#that's the next step towards getting companies to make it actually affordable
aurosoulart · 1 year
I feel like I’ve been posting a ton lately (because there’s a lot goin on!!!!) but FOR THOSE OF YOU WITH TWITTER: Figmin XR just published our AWE competition video!!!
❗ PLEASE like/retweet it if you want to help us with our company mission of using AR (augmented reality) to reduce material waste. ❗
we’re an indie team of 4 people competing against large companies, so we’re relying pretty much entirely on word of mouth to spread the word about what we’re doing. we’re also competing against the AI and web3 (crypto) crowd, which are unfortunately still big in the tech industry
we’re competing in multiple award categories at AWE and will be relying on public votes, so literally any and all visibility helps us immensely right now. 🙏
I’ll be posting the video to @figminxr later, so don’t stress if you’re not on twitter. I’ll be sharing more info about the competition in the post as well!
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Best and Worst of Both worlds (part 8)
tw: like nasty living conditions implied
vote on da poll below ill start writing after 20 votes, next chapter will b focusing on monty
part 9
You can't do it. You can't say no to Yves without going through mental hoops. So you sigh as you let him conquer your room.
You had posters of your favorite artists, but they were all lost in the clutter long ago. It reemerged dusty and damaged, but Yves repaired it the best he could. It looks decent enough to hang.
You watched him cover his mouth in contemplation as he looked around the room, trying to figure out the best place to hang it.
Yves has done more for you than everyone else combined in your life. He cleaned, he cooked, he took care of your sickness, he cleaned you, he fed you, and now he's decorating your room to make it more habitable. All of this and you never said a word, neither protest nor request. You just let him do his thing.
From what you read in the group chat, he also replenished your section of the fridge with groceries.
Your housemate took a picture of the things he bought, all of them were labelled with your name. His handwriting is black marker ink undoubtedly beautiful.
Your housemate did warn him that you're not one for cooking, the perishables could potentially go to waste. He replied that he will be visiting over for the next few days to make your meals. One of them even broke the landlord's rules and gave him a spare key to the front door.
Eventually, Yves found the perfect places to position your posters' forever home. Who knew just the strategic placement of some piece of laminated paper would elevate a room? It looks much better and oddly bigger now... well maybe the latter due to his cleanup.
He clasped his hands and admired his work. As he should.
After that, he turned to you. Which made you jolt out of surprise.
"It's been an hour and a half. Do you still want to eat?" He asked.
You checked the time. He's right, it's now half past eleven. You're not hungry anymore, so you told him that you're full. He nodded and left your room again.
Your housemates blew up the group chat due to another wild Yves sighting around the house. Is this how it's going to be from now on?
This time, you received a picture of him portioning the leftover congee in disposable containers. He has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing his lean forearms. You're surprised to see that they were riddled in old scars. It was captioned: "He's freezing the rest"
You squinted and it looks like he's weighing them on an electronic scale. There's a marker pen in this picture.
You sent a message to the group chat asking if he's using his own items.
"I think so??? Idk i have never seen these containers b4" "well theyre not stained yellow yet, he has gotta have these brand new" "yea n hes using rich people sharpies, like none of us here can afford it, all of us get offbrands"
You wonder if he managed to fit them into his handbag.
Yves came back into your room, explaining that the congee will last up to 3 months in the freezer. He also walked you through the steps on how to reheat them by yourself, using the microwave or otherwise. Yves told you not to worry if you couldn't remember what to do, he wrote it down and attached it to the containers- or you could call him instead.
You nodded and waited to see what he would do. Yves seem to be doing the same thing to you for the next few seconds. Eventually though, he deem that you didn't need anything from him at the moment.
"I have to retrieve something from my car." He informed you, walking towards his bag and fishing out his keys. He checked the contents of his thermos cup, it's empty. The metal straw clanked around the walls as he picked it up and carried it with him.
You paid no mind to your housemates' frantic messages enquiring about his departure. You're too tired to care anymore, and you're too tired to know if you actually wanted him here or gone. It's nice to have company for once, but it's from a questionable source.
So you tucked yourself under your blanket and curled up into a ball. Hiding your head under your pillow so you wouldn't need to see Yves when he comes in.
You heard footsteps. And sure enough, Yves is now breathing the same diseased air as you.
But this time, he says nothing. Yves flicked the switch to your lights off and set whatever he has down on your desk.
There was a long period of silence accompanied by the soft sounds of typing. A dim glow from his computer screen illuminated his face and reflected on his reading glasses. He's logging in all the events, the observations and other pieces of data he collected from you today.
Yet you're not awake to see any of it. Blissfully sleeping and snoring away as Yves kept you company throughout the night.
You woke up the next morning feeling much better. But still not as healthy as usual. You should be fit enough to go to the university today.
Yves is gone and so are his belongings. However, you found a handwritten note addressed to you on your night stand.
"Your breakfast is in the fridge. Look for a mason jar with your name. It is ready to eat. -Yves"
You stretched and yawned, crumpling the paper and shooting it into the trash can.
You peeled the blanket off yourself and set your feet down onto the floor. That was when you realized he left something on the foot of your bed.
Another note resting on top of a set of neatly folded clothes and a bottle of sunscreen.
"The weather today will be reaching 90⁰F/32.2⁰C, take care of yourself and avoid the sun. -Yves"
The clothes he picked for you were the ones you forgot you had. It was breathable and cooling, but in your daily, personal style. He must have found it yesterday when he did your laundry.
You carried it in your arms and walked to your door to see yet another note- this time it was a folded A4 sized paper, attached to your bag, which looked noticeably lighter and... newer.
"I do not recommend leaving yet. But if you do, I packed an umbrella for you. Please wash your water bottle regularly, it is growing mold. Your bag was full of unnecessary paper scraps, wrappers, food crumbs, and other garbage. I had to hand wash it as I found a dried house lizard pressed between a dictionary and a magazine. Some of the notes and textbooks you carry were not even required for this semester or the next, hence I kept it away on your shelf. Your bag had holes at the bottom and was already falling apart at the seams. I sewed the best I could, but replacing and upgrading is the better option. Be mindful of your belongings.-Yves"
Your face became bright red after reading the last line. You never asked him to do this for you! Why is he judging? He chose to stick around! You don't like being told you're pathetic, directly or indirectly!
Did he really have to underline the word "mold" more than thrice? And why did he switch to red ink for that one word?
You took a deep breath and sighed. Exiting your room to pay a visit to the bathroom.
You were taken aback by the cleanliness. It looked like how it was in the listing, shiny and grime free. The shampoo and soap bottles were arranged neatly with no trace of dark sludge coating it.
There is another note stuck to the mirror.
This time, there were crude drawings depicting penises urinating on your name, no doubt vandalized by your housemates. You went ahead to read what Yves had to say.
"To (name), I replaced your toothbrush as that too, was growing mold. Pay attention to your hygiene or else you will be prone to sickness.- Yves"
There were hearts drawn all around his name, no doubt the culprit was your housemate who took a liking to him.
After taking a shower and changing into your new set of clothes, you left the bathroom to eat breakfast in the kitchen.
You opened the now pristine fridge and sure enough, there is a mason jar with a sticker of your name on its side.
You rotated it to see that he has written something else:
"Banana chia pudding: Chia seeds, almond milk, banana slices, vanilla extract, maple syrup, granola. Gluten-free and lactose-free. Do not heat, eat as is."
You're not sure how to feel about the taste, texture and temperature. It is "sick people" food after all. Perhaps you liked it, perhaps you don't. But you are definitely grateful that you have a free meal from Yves.
One of your housemates entered the kitchen, she greeted you as she began preparing her own meal.
You asked her what time Yves left.
"Beats me. His car was already gone when I woke up at 4am to take a piss. He did leave us a note though."
You asked her what she meant by that.
She shoved her hand in her pant pocket and handed a crumpled piece of paper to you.
"I will visit at 6pm, please take care of (name) for me. -Yves"
You asked where did she find this note.
"Next to the light switch in the living room" She cracked open an egg on her skillet.
You looked at the wall clock. It says 12:03pm
You have around 6 hours left before Yves comes back. There is nothing much to do in your house because the Internet runs at a snail's pace and there is no air conditioning. So you would be boiling in your room.
You think you're well enough to move around and you definitely do not want to spend time with your housemates.
You don't have to go to the university, since your exams are over and so are your classes for the semester. But all the study spots, including the library, have air conditioning.
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moonshotsx · 2 years
step by step - anarcia popstar/idol au
it's been 84 years but at last, i am doing prompts again lol
Anetra checked her phone for the third time in five minutes, just to make sure she hadn't gotten the meet-up time mixed up.
The brunette had been on edge ever since she had gotten inside the massive entertainment company building. The dance studio she taught and worked at with Aura was a mere fraction of the practice room she had been directed to.
"Guess that's what big money could afford you in this industry," she uttered to herself, taking in the space as she walked around the room.
She admittedly didn't know much about her latest client, Marcia, the new 'up-and-coming pop sensation' as every article seemed to paint her as. The blonde singer had made rounds in the past few years, captivating audiences with her girl next door persona.
Anetra didn't really care for the act, as long as she was paid fair for her work.
She was, however, curious as to why she had been hired: her dance style was something that didn't seem to match what she has seen Marcia do.
The song Anetra had been sent to choreograph had been a fun challenge for her, a slower tempo than in the singer's previous releases. It gave her ample room to develop the perfect choreography over the prior weekend.
The dance practice's door opening and then gently closing caught her attention, a smiling blonde came towards her.
"Hi! You must be Anetra, right? My manager told me you'd be here for the new single's choreo".
The brunette took in a moment to study the singer. She was slightly taller, two of her blonde locks that escaped the messy ponytail framed her face.
Soft brown eyes meeting with Anetra's lighter ones.
"...I was meant to get here earlier, but my hair stylist insisted we did some tests to see what hair color to do for the music video and..."
Marcia kept talking, and the brunette found herself enjoying the sound of the singer's voice.
"You're good, girl, I just got here too," she snapped out of it, before going towards the laptop that had been connected to the speakers.
"Oh! That makes me feel better!" Marcia hadn't stopped smiling ever since she came in, her cheeks were flushed red from running into the practice room.
"We can start with some warming up and stretching before I start going over the choreo, is that good with you?" Anetra said before she took off her hoodie and threw it off on one of the benches, not wanting to waste any more time than necessary.
"Totally!" Marcia nodded as she started stretching her side.
There was a slight pause, a few minutes passed in complete silence before the singer spoke up again.
"So... What did you think of the song?"
"It's nice, got a good beat and a dance break at the end... a bit different from your other songs".
"Yeah, the company wants to try a bit of a new concept, I don't have that much of a say in it, but I get to work with you so that balances out!"
Marcia blushed, "I mean, you know, your choreographies are some of the best in the business, they are always trending, so it's... nice to be able to have you choreograph one of my songs".
Anetra let out a small chuckle, "You sold millions of records and you're impressed by my resume?"
She raised a brow teasingly, watching the blonde hide her face as she stretched her legs.
"Yeah, it's impressive to me," she explained, "I could never be as relaxed as you with my movements, my ballerina background made sure of that"
"Is that your way of asking to tone down the choreo for you?" Anetra finally got up.
"The opposite actually," their eyes met again, a glint of challenge shined behind Marcia's eyes, "Do your worst, I'm ready," she replied with a smile.
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traumatas · 2 years
Nothing More Comfortable
Rating: General Audiences
Category: M/M
Relationship: Reigen Arataka/Serizawa Katsuya
Tags: Reigen Arataka, Serizawa Katsuya, 5+1 Things, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Slice of Life, Sharing a Bed, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
AO3 Link   
Pinpointing when exactly his feelings for Serizawa had grown deeper than just friendship is impossible. One day he had simply enjoyed the other’s company and the next he had found himself wondering how the other’s hands would feel around his waist, how his lips would taste like if Reigen were to lean in or if gliding his palms across Serizawa’s arms would make him shudder. The feelings had snuck up on him so silently and naturally that they had caught him completely off guard when he had finally realized their presence.
Or: Five times Reigen and Serizawa sleep where they aren't supposed to and one time they actually make it to the bed.
Chapter 1
A sharp knock at the office door makes Reigen’s head snap away from his laptop screen. He takes a look at the time and then narrows his eyes towards the entryway. 
The sun had vanished behind the buildings of Seasoning city a while ago and it is far past Spirits and Such’s business hours by now. It’s rather unusual for him to get any customers past closing time and if it weren’t for the mountain of paperwork he had neglected during the week, he would have left already. 
For a moment he hesitates, his fingers twitching against the keyboard. He wonders if he should simply pretend to not be there at all, but he’s sure that the bright light of his desk lamp is enough to let anyone outside the door know that someone is around after hours.
One of his hands moves to rub over his face. 
Reigen knows that he doesn’t necessarily look as presentable as he wants to, but financially speaking he can’t afford to let a paying customer get off the hook. After tightening his tie properly, he pushes back his chair to stand up, already planning out how to convince whoever is behind the door to come back in the morning. 
Those plans prove themselves as unnecessary just as much as his concerns about any late night clients before he even makes his way to the door.
“Reigen?” Hearing Serizawa’s voice isn’t what he expects and with another short glance at the time he confirms that the ESPer already left hours ago to attend his night classes. “Can I come in?”
Slightly relieved that he wouldn’t have to deal with putting up his customer service mask after all, he allows himself to relax. The last bit of distance between him and the office door is crossed with a few long steps and it doesn’t take long for him to pull the keys out of his pockets. A soft click later, the door is unlocked and he pulls it open in one swift motion.
In front of him, in fact, is Serizawa. There’s a sheepish smile on his face and he looks down at Reigen with an apologetic look, one of his hands rubbing at the back of his neck.
“You had me worried you were a client for a second.” With his arms crossed in front of his chest, Reigen steps aside to let the other in and locks the door behind him once more - just in case. “What are you even doing here? Not that I mind, but I thought you’d be home by now.”
He turns around to take a good look at the ESPer. He is standing almost awkwardly in the middle of the office and it makes Reigen raise one of his eyebrows in confusion. The last time he had seen the other look this bashful around him had been quite some time ago - so long, actually, that it makes Reigen a little uneasy. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m okay.” Serizawa says quickly and considering that he looks neither alarmed nor troubled, Reigen decides to believe him. When he takes the time to muster him properly, he realizes that - if anything - the ESPer looks tired, the bags under his eyes much darker than they normally were. It does make Reigen wonder whether he had gotten enough sleep recently. Then again, it is late enough for him to feel exhausted himself, eyelids heavy. “Just… may have missed my last train?”
Reigen frowns rather deeply now, trying to remember whether the other had ever mentioned the schedule of his trains changing. He could swear he had said goodbye to Serizawa later than this on multiple occasions. However, once he turns the information over in his head for a few moments longer, he’s reminded of what exactly the problem is. “Ah. The construction side.”
“The construction side.” The confirmation is followed up with a small embarrassed laugh. “I forgot that it started this week and I kind of got caught up in a conversation with my classmates.”
He pulls his shoulders up in a short shrug, the small smile never fully leaving and despite him looking a little uncomfortable for interrupting, Reigen doesn't mind. If anyone is welcome in the office this late, it's Serizawa after all. 
“Actually- “ When he chimes up again, his cheeks are dusted a darker shade of red and Reigen catches himself finding it quite endearing. Though, rather than allowing himself to ponder that thought for much longer, he blames it on his lack of sleep. There's no time or need to go down that road right now. “I was wondering if it is okay to crash on the sofa tonight? I hope that’s not too much to ask for? I’m not really looking forward to walking home for almost two hours. Ah-”
The ESPer seems to remember something and Reigen finally notices the plastic grocery bag he’s holding. The logo on it lets him know that Serizawa must have stopped by the 24-Hour convenience store down the street before heading over. With his smile growing a little larger, he holds it up as if to show it off. “I got us dinner too. It’s no fresh takoyaki but I figured you probably haven’t eaten yet either.”
Teasingly, Serizawa nods his head towards the mound of paperwork waiting to be done and it’s Reigen’s turn to feel a little flustered when he catches sight of the other’s knowing glance. “I - I guess you’re right. Can you blame me, though? With how dull paperwork is, it’s no wonder I lose track of time.”
“I never said I blame you. Just thought that you should take a break at this point - even if it’s just for some convenience store sushi.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Reigen snorts and he watches as Serizawa places the bag down on the small couch table to pull out two cans of iced tea and some plastic wrapped sushi - the 50% off end of the day stickers not entirely lost to Reigen. “Suppose it is time for a break, mh? Gotta say, if you missing your train means free dinner, I wouldn’t mind letting you sleep on the sofa more often.”
In response to his teasing, he earns himself a raised eyebrow and an amused look from the ESPer who’s in the process of getting comfortable. He pets the space next to him for Reigen to join and decides not to comment on it. Though, the both of them know quite well that Reigen is most likely going to be the one to treat them to some lunch next time.
“It’s the least I can do for asking to invade the office like that.” Serizawa settles on and gives one of the cans a few taps before pulling the tab open and offering it to Reigen. Thanking the other, he takes it and doesn’t hesitate to take a good long sip, pleasantly surprised to find it salted watermelon flavored. He doesn’t recall ever mentioning it being his favorite and he most certainly isn’t about to complain. Still, he does wonder if it had simply been a lucky pick or if Serizawa had truly paid enough attention to which sugary drinks he likes to indulge in.
He stops studying the condensation running down the colorful print on the aluminum can when a pair of one time use chopsticks is shoved in front of his face. 
“Don’t worry too much about it.” He finally says and places down his drink in favor of parting his chopsticks. Without much care, he pops open the plastic lid of the container and shoves one of the pieces into his mouth. Not bothering to completely finish chewing, he continues, chopsticks moving through the air as he talks. “I had to crash here a few times. There’s a blanket somewhere you can have. It’s really not that big of a deal, just don’t make it a habit.”
Implying that he isn’t sure where the blanket is, is a lie. Reigen had spent his fair share of nights staying at the office until late into the night in an attempt to deal with a variety of insurance companies, client emails and paperwork. Though, that isn’t something Serizawa needs to know. He is more than content to let the ESPer think that he might actually have a social life outside of them grabbing drinks or dinner together and he would rather avoid looking pathetic in front of him.
“R-really?” The disbelief in Serizawa’s voice surprises him a little and when he looks at him, he is greeted by a beaming smile that makes his cheeks heat up. Unable to look at the other’s face any longer and in an attempt to ignore the way his heartbeat picks up, Reigen turns back to his food. “That’s kind of you, Reigen. Thank you. Do- do you want me to help you with the rest of the work so you can head on home?”
The offer is a generous one but another hesitant glance at the ESPer’s tired eyes is enough for Reigen to know how awfully guilty he would feel to accept. During their opening hours Serizawa had pulled enough of his weight already and considering that he is diligently attending night school as well, he probably needs the rest far more than him. 
Swallowing down another piece of sushi, Reigen shakes his head.
“No need to. As long as you don’t mind me working, I’ll be alright. This isn’t part of your job anyways.” He shifts and loosens his previously tightened tie again to combat some of the warmth in his face. “Maybe I can show you one day, but nothing you have to worry about for today. You’re already doing great work, Serizawa. I think you earned yourself some rest today.”
Out of the corner of his eyes, he watches the other fidget with the tab on his own drink, his smile soft and gentle. Reigen can’t help but find it incredibly beautiful - objectively, he tells himself.
“E-either way. Let’s finish up eating so you can go lay down.” Playfully, he raises his drink for a toast and it makes Serizawa look back at him. When he nods, there’s a familiar admiration behind his eyes that never fails to make Reigen’s chest feel a little lighter, fluttering with emotion. Both of them chuckle a little once the ESPer moves to lightly tap his own can against his in a small cheer.
They don’t eat their food as quickly as Reigen had anticipated, neither of them able to stay quiet for very long. Conversation finds them easily and maybe it’s their exhaustion and the warm light of the desk lamp, but they allow themselves to lean a little closer to each other, simply talking about whatever topic comes their way. While Reigen enjoys hearing himself talk, he knows just as well that listening to Serizawa is quite pleasant and after a long day it's refreshing to not be the one filling the silence in the office. However, he does have to force his eyes away from the ESPer’s lips more than a few times. It’s a weak attempt at staying focused on what the other is saying instead of getting too distracted or lost, his heart beating loud enough already.
Eventually, they finish their sushi and when Reigen catches himself staring at the way Serizawa tilts back his head to finish his drink, he decides that it’s probably best to go back to work. With his cheeks now bright red, he slaps both of his hands on his thighs, gripping to the fabric of his pants a little tighter than he needs to. Before he’s able to say anything else, he has to clear his dry throat and he wishes he still had some of that iced tea left. “Anyways. I should probably go back to work now.”
As quickly as he can, he stands up from the sofa and grabs their trash to throw it into the nearby trash can. He wants to get back to his work rather urgently now and he hopes that he doesn’t look as suspicious as he feels. 
