#that statue is Betty & no one knows why its there or who she is? UM Hello???? why is Betty here?
r0semultiverse · 1 year
Hey, what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK??
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"12 years ago"
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"Open your mind!"
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Ice Queen counterpart's ice cream machine is a portal???
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stories-sometimes · 4 years
I’ve Made A Huge Mistake {5/?}
Peter Parker x Reader, Quentin Beck x Reader
Summary: Peter just wanted to enjoy his trip to Europe, maybe even confess his feelings to his best friends.But along came a mysterious new hero to ruin those plans. Peter and his class are aged up and in college.
Warnings: Violence in later chapters, manipulation, age gap
Word Count: 2418
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
They pulled up to their hotel in Prague, a vast improvement from the run-down one in Italy. It was the image of luxury, near to the city centre, built-in some historic-looking building. Two doormen opened the gold-framed doors. All the students looked around in awe at the huge marble room. A pianist played, gently adding to the high-class atmosphere.
“This is absolutely insane.” She said, admiring the detailed granite tiles.
“Speak for yourself, I’m home.” Flash said arrogantly.
“What can I say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Mr Harrington said in response to everyone’s amazed reaction. “Everyone get settled in, rested up,” he continued, “cause tonight, big surprise, the Carnival of Lights.” He exclaimed. As Mr Harrigton continued Peter felt his phone vibrate, he pulled it out to see Maria Hill’s name flashing over the screen of his phone. While Peter stepped away from the group, she noticed MJ’s intense stare from the corner of her eye. The jealousy bubbled slightly in the pit of her stomach. You don’t like him like that, she reminded herself, he’s your best friend. She attempted to drown out the feeling, instead trying to tune into Mr Harrington’s ramblings about the night’s carnival.
“Hello.” Peter answered.
“Parker it’s Hill,” The agent spoke across the phone, “there’s an earpiece in your suit, put it on and await further instruction, understood.”
“Um, yes ma’am,” Peter replied nervously. Peter stared at all the people who were in danger, who had been dragged into a mess he now had to solve.
An hour or so later he found himself with Fury, Hill and Beck, reciting the plan that had just been drilled into his head.
“I will be in the cathedral tower, keeping watch for the fire monster. When that shows up I will radio you guys. And then Mr Beck and I’ll -”
“My name is Mysterio.” The man said firmly, giving Peter a reassuring look, making the younger man smile. “Look, our only hope of finishing this is stopping the elemental now. We can try to draw it away from civilians but the most important thing is to keep it away from metal. It’ll get too powerful, then there’ll be no hope for us.” Beck instructed.
“I’m just worried, that me being here is putting my friend’s in danger and -”
“You’re worried about us putting your friends in danger,” Fury shouted from across the room, “You who set a drone strike on your own trip. Stark gave you this responsibility,” Fury poked harshly at the glasses hanging on his shirt, “But it’s clear to me that you are not ready for this.” Peter looked down guiltily, quickly excusing himself from the briefing room. He made his way up to the hotel roof, staring over the city destined for a disaster. He was only alone for about ten minutes before Beck came floating up to console him.
“How you feeling?” Beck asked, sitting down on the ledge beside Peter.
“I just didn’t expect to have to save the world this summer. I know it makes me sound like a jerk but -”
“You’re not a jerk for wanting a normal life kid. You're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants to tell you to just turn around, run away from all this. And then, there's another part of me that knows what we're about to fight. What's at stake. And I'm glad you're here. You’ve got these skills, these talents and I’d be honoured if you do decide to help me.” 
“I want to help, I’m just worried about my friends.”
“I get that, just keep them inside, in a safe place while we save the day. You know there’s some opera on tonight, everyone will be at the carnival so it’ll be empty.” Beck suggested.
“Yeah, I’m sure they’d love that.” Peter said sarcastically, but still appreciative of his idea.
So that’s how Peter found himself entering an opera house as the rest of the trip complained about missing out on the biggest party of the year, with only his two best friends aiding him in support of the idea. The situation was definitely improved by the fact Peter got to admire her in the emerald, satin dress she wore.
“You look really pretty by the way.” He whispered to her, loving the way she blushed lightly. It was always his favourite sight.
“Thanks, you too. Um, you also look pretty.” She mumbled back. You’re just friends, she repeated to herself again. But it was a harder and harder thought to believe. She was confused, to say the least, and her growing feelings for Beck only made it more difficult to comprehend. “I’m gonna go to our seat, I hope you can stick around for a bit.” She beamed, punching him lightly on the arm before inwardly cringing at her actions. Smooth, really. She walked away, smiling over her shoulder at the boy, feeling the longing gaze. Soon she spotted MJ and moved into the empty seat beside her.
“You guys are weird,” MJ said immediately after she sat down.
“Really, you wanna call me weird when they’re sitting right there.” She said, pointing to Ned and Betty, both gushing over each other as they shared a set of opera glasses.
“Yeah,” MJ replied bluntly, “especially Peter, don’t tell me you don’t notice him disappearing all the time. You’ve got to find that suspicious.” She panicked, trying to come up with some excuse to cover Peter’s ass.
“He just gets anxious, has to be alone sometimes to calm down.” She lied.
“Yeah, but there’s removing yourself from a situation and then there’s disappearing for hours at a time. Look he’s leaving right now.” She turned, following MJ’s stare to see Peter rushing at the hall. She was disappointed. Although she knew his duties took priority over this, she couldn’t help feel let down by missing out on a night with her best friend. “Come on, let’s see where he goes.” She glared at MJ as the girl started to get up out of her seat.
“MJ, sit down we can’t leave.” She tried to drag MJ back into her seat.
“Why not, Peter’s allowed to.”
“He’s having a bad day, he told me he’s just going back to the hotel.”
“Then we’ll be good friends and comfort him.” MJ pulled out of the other girl’s grip.
“Brad will be heart-broken.” She nodded to the boy MJ had been flirting on and off with all trip.
“He’ll live. Look, you can come with me or stay here and bore yourself to death. And if Peter’s fine, then we’re ditching him to go to the carnival.” Knowing there was no stopping MJ, she joined her in sneaking out of the theatre. She could at least keep her away from the city centre. Not long after the two girls left, Ned found himself in a similar predicament, getting dragged out by his girlfriend.
Despite all of her protests and best efforts to avoid it, she managed to find herself nearing the carnival. Finding Peter’s hotel room empty only boosted MJ’s curiosity and ended with her basically carrying her friend to the party. The streets were filled with lights and colour, market stools stocked with an array of foods and gifts. Not a minute went by without a string of fireworks going off in the sky. Rides sat at every corner of every plaza, all lit up with strings of LED lights. She had to admit it would have been one of the magical experiences of her life if it wasn’t for the looming threat of another attack. The huge crowds of people all in imminent danger.  And the top of a clocktower hid Peter, wearing his new, all-black suit, awaiting the arrival of the final elemental.
“How’s the suit?” Fury asked once everyone was in position.
“Um, it’s great, a little tight around the old web-shooter.” Peter joked, Fury’s eye roll was so clear Peter could practically hear it.
“Okay, I’ll shut up.”
The two girls were wandering around, weaving through the crowds.
“MJ, we should head back before anyone notices we’re gone.” She said, tugging on MJ’s arm as though she was some little kid.
“I just wanna find what Peter’s up to, then we can do whatever you want.”
“God, you’re acting like some stalker.”
“He’s disappeared too many times for there to be a simple explanation. Surely you want to find out what he’s been hiding.”
“MJ, I’m fucking serious we have to get back.” She noticed steam rising from a nearby fountain and knew the elemental was going to strike at any moment. 
“What the hell.” MJ had spotted it too, and stepped towards it. The ground split beneath their feet, lava seeping through the cracks, sliding up the statue above the fountain.
“MJ, we need to get -” Before she could finish her sentence the elemental had formed, sending the surrounding concrete flying out in all directions. She grabbed onto MJ’s hand and sprinted as fast as they could in the opposite direction. Panic ensued around them, the girls found a smaller alleyway to hide down.
“Okay, he’s here.” Peter rushed out as soon as the chaos began. “Beck, are you ready?” 
