#that's an AMAZING story opportunity
mintjeru · 4 months
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silver-ho~~~ i had the honor of designing two stickers for a meetup for eunho's birthday 🐺🔥 i don't think anyone planning on coming to the event follows me here but in case you are, i'm looking forward to meeting you this saturday ❤️
open for better quality | no reposts
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monards · 8 months
so i played symbiosis.
now tell me
1. what do you think happens after the game ends in the basement.
2. what are your headcannon ideas for more endings and/or a ‘true’ one?
3. why exactly is his nickname mint. how is he invasive!! and he isn’t used as a spice either!!! (or is he? a flavouring in magnolia’s sad lonely life)
ommg hihihi!!! I'm so glad you played!!!!! so sorry this is a bit of a late response,, i really had to think about these questions. also very sorry because i actually rambled an insurmountable amount for this,, LMAO. ok brace yourself, hereee we go (adding the keep reading thing because i dont need to be flooding innocent people's home page with this.)
// Honestly,, I dont have a like, huge idea of what happened after that ending (mostly because of the lack of context around a lot of the stuff, and boy do i need context to function!!!) but I think there's a lot of ways the ending in the basement could've technically gone after the cut off depending on how you interpret Mint at that point. We know Mint was always aware of what Magnolia did, as he mentions in his diary entry; but what happened next REALLY depends on how he copes with that as he grew up. Dove obviously got him into school, or some sort of formal education; where he'd then learn about 'right and wrong' which, as far as education systems go; tends to be VERY black and white. Meaning they'd likely respond with full conviction that Magnolia's actions were wrong and completely unjustifiable. So under the situation he had followed and grown into that line of thinking afterwards, there's no doubt he'd probably not have the most happy reaction to seeing Magnolia again,, butttt on the other hand, and what i believe to be the case a LOT more; he grew up being taught that people do what they do for a reason. Magnolia taught him to always do stuff for himself, because more often than not, what's 'right' isn't always the best for you; and it's okay to go against what's commonly known as the 'right thing to do' for that reason!! He'd likely grown aware at some point that most if not everything Magnolia had done while he lived with her, was for him to live. She murdered people because she needed blood to feed him; she hid them deep in the forest because she didn't want to be arrested and risk anything happening to mint, in the case he got into the wrong hands; and OBVIOUSLY it's a bit hard to completely disregard that line of thinking after so many years,, even if that line of thinking may of been a bit altered in him learning about what magnolia had really done to people, and her effect on others. So I could totally believe him just breaking down the moment he saw her again; knowing everything he'd know as of that point He's also, like, the biggest mama's boy i've ever seen in media; so I wouldn't put it past him if, upon seeing Magnolia again, he really did get emotional and just sorta started crying. Because old habits die hard.
// To be completely honest, I think knowing magnolia; both endings worked perfectly well in their own ways!! We know Magnolia really did love Mint, and her different responses to that love is really shown well in both endings :) Ending A obviously shows her wanting to give mint a better future. Just as it's acknowledged in the FAQ, she is a very horrible person; since she's. yknow. a fugitive and mass murderer. But she willingly puts herself at risk of being arrested, and presumably leaves dove who she clearly still loved on some level to likely die after stealing her gun, because she knows that as things were going, she'd never be able to provide Mint the life he deserves. And If anything, Magnolia clearly doesn't want to be as her parents were to her, to Mint. But Ending B is just as good in the regard that it shows the concept of Magnolia not being good for others, and that despite her best efforts; she almost always sours her relationships with those she loves (which is so, so, so great of an idea when you tie it in with 'symbiosis' as the title LMAO) No offense to Magnolia,, but she's like, almost pathetically horrible at conveying her feelings and emotions in any context. She was already blunt and mean in college without much provocation, and she never seemed to show her love for Dove *that* clearly (i mean,, we saw her smile once but that was in their wedding photo. cmon) so Ending B does great at reminding us,, 'hey,, she's still the same no matter what.' At least in this case we know she loves mint, but did mint even know that? By the time he's grown up, he looks just like magnolia did at that age; straight faced, apathetic looking in most cases, and generally not good at conveying anything but negative emotions. And we know for magnolia,, all of that emotion for her was a result of how she grew up (because i REALLY doubt she'd be this cynical and miserable if her parents weren't assholes, no hate) ; so it does so great to show that no matter Magnolia's best efforts, she was really never going to be as good as she wanted to be, because that's just the way she is, that's her effect on others.
