#that's the tag to blacklist if you don't want to see negative/critical things on this blog
autumnslance · 11 months
Search, Tags, and Tumblr
Tumblr's search functions are notoriously weird, but there's a few common things to know about how it works in conjunction with Tagging. First things first:
-Tags are for searching but also personal blog organization as desired. This is why some folks have weird/funny personal use tags. Tags can use dashes and spaces, but not regular double quote marks ("), though single marks are fine (').
-Tag for what's in the post; adding other, unrelated tags "for visibility" is against Tumblr's TOS and gets you reported for Spam!
Example: if you make a post for your new Clive Rosfield screenshots, make sure you're only tagging terms relevant to Final Fantasy XVI and Clive Rosfield (and any personal organizing tags like "screenshots"); don't add tags like "Star Wars" and "SpongeBob", as Clive has nothing to do with those!
-Tag without censoring words! We use filters/blacklists here to avoid things we don't want to see. Can also work for words in the body of a post. There's no rules here against using "kill" or "death" or other terms defining common human experiences determined "too negative/dangerous" on other sites (stay civil to each other).
-If you do alt-spell things, it's only in the body of a post and usually when it's dislike of a fandom thing as a courtesy to those enjoyers. If I make a shipping post and say, for example, "I can't stand R3y|o", that's when I want to use weird spelling and symbols--and no common tags for that fandom! If you do use tags for organizing, keep it to things like "#anti (thing) or "#(thing) critical", again spelled correctly for others' blacklisting purposes and to keep it out of the Reylo Search and Tags so those fans can enjoy their ship without seeing negativity. Because...
-General Search pulls from Tags and Also terms found in the body of a post. If I just put "Thancred" in the Search bar at the top of the page, it'll show me any and all posts with "Thancred" in them, including 1) if the name is in the body of the post, 2) if the name is in a tag that's a sentence/includes other words, and 3) even if not tagged for Thancred.
This caused some wank a couple years back for certain fans when someone tagged a lascivious picture set with what they knew was a triggery NOTP for many...but they also put the characters' names in the post body, not realizing simply searching for either of those characters would pull it up (They also, IMO, should have put the images under a Read More to be doubly safe, for themselves and for others they knew might be upset stumbling onto said images, but the crux was not realizing how Tumblr Search worked).
-Tag Search specifically pulls from the tags; per Tumblr's info pages, the first 20 tags (out of 30 total allowed) now will show up in search. Common, consistent tags first are good for visibility. You can also Follow tags you want to keep track of; there's even a tab on your Dash for it.
-Reblogs do not show up in the searches, even with additions and new notes. However, a blacklist filter will catch tags put on the original post, even if the reblogger doesn't add it when it ends up on your Dash.
-You can also blacklist blog names/URLs. Think of it like Twitter's muting rather than a full block (though one can do that too, and should as needed).
Example: someone following Seanan McGuire doesn't like frogs, but she reblogs a lot of frogs. The follower blocked and blacklisted the blogs she often reblogs frogs from to minimize the number of frogs they see while still following a favorite author for her book info.
-If people ask you to tag a thing cuz it's a squick or full-on trigger, you can just do it, or you can politely say no; that's valid. It's up to that person then to decide if they want to blacklist or unfollow or block or what. Just be civil either and both ways.
In summary: if you're talking about bunnies cuz you took pictures at the local farm show, just write "bunnies" normally in the body and/or tags of the post, so anyone with "bunnies" blacklisted can avoid it--and folks who want to see cute pics of bunnies can find it!
Even if you use proper tags, or no tags, or only use alternate spellings in the post body to keep things out of the tags/searches, consider still using a Read More as a last line of courtesy to any followers or random folks you don't want to catch in the crossfire. Also consider hiding your blog from Search results, and/or Private posts.
Tumblr's Help Center (On Desktop browser, go to the "About" link, and then the "Resources" menu; on Mobile App, go to Account settings, General settings, scroll down to "Help" under "Account") has further info about Searches and Tagging (and everything else!), and as that info changes, it's a good idea to keep track of those page updates, as well as the @changes blog to keep track of new updates, bugs, recent fixes, and upcoming info.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
warning: criticism of tdp season 4 and rayla and callum's whole thing. if you love how it's going and love what they did with the narrative and can't wait for the slow burn, then this post probably won't be to your taste, which is fine.
pleease let me know if there are any commonly used "negative" or "critical" type tags that people blacklist if they don't want to see negative opinions on the show, I'm not here often enough to have seen any, and this isn't meant to piss people off but instead to commiserate with people who are more in agreement. lol.
Okay, after going back and watching the finale of Season 3 to give myself more context...
I understand even less how so many people are like "As much as it pains me, I understand why Callum is so hurt and won't talk to Rayla and why he's mad" and "I'm glad they let Callum be mad at Rayla and didn't resolve it too quickly"
because I don't? Not that I don't think it's valid to be mad at someone for leaving you, but, we're dropped into this new dynamic out of nowhere. we don't even get to see Rayla leave. to me, it's just like, a bizarre vibe and one created from stuff that happens entirely off screen?