“On your lead Spiderman.” Beck flew towards the centre, watching the elemental smashing down on its metal surroundings to gain more power. Beck landed, green dust clouding around him as he summoned his signature green triangles over his hands. Whilst Beck had the attention of the elemental, Peter swung down, smashing a pile of wood over its head to immobilise it for a second, giving Beck the opportunity to start firing at the elemental. Peter shot a web out at a fire hydrant, pulling it out of the ground to allow the water to spray out at the fire monster. The thing punched the wall Peter was stuck to, sending him flying into the base of the ferris wheel. Before he could do anything it had gotten to a carousel, and Peter was forced to watch it suddenly grow in size.
“Night monkey, night monkey help us.” Peter heard a familiar voice cry as he stood back up. He looked up to see Ned and Betty trapped, calling out for some unknown person. Ned stared down, giving Peter a look as to say ‘just go with it’.
“Oh no, no, no.” His friends in danger - his worst nightmare. The elemental came charging towards him, all of his webs were burned as soon as he tried to do anything to directly stop the monster. A mere second before it could strike Peter and the wheel, Beck threw up a force field, preventing any harm. But he couldn’t hold it for very long. Each hit sent sparks down into the heroes’ faces.
“We’ve gotta hit him with something he can’t absorb.”
“You go left, I’ll go right.” They nodded briefly before Beck sent to force field outwards, pushing the elemental outwards. Beck flew up into the air, leaving Peter to swing toward the tallest building in the plaza. He ran up the wall, successfully distracting it for long enough for Beck to get to a better, higher position. Before the elemental could hit him, Peter flipped off the building, shooting a web onto a piece of rumble, flinging it into the monster. This gave Beck the opportunity to attack the elemental. “That hurt him, keep going.” Beck instructed. Peter repeatedly picked up and threw pieces of concrete rumble. But that didn’t hold it off for too long. Soon it had smashed a fist into the ground, sending a line of fire to the ferris wheel, knocking the wheel off its hinge. The screams of Peter’s friends filled the air. Peter went to shoot a web to help them, only to find it not connecting to the actual wheel, instead to some invisible force. He tried to pull his web back in only to find it flying away with some unknown piece of debris attached. It landed in the alleyway the two girls were hiding in.
“What the fuck,” MJ said as she picked it up, “These are Spiderman’s webs.” She stated.
“It can’t be, he’s a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, he works in New York.” The other girl tried to reason.
“He was in Washington, maybe he likes to travel.” MJ shoved the object into her pocket.
Peter pushed the curiosity out of head and turned to focus on saving his friends. He webbed up to where Ned and Betty were trapped.
“Whatever happens, I’m glad we met.” Beck said to Peter.
“Beck, what are you doing?”
“What I should’ve done last time.” Beck began to absorb a swarm of energy, building it up before flying into the centre of the monster. The fire was replaced with the green of Beck’s powers, causing it to explode with a blast of energy. Peter swung down to help an injured Beck up. Before he knew it, his best friend was running out of her hiding space, flinging her arms around Beck. He gripped onto her instinctively, holding on to her for dear life.
“What are you doing here?”
“MJ’s too stubborn for her own good.” She laughed. “Thank god you’re alright. You saved everyone, what are you gonna do now hero?”
“This.” He said, leaning down to kiss her.  She was surprised at his boldness at first, but quickly allowed him to deepen it as he shamelessly shoved his tongue into her mouth. It was passionate and messy, a rush of all their built up emotions. It was as though everyone else had disappeared, Peter and MJ were gone, Fury’s car pulling up didn’t exist - it was just the two of them. It carried on like that until they heard a loud cough from Fury. They broke apart, still remaining in each other’s arms. She flushed, giggled nervously at everyone’s stares.
“That the last of them?” Fury asked. Beck nodded. “But that won’t be the last threat, Hill and I are attending the headquarters in Berlin tomorrow, you should join us.”
“I’d be honoured.” Beck stepped away from her to shake Fury’s hand. “I’m taking you out tonight.” He turned to point at her, she agreed eagerly. “I’ll pick you up at 10. And you Spiderman, need to come with me, celebrate before my date.” 
“I’m not 21.” Was all Peter could come up with.
Peter had watched the interaction from afar, his heart breaking every second. He now truly believed he had no chance.
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harrysbbby · 5 years
European Adventure Part 4 - Peter Parker x Reader
a/n: thank you for your patience, my music-filled weekend is over and i’m back with a new update! i hope you enjoy :) and  once again, thank you all for your support on this story!
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The crowd was loud and bustling, conversations blended into one another as people mingled through the square. Your eyes peer over the tops of heads as you searched intently for a mop of brown hair. You continued to shove your way through the wave of people, desperately looking for the boy you had followed.
You reached the centre of the square, where a large metal statue stood glistening reflective colours. Well, it was the festival of lights after all.
You ran a hand across your forehead. The boy was nowhere to be seen, and now you were all alone in an unfamiliar city. Your hand rested above your eyes as you squinted, searching through the crowd when you felt heat rising up your body.
You looked down as the cobblestone beneath your shoes began to crack and splutter embers. You stumbled backwards as you watched statue erupt into flames, a large monster emerging from the smoke.
The crowd became a frenzied panic. Screams of terror and crashing sounds blended as people scurried from the square and the monster threw fiery object at… Spider-Man?
You stopped in your tracks, people bumping into you as you looked up at the figure swinging around the monster. White webs flung from the figure’s wrists but that was about as much as you could really see- his body blended into the background as his suit was entirely black.
So, wait, was it Spider-Man?
Another being zoomed into the square, a trail of green, hazy smoke following him. The man known as “Mysterio” lifted his arms as he blasted at the creature.
Your feet began to pick up pace once again as you sprinted as fast you could. You could hear yourself breathing in your eyes as your feet pounded along the ground-
“Y/N!” you halted once again. You looked around trying to find the source of the voice that was screaming your name. “Y/N!” it called again, “up here!”
You looked up sharply, your eyes training in on Ned and Betty sitting in carriage on a Ferris Wheel.
“Ned, Betty!? What are you guys doing up there?”
“We snuck out of the Opera when you did but,” Ned yelled, gesturing at the cabin swinging around mid-air, “now we’re stuck!”
“Oh um, okay,” you said looking around, desperately looking around for something to help them, “wait right there! I’m going to help you!”
You ran up the metal stairs towards the base of the Ferris Wheel. You stopped as you reached the control panel. You hand hovered over the buttons as you deliberated your next move. You could hear screams and crashes as the monster continued to wreak havoc on the square.
You face twisted with stress as you observed the array of switches. One had “Unlock” written above it. You pressed it and sighed in relief as the wheel began to spin. You stepped back and watched as Ned and Betty’s carriage slowly climbed up and around. A piece of debris came hurling towards the wheel, hitting its bottom left side. It caused the wheel to lurch to a halt. Ned and Betty’s screeches could be heard as the carriage rocked from side to side.
“No, no, no!” you cried, looking at buttons, trying to find a solution, knowing full well that there was nothing you could do. “I don’t know what to do!” Your hands ran through your hair in frustration.
Your ears peaked at the sound. Turning on the heels of your feet you saw Spider-Man- who ever he was- swinging a large rock round before releasing it at the monster.
It stumbled backwards as the black-clad figure cheered, “Yes Beck, it’s working- oh no!”
The force of the blow caused the fiery monster to fall into scaffolding, it absorbed and roared as its size doubled.
“Spider-Man!” you began to call before being interrupted by Ned’s voice.
“He’s not Spider-Man!”
“What?” you called up at him, seeing his body leaning out of the carriage, hands cupped around his face for you to be able to hear him.
“He’s, uh Night Monkey!” He said, with slight hesitation.
“Night Monkey?” you yelled back, throwing your arms up in the air incredulously.
“Yes, Night Monkey!” Ned affirmed, “He’s like a European rip off version of him!” You took a deep breath as you turned around once again to scream at the person.
“Night Monkey! Night Monkey help!”
He turned around, mechanical eyes widening as he saw you- “What!”, then opening even further as he followed where your fingers pointed to Ned and Betty- “WHAT!?”
He shilly-shallied on his feet for a moment clearly pondering his next move. With one quick swift movement, a web shot from his wrist and clung to the side of the wheel. He jumped and swung in a direct line towards you. You heard the whoosh sound of the air as his body flung into yours. His arms wrapped around your middle as he hoisted you into the air. You felt yourself dropping, a curdling scream leaving your lips as the ground neared closer and closer. With a large yank, he let go of his web, slung another and grabbed onto it. You felt your stomach lurch as you were hoisted further into the air once more. The air rushed through your hair and around your ears.
