#that was a nice birb thank you
chimeride · 2 years
Moose, hognose snake, and greater racket-tailed drongo. Your work is still amazing and I've been enjoying seeing your postings on Instagram. Thank you for sharing your talents.
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f1-birb · 7 months
I love how A lot of ex McLaren Drivers nasilały adopted Lando and they love him. Lewis, Jenson, Fernando or Mika.
~ Nando adopted him from Daytona 24 onwards. With Daytona he was so impressed with little baby 18yo Lando during the race that he went on to borderline wax poetry, and then Lando was the test/reserve for McLaren and did his apprenticeship in 2018, so when he wasn't racing in F2 he was learning the ins and outs, doing all sorts of jobs from sweeping the garage to making tea, and he learnt a lot from Fernando (probably insane to him since it was Lewis and Nando in 2007 that got him into F1 and McLaren) ~ a little bonus:
EDIT: thanks to an anon for the additional info, these two go further back than I was aware of! Lando was doing his internship at with McLaren as well as doing some test driver duties in 2017. 2018 was when they were in a team for Daytona 24 together and he became McLaren's reserve driver. And even before that, he's known Fernando since he won the WKC in an FA Kart
~ Jenson seemed to love Lando basically from the start, this interview springs to mind in particular, they're both Somerset Boys, and then he seems to have grown more and more endeared. Jenson has usually vouched for Lando for things, and the feeling is clearly mutual too from how at ease Lando is during interviews with JB
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~ Lewis was actually a bit of a surprise, but seemed (to me at least) mildly amused by the rookies and Lando, I'm distinctly reminded of Silverstone 2019 and the iconic press conference, but Lewis' fondness for Lando in particular seemed to come after Sochi and then grew from there, and there's been a lot of sweet moments since. There's a few instances over radio, Lewis checked on Lando when he was sick in Barcelona last year and sitting on the floor under an umbrella during the drivers parade, stealing Lando's bucket hat, a few drivers parades this year where we saw the two of them talk to each other for most if not the whole thing
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~ I haven't seen too much with Mika and Lando, but I know he's been pretty complimentary about him, and also turned heads when he made the bold claim (at the time) that McLaren will be the ones to challenge Red Bull and then lo and behold Austria and then the upgrades since and here we are
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bluebirbbb · 1 year
i hope my mutuals have a good day they all deserve all the love in the world
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mangysah · 2 years
thanks for 100 followres i hope you all stay with me until the very end.....
heres to more silly shenanigans found family talks and 11 pm ms paint posts!! with the occasional actual artworks because i am suppsoed to be an artist
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birbfeedersart · 2 years
*rubbing my grubby lil paws together* hm yeS i hAve pleased The Friends GOOD >:D
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sundays-wing-piercing · 4 months
Oooh my god pigeon Sunday...
I'm imagining a slow day, just him filling paperwork in his office. Ofc he forgets to take care of himself so we bring him little treats throughout the day...Fresh bread with cream cheese, peanuts, cut up fruit, giving him a little kiss on the head and then secretly (bird)watching as he munches... I'm not normal??
Also imagine gently scratching his scalp and wings and him letting out little coos like a pigeon because he feels so content???
Just...cute Sunday aaaa
Hes a cutie patootie a little scrunkly if you will my little pookie bear my wife-
Aight this man's a workaholic. On those days he could probably just stay in his office and not even come out unless he has a meeting to attend to or something else that requires his presence but most of the time he's just in there and I'd imagine someone does come in and out of his office to deliver him lunch, dinner etc etc but ever since both of you made it official it's mostly you.
I like to imagine that you like to cut the fruits up for him all cute and stuff either using those small cookie cutters or you're just that skilled with a knife (can't relate) like making him those bunny apples. It never fails to make him smile. He feels a little silly how you're like a mom packing him kiddie snacks but he really does adore this cute gesture and looks forward to the next snack.
Make him those cute sandwiches with patterns on the toast and arrange it all nice and cute with heart tooth picks. Might aswell add a cute note while you're at it. It may not be much but it's enough for him to get motivated again. Butttttt if you do have time do try feeding your masterpiece as he works. Try pulling a "here comes the airplane" and he'll gladly play along.