“Are you still sure you don’t need-”
“Still sure.” Reigen interrupts, waving his hand through the air dismissively. With just a few quick steps he’s by the cabinet and pulls the blanket out from one of the bottom shelves. He makes his way back to Serizawa to hand it over to him. “You need your rest, remember? I need you to be in top form tomorrow. After all, we do have a tricky client to take care of.”
It isn’t a lie, but in the end, this is less about the client and more about himself and Serizawa. The other looks far more tired than an hour ago and Reigen finds himself in desperate need of a break from the feelings weighing down in his stomach.
Even if Serizawa looks confused, he nods nonetheless and takes the blanket with a small and genuine thank you. In response, Reigen tells him once more that there’s no need to worry about it, all the while trying to rub his slightly damp hands dry as inconspicuous as he can. 
His chair squeaks in protest when he falls back into it and stretches, his lower back popping loud enough to earn him a concerned look from the other side of the room. Thankfully, the ESPer doesn’t comment on it and when he seems like he finally managed to get himself comfortable enough to lay down, Reigen flicks off his desk lamp. The sharp glow of his laptop screen is the only light in the office now and he realizes almost immediately how it strains his eyes uncomfortably.
He hears Serizawa take in a small breath as if to say something, but Reigen interrupts him before he even gets the chance to speak up. “I’ll be fine.” He reassures him, even if that isn’t necessarily the truth. Working with the printed out sheets will no doubt be a challenge, but Reigen truly wants the ESPer to be able to get as much sleep as he possibly can on the cheap and uncomfortable sofa. Not wanting him to worry, Reigen adds, “I don’t think I will take that long.”
There’s a moment of silence that stretches a bit too long to be comfortable and he’s sure that Serizawa is debating whether he’s telling him the truth or not. Reigen does feel a little nervous at the thought, but the silence only lasts another second. 
“Okay. You can turn it back on if you need to, though.” Serizawa settles on, much to Reigen’s relief. “And thank you again, Reigen.”
“Been there, done that. Missing a train happens to the best of us. Now go to sleep. Bosses orders.” His tone is not even close to being serious and there’s not a moment of hesitation before he continues. “Goodnight, Serizawa.”
“Goodnight, Reigen.” 
He can hear the ESPer shuffle and shift on the sofa in an attempt to settle but soon enough he quiets down. With Serizawa now resting, it’s easy to get back into work, even if his progress is much slower now. With the only light being the dimmed screen of his laptop, reading the documents proves itself as harder than anticipated and he has to double check everything now and then, just to make sure that the only numbers incorrect are the ones he dares to purposely fudge. Once in a while, one of his hands moves to rub over his face, the action usually followed by his palms pressing against his eyes in an attempt to get rid of some of the tiredness. 
Reigen curses himself for not starting with all of his when he should have and there’s no doubt that he would be done by now if he had worked on it little by little instead of doing it all at once - that, or he could have at least skipped today’s lunch break to do himself a favor. At this point the numbers and letters on the screen become scrambled and he groans quietly when he eyes the still relatively tall stack of papers next to him, doing his best not to wake the ESPer with his sounds of annoyance. 
However, simply acknowledging the other’s presence is enough for Reigen to glance past his laptop and towards the sofa by the window. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room, but soon enough he can make out Serizawa’s sleeping form. It’s highly inappropriate of him to watch his employee sleep, but he has a hard time tearing his eyes away again. He shouldn’t stare and yet, he feels like this might be his only chance to get a good look at the other without having to worry about being caught. 
Despite the ESPer’s legs hanging over one side of the sofa, he looks peaceful. His chest is rising and falling rhythmically and his head is resting on his folded up suit jacket that’s propped up by one of his arms. The top few buttons of his shirt are popped open and his tie is placed over the backrest, neatly folded and brushed straight. 
With the shades not completely drawn, the moonlight manages to spill through the window, illuminating Serizawa’s face well enough for Reigen to see his slightly parted lips even from where he’s sitting. There’s no denying how handsome ESPer is, especially not with every feature of his face relaxed and calm. The mere sight of it causes all of the previous warmth to return to Reigen, his heart beating faster against his ribcage almost immediately. It’s involuntarily but he has a hard time suppressing the small and appreciative smile that takes hold of his lips, his head tilting slightly to rest against the palm of his hand.
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As the other's boss, he knows for a fact that he shouldn’t sit here and let his eyes wander over Serizawa’s frame, the nice shape of his jaw or the little bit of collarbone poking out of his button up. Most of the time Reigen is doing an at least acceptable job at keeping himself in check and the fluttering in his stomach at bay, but he’s painfully aware that it becomes harder to ignore each passing day. 
Pinpointing when exactly his feelings for Serizawa had grown deeper than just friendship is impossible. One day he had simply enjoyed the other’s company and the next he had found himself wondering how the other’s hands would feel around his waist, how his lips would taste like if Reigen were to lean in or if gliding his palms across Serizawa’s arms would make him shudder. The feelings had snuck up on him so silently and naturally that they had caught him completely off guard when he had finally realized their presence. Ever since, he has been trying his very best to push them as deep down as he can and yet, here he is, still unable to stop them from growing into something bigger and far more overwhelming
It’s neither appropriate nor fair to Serizawa for Reigen to be as attached as he is. Whenever he catches his heart beating a little too fast or finds his fingers twitching with the desire to reach out, he has to consciously stop himself and it never fails to make him feel guilty - incredibly so, even. With how kind and honest the ESPer is, it’s hard for Reigen not to feel like he’s taking advantage of him for his own selfish desire to not feel lonely or unwanted.
Now, however, he does permit himself a moment of indulgence and entertains the thought of what it might be like to wake up next to the ESPer in the morning. Reigen had done nothing in his life to deserve someone like Serizawa, but with how tired he is, it’s hard not to dream about strong arms wrapped around his middle and the scruff of a beard on his face while warm lips press against his own.
Softly, he exhales and after a good few minutes of watching the other breathe calmly, he tears his eyes away once more. There is still more than enough work to take care of and he shouldn’t be getting lost in something this far out of his reach. To him, Serizawa is probably the best friend he ever had and he knows that there is no point in ruining what they have with irrational What-If’s. If anything he should be thankful for what they were right now.
With the pleasant warmth now replaced by the heavy weight of reality, he turns back to his laptop, trying to pay full attention to continue where he had left off to return home as soon as possible.
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higheredforallin · 2 months
Navigating Your Future: Educational Advice and Job Coaching for Pupils
In today's affordable world, students deal with myriad choices and obstacles when it concerns forming their future. Browsing these complexities needs more than just academic quality; it demands thorough academic support and reliable profession counselling. At higheredforall, we are committed to assisting pupils make educated decisions, whether they're considering profession guidance after 12th quality, getting ready for the job interview process, or sharpening vital soft skills.
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Recognizing Educational Support
Educational advice acts as a cornerstone in a trainee's trip, helping them align their scholastic quests with their profession ambitions. This process involves examining their strengths, interests, and lasting goals. For example, a pupil passionate about modern technology may be led towards computer science or design, while a person with a panache for imagination might check out fields like style or media.
At higheredforall, our specialist counsellors offer customized suggestions, guaranteeing that students select the ideal topics and courses that line up with their future occupation courses. Our company believe that the ideal academic structure is important for profession success, and our guidance aids pupils construct that solid structure.
Occupation Counselling for Trainees
Job coaching is a vital solution that goes hand-in-hand with academic advice. It includes helping trainees understand the various occupation choices available to them and the steps needed to pursue those jobs. career counselling for students for trainees at higheredforall includes detailed analyses, individually counselling sessions, and access to resources that illuminate possible profession paths.
Our counsellors utilize a mix of psychometric tests and personalized interviews to recognize a trainee's toughness, weak points, and rate of interests. This data-driven method makes sure that our advice is customized to each trainee's unique profile, helping them make notified choices concerning their future.
Profession Advice After 12th
The shift from school to higher education is a critical juncture in a trainee's life. Job guidance after 12th quality is crucial in aiding trainees choose the right programs and universities. This duration can be overwhelming, with numerous options and varying access demands.
At higheredforall, we simplify this process by providing comprehensive career advice. We supply in-depth details on different streams-- scientific research, commerce, arts-- and the occupation possibilities every one offers. Our counsellors also assist with university applications, scholarship details, and entryway exam preparations, making sure that trainees are well-prepared for the next step in their academic trip.
Grasping the Job Interview Process
Once pupils have actually completed their education and learning, the following big challenge is safeguarding a work. The job interview process can be complicated, but with the right prep work, it comes to be a workable task. At higheredforall, we provide extensive assistance to help students ace their interviews.
Our job interview prep work services consist of mock interviews, return to constructing, and pointers on taking care of challenging questions. We also focus on creating interaction abilities, which are important for making a good perception. By simulating real interview situations, we assist students build self-confidence and improve their performance.
Importance of Soft Abilities Educating
Along with technical knowledge and scholastic qualifications, soft skills play an important duty in career success. Soft abilities training is an essential part of our services at higheredforall. We cover important skills such as interaction, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership.
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Our soft skills training programs are designed to be interactive and interesting, making sure that students can use these skills in real-world scenarios. Our team believe that strong soft skills not only enhance employability however also contribute to overall personal and specialist growth.
Final thought
Browsing the trip from education and learning to career can be complicated, but with the best advice and assistance, pupils can make informed choices that pave the way for a successful future. At higheredforall, we are dedicated to providing top-notch educational guidance, profession counselling, and soft skills educating to encourage pupils. Whether you're seeking occupation guidance after 12th quality, preparing for the job interview process, or looking to enhance your soft skills, our specialist group is below to assist you every step of the means.
See higheredforall today and take the very first step towards an intense and effective future.
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speed-seo · 7 months
SEO Cyprus: Using the Best Practices and Tools for Optimizing Your Website and Content
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SEO Cyprus: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Manage an Effective Local SEO Strategy Growing a business is never easy but taking that next step towards more customers and greater success is well worth it. We at Speed, we know how important Local SEO Cyprus is, we understand the struggles of entrepreneurs just trying to get their message heard. Late nights dreaming up new strategies, and early mornings checking analytics hoping for progress. It's no way to live! That's why we're here to help lighten the load. We've seen what optimized content and targeting the right audience can do for hardworking business owners. More website visits mean more chances to connect with potential clients. Higher rankings mean ease of discovery for people in Cyprus searching for your services. And more sales mean financial security and being able to focus on what you do best - your craft, your products, your vision. Take the stress out of the digital side of things, and let our expertise go to work for you. Your business, and your dreams, deserve a boost! What is SEO Cyprus? SEO Cyprus is basically helping businesses in Cyprus be found more easily online. We all use search engines like Google all the time to look up anything - from finding a new restaurant to booking a hotel. Well, our SEO experts make website changes so those local companies show up higher in the search results for people looking for things like "Cyprus restaurants" or "Limassol hotels." It works a little bit like when you're at My Mall - the stores near the entrance want to be there so more people see them first. SEO is kind of like getting those stores a spot near the entrance on Google. We look at what people in Cyprus search for most and help sites tweak things like their pages, images, keyword use etc to match what users are actually typing in. The goal is that when someone searches something a Cypriot business provides, that company will now show up near the top where everyone looks first. More visibility means more potential customers finding and checking them out. It's nice because small, local outfits that do good work can really get a boost just by people being exposed to them easier online. SEO Cyprus helps connect island businesses with customers in a way that benefits the whole community. What are the benefits of SEO for businesses in Cyprus? Here are some of the key benefits that SEO can provide for businesses in Cyprus: - Increased website traffic - When businesses rank higher in search results, more potential customers will find their website organically through searches. This boosts valuable traffic without needing to pay for advertising. - Higher visibility locally - SEO Cyprus helps local companies show up for searches about their area like " restaurants Limassol" or "hotels Larnaca". This means more exposure to customers right in their community. - Lower customer acquisition costs - Driving organic visitors through search is much cheaper than paying for ads. SEO is a very cost-effective way to reach new clients. - Enhanced brand awareness - Ranking well builds recognition and trust as people see a business's ranking and familiar name. This aids things like return visits and word-of-mouth referrals. - Conversion boost - When contacts effortlessly find what they need through searches, it increases the chances of transactions, sales, bookings etc. SEO improves conversion rates. - Stronger online presence - Outranking competitors online strengthens market position and authority as a go-to local business. This leads to longer-term success on the island. So, in summary, SEO Cyprus provides an affordable way for businesses and services to access more nearby customers, raise their profile, and save on acquisition costs - all big benefits for the local economy. The exposure it generates is invaluable. What is the ultimate purpose of SEO Cyprus for webmasters and marketers? The ultimate goal of SEO Cyprus services for webmasters and marketers is to help attract more qualified potential customers and grow their business in a natural, organic way.By partnering with our SEO service you will know you will be working with experts who understand the unique Cypriot marketplace, webmasters can gain a strategic edge over competitors locally.Our SEO professionals take the time to fully research what information people in Cyprus actively search for online in their own language and regarding their specific needs and interests.Once they understand the demand at a granular level, our SEO specialists work behind the scenes to optimize websites accordingly. From page structures and content to keyword strategies and linking, the goal is to showcase businesses in the most relevant and appealing light to customers through search.SEO avoids interrupting users with hard-selling ads. Instead, it aims to sincerely help customers by connecting them seamlessly to appropriate companies for their situation - just like searching an online directory. This builds trust while enabling marketers to capture new visitors cost-effectively.Mastering SEO also provides an ongoing competitive advantage, as webmasters can continually refine their online presence based on changing search trends. With the right SEO partner, staying found becomes much easier than churning through various marketing methods or campaigns.In the end, providing customers what they search for is rewarding for everyone. SEO Cyprus does just that at scale, driving qualified, local traffic that translates into robust, sustainable growth for webmasters and the entire Cypriot business scene. How can SEO Cyprus generate a high return on investment for web owners? Here are a few key ways that SEO Cyprus can generate a high return on investment for website owners:- Cheaper customer acquisition costs - SEO is much more affordable than pay-per-click advertising. It costs little to nothing to reach new visitors through organic search. This saves money that can be reinvested in other growth areas. - Improved website visibility - Ranking higher exposes businesses to a larger potential customer base who are already searching for relevant products/services. Higher visibility translates to greater brand awareness over time. - Higher conversion rates - Well-optimized websites are easier for searchers to navigate and do business with compared to competitors lower in results. This boosts transactions which immediately improves ROI. - Longer customer lifecycle value - In addition to one-time sales, SEO also sends qualified potential customers who are primed to purchase again in the future or refer others. This recurrent value exponentially increases initial investment returns. - Data-driven enhancements - SEO professionals provide analytics to identify high-intent search queries and page behaviors. Websites can then be improved strategically to capture more of these customers for even better ROI going forward.SEO is ultimately a long-term focused investment that pays dividends again and again through consistent organic traffic. For Cyprus businesses, it offers a very lucrative way to gain new customers and multiply their initial marketing budget many times over. What are the challenges of SEO Cyprus? Here are a few of the main challenges webmasters may face with SEO in Cyprus:- Competition - As SEO in Cyprus grows in importance, competition for top rankings is fierce. It takes dedication to outperform rivals constantly optimizing and targeting the same keywords. - Language barriers - Cyprus has both Greek and Turkish languages. Creating relevant content in both is difficult and translation issues can confuse crawlers. Consistency is key. - Seasonal traffic - Tourism is a big industry, but visitor volumes fluctuate seasonally. Maintaining good traffic year-round requires anticipating changes and adjusting SEO accordingly. - Google algorithm updates - Algorithm changes, some unexpected, happen regularly. Webmasters must test updates quickly and pivot optimization to match any new ranking factors introduced. - User intent - With short, local searches, discerning customer intentions precisely is challenging. Pages need razor-sharp relevance despite minimal keywords provided. - Website speed - International visitors and diverse connections across Cyprus mean page speed is especially vital for user experience and SEO. Developers must optimize for quick loading everywhere.While SEO always evolves, these Cyprus-specific variables add intricacy webmasters must skillfully navigate for lasting search success. You need SEO partners that understands these nuances, helping businesses effectively meet challenges to maximize limited marketing budgets through determined local SEO. What are the key performance indicators of SEO Cyprus? Here are some of the key performance indicators SEO experts look at to measure the effectiveness of their SEO efforts in Cyprus:- Organic traffic: Monitoring increases in monthly unique visitors and pageviews from search engines helps track progress. - Keyword rankings: Checking movement up the search results page for targeted keywords and phrases that are relevant to local customers. - Local citations: Ensuring accurate business information is listed across local directores, maps and other location-based platforms helps connections. - Backlink profiles: The quantity and quality of links pointing back to sites from other high authority websites signal legitimacy to search algorithms. - Conversion rates: Watching important metrics like calls, quotes or signups on optimized pages shows improved performance. - Social shares: Engagement on owned channels like rising followers or increased shares/mentions correlates to better SEO work. - Site speed: Looking at PageSpeed Insights results to guarantee Cyprus (and international) snappy loading times. - Customer feedback: Monitoring reviews and surveys tracks how satisfied clients are finding businesses and interacting with SEO-enhanced websites.Tracking these Cyprus-specific digital marketing KPIs regularly provides SEO pros deep insights for constant optimization and proving the tangible business benefits of their local search engine strategies. Final thoughts on SEO for Cyprus businesses: At its heart, SEO is about connecting people seamlessly with the right services, products or information to enhance their lives. For companies in Cyprus, search presents an incredible opportunity to achieve new levels of success by serving customers well online.While challenges exist, an experienced SEO team understands both technical and human factors. They can help websites shine exactly when and where local people naturally look. If done skillfully, search becomes another happy customer experience that leaves both parties feeling positively satisfied.SEO views each visitor not as a number but as a person—someone deserving straightforward, thoughtful answers to their queries. Respecting users in this way builds genuine trust that serves businesses for years to come.Of course, results take effort. But pursuing SEO with care, curiosity and true concern for clients will light the path forward every step of the way. The journey itself creates meaningful progress for all involved when traveled this way.In the end, SEO done right simply brings more of the right people together at the right time and place. And in my view, there are few nobler goals than that for any organization seeking to make a difference in their community through honest, helpful interactions online. The opportunities ahead for Cyprus firms are bright indeed.Cpmplementary Material:Pay Per Click vs. Search Engine Optimization - Google Ads Read the full article
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creativecourse · 10 months
The Confident Creator Information A step-by-step process to help online creators ditch their fears, stop procrastinating, and step into the confidence to be seen and get real results in their business. The Confident Creator isn’t your average online business course. In fact,  it’s not really a “business” course at all It’s a course that’s actually going to help you implement every single course you already own. Consider this your mindset bootcamp. We’re going to do the deep work (but in a fun way!), so you can remove the fears that keep you paralyzed,  kick perfectionism to the curb, and take consistent, aligned, and confident action toward your goals. IT’S TIME TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH CONFIDENCE + COURAGE: By using my Confident Creator Method, you can reprogram your fear-based thoughts and start getting confidence-based results. The Confident Creator is the exact course to help you dropkick perfectionism and permission-seeking, and instead take control of your thoughts, habits, and results. It’s here to help you focus on the true driver of your entire life — your mind. And because I know firsthand what can happen when you let go of scarcity thinking and step into your limitless potential, my intention is to make this program as accessible and easy for you as possible. What You’ll Learn In This Course? Module 1. Getting to Know the Real, Limitless You How well do you really know yourself? I’m not talking about the #curated version of you. I mean the real, authentic, LIMITLESS you! Well, that’s what this module is all about. In order to let go of fear and step into your true power, you have to be able to identify what’s actually holding you back (only then can you lovingly let go of what no longer serves you!). You’ll realize that what’s been keeping you from your dreams is not that you’re lazy, not good enough, not experienced enough, or whatever else you’ve been telling yourself. It’s fear — and fear is something you can identify and release. Module 2. Committing to Yourself Next, it’s time for radical self love and commitment. Could you imagine what it would be like to be able to live your life without constant self-judgement and self-criticism, and to be able to consistently go after the things you want? Inside this module, you’ll learn what it’s like to step into abundant thinking and develop routines and habits based in a commitment to YOU and your goals. It’s time to ditch the “what if it doesn’t work” mindset and start to see all of the possibilities in and around you. You ready?! Module 3. Creating Your New Reality You’re ready, my friend! It’s time to do The Thing! Inside Module 3, you’ll step fully into your most confident and empowered self, and set up a plan to go after those big, amazing goals (that at this point, don’t even seem that scary!). There are so many possibilities waiting for you — and other limitless relationships waiting to guide and support you, too. It’s time to connect with a community to lean on, create a game plan, and go for it! About Author Hi! I’m your teacher and coach, Melyssa Griffin. I help entrepreneurs and content creators create profitable, purpose-driven companies, and heal from the old thought patterns that keep them stuck.It all started when my business began to suddenly take off several years ago. As someone who, previously, could barely afford the rent on her studio apartment, it felt completely outrageous to soon be running a multimillion dollar business in my 20s. As my business began to grow, I felt an intense fear that I was an imposter in a world of people more worthy than me. So, I stayed small. I fit in. I shared the “perfect” version of myself because I deemed the “regular ol’ me” as laughably unacceptable. I noticed myself hustling for approval and validation on a near-constant basis — but in a subtle, undetectable way (one you might even find familiar), like posting a perfect-but-not-too-perfect photo on Instagram to show that I was simultaneously relatable, yet also #goals.
