#the memes i found on pinterest killed me
kayomin · 1 month
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normal jovier enjoyer
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oornithologistt · 2 months
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vultures amirite?
og image below the cut
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bu11seye · 3 months
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permanent interactions call .
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by liking this post you are giving me permission to just throw jessie into your inbox randomly , tag you in random starters , and make your muse a more constant person in jessie's life ! this also means more ooc communication for plotting , and establishing more dynamic and fleshed out relationships for our characters . * if we are already actively shipping , by liking this you are giving me permission to up our interactions . multis please list which muses you'd like this for , or say whole blog !
things that jessie can and will probably do for your muse :
bake them treats .
tend to their pets injuries !
steal some things for them !
make them things !
help them with mundane tasks !
listen to their problems and give unwanted advice !
talk their ear off .
things that i ( mimi ) can and will probably do for our muses :
send unprompted memes, asks , and random scenarios for our muses to interact .
hop into your inbox ( through here or discord ) to talk about things that remind me of our characters .
create a tag for us here on tumblr and reblog things for our muses .
create pinterest boards and edits for our muses .
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please be aware that i am looking for platonic relationships before shipping , but we can see where things go . jessie will most likely reference your character in threads with others depending on the relationship we create .
below are some platonic and kinda random dynamics i want to explore based on verse !!
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wanted connections main verse : best friend , found family , coworkers -- other vets ; bartenders or just odd job workers , friendly and not so friendly neighbors , club / party / drinking buddies , villain that jessie can just scheme against like they're in a cartoon , roomie , annoying classmate she follows on socials , the owner of a place she frequently visits , old classmates and townspeople of where she grew up , friends of her parents ( older muses ) , unrequited crushes ( both sides are welcome ) , friends of her older brother woody , new partners of her older brother woody , more gay friends to do more gay things with , flings that stay flings -- no romantic ties , college friend group .
wanted connections vampire verse : all of the dynamics above , owner of a bunker or safe house , connections for when she stays certain places and needs to start over , personal blood bags , someone to look after her different houses and her pets while she is away . other sires of her now deceased maker father adam ( bio in progress but can be given on request ) to bond with , other vampires from his sireline that hate that she killed him / are after her , family of victims that jessie herself has killed , designers and rich celebrity circles where she would have more access to wealth and money through connections rather than compulsion , old flames and relationships from the past that pop up out of the woodwork every hundred or so years , people to do favors for her in exchange for manual labor like her strength or ability to be somewhere quickly to give messages , witches on standby , ghosts who haunt her house .
wanted connections hunger games verse : other tributes of her games , capitol workers , other members of her district , past winners , mentees , her own mentor and other mentors of the games , game makers , lucky flickerman / effie trinket / canon characters and family of those canons , designers , tribute that kills jessie in her games ( wanting to do a ghost / haunting plot for character work ) , allies , sponsors , cooks , flings , stable hand for when she lives in the capitol for awhile after her games .
wanted connections demigod verse : mentor , bunk mate , sparring partner , monster friend , other demi gods to befriend , quest members (2) open to more than one mun for trio dynamics ! .
if you are interested in writing in the same verse as another mun i am currently writing with that you see on the dash , please contact me so i can set something up to talk with both you and the other mun . i am more than welcoming of threads that involve more than one mun but all parties need to be on the same page in order to proceed <3
wanted settings i would like to explore for misc verses :
western , historical , high fantasy , otherworldly ( alice in wonderland , coraline , narnia , etc ) , apocalyptic , dystopian / utopian .
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souyaddiction · 6 months
The lack of Souya Content is Killing me. If you guys have any fanfic recommendations, then please recommend me some.
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Also here's some tr memes I found while scrolling Pinterest:
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 asks :00000
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@ocinstituterep (Posts in question)
The cooling suits they wear at the beach are the same ones they wear under their uniforms :00 And it doesn't necessarily reflect the sun,, its just a battery powered suit that keeps them cool :}
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I wasn't pressured into drawing the art exactly,, but all the questions about it did push me a little into looking into the series more.. That's not really a bad thing though, I did enjoy drawing those pictures soooo-
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I get this question a lot <XD When I was first designing my sona I wanted to add something to their hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids from dry skin and cat scratches. So I thought "Hey! Bandaged/bloody hands would be cool and edgy :DD" So I added them <XDD
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Oh yeah, that episode was a bit odd huh? XD I think in my version of Octonauts they didn't go all the way down to its stomach- maybe just into the mouth and got the Puffer fish out.
Now the REAL episode that I basically 100% cut is the cone snail episode. You know why? Cone snails are estimated to have poison strong enough to kill 700 people! And there's NO antidote!! NO ONE would have survived being stung. Not even the Captain. They all would have died and left Peso abandoned on a ship full of the bodies of his friends in the middle of the ocean... :x pretty dark huh-
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Thank you! :DD
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XD I was getting tired of Gregory being a little snot. In game and in the fandom. So once again I made a character good out of spite! XDD
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The basis for my Kirby Anime AU is I just found a way to add all the Metaknights to the story. You know, Axe knight, Mace night, Javelin Knight,,, etc.
