#that would be soooooo juicy
heylookgiraffes · 5 months
Jesus Christ that’s Lin Manuel Miranda
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 months
Taken 2 AU
I wasn't sure I'd want to have Lena and Kara with a kid in the Taken 2 au. It could be just as feasible for Lena to be in Istanbul for business, and for Kara to be there to protect whoever Lena is meeting with, and they decide to spend a day together seeing the city, when Kara soon realizes they're being followed.
But I realized it might be fun for Lena to have taken Ruby with her on the trip, and have Ruby be the one to a) insist they spend the day together, and b) kick ass helping Kara take on the bad guys when they eventually abscond with Lena.
Of course, I don't know how that would work if Sam is just a phone call away, and would obvs be the first person Ruby reaches out to. Maybe something happens to Sam years ago and Lena adopts her? Which would make losing Lena even more horrifying an idea to Ruby than it would otherwise be, because she can't lost another mom. She just can't.
And of course this would mean Lena and Kara are exes. I'm thinking they maybe marry young, before Lena takes over the company. For years she weathers Kara's sporadic absences and constant secrecy, until Kara misses a few to many commitments she's promised to be there for.
In the end, it's Ruby that makes Lena finally pull the plug. "It's one thing when it's me you lie to, Kara. I'm used to it. But Ruby... you can't promise to be there for her and then bail without notice. Do you know how excited she was for you to see her onstage?"
"Lena, I'm sorry--"
"No you're not. If you were sorry you would change, but you won't. You never have and you never will." Lena takes a deep breath. "It's not just my heart I have to protect now, Kara. I have to guard Ruby's too. And that girl has suffered enough grief already."
"Lena, please..."
"Just go, Kara," Lena says with a shake of her head. Her expression isn't mournful, but resigned. Tired. "Don't come back."
And so Kara leaves, and throws herself into her work. Though it's mostly protection these days, it keeps her engaged enough to keep her mind off Lena for years, until one day their paths cross in Istanbul. When their eyes meet, Kara's heart trips in her chest, just as it had the first time they'd met.
"Hello, Kara."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 7 months
--- SOMETHING that sticks out to me. is the way you keep to canon but also have so much symbolism and arc journeys for him!!! I adore it so and i adore development. *chefs kiss*
What's something about my portrayal that sticks out?
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I'm really glad that comes through! A major thing I always try to do when writing Scourge is make him a dynamic character who's grappling with the (mostly self-inflicted!) tragedy of what he is and has the opportunity to grow that he wouldn't really get if the original canon had continued (I'd imagine lol)
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fragmentedblade · 4 days
Foreseeably, Otto owns me
#I'm loving the second Fu Hua chapters. I'm loving the similarities as well as contrasts between Kevin and Otto#As well as the points in common between MEI and Otto‚ and Kevin and Kallen#I love also the way memories/body/selfhood/being work in Hua‚ Kevin and Otto#It sure is a very Mihoyo topic. I am so often reminded of March‚ Dan Heng‚ Blade and Jingliu#The relationship between Kallen and Otto is so good and so juicy#and again I love how it both recalls and contrasts the one between MEI and Kevin#The play on ideals/understanding/admiration/crafted identity in both dynamics and how different they are nonetheless#and how the consequences of those differences as well as how they enhance the differences and similarities between characters#is soooooo good and soooo juicy and I'm loving it#I loved that Hua pointed out the Kevin/Otto similarities and how it made sense that they worked together#despite how different they initially seem‚ but I keep thinking of the similarities between MEI and Otto#MEI is for now one of my favourite characters in this. I loved that she is very similar to Otto#yet she also seems even more ruthless and... creepy? And I say this in a good way haha I love how Hua is constantly presented#to be on edge when it comes to her and how that even jeopardises her relationship with Kevin whenever he tries to establish a connection#or deepen their friendship‚ but at the same time we are repeatedly told that Hua was once friends with Otto for many many years#(for now at least I don't know if it will end up being a lie)#If it's true‚ I would find extremely intriguing the difference between MEI and Otto in this Hua dynamic light#Super funny to see how Mihoyo keeps coming back to these topics present in Otto. They truly love him haha. No wonder. Such good topics#I am not there yet but I think this matter of choice/identity/selfhood may be present too in Kalpas#At least that's what I thought when I got there in ER#It's very interesting to see the different ramifications of a similar topic and situation#and how the different characters make the same thing different with diverse consequences#I talk too much
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intynidad · 1 year
I lost the askkkkk but somebody asked me for how a relationship with the love interest of the otome au would be soooooo:
How a relationship would be with the yandere otome characters SFW
Yandere otome au part1 part2
The childhood friend
Very wholesome, you two have known each other since forever, and things haven't changed much. Your relationship would be like an extension of your deep friendship, but with the added sweetness of kisses, hugs, and, well... other things.
It's amazing how your connection has evolved over the years. You've shared countless memories, inside jokes, and moments of vulnerability. There's an unspoken understanding between you, a comfort that comes from knowing each other's quirks and flaws.
The transition from friendship to romance is smooth like it was mean to be.
Be prepared for Cute dates and lots of cuddling
The older family friend
Prepare to be immersed in a life of luxury and glamour beyond your wildest dreams! A relationship with him is like stepping into a world of opulence and extravagance.
