#that's my tag for the spoilers. block it or suffer
uupiic · 1 year
Love how we seamlessly went from “fuck the Questlords!” to “fuck the Starlords!“ :’)
Personally I think it has to do with the “lords” part *insert thinking emote here*
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clefablepb · 26 days
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actual awful thing my classmate i refuse to call a friend (/j) drew on the school table with a corrector pen: pregnant henry stickmin with his wife bill cipher and their demonic stickman-triangle hybrid satanic children. i am in tears.
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i saw that review on letterboxd of all the rhetorical questions for barbie and like… the more i think abt it, the more i’m certain that the review’s author fundamentally misunderstood the film. barbie land is not a utopia in the way that adults would think abt a utopia, like the author seems to imply… barbie land is canonically shaped by little girls playing with their dolls. that’s why we see a supreme court. thats why there are nobel prizes and authors and lawyers (also because that’s how the toys are marketed… would there be a mermaid in ur utopia??? there would be in mine!). that’s why barbie and ken don’t necessarily know what a boyfriend and girlfriend are “meant” to do (not to mention that the author’s assumption that sex is fundamental to a romantic relationship is problematic at best). that’s why barbie is indifferent to ken (i personally had the life size barbie and my sister had the barbie dream house—we had the working woman barbie game, i had the genie barbie gameboy game, we had countless barbie dolls; we didn’t own a single ken doll lol). barbie land is a world created by and for little girls as they play with their dolls (she says in a comment on the original post “don’t little girls play with their dolls in a sexual way?” and yeah, sure, some do. but i didn’t and i’m sure there are others who didn’t… just like there are some girls who completely mutilated their own dolls and made them into horrifying creatures)… that’s why stereotypical barbie starts having an existential crisis—because a grown woman begins to play with her doll again and starts reshaping barbie land… we, as the audience, are meant to understand this as an outlier to how barbie land is canonically created. the author also calls ken “crass” and “slovenly”… maybe after he builds the patriarchy in barbie land he becomes “crass” but i wouldn’t call him slovenly at any point in the film (i suppose this is just semantics tho).
also, please stop saying that barbie land is a reversal of the real world. it isn’t, even if that may have been the filmmakers intentions. again, barbie is indifferent to ken. she does not abuse him, she does not treat him like he exists to service her by cooking or cleaning or providing other favors for her… barbie does not oppress ken in the way that men oppress women in the real world (we have no idea if he owns property or where he lives and she doesn’t seem to particularly care—extremely different from the fact that women couldn’t have their own bank accounts or credit cards, get a mortgage on their own or divorce their husbands through no fault divorce until the second half of the 20th century in the us… within a lot of our mothers and grandmothers lifetimes!!!!) and it is a complete disservice to conflate or equate the two. we actually see barbie drawing clear boundaries around her time and space in regards to ken—this is not a reversal of misogyny as women and girls experience it in the real world, by any stretch of the imagination.
is the film perfect or revolutionary or radical? of course not. it was produced by major studios and corporations in hollywood. of course the barbie movie is a fucking commercial for barbie, like… to expect anything different is just extremely dumb on your part if u saw the trailer, saw the marketing, saw the interviews, bought a ticket, and sat ur ass in the theater, like be fuckin serious. but don’t do women and girls a disservice by discrediting the world and thoughts and ideas it could open up for them by seeing themselves be taken seriously on screen in a major summer blockbuster with stupid fucking questions because u want to feel superior to everyone else because YOU and ONLY YOU see through the capitalist marketing of lipstick pop girlboss feminism (especially when juxtaposed with the way the female characters are treated in oppenheimer, which we cannot help but compare to the barbie film with the viral marketing of barbenheimer).
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vixtionary · 1 year
// kata comic spoilers but-
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i win.
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anonprotagging · 2 years
fdghdfkjg no matter what, when a new pokemon game comes out, I have dreams about playing it every single day of the week leading up to its release and I think that supports the “pokemon changes your brain physically” thing
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 4 days
Was nice and calm and set to go to sleep but then . I remembered .... my newly acquired meow meows...........
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myfandomrealitea · 9 months
I wish I had a place to post my fucked up arts without being cancelled 😭
Honestly I think the drawn arts have suffered perhaps the most out of modern censorship. Especially the communities, too, because when sites ban things to please advertisers, investors and the handful of people squawking about protecting the children, it creates this mentality of; 'if its been banned its bad, so whoever makes it or enjoys it is bad too.'
There will literally always be at least one person who comes after you for what you create. Lord knows I enough enough angry anons in my inbox on a daily basis and all I do is rant about antis and occasionally knock my braincells together with enough force to say something vaguely helpful.
My best advice for avoiding being 'cancelled' is to heavily, heavily curate your online space and the people you aim to include within it. This could be by:
Following specifically other blogs who post similar content or express interest in similar content to what you produce or your interests.
Pre-emptively blocking blogs who express disgust or hatred for the content you produce or like, blogs who express moral stances conflicting to yours, ect. This is expressly helpful on sites like Twitter where options to limit engagement are limited.
Tagging properly, and including trigger and warnings tags whom others are likely to have blocked. This prevents people from seeing something they don't want to, and also gives you coverage if they try to accuse you of 'spreading it around.'
In cases of art that may have more extreme content, try using spoiler flags or any filtration option that requires viewers to actively consent to viewing it. Relevant to above, nobody can cry wolf about 'being exposed' because they would've had to physically reveal the work to themselves.
DeviantArt unfortunately recently changed its policies to a frankly ridiculously constrictive degree, so while I previously would've recommended that as a place to host your artwork and find a safer community, I can no longer. Hopefully someone is successful in pushing for the site to reform to its previous rules soon.
ArtStation is an option. The site is not eligible to anyone under 18 and sexual, gore, fetish, and 'mature' content is allowed provided the usual stipulation that you aren't using it in order to cause, infer or threaten harm against someone. A lot of the site is geared toward marketing artwork, though, so you might be hard pressed to find more of a community aspect to it.
Rule 34.com is... Objectively one of the best places you can host your artwork if you create content that is based on sexual themes. The protective rights aren't the greatest, but anyone who uses Rule 34 has no leg to stand on regarding morality and censorship.
Reddit has a lot of subreddits for sharing art, and a bonus is you can find subreddits specifically geared toward artwork based on things like gore, violence, sexual content, ect. Filtering options and monitoring are basically non-existent, however. Also, Reddit sometimes spontaneously decides a specific post is against its TOS and yeets it.
There's also the option of building a Discord server based around sharing artwork of certain themes, which is objectively the format that allows you the most control over who views it, but it also means your art has a limited presence. (Can't be reblogged, ect.)
If you do check out any of the websites, always be thorough in reading the Terms of Service and the Community Guidelines.
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astarionmademewriteit · 11 months
Death Would be Too Easy
Astarion (Unascended) x (unnamed Durge) female reader/tav
Rating: Explicit
MDNI. 18+ ONLY. Blank bios will be blocked.
Wordcount: 5k
Tags: Smut; Act 3 Durge spoilers; Blood, gore and violence; Suicide attempt (tav); Drowning; Fingering; Piv sex; Slight Sub/Dom dynamic; Tiny fluff ending.
Summary: Dark urge tav has had enough of killing and the subsequent loneliness in her life and decides to try and end it. Astarion comes to her rescue, commiserates with her suffering and tries to make her (and himself) feel better.
Author note: This is my first fic so be kind 🥲
I glance around the forest, shrouded in darkness–not a sound save the lively insects and the occasional hoot of an owl. I drag the body of my victim to the edge of an unsuspecting ditch and let them fall to the ground. I huff out of exhaustion, considering I haven’t slept in what felt like ages. I wipe the sweat from my brow and place a foot on the back of my victim, ready to dispose of them for good.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
I glance down at the blood on my hands–recognizing the ways in which my thrill for killing has slowly lost its edge. I send a quick prayer to father, but it is empty–hollow and missing its usual vigor. I sigh deeply, transfixed on washing away the evidence from my brutal killing. The blood seeps into every pore of my skin, almost as if my body invites its welcome essence.
