#byron langley imagine
All of my writing in one place!
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Conor Maynard
Late Night Tea
Dating Conor Maynard might include...
Back Home - Drabble
Release Party
Red Wine Series
The Shirt
Jack Maynard
Dating Jack Maynard might include...
Noise - Part Two
Concept: Jack as a dad
Joe Sugg
Silhouette - Drabble
Caspar Lee
Sick - Drabble
Dating Caspar Lee might include...
Josh Pieters
Dating Josh Pieters might include...
Blush - Drabble
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calmasf · 6 years
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Living with Joe and Byron would include...
- Byron making you a cup of tea every single morning.
- Joe telling you his video ideas because he knows you always tell him your honest opinion.
- You met Joe when he was living with Caspar but you moved away to South Africa to work there
- You were a photographer in South Africa and met Byron at a shoot
- You quickly became friends and stayed in touch.
- Not long after Byron moved to the U.K. you decided that it was time you went back to England
- Joe had told you that you could stay with him until you got your own place
- You knocked on the door, excited to be reunited with Joe when Byron opened the door.
- “Byron?”
- “y/n?”
- “What are you doing here?” You asked
- “I live here. What are you doing here?”
- “I live here too” You laughed
- Introducing Byron to all your fav British shows that he’s never seen.
- Mario Kart tournaments
- Taking their insta photos
- Pretending to get offended when Byron’s girlfriend takes a photo for his Insta instead of you
- Moving out because they both got girlfriends and the house is too full
- Coming back for movie nights with the guys
- Finally having girls to hang out with too
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
Talk (BL)
Request: (a s u p e r old request in my inbox-sorry!) Byron x Spencer Sutherland’s Talk
Y/N was taking her time carefully tucking her hair into her coat as we got up to leave the busy restaurant we’d picked for our weekly dinner. It’s been our tradition to catch up over dinner at least once a week, sometimes friends joined us, or a girlfriend if I had any at the time. Y/N rarely brought along her boyfriends-but then again, she didn’t date much.
“Hey did you break up with that guy you were seeing? The one with the tattoo?” I ask, suddenly remembering that she had mentioned a new boyfriend a couple weeks ago.
“No-still together, why?” Y/N zips her coat up and she slightly resembles a marshmellow with how puffy her layers made her.
“You didn’t talk about him once during dinner,” I wrap my own scarf around my neck just as we head out. “I thought maybe you broke up. Remember that time you were dating Ryan? Or Bryan? You wouldn’t shut up about how he took you on his-“
“Brian. With an I. He was clingy. But anyway we’re still in the early stages of dating soo, you know how it goes.”
“Yeah, the way it generally goes Y/N, is you would be crazy for him right now.” I tease. “I would be sick and tired of hearing about him. I would want to throw myself in front of the next car coming down the road, ending my misery as you detailed your love life like you did with Brian with an i.”
“Well not that it’s any of your business!” She shoots me a look to say she was annoyed at my poking. “But I’m just trying to stay level-headed in case he doesn’t feel that intensely! I don’t want to go too crazy.”
“That’s your issue, woman!” I give in to the urge to push her and she bounces, in all her layers, against the storefront just as I expected. We immediately burst out in laughter, our previous conversation temporarily forgotten.
“At least I’m warm in here!” She shouts to anyone nearby who may be judging her marshmellow resemblance. I resist the urge to push her again and quickly wipe the tears from my eyes before stuffing my hands back into my warm pockets as we walk to the tube.
“You know, love isn’t about staying level-headed,” I continue. “It’s not really love if you can stay level-headed.”
“Well watch me Mr. Love Guru. I’ll be the first level-headed lover out there.” Y/N juts her chin out.
I sigh and just leave her be as we reach the underground. The ride home mostly consists of Y/N trying to wriggle out of a couple layers, complaining about how hot she was getting and all the while I laugh at my best friend’s crazy.
Y/N’s hair is spread out around her, her bare shoulders uncovered from my white duvet tucked around her. She’s so still as she sleeps, her slow breathing as peaceful as the still morning around us. I study her face in the dim lighting as dawn approaches outside my window. I’d never noticed how graceful the curves of her face looked or how mesmerizing she was.
She shifts in bed, now facing me. How had I never noticed how breath-taking she was?
Her eyes flutter open like she could tell I was staring and she smiles sleepily when she sees me.
“Last night was fun,” she mumbles into the duvet, still too tired to form proper words. The intimate vulnerability between us fills me with happiness. I was so in love with this woman.
“Yeah,” I pull Y/N closer, hyperaware of her skin and her warmth and the feeling of her as she presses closer, wrapping her leg over mine. I kiss the top of her head when suddenly, a loud noise blares from somewhere in the house.