Your feet felt solid ground beneath you as you were placed neatly on your feet. You observed your surroundings- you were now on the opposite side of the square, the monster still edging towards the metal wheel.
“Get out of here,” ‘Night Monkey’ (or who ever it was) told you. You nodded, words failing to escape your mouth. “I don’t want you getting hurt, Y/N.” He said as he ran towards the Ferris Wheel.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. Did you tell him your name? You opened your mouth to call after him, but it fell of deaf ears- he was too far away as he lifted his wrist to propel a web at the wheel. Your mind was spinning- he was Spider-Man wasn’t he? Or was he actually Night Monkey? And he knew your name? Images of Peter with a white substance flying out of him twirled in your mind, as did his stunt on the bus… Your thoughts were interrupted as you saw what was happening in front of you- The web he had shot didn’t quite reach the Ferris Wheel, and it was stopped by, seemingly, nothing.
“What the hell- “ you could hear him curse, as he flung his arm backwards, yanking the web. A silver object came hurtling through the air. You ducked as it swooshed passed your head. It skidded to a stop on the cobble stone. You ran towards it, delicately picking it up.
It was an unusual shape, and you had no idea what it was. However, it was covered in sticky white string in the shape of a web...
“Get out of here…” his voice echoed in your head. You turned to see “Night Monkey” crouched on the Ferris Wheel next to Ned and Betty, Mysterio still zooming around the monster.
Confident that your friends would be safe, you made your way back to the hotel, unknown silver object in hand, a faint ache in across your forehead, as your observations swirled uncontrollably in your head.
You sat in the armchair of the lobby of the hotel. Your hands were flexed across the wide arms of the chair as you watched your classmates return form the Opera. Soon after, Ned and Betty followed… but no Peter.
Mr Harrington announced that since there had been another attack, it was too dangerous and that you were all to pack your bags to leave to go home.
You were upset that your trip was over, but this was overcome by your sheer confusion. Peter was Spider-Man was the conclusion you had drawn, but your logical side was screaming that it couldn’t be true. He was a kid and you had always imagined he was a man- a fully fledged adult- not the boy who sat two seats over in AP chemistry.
You hazily made your way up your stairs to your room. You weren’t focusing, tripping on every third stair as you pondering your surveillances- there was Venice, and the bus, and the photo magically disappearing from Brad’s phone, there was the whispering with Michelle, the suspicious disappearance, the fact he knew you na-
“You okay?” MJ’s voice startled you, causing you to trip up yet another stair. You caught yourself on the railing, and once balanced, continued to walk with her.
“Yeah, of course,” you said (unconvincingly), “why wouldn’t I be?”
“I mean you left the Opera before it even started.” MJ countered as you reached the top of the stairs, stopping to face each other outside your bedroom door.
“Oh right. I, um, felt sick?” you stumbled over your words. She raised an eyebrow at you.
“So, you’re okay, but you’re sick?” she quizzed, eyes looking harshly at you. MJ always spoke as if she knew everything in the world- and she probably did- and she knew you weren’t telling the truth.
“Yes! No, I mean,” you sighed, “I was sick but I’m better now.” You said, hoping you were convincing.
She narrowed her eyes at you, “hmm, okay.”
You looked at each other for one more moment before Mr Harrington’s voice cut through, making you both turn to face him.
“Oh Peter! Thank God you aren’t dead,” he held him in a awkward half hug before telling him to pack his bags.
“What, why?” he asked Ned. Ned told him that we were all going him because of the attacks. He looked around, noticing you and MJ listening to their conversation, before leaning into him and whispering, words inaudible.
“Night,” MJ said walking away, noticing you calculating Peter’s every move.
“Yeah ‘ight” you mumbled watching the boy. Ned walked away from him, and as Peter turned to walk towards his room, he was met with your face.
He smiled awkwardly as he walked towards you. You rocked back and forwards on your feet, arms crossed around your chest as the thoughts in the back of your mind whispered “he’s Spider-Man, he’s Spider-Man.”
“Crazy night, hey?” he spoke. You blinked once before training your concentration onto him. You nodded.
“Yeah crazy… Shame the trip is over. You didn’t get to use your plan with MJ”- at this his eyebrows pulled tightly together, and he went to open his mouth to speak but was cut off by your words- “Would’ve been fun to hang out more, together, too.” You said. His eyes drooped at your words, clearly disappointed too.
“Yeah would’ve been fun.” He said. His eyes gazed into yours, looking as if they were thinking deeply but also trying to remember every aspect of your face. Meanwhile, your mind was still spinning, memories of the trip clouding your eyes.
“I’m going to go to bed, night.” You said, quickly opening your door and slinking inside quickly, in a bid to get away from the boy so you could think clearly.
“Oh okay,” you heard his voice say as you shut the door. You heard him start a sentence, but the click of the door cut him off.
Peter huffed as his compliment fell short. His shoulders dropped as he continued to stare at your door. On the other side, you rested your head against its frame- maybe you should just ask him if he is Spider-Man. But what if he thinks you’re crazy and ends up hating you? But he asked you to cover him in the bus and he said your name tonight, so maybe he wants you to know...
You opened your door and needed to stumble back immediately to avoid Peter’s fist colliding with your head.
“Woah,” you said as you used to the door handle to steady yourself. Peter laughed awkwardly, before pulling his fist down to his side, wiping his palms across his slacks.
“Did you wanna hang out, like right now?” you asked, fiddling with the door handle.
“Yeah,” he said, “I’m not ready for this trip to be over and it would good to do something that isn’t on the itinerary or with Mr Harrington hanging around… with you.” He finished, tugging his backpack further up his shoulder, smiling sweetly at you.
“Okay,” you said gazing at him, despite the nagging in the back of your head.
“Okay,” he said, as stunned as you were. You both stared at each other for a few moments before he cleared his throat, interrupting both of your thoughts.
“Meet me downstairs in 10?” he asked. You continued to play with your door handle.
“Okay,” you said, pulling your lip between your teeth. Peter swayed back and forth on is feet as a smile tugged on his lips.
“Okay,” he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat. You motioned over your shoulder.
“I’m just gonna…” you trailed off
“Oh yep,” he said, but made no movements away from you. You smiled shyly looking to the floor as you shut the door behind you. He let out a sigh, relaxing from your giddiness, but also from the stress of what you were about to ask Peter and not know how he was going to react.
He skipped off to his room, smile beaming across his face. He was excited to hang out with but was blissfully unaware of what revelation you were about to dumbfound him with.
If your name is here but it didn’t tag you, it’s because it wouldn’t let me, sorry (:
@vanillanestor @wonders-of-the-multiverse @sweetdarlingholland @basically-thanks @deku-nyan @awesomefandomsunited @thegirlwiththeimpala @inkphilosopher @hardyxlove @mxxkscreate-write @eridanuswave @aiianovna @i-rather-not-say @irxnspxder @emilymarie0422 @exquisitebts @silhouettecrow @softrdj @dasydni @spnsquirrel @foxylupines @thomasstanleyholland2013 @thatpersonwithissues @galaxyrose10 @philophxbicrxmantic @belles-garden @morgannope @fanficscuziranout @magikmina @njallhorannjh @noa-caffery @kaptainkool-aid @yes-imshe @nerdy-98 @itsjustgoobi @magicalturmoil @secretagentben @ddaeing @itsbebeyyy @writtenbypics @season-four-is-imminent @wakandahoesarethose @bellamyblakemorley @phluffyphantom @sleepygal124 @olliekookie @abitofeverythinggg @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @tiny-friggin-human @jackiehollanderr @cherryblossowm @ettorah @divergentjade @thelostandweeping @lovesteverogersbaeworld @spideyspoods @spn-imagines-fics @mercurybarnes @cats-before-us @fangirl-127 @cleoprker @leilei-draws @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @xxr-88xx @girlontumblur @oofparker @greenarrowhead @aestheticsandmarvel @cubedtriangle @fangeekkk @sincereleygmg @ajxlawley @ibookishqueen @demonsintheair @blizzbx @adoringinsanity @elektraliu @fienneskarsgard
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margoshansons · 5 years
The Killing Kind (9/?)
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Part Nine: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08.
