#thatcherjoe x reader
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“Trust me, babe.” 
Imagine Joe, your boyfriend of three years, convincing you to do an “extreme what’s in your box” challenge for his channel but there’s a surprising twist ;)
Words: 1K 
A/n: forgive any spelling and grammar errors, hope you enjoy! Comment if you liked this and would want a part two! Also how cute are those gifs!!!!!!!
“Joe, it better not be spiders in there! You know how I hate spiders,” You warned as you slowly lowered your hand into the box with a blindfold covering your eyes.
“It’s not. Trust me, babe” He reassured you but you could hear him suppressing his laughter.
Something furry and soft reached the tip of your fingers as they were barely past the lid, and you retracted back a few inches, “Joe....”
“No, no, go on, (y/n), you can do it,” He held your other hand as you slowly lowered your hand into the box again, this time you were prepared for the large furry animal in the box. 
“How big is it, Joe-” The animal moved and something wet and small covered your finger with slime, saliva to be exact. You jumped back and almost fell off the chair, “Oh my god, Joe! What is that-” you leaned closer to the box, trying to listen to the noises the animal made.
The creature was fairly silent but when your hand reached the box lid again, a soft bark spread through the house. You gasped and grabbed Joe’s leg. “No! It’s a dog!” You yelled ecstatically while pulling off the blindfolds to find Joe laughing his ass off.
You turned and found a puppy playing in the box, “Oh my god! It’s the cutest thing ever!!” You quickly pulled off the box lid and scooped up the puppy into your arms. It had a nice thick coat of (fav/color) fur and was your favorite breed, “Where’d you get it from? Who’s is it?” you asked as you immediately began playing with it.
“It’s ours now!”
You looked up and met Joe’s eyes. “Are you kidding? I hope you’re not.”
He shook his head, holding back giggles, “Nope, I adopted him yesterday, I’m not even jokin’” You gasped and looked back and forth between Joe and the Puppy’s face. “Do you like him, babe?” Joe asked as he watched you hug the puppy. 
“Do I like him?! I love him!” You said as you set the puppy on the table,  “This is the cutest little pupper, Joe!” You pulled Joe into a tight hug followed by a kiss. “I love you, Joe, thank you so much!” You hugged him for another moment before pulling away and diverting back to the Puppy.
Joe let the puppy sniff his arm as you chatted to the camera, “This guy,” you pointed at Joe, “Has had to deal with me showing him pictures of dogs and puppies ever since we began dating but not anymore-” 
“Not anymore!” Joe said while fist pumping the air.
“Or... I think it’ll only get worse now, but with pictures of him,” you said as you pretended to take pictures of your new puppy with an imaginary camera.
Joe nodded while chuckling, “That seems more likely, I wouldn’t be surprised if she took a billion photos a day.”
You two joked but for a moment you looked up and met Joe’s eyes, “Thanks so much, babe, I love him.” He smiled and leaned in to give you an loving kiss before pulling away and smirking at the camera like a weirdo. “Oh stop it-” you jokingly shoved him.
You two bantered on but a thought came to mind, “You not gonna do the outro?”
He looked at you, then the camera, nervous almost, “Actually, there’s one more round, (y/n).”
“What?” You faced the camera, “I thought I won?”
“Well, you were technically at zero points-”
“No, I mean, we’ve got a puppy so I don’t really care about points anymore, I’m the winner of this game- can’t we just do the outro?”
“No, (Y/n)-” He glanced at the camera and exhaled nervously, “Just trust me babe, one more round.”
You sighed and grabbed the blindfolds from near the puppy, putting them on with one hand while petting the puppy with the other hand. “Damn, skills!” You heard Joe comment which made you chuckle under your breath.
“Let’s just get this over with, Joe, I wanna go play with our puppy-”
“I promise, it won’t take long to identify,” he said as he timidly chuckled under his breath. 
You shook your head and waited for his cue. A clatter and the small sound of him placing something in the box reached your ears and you readied and your hands. Your touch and hearing were on maximum use as you slowly lowered your hands into the box but quickly pulled it out, “Does it bite?” you questioned. 
“Oh yeah definitely, (y/n)!” Joe teased as loud clacking noises came from the box making you recoil and grab Joe’s hand.
“Joe! No! I am not putting my hand in there!” You yelled for the hundredth time this video. 
“Yeah you are, just- just trust me,” you felt him take your wrist and lead them near the box.
“Joe...” You warned but you could feel the lid of the box grazing your wrist, “Hold my hand.” You took one hand and held it up for him to take while you slowly lowered the other into the box. He intertwined his fingers with yours and encouraged you as you lowered the other hand deeper into the box.
You were almost to the bottom of the box and you heard nothing, absolutely nothing, even Joe was quiet which was unusual for him. You were on high alert now, either he was going to scare you or the animal would.
Your hand sank deeper into the box until it finally touched something with short fur. You recoiled at first but were met with Joe encouraging you to touch it again. You sighed again, overcoming your fear and grazed the small object.
“It’s not mice-? Is that-?” your fingers felt around the object, “Is that a small velvet box-” you gasped, pulling your hand out of the box and covering your face in shock.
“(y/n)...” Joe said softly while sounds of him standing up and grabbing the velvet box from the cage permeated to your ears. “You can open your blindfold now, honey,” he said sweetly.
You quickly pulled off the covering and looked around, hoping your eyes would adjust to the light sooner. When you looked down to find Joe on one knee, with a ring box in his hand, your skipped a beat. 
........................To be continued........................
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sftykth · 7 years
can’t help it || J.Sugg
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a/n it was requested, so why not! Iknow i haven’t wrote anything in a while, but that why this imagine is quiet long! also i will be writing about draco malfoy from hp too, so request draco malfoy imagines too!
Requests are open!
enjoy xo
wise men say, only fools rush in.
I never realised it. I never knew it was coming. Such a wonderful thought, not even a thought, it was real and I loved every single second of it.
I felt free; it felt like flying above the ground, freely. Making my head swoon with softness surrounding it with happiness. Fixing every damaged flaw there once was. Gone. She made it disappear without me knowing. She made me live my life so.... magically! I changed. My thinking has changed. How I view the world changed. She changed me.
It was something so simple yet so shocking. Some say love isn’t real, but it so much more than love. It makes you feel so many emotions at the same time. You get that butterfly effect inside of you; that bubbling feeling that makes you feel so sick.
It feels like something is trying to climb up inside of you, to get out of you. Creating a hysterical storm inside of you, making you feel numb.
She had flaws just like every single one of us, but she looked so ideal; with her soft hair and her so exquisite eyes, damn those eyes always made me swim in them. She made them look so different, so unique like no one else could.
Many said that this was not permanent, just like they said that it a one-time thing. It will come and pass.
but I can't help falling in love with you.
Although, inside I knew this wasn’t true. I knew she is the one; to stay by my side forever. As cheesy as it might sound. I knew it was true and she knew that too, even if she never said so.
She always was shy, I found that trait cute on her. It just made me love her even more. Every single day is a new day with her experiencing new things that I never thought I would ever be doing such things.
I could get all tingling just from her delicate touch, the contact of her skin would send my flying high.Just from one touch! I always wonder if she gets the same tingle after I touch or hold her hand. Does she feel the butterflies? Does she feel dizzy with love?
So many questions ring in my head, making me think, but I loved thinking of her and her stunning face. I loved her smile, I always thought it was the most beautiful smile I have seen.
She made it shine when she smiled, constantly. That why I always make sure she smiles, I could never imagine her without a smile. Whenever the smile would die down; I knew it was time for me to make it re appear again.
She was strong, not like strong as in she could pick me up. Although I could never be sure;) she was strong in love, she coped with every single thing that happened, that would make her feel insecure or terrified. She made it through, as for how hard it could get she made it through, with every step.
shall I stay? would it be a sin.
Times came where I thought, will she stay with me forever? Will I stay with her forever? When those thoughts would corrupt in my head, I always wanted to tie time tight and throw it into the ocean so it floats away. But I could never work the magic to stop it.
I regretted those thoughts afterwards, but I couldn’t help it, the brain I had wanted me to feel shit but I never could fight back I was too weak, so blinded by love. Though I never complained, I love her she is the one who stayed by my side at rough times.
Some said that I’m wasting my time on her and that I should focus more on YouTube rather than my love life. but I didn’t care, I promised her I will always be there for her and I can’t break a promise that I never want breaking.
I always knew career comes first then find someone you love and want to spend your whole time with, that was something I got told all my life. It never occurred to me that it was such a big of a deal.
Love is not something you can just find, love comes out of nowhere, you can never expect it. Love could come any time; it could happen next hour, tomorrow or even a few years later. You can’t just think ‘oh I’m going to find someone I love today’ No, it not how it works. Love will come out the corner without even telling you. You will not realise that you're in love.