// Honestly,, I always just interpreted his name as the sort of tie and relationship between him and Magnolia; and how their connection and effect on each other is far different from her previous one relationship and connect to Dove !!!! Doves, as a whole, are separate from Magnolias (as in the plant species,) because Doves are birds. And that same line of thought carries over to the characters too!!-- Dove had a freedom Magnolia didn't by being able to express herself and show her compassion and emotions without much complication; but though she changed Magnolia in her interactions with her- as we see magnolia was clearly more expressive, and emotionally available with her- she would have never have a permeant effect on her, because anything a bird can manage to do to a Magnolia tree has very temporary effects. (Hence the game's title "symbiosis" ; the interaction and relationship between two organisms !!! ) But Mint is also a 'plant' , (in this context, figuratively and literally ) So in some ways, he's just like Magnolia in that regard, since they're the same 'species' ; in this case being the way they're both 'irregular' and different from those around them. But just like you noted; mint is invasive. The plant itself can permanently alter the area and environment around it and it's generally very hard to get rid, leaving lasting impact. The moment Mint became a part of Magnolia's life, her life was permanently changed. We see she became far more empathetic than before, and her drive for what she did was no longer purely for knowledge, but compassion; and in both endings she so clearly does what she does under the context of her love for him!! And, in the basement ending (Ending B) despite all the time that had passed, she still seems to have those far more 'open' qualities coming about when it comes to him!!; cue her being so much more positively expressive and welcoming upon seeing him, compared to her reunion with dove. so for the most part, that's what i headcanon as the background for his nickname as'mint' !!!! :))
i had soso much fun answering these,, thank you so much kshkshks!!!!!! 💜💜
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tenisperfection · 11 days
Took me a while but I've come to realize that shipping is only fun for me as long as I have no expectations on whether my ship will be endgame/canon or whatever. they're together in my head and that matters and that's enough.
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erabundus · 9 months
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anonymous &&. said... It took you and Milla to develop KazuRen? O: That's a lot of time and dedication, I don't think I could ever do that myself.
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yes!  i  think  the  official  date  kazuren  got  together  was  sometime  in  january  —  but  there  were  a  few  months  of  buildup  leading  up  to  that  point.  (  our  blog  anniversaries  are  actually  only  a  few  days  apart.  )  ironically  it  was  around  december  of  last  year  where  their  relationship  started  taking  a  turn  in  an  explicitly  romantic  direction.  there  was  an  entire  subplot  about  kazuha  gifting  ren  a  scarf  and  ren  diligently  spent  the  entire  winter  wearing  it  —  it  was  very  cute  and  i  devote  way  too  much  of  my  brain  space  to  thinking  about  these  two.  
i  have  to  give  credit,  though  —  i'm  only  partially  responsible  for  kazuren  and  everything  involved  in  it.  milla  has  been  an  absolutely  wonderful  rp  partner  and  i  cannot  overstate  enough  just  how  fortunate  i  feel  to  have  met  them.  spending  so  long  developing  a  ship  isn't  necessarily  everyone's  cup  of  tea,  and  that's  perfectly  fine!  we  all  have  our  preferences,  whether  it's  slow  burn  or  something  pre-established.  personally,  i've  always  loved  taking  things  slow  and  gradually  building  things  up  dynamics  over  time  —  and  this  goes  for  platonic  relationships  as  well!  i  just  find  something  very  rewarding  about  looking  back  on  where  things  began,  where  they  are  now  and  all  of  the  trials  and  tribulations  and  developments  that  brought  the  muses  there.  i've  always  seen  roleplay  as  the  act  of  collaborating  on  one  big  story  together  —  and  this  ship  wouldn't  have  been  possible  without  milla  to  collaborate  on  it  with  me.
basically,  it's  just  been  super  fun  and  i'm  really  excited  to  see  where  it  continues  to  develop  from  here!