It worked, until it didn’t. Eventually, I realized that chasing money and perfection were just cover-up jobs for the real pain I was avoiding: The fear that I wasn’t enough as I was. And I knew that if I was feeling this way… thousands of my students probably were, too. After years of self-exploration and radical risk-taking, I’ve not only helped myself ditch my fears to create a life I love… I’ve helped my students do it, too. More courses from the same author: Melyssa Griffin
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – This September, Promise To Live
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September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The Promise to Live Pledge can help those struggling with mental health By Kevin Guest Prioritizing mental health and suicide prevention is a goal worth focusing on every day. A few years ago, I experienced one of the most heart-wrenching moments a parent can face. I found myself in an emergency room, looking at my own child who had just attempted suicide. It was a brutal shock that left me questioning everything I thought I knew about my family’s mental health. I’d spent my career at USANA Health Sciences, a company dedicated to promoting physical health. But in that sterile hospital room, it became painfully clear that we hadn’t given enough attention to mental health. The experience ignited in me a fierce determination to change this — for my family, my company and society at large. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com As I navigated this crisis, therapy helped me understand the importance of openly addressing suicide. I had initially feared that discussing it would plant dangerous seeds in my child’s mind. However, my therapist made it clear that it’s not only OK but necessary to say the word “suicide” directly. Avoiding the topic can actually exacerbate feelings of isolation and despair. Embracing this realization led me to the Promise to Live pledge. This pledge involves promising to reach out to trusted resources when struggling personally and sharing this commitment with others. It’s a proactive step toward prioritizing mental health and suicide prevention, embodying a promise to live, seek help when needed and encourage others to do the same. At USANA Health Sciences, we’ve taken this pledge to heart. We’ve actively encouraged our associates to make this commitment because we believe that true health encompasses both body and mind. We must do more to understand and nurture our mental well-being, just as we do our physical health. Professional therapy played a crucial role in my family’s journey. It’s not a sign of weakness, but a vital tool for managing mental health. It’s beneficial for those struggling with mental health issues and their loved ones alike. I still attend therapy and advocate for the normalization of mental health. Like treating a physical illness, seeking professional help for mental health should be seen as a standard, not a stigma. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is September, and World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10, but the urgency to act is now. We can’t afford to wait until we’re personally affected by mental health issues or suicide. Taking the pledge at Promise2Live.org takes little time but can potentially save lives. My call to action is simple: Let’s normalize conversations about mental health. Let’s remove the stigma surrounding therapy. Let’s make the promise to live. It’s not just about raising awareness; it’s about making a difference, one promise at a time. Join us today at Promise2Live.org. Make your pledge, and together we can create a world where mental health is discussed, understood and prioritized. Because every life matters, and every promise brings us one step closer to a healthier, more compassionate world. Read the full article
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quanjewelry · 2 years
Jewelry Tips That Can Help Change Your Life!
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Buying a few pieces of trendy jewelry can breathe new life into your wardrobe. There are a lot of things to consider when you are thinking about making an expensive jewelry decision for anyone that you care about.
Try keeping up with jewelry trends. Like with fashion, jewelry also follows seasonal trends and you can find a style and color combination that is right for you. You can even find specialty items that go with clothing pieces in your own personal wardrobe. The possibilities and combinations are endless.
If you are a seller of jewelry, make sure you include some photos of what it should look like when its worn. Jewelry tends to look much different when you actually see it in use versus just sitting on a tabletop. Try getting a photo of a mannequin wearing it or have yourself, your staff or even your customers submit "modeling" photos of the pieces in use. This provides all of your customers a view into how things look with their sizing and how things dangle.
Purchase meaningful jewelry for any occasion. Giving jewelry as a gift leaves a long lasting impression on the intended recipient. However, you can always add a personal touch by having the jewelry piece engraved with a personal message or add a charm of great importance. Personalized jewelry given as a gift always makes a loving gesture.
It is becoming more and more popular to purchase expensive jewelry online. Before you do, however, be sure to check out the business you'll be purchasing with at the Better Business Bureau. When you're making a big ticket purchase, such as an expensive piece of jewelry, you need to know that the company you're purchasing from is reputable. You want to make sure that they will send you a quality product and back it up with customer service too.
If you are not too fond of wearing a wedding or engagement ring on your finger, you can always put it on a chain. This is a safe way to ensure your ring will not fall off. Also, by putting your ring on a chain, it will not be in the way of your daily activities.
If you own gold or silver jewelry be sure to take it off when you shower, sleep or submerge that area of your body in water. By doing these things you will prevent the jewelry from tarnishing faster. The beauty of fine jewelry is its sparkle and gleam.
When selling jewelry online, you must be certain to present information as accurately as you possibly can. If you do not know about a certain feature, you should be certain to admit this. Otherwise, you could have an angry customer file a misrepresentation claim against you for not letting him or her know about a certain feature.
When it comes to quality and price, don't count synthetic gemstones out. These gems, which are created in a lab, appear remarkably similar to the real thing. Take this into consideration as you shop for your next piece of jewelry: Rather than spending exorbitant amounts of money for a natural stone, opt for an affordable synthetic stone. The money saved on the stone can go toward a more intricate or higher-quality metal, such as platinum.
If your jewelry is causing skin irritation, there are certain steps you can take to minimize it. You can use a small amount of powder on the skin in the area the jewelry will be touching. This helps absorb moisture, which will then lessen the chances of allergies or irritation.
Now that you know the basics of jewelry selection, you will be able to spot the best specimens of any type of jewelry, from gemstones to precious metals. Jewelry is the gift that keeps on giving for years to come, both in style and in economic value.
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lgcalex · 2 years
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⇢ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴅʙꜱᴅ'ꜱ ꜱᴇᴏʜᴀɴ      ʟɢᴄ ʜᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴇɴ 2ᴋ22 ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1
this was the third year that alex had spent time preparing a halloween costume, also his third year even taking the holiday a bit more serious than he would have in the past, though when it came to costumes he wasn’t entirely sure what to be and would spend more time than he should just picking out options. 
usually it’s them being pranked during holidays by the two famous pranksters of legacy, though this year it was seohan of dbsd that was getting pranked. it was a nice change of pace, especially since it was something simple where they only had to get a picture with the senior artist, but the hard part about all of this was doing the mission without getting caught or causing any sort of suspicion. seeing as alex was someone who tended to be a bit more on the competitive side of things, he was even more determined to at least get back at one of the two who had spent the past few years pranking the idols and trainees.
he makes his way around the company, scoping out seohan while acting casual in the process, humming softly to himself as he pretends to be looking down at his phone. occasionally he glances up from his phone to scout his surrounding out, though the moment that alex spots his ‘target’ he can’t help but grin slightly to himself.
stopping and taking a few moments to compose himself, he finally clears his throat and makes his way over towards the senior idol as he smiles. “sunbae!” he calls out to the older male before coming to a stop in front of the other and bows politely. he can only hope that he can get this photo before the other catches on to what’s happening. “i probably should have done this a lot sooner but i heard about you and the others enlisting, so i wanted to get a picture with each of you as a memory before everyone starts their service. can i get a picture with you? thanks!”
alex doesn’t even wait for a response before he’s quickly stepping next to the other, camera already ready on his phone, before lifting the electronic device and snapping the selfie. he only takes a short moment to glance at the picture taken to make sure he actually got it before bowing once more. “thank you!” he quickly says before walking off. he doesn’t even give the older male a moment to think, much less say a single word, grinning to himself as he heads back down the hall in the direction that he had first come from.
maybe the way he had done things could have been thought out a little better, though the point of the mission given to them was to not raise any suspicions as to what was going on. right? and hopefully alex had managed to do that while getting his photo of proof. yeah, he was a fan of a few groups, dbsd being one of the only three groups he listened to, but he couldn’t afford to stick around and risk giving his true intentions away.
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imtooscaredforthis · 3 years
Ghostface x Reader
Chapter one: Secratary-In-Training
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Mentions of: Anxiety, A Slightly Creepy Boss, and none really
Tags: @gloomyladyy @froegis @darthwhorecrux
Pacing back and forth, you fidgeted with your hands, trying to decide what to do for what you guessed was the fifth time tonight. It’s a simple question. Do you make that nerve-wracking phone call and possibly wake someone and waste their time? Or do you just go get some rest?
The decision should be clear, and yet, you’ve been hesitating for the past forty-five minutes now. You’d probably be able to make up your mind if you weren’t trapped in this godforsaken bachelor’s pad. You should take a walk. But it’s late at night and your apartment is in a bad neighborhood, damn it.
Groaning, you thread a hand through your tangled hair, before getting to your feet and walking over to the phone. It’s been four days (five in an hour or so) since your interview with The Roseville Gazette. You thought you hit it off with the Editor In Chief, but now, it seems like you were wrong.
You don’t even know what you did. You could’ve sworn he liked you, and the interview went great, from what you could tell. “You know what? Screw it. I’m doing it.”
Pulling the landline off of the hook, you dialed the number, calling him. You twirled the cord with your finger, listening to it ring. It wasn’t long until he picked up, and immediately, you regret it. Your body tenses and your hands get all clammy. You were preparing to leave a voicemail, but not actually face him. What do you do? What do you say?
“Hello?” At least you didn’t wake him. He did sound a little tired, but not to the point where he just woke up.
You almost forgot to speak until you heard him repeat himself and ask who he was speaking with. “Hi, sorry, this is Mr.Jamison, right? My name is _____, if you remember. You interviewed me the other day for that open journalist position.”
You can’t stand how anxious you sounded, your voice shaking slightly, almost as if you were on the verge of tears. “I remember.”
“I was just wondering-”
“Listen, sweetheart. Your writing’s good. You just don’t have the experience that’s required. I’m sorry, but the position is already filled.” He replied, making your stomach drop.
“But I did that Internship at The Palm Beach Post. I don’t have experience because I just graduated. This was going to be my first job, and you could just have someone train me.” You need this job.
Money has been tight, and The Roseville Gazette is the only news source around here, it seems. You can’t afford to move, and there is no way you’re working at some shitty fast food restaurant to stay afloat.
“Please, I‘ll do anything. I don’t even have to work as a journalist. I really need this job sir, please.” Your desperation grew, and you didn’t care how embarrassing this would be, as long as you get a job.
There was a soft sigh on the other line, one that makes some hope flutter in your heart. “Since the current receptionist’s out on maternity leave, the company’s gotten a temporary replacement. She’s been flaky, so I guess I could give you her job for the next couple of months.”
“Thank you, sir. You have no idea how much this means to me.” You gushed, relieved that you got a chance at this.
“Don’t mention it, and don’t call me sir. Come in by nine tomorrow morning for training.” With that, you thanked him and wished him a good night, before hanging up the phone.
Finally, you could relax, knowing that you were making a step towards your future. It was just a baby step, due to the small change of plans, but once you convinced Jamison you would be a good journalist, some good progress could be made.
Patience. You just needed patience. You had plenty of time, and your dream life of being a famous reporter in Miami will come soon enough.
For now, though, you need to get some sleep. You have a long morning ahead.
After almost sleeping through your alarm, you managed to get ready and rush off to work. The office is only a couple of blocks away from your apartment, so you walk there. Not that you have a choice though, since you don’t have a car.
The mornings always smell like engine exhaust and wet dew mixed together, due to the wildlife and city overlapping, and the fact that you get to spend so much time walking next to the road or through crosswalks, where someone almost hits you with their car every single time.
While Roseville is urbanized, it’s a small town compared to the huge city you used to live in, so you are used to this sort of thing. The walks, the smells, the shitty drivers, everything.
You managed to make it into the office somewhat on time, at 9:01. The desk that used to be occupied by that sweet old woman who you supposed was the replacement, was now empty, and it seemed like where you would be working, so you set your things down, looking around for Mr.Jamison.
He was in his office, which was just right next to your desk. He popped his head up from behind his monitor, glancing at you, before getting out of his chair and walking over.
If you had to guess, you’d say Mr.Jamison is middle-aged. His hair is a greyish black and is slicked back with some sort of gel, and he sports a bushy mustache to go along with it. Today, he’s wearing a normal white dress shirt with black suspenders and pants, his sleeves rolled back to his elbows, revealing his forearms.
“How are we doing today?” He greeted, putting a hand on your shoulder. You glanced at it for a moment but decided not to think much of it. He’s just being friendly, don’t make it weird. “I’m good, thanks. How are you?”
“I’m doin just fine. Let’s get into this, shall we? Your job is pretty simple, you sit here, answer the phone, transfer calls, fax things, etc. I’ll help walk you through some of the jobs you have here.”
And so began your training, with Mr.Jamison showing you self-explanatory tasks that you already know how to do. You know how to use a monitor, you know how to use a fax machine, and you know how to use a phone. He should know that too, considering you put it in your resume and told him just last night.
You tried not to seem too annoyed about it, saying a few small, “I know”s or a “Yeah, I’ve done that before.” But he didn’t seem to get it.
Rachel chuckled to herself lowly as she peeked through the blinds of the breakroom. “Jed, Jed, check this out.”
Getting her partner’s attention, she motioned for him to walk over to her. He did as told, looking through the blinds and seeing a rather young woman talking with his boss. “What happened to Ronny?”
“Oh, you know how Jamison is. He likes his secretaries young and dumb. I told you that poor old lady wouldn’t last long. I wonder how long she will, though.” She murmured, and Jed couldn’t help but wonder the same thing.
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sunmoonandeddie · 3 years
and he kissed me right here
pairing: modern!bucky barnes x reader
word count: 6,100
summary: I've always been sure that all I ever wanted was a glamorous life.
warnings: Cuss words, mentions of the Afghanistan war (Bucky is a veteran), angst, happy ending, cheesy romantic confessions, age gap
a/n:  This is based on the song 'Stars and the Moon' from Songs for a New World! It's the first one shot in my musical series! This is written in first perspective, but there is no physical description or use of a name in this!
I sighed as I tossed a few more dirty plates into the dish window, wiping my brow. After a shitty dinner rush and an even shittier rush around two in the morning consisting only of drunk ass college kids looking for some sort of carb to suck up all the alcohol in their systems, I was ready to go the fuck home.
“Sweetheart, you head on home now,” the head chef insisted as he watched my head nod slightly as I tried my best to fight off sleep. “Ain’t nobody comin’ in before Melissa gets here. No point in you staying on your feet any longer.”
Louis was a godsend. At sixty-seven years old, you’d think he would rather be anywhere but a diner at almost four in the morning.
“Nah,” he had said when I’d asked him a few months after I’d first started. “My Ginny died a few years back, and since she’s been gone, I don’t really have the stomach to sit around that house all alone.” He had laughed, but there’d been a deep sorrow that had come over his deep brown eyes. “Kids are worried, but… Sleeping the day away is better than laying up at night staring at her side of the bed…”
“You sure, Lou?” I asked even as I headed for the back room where all the employees clocked in and kept their possessions in their own little cubbies. I did my checkout in view of the security camera, just like always. I didn’t want anyone to be able to say I stole anything.
Everyone who knew me knew that I wouldn’t, but I’d worked at two many places where the girls tried backstabbing each other and sabotaging everyone else to get them fired.
Though people were a lot nicer in Louisiana than any of the other places I’d lived.
Louis chuckled as he set a to-go box in the window, nodding towards it. “Mmhm. Long as Buck is getting you home safe.”
I gave him a joking eye roll as I took the to-go box gratefully, grinning at my name written in all caps with green Sharpie on top. “You know you don’t have to make me dinner every night.”
“Yes, I do,” he said, shooting me a look. “How else do I know you’re getting enough food in you, huh?” He pointed his rag at me. “Now you go ask him to get you home. Tell him I said he can clock out, and that he’s supposed to text me when he sees you safe inside. You better not say you’re gonna ask him again just to walk yourself home.” The old man shook his head as I headed for the back door, muttering to himself, “Damn girl thinks I’m gonna believe she’s feeding herself good enough when she’s risking her damn ass walking home alone.”
Despite the fact that I’d put off asking for Bucky Barnes’s service, I really did appreciate how fiercely Louis cared about me.
It had been a real long time since anyone had cared so much.
I hesitated at the back door of the diner, my hand resting against the cool metal.
What if he said no?
Granted, he most likely wouldn’t. But what if he said yes, and he secretly thought me some dumb little girl that couldn’t take care of herself?
What did I care if he thought that?
“I don’t care what he thinks of me,” I huffed as I straightened my shoulders, holding my chin a little higher.
“Stop talking to yourself and get going!”
I jumped in surprise, before shooting a glare in the direction of the kitchen. “Stop listening in on my private conversations!” I demanded before storming outside with new found vigor.
Only to freeze when Bucky looked up from where he was sitting on the curb, smoking a cigarette.
God, he was handsome.
“You okay, doll face?” He asked, his New York accent a sharp contrast to the southern drawls you were used to.
“Um… Y-Yeah,” I said faintly, glancing back at the door that I’d come in from. “Um… L-Louis wants me to ask you… Can you walk me home? Or give me a ride? I don’t… I don’t know if you drive…”
“I do drive.”
“O-Oh. Okay. Great.”
“But I don’t have my car on me.”
I peered at him curiously. “Oh. Um… I can just walk by myself. I don’t wanna… I don’t wanna be a nuisance…”
He stood up, tossing his cigarette to the ground and stomping it out. “Don’t be ridiculous, darlin.’ Come on. I’ll walk you.” He shoved his hands in his pockets as he began to head for the street. “Besides… It’s a real nice night.”
“Oh…,” I said in surprise at how ready he was to be of service. “Okay. But only if you’re sure.”
A faint smile graced his lips as he glanced at the ground, letting out a faint chuckle that rumbled deep in his chest. “I’m sure, darlin.’ But you gotta lead the way.”
I was surprised by the rapid pitter patter of my heart beat as we walked side by side down the street, the chorus of ‘Yellow Brick Road’ getting stuck in my head on a loop.
Bucky was an enigma that I found myself wondering about more often than not, but I always ended up talking myself out of going there. After all, he was an older man. A much older man. At least fifteen years older than my own twenty-two years, or something along those lines, not that he looked it. The man looked like some kind of rugged Greek god. Like Hades if Hades was born in the eighties. His dog tags clinked together under his shirt as we walked, his metal prosthetic glinting in the moon.
“So how did you end up in NOLA?”
It took me a moment to even realize that he was talking to me, my heart skipping a beat and my face going hot in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked.
His bright blue eyes flickered over to look me over. “How’d you end up in New Orleans?”
“I actually don’t know,” I snorted, avoiding his eyes as I kicked at a few broken up pieces of asphalt. “I just… Picked a bus ticket and ended up in one of the Carolinas. Then I picked another bus ticket and ended up in Minnesota. And then I picked another, and another, and another, and then I actually just… ended up here.” The months I’d spent alone on those Greyhounds felt both so long ago and also like it was just yesterday. “The diner was the first place someone recommended for food that’s good but cheap, and as I was eating my mountain of cheese fries, I saw the flyer that said they were hiring. So here I am now…”
“Huh,” he said, his brows furrowed. “I didn’t take you for the type of person to run off on your own… riding buses all over the country…”
Head tilting to the side, I gave him a long look. “You didn’t? What kind of type did you peg me for?”
Bucky gave me a long look, a single brow raised as though silently telling me that I jumped to conclusions. “Just that jumping from place to place can take a lot outta someone,” he said slowly, his voice low and soothing. “Hell, if you were my girl—” He broke off as his cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink, his long hair falling in his face.
I swore my heart had stopped inside of my chest, and I swallowed thickly around the lump in my throat. “Oh?”
He rushed to try to correct his wording. “I-I just mean, a lady should be comfortable. And if I had a g-girl like you, well… You’d never want for anything,” he stammered, stumbling over his words like a flustered school boy. “Hell, I… I’d give you the stars and the moon…”
I was shocked into silence, staring up at him like he was the sun itself. “Bucky…”
“No, no, don’t say anything. I… I know that was a lot,” he insisted quietly, unable to meet your eyes as he stared up at the shitty apartment building you called home. “Hell, you probably don’t want a gross old man hitting on you.” His metal hand, glinting in the low light of the street lamp, reached up to brush against my cheek for just a moment before it quickly dropped. “Just let me walk you home each night so I can make sure you’re safe, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I breathed out, unable to take my eyes off of him as he took a few steps back.
There’s a somewhat playful smirk on his lips as he watched me stumble up the steps, continuously glancing back at him. “Goodnight, baby doll.”
“Goodnight,” I said, barely audible before I finally headed inside.
Bucky kept his word. He walked me home every night, and honestly, there wasn’t a moment that I wasn’t thinking about what he had said, about if I was his girl.