Summary: Peter continues to act strangely and unknowingly creates a point of tension between MJ and Y/N. When Y/N runs off to keep Peter at the opera house, she comes across an unwelcome visitor.
Warnings: Swearing. Slight romantic angst. 
Notes: I am not a fan of pitting women against each other, so there will be none of that. However, I have been a teenager, so I know how it feels when one of your best friends likes and has a better chance with the guy you want.
She couldn’t deny that the opera house was absolutely gorgeous, even if her obnoxious classmates were ruining the atmosphere. “We could be at Europe’s biggest party!” Flash complained, live-streaming his whole life. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the self-absorbed boy, “What? Mommy and Daddy take you to too many operas for you to enjoy it?”
Flash scoffed, “No, Mother is above such things, and besides, who would ever willingly go to one of these?”
“I would,” Peter joined in, appearing at her side. Y/N smiled gratefully. 
“Of course you would dickwad, you can't tell the difference between what's cool and what’s a snoozefest” Flash retorted.
“Hey, Thompson!” Y/N called down the theatre, “I think your phone just died.”
The pair chuckled as the bully scrambled for his portable charger, desperate for any kind of attention Instagram could give him. 
MJ finally tore herself out of Brad’s thirsty arms before meeting the two of them near the doorway, an annoyed look in her eyes. 
Peter cleared his throat before turning toward Y/N, “Um, hey, you uh, you look really pretty”
Time seemed to stop. 
Her words caught in her throat, surprised the compliment was aimed at her and not MJ. The other girl seemed surprised as well, but MJ could at least get a grasp on her words. 
“And therefore we have value?” 
Peter stumbled over his words once more until Y/N stepped in to assure him that they were just messing with him.
Ned and Betty began to exclaim about the opera glasses offered to them, as Y/N and MJ shared a look. 
“Why don’t you and MJ go in on a pair?” Y/N offered, ignoring the awful twisting in her chest again. 
“You mean, sit together?” Peter asked, and she thought she heard a hint of disappointment in his voice. 
Y/N looked back at MJ, knowing exactly how her best friend felt about the boy in front of her. They decided long ago that nobody was going to get in the way of their friendship, and Peter Parker was no exception, no matter how much she wanted it to be. 
“Yeah” She replied, smiling away the hurt she felt. MJ was more important and Peter wasn’t worth losing MJ over. 
Peter stood there for several seconds, conflicted about the choice in front of him. “No,” was all he replied, and Y/N saw her friend’s face fall. 
“No, I mean uh, I-I misspoke” Peter saved, and shared a knowing look with Y/N. 
“Great” She smiled painfully, stepping between the couple, “I’ll uh, I’ll go save us some seats then.”
“I’ll come with you” MJ offered, grasping onto her friend’s elbow, still in shock at the events that unfolded seconds before. 
“What was that about?” The curly-haired girl asked, shock still evident on her face. 
Y/N turned around to face her friend of five years. “Look, I know how much you like him. I’m being a wing-woman. It’s not like I feel anything for him”
The lie slid off her tongue with uncomfortable ease. 
“He obviously is more interested--”
“In sitting with you” Y/N cut her friend off before she could contemplate false hope. “You deserve it MJ. Especially after these past few months.”
The pretty girl grasped her hand, pulling her back in earnest, “So do you.”
Y/N’s eyes flickered to the boy she had come to like these past few days. “I’m not the one he wants, end of discussion.”
“MJ,” She interjected, panic rising in her voice, “Enough”
The awkward girl nodded before taking her seat, leaving room between Ned and her for Peter. But Y/N knew something was wrong when Ned gave that bullshit excuse about him being sick. MJ seemed to sense it too. Y/N bit her cheek in irritation at the higher powers determined to ruin Peter Parker’s life. She stormed out of the theatre, catching Peter at the last moment before he flew away. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She asked. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N” was all he said before webbing his way down the stairs, disappearing into the crowds. 
“Peter!” She called, left alone on the stairs. She set her jaw and followed him, unaware that MJ, Ned, and Betty weren’t far behind her. 
“Y/N!” MJ Called, drawing the teen’s attention, “What the hell was that?” Her eyes widened at the sight of her friend outside of her safety net. “MJ, what are you doing here?” The girl skidded to a stop in the middle of the Square, “I could ask you the same thing. Why did you disappear back there? And with Peter?”
“Listen” Y/N pleaded, “You can’t be here. It’s dangerous.”
“I know you have powers” MJ blurted out, catching the other teen by surprise. Y/N straightened her back at that news, unsure how her friend knew. “It was fairly easy to figure out. Your constant disappearance from school? The appearance of the woman in Italy? Plus you’re kind of painfully obvious with the amount of blue you wear.”
Y/N chuckled through her shock. 
“And I know about Peter too.”
Y/N stammered at that accusation, “What about him?”
MJ’s eyebrows rose at the question, “Really? Did you think I wouldn’t notice your sudden affection toward him? How you two seem to spend way more time together than you and I used to?”
She sighed, upset in herself for neglecting MJ. “I’m sorry about that, but it’s not what you think. I meant it when I said I wasn’t interested. Really MJ, it’s not what you think--”
“Its; fine” the awkward girl chuckled, but Y/N knew the look she was sporting. She herself had been wearing it back in the opera house when she played wing-woman to MJ. “We’re still friends, right? And that’s all that matters.”
Y/N nodded, a small smile crossing her face. Their moment was short-lived as unbearable heat seemed to erupt from the statue they were standing next to. The heat morphed into a distinguishable figure similar to the one in Venice, confirming Y/N’s worst fears. Her dad was here, and he wouldn’t let anyone get in his way. 
Thanks for the love! Sorry about the lack of plot these past few chapters.
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If you want to be added or removed, please let me know!
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gayinacan · 5 years
You definitely needed my commentary on heathers
- Why does veronica only fit like six words on each page
- nice pen
- nobody noticed that one definitely
- Veronica sarcastically explaining thanksgiving in Africa is just great
- I love betty fin why can’t we have more of her
- The photos are adorable
- Why does she give the back story of her sweater
- Wait are we not supposed to like her
- “Fuck me gently with a chain saw”
- Heather you’re a junior??? Anyone concerned about this practical child
- Awe they talked to other people
- Thanks for making this about sex ram
- Can we appreciate veronicas blazer I want it
- Who the fuck has a crush on these two assholes
- Awe it’s JD and he’s almost charming
- Did he say sex or sax I still don’t know
- “They seem to have an open door policy for assholes”
- If they expelled him like heather chandler said this movie would be very different
- Can heather duke ever get ahead
- How do they always know which heather they are referring to
- Spring vacation weren’t they just talking about thanksgiving
- “Bq!” I agree heather
- Snappy snack shack..... avengers Easter egg?
- Angered writing with monocle it’s just fantastic
- She’s got a speech
- You’re right he doesn’t deserve your fucking speech
- “Lick it up baby lick it up”
- Heather chandlers rooms design is fantastic
- Those are her dying words?
- Smash
- “Im gonna have to send my sat scores to San Quentin instead of Stanford”
- It feels much too easy to fake sucide in this movie
- Why did this teacher get hired if no one one the board liked her
- Heather Duke is finally eating I am so proud
- I want that watch
- “Are we going to be graded on this”
- What is up with the snake statues by the fire place
- JD’s dad is a creep
- Ya jd perfect time to talk about your dead mother
- This preacher
- “the mtv video games “
- Using Holy water to adjust hair
- Veronicas hat
- And then they got shit faced and tipped cows
- That’s not creepy JD
- She’s wearing a bowler hat
- Yes trust Kurt
- Kurt has a football shaped phone
- Liar
- “Homosexual artifacts”
- These cops are so stupid
- “Young love” sure kinda
- How does this kid know the entire police report
- Oh veronica realized murder is bad
- “ dear diary my teen angst has a body count “
- “ are we going to prom or to hell”
- Um what has he seen
- Tiny circle sunglasses
- What is that radio
- Don’t think a judge would say slurp shit and die
- Betty!
- Ya veronica I agree
- “I don’t patronize bunny rabbits “
- I feel the slap was coming
- That transition to the radio show
- Heathers bird is adorable
- Loud diary writing
- “Probably “
- The petition
- Heather Dukes all red outfit
- You aren’t back together
- Wait he has an earring
- Threatening barbie is threatening
- “Its got that let’s toss ourselves into the abyss ascetic”
- Her outfit is boring of course it’s a dream
- The funeral outfits are so weird and I love them
- Heather Chandler ghost is just amazing
- Last entry!?