I glance down at my victim, their eyes gouged out of their skull, blood leaking from every stab wound inflicted to their chest and abdomen. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. A wave of guilt washes over me. It has been decades since I felt any remorse for my actions. However, having been displaced from my home and severed from all my familial and cult ties, a little bit of humanity seeps into my very soul. I kick their body down into the ditch, the lifeless husk crashing into roots and stone until it comes to rest on the banks of a ravine.
I turn back to the forest, peering into the dark. I feel something’s eyes on me, traipsing through the dark with a curious gaze. I brush it off–not the slightest concern tugs at my mind. I am the most dangerous thing lurking in these woods. I start back towards camp, looking forward to a quick dip in the lake.
I pass by my companions, sleeping soundlessly around the fire–the others tucked away in their tents awaiting dawn’s kiss. I note Astarion is not in his bedroll, no doubt suckling from some unappetizing beast. It’s almost comforting to know that I am not the only nighttime killer, even if no one else is aware that I too lurk in the shadows, killing innocent lives in the name of a God who has not seen it necessary to save me from this predicament I have found myself in. I cannot help but wonder why I continue to ritually murder fellow vagabonds, especially when I receive no reward–not even the pleasure that used to accompany slaughter.
I shake my thoughts away and walk to the shore, watching as the moonlight bounces off the gentle waves that lap against my feet. I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it overhead, discarding it further up the beach. I move to my pants, unlacing them slowly, savoring the way the cool night air kisses my bloodstained skin. Once my clothes have been discarded, I test the water, it was cool but not unbearable. I let my hair down and wade into the refreshing water.
The blood slides from my skin and tendrils of red swirl along the surface of the water as I venture deeper into the pond. I dive the rest of the way in, ready to rid myself of the violence I committed earlier. I sink to the bottom, and for a moment, I will myself to stay. Perhaps I should die here. End my suffering. Bhaal knows that if I left this world, then it would be saved from any more of the suffering I would be forced to unleash.
My vision goes blurry. If I weren’t under water, tears would surely slip from my eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut. They would be false tears. A cold-blooded murderer does not weep for its victims. That’s all I am after all–heartless, unfeeling, an empty shell for my father to puppet.
Darkness begins to take over my vision, my lungs yearn for breath and my body is in agony. I would be better off dead. I will never love. I will never know a gentle touch. I am doomed to a future filled with blood and gore. At least this way I can save what little soul I have left.
My head grows foggy and I can feel my heart slowing. My body is ready to gasp for air that will not come. Instead my lungs will fill with water and I will sink away, forgotten by the world. I have made my peace with that.
Before I can drift away, a loud splash interrupts my thoughts. I dare not open my eyes or break my concentration. My body will want to reach the surface, and I am unwilling to allow my antagonisms to ruin this world. A pair of strong arms wrap around me roughly and pull me to the surface. I try to fight against my so-called rescuer–beating at their chest and fighting against their grip… to no avail. My head breaches the surface and my body instinctively pulls air into my lungs. I gasp loudly, welcoming the air as it enters my agonizingly painful lungs.
I cough uncontrollably, my head swimming with pressure. Once I catch my breath I open my eyes, only to be met with those dangerous vermillion eyes that I have come to know over the last few weeks.
Astarion looks at me annoyingly, clearly not impressed by my suicide attempt. I glare at him while my breathing calms. I slam my fists into his chest as my anger resurfaces.
“Why?! Why did you save me,” my voice breaks, betraying my hopelessness, “I-I wanted to die you prick.” A tear falls from my eye and my body shakes with unfiltered rage and torment as I continue to scream obscenities in his direction and beat my fists on his bare chest.
Astarion does not let go of his grip around my waist, his arms snake around my waist and interlock into an inescapable prison. His face is set in stone and none of the hurtful things I hurl in his direction seem to phase him. Instead he sits there quietly until I grow tired of badgering him.
My exhausted body cannot take anymore and I burst into tears, the repressed emotions spilling out of me like a dam breaking. I cry, my screams of agony and sorrow flow unfiltered.
Astarions arms tighten around me, “Just let it out,” he whispers gently. His firm grip on me refuses to allow me to fall below the water’s surface once again, so I do as he says. I let my sorrow unfold in the ugliest of ways, letting it crash down in devastating pain.
I nuzzle my head into his chest and unleash all of my sorrow. I cry for the love I will never feel. I cry for the pain I have inflicted on countless people. I cry for the loneliness that has plagued my blackened heart for so long–the feeling of isolation and duty weigh so heavily on my soul that I can feel its crushing burden. I allow myself to unburden my sorrows, not even caring how utterly foolish I must look to the vampire.
Astrion slips an arm under my legs and starts towards the shore. I wrap my arms around his neck, accepting that he will not allow me to drown tonight. We emerge from the water and he sets me on a log and quietly walks to his tent to retrieve a blanket to cover my naked body.
Once his blanket is draped over my shoulder he begins building a fire on the shore and allowing me time to collect myself. His scent completely engulfs me, his embroidered blanket smells strong of his scent–bergamot, brandy, and a hint of musk. I drink it in, letting it soothe the heaviness of my emotions. I watch as Astarion breathes life into the fire–the flames licking up the sides of the logs and illuminating his ruby-red eyes.
His gaze meets mine before he moves to sit next to me on the log. I look at him, half-expecting him to lecture me on my stupidity. Instead, the look he gives me is one of understanding.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks after a moment. His eyes search mine. I break our gaze and turn to the fire, contemplating on how much I should tell him. If I tell him about my need for slaughter, my uncontrollable state of bloodlust, will he still understand? Or will he wish that he had never pulled me from the water?
“I… There’s something wrong with me,” I stammer, unable to meet his gaze out of shame. I can barely bring the words to my lips, “I think it would be easier to show you,” I mumble. I turn to look at him. His eyes search mine once again, a look of worry paints his face. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to intrude on my privacy.
“It’s okay,” I whisper, wrapping the blanket tighter around my shoulders, “I want you to see,” I make up my mind. I open my mind up, allowing the tadpole to reach out to him, waiting for him to latch on to my memories… to my past and my fears.
He nods his head and pushes his mind into my thoughts. I allow him to peer into my past, the thousands of ritual slaughters I have committed in my father’s name. I show him my childhood–bloodspawn teaching me the location of the main arteries, the most precise cuts to inflict, and the reverent slaughter I was to commit in Bhaal’s name. I show him the countless faces of my victims after death, their lifeless gaze, their blood draining into pools in Bhaal’s temple below the city. I show him the aching loneliness I feel, the isolation I subject myself to. The emotional ties I have cut with others, to save myself the sorrow for when I inevitably end their lives. I allow him to feel what I feel, the hate, the sorrow, the anger, the aching loneliness and the hopelessness of my future. I show him that I am a slave to murder, that I am not worthy of his or the other’s recognition. I wish only for death, because it is far better than the alternative.
Astarion unlatches from my memories and I inevitably wait for the verbal lashing. I wait for his rejection. I wait for his blade to kiss my throat once again, all his restraint gone as it slices through my neck as he leaves me to die. I can barely look at him, I feel so ashamed. I am a false hero. Nothing I have tried to correct will ever make up for the lives I have ended.
While I continue to wallow in my self-loathing, Astarion places a gentle hand on my shoulder and forces me to turn towards him. My vision is blurry as tears threaten to spill from my eyes once again. I am not sure I am ready for this.
