#And hey
akanemnon · 6 months
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rat-rosemary · 7 months
I dont blame you if you were a Wilbur fan, and you shouldn't blame yourself either. You had no way of knowing, you were not holding Wilbur's hand as he did the things he did.
Do not blame yourself for loving something. It's not your fault it was rotten
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lyrashifts · 5 months
when you're shifting for the plot but the plot is legitimately a war
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Bruce: Has anyone seen Damian?
Dick: I think he was going to go somewhere with Jon and Billy.
Bruce: Oh, okay.
Jason: Pretty sure they were going to an art museum.
Tim: Why would they do something like that?
Jon: You know, the Mona Lisa is smaller than I thought it’d be.
Billy, looking at an enormous painting on the other wall: How does someone even paint something that big?
Damian: Oh, we’re definitely going to the Sistine Chapel next.
Jon: Ooh, and then we can get pizza.
Billy: And gelato.
Damian: Obviously.
Meanwhile, back in Gotham
Dick: Wait, does someone need to go pick the boys up from the museum?
Bruce: Damian just texted and said they’re going for pizza.
Tim: You know, that’s much more what I would have expected from them.
Jason: Look, just because YOU are a little uncultured piece of-
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ananinidraws · 6 months
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It's his birthday today! :D Five whole years of Magical John <33333 So of course i had to draw a lil something teehee <33333 Think this was the first time i've ever drawn his Scibblenauts design on model ovo
But happy birthday to the blorbo! <33333
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ocularmacdown · 3 months
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"when i think about that stuff, it feels like someone took a shovel and dug out all my insides. and i know there's nothing in there but i'm still too nervous to open myself up and check. i know there's something wrong with me. my parents know it too, even if they don't say anything. do you ever feel like that?"- i saw the tv glow, 2024
watched "i saw the tv glow" and was immediately catapulted into the abyss.
sitting in my room in the middle of the afternoon in summer has never felt so surreal. i'm not sure if any depiction of the trans experience i've come across has ever felt so real and relatable to my own. the fear and the aching longing and the suppression and the escapism and the feeling of having nothing inside you and the "it's not real if i don't think about it" AHKG!! EXPLODED. i've had every line going round and round my head for days. i desperately need to shake everyone i know by the shoulders and scream a bit.
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Prompt 47
Geralt doesn't like how cold his bard gets in the winter. Geralt decides to warm him up. But he can't cuddle him and keep him warm when they part, the years he heads to Oxenfurt to teach. So Geralt scours the library for a book explaining and sits down one day to try and learn how to knit.
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carionto · 10 months
Steady as she goes, nature has finally caught up
A seemingly inescapable aspect of any civilization. Perhaps even a prerequisite for it.
It was as sudden as it was inevitable. The United Federation utilized certain ideas introduced and executed by Humanity to their logical continuation. Their horrendous Battle Moon - an actual, small moon converted into a semi-moveable, heavily shielded, and maximally armed military installation, with a military-civilian population in the hundreds of thousands.
They used it as a torpedo.
Knowing that the Death Kebab was directly inspired by their own creation, itself a product of fear and need for control, the Federation strapped a few massive hyperdrives instead of the much easier to produce several hundred standard-sized ones to ease the computational synchronization, and using the Hyperbreak technique, they jumped into the middle of Death Kebab's main rail gun. An impressive feat of precision.
Almost as impressive as the ensuing destruction.
How do you even relay when the mass of an entire planetoid suddenly appears in the middle of three slightly larger moons strapped together? The grotesque expansion from within, quickly followed by massive cracks in the crust, an expulsion of the mantle and finally, the explosions.
One faulty first generation Human True Fusion Reactor from 700 years ago created a 200km massive hole in the Earth. Only one of the moons reached that in diameter.
These were hundreds of military grade reactors powering a gun that can obliterate small planets in one shot.
Seven failed to engage their failsafes in time.
There was nothing left.
Nothing, but a cloud of searing ash where four moons and hundreds of ships and thousands of crew used to be.
Humanity was thrust into war.
And they looked excited.
Of course, they mourned the dead, and were rightfully enraged, but there was a glint in the Grand Admiral's eye.
"The Federation really surprised us here. Fooled our intelligence operatives outright. We were not expecting them to act for at least another year, certainly not sacrifice their precious Battle Moon.
Now, we knew they'd target the Death Kebab sooner or later. Truth be told, that's partly why it was built. Sure, it was a fine strategic asset, far from our most important ones though, but as a symbolic one it was priceless. Biggest weapon in the known Galaxy! Who wouldn't be tempted by the glory of taking it down.
I say let them. They want to rule through fear and power, and Humanity, or "upstarts" as they call us behind closed doors, provided a perfect boogeyman to scare the masses into obedience. We have our own history with regimes like that. Personally, not a fan.
The Federation is large, powerful, foreign, and far from Earth, but, well, my ancestors were never stopped by such things. In fact, expansion at great risk is what we're great at.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Retribution Fleet to assemble."
