#that world's martha's a lot happier)
multifamdomfan · 11 months
Hi, if requests are still open and if you still write for Hamilton could I request an imagine where the fem!reader was Alex’s wife, they met and fell in love during the Winter's ball. And, she first met him when she was in the war (dressed as a man) but Alex never knew it was her until he found out himself. And maybe has a near-death experience fighting in a duel for any reason you want. And years later, she maybe becomes a lawyer/statesman or whatever as long as she's not a housewife and she finds out Alex had an affair and she like goes to Laurens for comfort but he ends up confessing he has loved her since day one when they met at the Winter's ball but saw she was so much happier with Alex (and it's kind of like an Angelica situation.) and how he would have never if he knew that was what Alex was going to do to her. And finally, he asked her to be with him. Also, could you please make the reader Washington's adopted daughter? I know it's a lot but even if you don't do it, thank you for just reading it. I just kinda wanted a lot of angst followed by fluff but since I can't stand the thought of having been with some who cheated on me and didn't love me, could you please make Alex still love the reader but realize if he wanted her to be happy, he would have to let her go and as soon as the Reader is thinking "You know what? I should forgive." He just dies. I feel bad for the Reader, not gonna lie. Thank you again. <33
Prompts: "May I have this dance?" (Hamilton to Reader) "Shit, are you bleeding?!" (Hamilton to Reader) “You need to leave. Right now.” (Reader to Hamilton) “You need to let her go.” (Anyone who seems right to Hamilton) "Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?" (Laurens to Reader) But hey, it’s up to you, I'm just giving suggestions on what I was thinking.
Note: And yes, in my fantasy world, Laurens doesn't die and is still alive in Act II.
😮😍 I love this request! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hope you don't mind but I'm turning this into a two part.
warning: angst,character death,cheating
Why does love hurt so much? Pt. 1
I was reading my book in my room when my dad, George Washington, knocked gently against the door. Well if you want to get technical he's my adoptive dad. My biological parents when I was young and was sent to the orphanage when George and his wife ,Martha, adopted me. I closed my book and put it down and called out "Come in!" When Dad came in I immediately knew that something was wrong. He was fiddling with his hands and his eyes cast down onto the floor looking frantic. "What is it father?"
"Y/N I need to tell you something," I looked at him curiously while Dad was looking like he was trying to find the right words to say. "There is really no way to say this but I'm going to go to war." He said this quickly and nervously watching to see how I'll react.I didn't respond, not at first I looked at him with a blank expression trying to comprehend what he just said.
"What?" He remained silent like he was waiting for me to tell, scream, or do something. "Let me come with you, I can help!"
"No! You're not coming, it's too dangerous."
"But you're going! You will be there to look after me and you taught me to use a gun since I was ten!"
"I won't always be there to look after you, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. Just promise me that you won't follow me."
I sighed in defeat "I promise." Dad came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back thinking about how I lied to his face.
I put my hair that's now shoulder length and tied my hair up. I looked down at myself with my uniform on with bandages over my breast to flatten them out. I nodded at my reflection in approval before walking out of my tent. My dad found out that I was pretending to be a man to fight in the war immediately but he kept my secret.
I approached my friends Lafayette, Hercules, John, and Alexander. We became friends quickly, and no. They have no idea that I'm a woman and plan to keep it that way. There is one problem, I developed a crush on one of the four men. It's Alex, I couldn't help it. He's passionate, smart, and kind. "Hey James!" Hercules called over to me.
Yes James is the name that I chose because it was my biological dad's name. "Hi." I responded, lowering my voice and octive to keep from sounding too feminine. I sat next to Alexander and joined in on the conversation before we heard a loud noise. We all turned our heads to see what it was. It was the red coats, we sprung into action grabbing our guns.
There was death all around us with an overwhelming smell of blood but we had to keep moving I killed a couple men before they could kill me first. Then I was a man aiming for Alexander about to shoot, without thinking I shoved him out of the way and took the bullet. All I could hear was a distant yelling at the word "James!" He quickly rushed over and got in my field of vision. "Shit, you're bleeding."
"You need to leave. Right now." I responded not wanting him to find out. Alex ignored what I said and ripped my shirt off and saw the bandages being soaked with blood. He looked shocked at first but knew it wasn't the time to talk about it and used my shirt to apply pressure to the wound and rushed me to the medics.
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creativepawsworld · 8 months
Silence - Chapter 56
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x OC
Summary = Tommy is once again distracted by something leaving Ana wondering what's he up to now? She visits her parents who have a surprise for her.
Warnings = Language...Grammar...Death mentioned....violence implied...fluff...cute moments
Word Count = 1931
Note = Okay so here we are baby name revealed. I don't know if anyone reading this remembers the poll we did in regards to the names but it has been used as this story is for you guys and all your overwhelming support. Hope you Enjoy this cuteness overload 💙
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Wasn’t it crazy how your life could change all in one night? All in a matter of hours because of a small, innocent baby. The pain I had felt during childbirth had completely subsided the moment I held my daughter in my hands. Ever since that night, I threw myself completely into motherhood. And I wouldn’t change it for the world. It felt right, this was meant for me.
Roselle Penelope Shelby became the light of my universe. Despite all the pain that occurred over the years, she made everything so much better. Roselle even had my mother smiling which was a rarity after her vicious attack. My mother had returned to tailoring making the most beautiful dresses and sleepsuits for her granddaughter. It was like the light had returned for her. She now had a purpose in life again. At least that’s how she was seeing Roselle.
As for Tommy, I had never seen him so devoted before. But this remained mostly behind closed doors. All of his men became aware Tommy was now a father. A few of the lower-ranked men believed it made him soft. Tommy was quick to shoot down any of that talk of that notion. He wouldn’t tell me exactly how it was dealt with, in fact, all he said was he had a word with them but there was a darkness in his eyes when he would talk about it. Any further meeting I witnessed he had with his men, the younger of them all seemed a lot more terrified.
The message was delivered, Tommy was not to be messed with nor was Roselle or I and he made that perfectly clear to every one of his men.
I pushed my daughter in her pram along the street of Small Heath towards my parent's home. I was in deep thought, Tommy was up to something. He wouldn’t tell me what, he was once again secretive which annoyed me. But deep down I knew I trusted him, I trusted that he would tell me in his own time. I push Roselle in her pram, she slept soundly under a little blanket her uncle Arthur had purchased for her a few days after she was born.
He was another man who had the coldest look in his eyes if he felt like someone was threatening his niece. Before getting to know Arthur, I would have never said he was a child-friendly man. In fact, I always would have said he hated children and didn’t have time for them. But seeing him around John’s kids and now Roselle I could admit I was wrong. He was the perfect uncle.
Walking past my parent's home I was in shock to see they had the tailor shop opened for business. I couldn’t believe it. People were coming and going dropping off garments or collecting them. I felt like time had stopped as I was hit with the memories of happier times. It felt like life was finally moving in the right direction. Pushing my pram into the shop I stood next to my former desk, looking around my family’s tailor shop.
I look over to the table opposite mine, formerly my brother James’ table and a sad smile crosses my face. I looked down at my daughter, he would have loved to meet her. I would have loved for him to meet her. It was conversations we used to have together, especially when he got with Martha and me with Tommy. We planned out these play dates with our children that now would never happen. The thought brought a tear to my eye, my heart felt tight. It had been a few years since he died trying to save me and I missed him every single day.
Inhaling softly I turned away from my brother’s table, looking at my own. This was where I started to come into my own person and not just a follower of my parents. This was where I made my first full suit for John Shelby and multiple dresses and skirts for Polly. But my favourite memory was the night Tommy came into the shop, kneeling before me to place the boots he purchased on my feet. It was the first time he ever got on bended knee for me. A fond memory for sure, I couldn’t help but feel giddy.
I was so lost in my thoughts, that my father had to make a noise behind me to bring my attention towards him and my mother who were both standing with big grinning smiles. I eyed them carefully as my mother rushed forward to see my daughter, smiling softly as she placed a hand on my shoulder. She still couldn’t bring herself to speak but I could see it in her eyes. She was proud of me. Finally.
“A….na” My father spoke slowly, his voice still rusty and low due to the lack of movement of his tongue. But he never gave up. He was even more determined now Roselle was born. Like my mother, she had given him a new lease of life. A new want to keep going and stick around.
“Hi father, Mother” I smiled at them both. My mother looked up from looking at Roselle and ushered me towards my father. The pair were acting suspiciously.
I walked into the back of the shop, and my mother wheeled my daughter closer to me towards the back of the shop and away from the door. Not much had changed back here either except that my mother’s desk was hidden behind the room divider we used to offer our clients to change behind to get some privacy.
“Is everything okay?” I asked softly looking up, I noticed a piece of white lace on my father’s table but didn’t think anything of it. He was a tailor, after all, we used a multitude of fabrics to create different garments for people.
“y….yes,” My father nodded, a proud smile on his face. “T…Tommy talk…” He tried to talk only to spot and wince in pain before pointing at me to finish his question.
“We talk but he hasn’t told me anything. He didn’t mention speaking with you or mother either” I shook my head, tilting it to the right slightly in confusion.
“Ahh,” My father nodded, looking at my mother with a grin. It quickly became clear that whatever Tommy was planning, he included my parents in it.
That thought made me smile. Not only did it mean that Tommy wasn’t doing anything dangerous or life-threatening but it meant he was more accepting of my parents. Trying to include them in our lives more. It felt like he understood that, despite my rocky past with my parents, I still needed them. I didn’t want our daughter to grow up and not know who her family was. Especially with the business her father was in. Family was important and may not always be around, so she needed all the support she could get.
“What’s going on?” I asked, “What has Tommy told you?”
My parents smiled both walking to either side of the room divider and moving it off to the side to reveal a beautifully made wedding dress. It was a cold shoulder style, with a delicate, lace, floral design all over the bodice. There were more lace flowers around the waist creating a belt around my waist. The silhouette of the dress was layered chiffon, with a satin underskirt. The hemline just graced the wooden floor, it was honestly the most beautiful dress I had ever laid my eyes on.
“For, you” My father spoke, a tear in his eye as he took in my reaction to the dress. I looked at my mother who was crying, her hands placed over her nose and mouth in a triangle shape at the reveal.
“M…My wedding dress?” I asked breathlessly. My emotions were all over the place I couldn’t believe it. This dress was much more than I could ever imagine. It was more than ever expected. I don’t think I could have found a better dress in a shop. This was everything.
“G…g…good?” My father asked softly stepping forward.
“Amazing” I whispered rushing forward to hug him tightly, crying into his chest. I ushered my mother over with my arm hugging them both tightly. “Thank you, thank you so much”
I stayed in the arms of my parents for a good five minutes before pulling away and wiping the tears from my eyes. Laughing softly. This was a complete 180-degree change in our dynamic. I couldn’t get over the changes and it was all down to me meeting Thomas Shelby for the first time four years previous.
“Wait, wait does that mean? Has Tommy spoken to you about our wedding?” I asked my parents, the realisation hitting me. Why else had my parents made a wedding dress for me unless Tommy had mentioned something? Did he mention something?
“A…ask him” My father chuckled peering into the pram. Roselle was awake, cooing away. Her small chubby little fingers grabbed at the air and then my father’s finger. I noticed my father’s eyes on me silently asking if he could lift her out which I agreed to. My mind wandered to my potential wedding. Was that in fact what Tommy was planning?
Later that evening I was home alone with Roselle, singing softly to her as I stared out the window of my apartment. The dark night had now taken over and I had yet to see Tommy all day, whatever he was doing kept him busy. Just as the thought entered my head I heard the front door open, looking over my shoulder I noticed Tommy walking in removing his peaked cap and fluffing out his hair.
“Everythin alrigh love?” Tommy asked shrugging off his coat and hanging it up. In a few long strides, he was over next to us, softly caressing the back of Roselle’s head. “How’s me girls tonight eh?”
“We went and visited her grandma and papa this afternoon” I answered, my eyebrows slightly raised as I looked at him, waiting for him to divulge some information on what was going on.
“Is that right? And how was that visit?” Tommy smirked not giving anything away. His blue eyes held a mischievous glint as he looked down into my eyes.
“Very good, they made me a wedding dress” I answered smiling up at him before handing over our daughter. Almost instantly she cuddled into the lapel of his suit jacket, she was only a few weeks old and already she was a daddy’s girl.
“Tha right? That’s good, you’ll need it” Tommy chuckled holding our daughter close. Every so often his eyes would move down towards her and then back towards me.
“For when?” I asked licking my lips as I moved into the kitchen to make some tea.
“Tomorrow” Tommy chuckled, his index finger gently caressing the side of Roselle’s face. I dropped the teaspoon I was going to use to make the tea once the teapot boiled to the floor. The noise stirred Roselle but not too much as she inhaled her father’s scent and settled once again.
“I’m sorry what?”
“I told ya, once I had the soldier dealt with we were getting married,” Tommy explained looking up at me
“This soon though?” I asked surprised
“I’m not waiting another day” He answered with a smile that lit up his eyes. I chuckle nervously looking at him and shaking my head softly.
I am getting married tomorrow.
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby @forgottenpeakywriter @babayaga67 @sweetmilkshakeluminary @slutforcoffein @sydneyyyya @happysparklingshadows @margew76   @midnightmagpiemama  @pierre-gasssllyy  @duckybird101 @muhahaha303 @thenattitude  @dolllol2405 @citylights31
Anyone wanting on or off the tag list please just let me know💙
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soulless-angel25 · 9 months
I think there is certainly a lot of discourse rearing its head about Tentoo/Rose and their storyline. And it's good that people talk about how they view it! Some people enjoy it, some don't. Some love it and others loathe it. That's normal and ok.
(More under the cut for those that want)
Personally I'm pretty neutral on it. I think that it was an interesting idea but the execution is what makes me lean more towards the dislike side of Tentoo/Rose. And part of it is because they(Ten2 and Rose) were kind of forced to stay in Pete's World.
I think that Tentoo would've been happy as long as he was with Rose. I also think that Rose did not want to go back. Now, I am going to say this- I have not listened to any of the Audio stuff, nor have I read a lot of the extended universe stuff.
But looking at it from as unbiased perspective that I can. I don't think Rose wanted to go back. Sure her Mum is there, but who else? Her sort-of-but-not-really-dad? Her younger brother Tony? Because those are really the only people, I mean- there's a possibility that she made friends in Pete's World but I doubt it because Rose did not want to be there in the first place. Which is such a vital thing to understanding her!
Rose did not want to be in Pete's World, she just wanted to be with the Doctor. And I think that with Tentoo she would've been happier in the 'Original Universe'. Because sure, in Pete's World she's got Jackie, Pete, and Tony. In the OG Universe she wouldn't have them- fine! She didn't have Pete or Tony growing up and she loves Jackie yes. But staying for one singular person isn't enough.
(Also I heavily doubt that Rose and Jackie's relationship was ever the same after Rose went 'missing' but that's something for another time)
In her OG World (Prime Universe or PU for convenience) she'd get people who could support her and understand what travelling with the Doctor is like. Mickey, Martha, Jack (and she would be so happy to see Jack!), and all the other companions whenever the Companion Support Group formed. And I think that Tentoo would also benefit from being around the former companions.
(Think of Tentoo seeing Sarah Jane and meeting Luke! Getting to reunite with Ace! Having the chance to be with all of these people who he's cared for over the centuries but always had the fear of outliving them, a fear that is now obsolete because he's human! He might still see them die but he'll also be aging with them.)
Now, is all this to say that I hate Tentoo/Rose and think it's the most horrid ending? No! It's just a discussion on my personal feelings about the way Rose's story ended. I think that Tentoo/Rose is so sweet, and I've written multiple fics about them.
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avinwrites · 1 year
IDV Ladies and their love languages pt. 2
Martha Behamfil
Martha’s love language is quality time! She has a lot of her day pre-determined by a relatively strict schedule. She runs in the mornings before anyone is awake, eats breakfast quickly, depending on the timing of her matches, she’ll decide whether or not to work on projects, converse with others, or do research on one of a few topics. There is a lot she likes to do, and even with all the time in the world, she’d never be satisfied. Her ambitions and passion carries her far. 
-“I’m sorry, Martha. I just don’t think I can get up at 5 a.m. with you.” You tell her with honesty. She’s accepting of this. Of course she isn’t going to force you to participate in only the things she enjoys. 
-But, maybe one time, you can do it! 
-You set your alarm for 5 a.m. and roll yourself out of bed the moment it sounds
-Still in your pajamas, you knock on her door
-“What are you doing awake? You wanted to run with me?!”
-She’ll lend you some of the clothes she uses to work out
-Its actually surprisingly fun! You finally learn what “runner’s high” is
-The two of you spend almost the entire run just talking, laughing, and generally having fun
-When you return to the manor, pale and sweating, she’ll have the brightest blush on her face
-not just from the run, but from how happy she is to be around you
-you might only run with her on the off occasion after that, but you learn just how much she loves to spend her time with you
-If she’s tinkering with something, or reading up on certain flight technologies, she’ll love it if you were there with her
-It would be a lot of you handing her things, or holding a flashlight when necessary
-but she really does appreciate it
Melly Plinius (can you tell i am absolutely head over heels for her)
Melly has trouble being put into a single category in terms of love languages. She gives and receives love so well! She’s happy holding your hand, or if you give her a squeeze of good luck before a match. She loves spending time with you, talking about anything you want, whether it be her telling you about the Pterygota she has spent much of her life studying, or whatever topic interests you. She’s ready to lend a helping hand whenever you need it, and often does so at any given point in time. Her well-timed swarm will unexpectedly fly by, saving you from an attack from the hunter. Gifts from her range greatly, from a nice meal, to flowers and an eloquent note. She’ll even sing for you, eventually. (@ my singing hcs)
-There’s a certain thing you have with Melly.
-An unorthodox way of showing your love for each other 
-If you were to ask anyone in the manor if Melly was seeing anyone, they’d ponder for a moment, shake their head, and say something along the lines of “she’s so closed off, I doubt it.”
-But you know better.