“You could have told me, you know,” he whispers gently. I look into his eyes and see none of the hatred or anger I expected, “We….We have walked very similar paths, you and I.” He searches for his words carefully, “I do not judge you, if that is what you are fearful of. Actually, I am somewhat relieved to know the truth, especially after coming upon you in the woods earlier,” he confesses, a small nervous laugh escapes his lips. “Regardless, if you are unhappy with your situation… I am sure we can rectify that once we enter the city. Gods know we all have our demons to overcome.” He looks off into the distance, clearly reminiscing over his own troubled past.
I look at him, taken aback by his kindness and understanding. "W-wait. Y-you aren't going to kill me?" His profile is sharp, but his features soften as a smile plays on his lips.
He throws his head back and laughs loudly, "Ha! Kill you? Why ever would you think that, my dear?"
I blush at his little nickname. We have certainly spoken to one another, flirted even. But that was the extent of our interactions. Friendly, if not a little stand-offish, and full of playful banter. Of course, I could never get too close to him, otherwise images danced in my mind of his pretty corpse. I shake the silly thoughts from my mind. I'm sure it was harmless.
"W-well… I'm a monster," I croak.
Astarion chuckles darkly, "A monster? Far from it. Dangerous? Potentially. Scandalous? Absolutely. But a monster?" He strokes his chin in thought, "We are similar, you and I. Never hoping to have full control over our bodies. Committing unspeakable acts of violence in someone else's name. It does not mean we are past the point of redemption."
I watch him contemplate silently, tracing the sharp features of his profile with my eyes. Taking in his beauty and the unguarded expression gracing his face. I’ve never fully had the opportunity to admire him in this way. Furthermore, his usual hardened facade has slipped from his demeanor and I feel like I am seeing his true self. I get the feeling most people do not see this side of him.
He blinks away whatever thoughts were swimming around in his mind and he turns to me, the glow from the fire outlining his face in a beautiful aura–he looks diabolically angelic in this moment.
I blush at my own thoughts. He has no idea how beautiful he is, but his perfection catches in my throat, rendering me speechless. I turn away, unsure of what to say.
“Thank you,” I finally breathe, “Most people look at me with disdain in their eyes. I think… I think I’ve come to expect it.”
He laughs breathily and scoots closer to me–his body mere inches from mine and making me flustered. He throws an arm around my shoulder and pulls me the rest of the way in. He leans in and whispers in my ear, “When I look at you… I do see the bloodlust,” I stiffen, dread filling my body once again–worried that I was doomed to be seen as a monster first and foremost by the ones I care about, “But,” he continues, “more than anything, I see someone who wants to do good… someone who wants to be redeemed. I see your heart, and it is a beautiful thing. I see the true you.” He grabs my chin lightly and forces me to look into his eyes. My breath hitches in my throat. “I see someone who wants–no, needs–to be known. He leans in and places a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth before pulling away. “You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to be seen for who you truly are. I want to give you that. If… you’ll allow me.”
I look up at him with rounded eyes, completely taken off guard, “I-I didn’t think you liked me… like that.” I fidget with my fingers, suddenly feeling vulnerable and slightly embarrassed. I always had a crush on Astarion, but I pushed those feelings aside to protect him. He couldn’t be on the receiving end of my ritual dagger. I wouldn’t allow it.
“Y-you saw my memories. I’m destined to kill anyone I get close to. How… how could you be okay with that?” I shake my head and bury my face in my hands. “I’m cursed to be alone forever.”
He chuckles softly and his eyes soften, “I have the utmost confidence that it will never get to that point,” He cocks an eyebrow at me playfully, “But if it were to come to that, I’m sure some restraints could go a long way.”
The way he is looking at me now, his vermillion eyes bore into me reflecting a hint of danger–a hint of unrestrained lust. How could I say no to this beautiful man? “I crave more than anything to be touched…” I admit, finding it difficult to meet his gaze.
“Mmm,” his voice is gravelly and heavy with ecstasy, “Where, my love?”
I exhale in amazement, I clearly did not expect my night to end in such a manner. I blush uncontrollably, “Everywhere.”
A devilish grin forms across his face flashing his fangs, sharp as a knife, “Your wish is my command,” he whispers before pulling me on top of him. The blanket slips from my shoulders, and falls unused to the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist and snake my arms around his neck, playfully running my fingers through his perfect ivory curls.
He looks at me adoringly before leaning in and pressing his perfect lips to mine. I haven’t been kissed in what feels like years and I hungrily kiss back pressing my entire body into him. He greedily accepts my desperate tongue, and we explore each other’s mouth with all the passion that can be mustered. His fangs rake against my bottom lip and I moan into his mouth. I press my lips to him harder before he is pulling away and flashing me his gorgeous fangs. Astarion drags a thumb lightly across my bottom lip, eliciting a feral moan to escape my mouth.
His other hand traces down my spine, sending heat directly to my core. His tender traces along my body brings my senses to life–no, he sets them on fire–for I have never felt this good from just a few sensual touches. His hand comes to rest on my ass which he squeezes playfully. I yelp in response which only motivates him to continue.
Astarion begins to guide my hips, rocking them back and forth against his lap. I can feel his growing arousal beneath his pants which sends me into a lustful frenzy. I begin to rock my hips to the pace he has set for me, and I throw my head back when I feel my core grinding against his still growing arousal.
He leans in close and drags his nose up my throat, drinking in the scent of my blood, “That’s it, darling,” he whispers gruffly. I suddenly crave for him to bite me, to drink from me. I want to feel the pain, my essence slipping away as I continue to stimulate myself.
I can barely speak from the pleasure I am feeling, but I manage to whimper, “Take from me, Astarion.” I lean my head back further, offering him my throat for his pleasure. He chuckles darkly, his hot breath pounding against my skin, further lighting my senses on fire. I rock my hips harder, “Please.”
He doesn’t hesitate a moment longer. He sinks his fangs into my soft flesh, the pain like ice in my veins before my warm blood falls from the newly made twin puncture wounds. He sucks greedily, savoring the taste of my blood. I moan against him, taking pleasure in the way my body reacts against him. His hand slides from my throat down my sternum and comes to rest just above my throbbing sex.
I whimper uncontrollably, craving for him to go lower, “P-please,” I beg.
Astarion smiles against my throat and pulls away temporarily, “Your begging sounds so sweet,” he coos. He only makes me want to beg harder.
“I need you,” I cry.
A growl escapes his throat and he latches himself back to my throat and pulls more blood into his mouth, coating his tongue and throat. He has gone completely feral. He drags his fingers to my cunt and begins slowly circling my swollen clit.
I gasp loudly, unconcerned with waking up the others in camp. I haven’t been truly touched in so long that I forgot just how wonderful it feels. His fingers expertly circle my clit, igniting something deep in my core. Pleasure begins to build and I can feel myself ready to fall over the edge. I grind against his fingers, feeling needy begging to be filled.
He laughs against my neck and slides his fingers into my aching cunt. I cry out in pleasure, coming completely undone by his long slender fingers. I can barely handle how much he is already stretching me out and I buzz with excitement and anticipation when I think about what else he has in store for me.
His fingers penetrate me deeply, and his lips on my neck have me spiraling. He slides his fingers in and out of me quickly, using his thumb to stimulate my clit. He pulls away from my throat and looks at up at me through his pale lashes, “Does that feel good, darling?”
I nod my head rapidly, unable to form words as his fingers work their magic. My vision begins to blur and I pant uncontrollably. I can feel myself nearing the edge of no return and it is a delicious feeling.
Astarion smiles dangerously, licking the blood from his fangs, “Come for me, pet,” he pleads darkly.
His voice sends me over the edge, I come undone around him, my cunt tightening around his fingers and my hips bucking of their own volition. My orgasm rocks through me, my body spasms with pleasure and my toes curl to an ungodly degree. I let his name slip from my lips as I cry out in pleasure.
“There you go, darling,” he coos, talking me through my orgasm, “Just. Like. That.”
His thumb doesn’t let up from his ministrations until my orgasm has slowly faded and I come back down from my high. Not wasting any time I press my lips back to his, kissing him deeply and hungrily. I need to feel him inside me and I cannot wait much longer. I move to untie the laces of his pants and he stands, hoisting me into the air as I continue to straddle his waist.
