious?" Nodding, you finished you beer while they tried to process what you just said.  "But what do you mean by us couldn't be liking you as well?" "Ahn, I... There's no way you'd be liking me. Like, not the both of you. Not at the same time. That would be crazy." "Well, but that could happen." "How?" They looked at each other before finally breaking if off for you. "I know I'm kinda slow for a few things, but I couldn't not notice how Junho look at you, because it's the same way I look at you." "How do you guys look at me?" "Like you're the missing piece of the puzzle that's our lives." "Wait, what?" The burn in your cheeks could be felt, so you were probably looking like a tomato that moment. "We both like you. I don't know what kind of spell you put on us, but it worked well. This almost feels like magic, because it's too crazy. Even more knowing it's mutual." "Yeah. And we talked, you know. We've been friends for such a long time, so we should know how to work this out. But I wasn't prepared to you returning these feelings." "We also tried to talk to you, but since you ghosted us, it was hard. It's not something I wanted to say on the phone. Now I'm kinda lost." "We didn't think that you'd like us both, and to not break anyone's heart, we should just talk about it and move on. But how do we do this now?" "One thing is the both of us having feelings for you without any real chance of being mutual. Another thing totally different is you actually having feelings for us. At the same time. It'd be unfair to choose just one." "So are you saying we should all just forget about it and move on?" "I'm actually thinking how we all could make this work. Not breaking hearts, just healing them." "What do you have in mind?" "Well, you know, it's a new century, people are more open minded to try new stuff. Couldn't we try some arrangement?" "Like, sharing me?" "When you put it like that, sounds kinda weird. Why would we share you if we could have you entirely at the same time?" Then it hit you. The three of you, together, at the same time and in every way.  "But how could we know if this works well for us?" "Trying. Come here." Junho got up from the couch and offered you his hand to take you out of the floor. Then he held you in his toned arms, like you were so precious that could break at anytime but loose enough to not do it. His eyes focused on your lips while Wooyoung's breath hit your neck. The both of them were so close that made you intoxicated but as soon as their lips found your mouth and neck, you forgot everything but them. The feeling of being kissed by the two guys you liked the most at the same time was crazy, something you couldn't describe, but it made your body burn wanting more. More of that, more of them.  "I guess this is gonna be very good for us." "Then let me kiss you to verify this." Chuckling, you turned your back to Junho, feeling his hands attaching at your waist immediately, while his mouth traveled through your shoulders and neck. You didn't had time to think about how good that felt, because Wooyoung made your senses get lost in his sweet kiss. You felt dizzy with those two men changing all your perspective of intimacy. They only kissed you but you felt more connected to them than to anyone in your life. So the urge to feel more like that started to be build up inside of you. "We'll only go further if you agree with it." "Now that I'm finally able to be with you both, I'm afraid if I let this chance pass, it won't happen again." "I think I can speak for the both of us that if you want us, then we'll be with you." "I do. I really do." "So it's sealed, honey." "We're your men." Hearing that made your knees weak, but luckily they were holding you tight.  "Then make me your woman." Junho took that as a challenge to turn that night into the best one you have ever lived, and Wooyoung didn't thought twice before kissing you again. Your hands went to Wooyoung's chest, feeling him breathing heavier as the kiss got more heated, and just when you broke the kiss to regain some air, Junho sinked his teeth on your skin, making you feel like you would combust at anytime and moaning at the sensation.  "Should we take this to the bedroom?" "Please." Wooyoung was the first one to sit on the bed, calling you with his lips already plump, and you went like he had you laced around his finger. You made his lap your seat, kissing and biting his neck, while he slowly opened the buttons of his shirt, making easy for you to just slide the fabric to the sides while your lips tasted his smooth skin, until Junho's hand got entangled in your hair to make you look at him. His already naked chest was almost calling your lips, and you couldn't help but moan when he pressed his mouth roughly on yours while Wooyoung made you grind on his hardening cock. In no time your shirt was flying across the room, and at the same speed, Wooyoung's mouth was attached to one of your boobs.  "You look so pretty like this." You could only show Junho a little smirk because he didn't gave you enough time to even think about an answer - his fingers traveling around your body. Kissing Junho was kinda hard because the only thing your mouth wanted to do was moan how good that felt, but it became worse when you felt his hand slipping through your shorts and circling your pulsing clit, making you roll your hips to get a better friction. Wooyoung cut the teasing to get rid of the clothes on his way and Junho got the chance to lay down and call you to take off his jeans. His dick was hard against the black fabric of the boxer, and your desire to taste him only got bigger. You started to kiss his body but didn't got to tease too much - his hand on your hair directing your lips for a better use. Taking off his underwear, you left little kisses on his cock, licking and circling the tip with your tongue to adjust better in your watering mouth. His shaky moans were getting you even more wet, which Wooyoung seemed to  enjoy a lot. You could feel Wooyoung's boner poking your ass, since you were on all fours, and rolling your hips on it was one of the best decisions because he sounded so pretty getting lost on you. He couldn't wait much longer so his fingers went to your pussy to prepare you for him. "You're so wet. Is it all for us?" You could only moan in response, since your mouth was pretty busy working on Junho. "Then let's have some fun, honey." His fingers spread the wetness on your folds, not taking too long before inserting one inside you, but it wasn't enough and you wanted more. His fingers were long and touched you just right. Plus, with the way Junho was grunting under you, it wouldn't take long for your legs started to tremble. Your body was aching for more of them, and you needed to let them know. "Please, just fuck me already." "Hm, should I? What do you think, Junho?" "She's doing good, so maybe you should give it to her. Are you gonna be a good girl and spread your legs for Wooyoung, sweetheart?" "Yes, let me be good for you, Wooyoung." Your legs opened up a little more, giving him all access to your dripping pussy, but he suddenly got up from the bed and you looked at him with a puzzled expression, until you saw a package of condom on his hand. "Hurry up and take me, Wooyoung." "You're so needy for me, aren't you?" You could only moan as you were feeling his covered dick slip inside of you, making you squirm and grab Junho's thighs to regain some composure. "Looking at you, taking him so good. Are you gonna be a good girl for me too?" You almost felt embarassed because Wooyoung was going in such a good rhythm that you kinda forgot Junho also needed a release. "I want to feel you coming undone on my mouth." He left some curses under his breath while your mouth went down on his shaft, taking almost all of him at once. You felt the tip of his cock on your throath and gagged a little, taking him out of your mouth with a plop sound to regain some breath and dive in to pleasure him once again. "Take it easy, baby. Don't need to be so eager, I'm gonna be here the whole night for you." The sweet sound of his voice full of malice almost made you smile, if you weren't trying to work him up very nicely. Your right hand went to cup his balls, making him moan your name and you could swear it was the prettiest sound you have ever heard. Along with Wooyoung picking up his pace, you felt like you were in heaven. "You keep clenching on me, it feels so good." "Look at you, baby, being a good girl for us. Hm, take it all, honey. You look so pretty getting fucked." Junho's dirty talk was making you tremble. You felt your knees get weak at every filthy word that escaped through his lips, and the smirk on his face was only helping to make you reach higher and higher. "You like that dirty talk, don't you, love? Are you gonna cum on my dick? Do you want it?" You felt Wooyoung's tender voice reaching your ears while his hand went to work on your clit, making the pleasure almost unberable and you moan against Junho's twitching cock. Everything felt so good, none of you would last long at that time. Applying some pressure, you sucked Junho a little harder, making him squirm under you. "I'm so close, baby. Don't stop. Let me fill up your pretty mouth." He rolled his hips almost making you gag again, but you got a little used to it, so it only helped to reach more of him, making him gasp and call you name repeatedly as he came hard. You swallowed everything before letting go of him, focusing on Wooyoung and your pleasure at once. His hips snapped so right against yours and his fingers worked like magic on your clit, you were almost seeing stars. "Wooyoung, I'm gonna cum." "That's it, love, cum around me." You could feel his thrusts getting sloppier, your legs trembling and your walls squeezing Wooyoung's dick inside of you, while he estimulated your clit and Junho looked at you with shiny eyes, and it was too much to handle. You came undone around his shaft, moaning loud and getting breathless. Wooyoung didn't last much longer since you were holding him so nicely inside of you. You didn't want him to let go, but he made up for it pampering you with kisses while Junho looked for a towel to clean all of you. You never felt so loved before. "Do you feel good?" "Absolutely. Do you guys too?" Junho hummed positively, laying down and putting you on his embrace, and Wooyoung hugged you from behind. "Never felt better. I'm glad you accepted us." "I'm the happiest for being yours." "Ten more minutes and we're gonna make you even happier, baby." Oh, this is going to be a very good relationship. 
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