(I do know that there is a comic that apparently explains what happened between S3 and S4 but I haven't read it! and i wouldn't know about it if not for tumblr. i don't care to keep up with creators and i hate it when it feels like that's a prerequisite to understanding a tv show, which I usually presume to be standalone media. but i digress)
We know Rayla left on Callum's birthday. Dick move. We also know she left because she wanted to get revenge... on Viren..? who, as far as she knew, was completely dead though I can understand it would be unnerving that they never found his body.
I would hazard a guess the real reason would be trying to get those coins back because they contain her family members- again, apparently there is a canon reason available, but i don't have access to it, so I'm left to invent my own.
And Callum... Is pissed and feels betrayed, which I do get, however... what I don't understand is why he's not interested in hearing her explanation?? see, most of the time when I am hurt or wronged I want to hear the reason and have the person explain their process EVEN when i think it won't do anything to help me, and most of the people I know feel the same (certainly not all, but most). So, Callum specifically not wanting to talk and having this quiet disappointment-type-anger just comes across strange to me when i would think he'd be more like "Why'd you leave me? and what are you back for now? what is going on here Rayla?"
now, i have read, also on tumblr, that Rayla left him a LetterTM. I don't remember this being mentioned in Season 4, but I don't disbelief it and I could have just missed it. if it was exclusive to the comics, what I said above still stands.
if the letter is mentioned in Season 4, then, like, surely Callum does know something about why Rayla left? or at least has insight into what she was going through that prompted her leaving?? What little we get from her in Season 4 shows that she seemed desperate for answers and was paranoid, etc.... would he not have some sympathy?
I know he was left behind, but I don't get why people say that Rayla "betrayed" him or "lost his trust". If she left with an explanation that she was leaving, anyway- if she left without a trace and on purpose I would get she "betrayed" him(but I also feel like, if she just vanished completely, wouldn't Callum be more worried about her, and then relieved upon seeing her- even if he quickly turned sour after realizing she chose to leave. If, for 2 years she was just GONE out of thin air, and showed up again I think that would have garnered a different reaction?).
like. I don't know. I feel like I'm missing huge chunks of things (which, I guess I am, having not read the comic). and I don't necessarily want the characters to outline exactly how they're feeling a-la therapy speak, but they felt so robotic and strange this season that I still didn't feel like I was accessing any emotion from them that made sense. like, that's a bit of a harsh way to put it, but still!
overall, i don't really understand Callum and Rayla's emotional reactions to each other. I don't get why Callum wouldn't have an ounce of faith that Rayla had a valid reason for leaving even if it caused him pain. I also don't get why he doesn't want to know about what she faced, or a further explanation for why she left, and I suspect one of the major reasons they can't talk about it is they're just drawing it out for next season, but in that way it feels contrived, to me.
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bees-tornado · 7 months
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about me/blog info
introduction, before you follow, fandom stuff, etc. below the cut!
(star dividers courtesy of saradika)
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hi everyone, i'm bees! here's some info about me/my blog:
i usually go by bees (he/him). please feel free to call me by name or whatever silly little nicknames you can think of.
if you know me irl no you don't. this is my happy little cringe fandom habitat <3
i love video games (mostly Nintendo and especially Pokemon/Fire Emblem) and anime (mostly Shounen and Shoujo), and most of the things i reblog are fanart and posts i think are funny
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is my favorite game of all time, and i post about it incessantly (more about this later)
Bernadetta von Varley is my favorite character of all time and i love her dearly and also she is my wife 💜
you can learn more about my favorite things here!
it is very difficult for me to come out of my shell and be myself (even in a space like this), but i returned to tumblr because i want to try to have fun and be cringe and be free, and i'm trying my best every day <3
PLEEEAAASE feel free to send asks/tag me/etc., especially if we're mutuals, and especially about my favorite things! i am far too anxious to initiate anything but i like interacting with people :)
on that note please be patient with me sometimes it takes me a long time to respond to things but I INTEND TO I PROMISE
i don't post art much but when i do you can find it under #my art
taken <3
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before you follow (it's not too long i promise)
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please don't follow me if you're a minor. i'm hesitant to mark this blog explicitly as 18+ because i don't really post nfsw stuff here besides joke text posts, but i don't want minors here regardless, sorry!
this is a 🏳️‍⚧️ trans friendly blog 🏳️‍⚧️
i don't do DNI's, but i do block/softblock/unfollow/blacklist/filter freely
i tend to avoid fandom discourse, including proship/anti/etc. discourse. my policy is that if i'm uncomfortable with a particular type of fandom content, i will fall back on my previous bullet point as necessary. the same goes for when i see people engaging in bullying and harassment over fandom stuff
this is not a spoiler-free blog, especially for FE3H and Naruto. i will occasionally tag spoilers (usually for jjba and xenoblade), but not consistently
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FE3H-specific stuff
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please please PLEASE talk to me about Fire Emblem: Three Houses for the Nintendo Switch you're not bothering me i promise
Bernie and Sylvain are my favorite guys i think they're neat
i'm too old and tired for fe3h lord discourse. i have my own favorites and opinions, but i tend to avoid following blogs that post aggressive or uncharitable takes about the main lords
i came from twitter where Bernadetta would only really trend for negative reasons, so please understand that i'm sensitive about the way people talk about her and her fans. no hard feelings if you don't like her, and i actually agree with a lot of criticism about her writing, but i try to keep anything too mean out of sight
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That's it for now! Thanks for reading/skimming/whatever you just did, and I hope you'll stick around!
