#that's probably just my degrees though LMFAO
hxlcyon · 1 year
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whamss · 10 months
The biggest problem with getting into gacha games for me (other than my unfortunate spending impulses) is just that the current system of gacha games feels like. So inaccessible.
I found genshin fun when I played it and just hearing about things secondhand from friends and whatnot makes it sound like more recent gameplay and story stuff is fun, if nothing else. But like, something about having dropped genshin after the disappointment of Inazuma and knowing that there's so many story events and exclusive things that I missed out on because I haven't played at all in like a year and a half makes the prospect of trying to get back into it so. Daunting. All that lore I missed out on, all of the character stuff locked behind timed events I'll never get to see. Makes it so hard to actually want to pick the game up again
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kavehsmommyissues · 28 days
Faranak, Clementine Caspar, and Mavuika's little sister might be the same person
WARNING: contains spoilers from the 5.0 Archon Quest!
There's lots of memes about Kaveh dressing up as Mavuika but now that the 5.0 Archon Quest is released, there might be some truth to that.
I haven't played the whole quest yet but my friend spoiled it for me.
The spoiler was that, Mavuika(who's human) has a little sister that became an architect.
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This is not my own photo, I literally saw this screenshot in Google images and I just blotted out the name for privacy reasons for the person that originally posted it.
You know who else is an architect besides Kaveh? His mom. And Mavuika's lil sis is an architect so I believe that Mavuika is Kaveh's aunt.
But in my lil brain, there is more.
Mavuika's lil sis goes to the Akademiya to study architecture and then stays there, to avoid whatever is going on in Natlan(some ppl on the internet think people from Natlan get cursed if they leave(like possibly, Bennet)).
She takes on a new name, Faranak, and lives her life there. The Wiki also states that Faranak is estranged from her parents, which supports this theory of mine. Eventually, she lost her husband which changed her a lot.
Faranak doesn't really have a photo but we know Kaveh's dad is the blonde one as seen on this picture:
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So that leaves room that Faranak probably has the same hair color as Mavuika's little sister. Also, in Kaveh's Hangout Quest, a teacher his mother had also said that Kaveh looks like his mother. Though Faranak's teacher states that Faranak has golden hair, I'm sure Mavuika's little sister's hair color can count as golden to some degree.
After losing her first husband, she goes to Fontaine to start anew and to get further away from Natlan. She possibly took a new name, this time, Clementine. She eventually fell in love and married Callas Caspar—Navia's dad.
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In the Wiki, it also states that Navia got her dad's eyes and hair, making it possible that Clementine's hair might be the same color as Mavuika's little sister(unless if she dyed it or unless if hair dye exists in Teyvat).
Another thing that I noticed is that both Kaveh and Navia are unlucky, with Kaveh getting into lots of debt and with Navia being the only one surviving her family and some members of Spina di Rosula, like Melus and Silver. This "unluckiness" that they have is probably due to that theorized "unlucky" syndrome that people from Natlan get when they leave their nation.
This is all probably far fetched but Genshin doesn't make the mistake of making two characters look similar and not be related. We see this with characters like Chonghyun and Shenhe.
So, to sum it all up, Faranak, Clementine, and Mavuika's little sister are possibly the same person. Kaveh and Navia are possibly half siblings and Mavuika could be possibly their aunt.
Thanks for listening to my horrendously made Ted Talk.
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This is how I feel lmfao.
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legendary-cookies · 8 months
Can we see more Wind Archer art he needs love
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I claim Wind is my favorite Legend and then don't draw him
I should though
Some of these are just random doodles but some are headcanons I have lol
Close ups and elaboration under the cut:
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They're frens
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I think he should look more spooky with his hood up so Cookies walking in the forest get a heart attack if he decides to show up lmao
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As Millennial Tree's son, Wind can create life too but only to a certain degree
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These are just fun doodles of Wind in his parents' outfits lmao
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I headcanon that Wind has a dove form like his mom has a swan form
He's weaker than his mom though, so he can't transform into it often as it requires a lot of power
The scale is very rough and probably not completely accurate, but the idea is Sugar Swan is decently bigger than him and this is the only form he has where he's bigger than others lmfao
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I can't draw creepy things as much as I try, but I think the fallen spirits look a little too goofy for my taste lmao
Obviously they can't be too spooky but Milk's fallen spirits look "creepier" than Wind's so I think it's possible
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And it never hurts to have a little angst ✨️
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tearsofcalamity · 4 months
wriofucker's fine by me lol unless u have another nickname that'd be both as accurate & funny!
i wasn't too clear earlier; i think our mandatory education goes up to 9th grade, and then it's like a minimum of 4(ish) years for a uni degree. so it's not all that different lol
nahh im telling you i had one macroeconomics class once and it fried my fuckin brain. only reason i could stand it was because the professor was too right-brained for his own good (he'd start his lectures with a song he liked. i wrote a bunch of barely-relevant shit abt environmental pollution on the exam—he was super passionate abt it—and he just let me pass<3 loved that guy). ik i said it before but good luck on ur studies!! im sure you'll absolutely kill it out there. and, thank sm! i actually finished the short story assignment last night but im too scared to submit it jdhdj
im so glad you've got more kaveh brewing omg he's so<33 bit of a shame you're not into kavetham (they make me bite & scream) but that's just fine; more kaveh/reader for the world! except the world is me and nobody else<3 can u imagine teasing kaveh in public, maybe he's even all nice & plugged up, and you're warning him not to let a single person figure out what's going on bc he's for your eyes only<3 but it's so difficult and you're relentless and it feels so, so good... he doesn't even care about people finding out anymore, but he wants to be a good boy for you... phew. lord have mercy
HAHA WRIOFUCKER IT IS THEN!! happy to have a named anon :D
ohhhh I see I see! okay yeah so it's pretty similar just a few differences! I think the only reason I'm surviving my business/econ work is cause I've got a math-wired brain lmfao. I've got autism ("high functioning" but I don't really like that term for it, I think the more acceptable one is "low support needs") and I got the "math autism" as my friends put it so that's probably a bigger part of it. I like making spreadsheets and working out equations HAHA, also thank you for the well wishes I actually just found out I passed calc 2 with an 82% so I'm very happy about that!! I'm glad to hear you got your short story done as well, sounds like you're moving through it all good <3!!