Once I’ve successfully unlaced his pants, his throbbing member springs free. I grab the base of his shaft and begin pumping his large cock. He throws his head back and moans loudly. He places me on the soft sand and hovers over me as I continue to service him.
“I need to be inside you,” he breathes raggedly.
He lines himself at my entrance and rubs his throbbing head against my clit. I’m dripping with anticipation. He enters me slowly at first, and he grunts loudly.
“Fuck,” he whispers in my ear. He pushes himself all the way in, fighting against my tight dripping cunt.
He spreads me out wider than I have ever been before and I cry out with pleasure.
“Your pussy is so perfect,” he growls. He pushes further in until there is nothing left and I wrap my legs around him, not wanting him to pull back out.
He begins slowly pumping in and out of my aching pussy, and my arousal rings out like a symphony.
“Oh god, Astarion,” I whine. The way he fills me so completely as if my pussy was molded perfectly around his cock sends me into a feral frenzy.
“That’s right, darling,” he hisses, “Say my name like a fucking prayer.” He picks up the pace, punishing my pussy with his forceful thrusts.
“Astarion,” I cry again, letting his name fall from my lips in absolute reverence.
He snakes an arm around my back and lifts my hips up slightly which only serves to penetrate me deeper than I ever thought possible. He picks up his pace further, letting his cock slip in and out of me with ease.
I can feel myself on the verge of toppling over the edge once again, “I-I’m gonna… Oh Astarion,” I whimper, unable to fully form a sentence.
“Come for me, love,” he growls in my ear, “I want to feel you come for me.”
His words send me over the edge and I’m falling into another orgasm. I cry out loud, a mix of screams and moans fall from my lips as my orgasm rips through my body. My walls tighten around him and he hisses in response. I keep falling, holding on to my orgasm for as long as I can. My toes curl and I pull back on his ivory curls, eliciting a growl from the depths of his core.
“Gods below,” he growls as I tighten around his thick cock. His thrusts slow as my orgasm subsides. Before I can catch my breath he flips me over onto my hands and knees
I breathe heavily, panting uncontrollably, my body spasming in the aftermath of my release. Before I have time to think, he enters me once again, the new position filling me with unadulterated pleasure.
Astarion grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me to his chest, arching my back to an ungodly degree. He clasps to my neck and pierces my throat once again with his sharp fangs. The pain lances through me and the pleasure I receive from the pain is worth it. He starts to drink my sweet blood once again while thrusting in and out of my pussy. I meet his thrusts with my hips, and the force ripples through my body–my ass bouncing gracefully against his hips.
I ride his cock until I can no longer see. My life’s essence slips from my body and the accompanying delirium empties my mind from all the worries from earlier. I cry against his punishing pace. He pulls away from my throat once again and growls in my ear, “You are invigorating, you know that?”
I nod helplessly, unable to focus on anything but the way he stretches me out and hits my sweet spot. I cry out, his sweet words egging me on.
“I think you deserve to come one more time,” he snarls in my ear, pulling on my hair just a bit harder until my back can arch no further. He continues to fuck up and into me, his thrusts becoming faster than anything I’ve ever experienced. I nod my head pathetically.
“Please,” I beg.
His powerful hips rail into me over and over again and I fall deeper and deeper into his rough embrace. His tongue drags up the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine. He sucks and kisses the back of my neck adding another layer of pleausre.
“Fall apart,” he growls deeply in my ear. It is the only thing I care to hear. I come undone around him all over again. His thrusts become sloppier, and he pounds into me quicker and quicker until he is falling with me.
“Yes,” I cry, “Come for me Astarion,” I whimper. He unloads himself inside me, his panting is the only thing I hear as I fall apart with him. Pleasure ripples through our bodies–our collective ecstasy is the only thing that matters at this moment.
He continues to pump into me until he has spilled all of his spent. My orgasm subsides and he falls on top of me, pinning me to the ground.
We breathe harder, waiting to come back down to Faerun. His body moves in time with mine and I savor the aftermath of my orgasm. I shall never come down from the heavens after that.
Once we have collected our strength, he pulls himself out of me and rolls over onto his back near the fire. I roll over onto my side and memorize his features as he looks up at the sky, a look of satisfaction paints his features.
He turns to me and smiles, his guard completely down and I have never seen anything quite so beautiful, “That was… amazing,” he breathes, licking some of the blood from the corner of his mouth with his tongue.
“I–” I can’t seem to gather the words I want to say, “Thank you,” I finally amend.
He rolls to his side and faces me, tracing small circles into my skin with his cool fingertips, “Thank you,” he whispers. And for a fleeting moment, I wonder what he is thanking me for. I smile in response, not wanting to ruin the moment with my questions.
He reaches forward and tucks some hair behind my ear, his knuckles grazing my cheekbone in the process.
“I–I want you to know,” he says softly, his hand never leaving the side of my face, “I’m glad you’re here. With me. I don’t think I want to be in a world without you,” he smiles softly, “Whatever that may look like.”
I smile shyly, “I’m glad I’m here too. Thank you… for everything.”
He wraps an arm around my midsection and pulls me to him until both his arms are wrapped around me securely. He places a gentle kiss on my temple. I turn my head and plant a soft kiss on his lips.
“Don’t let go until the morning,” I whisper. My smile is gone, but admiration still takes over my features. My savior. My hero. He saved my life in more ways than one. I’m excited to see where things take us. While the future is not set in stone, I have a feeling I’ll be able to get through anything with him by my side.
“I won’t,” he whispers before kissing me softly. “Promise me,” he begins, “Promise me that you will find me the next time you feel like death is your only option.”
“I swear,” I whisper. “Promise me you will open up to me as well… Whenever you’re ready.” I can tell that something weighs heavy on his soul, and I never want him to feel the depth of loneliness I felt.
He chuckles, “I save you…and you save me.” The statement is a promise. I smile knowing that this is the start of a beautiful relationship. I let him squeeze me in his strong embrace until we both drift off to sleep, relieved to have distracted ourselves from the painful reality that awaits us on the morrow.
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psalacanthea · 5 days
Since people are already forgetting what spoilers are or aren't and not tagging them (I get it, when you're surrounded by spoiler-consumers it's hard to keep track of what's safe or not) I am going to be difficult to find here for a bit. I'm generally easier to find on discord, so if you don't have that, DM me and I'll add you.
If I unfollow you in the next month and a half, you can always send me a DM, too, and I'll re-follow you when it's safe. I'm not willing to put in any more time and effort than that as I've got enough going on in my life. I've already blocked all the spoiler tags. If you're not using them, then au revoir, my friend.
I'm very very strict about spoilers because I find them SUPER disappointing, and as I suffer from pretty nasty ADHD, my brain decides being mildly disappointed requires my entire mood to crumble into misery and dust. So, I'm just going to get hype for the game in my own way, with my discord pals.
I'd be happy to have you be one of them. <3
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Hello bees! I hope the month has started well for you all. This week, we have ten different fics that feature various rarepairs which include everyone's favorite little blue tiefling, Jester Lavorre! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
Wildflowers Treat #1 (for Capitola) by Demenior (8,827 words, Explicit) Pairing: Artagan/Fjord/Jester Lavorre Warnings: None
Fjord, Artagan, and Jester have ritualized sex together where they roleplay Jester is a goddess.
Reccer Says: Equally sexy and funny with fantastic characterization and interesting implications (spoilers!). Make sure to check the tags to see if it's something you're interested in.
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all actions and reactions by grayintogreen (2,879 words, General) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Jester Lavorre (Jestrid) Warnings: None
Astrid sets out on a quest to find who is buying all of her favorite pastries. This is a normal thing to want and possible to achieve.
Reccer Says: Very cute and fun!