Tell him he did a good job for finishing his meal. Give him a kiss on the cheek, scratch his head, gently pat his wings and boy is he a content little pigeon. SIT ON HIS LAP WHILE HE WORKS he will start working faster just so he can be clingy to you later at home to which you should praise him for again.
AAAAAAA my adorable little birb man I love him so much Thank you for sending!!! Feel free to ask again
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esprei · 7 months
I have brought the birb boy a basket full of Pecha berries. (Also hi, hello! I miss you how have you been?)
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he's so grateful for the Pecha berries!!! he can't thank you enough! 💖🙏
(also hi Koro!!! i've been good, it's nice to hear from ya! hope you're doing well too! ^^)
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toournextadventure · 1 year
get to it
Summary: Lorraine is the only one who won't cause a scene when you go to the gym. Well. You thought Lorraine was the only one who wouldn't cause a scene at the gym.
Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: implications of smut, language, suggestive themes Pairing: Lorraine Day x Fem!Reader (Birb Cinematic Universe Masterlist)
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“I’m heading out to the gym!” You called out from the entryway. A range of acknowledgements echoed down the stairs and you nodded to yourself as you grabbed your keys.
“Hang on.”
You froze, your head swinging around to see Lorraine grabbing her jacket from the hall closet. Well, clarification, she grabbed your jacket from the closet and slid it over her head. It swallowed her, almost dropping to her knees and hanging far past her fingers. With a barely concealed sigh, you offered her your hand and led her out of the house.
There was no way you were getting that jacket back.
It was a nice walk to the gym; late enough in the evening for most people to be at home, but not too late where it was pitch black outside. The spring air was full of pollen that had Lorraine sneezing nearly the entire walk. An adorable little kitten sneeze that you made sure to tease her for, leading to an even more adorable blush to dust her cheeks.
“Evening, kids,” Travis said when you and Lorraine stepped into the warm gym.
“Evening,” you both said in unison with small waves.
“Looking beautiful as always, Raine,” he said with a smile before turning around to continue sanitising some of the equipment.
“Thanks, Travis,” Lorraine said softly.
“Thanks, Travis,” you mocked as you pulled her in the opposite direction. “Don’t accept his compliment.”
“You can not be jealous of him,” Lorraine said with a raised brow and arms crossed over her chest. She stepped aside to let you start setting up for your first workout. “He says it every time.”
“I know he does,” you grumbled. The plate slid a little too fast and squashed your finger. And oh did it sting. “He needs to quit.”
“Don’t you think I’m beautiful?” She asked once you sat on the bench.
“Of course I do.”
If you hadn’t known Lorraine as well as you did, you would have missed the change. It was in the way she held herself, the slightest tilt at the corner of her lips, her eyes locking with yours. She stepped forward and rested her small hands on your shoulders, her smile growing a little bigger as she sat in your lap, one leg on either side of your hips.
“Then you have nothin’ to worry about,” she said before leaning forward to give you a quick kiss. Her hands pushed against your shoulders until you were laying flat on the bench. “Now get goin’.”
“I haven’t warmed up yet,” you said, but you really didn’t care. Not when Lorraine’s hands were starting to move from your shoulders down to your stomach.
“I think you’ll be alright,” she said as she slid her hands under your shirt to rest on your hips. It sent a shiver down your spine.
Oh. Oh, you shouldn’t have brought Lorraine.
With an audible gulp, you nodded to yourself and did your best to focus on the bar above you. If you could just get your workout down quickly, then you could go back home and give Lorraine what she wanted. Easy, right? You could probably even cut it short, claim to be too tired.
And once you felt Lorraine’s nails scratch lightly against your skin, your mind was made up. You were definitely going to cut it short. Your breath left you in frustrated huffs as she did everything in her power to make your workout an impossible task.
It started with her deciding to hold onto your waist and lean her weight on you when you attempted to push the bar up for your final rep. Normally it would have been too bad, but you felt the slightest movement of her hips against yours. Your breath caught in your throat at the action, but you thought nothing of it.