She came out of nowhere she took her love with her, passing onto me. When I met her I didn’t know she carried the love that was waiting for me to know. I didn’t know the contact of her skin will make me tingle. I didn’t know anything.
if I can't help falling in love with you?
You never appreciate something or someone until they leave. You take it for granted, you use it without any gratefulness; you think it going to last forever but when it leaves. That when you realize. You messed up, you fucked up. Everything you once had, by your side is gone and it never going to come back.
I think sometimes that I don’t appreciate her, as much as I should. She is the only one who keeps me going. For a reward back I don’t give anything, just my affection and love. She says it fine and that she doesn’t need anything.
But as a boyfriend I want to shower her with gifts to wake up to, I want to make her feel on top of the world. She says that already does, but sometimes I just don’t believe her.
like a river flows surely to the sea.
Sometimes we do argue and fight but you know what? We come back. We come back fixing each other's flaws and replacing each of the puzzles as to how it should be.
It sure is difficult for some couples to keep going, to stay together after each horrific fight. For us is different, we know exactly how to keep going, we know how to stay together even after a huge argument.
We stay together like a perfect puzzle.
darling, so it goes some things are meant to be.
It filled with love and excitement rising high every single day. As days, months and years pass as the love for us grows stronger and stronger every day.
It magical really, love is magic. It comes out of nowhere and you’re so stunned to see it. It a magic trick that some people would love to see and are waiting for it.
Whereas, my magic trick has been shown. It has been shown to everyone expect it means a lot more to me than for others.
My life would be so different if it wasn’t for her, she made me view the world so differently. She made me think about every single tiny part of the world. She made me feel so alive.
take my hand, take my whole life, too.
All I hope for is I can live in the different world that I’m currently am with her and no one else. I hope she stays on this planet called Earth; it not perfect it the opposite really. Therefore, I hope she’s there to keep me going.
Hopefully, I will hold her hand in mine and call her mine. I hope the tingling feeling won’t disappear into thin air. I hope the love that is surrounding us in one big bubble keeps us both going forward.
for I can't help falling in love with you.
Y/N you’re something to me that the none of the words can describe it. You’re something that makes me want to live forever and ever. Thank you so much for every single thing you have done for me. It means so fucking much to me.
Y/N please never change because the love that we have is something that can only be shared by me and you, my lovely Y/N.
Everyone clapped as he said the speech, whiles she cried out of joy.
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whereyoustand · 6 years
Bloody Hell
Request- Prompt 45, 49 and 78 for Joe and the reader please? ❤️
45- "Yes s/he's perfect"
49- "Just hold me."
78- "Oh don't worry the blood isn't mine."
Summery- Reader gets her period whilst she slept round Joe's, Byron comes home and is concerned for Joe.
Warnings- Periods, blood, My terrible writing, Swearing
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My eyes fluttered open and immediately I felt the warm sicky pool underneath me. My face immediated turned red and my eyes watered. I brought my hand to my face and I ran it into my hair and tugged angrily.
"For fuck sake." I cried.
Joe started stirring in his sleep. "Babe." He mumbled.
"J- Joe?" I stuttered.
"Hey babe what's u- Oh." Joe felt the pool.
"Oh Joe I'm sorry." I apologised.
"No, love, this isn't your fault." Joe stood up and walked to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and walked back in. "If you go in there and clean up, I'll was the sheets."
I nodded slowly and got up at a steady pace. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.
Joe pulled off his sheets and walked over to the washing machine.
"Is that-?" Byron pointed at Joe's sheets.
"Oh don't worry. The blood isn't mine." Joe shrugged before throwing it in the machine.
"Wha-? Dude! Did a girl get her period after you had sex with her?"
"We didn't have sex." Joe corrected. "We just slept in the same bed."
"Wait you have a girlfriend?" Byron clicked everything together. "Is she beautiful?"
"Yes, she's perfect." Joe gushed quietly.
"Will I get to meet her?" Byron asked.
"Not today. We'll be hanging out in my room all day." Joe explained. "Can I get the pads out of your bathroom?"
"Yeah of course dude."
"Thanks mate." Joe patted his back before going to leave.
"If it's more comfortable with you, I can go out. I was planning on going round Caspar's anyway." Byron shrugged.
"That'd be amazing, Byron." Joe breathed out.
"Okay well I better get going then."
"Yeah, thanks again."
"Don't mention it." Byron winked as he walked out the door. Joe switched on the TV and put on the show I was watching at the time.
He grabbed a towel and the pads and walked to the bathroom where I was. He put them inside before talking to m in the shower.
"There are some of Zoe's left over clothes in the bottom draw."
"Thanks Joe."
Joe was sat on the couch when I walked out. The intro of the show was playing and Joe stood up before kidding my cheek.
"Do you need anything else?"
"Just hold me."
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calmasf · 6 years
New imagines!
Sorry I’ve not posted much recently but school is getting stressful!! I feel like I’ve been a bit stuck for ideas on who to make imagines about so if you have any ideas on who you’d like to see more of on this blog then let me know and I’ll make gif imagines for them.
Side note: I’m really sorry but I don’t do written imagines on request because of school stress so will do another post soon listing blogs that will accept requests for written ones.
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Blind Pt. 3 -Imagine #6
I’m so so so so sorry that it took so long! But I’m back. And I finally finished my sixth imagine. I hope you enjoy the last part. Love, Kat. XX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “They will be here any minute!” Britt shouted through the bathroom door where Y/N was fixing her hair. “Alright, I’m ready.” She yelled back and opened the door, to find Britt still standing in front of it. “Wow, you look fantastic, Y/N.” “You look stunning yourself, love.” They complimented each other. The boys as in Joe, Jack, Conor, Caspar and Josh were coming over for pre-drinks. Joe and Y/N figured it would be the best plan for the first night since they all were attending the influencers afterparty. She was nervous, her heart racing in her chest and her fingers fidgeting with everything they could grab. Britt sensed that. She could always tell when Y/N wasn’t her usual relaxed self. “It’ll be fine, Y/N.” She comforted her. “You already saw him and it wasn’t awkward, was it?” Y/N shook her head. “No, but…” She sighed. It was like stepping in a time machine and turning the time back to when Joe and her were still roommates in London. “I’m really scared.” She whispered suddenly feeling the urge to cry. Why was she like that? Couldn’t she for once be the best friend Joe deserved and not a best friend who were in love with him and fleeing on the other side of the world to forget that and then letting the feelings for him come back in just a blink of an eye? She was shit at being friends. “Hey, hey… don’t cry, calm down, love! Everything’s gonna be alright. I’ll promise you that.” Y/N just shrugged, unsure of what to say. “Just think of the date you’re gonna have tomorrow after VidCon. Think of him, okay? The things you’re feeling for Joe right now are just the echoes of your feelings you felt before. Right?” “Okay. Yeah. That seems legit.” “It’s gonna be fun.” Y/N really felt better. She even managed a half smile, although her heart still fluttered nervously in her chest. That was when the doorbell rang, announcing that the boys arrived at their flat. “I’m gonna answer the door and you’re making us a drink, alright?” It wasn’t a question as she already rushed to the front door. Y/N made her and Britt some pretty strong drinks, to calm her stupid heart and to get Britt in dancing mood. Not that she needed to get drunk for that. But Y/N wasn’t the only one drinking heavily that night. As the boys entered the apartment it became loud instantly. Y/N forgot how loud they were, when they were tipsy. “Well hello there, my lady.” Josh was the first who saw Y/N. “You look wonderful as always.” They hugged quickly. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself, Joshy.” He hated to be called Joshy but when he drank he actually quite enjoyed it. He smiled widely at Y/N. “Ugh, I missed you. Joe’s apartment is so freaking empty without you.” “What did you just say about my apartment?” There he was. Joe looked really really good in his ripped jeans and a bomber jacket. Y/N was almost star struck and suddenly she wasn’t so sure about the date tomorrow. Yes, he was very handsome and the both of them were getting along really well, but he never made her feel such things just from looking at him. For a few seconds Joe and Y/N were just looking at each other as if they both met for the first time. Something was different between them and they both felt that. “Well Suggy won’t you greet your beautiful best friend?” Jack laughed as he came in after Joe. “No, eh, yes. Yeah. Y/N, hey, you’re looking…” He trailed off still staring at her. “Stunning, wonderful, beautiful, really fucking pretty?” Offered Jack and hugged Y/N. That loosened the tension and Y/N hugged back tightly. “Thank you, Jack. Have a beer, have a drink, make yourself at home.” Y/N smiled thankful to be focusing on something that wasn’t Joe and his eyes. She herself grabbed her drink and drank quite a lot of it at once. Britt came in Caspar and Conor on each of her side. “Let’s get the party started!” She chanted as she grabbed her drink Y/N prepared for her and Conor and Caspar both hugged Y/N hello. Joe still hadn’t moved an inch. Y/N took another gulp from her drink and finally made her way to him. “Are you alright? You haven’t moved in about ten minutes.” Y/N opened the conversation. “No, yeah, everything’s alright… it’s just…” Joe trailed off, thinking about how beautiful Y/N was and how he never looked at her the way he looked at her tonight. “It’s just?” Y/N asked, looking at him curiously. “It’s just nothing. Where can I get a beer?” And if for a moment he could see disappointment in Y/N’s eyes it was surely just an illusion. “In the fridge.” She answered looking down at the cup in her hand. The pre-party was getting messy as the night went on. Everyone was getting really drunk they were spilling drinks everywhere, singing really loud and really bad to the music and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the afterparty of VidCon. Y/N was tipsy and things were getting out of hands. She was staring at Joe dancing with Jack and Conor and all she wanted to do was telling him that she was still and probably ever will be in love with him. “Hey. You alright? You’re looking like you gonna throw up at any second now.” Y/N shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. Why wouldn’t it?” And as she tried to smile up at Josh who was asking her she felt a tear rolling down her cheek. “Oh shit, don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” He hugged her but that made it even worse. She held back a sob and pulled back from him. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I’m- just stupid. Sorry. I need a moment.” And with that she took a deep breath and yelled “Hey, who’s ready for that afterparty?” She was trying to get as many people as possible between Joe and her. But unfortunately the others weren’t on her side. Everyone was booing at her suggestion. “No, not yet.” “Nooo boriiing.” “I wanna dance to my music!” So no chance of getting away from Joe and the magnet that’s been pulling her towards him since they met again. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Joe startled her, ripping her away from the thoughts about him. She nodded. “Sure.” So she followed him out on the balcony. To her surprise Joe wasn’t nearly as drunk as she assumed from watching him dance. “Everything’s alright between us, isn’t it?” Y/N nodded unsure. “I thought so but now you’re worrying me.” Joe smiled down at her letting the moonlight sparkle in his eyes. Ugh, she was so whipped. And so screwed. “Yeah, no. I just thought I asked again, because you’ve been avoiding me this whole evening.” She sighed. “No, it’s nothing… it’s just… me trying to be your best friend.” “But you don’t have to try, Y/N. You’ll always be my best friend. Even if we’re thousands of miles apart.” “It’s not that.” At this point she didn’t even care. He had to know, that this friendship would always be ruined by her stupid heart. “It’s just not the same between us.” She prepared herself for her confession. “No, I know, Y/N. And that’s my fault. My fault for not realizing that all I ever wanted in a girlfriend was living with me the whole time. My fault for confusing love with friendship and my fault for letting you go. It’s my fucking fault, okay. And I know I had my chance and I didn’t use it and now you’re dating some other guy who’s bloody awesome, I just know he is. And you deserve that. You deserve to be happy. And in love. And …” “Joe. Shut up.” “No, it’s..” “Shut. UP. You’re rambling.” “I know. I’m.. an idiot.” Y/N smiled. She was all he ever wanted in a girlfriend? “Did you just… tell me you love me?” Joe’s eyes were brimmed with tears of frustration as she looked up to him. “I-… yes, I… I think so.” “You think so?” “Yeah.” “Alright, well, at least it wasn’t in a letter left on the kitchen counter while you’re already on the way removing yourself from my life. I have to give you that.” He grinned at that and she smiled back. “You’re beautiful, Y/N and it’s so cliché that I fell in love with my best friend and I was too blind to see that and it’s too late, but…” “Who said it is too late, Joe?” His jaw dropped. “I-I mean… it is too late, isn’t it?” She just shook her head and with another one of his pretty smiles he leaned in for their first kiss. And if they both saw fireworks in that moment, well… it made the cliché perfect.
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taetomysoob · 6 years
This is the first story of my series based on Bazzi’s debut album COSMIC (the story follows the order of the tracklist).There are 9 stories in the series since I combined some songs in order to have a decent storyline. There is no “Y/N” here because it isn’t an imagine, it’s a story made up with a character named Allison. I hope you enjoy this, let me know what you think xx
Joe pushed her body against the door as soon as they had stepped into the hotel room. He left soft kisses along her neck to her bare shoulder as he searched for the zipper of her dress, sliding it down her back.
He had dreamed of this before, and there he was, with the girl of his dreams. It had been a few months since they had separated but Joe had been courageous enough to find her again and finally admit his true feelings. Both of them knew there was love between them and neither of them understood how to handle it. But now, Allison was in his arms and his heartbeat kept increasing. It was real this time and Joe hadn't felt this good in a long time.
Allison let out a moan as Joe sucked on her neck, leaving a mark on her skin. His fingers traced along her back as he let the dress slide to the floor. “You sure can't keep your hands to yourself.” Allison whispered in his ear, a smirk appearing on her face. Joe looked up to meet her eyes and grinned, “Shut up.” The both exchanged a small laugh before their lips met again. Joe stepped back, leading her towards the bed as he fell down on top of her, never breaking contact with her. He stopped to pull off his shirt and threw it into the room, hurrying to kiss her again.
For a moment, Joe remembered the dream from a few nights ago. Her bright shinning eyes were looking up to him with her soft lips and bittersweet smile. That's he knew he wanted to see her, he needed to see her. He wasn't sure of what all of this meant but he needed her. He knew Allison was more than a dream for him and he was so glad to finally be here with his hands all upon her.
Joe had been distant with her for a while, pretending that his heart was now cold ice but then the dreams had started and changed everything. He felt like someone new, someone who isn't afraid to admit he was in love. He couldn't even explain the feelings she gave him, it was too strong and confusing but he had finally figured it out. To him, they were unstoppable. His whole body tingled as she passed her hand through his hair, he had been craving her touch. Joe andAllison suddenly jumped at the sound of his phone. He groaned and opened his eyes.
Joe blinked a few times before looking around him, feeling breathless. There was no sign of Allison. She was gone. Joe felt his heart shatter as he lifted himself up, searching around the room. Had she left him for good? As his eyes darted over the room, he noticed how in place everything was. Despite the fact that they had been all over each other only seconds ago. But that's when it hit him.
He let his body fall back onto the bed, eyes locked to the ceiling. Eveything felt so real but when he realized that it wasn't, his heart broke a little and he was now there catching his breath. He knew he wasn't brave enough to admit his love for her, he was too proud for that.
He reached for his phone and opened his old conversations with Allison. Without hesitation, he typed a message on the screen and pressed the send button.
“I had a dream about you last night.”
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
Tinder | Joe Sugg
Warnings: Swearing 
Summary: Somone was a dick to me so this happened
“What are you doing?” Joe asked, watching you from across the room as you sucked on your teeth in annoyance.
“I’m in a flame war,” You mumbled. “What’s a good comeback for ‘ your a 6 headed munter’”
“What is it your arguing on?” Joe questioned, leaning over towards you. You sat hunched over your screen. You were sucking on your finger, a habit joe had noticed you did a lot and had started picking up himself.
“Tinder?”  This only intrigued joe more, he had been on tinder in the past sure, but not so much anymore. Had it changed so drastically in the time he was away that rather than trying to find yourself a date you argued with people instead.
“Joe hurry up he’s going to think he won if i don’t say something back.” You exclaimed, squirming on the couch. Joe moved from his spot on the sofa opposite, squeezing between you and the armrest. He took your phone from your hands, making you sigh in relief.
He scanned the chat, trying to work out what happened, seeing a pile of insults being thrown your way. “What even is a munter,” You mumbled, resting your head on his shoulder, finally not feeling the pressure.
“Why are you still even talking to him?” Joe said, his fingers tapping against the screen as he tried to come up with something to say back. For a second you pondered, wondering why you hadn’t unmatched him the second he had said something nasty, but then another a message popped on screen.
“Rekt gg?” You muttered, reading the message in confusion. “What the fuck? Is he 12?” You questioned.  Joe nodded his head in agreement, unmatching from the guy before tossing your phone aside.
He slumped back against the couch, resting his head against yours. The two of your staring off into space, going off into different realms.
Joe bit down on his lips, remembering his tinder days, he had been so desperate back then, wanting more than anything to find a girl who, as cliche as it sounds, would complete him. He had long since given up on that, finding girls at bars and clubs instead and taking them home for the night. For the time being it was doing enough to fill the void but in the back of his mind he was always wondering when he would find someone.
It’s not like he hadn’t been on a date in years, just a couple of weeks ago he had gone on a date with a girl. A tall brunette with lips as painted a soft peach, but nothing had clicked. Sure, she was a nice girl, polite, the conversation was always there, but something was missing. It wasn’t like talking with you.