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Not In All My Dreams by sociallychallengednerd (4,503 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Widojessek) Warnings: None
Caleb meets established Essek/Jester as a repairman. The three crush on each other and we see their relationship develop over real and fake emergencies.
Reccer Says: Very cute - ADORABLE even!
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all's well that ends well (to end up with you) by pigflight (2,891 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Beau and Jester talk about Reani, and Reani and Beau's relationship. A getting together fic!
Reccer Says: Cute!
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the little death, or, the skipping of a heartbeat when you smile by celebreultimaverba (2,802 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast (Widojes) Warnings: None
Jester keeps trying to seduce Caleb, but they laugh together too much to actually have sex. Jester is determined to find a way to sleep with him.
Reccer Says: This is very sweet and made me laugh as well! The relationship is so fulfilling and fantastic.
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young blood, stand and deliver by thatsparrow (2,175 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Beau goes to R.A.!Dairon for advice about her crush on her roommate, Jester. The fic only has a few sentences of Jester, but Beau's crush on Jester rings throughout the fic.
Reccer Says: Such good voices of Beau and Dairon! Also the internalized guilt of being a woman loving a woman is addressed really well while still being completely in character. I love how the environment feels true to the characters as well.
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could it be wrong, when she's just so nice to look at? by exhaustedwerewolf (2,423 words, General) Pairing: Calianna/Jester Lavorre Warnings: None
Suffering from definitely-not-art-block, Jester makes a trip to the museum looking for inspiration, and finds it- but not amongst the paintings on the walls.
Reccer Says: Jester's inner voice is so fun and perfect for her! References to stories, fast paced, capturing little details and how beautiful things are and her sense of humor - it's amazing! It's also very sweet and cute! It feels like warmth and poetry!
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So Your Girlfriend and Her Girlfriend Who is Also Your Crush Went to the Gym by LeanMeanSaltineMachine (1,503 words, Teen) Pairing: Calianna/Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett Warnings: Possible Triggers re: Disordered Eating*
Beau does her best to take care of her girlfriend and Calianna after the two go to the gym. She might be having a minor gay crisis. Established Beau/Jester and Jester/Calianna, pre-relationship Beau/Cali.
Reccer Says: Cute!
*Beau mentions how important it is to refill on calories/energy after working out, and there is a scene with Beau making snacks. This may be triggering for people recovering from or with disordered eating.
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I usually run when the world starts ending by grayintogreen (4,515 words, General) Pairing: Artagan/Jester Lavorre (Artajes) Warnings: None
Artagan struggles with falling in love and getting complicated.
Reccer Says: A whimsical, yet tragic, take on a fey being uselessly in love with his charge with excellent prose and characterization.
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a sapphire's desire by breitweisergallery (16,810 words, Mature) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast (Widojes) Warnings: None
jester pines for archmage caleb while he tries to navigate the war and the mighty nein.
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Alternate Universes. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Hurt/Comfort and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for PC x NPC and Proposals & Marriages! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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Welcome to Artistic Suffering :D
Ill make an official one of these at some point but bear with me until then ;u;
Im Addi and i like making art :) this acc is mostly for fanart and i might post some of my oc art occasionally. I want to keep this blog a safe place for everyone so please keep negative comments to yourself and just be nice :D
This acc is Drs2p2 spoiler free!! Im trying to be patient until it releases officially (trying)
Ill mostly post Ninjago, any Riordanverse (mostly pjo, hoo, toa, mcga), Marauders, Dreamzzz and some oc content. My art is just under a "my art" tag, lmk if i should make my own tag for it.
Feel free to send me asks or and questions about me, my hcs or literally anything!! It will make me so happy :) I'll use any pronouns and i'd love to have moots within fandoms so please reach out if you feel like it!! I wont judge you for anything, just dont send me spam or anything creepy or i will block you /lh
I love you and God loves you! Take care of yourself! <33
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hi! call me:
(and if you know me, ricky works just fine too!)
i’m your friendly neighborhood blogger. he/they/it, but neos work too! i don’t have time to care, to be honest.
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no real main theme for this blog, just whatever I hyperfixate on, really! but my interests include
🩵 - comics! mainly read dc and the occasional idw comic (i’d like to read more tmnt and marvel stuff, so please dump your recs in my askbox) but i also LOVE indie stuff so give me any cool ones you find.
my personal recs;
spill zone (fun style, representation, 14+ indie comic. had a lot of fun reading it)
the boy wonder (also fun style, 13+ dc miniseries. really well written and super accessible to people not used to comics, and worth your time no matter how deep-in the understanding of characters you are.)
nightwing: rebirth (loads of fun to me, but i haven’t finished it yet!)
robin lives! (pretty neat! suffers from ‘bruce wayne is an angry parent’ syndrome, but interesting imo)
🩵 - yellowjackets! i’m mainly here for the cannibalism but thank you @the-lonelyshepherd for doing the civil service of getting me to like it. NOT FINISHED WITH SEASON TWO ‼️‼️ NO SPOILERS ‼️‼️
🩵 - poppy playtime! alright i KNOW it’s not the best horror game out there but i enjoy it. unfortunately i do not have a pc and can’t play it though…
🩵 garten of banban (IRONICALLY. I PROMISE. it’s fun to watch the chaos).
🩵 - warrior cats! a recovering warrior cats kid. sorry
🩵 - musical theater! all of it, really, but my personal favorites
(ironically) spider-man: turn off the dark
the lightning thief
in the heights
grease (complicated relationship w grease… the sexism is. sexism-ing)
jekyll and hyde
🩵 - tmnt! mainly 2018 and 2012 — i haven’t seen 2024, much of 2003, or much of ‘87 or the 90s movies. but i want to!
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my thoughts, in general
i don’t have a dni. i’ll block you if you’re weird and that’s it. but with that said;
free palestine.
fuck nazis and republicans.
no rights for anyone until we have rights for all
black lives matter, cops are pigs.
my non-political thoughts that i feel like disclosing;
am i proship? am i antiship? no, i’m a person with a blog who doesn’t care (however for fictionkin reasons i block batcest and turtlecest, but i literally do not care. do what you want.) i do not actively ship anything, so ‘proship’ falls under that umbrella. i just reblog stuff i mildly enjoy— the only couple that consumes MY brain is my ocs.
i don’t believe in “problematic” media. sorry. i do, however, believe in not funding artists that are actively in hate groups, so write your hazmat hostel fanfiction, just don’t buy harry potter merch and we’re good.
i’m not here to get involved in discourse. bring me into it outside of my accord and i’ll block everyone involved unless i really truly care about them.
tag your shit and i don’t really care what you do. just make sure i can filter it and we’re good.
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that’s all!
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fauzhee10069 · 2 years
TGCF Thought: My Difficulty in shipping BEEFLEAF
!!Major spoiler for non-novel reader!! TL;DR available at the bottom of the post.
⚠️ Warning!! for beefleaf shippers who do not wish to read any negative thought about this ship, just ignore my post. Believe in your ability to scroll down!
Asking to remove the tags will automatically referred to this post. 
Clicking (...) -> block saves you more time than typing a complain in my ask box.
Beefleaf is a highly popular fan-ship besides fengqing and when I’m not actively hate or against it (as I don’t like gatekeeping), there are several factors that make it difficult for me to accept them as a pairing and these factors are greatly influenced by the canon material itself.
Initially, Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan were besties, this notion made fans’ natural attraction to take their relationship further as a pairing. The canon source implies that them being besties is perceived more from Shi Qingxuan's point of view.
He Xuan's initial motivation for infiltrating Heavenly Court was to investigate the cause of his tragic fate. Later, after he found the source/cause, he was getting closer to Shi Qingxuan on his mission of revenge.
Over the course of their relationship as besties, it is a feint on He Xuan’s behalf. MXTX goes even further that she told us: He Xuan has great talent on acting (Yin Yu’s flashback and iirc interview).