This is obviously a SUPER angsty AU. For example, Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower and best friend. But then he sacrificed himself to save Metaknight. Thinking he failed his soul was restless and he now wanders the galaxy fighting Monsters and honoring Metaknights name.. Not knowing that Metaknight survived. Its a REALLY long story that I should ramble about sometime XDD
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I would advise against it,, there are plenty of good reaction images out there to find! I should know, I have 996 of them saved! I'm almost at 1000! XDD
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Thank you! And not at the moment no- but I might draw him again someday :}}
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Noooooothingggg... :}}}
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I think its because the poor guy probably doesn't have enough free time to practice consistently. Being the Captain he likely has so much to do all the time.. and when he can finally sit down and indulge in hobbies,, he likely would just rather relax and read a book instead. :( Poor fella
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Ah, sorry. I don't know of any. <:/
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I have actually! :DD I did not sleep good that night :}}}
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Thank you so much!!!! :DD
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Thank you so much! And as for the memes.. ehh, I'd say just to be safe, don't make em. Comments are more than enough. The first thing I do when I wake up is check Tumblr and see if anyone left a comment on my posts. Literally! Comments are the best thing you can give me!
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Heck yeah, that's the best part! <XDDD
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It definitely depends on my mood, I'm split 50/50 on which one I enjoy more :000
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:DDD Thank you so much!! That means a lot!
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
<XD Thankfully no, Jangles is not an iPad kid. He was just playing on my phone because Bibi and I were conked out and he was bored XDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I don't care what's canon or not. I wont be drawing any lovey-dovey/shippy content unless its with my own original characters. Its just not my thing man, 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you! And yeah if I were you I'd ditch pinterest. Any time I have been browsing artwork on google and clicked the link, It always took me to some stolen artwork on pinterest. I'd just rather people never found me then have found me through stolen art on pinterest..
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I have not :0 sounds thrilling though! :D
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
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Simon derangement page number um I lost count!!! Time to explain things and transcribe my handwriting lol >:3
I put a photo of the whole page here because some things were hard to single out into separate images :)
A pose study! I was trying to work on foreshortening with that arm position. Just imagine that he’s talking to someone off screen and sweating cause he’s been working out or something d(^^ )
Two of these are based on some reaction image doodles I ran into on Pinterest that I’m pretty certain originated on tumblr lol. The bottom left one says “*realization*” and the top right one says “deranged —>” with the arrow pointing to our Mr. Deranged in question, Simon. The Simon and Richter one is kinda poking fun at the general Smash Bros fandom depiction of them and is also based on a doodle I saw on Pinterest.
Bottom left says “he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces” lol. Dw! He is your friend! I just forgot to write that part :). I hope the tbh creature doodle is appreciated, I’ve drawn him like that more times than I’d like to admit—
This one is based on a photo of this guy (gotta be a Snapchat one idk I’ve never had Snapchat) with a monster energy and caption “KILL”. I think it fits the vibe.
Bottom left says “monsert!”, a silly bastardizarion of “monster”, again the energy drink. I feel like Simon would be the kind of guy to have caffeine at like 6PM and then wonder why he can’t sleep later lmao. Or worse have caffeine to avoid sleeping 💀. The other two doodles I drew because I woke up one morning and immediately imagined Simon with raccoon stripe hair for no reason.
This one is based on a tumblr post, it says “(Simon) the psychiatrist diagnosed me with divine madness” “(Christopher) any other diagnosises you’d like to share?” “(Simon) Autism”. That ending panel of Simon saying autism ended up a sticker in a discord server I’m in lmaooooo. Also I need to have more Simon and Christopher interactions cause I think they’d be friends aaaaa
The top doodle is based on a Simon MMD model I found of him as a Vocaloid and I thought that was hilarious and banger, we need more people making fun crossover stuff like that in the world lol. The bottom one is just him vibin(?). Idk he seems pretty distressed, but that’s his usual state so uh—
Another little pose doodle. I think his preferred sitting position is like criss cross applesauce on the floor. I don’t think he’d sit normally in chairs at all. I am now picturing him leaning a chair back too far help 💀.
This one is based on this meme that’s kinda poking fun at the art styles commonly found in yaoi with the last one being left blank for putting whatever you like there and implying in a comedic way that it’s ‘straight man yaoi’, I’ve seen ones with things like football players or idk Breaking Bad put there lol. Basically I saw the meme and realized that all the different styles kinda lined up too well with some Simon designs and well yeah this happened 💀💀💀. So we got Ayami Kojima’s design as “straight woman yaoi”, the NES cover art/X68000 as “gay man yaoi”, Simon’s Quest as “lesbian yaoi”, and Captain N thrown into “straight man yaoi” lmaooo.
Okie that’s all for this one, I will make more inevitably lol
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the-traveling-poet · 20 days
May i aks about these thenn....? 🌸 🎨 🥐
Also.... Good morning from my place and hope you have a wonderful dayy♥️
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ahhh my absolute loveeee 🥰
literally I posted my responce already but Tumblr said “oops! couldn’t save.” so here I am doing it again T-T
for me it’s after midnight, but good morning to you my love!!
🌸~ “Do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them.”