His eyes shifted towards you, your eyelashes were fluttering up and down, your nose ghosting against his neck. You were staring right at it, but he knew you weren't there, you had drifted off into your own trail of thought, as you did often.
He could understand that he couldn’t find anyone, he was busy all the time, a workaholic and while some girls liked him at first, they soon drifted off realising he was more of a lad than his appearance or YouTube videos would make out.
You, however, he just didn’t get it. How could you be forced to go on tinder to find someone to go on a date with. To put up with trailing through the mud, trying to find someone who wanted more than nudes or a one night fuck, hell even he was sometimes just looking for that. Then the thought, the thought that you had to put up with that bullshit from before, people on tinder insulting you when all you were looking for was someone to go on something as simple as a date with. It made him furious.
That was when it hit him, it was probably one of the best ideas he had ever had. He shook his shoulder, trying to get your attention, ignoring the way your nose would rub so soothingly against the base of his neck. “Y/N, Y/N!” He yelled, waving his hand in front of your sleepy face, it seemed rather than daydreaming you had actually been dreaming.
“Get your coat.” He said, standing up, making your body plummet to the sofa before you realised what was happening.
“What, why?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes, but standing up anyway. Joe smiled, tossing your coat to you from the doorway, where he was hastily putting on his shoes.
“Come on slowpoke if were late there won’t be any tables left,”
“Tables left, what? Are we going to Ikea again?” You mumbled, fumbling around to try and get your arms into your coat. Joe rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed your shoes, walking over to you himself.
He dropped the shoes to the floor before moving behind you to help you get your coat on because he knew if he watched you struggle anymore he would feel too bad and he knew if he didn’t move right now he wouldn't have the balls to later.
Once you had finally put on your shoes and coat he wrapped a scarf around your neck, making your hair lie uncomfortably underneath it. He dropped his hand down to yours, at first just holding it in his, but by the time he had you to the door your fingers were entwined.
“What...What’s happening?” You questioned.
“I’m taking you on a date.” Joe smiled, squeezing your hand, then before you could protest he had dragged out the door.
And that date was the first of many more.
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aligalloo · 7 years
A Trip to Disneyland
Pairing: Reader x Simon Minter (miniminter) Word Count: 1,297 Warnings: A couple of swears Requested: Yes!  Thank you! Requests: Open (See below) PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS I LOVE THEM
Y/N: Your name Y/F/N: Your full name
“Good morning sunshine!” I dance into the hotel room where Simon is tucked up in his blankets.  “Come on, it’s time to go to Disneyland!”  I have never been, and I’m so excited.
He just groans and burrows further into his pillow.  “Go away, I’m sleeping.”
I frown, thinking for a second, and then my face lights up and I creep stealthily over to the bed, grabbing the end of the blankets and ripping them off of him.  He sits bolt upright and gives me a death stare before grabbing me and pulling me down beside him, tickling me until I’m crying with laughter.
“S-simon please stop.” I gasp, rolling away from him and off the bed onto the floor.  “Ouch!” I exclaim as I hit my head slightly on the floor.
“Oh my god, Y/N.  Are you ok?” Simon leans over the side of the bed and inspects me carefully, still grinning at himself.
“Yeah I’m fine you big doofus.  Will you get up now?”
“Fine.” He hauls himself out of bed clad only in boxers and I take a moment to admire him before he darts over and kisses me quickly, smirking.  “You like what you see?” He asks cheekily.
“Always.” I wink and push him towards the bathroom.  “Hurry up!”
A few hours later we arrive at the park with the six other Sidemen, who all seem to be in strange moods, shooting looks towards Simon and me as we walk hand in hand.  We go on rides all morning, and I get more and more confused as to why they’re acting so weirdly.  
“Ok guys, spill.  What’s the deal?”
“Uh, um nothing?  We just think you and Simon look especially cute together today.”  Vikk stutters out, unable to meet my eyes.
I just huff and head toward the bathroom, figuring that Simon can sort the children out.  I come back and see them stood in a cluster around him, gesticulating wildly.  I clear my throat loudly, and they jump away from each other.  Simon comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist, tucking me into his side and kissing my forehead.
I hear a chorus of “Awws” come from the direction of the guys, and I can feel Simon let go of me with one hand to give them the finger.  Me asking what was going on seems to have opened the floodgates though, and I can hear them muttering amongst themselves.  
“Hey Y/N.  Got anything special planned for tonight?” Harry asks innocently.
“No… Why?” I look over to see his eyes sparkling.
“Just wondering.” He replies, walking away to the next ride.
I huff, and looks up at Simon, who just grins down at me.  “Ignore them, they’re being dicks.”
I decide to listen to him, and we continue to enjoy our day, before heading back to the hotel to chill.  I change into my bikini in the hotel room and Simon lets out a whistle as I walk out the door of the bathroom. “You look gorgeous, Y/N.” He comes over and sweeps me into his arms.  I giggle, and he wraps a towel around me before carrying me out of the room and to the elevator.  We go down to the ground floor and he carries me through to the swimming pool where the boys are waiting.  
“Hey Simon, are you practicing or something?” Tobi calls out, and I whip my head around to glare at him.  
Simon doesn’t seem bothered though and instead walks over to dump me unceremoniously into a chair.  “Fuck off bro,” He shoots at Tobi.  
“Nah this is way too much fun.”
We hang out for a bit by the pool before Simon’s cell rings and he grimaces, looking around at us apologetically.  “I have to take this, it shouldn’t take long.” He comes over and kisses me quickly before hurrying out of the room.  
The boys entertain me by talking about our favourite rides at Disneyland, and I don’t notice the time until nearly half an hour has gone by.  “Where’s Simon?” I ask, slightly worried.  “Shouldn’t he be back by now?”
“Yeah,” JJ replies, looking over at me.  “Maybe you should go and check on him?”
I nod, and wrap a towel around me, heading back to our room.  I get out of the elevator and see that the door is slightly open.  Panicking, I run towards it and burst inside before I stop dead in my tracks.
“Oh my god, Simon!” My beautiful boy is on one knee in front of me.  The room is candlelit and there is a small dinner table set up in the centre.  “What are you doing?”
“Y/F/N, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, learning about you and having children with your gorgeous eyes and my not so gorgeous height.  I want to wake up beside you every morning, and I want to kiss you every night before I fall asleep.” He takes a deep breath. “Y/N, will you marry me?”
With tears streaming down my face I run towards him.  He only just has enough time to stand and hold his arms out before I collide with him, peppering kisses all over his face before burying my head in his chest.  “Yes, Simon.  Yes I will marry you.  You make me so happy and I love you more than anything.”
He’s crying too at this point and lifts my chin, staring into my eyes before kissing me deeply.  He pulls away and holds up the forgotten ring box. “Hadn’t you better check you like the ring first?”
I giggle, and gasp as I open the box.  The ring is stunningly understated. Simon knows that I don’t like flashy things, much preferring them to have sentimental value than to be ridiculously expensive.  “I love it.”
He lets out a sigh of relief as he slides the ring onto my finger.  “Good.” He leans in as if to kiss me again, before suddenly seeming to realise something.  “Hey guys, you can come in now.”
All of a sudden, the door bursts open and the six boys tumble through, looking at me expectantly.  I hold up my left hand to show them the ring and they whoop, gathering around us.
“Wow Simon, you did good.” Josh exclaims, grabbing my hand to inspect it.  
“Oh!” I come to a sudden realisation.  “You guys knew, didn’t you?  That’s why you were acting all weird today.”
“Yep,” Ethan chimes in.  “Simon had us under strict instructions not to say anything but it was really hard.”
“You rat!” I slap Simon on his chest.  “Did everyone know but me?”
“Yep,” He grin.  “Even the girls - they helped me pick out the ring.”
“Well you all did a good job keeping it a secret.” I look around at the boys as they stand watching us.
“Honestly, Simon threatened us with decapitation if we let anything slip… We had a pretty good incentive,” JJ laughs and comes over to give me a hug. “Congratulations, we’re all really happy for you.”
“Thank you.” I reply, tearing up again.  “I’m really lucky that you’re my friends.”
Simon looks at me and then at the boys.  “Out, we need to have our romantic engagement dinner now.”
“Ok,” Josh says, shepherding the others towards the door.  “We’ll see you lovebirds in the morning.”
I look down at myself still in my bikini, laughing. “Can I go and get changed before dinner?”
“Of course love, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know you’re not, you’re stuck with me now.” I turn around and walk towards him to kiss him again, ready to start the next phase in our lives.  This is going to be so much fun!