HONESTLY I don't hate the ships (like either kavetham or haikaveh I think they're different? like some shippers put the top's name first or something?? I'm not 100% sure) like I TOTALLY see the chemistry don't get me wrong, I think it's mainly just that I get so sad seeing like nearly 0 kaveh content without alhaitham included. I love both of them but kaveh's got such a unique and deep story too, yet people often just kinda treat him like an accessory to alhaitham likely cause he's 4 star and haitham is 5 star so it turns me off of the ships a bit </3 still though that's so true MORE KAVEH/READER!!!!
oh don't even get me started on teasing kaveh in public there's so many ways you could do it and each one would make him squirm more than the last... shove a nice little vibrator deep inside of him, remote controlled of course, and enjoy watching his knees practically buckle every time you up the intensity. ooh, maybe he's giving a one-time academic seminar for some kshahrewar students and you just stand in the corner, grinning at him all the while while he shakes and tries his best to keep his voice level, praying his face isn't as red as it feels...
or play around with him in the tavern, sit right next to him and brush your hand along his inner thigh while he squirms, not sure whether he wants to move closer or further way from you... this one's easier to hide since his flushed cheeks could easily be attributed to a bit too much to drink, but once he's grabbing at your wrist to push your hand into his bulge at last, he knows by your stare that he's messed up. I mean, he hadn't kept his promise to be good, had he? guess you'll just have to rail him over his workbench back at home when he least expects it! (totally ignore his needs/pretend he's not acting super horny when you get back at first, though, he'll be so good for you when you finally do bend him over)
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Judd's childhood headcanons?
You betcha 🤭
Tags: idk like mentions of violence and such, Judd being a pyromaniac from a very young age, dead bugs?
Author's note: if we don’t get a baby judd episode in the new season I will riot (,:
Judd childhood hc's
Word count: 1,2K
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Both of his parents were absolutely over the moon when he was born
Imagine being an only child in the Birch household, like ngl that sounds pretty sweet
He had their attention aaalll to himself, and he thoroughly enjoyed it 
He was quite an active child too, not like hyper but always doing something he was definitely not supposed to do, so he needed either one of his parents to watch him constantly anyways
I feel like he was a pretty “normal” child until Leah was born, sure he was a bit harder to watch than average 2-year-olds but it wasn’t to like a concerning degree or anything
That was until Leah was born
Suddenly having to deal with a new sister, unleashed little monster-gremlin Judd
Not even like five minutes after she was born, when he got to see her in the hospital, did he call her ugly and bald
He probably had an identity crisis when his dad told him he looked like that too
Anyways, Elliot was really empathic towards him, even though he was definitely becoming a bit of a spoiled brat
Like, he sat him down and was like “I know it’s hard for you to get a new sister, but think about how much she’s going to look up to you, blah blah..”
Judd did not listen
So for the next few years, his mission became causing as much trouble for everyone around him as possible and then finding a way to blame it on Leah
Obviously, no one believed that an infant thrashed the house and set fire to a bunch of ants in the backyard
(It was hard to believe toddler Judd even managed to do it lmfao)
That’s another thing, like he wouldn’t hurt big animals, like cats, dogs, raccoons, ect cause he likes those
But he’s definitely responsible for the bug population in town drastically decreasing lol
He would be that type of little kid who burns ants, crushes snails and squeezes bugs to death
I was reading IT right, and patrick apparently has a whole pencil case filled with dead flies AND WHY IS THAT SO JUDD
I could see him bringing that into kindergarten, and when it’s art time he pulls it out and shows the teacher’s kinda proudly and they’re all like 😧✋
This was how he ended in therapy, too
Diane getting a call like “Yeah, uh, your son has a pencil case full of dead bugs and he’s scaring everyone pls come pick him up”
She wasn’t even mad, bc if you’ve seen my other headcannons, yk it would just be even more confirmation that Judd definitely inherited a lot of things from her
He was definitely a very stab-happy kid too
I’m talking deliberately sharpening his pencils to a point and using them as weapons 
I can see him having a slingshot too, he would sit somewhere his dad couldn’t see and just shoot rocks at him
Poor Elliot, Judd’s abuse and gremlin behaviours definitely affected him the most
Diane could actually get angry so Judd didn’t dare mess too much with her, and Leah was just a baby so her reactions were usually pretty boring
She didn’t even care when Judd showed her the dead flies smh 🫤
So Elliot was the only good target 
Judd was very, very annoyed though, at how he never really got angry, like he’d always just praise Judd for his creativity 
If he’s too mean to his dad, Diane will also get mad at him lol
So it’s about finding a balance yk 
But back to the therapy thing
I don’t really think Judd got diagnosed with anything, besides being a creepy ass kid 
If being creepy is a mental illness, count me in too idc
But like, there’s nothing inherently wrong with him, he just really enjoys causing trouble
So the only thing the therapist recommended was stricter parenting
As both him and Leah got older, his plans of getting rid of her became more thought out as well
There’s that one scene where Nick is a newborn and Judd tries to set fire to Leah’s hair
That is definitely a recurring thing, like he realised if he truly wanted to get rid of Leah he’d have to try something,,, more effective than leaving her random places and trying to get his parents to hate her
So setting her hair on fire seemed like a good idea
I don’t think he grasped the idea that she could actually die, but like if her hair burned off she would be ugly and their parents wouldn’t like her anymore yk? Something like that
Where did a six year old get lighters?? I would like to fucking know 
This was also around the time he started to realise, that maybe murder and thrashing the house all the time was not a good idea
Diane probably had a talking to him, and was like “Now you’ve got a new brother, you can’t be trying to set his crib on fire or anything, you’re too old for that now”
That made him switch out his lighter for scissors and that was when is Chucky arc properly started
He cut a b i g chunk of Leah’s hair off while she slept, he cut up a lot of his dad’s clothes and tried to stab multiple of his teachers 
Like, one of his teachers would go on to have Leah and Nick later, and would always tell them the story of how much of a menace Judd was and show them their scissor scars
Judd was definitely very spoiled too, he used to act kinda like Nick when he was younger 
Little man’s thought he was king of the kindergarten fr 
Probably carried over into his first years at school too, like 1st to 5th grade Judd was not much different 
Omg,, he was a biter too
Like I can see Diane getting mad at him and hoisting him up by his shirt or something, to carry him to his room, but he would just try to bite her the whole time
The same with his teachers, you touch him, you get bitten
I can see him getting into a lot of fights with other boys at school too, either for making fun of him or his dad 
Elliot came to pick him up one day and was like singing a little goofy song or whatever, and the other kids wouldn’t stop making fun of him 
(Aw, that’s so cute, little Judd secretly defending his dad’s honour at school)
Bc he definitely wouldn’t tell his parents the real reason he got into a fight 
Also, if anyone was bullying Leah in the schoolyard, Judd would straight up just spawn
His spidey senses was tingling fr 
But he wouldn’t (And still won’t) hesitate to knock anyone who’s mean to his sister the fuck out 
I feel like he’d also secretly slip something delicious he got in his lunchbox into Leah’s
Like, if she had a bad day at school and Judd so happened to have a candy bar (probably stolen lets be honest) He would make it suddenly appear in Leah’s lunch box and act all oblivious about it
That’s another thing, Judd was straight up just born w/o a moral compass
Even as a kid, he didn’t really see stealing, violence, ect as wrong
Well it all depends who he’s stealing from or beating up or whatever 
But yk, Diane was (and is probably still) like that lol
Tags: @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn
(Lemme know if you want to be tagged!)