Don’t take me wrong, you had money, after all you are the heir of the L/N corporation, but he has more…so much more
Picture yourself indulging in lavish dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, savoring exquisite cuisine prepared by renowned chefs. Every meal is a culinary masterpiece, accompanied by the finest wines and champagne (or expensive sodas and fine juices if you don’t drink). Your taste buds dance with delight as you explore a world of gastronomic delights, each bite a symphony of flavors.
But it doesn't stop there. He has a penchant for showering you with lavishing gifts, each one more extravagant than the last. Expensive jewelry, designer clothes, and luxurious accessories become a regular part of your life. The world becomes your runway as you effortlessly exude elegance and style, draped in the finest fabrics and adorned with dazzling gems.
The heroine
Exactly what you would expect with dating a diva, but hey your nails never look better!
One thing is certain: she knows how to command attention. She's the type of person who effortlessly captivates a room with her magnetic presence. Being with her means being in the spotlight, as she enjoys being the center of attention and adores having you by her side. Prepare to witness her diva moments and embrace the grandeur that comes with dating a true star.
but don't worry, it's not all about her. She genuinely enjoys spending quality time with you and cherishes the moments you share together. She understands the importance of self-care, and skin care dates become a regular part of your routine. Get ready to be pampered and treated like royalty as she devotes herself to ensuring you feel loved and cherished.
She knows all the gossip from everyone in town so she is the go-to person for all the juicy details of every rumor
So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and sit back, as she entertains you with the latest drama and spills the tea on everyone in town.
She is a mega fan of carnival dates, she just thinks the ferri wheel and the cotton candy makes for a romantic outing, she just enjoys going out in general , there is an activity for everyone after all!
The loner
It took them a solid two weeks, after you two began dating, to fully process and comprehend the reality that the two of you were indeed in a romantic relationship. It was as if their mind needed some extra time to catch up with their heart.
He is such a puppy with you,honestly he would gladly strip themself of their personality to make sure you are happy
You wanna do A? Sound fun
You wanna eat B? Please do!
You wanna use him as a stress reliever
You wanna play C? On board !
His only response to anything you ask would be “yes dear” and is not like he minds to be honest, he is happy as long as you are happy
The playboy
It was only a matter of time before you found yourself succumbing to the irresistible allure of their charms. They had an air of confidence about them that was both captivating and, dare I say, a tad cocky. But hey, that was part of their charm, right?
Being a true party animal, they knew how to bring the fun wherever they went. Get ready for a whirlwind of lively nights filled with drinks, laughter, and the pulse-pounding beats of music. With them by your side, it felt like the party never stopped. They had a knack for turning any gathering into an unforgettable event, leaving a lasting impression on the town's history, whether for the better or worse. The stories that emerged from your parties together became legendary, etching your names in the memories of those who attended.
One of their many talents included the art of mixology. They could effortlessly whip up tantalizing cocktails that tantalize your taste buds and set the mood for a delightful evening. Whether it was a classic concoction or a unique creation, their skills behind the bar were unmatched. Imagine sipping on expertly crafted drinks, each sip a flavorful journey that they meticulously curated just for you.
As your place became the epicenter of these vibrant gatherings, it transformed into a haven of excitement and celebration. The walls echoed with laughter, the music reverberated through the rooms, and your home became a sanctuary for joy and revelry. Sure, the occasional mishap may have occurred, but it only added to the colorful tapestry of memories that you shared with them.
So, brace yourself for a whirlwind of endless festivities and unforgettable moments. With them leading the charge, your nights would be filled with the clinking of glasses, the rhythm of the music, and an undeniable energy that brought people together. Get ready to raise your glass and toast to the extraordinary experiences that awaited you in the company of this charming party aficionado.
The delinquent
Why x2
To be honest, you were the one who took the first step in this relationship. It's not that they were shy or anything, but they couldn't quite comprehend the fact that you would actually want to date them
Congrats! You are an official member of the gang now, and everyone better respect you if they don’t want their teeth on the floor, on the outside he is still the leader of the criminal gang, and you would easily become his right hand in all of his plans.
Hope you aren’t afraid of a little blood!.
He would teach you how to fight and defend yourself if you didn't know already,your ego would get a boost with all the gang treating you with respect (and fear)
On close doors,baking dates are a must, you would be the designated taste taster of all his cooking!
He can make almost everything sweet!
Low carb, sugar free, gluten free, allergies, just tell them and they will accommodate all of their cooking to your taste.
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sibylsleaves · 28 days
What happens after buck and eddie get together.
hello friend IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED
There are literally SOOOOOO many fun storylines that could come out of this but like, first of all, how do you even start a relationship that you're basically already in the middle of??? This is NOTHING like starting a relationship with someone new, or even someone you're casually friends with (as you could argue Buck and Taylor were) this is...starting a relationship when you already know that in the event of your death this is the person you want to raise your child. This is starting a relationship knowing this person has already seen you at the lowest of your lows, that this person knows EVERY intimate, embarrassing, silly detail about you. like yeah that's beautiful but I also think it would be surprisingly difficult to navigate.
Like. Especially if you're Buck and Eddie who both, in different ways, have such an idealized view of romance (I would actually argue Eddie more so than Buck in many ways). And yeah, i think they've done a lot of work to deconstruct that BEFORE they even get together, but it's still like...a complete rewiring of the way you operate in a romantic relationship and that's not going to happen overnight. They're going to stumble over little things that feel awkward or unnatural because maybe they're still trying to fit this into a more familiar version of romance before they realize they don't HAVE to do that. Do they just continue on the way they've been but now they kiss and have sex? Do they start going on dates? Do they start calling each other pet names? How much time is it acceptable to spend with a brand new romantic partner who is also the man named in your will to raise your child if you die AND ALSO your coworker who you see for 24 hours at a time. Do they have different ideas about the answers to these questions and how do they navigate THAT?