-Sure, around others, you have nothing but a cordial acquaintanceship
-The others would absolutely call you friends, its normal to hug a friend every now and then
-but you two spend way more time together that anyone realizes
-In the secluded garden, she’ll stroll with you at a leisurely pace, smelling the vibrant flowers and checking the planter boxes for interesting specimens
-And you’ll prepare her a bouquet as she allows a large and fluffy Bombus, bumblebee she later goes in depth about, crawl in her hand
-When you come back with the flowers, the bee goes right to it, and the two of you find yourselves in an interesting conversation following that moment
-This is how many days go by, and neither of you could be happier
Patricia Dorval
It took me quite a while to think about this one, but here’s my answer. Patricia Dorval’s love language is physical touch. She has a tendency to be aggressive. She has a strong sense of self, and knows what she wants, and is willing to do what it takes to get it. Whatever it is is subject to her mood at any given point
-If you’ve shown your affections for her, and she has accepted
-Prepare to be hers and only hers, she’s a little possessive
-She also grants you protection, both from the hunters and her curse
-You’re a pure soul of course, you could never be classified as a “sinner” in her eyes.
-So, if you are even in trouble in a match, call upon her. She will be there within the blink of an eye, her arm around your waist and her skill at the ready
-Then, she will not leave your side for the rest of the day
-Patching you up, ensuring you’re properly cared for and getting you ready for bed.
-All of the while she’s brushing her fingers up and down your skin, keeping close to you, and simply enjoying your presence
Tracy Reznik (I am also very much in love with Tracy)
Tracy’s is a gift giver. She’s always making little trinkets and her first thought once complete is to give them to you. She’s a very generous and kind soul, always thinking of you. She loves any show of affection in return, she has no preference for how she receives love, but she almost always shows her love with a gift! 
-Her creativity and love knows no bounds, as once, she gifted you with a miniature robot of herself that incidentally boosted your decoding by a considerable amount. 
-Yeah, you weren’t allowed to bring that into matches anymore
-but you keep it by your bedside table every night
-occasionally, you’ll catch Tracy tampering with it, with a note found later saying “Have fun finding the new feature.”
-She also loves to give you handmade puzzle boxes
-most resemble the inner workings of a clock, and there are many interconnecting parts you have to maneuver at the same time in order to open it.
-She loves to see your face when trying to open one of her gifts
-It makes her proud when she gives you a challenge, to her, it means her gifts are valuable
-Reward her with lots of affection! However you prefer to show affection is good with her
-She feels loved just by being around you
Qi Shiyi
Words of affirmation. There are a lot of things she doesn’t like, being touched, feeling indebted to someone. The best thing you can do for her is to tell her some good things about herself. The things you like about her. She’ll always appreciate it, even if she finds it difficult to take your words to heart. That, too, is how she shows her affection.
-There are often exchanges of “I’m proud of you.” And “You did well in that match.” between the two of you. 
-She’s the first to shout “Follow me” if you’re injured in a match, and while she patches you up, she’ll whisper “Are you in too much pain?” or “It’s all going to be ok.”
-You both have become slightly reliant on each others voices
-If you ever have a nightmare, go to her
-She’ll brush your hair or pat you on the back and reassure you that she’s here for you
Sorry about not writing for Ada or Vera, I’m not very comfortable with either of their characters. If someone requests one of them, I’ll try my best, but I won’t write for them on my own^^
Also, sorry about Qi Shiyi’s being so short, i’m still getting used to her character <3
Let me know what you think! And should I continue this with the rest of the characters, or move on for now?
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
Ok I wacth false point not to long ago
And it got me thinking.
What would thoams wyan father of Bruce and the bat reader think when he hears about the reader and the thoams version seeing his little girl and Bruce at the same time
I'm posting random drafts. incomplete. And so. English with translator. I suppect this maybe even double posted. Uhm. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Notice when I was writing this centuries ago I was hormonal. But I said don't edit, and I won't edit.
On Earth-1T8 Flashpoint?
Ooooh, interesting. My favourite DC animated movie until the moment!! (well, one with Damian and "apokalipsis now" goes second because, DAMIAN and Raven both for ME! And Constantine. And Robot!Diana and Tortured!Batman and...) I find it sexy that Diana killed Mera. Pointless, but sexy. Kaldur is also super hot in Flashpoint. You can tell I have a problem when I go minute by minute checking his micro-appearance. Ohh, and Grifter. *drool*
Anyway, Earth-1T8!Thomas would be super happy to have both children alive and would have a lot of questions for them. The two most important: are you happy? and are you siblings? (he would love it, his ideal life) he would assume they come from the same universe, but if it's Earth-1T8, obviously Batman comes from somewhere else.
Let's says, considering that he was half yandere when gots Reader, capable and he kidnaps them both even though his world sucks and thus he reforms his happy family where no one has lost anyone (because obviously, the rest of the batfam of both bats is for decoration, and Alfred, Thomas?)... because in this Flashpoint if Bruce died at birth, the death that made Martha become the Joker was Y/N's, gasp! She couldn't handle the second loss (surely Y/N did somwthing like sacrifice themselves for their new parents or butterfly effect x2)
And the guy is still rich. He would just have to "dress up" a bit. Like that Peter in the Spiderverse. Post-traumatic stress and that. Who knows, maybe what the world of Flashpoint has really needed all this time was a Batman who would engage with the world and not just with Gotham (and well, Superman, obviously).
I also think, I'm sorry, if Bats were a girl Thomas would be a bit macho about it - my girl can't be fighting - But overall he would be proud, if very sad, of what his children have become. Obviously, like every -good- father, he wanted something calmer and happier for both of them.
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artemis-corvus · 1 year
Morning Gratitude Journal
Christmas is easily one of my favorite holidays. I love having the time with family, I love the festivities leading up to it, I love all the associated candles and smells and foods. I think the world in general just seems happier around this holiday season, and I look forward to the time with people I love, the gentleness of Christmas morning, the happiness of my nieces and nephew. I love the cooking and delicious meals.
20 Places I'd like to visit before I die: Martha's Vineyard Whistler Alaska Bamff Zion National Park Costa Rica Ireland Scotland Greece Rome Japan Florida Keys Cabo Chicago Flagstaff St. Petersburg Iceland Zurich Amsterdam Yellowstone National Park
Small purchase I can make: Comfortable but pretty underwear. A lot of mine are stained or ratty, and I would like some for my own self-esteem, and for my confidence around my husband.
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yesokayiknow · 4 years
can i hear some of your thoughts on the year that never was?
uh ye okay here’s some unconnected thoughts:
There Should Be More Things Said About It. specifically the aftermath. i would like many many fics that have martha (& jack & the joneses & lucy & various unit staff) dealing with the trauma bc I Want To See Them Grow I Want To See Them Heal
martha refused another trip, and rightly so, but i like to think that she meets up with twelve for tea sometimes, and he just. listens (he hasn’t worked out yet whether he should tell her about the person in his basement. he’s weighing the pros & cons)
personally i don’t think that like. the whole year of the universe was erased, i think that it was only earth that got rewound, so its a year out of sync with the rest of the universe (well, probably a lot more than a year, considering how much shit various time lords have stirred up around here). mainly bc the universe(s) is Big and earth is like. less than microscopic, and i think time wouldn’t be affected by such a small rip
i think that amy remembers it, in some way or other. she can remember things that others can’t after all (and, of course, depending on when exactly she dies, she may have lived through it twice). i don’t think that river can remember, bc river’s childhood was a cycle of memory wipes and unwritten moments and things that never happened, & i think her mind must’ve gotten good at papering over the cracks (i do wonder how many versions of her were on earth at the time though)
(idk how clara’s memory works, bc it seems to be pretty self healing, but she did see a LOT in name of the doctor, including the ytnw. clara exiting the doctor’s timestream now able to remember what happened would be o o f & f u n)
rose 🤝 martha; losing a year of their life bc of the doctor (you judge how inadvertently)
martha wasn’t the only one of the doctor’s companions to spend a large period of time being constantly hunted & having to remain undercover from an oppressive psychic force, & then having nearly nobody else on earth remember it (& ooh boy i could talk all day abt hm how ~funny~ it is that that experience sure happened to the doctor’s (then) only 2 main black companions), and i like to think that bill visits her sometimes. it’s always good to have someone else who can in some way understand what you went through
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Deliverance Chapter Three
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Summary: That time has come to sort through the artefacts that have been sent to earth with you, and Clark finds he is less and less impressed with how krypton was governed.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, Fluff,Angst, A/B/O, Mating mentioned, Heats mentioned, Swearing
Wordcount: 14000+
A/N; so this chapter is mostly information and backstory. I rewrote kryptons history becuase... I wanted to? Yeah any way i hope you all enjoy even it it drags.
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The days that followed were strange, you had gotten used to earth and its strangeness. You were also spending as much time outside as you could, soaking up the sun rays and laying in the grass, sometimes walking through the fields. Martha even had you helping her with some flowerbeds 'weeding' humans were funny creatures. The white and pink flowers were acceptable but the little fluffy yellow ones and tiny blue ones were not? They were 'weeds' and had to be pulled from the ground. Martha had given you a strange look when you asked to keep them but got you a little trough all the same and helped you plant your weeds. They lived on your windowsill and you watered them every morning. Clark found it cute and even added some to it wanting to help.
You felt much better now and your breathing had settled. It was bliss residing with your alpha. You'd learned that he had a job as a reporter- a news writer. Those things weren't really mentioned at home which surprized you when you realised just how important they were and how much time it took up. And speaking of importance, you got your papers! Your official human documentation. A certificate of birth, because humans rewarded their young with paper on their birth you found it funny but your new family had been adamant you were given this reward for being birthed. You also got a number for social security recognition, a schooling achievement diploma? And a passport? So you could fly? Which didn't make much sense to you when you could do that anyway... Or would be able to once you were completely acclimatised to this planet. It had been Clark's friends- A bat who arranged it all, which was nice... If not odd you thought a bat was a winged mammal but perhaps there was a different bat hybrid you wasn't aware of. You were now unofficially, official in your human life.
When Clark was away you missed him, but didn't? Martha kept you busy, filling in the holes of your earthly education. You found her to be a sweet and funny woman, she was wholesome and kind. Never once shying away from you like you had expected. You lived with her for the moment a spare room in the farm house had been converted for you. For some reason she would not let you stay in the same room as your mate, she said it was a human thing. Not that, it stopped Clark from sneaking in at night and curling up in the bed with you soothing you and kissing you. He would always chuckle with you stating 'he wasn't human so its okay' whilst snuggling you sweetly scenting and murring at you until you fell asleep. You never felt safer then in the arms of your alpha, snuggling tight against him pressing kisses to his chest and rubbing your cheek on the curls that covered it, digging your nose into them and sniffing, breathing him in falling asleep.
Your bond was growing stronger and stronger as the days past, even if you only managed a few hours at night and in the morning with him. Clark had to explain some strange things, for some reason you were both to wear a ring? When humans found their mates they gave each other rings and wore them on the left ring fingers it meant they were mates? Married? Martha had been a little upset over it at first but Clark said it was best to do it this way, you could have your wedding later, for now he will wait. Martha had been persistent but in the end gave up, it was hard for her to face the reality that her son was not human and he was trying his best.
You were happier then you thought you'd be on a alien world, you'd acclimatised for the most part and found your own earthling way. Even if Martha and Clark found it strange you refused to eat anything brown or plain. Or meat.
The concept of eating animals was very disturbing for you. On krypton animals were not eaten, well not animals like on earth. Kryptonian's ate what earthlings would call insects, non sentient beings. But then again the insects here were... Tiny, surprizingly so. But Clark had taken it in his stride, if you didn't want to eat meat he wasn't going to force you... But he made you eat lots of what he called your 'leafy greens'... Which didn't make sense to you because many of the leafy greens should just be called greens because brocca-broccile- baby trees! Didn't have leaves neither did the little green balls! P's? You think he called them p's. Just when you began to loose hope for delicious sustenance he surprized you. Mangoes. You loved mangoes and grapes and apples! Fruit any fruit. Martha and your mate had taken you to a human grocery store and you'd been drawn to the fruit section.
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You walked into the store clutching at Clark's arm terrified, it was the first time being out and mingling with other humans. Once inside you looked about seeing a few humans scattered about the isles and relaxed. A wave of smells hit your senses making you cough.
"Breath, breath through it love... That's it good girl, good omega. Now hold on to me or the cart and stay with ma and me" Clark said rubbing your back leading you behind Martha walking past some special buys. After a few short minuets you relaxed and released Clark looking watching as the other humans walked about some with children some teenagers and even a few alone. The children drew your attention. Boys. Real little boys. Flesh and blood male children in little hats and shorts- clothing with cartoon race cars on them. You froze looking in awe. Felt the stutter.
"love?" he asked feeling you halt and tense. He instantly looked up and was on alert every bone in his body itching to protect you. To destroy what had spooked his tiny mate. He looked around for the danger but there was none, just a mother and her sons further down the isle.
"Look... Boys, young boys" you uttered slowly looking to the children holding a brightly coloured packet up to what you presumed was his mother pleading for the packet. The woman smiled and nodded letting them throw the packet into the cart and they continued down the isle.
"Yes love. I forget you've never seen a young boy have you" he hummed wrapping his arms around you from behind kissing the top of your head. You melted into him and shook your head still watching as the humans rounded the corner at the end of the shop.
"what do you think?" Clark whispered sweetly, amused and struck by the way you'd reacted to such a simple sight. A mother and sons, he forgot you'd never seen a boy before. He had been the last one on krypton.
"They... He was beautiful." you uttered slowly blinking still registering the image of a real live breathing male child.
"Ours will be better~ perfectly formed kryptonians a whole swarm" he said making you feel light and carefree, the thought of a litter- a true litter of your own pups made you quiver in anticipation.
"You-you'll give me pups?" you said softly trembling from head to toe. Clark hadn't made any inclination to wanting pups or to take your bond any further then the sweet caresses and cuddles he'd been gifting you. You'd not once spoke of anything beyond getting you settled into human life. Clark grinned awkwardly and nodded, he wasn't used to children being called pups and such, he was still coming to terms with the? Miscommunication between worlds and terminology.
"I will try my hardest, sons and daughters" he chuckled squeezing you tightly and pressed a long kiss to your head nuzzling your hair watching as the family disappeared. His heart swelled. A family, a real family. Children of his own in your little belly, with out fear of them being too much for you to handle. He could relax knowing you could handle their tiny kicks and nudges. You could survive a pregnancy and birth him healthy full term children. He had so many niggling little fears over trying to create himself a family with a human. Humans were weak, fragile, but with you? With you he could be exactly what he was. A kryptonian. A god among men. It was refreshing having someone he could truly relax around.
"Promise?" Came the tiny voice, breathless and pleading, huge doe like eyes blinking at him hopefully glazed in tears. He could feel the tremors through your bond, like someone twanging an elastic band, the vibrations of relief and excitement reaching him, tugging and pulling. It was as if you had feared he wouldn't give you children. And finally he had confirmed it.
"I promise little omega, as soon as I'm able you will be round and heavy~" watching as your eye grew wide and you purred at him rubbing your cheek to his as he craned down to kiss you, then scented him under his jaw. With an adorable flush and melodious gasp you pulled back looking around worried someone would know you'd scented your alpha.
"shh remember humans don't understand, they don't know what you did sweet pea" he uttered trying to sooth you. You had explained that scenting was seen as very private. It was... Like mating- the prequel to meeting, scenting was strengthening your bond and extremely intimate. To be caught doing it out side? It was very frowned upon, on krypton you'd get less disapproval if he fucked you out in the open!
"do not call me a p.. They are wretched things!... Call me... Something yummy" you complained not yet being aware that a sweet pea was a flower... And he wasn't calling you and actual pea.
"I apologise... You can be my little cookie?" he chuckled slowly it wasn't that he was laughing at you but he found it endearing how straight forward you were. If you didn't like something you told him out right. It was a nice change, you didn't seem to understand the whole human political correctness and subtlety. Your reasoning with Clark was that you could both feel the others feelings through the bond, so what was the point in lying. That would just complicate things. And he couldn't argue with your logic.
"what is a cookie?" you asked tipping your head to the side curiously. He did burst out laughing at that and shook his head squeezing you tight. Tighter then any human could handle, but that was part of the beauty in your relationship. You wasn't human, wasn't breakable. He could fully relax and touch you without fear of harming you. You were impenetrable... Well in that sense anyway~
"Something very sweet and delicious I promise~" he said kissing your head once more and ushered you down the isle slowly trying to find his mother, but still let you look around. You were curious and wanted to explore your new home planet and he wont ruin your first venture.
"Clark? Clark come and help me- I cant reach the milk! Its at the back again!" Martha said quietly you smiled. It took a lot of coaxing but you had indeed tried what Clark had explained as 'cow juice' and had developed a taste for it. So Martha had promised you milk every day if you liked. Which you did like. A lot. Clark pressed another kiss to you and walked off towards the milk refrigerators expecting you to follow.
You made to follow but a sweet scent hit you and you stopped mid step. It was wonderful and ripe, sweet and succulent. You pivoted and followed without much thought. Your feet found there way twisting around the display of 'leafy greens' to a bright colourful isle. You salivated at the smells. There were so many intoxicating scents you didn't know what to look at first.
You pressed a hand on a small net package full of strange green fuzzy balls. Kiwi's? You read and scrunched your face up at the peculiar name. Then plucked the bag up and held it to your nose sniffing. They smelled divine, like a type of food from home. Okriin a small sour sweet treat given to children on their birthing date. You sniffed again and almost cried. It was so similar but so different sweeter and fuller in the scent. You cautiously sniffed again and closed your eyes before tentativly prodding it with your tongue wanting to see if it tasted the same.
"y/n? Y/n?!- oh god there you are? What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack" Clark said racing towards you his mother behind him with the cart. He slid to a stop and blinked at you. As you scrunched up your nose.