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ccuniculusmolestus · 2 months
What about Bunny being a boyfriend scenario? How do you think he'd be as a boyfriend if his girlfriend wasn't a copy of his mother?
First of all I'm so sorry I'm answering after like 10 years. The ones at the top of my inbox usually get answered first and i forget to scroll down im so so so sorry
I think he would be silly lol. Like very good at making his gf laugh, of course. We know he's scary good at getting a nice read of people, so he'd know what makes her tick, what makes her laugh, what topic to avoid (unless he's feeling angry i guess) so on. Clown bf #1.
I think he might struggle with sad partners like, if his gf has depression you bet he doesn't get it, but he might TRY
also controversial take I think he would be loyal asf. Like if he's happy with someone, he doesn't bother entertaining could-bes (and i know what youre thinking like. He's a m*n. And not a very good one at that. He would 100% be a cheater) but I think not. He just doesnt give those vibes
ALSO ANNOYINGLY he'd be the type to think his gf is fragile and needs to be shielded from the 'harsher' things so he might almost treat her patronizingly. Like if he's got problems going on in his own life or with his friends he most likely wouldn't share those things with her. Or if she's doing something difficult (like pursuing a demanding degree or maybe wanting to do those daredevil things) he'd be like "You dont need to do that 💗 let's go ice skating instead 💗" (like sir, shut the HELL UP). Dont get mad at him, he means well.
Though i think even if his gf wasnt a carbon copy of his mom he'd be a little...erm...you know, emotionally submissive. Like if she gets mad at him you bet your ass hes wheedling and cajoling and trying to make her un-mad. Bro is a loser (in love).
Lowkey he starts family planning randomly with her.
"We'll have eight kids!"
He'd be very touchy feely in private, but in public he'd maintains a distance. Hand holding is his thing.
Calling his gf stupid pet names he comes up with on the spot, they're half french and half gibberish LMFAO. Bunny hates the french but he thinks they've got romance DOWN so...i guess his gf better expect a lot of butchered french sentences (he asked his friends for help with some of them, too)
He'd take inspo from cheesy romantic films man....
He'd still never have money like ever. But he'd sometimes keep aside the money (taken from Henry, of course) to save up for dates.
Big boaster. He'd want to impress his gf with things he may or may not be responsible for :P (him narrating stories and leaving out parts that might give her the ick fr. boys a liar.) Its good for his ego when his woman looks at him with starry eyes okay! Lay off the man 🙄
If she ever gets jealous, he would be very amused (and lowkey flattered like...damn, my girl WANTS me fr 😏 ignore the fact that she may want to squeeze him till his eyes pop out like a toy-- he's just basking in the feeling of being so wanted hehe). He'd brush her concerns off, again, in a flattered, patronizing way. If she's SERIOUS serious then he'd cajole her as per usual.
IF he gets jealous he starts crying.
Joking lmfao.
If he's jealous he might not bring it up for a while until his suspicions get too strong.
All in all I think he'd be very affectionate, very silly, but a bit too unserious. Like he might not take a lot of things seriously because "aw you girls are so dramatic", but he would take an interest in her problems (since he likes reading people, and people's problems help you know a lot abt them. also. he cares.) and he would try to help in whatever way he can. He'd still be a mess financially speaking, and he probably secretly would want to be coddled in private because he's still got mommy issues, whether or not his gf is a carbon copy of his mom. He would be kind of a tough nut to crack because he keeps everything so walled up, his real emotions and so on (again, the 'shielding' factor i guess), he talks a lot but without substance so his partner might not really know whats going on with him ever). I think earning his trust enough for him to become vulnerable would be a feat LOL. Because he's so "masculine" and men dont get vulnerable, especially with the "delicate sex" .
SOOOO thats bunny boyfriend for ya :D I hope you liked it! If you were thinking of smthn more specific lmk!
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
Especially for La Signora, because she used to go to the Akademiya about 500 years ago, and if Dottore was already in the Fatui 400 years ago (during the Tatarasuna incident), and therefore had been expelled a while ago, they could have been attending as students at the same time. Meaning that La Signora might have seen Dottore in his scrawny Akademiya scholar phase. (okay I know he probably wasn't that scrawny considering he strangled Sohreh to death but yk).
Plusssss if the theories about Colombina being a Seelie or one of the moon sisters are true, then she's probably been a live for a gazillion years and may have also seen Dottore when he was young.
I mean, Colombina did kind of already do it in A Winter's Night Lazzo when she commented on how young he looked and Dottore was like >:(
I love Dottore (me when mental illness 😍), but I also want to see him get bullied by other immortal Harbingers bc everyone in Teyvat is terrified of this man and yet these people are here like "L imagine getting kicked out of the Akademiya"
I'm sorry if this is extremely disorganized; my thoughts are always chaotic 😭 (ADHD core 😍😍😍)
Anyway, bye bye and I hope you have a good day!!!
signora when dottore: lol i got my degree and you didn't. loser.
YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS. EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS. PLEASE. THEY'RE ALWAYS IN MY BRAIN. I DON'T EVEN LIKE DOTTORE (i am one wrong step away from becoming a dottore liker though LMFAO i walk a dangerous line as a pantalone liker......)
dottore: no lover? signora: no phd? 🥺
but seriously--YOU GET WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY!!! dottore was already part of the fatui ~400 years ago, and presumably already at his current harbinger status (or perhaps lower ranked, but i believe, based on his attitude, he was already a harbinger at that point).
whether it's been canonically confirmed or not, it's very very very likely that dottore is zandik. i wasn't into genshin when hyv was hinting at signora being rosalyne, but... looking back on it, the foreshadowing seems sort of obvious from a writing perspective. so, it is reasonable to assume they were at the akademiya around the same time. maybe they had no interest in one another (and probably were students of different darshans), but that doesn't really matter because they were probably there at the same time. rosalyne probably knew about him but didn't know him. he seemed infamous and shit.
THEREFORE it is COMPLETELY reasonable to assume signora would always be teasing him and shit. and we already know columbina DOES. i mean, girlie looked at him and said "you're looking young today, doctor 🤭" SO?????? THOSE TWO WOULD TOTALLY FUCK W/ HIM TOGETHER
and everyone else (save for pierro) is like ????? because what the fuck kind of messed up relationship is this.......
i bully dottore regularly and i think it's just so funmy to consider this potential dynamic.