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clochanam · 2 months
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" the first one looks like it's from a photoshoot, right? the whitewashed brick wall, the effortless hair, the outfit, the rustic chair... it's not. it's not from a photoshoot. listen, and know how bewildered i am when i tell you, that this stunning photo was taken with nate's ancient blackberry phone, the lens scratched to shite after he accidentally dropped it in the garbage disposal. we don't know how it captured such a clear image, we don't even know where the brick wall is. this is the kind of mysterious marvel that river keeps bringing to my life. we, listen, the entire squad have dedicated WEEKS to figuring out this photo. we have nothing. she just did that. "
" the second photo was taken before a fancy gala we were invited to. and once again, river's looking like that after ten minutes in the bathroom with a ziplock bag of makeup. i'm not joking. i don't think anyone understands this: i do not know how she's doing these things. it's impossible, and so is she, and i say that with all the love and respect she is clearly worthy of. the mayor named an art gallery after her that night. he knew her for three hours and rightly decided to name a feckin' gallery after her. "
" the third photo -- now, i know. she doesn't look like the river in the first two photos. but she isn't river ayers, she's river song. and before anyone tells me i'm being scammed, she walked into my kitchen and turned a kettle into a device that could turn any liquid into rocket fuel. this woman and the woman in the first two photographs are the same. "
send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) ( ACCEPTING! )
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yantao-enthusiast · 1 year
drv3 spoilers!!!!
personally i think having a religious character like angie in danganronpa was SUCH a wasted opportunity. because especially with v3's themes of truth and lies, how hope itself can sometimes be a lie. many of the characters' throughout the series have this belief in hope that draws a parallel to religions (i'm mostly using christianity for reference so if this isn't how other faiths operate, excuse me). this belief almost seems desperate or near delusional in many tough times but the moment something good finally turns their way, they say "this is hope, this is why i believe in it, even when it puts me through trials and tribulations, in the end, things will always turn out if i have faith."
angie, in my opinion, could've been a brilliant antagonist, similar to byukuya in the way that the killing game could've shaken her steadfast beliefs. the beliefs similar to the characters that the entire franchise had put on a pedestal. the beliefs that v3 acknowledged as overshadowed by the ultimate truth.
and i have nothing against kokichi or himiko as characters! but i think their roles in the story were.... overemphasized, really. yes kokichi's character and values can be important to the overall message but really, the same can be said about angie. they both embody beautiful lies, pretty things people tell themselves to avoid reality. but angie also carries on a message that the past games have revered, on top of the fact she also has clear emotional stakes in her faith towards her god and anyone who believes in him, unlike kokichi where his favor is hidden behind fortified walls.
what if we watched angie struggle with her faith. struggle having hope that everything will get better, that there is truly a rhyme and reason for all this senseless violence. what if we watched her get angry, actually visually angry that her friends kept killing each other when all they had to do was have hope that it all would be okay? even when it becomes undeniable that nothing ever will be after all the things they had to go through? she creates even more destruction to make sure there's no hope of escape, everything in her power to control everyone and keep them from killing again, going crazy herself and questioning her own faith at times, but she keeps going. why? because she has to have faith. have hope.
if angie ended up being a survivor instead of himiko, in the final trial, the twist that kiibo's inner voice isn't god/atua but instead the very audience spurring on this violence would be devastating. especially since she encouraged kiibo to listen to this voice, thinking kiibo to be almost a prophet of sorts, when really he was being fed the opinions of those who created the entire game. she could realize that she herself, her entire personality and character and unwavering faith, was made to abed a killing game. her god was made up to make her encourage kiibo's inner voice, her god was nothing more than a story created by people in a boardroom, just like she was. the god that kept her going. the god that made her do each and every one of those horrible things. just because she believed. because she wanted everything to be alright.
shuichi, when convincing everyone not to give up, helps angie discover something. she never needed her faith or a god to believe in. because she and everyone around her now were alive, living proof that there's something real to believe in and that is each other. that she didn't need a god to justify what happened, she can acknowledge everything that the survivors went through was just a tragedy, not a trial of her faith or to become stronger. what happened was horrible but we can't change what's been done. all we can do is have each other now and live the truth the best we can.
tldr; angie was done so dirty, she could've been an incredible asset to the story but danganronpa hates women :/
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sangre · 3 months
i love you tural i love you wuk lamat i love you erenville i love you gulool ja ja i love you koana i love you [redacted] i love you [redacted] i love you [redacted] and i love you dawntrail.
