#that'd be the end of me right then and there
Imagine if Sokka never pissed off Katara into revealing the iceberg Aang was trapped in, and eventually Katara and Sokka become fully convinced that there's no Avatar anymore so they're like "fuck it let's build a boat and use basic waterbending to go on a journey, grind our skills, find some allies, and end the Firelord ourserlves". So they regularly encounter and escape Zuko, find Suki, find Toph, make allies with different foreigners like Bumi, let Zuko have his redemption and basically assassinates Ozai as a team. Ages after when Katara and Zuko grow on each other, have kids, and a waterbending child of theirs takes a trip to the South Pole, screws around with waterbending and only THEN is Aang finally discovered in the iceberg.
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I got this idea when I look at the "what if Zutara but Aang really died in Ba Sing Se" or a "what if Zutara but Aang got killed by Ozai" ideas, drank some sparkling wine, and decided to take it back even further with a "what if Zutara, but Aang never even woke tf up" idea, and it's just so funny to me right now. Like imagine if Aang fr just slept through the entire plot, skipped his job of taking down Ozai, and woke up only after just missing EVERYTHING. That would be so sad and funny to me. Imagine that Zutara kid having to explain it, like "yeah dude, you really just slept the entire plot".
Hahaha that'd be wild. But also lowkey amazing because A\ang will get to have a good & normal childhood.
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deusvervewrites · 1 day
I think you're right with Bakugo losing his quirk being something interesting for the series. I get that the intended reading (or at least a rather common interpretation in the fandom) of his character is supposed to be that he's generally completed his redemption, but to me it feels like its still got a lot to cover, mostly because I don't think that it dug that deep into his mindset or really made him actually reevaluate Why he wanted to be a hero.
I'm not saying he didn't have a character arc, its just that what arc was there was very slow paced, and kinda makes it look painfully slower when you compare it to the constant escalation of the rest of the plot. In theory its an interesting look into how changing as a person comes slowly, but in practice there's really only so long I can stand watching some little dick waffle about on whether or not he should treat people with basic human decency when he's looking to take on a position of power.
Like yeah he starts to respect his classmates, but to me it feels more like that respect came solely from recognizing their power rather than realizing that everyone deserves respect. It would be a solid start to an improvement arc! But no, its at what a lot of people think to be is the peak of Bakugo's redemption.
Especially in regards to Midoriya. Everyone cheers on the fact that he now sees him as a rival and even finds joy in their competition, but it currently falls flat to me because. its just validating Bakugo's power-based worldview now that Midoriya has a quirk. like sure he respects his heroic skills but does he respect him as a person?
But now, if he's lost his quirk... He's going to have to fully confront How Exactly He Fucked Up. No rationalizing that someone deserves his respect because they're as powerful as him and can compete against him in a game he's gonna win! Its either he rethinks his entire worldview or he wallows in his own misery at being quirkless, and there's no way that the story will go the second route, especially if Midoriya's own quirklessness sticks.
And honestly? that would be the most fulfilling ending to his character to me. Bakugo not being a hero would probably piss a rather vocal portion of the fanbase off, especially if Midoriya pulls off becoming a quirkless hero, but it would be very satisfying to me in particular, so. Yeah.
(OOPS this got long. My bad. I just started typing and it just spilled out)
I mean. I wrote a 1300 word essay on the problems I have with Bakugou's character arc. And like I said, his dialogue is worded once again to place value in Midoriya's Quirk over him. Personally I was hoping that Bakugou would be the Quirkless Hero because it would be a poetic inversion of how the series started while also showing a mindset that doesn't put that kind of value into Quirks.
Bakugou has some really good moments. The Final War has done a lot of good with him and addressed most of the issues I've had with his character overall. But with Bakugou you never know when you're gonna get a moment where he, I dunno, spitballing here, overhears that Midoriya lost his Quirk and starts crying because they can't compete anymore. Or physically attacks Midoriya for slapstick comedy. Wouldn't that be a weird writing decision? Making a joke about how Bakugou still attacks Midoriya? Over 250 chapters in? That'd be fucking weird.
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thatfanfictionchick · 19 hours
This is intended to be...archival, for myself, mostly. But if you find it interesting you should definitely check out Ikemen Villains!