...but, hear me out. do you think he had a hard time getting used to the silence after signora died? there's hardly anyone else on teyvat that had the guts to look him in the face and call him a loser and now the one who COULD do it died. she was harrassing him for like 500 years and now she's gone. crazy.
SO REAL FOR THAT BTW we do not control the adhd, the adhd controls us 🤝
i hope you have a lovely day as well dear!!!!! thank you for entertaining my thoughts mwah mwah /p <33
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mulderscully · 3 months
I thought Movie Alex was going to law school. Are law degrees and masters degrees the same? Genuinely asking. Sorry, this might just be semantics.
well, alex's major is law. your major is your focus of study, not the type of degree. i actually can't remember what alex's major was in the book but i assume/think it was political science and i assume it probably was in movieverse too. you can also double major!
in the us there are different levels of degrees you can get so basically, more or less:
associates degree - 2ish years (this is considered the bare minimum post high school)
bachelor's degree - 4ish years (this is also called "undergrad." and is the farthest a lot of people go)
masters degree - 6ish years
doctorate/phd - 8 (or more) years
if you're going for a masters or above you really are entering a competitive workforce or you want/need to be very knowledgeable in your field. though lately a lot of jobs do actually require a masters degree. for example i want to be a librarian, but i cannot bc i don't have a masters degree in library science.
i assume alex will probably also get a phd so he'll still he in school till he's like 30 lmfaooo
a lot of politicians have law degrees. my mom was a lawyer and criminal justice professor and she had a doctorate in law (which she always pointed out when people said ms. instead of dr. lmfao) but her undergrad degree was political science, iirc.
and no need to apologize! 🫶🏼
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haovcrse-a · 3 months
— ✍️, 🤪, 🌦️, ☕️ , 🪐, 🎞️
✍️: overall, how does the fandom trait you? are you a beloved character, or hated? are you popular, or a minor side character? anything in between?
both fandoms would be split pretty evenly!! some can only see me as one or the other, while a majority understand the complexities of my character! i don't think i'd be hated per say. there will always be those few that say im overrated / trash or wtvr and that's ok! i think i'd be maybe just above average likability hah!
genshin wise, im a side character for both versions! in hsr, i play a little bit of a bigger part in the pencaony arc for both sunhao and gallahao. for zhade, i think id be popular among the angst lovers for the most part hah!
🤪: what is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
genshin fandom: they'd probably boil me down to my "tsundere" look to the point where i start looking genuinely mean in the eyes of new fans. media literacy becomes dead when it comes to my character <//33 my unwillingness to help heizou despite the subtext between the lines... the occasional light-hearted insults i'd throw ayato's way... or the unsureness of how to express gratitude toward's thoma's actions... guys it's so bad
or making my past the defining factor of my character!! saying that change isn't possible for a long-term thief or merc (though the latter would be argued with dehya's release)
star rail fandom: ooh ok so the ones people would make depend on which universe we're talking about !
zhade — mean doctor who's hogging people's husband TwT LMFAO no bc. i just think "those" types of fans would probably see me as such for sure. blade and i have a very strange relationship to people on the outside; it makes sense for people to think im being excessively blunt.
the other side to this is that they infantilize me. like like those "uwahhhh he's so smol 🥺🥺 must protect" kind of scenarios but isn't just for jokes and is fully serious... 'n when it comes to shipping... it's usually based off a gay stereotype for that reason TwT
gallahao — that gallagher genuinely finds me annoying, and therefore the fandom does too. g!zhao is more sly, teasing, & definitely more outgoing than the other two vers. id get sampo treatment to a degree where people find my fakeness to get what i want annoying (for the plot!!)
sunhao — stoic to the point where i don't—can't—even talk apparently LMFAO. would also probably turn me into a soft boy kfdjghkl.
🌦️: would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? both? explain why.
hmm a healthy dose of both. genshin would probably have more fluff for sure—most of the angst would be hurt/comfort stuff based on the whole thomayato kidnapping plot. but my genshin s/i's aren't as sad as my hsr ones LMFAO.
hsr... is a toss up. gallahao would have the most fluff, while zhade would have the most angst. sunhao would be a good mix. ooh in general, there would be a bunch of sweet platonic found family stuff too !! angst for zhade for the sole reason of ppl playing around with how we both get possessed often lol. him the mara, me my own powers... also the whole. scared to get close in fear of hurting the other plot ive got going on for my character story!
gallahao would be treated as the sweet side couple. some occasional angst here and there of a case gone wrong, but a majority of it is just flirting and how people image we got together.
sunhao <33 hurt/comfort is the most common. the whole bodyguard x his assignment + childhood friends to lovers?? people go ballistic. lots of sweet moments, and also ofc ones where one of us has to be bleeding out 💀
☕️: what are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
thomayahao — always something to do with miscommunication of some sort.
yizou — they don’t tend to stray away from the whole thief x detective thing much; usually the setting is different (modern aus, cyberpunk, etc.)
kazuscarahao — amnesia. which is admittedly my least favourite trope. usually more canon compliant with things and the whole sumeru plot
sunhao — anything to do with the whole “protector x protected” trope!! doesn’t matter the au, that usually ends up being the plot.
zhade — one of us is injured or possessed and the other is trying to save or disarm the former without killing them. all. the. time. most of the fandom fixate on this point.
🪐: what would be your most popular au and why?
hmm i think modern aus in general would be a fan favourite. they’re versatile and have many sub-aus to fit with them!! those or royalty aus where many make me out to be the knight :DD
🎞️: what ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
i don’t remember a lot about genshin stuff so i’ll do my hsr ships for now TwT
zhade — hmm i don’t know about actual scenes, but our voice lines are what people point to!! at first glance, it looks like we don’t enjoy each other’s presence. he’s annoyed with my meddling and heals, while i grumble about him always getting excessively hurt. but when you take in the actual voice acting, people realize our words aren’t as sharp!!
there’s also ig a scene after the xianzhou arc. after karka and blade make their escape, at the very end of the last act, there’s a dark screen where it’s just the tow of us having a hushed conversation. it’s just me asking him about the mission and also tending to his injuries while he says my actions aren’t need.
sunhao — literally every scene LMFAO we’re almost always together and he always glances back in my direction throughout the story. ooh also the scene where him and robin are falling through the air… i’m standing on the platform looking at him worriedly, looking as if i’m about to jump to make it to him, before my eyes soften as robin cradles him. obv most people argue that i’m just in awe at the sibling bonds heh but why can’t it be both??
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garglyswoof · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @ninzied for the tag, this was fun!