What if I was his girl?
But… with that meant I’d have to give up the life I’d dreamed for myself. I wanted luxury, to never worry about bills or where I was gonna get my next meal or if I could afford to buy the nice work shoes or if I could only get the cheap ones that would fall apart in three months and then I’d just be right back where I started.
I wanted the life that celebrities lived. Hell, I wanted to go to parties on the same yachts the Kardashian-Jenners did, even if I couldn’t fucking stand them.
And with Bucky… I wouldn’t have that.
“So why’d you go on the run anyway?” Bucky asked one night as we sat on the curb, eating ice cream in the Louisiana heat. “I know you told me how you got here, but you’ve never told me why.”
“You’ve never told me how you ended up here or why either,” I shot back, nudging his shoulder with my own.
Somehow the age difference seemed non-existent as we sat there. Honestly, I felt like we were just a bunch of dumb teenagers, shooting the shit and enjoying each other’s company.
Bucky took in a deep breath, his shoulders sinking in a way that made it look like he had all the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I was over in Afghanistan for a long time,” he admitted quietly. “When the war first started, I was 19. I had no idea where my life was going and I had no options except my dad’s mechanic shop. So I enlisted with my best friend, Steve. The one I told you about.”
It’s completely silent except for the sound of an occasional car horn off in the distance.
“Neither one of us knew what we were doing. We realized very quickly that we had no reason being over there, but… but there was nothing else,” he said, swallowing around the lump in his throat. The ice cream he was holding was melting in his trembling hands. “I didn’t know how to do anything else, so I stayed. Steve moved up in the ranks, but I stayed pretty low… I didn’t mind. Kinda liked being the older guy all those young kids could talk to, could rely on… Because they were just like me, getting into a fight that wasn’t theirs because they had nothing else.”
My heart was shattering inside my chest as I scooted a little closer, my knee knocking against his as I tried to give him some sort of silent comfort. He’d been through Hell and made it through.
Bucky let his head rest against mine, his eyes closing as he breathed in the scent of my perfume. “They eventually moved me to some kind of specialized team… Called us the Howling Commandos. I found out that Steve was heading it and he picked me to be part of it. That’s how I met Sam, because he was on some sort of similar team with the Air Force, except it was just him and his friend, Riley,” he continued, taking a bite of his chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. “I am proud to say that I didn’t kill a single person while I was over there. I just couldn’t. Hell, they’re people just like me, terrified and unsure of what’s going to happen.” His lips pressed against my forehead, letting it linger. “But then about five years ago, I was on a mission with the Commandos, Sam, and Riley, and… this bomb went off while we were playing a game of soccer. I wasn’t even in a fight. That thing took my arm and it took Riley.”
Tentatively, I let my fingers find his, holding his hand and squeezing reassuringly.
“Sam decided to come home with me.” There was a forlorn look in his eyes, as though he was right back at that game of pick-up soccer. “After losing Riley… he couldn’t find a reason to be over there. And then Steve decided to stay, and hell, he’s still over there, leading that fucking team…” Glassy baby blue eyes finally found mine, the both of us doing our best to not cry. “I couldn’t face my family for a long time, so Sam asked me to come stay in Louisiana with him and his family, and I haven’t left since.”
“Have you gone to see your family?” I asked slowly, almost like I was scared I’d frighten him if I spoke too loudly, like a wild animal. “Let them know where you are? That you’re safe?”
He turned to look at me, his baby blues shining. “You worried about me, baby doll?”
“I can’t help it,” I said honestly, unable to tear my eyes away. I hadn’t opened up to someone like that in so damn long. “I can’t help but worry about you.”
The way that I felt about Bucky absolutely terrified me, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. It snuck up on me, like a train coming around a bend.
I hated it.
“What do you want out of this life?” Bucky asked on one walk home, his arm linked in mine. He’d become so much more… tactile. If anyone took a moment to look at us, they’d think we were a couple on a romantic stroll.
Perhaps we were.
But I couldn’t help but grin as I looked up at the sky, taking in the warm air. “I wanna live like how the movie stars do… I want a big house on the beach and twenty cars and a yacht and… and…”
He looked at me long and hard. “And you never wanna have to worry about where your next meal is coming from, if you’re gonna have a place to sleep at night…”
For some reason, I’d felt a bolt of panic over whether or not he’d understand. Whether or not he’d think differently of me, but I should’ve known that he wouldn’t. Hell, he knew me better than anyone else.
“You understand,” I said quietly, my hand squeezing his bicep gratefully. “I want to live how the other half lives for once. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”
A small smile graced his features as we shuffled along. “There isn’t. But… What about love?” He asked.
Could I even have love? Did I want it?
“I don’t know if there’s a lot of room for love in my plans,” I admitted after a long moment. “In my experience, love has always just been a lie. A word used to manipulate and eventually abuse.”
Letting out a snort, he let his fingers tickle down my tricep until his fingers intertwined with mine. “I’d show you it’s not… I’d show you what real love is,” he said. “I’d give you every part of me, give you all my strength to help you grow into who you wanna be, even if I don’t particularly care about being famous or rich…” He brought my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “I’ll give you a love story, a life, that’s a million times better than any recycled Hollywood plot… I’ll give you the stars and the moon, if you would just let me.”
I hated the way that he made my heart beat faster, the way my breath hitched. “Jamie,” I breathed out quietly, the two of us having stopped in our tracks to just… take each other in. Live in each other’s presence for a moment. “I…”
“You want a big life… one a lot bigger than little old me,” he said simply, shrugging. His blue eyes were so honest, so loving. So warm. A warmth I hadn’t ever experienced before. “I know. But that doesn’t change that I’m in love with you. And if you ever change your mind…” Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card, pressing it into my free hand. “This is where you can find me. I figure it’s time for me to go home.”
We’d come to a stop in front of my building, and I was shocked at how tight my chest felt. My eyes watered as I stared at him long and hard. “Jamie, please… I⏤”
“Don’t say it. It’s okay,” he insisted as he cupped my cheek, letting his thumb run over my skin as though he was memorizing it. “I just want you to be happy, darling. You got that?” His lips pressed to my forehead, letting it linger. “Go get that life you’ve been dreaming of.”
I left New Orleans the next day, grabbing a bus ticket after throwing all of my belongings into my old duffel bag. It was time to move on.
But God, did it hurt.
I didn’t stop crying for weeks, fighting the urge to go right back to Louisiana and tell Bucky to take it back, to get him to beg me to stay with him.
But what kind of life would that leave me with? Working in the diner day after day? Never getting anywhere?
But you’d have James, a voice inside my head reminded me snarkily.
Then again, he most likely wasn’t even in New Orleans anymore, if what he said was true when he gave me the business card of his father’s mechanic shop. Was he really planning on going home to New York City?
A few months later, and I’d worked my way all through the southwest to Santa Fe, where I met Pietro.
My heart was pounding as I pressed in the familiar numbers, having memorized them from the business card now soft and faded from how often I held it in my hands like a lifeline. “Come on… Pick up… Pick up…”
“Barnes Tires and Motors, this is George,” a man said in a gruff voice when he finally picked up. “How can I help you?”
“H-Hi, is James there? James Barnes? Bucky?” I stammered out, hands trembling so bad that the old payphone was almost rattling.
There was a pause, and then muffled talking away from the phone.
And then I heard it being picked up. “This is Bucky,” he said.
It felt like the wind had been knocked right out of my lungs. How had I gone so long without hearing his voice?
Breathing in sharply, I tried to figure out the words to say. But my throat was dry and it was like I’d suddenly forgotten the entire English language.
That was all that it took for Bucky to realize it was me. “Baby doll? Baby doll, is that you?” He asked quietly. “I…” He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “You don’t gotta say a thing, sweetheart… But just know that if you’re in trouble or you need help or… or anything at all, you better call me…” His voice wavered, as though he was fighting tears just like I was. “God, I miss you so much, baby doll. I love you.”
I love you, too.
I hung up before I could actually say the words. “God, I’m so fucking stupid,” I whispered as I leaned back against the wall of the gas station I’d found myself at, rubbing the heels of my hands into my eyes.
My dumb ass had decided to wander from the bus station, and I’d walked over a mile away. Unless I was staying in Santa Fe for a bit, I’d need to start making my way back.
“You okay?”
In my distress, I hadn’t even heard the rumbling of the motorcycle or noticed the handsome man making his way to me. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” I said even as I wiped my nose with a pathetic sniffle.
He eyed me for a long moment, his eyes roaming over my figure. “You hungry? I know a great little place nearby. My treat.”
And well, I was never one to turn down free food.
Even if that ‘little place’ ended up being a food truck.
“You know, when you said it was a little place, I didn’t picture it having wheels,” I said teasingly, licking salsa off of my lower lip. “Though, it is the best food I’ve ever gotten from a food truck before.”
“Oh, come on. This is the best food of all time!” He laughed, shaking his head.
“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” I snorted, finishing off my flautas.
Pietro looked at me long and hard. “So, are you gonna tell me what the hell was going on to have a pretty girl like you all teary eyed?” He asked, his head tilting to the side.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Was this your plan all along?” I asked. Wiping my hands off on a napkin, I did everything I could to avoid his eyes. “Get me all fed and then question me?” But at the same time, the thought of being able to finally talk to someone about it was so appealing… After a long moment of hesitation, I finally gave in. “I fell in love with a man, and he let me go because he knew that I want a life he can’t give me,” I said. “And I was a bitch who didn’t even tell him I love him back when he said it to me.”
Pietro took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. “Damn. You really are a stone cold bitch, aren’t you?”
“Hey!” I indignantly threw a chunk of tomato at him, glaring. “I just opened up my heart, you dickwad.”
“Dickwad?!” He said, blinking at me in shock. “No one’s ever called me a dickwad before.”
I raised a single eyebrow at him. “Maybe not to your face, but they definitely have.” He gave off the vibe of a fuckboy, of a really, really bad fuckboy.
“Well, since you’re running away from your feelings, how about you spend a week or two with me on the road?” He asked with a grin.
I couldn’t help but blink at him in shock. “What?” I let out a laugh, pulling one of my legs up to my chest. “Do you throw that line out to every girl you meet? Or am I just special?”
Pietro threw a chip at me, and I barely managed to dodge it. “No, I don’t. But… You remind me of me. Needing adventure. A life bigger than four walls and a fence.”
Instinctively, I wanted to snap back that sometimes, four walls and a fence could be an adventure, could be the biggest life there was, as Bucky’s face flashed across my mind.
But I couldn’t do that. Not when I wasn’t ready to face the truth myself.
“Come on, sweet cheeks,” he teased as his foot hooked around mine. “Just think of it. The open highway, a rhythm beneath your feet… Nights full of passion and days of adventure…” Pietro’s voice was deep and husky, as though he was trying to lure me in. “No strings… just warm summer rain soaking us to the bone before we find some cheap motel to huddle down in…”
Plastering on a smile, I stood up and brushed myself on. “Thanks, but… I’d rather be drinking champagne, and the quicker I get to LA, the sooner I will be.”
He let me go with a kiss on the cheek and his cell number pressed into my hand, with a promise to come and pick me up the second I rang.
And despite how sweet he was, how wild and funny and charismatic, there was only one man I wanted to call.
I sipped at my martini as I sat at the rooftop bar, absentmindedly watching the television that was mounted on the wall as people droned around me. I’d been in Los Angeles for a year, and I’d spent my time finding the best places to find a husband who could give me the life I dreamed of.
As much as I didn’t want to admit it, it took connections to build a career, and the best way to get a foot in the door when nepotism was so rampant was by marrying someone in the industry.
My silk dress was the most expensive thing I owned, something I’d saved up for months for, had skipped meals for. And fuck, was it worth it. I could feel the stares, the lingering gazes on the little bit of thigh that was exposed by the slit in the dress.
I’d already turned away several men, able to tell just from their expensive watches and cheap suits and shoes.
It was amazing how all the up and coming finance bros thought they fit in with the truly big dogs.
“Well, hello, gorgeous.”
I turned to see who was speaking, my heart skipping a beat when I realized who I was speaking to.
The world famous (or infamous) director, Tony Stark.
“Hello, handsome,” I said smoothly, my lashes fluttering innocently as I took a sip of my horrible drink.
I fucking hated martinis. Always had.
But ordering a martini was more sophisticated than ordering a frozen strawberry margarita.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked as he motioned to the empty bar stool right next to me, even as he was already sitting down. “Let me buy your next round.”
“I can’t think of anything better,” I said, feeling as though my dream life was already in reach.
“Tony, where are you taking me?” I laughed as I let my boyfriend lead me to the private dock at our Malibu mansion.
Well, his mansion. I just happened to also live there.
It had been a whirlwind of a year since I had met Tony, and he’d bought me that second round. He’d taken me all over the globe, anywhere my heart desired.
But I made sure to avoid New York City, though he never understood why. I would never tell him.
Not when I was so close to my dream. I could practically taste it.
“Come on, come on. I have a surprise for you,” he said, keeping his hands over my eyes. He was sure to keep me from tripping and busting my ass, thank god.
The ocean waves were so comforting as they hit the shore, a sound I’d gotten used to over the past year.
He finally brought me to a stop, quietly telling me to keep my eyes closed. “Okay,” he said finally. “Open them.”
My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright light of the California sun. But I was more shocked by the sight of Tony on one knee in front of me, holding out a box with a sparkling diamond ring in it. “Tony?”
The ring was the size of a fucking meteor. It was easily the biggest ring I’d ever seen.
“You know, I never thought I’d meet someone like you,” he said quietly, his dark eyes shining. But his voice was steady. “Someone who understands me, who doesn’t expect me to change into someone I’m not. You accept me as I am, and that’s why I want to give you the world.” He couldn’t help but grin as he nodded to the right. “Starting with that yacht you’ve always dreamed of.”
I hadn’t even noticed that there were two yachts at his private docks instead of just the one. The new one had SS Princess emblazoned on the side, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh… Tony…”
“So, what do you say?” He asked, bringing my attention back to him. “Will you be my wife?”
Swallowing nervously, I looked down at the business card in my hand for the millionth time, the stock paper soft from how often I’d looked at it in the past ten years.
Hell, just how often I’d looked at it in the past six should’ve made it fall apart by now. Not that I didn’t have it memorized.
I’d finally ended my marriage after being miserable for so long. I’d gotten my yacht, my fancy houses, my career, all the jewelry that I could dream of, and none of it made me happy. Tony and I… never grew. And I never dreamed. Every day was the same, and every day was torture as I realized that I didn’t have the one thing that actually mattered.
The garage in front of me was busy, music blasting and the sound of men shouting to each other as they worked.
Suddenly I felt absolutely ridiculous wearing a Chanel dress and Gucci heels, an Hermés bag on my arm.
BARNES TIRES AND MOTORS was lit up along the top of the shop in bright red letters, though the lights in the ‘r’ of ‘motors’ were out.
I felt like a fool. I had wanted the life I had so desperately that I gave up everything for it. I got the movie star life, my name on billboards and my face on magazines.
But it wasn’t ever enough.
My heels clicked against the blacktop as I slowly made my way towards the front area of the shop, bells clinging above my head to let them know someone was there.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” A man asked as he came around the corner.
He looked so much like Bucky, it punched the air straight from my lungs.
“H-Hi. I’m looking for James Barnes. Is he here?” I asked after a long moment of hesitation. There was no way that the man was Bucky, but I didn’t doubt he was related.
The man raised his brows, wiping his hands on a rag. “My son’s in the shop. I’ll take you to him.” His full head of hair was white, his thick facial hair matching. Even with all the wrinkles on his face, he was a handsome man. Holding open the door for me, he led me into the loud shop, some eighties rock song blasting over the speakers.
I couldn’t help but smile as ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’ by Scorpions came on. It was one of Bucky’s favorites back when we worked in the diner together.
“BUCK! YOU GOT A VISITOR!” The man shouted, causing several people to look our way.
My cheeks felt hot as I avoided their gaze, hoping they wouldn’t recognize me. I didn’t want to be a famous movie star anymore, a celebrity that had to beg for scraps of privacy.
My mind went numb, my heart stopping inside my chest as he stepped around a gray Ford Escape another man was working on.
He was even more handsome than he was the last time I saw him.
“Can I help y—” He broke off, his blue eyes going wide when he realized that it was me. “Hi.”
All of a sudden, everything I’d planned to say flew out of my head. All of the eloquent words I’d strung together were gone. And I just proceeded to word vomit.
“Did you know that, uh, when you marry someone you’re not in love with, you won’t… you won’t grow into it?” I asked, my voice shaking. “Um… I married a man who could give me a life I thought I always wanted, and he just… sucked.” Eyes stinging, I fought back against tears. “And I thought that all I ever wanted was the life I have now, was the life movie stars and the Kardashians lived. But… But I hate it. I hated every second I was away from you.” I let out a weak laugh, unable to stop the tears. “I wanted to turn around the second I got on the bus in New Orleans, but my stupid stubborn ass didn’t. I should have. I should’ve gotten off and just run right back to you because I… I love you, James. I always have.”
The garage had gone almost deadly quiet, and my heart sank when I realized Bucky looked almost frozen in shock.
“I know that I shouldn’t have showed up like this,” I scrambled to say. “But I… I’ve been trying to get my divorce finalized for two years and I finally did, and I kept telling myself that once it was done, I’d never hold myself back from what I really want ever again. From who I want. If… If you want me.” My face felt like it was on fire, my hands shaking. I shook my head as I took a step backwards. “What am I thinking? There’s no way you’re not married. I… I’m so so—”
Before I could finish the word ‘sorry,’ Bucky had closed the distance between us, his hands cradling my face so gently. He held me like I was made of fine crystal as he kissed me. He kissed me like his life depended on it, like I was the one source of oxygen.
And I kissed him back just as fiercely. “I love you. I love you so much,” I breathed out in between kisses, unwilling to let him go as my Hermés bag fell into the dust and oil on the concrete below.
Bucky smiled into the kiss, his arm wrapping around my waist to keep me pressed to his chest. “I love you so much, darlin.’ God, I’ve missed you…” His nose nudged against mine as we finally broke for air, both of us breathing heavily.
My knees felt like Jell-O as I held onto him. His grip was the only reason I hadn’t fallen to the ground already.
“I’m sorry I was a dumb twenty-two year old,” I said, snorting as he stole another kiss.
“No… Don’t be sorry,” he insisted, his fingers massaging my scalp as our foreheads pressed together. It was like he was scared to stop touching me, like I would disappear at any second. “You were young… You had to go out and make your own mistakes… I’ve just been waiting for the day you were ready.”
All the years apart melted away and all that remained was the two of us, two souls so intertwined that there was no way to truly separate us.
Our lips were half molded together as I said, “I’m never leaving you again. I promise I swear on everything…”
My heart almost stopped inside my chest as I heard someone clearing their throat, looking to see Bucky’s father staring at us with his arms crossed over his chest. “M-Mr. Barnes, sir…”
He gave a crooked smile that was so reminiscent of Bucky that I couldn’t help but grin back. “The Mrs. will wanna know if you’re staying for dinner.”
“Yeah,” I said as I looked up at Bucky, toying with a strand of his hair. “That sounds perfect.”
Later that night, Bucky and I laid in his bed, a mess of bare limbs as his fingers ran up and down my back soothingly. “What do you want from this life, baby girl?” He asked absentmindedly.
Humming, I traced shapes on his bare chest, sometimes pressing a kiss to where his prosthetic met his shoulder, on the tender scar tissue. “You.”
A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, despite the already mischievous look on his face. “Really? Not even the stars and the moon?” He asked teasingly.
I knew he’d give it to me anyway, give me all that he could. But I was sure now that the only thing I wanted from this life was his love. “Not even the stars and the moon.”
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hansensgirl · 3 years
not all who wander are lost.
summary. | He’s got your name on his tattoo, wearing the same damn clothes since three days ago. A bottle of gin in his hand, and you’d say he’s just wandering.
warnings. | Strangers to lovers, smut, naive reader, mentions of trauma, angst, fluff, slight violence, slight dub/con, slight blasphemy, drinking, DD/LG, daddy kink, corruption kink, ring/hand kink, size kink, creampie kink, teasing, spanking, choking, spitting, manhandling, praise, male masturbation, handjob, degradation, a bit of humiliation, oral sex, virginity loss, marking, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI.
word count. | 11k
pairings. | Daddy!Destroyer!Chris x Little!Reader.
a/n. | one of the few fics inspired/based off of chemtrails over the country club. please heed the warnings and don’t forget to reblog. ily! thank you so much to @dragon-of-dreams @mypoisonedvine @tenuntilfightcall and everyone else for helping me out with some information! and thank you to my bb sara @asadmarveltrashbag for beta-ing and being there for me during this insane month, ilysm!!
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The first time he laid eyes on you, was six months ago.