"The texture of these are... Not very nice?" you said naively moving for the fruit again sticking your tongue out once more trying to discern if it was edible like this. Clark moved quickly gasping holding your hands that had the.. Kiwi's in it.
"no, no.. No we- you don't eat them like that... You peel them and eat the inside, and we don't lick things in the shop okay?" he explained with a teasing to his voice. Martha chuckled into her chest she couldn't help it, you were extremely cute.
"But? Then how do you know if you like it if you don't taste?" You frowned as Martha stifled a laugh. But she quickly curbed herself when you looked serious and a little upset. You didn't find it funny food was serious and had always been rationed, you were allowed only the portion you needed to stay healthy back home. Nothing more unless you could grow it.
"You buy it and eat it at home, then we can come and get more" Clark said drawing your attention once more. Your frown deepened. More? You could come back? That didn't sound right... or fair, Martha normally made one trip a week on the same day... wasn't that her alotted time for food shopping? Or was it by choice?
"More? But isn't there rules on how many trips a household makes?" You asked genuinely confused looking from your mate to his mother then back again. They both looked a little shocked by the idea of not being allowed to get food when they needed to. Martha even looked sad, shaking her head looking down.
"No love, there isn't... is there on kry-back home?" Clark asked, he almost sounded offended by the thought of being told when you can and cant go shopping.
"Yes. We have fifteen minuets for every member of your house hold that your shopping for and an alotted time every two weeks to pick up your rations" you said without batting an eyelash. Clark drew a deep breath, he had to admit he didn't like what he was hearing about your shared home planet. He found himself more and more relieved you were here with him and not in that? Authoritarian place.
"Did you lick anything else?" He said trying to move away from the topic, he was trying to get you used to this planet and this was your first time out and about in town. He wanted to move on, to let you be free and explore... preferably with him beside you.
"...If I do can we take it home?" You said tipping your head to him with a cheek grin. He chuckled and rounded you placing an arm around your waist and pokeing under your ribs in a freshly discovered tickle spot making you giggle.
"Silly thing you don't have to lick things for us to buy them, I suppose you liked the smell huh?" He enquired nodding to the Kiwis still clutched protectively in your hands.
"Yes it.. Its like something from home- a treat we had on our birthing day..." you nodded looking down plucking at the bright orange netting that kept four of the fuzzy fruit together.
"Then we shall get two packets love" he said plucking another pack of kiwis and placing them in the cart, he then looked to you as you scanned the isle still indulging in the amazing mix of smells and colours.
"Pick out a few more things to try, the mangoes are nice and juicy I think you'd like them." He said motioning to the colourful sweet smelling displays.
"R-really I can pick some?" You asked nervously twiddling your fingers and pulling onto the sleeves of your top.
"Yes love we don't ration here you can pick a few things to try, just promise me you wont lick any of it... at least not until we get to the car"  he said grinning as you nodded enthusiastically looking around suddenly full of childish glee. God help him when you try some candy, he has the feeling you'll have a sweet tooth.
"I promise!" You said happily and ran off to some of the other fruit that smelt divine and quickly picked a few.
Once you got home you watched Clark and Martha make a small platter of fruit for you. And you'd fallen inlove! Mangoes and pears were your favourite,  you didn't like grapefruit and should have listened when they told you not to eat a lemon... lemons were for juicing and flavouring other food, not for eating.
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You smiled as you mulled over the day, that was the first day you saw the civilisation of your new home. Humans were free and unorganised. Chaotic but at the same time had made their own way to navigate the chaos of their world and one another. They were very similar to your kind. But it was hard, frightening! Suddenly you could do what you wanted when you wanted. Krypton in its desperation had taken many choices away, even the basic ones. Like how much food you could have per household, how many times you could visit the shopping districts or medical bays. You had laws on how much water you used, who could go where and when. and suddenly all that structure- all those rules were gone. You were to do as you pleased?
It was a frightening concept.
You padded across the small space to the barn with tentative steps, quivering knees. Clark was behind you a few feet trying to give you space, yet at the same time he was pressing himself though the bond. Warm and comforting reassuring you. He had learned in the past week that he could send messages through the bond. Almost whispers it was weird you didn't hear anything but you could feel his words, feel his probing. His soul was apart of you and your soul apart of him now. And you could communicate in such a deep way it- you almost felt as if you were one being.
Today you had decided to go through the ships cargo hold and start removing some things up to your room. It had been something you put off but it was time to begin answering more questions, time to give our alpha his heirlooms and books. Your job now was to help him learn all about krypton and its past.
Clark darted forward opening the doors to the barn letting you and Martha in. You'd decided to let Martha help, she deserved it she was your surrogate mother now after all. Last week she'd started asking you to call her Ma too.
You moved towards the tarp covering the ship and pulled at it making the crinkling plastic fall the  inched forward pressing a hand to the door to the pod. You froze, flashes of the moment you'd been wrestled into the pod crossed your mind. The fear and agony of knowing you were going to be there end. Kill your parents. But it was to late, it had been too late then and it was too late now.
"Omega? Are you alright?" Clark said standing behind you curling one arm around your frame, the thick forearm resting over your tummy at your waist.
"Yes, its... The last time saw this was when" you trailed softly, you knew he could feel the fear and despair as you replayed those final moments with your family over and over. You hand been strong enough to hold on to your mother or father. You hadn't had enough grip to pull them into the ship with you, and your lack of strength cost them their lives.
Clark murred into your shoulder, his other hand stretching out smoothing his palm over yours pinning it you the surface of the door. He could taste the anxiety, the overwhelming frantic terror that had overcome you as your bond soured your memories haunted you. In the night you'd cry out for them and jolt awake sobbing your heart out. But you'd never spoke about what ha actually happened.
"D-do you want to talk about it?" He said quietly pressing his chest to your back needing to touch his sweet omega, the overwhelming drive to comfort you was almost painful.
"I don't think it would help... I shouldn't feel bad, its what i had been commissioned for. We all new our purpose" Clark paused. What? You had barely spoke about krypton, but from what you had mentioned he had a very... unimpressed view of it. The world sounded totalitarian and harsh everyone leading a hard life of duty. But he had never pushed you, he could tell you still mourned the planet despite its shortcomings.
"C-commissioned? Purpose? What do you mean?" Martha muttered moving closer to you both. She too was curious, her and Clark never thought they would have this chance, that they could learn everything about the planet of his birth or his race. But you were it. Their answers a living breathing kryptonian that had resided on krypton! You knew everything they wanted to know and probably more. They had been trying to hold back their questions it would seem that you may finally be up to answering them.
"Krypton is... Was like... North Korea? The one shut off from the world? But... stranger, its hard to explain without knowing our history we had our reasons and failures" you trailed off, you was unsure where to start, the troubled past of your race was woven into its present, well not present as today but... the final era of krypton. Everything leading up to the day you were shipped off from the planet. There were complications, twists and turns that you might not be able to explain properly.
"Please, I'd like to know" his voice was small and sweet, almost naïve in a sense. You got the feeling of a curious desperation from your bond. It made you grin, he was trying so hard to hold back for your sake, he truly was the perfect mate both considerate and loving, there was a gentleness about him that many alphas are said to have lacked. It must come from being raised on this planet, growing up around being so much weaker then he is that has moulded him to hold such a sweet sense of  nurturing. After all your mate was the golden son, a living breathing god on earth.
"I know... come I have books and artefacts in the cargo hold, I will give them to you and you can read" you said with a shy smile, you warm giddy feelings traveling along you bond making him murr once more managing to hit the all important melodious sound that was the unique soul song you'd both began naturally harmonizing. You stood and pulled from Clark and walking a small way down the ship. You pulled a hidden hatch open jerking a lever up and then pulled and twisted before releasing. You were quite impressed at how easily you'd done it. The suns rays had made you immensely strong already. Soon your be flying hopefully!
Clark hovered over you, making sure to stand in between the ship and his mother. A large gust of air and a whirring sound resounded and you stepped back. There were several clunk's and metallic creaks then the whole side of the craft pealed away like a set of curtains a thick corsetina of metal revealed a large cargo hold the three of you could just fit in.
There were shelves and cases piled high inside. All of krypton's most valuable artefacts, your whole history in the small stalagmite keys. Just like the one Clark had been sent to earth with. But these held information, schematics of incredible tech, medicines and encyclopaedia's. Not only about krypton but other planets and races that could cause a threat.
The there were the texts for your pups. The very same you had used to study as a child. You tip toed inside looking around feeling your heart break. This was all that was left of a whole civilization. A case of ceremonial robes, some crown jewels. Seeds for a few important plants- even a small rack with some mature plants that were being grown in a small self sustained pod. It was a true treasure trove.
"Wow this is? Incredible"
"Everything in here is... significant to our kind- here these are the books to start with they will tell you what krypton went through... a child's guide to our history" you said scooping up the books you'd studied and handed them to Clark. He moved slowly taking them from you running his fingers over the image on the book.
You walked off around a small shelf trying to find your chest- the things your parents had been allowed to pack for you. You had to find it and get over those emotional tugging in your chest. You had a lot to explain and had to have a clear head on your shoulders.
Martha stood close by the exit as she watched the two of you potter about the ship. It was both frightening and exhilarating for her. She was glad they had thought about all this, about giving both you and Clark things to remember krypton by. She moved to step behind Clark peeking at the book he was flicking through and was surprized to find she could read it. Everything was in perfect English.
"This is? Are they all in English?" She asked turning to you who was still wandering around becoming upset clearly looking for something in particular.
"Yes, they needed to make sure kal-clark would be able to read it" you said comeing around the other side of the shelves and stood beside them both. Clark turned around eyeing the book seeing what looked like propaganda filling the pages. It was disconcerting he was slowly becoming aware that krypton was not the magical place he had envisioned but a very draconian type of civilization. He didn't want to read pages of scripted drivel. He wanted the truth. He closed the book and eyed you then held to book out to you.
"I'd like to learn from you... if its not to much to ask love? These books will paint a rosey picture, I want to know the reality what people actually thought of our planet" he said still offering you the book. You held your breath debating for a moment, but finally breathed out a sigh and took the book from him. Agreeing.
You moved to the side of the ship and sat down letting your feet rest on the steps. Clark and Martha followed your lead taking seats beside you.
You kept quiet for a moment pondering over what was most important to start with. Your evolution. Then your genealogy, the great mistake and population crisis and the laziness that followed. The selfishness and finally his own story, the story of the golden sons escape and the new age. The final short 31 year age. And your delivery.
You opened the page showing some images of the first ever 'proper kryptonians' and held it open letting both Martha and Clark lean over to see. It was like a family story time.
"Okay... So kryptonians evolved just like humans did millions of years ago.  But unlike humans we kept more of our animal like instincts, we retained pack mentality" you said pointing out the different images of the evolution.
"Alpha and omega's?" Clark asked curiously as his eyes scanned the page. There was a list for each. Alpha were bigger and stronger, more dominant and protective, fierce and very potent. They were more economic and able to draw more power from little radiation. Omega petite, defensive, skittish and shy. Nurturing and extremely fertile. Submissive.
"Yes and betas they aren't an extreme like omega and alpha. They are more balanced but much less fertile. We have one mate, one soul bond once its made you cant deny it, but its also a problem." You flipped a few pages to the mate bond section where there were a few images of couples and some more little bullet points. Of which you covertly covered, they didn't need to know about sex or knots or heat yet... you would explain to Clark later... alone.
You flushed unable to stop your mind wandering. Images of you finally bonding with Clark, the undulating hips and breathy moans resounding in your ears. All leading to a great finale of his bite, his canines would prick your skin clamping down not only marking you but to hold you still as his cock swelled and pressed your walls tight trapping you to his huge frame. It was said to be painful and euphoric the feeling of absolute unity. Apparantly omegas can panic when their alpha knots them for the first time, the bite would make you freeze and still for him enough to fully penetrate you. He'd knot you for a long while tying you to him both mind body and soul as he saturated your insides claiming your body for himself.  You swallowed, nervously. You couldn't wait to finally be claimed, but you were also nervous. He was large even for an alpha and there was no doubt in your minds he was well proportioned.  
Clark noticed you begin to blush and squirm, your scent changing becoming both sweeter and musky he leant over you trying to peek at what you were hiding. He snuck a hand around behind you and tried pulling on your elbow to see what your were trying to hide.
"Oh no come on love what are you hiding there?" He teased and pulled tugging you closer making you whine and pull back.
"No that's nothing just its err our sex education and we don't need to go into that yet!" At the mention of sex Clark stiffened and released your elbow but remained wrapped around you.
"Oh right well then.. we know all about that so there no need to... explore that topic" Clark said flushing brightly but you paused... should you tell him?
"Well err you... you will have to there are.. some difference to having sex with... others then your mate, things are... different when your body knows it can impregnate its partner. So you need to err... I've got books for you to read in private" you flustered flicking your eyes quickly from Martha to your mate trying hard not to imagine him but ass naked stroking his cock readying himself to mount you. Clark didn't seem to realise you were becoming nervous and quickly spoke up slightly confused by the way you'd worded your statement. But then again he found a lot of the things you said strange. You wored things differently, and sometimes used the wrong words altogether! As much as krypton prepared you it sort of hadn't? Your English was good but... Not completely accurate.
"Different when you can impregnate? What's that supposed to mean, I've had sex... It was normal human sex" you whined and lowered your head feeling a little upset. Your mate almost sounded offended, like you'd undermined him or doubted his ability... You felt a little shamed over it, you hadn't intended to insult him. You turned to him your panic of displeasing him washed away your nerves of having the sex talk. You rested a hand on his thigh squeezing it before beginning  to explain that you wasn't belittling him it was just genetics.
"You cannot conceive with anyone other then your soul mate... It just doesn't happen. Is impossible, we were taught that its because your genes are only compatible with that of your mate, your other half. Pairings aren't always omega and alpha either, they can be anyone with anyone, but most alphas have an omega" you said trying not to go into detail but Clark merly blinked at you nodding wanting you to continue as he soaked up every word.
"And there are... Things that... Happen during sex with your soul mate, your err... Anatomy changes... And err expands? I suppose? Our bodies do what they must to... To try and... Conceive.." you finally stuttered through the images your mind conjured. Mind drifting to all the uncomfortable classes full of giggling girls and unamused teachers explaining knotting and ejaculation with a huge image of a penis on the board... You flushed word on the school playground used to be the size of a balled fist was the size of your mates knot. You swallowed eyeing Clarks hands, though not balled up he had then curled up loosely. You clenched, for some reason the thought of him being such a large male made you very ,very excited and anxious. The larger a male the more chance there was at having a successful mating because he would be deeper and nothing would escape. Fuck.
You shook your head swallowing dryly. Now was not the time, thoughts like that were dangerous and could trigger a heat, something you didn't want to happen until he was aware of what was to come. You wanted him to be fully aware of heats, ruts knotting the full process before in sighting anything. He was still immensely stringer than you, if he were to have you now and panic whislt knotting he could pull free and tear you. And you didn't want that.
"soo i get a... Super erection or something?" he said with a huge smile both teasing and boasting, sitting up straighter unknowingly posturing, preening like a little peacock as humans would say. You made to reply flushing a deeper red, beginning to feel a tad dizzy with all this blood rushing to your head. But luckily Martha interrupted and waved her hands making a slicing motion trying to literally cut the conversation short.
"Right okay! Enough of all that" she said managing to move your arms that were still covering the very crude generic drawings of an alphas cock, you moved letting the human turn the page which lead to the next stage of your peoples history.
"But Ma?!" Clark complained eyes loosing their amused shimmer only for him to pout at the human clearly upset that he wont be having a full sex talk with you. And you couldn't be more thankfull because you only had books and a school sex education to go by, you'd never actually seen a real one before, so didn't really have any grounds to be teaching anyone anything about them. Least of all your much older, more experiance alpha mate.
"But nothing Clark, she said she has a book so you can read the damn book! There will be no hanky panky anytime soon do you understand me?" she scolded in a final motherly tone making you giggle into your hand. Your alpha was very cute when he pouted, blue eyes wide and a perfect downturned frown on his lips, the pink bottom lip pressed forward in a sweet gesture. How the perfectly masculine sharp angular male could be both stunning and adorable was beyond you. But he was just perfect.
"Yes Ma" he sighed looking more and more disheartened but then nudged your side and sent you a wink before raising his brows suggestively. You squeaked and looked to the book in your lap once more feeling your ears go red under his provocative gaze. He huffed a quiet chuckle and purred low in his chest. You felt it the warm yet prickly sensation of your mate. Is was playfull, like when someone lightly ghosts a finger over your inner arm? A slight tickling sensation that made your skin goose bump and tingle. You knew this feeling well, you had been pleased to know your alpha wasn't all work and no play. He was actually a very fun loving man, he liked teasing you playfully and always managed to make you laugh or blush. He enjoyed you being both happy and flushed they seemed to be his favoured reactions and he would go out of his way to cause them.
Martha had said he just seemed happier, younger like a little teenager again. But this time without all the angst. Like you had somehow drawn away the worries he had. Apparantly as he took the mantle of superman he had lost himself along the way. He wasn't cruel or mean but he was stressed. Martha had said he was beginning to question himself, ask if it was worth it, if anything was worth it anymore. He took on more and more responsibility and was working himself into the ground. But now he wasn't?
He had you to come home too, he had something more to fight for. She said Clark saw you as his reward in a sense. You were his future, the life he had always wanted but could never hope for. Martha said you'd saved him. You wasn't sure if you really believed her, how could you save him when all you have done is sleep and refuse to eat anything other then fruit.
"Clark you might be more convincing if you wiped that smirk off your face... I'm serious, let y/n settle before risking any children okay?" the woman deadpanned making him shrug and chuckle at her.
"Aw that's no fun I already promised. Didn't I sweetheart?" he teased still eyeing you managing to ignore his mothers scathing look as he tried to get you to look at him again. And like an idiot you did spare him a quick glance, well you thought it was quick but somehow he managed to wink at you again blowing you an over exaggerated kiss.