Until she did it again.
She gripped your waist to help her grind down into your lap. It was subtle - clever girl - but you felt it. Felt her nails lightly dig into your skin and her thighs tighten around your hips. Any control in your body vanished and the bar fell onto your chest, forcing the air out of your lungs.
“Focus, baby,” Lorraine said with a tilt of her head. “Just one more.”
It took everything in you to push that damn bar up and wrack it.
For the most part she behaved for the other few, though that didn’t mean you actually made any progress. Because no matter which one you decided on - whatever plan you had made beforehand had long been forgotten - she was there to be a distraction. Shamelessly letting her eyes roam over you, or running her hands over you when you were resetting, or even pulling you down into kisses that left your stomach in knots.
“How many more?” Lorraine asked when she let you go after kissing you so hard you couldn’t breathe right.
“I- uh-” you tried to blink the haze out of your mind.
“Use your words,” she whispered.
“Just- just- uh, just a finisher,” you managed to get out. “Then I’m done.”
“Then get going,” she said with a smile and a light pat on your chest.
She was having too much fun with the whole situation, that’s what she was doing. You grabbed her hand and took her over to the pullup bars hanging on the far wall. Travis waved to you both when you walked by, and Lorraine made it a point to wave and smile back. She could be such a dick.
You locked your fingers together and held your hands steady for Lorraine to step up on. It was a joint effort, but she quickly found herself sitting atop the pullup bars, her legs hanging over and swinging carelessly. With the hood of your jacket now firmly pulled over her head, she looked adorable. Nothing like the minx she had been for the past hour.
With a deep breath in, you wiped your hands on your sweats to get them nice and dry. Then, without any chance to change your mind, you jumped up just enough to grab the pullup bar. Only a second of readjustment, and you pulled yourself up, feeling the burn of your muscles from the past hour of workouts.
Lorraine leaned forward and gave you a peck on the lips when you were up all the way, and for a moment, you were rejuvenated. Your pulse was racing and the fatigue in your body disappeared when you lowered yourself back down. The second pullup, she gave you another quick kiss, and you smiled at her before lowering yourself back down.
But then she made you suffer.
You pulled yourself up for the third time and expected nothing more than a quick, light kiss. Nothing scandalous, nothing distracting, a welcome encouragement to keep going. Something that she usually did when she came to the gym with you.
But this time was different. The moment your head popped above the bar again, you felt Lorraine’s hands grab the collar of your shirt and hold you tight. Your back and shoulders and arms already started to ache when you felt her lips on yours. It wasn’t a quick kiss, it was much hungrier, more needy.
Her tongue swept across your bottom lip and without hesitation you parted your lips slightly. She sighed into your mouth and leaned closer. Your arms started to shake when she let her hands trail up your neck and to your cheeks where she held you just as steady.
Lorraine overtook all your senses. The smell of her body wash, the warmth of her fingers on your skin, the taste of her on your tongue, the soft sighs she let out. She had you completely captivated and all you wanted to do was pull her in, envelop yourself in her.
Your muscles didn’t agree.
With a whispered yelp, your grip gave out and you fell back to the ground. You could feel your upper body visibly shake from fatigue as Lorraine climbed down without a care in the world. Her feet hit the foam ground with a soft thud before she walked over and placed her hands on your chest.
“Seems like a good workout,” she said, letting her eyes roam over you again before meeting your own. “We should head home.”
“Gonna reward me?” You asked with a raised brow. Her smile gave her away.
“Of course,” she said. “I think you’ve earned it.”
“I think so too,” you said. You reached out to grab her hips and pull her closer to you, the smell of her shampoo becoming all-encompassing once again.
“Then let’s go,” she said.
She grabbed your hand and started pulling you out of the gym. You made sure to wave to Travis - taking note that Lorraine gave a half-hearted goodbye - and let her lead the way. Your hand was still shaking, and your arms felt like jello, but her hand felt warm in yours.