Ikevil Event - Wrapped in Wicked Romance pt.1
Jude's Route Premium End
The moment the man with the bowler hat spotted Jude…
…he put his arm around my neck and pressed a gun to my temple.
Jude: “Ha! Looks good on ya, Kate.”
(If he tells the man he doesn't want to negotiate…)
(He'll kill me…)
A chill came over me, my entire body trembling with fear. 
And Jude looked like he was thoroughly enjoying it. 
Jude: “Haha. Lovin’ that look in your eyes. Ya scared? It's scary, huh?”
Jude: “Want me to help ya?”
(Of course I do!)
I nodded frantically. 
Jude: “Hm, that right?”
(Well, will you help me or won't you?! Make up your mind!)
Man in Bowler Hat: “That's enough of your sweet reunion.”
Jude: “That's a shame. I wouldn't mind watchin’ for a bit longer.”
Jude shifted his gaze from me to the man and narrowed his amethyst eyes. 
Jude: “Seems like you're runnin’ quite the business outta the warehouse we rented ya.”
Jude: “Now, if you were just buyin’ ‘n sellin’ guns ‘n other dirty shit, that'd be fine.”
Jude: “But don't ya remember the contract ya signed with me? When I toldja, NO human traffickin’.”
(Human trafficking?!)
Man in Bowler Hat: “Can't you just look the other way?”
Man in Bowler Hat: “Even the poor can sell at a great price!”
Man in Bowler Hat: “I can line your pockets and help you clean all the filth out of London Harbor!”
Jude: “...Hah.”
Man in Bowler Hat: “I know you love watching the misfortune of others, and I know you love money. So you can overlook this, right?”
Man in Bowler Hat: “If you say yes, I'll return your woman to you unharmed.”
(So he broke his contract and used the warehouse he rented from Jude for human trafficking.)
(He's threatening him so he'll look the other way.)
When I felt his arm around my neck, revulsion raced through me. 
(I don't want to die, but…)
(I also don't want to be the only person who gets saved because Jude overlooked his crimes. Not at the expense of others.)
(That would leave a really bad taste in my mouth.)
I bit my lip to steel myself and looked over at Jude. 
I tensed my stomach to keep myself from shaking. 
Kate: “Jude, I take it back. Don't worry about me.”
Jude: “Oh?”
Jude: “Honestly, you're real hopeless, y'know that?”
For some reason, that exasperated, pitying grin made my heart skip a beat. 
(There's a gun to my head, why am I focusing on him…?)
Jude: “But I ain't here to listen to your requests, princess. So behave for me, will ya?”
His smile disappeared as he glared at the man. 
Jude: “Seems like ya think you've got the upper hand here.”
Jude: “Also seems like there's a lotta misunderstandings ‘bout me, so lemme correct ‘em.”
Jude: “Number one. It's true I like watchin’ people's misfortunes. And I do like money. But there's one thing I like more than all of that.”
Jude: “And that's when rich pigs like ya who play it safe while others suffer get what's comin’ to ‘em.”
Man in Bowler Hat: “...Huh?”
Just then, the sound of gunshots and screams tore through the air.
The guards surrounding the man in the bowler hat collapsed in the darkness. 
Man in Bowler Hat: “Wh-what the hell's going on?!”
Jude took advantage of the man's confusion and quickly closed the distance. He grabbed the hand that held the gun and twisted it. 
Jude: “Two. No matter what weakness ya try to exploit, I'll never forgive anyone who defaults on a contract.”
Man in Bowler Hat: “Argh!”
Jude: “Three.”
Kate: “...Ah!”
Jude grabbed me and roughly jerked me away from the man. 
Jude: “No matter what, she's gonna be comin’ back to me unharmed.”
Jude kneed the man hard in the gut, making him collapse on the spot. 
(He saved me again…)
He pulled me close to his chest, the sensation soothing my pounding heartbeat. 
(M-my heart isn't pounding because he saved me or is holding me…)
(It's because I'm scared… It has to be.)
I was making excuses to myself. And then, Jude pointed the gun at the man. 
Jude: “Don't worry. I'm not gonna hand ya over to any coppers.”