Meadows like the ones that surround him only exist in movies and Instagram posts. But even those need editing for perfection. Yet, the ones around him made him feel as though he has camera lenses for his eyes. Each piece of grass is a beautiful green, and some had flowers between them. His thighs may hurt but the view is a reward for all the trouble he just went through. A cute cottage lies on the hill he stands on. It resembles one from a Pinterest board but he doesn’t mind.
Birds chirp, sheep bleat, cows low and chickens cluck amongst Ella Fitzgerald's rendition of Summertime. Chris walks a few more steps and onto the porch he goes. This isn’t his destination. Well, technically, it is. But he isn’t supposed to be knocking on your door like he is now, and his heart shouldn’t be beating out of his chest. To the right of this cottage — Chris’s right — is another cottage.
It’s more modern than he’d prefer it to be. It only looks so because inside lives a drug lord who is on the run. It’s truly unfortunate his girlfriend sold him out for immunity. He knocks on the wooden door and takes a step back. Who knows what kind of person is behind it. “Coming!” your sweet voice calls. Chris doesn’t let go of his grip on his gun that’s down the waist of his pants.
Even the sweetest seeming things can always end up being sour.
You struggle not to trip over your own dress. The tail of it drags behind you and sweeps the floor, too. But it makes you feel just like a princess, so you don’t care. On your hip is a basket, and inside is Cotton. Your bunny. She’s been your company for years, and you don’t know what you’d do without her. Barely anyone visits anymore, only because cars can’t handle the long drive up and many people hate nature. But when the occasional knock on your door echoes throughout the house, you can barely keep your excitement inside.
You open the door and gasp. The man… is brooding. And he’s not the type of broody that would grumble insults under his breath or the type that would stalk people, either. He’s the dreamy type, the man your parents say is bad news when really he just needs love. You take in his form. You can tell he’s slightly tired and you just have to give him credit for walking up to your home. He has no flaws, except for the dirt that stains his clothing.
“Hi, do you live here?” the strange man asks, looking around the inside of your home. You jump and you’re not sure why but your skin raises with goosebumps. His voice is deep yet so soft-spoken. For some odd reason, his hand is reaching backwards and you assume that it’s because he has some sort of ache from the walk. You finally register his words and look up at him.
“Y- yes, do you live here?” you stupidly ask. You don’t even realize what you just said until you noticed his puzzled look. “Oh, sorry,” you look down and notice that his black boots are covered in pollen, something that can be oh so bothersome. “‘S’alright, I was hiking a- and I don’t have anywhere to go… Do you think you could let me stay here?” he asks, letting go of the gun. “Uhm, s- sure, what’s your name?” you ask him, moving out of the way.
Naive, so fucking naive.
“Chris, what’s yours?” he asks, stepping inside. You give him your name and he nods. He goes to wipe his shoes on the rug in front of the door but there is no rug. You hand him a rag and he gratefully takes him, mumbling a small ‘thank you.’ “Are you a tourist?” you ask him, setting your basket down onto the floor. Cotton hops out of it and runs off to the kitchen, probably to chew on your apron. “No…” he solemnly answers. He hands you the rag back and you shyly take it.
“O- okay… Are you a photographer? I’ll tell you God’s truth, the most beautiful photos are taken when the sun rises, when it sets and when it’s raining,” you pointedly inform him. You drop the rag into your basket and turn back around, your dress spinning in a slight swirl. His eyes rake your body up and down, taking in every inch of your body. Red cloth with white polka dots covers your body and your mushroom earrings bring the entire outfit together.  Chris has to assume that the heavens above or whatever the fuck else is there have handcrafted you to absolute perfection.
He’s never read any stories about Greek gods, but he knows that Zeus would be absolutely infatuated with you. He takes note of how your body tenses up when he makes eye contact with you, and he gives you a small smile.
“I’m not a photographer,” he clarifies, looking around. He can’t believe you let him in just like that, but the more he found, the more he understood why. A lonely, innocent little girl like you doesn’t have anyone to tell you right from wrong. “Then what are you, sir? Are you lost? I can call the Consulate if you’d like,” you offer, walking towards him. “I’m not lost… I’m a wanderer,” he whispers almost hesitatingly.
“But you only ever wander when you’re lost, no?” you confusingly ask him. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, before peering out of the window. Luckily, he has a direct view of the other cottage. He really did hit the jackpot. “Not all who wander are lost, little girl. Now tell me, why would you let a stranger inside your home?” he asks you.
Cotton hops from the kitchen to your bedroom, and you stand in place. “I… Well, I’m not sure. You didn’t give me any reason to not let you in or to make me believe you’re dangerous, sorry…” you shyly tell him. “Don’t apologize, just know that not everyone in this world is good. There’s always going to be someone with a little more darkness than the rest of us…”
Chris unzips his duffle bag, and you let out a giggle. “Quite ominous of you, but then again, it suits your whole aesthetic. The cool, bearded man, with his cool words,” you smile at him, but it carries a bit of sadness. “Treat this place as your own, make yourself at home. And if you need anything, I’m always here.”
Chris stays at the window for most of his days. Always with a pair of binoculars and a pack of saltine crackers. Sometimes, he pulls a juice bottle out of his duffle bag, You’ve countlessly offered him something that’s actually filling, such as angel cake and sandwiches. He rejects them all, and you wonder if he’s some sort of super-human. But technology hasn’t invented wireless technology yet, so it’s impossible.
“Uhm, Mr. Chris-Sir? I don’t think those crackers are good for you, they’re all you eat…” you sheepishly admit, carrying a cup of water to him. The mug has a little frog painted on it, but the green paint has chipped away over seven years. You set it down gently, onto the table next to him and Chris just stares out at the cottage. “Bird-watching is so cool, isn’t it? If you see a robin, let me know, they’re so beautiful,” you tell him, before walking off.
At first, he doesn’t take in your words. But once they’ve settled deep in his mind and sunk in, he realizes that you assume he’s bird-watching. He’d honestly take any other assumption, but at least you don’t know he’s spying on the criminal next door. He looks down at the table with a sigh and then notices what you’ve done. Not only did you set a cup of water down, but you also gave him two slices of toast. One has strawberry jam on it, and the other has melted butter.
His mouth surprisingly salivates, but it also doesn’t shock him. Every day he sits there, basking in the beautiful smell of your food and humming. His personal favourite is the smell of focaccia bread being baked. He watches and waits until you leave the room to go tend to the chickens. Apparently, one of them laid a few eggs. He quickly shovels the two slices of toast into his mouth and downs the glass of water like a starved man. Because he is one.
Cotton hopes around once again but all Chris sees is a fluffy white blur. He recalls his memories from when he was younger. Younger him always wanted a pet. Even a fish that would die in the span of two weeks would suffice. But his mom couldn’t afford it, so he dropped the idea. Sometimes, he wishes he had dropped other ideas, as well. Like the idea that he’d enjoy life as an undercover agent, or the idea of sacrificing himself for Erin.
His fingers are sticky with jam. He hates the feeling. He spreads his fingers out and goes to get up from his seat. “Shit,” he curses, realizing that something may happen while he’s away from the window. He stands there, contemplating whether or not he should risk his mission just to wash the fucking jam off of his stupid fucking hands. He calls your name, loudly, hoping you’ll hear him all the way outside the cottage.
“Is everything alright?” you shout, running inside the house. He didn’t expect that reaction, but he’ll take it. You’re holding onto the corner of two walls, slightly bent over. Your chest, your beautiful chest, is the first thing Chris lays his eyes on. He nearly chokes on his saliva, and he just can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. “Uh, hi, I need help,” he gruffly says, his voice a bit deeper than usual. He clears his throat with a loud ‘ahem’ and you begin to stand up straight, much to his dismay.
But he doesn’t think the image of your tits nearly falling out of your dress will leave his mind any time soon.
“Of course… Did you enjoy the toast? I can make you some more if you’d like,” you shyly offer him. “It was good, but I’m fine, thanks though. Can you stay here, right at the window, while I go wash my hands? If anything happens, you have to tell me.” Chris doesn’t leave any room for argument, but your curiosity and naivety get the best of you as always.
“What happens if I don’t tell you?” you ask him, walking towards the window. He blocks your path and suddenly personal space is no longer a thing you need. “You don’t want to know what I’m gonna do if you don’t, little girl,” he warns with a hint of lust in his tone. You nod your head and feel tingles bloom just above your core. You’re not sure whether they’re butterflies or those tingles.
Chris walks past you and you quickly rush to the window. You never realized how beautiful this view is until now. The sun is bright, angled in the most perfect manner so that it doesn’t shine directly in your eyes. The sky is so clear, even with the occasional fluffy cloud that always manages to look like some animal. The window blows gently, shaking the sheer curtains that frame you. You sigh and fold your arms, resting them on the windowsill.
You lay your head on your arms and stare out the window with joy filling your heart.
Chris watches you as you look out the window. You’re slightly bent over, once again. Your ass sticks out, and you subconsciously sway your hips side to side, almost purposefully teasing him. Your white dress has a few strings hanging from the hem, but it doesn’t make you look any less gorgeous. He feels like he’s in a dream.
Not only because of the beautiful scenery, and the beautiful woman in front of him but also because he’s trying his hardest to wash his hands quickly, but his movements are so slow. He looks down and rubs his hands together at a furious pace. Chris hears you gasp and he looks up. “Did you see something?” he asks you, turning off the sink.
“Yeah, my neighbour! I haven’t seen him in months, I need to go say hi,” you tell Chris, before rushing out the door. He only then registers your words once you’ve run out of the house and into the unknown. “Fuck- Wait!” he yells after you. He runs behind you and is so grateful when he notices you haven’t gone too far. But you’re still running and Chris’s target is about ten meters away, so he decides to do what he does best.
He decides to save you.
Chris’s feet hit the ground harshly, crushing the flowers beneath him. Running in socks isn’t fun, but at least he has something to protect him. He calls your name and crashes into you with all the force in his body. You both go down and hit the ground from his fierce tackling technique. You go to cry out in pain and lose your mind, but Chris clams his hand over your mouth. “Shh, be quiet. You’re not hurt, okay? I’m sorry I had to do that, but you can’t go running off like that,” he lectures, throwing his right leg over your body. He frames you down, and you don’t have much room to move. You’re frozen in place, chest heaving, and you furrow your eyebrows at his words.
“Listen, I need you to listen. You may not know me and I may not know you, but when I tell you to do something, you’re going to listen. Understood?” he chastised with a harsh tone. You nod meekly, like a little kid who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “And just so you know, that sweet neighbour of yours over there is wanted by the Feds.” Chris looks over his shoulder and doesn’t see the man there anymore, so he begrudgingly climbs off of your body.
You gulp thickly, out of fear and nervousness. Chris doesn’t seem to want to add on to this newfound information, so your anxiety makes work of it. For all you know, your neighbour could be a murderer. Chris senses your nervousness and gives you a pat on the head, almost as if you’re his pet.
Unbeknownst to you, the sight of you under him, helpless and with his hand clamped over your mouth is something that gets his blood (and hand) pumping. He helps you up, and you don’t even realize it until he brushes some dandelion seeds out of your hair. “Thank you… and thank you for saving me, I’m sorry I didn’t listen,” you shyly speak to him. He nods and shoves his hands into his pockets, finding an old cigarette from before he quit.
“‘S’alright, I just need a few things from you,” he gruffly reassured. “O- Of course, anything for my guest and for the man who saved my life,” you beam with a small giggle punctuating your words. He basks in it, almost as though it’s sunlight over a beach. “Ah, you flatter me. Just tell me about yourself, I’m going to be staying for a while,” he says as he turns around to walk back inside.
A bottle of gin is in Chris’s hands. The colourless yet pale yellow liquid swishes inside its rightful bottle. It’s half full, only because last night, he downed the rest. He hasn’t drunk in a while. Since he got over being left for dead. And that’s only six months ago.
He’s shirtless. Only left in his grey jeans and jewelry. His rings clink against the glass bottle and his bracelets hang a little past his wrist. The gunshot wound on his left side had a faint scar on it. He hates it. Every single time he stares in the mirror, that fucking scar just stares back at him.
His father told him it makes him seem more ‘manly’, but it just feels like a point of weakness. Maybe if he was a little quicker, he would’ve saved that bank teller. He would’ve gotten Silas behind bars. He would’ve been able to be proud of himself.
Chris groans at the memories and spins the cap off of the bottle. It flies somewhere across the room, probably hitting one of the wood walls. He mumbles a ‘fucking hell’ and brings the bottle to his lips. The last time he drank like this was three months ago, and he ended up fucking the bartender.
She was bent over the counter, her tits spilled out of her bra and his cock pummeled into her sloppily.
She ended up kicking him out after they were done.
Chris groans again and sits down on the bed, kicking his legs up. His pants are stained with the pigment of dandelions and grass. The splotchy stains are juxtaposed to the grey of his old jeans. They have wear and tear all over them, but he doesn’t care.
Every now and then, he sighs — he sighs quite deeply. The puffs of air come from deep inside his chest. He tilts his head back and stares up at the ceiling, thinking back to earlier today. He smiles to himself, recalling the way you looked so innocent beneath him.
He’s only known you for a few days, and he already has lewd thoughts for you. Fuck. He just can’t help himself, though. Especially with your innocent doe eyes and pretty little dresses. He closes his eyes slowly, using that memory to fuel his much-needed mental images.
You’re beneath him once again, but you’re naked. His hand is wrapped around your throat, and he’s naked too. His cock is slowly driving in and out of you. He’s teasing you. Your pulsating, wet walls hug his fat cock, and you’re both moaning softly.
“Daddy…” you whisper to him, clenching around his cock. “What’s wrong, baby?” he softly asks you. “Please fuck me harder, please, Daddy,” you beg to him, before biting down onto your bottom lip. “I don’t think you’ll be able to take my cock like that, baby,” he shakes his head.
“I can take it, Daddy, I’m your good girl.”
Chris opens his eyes and his right hand has found its way down his boxers. His cock is all swollen and hard, hard as a rock. He places the bottle of gin down on the bedside table and gets himself all comfortable. Chris slowly begins to stroke himself gently. He goes from the base all the way to the top, and then back down. His thumb occasionally swipes against his leaking tip and all he can think of is teaching you how to make him — your Daddy — feel good.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans, feeling a vein throat against his hand. He moans your name and speeds up his movements. His fingers are slightly sticky, but it’s the type of sticky he doesn’t mind. He begins to slow his hand down, and he sighs, not wanting to come just yet. He hasn’t been this hard in ages, and touching himself feels so fucking good.
“Did you say my name? Is everything alright?” you ask, barging into his room. He jumps and his hand flies out of his pants. You both stare at each other, not even daring to blink. You eventually break eye contact and notice the bottle of gin sitting on the bedside table. There’s only a sixth of it left, and you frown. You don’t like it when people you care about drink. “Uhm…” he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and then takes in your form.
You’re in a nightgown, and it’s sheer as fuck. The gin gets to him and his mind has a slight buzz to it. His heart beats rapidly and his cock throbs with want and need. Chris’s eyes rake up and down your body like how they usually do whenever you’re in front of him. His mother would scold him for ogling at you, but he just doesn’t care anymore.
“I- I am so so so sorry, I should’ve knocked. I just thought you needed help with something because I heard you say my name, but sometimes I just tend to hear random things, so sorry,” you apologize in a panicking manner. You slowly walk back to the door, but you don’t turn around. Your bare feet leave a faint imprint on the floor from the cold sweats that have taken over your body.
“Come back here,” he orders, sitting up on the bed. Chris’s unbuckled belt clanks quietly, and he begins to remove it in one quick motion. You gulp thickly and exhale shakily. You slowly walk to where Chris is sitting, and he pats the spot next to him. You’ve never had such an interaction with anyone, ever. You sit down next to him, but you keep your distance.
Alcohol should not be called alcohol in Chris’s utmost humble opinion. No, it should just stick to its nickname ‘liquid courage’ because it’s more accurate than anything else. He may not seem like it, but he’s just a man who doesn’t have the heart to do much. Adrenaline doesn’t exist for him anymore, not since the incident.
Chris turns his head and stares at your pretty face. You look down, unable to make eye contact with such a God-like man. You have to assume that even Apollo is envious of Chris’s beauty. “How’d you hear me? Because I know these walls aren’t thin enough, and I know I wasn’t being loud, so tell me; How’d you hear me?” he interrogates you like one of Silas’s companions, but this time is slightly different.
Lust is what’s pumping through his veins, not rage.
“Uhm, well… My room was right there, and I wasn’t doing anything but thinking, and since your bed is against the wall, I- I heard you say my name,” you explain shyly. He hums, and you’re not sure whether it’s a hum of delight or disbelief. “Thinking of what?” he presses, inching his body closer to yours.
You continue to stare at his hand, even though you can feel his heavy breathing against your face. “I… Well- I was uh,” you stutter embarrassingly, and it makes you burn up with shame. “Spit it out, little girl, and don’t think of lying to me,” he growls, placing his hand on your thigh. Your gaze follows his movements, and you take in the set of rings that adorn his fingers.
They’re all black and of similar styles. One has a skull, one is completely plain, one has a cross on it and the last one has the word ‘Daddy’ engraved on it. His veins are so prominent. They bulge out with intensity, and you’d just love to trail your fingers along each of them. “Am I going to have to force an answer out of you?” he roughly asks. His other hand goes to the back of your head and he brings your gaze to his face.  
You quickly shake your head in objection, and he raises his eyebrows for you to spit your answer out. “I was thinking about you, and the way you tackled me…” you admit to him in a low and soft voice. “You liked the way I was on you, little girl?” he asks, moving his hand to the back of your neck. “Y- Yeah, made me feel all… Tingly…” you whisper to him.
“I want to hear you say it, little girl,” Chris ushers, squeezing the back of your neck slightly. “I liked the way you were on top of me…” you tell him breathlessly. “Good girl,” he praises in a slightly deep voice. He pulls you onto his lap and you gasp. His hard, wanting cock is right under your thighs, and you exhale nervously.
“You feel that, little girl? That’s all because of you, you did this to me. And you’re proud of it, aren’t you? Got me so fucking hard just because of you.” Chris squeezes your waist, and you really can feel it all. He’s not wrong, either. You’re so proud that you’ve made a man like him so desperate for you. “Do you know what I was doing, little girl? I was jerking off to the thought of fucking that cunny of yours until you’re begging me to stop,” he growls in your ear.
You moan softly, and the picture comes to mind, making your pussy gush with want. “Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he asks, placing his hand on your inner thigh. You nod, and he raises his eyebrows in warning again. “Yeah, I want that so bad,” you murmur to him. You and your pussy want him so bad. Chris’s hand inches further up your thighs until he’s just an inch away from your bare pussy.
Your thighs are already slightly sticky from your arousal. “Do you know what jerking off is, little girl?” he asks, pulling his hand away from your pussy. You hold back a pathetic, child-like whine, and he begins to lift up your nightgown until he sees your naked body. “Kind of… Isn’t that when a man touches himself? Like how women touch their… down there?” you innocently ask him.
Chris chuckles at how cute you are. So innocent yet oh so slutty. “Have you ever touched yourself, little girl?” he asks, lifting the nightgown over your head. It’s strewn across the floor behind you, and neither of you cares. But you quickly use your hands to cover your most precious, most private parts. “No, no, I don’t want to see any of that. You’re so beautiful, baby, you’re built like an absolute angel,” he husks, and you feel so flustered that you can’t help but giggle.
“T- Thank you… And I’ve done it a few times,” you inform him. Chris nods and smirks, catching the way your nipples have pebbled up. “Have you ever made someone feel good before?” he questions, trailing his broad hands up and down your body. “N- No, it’s pretty lonely up here…��� you almost-ashamedly admit. He coos at you. “Do you want me to teach you how to make me feel good, little girl?” he questions, palming your tits.
You moan softly and rub your thighs together as he pinches and pulls at your hard nipples. You’re so small in his large hands, it makes him even harder. You nod your head fervently, wanting to make Chris feel so fucking good. Chris takes his hands away from your body and shifts you in his lap. He reaches down his pants and pulls his cock out of his boxers.
You gasp, having never seen something as big as that. He smirks and uses his right hand to grasp the base of his thick cock. Chris brings your dominant hand down to where his cock is and guides you to wrap your fingers around him. Chris shudders at your soft touch, and he moans softly. “Good girl, yeah,” he praises. “Wrap your hand around me a bit tighter, baby,” he urges, and you do exactly that.
He groans loudly and a small smile stretches across your lips. “N- Now, you’ve got to move your hand up and down. Start off slowly, go all the way to the tip, and then back down,” he instructs, even though he’s helping you out. His hand brings yours all the way to the tip, and then back down; just like he said. His hand leaves yours and goes back to feeling up your pretty body.
“Now do it by yourself, but in a twisting motion, little girl.”
You listen to his words and jerk him off, feeling yourself get wet as his cock twitches in your hand. Your clit throbs and so do the veins on the side of his shaft. Chris curses, and you bite down on your bottom lip. “Good girl, just like that. Fuck, your hand feels so good around me,” he moans, squeezing your waist. You focus on his cock, watching as pre-cum leaks from the tip and down the side of his dick.