It was almost comical how quickly Lorraine walked to get home. She didn’t tell anyone hi when she walked into the house, barely even giving you time to shut the door before dragging you up to her room. Her foot closed the door as she shoved you to the bed and quickly climbed on top of you after removing her sweats.
“I forgot to tell you something,” you said when her hands found their way to your bare waist once again. She cocked her head to listen without taking her eyes off the small expanse of skin she had exposed. “I think I’m a bit too fatigued to help you out.”
She froze.
“Beg pardon?” She asked, her eyes wide and searching yours.
“That finisher killed me,” you said with a shrug. “I can’t be of any help tonight.”
She blinked rapidly twice.
“-Don’t let me stop you though,” you interrupted. You sat up and placed your own hands on her hips; it always amazed you how soft her skin was. “Go on. Get your reward.”
She looked into your eyes before looking down to where she was straddling your thigh. Her hips moved against your thigh experimentally, a soft sigh falling from her lips as her eyes fell shut. It was mesmerising, watching her grind against your thigh in practically nothing more than your jacket. She was definitely a beautiful sight.
You were brought back to the present when she let out a frustrated groan.
“It’s not enough,” she practically whined, staring you down with her beautiful brown eyes. Usually that worked.
But not that time.
“If you wanted help, you shouldn’t have worked me so hard,” you said with a shrug. Her jaw dropped.
“You can’t be serious,” she said.
“As a heart attack,” you answered with your own smile. You lightly pinched her hip and gestured to her with your head as you waited for her to continue. “Guess you better get to it, sweetheart.”
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AGSZC Adopt an Emotional Support Cat for Sephiroth
From the @strayheartless archives <3
Thanks @heraldofcrow and @altocat for the grammar help!
It doesn’t go as planned.
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They go to the shelter to try to find a kitten, but Sephiroth finds something even better: a feral momma cat with a single living kitten because all her other babies died. He and she stare at each other for a solid 15 minutes through the bars, until AGZC find them.
Genesis: THERE you are. Sephiroth, the adoptable kittens are this way.
Sephiroth: This one.
Zack: Oh, sorry bud, this one says the kitten is too young to leave his mother.
Sephiroth: No, this cat. The kitten can come too. *has not broken eye contact yet*
Angeal: Sweetheart, this says she’s feral and not up for adoption, and neither is her kitten. Come on, let’s go look at the ones that are available, ok?
Sephiroth: This one.
Cloud: *Looks at Seph. Looks at the cat. Looks at the kitten. Looks at Seph.* This one.
Angeal, Genesis, and Zack can all be stubborn, but they are faced with the immovable object that is Sephiroth with a fixation and the unstoppable force that is Cloud protecting someone. They convince the shelter staff they can take care of both the mother and the baby. Yes, even though she’s feral. Yes, they know they can’t be separated. Yes, they will handle medicating the feral cat.
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Momma cat immediately adopts Sephiroth as a second kitten. Then Cloud as her third. The first kitten grows up and is weaned and becomes Zack’s dog-cat. He’s friendly and cuddly and likes to play fetch, and his momma likes him, but knows he’s going to be ok on his own. Not her other kittens though. They clearly still need her.
She comes and yowls at Genesis and Angeal when Seph and Cloud need something she can't get them. She yowls at Genesis to go hunting with her to provide for the babies, and at Angeal to figure out what's wrong when they won't eat the nice mice she brings them.
She accepts Zack as a puppy, disciplines him, and comforts him when needed, but her attention belongs to her tall baby and her baby birb first.
Her new sons are idiots, but they’re HER idiots.
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Sephiroth calls her “Mother Cat”. Cloud calls her “Cat”. Genesis insists she needs a REAL name (it’s only decent), and writes down "Serafina" on the vet papers. Sephiroth falls in love with him all over again.
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If either Sephiroth or Cloud starts hyperventilating, she comes and sits on her boy and purrs until he calms down. If they ignore important things like feeding time or petting-the-cat time, she starts kneading her paws. If they still ignore her, she brings out the claws. She’s not shy about making sure they take care of her and then themselves.
She nips Zack when one of her boys is overstimulated and he's too loud.