Jude: “In exchange, you're gonna become a test subject for some nice ‘n dangerous research we got goin’ on.”
Jude: “Dunno the joy of manual labor, do ya? Well, ya will now!”
The man was foaming and convulsing, then groaned in pain and passed out. 
Jude: “Ellis, carry him.”
Jude called out and Ellis appeared from the darkness. 
(It was Ellis who shot the guards.)
He was holding a handgun so casually it almost looked like a toy. 
Ellis: “How do you feel, Jude? You seem pretty happy right now.”
Jude: “The hell I ain't happy. Take this guy to the lab ‘n have the doc look at him.”
Ellis: “...Got it.”
Ellis looked a little disappointed, but he dragged the guy out of the warehouse. 
Kate: “...You’re not going to kill him?”
Jude: “I accepted this job from Queenie on the condition that if I destroyed his organization, they'd leave his life or death up to me.”
(Why would he want that…?)
Jude: “An easy death’d be too good for shitty people like him who get rich off other's suffering.”
Jude: “If ya do somethin’ vile, ya get it back in return. Ain't it fair for him to go through the same hell he caused before dyin’?”
Kate: “...This was a mission?”
Jude: “Yeah, so what if it was?”
Kate: “Then you didn't come to rescue me because I got kidnapped by chance?”
Jude: “No way in hell that was by chance. They knew I'd sniffed out their business.”
Jude: “And I knew they'd target somethin’ involvin’ me if they could.”
Jude: “If I sent ya wanderin’ ‘round here, it'd only be natural for ‘em to target ya, right?”
Kate: “So that's why you left me alone?”
Jude: “Why’re ya askin’ questions ya know the answer to, huh?”
Kate: “I could've been killed!”
Jude: “Nah, I don't screw up like that. Wouldn't let my bait get killed. Be a waste of ya, wouldn't it?”
(Did he just say he used me as bait?!)
Kate: “You are the worst…”
Jude: “You keep sayin’ that. Dontcha know any other words?”
Jude lit a cigarette and started walking out of the warehouse like he'd just finished a shift at work. 
But before he left, he gave a swift kick to Jack, who was lying on the ground groaning like the other guards. 
Kate: “...Since my mission is to get to know you better, can I ask you something?”
Kate: “You said you were going to use him for research. What kind of research?”
Jude: “Somethin’ that's got not a single lick to do with ya.”
(Since Jude said it was dangerous, it must be quite bad… What kind of research needs humans, anyway?)
(I wonder if he'll end up hating Jude so badly afterwards that he'd want to kill him.)
I thought of the person who'd pointed the knife at him in the alley that afternoon. 
(How can he live so casually with people wanting to kill him 24/7?)
Kate: “The more you make people suffer, the more they're going to hate you.”
Kate: “So why are you so cruel?”
Jude: “It's the price ya pay for a fun hobby.”
Kate: “Even if you have to risk your life?”
Jude: “Ask a lotta questions, don’tcha?”
Jude stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me. 
I jammed down my heels into an abrupt halt, so I didn't collide with him. 
And then he leaned in so close his nose almost touched mine. 
Jude: “If ya want, I could torment ya till ya hate me enough to wanna kill me too.”
The dark amusement in his eyes made something hot flare inside of me. 
Jude: “...Heh. I'm jokin’.”
He smiled with satisfaction, then took another drag off his cigarette. 
Jude: “You've never suffered once in your life, have ya, princess? So ya wouldn't get it.”
(I don't get it, and I don't want to either.)
(He's a cold, arrogant sadist.)
(He put my life in danger today… but he also protected me.)
If he'd really made that promise with me with malicious intent…
I wouldn't have survived this day.
Jude: “Don't go makin’ promises so easily, princess. You're gonna learn that lesson by the end of the day.”
-end flashback-
True to his word, I learned the rules of this dark world I'd entered. 
And the darkness surrounding him was probably why he knew the importance of making a promise. 
(I'm grateful, but at the same time I'm really frustrated.)
Kate: “Thank you… for today.”
Jude: “Ya don't sound like ya mean it. How ‘bout sayin’ it again with a smile?”
(How about I slap that smirk off your face instead?)
Kate: “I learned the dangers of making promises. I'll be more careful next time.”