Flashforward to Black Water arc, He Xuan’s main target for his revenge is Shi Wudu because he is the active player. The revelation greatly shock Shi Qingxuan who was greatly unaware of this. Even more regretfully, He Xuan never expected Shi Qingxuan's innocence. So while he was acting as his bestie, He Xuan had been harboring the same hatred for both brothers.
To the point that he wished Shi Qingxuan's innocence is a lie (“tell me this is not true!!”), this becomes a great dilemma for He Xuan. Until several times he refused to believe that Shi Qingxuan did not know anything about this switching fate.
So doesn't that mean He Xuan loves Shi Qingxuan?
Not necessarily, because you don’t have to be romantically in love for having moral standards not to condemn innocent people.
Let's put ourselves on He Xuan’s shoes; for decades (hundreds of years in their case) you actively pretended to be his best friend while thinking of getting revenge on him one day. You have harbored and nurtured such feelings for years, is it easy to just let them go?
Oh, you’re innocent? Then I forgive you (understandably, have a nice day)
If you think so, then you are underestimating He Xuan's feelings, pains and what he has been through all these years.
Now, moving on Shi Qingxuan; for someone you trust as bestfriend and suddenly he frankly reveals his secret that all this time he has held grudges and hates you. Even though deep down you know you're innocent, you will still feel hurt, confused, and blame yourself.
Thinking him as your trusted friend for all the time who suddenly says that "I actually hate you"/”we’re not friends” is a shocking moment for anyone (which also happened to Xie Lian & Mu Qing in the 33 gods & auspicious land flashback).
The conflict in the Black Water arc is very deep:
Shi Wudu doesn't want punishment to befall his brother because he knows that he is innocent.
Shi Qingxuan also felt guilty for He Xuan's suffering even though he just knows it at that time, because it was undeniable that his fortune had belonged to someone else.
He Xuan refuses to believe that Shi Qingxuan is innocent, as he has always harbored hatred for the two of them and used to watching Shi Qingxuan enjoying the life and fortune that rightfully belong to He Xuan all along.
So the conclusion of this conflict is; He Xuan killed Shi Wudu and abandoned Shi Qingxuan.
Yeah, beefleaf shippers, you can’t get He Xuan to just forgive Shi Qingxuan all together and let them be the new pair of Water-Wind masters or Earth-Wind masters.
He Xuan still stripped Shi Qingxuan’s divinity and abandoneddisgraced him as beggar as he wants Shi Qingxuan to feel the suffering that he went through before.
And Shi Qingxuan (who even though you repeatedly said he is innocent and don’t deserves it) willingly accepts his new fate.
Another MXTX’s interview even said that Shi Qingxuan doesn't want his damaged limbs to be restored (which of course really saddens me as I love Shi Qingxuan as a character too but), this further strengthens that Shi Qingxuan feels guilty and does not deserve his fortune and divinity and he accepts the loss of them which were not his in the first place.
We may disagree with this outcome, but this is what those two characters (beefleaf) decided.
Now these two canon breakdowns that:
He Xuan is straight since he had female fiancée at some point in the past.
Albeit his godhood allowed him to be genderfluid, Shi Qingxuan is more comfortable as a man than woman as we can see during Paradise Manor infiltration arc, he switched back into his male form despite still dressed up as a maid and he would be more powerful in female form because in this timeline he was still active as the wind master (not losing his godhood yet).
The problem of ‘beefleaf’ portrayal
As I said at the beginning that I don't like gatekeeping, I also don't necessarily dislike beefleaf as a pairing.
But so far I'm having a hard time liking this couple due to their portrayal of most of the fans which is mostly uhm… problematic.
Most fans like to belittle He Xuan’s revenge and put He Xuan feelings & sufferings aside.
They progress that during He Xuan's act of being Shi Qingxuan's best friend, He Xuan has fallen in love with Shi Qingxuan.
They made He Xuan abandon his revenge journey just like that.
Bearing in mind that He Xuan's revenge is not merely to relieve his anger, but also as an act of filial piety to his family who had also become victims of fate switching carried out by Shi Wudu.
That is the meaning of the scene where He Xuan brings Shi Wudu's head to his family's urns as an offering, in Black Water arc.
The Black Water arc generally still happens with Shi Wudu’s still paying for his sin, but as for Shi Qingxuan, beefleaf shippers are back on the route: “oh, you’re innocent? Then I forgive you” aka. understandably, have a nice day.
No, it doesn’t work like that.
What make He Xuan forgive Shi Qingxuan so easily just because he supposedly falls in love with him?
Shippers might put the revelation of Shi Qingxuan’s innocence early, before the Black Water arc was supposed to happen, so that He Xuan can forgive Shi Qingxuan much early.
Worse that he just falls in love without knowing Shi Qingxuan’s innocence first.
But this creates further problems when He Xuan has to punish Shi Wudu, Shi Qingxuan's beloved older brother.
“I love you, I forgive you, but I have to kill your brother.” You expect that Shi Qingxuan will just nod off?
Okay maybe not kill him but… natural reaction from Shi Qingxuan would be begging for forgiveness, or at least leniency on his brother.
Or worse, wishing that He Xuan to just abandon his revenge, which again, you belittle his pain.
You can't just simply choose: your lover or your dearest sibling? This will put Shi Qingxuan in a great dilemma. Which might be good for a drama, but very complicate to make it a happy ending.
Most stories like this actually end in tragedy.
Another take is by having Shi Qingxuan and Shi Wudu embroiled in family quarrel, which generally ends with Shi Wudu ready to take the punishment. However it generally also ends with He Xuan granting leniency.
“Well, he needs to pay for his sin, but I won’t kill him” like a husband comforting his distressed wife.
But for God’s sake, this is about He Xuan!! Not Shi Qingxuan!
He Xuan is the one who has the right to determine for himself how he will resolve his conflict with Shi Wudu, how much Shi Wudu will pay for his deed, he is the one who has suffered all this time, he is the main victim of this goddamn fate switching!!
And again, you belittle He Xuan’s suffering, of him losing his fortune, of him losing his divinity, of him losing his family!
Even worst that some fans babytrapping him and Shi Qingxuan!!
Yeah, they’re having baby, so He Xuan is not going to abandon Shi Qingxuan (and their unborn child) just like that (as in the canon).
“I have to take care of them, I can’t fail them/let them down, let's put aside this grudge for a moment for their sake…”
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You belittle the tragedy of Black Water arc MXTX carefully made.
TL;DR beefleaf portrayals are mostly hardly believable, that’s what makes me hard to be convinced with their love story.
How can ‘beefleaf’ work better?
Let Black Water arc happens as in canon.
Therefore you value and acknowledge He Xuan’s past, his pain and his journey of revenge as it is.
And leave Shi Qingxuan with his current state post Black Water arc.
Therefore you respect his decision and acceptance.
Their romance does not happen in canon.
Doesn’t mean that their romance couldn't happen post-canon.
Their progress can be started from the post-ending. He Xuan has finished his revenge, has started to extinguish his hatred, has started to move on, to make peace with the past.
After his heart calmed down, make it a moment where his heart starts to ache for Shi Qingxuan, wondering what he is doing, thinking back whether they could start over.
As for Shi Qingxuan, it's very likely that he wants to avoid He Xuan at the moment. No matter how innocent he is, he had lived a life that was He Xuan's right, so his guilt won't just go away, he would be uncomfortable to face He Xuan.
This would be possible if it is He Xuan who opened his heart first. In the moment of their first meeting post Black Water arc, let Shi Qingxuan know that He Xuan has made peace with his past, that he is ready to move on, that he forgives Shi Qingxuan, offering Shi Qingxuan to let’s start over once again.
Let it happens slow, slow burn is beautiful.
Perhaps, Shi Qingxuan is ultimately willing to get his limbs restored.
And no babytrapping for God’s sake, let that happens after they truly reconcile.