And speaking of being coworkers, is there gonna be conflict with the 118 because it's technically against policy for them to date and be on the same shift? Maybe one of them transfers to a different shift but oh no now they never see each other! Cue a storyline where they prove how good of a team they are and that the fire chief (or whoever) shouldn't force bobby to separate them. And also, their lives are SO intertwined that whenever a conflict arises it's like. Who am I supposed to get an outside perspective from? YOU are the person I always go to with my relationship problems. And literally everyone else I know is ALSO your friend. So potentially we'd get some opening up of more relationships on the show, particularly for Eddie who almost ALWAYS goes to either Buck or, less frequently, Bobby with relationship issues. (Buck still has Maddie) But like. Bobby is BASICALLY Buck's dad so???? and even Carla, who seems to be at this point lowkey written out of the show, knew Buck first!!!! Eddie either has to talk to his parents (difficult because they've never approved of his relationships in the past and I think it's still probably touchy subject for them), Pepa (i actually love this option but also she's a different generation and sometimes you really DO need the opinion of someone who intimately understands modern relationships. Or maybe we get Eddie rekindling his friendship with Linda, or getting closer with Karen (this is after they get trapped in a well together thanks ryan guzman).
And in general (stealing this from @try-set-me-on-fire's recent post about them fighting) HOW do they navigate conflict in their relationship because we really DONT see them have much conflict in their friendship, so what happens when a relatively small issue in their relationship blows up into something bigger just because they literally DONT KNOW how to argue with each other.
And I haven't even touched the Christopher of it all yet. I DO think there's juicy conflict to mine there, because as many people have said I could see there being real fear for him about what happens when/if this relationship implodes the way ALL Eddie's relationships have imploded. I think it could go one of many ways, but what's interesting for me here is Chris is NOT ten years old anymore. He's a teenager, and his emotions are way more complex than just "ANGRY AT DAD." I could see him saying he's fine with it but then acting out in other ways that make Buck and Eddie realize he's NOT actually fine with it (kind of mirroring how we saw in 7x01 Chris acting out by stringing girls along being a symptom of Not Being Fine about Shannon's abandonment). And how Buck and Eddie might have to actually WORK to even get to a place to have an honest conversation about what his fears are.
Anyway I just think there's so much new exciting storytelling ground for them once they get together this is just the tip of the iceberg
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mangotango74852 · 7 months
Kevin x Reader (The boys Youtube)
Warnings: kissing,cussing that’s it 🗿🗿
summary: You joined the boys and you had a small crush on one of the camera mans and maybe he also had a crush on you?
You have been With the boys for about 6 months now and you got along with everyone pretty well you and Juicy having the same energy so y’all were besties real quick.So one day you and the boys were filming a video in japan you guys got into different teams (let’s just say that you are also a mexican like Eddie but you don’t know that much spanish) But anyways, here are the groups: Group 1 Narrator and juicy. Group 2 Mully and Josh. Group 3 Eddie and you. so you guys picked a camera man to go with you guys Narrator and juicy picked dose and Mully and josh picked Alana and Eddie and Juicy were the only ones who knew you had a crush one kevin so Juicy told Eddie to pick Kevin.So you guys went around japan doing the stuff that you needed to do and then you guys saw Mully and Josh and btw you were wearing a spider-man hat that you guys got as a prize and when Mully saw it he took it from you and ran off with josh and you were standing there in shock and you were like “MULLEN GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU FAT FUCK” Him and josh were running as fast as they can and eventually you got tired and stopped chasing them. “Bro that was rude they took your spider-man hat” Eddie said.” “I’ll get you one later Y/n” Kevin said and you blushed because you wouldn’t think he would say that and you didn’t know he had a crush on you too and Eddie was giggling.Then you’re next thing to do one the bingo map was that you guys had to go eat some sushi and that was really easy because y’all liked sushi so y’all didn’t mind it.So you guys started to walk over to the nearest sushi place and let’s just say Kevin was like paying for everything for you and you didn’t know why so you just went on with it and then once the game was over Group 2 won the game and then later you guys went back to the hotel. Also you and Kevin were sharing a room so Yeah🤭🤭. And the video wasn’t over yet so you got into a quick shower before kevin got in the shower and after you guys were done getting ready you went to go meet with the rest of the group. Then the cameras were on and you guys went to a restaurant and on the walk there you,Juicy and Eddie were talking about random stuff until Eddie brought up What happened today btw you guys were ahead of the group so you guys didn’t have to worry.”juicy wanna know what Kevin was doing for Y/n to day?” Eddie said.”Hell yeah what happened?”Juicy said in excitement.”So what happened was Mully took Y/n Spider-man hat and ran off and she chased after them but got to tired and stopped chasing them.Then kevin said he will buy here a new one and Kevin has been paying for her all day today”Eddie said as you blushed.”Y/n you gotta tell him soon bro”Juicy said.”But what if he doesn’t like me back and it will ruin our friendship.” You sounded sad at the last part but just went on with it.”Oh guys look were here!”Josh said.”Oooo i’m really hungry right now and i can’t wait to eat some really good food.” Narrator said sounding really happy.As you guys walk in Juicy and Eddie go talk with the other boys and Kevin came up to you and y’all talked for a couple minutes before you guys had to go sit down.”I can’t wait to get back to the hotel room and pass out bro.”Kevin had said while pointing the camera at you.”yeah i can’t wait either cuz i might just stay up for a bit and be on youtube, Soooooo yeah.”You had said slightly blushing but not so much so where nobody couldn’t see it.”Ok guys let’s go sit down and chill.”Josh had sayed leading you all to the table.You sat in between Eddie and juicy and you guys were just talking about random stuff.”Ok what would you guys like to drink?” the waitress had said to you guys.So everyone just oder a water or a soda.”I have a special announcement.” juicy said to everyone while looking at his phone to play something goofy and just started to dance.”Juicy sit the fuck down everyone’s giving us weird looks!” Yow whispers yelled.”Sorry i had to do it🙈.”He said sitting back down.”Ok here are your guy’s drinks.”the waitress said “Thank you so much!” Narrator said.