- Where did you get the ladder
- why does JD have a pet
- She is walking the halls he is setting up bombs
- “I knew that”
- Rottweilers as a mascot ok
- Why do you need binoculars
- That knife is the size of a baby carrot
- Shooting someones middle finger when they flip you off seems so rational(sarcasm)
- You aren’t deep JD
- Ya you should probably avoid cool dudes if that’s what you consider a cool dude
- JD you don’t seem that fucked
- “Now that you’re dead what are you going to do with your life”
- She poisoned the sheriff and now she’s the new sheriff
- And they finish with the prospect of a movie night and popcorn
- Still love it
- Still don’t know why
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gothify1 · 6 years
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Below-freezing temperatures and bulky outerwear can make winter a challenging time, sartorially speaking, but come January, the gloves are off—both literally and figuratively—when Hollywood’s jet-set touches down in sunny Los Angeles for award season. Thanks to a blockbuster year in film, music, and television, the 2019 red carpets are an opportunity to make a major statement. Here, we’ve shown an early spotlight on 23 actors and musicians guaranteed to land spots on the 2019 awards season’s best-dressed lists. Let’s start with a red carpet renaissance woman: Lady Gaga is going to have an epic award season. We can’t wait to see what she wears to the Golden Globes, the Oscars, and the Grammys when she wins big for basically everything A Star Is Born is nominated for; her style evolution has been a true Hollywood glow-up! A close second and perennial team Who What Wear fave, Emma Stone is bound to inspire your next black-tie event look when she hits the red carpets in 2019. Think she’ll take any notes from her character, Abigail Masham, in The Favorite and go full baroque, or keep it completely contemporary with the latest from Louis Vuitton? Speaking of The Favourite ,  Joe Alwyn , aka Baron Masham, aka the first earl of Leicester in Mary Queen of Scots , is guaranteed to have a memorable awards season (especially if Taylor Swift is on his arm). The 27-year-old British actor had a banner year with four movies premiering in 2018, and undoubtedly cribbed a few style notes from several of Hollywood’s leading ladies—we have a feeling his star status is about to skyrocket. Of course, award season wouldn’t be a must-watch moment if not for a little healthy competition. Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie , two of 2018’s best dressed and co-stars/rivals in Mary Queen of Scots , are absolutely going to slay—sartorially speaking. Spoiler alert: There’s a clear winner in the film (and, um, history), but we’d be absolutely thrilled if the top red carpet ranking featured a tie between these two sensational style stars. While we’re revisiting history, let us remember the ground-breaking, earth-shaking, and red carpet–rousing movie of the year, Black Panther . Boasting an all-star lineup and memorable world premiere in which the cast paid homage to African royalty, we hope this stylish crew—especially Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong’o, Michael B. Jordan, Leticia Wright, Danai Gurira, Daniel Kaluuya, and Angela Bassett —continues its winning streak throughout award season. Wakanda forever! Crazy Rich Asians , one of the most over-the-top and enjoyable fashion films of the year, was a feast for the eyes both on screen and at the red carpet premiere. Constance Wu , the movie’s leading lady, worked with celeb stylist and Who What Wear contributor  Micaela Erlanger  for the press tour last summer, creating gorgeous looks for a range of appearances. We love how they play with fashion together and can’t wait to see which designer is selected for the Globes in January. Fashion’s latest It boy, Timothée Chalamet , had an incredible 2017 with Oscar-nominated films Lady Bird and Call Me by Your Name , and this year, he added Golden Globe nominee to his list of accolades. Not only does the Beautiful Boy star embrace bold colors and prints, but he’s also reportedly self-styled. We’re impressed! If you haven’t already heard of Kiki Layne , don’t worry—you will soon. Her breakout film, If Beale Street Could Talk , an adaptation of James Baldwin’s 1974 novel by Oscar-winning director Barry Jenkins, has already been nominated for several Golden Globes ahead of its premiere. Kiki has a major year ahead of her with at least two other projects in the can, and we’re excited for her red carpet debut with Regina King, her fellow Beale Street star and Golden Globe nominee. Rounding out our list of film favorites is a newcomer, Elsie Fisher . At just 15, she has captured hearts as the cringe-worthy (in the best way!) ingenue of Bo Burnham’s directorial debut, Eighth Grade , which premiered over the summer. Elsie has already made an impression at smaller red carpet events, and she recently spoke to Vanity Fair about her affinity for suits, remarking, “I feel like suits are very me… I look poppin’ in ’em!” We couldn’t agree more. As far as red carpet style goes, we find musicians tend to be a bit more daring than actors, which is why we’re especially excited for the 2019 Grammys. One woman who never ceases to surprise us with her style chops is Cardi B, who is up for album of the year for Invasion of Privacy . Whether Cardi goes full-on glam, breaks a piece out of Versace’s archives, or debuts her upcoming collab with Fashion Nova, we know she’ll dress to impress—red bottoms, guaranteed. It’s no surprise that with the rise of the rosé wave in pop music came the return of cowboy boots . At the center of this ethereal yet empowering moment is singer Kacey Musgraves . The “Velvet Elvis” singer has already racked up several Country Music Awards but was recently nominated for album of the year for Golden Hour , transcending the confines of her genre, and presenting an opportunity to show off her unique mix of vintage-meets–high-fashion style at next year’s Grammys. We’ve had our eyes on Dua Lipa ever since she explained “New Rules” to us in 2017, and we were thrilled by her two Grammy nominations this year. Up for best new artist and best dance recording, this edgy British singer and street style star will undoubtedly make a major red carpet splash throughout 2019. Is there anything Tessa Thompson can’t do? In addition to her appearance in Janelle Monae’s much-buzzed-about “Pynk” music video, the Creed and Westworld star is a style chameleon who’s bound to thrive during award season—even if she’s just there to support her friends and castmates, the similarly suave Michael B. Jordan and Thandie Newton. Let’s talk about Lili Reinhart for a minute: Not only has she captured hearts as Betty (and Dark Betty!) on Riverdale for the past three seasons, but she’s also become a media darling, sharing insights into acting , acne , and of course, all things Archie. Notably, we love her brand-new campaign photos for the Mighty Company x Ilaria Urbanati celestial-inspired charity collection—hey, if anyone can pull of stars and stripes on a red carpet, it’s Lili. See you at the Emmys? If you haven’t already caught up on Atlanta , consider this an official mandate. You’ll probably recognize Zazie Beetz as Vanessa Keefer, Donald Glover’s character’s ex-girlfriend. Or maybe you remember her from Deadpool 2 as Domino, a mutant whose superpower is luck. Either way, Zazzie is definitely one to watch this red carpet season, especially since she’s being styled by Jason Bolden, whose other clients include Yara Shahidi and Sasha Lane. Be sure to look for her at this year’s Golden Globes supporting Donald, and hopefully again on the Emmys red carpet next fall. Finally, we’ve got the one and only  Busy Philipps. Unless you’ve completely opted out of pop culture and social media this year, Philipps has been on your mind—or more accurately, on your phone! A forever fave from early aughts teen dramas Dawson’s Creek and Freaks and Geeks , Philipps has BLOWN UP in 2018 thanks to her hilarious commentary, candor, and colorful style which is broadcast via her Instagram, recently released memoir, This Will Only Hurt a Little , and new E! show, Busy Tonight . Working with stylist Karla Welch (who also counts Tracee Ellis Ross and Sarah Paulson as clients), you know Busy’s bound to bust a move, whether on the red carpet, in her nightgown, or at a tiny trampoline class. Think I missed any potential red carpet style stars of 2019? Hit me up on Twitter or Instagram at @Drewblahblah and we’ll put them on Who What Wear’s radar before the New Year. Up Next:  From the Oscars to the Golden Globes, Cannes to the British Fashion Awards here’s where you’ll find the most glorious red carpet looks .
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nanyoky · 7 years
Someone’s stomach still hates her, so it’s BREAD NIGHT instead of sushi night but HERE WE GO
lol cheryl. for just one tiny moment, i bet a couple kids were ready for a columbus style defamation and dressing down, but not our cheryl. nope. she’s just taking another opportunity to be the live action pacifica northwest.
