#that syllabus though
quatregats · 3 months
I feel like we need to have a collective syllabus for people who are overly obsessed with the Aubreyad. Like we're all here because we either have a random hyperfixation with something in those books or because we're down to gain a random hyperfixation with something in those books and I think it's about time we started doing something with that
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non-un-topo · 2 months
Need book/movie/article recommendations that center on transmasculinity
Ok I should be able to answer this request by myself as a gender studies major (and because I have when friends have asked) but I am limited to what I've already seen/read/heard of, and I'm running out of time to research. I'm designing a syllabus, thinking of making it a comparative literature course. So I'm looking for life writing, fiction, movies or tv, an academic writing. I might include some theory. BIPOC and international authors are much encouraged!
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luvring · 5 months
why is my final group presentation/report for one of my classes apparently "AI friendly." girl what the hell does that mean
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rpfisfine · 5 months
dude i have to relax i will NOT be able to handle 18 classes this semester
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
turns out there was an assignment due two days ago I straight up didn't know about and yes, this is going to be my breaking point 🙃
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mom-friendtm · 8 months
i am ready to throw up and explode
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surpriserose · 1 month
God i hate the american education system
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starting a new class today that's 2 and half hours long, hope i survive
and its at nighttime, so we'll see if that makes it a bit better
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fulgurbugs · 1 year
ok at this point i just need to explain. how fucking insane this stupid semester long assignment has been to yall.
So basically, over the semester in addition to the textbook, there have been extra readings we've had to read and over the class students have been leading in-class discussions on them. pretty standard stuff and everything.
the problem comes with this. each one we had to write a 600 word summary and reflection to go with each one. we had to turn in half at midterms, and im handing the second half the last regular class of the semester (tomorrow) she took one reading out so this was 17 readings total, 9 by midterm, 7 at final
as you can imagine, that sounds really not like the worst thing in the world but quickly spirals as you realized how fucking long this actually is printed out and formatted. this was the first half of the assignment
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(note. literally 20 pages. big ass fucking packet when stapled together)
now, because this assignment is so long, AND this professor is a notoriously slow grader, I actually haven't been handed back this full assignment yet. last class, she handed back everyone a PARTIAL graded section of the first half of the assignment.
I received the first 4 pages of my 20 page paper back. and then, I also realized I had received a very low grade on it (like 68 I think?) which was weird, because she had said she wasn't going to be grading these very harshly like she normally does.
so i check the notes and its like this
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ok, so basically she took off 1/3 of my points per entry for missing citation! what the fuck! because as you'll note,
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obviously there are fucking in text citations. you can even see one of them next to the writing in the first image. clearly there are citations, but she's graded me like there aren't full citations in a bibliography at the end. but there are! every pdf assigned has a full bibliography entry at the end of the paper. like obviously, these are just the in-text citations for specific information i've pulled from the text.
but anyways. I bring this up with her in class, to make sure im not gonna be losing 1/3 of my grade for this, and it turns out what she's been doing is literally going through each paper, reading the first entry for the first reading, then reading the next paper's first entry only, and so on, and then going through every paper and reading the second entry, instead of grading each paper all the way through at once.
so since she was doing this, she never checked that I had actually provided citations by flipping to the end of my paper and seeing my 9 citations of every reading, as requested? whatever. what the hell. she said I'd get the points back so whatever, ill keep an eye on my grade to make sure she remembers to bring them back. (im not expecting to get full grades on the citations anyways, i've had this professor for two semesters and i've literally never fucking gotten them fully correct once somehow) I just want to not have a 0/4 on citations.
but anyways, I put off reading a bunch of the articles til right before it was due (not anyones fault but mine, im causing my own pain for this one lol) and im just speedrunning this, putting my citations before each entry so theres no fucking way she can miss them, and this thing is still
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14 pages long.
so she hasn't graded 16/20 pages of the first one yet, and now everyone's gonna be handing her 14-16 more pages of writing for her to grade tomorrow. its never gonna get graded on time. I havent received my midterm test grade back yet. why does she do this. why did she need 34 pages of writing summary on these readings. why couldn't she make it 300 words per article. truly baffling stuff
but the paper is written, shitass garbage style and i am free.