She hisses nonstop at the vacuum and stands between it and her babies until they take her to another apartment, at which point she bathes them until they (and she) calm down.
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Serafina: YOWL.
Angeal: Hi Serafina. Is one of them being an idiot?
Serafina: YOWL. *walks to the dining table*
Sephiroth: *hunched over a pile of manuscripts, hair a mess, muttering*
Serafina: YOWL.
Angeal: Seph, honey, have you been up all night again?
Sephiroth: …it’s…morning? Wh- *voice cracks* -at day?
Angeal: Wednesday.
Sephiroth: Oh *cough* just one night then.
Angeal: And you haven’t had water since…? Actually, don’t answer that. Clean up your papers, you need to eat, hydrate, and sleep. No, no arguing. Serafina is worried, you need to reassure her.
Sephiroth: Oh! Of course.
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Serafina: YOWL.
Genesis: Yes, my Lady Serafina?
Serafina: YOWL. *leads him to the front door, where Cloud is swaying and trying to put on his boots*
Genesis: Cloud Strife, when was the last time you ate?
Cloud: h-Huh? Gen? When did you get here? 
Genesis: Eat. When.
Cloud: ummmmm…breakfast?
Genesis: Yesterday?
Cloud: ……maybe?
Genesis: Sit down before you fall down. You know mako enhancements require more calories. No, stay there and I’ll get you a shake and a bar. Yes, I know you have work. You won’t be any use passed out or dead. Now thank your second mother for saving your life. *stomps off huffily*
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vermilionsun · 24 days
Hi, can I request nsfw headcanons for mhin pls and thank you
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Hello hello! Glad you requested this. Food is served :)
Disclaimer! Once again, I will not be specifying what Mhin has down there. Use your imagination <3
aka the birb inside a fishcage-
🕊 To begin with, I will go against the popular belief that Mhin’s a freak in the sheets; In my h̶o̶r̶n̶y̶ humble opinion, they’re much more quiet and reserved.
🕊 Fingering With that said, fingering is one of the casual things they enjoy in this area. Lay them back gently or set them firmly on your lap and explore their insides. They’ll be shaking in no time.
🕊 Oral Please PLEASE suck them. Pull their thighs above your shoulder and go at them. Expect them to grab your head and guide you.
🕊 Hair-pulling I can see them enjoying casual hair–pulling from both parties. Their lover’s hands gripping their hair as they make eye contact and forcing Mhin to arch their back or Mhin roughly pulling them in for a kiss.
🕊 Praise Honestly, if you’re up for any kind of talking during sex, praising them will get you the most points in the hate—affection scale. Grab them softly, rub on their curves and kiss them on the base of their neck while whispering sweet nothings to them. For the love of Eridia’s God(s) do not degrade them. Mhin’s already struggling with self-hate and I think humiliating them further would just upset them more, directly or not.
🕊 Partially clothed/Fabrics Listen, Mhin enjoying being amidst different types of fabrics feels just right. Whether the fabrics have to do with the surface they’re sprawled across or them being wrapped around Mhin’s slender frame doesn’t matter to them much. Satin, linen, cotton, silk — as long as they're soft to the touch, Mhin is in their element.
🕊 Edging Denying them their much–anticipated orgasm has two outcomes that come consecutively; confused blinking and frowning. If you try to pull that a second time, they’ll groan and urge you to continue. By the third time, they’re getting frustrated and almost pleading.
🕊 Mutual masturbation Bring that up and look at their cheeks turning redder than their eyes. The best scenario though would be Mhin being caught touching themselves (which they wouldn't be caught dead doing) and their partner urging them to continue as they start doing the same.
🕊 Multiple orgasms Do I even need to explain this one? They got the stamina, so they might as well continue until they’re satisfied.
🕊 Ice They will shiver and squirm, might whine too because yes their body temperature is usually low but not below zero?!
🕊 E Y E C O N T A C T Hear me out; I cannot emphasise enough how much it means to them. If they’re in a serious romantic relationship and pants are going down, happen they meet their lover’s eyes it’s on. Despite their eyelids fluttering close every now and again, Mhin will try to catch their partner’s eyes no matter what.