Ooh okay so, I have 3 dogs, 6 cats, and 3 ferrets! We recently lost our 4th dog, and it’s still hurting a lot cause I knew him since I was only 8yo. BUT I will show you a picture of my son Hermès! He’s been my cat since he was 48hrs old (he was born in the shelter) and I’ve raised him for 9 years now ever since! Everyone who knows me offline knows I’d kill for him 🤎
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🎨~ “Link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it.”
Ooof okay SO; idk the OG artist. I found the art on Pinterest a couple years back. So if any of you know who the official OG artist is, pls lemme know so that I can give proper credit! Here’s the Pinterest link~
🥐~ “Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh.”
I annoy the HELL out of my sister with “hEy there ARMEEN. so like, what do you like to dO?” on the daily and it never fails to make me wheeze at her expression. My Slap on Titan peeps know.
Also from Helluva Boss, (big fan) “oH CHRIST ON A STICK, you act like you’ve never been tied up before.”
But any brain rot meme from socials is a huge part of my vocabulary. Vine was life man.
Feel free to ask mroe questions here!
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ieatnomnom9823 · 3 months
stupid headcanons no one asked for and make 0 sense
me and my friend enjoy in making the most shit headcanons to exist so i'm gonna share some of them bc why the fuck not?
princess kenny is an amazon box
kyle only knows how to play football because of how much he kicks Ike
cartman vibes to this video: https://youtu.be/PDJLvF1dUek?list=RDgBpdSlgR5qM (thats not mine btw)
butters has a MLP figure he literally sleeps with and treats it like his own child
everyone is sort of worried about butters obsession to that toy
the plural of kenny is in fact not kennies, but kennys
kyle not only kicks babies, but he also throws them
butters genuineley thinks the rickroll is a banger
kenny and cartman have the weirdest fucking pinterest feed *cough* maid catboys, shitty t-shirts, those random-ass pictures with text over them, like memes kinda but not with a very specific color text and font, the most random stickers and flags like bibble idk they really like bibble though also this totallyyyy isn't inspired by my feed *cough*
stan dedicates his LIFE to minecraft parkour. i'm talking watching those low guality parkour things with screenshits from the interent and he is a GOD at hypixel housing parkour (i came up with this because i have hypixel parkour open rn)
kenny is #1 lemon demon fan. i will NEVER change my mind about this.
craig literally sleeps with a fucking metal pipe.
instead of warming glasses of milk by pouring milk into a cup and microwaving the cup, he literally puts the whole fucking CARTON IN THE MICROWAVE AND THEN PUTS IT IN A CUP
instead of repenting your sins, cartman repeats his sins ( i just really needed to say that phrase today)
kyle is so weezer coded
stan's the type of mf to say "chat" instead of "guys"
anytime someone makes a dirty joke butters just akwardly smiles politely bc he doesn't get it but he's too embarrassed to ask what it meant
i found a picture this is exactly cartman and kenny's feed:
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(that was my first screenshot since cleanig my files out other then the random bunny thing i drew in class cuz i was fucking boerd and had no idea what was going on)
stuart, randy, gerald, and steven (or whatever the fuck their name is) are literally besties but HERE ME OUT
randy and gerald are the silly besties like kyle and stan BUT stuart and steven (what the fuck is that man's name) are ALSO besties BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE IN TFBW IN THE STRIP CLUB THEIR WATCHING LADIES DANCE TOGETHER AND THEIR GETTING DRUNK TOGETHER THEIR LITERALLY BEsTIES OMG
craig has flying powers
butters thinks skibidi toilet is peak comedy and that is why everyone hates him (except for literally like 2 people)
why the fuck is his name dougie
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"life goes onyonyonyonyonyonyonyon" is literally cartman's theme song after trying to kill everyone with some shitty plan he got from watching Megamind or something
kyle literally has trauma from burgers he will NOT eat any burger if you paid him fucking 56,000,000 bucks
kyle is so an elephant he's literally an elephant that's his spirit animal
tweek is literally a turtle idk how i can't describe the vibe but he is ik he's SO not a turtle but he just... idk he is
kenny is a fucking rat i literally have art of me bullying him and calling him a rat
butters is either a bunny or a cat of a duck he's just silly like that
cartman isn't a duck he's a goddamn angry goose
stan is a bear or like a giraffe or something idk ik he's the main character but i don't think about him that much for me
butters is literally in choir guys
craig is the most beaustiful majestic dragon to ever exist
craig's literally my favorite character if you couldn't tell
kenny is too scared to eat cheetos so he eats takis instead
literally everyone loves megamind
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imaginarianisms · 6 months
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#IMAGINARIANISMS. an independent, private & selective multiera, multigenre, multifandom, multimuse, multiship & multiverse aesthetic, worldbuilding ask/rp blog featuring both canon & original characters of naruto, gangsta., a song of ice & fire/game of thrones/house of the dragon, the walking dead, & more. predominantly headcanon & exomemory based with both canon divergency & canon compliancy. sporadic activity; predominantly discord based & mutuals only. non-spoiler free. 15+ years rp experience. alternate universe, crossover, group rp, canon compliant, canon divergent, original character & fandomless character friendly. previously dominusornatum; originally established in 2019, archived in 2020 & restarted in 2023. haunted by angel / arcana & the imaginarians galaxy system.