“Do you hear that? What is that?” I ask Y/N but she remains peacefully sleeping. Was I going crazy? “I’m gonna go check-“
I’m jolted with the realization that it was my phone beside me blaring out my ringtone. Just as I check the screen through bleary eyes, it stops. Who was calling me this early?
I turn back around in bed, now silencing my phone, and attempt to fall back asleep. But the pieces of my dream start to come back to me and my eyes widen as I remember. That was kind of a fucked up dream. I didn’t even like Y/N like that let alone love her...I was not in love with her-
Yet I can’t get the feeling of her out of my head as I close my eyes again. Her sleepy smile and the curve of her lips as well as the curve of her hips as I held her in the morning of my dream.
“Stop it!” I say out loud. “She’s your best friend you idiot.”
I pace the lobby of Y/N’s building, nervous about seeing her. It had been a few days since that dream and I thought at first it would fade as all dreams did but this one didn’t seem to want to leave my mind. The harder I tried not to think about it, the more I was reminded of it. I distracted myself-even went clubbing with friends to try to get it out but every time I would remember flashes of her and it drove me crazy. I didn’t know if I could see her the same way.
Y/N finally steps off the lift and I spot her before she sees me. I was sure she’d worn that dress before but suddenly, I feel different seeing her in it. The low cut of it threatens my attention and the fit of it just takes me back to the dream.
“There you are! Why are you just standing there you weirdo!” Y/N’s voice snaps me back into reality. “Let’s go-we’re already late.”
“Well that’s not really my fault,” I find my voice, walking ahead and holding the door open for her. “One of us changed their outfit twenty times and it wasn’t me.”
“Whatever,” she gets into my car parked out front. “Now listen, this is a big deal. It’s not just an office party but a very strategic political play and I have to make a good impression...”
My mind wanders as Y/N details how I had to behave.
That stupid dream-it was just a dream! It was a PG dream but my thoughts were far from PG. Y/N was my best friend but...I know I can’t go back to how it was.
“Are you listening!” Y/N’s voice cuts through.
“Yeah yeah,” I glance over at her and quickly look away. “They’re the same rules my mother would tell me: behave myself, laugh at all the lame jokes, never leave your side. Blah blah blah-“
“Byron!” She scolds. “This is a big deal. Please take it seriously!”
“I am,” I turn in to the venue and find an empty parking spot. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the promotion. Just relax a little bit? Take a chill pill or whatever.”
“I’ll need a drink not a pill for that,” she allows a small smile to grace her lips.
“Oh come on! You can give me a better smile than that,” I tease and it’s enough for a full Y/N smile to shine through. And my breath catches again. This was going to be the most difficult night ever.
“Have I got something in my teeth?” Y/N suddenly rips the visor down to peer into its tiny mirror. “What are you staring at.”
“Nothing,” I close the visor gently. “You just look...really good tonight. Like you’re confident and beautiful and you’re ready for a big promotion.”
“Oh stop it,” she opens her door with a smile before turning back to me. “I do look good don’t I?”
“Let’s not get carried away,” I usher her out and we walk arm in arm to the party.
“I don’t know if I should just wait a couple months when I move into my new flat,” Y/N and I sit across from the other at our weekly dinner that week. She still hadn’t invited her boyfriend even though I told her to. I thought maybe seeing him with her would help me get over my new obsession but she said something about him being busy.
“Yeah,” I respond absentmindedly.
“Yeah but if I get one now...”
I’d been distracted all night, barely able to respond to Y/N. It was painful to be so casual when all I wanted to do was stop talking and kiss her instead. It didn’t help she’d worn a deep red lipstick tonight and my eyes kept wandering to the way her lips moved when she talked, when she smiled. Even when she scowled as she was doing just now. Shit.
“What’s going on with you?” Y/N snaps her fingers. “Have you not been sleeping?”
“Huh, yeah. I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem fine. You’ve been acting kind of weird.”
“I’m fine-really!” I insist, putting a forkful of food into my mouth so I don’t have to talk. I wasn’t fine, my best friend was suddenly everything to me and I just couldn’t give up now that I was feeling love. Now that all I wanted to do was just kiss her.
“You’re always so distracted whenever I talk,” she pouts. “Is something wrong? Ooh does Byron have a new crush?”
“No!” I say, my anxiety making my voice a little louder than intended. “It’s fine-I’m fine!”
“Why are you getting angry huh?” She presses my buttons ever so gently.
“I’m not,” I try to settle down but the fustration I felt with myself creeps into my voice. “I’m not angry.”
“Well that was a convincing argument,” she rolls her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “You know, you barely even talk to me anymore-I know something’s wrong.”
“All we do is talk!” I burst out. When we should be kissing, I want to add. But I’d already said too much.