How many works do you have on ao3? 18
What's your total ao3 word count? 115,767. i really need to port over a fic from ffn.
What fandoms do you write for? klaroline, kastle, kovacs x ortega (idk ship name)
Top five fics by kudos: oh this is surprising! Cold-brew (klaroline fae au), here's to the afterlife (klaroline mixed with some mayan crossing the veilness), We're the moth, we're the flame (klaroline smut), To cast a shadow (klaroline with native american mythos), You've got your stories all twisted up in mine (klaroline heist au)
Do you respond to comments? yes, unless i am having A Day
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? this kastle fic. i was so fucking pissed about tps2. i never posted it to ao3, probably because of the bitterness lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? any of my other fics have a good ending
Do you get hate on fics? not to my face
Do you write smut? i have, it's not the easiest for me that's for sure
Craziest crossover: uhhh nothing, though i would wager You've got your stories all twisted up in mine is ostensibly a 'Lies of Locke Lamora' fanfic in klaroline trappings
Have you ever had a fic stolen? no
Have you ever had a fic translated? no, these questions are for actual writers lmao
Have you ever co-written a fic before? you don't understand how badly i want to do a collaborative fic. i just think it would be fun.
All time favorite ship? eh? i kinda like them all equally
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? original!klaroline. needs an actual plot and a history degree i do not have.
What are your writing strengths? atmosphere
What are your writing weaknesses? actually writing lmfao
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? feels pretentious if i write it, fine if others do. ahhh gotta love self double-standards.
First fandom you wrote in? klaroline was my first.
Favorite fic you've written? i am not sure? there's something simple and as close to what i dreamed it to be in my kovacs x ortega fic. maybe that?
tagging some klaroline peeps to spread around @stars-and-darkness @kirythestitchwitch @morningstargirl666 @austennerdita2533 you guys will have a lot more to go off of!
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geonppangi · 1 year
zb1 as ontario universities + programs
yes this is an incredibly niche topic but this has now become my chosen coping mechanism for uni decisions
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sung hanbin - queens health science
such a pretty campus
a lot of historic buildings and freshly manicured lawns that i think would fit hanbin perfectly
and like imagine him with soft academia
it’s just a really nice school and its health sci program is one of the best in ontario
like it’s very neutral good
and he feels like he would make a really good doctor, like pov sung hanbin is your family doctor LMFAO
and like i think he’d do a great job, probably has the prettiest notes and always does his part during group projects
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zhang hao - queens commerce
ofc i had to keep haobin together
but dw neither is sacrificing their education for the other person (remember kids the only person who can get you your degree is you)
queens commerce is also one of the best business schools in ontario
ik that zhang hao is a music kid but that felt like cheating so this is an alternative!
out of all of zb1 he feels like the most business type person?
like he’s so smart and always plans ahead
so i feel like he could be successful in anything he tried but especially business because it’s so lucrative and opens the door to so many paths
like hanbin i think he suits the clean and historic school vibes
they both have a very curated?? for lack of better word image and i think they’d look like they were in a photoshoot every time they step out on campus
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park gunwook - uoft criminology, law and society
university of toronto!!
i’m just saying, debate is literally the gateway to law
and i’d be willing to bet that he has done or considered mock trial so i think this would fit super well
he knows a lot about history and philosophy, so i can see him being interested in studying a humanity
in canada, you need to get a bachelors before going to law school, so a lot of people do something related
this is basically as good as you can get
i also think gunwook would do well in uoft
it can be a kind of isolating experience because the school is so big and a lot of people commute so there isn’t much of a social scene
but as the resident social butterfly, i feel like gunwook would be able to establish a good circle
and also i think he would like the energy of the city
there’s always something to do and both city hall and parliament are literally right next to the campus
alternatively, i considered university of ottawa, which is good for its social science since you know, it’s literally in the capital city of canada so its law program is really good
but honestly there’s not much undergrad wise
i could see him going for graduate school though
i don’t know lawyer gunwook just feels right
he’s good at making decisions, works well under pressure, has the fundamentals down, and is a hard worker so i can definitely see him making it into law school
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kim taerae - waterloo computer science
i know that taerae isn’t that genre of nerd
but the glasses
him being losercore
like you can’t tell me he wouldn’t go to the most loser of all loser schools in ontario
(btw waterloo is not bad, it’s actually really good for engineering and comp sci but also everybody there has no life hence the loser allegations)
(also because if you do eng or comp sci you are inherently a loser i’m so sorry pls continue to run tumblr though)
but yeah i can definitely see him doing comp sci maybe like ui ux stuff
actually the more i think about it the more it makes sense for me
he’s also the only thinking (mbti) in zb1 and his fashion sense would fit in perfectly with the rest of the department
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seok matthew - mcmaster nursing
like hanbin, i really do see him doing something healthcare related
mcmaster is second for nursing, after uoft, but i don’t think matthew would like toronto as much
from what i’ve heard, vancouver is a lot greener, more laid back, and hiking culture is big there
toronto kind of offers none of that, with the addition of pretty bad air quality comparatively (still pretty good though because canada’s pretty sparsely populated)
mcmaster though is in a smaller town that’s essentially just a university town and also has a trail literally right on campus
it’s a smaller, more tight knit community and nursing is a pretty small program so it’d be even closer
i think he would have a really good time with mcmaster’s social scene
it’s also right by lake ontario and has pretty decent weather
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ricky shen - uoft rotman
another business student, are we surprised?
i also considered art but our only really good art school is ocad and as far as i know it doesn’t focus on traditional art as much
so anyways mr young and rich tall and handsome is going to go the business route
uoft is really international student friendly, mostly because they accept a lot of international students and because toronto is also pretty diverse
like you can truly get any type of cuisine here and we have a really big asian population too
so as a person who also immigrated here, i’d say it’s not a terrible transition
definitely the most diverse of any of the ontario schools
once again, the social life at uoft is not great but usually the business schools are better
han yujin - still in high school
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han yujin - university of guelph kinesiology
since yujin’s currently studying dance at his school, i thought that kinesiology would be a good fit
for those who don’t know, it’s essentially like sports science?? or studying the way people move and so forth
he also plays soccer and just gives off like sporty vibes?