"Clark Joseph Kent!" Martha snipped quickly a much firmer warning in place making him sigh and roll his eyes at his mothers use of his full name. He could see her point but he had to admit he was a little put out with her.. His mother had an issue with your age, even though your twenty two in earth terms you still did look the part of a teen all be it a nineteen year old, but teen none the less. She was uncomfortable with the idea of him bedding you and wanted you both to wait. But Clark didn't have an issue with it, you were his omega. He was your alpha and neither you or he were humans. So why live your lives by human rules? Besides the paperwork was all set up. Legally your not a minor here you just look young, many women did.
"Yes, yes fine, no sex yet jeez" he acquiesced giving in for the moment not needing another lecture. As much as he loved his mother; and he truly did. But his sex life was none of her business and he will fuck you when you were ready and willing and there was nothing that will get in the way of that. Not even the woman who raised him.
"Glad to hear it son. Oh don't give me that look you know it makes sense... Now dear why don't you continue, both Clark and i would love to here about your history" Martha scolded then rolled her eyes at her supposed 'adult' son who was pouting. You smiled uneasy but nodded. You learned quickly that Martha ruled the roost, but it was still strange for you to watch. You'd been raised to see Kal as a god- a saviour and your races true hope. Watching the man you'd all but worshipped be scolded by a human was... confusing. But you just let it be, you were realising humans were much more complicated then you were lead to belive.
"yes of course..." you paused clearing your throat quickly looking at the open page then flipped it seeing the next images. The ships, and graph of births declining... the population crisis, the beginning of the mighty kryptonians demise.
"When our people began scouting the galaxy less and less found their soulmates because we were soo scattered and so pairings dropped and so did births which began effecting economy and age gap parings suffered because their mates werent being born. Suddenly things took a nose dive mates weren't being born families were suddenly being cut short and many bloodlines died off... Over sixty percent of noble houses were wiped out in three decades, suicides were on the rise there was no point to life if you couldn't be happy or have a family" you explained flipping another page letting the both of them get their fill. Both pages were full of house crests and a little information on what each one represented, what their houses did for krypton notable mentions and such.
You flipped again this time showing images of the amniotic chambers. Huge glass towers that grew 'artificial' kryptonians. It was a leap forward in science. They had learned to play god, create life without any comprises. Your own eyes scanned the image a small foetus in a sack and a few around it larger and more developed. It was how your own life began.
"We turned our attention to a amniotic chambers, scientists and doctors could suddenly make anyone children! Mates or not. There was a huge baby boom but, it did nothing for the planet or its people" you explained slowly even saying it sounded strange now that you were older, but then again you'd been taught that this had been wrong. This it was the mistake that had started krypton's downfall. You'd been raised in the old ways, with old values.
"Over time it was seen as primitive to actually seek out your mate and birth a child naturally even having sex became pointless. Why go through that pain when you could have one made and delivered to you when its born?"
"So they were farming babies?" Martha asked incredulously unable to fathom such a thing. It was far fetched, the idea to make fake children? To be able to have a child without carrying them or birthing them but they were your own flesh and blood?
"Yes Ma, but more then that... when we turned our back on natural birth and mates we lost a lot of ourselves and had to use a codex to give the new generations traits and keep some semblance of our race instincts... but even that became political all birthed children had to become more beneficial to society. Loyal, strong, intelligent, beautiful, compassionate, nurturing. And at the same time you could choose the look of your child, their sex, their presentation." You explained voice getting smaller as you spoke it was uncomfortable to talk about parents could determine everything about you. Your sex, pigmentation personality, hell your parents could choose specific moles and birthmarks of they wanted a late 'morphing' session a few weeks before you were born.
"Presentation?" Martha frowned not fully understanding. You nodded to her sparing a glance before quickly looking away. It was strange explaining anything that remotely eluded to pairings and mating with her. She was a human and didn't understand. You found it unnerving, everyone just knew these things back home.
She didn't understand it and sometimes it frustrated her making her snip at you and Clark. She didn't mean to but it was just hard for her to fathom a race evolving and still retain some animal primitive instincts. Humans didn't keep much of theirs, the only ones you were aware of was their self preservation- their undeniable need to stay alive for as long as possible apart from that? They had escaped everything else. The bottom line was humans didn't have soul mates and Kryptonians did, and no matter how much the woman wished Clark was a human, he wasn't and he never would be. Martha had been able to ignore it on a day to day basis. To all intents and purposes when Clark wasn't in his suit she could pretend he was normal. Until you came along.
Not that you think she didn't like you, because she loved you, you were sure of it. It was just, sometimes Martha had to look away as you and Clark bonded. She didn't see mates, she saw her adult son fawning over a love struck teen.
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"Will they be alpha, beta, omega or a new non-type" you hummed quietly trying not to dwell on the subject not wanting to upset her. Martha drew in a deep breath and nodded to you soaking up the information. You could see she was trying, she wanted to understand it was difficult for her.
"So if I wanted a blue eyed blonde boy I just had to say?" She said veering off topic slightly wanting to move on swiftly but didn't want to out right say 'lets talk about something else'
"Sort off, eyes can only be dark. Blue, green, pink, grey and amber eyes were traits only found in true borns, these traits died out. Everyone had a dark brown or black eyes occasionally you could have a very dark blue or green but bearly noticeable"  you brushed over the topic as quickly as you could whislt still giving a few extra details. Clark grinned at you and made a passing comment of 'that's why my eyes fascinated you soo much?' Both he and Martha chuckled as the comment made you flush and nod slightly. It was true, you'd been enamoured with his eyes never having seen blue before... and they were soo blue it was like looking into the purest cleanest pools of water your ever seen! Gorgeous and vibrant. it had been a little ongoing tease of Clarks commenting that you were 'staring again' when ever he caught you gazeing at his azure crystal clear eyes.
"Krypton was quickly overpopulated and began draining our planets resources quicker, then they looked to the core... the beating heart of the planet" you said turning the page adamant you were not going to be caught up eyeing him again for the hundredth time today.
"And they drained it?" Clark said leaning mover your shoulder looking at the diagram of krypton that briefly explained how the core was depleted and what a calamity it was.
"Yes. It took a millennia but we bled our planet dry... It became a dry desolate place but had huge glistening cities! Technology you could only dream of! Krypton was the envy of many other planets, our military might alone ended wars in days..." Clark frowned. Military? So not only did krypton become a harsh dictatorship they had been going to war? Enough that they were a feared adversary?
You winced as Clarks face darkened at the mention of war. He didn't like fighting and killing but krypton? In its hay day was the front runner. Its military protected the planet but also dominated. It you wanted to win a war it was the kryptonians you wanted on your team, your soldiers were bred for war, just like the omegas were bred for breeding. Clark growled, eyes skimming the page that praised and boasted about the great many wars that they had won, the enemies they had crushed. You swallowed and flipped a few pages quickly skipping the small chapter on the military past.
You skimmed the next page quickly, there were no images on the next few pages. You paused remembering when you'd first worked studied this chapter. You'd been around eight years old, sitting in Mrs Nirn's class chewing your pen as you read ahead zoning out.
You had wanted to understand why things were so different from what your parents upbringing had been. You wanted to know why there were no little boys in your class, why were the lights off? Why couldn't you have a little sister like your father? Everytime you asked an adult they always vaguely mentioned 'things aren't how they were before' but no one had ever answered your follow up questions 'before what? What happened?'  And this was the chapter that explained everything, that shed light on your peoples recent history.
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"Love? Mate are you okay?" Clark asked worriedly watching as you seemed to drift off into your own little world. You jumped and faced him as his warm palm met with your back, slow soothing circles rubbing your tense form slowly. You smiled uneasily and nodded to him before taking a deep breath. He had to know, it was your duty to teach him what happened. It was your place to enlighten him on his own importance, he had a right to know how he got to earth.
"W-We began racing towards calamity there was huge protests, people realised we were not going to last and there would be no escape. But the government decided to call a meeting over it- Jor El decided to plead the council to stop the mining but he was ignored the meeting was just for show a ruse to try and quell the masses... Then Lara began pleading with them to think of the consequences" you said quickly finding your voice again recounting the events that began his own story, the role his parents had played in the prolonged survival of the planet and that ultimately lead you to him.
"My parents?" He said slowly recognising their names once more. You nodded glancing to Martha, you didn't really want to keep bringing up your alphas birth parents in front of the woman you didn't want her to get upset or think she was any less significant. Lara may have birthed your mate. But Martha had raised him, shaped him into the glorious gentle and caring male that he was. Martha seemed to know you were worrying over upsetting her and smiled encouragingly before  placing a reassuring hand on your back below Clarks patting you sweetly.
"I'd like to know too dear, I want to know about the people who gave me my son" she cooed slowly making you bite your lip and take a deep breath muttering a meek 'okay if your sure' under your breath.
"They were strong and kind, serious though and realistic. They both avidly protested about the continued abuse of the planet and warned about the imminent destruction of krypton... it wasn't until to coup that anyone new why."
"Why? What was the reason?" Clark said eagerly paying you his full attention. He was both excited and anxious about learning of his actual parents, everything he thought about krypton seemed to be wrong. On a whole he'd convinced himself that his home planet was almost a mythical place that was good and pure perfect! But it was the complete opposite, he didn't want his fantasy of perfect parents to be shattered too. And there was always the fear he'd been abandoned simply because he was an unwanted child or defective in some way.
"She was pregnant with the first natural son of krypton. They didn't want you to be born just to die after a few weeks of life. You were born in your family home. No doctors or machinery, nothing but your mother and father." Clark let out a breath soaking in the information. Zod was right. Jor was telling the truth? He truly was the first natural born kryptonian? It was there in black and white! Not hear say! He didn't have much time to relish in the relief as you continued quickly.
"A few days after your birth Zod made his move to attack the council, his move was partly spurred on by the civil unrest and protests all over the planet." Another few pages were turned as you bypassed all the nitty gritty details of the coup and violence, the protests  and downfall of many proud houses dragged out of their homes, the riots and looting as the military began fighting internally and the police force all but abandoned their duty.
"My birthday?" Clark said lightly dragging his fingers over an image of himself. A still taken from the footage of his birth, he was in a small oval crib with a blanket over his waist and lower half. Beside him was Lara and Jor watching over him. And at the top of the page a date. Both in kryptonian and earths calendar.
"May? I was born in May? Ma look!" He said sniffing quietly looking at the page in awe. That was him, his parents! They were there! He gazed at the image excitedly, he never new his real birthdate, his parents had guessed but here it was. The exact date! His actual real birthday. He wasn't an Aries. He was a Taurus. He never believed in star signs but, somehow he felt better knowing.
"I see that son, you were perfect and so tiny~" she said slightly tearful herself. This was bittersweet, she had to listen and watch as her son, the boy she raised found out the truth of how he came to her. She didn't doubt he loved her but she was always frightened of him leaving her behind in a way, the terror of him forgetting her and choosing someone else replacing her was almost too much. But at the same time Martha owed a lot to the couple that had entrusted her with their son, she would be lying if she wasn't curious about them and the reason Clark was here.
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"Your father in an effort to protect you entered the amniotic chamber and stole the codex. He was hunted for it but by the time anyone could intervene or arrest him it was to late. He had sealed the codex inside of his son. He was the final kryptonian so should be able to carry all traits." You explained turning the next page seeing the image of the chamber Jor ha infiltrated. The codex sitting proudly in place.
"He.. he risked his life? To save me?" Clark breathed out barely whispering the words as he leant forward clasping his hands together tightly. You faltered and looked to him shocked, he hadn't known? You all new that Kal was sent to earth with a stalagmite key with his fathers conscious, had Clark not managed to activate it? Here were ships all over this planet, kryptonians had tried to settle here but... For some reason they just couldn't seem to survive for long. No one knows why, connection was lost.
"He... Gave his life to save you. Zod was the one who caught onto your fathers plan and... He confronted him and your mother. Tried to kill you, your existence; the proof of a natural born was... it would have destroyed his cause... it would have proved him wrong" you uttered slowly unsure how you could tell him the truth without upsetting him, it was a delicate matter. Clark ushered you closer managing to tuck you under his arm holding you as close as he could to his side, then began murring out at you as he felt the nerves, the tangled feelings of fear , grief regret and sorrow. Each one coiling around the other making for an uncertain overbearing pull.
You didn't mean to but you were tugging the bond, looking for approval. Nervously searching for some inclination that he was alright. Prodding at him tentatively trying to peak at his feelings. But you were still uncertain of how to do it without being pushy? On krypton it was said to be unseemly to pry at your mate, normally things flowed freely to forcefully take a look deeper into your mate was... rude and could be construed as not trusting your mate.
Clark didn't know that though. Was it bad? Cruel of you to omit that little social detail so he wouldn't be annoyed at you for it? Was it manipulating? Clark hummed leaning his head ontop of yours, resting his cheek on your crown and placed a sweet kiss to your hair.
"I know... I- he told me on the ship when I found out about krypton... when he told me of mates" he said calmly. You released a low whine nodding to him purring up at him as your shoulders relaxed, slumping once more in relief. You'd been wound up over that. It wasn't like his father would be alive now anyway, but telling him of his families demise wasn't really something you took pleasure in.
"O-oh.. okay well then...err your father was a warrior and fought him, he gave your mother enough time for her to launch your ship. Zod finally over came your father but it was too late, you were almost out of the atmosphere." You swallowed steeling yourself as you continued your tale, recounting the incredible events that had taken place, changing history and the fate of your race.
"Zod instructed all his units to shoot you down, but your mother had used a incredibly illegal amount of resources to make sure your ship's boosters and armed defences were at peak and you made it out"
"So That's really how I left? During all that? I thought Jor had dramatized it... but he hadn't and.." Clark trailed off in thought. He was telling the truth he had been a little sceptical, he couldn't help it he had over thought it afterwards. Managing to think himself into doubting Jor's story picking at it, almost convincing himself the story was a little too convenient.
"It got worse, zod and his men were sent to the phantom zone and your mother was tried for treason. But everything stopped when the footage came through." Martha who had remained quiet listening to you patiently taking in the new information.
"Of what?"
"Clarks birth, it was the first time in centuries anyone had managed to naturally birth a son, a true born son. It was big news and that when the council began to listen, really listen" you shrugged unsure how to explain the magnitude of what Clarks birth actually meant. Unless you were a krypton native you just didn't get it. You  finally closed the book and held it in your lap eyeing both Clark and Martha.
"Then the laws changed krypton accepted its fate, it would die. But not without hope for its race to continue. And that's how we ended up as we were... the draconian backwards planet." You didn't go into detail, over the past few weeks you'd let things slip. Martha and Clark both shared a look. You were almost ashamed of your home. The differences between the totalitarian measures your people resorted to were frowned upon in this country. You felt stupid in a sense. You knew it was only natural to be slightly out of touch on this new home but? You just hadn't realised how much. The freedom and basic human right's you'd been denied! You were taught to belive in Kal. He was effectively used as propaganda, as a reward. If your good and obedient he will accept you. If not? Then you will fail both him and your race.  
"The council watched you used as much energy as it could spare to watch you grow. Then you presented! Alpha, just as we'd hoped. Overnight everything changed again, we had hope and direction. Children were commissioned once more females only, and only women that have a recessive omega gene were allowed to have a child..." you reiterated the fact that females were the only gender allowed to be created. It was the most important rule of your people in the end. Only a female omega could replenish a race.
"But couldn't you make them omega? You said you could choose things like that?" Martha asked frowning not following. You cursed and shook your head you knew you'd confuse them somehow by leaving something out. It was difficult trying to remember all the details about the last chaotic years of krypton.
"No, with the codex gone we couldn't control the genes as much, we could force the child to be female but that was about it. They tried but it was hard creating a definite omega no one could really tell until we presented many were betas or the non type there were very few of us. It was just pot luck." And it was pot luck, out of one hundred girls only fifteen to seventeen would be omega. If the percentage were over that in a generation then it was seen as a 'bumper crop'
"We were made and raised to be your omega. Every one of us was taught about earthling ways. Taught about how to birth and raise pups."
"You were raised to be my mate?" Clark said frowning. He found it strange. You bit your lip chewing on it. You debated on how much he really needed to know, because  honestly now you were here? And experienced earth first hand, now you'd met and spent time with your alpha. You understood how... creepy it would be? But then again if you lied he could realise you had when he reads more of the books here. You drew another breath releasing your lip from between your teeth and hissed quietly deciding it would be best to tell him.
"Yes. Our whole education was based on you and was meant to prepare us for life on earth. You have to understand, you were worshipped like a god. You had the abilities of our earliest ancestors." You began trying to dull down the in depth education you'd received about his upbringing and family. Yet still make him understand just how ingrained he was in your upbringing.
"You are? The epitome of the perfect kryptonian,  proof of how great we once were! Your the perfect male. Being your omega was-is the greatest honour any kryptonian could have. And the only way to survive, only Kal's omega would have the last of the cores power used on her to move her off planet. Her saftey was the most important thing" you explained finally petting him see just how incredibly precious he was. His eyes grew wide as he truly began to understand. This wasn't all talk, and you hadn't been joking when you called him the golden son god among men. That's what you all believed. He was worshipped. It was a sobering thought.
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Clark tightened his hold of you hand trembling, palm a little sweaty against your hip. He made to speak but didn't seem to be able to find any words. He couldn't make a sound. It was too surreal for him. Some called him a god here, but he was able to just brush it off, ignore it as an exaggeration. But on krypton? They had meant it. Literally.
"So every girl was raised to... Become Clark's wife? To have children? That's it? No ambitions of your own just... grow up and have babies?" Martha uttered quietly but there was an underlying sadness, she seemed to be offended for you. Which you found peculiar, here the lines of gender were blurred. Krypton raised females to breed, then once they present they were taught other skills to be useful and pay their way.
"Yes. It was... Just how things were, we were taught how to raise children and what to expect with Kal... taught to cook and earthling ways to an extent mainly laws and language but mostly our education was about history and child rearing." You said of handedly trying not to incite anger from the woman. You knew it was hard for her to imagine your homeland. It was harsh and soo different from here. There were regimes like krypton on this planet but they were seen as hostiles and stood against everything this country stood for.