Taking requests for: Sidemen, sidemen of the sidemen, WillNE, ChrisMD, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Buttercream Boys (also Stranger Things/Mileven prompts if you’re into that)
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buttercreamroyalty · 7 years
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Hey there love! Could you do an imagine where the reader and joe meet online (she's American) and she flies out to meet him and just a bunch of fluff and happiness? I love your writing, and I could use something happy tbh 💕💕 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Being a Youtuber was something you had enjoyed since day one, and even though you were still a small youtuber with just five hundred thousand subscribers you were still proud of yourself for reaching that goal, you loved to lay down on your bed and scroll down the comments of your videos. In your latest video-which was a Q & A-someone had asked you which youtuber you wanted to collaborate in a video and without hesitating you answered Joe Sugg, you also admitted how much you admired his work and how funny you thought he was? At the end of the video-and just for fun-you asked your subscribers to go and spam Joe on Twitter and tell him that you wanted to do a collab with him. The day the video came out your phone was blowing up with tweets in which both you and Joe where tagged in you smiled to yourself thanking you had such support for all your followers, and three hours after people started spamming Joe you got a new notification that immediately caught your attention. "Joe Sugg mentioned you in a tweet" You clicked it as soon as it popped up in your screen "Heard you wanted to collab @yourusername?" It was then that you felt a huge wave of excitement cursing through your veins, you wanted to scream and jump all around the apartment, but instead you decided to smile like an idiot as your shaky fingertips typed a response. "Maybe 😉 What proceeds now? 🤔" It didn't took long for him to reply "I guess your phone number would be a good start 😏" That's how your relationship started, of course after Joe's last reply people couldn't help but comment "I ship this" or "I fully agree with this friendship" it made you chuckle inevitably. After you exchanged numbers the texts were coming back and forth, FaceTime calls, comments and likes all around your social media but everyone had the same question. When will you you two collab? The thing was that you lived in Las Vegas while he was in London and trying to get your schedules to actually work out was definitely easier said than done, but you were glad you got to actually know him outside your screen so that when you actually collab it wouldn't be awkward. But it was one day, after 6 months of knowing this simple roof thatcher, that with time became a big influencer on YouTube around the world, you could actually know him in the flesh. He said he would fly to Las Vegas instead of you coming to London since it was easier for the both of you-and also cheaper for him-. You also asked Joe if you could blog his arrival to Las Vegas, which he had absolutely no problem with. So present day you grabbed your vlogging camera and its flexible tripod-that you twisted around your arm-as you turned it on, previously making sure it was perfectly settled. "So hello to all of you watching me, today it's going to be an exciting day because we're picking Mr. Sugg himself from the airport, so let's dive in today's adventure" you chipped as you opened the front door of your car. Pausing the recording you climbed up and took the camera to put it behind the wheel in the car tripod you had bought a month ago, after that you restarted the recording smiling widely at the camera as you put your seatbelt on. "To the airport!"you exclaimed making a weird voice as you simultaneously started the car driving into the highway in direction to the airport "Now if I'm being honest I'm scared but also quite excited, is that even a thing?" You laughed nervously Then the keyboard of your car ringed, you looked over and realized Joe was calling you. "Oh look it's Joe!" You informed looking at the camera for a second before you quickly picked up the call. Hey Joe! Say hi to the vlog!" You said cheerfully "Hey guys!" He replied quiet happily making your smile grew wider "We just landed" he mentioned casually as you finally parked at the airport. "Awesome! I'm just parking the car" "See ya in a bit then?" "You bet" you replied teasingly making him laugh, after you said goodbye since he had to pick up his luggage the call was ended. Entering the place you continued talking to the camera nonchalantly making some jokes here and there walking to the room where he appeared shortly after "Oi! Here he comes!" You chipped focusing the camera on him, he was caring a medium length suitcase and a backpack also wearing his usual "nerd" glasses as you called them. His eyes never left yours as he approached, until his arms wrapped around your body almost perfectly, your senses welcoming the scent of men cologne that his shirt reeked of, both of you hugging each other tighter not wanting that moment to end. "Wow you're quite more muscular than I imagined you would be" you teased taunting his biceps making him chuckle at your witty manners "Well so here's what we're gonna do, since you're taller I'll take your backpack and you'll hold the camera. He nodded as you exchanged your belongings, but he still took the suitcase with him "Now that I'm in the vlog it would sure go viral" he joked running his fingers through his hair, focusing the camera on the exact moment were you rolled your eyes at him. "Haha" you laughed sarcastically as you headed over to the parking lot The ride was nice, Joe used the aux cord and both of you sang some of the songs that were on his Spotify playlist, you over exaggerated the high notes and almost dropped the camera at some point but you knew it would be fun to watch for everyone at home. Finally you arrived to the building in which you lived in, and as Joe pressed the elevator button after giving you back the camera, you took this as a chance to do something crazy, so you smiled at the lend placing your index finger on your lips in sign to keep quiet before you jumped on his back. "Oh shit" he laughed slightly stumbling aside, luckily for the both of you he quickly regained his balance and placed his hands on your thighs to keep your legs on his waist, before he was sure you could hold them by yourself taking the suitcase again. The doors of the elevator opened and he was quick to jump in and you took care of pressing the button of your floor, a few seconds passed and the doors opened again revealing a few people of different ages waiting for the elevator. You didn't actually care about the people watching you, since from the moment the doors opened you hollered "Giddy up, giddy up" in a horrible cowboy accent, the brunette boy complied your demands as he went up and down slightly, making the both of you laugh obnoxiously as you neighed down the hall "I guess that's all for today's blog! Please like and subscribe and do all those amazing stuff only you know how to do." "Bye!" Both you and Joe said at unison before you finished recording.
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Second Family
Anon: “Imagine being in a relationship with a YouTuber(fictional) but he abuses you and one night after it gets pretty bad, you run to Alfie’s home and find most of the male YouTubers are there and they learn about your situation even though you didn’t tell them, you can decide what happens after that, I want the reader to find that one of the boys actually cares about her more than a friend(you can decide which youtube she’s gonna fall in love with!) SOOO EXCITED FOR YOUR BLOG!!”
YouTubers involved in this fic[bold are in this chapter]:  Joe Sugg, Tanya Burr, Alfie Deyes, Zoella, Caspar Lee, Marcus Butler, Jim Chapman
>>>Part 1<<< >>>Part 2<<<
A/n: Reminder that ‘Jake’ is the fictional abusive boyfriend. Also I know it’s been months since I’ve written a part 1 and 2 but I think I’m back to writting :) 
Words: 1.5k
-Reader’s POV-
It was Sunday morning, at least you thought it was. You would usually upload today but you didn’t have your laptop or anything in fact, nor felt like spending hours editing a version of yourself who was unaffected by what came next.  
After breaking up with Jake, last night, it got really late so Alfie offered for you to sleep over. He and Zoe -who returned from Louise's- gave you their guest bedroom and you were glad because you hadn’t realized how tired you were since you fell asleep the second you laid your head on the pillow. 
It wasn’t enough that Jake made your life living hell, he also haunted your dreams. You tossed and turned, tears flowing out of your tightly-shut eyes when you found yourself being lightly woken up by Joe. “Hey, (y/n),” You gasped at the sight of him before sighing, “It’s ok, you were having a nightmare.” He rubbed your shoulder before stepping back after you woke. 
You wiped your tears away before assuring him you're fine, “I- I’m good.” 
Joe must’ve stayed over too cause when you glanced over at the clock, it was 3:56 AM.  He was wearing the same pants as earlier, but he was just shirtless.
He ran a hand through his hair before looking down, “I- uh, guess I’ll get going then, good night (y/n)-”
You caught his wrist as he turned to leave the room, “Stay,” you sat up as the last few tears continued flowing down your face, “Please. I can’t sleep and I don’t wanna be alone.” 
He pursed his lips before smiling and nodding. “Alright,” he whispered carefully not to wake up Zoe and Alfie. 
You looked around the large bed and scooted over. Instead of sitting up against the headboard, Joe rolled into bed with his head on your pillow. “Could I…” He pointed at the warm duvet you were under. 
“Oh, sure.” You opened it up and he snuck into it. His cold hands brushing your hip. 
He began talking, and you joined in too. The topic started off about his channel and how he was planning on doing a prank on Caspar with you involved, only he talked at first but soon you two were back to your old self, with Joe making you laugh at every sentence. 
Time flew. You grew more tired and scooted deeper into the duvet. 
He chatted equally to keep you from feeling sad again but when he glanced at you, he found you in deep sleep while spooning his arm. 
His face flushed and a smile stretched on his lips. But he knew his line. You two were friends, nothing more. He wasn’t going to ruin that. 
He slowly took back his arm, careful not to disturb you and tip-toed out of the room. Before he shut the door, he glanced back at you and smiled. 