a 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖞 on abandonment, trauma, madness, the nurturing of others when one never received it for oneself, gender, queerness, indigeneity, disability, neurodivergency, alterhumanity, plurality, what makes a monster & what makes a human, indigenous spirituality, coming of age, young adulthood, indigenous pessimism, indigenous existentialism, indigenous psychology, holy eldritch abominations, enlightenment, apotheosis, witchcraft, occultism, prophecy, quests, dreams of the future, legacy, knighthood, queer chivalry, flower language, gods & monsters, coming back wrong, collective rage & grief, raw passion & power, the art of dominance, submission, trust & eroticism, sexual exploration, found family, troubled youth, children forced to kill, the corruption of youth, the face of love's rage, women in power, sex workers, cults, human exploitation, god loves you but not enough to save you, all the eyes on you, colonialism, intergenerational trauma, indigenous historical trauma, having faith in humanity despite everything, all my relations, the lengths you're willing to go for the ones you love, wars in the mind, hedonism, glamour, pleasure, desire, wrath, survival, vengeance & justice, undying devotion & unconditional love.
angel / arcana / ansale'wit / ᐋᓐᔐᓃ • 23 • poc; indigenous "canadian"; mixed native & jewish • predominantly transmascfem genderfluid two spirit & intersex bodied • bi; omni; bi/omni vincian/lesbian/enbian; aspec; ambiamorous • any but indigenous & plural pronouns preferred • disabled & neurodivergent; autism, adhd, cfs, pots, stpd, bpd, cptsd, did, etc. • future ambulatory wheelchair user & multipurpose psychiatric service dog handler • multigenic hc-did system host
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• Please be 20+ to access any of the content here, ty!!✨
• Absolutely no discourse, bigotry nor fakeclaiming of any kind is tolerated here, nor are any debates or drama or callout posts. This is our& personal space. Do not waste our& time.
• Affiliated with @creolejesus & @familiarblood / @stillgcod & @loyalpromise & @dethdvncer & @velcryons / @brokcncrowns !!
𝐁𝐘𝐅 . . .
• Predominantly beta editor & dashboard user; i'm& still working on the finer details of everything as in actually setting up things but please feel free to inquire about our& muses, we& have plenty! <333 • Read rules before interaction please & thank you! • This blog is run by a system of color, please be respectful of all of us& & understand that because of this the overwhelming vast majority of our& roster are muses of color, specifically indigenous muses of color & that I& mostly rp with other muns of color but I'm& not opposed to writing with white muns as long as you're respectful, this blog is mostly run by me& but there will be times when my& system members post or possibly even rp as themselves, so if you believe we are faking having did or our plurality as a whole & our& experiences around it, if you do not enjoy any of our& presences while you may do with another or mine&, if you ignore my& system members just to only speak to me& or you are not comfortable with us& often making posts / mentions relating to did, plurality & each other, block us& & move on. our& traumas & copings for them are just as real as we& are, & everyone in the system deserves to & should have the equal amount of respect, love, dignity, honor, care & undivided attention. we& will not tolerate any bullshit from anyone, so if that's something that intimidates you i& suggest you either check your internalized ableism & pluralphobia & learn to do better or leave!!
𝐃𝐍𝐈 𝐈𝐅 . . .
General DNI criteria, just... basic things like minors, bigots, racists, -phobes, ableists, sanists, antisemites, if you're going to drag us& into any kind of discourse, y'all get it. hopefully.
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gigilberry-wips · 2 years
Hello naughty children I’m back with another Hiccunzel meta post and this one’s even longer. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I’m going to preface this by saying that this relies heavily on my personal interpretation of them and their psyches. For me these two feel like my personality split into two people so that’s the kind of behaviors and thought patterns I’m basing off of - so if it feels out of sorts with the general interpretations or your views of them, well, now you know why 😂
The thought that struck me is this: Rapunzel is Hiccup's first introduction to ✨ Moe ✨ as an applied practice.
Naturally, with him being where he’s from, he wouldn’t have grown up with it and in a modern au he’d know about it as a technical concept. But then he meets Rapunzel and it’s like:
Hiccup: says something generally sarcastic/snarky/gallows humor
Rapunzel: "Noooo don't be so mean 😣🥺🥺"
Hiccup: "What tf is this what is this feeling I feel what-"
He's never met someone like her, who's so cutesy and fluffy and sunshiny (pun intended) and it makes his brain go "wtf is you?????"
It’s like how I reacted when I met one of my friends on the rotbtd discord. "Why are you so bubbly all the time where's your darkness I don't understand how you function you are not making sense to me I'm going to bite you-"
Except where with me the tale ends with abject horror as I realize I'm staring at my clone, Hiccup's is just.....bafflement, and fascination 
And then comes the tsundere tactics, where he tries to repeatedly prod her to test her brain. Because logic brain dictates that if you don’t understand something then you study it, and if you grew up not being allowed to openly express yourself and your interests then this data gathering is done in round-about ways.
For Hiccup this includes starting lines of topic that he knows will get a reaction out of Rapunzel, things that she’ll most likely disagree with. Test the limits to find the limits, right? Each time this quickly devolves into arguing, debating even. And the thing is, at some point one or the other of them grows to enjoy it.