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enconfess · 1 year
hello! this is a submission blog dedicated to confessions, rambles, or headcanons about ensemble stars!! please read the rules carefully before submitting!
we accept most submissions! send a confession, a ramble or vent, headcanons, whatever you'd like! just please keep it enstars-related and make sure it follows the rules.
only submit through the askbox! anything sent in dms or submissions will be deleted.
anon asks are turned on, but i will accept and tag named anons! the list will be on this pinned post. all asks will be posted as received, so make sure to turn anon on!
check submission status in bio! anything sent while asks are closed will either be ignored until asks are re-opened or deleted entirely.
discourse is accepted, but please keep it to the replies. you can add onto other asks, but i won't accept submissions that are just back and forth arguing.
i will only reply to asks with a "." in the post itself, but i may add onto it in the tags. i will do my best to avoid causing any sort of conflict or drama, but i still enjoy giving my input!
anything that doesn't follow the rules listed below will be deleted immediately.
if you're unsure of something, just ask!
will accept: nsfw of third years/grads, headcanons, ships/ship-related submissions, opinions/discourse, shitposts/crack, fictionkin-related submissions, nsfw of second year/orerei (since he'd be third year age), dark/triggering topics (NOT nsfw) (will be tagged accordingly!)
will NOT accept: nsfw of second years or younger, anything promoting incest/age-gaps or romanticizing abuse, any kind of bigotry (racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.), anything romanticizing sh or eds (genuine hcs are fine, just don't glorify it), dark/triggering nsfw (i.e. cnc, gore/blood, etc)
i know it looks like a lot, but i want to prevent any confusion, so please read carefully before submitting!
about the mods!
hi everyone, my name is eden! i'm 18, i use any pronouns, and i'm a somewhat new enstarrie (i've been in the fandom for a year now!) i'm currently the only mod, so please be patient! i'm a bit hesitant about new mods, but if you'd like to become a mod, just dm me! if i ever get a new mod, we'll start tagging accordingly.
#ec.sub all submissions received will fall under this tag!
#ec.speaks this tag is for any kind of side interactions i receive or announcements i make, whether it’s questions from asks or info about new blog updates.
all asks will be tagged accordingly (i.e. with character name and any warnings) but let me know if you need me to tag certain things specifically so you can blacklist it!
#ec.nsft any nsfw asks i receive are tagged here! feel free to blacklist this tag if you don't want to see nsfw on this blog.
#ec.[character's first name] any content of a character that i don't want on the main tag! this includes "hate" and nsfw content! examples of this tag would be "#ec.ibara" or "#ec.rei".
#ec.neg any content of a character that is negative (excluding genuine criticisms). please blacklist this tag if content like that makes you uncomfortable!
🍃, 🫧
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
righteo so apparently a lot of twitter folks have finally had enough of the cranky blue bird and are migrating here, so first of all welcome! i believe @/beacon-lamp has already posted something like this but here are some tips and tricks to posting on tumblr
as a general rule, tumblr will only have your first 6 tags show up in the search! this is really important for visibility for your posts, so make sure you put the most important or popular tags first. the main fandom tags around here are #dream smp #dsmp #mcyt so it's useful to put them down first. after that i would put character-specific tags like #tommyinnit or #wilbur soot (typically you would use their in-game name) and make sure you tag critical posts and trigger warnings
for the sake of convenience if you make a post that criticises or is negative in any way of a character or content creator, you should tag it! this goes double if you post a lot of it. as for trigger warnings, i typically use the format #[trigger] tw. examples: #karl jacobs critical and #blood tw
the way that blacklists work (go to your settings and scroll down to filtered tags!) is that the post with a blacklisted tag will still show up on your dashboard, but tumblr will blur it over and tell you which tag it includes. so you don't have to ignore the post and its contents in its entirety, and you can simply use the blacklist feature as a buffer if you want to. they'll also show up whether or not theyre included in the first 6 tags, so don't worry about putting them first on your post
personally i use the xkit extension which has a lot of useful extra features that make it a lot easier to use tumblr like tag bundles, automatic tagging, etc.
one last thing is if you're engaging in debate or any sort of discourse with someone, be sure to tag it as #discourse this is not optional. mcytblr is very analysis-based and some of us get very upset with seeing constant discourse on their dashboard, please be respectful of that boundary
and be sure to reblog. unlike twitter, people on here will not see the posts you like on their dashboard so reblogs are the only way to spread content around. this includes memes, fanart, and fanfic. support creators, folks
that's all, i hope this was helpful to all of you. and once again welcome!