"How did they know? I mean with you? How did they know your were mine"  Clark said quickly managing to intercept what he believed to be a long rant from his mother. She had already made up her mind about krypton, she hadn't said it but she didn't need to her face said it all.
"Your mark apparently we share a mark which is unique to our bond and yours had activated. The council called all the omegas that had presented and searched for your mark. I was the one to have it. I was your mate" you said vaguely to be honest you didn't even understand it properly yet, it was one of the things you were hoping to find out looking through these books.
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"And then after finding it they sent you here?" Clark uttered quietly. He was soo wrapped up in loving you, understanding these instincts and just basking in your presence. That he hadn't really stopped to think about the actual journey, surely it had been your choice? Especially when the cost was soo great. But there was a foreboding in your demeanour it left a heavy cold feeling in his gut.
"Yes. My parents- they had five minuets to say good bye and load me into the ship. The council didn't want to cause a panic and wait, I was wrestled into the ship by my father" you spoke weakly. You hadn't thought much about it, you had nightmares. But that was it, you tried avoiding it, blanking it out... not unlike the adults as you were growing up. In your head there was here and now on earth with your alpha and then before. Before became the codename for life on krypton. Before meant your parents, the rules, pain and fear! Before meant anxiety and death.
And now? Now was the time to let them know. Sure they understood the logistics. You were sent here to your mate. But they didn't know the actual story- the chain of events that lead to your arrival. And for the first time since getting here you needed to get it off your chest. Let it out and be done with this chapter finally let go of the fear and guilt you'd bottled up.
"I was terrified, and I fought but? Not hard enough I couldn't hold on to them either of them! The told me that they loved me and everything would be okay but it wasn't- I was about to kill them... I just" your bottom lip wobbled and your voice came out  strained, you fought to get the next words out. Clark murred and tried to comfort you, feeling the fear and anxiety. The guilt and devastation in your bond was... it sickened him feeling such sorrow. But it did no good, he tugged you up and sat you on his lap curling around you, holding you to his chest desperately wanting to sooth you. Ever ounce of him was trembling the need to cheer you up and tend to you was astounding.
But even through all that need and instinct, he knew he couldn't. You were mourning, not only you parents but your race, way of life, your home, your planet! It would be a heavy blow to anyone least of all his delicate young omega. He didn't speak, he didn't want to interrupt, you needed to get this out. He needed to know what happened so he could help you.
"Then my dad... He was the one to strap me i-in... he was the strongest there... the others couldn't have held me down long enough. The ship closed... locked and that was it I was off to earth." Silence reigned as your new family took in what you'd said. They hadn't realised how you'd come here... Clark thought you came willingly, happily boarded the ship to get here. He hadn't even considered your fear and the weight on your shoulders.
"I felt it. The planet die. All the teachers said that you'd be asleep before it happened but I wasn't. It was the loudest and most frightening thing I'd ever heard. It rocked the ship, then the debris... it was like a monsoon, a deafening rain storm of rocks the earth and foundation of krypton itself." Your took a deep breath leaning against Clark pressing your back into him twisting your head slightly resting on his shoulder trying to tuck your face into his neck. Seeking him as your only comfort. .
Clark was finding it heard to hear. He was ecstatic you were here, he didn't care the cost. Now he felt like a bastard. He couldn't imagine hearing and entire planet die. And entire race. You must have felt so scared and alone. He wasn't sure he could handle that type of trauma. Its one thing to be alone hoping you had a homeland. Knowing for certain? That was another thing entirely. Martha hummed watching as Clark got upset and scooted closer placing her hand on your knee while throwing her arm around Clarks back rubbing slowly.
"I p-panicked and tried to change direction, tried rerouting the ships pre-set destination... But it couldn't find krypton. The planet just? Wasn't there anymore, it was so surreal. Instead it continued on to earth, and the onboard computer said I was too panicked to travel at hyper speed so it put me to sleep... the next thing I remember is waking up here... it felt like minuets but had been six months." You ended. It didn't seem right, such a long historic tale ending with you walking up on an alien planet.
All those failures and mistakes rolling one after the other after the other. All the power hungry fools and scientific breakthroughs for nothing. In the end your race had come full circle. An alpha and his omega. Two intertwined souls. The very last paired kryptonians. It was almost ironic, for all the advances and medical wonders in the end nature triumphed.
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry that you had to face that alone... if I'd known I would have come and got you, I would have never let krypton die-" Clark started apologising holding you tighter dipping his head to yours resting his nose on your hair breathing you in swaying you sweetly.
"No. Krypton had to. We couldn't risk another Zod on your new planet. Your abilities in an evil power hungry kryptonian? It would have been chaos. We knew that we had to start fresh but cohabit a planet. Not rule it. That's why we needed kryptonians to be birthed here." You cut him off quickly. He didn't have to feel responsible,  krypton made their bed and they could lie in it. They strayed too far and had failed, destroyed themselves.
"Zod came. He tried to take over but I... I killed him, id found a ship and my father explained a few things to me, told me about my mate that would be sent to me I looked for you in zods men. But he laughed saying id never find you- the final straw that made me kill him was when he laughed saying you were dead." Clark hissed voice becoming dark as he remembered Zod. The cruelty the man had, the utter madness was something that ha7nted him. He feared that was the true nature of kryptonians, that one day he would become another Zod.
"You did the right thing. Zod was corrupt. The codex can sometimes corrupt a child and feed them too much. His loyalty and strength were... maddening. He was meant to be a soldier he wanted to be a dictator, even on krypton. That's what the coup was about. He was trying to overthrow a high ruling government" you said before slowly untangling yourself from your mate. He released you, hands still hovering as you stood and brushed yourself off. You sniffled and wiped your eyes before excusing yourself scaling the small steps of the ship. Clark made to follow you as you disappeared into the ship needing a few moments alone. Martha held him shaking her head understanding you needed a little breathing room.
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You couldn't help it, the feelings came back, the terror and anxiety panic and self loathing. It was nauseating, you'd not really managed to come to terms with the deaths of your family, deaths that you caused. You'd managed to ignore it? Being in a completely new environment you'd almost convinced yourself you were on a trip, a holiday and that your parents were at home safe and sound. It probably wasn't healthy but its what had managed to get you through all this. But saying it outloud? Recounting it had brought everything to life.
You huffed rubbing your eyes as they teared up, seeing all this in here was hitting home. The priceless artefacts and wealth of knowledge surrounding you only solidifying the fact krypton was gone. That it was your duty to keep all this heritage alive. Your job to birth a race and find a way to integrate into this alien world. It was a terrifying prospect, soo much responsibility for a single young female. And you had to bare it alone along side the guilt of being your planets demise.
You quickly wiped at your face sniffling as you felt Clarks approach. Ducking down you looked into the satchel that you recognised as your fathers old pack. You jumped as Clark crouched behind you pressing two heavy hands on your shoulders massaging them before dragging you back to him. You sighed hanging your head as he plastered you to his front,  strong arms slowly winding around your waist.
"Its not your fault, you couldn't have saved them." He said softly pressing a chaste kiss to your neck breathing you in, scenting you. It was something else that was strange at first but Clark had mastered quickly. He noticed that if he gave in to some of these... instincts he could calm you down. Scenting you, coupled with touching you coddling and holding you close seemed to be the most effective way to sooth you when things began to get too much. When you got overwhelmed, but he held back in front of his mother. She was still uneasy about the age difference.
"I could have fought harder-" you whined feeling yourself tremble, the severity of what happened the reality of it crushing you. You began huffing, taking deeper breaths holding them trying to fight the fear and sobs. You couldn't afford this self pity you had a job. A duty to your people and you cant fail! You wont because then it was for nothing-
"Omega." Clarks voice grunted, snapping you out of your thoughts. It was strange, he sounded firm and stern. A real alpha reprimanding, commanding you. You shivered. It was both frightening and sexy. Perfect. You peered back at him, a few tears escaping followed by a single mewl as you tried to stop yourself from crying.
"Nothing you said would have stopped them. Nothing. From everything you've told me, the one thing that stands out is krypton did as it pleased. A tiny thing like you never would have stood a chance" he cooed down at you somehow maintaining his authority but in a gentler way. The light growl almost soothed you, it sounded like his murr but deeper and had more conviction.
"I... I know but it... It wasn't meant to be me. Wasn't meant to happen, they always said it was the end but?" You tried to get out the feelings but for some reason you couldn't put words to them. It came in waves, as ecstatic as you were to be here with your mate, relish in the presence of your incredible alpha. You also wanted your parents, your home and all the things you'd been brought up with. You were selfish, you'd wanted it all.
"No one ever really believes a world can end love" he breathed out slowly. Still pressing close to you sniffing and kissing at you, tucking his hands below your tshirt rubbing the warm palms on your flat tummy making you relax.
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"So what's this then?" Clark said motioning to the satchel you were fiddling with. You cast a glance to him and smiled sadly.
"My dads... they were allowed to pack things before we got tested... just incase and...They didn't have long to gather things- god I hope there's a photo! And my-" you were cut off as he chuckled and moved closer hooking a finger around the opening tugging it lightly.
"Jurashnir stuffie?" He said making you flush and gape. You were surprised he even remembered. But it warmed your heart that he did remember such a small detail, a passing comment really. It showed he really did listen and take in what you said, even if it was silly anxious prattle.
"Yes that" you hummed face glowing in a sweet blush. And began pulling the bag open fully digging you hand inside.
"I hope she packed it too" Clark chuckled holding the bag open wider so you could see more of the things inside. You already recognized some things, your mothers perfume she used on the rarest of occasions. Your fathers military id pin some clothing and jewellery that they treasured the hair ornaments your mother wore on their ceremonial binding. Then there was the all important photo, you closed your eyes glimpsing the image. No, it was too soon for that, you couldn't look at their smiling faces yet, not after killing them.
Then you felt it. Your stuffie the one that had been with you since you were brought home as a new babe. You yanked it out eyes watering as you pulled out the toy. Clark eyed it with a smile, it was like a chinchilla small round and cute, huge eyes and adorable. You held it close overwhelmed by it, which was stupid, it was a bloody toy, but brought so much comfort. You nuzzled it, rubbing the tiny ear between your fingers like you had thousands of times before.
"I- sorry it..." you breathed out quickly pulling the toy to your lap twiddling the fur on it humming. Your cheeks glowed feeling embarrassed from being so childish, getting so caught up in having your treasured toy with you.
"No. Don't apologise" your alpha was quick to argue with a wide grin eyeing the toy himself with a relieved expression.
"I'm glad you have something from home to comfort you" and he did. He wanted to help make you more at home here, and if a little stuffie did that he wont complain. It will have pride of place on the bed both here and when you finally return to Metropolis with him.
You smiled slowly bringing to toy to your chest clutching it close with one hand almost afraid of releasing it now you'd been reunited. You handt realised just how much it meant to you until you face not having him. Your other hand felt around inside the bag and come across a small book. You frowned and pulled it out then flushed seeing what it was. Who had popped that in your bag?! Surely not your parents, there must be a mistake.
You flipped it open and froze seeing your fathers broken English scribbled on the inner cover. A note to Kal.
'This help read. Kal be happy with mate, love her make family' you drew a deep breath and smiled nodding understanding what he meant. Be happy with each other, become a family.
"Ah and Clark... here this is our erm... my dad left this to you mating book... it has everything you need to know about... that" you uttered handing him the book. He froze not expecting to have anything from your parents. He looked over the words and smiled. It was your fathers blessing something he thought he'd go without. Before you could stop him he was flicking through the book scanning the pages and flushing slightly before laughing boisterously drawing his mother into the ship finally giving into her curiosity.
"Well I'll be damned you actually gave me a guide book for sex! Does it have pictures?~" he smirked closing the book and levelling you with a playful stare. You shrunk back squeezing the stuffie in your arms feeling embarrassed pursing  your lips cutely.
"Oh god I don't err? Look just read it okay! Alone!" You growled at him as he still laughed finding it amusing just how flustered you got. He winked at you before quirking a brow at you then peered at the book once more.
"Oh so it does have pictures! Hmm? Must be my lucky day being given free porn"  he exclaimed teasing you happy that you'd seemed to cheer up, even if you were now a little sheepish.
"I-its not porn! Its realistic sex education!" You said flapping at him well aware of the critical look Martha was casting you both.
"Well sweet heart trust me when I say I don't need much tutoring... actually I do... I need lots! But I'm better at practical~ perhaps you could squeeze in a little one on one session?" He purred leaning closer pushing his chest against you humming biting his lip nuzzling you. You shuddered and stuttered tripping over your words. It was at that moment Martha jumped into action.
"OKAY! Right that's enough lessons for one day Casanova, we can leave that conversation there" she huffed standing behind him placing her hands on her hips taking a stern stance.
"What? But ma i was just about-"
"Oh i know very well what you were just about to do son! Behave. And be glad she gave you a raunchy book." The human countered none to impressed with the way Clark seemed to be turning into a cheeky horndog.
"Its just sex education... not raunchy" you muttered quietly hanging your head with a sigh still glowing brightly at the fact everyone seemed to think you'd given him porn.
"I believe you sweety... Come on Clark lets get a move on, we will sort one shelf today then we can relax in the garden" she assured you before ordering Clark nudging him with a foot making him pout.
"But ma?" He whined suddenly transforming from eager alpha to leading child that made you giggle. He really was cute, cuter then you'd thought he'd be.
"No buts. You want to take this stuff to your little club house today don't you?" She snipped prodding him harder with her foot with a smirk.
"Fortress Ma. Its a fortress" Clark huffed rolling his eyes sending you a wink only to yip as Martha toe punched him a little harder in warning.
"Mm hmm call it what you want, when a son builds himself a hidden little mancave and only lets certain friends in, its a clubhouse. No matter how big or high-tech it is" she drolled making you chuckled at the two. It was nice having the motherly woman around even if she was struggling with the new situation you and her son were in.
"Its not a... whatever, come on you lets sort through this shelf first" Clark finally caved and stood helping you up deciding to pick his battles... he had to keep his mother sweet if he was going to convince her that you could move in with him, be it his room here or his appartment in Metropolis.
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New Face (13th Doctor X Male!Reader)
Characters: 13th Doctor X Male!Reader
Universe: Doctor Who
Warnings: Maybe spoilers?
Request: Do you think I can get a platonic Male reader x 13th doctor whose being with her since her 9th form and he was 18 or 19 when he joined her and the reader left a bit before she regenerated into 13 and after his runs into the tartis and ask everyone where's doc then they both see and reader is like u look hot in that form 
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You and the doctor were as thick as thieves, and had been since you had met. You were a friend of Rose’s from school, who she’d called on for help one time, where you ended up meeting the doctor, and helping him, and in a way, helping save the world. Since then the doctor would ask about you a lot,sometimes hinting that you were maybe Rose’s boyfriend, though Rose quickly shot that down, though the doctor would still ask about you, often asking if you had any knowledge on a certain subject, and usually the answer was yes. Eventually Rose suggested that they invite you to travel with them, and the doctor promptly agreed.
When you met the doctor for the first time, it was when he had the same face that Rose met him as- the Northerner with large ears, and you saw him into the skinny man with spiky hair. You stuck around after Rose had gone, knowing full well if you let the doctor out of your sight he’d do something stupid and so stuff he’d regret. You expected him to one day drop you off and never come to get you again, and you had already decided that you’d accept that. However, that time never came. You met Martha, when Jack tracked you down, who was surprised you were still around but glad you were. You were there when the doctor learnt that the Master was alive, you were there when the year that didn’t happen, happened, and you still stuck it out with him. At this point, the doctor was expecting you to be the one to want to leave after that hell, but you simply smiled, and shook your head. And so you continued. You met Donna, and for a while you two travelled together with no other companions, until Donna came back, and you were happy she was there. And then she had to go. And then the master was reborn. 
You were there when he regenerated. His spiky hair was now floppy, and he was a goof compared to his previous two regenerations. But he seemed happier. More childish. You met Amy, and Rory, those adventures were long and incredible, Amy reminding you a bit of Rose...losing her and Rory was a massive blow to the Doctor. Luckily, Clara came along. 
You of course were there when he regenerated again, able to help poor Clara in understanding what was happening and what to expect. You still chuckled when imagining her horrified expression when you told her about his previous faces and how they were, though this new doctor was far more harsh than the first face you met, though never once did the idea of leaving cross your mind. You were used to the face changes, the change in personality, and the change in taste, because you knew that no matter what, the doctor was still the doctor and always will be, and this lonely man needed someone to be there for him, even if he didn’t realise it. You were in your late 20’s by this point, and you hardly considered it wasted time that you’d spent nearly 10 years with this idiot. Clara eventually left on her own adventures, though you had to keep that a secret from the doctor for his own sake, and soon Bill became a part of your lives. However, like so many before, she left. 
For you, that hadn’t been that long ago. The doctor assured you he was fine, and asked you to go get groceries for the TARDIS, which you did. It wasn’t until you were in the shops looking at the list did you realise… the TARDIS stocked itself. You ran back, seeing the TARDIS gone. 
It felt surreal. It felt impossible. Why now? After all these years, after all you’d been through, why would he drop you off now? You knew that you had told yourself that if this ever happened you’d accept it. I mean, you’d had a hell of a run- you’d seen 3 regenerations, you’d been to other universes, you’d seen the end of time, you’d met countless people, made so many friends, you’d had so many losses… you knew you should be thankful for that… but something told you something was wrong. And you were right. 
Just days after the drop off and seeming abandonment, the similar sound of the TARDIS was heard not far from your family’s home. At this point of course your family knew about the doctor, and had long accepted that you were travelling with the doctor, no matter how dangerous it was, and had actually warmed up to the man. So when they heard it to, they also perked up, looking at you for your reaction. Seeing they heard it to, a grin quickly came to your lips. “Y/N, take a coat!” Your mother called as you jumped up, and you grabbed it before you left the house, running as fast as you could to where you’d heard the sound. You reached the park near your home, seeing it there on the field, and you didn’t stop as you ran up to it, knocking out of habit, and flinging the door open, stepping it and shutting it behind you, leaning on it to catch your breath as you looked at the new interior, the new faces and…
You gasped dramatically. “You’ve regenerated!” You commented as you saw her. She gaped back jokingly, before coming over to you, and you met her halfway. 