Once you guys got back to the hotel everyone went to their rooms and slept while you and Kevin were still up he confessed to you.” Hey Y/n?” Kevin said nervously.”Yes Kevin?” You look up from your phone looking at Kevin.”I like you like a lot.And not in a friend way like i really like you and i thought you would know because i’ve been paying for you lately.” In that moment you froze you couldn’t believe what he just said to you.”Kevin i also like you i have been holding it in for a while and i was scared you wouldn’t like me back”. That moment Kevin got up and got you to stand up and he kissed you.”Kevin what are yo-“ He tilted his head a little bit to deepen the kiss making it even longer.Eventually he broke the kiss and asked you to be his girlfriend. You yelled “YES” and hugged him tightly that night you two cuddled.
EDIT:Bro i just finished this and it’s 10:22 pm and my hands hurt really bad
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cinamun · 4 months
MAYBE…maybe, Ms. Eva is very much so Mercy and Jackson’s daughter but she gave her up because as seen in the flashback they were struggling to keep bills paid and maybe she had a rough pregnancy that made it hard for her to perform like usual? Only issue with that is why wouldn’t Jay remember his mom being pregnant? He seems old enough where he would unless she hid it real well because they knew they weren’t keeping her? But he lived there so? Idk. I feel like Mercy being pregnant whether it was with Jackson or not doesn’t really track well. Maybe their bandmates are her parents? Maybe that’s what brought them to town? Her having her daughter? Seems to line up? Idk lol but I can’t waaaait to see how she fits into all this, if she even does at all. We could all be delusional 😂 I want to keep my nice image of Jackson and don’t want to believe he was sneaking around but…🥲 maybe those bills included some hefty child support.
And I’m soooooo glad Mercy woke up. Let’s just hope that snake vacated the premises already. I doubt it though ☹️
Damn sis you coming in with the heavy hitters!!! All these scenarios are juicy asf!!!
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Ooooooh i can't WAIT to find out what the hell is going on!!!
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redcarcrashblues · 5 months
a queen barb credit scene would have been soooooo juicy. imagine she’s j chillin by the tv watching TMTV (trolls mtv) and she sees her ex gf/bf singing with BROZONE (!!!!) without her (!!!!!!!!!!)
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fauville · 3 months
fandom: the wayhaven chronicles rating: general pairing: nate sewell/female detective (charlie langford)
i'm so embarrassed because of how self indulgent this fic is, but people wanted me to post it soooooo. i think about dad!nate a lot, so maybe i will write more about it at some point!
★ ★ ★
Charlie is frowning at the inadequate selection of apples at the marketplace, her hand resting on her belly over her chiffon summer dress when she hears Nate calling her name in the crowd.
She turns around with an exasperated sigh, a half-smile on her face and scans the mass of people for her husband, but Nate must be somewhere further in the crowd, because she can't see his towering frame anywhere near her. But he will find her soon enough.
She left him at the book stall where he was distracted enough for her to slip away for a moment. She intendented to go back to him before he noticed her disappearance, but she got hungry and left to find a snack at the food section of the market.
The owner of the fruit stall is glaring at her, so Charlie quickly points out the most juicy looking apple and pays for it, before Nate appears from the crowd with a worried frown on his brow.
For a moment Charlie just stares at him; she will never get used to how attractive he is and they've known each other for three years. His hair is tied up in a knot and he's wearing a pure white t-shirt and jean shorts. He kind of looks like a dad.
Which is lucky because he will be one soon.
“Charlotte!” Nate says, when he reaches her and immediately pulls her into a loving hug. “You're alright.”
Charlie can't help the snort that she lets out. “Yes, I am. I'm not lying dead in a ditch somewhere, don't you worry, dearest.”
Nate scowls. “Don't even joke about that,” he says and lays a protective hand on her stomach.
Charlie chuckles and covers Nate's hand with her own, patting it reassuringly. “I was gone for ten minutes,” she says gently.
“Fifteen,” Nate huffs and shakes his head. “That’s fifteen too many.”
“I'm pretty sure we're safe enough at the moment,” Charlie points out, when Nate bends down to kiss her forehead, cradling her closer to him.
“Maybe,” Nate admits a little reluctantly. He takes Charlie's hands to his own, rubbing a thumb against her knuckle. “But I would still prefer you would remain close by.”
“You know I can take care of myself,” Charlie reminds him, but her tone comes out mostly fond instead of firm like she attempted. This is a conversation they’ve had for countless of times in the last six months, but so far nothing has changed.