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
I just saw someone in the Edelgard critical tag say that Claude’s neutrality was a sham and he was just biding his time as if 1) Those two ideas can’t coexist which they very much can 2) Edelgard wasn’t already preparing to attack the Alliance 3)Edelgard hadn’t already stationed soldiers at the Great Bridge of Myrddin which is literally Alliance territory
You love to see old arguments refuse to die lmao Claude was neutral. Like he literally didn't initiate any fights on CF. He kept the Alliance out of the war pretty much entirely. Edelgard brought the fight to him, because she wanted to destroy the Alliance (and Faerghus, and the Church). By her own fuckin' words.
But like, what might get me more than that (since that take is about as old as the game is lmao) is... it's in the Edelgard critical tag? ...Why?
Like, that person does know what a critical tag is like. For. Right? It's to be critical of a character without clogging up their main tag, so that fans of that character don't have to dig through post after post of hate/criticism when they just want to enjoy positive fan content of that character. They can just blacklist the critical tag and boom, there goes a good portion of negative content.
So, like, if this person is trying to defend Edelgard, tagging their post in her critical tag is like. Completely counterintuitive. A critical tag is meant to be blacklisted for those that don't want to see negative content for that character (or what could be easily perceived as negative, at any rate). So posting a defense of the character - a positive thing - in this tag that will be blacklisted by those who (very rightfully) assume it will have nothing but negative content in it... you see where I'm going with this? For the people who'd likely want to see this person's post, it'd be blacklisted. Because they'd think it was more criticism of Edelgard, not criticism of criticism of Edelgard. Like why would you do that lmao it makes no sense
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emsylcatac · 3 years
i’ve been in the mlb fandom for a while but relatively new to using tumblr specifically for mlb, and today i stumbled onto the less-than-fun portions (ie: the salt). i don’t really know who to ask, as i don’t really know any mlb tumblr users but what are the popular salt tags that i should block because i really don’t want to stumble on it again and any help would be very much appreciated <3
Hey there anon ♥︎ sorry you had to stumble upon it.. :/
I suppose all the kind of salt tags are to ban, so usually it's:
#ml salt #salt #miraculous salt
Then, you can also ban any tag including salt on characters you love, mainly the most recurrent ones are: #adrien salt #marinette salt #class salt #alya salt or the variants with #adrien hate #adrien bashing #marinette hate #marinette bashing #alya hate #alya bashing, and you can also add the same tags combination with their last names for extra security.
But really you should ban any tag involving characters you like with #[name of the character] salt / hate / bashing
Same with the ships, if there's a ship you like and want to avoid the salt on it, block the tags for it like #ladrien salt #ladrien hate
There's also some tags that often smell a lot like there's salt underneath such as #marinette deserves better #adrien deserves better or tags involving Lila
Another kind of famous salty tags to blacklist is everything that has to do with maribat. While they claim that now some fics aren't salty, it's not the major part of it so if maribat ain't much your thing anyway don't risk it and block tags like #maribat #daminette and all.
Sadly, some people don't tag their salt at all, either because they don't consider themselves being salty but just "critical", or because they don't care enough for that. So what I do to avoid stumbling upon salt on Tumblr, and I've got to say that this year my experience's been mostly good (unless I got unlucky cause someone reblogged something from me and decided to be salty or cause I went to AO3) is this:
Follow people you're sure aren't salters, that means checking their blog for any of the main salt tags and scrolling a little bit to be sure before following
Unfollow people who start to become too salty
Never go into the main tag. It's sad but it avoids you a lot of bad takes
Try not to follow too many people who focus on fandom salt. While they're not salters per say, some are obsessively looking to the main salty blogs to counter it and by doing so make you see what salty things are being said that you wouldn't have seen otherwise. Some aren't obsessively stalking salters but still at war enough to dampen your mood, especially cause then salters will come pocking at them. It's ok to indulge a bit in fandom salt from time to time and it can be freeing, but if it's the main reason the blog exists, save yourself the trouble to be honest
[Edit]: and one last thing, don't hesitate to block blogs you encounter having negativity or salt even if you've never interacted with them!
Personally I weirdly enough only have the #ml salt tag blacklisted and not all the others I've listed, and with that and what I just told you above I've managed to make my experience pleasant enough and avoid most of the salt 😊 hope it'll help you anon!
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theowlhousesucks · 2 years
hey just sayin maybe you wouldnt get so much hate if you didnt bombard the main tags with literally nothing BUT negativity. yeah you can criticize and hate on the show all you want but it’s very basic fandom etiquette to keep it out of the main tags. is there anything you DO like about the show, anyway? anything at all?
I like Wendie Malick and Sarah-Nicole Robles as voice actresses. I like the background art. I like the concept of a fantasy show with a bisexual, afro-latina lead. I like the concept of having prominent black and asian main characters with that lead. I just want that show with those things to be done well.