“How’d you know it was me?” She asked as you embraced her in a tight hug. 
“Your incredible fashion sense, of course.” You told her, and she laughed as you pulled away. “Knew you couldn’t stay away too long.” 
“Doctor, who’s this?” One of the other people on the TARDIS asked, a young man. 
“Hi! I’m Y/N, I’ve been travelling with the doctor since I was 18 which was… what, 4 regenerations ago now?” You asked and she nodded.
“...Is it true that she used to be a man then?” The older man asked, and you nodded, as the doctor went to get the TARDIS moving.
“Yeah first there was the Northerner who was kind of sarcastic, then she was this skinny man who would not slow down, then there was the one who I affectionately refer to as ‘chinny’ who loved bowties and fez’s-”
“Still do!” She interrupted. 
“Good to know, and then after him was the old scotsman with the angry eyebrows, and now there’s her!” You finished explaining, ending with doing jazz hands at the Doctor, who posed like she was going ‘tada!’
“I’d ask why you’re not surprised by her now being a woman, but it sounds like you’ve seen so much that this is barely a dent.” The woman commented, and you laughed. “I’m Yasmin by the way, that’s Ryan, and this is Graham.” 
Getting to know the new companions was a thrill. The doctor decided to go off to a universally renowned market, somewhere you’d been before, and you spent the time reminiscing and telling stories with the Doctor. The doctor would mostly ramble about adventures and mention people and you’d quickly explain who these people were and more details so they could understand what she was referring to, before letting her continue. After the day was over, and the others had gone to sleep, you stayed up, going and meeting the doctor in the control room. As you walked in, she looked up and smiled, coming over and hugging you again. “Missed you. Sorry if I scared you.” She apologised. 
“It’s fine, I knew you’d come back.” You assured her. You pulled away, sitting on the floor of the TARDIS with her. 
“I know you’ve been acting like this isn’t a big change for you… this is the first time you weren’t with me when I regenerated, and I can’t imagine that shock of seeing me one day then days later everything’s changed…” 
“Were you alone?” You asked her. She gulped. 
“I’d been resisting it for several weeks… I didn’t want to go. I imagined it was going to be messy… I was sort of right. I crashed the TARDIS, then I fell from it and crashed into a train… if you’d been there… I don’t know if you’d be alive.” She explained.
“Doesn’t answer my question. I’ve seen you after you’ve regenerated, and leading up to it… the thought of you going through it alone…”
“It’s over now, there’s nothing you can do, and knowing that if you were there you could have been badly hurt or killed…” She assured you. There was a moment of silence amongst you, before she spoke up. “So… honest opinion, what do you think of this face?” She asked, uncrossing her legs, stretching them out and resting on her arms behind her. You smiled, looking at her. 
“Honest?” You asked and she nodded. “It’s my favourite so far.” 
“Really?” She asked surprised, and you chuckled and nodded. 
“You just hit the jackpot on the regeneration raffle.” You told her. She raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Is that your way of saying you find me attractive, Y/N?” She asked. You smirked, returning the eyebrow raise. 
“Maybe.” You hinted. You both just stared at each other for a moment before you burst out laughing. God, you were glad to be back with her. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @rebellionofthecattle  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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koressecretidentity · 4 years
The four times you told Tommy you love him and the one time he told you
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, swearing(?), tell me if there’s more
Word count: 3103
Characters: Thomas Shelby, (Y/N) (L/N), Polly Gray and some others are mentioned
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Reader gender: I don’t think it’s specified, if so, please tell me so I can correct it.
A/N: English still isn’t my first language, forgive me for any grammar or vocabulary mistakes.
GIF is never mine unless stated otherwise
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1: age 16 and 18, Charlie’s yard
You were 16, he was 18. It was on New Year’s Eve; the Shelby’s had decided to invite a few people to the yard to celebrate the new year of 1909 and it was close to 12 AM. You remember the day like it happened yesterday even if it was years ago. Back then, Tommy was happier, more alive, laughed more, smiled a lot and especially at you. Nobody failed to notice how his eyes lit up when you walked in the room. How, every time someone made a joke, his eyes would search for you to see if you smiled because your smile seemed to be his favorite thing in the world.
“10… 9… 8…” 
The past year, 1908, you had grown closer to Tommy than ever before and you, too, sought out his smile when someone joked. Your ears seemed to turn towards his laugh whenever you heard him and you blushed profusely when he caught you staring. It was safe to say you had a little crush on Tommy.
But that evening, you realized you loved him. It was just a simple moment, nothing special, he didn’t save you from any harm, he was just… There.
You walked onto Charlie Strong’s yard and greeted the Shelbys like you always did. Hugs for Ada, Polly and John, greeting Martha with a handshake, Arthur boomed out your name while he was passing drinks to the guests and you waved back at him and little Finn was clinging to your leg before he got pulled away by his friends to play.And then there was Tommy.
He was talking to Charlie Strong and Johnny Dogs, a bright smile on his face and a laugh escaping him as Johnny said something you couldn’t make out.“Look who’s here, eh!” John called out to Tommy while he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you towards him.
“Alright John,” Tommy chuckled and playfully slapped his hand away from your shoulders, “Hands off, that’s my property.”
And while it was just teasing and joking around, your heart had jumped up to your throat and the butterflies turned into elephants. With those words, with just a joke, you knew you loved him and wanted to be his.
“7… 6.. 5…”
“Tommy, where are we going?” You laughed as Tommy pulled you along, hand in yours and a happy smile on each of your faces.“You’ll see, patience is a virtue darling,” Tommy answered and pulled a little harder, “c’mon.”
You weren’t too far away from Charlie’s yard, but far away enough to only hear the laughter when it was loud enough. Tommy suddenly stopped and you almost walked into him. He sat down and pulled you along so you’d be seated next to him.
“We’re going to watch the fireworks from here. Less screaming children and the noise isn’t as bad.”
You chuckled and raised an eyebrow; never before had you two ran off to god knows where to escape the noise, why now?
“4… 3…” 
You looked at Tommy, they were counting down loud enough for you two to hear and suddenly you had the urge to tell him.
“2… 1…”
So you did,“I love you Thomas Shelby.” You whispered softly but loud enough for the words to reach his ears.
 And he answered. Not with words, but with a kiss. He gently took your face in his hands and brought his lips closer to yours, calling out your name in a soft whisper before he placed his lips on yours.
 2: age 22 and 24, the train station
1914, the king had declared war on Germany after having offered an ultimatum and the Germans not accepting said ultimatum.
It had been on the front pages of each paper: Great Britain was at war with Germany and the army was looking for men who’d fight for king and country.And of course your dear boys had to sign up.
You and Polly had been furious when you found out they were drafted and here you stood. On the train station, waiting for the train to depart with Arthur, Tommy and John. After that kiss at New Year’s Eve, neither you nor Tommy had spoken about it. In fact, you went about your life as usual; you visited often, helped Polly with Ada and Finn (mostly Finn at that, Ada was getting more and more independent) and you and Tommy were back at being best friends.And it had hurt. He had started seeing a certain girl; Greta, was her name. But she died a little before this day.
After Greta had died, Tommy had been heartbroken and therefore not sad when he got drafted. While Arthur and John were happy to fight for their country, Tommy was glad to go so his mind would be distracted.
“Do you have to go, Tom?” You asked Tommy who stood in front of you. You smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in his jacket and reached up to fix a few strands of his hair.
“You know I have to,” he answered monotonously, “They ask us to fight for our country, we won’t say no. We’ll be home by Christmas, you’ll see.”
You nodded a little. They had said it would be like that; the men would be home by Christmas and the war would be over by then. So you’d let him go.
“Just come back to me…” you muttered and cast your eyes to the ground. You could no longer stand to look at his eyes. So bright, so blue, so full of life, so… Enthusiastic.
“Look at me, eh,” Tommy said. He called out your name and repeated his words while hooking a finger underneath your chin to make you look at him.So you complied; god knows when you’d see him again.
“I’ll come back, I promise.”
“Please Tom…” you shed a tear, the first of many to follow, “Please don’t say that, don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
He ignored your plea completely and moved his hand to cup you cheek softly, the other was resting on your hip.
“I’ll come back for you.” He told you sternly.
The whistle sounded, announcing that the train would leave soon and that all should board.
“I love you Tommy,” you told him and placed your hand over his, leaning into his hand and turning your hand to press a soft kiss to his palm.“Come back to me.”
3: age 30 and 32, Shelby’s residence
They had all come back. The men all came back from the horse races, Arthur and John were celebrating in the Garrison but you were at home. The Shelby’s residence that is.
Tommy wasn’t with the men who came back. Polly had noticed as well but was convinced Tommy was off minding his own business as usual and being all secretive.
“It’s Tommy fucking Shelby,” she had said, “God knows what that man is up to these days.”
But you didn’t trust those words. Something told you that not everything was alright with Tommy but you decided to ignore that little voice in your head and go about your day.
He’d come back to you… He always did… He promised that day he came back from the war.
The war had taken longer than expected and you had to miss Tommy for 4 years. The letters you wrote each other were becoming inconsistent until Tommy’s letters didn’t come at all. They told you Arthur, John and Tommy had died, their whole troop had. But apparently, they weren’t dead and when you saw Tommy on that train station in Birmingham, you just couldn’t hold back your tears as he approached you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“I’m here,” he had said softly, “I’m alive. I’m here and I’ll never leave you again.”
Though it soon had become clear that your Tommy wasn’t fully back. Sure, he was there, his blue eyes as observant as ever but he had gotten quiet. His eyes weren’t as lively as before; they had seen too much death to celebrate life.The medals he had won, he had thrown in the Cut and he took the business over from Polly and even Arthur. He became the leader of the Peaky Blinders and engaged in illegal things. Things you didn’t ask about as long as you didn’t need to know. Tommy had been acting weird today; Ada told you he had stopped by and written a letter, a letter that she didn’t need to see but did need to post and he had been acting weird around you as well. He was… Touching you more.
After the war, he had withdrawn himself from emotion – so it seemed – and therefore touching as well. But today he had been constantly touching you, his hand never leaving you and if he did, he made sure to be back as soon as humanely possible. And then he went to those races. He had vaguely briefed you in on what was to happen today.
“We’re going legal today,” Tommy had said while pulling you closer by wrapping his arm around you shoulders, “Shelby Company Ltd. Will be legal and I’ll buy you all the clothes you want, eh? How about that?”
“I don’t need clothes, Tommy,” you had snickered and raised your eyebrows at him, “Just be careful out there, okay?”
Finally. You heard a door open and close and Tommy walked into the house. He seemed shaken, his hair was a mess and there was dirt on his hands and dried blood on the side of his face.
Your relieved smile immediately turned upside down. You got up so fast that your chair clattered to the floor as you rushed towards him, your hands cupping his face for an inspection.
“’s not my blood,” Tommy told you gravely. He let you check him nonetheless but eventually he called out your name a few times, asking you to just leave it already.
“Where were you Tommy? What happened? The others have been back and celebrating for a while now, why weren’t you with them?”
You shot your questions almost immediately, followed up by weak pushes against his chest.
Tommy caught your wrist and pulled you closer, halting your actions.
“I’ll explain later. I just-” He trailed off and let his head hang, lowering his hands and loosening the grip on your wrists.
And you knew that now was not the time to yell at him.
So you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. With a little hesitancy in his actions, Tommy wrapped his arms around your wrist and buried his face in your neck and you could’ve sworn you felt a few tears on your skin.
“It’s okay Tommy…” you whispered in his ear, “You’re home… You’re here… I love you.”
4: age 30 and 32, Arrow House
Once again, New Year’s Eve. It’s just like every year since 1908; you get thrown back to the moment where you were 16, when you were brave enough to tell Tommy that you love him and he kissed you and how nothing ever came from it either. You know you told him you loved him more times than you thought you would’ve dared, but still… Neither you nor Tommy ever took the next step.
The next step… What was the next step? You kissed, you told him you loved him… Would the next step be him telling you he loved you? Did he love you like you love him?
“You coming?” Tommy peeked around the corner of the kitchen door, his eyes scanning the room for a second before he walked towards you. You who out of boredom had started to help the servants clean the dishes.
“You know I have maids for that, right?” Tommy snickered.
He seemed cheerier than usual, perhaps being with family and friends did that to Tommy. The smile even reached his eyes and his eyes seemed to glisten with a certain look.
“I know, but I needed to escape the noise for a second.” You told Tommy with a shrug and put down the plate you were washing, a maid almost immediately took it from you as you approached Tommy, drying your hands and placing the towel on the kitchen counter once you were close enough to him.
“Ada would be happy to hear you felt like helping the maids.”
Tommy raised his eyebrows and held up his arm for you to take. You did and he led you out but not to the living room where everyone was drinking and waiting for the clock to strike 12.
Instead, he took you outside to the stables. The horses were out in the field, the night wasn’t that cold and the stable boy would probably bring them inside before the fireworks begun.
The night was, however, cold enough for you to shiver and for Tommy to take off his jacket and place it on your shoulders, his arm soon joining the jacket.
“You remember the New Year’s Eve of 1908/1909?” Tommy suddenly asked you.
You couldn’t help yourself, you laughed awkwardly and felt your cheeks heat up significantly.
“Yeah I remember, I remember each year ever since,” you told honestly and shook your head a bit.
“How young and naive I was…” you muttered under your breath but Tommy, as observant as ever, heard you. He hummed dismissively and shook his head, stopping in his tracks.
Again, you weren’t that far away from the family, you heard them as they started the countdown and, honestly, your mind could only dwell on one memory.
“10… 9… 8…”
“You weren’t that naive,” Tommy said softly as he placed his hands on your sides, turning you around to face him. The moon shone brightly through the clouds, reflecting in his eyes. The normally ocean blue turned colder but no less kind towards you. You imagine this was the kind of blue his enemies would see, less kindness in them though, before they met their creator.
“7… 6… 5…”
Tommy cupped your face again, much like he did that New Year and suddenly you were 16 and 18 again, not 32 and 34. Suddenly his hair was a little darker, his eyes a little livelier.
“You remember what you told me that night?” Tommy whispered.
Of course you did, how could you forget? It was either the best decision ever made or the worst mistake in your life and here you were, 16 years later and still wondering which one it was.
“4… 3…”
“Of course I remember Tom.” You whispered back. Your lips were almost upon his and you felt his breath warm your cooled lips as he whispered one simple request.
“Tell me…. Tell me what you told me that night.”
You stayed quiet for a second. Mauled over his request as well as being curious as to why he would want you to repeat your words.
“2… 1…”
“I love you Thomas Shelby.”
“I know.”
And he kissed you again.
 5: age 32 and 34, the hospital
It was a charity dinner and everything seemed to go alright. The rich people – incredibly boring as they were – all donated a sum of money to the Shelby institute. But everything went to shit when everyone got called to go to the dining room.
Some man pushed his way through the crowd towards Tommy and you.
You two were just talking, he was hastily trying to explain some things but before he could get to his point, the man yelled something.
“You need to eat Tommy, you’ll be no good when you’re half dead.”
“For angel!” and the next thing you know is darkness surrounding you and a godawful pain in your side.
Polly placed a hand on her nephews shoulder but he shrugged it off almost immediately.
“It’s my fault, Pol, that bullet was meant for me.” You heard Tommy’s voice. It seemed deeper, sadder. It was what made you open your eyes.
“Tom?” You croaked out, turning your head as your eyes slowly focused on his face.“I’m here, darling, I’m here.” Tommy immediately said, his hand squeezing yours gently.
“What-? Where-?” You looked around confused and then you noticed the dull ache in your side.
“You’re in the hospital,” Tommy said, “You got shot two weeks ago… At the charity dinner…”
You heard the emotion in his voice, you heard how he strained to keep talking and while Tommy Shelby never was a man of many emotions, he seemed to tear up at the sight of you laying there in the hospital bed, pale and clearly in pain.
“I’m so sorry,” Tommy spoke your name in a soft plea; he begged for you to stay, to forgive him but he wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to go.
“Tommy,” You said, your voice slowly returning to you after he helped you take a few sips from a cup filled with water. “I’m alive, I’m okay or at least… I will be okay.”
Tommy looked up and rose from his chair. It was like you could read his mind; you shuffled carefully in bed, making a bit of space for him to sit next to you and look you in the eye.
Tommy put his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“I could’ve lost you- I thought I had,” he said sternly and leaned closer, “And I never got to tell you… I was planning on telling you… Every time you told me, I wanted to tell you… But I couldn’t- The words didn’t want to leave my lips…”
And after 22 years he finally told you what he had wanted to tell you since he was 12 and you were just 10.He remembered how he had seen you, 10 years old, caring for a horse and calming it down with your soft voice. He remembered how he had thought ‘Yeah… That is the one.’ He remembered how he realized he loved you and never stopped, even if he had tried to forget about it with other people. It was always you… And he finally got to say those sweet words. A fact you already knew yet it didn’t fail to make your heart skip a beat or two.
“I love you.”
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
I've been (slowly) gathering and writing about songs I'd like to hear the glee kids sing (trying to keep in mind voice, theme, story arc), and after making two posts already (songs for Kurt,and songs for Blaine), I found myself wondering what your thoughts would be on this - if there are any specific songs you think would fit well in their story arc/voice/theme for Kurt and Blaine? I'm writing about the songs I'd give to Rachel now, and it's been nice to see your latest posts about their voices
First of all, thank you! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the post about voices! 
Secondly, I always feel bad when people ask me this question because I never have a great answer -- I’m terrible at keeping up with pop music.  But... I’ll scroll through my iTunes and see if anything stands out to me! 
Okay! I have gone through my entire list of iTunes music (which isn’t a whole lot, let’s be real).  And these are songs that I think would be interesting for the characters to sing.  I hope you enjoy! 