I plastered a big smile on my face, as wide as I could manage. 
Jude: “That's better than nothin’.”
Jude laughed and then roughly grabbed my chin. 
Kate: “H-hey!”
Jude: “Ya were smart enough to keep your promise to Victor ‘n me.”
Jude: “But I saved your life twice today.”
Jude: “So ya owe me two things.”
(He says that even though he's the one who put it in danger in the first place?)
Jude: “Now, how're ya gonna repay your lover for helpin’ ya?”
[main page]
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As I'm editing Ecomoda, I'm impressed with the amount of diary BS Betty needs to deal - I mean, Armando, Mário, el Cuartel, Gutiérrez, Daniel, ect, and I didn't even started talking about the recurring problems and decisions she needs to do since she's the CEO.
And even all that, with a small child. She didn't has time to take care of her, it's her mother who does it. It wouldn't be surprising that Camila, now a teenager, doesn't seem to have a deep connection with her as the new series synopsis says that Betty is trying to rebuild their relationship.
Me, as a viewer, got stressed just watching it, I imagine her doing it everyday for more than 20 years. She must be exhausted from everything tho.
Tbh I never watched Ecomoda! Ig I never really felt the need because to me the story closed with ysblf, so I can’t say much about it.
However, I do believe you. It must be insanely stressful to have all of that in your plate. I know I definitely would never be able to handle all that. I was straight up losing my mind when I was just a student and worker! I can't imagine being a boss and mother at the same time. I'd go insane! I only worked a regular 9 to 5 and I was already so tired having to come home and cook and do dishes and shower and do laundry and go grocery shopping and all that, and my office job was so unstressful! I can't imagine having to do all that and also caring for a baby and also having to take important decisions all day. Betty is a much stronger woman that I'd ever be lmao
It'sestablished in ysblf that Armando and Betty oftentimes spent most of their waking hours at work, and assuming it'sthe same in Ecomoda, so I don't see how they could be present parents in Camila's life. And you're right-- Betty's busy schedule is likley the cause of her distance with Camila. At the end of the day, children require a lot of attention, and I bet both Armando and Betty spent most of their time at Ecomoda, just like they did before having her. It's unfortunate but many times high position of power aren't very friendly with parenthood. If the 3rd season secides to use this as a backstory of why Camila and Betty are distanced, it'd be very realistic. I've seen firsthand how working too much, even if done for the children's sake, hurt the children emotionally and psychologically and create a breach between parents and children.
Ohh, I just thought about how it'd be very interesting to see Camila being closer to her grandparents than her parents. That'd be very realistic if Betty and Armando really didn't spend much time with her during her formative years, too.
It's unfortunate to live in a time when working and parenthood are so incompatible! Poor Betty must be exhausted!
Thanks for the ask!🥰
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lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
i've really gotta stop looking up jack harkness edits on tiktok, i'm sitting over here giggling and twirling my hair and kicking my feet at every single one
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ywpd-translations · 10 months
Ride 741: Danchiku's “shout”
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Pag 1
1: In their eyes,an unshakable will....!!
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Pag 2
3: Ahhhh
4: Danchiku is exhaling!! For so long!!
3.... 4....
5: 5 seconds!!
6: No, he's exhaling even more!!
8... 9.... 10 seconds!!
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Pag 3
1: 11 seconds.... 12 seconds!!
3: He's emptying his lungs using all his muscles around them!!
5: This is bad!!
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Pag 4
1: It's coming!!
2: “Panda shout”
“It's a breathing technique”
“I become twice as fast”
The onw who reaches the sensor line first wins this race!!
If I don't get ahead now
3: He'll catch up!!
4: Ahhh
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Pag 5
5: Filled up of “fresh”!!
6: Panda....
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Pag 6
1: Shout!!
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Pag 7
1: Hiigaruaaagh!!
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Pag 8
1: He caught up to me!!
2: Twice as fast!!
3: Kuaaaaagh
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Pag 9
1: We entered the last curve!!
And Danchiku is still accelerating!!
2: This is Danchiku at “100%”!!
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Pag 10
1: Cough cough
This is so hard!!
2: 300km left until the sensor line!!
3: Catch up, catch up, catch up
Catch up!!