Because see, Rapunzel is smart. Not just book smart, she can think objectively, and convey clearly and concisely exactly what she's thinking when she needs to.
Once she catches on to Hiccup's way of arguing a point, she gets the hang of it and does it right back. Because even when his point is different from her, it feels like he's taking her seriously and that she's supposed to be proving something. And she's not about to just let him and his logic steamroll her out of sight!
And then suddenly Hiccup is impressed and he did not see that coming 😂
It’s like this meme I found on pinterest:
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Just flip that around for ENFP Rapunzel and INTP Hiccup and you’ve got it.
Like I'm imagining it, if I ever met a golden retriever type guy my first reaction would be "wtf is that imma poke him." And then "OH NO HE'S SMART"
Worse than that is that once Rapunzel gets to know someone, she knows them. Just like that scene in her movie where she confronted Gothel, when she finally understands what someone is like she's on it no questions asked.
There's no hiding from her. She won't miss a trick. She will not hesitate. She is so much the antithesis of a tsundere that it's enough to terrify all tsunderes in a 100 mile radius. You’ve got a snarky guy who was raised not to openly show affection and a empathetic girl full of openly expressed affection and what it leads to is a comedy of errors.
If Hiccup wanted to be discrete or shy or hide his intentions, it doesn’t work because Rapunzel goes directly for the kill:
Hiccup: *sees Rapunzel is struggling*
Hiccup: *quietly gives her a help*
Rapunzel “Heart Eyes” Corona: "AWWW you are SO SWEET you are SO KIND YOU CARE SO MUCH AND YOU'RE SO NICE-"
Hiccup, who has not received a compliment in his life: "FDGBKMG NO"
Rapunzel: "I LOVE YOU"
Hiccup: "NO"
Rapunzel: "YES"
Hiccup: "S T A H P"
Even if Hiccup tries to hide behind snark, or sarcasm, or deflection, it’s already too late. Rapunzel sees through it immediately. 😂
All of Rapunzel's responses come with such empathy and openness and genuine feeling put behind them and it makes Hiccup short circuit because none of his logic prepared him for confronting how much of himself he hides from other people, growing up with it for so long that it's become a part of him.
Rapunzel's very existence opposes all that he's come to know of the community he was raised in. And yet there are so many things about her that he finds familiar in him - curiosity for the world, artistry and creativity, deep intellect and too many thoughts to process
It's just that those similarities come wrapped in an empathetic core that's unlike any other he knows. She's similar to me but she couldn't be more different. Rapunzel's a mirror image created from a different substance matter and experiences the world in a completely different way, kind of like how Toothless does, in a metaphorical way.
(And this suddenly gave me the image of like, a little Hiccup creature made of stone and covered in lichen meeting a Rapunzel who's made of wind and light, and they somehow fall in love)
It's fascinating and strange and exciting and fulfilling - getting to know Rapunzel feels almost like an adventure. And knowing her for many years is like finding a new little detail every now and then on a well read map - there always pop up things about her that surprise him no matter how long he knows her.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
How did you end up a marinette stan
I liked her ever since I started the show. But I was more interested in Love Square and when will they get together than I cared for them as individuals - I was a kid, I didn't think the plot of the show would go this far. Then I stopped watching the show, I think I came back in the middle of the third season and that's exactly when Marinette salt rose up but I had no idea about fandom stuff, I still liked her when I was watch the show on TV. Then I got Pinterest and I was interested in ML memes and that's when I got interested in Tumblr too cuz a lot of great Pinterest posts came from Tumblr. So I open Tumblr and I want to find more memes and oh boy I see so many salt takes I'm like "are we talking about the same Marinette or does she have an evil twin?" (That sentence is funny now) And then I see that a lot of these takes don't match the episodes. Sometimes I didn't even watch the ep, I just consumed the fandom stuff and I watch the ep later and I'm like "oh no this is the ep that's gonna make me hate her probably" and I watch it and I'm still like "is this the same Marinette they talked about?" My view on Marinette's character just didn't match theirs. And then I see the same salters share hate YouTube videos and I'm like "YouTube too?!" And I look it up and that was a huge mistake. That's when I got really angry and got defensive of her. Also Reddit angered me even more. What angered me the most is that usually everyone else is represented as her victims and she's this bloodsucker. That was when those "she's a stalker and every other girl is better for Adrien" posts started. And Miracle Queen reception was what crossed the line. The fandom made it look like Marinette killed Chloé and I'm reading all that and I'm sick. So I became defensive of her on Pinterest, I became defensive of her on YT and Pinterest is ok, people are nicer, but I deleted that too recently cuz I started seeing more Marinette salt. But YT collectively has 1 brain cell. I bend over backwards to write ten paragraphs and I get two likes and someone just replies "but Marinette is a stalker" and gets 40 likes. I just couldn't do it. No one can save YouTube and same goes for Reddit. And then Ladynoir conflict... Let's just say it killed my faith in humanity. So I decided to make a Marinette sugar account during Ladynoir conflict, I staned Love Square like I always did, cuz I really don't hate Adrien and usually if you love one you hate the other one in here, but I just don't. I started watching the show for both of them, I became a bigger fan of her, but Love Square is what got me here and I'm not abandoning them. I love Adrien, I have nothing against him.