“the southside kids are fine, but their parents are FURIOUS.” i’m gunna need more than that mayor mac- why? are the southside kids studying too hard now that they have real books? does sweetpea’s mum have to drive him all the way across town to his new school every morning? if the city shut down the school and absorbed these kids into the other district, the district buses would have to come to them, yes? so why would Mama Sweets driving him??? I NEED MORE DETAILS MAYOR MAC.
a neighborhood party for both north and southside. but the serpents are hired as security. do you see the problem here folks???? i mean- obviously not every single southsider is in the gang, but they are a good chunk of the people you’re trying to integrate into the community. so..... what’s really happening.... is a party of northsiders........ with southsiders as The Help. ......great plan i can’t wait.
there’s something really hilarious about the marked height difference between archie and hiram and archie is enjoying every inch of it- deep, deep down inside while he tries to figure out what the fuck is happening in his dining room.
me @ Hal: you’ve got the personality of a brillo pad go out in the garage or something
chic is chillingly cavalier, which is just how i want him, but betty brining up  the “cresent moons” on her palms was ham handed and awkward come on we were doing so much better with dialogue recently
this guy can’t possibly be legit there’s no way a trained agent of anything would trust archie with a can of pringles
there is just so much in the gang checking out betty’s picture of chic. kevin thinks he looks hot and maybe familiar because kevin likes pretty, hooded eyed bad boys who probably have a switchblade in their back pocket ((me too bro it’s okay)). veronica calling him “the omen.” betty sort of expecting but not knowing how to react to her friends thinking her long lost brother is a babe. also summarizing her current home life perfectly in how alice is being awkwardly infantizing and how hal is being definitely not chic’s biological dad and pissy about it. excellent. all excellent.
betty’s “hanging out with toni? cool. that’s cool” face is just... so betty.
“oldest living serpent” SHUT UP i bet he’s adorable i can’t wait
“your dad doesn’t like me” “what? no!” veronica is suddenly a worse liar than betty and that is SAYING something
veronica references the movie “foxcatcher” which i both want to see and don’t want to see and have been waffling about for over a year. anyone care to swing me on it?
varchie is lying to one another and it is all going to blow up so terribly
hoooooolllllyyyyyyy shhhiiiiitttttt. i see. this is a topical episode. and tangentially personal. i went to school near the dakota borders. i have friends who spent weeks at the pipeline protests. but also um.... why do i get the sense that for some bizarre reason, this is going to be jughead’s narrative....... *SIGH*
i need about twelve drinks right now. but also did i nail it with that columbus reference or what?
((fun fact to lighten the mood: my city is working on getting a statue of christopher columbus replaced with one of prince because he was from here and he “represents us better”. bless this midwest))
*HEFTY SIGH* mayor mac. i genuinely want to see more of your adulterous but charming affair with papa keller but you keep fighting tooth and nail to stay on my shitlist
kevin’s porn watching has solved a mystery that shouldn’t really have been a mystery to anyone? i thought fantasy fulfillment was pretty fuckin clear. also, kev, WHY ARE YOU WATCHING PORN IN POP’S WHAT THE FUCK BRO WHO DOES THAT
Archie: *jake peralta voice* why does everyone keep touchin my butt?
none of these boys better make ANY comments about kevin wrestling or i will come after them with A BAT
this is a much needed self esteem boost for kevin- being better at something traditionally masculine than archie, the all american boy and I SUPPORT HIS PRIDE I JUST WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY KEV EVEN IF YOU LOOK AT CAM BOYS AT A PUBLIC DINER YA WEIRDO
this is an A+ sweater from betty holy jeez contender #1 for outfit mvp
bets did you watch a bunch of your brother’s sexy vids? holy jeez i need to feel better so i can have a drink ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS ESSAY I KNOW YOU ARE
kevin’s writing a gossip column now? i both love and hate this. give me a sample of it and i will swing one way or the other
“this is a story we need to tell” close jughead. this is a story you need to help the right people tell. as support. not the main voice. please tell me that is on its way. (i doubt it)
also i feel like the writers came up with this history of the gang, shall we say, quite a ways after casting of the gang.... not that the gang has to be all direct descendants of the tribe but.... still. 
kevin’s going to help archie practice cuz he’s the best of all of us. also it’s going to make him feel good about himself and i don’t begrudge him that in the slightest.
“you don’t really think this could be long term, do you?” chic you were living in a hostel where people get stabbed/their stuff stolen- how is that long term?
it’s a repeat but i think this is the first time this season we’ve heard a character’s original song? i miss the pussycats. i miss “we tell our own story” divas of color. i honestly kinda miss “i wanna be a musician” archie tbh. the music in general has taken a definite turn this season and i like all the retro but god the s1 soundtrack was SO damn good and atmospheric
Hiram has mastered the painfully overt backhanded compliment in a way i would have scoffed at two years ago but honestly i know people liek this now and it’s a nightmare.
lol veronica and archie turn this into the cold war of in-law relations. “i’m glad you’re not man enough to wrestle archie makes me feel like my daughter’s virtue is safe with you” “oh yeah well i think archie is hot” “yeah and we are TOTES comfortable kissing in front of you because our relationship is TOO HOT TO CONTAIN SO THERE”
*long, loud groan* oh my gggaaaaawwwwddd hal
that being said i kinda feel the same way about the narrative doing this weird displacement where Chic replaces Polly as the Problem Cooper and Sweetpea and Fangs are splitting up the threads of Joaquin’s storyline like come on writers either get your actors back or write something new- don’t just rework existing threads of character and plot for new faces.
kevin stop looking so eager we know hiram is a babe okay but that’s your friend’s dad
kevin and chuck both know enough about wrestling to know hiram is being a dick and not demonstrating for the sake of demonstrating. i mean- i don’t know shit about wrestling and i could tell that- but i have the benefit of knowing the narrative
“Get the message?” no hiram i think you’re being a tad too subtle. try farting on him.
TONI. THAT’S MY GIRL. FINALLY. THANK GOD. i was so scared this storyline was going to let jughead be this painfully white without acknowledgement but here we go. thank god. jughead has been whiter than i am recently and that is SAYING something.
okay so josie’s mad at veronica now which means we don’t get a pussycat reunion? DID THEY LOSE MELODY AND VAL TO OTHER GIGS??? JESUS RIVERDALE HOLD ON TO YOUR CAST ((i’m just assuming. i don’t know if polly and joaquin and melody and val and smithers all have other acting jobs keeping them from doing riverdale- it’s just it doesn’t make sense narrative-wise so i assume it’s a scheduling thing))
“cameras aren’t here, jackie o” that’s my girl
“the old ways die hard it seems” SOCIAL COMMENTARY
i love this wrestling plotline for many kevin reasons, but one of them is it gives and opportunity to show kevin interacting with a male friend. they’re obviously making a better effort to make him more than the “sassy gay friend” but this is one i feel a lot of people would miss. we’re used to gay men befriending women and being romantically involved with or lusting after men exclusively. but kevin and archie are friends! and we love them both! kevin jokes around about archie being hot and neither of them are uncomfortable! archie goes to kevin for help with something kevin has more knowledge/skill at! if i remember right archie was the first one to call joaquin kevin’s boyfriend! they are bros! and this is just really nice!
also how did i not notice kevin is ridiculously buff before? did he beefcake up between seasons or did those sweaters just slim him down a lot somehow? woops better go back and rewatch season one again to check. god what a chore.
chic is AGGRESSIVELY questioning betty’s intentions because we aren’t aware enough that he has TRUST ISSUES
i still don’t know how i feel about any of this and i keep swinging back and forth on “dark betty” from episode to episode depending on what they’re doing with it
“i took care of her while you were in prison” “excuse me” OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT HERE LIES ARCHIE ANDREWS DUMB BOY GOOD BOY SWEET BOY
i really need to know what veronica knows about her parents and how she is biding her time and handling it because the writers are just not throwing her a goddamn bone lately other than to occasionally call out toxic masculinity
honestly i feel like i don’t understand hiram. maybe because i’m not a blindly competitive douchenozzle. but like- surely laying things out so bullheaded and aggressive can’t be a better strategy than lying in wait and learning what you can? he could pretty easily wreck their relationship- those two keep screwing things up between them anyway. it can’t be that hard to be subtle buddy ((hiram is a gryffindor. nell is a slytherpuff. nell does not understand lion people.))
we see more hints of veronica faking the koolaid drinking with her parents. but is that truly what hermione wants? who is real? season one or two hermione?! i must know!!!!