Bad Day - Daniel Powter: This would have been a really interesting Warblers song, actually. 
MmmBop - Hanson: Let’s be real, this is Blaine’s drunk karaoke go to. 
On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons: I think there are a lot of songs in the Imagine Dragons catalogue that Blaine could sing, but this is the happiest that comes to mind.  I don’t have a specific reason for when he’d sign it, but I think he’d do well with it.  
Wash Away - Joe Purdy: I love this song, and it’s another one that I think Darren’s voice would work on.  I love a lot of acoustic for Blaine whatever the song.   
Love Today - Mika: I actually kind of see this as a flirty Klaine duet.  
What am I To You - Norah Jones: Blaine angsting about Kurt in the middle of the night.  
An Old Fashioned Love Song - Three Dog Night: This is another one that might have been a fascinating Klaine duet for the hell of it.  (Btw - I think Blaine would have fun singing any Three Dog Night song.  I think ‘One’ a happier Blaine would sing almost satirically.)  
Sort Of - Ingrid Michaelson: Let me be clear, I do not think he’d sing this about Blaine.  Actually, I’d think he’d sing it about his career in the performing arts.  Also I love this song, and think he’d sound great on it. 
Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher - Jackie Wilson: Another Klaine duet.
I Try - Macy Gray: This is Kurt’s drunken karaoke song
Grace Kelly - Mika: Mika is a missed opportunity.  I love idea that Kurt would be able to be provocative and alluring in some compacity with this one. 
I Shall Believe - Sheryl Crow: An angsty Kurt song
He Plays the Violin - 1776 Soundtrack: Okay, so hear me out.  This song is about Martha Jefferson alluding what her sex life is like.  It’s very suggestive.  I would have loved to hear (and see) Kurt do this one. 
Only You - Yaz: This one’s another Klaine-ish duet.  It’s their drunken karaoke song to each other
Apparently, I had some Santana feels while doing this, and found a few songs I think she’d sound really good on.  
KT Turnstall - Suddenly I See
Trouble - Pink
Angel of the Morning - Pretenders
With Finn’s penchant for doing classic rock, I’m surprised they never had him sing this. 
Brown Eyed Girl Van Morrison
This is just a gorgeous song that made me think of Mercedes. 
Never Gonna Break My Faith - Aretha Franklin
I had this on my list, it made me laugh and think of Sam. 
Take Me Home Country Roads
I started to laugh thinking about Tina hitting her head again, and this time they wake up in some kind of Dawson’s Creek Teen Drama fantasy
I Don’t Want to Wait - Paul Cole
Because some songs you have to sing with a lot of people. 
With a Little Help From My Friends - Beatles 
Make Your Own King of Music - Mamas and the Papas
I’ll Be There For You - The Rembrants
Closing Time - Semisonic (Really, this should have been the last song.) 
All Star - Smash Mouth (Totally the male new directions drunken karaoke song.) 
The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The Tokens
YMCA - The Village People
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
This was an interesting exercise! Thanks Nonny! 
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kiyoo-omi · 4 years
from my love to you
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Hello moots and followers! I just want to say happy new years and heres to 2021 treating us right. I’m not too good with words tbh but here I go!
I really can't believe I'm in a position to know so many great people on here! I’m so thankful that each and everyone of you are so welcoming. Every little likes and reblogs mean so much to me as as artist. But interacting with me makes my day so much better and brings such the biggest smile on my face! I’m so grateful that you guys even bothering interacting with me. I wouldn’t have continued this blog have it not been you guys!! I appreciate it so much and it means the world to me. You guys makes me strive to me a better artist (and writer)! I want to be able to make you guys happy and I hope whatever I do on my blogs bring u guys joy as much as it does me!
I hope to be better moot for everybody (cause I’m just a little too shy to interact with you all) Thank you so much for giving me a place in this community and I love you all!
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To my lovely friends!
JEN! MRS. BOKUTO! MRS. AIZAWA! MY BABY MY LOVE MY ANGEL CAKES LIGHT OF MY LIGHT APPLE TO MY EYEE! BOKUJEN AND SHOUJEN SUPREMACY UP IN THIS THIS BITCH 🤪! Aaaahhhh bby I don't know what to say but I love you so much!!! I know I don't show my appreciation as much lately or its been a while! But you are literally a light to my life and I value our friendship so much! I remember our baby talks on here and can’t believe here we are today! I'm counting five/six years girl and I want to celebrate every new year together until we are old as hell. I love when we fangirl, I love our little movie nights, I love getting you gifts, I love daydreaming about our future together and I hope you do too??? Please know I'm literally here for you, I would fight the world and book a ticket there for you if u ever need me to too. Just say the words! Please don’t ever hesitate to hit me up if you ever need to. I hate whatever you you are experiencing that makes you sad, I wish I could be there to fight it away for you! I know this year hasn’t been too nice, but please know that I’m literally just a text or call away! You are my priority. I can't wait for the day where we can see each other one day! I love u so much!
MIMI! HI!! Asdfghjjkkll sorry if this is a little awkward but I'm so glad you were one of the first person I have had the pleasure to meet! I don't remember who reach out to who but I’m so glad one of us did. I remember us fangirling so much back then! Thank you for being so supportive on my art and literally anything, and I’m so glad to have found you again! Here's to 2021 treating you right! I value you so much and I love you!
Hi cameron! I hope you’re doing well lately! I just wanted to say holy shit! Im so proud of you and what you’ve done an accomplished! Just seeing you’re growth and journey has been so awe-inspiring. I hope you’re happier lately and im just so happy for you! Please know I’m here for you if you ever need help! I love you so much! 
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To my lovely close mooties! 
Hi SHAE!! Thank you for being one of my biggest supporter back on dinnachusart and just constantly liking and reblogging my works. You don’t know how much it meant to me being a small as artist and trying to scramble for a crumb of notes (XD lol). Sorry if I don't have much words to say I'm just so thankful that you were able to see me grow as an artist and i hope you still do!! Thank you for also being my penpal and please expect something hopefully this month! Here to 2021 treating you good and spending it together!
HI DIANA!! It’s the way you have my heart! You’re so sweet and adorable, you interaction in anything can brighten up anyones day. I'm still so surprise that were moots! It blows my mind cause I really admired you and your writing and I was intimidated by you!! Now look at where we are now! I’m ur disamu art dealer asddghhjkklldd.Thank you so much for your support on my art! It really does means the world and your comments are absolutely everything. Thank you for being one of the reason I stay on here! Cheers to 2021 love you and you deserve the best!
HI PLUMMIE! PRETTY PLUMMIE SOULMATE!!! I'm so happy and glad we were able to hit is off so well! You’re one of the person I can feel so at ease with! I love our interactions and me just joking around with you lol! Just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you! Don’t ever doubt your writing please! Its the greatest and the world to my eyes! Make sure you take breaks and don't ever force yourself to provide or write! You simple being here is the greatest thing to happen to everybody you’ve come across! You deserve the world and imma fight 2021 if it ever crosses you! Love you lots plummie!
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To my mooties who I'm so thankful that you even follow and interact with me!! I be fangirling and get so happy when you do! just know I love you all and appreciate you so much! I hope to see you all grow andsucceed to the absolute best in your life! Love you lots! Cheers to 2021. 
(In no particular order! I’m sorry if I sound repetitive. I’m sorry if you don't considered us moots ill take u off if u don't wanna be on here!)
@tsumtsumland : hope you doing well! Love you lots and ahhh im so thankful for you!! I love interacting with you! thank you for being my penpal and I hope to see more of eachother! I hope 2021 can be kind to you! 🤲🏽🥺💞💞💞
@midnightweeds: hi weeds! I just wanted to say im so grateful for you! Thank you for being so generous and lending a hand when i needed it the most! Thank u for sending me sakusa pictures as well! 🥺💞
@atsumuse: hi lay! ur such a cool person and I admire u so much! I hope 2021 treats you well! I love ur writng please its the best. 🥺💞
@tsukkis-crybaby: hi felicity! ur so beautiful and thank u for our interactions togther! I love seeing you on my dash and inbox! I hope 2021 is a good year for you! kisses for you!😘
@amberalisa hi alisa!! I hope ur doing well! I really love ur suna fic and can’t wait for your other one! happy New Years and I hope this year is a good year for you!!
@hisoillusandwich: hi Mae!! 🥺💞 ur sakusa fic is one of my favs and omg the fact ur interact with me at all my heart! here to 2021 being good to u beautiful!
@prettysetterbaby: hi jj!!! *screaming* you are so beautiful and deserve the utmost best in life! I love seeing you on my dash! thank you for being such a great person and supporting my art! you are so loved and I’m wishing nothing but the best for you! 2021 better treat you right!
@bucketofforks: hi hi bof! I’m so grateful for your interactions! they bring such smiles and laughs, I hope 2021 goes good for you!
@hq-trashies: hi kaley!! love seeing u on my dash sorry if we don’t interact as much! But you are such a beautiful person! Thank u for your book recs! send more my way haha’ I hope 2021 goes well for u!!
@velvesagi: hi jem!! Love seeing u on my dash!! thank u for ur interactions they mean a lot! Here’s to 2021 being a better year for you!
@sunaswife : hi knifey! I found you through ur suna series and I really love it!! I hope 2021 is a good year for you! Thank u for even interacting with u, pretty sure I was fangirlibg! Lol
@lovingnekoma: hi artimes! thank u so much for your interactions! they really do brighten up my day! I hope to be a better mutual to you! I hope 2021 can be ur year!
@inxriyama: hi bunny! 🥺🤲🏽💞💞💞really love ur writing and really enjoy our small interactions together! Here’s to 2021 being a good year!
@kurooblesse: hi tesh! I hope ur doing well and ughhhh please ur writing!! 😩💦 🥴 gives me the hots! Here’s to 2021 being good to you!!
@kenmasbb: hi tia!!! gaawwddd ur writing!! Please give me room to breathe! I really love our interaction and I hope u doing well and happy 2021!
@rintarhue: hi Kopi!! ur smau series are the best and ur rin one is so creative!! such a great writer and I hope to see more from you! here to 2021 being a good year to you!
@shoyosun: hi Marta!!! your art is so cute and can’t wait to see more of it!! thank u for being such a sweetheart and I hope we can interact more! cheers to 2021 being a good year!
@omijime: hi nini!! your so adorable and omg thank u for interacting with me! It means a lot! I hope you Samu, and suna have such a happy 2021 together!
@dxddykeiji: hi Sammy!! I know we don’t interact as much!! but I enjoy seeing you on my dash! thank you for being my moot and I hope 2021 is the best for you!
@radiantful: hi Martha! I’m so thankful for your interactions they brighten up my day! I hope 2021 is good to you!
@ukeishin: hi Celeste! thank u for poppin in my inbox here or there! I love our little interactions and hope we can interact more! I hope 2021 will treat you right! U deserve it!
@ladyrenart: hi Lena! I love your popping in my inbox! they make me smile so much! I appreciate you so much! cheers to 2021 being good to you!
@toniiihime: hi toni!! your so beautiful and your drawings are so cute! I can’t wait to see more! Can’t wait to see you grow! 2021 is ur year!
@aiiishiiiteru: hi nona! I know we don’t interact as much but I looove ur writing!! I’m screamed when u followed back XD! Cheers to 2021 being a good year for you!
@mi-yams: ren wifey!!! I love our interactions together!! you’re so fun and cute! I hope 2021 treats u well!
@darlingoshiki: hi saint! I hope 2021 is good to you! Thank u for popping in my ask here or there and I enjoy seeing on my dash!
@helloaisabelle: hi aisy! I love ur writing!! ur national team got me 🥴🥵 thank u for your interaction and I hope we can interact more! I hope 2021 is the best for you!
@onefortyninecm : hi Danielle! I’m grateful for interactions together m! Your art is amazing!! and you deserve all the love coming your way! you’re very beautiful and I hope I can be a better moot! here’s to 2021 treating you good! 🥺💞
@picassho-18​: hi Kate!! just wanted to say thank you for your support and I love seeing you inbox abs post! Wishing 2021 the best for u!
@inarizakicafe​: hi ni! I know where new moots. But I absolutely love your writing! I hope to interact more with you if that’s okay! cheers to 2021 to be a good year for you!
@itzdaichi​: hi lovely!! I just wanted to say your so sweet and adorable! Your interaction bring so much joy to me! I hope 2021 treats you right!
@tsukkikou​: hi kou! I really love our interactions and thank you for popping in my inbox for a while! It makes me really happy and I hope your doing well!
@suhkusa​: hi hi guys! Just wanted to say I love your writing and I hope 2021 is good to the both of you!
@sunseteyes​: hi gel!! ur so beautiful and I know we don’t interact as much! but I love when we do! I hope 2021 is a good year for you!
@alto-march-of-death​: hi al!! I appreciate our interactions and thankful that you even do in the first place! I hope to be a better moot and wishing 2021 is good to you!
@churochuu​: hi chuu!! I love our first interaction together!! you're art is so cute and adorable! 2021 better treat you right!
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to my lovely anons and character interactions whoever you are. you guys absolutely have my heart. im so thankful that you guys even do this for me?? i feel like i dont deserve it. you guys make my day so much and i hope 2021 treat you so good. you dont know how much you guys are appreciated by everyone! love you! 
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thank you to everybody for making the remaining month of 2020 one of my best! i love you all! 
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artxyra · 4 years
Healing Gotham | Prologue
“Bruce, why are there so many bad things happening in Gotham?” A young Marin Etta has asked her brother. She had only been six at the time. Her brother’s hand tightly gripping her own as they walk down the streets of Gotham.
“There is nothing to see, Marin.” Bruce grunts, trudging his sister in the direction of the ice parlor that he had planned to take her too as a summer celebration. Marin Etta—or Marinette as people call her that in Paris, France—didn’t like the eighteen-year-old’s answer. She plants her feet onto the ground, halting their travel.
“Bruce,” Marin Etta pouts. Her cheeks puffing red as she fights back the tears. Wiping away the dry tear, she looks back at the street. People huddle together, some well dressed than others. She sees children around her age fighting for a piece of bread, toys, or anything really.
Bruce sighs knowing he was not going to win this battle, “Marin, Gotham isn’t exactly a nice place to live in.”
“But where you live is nice.” That it was. Wayne Manor was in the isolated compared to most places in Gotham. Where he, and somethings his sister, live is a lot better than the inner city of Gotham. Bruce loves that about his sister, she may have been a Gotham native, but she knows of the hardships and suffering those go through. She’s too pure for Gotham to taint.
“That’s because mom and dad wanted a big house.” Bruce, eyeing the other buildings know that he needs to move this conversation away, “How about that ice cream cone I promised you?” He could see the light brightening in Marin Etta’s eyes. It was small moments like those that he is grateful for having a sister despite their massive age difference. To the Wayne household, she was a miracle child. Bruce remembers the shocking face his father had made the night she told them. He had only been weeks away from turning eleven.
“Yay, ice cream! I want strawberry, Brucie!” Marinette shrieks with happiness. A small smile form on Bruce’s lips as he and his sister continue down the path.
Marin Etta was enjoying her ice cream cone when a single child then a group of children rushes by her. She was nearly pushed aside if it wasn’t for Bruce keeping a firm grip on her shoulder. Though her shirt was dirtied by drips of melting ice cream.
Wanting to see what was going on, she pushes the remains of her cone into Bruce’s hand and joins the chase. Bruce instinctively calls out for Marin Etta, but his words go on deaf ears. He should know better than to let his sister runoff; she wasn’t familiar with Gotham the way he is? Or the mere fact that her existence is the Wayne’s well-kept secret from those who want to harm their family.
Marin Etta follows the group of kids until she stumbles upon the aftermath. The group had dispersed leaving the child around her age shaking. He had bruises running down his body, a black eye that wouldn’t go away for days, maybe even weeks. Once it was clear, Marin Etta makes herself known to the poor boy.
There was no doubt in her mind that the boy was broken and scared. She takes small steps, digging into her small pockets to full out a handkerchief that Alfred had made her once. The closer to got to the boy the more it made her heart break.
“Hi,” Her voice was soft, catching the boy off guard. He curls into himself avoiding the looks. “Can I help you?” She continues to move closer. Despite the boy’s self-reserves, Marin Etta knew that he needs help but doesn’t want to say anything. It was an unspoken rule when living on the streets. Show no weakness or you’re dead. Marin Etta has no reason to hurt the boy, even more, she just wants to help. “I promise to not hurt you.” She says as she is arm’s length, which isn’t a lot, away from the boy.
Patting her handkerchief against his wound, she hopes that it would stop the bleeding. As little as she understands the wound, the kind gesture amazes the boy. He takes a good look at her.
“You’re not from around here.” He murmurs as Marin Etta’s facials turn to disappoint as she lifts the handkerchief to see the results. It wasn’t what she was expecting. Turning to the boy, Marin Etta smiles softly.
“I am from around here, I just visit.” Marinette counters folding up the handkerchief and pressing it back on the wound.
“Marin Etta!” It was Bruce’s voice, that much she can tell. Pouting, Marin Etta turns to her brother.
“He’s hurt.” She states as Bruce comes closer to the two.
“And you could have been too.” He counters entering a glaring match with a six-year-old. Marin Etta huffs and returns to her attempt to heal the boy. “I’ll call an ambulance. They can help him.”
Marin Etta continues to press harder. Bruce could tell this was going nowhere. “Marin he’ll be okay…we need to go.” He tugs onto his sister’s forearm and pulls her away from the boy. Marin Etta cries out swatting at her brother, leaving the handkerchief on the boy’s wound. The boy only looks up to Marin Etta with hope in his eyes. Marin Etta caught that and smiles in return. It wasn’t long before the loud sounds of the ambulance siren coming closer.
By the time the ambulance reaches the boy, the wounds were deeply infected, and he didn’t make it.
Alfred pours a hot tea into a teacup in front of the young Wayne. Marin Etta never looks up from the table, she wouldn’t dare look at her brother who stood off to the side.