🕊 Crying Due to their curse, their body’s limitations are beyond human comparison, rivalling ones of a monster. That’s to say, they’re not one to cry of physical pain or injury. So, if Mhin happens to cry during sex, it means they finally felt safe to be vulnerable after a long long time s̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶L̶o̶v̶e̶n̶t̶ and it’s not something to be dismissed.
🕊 Dumbification HEAR ME OUT I BEG YOU. Sometimes, when thinking, acting, living becomes too much or too bothersome, an escape is needed and rarely for Mhin that means getting fucked until they’re no longer able to think (one of the reasons they got down with Leander in the first place).
🕊 Aftercare Depends on how tired they are. Usually, a nice shower and cuddles until they fall asleep are what they need. If a talk is needed, it can wait until the morning—and no, they won’t wake up in the middle of the night to leave, they’ve come this far with their lover, after all (unless you’re Leander).
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suguru-getos · 1 year
| Hawks x F!reader smut | Dom!Keigo, gentle Keigo, a tinge of ordering, him just being sexy, okay? 🫶🏻|
PS: Send me thirsts about the birb, please!
“Please, please please—” you were on your knees, sheltered between Keigo’s legs and looking up, worshipping him with all your might. You needed to impress him, for him to be merciful & nice. “Please—” another defeated sigh escaped from your parted lips. Keigo wasn’t budging, the same stern, uninterested look plastered in the goldens of his eyes.
“Not proper, not fucking proper.” Keigo glared at you, hand inching towards your throat and squeezing the sides of your neck tenderly. Keigo had one philosophy — you can never be too careful. He diligently follows that whenever anything is about his mate; you.
“Beg with proper words sweetheart. Please, what?” Keigo snarled, his wings spreading out, intimidating you through your very core, exciting you… through your very core.
“Please, fuck me… sir.” Your shoulders faltered, when you spoke the last sentence. Your confidence was turning slightly fragile. Eager to please him— eager to feel validated by him.
“Not proper, sweetheart.” Keigo was slightly tender, looking at you gently and cupping your face. “Address me properly.” Keigo was never a fan of being called ‘Sir’ he relished something else. Something more… familiar.
“Please… fuck me, Daddy.” You managed to utter a tender whimper from your throat, gasping when Keigo’s hands left your neck, leaning in and whispering gravely against your ear. “Atta girl.”
Keigo lifted you up, as if you weighed close to nothing, straddling you against him & letting your needy, unattended clit grind against the tip of his cock stained with pre. You whimpered & whined, looking down to align him with your hole.
A soft chuckle escaped your dom, spanking your ass playfully. “Needy, so fuckin’ needy f’ me baby.” Keigo was also, melting under your need. It was always difficult for him to be a tad too mean. Unless you specifically beg, and mostly… you didn’t. You liked him just the way he was, a little mean, and way way way gentle.
You looked at him, glassy-eyed. Your need for him was turning into a sweet pain in your pelvis. “Awh, she’s about to cry?” Keigo cooed, gawking at your pouty face with a friendly grin. “Don’t worry baby girl. I ain’t that mean…”
Slowly, gently guiding your hips against his cock, he let you sheath him, watching how you gasped & arched your back, feeling stretched & full of him, overwhelmed by him & only him.
“That’s it, ride me like that’s the only thing you’re meant to do.” Keigo was encouraging, letting you move at a comfortable pace, thumb languidly rubbing at your needy, swollen clit.
“How are you goin’ to cum for me? You’re going to cum for me after asking for permission, and then thank me for it.” Keigo ordered, letting his words embed through your veins.
“Yes- Daddy.”
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isaac031 · 6 months
Crow facts for you! Crows have extra neck vertebrae compared to humans so they can look over the shoulder to preen more feathers. Phil can’t quite do the owl thing but more neck range! Another crow thing is that usually one member of the flock usually finds a high perch to watch for danger while the rest forage so man perching up is kinda bird behavior
I get so excited when you tell me stuff :D
I can imagine Phil being told something and the person behind him getting jump scared because NECK DONT DO THAT.