*jughead continues to make this about him* toni: “i thought you were apologizing.” thank god for tony. give her her own narrative and stop making her only scenes be about jughead one way or another. she’s got such potential
for all that i still think the narrative is still going to find a way to keep jughead’s feelings at the forefront of this plot thread, there was some good delivery on “i had no right.” a kid realizing for the first time that just because he feels really strongly about something, does not mean he’s universally in the right on the subject. i know so many grown ass adults who don’t know this. i’m just really hoping not just jughead as a character takes a step back for a bit, but the narrative lets him and uses the room he makes well.
of course hiram invites veronica thinking archie isn’t going to make the team
slap his butt ronnie
so which chuck are we getting today god only knows because his redemption never saw any continuation or closure beyond gettin flirty with josie so i have no idea if it was genuine
Me, who knows nothing about sports of any kind beyond that i like it when Klose does the flippy: Wrestling is an aesthetically stupid sport
we’re all acknowledging how very uncomfortable and surreal this is for veronica right? watching her boyfriend grapple with the guy who publicly humiliated and harassed her a few months back? but in like- a “sportsman behavior” setting? very weird.
was that archie realizing he was being tested? is dating a lodge like converting to judaism? gotta be denied three times and persist?
alice is being so painfully stepfordy and i’m frightened and intrigued by the moment when the other shoe will drop and chic sees the alice cooper we all know and love to hate and hate to love
again- i’m really shocked that like- no one read between the lines on what chic’s livelihood came from
“he has to go and you know damn well why” *clutches pearls* oh good heavens hal what reason could that possibly be??? i haven’t the foggiest
like on the one hand, that was a fucking power move and i kind of just have to give props for the sheer audacity, but on the other hand PEOPLE NEED TO STOP CUTTING JOSIE OFF FROM ANY AND ALL SUPPORT SHE’S JUST BEING MANIPULATED AND ATTACKED ON ALL SIDES AND I NEED HER TO BE OKAY BECAUSE SHE HAS FAR TOO MANY FEELINGS IN HER BIG BROWN EYES
oh god oh god this is too fucking real i need a drink but i’m still sick fuck this is real. fuck. toni’s face. cuz honestly she’s tough but you can tell she’s not used to the spotlight and it took all her courage to get up and be the voice of the protest only to be derailed and minimalized fuck let this girl have more to do than occasionally be the voice of reason to jughead and the serpents. 
BAHAHAHA is hal going to sleep with penelope to get back at alice for having a kid with fp back in highschool jesus christ this show
i’m reserving judgement on the chic plotline until it progresses more but right now i’m just kinda “....huh.” about it
oh betty. oh honey. oh babe.
“That was the old me” archie has been through five “new me”s in the past month. i mean this is obviously to get on hiram’s good side, but still it’s hilarious.
oh of course. they couldn’t just let this fucking go could they. gotta frame the serpents for something else. or not! maybe it was the serpents! doesn’t actually matter. either way mayor mac, lodges and papa keller are going to be the absolute worst about it.
can we get back to being a gothic mystery show next ep? please?
Episode Scorecard:
Number of Sick Beatdrop editing sequences: none. it seems they’ve abandoned this, sadly, along with the rest of the season one soundtrack and editing style. which is a shame.
Do I Still Miss Joaquin: please just imagine wrestling matches with Joaquin dragging all the other teen serpents along with to be the loudest, rowdiest, Team Keller-est cheering section riverdale has ever seen. Kevin is equal parts pleased and mortified. cheryl and toni are dating by now, so cheryl makes them all tshirts. they all have no fucking clue how wrestling works. they love it.
Episode Hair MVP: jughead’s bangs were corkscrewing again- like mine do when my hair air dries just right. i live the curly/wavy combo life too juggie. i know it’s hard.
Episode Outfit MVP: betty’s felted floral sweater- tho i’m still perplexed by the collars on this show. someone in wardrobe has a signature and i don’t begrudge them- i’ve just never seen collars on any outfit anywhere like these ones
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robertshugartca · 6 years
Below-freezing temperatures and bulky outerwear can make winter...
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Below-freezing temperatures and bulky outerwear can make winter a challenging time, sartorially speaking, but come January, the gloves are off—both literally and figuratively—when Hollywood’s jet-set touches down in sunny Los Angeles for award season. Thanks to a blockbuster year in film, music, and television, the 2019 red carpets are an opportunity to make a major statement.
Here, we’ve shown an early spotlight on 23 actors and musicians guaranteed to land spots on the 2019 awards season’s best-dressed lists.
Let’s start with a red carpet renaissance woman: Lady Gaga is going to have an epic award season. We can’t wait to see what she wears to the Golden Globes, the Oscars, and the Grammys when she wins big for basically everything A Star Is Born is nominated for; her style evolution has been a true Hollywood glow-up!
A close second and perennial team Who What Wear fave, Emma Stone is bound to inspire your next black-tie event look when she hits the red carpets in 2019. Think she’ll take any notes from her character, Abigail Masham, in The Favorite and go full baroque, or keep it completely contemporary with the latest from Louis Vuitton?
Speaking of The Favourite ,  Joe Alwyn , aka Baron Masham, aka the first earl of Leicester in Mary Queen of Scots , is guaranteed to have a memorable awards season (especially if Taylor Swift is on his arm). The 27-year-old British actor had a banner year with four movies premiering in 2018, and undoubtedly cribbed a few style notes from several of Hollywood’s leading ladies—we have a feeling his star status is about to skyrocket.
Of course, award season wouldn’t be a must-watch moment if not for a little healthy competition. Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie , two of 2018’s best dressed and co-stars/rivals in Mary Queen of Scots , are absolutely going to slay—sartorially speaking. Spoiler alert: There’s a clear winner in the film (and, um, history), but we’d be absolutely thrilled if the top red carpet ranking featured a tie between these two sensational style stars.
While we’re revisiting history, let us remember the ground-breaking, earth-shaking, and red carpet–rousing movie of the year, Black Panther . Boasting an all-star lineup and memorable world premiere in which the cast paid homage to African royalty, we hope this stylish crew—especially Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong’o, Michael B. Jordan, Leticia Wright, Danai Gurira, Daniel Kaluuya, and Angela Bassett —continues its winning streak throughout award season. Wakanda forever!
Crazy Rich Asians , one of the most over-the-top and enjoyable fashion films of the year, was a feast for the eyes both on screen and at the red carpet premiere. Constance Wu , the movie’s leading lady, worked with celeb stylist and Who What Wear contributor  Micaela Erlanger  for the press tour last summer, creating gorgeous looks for a range of appearances. We love how they play with fashion together and can’t wait to see which designer is selected for the Globes in January.
Fashion’s latest It boy, Timothée Chalamet , had an incredible 2017 with Oscar-nominated films Lady Bird and Call Me by Your Name , and this year, he added Golden Globe nominee to his list of accolades. Not only does the Beautiful Boy star embrace bold colors and prints, but he’s also reportedly self-styled. We’re impressed!
If you haven’t already heard of Kiki Layne , don’t worry—you will soon. Her breakout film, If Beale Street Could Talk , an adaptation of James Baldwin’s 1974 novel by Oscar-winning director Barry Jenkins, has already been nominated for several Golden Globes ahead of its premiere. Kiki has a major year ahead of her with at least two other projects in the can, and we’re excited for her red carpet debut with Regina King, her fellow Beale Street star and Golden Globe nominee.
Rounding out our list of film favorites is a newcomer, Elsie Fisher . At just 15, she has captured hearts as the cringe-worthy (in the best way!) ingenue of Bo Burnham’s directorial debut, Eighth Grade , which premiered over the summer. Elsie has already made an impression at smaller red carpet events, and she recently spoke to Vanity Fair about her affinity for suits, remarking, “I feel like suits are very me… I look poppin’ in ’em!” We couldn’t agree more.
As far as red carpet style goes, we find musicians tend to be a bit more daring than actors, which is why we’re especially excited for the 2019 Grammys. One woman who never ceases to surprise us with her style chops is Cardi B, who is up for album of the year for Invasion of Privacy . Whether Cardi goes full-on glam, breaks a piece out of Versace’s archives, or debuts her upcoming collab with Fashion Nova, we know she’ll dress to impress—red bottoms, guaranteed.