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boinky-doinky · 2 months
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He was going to kill him. That was the only thing clear in his mind: he was going to kill him. The only coherent and planned out thought in the ces pool of bullshit that hopped from one to another in a wild frenzy. He could not hold onto one if he wanted to-. All except one, he guessed. That Jack Bright was going to kill Draven- Kondraki. Not really his own but the carbon copy of a father he couldn’t respect.
He must have been doing everyone a favor, really. Cutting the bloodline short and making sure that they wouldn’t get a repeat. That they wouldn’t get a second chance with a man who had done so much harm. This was a good thing. Bright was doing a damn good thing. He must have been, right? He thought so. Even when he, for a moment, could vaguely remember the little boy that man had once been. All of the baseball, soccer, and lacrosse games he and Clef had gone to because his father wouldn’t. All of those nights that kid had slept in his office because his father hadn’t been home. All of those nights-, and days….
It was all already in motion, huh? He couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. He wouldn’t. He looked on at that tired kid, already having bit so much more than he could chew, and pulled the gun. The lights were already blaring, the alarms were already going off. They wouldn’t even know he was gone.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
[Endgame Spoilers]
If there is one thing that Penny knows from all of her years of hacking, its that computers can never replicate things perfectly.
Its never perfect. Simulations never account for every possibility. Answers have a chance of being incorrect. You can always hack something, nothing is foolproof. Everything is capable of glinting, breaking, having faulty code. No human or Pokémon could ever create something that sophisticated. No one could ever create an accurate AI. Something would always go wrong.
The professor was no exception.
Their AI copy looked like them, talked like them, and performed their tasks without issue. Penny begrudgingly gave them credit for that fact. However, the professor misunderstood one fact about computers that Penny has known for years. Computers do not understand emotion.
At least, not initially.
Humans feel the emotions they feel in the moment. That emotion will be connected to that memory for the rest of that human's life, and it likely won't change. A computer does not have that. If given a recreated set of memories to reference, the computer could easily interpret things differently, as there is no preconceived emotion attached to the memory; the AI could easily gain an emotion through the memories that was not present in the original set.
Arven rarely talked about his childhood. Penny didn't blame him; after all, she rarely talked about her's. But, from what Arevn had mentioned during that spiraling trek downwards, she gathered that he saw his parents slightly more during his childhood. His parent, all other times, was busy with work.
Penny knew how computers worked. She knew how computers viewed situations. She knew that the AI would see the memories of research and busy work and scientific tests as the norm. There was nothing remarkable about the act of research for an AI. But Arven, Arven would of been something different. Something new, that would of made the AI question things the hours of research never could. Arven would of become something to cherish, something to...
....It didn't surprise Penny that the AI came to love Arven as it's child. She could only hope, for Arven's sake, that it's parental love was not one of the AI's miscalculations.
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beelzebubsbois · 5 months
Anti endo here (for context), I don't personally experience delusions but you probably shouldn't call people delusional just because they're being a fuckin dickwad y'know? From what I've seen about people who do experience delusions, using that term to describe people they don't know is typically considered Not Okay™ and or moderately ableist towards people who do experience that
- 🦴 (sorry if this sounds like. Mean in any way, that was not intended but I am autistic and bad at tone in text)
I'm diagnosed with psychosis and experience major delusions consistently. If someone thinks they have multiple people in their head when they don't have DID or another similar dissociative disorder, it would be a Delusion. Just like how "IRL"s are delusional attachments, thinking you have multiple people in your head when you don't, is a Delusion and they need to get professional help. I understand where you're coming from, but I know what I'm talking about /lh.
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you ever click on the blog of someone who follows you, see a DNI in their bio and go huh, whyre you following me buddy?
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ohnoitsjetster · 6 months
Im watching Falsettos again
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I'm really hoping the Rich People Environment of Canto 6 is good for the Heathcliff/Hong Lu dynamic. Not even in a shippy sort of way, they're positioned pretty dynamically as opposites (Heathcliff is from the Backstreets brought to riches, is intensely cynical, is foul mouthed as hell, and is driven primarily by negative impulses like anger, spite and envy, Hong Lu was born rich, is hopelessly naive, never seems to swear harder than a 'golly' or 'gosh', and moves through the world with a constant state of wonder and optimism). It'd be interesting to see if Hong Lu gets some interesting pieces of development inside Wuthering Heights itself.
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minniiaa · 23 days
happy suicide prevention month don’t be stupid and try to throw yourself out of a moving vehicle like me when I was 15, you won’t die. please go to therapy :)
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Okay, I know the answer to this is most likely "no", but I'm still curious, so: Have you ever killed anyone, Keeper? This can include characters from AUs, those without AUs, humans such as myself, and the creators of the very AUs you watch over.
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But wait ! There is more...
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This happened long ago...
Let's hope she doesn't have to fight any more than that one time !
Artist note :
You asked a very good question anon
No, Keeper never actually killed, she doesn't get out of her space even, how could she ? That is against everything she stands for after all. But she still can hurt others... although she never wishes to
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