It drips onto your slow-moving hand, and you exhale as your movements grow a bit faster. You look at him, watching as his pupils darken with lust. You can tell — it’s written on his face — he wants you to go faster. Your hand speeds up around his cock, making him a moaning mess. “Fuck, you’re such a good fucking girl. You like making me feel good, don’t you? So eager to please like the good little girl you are,” Chris husks.
His praise goes straight to your needy cunt and he knows this because he can just tell. Your thighs rub together, your breath hitches, you let out a giggle and squeeze a little tighter around his cock. Chris’s hand goes up to your head and smashes your lips against his. You both moan into the kiss, and you straddle both his thighs to get more comfortable.
You place your other hand on his cock and mimic your dominant hand’s movements. You try to keep up with the kiss, but you just can’t. Teeth clash and so do tongues as Chris moves his mouth against yours. He pants and his chest heaves as you continue to stroke him. “Go faster, baby,” he urges, and he pulls his mouth away from yours. He can feel you soaking his jeans, your wetness joining the abundant amount of rips and tears in the material.
Your hand moves faster, twisting perfectly and occasionally squeezing his most sensitive spots as well. Chris pushes your hands away abruptly, and you’re confused. Did you do something wrong? Does he not like you anymore? What happened? “Shit, wrap your mouth around the tip, little girl. Trust me, you’re gonna fucking love it,” he says, and you quickly do so.
You’ll do anything to please him. His mushroom tip is leaking and a raging red. It’s the same red as the rest of his cock, and you could swear it’s almost purplish. You can tell he’s aching because you’ve been through a similar thing. You drop down to the floor and kneel in front of Chris. Your lips smooth around the tip of his hard cock, and you can taste him as soon as he hits your tongue.
He tastes of musk and manliness, along with a hint of saltiness, and it’s oh so addicting. You keep the tip of his cock in your mouth like it’s one of your favourite lollipops and smile around him. Chris smiles and wraps his hand around himself. He jerks himself off quickly, desperate to come in your mouth. “Fucking shit– god, you’re such a good fucking girl,” Chris rasps as he reaches his climax.,
His balls tighten up and his blue eyes roll back into his skull. White, hot, thick ropes of cum shoot out of his tip and fill your mouth. You’re not sure why, but a moan escapes past your throat, and it only makes Chris’s high much better. Chris places both hands on the sides of your head and holds you there, gently. You swallow all his cum as it fills your mouth and leaks from the corners of your lips.
Chris so desperately wants to push your head farther down his cock, but he knows he shouldn’t. Plus, there’s always going to be more time for things like that. He pulls your head away from his cock and watches as a string of saliva tries to keep the two of you connected. You gently lick your lips, still savouring his taste and he smiles down at you. You can’t lie — you feel giddy. Giddy in a way in which you crave his praise and approval like no other.
“You’re such a good girl, you know that? Thank you for helping me out… I do suppose I should return the favour, right?” he teasingly says, lifting you up into his lap. You shake your head out of nervousness. “No? … Why not, baby?” Chris asks, and you gulp thickly. “Don’t wanna rush it… I- never mind, you wouldn’t understand,” you look down and fiddle with your fingers.
The grooves of your nails are smoothed over by your pointer finger. Some dips and rises make you cringe, and others satisfy you. He looks down at your hands and notices the skin picked on the sides. He knows how painful those can be, and he doesn’t want you to feel any pain at all. “I’ll try to understand, darling, but if you don’t tell me, then I’ll be completely clueless,” he speaks to you lowly. “I like the way your words make me feel…” you shyly admit to him.
“Aw, how do they make you feel, baby?” Chris presses, grasping your two hands together. “All warm and small… makes me feel like I have it all. Hey, that rhymes!” you exclaim, bubbling in the utmost adorable giggles ever. “You’re a natural poet, darling. But tell me more…” he urges, rubbing his coarse thumbs against your soft skin. “I get butterflies, and I feel all shy and safe. Your words make me so comfortable yet so vulnerable…” you describe to him even though words can’t describe what you feel.
“Is that right, baby? You’re so cute… Do you- Do you get all tingly and babyish when I use my words?” Chris hesitatingly asks. His voice is so gentle and soft, a low whisper that is so soothing to your ears and rough edges. You nod meekly and smile to yourself. Your cheeks may hurt from all the laughter he caused earlier today but that doesn’t refrain you from hiding your smile.
Now, Chris is no doctor. He’s no professional, he’s no master. He’s just a broken man, but he knows exactly what you’re talking about. But he won’t explain what it is, because he needs you to learn on your own. Maybe with some guidance from him, but he won’t trick you into thinking something completely off base.
“Let’s get cleaned up, okay? Then we’ll sleep, you need the rest. We both do.”
He’s got your name on his tattoo, wearing the same damn clothes since three days ago. A bottle of gin in his hand, and you’d say he’s just wandering. But he isn’t. He was never. The stick-and-poke tattoo may seem a bit much, but he doesn’t regret it one bit. Your name is written in your pretty handwriting. The ink is in his skin, and he’s practically marked as yours, now.
The days go by slower, much slower than he’d like them to. But it doesn’t matter now, because his mission is over, and he’ll be leaving soon. But Chris doesn’t want to leave. His wanderlust has found an end as he finally has a place where he’s meant to be. He’s found heaven in the hills, and between your legs.
“D- Daddy…” you whisper under your breath, loud enough for him to hear. Your hands are locked with his, and they rest at your sides. You’re just in a small bralette, and your hard nipples poke through the fabric. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders and your ankles lace together behind his head. Your neck aches from the angle your body is in, but the pleasure blooming from your core is much more powerful.
Chris is between your legs, and he hums against your wet, throbbing pussy. You moan loudly and squeeze your eyes shut from the feeling. He sucks on your clit harshly, and wetness seeps from your hole. “Feels so good… Oh, my…” you pant. Your hips gyrate and you subconsciously grind your wet cunt against Chris’s face. He pulls his face away from your pussy and licks a broad stripe against you.
You moan again and squeeze his hands tighter. His tongue swirls around your swollen and throbbing clit, bringing you closer and closer to your release. Your taste is addictive, and he could stay between your legs for hours on end, if not for eternities. His beautiful, lovely rings dig into the sides of your fingers, but you don’t care. Chris may treat you like a delicate doll, but he should know how much you love it when he’s rough with you.
“I think I’m gonna come, Daddy…” you cry out to him before a strangled moan leaves your mouth. Chris pulls away from your pussy once again, but this time he spits on your lips. His saliva drops down your cunt and mixes with your wetness, and he goes back to devouring you. He eats you out like a starved man, and you’re squealing at the overwhelming pleasure.
If he was on death row, he’d have your sweet pussy as his last meal.
His tongue works over your clit and brings you closer and closer to your release. It’s coming fast. A searing, heated feeling takes over your body and abdomen as your back arches off your couch. Chris is as hard as a rock, staring you directly in the eyes, and he makes you come on his mouth.
“Oh- Daddy!” you cry out loudly, your mouth falling open into a silent, voiceless scream. Your eyes roll back into your skull and in Chris’s past words, you look like a brain-dead slut. Your wetness gushes out of your drooling hole, and he laps it all up with no problem. He drinks up everything you give him, and then some. Your hands are still laced with his and your chest rises and falls at a fast pace.
“Shh… You did amazing, little one. Taste so fucking sweet, just like nectar,” he hums like a hummingbird, before smacking his lips. You slowly come down from your high as he strokes your hands with his thumbs. Your lids are slightly heavy, but you don’t want to get any shut-eye. Time away from Chris is practically a sin in your eyes. “Thank you, Daddy,” you gratefully reply.
“You’re welcome, little one. Got me so hard,” he husks as he moves to get up. He carefully handles your body and pulls out a handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans. They’ve been washed and scrubbed but there are still faint dandelion and pollen stains that he just doesn’t care enough about. Though the adorable face you were making whilst washing them is something that’ll never leave his mind.
Just like the mental image of you coming undone beneath him.
“Can I make you feel good, Daddy? Pretty please?” you ask sweetly and Chris knows he could say yes, but he doesn’t want to. Making you feel good pleases him, but he doesn’t want to sound so poetic so he chuckles. “Soon, little one, I need to clean you up properly,” he tells you and you jut your bottom lip out, pouting. He coos at you and you scrunch your nose up at the attention.
“But I’m all clean, Daddy!” you reason, reaching over to palm his hard cock through his jeans. Chris chokes on his saliva at the feeling of your touch. “In a bit, little one, you need to listen to Daddy. Okay?” he rasps with a warning in his voice. “Okay, Dada…” you trail off with a deep sigh punctuating your sentence. You fiddle with your fingers as Chris carefully cleans up your pussy.
The damp washcloth is gentle against your sensitive skin. Each movement of his is carried by gentleness and love. “I have a question, Daddy,” you hum after a few seconds of silence. “Go ahead, mushy one,” he says with a smile. You giggle at the nickname before calming yourself down. “Were you really wandering?” you bluntly ask him. Chris’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets, and you gasp.
“What do you mean, little one?” he asks, looking up at you. “Well… You said you were a wanderer! And that’s how you found me! But you don’t seem like a wanderer, you’re too clever to be one,” you explain with a smile on your face. Chris begins to chew on the inside of his cheek, and the skin has already been filled with bite marks and scars. At this point, he should tell you, right? You already know the deepest, most darkest pieces and part of him.
You’ll love him no matter what.
“Well, I wasn’t wandering. You’re so smart, little one. The smartest baby in the world!” he cheers and moves to get up. He sits in the empty spot next to you and lifts you into his lap. You’re still naked and Chris has his shirt off (as usual), so the skin-on-skin contact has you feeling even sleepier. “Sometimes, we lie to protect people. I lied, to protect you, along with many other people. Myself included, of course,” he starts.
“I was sent here with the sole purpose of bringing in your criminal neighbour,” he pauses “and I did.” You nod along with his words, your mind only allowing the most important phrases to sink in. “I arrested him around a month ago, and I was supposed to leave three weeks ago,” he sadly sighs. You look up in a panic, and you’re in shock. “Two weeks ago, I turned in my resignation. I’m not going anywhere,” he quickly adds and your face lights up.
“I’m staying with my best girl, okay?” Chris smiles and leans in to kiss you. You let him do so because God-damn, you’d let him do anything he wants to you. “T- Thank you so much, Daddy!” you squeal and hug him tightly. He laughs in a beautiful cacophony of sounds, and it’s right in your ear.
Chris feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders as you writhe around in his arms. You wiggle around on his hard cock and Chris suppresses a groan. His hands trail from your shoulders to your waist, down to your hips. Goosebumps erupt on your skin and excitement runs in your veins at his touch. Your head rolls back and you exhale shakily. He grips your hips tightly, and you involuntarily buck your hips against his crotch.
Both you and Chris moan before he moves both his hands to your ass. He gropes you roughly, feeling a bit of your wetness on his fingers. “Oh, baby… What’s all that for? Hm? Didn’t Daddy just eat your sweet little pussy out?” he asks in a slightly worried tone. “Y- Yeah… But I can’t help it, Daddy, you always make me so tingly…” you admit to him, shyly.
“Mmm, I like knowing I do this to you. Gets me so fucking hard,” he groans, slapping your ass. You yelp in surprise, but it gets cut off by a whimper. Chris caresses the hit skin and soothes you down from the shock. He smiles at you and then lands another hit. Then another, and then another.
The sting is addictive, just like he is. It leaves you writhing in both pain and pleasure and yet you still want more. “M- more, please,” you quietly beg and Chris coos at you as if you're a pet. And the truth isn’t far off. The coolness of his rings is both brutal and comforting. It soothes you yet acts as if they didn’t just hurt you. “You want more, baby?” he asks in that sweet yet sultry condescending tone of his.
You nod your head and chew on your bottom lip. “‘S too bad you’re gonna have to take what I give you and keep quiet, baby,” he husks, and you whine loudly. Chris flips your bodies around and suddenly you’re on your back, and he’s leaning over you. He locks lips with you and you try your hardest to keep up with the kiss.
His lips move sloppily against yours, but you don’t mind because you’ll take anything he gives you. You moan into true kiss and Chris wedges his knee between your legs. You’d hump him like a bunny because that’s what the demon on your shoulder is telling you to do. But the last time you did something without his permission, you weren’t allowed to make him come for a week.
You just know you’re soaking his jeans but neither of you cares. Chris kisses the corner of your mouth and trails down to your neck, peppering kisses behind as if he’s leaving a trail on your body for when he’s going to explore you later. The stubble on his cheeks and jaw tickles you and Chris falls even more in love with you as your laughter fills the air.
“D- Dada…” you whisper to him as you tilt your head back. His lips land on that sweet spot of yours and your back arches off the couch. Chris smiles against your skin and begins to suck on that sweet spot. Your breath hitches as he bites, licks and sucks on your skin. He marks you up like no other, and you know how much he loves to know that you’re all his.
“Dada… No teasing, please,” you sweetly ask in your soft tone. And how can he turn you down? “In a bit, little girl, be patient for Daddy.” Chris continues to mark you up until he’s satisfied. The feeling of his teeth against your neck and collar bones makes you even wetter than you already are. Possessiveness is carried in his movements, and it only drives you to be needier.
Chris moves further down from your collar bones to the valley of your breasts. Each curve of yours makes him want to sin without any repentance afterwards. He places a kiss there and then looks up at you. “Please, Daddy,” you whisper so quietly it takes him a few seconds to realize what you’ve said. Chris’s hand wraps around your body to your back.
He slowly unclasps your bralette and drags it away from your body at the same pace. You both maintain eye contact all whilst he undresses you to your vulnerability. Chris throws your bra somewhere behind him and places his hands on your body. “Aw, baby… You’re so cute and small,” he sweetly says in an almost shocking manner. Almost as if he doesn't use the size difference as a weapon to make you all soft and mushy.
“Hm, thank you, Daddy,” you tell him because good girls always have manners. “So good, using your manners for Daddy,” he praises, and you wonder if he can read your mind. Your Daddy can do anything, so it would be no surprise if he can. Chris sits upon his knees, but he remains in his towering position. Gently, and with care, he spreads your legs open until he’s satisfied.
He watches as you clench your needy pussy. He just knows your clit is throbbing, and you’re tingly because he just has that effect on you. “Poor baby… Is this all for Daddy?” he asks, and you quickly nod. “Say it, tell me it’s all because of me,” he growls placing his hands on your thighs. Chris slowly moves his hands further down your thighs. His touch is gentle, and he can feel the goosebumps on your thighs beginning to raise.
“‘S all yours, daddy. It’s all because of you,” you tell him breathlessly. “And this pussy is all mine, isn’t it, little girl?” he asks, inching closer to your wet pussy. “Mhm, only yours, Daddy!” you happily assure him, and he smirks at you. “That’s right, little girl. And since it’s all mine, doesn’t that mean I can do whatever I want with it?” he questions, and you nod with no hesitance at all.
Chris traces your wet pussy with his ring-donned pointer finger. “Oh my…” you gasp at the feeling. It may not be much, but your sensitive little pussy struggles to handle it. You clench around nothing again, and he watches, before chuckling at you. “Such a pretty pussy you have, baby, I can’t fucking wait to ruin it,” Chris growls, and you whimper. “Gonna fill you up with my cum after I fuck you, little girl,” he promises, and you never wanted to be fucked so badly until now.
He wonders if his cock could even fit inside you. Usually, he’d want to eat you out and finger you to prepare you. But he’s now thinking with what’s between his legs, and not what’s between his ears. He trails that same pointer finger on your pussy, and becomes mesmerized with the sight. Chris watches as your hole drools with want and need, whilst you watch him.
His already dark eyes are blown out with lust, and it only turns you on even more. Chris knows you’re watching him. He’s not one of the best agents in the FBI for no reason. He looks up at you, and you lock eyes with each other. He smirks and pulls his hand away from your pussy. You hold back a whine, but you still pout in disappointment. Chris begins to unbuckle his pants, and you’re filled with eagerness.
You smile widely, and he coos. “Aw, you’re such a desperate little slut, it’s adorable,” he chuckles, and you shy away. He pulls down his jeans along with his boxers slowly. Chris takes off his jeans and boxers completely, and throws them somewhere around the house. You watch as his cock bounces up and leaks with pre-cum. You just know he’s aching because of how red his cock is.
He’s big, and you already know that. But seeing him in all his naked glory is just something else. The simple yet not so simple idea of Chris’s cock being inside of you is electrifying. It’s both terrifying and exciting. He grabs the base of his cock and the prickly hair pokes the soft skin of his hands, but he doesn’t care. His left hand goes back to your pussy, and begins to rub circles on your clit.
“Oh… Daddy,” you moan quietly. The pleasure is almost overwhelming, so you involuntarily try to shut your legs and keep Chris out. Your knees touch for a brief moment, and he’s having none of that. He separates your legs and climbs on top of you, all while staring you directly in the eyes. His cock drags against your inner thigh. “Oh, is it too much for you, little one?” he asks with faux pity in his tone. You nod and clench your fists to control yourself.
“Too fucking bad, you’re gonna take whatever I give you, and you’re not gonna complain. Isn’t that right, little girl?” he sneers, and you gasp. Usually, you can’t handle someone who raises their voice in the slightest. But hearing Chris do it makes the butterflies in your stomach fly. “Yes, Daddy,” you hum delightfully, and he smiles. “Good girl,” he praises. Chris presses harder on your sensitive pearl of nerves and rubs you in faster circles.
“Daddy…” You moan and it goes straight to his cock. He looks up at you and just knows you’re beginning to drive up that cliff. He slows down his ministrations on your nub, and you bite back a loud whine. “You’re so needy, baby… Already so close to coming, it’s kind of pathetic…” he trails off and more wetness leaks out of you. You’re absolutely soaked and are a little bit ashamed of it.
“Please, Daddy! I’m so close, I’ll do anything,” you beg, but he just doesn’t buy it. “You’ll already do anything I tell you, baby, begging is so useless,” Chris chortles. You let out a small huff and move your hips in a circle, grinding against his thumb. In a flash of blurry moments, Chris pulls his hand away from your pussy and wraps around your neck. He squeezes the sides of your throat, and you gasp quite loudly.
He raises his eyebrow in warning, and you nod in understanding. “Good girl, I don’t want to put you over my knee when I’m feeling so gracious,” he assures, and you smile. Chris brings the tip of his cock to your swollen, needy clit and his pre-cum begins to mix with your wetness. You both moan softly as he rubs his tip on your clit. Your bottom lip finds a home between your teeth and Chris’s tongue swipes over his.
The sight and feeling of his cock on your silky pussy make him so weak in the knees. “Fuck, baby, do you like that? You like it when Daddy makes you feel good with his cock?” Chris asks in a deep, gravelly voice. “Yeah, Daddy… love it so much…” you tell him through a mushy haze of pleasure.
“You’re getting all dumb and stupid already? You’re so cute, little one,” he purrs, and you giggle at his words even though there’s nothing funny about them. “Do you want my cock, little baby? Say it, tell Daddy you want his cock,” he urges, and you look down to where you’re both nearly connected.
“I wan’ your cock, Daddy. Want it so bad, I need it, Daddy,” you beg, and Chris hums. “Just a little more, little girl, it’s like music to my ears,” he smirks, and you bite your bottom lip. “Sing for me, hummingbird,” he pushes, and you just go with whatever your neediness tells you to do.
“I wanna feel your cock deep inside me, Daddy. I want your cum to fill me up until I’m leaking and all stupid. Please, Daddy, please fuck me. I really want your cock, I need it,” you beg and blood rushes to his face and cock. “Fuck, yeah, I’ll give you my fucking cock, and you better take it like the good girl you are,” he growls, and you whimper. Chris slowly drags the fat tip of his shaft down to your drooling, slutty hole.
You whimper loudly, and he looks back at you. Fear is written all over that pretty face of yours, and Chris knows the exact reason why. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be gentle, okay? If you want to stop just say so, and I’ll listen. I won’t hurt you, darling. I promise,” he gently reassures you. You sigh with an almost heavy yet full heart.
You then nod and Chris thanks you for allowing him to fully make you his. “Wanna hold your hand, Dada… Please,” you ask pleasantly, and he nods. “In a bit, little girl, I just need to be careful,” he whispers. Chris slowly begins to push into your wet, tight cunt. You swallow him slowly, and the sight is mesmerizing.
The tightness of your cunt squeezes him in a strong hug, and he wishes he could be buried deep inside you for the rest of his life. “Fuck- Baby, you feeling so fucking good,” he moans while trying to compose himself. You’re still whimpering from the pain, and your chest is rising and falling at a fast pace.
“C- Can I push all the way in, little one? It’ll only hurt for a bit,” he asks, and he looks deep into your eyes. “Mhm… Wanna feel your cock deep inside me, Daddy, please,” you beg, and Chris tries his hardest not to come right here, right now. He thrusts his hips forward, and bottoms out inside you completely.