“That was dangerous, Marin, he could have been a—” Bruce scolds but he is met with silence. He hates that his little sister wasn’t talking to him. This wasn’t like her, at all. “Marin…”
“He was scared.” Marin Etta finally speaks, her voice cracking as Alfred sets the pot down and turn motions for Bruce to come closer.
“And why was he scared, Miss Marin Etta?” Alfred had asked. He knew the little girl would have been special the moment Martha and Thomas had brought her home. But to see her down, something hiding in the back of her mind, put him at odds.
“Of the darkness…” Marin Etta murmurs, finally looking up. The two older men could see the hollowness in the six-year-old’s eyes. It put a shiver down their spines. “There’s no hope in Gotham. They all don’t believe in it. There’s so much darkness.” By this sentence, Marin Etta had wrapped her small arms around her legs.
Alfred couldn’t find it in him to scold the poor girl about her feet on the chair. Bruce didn’t know what to say. Of course, there was no hope in Gotham. With all the crime that goes on, who would even dare to have hope. Heck, even he had lost hope on a few occasions. Their parents’ death. The CPS worker determining that Marin Etta would be better off in a different home, no caring about his own needs. What gave him hope was that Alfred had convinced an old lover to allow her son to take care of Marin Etta, still giving him access to the only immediate family member he had left.
“We need to bring the hope back to Gotham. That’s the only way this city can heal.” Tears threaten to scream down her cheek. Bruce couldn’t agree more, but what can he do? He’s no police officer, no hero.
“And it will be.” Bruce doesn’t know what came over him to say that, but the way his little sister was crying in his chest told a different story. Marin Etta deserves the world; she deserves a happier native home to come back to.  Alfred couldn’t help but be touched by the brother-sister moment, though he does wonder how Bruce will honor his sister’s wishes and just how far his charge would go.
Part 1 >>
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dovebuffy92 · 3 years
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The Pursuit of Love, a British miniseries created and directed by Emily Mortimer, is a comedic love story about cousin best friends Linda Radlett (Lily James) and Fanny Logan (Emily Beecham). The miniseries is an adaptation of Nancy Mitford’s 1945 novel of the same name. The miniseries is only three episodes long, so it’s a quick watch. The Pursuit of Love is a mixed bag. The cinematography, editing, and mise-en-scene are magnificent, but the episodes are overpacked. The miniseries’ story makes it feel like you’re viewing a novel. Though, the narration brings a lot of energy to the three episodes.
The Pursuit of Love is that each hour-long episode is so packed that Mortimer can’t fully develop any of the characters or relationships outside of the central friendship. As a result, only Linda and Fanny can have emotionally rich conversations with each other. For example, in episode one when they talk about their desires to explore the world. Along with the fact that Fanny’s narrations are focused on Linda’s life with only cursory mentions of everybody else.
Linda is in love with the idea of being in love. The miniseries are jam-packed with montages and silent scenes of her many love affairs. But the scenes only became fleshed out once Linda falls out of love. During a tense dinner party, Linda is repulsed by her first husband, Tony Kroesig (Freddie Fox), who rants about the joys of Capitalism and professes Pro-Nazi sentiments. Fanny’s marriage with intellectual Alfred Wincham (Shazad Latif) seems hallow. There is only one cute meet scene in the bookshop before they’re married with children. Without proper development, every character other than Linda or Fanny comes off as stereotypical. Tony is a typical Conservative Parliamentarian type, while Lord Merlin (Andrew Scott) is a bohemian type who spends all his time chatting about art. Montages are an excellent tool to move the story along but overusing them erases any chance for characters to be multi-faceted.
The costumes are sublime because they are both appear historically accurate and express the character’s personalities. Pragmatic Fanny wears a lot of stylish but muted jackets and hats. A perfect embodiment of how Fanny tries to conform to societal rules because she wants to be the opposite of her mother, the Bolter (Emily Mortimer). While Linda dresses based on whoever she is infuriated with at the time. When Linda falls for Tony, she dresses in a slightly more colorful version of Fanny’s outfits. Her outfits shift when she moves in with Communist Christian Talbot (James Frecheville). Since Linda now must work and talk about Socialism all day, she wears berets, grey dresses, and pants. No matter what, Linda is always the height of fashion, but passion runs her life. Linda never knows herself as an independent being, and her outfits express that.
The miniseries uses archival imagery to express a shift in cultural movements or a change of country. A series of photographs act as a transition for the audience from one world into another. Fanny and her Uncle Davey(John Heffernan) fly to Los Angeles to rescue cousin Jassy (Martha West ) from marrying an actor. The transition begins with 1930-1940s archival footage featuring the filming process and movie premieres in Hollywood. Then a series of black and white photos of classic movie stars, the Hollywood sign, a LA park, and an outdoor cafe. Then a cut to a long shot of the same colorful outdoor restaurant where Fanny and Davey meet Jassy. The imagery from the 1930s to 1940s establishes the world the actors are walking into and makes the editing feel more dynamic. It’s well done.
Fanny’s narration adds liveliness to the story. I am a big fan of first-person novels, which may be why I enjoy how the episodes are from a particular point of view. At times the narration reveals how Fanny deludes herself. In the second episode, Fanny muses about how she enjoys not having to deal with Linda’s drama. But when Fanny mistakes a stranger for Linda and becomes disappointed, we realize she has been lying to herself.
Now I know that Mortimer adapted The Pursuit of Love from a novel, but it seems that the miniseries punishes Linda for not living by societal rules. Many of their family members call Linda broken because she was not educated and obsessed with love. Linda worships romantic relationships sometimes to her detriment, but at the same time, her desire for passion stops her from staying in an unhappy, cruel marriage with Tony. Everybody insists that education or a solid head on her shoulders would have helped Linda live a happier life. On the other hand, even Fanny’s intelligence didn’t prevent her from living a life as an overlooked housewife. Linda perishes in childbirth as punishment for living large. Fanny’s reward for following rules is losing her real spiritual love, Linda, then raising Linda’s son Fabrice. Mortimer tries to compensate for the sexist elements of the story by saying that Fanny’s granddaughters will live the life they choose. Still, it’s too bad that she couldn’t subvert societal norms by creating at least one character who doesn’t die or live miserably. All the women characters are either “stayers” or “bolters,” nothing else.
Watch The Pursuit of Love on Amazon Prime!
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satellite-trash · 4 years
(kind of depressing) psychological analysis of jack atlas  --involving ramen.
So, if youve watched YGO 5Ds entirely (meaning the subbed version as the dub never finishes the ending season) you’d have picked up on Jack’s obsession with instant cup ramen, which would be fine for any character really but it seems out of character for the pompous, upper-class (wannabe), arrogant luxurious Jack Atlas aka THE KING. 
But actually it reveals a lot about him, and actually is really depressing...  There is a massive link between ramen and his lost childhood.
In season 1 we see NO sign of this obsession or even care for ramen. The  only thing he obsesses over to any degree is a) duelling Yusei to claim King b) saving Carly from the Dark Signers or arguably c) trying to figure out his own character as a king (after beaten by Yusei)
But, in Season 2 where he is (arguably...) “redeemed” from villain to teammate/rival, he gains a bit of comedic flare with his obsession with the cheap ramen cups. (and expensive posh coffee).  The coffee obsession suits him. But cheap instant ramen?
His obsession starts Episode 80, where Lazar/Yaeger steals Team 5Ds’ engine programme as well as a cup of ramen.  Jack’s reaction is... comedic?
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He’s more pissed at the fact his ramen was taken than the whole important, irreplaceable engine programme theft. Comedic. But his irritation at losing ramen continues in episodes 114-5, where again lazar/yager steals some ramen he wouldve bought and his reaction is...
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He is in total fear of just not having ramen.  In fact, he even hoards it - shown in episode 115 where he brings it out to give to lazar.
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This is the episode that makes all this comedy turn dark and really depressing.
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He reveals that the flavour of ramen reminds him of childhood at Martha’s, sharing it with Yusei, Crow, and the other orphans.   This means that his obsession is like a psychological association to childhood, like sensory association, like how many people can recognise and get nostalgic over smells and tastes without even knowing why.  Jack hoards and eats ramen defensively because he longs for childhood - whether its the relationship he had with friends or the carelessness of childhood, he misses it in comparison to adult life. I mean... who can blame him - theres a reason why so so so many conditions exist mentally that cause people to retract into childhood behaviours, like the whole AdultBaby lifestyle (wont get into it but the platonic side of it is a longing for childhood often lost) or where people continue hobbies such as certain toy collecting etc that they did as kids, OR that they longed to do as kids but just couldnt do for whatever reason/restriction.
he even wants recognition from Yusei for remembering that flavour/memory:
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This is why he makes no mention of this in Season 1. Jack S1 was all about the present -no future nor past. He hated his past in Satellite w Yusei etc, openly wanting to ignore it, perhaps guilty for stealing Yusei’s card etc or overall hating that limited and depressive situation.  (I have a headcanon Jack genuinely fell into a depression in Satellite and just acted to get out, but thats too deep for this current time lmao)
Because he didnt want ANY reminder of his past (hence hatred of Yusei, Crow, Kalin, and the entirety of Satellite, or “Satellite scum/trash” as he calls them in the dub), he doesnt want ramen. 
But, S2, he is reformed and has his old friends back, and even martha has accepted him back. So, he realises the error of his ways, and reclines into his lost and mentally more stable childhood. Through ramen. 
His childhood wasnt happier - satellite was at its worst, they were struggling, he had no freedom, in comparison to the S2 situation where he achieved duelling fame, has friends back, and satellite and Neo Domino are united (kinda)
BUT maybe he wants to go back and correct things? Or live a guilt-less and resent-less life again, not having done any wrong? I mean this is impossible to say, but clearly his ramen obsession, now being linked w childhood, means a longing to go back for some reason.
It’s clear he shows regret or sadness over childhood/lost childhood: the only time he cries in the show with tears are over memories from childhood with ramen; 
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His face is streaming with tears because of Lazar’s story about ramen and childhood which he related to. He is SO intensely emotional over ramen that it does come of as comedic, which is really strange for the rival character as serious/uptight as jack. I mean, could you imagine Kaiba ever acting like this over, idk, cereal? maybe one time he shared a bowl of cornflakes with mokuba and now he cries every morning eating his cereal because of those memories. idk.
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this is 115 when Sherry cuts the pile of ramen boxes out of impatience, Jack is IN HORROR of his prized collection being attacked like this. its like she’s cutting up his childhood memories or something. I mean, it basically is, apparently. 
His comment to Crow summarises all this, 114. He has just screamed at Lazar for stealing “his” ramen (it was the old lady’s but ok jack) Crow asks him to calm down
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its right, he cant, no one can. Its something in his mind relating to his childhood, losing ramen or even being in a situation where his ramen might not be “his” safely, unsettles Jack. Ramen represents his childhood in some regard, and the anxiety of losing it causes him to become incredibly defensive and on edge.
im sorry for this random and kinda deep/depressing take on Jack. I know we should be thinking positive rn in the current global pandemic, but i just needed to get this analysis thing out there (more a rant actually) because it really struck me when S2 made jack have a weird “comedic” element about him, in his reformed state. It’s not so much comedic, but deep and suiting his character. His obsession over ramen is not just a gag to make him more like a good-guy now he is teammates with Crow and Yusei etc, but it develops his character and gives him reformation in a completely different sense -- it doesnt force his goodness out by just making him into a comedy-relief, but rather gives him emotional backing for his mistakes and wrongdoing in the previous season, and actusally makes it kind of depressing how he arrogantly tried to forget and destroy his past in Satellite with his friends. 
gimme any thoughts you have on this, if you made it this far through the rant (i applaud and love you if you did!!)
i thought of all this because in the current global situation, most people are limited inside and getting depressing, sometimes its better to mentally retract and go back to better times when this whole thing wasnt going on, and for Jack that was childhood.  Sorry for philosophical rant lol, at 1am in the morning for my part of the world~
 here is funny pic to say sorry and lighten the mood~
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(that chef has seen some dark things in his life... )
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madamhatter · 4 years
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reminiscentsky inquired: meta/hcs/drabble request - first I went through your headcanon tag but I didn't manage it til the end yet, so if you already wrote about it then that's completely fine. I will try to send more in the next days. and second, I haven't read the book yet so if anything is described there, my apologies I don't know yet. as for the word request: family, especially family by blood vs found family. UNPROMPTED ASKS | ALWAYS WELCOMED | @reminiscentsky​​
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Hey there, Lisa! Thank you for sendin’ this in. It’s completely a’ight and I appreciate you reading through the headcanons (There is a lot and I’m really sorry, I just can’t shut up). By all means, anything you can send is great since any theme and word can lead to so many write-ups. Even a simple word like “red” could have several different headcanons, drabbles, and metas written around it for a character. It’s all about how the receiver interprets it–!
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Preface: I am going to be generalize “by blood” family to first-determined family. This is directly acknowledging family situations that do not have all blood-relations, but are considered the “first” family the child is conditioned into. After all, Sophie isn’t from a nuclear family situation with a stepmother and half-sister. And also she’s technically the ‘mom’ since she raised Lettie and Martha and even her stepmom acknowledges that, don’t @ me. 
FAMILY. Howl’s Moving Castle is a novel following fairy tale tropes and creating subversions, if not adding realistic reactions, for those who live in those tropes would face. While we may find Ingary to be a world that is capable of having so much magic and remarkable things in it from Seven League Boots to Cloaks of Invisibility, it is still very much a world full of monotonous, if not limiting, things that exist and happen.
One of those “monotonous” things happens to be the life of Sophie Hatter. While the book directly states that the evil stepmother trope is not all applicable to the Hatters, and how the evil/ugly stepsisters trope is far from applicable to the older Hatter daughters, there is a very apparent truth about the family arrangement that fits and happens too commonly in our world. At its basis, it is the case of "eldest daughter syndrome” for Sophie. 
But, there’s more at the root of Howl’s Moving Castle. This novel explores family structure, family issues, and the impacts of lacking expectations, support, and stability has onto a young woman. (NOTE: I am including neglect and trauma here because of HMC’s implications and how we’re led up to the mindset and rationalizations of beginning Sophie in the novel, which is very unhealthy/concerning). What happens in this situation is the creation of someone who lives a purposeless life and focuses on the lives and successes of those around her to make herself experience something. She isn’t even being at all materialistic about it -- goodness, the woman just WANTS, an innocent desire, and that is something she knows she can’t ever have.
This can also be applicable for Howl, but his version of the story follows the opposite of what Sophie deals with. In his case, he is the youngest son who has been in a world where stability and expectations fell on him (e.g., he is a doctoral student, an uncle, etc.). His structure is intact and pressure is placed on him. Much like Sophie, there is a dread of unfulfillment and desire that he finds in his life, but unlike her, he happens to do something (hence why he is another world rather than Wales -- read into that and interpret that as you will). 
Both are in roles that do not satisfy and help realize themselves. Sophie makes her role, which is detrimental to her own emotional and mental development. Howl breaks his role, but makes a role for himself, which still doesn’t make him happy. Because, for both, there are still missing elements they need to discover or realize about themselves -- be it through self-awakening or making bonds.
Family, which can be extended now to society and their norms, is an place of origin for most what most begin their socialization, development, and understanding of who they are in context to the world around them. And, in many cases,  first-made family is not idealistic and is not a healthy environment for growth and discovery. They can be toxic, harmful, and traumatic, purposefully or unknowingly, for the impressionable minds by the adults who are preparing for the “real” world and how these individuals are expected to be and expected to do.
Sophie was prevented to participate in that “real” world because she was, essentially, not given any purpose or anything that made her feel qualified or worth living (originally). Instead, she made herself a role that is participating in her family’s world that she could be accepted in -- one where she had to do everything because no one else would, and also, it was a remedy (albeit a terrible one) to combat what she was feeling on the inside. So much of her upbringing informs us of her character and how she sees herself -- as an unremarkable person with nothing out there for her. 
Intentionally or not, as mentioned before, Sophie’s family has taken advantage of this and didn’t raise Sophie to see herself on the same level as her peers (or even help her be aware of her capabilities). Personally, I do view the Hatter’s situation having started as unintentional. However,  it was something comfortable to do (rely on Sophie as if she were an adult) and they continued doing it. More to my characterization, I do believe there IS awareness, hence Martha’s outburst at the beginning of the story -- her opinion on the matter, albeit skewed, still has grounds because she isn’t an outsider. She is someone who was raised and living in the household.
Returning to my point, this buffer is essentially a destruction towards Sophie’s potential and self. It can be seen as both self-destructive by Sophie (she believes the next best course of action is to assure her sisters’ happiness and success) and created by her family (mainly, adults) to benefit what they want. 
Despite that, Howl’s Moving Castle knows that one of her greatest gifts is something she already does for a living: creation. Sophie already creates; she always created hats and outfits, being so advanced at her age that she never needed an apprenticeship to hone her skills. Her products are well sought for, even excluding the magic she accidentally imbues in them. But, her power by hands is also her actual magic (not that everything she says comes true/able to create truths/etc.) Particularly, it is the tenacity and choice to create herself to whoever she wants to be and what she can do.
The problem is that her origins made her believe to be herself incapable of anything and that misfortune was her plotted end. There was no point resisting even if she tried to as a child. Yet, it was that moment when disruption came and she found herself being given a chance to leave, she created her own journey. Though, it was originally to get her curse removed and return to her sisters, she took the first step for more.
She ends up finding herself exploring an avenues of herself that are rarely touched upon or even acknowledged by others. That, of course, changes when in contact with Calcifer, Michael, and Howl. While she might’ve crashed into the castle, dubbed herself the ‘help,’  it was the beginning of her creating herself in a place where she wasn’t restricted or made to believe poorly on herself. 
In the end, she made her family. A family that she knows that is a group of those who are as out of place in this world (or the other world) because of matters out of their control. She makes a family when she decides that she could live happily ever after, a complete contrast to what she originally believed herself for. This family, now different from the one before, is the start of being her feeling found, but also continuing her self-discovery. 
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And, Sophie Hatter could not be any happier creating her new life. 
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