Nate starts leading her away from the crowd and Charlie bites into the apple she bought earlier. It’s dry and sour and she grimaces after the first taste.
“I know,” Nate says, so softly Charlie can barely hear it through all the noise around them. “But I can't help but worry.”
He stops walking and spins around to look at her properly and takes her hands, the bitten apple rolling from her hand on to the stone paving. There's something in his gaze Charlie can’t read. Something desperate and insurmountable.
“You're carrying my child,” he says. “Our child. That means I can barely think beyond the worry I constantly feel when you're not near. I'm so afraid of losing you both that it's almost making me lose my sanity and all reason.”
Charlie swallows. She can feel her eyes starting to water. Damn pregnancy hormones. “Nate…”
“I know,” Nate murmurs before she can open her mouth, smiling softly down at her, pressing a kiss to their linked hands. “I will work on it. I promise.”
Charlie nods, something inside her chest soaring. “Thank you,” she answers, because she knows that Nate means it and that’s enough for her.
Then she looks sadly at the dropped apple on the ground. It may have been dry and sour, but she’s still hungry like… well, a woman who’s eating for two.
“I'm hungry,” Charlie says and Nate laughs so loudly a few people close to them flinch and give him the dirty eye. He throws them a sheepish smile and gets a few starstruck looks back, which makes Charlie roll her eyes affectionately.
“Let's go home, ya rouhi,” he replies, guiding her towards the car. “I'll cook.”
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fatguarddog · 5 months
The magic boba reblog... ugh fuck this is embarrassing of me but let's go~
I want most of this magical softness to go to my tits. I want them jiggly and juicy like tapioca, rounded up... the texture is soo good when they bounce and rub against each other, not to mention when someone hungrily sucks and nibbles on them, squishing their head into them... The bigger and fuller they are the less I can think consciously, wanting to rub my chest on anything and anyone willing to ease all this pressure... i'm so not used to feeling so silly and light, but I kind of love it...
My sorry tits begin trickling overly sweet milk tea soon enough and in the end I end up as a worked up, soaked and sweet mess, with a mind yearning for another magical drink and tits and belly and ass up for grabbing and fondling... My clothes misfit more and more... how embarassing..~ -💜
(teasing and/or praise are very welcome)
Jiggly juicy tapioca tits it's such a nice mental image omg, so squishy and bouncy and always just a little wet~
Your tits would get so big and heavy with milk n boba you'd just be soooooo dumb until someone could come take care of it for you, so impossibly horny and desperate for touch
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chaosandwolves · 3 months
first of all tim why use the word coupling to describe buddie, wouldn't pairing make more sense for friendship. coupling is usually used for romantic pairings... anyway beside the point when he says fun I'm thinking massive angst so what on Earth could cause buddie to go through massive angst. drunk hook up night before the wedding, def goes up that alley. Yes it confirms buddie canon and endgame but....the angst in the aftermath is gonna be insane. Can you imagine Buck wanting to talk about what happened and Eddie in character completely closing off and running away from it and his feelings about the situation...oh the angst is gonna be so juicy.
Tim really loves toying with us, doesn't he?
What an unhinged choice of words
Yeah I have a few theories by now and after seeing Oliver's bts of him wearing a bright shirt with vertical stripes in one of the dating spots (I think)
I got even more
Drunk hook up would be sooooo fun. So fucking angsty
Cause for Eddie it would've been absolute 100% serious
And for Buck an impulse decision a la... Actually why don't we make out? We like each other...
But now I'm also thinking
We're gonna get the bi Buck storyline for sure
The dating spot and shirt are screaming at me
But Buck's choice in date is not the right one (hey Tommy)
Ooohhh imagine he's on a date with Tommy but keeps mentioning Eddie so Tommy has to be like... Dude.. You're in love with his guy and Buck is like.... Nah he's just my partner and Tommy is like 🤨
Wouldn't that be fun?
I'm soooooo here for a shit ton of angst before they start figuring it out for real
The whole thing of.. But he doesn't see me like this, we're just friendd, I don't wanna lose him etc etc
Bring. It. On.
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
I am loving cherry red, crimson blood!!
I feel like it’s so hard to find poly 141 fics, but I think with yours I’ve finally found the top one.
I saw your response to that one person and honestly 2 chapters a week is more than enough, I’m sure people would even be happy with 1 chapter every other week. Don’t overwork yourself <3
Aww thank you soooooo much!!! 🥹💚💚 that's so sweet to say omg. Poly fics will always hold a special place in my heart in any fandom honestly. They're usually my first default whenever there's a group (or even just a couple that I like together honestly 🫣). I just had to do one for TF 141.
I'm just so excited for this fic. I wish I could just sit down and write it all at once but its becoming quite the long fic 🫣 and unfortunately I also have to adult and take care of myself 😫. Two chapters a week is my goal but if I know anything about myself, I'm either going to exceed that goal or I'm going to fail it lmao hard to tell right now. I know people would still read it even if I posted once a month, I'm just so excited to get to the really juicy bits coming in a few chapters lol.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Loving your Goncharov posts. Can’t wait for your Goncharov playlist. Who would you cast if making Goncharov today?
Oooh! That’s a toughy! I’ll do my best!
Goncharov: Oscar Isaac
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Period drama with protagonist with a moral corruption arc, a looming sense of doom, a really frayed but sexy fucked up relationship with his wife while also coming off as incredibly bisexual? Who else could you POSSIBLY want?!