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Pag 11
1: Sugimoto Terufumi!!
2: Kuaaaaaa
200m left!!
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Pag 12
1: Cough
2: We're all both human beings
We all have limbs, and a head
Danchiku, and Onoda, and Naruko too
3: We're all human beings!!
4: Our bikes aren't all that different
My Colnago is ligh and fast!!
5: So, I'll catch up
I'll catch up!!
6: I should catch up!!
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Pag 13
1: I watched it, their running
3: I watched them from the sidelines
For three years!!
4: Onoda!!
5: Doesn't matter how hard it was for them
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Pag 14
1: They never gave up!!
3: Calm down, heart
Calm down, breath
4: Panda shout? Bamboo Hop Shot?
5: You're working hard,didn't you, Danchiku?
That's nice
6: Then I'll indulge you and let you practice with me!!
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Pag 15
2: They left Onoda and the others behind.. so the race is on this lap!!
Nii-chan!! On!!
They're coming!!
3: Danchiku and Sugimoto
4: 100m left!! This will settle it!!
They both started the final sprint!!
Danchiku is ahead!! And he's smiling!!
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Pag 16
1: Sorry, Sugimoto-san
As expected, you ran and practiced in Sohoku with no breaks for three years
2: But
It's over now!!
3: I'm sorry, but give up please!!
4: Sugimoto!!
5: Nii-chan!!
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Pag 19
2: Kuaaaaaagh
4: Ju... just now....
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Pag 20
1: They arrived at the same time.... on
2: At the end.... Sugimoto stretched ahead with a long sprint...
Who knew he could do something like that!!
3: Nii-chan really is amazing, on!!
4: But
A tie at this moment means that-
5: This race
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Pag 21
1: Hasn't ended yet!!
It's a suddent death match until they settle this!!
2: A long.... sprint...
You still had.... something like that....
4: Good job.... my Colnago-chan, good job
5: No... now....!!
Should we go another lap, Danchiku?!
6: This guy.... he doesn't give up!!
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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A couple of months ago, I showcased what Mega Man would look like in the toony artstyle of Pizza Tower, though since then I've wondered something... what would Peppino Spaghetti look like had he been drawn by Mega Man illustrators Keiji Inafune and Ryuji Higurashi?
The answer is a little something like this! 🍕✨
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
'fun' childhood memory time again:
when I was a kid, maybe 6 or 7, my mother and I were out riding our bikes together (I think that was unusual in itself). we were outside our village where there were fields and nothing else. then the path in the direction we were going in was blocked by a 'private road' sign that said you weren't allowed to go that way.
my mother said we'll go anyway (which would absolutely be fine, everyone does that and no one would mind - which I know now). I said we can't because that's not allowed. she insisted we go anyway, and I broke down crying because I was so scared and horrified. I had no idea where we were exactly but I was so upset that I turned around and went home on my own when she refused to go another way.
that's still a funny story she likes to tell sometimes (about how I was such a little governess who wanted everyone to always follow her rules). because it's sooo normal for a small child to have a breakdown over that (I couldn't stop crying the rest of the day because it scared me so much). because if a child reacted that way in front of me I would not think 'oh you're so bossy, you always want to get your way', I would think 'this child is so anxious that she can't do something completely fine and normal because a fucking sign says it's not allowed'.
or the time she told me to go to the dentist with her instead of going to school and I cried for hours (I had to go with her, she said so. but that's not allowed and I will get in trouble and I will have to lie about it and lying makes you a bad person). or literally dozens of other examples like that. it's probably unfair but I really do resent my parents for never realising/caring that that is not normal, and getting me the help I clearly needed (because now I'm 32 and just figuring out that that's not how other people feel and getting help is hard and scary).
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racke7 · 6 months
I did NOT crash my car today.
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ii-zi · 7 months
i want a nice big house. a garden with trees, creeping thyme as a ground cover, and flowers. a nice big catio. tons of storage. a living room. proper trashcans. my own bedroom. well planned windows for proper ventilation. solar panels. roof access to see the stars. well planned water system so we have fresh water available in summer and warm in winter without spending thousands a month. outdoors lighting. a backyard door. a fence. enough space to steal my baby and my grandma and give them the life they deserve. a desk. space to build whatever the fuck i want. house decor. proper doors. less stubby ceiling heights.