You slowly woke to the sound of chattering from outside. Tanya and Zoe were chatting. 
Light was trying to pour into the rooms but the curtains held them back. You rubbed your eyes and noticed that the bed was empty. Did Joe leave? You looked out the crack in the door to meet Zoe’s eyes, she smiled and slowly cracked open the door until it was slightly ajar. Zoe popped her head in. “Hey, can we...?” She gestured to enter. 
You nodded so she and Tanya entered. Tan gave a small wave and sat on your bed.  
“Jim told me what had been going on...” She gave your hand a small squeeze. 
“And we wanted to talk to you about that.” Zoe pursed her lips. “Me, Tan and everyone are ready to help you in whatever way necessary.” 
You smiled at the thought of support, “Thank you but-” 
“Please don’t push us away,” Tan begged. You met her eyes and noticed the sincerity behind them. You pursed your lips and gave a small smile. 
“(y/n), we’re gonna have breakfast downstairs, do you wanna join us or bring it up here? I can bring it up if you don’t-” 
“No, I’ll be down in a few.” You gulped and ran your hand through your hair, only to look up and find Zoe watching you, “What-?” Before you could finish, she had pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). Jake doesn’t deserve you, he’s never deserved you, I’m sorry we never noticed anything and questioned him, I’m- I’m sorry-” You felt tears soak through your shirt and hugged her back not knowing what to say. You closed your eyes and felt another set of arms wrap around you: Tanya’s. 
After what seemed like many moments, Zoe and Tan pulled away, both of their eyes tear soaked. Zoe grabbed a tissue and let out a scoff, “If he comes near you one more time-” 
You were surprised to see her go from sadness to anger this fast but that was you all of last night, Tan spoke in, “Zoe’s right, he can’t come near you ever again.” 
“We should go to the Police,” Tan suggested. 
You shook your head, your mind flooding with emotions and ideas on what to do next but you just couldn’t think clearly, “It’s not that easy. What am I gonna do after that? It’s not like I’m never gonna see him again, we’re in the same youtube groups, he’s everywhere, hell, we even run a channel together, it’s just so messy now- and if I file a complaint,” you sighed, “It’ll only get more complicated, I just-” You covered your face with your hands, “-I don’t know.” 
“(y/n),” Tan interrupted by placing her hand over yours, “We’ll figure out all of this together, remember, you don’t have to do anything alone.” You dropped your eyes and met hers, a small smile on your lips as you were grateful for having great friends. 
You three had a moment when Zoe cleared her throat, “Well, umm, come down when you’re ready, (y/n), we’re gonna have some breakfast in a few-” 
“Yeah, I bought some pastries too,” Tan added. 
“Oh also,” Zoe popped out the door and bought a small stack of clothes in, “I know you don’t have any of your clothes with you, and the ones you're wearing have blood on them, so you can borrow some of mine.” She handed you the stack and you noticed some nice pants, a simple tee, one towel, and undergarments. 
“Thanks, Zoe, I’ll be out of here by tonight-” 
“Hey, take your time (y/n), recover and treat this home like yours, you're like Alfie's sister and you're our best friend,” Zoe said kindly while gesturing to herself and Tanya. 
You gave a smile as they left you with your thoughts. You looked around and fell back onto the bed, emptiness filling your heart. After what seemed like hours of just laying there you checked the clock and realized only a few minutes had passed. You knew you couldn’t just lay there so you whipped off the blankets and grabbed the clothes and headed out into the hallway towards the bathroom. 
You were in your thoughts about Jake when the bathroom door opened and Joe walked out, only a towel around his waist, showing off the V on his lower abdomen and his built upper body. 
He seemed surprised to see you, “Hey (Y/n),” he said looking away from your eyes. 
You stuttered out the next few words as you were pulled out of your thoughts, “Oh, hey, Joe.”
He ran a hand through his wet, nearly brunette hair, making water sprinkle on you. You pursed your lips and scooted past him, not noticing that he wasn’t his usual self around you which would’ve peaked your interest more if it was a different moment but right now you had too much on your mind. 
He continued avoiding meeting your eyes as you two went separate ways; you into the bathroom and him into another room. You turned on the lights and almost screamed at the person looking back at you in the mirror. 
You didn’t even recognize yourself. Your eyes were set deeply, surrounded by dark circles and one eye with a very noticeable black eye. And right above that, a bandaged gash covered with a large band-aid. You sighed and buried your face in your hands again, with your elbows resting on the sink, but soon you found yourself fall onto the floor and sobbing. 
Your shoulders shook as you let our large yet mostly silent sobs, you thought you were out of tears but as your heart ached more, and anger filled you up, the more tears produced. 
After what seemed like hours of crying, you sniffled and picked yourself off the ground and stripped before stepping into the hot shower, trying to forget everything and imagine what life was like before Jake. But what was life like before Jake? Nothing came to mind. You still had your memories before Jake but without him, you felt guilty imagining yourself happy. Looked like those bruises weren’t the only way he scared you. 
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whereyoustand · 7 years
:.Younger Cuddles.:
Y/n grabbed a cup of tea as the fire bloomed she was wrapped in a warm sweater and her hair was in a bun. She walked towards the couch and let out a relaxed sighed. She took a sip of her tea when there was a loud cry. Y/n groaned and walked across the room to her 2 week old baby boy.
"Oh Charlie." Y/n picked up the boy from his Moses basket and kissed his head. She grabbed his bottle and started to feed him. She sat on the couch and helped him release wind before she sat in front of the fire cradling him in her arms.
The door opened and Joe walked in, kicking off his shoes and taking down his umbrella. He looked over towards the couch where he saw his sleeping lover. He kissed her head before grabbing their son. Joe walked Charlie to his crib and put him down. Joe picked up his sleeping lover and put her in their shared room before kissing her forehead.
Y/n rolled over and grabbed Joe’s jumper.
“Is Charlie okay?” She muttered tiredly.
“Yes, he’s asleep.” Joe sighed. 
“M’kay.” Y/n whispered. “I should check on him.” 
“Babe, he’s fine.” Joe stripped to his boxers as his lover let out a yawn. He cuddled up with her and kissed her cheek.
“Goodnight love.” Joe whispered
Remember to send requests! :)
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yellowbadgergirl · 3 years
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I posted 1.686 times in 2021
81 posts created (5%)
1605 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 19.8 posts.
I added 869 tags in 2021
#spn - 189 posts
#spn fic - 144 posts
#mcu - 107 posts
#incorrect quotes - 106 posts
#dw - 67 posts
#dean winchester x reader - 62 posts
#tvd - 55 posts
#about me - 54 posts
#hp - 51 posts
#whouffle - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#while a girl just killed herself because she was raped and abused by group of teens that filmed it and were blackmailing her
My Top Posts in 2021
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KALIJAH; Elijah Mikaelson & Katherine Pierce
say something // poison and wine // under // stay
21 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 23:34:36 GMT
Fan: What was your favorite part in Captain America?
Sebastian: I really liked the...
Audiance: ...
Sebastian: You know where we meet the Doctor Who girl.
22 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 23:39:07 GMT
10 Fandoms, 10 Ships, 10 Tags
I saw this & I wanna do this!
Supernatural  -  suby (Sam&Ruby) 
The vampire diaries  -  kalijah  (Katherine&Elijah)
Glee  -  finchel   (Finn&Rachel)
Doctor who  -  whouffle  (11th doctor&Clara)
Harry Potter  -  remadora  (Remus&Tonks)
Twilight  -  blackwater  (Jacob&Leah)
X-men  -  beastique  (Hank&Raven)
Avengers  -  staron  (Steve&Sharon)
One tree hill  -  leyton   (Lucas&Peyton)
Avatar: the last airbender  -  sukka  (Sukki&Sokka)
I tag @freedom  @mizutoyama  @ancient-ideas  @ladyelise01  @marzipan-albatross  @gasstationangel  @s-ammie  @spnxreaderx  @fanfictalk  @a-veryshort-longbottom  
23 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 03:54:37 GMT
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
I saw this and I wanna do it! 
Harry Potter  -  Nymphadora Tonks
Doctor Who  -  Clara Oswald
Glee  -  Santana Lopez
The Vampire Diaries  -  Katherine Pierce
Avengers  -  Black Widow
Twilight  -  Leah Cleatwater
Supernatural  -  Sam Winchester
X-men  -  Mystique
Avatar: the last airbender  -  Sokka
Youtube  -  ThatcherJoe
I tag @mizutoyama  @lunalovegood2  @ancient-ideas  @freedom  @s-ammie  @comfortcharacterlove  @queenofdreamland  @witchygagirl  @darkangel-painter  @sweetxthing 
39 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 20:16:58 GMT
4 song tag game
Tagged by @mizutoyama
Four songs I’ve been listening to today (not in any particular order):
taken - 1D
1985 - Bowling For Soup
dragosati din tei - Dan Balan & Katerina Begu
six - Six the musical
I tag @2020rose  @katlyc  @lunalovegood2  @im-a-cutie-patootie  @blogsamgirlforlife  @s-ammie  @freedom  @agent-up  @number-1-deaf-clint-barton-stan  @ancient-ideas & everyone who wants to do this!