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wesavegotham · 1 year
Obviously I have no idea where Tom Taylor will be going with his Dark Knights of Steel elseworld, but the first book pushes the idea that Bruce, despite being a bastard (he's the illegitimate son of late Queen Martha and Jor-El in this) should inherit the throne one day since he's the only one related to the original monarchs of the kingdom, and I can't help but imagine Bruce sitting one the throne one day and he swears to himself to only sire "trueborn children" so no biologically related child of his would ever suffer from growing up as a bastard like he did...and then Damian is introduced to him.
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mysteryofvampires · 3 months
I either obsess over a piece of media in an unhealthy way or forget about it a week later...
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camgoloud · 1 year
today. i have experienced the HORRORS (opened laptop for morning meeting while seated between boss and coworker; was greeted with ao3 page i forgot to close last night)
#it’s fine it’s fine i THINK it’s fine. both of them were looking at their own computers and i closed that shit SO fast and i have no reason#to believe that either one of them is online enough to know anything about ao3 much less enough about what it looks like to recognize it#from peripheral vision/​during the quick glance they might have had the opportunity to get#fortunately my other coworker who i know IS quite online (the two of us literally had to team up to explain a meme to the other two people#that i was sitting between later during this VERY meeting. which i was so cool and normal during by the way) was sitting over on the#opposite side of the table. and i was cool about it externally. and they had no reaction of any kind. so#nevertheless. HORRORS. it wasn’t even like a story was open which would have been just a wall of text it was like. a search result.#displaying clearly and distinctly the site’s formatting#it doesn’t help that the rest of today has also been extremely stressful and the next few days will be much the same because there are#some Things i have to do that are fairly high-stakes and that i’m extremely stressed about. fun! fantastic!#i was literally only ON ao3 last night in the first place to try to pregame/destress ahead of having to come into work this week 😭#and i already fucked up something important today that’s setting a bunch of things back for multiple people. and i feel like i’m going to#get my period in the next day or two which would make it a week early if it happens. super fun. amazing!#guess i’ll just keep riding the adrenaline-fueled train wreck that never stops all the way through friday!#caseyposting
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thefandomstorage · 2 years
So I’m doing a reread of “A Gold Star in His Crown” by @jaz-the-bard and decided to sketch Gil-galad’s outfits in the story. They’re not described in a lot of detail, so it’s mostly my imagination taking the wheel.
Also, his appearance isn’t described in the story, so I just used my own Gil-galad design.
Anyways, here’s a sneak peek of the first outfit that’s finished. It’s what he wears during the feast scene during his first visit to the land of the Fae.
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Also, it has just now occur to me that I forgot his circlet. Oops.
Anyways, he’s dressed in Fae style in his colors and pearls. I think this is his most extravagant dress in Imladris (so far, I’ll probably change my mind later). Very shiny boi. Very pretty. In my head, Gil’s attire in Imladris gets more magical with every visit he goes. So rn, there’s only a tiny bit of magic in this outfit and it’s in the gold patterns.
Anyways, hope y’all like it. I’m working on the other outfits rn.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
The thing about Elegant Chaos being an “anti It’s a Wonderful Life” for Megatron per JRO’s words makes sense. Because Megatron spent most of his life as an imperialist warmonger whose death toll is in the millions to billions, he eradicated and cyberformed multiple planets, it’s an objective fact that a universe without him existing would be a better place. That’s a really good thing for someone as egocentric as Megatron to learn.
Except then JRO wrote in the Functionist Universe almost immediately after, a universe in which Megatron not existing directly leads to a theocracy of monstrous proportions, in which literally insane shit happens like “people’s heads get blown up in the street if their alt mode is declared defunct” and “there are cameras implanted in people’s eyes so that they become part of the surveillance state without even realizing it” happens. So this completely destroys the (rightful and justified) idea that Megatron made the world worse, and instead makes LITERALLY AN ENTIRE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE REVOLVE AROUND MEGATRON’S (NON)EXISTENCE, completely undoing whatever criticism of Megatron was present in the narrative of Elegant Chaos.