like the quiet kid who is surprisingly the fastest on the team
once again, uoft is technically the best for this, but it’s kind of a scary place to go into alone so i can see yujin choosing a quieter school
i’d say guelph is even more closely knit than mcmaster by virtue of it being a smaller city and a smaller school
they have a solid health science program though and good student support too, which i think he’d benefit from
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kim jiwoong - uoft english literature
i know that he is an actor
and i considered having him go the performing arts route
however, i know nothing about those schools and once again i think it’d be too easy
so to make my life harder, instead of having jiwoong perform shakespeare plays, i’m making him read and analyze them instead
he gives off like that one english teacher you had who changed your life and helped you rekindle your love of reading after your gifted burnout yknow
but yeah i see him going into english lit to go be a teacher
and uoft would be perfect for that because it not only has i believe one of the largest libraries in north america, but also a really big teachers college once he’s done getting his bachelors
he also seems like he would be able to fit in in any environment, so i don’t see uoft’s size or atmosphere being a problem for him
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kim gyuvin - toronto metropolitan university performance: acting
i saved the best for last
ik i literally just said that i wasn’t going to do performing arts for jiwoong but this is different
something about his performance during the musical segment of boys planet changed the way i viewed him forever
like??????? how is he that good for like the most random challenge ever
i think he’d be really good at acting seriously so anyways!
also tmu (formerly known as ryerson) is just a very fun vibe
it’s in the more downtown area of toronto compared to uoft and right by the entertainment district
the nightlife is so good and gyuvin would probably be the life of the party
tmu’s also like uoft’s funkier younger cousin so i think that fits his vibe well
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
Highsidershipping let's gooooo-! (Seriously I thought I was the only one who shipped it so I'm glad to see you do too)
Personally i hc Yusei as ace and Primo as possibly aroace (i say this like i dont hit every character with the ace canon) so to me they have a qpr except neither realises it-
Anyway, how do you see this ship? And would it be in any form in the Pizzeria au
RISE UP MY 4 OTHER HIGHRISERSHIPPERS...absolute plight of a niche ygo spinoff ship, I shouldn't be baffled it's extremely difficult to find folks hyping yuseiprimo up and YET. NONETHELESS I STILL AM. it's sooo so underrated
For me I have like... honestly a little solar systems of different explorations and reads on them that I like thinking about and rotating around in my head. I loooove yugioh QPRs/platonic spins on ships/the ways in which a bond can be nonromantic and still tremendously deep (and I myself hc Yusei as aro bi (and probably some degree of ace too)!!!)( hitting characters left and right with the ace beam🤝 hitting characters left and right with the aro beam solidarity) so really all of the versions of this pair in my head are in some sort of nebulous nonromantic space. I think in canon as we have it I really just enjoy Primo having effectively a crush on Yusei and being so mad about it and not knowing what to do so he's just going to become psychosexually obsessed with him about it lmfao. Peak 19 Year Old Behaviors.
But I do very much think in another time, another place, where things didn't have to go the way they went, I think Yusei could've been able to show Primo a kindness and warmth he's never really had properly before (as I explored in my rare pair week comic), and that makes me SOOOO SOFT. GRAAUGH. The stone walls of someone stubbornly believing he has no one to love and is unloveable himself being broken down to smithereens by patient, quiet empathy makes me WILDDDD.
(i also really. really love this element of yuseiprimo echoing zoneporia in a way-- "is the attraction i feel for you of my own volition or is it the afterimage of the long dead man i was made from?" on primo's end is something i think endlessly about. ideas of being appreciated and loved for who you are. that's my SHIT!!!)
God though "qpr but they dont realize it," that's the kind of spin ive been cooking quietly in my. Increasingly Extensive Postcanon 5D's AU that's been taking up a lot of mental real estate as of late lol. i need to make art/talk more about it so bad. Anyway the sandbox of a postcanon living Primo realizing his vendetta against Yusei has no teeth anymore and is just pointless rage, and of a Yusei still quietly grieving Bruno and realizing he has more in common with his former obsessive android enemy than he realized...waaauughh i have MANY A THOUGHT ABOUT IT. THERE IS A BOND THERE AND I THINK IT COULD BE REAL. 🙏 ALSO THEY R BI4BI AUTISTIC4AUTISTIC. TO ME.
As for pizza AU, it doesn't really show up there! Only because ygo character kind of got inserted into the AU at different times and at comically different ages, and the maturity gap between Primo (19 year old line cook) and Yusei (~early-mid 30's year old with a house and several cars on blocks in his front yard) is just. Grand Canyon Wide behehehe. I think it'd be funny if Primo had a smoldering infuriating one-sided crush on Yusei though (since he does order pizzas from them and has a bit of a Thing with bruno~)
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archonsbane · 1 year
moot. the tags. your tags on the fatui harbinger found family post. they got my brain working. i am having thoughts and i think you might enjoy them. SORRY FOR RANTING IN YOUR INBOX BUT THE THOUGHTS....... they cannot be contained in the idea prison that is my brain
I AM HEARING YOU OUT. SO SO HARD. they are not like the bubu pharmacy found family, they are not like any of the mondstadt found families, they aren't even anything like nahida + wanderer's found family even though wanderer WAS a part of the fatui harbingers' found family at one point. they are not like any of those people. they are so much worse. because the fatui harbingers are so inextricably bound to one another by sin and anarchy to the point where even if they downright despise one another, there is nothing to be done about it, because they are the ONLY people on teyvat who understand one another on that grossly and uncomfortably personal level...... and they all probably hate it, but they also know it is 100% true. because there is literally nowhere for them to go, even if they wanted to leave (scara is the odd outlier; he paved his own way out i think) because there is not a single sane person on teyvat that would welcome them with open arms the way the tsaritsa and the other harbingers do. the fatui harbingers are so inextricably linked with sin and chaos that they can no longer separate themselves from that, especially the ones that seem a little less sane than the others (dottore pantalone signora arlecchino etc).
i think there are varying levels of dependency among the harbingers, like.... childe and pulcinella. it's one-sided, i think. childe relies on him but he does not rely on childe. pantalone and dottore, who make each other worse every day 🫶 i was talking about this with another moot and we agreed that they perpetually make one another more vile and awful. i think they consistently feed into each other's vices. pantalone funding dottore's experiments and dottore entertaining pantalone's heretical and conspiracist tendencies. and then scara and dottore. maybe sandrone and scara at one point. maybe arlecchino and signora before she died (i feel like they were close 🙏 women supporting women yk 🙏🙏). columbina and dottore! capitano, columbina, AND dottore. capitano and childe. there are a lot of dynamics to be explored.
but anyway.... teehee. i do think they have a dynamic of dependency, just with varying degrees depending on what pair you look at. the dependency can be discarded in some cases. i think childe could get over pulcinella if necessary. but in other cases, the harbingers are SO deeply intertwined that the dependency just cannot be dropped so easily.
tldr they are a genuinely dysfunctional found family in the most honest sense of the word 🙏🙏🙏 they destroy one another and they are all aware of that. and they may or may not be fine with that fact, depending on which harbinger you asked.