144 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 09:31:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Blind Pt. 1 -Joe Sugg Imagine #6
Hey, guys! I’m back from holidays. It was magical. Anyway here’s my first two part imagine, I hope you like the first part. Love, Kat xx.
Joe, when you receive this letter I’ll be gone. I know you probably didn’t know this but I’m miserable. I can’t live like that anymore. You know, you’ll always be my best friend, my soul mate and the one I’m trusting the most. That’s why I’m writing this letter, you have to know why I’m doing this. Because when you and your one night stand are awake I’ll be gone and I’m not coming back. I can’t.  Because what you don’t know is, that every night when you’re gone, having a night out with your mates, it’s hurting me because I know how it ends. You end up with a girl you don’t love in our apartment, with me on the other side of the wall, wishing you hadn’t brought her with you.  Every morning after that, I’m making coffee for you and her, smiling, introducing me as your best friend although I wish I would be more than that. Yes, Joe. Every time you complained about being single I was there, wishing you would finally realize, that I’m the one you’re looking for. Because I’m in love with you. This night I finally admitted to myself that all the hope, all the effort and all the love I put into our friendship will never make you love me back. Never. And that’s alright, I can’t make you love me. But if I’m living with you, having to be around you every single day I’m not getting over you. So I decided I’ll leave. For you. For me. For us. I’m sorry. Please, don’t try to find me. I’m gonna be save I promise. I’m gonna call you, when I’m ready, I promise. Be safe, I love you so much, Joe. Y/N
He folded the letter neatly together and put it back down on the counter. “Who is it from?” The girl, Susanna or something like that asked with her mouthful and a cup of coffee in her hand. Coffee, that Y/N made before she left. “My roommate. It’s just a list of groceries I have to buy.” He lied. Everything in him felt wrong. He could practically feel that she left. The whole apartment felt cold without her. “Huh, are you planning to cook tonight?” She asked, probably wishing to be invited. He just wanted her to leave. “You know, I actually have a meeting with my personal trainer, I’m sorry, but I have to leave, so…” She understood. “I’m gonna go then. You have my number, call me if you like.” And with that she left. Joe sat down on the coach, and wondered why he never figured out that Y/N was in love with him. He decided to call his sister, the person who has known her as long as him. “Jooooe.” “Zoe, do you think Y/N is in love with me?” He jumped straight to the topic. Zoe got serious. “Well, isn’t that obvious?” “You mean you noticed?” “Eh, yes Joe. Actually I thought the two of you were dating as you moved together.” “We weren’t.” “Yeah, I figured that much, thank you Joe.” “But… how is it possible that I never noticed. Why didn’t she tell me?” “Because you have girl after girl. She’s heartbroken every time you bring someone home. I think she is afraid to tell you the truth.” “Well, not anymore. She wrote me a letter. She left, Zoe. All of her things are gone.” “Oh, Joe.” She sighed. “What do you mean? I’m single, I can do whatever the fuck I want. I didn’t know I was hurting her.” “Yes, you can. So do whatever you want, I’m trying to call her.” And with that she hung up. Joe sighed. He was getting annoyed with Y/N. How could she think that he knew what was going on? If he had known he wouldn’t had brought any girls with him. They could have worked it out. But she had to go and ruin everything.
It was Saturday and the last week Joe was pretty occupied with work so he didn’t think about Y/N too much. Not until he was home. Every night he would shout “Hello!” in his empty apartment, remembering too late that she wasn’t there anymore. So he would make dinner on his own, watching a movie by himself and feeling this weird empty feeling in his chest. But it was the weekend and he was smashed. Another night out with the boys. He was rubbing his front side against some brunette, he had forgotten the name as soon as she told him. Jack had already left with a girl and Josh and Conor were making out with twins somewhere in the club. The brunette turned to him, looking up with that kind of look in her eyes, that told him she wanted that he’d make a move. So he leaned in to kiss her, but before their lips could meet he heard Y/N`s voice in his ear. “You end up with a girl you don’t love. It’s hurting me. I love you.” Joe backed away, turning around leaving as fast as he can. Y/N was right. He was constantly complaining about being single, but when he was out he never looked for a girl which he liked. He was looking for a girl he liked to fuck. He was never interested in them as a person. He called Caspar, desperate to talk to his best friend. “Joe? Where are you? We were looking for you but you were… occupied.” “I’m… outside the club, it doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you hold me back?” “When? Tonight?” “All the times I made out with a girl I’m not interested in.” “Well, you seemed interested.” “Caspar, I’m serious. I’m taking an uber to your place.” “This is about Y/N, isn’t it?” “I don’t even know about what it is anymore.” Joe sighed. He was tired and angry and worried he had ruined a friendship that’s the most important to him. “Alright, I’m gonna sleep, you should too. I’m coming over tomorrow and then we’ll talk.” Joe agreed, hung up and called an uber to drive home. Alone.
In the morning, Joe woke up with a pretty bad hangover, rolled out of bed and walked down to the kitchen expecting coffee. He had forgotten Y/N left. He as looking at “her” place at the counter where she would normally sit, greeting him with a smile and a giant cup of coffee. That was when it hit him. He let the tears flow and cried. It was all his fault. He lost his best friend, because he took her for granted. How stupid can he possibly be? That was the moment the bell rang. Joe pulled himself together and opened the door. Caspar stood infront of him, clearly as hungover as him. “Hey, buddy. You look like you need a hug.” He closed the distance between them and engulfed the shorter one in his arms. “She left Casper.” “I know, mate. She slept on our coach for two nights before… leaving completely.” “What?” Joe wiggled out of Casper’s grip, looking at him in disbelief. “Joe, I love you and you’re my best friend but you treated her like shit these last months. She called me last week in the middle of the night bawling her eyes out asking me if she could stay for a few days. I agreed and she told me everything.” Joe groaned. “Why haven’t you told me?” “Because she didn’t want me to. She was miserable, Joe. You broke her heart.” “I know that much, thank you very much.” Casper made himself at home, making coffee and looking in the fridge for something edible. “So last night you asked me why I’ve never stopped you from getting with all these girls, huh?” Joe nodded. “Easy. Are you remembering any of them?” “Almost all of them, yeah. Why?” Casper turned around. “You really are blind, aren’t you?” “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?” Joe yelled, getting impatient. “They all had similarities.” “Yeah, I think I’ve got a type then. Not that rare, is it?” “They all looked like Y/N, Joe.” Joe was shocked. “You’re kidding me.” “Mate. I thought, when you had all these girls, you just wanted to distract yourself because she wasn’t loving you back.” “That’s impossible. I never loved her that way. We are best friends.” “Yeah, I think you’re just unaware of your feelings then.” “Don’t talk me into loving her, because she cried at your shoulder the night she left.” Joe was getting angry. If he really was in love with Y/N he’d realized that by now. They were almost like siblings, knowing each other because their parents are close. Enough time to fall in love. Which he hasn’t. “I’m not. I’m trying to get your crippled heart out of the shell you’ve put it in.” “Casper. I’m not arguing with you over my feelings. I know best what I’m feeling.” Casper just shrugged. “Sure. Whatever you say, Suggy.” With that he turned the TV on throwing himself on the coach. But Joe’s head was spinning with thoughts. Everything was so different and fucked up and he missed Y/N like crazy. She always had an answer to all of his problems. Now she became one of them.
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taetomysoob · 7 years
Thank you for your request, I’m sorry I didn’t really kjnow how to finish this one but hey at least I’m back, right?
“Hurry up!” Y/N called out to her friend Byron as she sat down on the edge of the bed, her boyfriend fixing the camera settled in front of her. “You ready?” She asked, smiling to her lover. “Yep, are you happy with the lighting?” Joe replied, waiting for her to nod before sitting down next to her, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.
Joe and Y/N had been dating for 6 months and things had been getting pretty serious between them. To the point where she would spend weeks at his house. The couple was about to film a Youtube video for her channel with their current temporary room-mate and good friend Byron.
They waited for what seemed like ages until the South African finally sat down next to Y/N. “Sorry, I was fixing my hair.” Byron admitted, earning a laugh from the boy leaning forward to properly look at his mate. “It still looks like shit.” The dark blonde boy teased. Byron frowned as he watched his reflection into the camera. “Oh come on, you look great.” Y/N nudged his rib with her elbow as she looked up from her phone screen, getting ready to start filming her intro.