And then, JRO also proceeds to make the Functionist Council racist xenophobe colonizers as well with the whole “they decided organics have no function therefore need to be exterminated,” which further destroys the idea of “the universe is better without Megatron existing” by basically saying, well if Megatron hadn’t decided to go out genociding organics, the Functionist Council would have just done it instead.
So the equation we’re left with is “Megatron exists = free Cybertron, organic genocide” and “Megatron doesn’t exist = enslaved Cybertron, organic genocide.” Making it so that all of the sudden, Megatron and all his shittiness is some sort of necessary evil that has to exist because without him Cybertron would’ve been so much worse of a place. Like, Megatron colonizing organics was the ONE THING that couldn’t be justified and JRO still managed to fuck it up by giving the Functionist Council the same evil trait. So now even Megatron’s unjustifiable evil doesn’t belong to him, it’s diluted by the Functionist Council who’s worse in every way, and Megatron gets to play the hero by fighting against them instead of you know, doing anything for the people in THIS universe which HE helped mess up.
And then of course Megatron gets to go to the Functionist Universe and LARP being a revolutionary again, getting a free do-over card, an entire planet that sees him as a hero, and people praising him for “saving billions of lives” in a so-called heroic action that ONLY EXISTS because JRO wrote the entire universe to revolve around Megatron. Autobot Megatron made almost zero positive impact on THIS universe and was completely detached from all the messes he left in the wake of his defection to the Autobots (Galvatron, Earth, the plight of the Decepticons left on Cybertron, etc etc).
Like I’m sorry but for all the hype that people gave MTMTE Megatron, for all the fact that I appreciate a more humanized Megatron who gets a more detailed backstory.... his redemption arc is nowhere NEAR as good as people say it is. As soon as I stop taking the plot at face value and scrutinize it further, all I see is an incredibly flimsy narrative that does a lot of last minute presentations of villains who are even worse than Megatron in order to make Megatron seem heroic in comparison. And of course this comes at the cost of a ton of other characters in the narrative as well, which just makes Megatron’s placement in MTMTE/LL even more glaring and unsuitable.
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stars-inthe-sky · 1 year
hello! tell me about something that made you smile this week? 
I just caught Moulin Rouge on tour and while it definitely still has most of the same flaws it did pre-Broadway in 2018...I was so goddamn happy the entire show.
I love musical theatre so fucking much and cannot believe how long I'd been going without. 3 years and nearly 8 months between Moby Dick at ART in early January 2020 to CLO's Great Comet at the end of August.
And now I have SHOWS back in my life on the regular. Even found a place to usher and see some things for free!
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Teacher: If you don't get anything in to your boss on time, guess what? You'll be fired!
Me: Crazy. Guess who's staying unemployed for the rest of her adulthood?
#sam's talky talks#Haha. I hate it here#Actually. Recently I've been thinking about adulthood as well. But more of just...am I gonna be stable enough–#–to provide for myself? What if my job is shitty? What if I stayed unemployed for the rest of my life?#What the fuck am I going to do?#I mean. Shit. That's scary. And I'm so bad at communicating with people because I get anxious and shy#I suck at getting shit done so throw some job opportunities out the window. I'm so bad at writing stories I can't cut it as a writer#I...my mom was right. I'm never going to succeed in life. I'm just too busy stuck in my little world#I'll never be able to help anyone. I'll never be the amazing daughter she always wanted. I'm gonna be like those 30 years olds–#–who still live in their mother's basements haha...#I bet by that time I'm 20 my mom is gonna be sick of me. She'll probably want to throw me out by then because I'm such a disappointment#It's always what I've been anyways ya know?#Shit. I'm probably never going to finish high school. Never go to college. I can see myself being a drop out more than anything#Disappointing huh? It's all I've known. I'm surprised my parents haven't caught that yet#My dad and step-mom have so much hope and expectations for me I can't breathe#<- I mean. They don't want me to be an A+ student. But they really seem to want me to do amazing#You know. My dad jokes about how I should be getting A's. That B's and C's aren't good enough. And that kinda hurts#That hurts a lot. Because I've never been a good student. Just average#I'm venting and rambling in tags. Haha#Ignore me please. This is nonsensical that this point
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fuiru · 1 month
A 44 year old man goes to a K-Pop Concert
I promised you a report on the K-pop concert that I, a 44-year-old accountant, went to a couple of weeks ago with my wife and daughter in Toronto. So here it is.