Mario: James Frain
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He’s a conniving boot licker in Tron: Legacy as Jarvis, and a stone cold bitch as Sarek in the new Star Trek shows, Mario is somewhere in that ballpark so why not?!
Andrey: Michael Fassbender
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Fassbender is sooooo good at simultaneously being extremely emotionally raw and cold and calculating and I swear to gawd if that ain’t Andrey he’s soooooo, gawd, such a juicy role. Plus I think it would be sick to see Oscar and Michael chew on the scenery together and be well… Like That. As Goncharov and Andrey
Michailov: Adrien Brody
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I’ve said before that I’d love to see a Wes Anderson take in these film and Adrien Brody is in like all of Anderson’s movies and he’s always playing stuck up little hard asses like Katya’s brother so I think that works super well!
Katya: Elle Fanning
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MAN I love Elle Fanning I can’t tell you how much I need this. Between the Maleficent films and also THE GREAT (she’s already a Russian aristocrat I mean come ON) she could totally pull the ‘disillusioned old money trophy wife’ thing easy! I NEED her to be Katya I neeeeeeeed it!!
Sofia: Jesse James Keitel
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I mean… just LOOK at her??? Amazing, hardened chaotic and queer tough chick I mean please, Keitel can and has absolutely ROCKED that shit and would do it again, Captain Angel but make it 1970s mafia sapphic I mean that’s just CORRECT
Ice Pick Joe: Steve Buscemi
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I know he doesn’t do a lot of on camera stuff anymore but god this man is so good in Fargo and I love it when he plays baddies and I think he could really lean into Joe’s homicidal tendencies with that sly voice I associate with Randall from Monsters Inc who also spooked me as a kid.
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josecariohca · 2 months
hi again! hope you're in good health! your answer to the pirate au gave me life, if you ever wanna share more/info-dump about it I'll be happy to take a seat and listen. Since we have similar brain worms about them and it seems you've been on the spamano block even longer than I have I was wondering if you have any fic recs for them? (side note do you have an ao3?) or just any type of rec for spamano at all?
hi again!!! you must have the patience of a saint for waiting so long, but yes hello i am here and i have been DYING to answer your ask and once again i stuck it under a read more bc what is concise wording??? idk her shes not here we only ramble here! warnings for excessive over-explanation and the obsessive thoughts of someone who has been in this stupid fandom for way, way too long.
i also wanted to address the super sweet notes you wrote on your original ask that had me smiling like an absolute fool, btw!!!! so first off: THANK YOU AND IM SO GLAD YOU AGREE!!!!! listen, the canon dynamic between these two has always given me a very severe case of brain rot, and the ways in which that dynamic can be removed from canon and smacked into any au is just soooooo juicy. and while yes i do adore airhead spain with all my heart, i do see it as very reductive to his character and who he actually is. and this also kinda bleeds into answering this ask, so yay! two birds one stone!
my entire thing with these two is the fact that spain is, at his core, an empire. god, gold, glory. that was his whole thing, ruthlessly so. and while yes i do believe the nations dont personify their governments and instead represent the best of their people, it would be foolish to ignore what it means for spain (and antonio) to be the spanish empire, bloody, greedy, damned, troubled, all of it. and that bleeds a lot into how i imagine antonio to be!
antonio (and spain) will always carry a lot of guilt to me. he acts sweet and bubble and sunshiny, and i do think he genuinely is that way naturally, but a lot of it is also an attempt to distance himself from what he used to be, either from guilt, from wanting others to forget, or for whatever reason. who he is in current day is not who he was, but its still there and it is something he grapples with constantly. so, in the vein of my pirate au, antonio as a pirate is someone who is angry.
hes angry at the world, hes angry at his government, hes angry at the state of life for anyone who isnt wealthy and born into generational status, hes angry at the favoritism, at the restrictions, at everything. hes someone who wants freedom. spain as a character doesnt like to be restrained, hated his forced job of folding flowers, hated he couldnt do more when he was once so powerful (to the point where america even said anytime spain was near him hed try and hit him with his knees, so clearly he knows how to hold a grudge) and antonio would feel a lot of resentment to the state of the world as it exists around him but unable to change it—until he can
and lovino, who is angry but for so many other reasons. lovino, who is born into a gilded cage that he cant even touch, lovino, whose entire life was built around his younger (legitimate) brother who will one day inherit everything his grandfather passes on that lovino cannot have, even if they do love him, even if they do cherish him and give him an education and steady work and a comfortable life. but thats not enough, and why would it be? his name is worthless in this society. he barely exists outside of his small family, and whenever he's there, there is always the elephant in the room of none of this is mine, none of this will ever be mine. so yes hes angry, hes resentful, but hes also stuck. where can he go, realistically, when this is all hes ever known? and he loves his family. hes loyal, hes caring, he adores his family. he just also resents them because they are everything he can never be. (and i do throw seborga into the brothers. they are a trio to me and they always will be!)
so when they meet, when antonio sees this little angry brat with so much pent up aggression start barking insults at him in front of his own crew, how can he not be fascinated by that? and he sees someone wearing a shiny family crest of a prominent venetian family, and its so easy to him. take him, maybe teach him some respect, dump him in italy, get some money, and fuck off to the ocean again for the next prize.