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marsmall0ws · 7 months
(Mod Blue, zetto-protection-squad) Glad you enjoy my Macaque post! I feel its obvious that we at ZPS adore Zetto to bits, and I myself am quite fond of Vegeta-esque characters! I wanted to extend my appreciation to a fellow Macaque enjoyer as well; it was honestly Billy Kametz's stellar performance as him that got me into LMK in the first place, bless his soul :< 💕 Macaque is absolutely one of my favorites in the series, LMK is a breath of fresh air in my cartoon-enjoying life and I'm glad it has a character as fantastic as Macaque ^-^ Have a lovely night/day, and enjoy your moon-monkey!
Semi-long post whoops
For REAL man, Macaque was one of my main draws to the show as well, though mainly the incredible animation I saw short snippets of before finally sitting down and watching.
I agree it's a huge breath of fresh air, it's hard to explain all of it but the animation, characters, story combined feel different and just so good to watch.
While when I was younger I did rag on Zetto a bit, but as time's passed I very much appreciate his character and sacrifices more than in the past. He's a very complex character and I'm glad we got to see his growth.
Makes me even more glad to see Macaque's growth, who might just be my favorite fictional character of all time, if not just due to him and the series he's from being one of my main hyperfixations and the fact I just adore him to bits.
I'd have never put the two together if not for the post and while I joke it is very interesting food for thought how similar and different they are from each other.
Thank you for responding and also hope you have a lovely night/day!
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
Honestly, as much as well talk about it, I kinda don't seen City as an option just becauss they've built their team over the last 2 years, including ofc Grealish who also plays as a 10 and is a starter, and it doesn't feel like they'd want to make any big transfers now. But still I guess we will see in the transfer window for sure, both for City's squad and Messi's decision.
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appreciate the reality check, anons 🥲 it's all on leo and whether he believes in whatever "sports project" nonsense pissg is feeding him atp. i seriously doubt he's going to stay in the tinpot club for much longer (dear god let this not be a jinx), but considering barça's financial situation rn, not to mention tebas,,, i really don't think it's a feasible option. and i don't want it to be, either :// not at this moment, anyway. so yes, we can only wait and see what happens in the next transfer window. i'm not too worried about his options tbh— it's fucking messi, not just any random player: all it takes is the news "he is wants to leave" to break out just like the burofax in 2020 and he'll have clubs lining up at his doorstep
#also i've heard grealish has been flopping lately?#saw some ppl on city twt saying they wouldn't mind messi in their squad in place of grealish that got me going HMMM fjdkfj#jokes aside tho. if he leaves pissg and barça can't sign him then i don't see him going anywhere other than city#bc messi enjoys familiarity. he has juli and pep over there. not to mention city was an actual option he was considering back in 2020#i'd love to see him in napoli too but they're broke so 🥲#but i really really don't want barça for him rn. administrative and political issues with la liga aside#the way true coolers are moving rn#coupled with PLAYERS saying they hope messi comes back and helps them win the ucl#it's not looking good bruv. hate to burst the bubble but the current squad is only good enough to win the league#there's still a long way to go if they want to conquer europe. and this isn't 2018/19 messi anymore#who can singlehandedly drag them to the ucl semis#if messi comes back and they flop he'll be made the scapegoat. and it'll be so much worse#i understand there's the romantic inside all of us that thinks messi can definitely help the club of his life win the ucl#bc he's the main character of football and a real life mary sue#but listen. even cinderella's magic runs out when the clock strikes midnight#some things are just impossible#and im tired of seeing messi taking the blame for everything. i can take french media throwing stones at him bc they're pests anyway#but i don't want him to get hurt by the club of his life. that'd be too much for me to bear#at the end of the day it's his decision but yeah. city or napoli for me. barça can be his pit stop right before he r words#i have a lot of feelings regarding this sorry ://#asks
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 10 months
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larentslovechaos · 1 year
any law ppl wanna look over my lease agreement before i sign it and tell me if i'd be allowed to end it early or not 😂
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navramanan · 1 year
I hate suddenly increased ticket prices 💔💔💔
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