would they kill for each other? maybe. maybe not. would they die for each other? no LMFAO probably not, but they definitely have a twisted, messed up kind of affection for one another.
they know how to irritate one another. they know how to calm each other down. they know each other uncomfortably well and they cannot do anything about it 🫶🫶🫶
MOOT YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THIS. YOU GET IT. THEY'RE SO HORRIBLE WITH AND FOR EACH OTHER. THEY'RE DOING THEIR MESSY, CRUEL, AND (periodically) VIOLENT BEST. also oh my god no your thoughts are always welcome! i was actually delighted when i saw this HAHSHSHSH
also you're so absolutely correct on their dynamics. contrary to all the fanart i think childe and pulcinella have a sort of from-an-arm's-length relationship; it's implied that pulcinella is probably just showing affection to childe's family as a way to threaten/control him and childe — bless his heart — thinks he "seems genuine". keyword: seems. so while childe does display some level of trust he also doesn't completely take the plunge, y'know? i like to think that pulcinella is simultaneously looking out for childe but also trying to keep him on a leash. he is genuinely fond of childe but he also views him as the tsaritsa's attack dog. so yeah childe is kind of like. a pet LMFAO a really dangerous, potentially harmful pet that pulcinella can't help but be fond of but also knows that he has to keep him under snezhnaya's control.
you and the other moot are so correct on dottolone. i ADORE dottolone it's genuinely my favorite ship in genshin (notice how even in my x reader fic i couldn't help but include them LOL). toxic old men yaoi ftw. they're so fucking awful for one another and they do make each other worse but neither of them mind it. it is actively encouraged. with them it's a very twisted kind of love — the kind that consumes and devours until there's nothing left. the kind of love that requires you to give up all of you because there's no telling where one begins and the other ends. these bitches are married and thrice-divorced. they are on their way to another. they will become exes-with-benefits and then get married again.
also on the topic of dottore and scara. i'm not a big dottoscara person but i do admit that their relationship's got a little kick to it. not necessarily romantic but insanely co-dependent. both being rejects/outcasts?? longing for acceptance?? the amount of insane projecting?? tatarasuna in its entirety?? the give-and-take relationship during their time in the fatui?? what the hell was going on with them. ALSO 'you're still too naive if you think a few words will be enough to convince me to destroy the doctor' still boggles my mind. dottore was threatening haypasia, scara's first follower, someone scara shows a lot of possessiveness over (not to mention scara is already very antagonistic towards dottore even without knowing the truth. there is no love lost between them) and THAT'S his response??? bro.
i like to think there was a weird friendship between sandrone and scara. wanderer doesn't like her based on his voicelines but if he were forced to pick any harbinger to talk to it'd be her. still doesn't like her tho lol. i also hc arle and signora to be close! esp with how defensive arle was during her funeral. columbina and dottore are sadistic partners-in-crime. i'm not very big on dottobina but i do like them as a queerplatonic relationship. the top three (capitano, dottore, columbina) for me are like those kids in the honors class who've literally been stuck together repeatedly for years atp so there's a kind of strange camaraderie between them. they sit together at lunch. they (dottore and bina, i don't think capitano would) complain about how hard their jobs are but are the most efficient at it. i also think all of them are hundreds, perhaps even more, of years old (proud follower of biblically accurate angel columbina and abyssal monster capitano headcanons) so they've been stuck together for centuries. childe having a big fat crush on capitano is really funny and i love it. to add: pantalone going on tangents around childe like a particularly annoying uncle and childe just having to nod along is hilarious. i think there's a lot more to them than we know of? aside from that, childe is also heading debt collection which is adjacent to pantalone being in charge of snezhnaya's finances so. hm. the fatui women are all friends and have sunday brunch. i like chiscara too i think it's funny esp when psychological warfare and violence is used as flirting. arlebina is okay i don't really ship columbina w anyone bc she gives off aroace vibes. not even that really it's just that she's like a primordial being beyond things like romance AHDJEJDJWKA. pantalone and signora are two-faced friends who talk about each other behind their backs and (since they were married in the commedia) probably were fwbs at some point in time. scara showing the most miniscule concern for signora and warning her to not get herself killed was really interesting to me — and also how she so casually insulted him? hmm.
ALSO. GOD. they know each other's real names and each other's backgrounds. they are the only ones who do. i think it's fascinating that they canonically hit each other with the most brutal insults ("you're only number 6 because you can take more abuse than other humans" was so out of pocket like. SIGNORA. GIRL) and it's all brushed off without a care. i think in a way it's a comfort — what judgement could there possibly be from those exactly like them?
anyways. the fatui harbingers are a grotesque, co-dependent, and very toxic little found family and i adore them in their entirety. lord god i want to write a fic about them now 😭 i still have a bio midterm....
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aihoshiino · 9 months
okay so no idea how i should refer to myself as so: hi!! im the person who had way too much fun writing ai/nino toxic yuri on ao3! i was gonna just lurk (me, tumblr account with privated likes, reblogs and follows) BUT how could i with the promise of people being normal about fictional unhealthy gay women. idk if this is the optimal way to communicate i use tumblr with the sole purpose of following 4 people and digging up ai content
i am honestly so flattered (but also kinda upset at the lack of content on them aside from my own 1k word long oneshot please keep recommending if you find more stuff on them) that you enjoyed and recommended my fics considering i just straight up had no clue where i was going: okay so top priority i want them to kiss —> but also with how things are nino would probably lash out (read: bite) —> ai would be hesitant but also is so desperate that she’d still accept it happily —> this will fuel ninos idea of ai being the perfect, invincible idol —> and then i ran and tried not to trip with the rest
your translations of the side stories and blog was probably what helped me get in to oshi no ko again because even though i am still not over ai being dead i can now listen to someone talk about how great and tragic and sad and miserable she was along with all the other characters so thank you again!
also that ask for ai/nino toxic yuri visions was me lol, thanks for talking about my fic despite how short it was <3, i might de-anon myself at some point but rn im too shy for that
woof, this got a bit long. anyways love wins fr, if there was ever a day where i participate in an onk shipping war it’ll be on the side of them
that said it does make me so happy every time I hear people saying my relentless oshi no posting stands out to them to the degree that it does lol. I guess I'm in a similar place as you where, as happy as I am for it, it does make me a little sad that it feels like there's such little fan interest in lengthy meta and discussion on Ai herself outside of some really banal, surface level stuff. To a degree, I get that with other characters having so much more time on the page and having ongoing arcs to speculate about, but Ai is sooooooooo fascinating to me and it really drives me insane how often I see people make zero effort to engage with her arc beyond her utilitarian function in the story. It also really bums me out how often I see her get reduced to just a stepping stone in the arcs of other characters — even though the manga is literally shaking you right now and begging you to understand and empathize with her more than ever, I straight up see people cheering and crowing about Ruby 'surpassing' her or 'becoming the true Ai' as if this is a good thing and they are not completely fucking missing the point lmao.