and it would work if they both werent so fucking stupid at the same time. bc just like romano and spain, these two are two sides of the same dumb ass spectrum. angry and hopeful with different styles of attachment that fit just perfectly enough to make it feel clandestine. two people who could just so happen to understand where the other is coming from, with enough understanding to get it. and suddenly theyre not so different after all, are they, considering they both got screwed over in life, forced into roles they didnt want until someone gave them an out, until they give each other an out.
and then it becomes a lot less about stealing from the world and keeping it for themselves as it is giving each other the world, wealth and riches that belong to them and them alone, an open ear and willing hands and the understanding that antonio would rip the stars from the sky and temper raging oceans for lovino if he asked, hoping only for lovino to love him in return and choose to stay, to seek freedom and something different.
its entirely selfish and dangerous and doomed to fail from the start, which we as people in 2024 know, but its romantic in its desperation and honest in how actual real life pirates were furious with their lives and were entirely fucked over after the war of spanish succession, and while yes most of those pirates were english (and arthur is a big player in this story too, obvi), spain did have its fair share, esp in retaliation to what the english were doing to spanish treasure ships.
WOW that was a lot im so sorry for how long that is. i hope it is in some way understandable and not just rambling jibberish fghjkjh as for fic recs!!! babe how much time to do you bc i have like. thousands. ill start with my favorite few though, and maybe youll find something you like in them!
some are long, some are short, some are not as much romantic as they are doomed and haunted, and some are nauseatingly sweet, but its a range of stuff. let me know what you like and im sure i can tailor these more to your tastes!
in no particular order, some of my all time favs:
those who loved us all along by aalesundbren
the problem with being known by baybetime
the bocca della verità duology by nyoengland
ravish by ludwiggle73 (spamano isnt the main pair, its second to fruk, but its a good fic nonetheless)
underneath the gilded lights by kai_maciel (spamano is a very small part of this, its mainly centered around latam and portugal, but the parts they do have are cute and i love how spain is characterized. it has a second part with a few other spamano bits, if youre interested)
anything that champagnesly has ever written about spamano. one of my all time favorite authors, even if they havent been in the fandom in a very long time. their wine verse is a personal fav and i read it when i was younger and i still go back to read it now. same for oblivion, the blue hours, and tbh anything else spamano theyve ever written
we are all businessmen by soliloquium
tesoro mio by (they orphaned the fic, i do know who the author is but since its orphaned idk if they want me to say their name???? either way, great fic!)
more than attraction by whitetyger12
and finally, anything mareepysheepy has ever written for spamano, with a particular shout out to give and take
okay, thats all ill do for now. i have so many fic recs that ive accumulated over the years for this pairing, but hopefully you find something somewhere in this mess that you end up enjoying. sorry again for the wait and i hope this made up for it!!!!
you are a delight to my day and THANK YOU for allowing me to ramble endlessly about my stupid pirates
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inhellf · 11 months
Hoseok ♡ Seokjin, 2seok fic rec
twoseok tag is dry as fuck, and I won't have that.
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❣️Completed fics only.
❣️nsfw + sfw, +🔞
❣️(❗️) Read all the tags before reading the fics. All works are correctly tagged by their respective authors/owners, so read at your own risk. 
❣️For better understanding, in between brackets I denote Rating, Words and quantity of Chapters.
❣️ Mix of ratings. Mostly Explicit.
Leave kudos and many beautiful comments for these authors ♥️
[Small disclaimer: Some works might be private, so I highly encourage you to create an Ao3 account.]
two bros, chillin' in the gay club, by @/robinticism, (E, 78.4k words, 6/6) THEE 2seok fic, oh my god. Magnificient friends to lovers, with the perfect amount of fluff and angst. SO. MUCH. ANGST, the yearning of my dreams. A ton of introspection, internalized homophobia, feelings realization + tons of sex. But also SOOOooo much love. They love each other so much, you guys.
Kiss Me, by @/yoonkisses_, (E, 4.2k words, 1/1) in the soop canon!!! 🍜 woooow just fantastic. Friends to lovers, and the softest horny porn I've read. Sexy, and sweet, and raw and filled with feelings.
sunkissed moon, by solarizedfilm on ao3, (T, 9.1k words, 1/1) love confessions!!! Fluff, fluff, fluff, and more fluff. They are both sweethearts and soo whipped for each other. (guess who is the moon and who is the sun 😞😞))
two minutes only, you'll get a trophy, by auguststarfall on ao3 (E, 2.2k words, 1/1) the wonders of married 2seok. Exploration of the asexual spectrum, tagged gray asexuality. It's very short, but it's healthy married 2seok learning to navigate each other together. Just so incredibly good!!!!!
fresh like a hell of an oyster, by @/duelofthejoon (E, 4.6k words, 1/1) SO GOOD. A/B/O, alpha!sj + omega!hs. Breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, m-preg but not actual m-preg. Established alpha!sj + omega!hs & canon compliant. It's just so hot and lovely and intimate and so 2seok idk, I adore it.
Telepathy for Virgins (I Can Totally Read Your Mind, Bro), by mabyn on ao3 (M, 37.1k words, 5/5) Literally what the title says. Mind reading, telepathy, romance, humor!!! It's a bit angsty, but it is mostly fun and sweet and charming.
Like Velveteen, by @/vveilvet (G, 3.5k words, 2/2) established 2seok adopt a bunny!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (not jk hehe). Really, it's just them loving on their baby bunny (not jk jsjs) and being in love, and sweet, and adorable.