Meanwhile, I tag things out of respect for those who want to blacklist TOH stuff and those who want to see my content. Multiple people have messaged me to thank me for speaking up about these problems. If my posts weren't tagged, and these issues were just being shouted into an empty void, how would they be seen by people who feel the same way I do? Either way, me putting something you don't want to see into a tag is not an excuse to be racist or dehumanizing to me.
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hey all! so this blog is just getting started out, but i’d love to hear from you guys with season 2 coming up! send me asks about a ship, two or more characters and what i think about their dynamic, details and theories, themes in the show, headcanons on a specific subject, themes, aus, anything. you might get meta, you might get rambling about why i like or don’t care for the thing, you might even get snippets of writing or a doodle if the mood strikes me!
all i ask is that you:
a) don’t ask me to draw or write something unless i’ve specifically asked for prompts. i’m not a vending machine!
b) don’t send blatantly nsfw asks--you can send those to @stricklanderpls, but this blog is sfw! it doesn’t have to be totally pg, but if you have doubts at all it’s much more likely not to go unanswered there.
c) don’t ask me about ocs unless i know you and them already, please. i also don’t write reader inserts.
d) please try not to ask me a lot for stricklake or jlaire! i don’t hate them or anything, but they’re about all the content shipping or otherwise that i can find anymore, and the flavor they’re almost always written with is Super Not My Cup of Tea. if you want to hear about my particular take on them or have something to add that hasn’t been done to death, go ahead, but there’s lots of other things to love and talk about in this show!
anyway, i have a lot of Opinions but i don’t bite, so hop on over and say hi!
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i actually like hearing your thoughts on the show even the critical ones cause im scared to say my thoughts if there not positive sometimes cause when i do i get people angry at me and thinking im hating on rwby for fun or being nitpicking or ect. ive been folowing you awhile and i know you like the show and are nice about things and give benefit of doubt but you still get fought when you dont like something so i think ill keep keeping my mouth shut haha
I'm glad someone likes what I have to say, thank you, that means a lot <3 I've also been (and still am tbh) pretty scared of sharing my thoughts on RWBY, even the posts that are mostly positive and just have one or two qualms sit in my drafts for ages out of fear they'll be taken as hate. It's part of why I've found some solace in the r/RWBYcritics sub recently -- there are myriad positions, opinions, discussions, etc., both positive and negative, and people are generally open to having their mind changed and giving other perspectives a real chance before responding with theirs. Whereas my personal experience (and anecdotal from others) in the main RWBY sub has been very much that if someone has an opinion (positive, negative, or neutral), others often feel the need to argue the "right" opinion and react angrily if theirs doesn't align, calling people stupid for not interpreting things the same way or liking the same things/characters.
A lot of the time parts of the FNDM can feel consensus-based. Like there are right and wrong ways to think, feel, interpret, and discuss any given thing that happens in the show. Even things like people who headcanon Yang as bisexual being called lesbophobic because the FNDM decided she's a lesbian. I got called lesbophobic for saying I headcanon Weiss as aroace, or that I would love for her to not end up in a romantic relationship. Or black people voicing issues with how the White Fang was presented being called racist, only to reveal they're black, at which point they're told they're being sexist or homophobic instead for criticizing a show with female leads, written by straight cis men. There's a lot of assuming morality when it comes to how critics are seen, when a huge portion are critiquing it because they're women, queer, people of color, disabled, neurodivergent, or otherwise marginalized, and want to address how certain things regarding them were handled. But the first assumption is hate. It can get overwhelming and frankly unhealthy.
Not all of the FNDM is like this, of course! And I've made a lotta friends here! As a whole though, it can be a bit... unwelcoming towards critique to say the least. And as such, a lot of fans feel pressured to shove down and swallow our thoughts on the show if they deviate in any way from the majority consensus. There's nothing wrong with enjoying things that happen in RWBY; there's nothing wrong with disliking things that happen in RWBY.
I do feel that often when posting more critical analyses or opinions that my points are automatically taken in bad faith (which is kinda ironic since that's the accusation levied against critics wrt the show), especially if I tag with "rwby crit" or "rwde" or even "crtq." I tag so people who don't like seeing these takes can blacklist, and people who do like thinking about this stuff can find it and have a discussion. But some people seek out these tags with the intent to argue and act as though every critic has the same opinions, intent, and morality. Fans are not a monolith, nor are critics, and we need to all recognize that we're diverse individuals and not diametrically opposed. I consider myself part of both.
I will say this: to my knowledge, I've never lost a follower on this blog for speaking my mind on things I find personally confusing, disappointing, problematic, etc. And I am so grateful that this community, this cozy corner of the fandom, is more open to hearing thoughts that might differ from their own, and even sometimes changes their minds, or changes mine!