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The band we saw were Ateez. They're my daughter's favourite band and my wife's second favourite. I know most of my mutuals are similarly aged like me and may not be familiar with them so let me give you a brief primer on Ateez.
Imagine the most attractive eight men you can think of, just unfathomably beautiful specimens of aesthetic perfection, and make them sing songs that somehow combine the subjects of 'dancing like nobody is watching' with 'we live in a dystopian hellscape that we must all work together to overthrow'. Give them an ongoing music video story lore that literally nobody - not even the band themselves - understand, so that online discussion of their visual motifs looks more like the fevered rantings of a conspiracy theorist, complete with speculation about alternate realities and time being a Moebius strip. There is also a giant sand timer, for some reason.
That's Ateez. That's what you need to know.
Now, K-pop concerts are very different to the gigs I've been going to for the last 28 (!) years. There's no support act, for a start. Also the band perform for like, three hours, with breaks for costume changes and interpretive dance. Furthermore, hanging above everything is the constant looming threat of mandatory military service.
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So this being my first such concert, I wasn't sure what to expect. What happened was difficult to explain, but I will try as I am already six paragraphs into this write-up and I'm too invested to stop now. Here goes:
In his Wicked + Divine comics series, Kieron Gillen places modern pop icons as deities, feeding upon and gaining strength from the worship of their fans at the altar of musical performance. I thought I understood that metaphor. I thought I understood it AS a metaphor. I was wrong, because that night Ateez WERE Gods with a capital G and we were their worshippers, a crowd emanating adoration (in the religious and non-religious senses), bestowing strength upon them and gaining their strength in return.
If that sounds weird, it probably is. But as pointed out above, I have lived over four decades and never yet experienced anything like the overwhelming passion of that crowd, the utter abandon with which they conveyed their love for the band.
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"But Fuiru, what of the actual music?" you ask. Thinking back, there was a moment in one of their songs - I can't remember which - where I watched the stage, and the people around me, taking it in, and I thought, "Man, I just love Music". But that doesn't answer your question, sorry.
Ateez's music is bloody great. As a tiresome indie/rock/metal kid I'm resisting the urge to add the usual tiresome indie/rock/metal caveat of "...for pop music" because honestly that does it a disservice. They have some genuinely amazing songs. Halazia is an absolute fucking masterpiece that descends into furious hardcore breakbeat. Bouncy is a big, brash racket that somehow is also a perfect pop song. Utopia, Wonderland, and Guerrilla are similarly superb. The obligatory boy band slow number is represented by Dancing Like Butterfly Wings which will make you cry because you will forever associate it with your twelve year old daughter being pointed to and waved at by her favourite Ateez member (Seonghwa) because of her Seonghwa-branded lightstick.
That might just be me, though.
So in summary: being a 44 year old dad at his first K-pop concert rules and you should endeavour to partake in the experience if the opportunity arises.
Finally, for any Atiny reading this: my bias would be San or Seonghwa but my wife and daughter said they were taken so it’s Mingi. My concert outfit (designed and created by my offspring) reflects this.
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simkatu · 6 months
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book cover default replacements for the sims 4
free download on patreon
the story started when I wanted to take a nice screenshot of my sim reading...
this mod changes the covers of the sims 4 books. I retextured almost all the covers, except for university textbooks, homework books and a couple of books that the sims did not allow me to change. texture size of covers is 256x256, and you should know that all text is in simlish, even if it is impossible to see 😀
all the covers were made based on incredibly beautiful pictures that I found on pinterest. If you want to find the author of specific arts, write to me! I'll try to find a link for you. so all credits to the amazing artists!! 💞
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I also replaced the texture of the book pages with the texture of the magazine pages, because in my opinion it looks better.
I tried very hard to replace all the thumbnales, but unfortunately, I did not find such an opportunity. because of that the thumbnales remained the same for many of the base game's fiction books.
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download only files with extensions that you have! I really hope you like the new textures, and this will make it more enjoyable to give your sim the task of reading a book💓
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