Breads, Bread Smiles and Bread Cheeks, by @/winterbluems (T, 3.9k words, 1/1) 2seok have a child and are a sweet little family. That's literally the whole plot 🥰🫶 so sweet!!
drunk on art, by @/enbyjjin (E, 4k words, 1/1) hand jobs and blow jobs between friends!! Wink wink. Hook up but with feelings!! Wink wink. Friends to lovers-ishhh?? It has a hopeful ending. Loved it very much!! Both are sooo cute and flirty!!
Another Day, by eternal_octopus on ao3 (E, 3.2k words, 1/1) Bathroom sex in their Malta airbnb!! Canon compliant, Bon Voyage. Just!! Hot and sexy and porn with feelings !!
interlude: wait for us by @/novaseok (E, 4.8k words, 1/1) a new favorite! I loved this very much. I would read a whole story about them if the author wanted to write it. I don't wanna spoil it here, but it's genuinely really good. I'll just say: alternate universe; agents, exes to lovers 🤭. Hot and filled with feelings, just like how I love it.
the sun rises and brings us with it, by MintKitten on ao3 (G, 1.5k words, 1/1) like a little spin-off of a greater story. A little shot, a scene of a movie. Heroes and villains Au! Short and sweet, and they are very in love.
the heart of just the two of us, by @/sonnenjhs (E, 1.6k words, 1/1) a proper tease!!! Short, sexy, it leaves you wanting more.
Peaches and..., by @/vveilvet (E, 1.5k words, 1/1) feel like it's obvious, but Hobi eats a juicy [jin's] peach here. That's it. Porn without plot hehe.
dancing on the blades by alicek112 on ao3 (T, 14.9k words, 1/1) woooow. This is part of a bigger universe with other pairings, but this story focused on 2seok is TOO good. Crazy good. Olympic skaters bangtan! Found family, queer community building. Hoseok "is" the token straight of the skating community but he's not ;( !!!! And Seokjin helps him soooo much with his identity and sexuality 🫶
Untitled #3, by @/nsnorthnlights (T, 5.2k words, 1/1) literally the start of a rom com series!!!! I'm obsessed and I'd read an expanded universe of this if it was written. There's a big charm to it. I'm obsessed with this Hoseok and Seokjin.
How I Met Your Father, by @/raplinegold (G, 5k words, 1/1) too cute!! Tennis players!2seok ahhhh. Non linear narrative. Getting together, pure fluff!
oh honey, you're the bee's knees, by Anonymous on ao3 (E, 3.1k words, 1/1) Hot and funny!!!! 2seok on their honeymoon!!! Love it very much
After Hours, by @/koconut23 (E, 10.2k words, 1/1) WOOOW, just wow. The roleplay, the intensity, the setting, the writing. Just wow. Too good, too good. A fantastic fanfic.
Celestial Love, by @/droolyjinnie (G, 617 words, 1/1) A fairytale that made me tear up. ha. Adorable.
smile like you mean it, by @/beam_baum (E, 11.9k words, 1/1) fun and sexy and flirty!!! Alternate universe - royalty!! My two adorable princes. Strangers to reluctant friends to hook ups to lovers. So much fluff, they really are whipped for each other.
Drunk on Your Love, by @/218wrld (E, 1.8k words, 1/1) just.... explicit sexual content. "Hoseok gets tipsy and confesses that he’s never given a hickey. Seokjin is determined to change it." that's the whole plot and im obsessed.
Air in the Waves, by @/vveilvet (E, 2.1k words, 1/1) canon compliant phone sex!!! Remember Seokjin's loud gaming live? Well...!!!
Temptation on His Lips, by @/mommyharrow (E, 16k words, 1/1) UMMM probably one of my favorite 2seok fics. Like, just wow. So hot, so passionate, intimate. I adore the dynamic. This one is precious to me.
strawberry snow, by CrabWhisperer on ao3 (G, 3.8k words, 1/1) just fluff! The reassurance of having each other! They are truly the epitome of loving, domestic, +10-years-thriving-marriage.
the deep ways in which you affect me, by @/9293soulmates (E, 12.3k words, 2/2) canon compliant. Loss of virginity, virginity kinks, first times for pretty much everything. Getting together!!! The confidence between them is wooow !! Also they are both so whipped. They are whipped cream fr fr.
Proving the Love of a Lifetime, by @/nsnorthnlights (G, 3.1k words, 1/1) guys, they love each other so much, guys. Told through Namjoon's pov, canon compliant, short and sweet. Seokjin and Hoseok are two idiots in love, and have been for a long time. So much fluff!!!!
for your eyes only, by @/goldenhopeworld (T, 9.7k words, 1/1) 5+1 things. I literally melted. I was squirming in my seat trying not to completely tear up. Soooo sentimental, it really touched my heart in ways other fics have not been able to.
personnel touch, by @/cutiesexysaucie (E, 9.5k words, 1/1) sooo fun and hot! Friends to lovers! Porn with plot! Feelings! Fluff! Smut! Romantic comedy! It has everything.
First Contact, by @/koconut23 (E, 11.7k words, 1/1) canon universe. Hobi is Jin's first human contact after his covid quarantine. Getting together, fluff, smut, caretaking, sickfic kinda. Friends to lovers!
[new message], by go_gentle on ao3 (E, k words, 1/1) hot boss fantasies! Porn withouth plot, sex in the office. # Seokjin's marketing team works hard. lol.
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