So it's been rough, Ladynoir conflict was the hardest part for me to defend her, not cuz I didn't have arguments, but cuz she lost too many fans for that. Now she didn't kill Chloé, she killed Adrien, apparently. But luckily the show upgraded itself more and got me more and more and more reasons to defend her and more arguments. At the moment I think it's more embarrassing to hate her and I'm so proud I always believed in this little baby girl. I didn't lose hope for a second. I still find Marinette salters and I block them and I still can't get along with everyone - no one can- but I found a lot of friends, a lot of Marinette stans here who tell me how little Marinette stan blogs there are and they appreciate my effort, and I love it, I love being a Marinette stan cuz there is always something new to stan about her. So if I look back I've always been a Marinette stan, but now I'm loud and proud about it.
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Sorry for a big reply 😭
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nowritingonthewall · 2 years
Today you made me think about the line that I've already told you under your post but yk I couldn't miss this meme-opportunity 🤣🤣Sooo I've made you a customized meme 😏 lmao 🤣 (spot all the Oscars! lol)
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Aah btw while I was looking for a pic of oscar on pinterest I found this...
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Aaaaaah look at him!! 😍
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☝︎ This is us, we're like Pedro 🤣
Sskgrkgfslkfjewg Bea 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 These are perfect, I can’t!!!!! That little Oscar in the top right corner is killing me the most 😆😆😆
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That second pic, OMG, excuse me, I just died again 😍😍😍
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When Oscar said 'Pedro is such a slut, he would just go for anybody', what he meant to say was 'Pedro is such a slut, he would just go for Oscar like everybody else' 😆
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raehs · 2 years
a study in the personification of a dandelion (unapologetic, hard to kill, feral, filled with sunlight), found family, finding who you are, optimism despite your environment, fighting for what you believe in, the hero pays the price, dying and coming back wrong, growing up hungry, phantom limb syndrome.
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#𝚁𝙰𝙴𝙷𝚂    --      private, selective,  low - sporadic  activity,  mutuals only, 18+ indie blog  for   𝐑𝐄𝐘  𝐎𝐅  𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐊𝐔   from  the  star  wars  franchise.  est, 2020. extremely canon  divergent post-tlj, semi-canon compliant, headcanon  based, anti romantic re.ylo, sequels critical with lots of inspiration from the dotf script. exploring themes of childhood trauma, ptsd, life during & after war, poverty. crossover + au friendly with prequels, empire, rebellion, order 66 survivor verses + verses in atla, supernatural + superhero fandoms, multiverse, modern, etc.
¹ CARRD. ‎‎     ‎ ‎ ‎ ² PLAYLIST. ‎‎     ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎³ PINTEREST. ‎‎     ‎ ‎ ‎ ⁴ SIDEBLOG. ‎‎     ‎ ‎ ‎ ⁵ MEMES.
regarding rey kenobi as that’s my canon for rey’s ancestry -- i won’t be assuming rey being obi-wan’s grandkid. i absolutely love rey as a kenobi but i know a lot of people aren’t into it (and rightfully so ur allowed ur own opinions about it !! ). but this typically would only come in when writing with obi-wan's. if rey isn't a kenobi, then there's no special parentage unless specified. ( overall i try not to put too much emphasis on it as rey is still their own person and even with rey having a special parentage they still just go by rey !! ) and ofc in prequels stuff she wouldn't be related to obi-wan unless there's plotting. [ currently considering scraping this and going back to just rey ! ty thats all ]
rey is audhd. she's also non-binary and uses she/they pronouns, but is generally okay with any gendered terms. they're fluid with it so i either alternate or pick she/her or they/them and stick to it for a thread.
interested in : rewriting tlj / tros, rey/mentors, rey/romance!!, finnrey, rey/prequels / post order 66, rey / the bad batch. rey/kylo (platonic), rey/luke / rey/leia rewrite (personally do not like what the movies gave us for rey + the twins + found it to be very disappointing -- tho i understand why it went that way for leia).
i've been very open about writing young rey in the past, however. i will be extremely picky about it. headcanons are great but i'd rather focus on rey's present + future.
I’M VERY CRITICAL OF KYLO / R*YLO. i love the potential for the dynamic but i’m not going to uwu-ify him if that makes sense! so you may find me talking about the toxicity of his dynamic with rey in this blog and me being critical of what canon gave us. i love writing with ben solo au’s though, and au’s where he turned to the light/grey as well as au’s where he never turned back. my blog is a safe place for people who write ben / kylo but be warned of any criticism i have for the character. i’m also quite critical of the sequels overall (yeah, i write a sequels character …..) so my blog will also have me being critical of the sequels at times. i try not to be too aggressive with it as it’s still something i love very much! currently writing up my major divergences for tros + will eventually do tlj.
regarding me being canon divergent: A LOT of the main events happened! i just have different interpretations of them. like rey + kylo fought palpatine but they fought them together, rey even died and came back. tlj happened mostly as is but there’s time in between tlj + tfa which is a little different. i also don’t fuck with rey palpatine or spice runner poe. i am semi - canon compliant bc i use a lot of the events as a jumping point.
you can also find me at @echoylir which is my multifandom multimuse ! lots of star wars canons + ocs + other characters.