Because that's the only thing I can see how beefleaf truly works.
So TL;DR you're free to ship beefleaf, but please make their progress more believable. Don't ditch/simplify the Black Water arc. Understand He Xuan's character & situation better. Don't underestimate his problem just for the sake of fluffiness. I'm looking forward for beefleaf content post-canon without excluding the after effect of Black Water arc and have them learn to cope it.
PS: If you still want Shi Wudu to somehow survive, do it.
But think about how to do it without putting aside He Xuan's pains and suffering as the main victim of his fate switching.
PPS: I’ll give you a free pass for ignoring Black Water arc if you write modern AU beefleaf.
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calicodreamer · 7 months
Lets make this clear. So, First of all I'm only covering two episodes today (ADHD POOR IMPULSE REGULATION LETS GO).
Secondly, As an apology for my silence in my never ending quest to get through all GAZILLION of the Sun and Moon shows episodes, you can have two posts in a short amount of time.
Typically warnings for Spoilers, even though this is really early on into the series, I am like, a good few episodes in? So its probably good to spoiler warn outside of the tags.
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This episode took a lot less time  for me to eventually watch due to how the last episode treated me. Frankly, I was expecting a lot more cringe than what I got, so I was excited to watch the next episode and got over the “No clicky clicky” mental block.
And I was hoping this two wouldn't cringe, and there was no intro! So My hopes were high!
And sorely misplaced. I had to physically throw myself out of my bed and to my computer to type this down so I could not click off the episode.
But like Sisyphus I am bound, and here I continue with my efforts to continue this short series.
Instead of their usual icons they have little pop up things, depending on who’s POV it is. 
So the episode opens with Sun and Moon arriving at the restaurant so Sun can go on his date with Roxanne. The restaurant is empty, Roxanne is there with her Dommy Mommy voice, and Gregory is also there (For some fucking reason, and he sounds terrible), and Roxy thinks she’s going on a date with Moon -
Oh poor Sun
But they decided to Just roll with it, and Sun takes Gregory to help him with this date for his brother. 
Sun is VERY large compared to Gregory, and I am enjoying it greatly. 
So they feed them (Roxanne and Moon, who is currently having an awful time on his date.) Pancakes, and then Sun finds a Duck (Who is actually a Goose) and tries to get Gregory to help him cook it. And he does? This is fantastic
(I am suffering)
“What are your hobbies?” “Science, the occasional murder, something serious.” Moon you are the only thing getting me through this
Sun admits to Waterboarding the Goose to kill it, Moon has a legal system in his head. 8 minutes in, I don’t wanna live here anymore. The only thing thats keeping me going through this episode is typing this
Actually the episode ends up fairly well, Sun and Roxanne agree to go on another date after Moon gets sick of having to put up with this facade being that Moon doesn’t even really like Roxanne, who gets huffy about it., which is cute, and If I wasn’t spoiled, I’d be rooting for there relationship
I was told this episode involved a murder attempt, and y’know what its okay for me to be wrong.
12:22 Sun and Moon TRANSFORM into ECLIPSE in VRCHAT
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This is the introduction of Eclipse, and he just shows up to be a dramatic little fucker for a while, and bite at Moon because he’s a petty little bastard. Like - HE REALLY hates moon for some reasons.
Eclipse girlies this is the start of your buffet.
There isn’t a traditional intro, but still an Intro that I find less cringe, which is essential just Moon being like “I’m worried about Sun ™, Let me go check on him.”
and then Sun shows up and is like, “Lemme be real suspicious, and act not like Sun at all, and also gaslight Moon.” 
Moon is also getting STEADILY fed up with Not sun for a good while.
The episode starts with “And now I know that's not Sun-” which is like a KILLER LINE - I am paraphrasing the original part of that sentence.
We are introduced to another personality, and he has a killer sense of theatrics, like - I am ENJOYING this guy. He’s such a little stinker.
“Your right about the code.. Even the smallest portion of it…” _ GO WHITE BOY GO
Moon being over protective and angsty, and the first bit of Eclipse being just a part of Moon that evolved after he left Sun’s original body, which relates to this theory that I have regarding the multiple different personalities that just happen to pop up within Suns original Code, But we can get there eventually.
“People like to call me Eclipse.” Babygirl What people? we just met you.
Moon being worried about his brother for ten minutes, and I LOVE Eclipse’s voice. 
The VR models glitching around During these super serious moments are funny.
The also canonically have an editor, there is a whole other dude here, AND children in the day-care
So Like, Eclipse has been running around unchecked in Suns body for 24 hours, and Moon Loses his shit because he couldn’t tell the difference. Poor Sun has no idea what’s happening, because he wasn’t conscious when Eclipse was in the drivers seat. 
“He’s OUR eclipse.” Good line Moon Voice actor very good.
Moon feeling guilty mark one
They’re doing a good job at building up Eclipse as a threat, Poor babies
And the fact that Moon still remembers sharing a body with Sun and how much he didn’t like that
Also they have a home that isn’t the day-care and I don’t know how I feel about that (They do have like, Bunkers, and whole other house)
So my final thoughts: This is the beginning of less happy fun times and constant drama, and like, screw you wiki, lying to me about the suffering of Gregory - Even though he deserves it for his awful voice.
Moon and Sun - Still a duo that I enjoy. Though it should be Noted that Moon is much more tolerable when he's not stressed. It doesn't look like either of the boys have any real coping mechanism's right not for dealing with any emotion that they don't like. Sun looks to be internalizing most of his issues right now, while Moon is largely explosive and externalizes most of his emotions - Probably because he wasn't always able to.
More to Come
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logicroute · 1 year
hades fun ramble abt how the yttd fandom treats shin tsukimi :)
haiiii so if you know me you know that i have one billion illness about some guy named shin tsukimi from yttd! and i have some issues on how the fandom writes him, this is coming from someone who has health issues so im going to be somewhat projecting but! hopefully not that much. all of it is going to be under cut!
this is going to cover a lot of spoilers.. so i wouldnt click it unless you finished the game. its also going to cover topics like ableism and a mention of toxic relationships but thats expected when you want to talk about shin and the fandom
so in game (epsically in your turn to shine) its heavily hinted that shin is someone who has health issues (chronic illness and the works), even in the base game it is shown that shin is physically weak (chapt one in the bar where he tries to open the drawer for example.).
and how the fandom made that into shin being a weak person, but not in a strength sense, in the sense that he cant protect/cant hold his own (looking at you shin ship writers.). but! thats just the only issue right? (this is also ableism to me in a way.. but i cant put my words right at the moment.)
nope!! theres more. the fandom at times made shin out to be a 'dirty' person, someone who is gross and unclean. even if that's far from canon (there being a line that shins hands are clean in game.) and to me, thats just stereotypes of people who are mentally ill coming into play. saying that people who suffer from mental illness cant treat themselves on their own. which in some cases may be true, but not in all of them.
i also think this ties into shin being a person who was in game he is saving money, he is a job hopper which some fans took as he is poor which mean hes dirty.. which is just gross that people think just because a person may be poor, automatically means they're dirty.
theres also the issue with shadow sou (also know as shadsou in the fandom) where (some) people treat it as not a part of shin, it just being a part of midori. shin didnt bring out the hiyori persona out of nowhere, it wouldnt make sense that shin is some 'soft boy'.
fans tend to forget that shin isnt the best person, even in a few pregame thoughts. he can still be an asshole without being told about the 0.0% thing. you can let him be petty, you can let him be sly, you can let him be mean. he doesnt need to be doomed to do any of that.
its the same with the shinai, we only really saw small bits of the shinai.. and guessing from his dialog, he is still close to hiyori and that can affect how he acts, but that doesnt mean a pre game shin acts just like shinai, his an ai for a reason, he learns over time and picks up his own traits. its similar to how the fandom treats highschool shin and his friendship with hiyori and thats a whole another can of worms.