He already perch in cannon, including when in groups just like in Halloween or before the final fight in purgatory where he perched on top of some stick next to the bolas base.
I love birb :)
On another note, I feel like philza would not apologise about his instincts.
Like he makes a nest instead of a bed? He does, thank you for noticing. No, it's not weird or childish, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm a crow.
He perches when there are meeting or public gathering? Yeah, he's gotta make sure they're fine. It's not weird or creepy to watch over the people you care about, they actually feel nice I look for their safety.
Yes, I'm fluffing up my feathers and waging my tail, because my husband just gave me a kiss. I can't really control it but can you control your blushing face? It's not weird or whatever. If you want me to feel bad it won't work. I'm a crow. I do stuff crows do. I'm not gonna apologise for something that's hurting noone.
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f1-birb · 11 months
two birds one stone here, both @wunderlichkind and @mcl4r3n (❤️❤️❤️) tagged me for the ten songs from your playlists but since it's me tagged twice I've gone for 15 ☺️
Karibu by High Tyde
Oceans by Coasts
Let Go by Skinny Living
Bonfires by Saint Raymond
Time of Our Lives by Tyrone Wells
Laura by Hockey Dad
Hell by Olivver the Kid
Bullet by Hollywood Undead
Carnivore by Bear Attack!
On Your Side by The Veronicas
Tissues by YUNGBLUD
idfc by blackbear
Sunny Side Up by Surfaces
Lovin' Every Minute by AREA21, Martin Garrix, Maejor
I'm only going to tag two people who I'm 90% sure I've not tagged before, @landosfenestraz and @nandofuckersfc (but as always feel free to ignore)
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ctitan98official · 4 months
@m-r-nicely : I loved the last one so much, thank you! I have another one: y/n struggles with saying ‘I love you’ to literally anyone. They don’t want it to seem forced, because in the past it has felt that way, so instead they do small things to mimic the words. Like 3 gentle squeezes when hold hands, or 3 taps when hugging/cuddling. How would our lovely ladies react to figuring this out? This may be a personal problem of mine, but I kinda hope people know what I mean so I can relate to someone
I love this prompt. (Btw, I feel like this with certain people). Let’s get into it!
Alcina is not one to shy away from voicing her feelings or opinions.
She is definitely someone who expresses herself through her words.
She constantly tells you how much she loves you.
Frequently, you blush and hide your face in her dress when she says this.
Sometimes you do feel like you can say “You too” back.
But never the whole thing.
The closest you have come is when she’s asleep and you are admiring her. You whisper “I love you, Alci. I hope you know that”.
Little do you know, but Alcina is a very light sleeper. When you say this she melts.
If anyone understands how difficult it can be to express themself, it’s Donna.
In fact, she feels much more comfortable showing her love with touch.
Donna will make you both breakfast and you smile at her and squeeze her hand when you sit down to eat.
This unspoken ritual has become your unique way to say “I love you”.
Over time, you feel more comfortable with each other. You will say “I love you” to her, but typically she has to say it first.
Donna embraces all of your mannerisms and preferences. She knows you love her and you prove it every day in your own special way.
Miranda is definitely not the most romantically inclined person in the world.
For all of her flaws, she’s been through a lot. She lost her daughter to an illness she had no way to fight.
Her heart indeed hardened over time, but you seemed to be able to make her open up little by little.
Miranda told you she loved you for the first time when you were both getting ready for bed.
“I love you, Y/N. I just want you to know that.”
Then she gives you a little peck (Hehe, birb) on the lips and gets into bed.
She doesn’t expect you to say it back, but you softly tap her shoulder three times, mimicking the words.
Miranda seems to understand and smiles up at you before you both cuddle together.
Bela has a habit of bottling up her emotions when she is uncomfortable or embarrassed.
She doesn’t mean to, it’s a defense mechanism.
She gets teased a lot by her sisters (Not too harshly, but still).
She doesn’t want to burden anybody so she typically appears stoic, but that’s not really the case.
Her brain is constantly working and taking in information.
She’s afraid of telling you that she loves you because she doesn’t want you to feel like you have to say it back.