“Hello there! Welcome back to my channel, today I am joined with two attractive young men, Joe and Byron. You all know them by now.” She introduced, gesturing from her boyfriend to her friend. Joe stayed quiet as he watched his mate wrap an arm around her shoulders, “Aw, how nice of you.” The South African explained, earning a small laugh from her. But Joe was sure not laughing.
As soon as Joe had presented Y/N and Byron, the both had instantly clicked and were very close friends, which Joe didn't mind at first. Until he started to realize how touchy his mate would get with his girlfriend. Sometimes he even wondered if it was a good idea to introduce them to each other. But he wasn't the type to show his jealousy, even in front of his lover. And so he simply pretended that everything was fine all the time. Except that he was finding harder to control these days, ever since the boys had come back from their trip to South Africa. Joe wasn't sure of who his girlfriend had missed the most between the two.
“So today we are going to do the finish the lyric challenge, boring I know but I honestly didn't have a video for this week. Don't blame me!” Y/N exclaimed, laughing at her comment before she quickly explained to her viewers how the game would go.
It was time for them to do the last round of the game. Joe pressed onto his laptop, allowing the last song to start playing. The two friends started singing the words to the song as they exchanged a glance, barely paying attention to the host of the game. “Come on, that's our song!” Y/N stated, nudging her shoulder with his as they both sang at the top of their lungs until Joe stopped the song and they both yelled out out their buzzers. But Byron was quicker and got the winning point.
“I can't believe you just beat me on my own channel!” She groaned, staring at her friend as Joe cleared his throat in attempt to get her attention but he felt mute to her ears. “I beat you at everything.” Byron shrugged, a smirk showing on his lips. “Don't lie to my viewers.” She stated, glaring at the camera, picturing the zoom that she would do her face whilst editing this video.
Once she pronounced her outro, Joe got up and pressed on the recording button, allowing to stop. He was about the leave the room when his girlfriend caught his arm on the way. “Where are you going?” She asked, confusion itched across her face. “Somewhere where I don't get to witness how great you two get along.” Joe scoffed before escaping the room.
The two friends stayed speechless for a few minutes, looking at each other as an uncomfortable silence filled the room. “I'm sorry, I didn't know he felt that way.” Byron said, looking down to the floor. “It's fine, I didn't know either. I'll talk to him.” Y/N affirmed, sending him a quick smile before joining her grumpy boyfriend in the living room where he stood behind the kitchen counter, fiddling with different tools as he was getting ready to prepare their lunch. She leaned onto the counter, meeting Joe's annoyed glance.
“Can you please explain to me what the hell this was all about?” Y/N asked, her eyes darting over his face as he sighed. “You know what it is about. The touches, the laughs, the private jokes. What is that all about?” He replied, the anger perfectly audible in his voice as he stopped his movements to watch her. “Joe, he's my friend. I thought you wanted us to get along in the first place.” She exclaimed, her own annoyance growing inside of her. “Yeah well maybe it was a mistake. You barely pay attention to me when he's around.” Joe scoffed, his voice raising in volume slightly. She sighed at his words, “It's not true. Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were that jealous.” She affirmed, moving around to get closer to him as he let out another sigh.
“It's fine, I didn't really tell you. But don't blame me, I'm new to this whole long relationship thing.” Joe admitted, wrapping an arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him. A smirk appeared on her face. “I probably need to teach you some stuff then.” She teased, earning a small laugh from a lover as he put his lips on hers, the couple sharing a loving kiss.
Byron stepped shyly into the room, “Am I forgiven too?” He asked, a smile on his lips as the two lovers separated, turning around to face their friend. “I won't kiss you to prove it but yes, it's fine.” Joe said, smiling back to his South African friend. “What a shame.” Byron replied as the boys shared a quick high-five, a laugh echoing in the room as the three gathered around the living room, a new soothing atmosphere over the three room-mates.
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buckyspetpsychopath · 8 years
A miracle
Words: 1000 Joe Sugg x reader Youtuber
“Baby will you get the door” I shout to my boyfriend fiance Joe. I hear his feet shuffling towards the door and take that as a yes. Joe had proposed to me about a week ago and it was the best moment of my life, today we were having everybody around our house to celebrate- an engagement party as such. 
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I check my makeup and hair in the mirror, exhaling before standing up and heading downstairs. I see that the buttercream boys have arrived so I hurry down the stairs. I head straight for Jack wrapping my arms around him. He laughs and lifts me up spinning me around.  “congratulations” he cheers. I smile and he sets me down.  “thank you” I say and move over to hug the other boys. The doorbell rings and I run to the door. Jim, Tanya, Naomi, Mark, Marcus and my best friend flood in. Joe and I all give them hugs. Joe’s parents and grandparents are next, shortly followed by mine. The last to arrive is Zoe, Alfie, Poppy, Sean and Mark. I give hugs to everyone and they all break off into their own little groups to chat. The music is playing and the drinks are flowing. I’m getting a crisp from the food table when an arm snakes around my waist. I look up and smile when I see Joe.  “you haven’t drank at all tonight, are you ok?” he frowns. I nod with a smile.  “just don’t feel like it” I shrug. He frowns but I lean up and peck his forehead smoothing the creases away. 
“and here’s the happy couple! can I vlog this?” Zoe asks. I laugh and nod.  “Joe’s video is out tomorrow so say what you want” I smile. She grins and pushes Joe out of the way hugging me. I cuddle into her.  “I can’t believe we’re nearly related” she sighs. I laugh.  “I know crazy right, who’d think anybody would settle down with your brother” I tease glancing at Joe. He pouts and I lean up to peck his lips. He smiles and I smile too.  “stop this is too cute” Tan interrupts, also vlogging. I’m whisked away by Zoe, Tan, Naomi and Poppy. 
“we’ve been here this entire time and you haven’t shown us the ring” Poppy tuts. I gasp and fling my hand out to show them. They all grin and we end up squealing like little school girls. I look over at Joe and he smirks. I roll my eyes playfully and look back to the girls.  “I can’t believe you’re getting married” Naomi mutters.  “I know, I remember when you first started dating him, after your first date you were texting me saying you don’t think he’s that interested” Zoe giggles. I blush.  “And now I’m going to marry him” I exclaim getting a bit emotional. All the girls coo, catching the attention of pretty much everyone. Tan pulls me into her side and I giggle wiping my eyes.  “Can I steal her back ladies?” Joe comes up behind me. The girls smirk and I turn to Joe. He grabs both of my hands pulling me into him.  “I love you” I grin putting my chin on his chest. He tilts his head down at me. “I love you too” he replies leaning down to kiss me. I pull away.  “I have a present for you” I grin. He raises his eyebrows.  “oh yeah?” he taunts. I nod with a big smile. I unwrap my hands from his and run upstairs to get the bag. I hurry back downstairs. 
“uhm everyone can you all go into the living room?” I shout turning the music off. Everyone’s eyebrows furrow but they turn going into the living room. They all fill the couch and the sides, a few people having to stand. Joe sitting on the edge of the couch and I stand in front of him. 
“thank you all so much for coming we really appreciate it. Its not always easy to see everybody and I miss you all a lot when I don’t. This party is obviously in aid of Joe and I’s engagement” I smile holding up my ring hand and everyone cheers. “But I also have a surprise. It’s been a really hard year, as some of you may know earlier this year I got told I wouldn’t be able to have children and that really took a toll on me but Joe was my rock and I couldn’t have gotten through this year without him” I choke out starting to get emotional. Joe smiles and grabs my hand. I squeeze his and continue on with my speech. “so for that I got you something, really special. You may all want to, if not already vlog this” I giggle. People who weren’t quickly whipped out their cameras. I pick the bag up and pass it to Joe. He frowns and takes it. Everyone is waiting anxiously. 
He takes the box out and lifts the lid. He immediately drops the lid and holds his hands over his mouth.  “are you serious?” he stutters. Everyone is trying to see what it was. I nod and he lets out a sob standing up and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.  “what just happened?” Joes mum laughs nervously. Joe laces his hand in mine and faces everyone, looking at me for approval. I nod. 
“we’re pregnant” everyone gasps and we are thrown into many hugs and congratulations.  “HOW?” Zoe asks. I shrug.  “I went to my doctor and she said its a miracle” I laugh. She smiles wiping her tears away. She goes over to Joe to see what it was I got him. 
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I hear her laugh loud and grin. Joe smirks at me.  “this is the best present you could ever give me” he whispers. I kiss his lips and pull back with a grin.  “I try my best” I say flicking my hair over my shoulder. 
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harryscatlover69 · 7 years
So... I'm just about finished with pchs part 8, it'll be up in an hour or so 🙌🏼😊 I really hope you guys like it ❤️
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