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atlasrayz · 3 months
Found something on pinterest and felt inspired
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Transcript cuz my handwriting sucks balls and its small:
1. Hi there! Please introduce yourselves.
Left: im ray
Right: Rayven
2. What do you think of the character on the other side of the meme?
Ray: Shes... nice... ish. She's loud.
Rayven: He's an oversensitive baby who never grew up.
3. How did the two of you meet?
Ray: She trashed my garden.
Rayven: I was cast out of my home by someone I thought I could trust, forced to live in the mortal world. I traveled for months in search of shelter. When I saw the small, overgrown, seemingly abandoned, hut in a clearing in the woods, I went straight for the small garden growing veggies. I hadn't eaten in months.
And thats basically it.
4. What was your first impression of each other?
Ray: I felt bad, so I brought her in and made her food.
Rayven: He was the first person who was ever kind to me.
5. What kinds of things do you like to do together?
Ray: She's a great engineer! She's been teaching me all about technology and I can actually understand it! Did you know that... (his words trails off into the background)
Rayven: He taught me how to not kill every plant I touch.
6. Between the two of you who would you say is in charge?
Ray: ? Neither.
Rayven: ME
7. Mind sharing your worst memory of the other?
Ray: One time, she stole from the weaver. Oh and she tried to kill us both.
Rayven: Can't say I have one, despite how much I complain about him.
7. Clothing swap! DONT QUESTION ME JUST DO IT.
Ray: I want to die.
Rayven: Yee
And I cannot stress this enough
9. Try giving an impression of the other a go! (Whether or not you're still dressed as them is up to you)
Ray: NO
Rayven: *mumbles* *slightly bigger mumbles* *small letters spelling out, "I said my name is Ray"*
10. Now that you've had a taste of what it's like to be the other, is there anything you'd want to change about them?
Ray: It that's what makes her happiest... then no. But it's NOT for me.
Rayven: He should really embrace his shirtlessness.
11. How do you imagine your relationship being in the future?
Rayven: Yeah... I think it'll be about the same
12. Wow, okay. Everything is okay now. Let's all hug it out or something to wrap this up.
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lohai-of-favonius · 3 years
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Just saw your post about the post phase 1 Marvel movies and the meme you used for CA:CW. So I'm here to ask and get you cancelled. What did you think about the movie? Are you Team Stark or Team Rogers?
........................................................I knew this day would come......okay, let's get me cancelled!
I hate this movie, I hate this movie with every fiber of my being. Watching it was torture, it as the longest 20hrs of my life. It was like living out one of those very confusing math problems I started this movie at 10am somehow 6pm rolls around and there are still 2hrs left! Coño cómo?! I watched this with my mom, and when we checked how much time was left we were left looking at each other like 'que carajo what twilight zone bullshit is this?' It's one of those Marvel movies that I am so glad I did not waste my money on, I wish I could get a refund for my time but I made my choice and I shall now have to deal with it.
I hate this movie for many reasons but I'm not gonna make y'all wait any longer for what you're really here for because I know what y'all really want to know is whether I am Team Iron Man or Team Captain America. When it comes to the political aspects ie. the Accords, I am Team Neither.
Now, I cannot get into a comprehensive debate about the Accords because the writers did a shitty ass job, in a 2 and a 1/2 hour movie that felt like a lifetime, at explaining what exactly the Accords are in the movie universe. Emphasis on the movie universe, because I have seen debates go on in this motherfucking fandom where some people will bring up aspects from the comics Registration Acts but we're not talking about the comics okay, we're talking about the movies! And they're two fucking different things! And the movie did a shitty ass job at explaining what the Accords are, and that's one of the reasons I hate this movie: that it's so badly written.
But back to the point, which is where I stand on the teams when it comes to the politics, I am Team Neither because ultimately they were both idiots on how they handled this, and I think they both have good points like yes the Avengers and other superheroes should 100% be held accountable if they fuck up, the fact that they are superheroes and the "good guys" doesn't mean that their actions shouldn't have consequences but at the same time Steve's mistrust of the government and concerns that the team and others could be weaponized are also valid so I think they both have good points when it comes down to it and the smart thing to do - and in my opinion what would have made a much better film- would have been to come together and make like a counterproposal, decide on amendments, try to ensure they can get a representative so they have a voice on the table.
So, there you go when it comes to the Accords I am Team Neither however when it comes to the characters and their actions I am 1,000% Team Tony. At the end of the day he wanted to do what was best for both people and for his team, he wanted to keep the team together because he knew they were stronger together, and he was thinking long term not short term.
And then there's Steve who is an asshole in this film and completely lacks self awareness, cause there's a scene in the film after they've found out about the Accords where Steve goes "that's because he already made up his mind" about Tony and I'm just like bitch so did you, pot meet kettle, Rogers you knew from the get go that you weren't going to sign those papers don't go acting different and then like- here's the thing Steve has some very good points when it comes to the Accords but one of his points is that the UN is filled with people with agendas and agendas change which true but also motherfucker you yourself have an agenda! The whole Sokovia mess is an example that they cannot be trusted to hold themselves or each other accountable because inevitably the time will come where they'll want to protect their team mate like we see in this movie Steve do with Bucky, or how he wanted to protect Wanda because he looks at her as if she were a child not an adult. Steve, you lot are not exempt from having your own agendas and biases.
