#that tiny cup
daneesoro · 4 months
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chilchuck and his wife make up and invites the party at their place
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jadonsgf · 2 years
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this is so funny asdfjhgklk
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beehive-sys · 8 months
So, I have.... an unhealthy obsession with @eechytooru 's art and how they draw Wally, so I took some inspiration!
What I did was take this image:
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And make the cup in the drawing into an actual, functional cup!
I took pictures of before and after it was fired with the glaze on
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It's not the right colors, but I still love it anyway! I did my own spin on it with the inside of the cup, so I hope Eechy likes the creation I made from their art!! Yippee!!!
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thresholdbb · 7 months
I’m now realizing I could never be in Starfleet. The spoons are too weird
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notacluedo · 3 months
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preparing for tsc
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segretecose · 10 days
the way people talk about menstrual cups is so weird and i get that it feels invasive no matter how you put it but – ignoring for a moment people who don't menstruate who try to hijack the conversation, which is a different issue – i think most of us who use cups aren't trying to proselytize and we do understand that cups aren't accessible to everyone. the thing is that there is so much misinformation about them being spread by people who've never used them and i guess we do get the urge to clear some things up – which is only fair. you will never see me shame or guilt trip people for single use hygiene products because i understand that they are a necessity. but the menstrual cup has genuinely revolutionized my period experience and THAT's why i wish more people would be more open minded instead of getting defensive and making up issues like "green washing" (?) or health concerns based on 1 extreme case. if it's not for you that's okay, but why make up things about a subject that already has so much stigma around it?
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kayomin · 2 months
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normal jovier enjoyer
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pitconfirm · 4 months
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spot the difference
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hearthtrob · 24 days
i really like the idea of quintessence ghouls having literal stars in their eyes.
i dont mean their sclera, i mean their pupils, when they move them there are actually constellations you can see in them, and the constellations change a little bit everyday
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clownsuu · 1 year
robbie beetle? beetlejelly. timy helly cup for. beetle
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Honestly if someone were to give Robbie a beetle jelly? Marriage on sight. No paperwork- no planning- b o o m. Newly wedded-
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canary3d-obsessed · 5 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 40 part one
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Agree to Disagree
The juniors are arguing because Sizhui said that some demonic cultivators might have good intentions. According to Jin Ling that means that Sizhui is celebrating the murders of Jin Ling's parents, or something.
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(Actor) Peixin Qi uses forehead-squinching as a primary acting tool, which would be perfectly fine if he wasn't playing a character with a red dot between his eyebrows.
He goes on to say that Wei Wuxian is the evillest of them all, way eviller than Xue Yang. Which in sheer numbers of victims, is probably a fair point. But Xue Yang was way more of a dick.
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Ouyang Zichen is all of us when he asks Jin Ling to chill the fuck out.
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Sizhui apologizes even though Jingyi is ready to throw down on his behalf. It's unclear if this helps, because Hanguang-Jun chooses this moment to arrive. He immediately defuses the situation with the power of stinkeye.
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(more after the cut!)
More Than Meets the Eye
Many differences between CQL and the novel are adaptational choices - Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's deep, early friendship; the yin iron plot, Jiang Cheng being loveable, etc. Changes like that, I normally don't point out, because adaptations are AUs, in my view, and can be enjoyed separately from their sources.
Other changes are driven by censorship, however, and in those cases I think it's fair to look to the novel and its less-censored adaptations for a peek at what's happening off camera. Particularly when there are scenes and interactions in The Untamed where the show seems to be deliberately pointing to the novel to fill in the blanks.
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This moment on the stairs is one such scene. In the show, Lan Wangji carries liquor upstairs to Wei Wuxian, and the juniors react with shock; Jingyi drops his chicken out of his mouth and Sizhui stuffs it back in there.
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They are shocked because he bought liquor, and that's the extent of their reaction.
In the Donghua, Manhua, and Novel, Lan Wangji is dragging Wei Wuxian up those stairs, having drunkenly tied him up with his headband.
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First he stops to show his prize to the juniors, who have basically the same reaction in every version of the story, including Jinygi dropping his chicken and Sizhui stuffing it back in his mouth. In the novel, however, Sizhui does that to stop Jingyi from saying anything to Lan Wangji & his captive.
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The liquor, in all versions, is a clear sign of how much Lan Wangji has mellowed since his youth. In case we need another reminder, we learn here that he let Sizhui get a tattoo on his finger.