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theduchessofnaxos · 6 months
This paper is actually going quite well.
Too bad it's complete bullshit.
#I'm not lying#but I'm definitely not being brutally honest about the historiography here#look the first few works are technically all social histories but there's a qualitative difference from the later ones#and the politics is still important enough that I should get to call them political histories#Also frankly I don't care#I just need to finish the damn paper by midnight and then I will be free of this fucking course#I have never in my LIFE dreaded going to class before this course#And honestly? It's soul crushing! I have no will to succeed here!#My only motivation is that I liked the rest of the semester and I need to pass this class to continue the program!#the professor asked for an additional evaluation (still anonymous) and I'm torn about how brutal to be#because on the one hand it was an enlightening course and I am definitely better equipped as a historian than I was three months ago.#on the other hand every single one of my classmates had completely given up by the end because no matter what we did it wasn't good enough#and also the professor was just fucking mean a whole bunch. But in that subtle way where you feel crazy for noticing.#so the class was horrible but I don't want him to feel horrible but also maybe he deserves it??? I can't even tell if he's actually a dick#or just acts like one#which is perhaps not a meaningful distinction but if he doesn't mean to I'd feel bad being too harsh#though several incidents make me think he meant to#blegh. It'll all be over by midnight!#And then I can focus on studying for women's history and - joy of joys - writing a syllabus about Victorian fashion and politics#I fucking love historical fashion that's going to be absurdly fun
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ragnarlothcat · 1 year
Reading nothing compares to you again and Obi-wan is just the loneliest, saddest boy in the entire WORLD 😭😭😭 just thinking about him standing there by himself outside the council chambers watching anakin walk away, each time he leaves anakin’s room in the temple or the fact he was so grateful to join anakin & ahsoka in their little investigation 🥺 I want to wrap him in a blanket!! He’s so sad and lonely!!
Awww yeah poor Obi-Wan is really going through it in that fic. Anakin says a series of hateful things and then a series of utterly bewildering things and Obi-Wan mostly just puts up with it (with some light snark because he is still Obi-Wan, after all).
If it makes you feel better at least Obi-Wan doesn't remember any of that? Although that opens up a whole different can of worms because: do your wrongs still matter if the day is erased? It's a question I felt extremely strongly about after watching Groundhog Day because from my perspective Bill Murray is a creep. Spoilers for a fic that I'm unlikely to finish before the heat death of the universe (sorry) but that will be coming up and whoever is still alive to read it will be subjected to my many opinions.
We don't have time loops in real life (to my knowledge, but maybe I've relived this day a thousand times and not noticed because some dick in Pennsylvania is busy learning basic human decency) but I was actually thinking about my fic and amnesia in general because I fell down a rabbit hole the other day reading about twilight sleep. Apparently it didn't make childbirth painless, it just made the patients forget the pain they experienced and that's such an interesting distinction because those people did suffer! Idk where I'm going with this but I have a lot of thoughts and I wish I'd taken a philosophy class or two in university because I bet this would've come up (also because I'm writing a fic that involves a philosophy class--in service of a bad joke--and it would make my life a lot easier if I didn't have to keep googling syllabuses).
Circling back to your point: Obi-Wan is indeed the saddest boy! He just wants Anakin and Ahsoka to treat him normally again but instead Ahsoka is (reasonably) cautious and Anakin is having a time loop-based meltdown at him. Obi-Wan needs cuddles!!!
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osameowdazai · 7 months
Easiest exam I've ever taken in my life.
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hotpinkskateboard · 1 year
should wizard hit mommy kyu hata diya yaar i was so excited uske liye
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non-un-topo · 9 months
Professors really gotta rethink showing a nearly 2 hour movie in class, because some of us simply cannot sit for even a fraction of that time without immense pain.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i’m trying so hard to be normal in the wake of The Bullshit of this weekend but gd it’s hard. i feel like my insides are turning into stone
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m-an-u · 1 year
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