Eventually, she confesses that she loves you more than anything, however, she prefaces it by telling you that you don’t have to say it back.
You smile and gaze into her eyes lovingly. You squeeze her hand three times, hoping to impart how you feel.
Bela’s eyes sparkle when she realizes that you love her back, but don’t yet feel comfortable enough to voice it.
She gets it and doesn’t feel hurt by it.
Believe it or not, Cass told you that she loved you very early on in your relationship.
She’s very possessive, and she felt like this was a way to mark you as her own.
You were very surprised and flustered when she told you this.
You just pulled her into a hug and hoped she understood you felt the same.
While Cass’s pride was a bit hurt that you didn’t say it back, she understood the reason why.
It can be hard opening yourself up. She certainly doesn’t want to feel too vulnerable, so she knows where you’re coming from.
As you finish hugging her, you softly pat her back three times and give her a kiss on the lips.
Cass is quite satisfied with your workaround now that she gets a kiss out of it.
For someone as outwardly extroverted as her, she has no problem speaking her mind.
She tells you that she loves you CONSTANTLY!
Sometimes you can’t get a word in before she starts telling you how in love she is with you and peppering kisses all over your face.
For Dani, it was hard when you explained how difficult it was for you to say “I love you” back.
She didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but she is also obsessed with wanting you to be in love with her.
Of course she wanted to hear you say it back, but she came around.
You do lots of other grand romantic gestures to woo her. You sing for her, create art, read out loud to her. All the mushiest things you can think of.
This has become your own way of expressing your love and, for Dani, it makes it that much more special that she gets all of this royal treatment from you.
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monsoon-of-art · 4 months
Hhhhh I know that sea creechurs and birbs are completely different, but I love seeing the instincts you give the merfolk in your Pokemon Mer AU.
The need to protect, the drive to hunt, the emphasis on community (staying in a pack or pod), and all that. It's so much fun to see whenever a writer includes stuff like that in their works.
As for the birbs I mentioned, I keep chickens, and they are. very fascinating little organisms. I've seen people with wing aus incorporate things like dust bathing and brooding and even feather-plucking and molting, and it's just... I've observed those things (except for feather-plucking, which doesn't seem to be common in chooks as it is in birds like cockatoos and parrots) and it's so cool to see in other fics.
And you! The way you put in things like grouping together and teaching the young ones how to hunt is so cool! Again, the two groups of critters I'm talking about are very, very different, but it's really cool to see how many creatures share instincts like these, and then to see it applied to people!
Your au is just. Very brainrot. It rots my brain every couple of months and I can't stop thinking about it, and it makes me want to critterfy characters myself.
Also, I found you for the Mer stuff, but I really like your OCs, too! They're really cool, please feed Hayday, I'm begging you, he's so skinny and stressed I want to give him a meal. :<
This is... very rambly, sorry (I should be asleep, but no). But! I hope that you have a good, blessed day, and a good night's rest!
With my mer stuff its kinda funny, I made the 'basis' for them years and years ago for a different fandom, and I actually lessened the 'critter-fication' of them lmao (or its there I just havent talked about them)
But! It might be the neurodivergent part of my brain, it may be the dormant furry in me, but I love critter-fying things. It's so fun. Bc they're not human, they'd have their own quirks and society and culture! And thats fun to think about!
Thank you for this ask, it was so nice to read and reread ;w;
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rainbowintheclouds · 5 months
Hi!! First of all, İ love your art!!! You're Definitely talended!
İ have a lil request if you wont mind:) İ see you're drawing those silly skeletons and, İ just want you to do an art for Ds dream either 🥺
( I think you know what art that I meant;) that grumpy bird needs laugh!)
Have a nice day❤️
This has been in my inbox for so long and I’m sorry for that thank you so much I’m so glad you enjoy my art😭😭 you definitely deserve a happy birb
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I don’t know much about DS Dream, I have seen him but I don’t know much of his personality or backstory all that much so I improvised with this-
I thought it’d be funny that he was feather sensitive even though he has feather for wings
sorry for such the long wait up here you go buddy<3
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