Your mouth falls open, and you’re silently screaming. The pain isn’t too much, but you feel as though the wind is being knocked out of you. Chris shifts a bit, and that’s when you start to feel it more. He’s so deep inside you, and he’s splitting you in two. “Breathe, baby, breathe,” he says.
You realize you’re holding your breath and it’s no wonder why your heart was beating out of your chest. “You’re doing so- so well, darling. Your little cunny looks so nice when it’s stuffed full with my cock,” he groans, and you whimper. “Dada, is hurtin’...” you whisper, and Chris wants to pull out because he can’t stand the thought of his little girl being hurt.
“Do you want me to stop, little one?” he asks, but you quickly shake your head in objection. Even though the pressure in your core is dwindling, and even though you feel a little too full, you don’t want him to stop. “No stopping, Daddy, please,” you whine and flail your arms towards him. He shushes you soothingly, and you calm down as soon as he flashes a stern look.
The pain soon burns away into nothing but dust and ash, and you finally see why he was so desperate to shove his cock inside of your cunt. It turns into pleasure and your pussy leaks around him. You’re soaking Chris’s cock with no shame at all. “Oh, fuck, baby… You feel so fucking good,” he moans, and you follow with a gasp. “I like the way y- you feel inside me, Daddy, makes me all tingly…” you admit shyly, and Chris chuckles.
“Yeah? Bet it makes you want to be fucked stupid, right, baby?” he questions with a playful smirk on his face. “Yes, Daddy,” you moan. You’re never aware of your surroundings because you’re too caught up in the moments. It’s something Chris scolds you for, but you never learn. But in this moment, you can feel everything. The veins on his cock throb against your silky walls, and you can feel his balls against your ass. His hot breath fans over you as Chris struggles to compose himself.
He slowly drags his hips backwards, pulling out of your pussy until his tip is the only thing in your cunt. The sudden almost-emptiness is surprising, but you quickly get used to it. Chris then pushes back into your pussy, and you moan loudly. “Fucking hell, little one,” he curses under his breath as he bottoms out again. He begins to fuck into you slowly and gently, careful to not hurt you. Even if he wants to fuck you until you’re crying.
The sound of skin on skin is quiet and almost unintelligible. The squelching sounds from your wet pussy and moans fill the room. Chris gently grips your hips and watches as your face contorts into a frown of pleasure and not pain. “Daddy…” you pant softly as you look up at Chris. “Yeah, baby? Am I hurting you?” he asks out of worry. “N-No, it feels so good…” you trail off as one particular thrust lands near your g-spot. And he knows that.
“Wan’ you to fuck me hard, wan’ you to destroy me, Daddy. Please fuck me like the slut I am…” you gently beg and Chris halts his thrusts. His cock twitches inside of you because of your words. Only he can corrupt an innocent angel such as yourself. “Shit- Little one, I don’t want to hurt you, that’s why I’m being so gentle,” Chris explains, but you shake your head. “You could never hurt me, Daddy. Please, I need you,” you beg for one last time, unaware of what you’ve done to him.
Chris roughly pushes his cock back into your cunt without warning. “Awe, I see. My little princess wants to be fucked like the whore she is, hm? Well, whatever princess wants, she gets,” he growls because beginning to fuck you roughly. You moan loudly at the feeling as with each thrust, his cock pummels against your sweet spot roughly. His pelvic bone rubs against your swollen clit and his grip on your hips tightens.
“Daddy!” you cry out as Chris pounds into your poor pussy. The room fills with moans, groans, curse words and wet sounds that all come from the art you two are making. “Aw, what’s wrong, little girl? Can’t take daddy’s cock anymore? Hm? Well, I don’t really give a fuck, you’re just gonna lie there, and take what I give you like a good fucking girl,” he sneers, and you push at his chest.
“It’s so sensitive!” you wail like a little bitch in heat. “But I bet you don’t want me to stop, do you?” Chris asks as a moan bleeds past his plump lips. “Uh-uh, please don’t stop, Daddy!” you squeal after a harsh thrust. The stretch of Chris’s cock is amazing, and you never want the feeling to stop. Chris’s hand leaves your hip and crawls all the way up to your neck. He wraps his fingers around your throat, and squeezes the sides, making you clench tightly around his big, thick cock.
He lowers his face to yours and watches as you react to the way he’s being rough with you. “Oh, God!” you cry out as he makes his thrusts more powerful. “Actually, it’s just ‘Daddy’, but I’m fine with that too,” he slyly smirks. You’re too fucked out to even laugh at his joke. Your eyes roll back into your skull and your back begins to arch off of the couch.  “Awe, are you gonna come around my big fat cock already, slut? How cute,” Chris mocks.
You nod your head and begin babbling like a baby. “But remember, little girl, I have to give you permission to come, okay?” he reminds you, and you whine. Chris’s hand around your throat moves up to grab your jaw, and he stops thrusting into you. “None of that is allowed. Don’t forget your place, little girl,” Chris warns with fury seething through his words. You mumble an apology, trying to formulate the proper words to speak.
“Seems like I really did fuck you stupid,” he chuckles, and you moan at his words. You clamp down on his cock, tempting him to do what you want, like a siren using her voice to lure men into the sea. “Open your mouth up first, little girl,” he orders, and you obediently listen. The searing arousal in your core begins to fade away, and you feel a panic beginning to rise inside you.
Chris drags his hand back down to your throat and rests it there. You watch as he puckers his lips up, and suddenly, he spits into your mouth. You open your mouth even wider and stretch your tongue out. His saliva lands directly on your tongue, and you wait for further instructions before you give in to your desires.
“Swallow it, little girl,” he instructs, and you do exactly so. You open your mouth back up just to earn some praise. “Good fucking girl. The best baby ever,” he smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you, Daddy! … Can I have cummies now?” you lovingly ask your Daddy.
“Of course, little one,” he says as he smiles down at you. Chris begins to fuck into you again, deep and hard. With each thrust, he pounds your g-spot and his balls slap against your ass. His remaining hand on your hip moves down to your clit, rubbing your little button with rough circles.
“Daddy… ‘m gonna come!” you moan loudly and Chris fucks you harder. “Come one, baby, come all over my big cock like the good girl you are,” he urges. The building feeling inside you increases, and you feel yourself getting closer to your release. “Fucking come, little girl, wanna hear you sing for me,” he growls. And with one specific thrust, you find yourself coming undone beneath him.
The sight is so fucking beautiful. Watching you as your eyes turn up, your mouth falls open and your cunt hugging his cock just gets him going, and he wishes he could take a picture of you right now. “D- Daddy! Oh, my-” You cut yourself off with a loud moan and Chris keeps on rubbing your clit and fucking you through your orgasm.
You soak his cock until it’s dripping and even then you’re still coming. You moan loudly and Chris can feel himself getting closer to his orgasm. His balls begin to tighten up and a droplet of sweat drips from his neck down to his chest. “Daddy, are you gonna come?” you sweetly ask as he fucks you through your orgasm whilst chasing his own.
“Yeah, baby, Daddy’s gonna fill you up with his cum. I’m gonna leave you leaking with my seed,” Chris growls as he fucks you faster. “Please, Daddy… Please, I want your cum so badly! Please fill me up with your cum, Daddy,” you beg and Chris tosses his head back.
“Fuck, yes, yes yes,” he shouts as his balls tighten up again. He quickens his pace until white, hot, thick ropes of cum spurts out from his aching tip. He fulfills his promise and your wish, filling you up with his cum until there’s nothing left. His cum mixes with your juices as he paints your walls with no expertise whatsoever. Chris slumps on top of your body, engulfing you in a bear hug as his cock remains buried inside of you.
You’re both panting and struggling to come down from the euphoric feelings. You look up at Chris make lock eyes with him for the nth time. There’ll never be a day where you don’t get lost in his eyes. They’re beautiful, absolutely beautiful. “You did so fucking good, little one,” he praises, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“Thank you very, very much, Daddy,” you slur, feeling yourself beginning to sleep into little space. “Daddy?” you call out, tapping his bicep after a few seconds. “Yeah, baby?” he asks, lifting himself up to get a better view of your face. “Will you really stay?” you ask with a bit of worry in your voice. He sighs with a full heart.
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
for want of a bento box
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– It’s plain and simple, you see, someone is stealing your bento boxes and you will find your lunch thief! Or, in which Todoroki Shouto keeps taking your bento box and you declare war. 
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: fluff, cursing, shouto is a bad chef, I believe I made reader pretty gender neutral but I whipped this out in two hours and I can no longer remember if I used any fem!pronouns but im pretty sure I didn’t
word count: 3,060
a/n: this is for the wonder coworker bnharem collab! I had intended on writing a completely different theme and storyline but was very overwhelmed by how much time it actually needed to be written compared to the amount of time I actually had. that version will be out another time! but for now, enjoy some pure flufffffff!!!!
Having a normal, functioning, well-paying job was probably the most desirable thing to you. It wasn’t to say that you were slacking or that you were homeless, broke, and never to be seen again because you were that in debt. But it was nice having a job!
When you entered the prestigious Toshinori Company, you joined not as an entry-level job employee but as a senior representative. You thought it was crazy.
It had to be crazy.
You had no prior experience, and now you were going to be in charge and the lead in certain areas?!
“And that was the entire layout of the office!” Mina chirped happily, throwing herself onto the desk chair across from yours with a big smile. “Any questions?”
“I don’t think so,” you mutter, brows creased as you look around the room again. 
The office space was ample, sleek, open. Each desk has its own grand computer that you currently could not afford with your own money, comfortable chairs, and beautiful wood desks. It was elegant, far superiorly fancy, and yet, you didn’t feel out of place. Strange.
“Oh!” you say with a roll of your eyes as you reach below your desk to bring up your packed lunch. “Where was the break room again? I need to refrigerate my food!”
“Omg, of course, come this way!” Mina grins, standing up and motioning you to follow her. You smile gratefully and do. 
The entire way to the office, Mina takes the time to point at the many different people on the floor and give them names. Everyone so far had sort of acknowledged you earlier as Mina was giving you the official tour. Some were much more open and friendly, and some had sneers or blank stares that left you dumbstruck. 
Definitely a personable group.
“Hm, well, I guess Todoroki-kun isn’t here today?” Mina mutters as you enter the break room that has couches and comfortable-looking chairs. “Such a shame! You would have loved to see the office hottie!”
You snort at that, lips curled into a granulous smile as you place your plastic container with food into the fridge. “I’m sure I’ll live,” you brush off the fact that there was an absent person on your floor today.
“That’s the thing, though,” Mina points a finger at you, a lone eyebrow raised and a confident smirk on her face. “You won’t be thinking that again the moment you see him!”
You laugh, eyes crinkling as Mina joins your laughter. Eventually, she motions for the both of you to leave, and you nod in understanding. And with a weird sense of comfort and belonging, you realized that this job was going to be good. 
Eventually, you had been working at Toshinori Company for two months.
Sixty-two days to be precise, and in all that time, you had only met Todoroki Shouto once. Even then, you had only seen the man walking through the office with a blank face, fingers in his pockets as two other men were walking in front of him, bickering lightly.
Had Mina not quite literally thrown herself across the table and gripped the collar of your shirt and twisted your head to look at him, you would have never caught a glimpse at the man with red and white hair. The three of them walked into the break room and came back out with their own lunches before leaving.
And that was it.
You had learned that the three of them (Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, and Bakugou Katsuki) were within your department but worked very closely with the very high up members within the company. Many rumors pointed at one of the three taking over the company when the current CEO stepped down. They were, however, on the roster for your floor; they just never appeared except to pick up their lunches. Something they seemed to come to grab whenever you were a) way too fucking busy or b) not in the room.
You weren’t too bothered, though.
It wasn’t like you were trying to date one of them! You had only wanted to say hi.
Now, at ninety days, you had your first and probably most crucial evaluation. 
Toshinori Yagi, the man who founded and currently ran this company, sat before you, looking at papers within a folder with tired but kind blue eyes. He nodded, impressed (hopefully), making small comments about the work you had been able to accomplish, a smile becoming a warming grin as he looked up.
“I’m impressed by the performance you’ve managed to attend to despite the short while you’ve been here, y/l/n-shojo,” Toshinori spoke, his fingers threading together and placing them onto the table. “I knew it was an excellent decision to put you in that position, and you exceeded my entire expectation!”
You flushed at that, lips twitching as you attempted to suppress that smile of yours. 
“Thank you, Toshinori-san,” you practically wheeze as he waves off your thanks.
“No need to thank me, you’ve done all this work!” he laughs, tired eyes closing with a glorious supply of crow's feet blooming at the corner of his eyes. “Typically, at these evaluations, I ask a bunch of questions because there isn’t too much anyone can do in their first ninety days, I must admit.”
“Mhm, but because I am curious, is there anything that has been happening as of late that you feel needs to be addressed with me?”
You felt yourself stiffen but knew your one and only complaint was not something to bring up in this setting.
“No, nothing,” you shrug, and Toshinori beams.
“I’m glad!”
Now, the problem.
The big, fat, stinky, hooligan, wanting to throttle someone problem.
For the past sixty of your ninety days, someone has been stealing your lunch.
Yes, you heard that correctly; someone was stealing your damn lunch! Every morning you woke up and prepared a delicious bento box for yourself. Some days you went as far as cutting shapes into your fruits and veggies just to make yourself grin. You weren’t the best chef in the world, but your bento boxes were pretty enough to make up for it, in your opinion. But the thing is, every day when you went into the communal fridge, you noticed two things.
One, your bento box was no longer in the same place, and two, the bento box was not yours at all.
The food was disastrously organized. Rice and lettuce spilling out in every partition in the box. The fruit and veggies often packed in this box had multiple cuts in them, implying that whoever did this was less than ideal with a knife. The meat was often oversalted, the sushi never sitting together, and everything was just… not it.
The first time you had sighed and eaten it, grumbling about how your precious lunch was stolen. But you had quickly figured out that it was inedible, and Mina, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu thank god, offered to share their meals. 
Seeing that you were distressed about how someone stole your egg and octopus sausages one day, Mina declared that they would watch the break room for whoever was stealing your light blue bento box. The first day you staked out, you had done it with Mina. But ten minutes into waiting around, you needed to pee. So you stood up and left in a hurry, leaving Mina alone.
But when you returned, Mina was gone, instead standing by Kirishima’s desk with a bright grin and a stance that screamed that she heard something she liked (gossip, possible in-office romance, a love confession?). Her jaw dropped as she noticed you and Kirishima had turned and waved in your direction as you raced into the break room to open the fridge, and sure enough, your bento was gone.
The next time, you staked out with Uraraka. Your arms were folded, your bladder cleared, and your lips twisted into a pout as you glared and stared down every single member who entered the room. Uraraka whispered to you her guesses about just who might be the thief, every other person rating an 8/10 likelihood of stealing your lunch.
But as the both of you sat there, your eyes narrowed at each passerby, no one came to collect your bento today.
“Deku-kun, no packed lunch today?” Uraraka asked as the green, curly-haired man you had only met once previously raced into the break room, grabbing the extra chopsticks meticulously hidden in the third bottom draw.
“Ah, Uraraka-san, y/l/n-san! Uh, no,” Midoriya greeted you both, who apparently responds to the nickname Deku, laughs off as he grabs a handful of napkins. “Todoroki-kun left all our lunches in his car by accident, and well… they spoiled… Kacchan’s pissed, so I ran off to get lunch for us today!”
Uraraka laughed, shaking her head, “Leave it to Todoroki-kun to act that way.”
Midoriya laughed, bright and clearly in agreement, “You should have seen his face when Kacchan asked for his lunch! I swear–”
“HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GRAB FUCKING CHOPSTICKS, SHIT-KU! I’M FUCKING STARVING!” a voice roared from nowhere near the entrance of the break room. You did, however, jump a bit, eyes turning toward the break room entrance to see the blond man (Bakugou? Kacchan? You had no idea which was correct) near the entrance of the floor. 
“It’s only been a minute, Kacchan, relax!” Midoriya laughs, completely unaffected by the startling shout as he waves goodbye to both you and Uraraka before leaving, joining Bakugou as the both of them seem to talk comfortably… well, maybe more like bickering.
“Why are they–”
“Childhood friends, apparently,” Uraraka sighed, but the smile on her face betrays her exasperation.
No one stole your bento that day.
Yaoyorozu took up the third stake out, the two of you idly chatting about tea. You honestly had no idea what to talk about with Yaomomo; she was often just so elegant and mature despite being your age. When you learned that her family was in charge of the Yaoyorozu Corp, it had been strangely easy to accept that. 
It made sense.
So as the two of you stood at the kitchen sink, boiling water for tea Yaomomo swore would be the best matchup for your packed nigiri, the both of you missed the man who walked into the room, opened the fridge, and took your lunch.
“I… I am so sorry,” Yaomomo apologized, head bowed dangerously low as the both of you looked at the sloppily cut salmon in your not actual bento. “Please eat my food in reparation.”
“No, it’s okay,” you sigh, chewing on the somehow still warm salmon. “I deserved this loss.”
Luck was just on this man's side, it seemed. No matter what you did, you could never catch the man in action, and you were ready to give up.
But this was the last attempt you said to yourself as you returned to your office floor, the evaluation done, and the rest of your life coming to light. You could do this. No! You WOULD do this!
“Why don’t you just put your name on your bento box?” Bakugou asked, a lone eyebrow raised in what you could only assume was judgment and pity. The explosive man was standing in the doorway of the breakroom, watching as you and Mina were trying to climb up the counters of the breakroom to grab the camera you had previously planted. “Obviously, it doesn’t have your name on it.”
“Um,” you squeak, having been obviously caught by someone who intimidated you just the slightest bit. “That’s a good idea, thank you, Bakugou-san.”
“Tch, whatever, just clean up the damn counters, fucking nasty standing up on there. Some people prepare their food there.”
“We would never forget to do that!” you argue, desperate to not leave a bad impression on this man.
“I don’t know much about you, but I know raccoon eyes over there would.”
“Like I care.”
He left without so much as a wave but did seem to nod with his departure. You sighed as you hopped off the counter, Mina grabbing the cleaning supplies as she cursed out the long-gone man under her breath. 
But you were looking at the fridge with your missing bento box.
“I can’t believe I never put my name on it.”
“It’s okay! Not even Yaomomo thought of it, so I say we are still smart!”
It was the next day, you were at your desk, anxious as hell as you did your work, trying not to focus on the fact that it was lunchtime and you were actively avoiding the break room. You wondered if they wouldn’t come and collect it today. If somehow they were an asshole and wouldn’t care if your name was on it! What would happen then? What if it was someone like Bakugou who was taking your lunch? What then? You were sure you would cave in slight fear and major intimidation if he said that your lunch was his now.
“Want a cutie while we wait, cutie?” Mina asked, waving the small tangerine in her fingers as she grins.
“Please,” you say in gratitude for the food because you were starving. “Thank you.”
Eventually, you lost track of what was happening, becoming all too invested in the conversation that Mina was telling you about that involved Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, twenty-seven Red Bulls, fifteen Monsters, and five shots of sake. It seemed that the former two were quite big instigators when they wanted to be, and the latter two were unable to back away from challenges, especially when the other was involved.
“Y/l/n?” an unfamiliar voice called from behind you, and you turned partially in your chair as you looked behind you.
Standing behind you was a tall man with red and white hair, and from this distance, you noticed immediately that his eyes were a deep grey and brilliant blue.
Todoroki Shouto.
“T-Todoroki-san!” you greet him back, voice unable to keep from trembling as your nerves shot up. What was going on? You two had never interacted before! He was always gone, never present, and whenever he was in the office, it seemed that you weren’t there.
He cleared his throat and raised up two identical bento boxes.
“It seems… I have apparently been stealing your bento boxes,” he concludes, pressing the blue bento box with your name written on it into your hands.
Your jaw drops as your fingers curve around the cool plastic, eyes blinking up a storm as you try to abstain from laughing high pitched and ugly like. 
“It was you?!”
A pink color blooms onto his cheeks as he averts his eye contact with you and nods slowly, “I am so sorry.”
“I just… how?!” you exclaim, exasperated, this man obviously being a bit dense if he had no idea he was taking your bento box!
“I prepare my bento boxes the night before, and I don’t really remember what I put into them….” Todoroki explains slowly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, his tongue clicking the roof of his tongue. “I just thought that my cooking was improving and that I was somehow doing an amazing job.”
The grin that overcomes your face is one of subtle, strange fondness and soft warmth. “I can tell you that you probably haven’t improved much,” you tease, opening your bento box to see your prepared meal for the day. 
Cucumber salad, bulgogi beef, rice, and some fruit.
It was packed exactly how you remembered.
“I can’t believe I finally get to eat a meal I prepared,” you continue to tease, your eyes moving up to meet Todoroki, who was also looking at your bento previously. “Thank you for returning my meals and apologizing.”