I'm sorry you don't feel able to express how you feel about a show you enjoy without getting attacked. I hope the RWBY FNDM grows more open-minded and collaborative as time goes on, because I really LOVE analyzing the show from a meta and storytelling standpoint, especially as a writer, and fostering discussion is fun for me. One of my favorite parts of RWBY is engaging with the community. Theorizing, analyzing, discussing, critiquing, reacting, creating... and it's unfortunate that I feel I'll drive people away the moment I say I don't like something. I am open to people responding with their own thoughts, and always try to see it from their pov, but more often than not the replies to critique I've seen are aggressive and make assumptions about the critic as a person, coming from a place of wanting to defend the show and showrunners rather than genuinely wanting to have a conversation. It feels very us vs them, and I don't like the polarization that attitude simultaneously feeds on and nourishes.
So thanks for sticking around, y'all <3
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shifuto · 2 years
pls that person w/ the shipping takes makes me spiral every time they talk. they make it a moral thing and let me tell it makes me mentally unwell like unironically it makes me paranoid that im a Bad Person, esp when they start moralizing abt specific ships w/ nothing actually even wrong w/ them. it's rlly damaging to me. like god. god. you dont have to post this but i needed to let it out to someone who seems to Get It.
sorry this got really long X_X
tl;dr: you should try applying the logic people use against shipping or certain shipping dynamics, to fictional violence and question why only one is considered problematic while the other isn't. Sex negativity and a culture that abhors weirdos, while trivializing violent behaviour irl and in fiction, should tell you a lot
I think you should go ahead and preemptively block people. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. I do that all the time and it has made my navigating here much better. Guess the exception for me would be the Zexal fandom, since it's so small. Sometimes I will see wild shit like this and roll my eyes and hope people block me then because I'm one of those freaks in everyone's dnis hahaha
I hope this helps some. Have a nice day and stay weird anon, don't give in, there's others who appreciate you just how you are
here's the things: these are fictional stories with fictional characters that don't really exist. Yeah sure, it could be "a reflection of reality" and like.. what about it? It's still fictional lol
I used to struggle with this a lot myself, and used to be harassed, sui baited and everything back when I was on another fandom, because I draw/write porn of fictional characters. What helped me a lot was getting the logic these people use and apply it in other fictional settings such as.. violence, and question why only one is considered extremely problematic, and the other is not only socially acceptable but normalized. Trivializing violence actually "helps" justify atrocities against certain groups, even more using a Good vs Bad framework: violence is acceptable against "bad" people. Who is "bad" people? High rates of racism, antisemitism, ableism, etc everywhere should give you an idea..
all I hear about in fandom spaces is how things related to fictional sex and fictional relationships are the bane of society and "wouldn't someone think of the children**" and fictional violence is like "well, you can just blacklist tags if you don't want to see that kind of content" hmm.......
it reminds me of some of the drama that went down years ago about how "video games make people more violent***" and that not only is untrue, video games give a way for people with violent tendencies to cope and that's a good thing. Also, no one is watching horror movies and thinking they're itching to kill others, even if they are, they can just keep to themselves and have fun watching gruesome shit like nobody's business. Thinking is not a crime. And liking certain things it's not a reflection of someone's whole character (see: kinksters and how they get shit from literally everyone just because of what they like/what turns them on, and people seem to forget they're a whole human being with a life outside of kink)
a lot of the shit people cry about in here are non-issues where I come from, no one loses their head about it. If someone dislikes something they can do something about it, or they don't and that's fine too. "Right" and "wrong" are relative concepts, there's a lot of room for nuance and fiction is still fiction in the end of the day
considering a lot of folks here are from countries that are nuts with purity culture, sex negativity, and anything not "normal" is considered degeneracy that needs to be purged, it's no wonder you get the most wild takes from people in fandoms. In particular, young people, are very susceptible to accept things as facts and might not have enough maturity or critical thinking skills to process what they absorb. Unfortunately, it spreads because who can argue with that?