It’s no surprise that with the rise of the rosé wave in pop music came the return of cowboy boots . At the center of this ethereal yet empowering moment is singer Kacey Musgraves . The “Velvet Elvis” singer has already racked up several Country Music Awards but was recently nominated for album of the year for Golden Hour , transcending the confines of her genre, and presenting an opportunity to show off her unique mix of vintage-meets–high-fashion style at next year’s Grammys.
We’ve had our eyes on Dua Lipa ever since she explained “New Rules” to us in 2017, and we were thrilled by her two Grammy nominations this year. Up for best new artist and best dance recording, this edgy British singer and street style star will undoubtedly make a major red carpet splash throughout 2019.
Is there anything Tessa Thompson can’t do? In addition to her appearance in Janelle Monae’s much-buzzed-about “Pynk” music video, the Creed and Westworld star is a style chameleon who’s bound to thrive during award season—even if she’s just there to support her friends and castmates, the similarly suave Michael B. Jordan and Thandie Newton.
Let’s talk about Lili Reinhart for a minute: Not only has she captured hearts as Betty (and Dark Betty!) on Riverdale for the past three seasons, but she’s also become a media darling, sharing insights into acting , acne , and of course, all things Archie. Notably, we love her brand-new campaign photos for the Mighty Company x Ilaria Urbanati celestial-inspired charity collection—hey, if anyone can pull of stars and stripes on a red carpet, it’s Lili. See you at the Emmys?
If you haven’t already caught up on Atlanta , consider this an official mandate. You’ll probably recognize Zazie Beetz as Vanessa Keefer, Donald Glover’s character’s ex-girlfriend. Or maybe you remember her from Deadpool 2 as Domino, a mutant whose superpower is luck. Either way, Zazzie is definitely one to watch this red carpet season, especially since she’s being styled by Jason Bolden, whose other clients include Yara Shahidi and Sasha Lane. Be sure to look for her at this year’s Golden Globes supporting Donald, and hopefully again on the Emmys red carpet next fall.
Finally, we’ve got the one and only  Busy Philipps. Unless you’ve completely opted out of pop culture and social media this year, Philipps has been on your mind—or more accurately, on your phone! A forever fave from early aughts teen dramas Dawson’s Creek and Freaks and Geeks , Philipps has BLOWN UP in 2018 thanks to her hilarious commentary, candor, and colorful style which is broadcast via her Instagram, recently released memoir, This Will Only Hurt a Little , and new E! show, Busy Tonight . Working with stylist Karla Welch (who also counts Tracee Ellis Ross and Sarah Paulson as clients), you know Busy’s bound to bust a move, whether on the red carpet, in her nightgown, or at a tiny trampoline class.
Think I missed any potential red carpet style stars of 2019? Hit me up on Twitter or Instagram at @Drewblahblah and we’ll put them on Who What Wear’s radar before the New Year.
Up Next:  From the Oscars to the Golden Globes, Cannes to the British Fashion Awards here’s where you’ll find the most glorious red carpet looks .
source https://gothify1.tumblr.com/post/181478861985
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wildflip · 7 years
who still does ask memes
lol i do
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify til im die
is your room messy or clean? rn it's as clean as its been in like 3 weeks cause i finally had time to do laundy bless
what color are your eyes? brn
do you like your name? why? i used to dislike it a lot cause my sister said it was really ugly but it's rad and gives me my strongest sense of personal identity gg
what is your relationship status? dying
describe your personality in 3 words or less *whomst *this *fraud
what color hair do you have? brn
what kind of car do you drive? color? white mazda 3 sedan i luv her :^)
where do you shop? idk for what
how would you describe your style? delicious thot ft frumpy skater
favorite social media account i like the hell site
what size bed do you have? kween
any siblings? older brother older sister
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? toronto heart eyes
favorite snapchat filter? i just like that blue-y one that makes ur eyes bigger
favorite makeup brand(s) i buy drugstore lipstick and like... nothing else gg
how many times a week do you shower? at least 5 or i die
favorite tv show? i'm only watching the walking dead rn so that i guess the get down was .... so good tho
shoe size? 10 bruh
how tall are you? 5'10 or sth
sandals or sneakers? im a birks man now that theres no snow
do you go to the gym? not rn boo
describe your dream date My dream date? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? my wallets downstairs but i have like $10 in change and $2 american
what color socks are you wearing? >socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? 4 but that's........not enough give me like 10
do you have a job? what do you do? i'm an artist also i work at a grocery store oh no
how many friends do you have? idk a bunch i love my friends
whats the worst thing you have ever done? :um:
whats your favorite candle scent? coffee bean
3 favorite boy names -aaron -teddy -adam
3 favorite girl names -betty -roxanne -sidney
favorite actor? shrug
favorite actress? suhrrg
who is your celebrity crush? id smash john cusack
favorite movie? man i love rent
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? my favourite book is always the last one i read so the raven cycle is fun
money or brains? #whynotboth
do you have a nickname? what is it? brn
how many times have you been to the hospital? uhh like maybe 6
top 10 favorite songs man, idk here are the last 10 i listened to -kokopelli face tattoo - ajj -dancing in the moonlight - toploader -feel it still - portuagal. the man -cadillac - miguel -stella - all time low -last night - motion city soundtrack -we do it different on the west coast - the mountain goats -love stuck - mother mother -she - green day -let's run away - matt and kim
do you take any medications daily? nah
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) combo
what is your biggest fear? a mix of never having any sort of independence and being all alone! fuk
how many kids do you want? i don't tbh
whats your go to hair style? lesbian soul rebel who needs a haircut
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) it's lorge but outdated
who is your role model? i have idols not necessarily role models idk
what was the last compliment you received? someone at work said i make their entire life bearable and i was like tf thanks
what was the last text you sent? i don't work there but thx
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? when i was ..6 i lost a tooth and my mum didnt have change so she left me a $20 with a note saying to "share it with your mom so she can get coffee in the morning" from the tooth fairy and it #allcametogether
what is your dream car? camaros are sexy 69 camaros are so sexy
opinion on smoking? it's 2017 are we not past this yet u lit smell so bad smoke weed like an adult
do you go to college? lol
what is your dream job? i wanna fuckin make sports graphics lol
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? urban papi
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? ya
do you have freckles? only when its real sunny out
do you smile for pictures? lol sometimes i goof too much
how many pictures do you have on your phone? idk like 10 this phone is so new
have you ever peed in the woods? uhhhh technically
do you still watch cartoons? not rly nostalgia is fun sometimes tho
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? ive never had wendys nugs
Favorite dipping sauce? sweet and sour
what do you wear to bed? shorts and a hoodie or like nothing idk sometimes ur naked sometimes ur not..depends
have you ever won a spelling bee? one time i lost cause i couldnt spell chocolate gg
what are your hobbies? are u attempting to know me
can you draw? yea boi
do you play an instrument? i can still sorta drom i know how to sorta play a bunch of instruments shrug
what was the last concert you saw? ummm live music fest w little bands idk
tea or coffee? i'm a tea boy now i'm not rugged anymore
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? i've never had dunkin donuts
do you want to get married? yea :^)
what is your crush’s first and last initial? br
are you going to change your last name when you get married? idk maybe but hoo know
what color looks best on you? i look good in light blu
do you miss anyone right now? not particularly
do you sleep with your door open or closed? that shits closed
do you believe in ghosts? no lol
what is your biggest pet peeve? the sound of people.. picking at their nails... makes me want to die
last person you called? papito
favorite ice cream flavor? chocolateeee
regular oreos or golden oreos? if you like golden oreos i don't like you
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? depenz on what theyre on boi
what shirt are you wearing? a fall out boy hoodie lol
what is your phone background? it's still the default bg it's like a wave or sth but #artistic
are you outgoing or shy? shoutgoing
do you like it when people play with your hair? i can't stand when people play with my hair
do you like your neighbors? i don't know my neighbours tbh whomst
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? both usually baby wipe that bihhh
have you ever been high? nah
have you ever been drunk? yah
last thing you ate? chickpeas like right from a can
favorite lyrics right now i'm really fixated on the lyric all somersaults through so-called art 'cause if that aint me #what is
summer or winter? sumber
day or night? day man
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark choccy
favorite month? juillet
what is your zodiac sign leoooo
who was the last person you cried in front of? i don't remember the last time i cried probaby my old therapist lol
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