“It was nothing,” Todoroki waved off with a single hand before opening up his own disastrously assembled bento box. It looked worse than usual today. Everything was just thrown in, it seemed. You saw egg and rice, but everything else in there was indescribable. He smiles at you before sighing at his bento. “This looks more like my stuff.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “You want to share my bento box? I’m sure you probably don’t want to return to that.”
“No, it’s okay,” Todoroki gently declined, although he looked at your bento with great want. He cleared his throat, gaze moving to lock on yours, and you swore his cheeks were still pink but no longer from embarrassment. “I just wanted to come and apologize for stealing your lunch for so long and to thank you for the meals; they were all delicious. Especially the soba you had made.”
“It’s all good; it’s in the past now,” you say gently, somehow finding yourself falling for a man you’ve barely just begun to talk with. The both of you stare at each other, and your skin feels warm. You chuckle, gaze averting for a moment before returning as you tease him. “Although, if you steal from me again, I’m not so sure if I’ll be so lenient.”
“It won’t happen again, promise,” Todoroki smiles, and you feel your spine melt. “But I would love to make it up to you somehow. I can make you dinner one night or something?”
You laugh, head shaking, “No, absolutely not; I don’t trust your cooking skills just yet. But you can definitely take me out to dinner.”
“Yeah, I can definitely do that,” Todoroki agrees, and the both of you fall silent as the shy stares continue. “Does, um… is Friday at seven okay with you?”
“That works,” you say, and Todoroki smiles.
“Good, I’ll uh, see you then?”
“See you,” you agree with a sweet smile before turning around, your fingers raised in a small wave. 
You turn to see Mina, Uraraka, and Yaomomo staring at you, eyes comically wide and so very intrigued.
“Oh… my… GOD!” Mina shrieked as Todoroki walks away, and you shriek as she jumps across the table and shakes you, screaming about office romances and meet-cutes being entirely too underrated. “PROMISE ME I’LL BE INVITED TO THE WEDDING!!!!”
It would take about three years of dating, several months of teaching Shouto how to cook, which resulted in a few bellyaches. Still, eventually yes, Mina would be invited to your wedding.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Hawks Secretary(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)
Many times, I wondered why Hawks never had a secretary. He’s fast, but I’m sure his agency has lots of work to do. And it turns out he had secretaries. They all just left after being with the hero for a week. Now, why would they leave a great opportunity like this? You get to work right next to the handsome, number 2 hero, Hawks. 
Now I know why.
I got used to the eyes watching me like a hawk after a few weeks. First starting, Hawks was a nice, gentlemanly guy. Then days onward, he annoys you on purpose. This made me realize he never actually wanted a secretary, but he needs one. 
I’d always watch him, either on TV or during a conference, with pity. He’s a strong man, and you can tell by the way his attitude is towards others that he wants to show that. I’m not sure what happened in his past to make him want to be this way. As annoying as he is, I admire him for working so hard for the citizens of Japan. Not only for the citizens, but for the heroes, too. 
I didn’t get the job because I was working alongside the famous number 2 hero. In fact, it was the only position left for a secretary. There could be many other jobs that would fit my capability, but most of them required a college degree. I can’t afford college at the moment, so I'm stuck with working as a secretary.
Being a secretary isn’t all that bad. I worked as one before, probably the reason why they hired me because of experience, but the company ended up going bankrupt. Now I work as the number 2 hero’s secretary. And when I say, ‘not all that bad’, I’m really talking about the job in general. If you’re Hawks secretary, though…well, let’s just say I understand why those other secretaries left.
Hawks has many sides. He’s very charming and friendly on TV or in person, but behind those emotions comes a giant wall that hides almost everything about him. So far, I have been surprised at least once by seeing an emotion I never thought Hawks could have.
My desk sits right outside of his office. In front of my desk sits big, wooden double doors to his office. Big enough to where Hawks can walk through without having to tuck his wings in. His office is on the very top floor of a tall building, so a balcony for him to leave easily in case of an emergency. 
Us workers all know he likes to sneak out to not do his work. 
One night, I was doing my work at my desk. Being on the top floor wasn’t very fun for me. It can get lonely when Hawks isn’t bothering me so much. Not many people come up to the top floor unless they have work for me to do, and even so, they don’t stay long.  While I was doing some work, I heard some loud sounds coming from his office. Looking up at the big doors before me, my first thought was a burglar in his office. That thought was instantly shaken away when I know it's impossible for someone to get in while I sat here in front of the entrance. That, and Hawks is the only one who can get in through the balcony. That means Hawks was back from his mission.
As time passed, I couldn’t focus any further with all of the noise. I was getting worried that something was going on and decided I should go in and check on him. 
Knocking on the double doors once, to inform him of my presence, and creek one door open. The light from the hallway leaks into the dark room. I noticed how the thumping stopped once I opened the door and peeking in, I saw Hawks sitting at his desk with his hands covering his head. He looked frustrated. “Uh, Sir?” I voice, taking a few steps away from the door. “I’m sorry to barge in, but I was worried.” I was hesitant to say anything at all. This was the first time I’ve ever felt uncomfortable walking into his office. And seeing him like that sent shivers down my spine.
A few minutes of silence passed, then Hawks slowly looked up at me. He was on his feet, his hands by his sides, and a bright smile dazzled in the dark room. “Hey, there, Angel!” He greeted me like he usually does. “You were worried?”
I slightly cringe at the nickname he gave me but refrained from telling him off. The nickname wasn’t important right now. “Yeah. I heard a lot of noise. Is everything okay?” Seeing his smile made my body relax a little bit, giving me the confidence to walk in a bit further. 
“Of course, I am! Sorry I worried you.” He rubbed his neck nervously.
Even with that smile, I knew something was off. “Sir…please tell me what’s wrong. I’ve never seen you like this.”
He folded his arms in a pout. “I thought I told you to call me Hawks.” 
“And you're my boss. It’s more professional to call you Sir.” My hands land on my hips, my eyebrows knitting just a small bit. “Now, answer my question.” This is how we usually talk to each other. In order for him to get his work done, I’m the one having to be the boss. And most of the time, it seems like it hasn’t really bothered him.
His eyes observe my form. Roaming up and down before a kind smile graced his lips. “I haven’t seen you all day. You look beautiful, as usual!” 
I was wearing my usual office get up. A white button-down shirt tucked into the black pencil skirt. Heels aren't my thing, nor makeup, so I wear flats that finish off the look. It didn’t really matter how I looked; this was his normal flirting stage. Knowing he’s using his flirting skills to avoid answering the question worries me even more. 
I take a deep breath, avoiding eye contact. “Hawks.” He flinches at the name. “Tell me what’s going on.” Back to looking at his golden-brown eyes, I notice how sad they have gotten.
He sighs. “Since you’ve asked so nicely.” He tried to smile, but his voice was shaking. “I’m…frustrated. Angry.” He threw the pencil he was fidgeting with onto his desk, making some papers fly off. 
I hurriedly walked to his side, trying to comfort him with a hand on his arm. “What happened?”
“This case. We still haven't found her.” He gritted his teeth, eyebrows furrowed. 
He was on a case with other multiple heroes. A case to find a missing little girl. Someone has reported seeing her get kidnapped, but they couldn’t see who the kidnapper was. This made it difficult for them to find the poor child. 
I rub his shoulder. “You guys will find her, I know you will.”
“I flew all over the city! And I didn’t see anything!” He was practically yelling. 
That’s when I got to thinking. “Well, if you flew all over the city and couldn’t find her, don’t you think they could be out of town?” He looked up at me, interest placed over anger. “Think about it. It’s been over twenty-four hours, right? That’s enough time for the kidnappers to take the girl out of town.”
His eyes widened in realization. He grabs my shoulders, a wide smile on his face. “That's it! You're a genius, (Y/N)!” He grabs his golden-brown coat, heading to the balcony. “Take the rest of the day off, alright? And tomorrow, too.” 
My jaw drops. “What? Wait, Hawks! Where are you going? Shouldn’t you rest a bit?”
He chuckles. “I’m not resting until I find that girl.” And he flew off into the sky.
Even though he said I had the next day off, I still went in. Not to know if they found the girl, but because I knew Hawks needed me for paperwork. And it turns out Hawks was able to find the girl in a warehouse a few hours out of town. Early that morning, he was scheduled for many interviews and paperwork.
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warmblanketwhump · 3 years
safe enough to fall
a little university-themed thing I wrote using @sicktember prompts: comfort item, sneaky temperature check, medicine, unlikely caregiver, and lightly inspired by these prompts
the grip of the winter’s cold was their constant, unrelenting companion - but sometimes, B just wished it would be a little less faithful.
It doesn’t ease in the morning, when B wakes up coughing with a cold nose and stiff limbs. It stays as B shivers through the lukewarm shower and the hurried layering of clothes over damp, goosebumped skin. It sticks to them like cling wrap on the bus, in the lecture hall, the windy walk to their next class, makes them tense their rattling jaw, and leaves them hunched over and huddled up, desperate to conserve any scrap of heat.
This was a fact of their university existence - that after the pleasant crispness of fall, their poor, scholarship-funded body was plunged into four months of frozen hell. They didn’t like to complain - after all, they were getting a free education. But no one told them how brutal their university’s winters would be, nor that dorm heating was little more than a few puffs of warm air every hour, or that regardless of how many layers they pulled on, they’d be chilled to the bone until late March.
Their final class of the week is in a drafty science lab, and they hold back a groan. The cold's not the only source of their dread - it was the thought of spending 90 minutes with their perky, overly friendly lab partner, A.
A, whose parents were well-off, well-known benefactors of their university. A, who lived in a nice house with proper heating and had the money for a warm winter coat. A, who obliviously chattered on about anything and everything. Besides that, they were just so...happy. All the time.
The can afford to be, B thought miserably. There was no way all that sunshine could be real.
B really tried to tamp down their bitterness, but it was hard to listen to someone gush on about their amazing weekend their family spent on some tropical island when B spent the same weekend wrapped up in blankets, trying to stay warm enough to study their nomenclature notes.
Two minutes before class, A bounds into the lab like a freed golden retriever and begins their usual volley of caffeinated questions, which B responds to in short, clipped answers. Suddenly, the questions stop and A’s brows furrow.
“You look cold. Are you okay?”
B shifts on their stool and tucks their fingers into the sleeves of their worn secondhand coat, pulling it tighter with a shudder. “I am cold. It’s winter.” They cough weakly into their elbow - the nagging cough has gripped them for weeks now.
“Are you sick?”
Direct, then. That was new. “No. At least, I don’t think so. I don’t have a fever or anything.” In truth, they had been feeling a little lower than usual the past couple of days, the chill a little deeper, the aches more pronounced, the cough a bit more painful. But in their book, that was hardly enough call themselves sick. B sniffles and A opens their mouth to comment further, but the professor calls the class to attention, and the moment is gone.
90 minutes later, they’ve got their work cut out for them - a ten-page lab report that’s going to count for nearly a quarter of their final grade. And as luck would have it, it was a partner project, which meant B got to spend more time with the equivalent of human rocket fuel.
“So...do you want to just knock this out tonight?” A's eyes dart around nervously.
B frowns - it’s almost the weekend, and they figured A would have plans with friends this evening. But B sure doesn’t have anything going on., so they don’t protest. “No… I s’pose we should get as much done as possible while it’s still fresh. Want to go to the library?”
“Ugh." A cringes. "Do we have to? That place is like a tomb.”
B huffs indignantly. “It's not that bad," they mumble in a weak defense of their favorite study spot. A shoots them a glare, and B rolls their eyes. "Do you have somewhere better? It's Friday, so most places are closing up.”
“Well, my parents decided to go on some last-minute ski trip to the Alps again, so my place is free," A says as they step out into the biting wind. "Plus, I have a ton of food and it's actually warm in there, unlike these buildings.”
The promise of decent heating and food that wasn't from the dining hall was enough for B. "Fine. Your place." The pair trudge through the bitter wind as the sun begins to set, and soon they arrive at A's parents’ home - a beautiful, winding estate just a couple minutes away from campus. B has to bite their lip to keep their jaw off the ground - in the blustering snow, this place looks straight out of a Christmas card. Another reminder of how they don’t fit in this world.
Will you stop? B chastises themselves. A having money isn't a personal attack on you. Just enjoy the free food, finish the assignment and get over it.
Despite the towering exterior, B's house was quite cozy, colored in warm neutrals and filled with soft, comfortable furniture. Just past the mudroom, they spot a big living room filled with with an enormous overstuffed couch, squashy-looking pillows, and soft throw blankets. Everything about this place screams warm. A rubs their arms, suddenly aware of how cold they are. The heat nearly makes them dizzy, and they can feel the temperature difference as it seeps into their cold skin.
"Want some cocoa?" A tosses their bag into the corner and heads for an electric kettle in the kitchen, and B follows. "It always helps me warm up." B nods. A couple minutes later, A pushes over a steaming mug with the top entirely covered in marshmallows.
B wraps their chilled fingers around the mug and takes a sip, and the warm, rich liquid feels like heaven to their cold body. "That's amazing."
A smiles. "It's the good stuff." They sip in a surprising silence for a few moments, before A sighs in resignation. "As much as I wish this was just a social call, this report isn't gonna write itself." They grab a bag of popcorn and nod their head toward the living room, and B follows dutifully. A flicks on the gas fireplace and tosses B a throw blanket, and the pair gets to work.
After a couple hours of studying, three instances of indignantly thrown popcorn, and a dramatic reading of the periodic table, B realized that they may have misjudged A. Deep down, under the bubbly exterior, A was a genuinely kind, sweet person. It wasn't an act - they just were human sunshine. And the longer they spent time with them, the more B realized they didn't mind their company at all.
"Alright." A drops their pencil and rubs their eyes. "If I have to balance one more equation, my brain's gonna explode. Study break time." A flips on the TV and puts the volume on low.
B leans their head back on the couch and pulls their throw blanket to their chin, trying to ward off the shivery feeling in their core. Despite the heat of the fire, the mug of hot chocolate, and the thick blanket, they just can’t seem to get warm.
Their face feels hot, but their blood feels chilled and heavy, the weight of it making them ache deep down in their bones. B wraps their arms around their knees, trying to rub away the throbbing pain and get some warmth into their skin. They glance out the picture window at the now-blowing snow. It's gonna be a miserable walk home.
"B, you're shivering." A's turning to look at them now.
B startles. "It's-It's nothing. Just a chill." The concern in A's voice triggers their flight response. "I....I should probably get back to the dorms. It’s late–" They're cut off with a hacking cough that leaves them breathless and they wince at the ache in their chest.
"B, it's snowing, and you haven't even had dinner-"
"Where's my jacket?" They push themselves up and toss the throw blanket off, instantly regretting it as the air invades their pocket of hard fought warmth. They’re trembling and dizzy and desperately freezing, but they cannot stay here. Then, the world tilts and they fall back on to the couch. For a moment, they're just laying in an icy, spinning world, trying to catch their breath, when warmth suddenly envelops them.
A's tucking the same thick grey blanket around their shivering form. As they pull away, their hand lightly brushes over B's neck, then freezes. B twists away from the gentle touch, but it’s too late. Realization floods over A's face. Caught. "You lied. You are sick."
B groans, even as their fingers weave into the chunky knit and pull the warm layer closer. "A, please. Just let me go home. I'm probably contagious. You don't want me here."
"B, you look like death warmed over. I'm not sending you out in a blizzard when you're feverish like this. I won't do it." There's a spark in their eyes and a set to A's jaw that dares B to challenge them.
B leans back, defeated. Even though they want nothing more than to run out of this room, they're too weak to stand and too cold to move. So here they'll stay.
It's okay. Someone's here. You can give in now.
No. I can't. I can't let them see me like this.
What choice do you have? You already look awful. Let them help you.
A covers them with another blanket and places a gentle hand on their back, rubbing slowly. The firelight flickers, casting light and shadow across their solemn face. “B. Tell me what you're feeling, and I'll get you what you need.”
B swallows down the rising panic, the helpless vulnerability they feel, and takes a shallow, shaky breath. “I…I guess I just feel….not right. I’m always cold...but it's...worse.” They sniffle weakly, trying to still and order their swirling thoughts. “Chills, fever, cough, sore throat, kinda stuffed up. And it just hurts everywhere.”
A nods slowly, then leaves the room. They return in a few minutes with a few small bottles, carefully scanning the labels and holding them up for B to see.
“Can you take this? Any problems with this one?” B had to take a moment and match the brand names with their usual knockoff brands, but soon they had a couple over the counter medicines picked out, along with something for their cough.
A glances at the medicine labels once more. "This one says to take with food. I've got some leftover chicken and dumpling soup I can heat up - does that sound okay?"
B nods almost imperceptibly. "Sounds wonderful." A gets up to heat the soup, and B feels the anxiety rising in their stomach when they're not in the room with them. A returns with a mug and manages to gently spoon a few sips of broth into B's mouth before B starts falling asleep, clutching the grey blanket even tighter to their shoulders.
A smiles sadly. “That blanket's my favorite whenever I'm not feeling good. It's the best thing you could have to fight off what you’ve got. Trust me.”
B curls into the soft fabric. It was as if the warm environment of the apartment and the comfort of the blanket had been a signal that it was safe to leave survival mode, rest for a moment, open the floodgates that had been holding back whatever had been ailing them for weeks.
After B takes their medicine, A’s eyes shift awkwardly around the room. “So….when you’re sick, do you like having someone with you? Or do you want to be by yourself?”
A sudden rush of emotion crashes over B. They’d so rarely had the choice. It takes all they’ve got not to throw themselves around A and beg them not to leave. “Stay, please,” they ask in a small, trembling voice. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
A smiles halfway and gently pats B’s leg. “Seeing as how I live here, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” They take their spot at the end of the couch and pull B’s legs over their own, flicking the TV to a familiar movie. B tries to keep up with the plot, but they keep falling in and out of a fitful, restless sleep, tossing, turning, unable to get comfortable enough.
When B’s about ready to cry from exhaustion, A’s there, covering them up with another blanket, bringing them a glass of water, gently stroking the damp hair off their forehead before laying a cold cloth over it. They flinch at first, but the cool dampness eases the fire of their fever, even for just a moment. The last thing B remembers before falling unconscious is a gentle hand squeezing theirs.
It could be minutes or hours later when they jolt awake from a fever dream in a cold sweat, choking and coughing. They’ve kicked off their blankets and the cloth is nowhere to be found, but the chills are back in full force. A appears in B’s blurred vision, hand held to B’s forehead. “Poor thing. Your fever’s worse,” they murmur.
B’s still gasping for breath, curled up in the fetal position, body wracked by the shakes as they try force the words through their chattering teeth. “A...It's so cold. I’m so scared.”
If B was more lucid, they’d see something in A’s eyes crack wide open at their weak, fearful cries. A pulls the trusted grey blanket from the floor and wraps it back around B, rubbing their arms to try and make them feel warmer. There's something in the tenderness of the gesture, and B’s panicked gasps turn into soft, quiet sobs. They try and cover their face with one hand, but A’s hand is there, catching their wrist and wiping the tears away with their thumb.
“Hey. You’re gonna be okay. We just gotta get through tonight, alright?” A’s voice matches their usual cheery demeanor, but B can see the fear in their own eyes. They don’t know what they’re doing either.
“Why are you helping me?” B whispers in a tear-roughened voice.
A shrugs. "You're sick. You need help. Is it that so surprising?"
B's eyes flash a delirious spark. "You don't get it. I'm a broke scholarship student. I'm nothing like you. I'm not fun, or bubbly, or rich, or any of those things you are, and I don't fit in here. So why?"
B can't stop the words now, every single insecurity laid bare. "Why do you try to talk to me when I'm nothing but rude to you? Why'd you invite me here? Am I just a project to you? Why are you helping me? I'm not worth it!" The words spill out before B can stop them, and the raw hurt in A's eyes nearly rips B's heart out of their chest.
B claps their hand over their mouth, tears flooding their eyes. Now they've done it. They've laid it all out there. A's gonna kick them to the curb. And B won't blame them one bit.
But instead, A just looks at them, and pulls B into a hug. Their voice wavers only a bit as they whisper in B's ear: "You're not a project. You are completely worth being cared for. And you’re not the only one who knows what it feels like to not fit somewhere. Trust me.”
Alone. In a big, empty house. Studying on a Friday night. No plans of their own.
A, are you lonely, too?
Their words are so simple.
And yet they're everything B didn't know they needed to hear. A's got one arm around their shoulders, and one hand threaded through their sweaty, fever-damp hair, and they're cradling B so tightly it’s like they're the one who needs to be held.
B can't find the words to apologize or comfort them back. They're too tired for that. But they wrap their other arm around A and let their head rest on their shoulder. They stay like that for ages until their head begins to drop, and A shifts so they’re both laying down, B curled against A, A’s arm wrapped around their shoulders as they tuck a blanket around them both.
And finally, finally, B lets go. It's safe to fall, this time around. Because for the first time, there's someone there to catch them.
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