[sarcasm] of course incest is horrible, and age gaps are bad, and dysfunctional relationships are toxic and people who write or draw those things are just as guilty of "normalizing" and "romanticizing" it, and they are probably secretly trying to groom children with fanart of some kid's cartoons because they're a predator! People writing noncon fanfiction? Actually rapists in denial! People writing alien character X human character with massive age gaps? Obviously it's a pedophile, same with people who age up characters for porn purposes! People who are into monsters and robots and other stuff? Degens that should be shot! [/sarcasm]
as if it's fictional media causing damage to people and not people themselves.. really makes you think huh? It's easy to just blame the art, and if it doesn't exist, then there will be no more issues, right? As if censorship ever worked as "intended" and not as a tool to control people's thoughts and behaviours
the point of fiction, at least for me, is that there's no limit to what you can do. You can write or draw anything, you can go absolute batshit crazy with your rape bdsm fantasies with age gaps and monsters and shit. It's not real, and that's the fun of it. Authors tend to tag things out of courtesy, so that people can control whether they will see it or not. You can't get that from a published book, so we're spoiled in fandom spaces with content creators being very amazing at that. A lot of people I see complaining seem to be actively looking for that kind of content themselves, or they don't want it to exist near them at all. That's just such a stressful way to live when you can just... block people, blacklist tags, not engage in things that trigger you.. lol
** that's a logical fallacy commonly used to shutdown queer people and sex workers, among others (x) *** broadly, researchers have not found any connection between violent video games and violent behavior (x)
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greys-dawn-archive · 4 years
TGCE shenanigans
this is not a callout. we aren't interested in making callouts. you can do with this information what you want and what you will. if that means including it in your own callouts, so be it- we just won't be making one ourselves
that said, this is a collection of things that we've dealt with regarding TGCE (aka the-gender-collector-emself, aka Alex J Brimmer, aka Stormy&). we've been pretty quiet about it bc we knew ey were a large part of the mogai community and we didn't want to get harassed, nor ruin anyone's fun. however, now that more issues are coming up and others are coming forward sharing issues they've had with em, we've decided we may as well come forward about it
important sidenote: i will probably fuck up eir pronouns. this isn't on purpose, nor is it meant to be disrespectful- i use neopronouns myself! however, i'm used to thinking of people as being plural (which, TGCE is) and thus use plural they/them by accident a lot, even for folks who use different pronouns. i apologize in advance and will correct any mistakes i find, if there are any left after posting
also note that all of this is from 2019, so it's rather old news (but it's clear that nothing's changed since then, so it's still technically relevant). a lot of screenshots will also be from a discord conversation we had with someone else on December 1st, 2019
some background
TGCE was following us last year, mostly back in September. I'm actually not sure how long ey were following us before ey started sending us anons and angry replies on our posts, and we have em blocked so I don't think we can check
At some point we were also a mod in a server of eirs. I don't remember much that happened in that server itself, though, and we don't have any screenshots from it as far as I know. Just know that we were "close" enough to em that we modded a place ey owned before all this hit the fan
veganism stuff
note: veganism isn't inherently a bad thing. we aren't saying that. however, vegans who are extreme in their activism are. that was the point of posts we were making at the time
the first instance of anything regarding this that we can remember is probably back around september. we can't get the exact timestamps anymore due to a blog purge/shift, but i think that's about when things went down
we reblogged something criticising vegans, tagging it as "anti-vegan" specifically for others' tag blacklists. in the tags we also explicitly mentioned a negative view on extremists. this is the post in question:
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shortly after this, we received an anon ask that we're pretty sure was from TGCE. here's that:
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we didn't end up finding that other reply, unfortunately, and because of the blog purge + blocking it's likely long gone
below is another thing we have saved regarding veganism. the "us leaving" part is a reference to us leaving the server of eirs that we were modding for em, because we didn't feel comfortable being there anymore
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unfortunately, this isn't all of it. we have multiple friends who received similar harassment, including one person who owned a server that TGCE was in at the time. TGCE directly told them to unfollow/not to interact- which is pretty hard, when they owned a server ey were in. to be fair i don't think ey made the connection due to the difference in platforms, but that doesn't really help much
(if we get permission to add things from our friends then we will. we have at least one screenshot regarding the above on hand)
misc stuff
we have near exact proof of em sending us an angry anon over one post. it was about a girl nearly dying over eating something spicy, with a chain of people making fun of her underneath it. some people spoke up about it, and the bottom comment (not from us) criticized the fact that people wouldn't be doing the same thing to a person of color. it wasn't a great post and i'll admit that- but eir response to it wasn't great either
here's the bottom of the post and the timestamp on it:
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TGCE then commented on the post itself:
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when we didn't say anything about it (likely due to not actually seeing it at the time), ey sent us an anon over it:
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i guess we're "all lives matter" because of one post that we didn't even actually comment on, huh
other than that, we've also got this post from after we left eir server:
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when asked about it i'm pretty sure ey made up some excuse for it and claimed it was because of something else, but it was very coincidental timing at best
we also got a string of other anons after all of that:
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which, surprisingly... looks very familiar to more recent asks we've gotten
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even though the anons from before were blocked. hmm
i think that's about all we've got right now, though we do have some things saved from other people's blogs. this isn't the first time ey've been accused of harassing others (including minors, which we weren't at the time but had friends who were) and it likely won't be the last, unfortunately :/
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cregla · 3 years
Ayo hot take? Or maybe cold who know, this is gonna make me sound old but I find the dsmp fandom really fucking bratty about neg and critical tags, like even if you crit tag something people will come after you for maintagging, back in the sander sides fandom people didn't mind you maintagging as long as you tagged it as unsympathetic and if people came after you for maintagging despite also unsympathetic tagging you'd be laughed at. Also there is a reason for that cause some people, shocker, like seeing both sympathetic and unsympathetic portrayal s of their favs cause nuance is a thing, and don't want to search up a different tag just to see different content.