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Every parent will tell you, you gotta pick your battles.
Returning to to the timeline in which no visible bondage is occurring, Wei Wuxian is sitting around in the room upstairs waiting for Lan Wangji. Wasn't he busy talking to Lan Xichen when Lan Wangji went into the inn to shut the kids up? How did he get upstairs before Lan Wangji? Never mind, never mind.
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Wei Wuxian goes to look out the window and Wen Ning appears, hanging off the roof like a dork, or like someone who has seen that one Spider-Man movie and is hoping for some upside-down kissing.
Wen Ning asks if Jin Ling is the kid he halfway orphaned, and Wei Wuxian says yes.
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Then he hears Lan Wangji coming, and Wen Ning falls to the ground for no reason.
Wei Wuxian urgently shoos Wen Ning away, trying to hide him from Lan Wangji.
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Wen Ning acts way too clueless for someone who spends so much time third-wheeling.
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There's no in-world reason for Wei Wuxian to hide Wen Ning; They fought side-by side in Yi City, and they were all together for A-Qing's burial. There's not a problem between him and Lan Wangji.
Once again, the novel provides the missing information. Wei Wuxian is hiding Wen Ning because Lan Wangji is hella jealous even when he's sober. Wen Ning fell to the ground because drunk Lan Wangji leapt through the window and kicked him.
In the novel, Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji's evening ends with a game of tag that's loaded with sexual tension, followed by a kiss...followed by Lan Wangji literally knocking himself out to avoid taking advantage of Wei Wuxian.
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Lan Wangji does everything in the most extreme way possible.
In the live action, the most sexually charged part of their interaction is this positively sinful hip thrust that Wei Wuxian gives when he turns around at the window.
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If you've seen Xiao Zhan dancing, you know this is not an accident.
Unlike the novel's perpetually clueless protagonist, live-action Wei Wuxian clearly knows he's on a date right now.
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...and he's enjoying every minute of it. He's delighted that Lan Wangji has provided *good* liquor, rather than the rotgut he's able to afford himself.
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As he pours for Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji points out that both of their brothers know who WWX is at this point. Wei Wuxian isn't happy about it but he says they can't do anything. Which is...not correct.
He tries once again to get Lan Wangji to tell him how he recognized him, and Lan Wangji responds by asking him why his memory sucks so much.
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Wei Wuxian says "you try dying by falling from a great height TWICE and see how your brain likes it." That's what he should have said, anyway.
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This whole thing about his memory isn't actually important in the live action, even though it keeps being mentioned. He's forgotten the name of their song because he was delirious when he heard it; otherwise his memory seems perfectly fine.
I think this might be another instance of the live action giving a wink to novel readers in the audience, because in the novel Wei Wuxian forgot Lan Wangji's confession of love. Which, like WangXian, was presented in a cave while WWX was delirious; Lan Wangji is not great at choosing his moment.
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Anyway, this may be why Lan Wangji seems to take Wei Wuxian's memory problems personally, despite having very little in-show reason to be upset.
Lan Wangji changes the subject by asking Wei Wuxian to go to Jinlintai with him, to search for Nie Mingjue's head. Sounds like a perfect romantic getaway for a boy and his favorite necromancer.
Just as Wei Wuxian starts to ask what Zewu-Jun will think, Zewu-Jun and his cheekbones come into the room.
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He's taken time to think things over--a concept the rest of the cultivation world could stand to learn about, incidentally--and he agrees that they should investigate.
Note: the non-CQL illustrations come from the MDZS manhua, which is complete online (mangadex.org includes the uncensored extra bits), and is about halfway through being published in English by Seven Seas. It's delightful and I highly recommend it.
Bonus: Lan Wangji and Sizhui enjoying some tie-in cup noodles. (A few in-character ads are included in the Viki version of the show.)
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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Behold this ferociously adorable cup moth, Altha nivea. *tiny rawr*
May the delightful fact that this moth exists carry us safely through another Monday. May the floof be with us.
Image by John Horstman (aka itchydogimages, sinobug,) whose Flickr is an arthropod-laden joy to behold
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ryuusea · 7 months
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11/11 happy pocky day with sherliam!
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orofeaiel · 24 days
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British Soldiers Lichen
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stromer · 3 months
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just an undersized father and son...
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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Pictured: Fernando Alonso drinking out of a normal-sized goblet
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