people who say they dont ship hiyori and shin.. and then say they dated in the past are an issue to me. not every toxic friendship has to be romantic, yes hiyori wanted to study shin, but thats because he wanted to see how much he can push a person. even the shinai says he likes to experiment on people, and hiyori most likely did the same with shin but more in a mental sense.
theres a reason why i dont interact with people who tag stuff with their ship tag, i dont trust them to take them in a way thats just them being 'friends'. and if you see it like that or make it out so hiyori isnt that bad of a person... block me i dont want you guys near me. (this goes with those 'midori isnt a bad person!!' au writers to. get out.)
on the topic of shipping, a handful of people who ship shin with people srsly make him out to be someone whos weak and needs to be protected by whoever the pairing is with. you guys just want your yaoi. i see this the most in keishin / alishin circles. shin doesnt need to be 'saved' or whatever, he just needs to heal on his own time, he doesnt need a romantic partner in his life for that.
thats a good part of my thoughts! if you have any questions on my thoughts on shin you can send me an ask here or shoot me a dm on discord :3 (samuraiyaiba)
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
SCREAM (Yan!GhostFace!Tama)
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He also comes maskless! So check out his spoopy mug! 👻
warnings/notes: NSFW, college!au, reader was nearly ran over in broad daylight, Tamaki Slowly Snaps™, stalking, attempted murder(two times, reader nearly gets ran over & Tamaki's first victim manages to escape once), murder, Tamaki is a yandere(who knows his obsession is wrong, but he ends up snapping. and getting worse.), Tamaki & Mirio do the Billy & Stu tagteam except Tamaki is the killer of the duo, Mirio has his own darling which I may or may not write the origins of, Tamaki is the creepy kind of Ghostface due to his introverted nature he's slightly Micheal Myer's-esque and the opening scene features no Scream franchise signature burner calls!
This is gonna be a three part fic and I wanna say reader is a bit fruitloopy, too.(just because of what i have planned for the end. this is a consent blog, sooo)
Underage characters are Aged Up!
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Similar to Ghostface!Baku, I cut back unnecessary parts(who cares how the minor bg characters croak ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we’re here for the opening, the ending, and the lovin’), but there still is movie spoilers/references. Enjoy!
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream , @shadoweepingscream , @dementedinc-blog, @survivorofmath , @blackchim3ra
Tamaki was an introvert by nature. He wasn’t exactly the type of person to go out of his way for anything. Much to his chagrin, he was popular, but he only kept a small circle of friends. He was studious, and his nimble frame helped him greatly with sports that demanded dexterity.
He wasn’t exactly the type of person to go out of his way for anything.
But you caught his eye. And even though he denied it, he fell in love with you at first sight. His social anxiety would ultimately lead him to overthink things.
He knew what your favorite foods were by heart. It wasn’t right of him. He knew your favorite color(s), and he even knew your favorite subjects. It’s not normal. You always looked so pretty, bunny, oh God he’s such a creep, wearing your favorite outfits and styles.
Unfortunately, you were a victim of delinquents who’d always find ways to harass you. Usually, a few words would make them stop, for a while. 
But this tops everything they’ve done. Popularity can only go so far. 
Those laughing bastards drove an expensive vehicle they ‘borrowed’, tires screeching across the parking lot as they gassed it off campus, nearly running you over in their joyride.
You were on your rump, terrified and wailing from narrowly avoiding death, but everybody else just stood around like dumb asses. He didn’t waste a second, jogging towards you to see if you were okay. Mirio would know better what to do in this type of situation, he mused as he fretted over you, asking if you were hurt, if you were okay.
When you clung to him, something in him that was hanging by a thread finally snapped.
He decided then and there as he awkwardly and very hesitantly embraced you, he’d kill every last one of them.
It took some time, and unfortunately, his grades suffered a little. He had to spend late nights staking out the places those bastards frequented, and find out their addresses and numbers. He’d spend what time he could planning. He couldn’t get caught, now, could he?
He had to make sure he wouldn’t be.
He had a ghost mask Mirio had jokingly plastered hollow tentacle-like formations on from last Halloween. It would do perfectly. He had just the right things to hide his tattoos, too, just like the majority of his wardrobe.
It was form fitting, a black sweatshirt with deep navy butterfly printed leggings. He broke out the black leather boots he'd never worn before just for this, too.
One of the ones who mercilessly bullied you had to work the last hours working their family bookstore tonight. They were probably bored out of their mind, and what better electrifying thrill to face imminent death? But he wanted to have a little fun, first.
Mirio lived nearby, and with a beloved of his own, he'd be more than happy to help after hearing what those bastards did to you.
Devices in hand and a plan in mind, he thinks; yes. Yes...they would do perfectly as the opening scene.
He can't contain the deranged grin creeping across his face.
It's the small things that make the largest of impacts. Tiny objects moved from places one knows they were, odd sounds, and small new additions. Thankfully this one was observant, much to his amusement. He'd bugged that bookstore and tinkered with it, relishing in how this bastard slowly began to lose their mind.
He watched them plant their own devices; probably pilfered from friends and family. Their shifty eyes were almost comical. Perhaps they wouldn't have nearly ran you over when they were this aware of their surroundings?
He smiles widely, a giddy feeling rising in him as he decides he should acknowledge their efforts.
Armed with the knowledge of every camera they'd attempted to sneakily place, and dressed to impress, he lingers just outside the peripheral of the devices.
It was so entertaining fucking with them, and once they caught his silhouette, they'd brought it up with their family who knew well enough the crowd they mingled with.
'Perhaps one of your friends is pranking you? Don't sweat it, it's typical.'
And as typical, they threw a tantrum, knocking over a cart of books before promptly exiting. It took several days for them to come back, needing money. He watched them mind the desk for some time, before donning the costume he'd thrown together after the sun had set, close to their closing time.
Tonight was the night he'd hunt them down, Mirio tagging along.
He skulks out of sight, loitering in the back alley where they'd come out after closing up for the night.
Unfortunately for them, the alleyway was long with twists and turns. He followed them, looking for a chance to attack. All was silent, with the exceptions of his and their footsteps, and their quickening breathing. He made sure to match their steps, stopping each time they stopped.
He expected them to turn around right away-but they didn't, choosing instead to pick up their pace, soon breaking into a bolt, surprisingly fast.
In a fit of fear and desperation, they threw anything and everything they could behind them in an attempt to block his path to them as they rounded the corner to the awaiting Mirio.
Unfortunately for him, it worked. It was tough navigating through a dark alleyway at night with a mask that limited his sight.
He curses under his breath; he was so close, too.
"Whoa, you okay there, bud?" he hears Mirio, following his mock-surprised grunt when they collide into him.
As they begin to stammer in a panic, he pulls down his hoodie and removes his mask, stashing it aside temporarily with his weapon and gloves before tugging his sleeves over his palms.
"Slow down, there. Can't understand a word you're saying--" Mirio tries to placate them as they panic,  "Someone's following me, for fuck's sake, I--"
"Oh, hey, Tamaki." the blonde interrupts, absolutely beaming as he rounds the corner. "You chasing this person or something?~" he asks as that bastard whips around, heaving a sigh of relief as he plays ignorance. "Chase...? You know I'm not that type, Mirio." he fakes a worried smile behind his sleeve as Mirio all but guffaws. "Real panicky, this one, eh?" he exclaims, casually hanging an arm around their shoulder. "Hey, hey, you're shakin' up, how about I take ya home, bud?" he starts, "C'moooon, this way or that?" overwhelming them with his sunny personality, soon whisking them off the moment they point.
"Til next time, Tama!~" he waves farewell, the double edged meaning making him seethe.
This time he failed...but he has a backup plan. He'll murder that bastard's sister.
And by pure luck, he finds her going for a night time jog in the park.
He won't let her get away, no, no, not in such a wide-open space.
She'd make the perfect...what would it be called again?
The perfect opening scene.
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