Yo tbh? No one ever came after me from using both tags? Like, yeah I forgot to put a /neg somewhere and ofc people told me (like today with the Phil post) but no one actually harassed me for tagging both? I didn't see people getting bratty over it. Well, besides when I complained about having to tag shit months ago because I came from Fandoms where you didn't do that and I didn't understand why I had to do it now (fortunately I changed my mind)
I mean as long as there's a /neg tag why should they get angry, if they have that blacklisted, no matter if the post has the maintag as well, they're still going to not see it unless they want to because it will appear blocked to them? But also yes the main tag stays for people who instead want to see neutral criticism without having to search in a tag that usually has lots of hate too.
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420pogpills · 3 years
I just had to un follow one of my first mcyt mutuals because some of the things they reblogged just made me feel awful
do you have any advice on what to do about blogs that you like the content of but certain posts/opinions just rub the wrong way? I feel that way about many mcyt blogs and it's hard to consume content when blogs, especially smaller blogs, don't tag posts very well so it's difficult to avoid triggers and stuff
i’m sorry to hear that! :( i hope you’re doing okay! ❤️
so there’s 2 things - you can drop them a message and ask them if they could tag that content with something that you could blacklist. if you go into your settings, there’s an option called ‘filtering’ and you can add tags that will black out the post when it comes across your dashboard. you can choose to open it if you want, but you won’t have to see it. so for me, i tag trigger warnings, or any sort of discourse that i know is negative, like discussing twitter drama, any critical discourse about people, i tag as ‘cw negative’, as a content warning that this is negative content. ORR you can filter out post content, so like filter out any posts that have words like ‘hate’ or ‘criticise’ or any triggering words (like if someone mentions the triggers but doesn’t tag the triggers), you can add those words and if the post is in text format, it will block out that post for you as well :) 
most people will be totally okay with you just sending them a message asking them if they could tag this content, you let them know you enjoy their content most of the time and that you would really appreciate it if they could tag the more opinionated/negative stuff, or potentially triggering stuff. i’ve had people do that before and i have no issue with it, i just tag it! :) since it’s nothing personal and people just want to feel safer and happier online
it makes me happy that someone still wants to continue following me even if they see me sometimes reblog or post something they don’t really want to be seeing on their dash, so i take it as a compliment personally :’)! so yeah that’s the best thing i can advise. ❤️
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omegastation · 3 years
Thank you for being critical of ME:LE but you're still gonna enjoy playing it. I'm pretty critical as well and has voiced that and the response has generally been "just don't play it, sheesh" . You're a blessing to this fandom.
Ah you’re really nice, but I'm not.
I think it's important to have a good fandom experience and to shape it how you want, by avoiding what you don't like. I try hard to tag my critical posts so people can blacklist them, because I understand they can bring negative feelings or feel unpleasant. Still, I don't understand how "criticism = hate" is a thing. 
"All or nothing, love it or hate it" might be fine to some but many of us don't think like that. You can have mixed feelings. Or you can really love something which has flaws and don't mind talking about said flaws. 
I can also see someone telling a friend "listen, you seem really negative about this game, and i'm concerned the negativity will really affect you if you play it" but that’s not what it’s about here. Telling you not to play it is like saying “you have to stop interacting with the content you’re critical about”, which doesn’t make sense. That’s not even how the criticism will stop.
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inukag · 4 years
Is it just me or has the tag been really whiny and negative as of late? Look I get it the show's an obvious cash grab and not perfect but there's still plenty of fans who find actual enjoyment out of the show. It'd be really nice of the haters to form their own anti tag instead of clogging up the main one and attacking people when they point out hey don't fill all your criticisms in just the main tag. This show is helping a lot of people in quarantine and a nice break from reality.
Honestly most of the time I don’t check the inuyasha tag at all, there’s too much stuff not properly tagged that I don’t want to see and anyway I already follow a lot of people in the fandom who reblog great posts. But I did check the tag yesterday and oh boy 🙃
I made a joke post in the morning with the tag “sunrise is testing my patience” then I saw someone who quoted that and said I was “eating shit out of Sunrise’s hands”, and “this fandom has no self dignity” and we’re “a bunch of beaten housewives” like holy shit can we chill??? I know that person was probably joking but like.. can you please focus your anger on the show and the company behind it and not the people in the fandom??
Anyway, my recommendation for you anon would be to just follow people you know you can trust and don’t go through the tag, or block/blacklist people. I think you already have a good mindset, we know it’s a cash grab and the writing is bad but it’s ok to just focus on the things that are good. Like you said, the world is shit right now and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy something.  All I want is cute moments between the girls and seeing glimpses of Inuyasha & Kagome as parents and other OG characters and honestly, that’s it lol. 
I completely understand why people are concerned and upset about what Sunrise is doing with the characters we love! I would have loved to have a better sequel where everyone is safe and happy. But personally I stopped worrying once I learned that Rumiko is not really involved and she didn’t come up with the story. I’ve been doing the same thing with the movies! Inuyasha being 200 years old is too heartbreaking for me to think about so I just ignore that since it’s from the third movie only and doesn’t add up with everything else we know. Ever since I first read Moroha’s character description and I saw that she didn’t know Inuyasha and Kagome, I KNEW we would be in this situation and I would have to just ignore that whole part of the story because it makes me too sad, lol. 
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