And through pretty much the entire movie, he has this whole my way or the highway attitude like this man does not know the meaning of compromise in this film, and he has such tunnel vision for Bucky- and listen! listen, listeeeeeen, I get it, I don't judge Steve for making his bestie a priority; I understand that Bucky is incredibly important to Steve, that he's the one person who's gonna look at him as just Steve and not as the Steve Rogers, I get that he carries a guilt over what happened to his friend, I understand he misses him, I understand all of that and respect the ride or die game but goddamn he was so focused on being a good friend to Bucky that he forgot about everyone and everything else and was a shit friend to Tony.
Actually a lot of people in this film were shit to Tony for no goddamn reason but Steve was such a shitty friend not telling Tony about his parents, that was a shitty ass thing to do and listen! I know what some of y'all are thinking you're thinking some version of 'he wanted to protect Tony' shut the fuck up. No, no, that's an excuse and it's a cheap one, you know damn well that was a shitty thing for Steve to do and y'all know damn well you would have reacted the same way Tony did if someone who you thought was your goddamn friend knew about something horrible that happened to people that were important to you and they never told you; that kind of shit hurts, and finding out someone you thought of as a friend doesn't care about you as much as you care about them hurts.
And y'all know goddamn well how emotions work, you know emotions aren't gonna wait for the rational brain to kick in don't some of y'all go playing dumb as if you didn't know this shit. Same way deep down all of y'all know Tony was holding his punches, that man gave Thanos a fight and got some blood if he had wanted to kill Bucky he would have. Don't none of y'all motherfuckers try to play games and act like you don't know this info.
Steve was a shit friend to Tony. Period. The least he could have done is have some empathy or compassion towards Tony when he saw his parent's being killed- and I swear to motherfucking god to the person who is getting close to their keyboard thinking of saying he showed compassion by not killing him back the fuck away from your motherfucking keyboard what did I tell you about playing stupid, this is properly tagged, stay in your fucking lane. Some of y'all be acting as if it were still 2016 and we're gonna be talking about that too, anon wanted my opinion on this film so now I'm going off.
Back to what I was saying, in some ways Steve wasn't a perfect friend to Bucky either cause he kept looking at Bucky and thinking of the guy he used to know but Bucky's not that person anymore, he's been through a lot of shit and it feels at times like Steve didn't fully realize that.
I hate Steve in this movie, I wanna punch him in the throat; he's an ass, he thinks he's above the rules, he's unaware of his own flaws, he might be a good friend to Bucky but that's it. I don't blame Steve though I blame the writers cause they're the ones who wrote him this way; moving on from Steve, I wanna talk about Wanda real quick, I don't hate the character of Wanda but I do hate the way she was written in this film, I hate that the writers expect us as an audience to look at this adult and think of her as a defenseless child who should be exempt from consequences, I hate that instead of actually doing something with her and exploring some interesting dynamics they just give her an AI boyfriend and a pinterest quote which sounds nice but falls flat especially considering she says said quote as she uses her powers (which is what people are afraid of) to send her love interest down several floors of a building. They could have done so many cool and interesting things with her, shame they didn't.
Another thing I hate about this film is what it did to the fandom, and how it was promoted because it was very much promoted as a pick your fighter, pick a side type of movie and after this movie came out I feel like the divide between Tony fans and Steve fans grew toxically and the effects are still seen to this day like some people really do be acting as if it were still 2016 and attacking others for what side they went with or for who their fav between the two is, and I'll be very honest a lot of the hate I have seen has been directed towards Tony and Tony fans. I hate that, I hate when TPTB deliberately pits fans against each other cause it just encourages a toxic environment.
Let me think was there anything that I liked about this film- wait, oh my god talking about all these other things I hate almost made me forget the thing I hate the most about this movie: it's pointless. Its existence is unnecessary; the biggest aspect of this film isn't the politics of the Accords, it's Steve and Bucky and how far Steve is willing to go for Bucky and have him by his side...but Endgame exists. The end of Endgame turns this film pointless, because the only true point of this movie is the relationship between Steve and Bucky that's the biggest takeaway from the whole thing, but then you have the end of Endgame where Steve just leaves Bucky.
I hated this film before I saw Endgame but after.....I never plan to watch Civil War again but if I did I'm pretty sure I'd self combust cause I'd be so angry I'd scream every time Steve appeared cause that son of a bitch ends up leaving; tears the whole team apart only to end up leaving his friend behind in the end.
I hate this film, I hate everything about it, well that's not true I love the Tony and Peter stuff, but aside from a couple of things I hate this movie, someone give me time stone I'm eliminating it from the timeline.
So, there you go those are my thoughts on CA: CW.
In conclusion, I am Team Neither on the Accords, Team Tony on everything else, Steve I still like you but this movie demoted you in my eyes and makes me wanna punch you in the throat.
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