ANYWAY!!!! That's enough grumping because the actual point of this response was to say: the Ai posting will continue until I am physically forced to stop!!!! I have so many thoughts about my wife constantly and if I do not share them I will explode!!!
(ps anon pspspspsp if you are ever feeling brave enough to unanon pls feel free to just send me your discord or your socmeds off tumblr if that is less intimidating for u.... honestly that goes for all my oshi no moots in general Please Talk With Me In DMs About My Wife)
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pawzels-artbin · 8 months
Ight i'm gonna go ahead and dump my CQ OCs here real quick- hope you guys like reading long ass paragraphs because hoo boy did i yap with this one (may post art later; still being revised <3)
[art missing]
Dark, rusty red. 
Long ass hair that goes to their toes. 
Likes trees. Nature. Mmm yeees gimme that fresh air 
Hates being cold
Feels the urge to take care of things she thinks are small and helpless 
Swamp dwelling plant mom. Rises out of the water lady of the lake style when someone comes to her swamp to speak to her lmao
Her carapace is odd. When in the sun or in a hot area her body radiates more heat that it should take in. 
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5ul_oVObONA 
𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦)
[art missing]
Based HEAVILY on Ramiel from Evangelion. GOD I’m such a nerd. 
Rearranges her body parts, and can make them smaller or bigger to some extent to suit her attack or defense style. Reflects an insanely intense and hot light she produces off of them, then concentrates it into a beam that she can fire directly at an opponent. Unfortunately despite her terrifying power, her attacks eat up large amounts of hemolymph, meaning she can only battle for 12 minutes at most if she conserves her energy and 5 minutes if she uses more powerful attacks. 
Her beams can (theoretically) melt through mountains. (Technically if she did this she’d expend almost all her hemolymph in one go and die though lmfao, talk about a one-trick pony) 
She does not usually speak in her puppet form, nor produce any noise. She can establish weak, fragile psychological contact with people. Sometimes when mortally wounded she will let out a deafening screech.  The mimes have only ever heard this sound once or twice. 
Her body parts can move around to protect her carapace, but usually can’t completely cover her. She always has a weak spot somewhere. She usually is fast enough to cover it though. 
Her attack power is boosted in hot and bright locations. 
Her attack power is weakened at night and in misty, cold areas. 
They have no discernible head in their puppet form, though they can manifest various body parts: 
She has a single eye with three massive eyelashes on the top and bottom that can see 180 degrees around her. This is a permanent and unchangeable feature of her puppet form. 
Sometimes she can manifest in a pair of disembodied jaws (think something like a beartrap) that can bite. 
When mortally wounded, she will make her body parts as large as possible and tries to put them together in a manner that will shield as much as her body allows while arranging them in a fashion that deflects as much damage as possible and makes it harder to do close range damage. If near a large open area with dirt, they will burrow their exposed weak spot into the ground. 
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OB-MvZBAiU 
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Not much rn, she just likes lamps and sleeping even though she doesn't really need to
Based on a Venezuelan poodle moth
She is in a similar place on the color spectrum to Atrox and therefore is somewhat aware of things to come, albeit to a lesser extent.
Yeah uh she is. Uh a lot more mature than she looks lol
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrvMNLJJpWU
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦)
[art missing]
Projectiles will just get trapped in her fluff. 
Her wingbeats stir up breezes when she flies by virtue of just how large she is. 
When in flight she tucks her legs in and folds them close together. She does the same for her antennae to make her more aerodynamic. She can also float. 
She can sleep while flying or floating, sometimes remaining motionless for hours floating in a warm spot under the sun. 
She is probably the most peaceful puppet form of all my OCs tbh. No fighting, just eeber deebers
Nothing super special atm.
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Bad relationship with Laurus and by extension Holly
Big believer in being your true self
Meme and YTP references. Will laugh if you say "fresh avocado" or "I wonder what's for dinner"
Hair is fluffy n soft
Hates. Being yelled at
Hot topic dweller
Yes her belts are either stolen or yoinks from abandoned places she has scavenged from lmao
"iS tHaT (insert Pokemon game here)" (super exaggerated :0 face)
Afraid of disappointing people close to her and making them mad
Frigus doesn't really like her (she has a bad habit of infantilizing him and babying him since she thinks he's the cutest thing ever and ends up fawning over him to an overbearing degree)
Loves partying and nightlife but ironically is the type of person to drink apple juice instead of booze (and somehow act drunk off it), say "frick", and tell people why vaping is bad for you
𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐡 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦)
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She glows and flickers like a neon sign-glowstick and can show patterns on her body like an LED display. She usually just changes through the colors of the rainbow though. Like one of those gaming PCs. 
Loud and energetic as ever. Still friendly af in puppet form- will talk to you and hang out. Kinda like a neon scene kid bat version of Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Vomits up neon rainbow glowstick fluid. Is it hemolymph? Who knows! 
Drools acid and can and will inject it into your bloodstream with an efficiently delivered bite (tfw someone wont stop fucking w you and you """accidentally""" increase the pH in their blood to fatal levels :3). 
Voiceclaim (both mime and puppet form): https://youtu.be/HRQsMCk1PpI?si=o-haxW7XpXXFO-m6
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 (incomplete!)
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If insanity were measured with a thermometer, Misery would be fever pitch. Wired, beset with an endless hunger that only gets worse when they host, endowed with an unholy amount of stamina, and hyperviolent, she’s at best an annoyance and at worst a living chainsaw. 
Sometimes, he'll be laughing hysterically, chasing after a meal and wallowing in madness. Other times he'll bawl hysterically or have outbursts of wrath. His emotions are so extreme, they blur together sometimes.
Without moving and using up their energy (regardless of whether they're hungry or not), they'll find themselves stressed out (kind of like Vigoroth from Pokemon, i guess).
When they're on a rampage, Misery can't be stopped (sort of)! They're one hell of a biter. they've also got razor-sharp claws on them, so they've got no problem tearing through a carapace or shredding down a door or two to catch you!
Their brain will solely run on adrenaline and instinct, so consequences are(n't) a problem for them.
Misery isn’t stupid- however, his impulsivity is his downfall. In the end his hunger and boredom are what drive him and almost all of his actions. They're in a constant cycle of madness and sobriety.
They’re willing to try their best to be good- of course they’ll try to be good, whatever the hell that means! They’ll try until their frenzied hunger consumes them once more. :)
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd9GxCqCGnU
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦) (incomplete!)
[art missing]
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Voiceclaim: [missing]
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