“Well...what else are we supposed to do?” She raises an eyebrow at my outburst.
“I-nothing.” Shit. “Just forget everything.”
“I don’t want to forget it. Am I talking too much? If you have an issue with me or something just say it.” Insecurity seeps into Y/N’s voice and I hate myself for it.
“Maybe we should just cut the night short,” I say, getting up. “I’ll talk to you later.”
I leave enough on the table to cover us-an apology without saying one. I felt like a dick walking out but I had to or I was going to say something I could never take back.
A few days later, Y/N shows up at my flat without saying so. I’m caught off guard when I open the door for her. She acts like nothing happened, asking me how I was doing and where we should go for that week’s dinner. I play along, feeling more confused as she makes herself comfortable.
“Are you...mad?” I finally break the facade when there’s a pause in our friendly conversation. I couldn’t take it much longer.
“About?” She raises her eyebrow. And I suddenly see it in her face-this was her plan all along. To get me to bring it up. I can’t help the laugh that comes out-I should have known better.
“The other night.”
“I’m not mad, just confused,” she says. “I still don’t know why you got so upset.”
“Okay good.” I try to gather a safe explanation.
“What did you mean all we do is talk?” She asks again. I battle between just saying what I was feeling and making up an excuse that I was tired but before I can think of one Y/N interrupts with, “Don’t think I don’t know your excuse-making face. I want the truth Byron-I’m tired of you being so weird.”
“Fine. This is going to sound crazy though,” I say after a lengthy silence. I was just going to tell her. She was my best friend-a stupid dream shouldn’t come between us. I had to stop this now.
“I doubt it will but go on.”
My eyes scan her waiting face, the set of her jaw and the softness of her lips. Her eyes bore into mine, expecting an answer.
“A couple weeks ago I had this...dream. Andyouwereinitand-“
“Oh my god!” Y/N’s shout stops me mid-sentence. “Is that what this is all about?”
She throws her head back and cackles with laughter.
“Wait! Why are you laughing?” I ask. “It’s not funny! I’m trying to explain-”
“Oh my god! It’s extremely funny!” She says through her laughter. “Was I at least any good in your dream?” She asks clutching her stomach.
“I-wait. So you’re not angry?” She didn’t care about the dream?
“Angry?” She tries to hold in her laughter but it turns to giggles. “Byron why would I be angry over something you dreamt about? I’m too gorgeous-you can’t help it right?”
“Alright that’s enough,” I roll my eyes. “Let’s pack your ego back up, it’s uninvited.”
“So tell me, how bad was it?” She ignores me. “Tell me!”
“I-it-we...this is weird,” I struggle to continue. “Nothing really happened.”
“Oh,” she finally sits up, appearing a little more sane. “So then...why are you acting so weird?”
“I thought it would fade away after a couple days but the dream sort of-well it made me realise...” I can’t bring myself to say it.
“Oh no,” Y/N shifts closer to grab my hand. “Byron we-“
“I know! I know. We’re best friends. That’s why I didn’t want to say anything-I thought it would go away eventually but you were just too damn curious to let it go.”
“How long have you felt like...that?” Y/N asks gently.
“Never!” I cry. “I swear I’m not some cliche best friend. You’ve only ever been my best friend. That’s how I’ve always seen you! But I don’t know anymore. And it’s stupid anyway. It’ll probably just pass.”
“So wait, when you said all we do is talk?”
“You’re still on me about that?” I chuckle. When she looks at me seriously I sigh. “I wanted to be kissing you instead-happy?”
I remove my hand from hers and get up. I needed the space.
“You don’t have to let me down easy or anything Y/N. I’ll be alright. And anyway, you have a boyfriend so it’s not like I’m-“
“We broke up,” she interrupts.
“What?” I look at her finally and she’s stood up too. “When?”
“After you told me the whole level-headed thing-I realised you were right.”
“Oh.” I continue looking her way and when she looks at me, it’s exactly the way she looked in my dreams. Intimate, her guard down. Had we both felt it? Was there something brewing under the surface all along? Were we both just waiting for the other to make a move?
“So,” Y/N moves closer to me.
“So,” I mimic.
“All we do is talk...?” She raises an eyebrow.
I smile at her hidden question, reaching out to touch her. My hands find the same waist from my dream I kept replaying. She feels exactly as I thought and so much better at the same time. She takes her time as slips her hands around my neck.
“All we do is talk,” I grin. “When it’s our bodies that should be having the conversation.”
“That was way too cheesy,” she groans, her face mirroring my own grin. “But I do like the commitment to the whole talking m-”
“Still talking,” my words are minimal as I pull her closer. “Stop talking.” I mumble but even then, we can’t stop smiling against each other.
When we manage to sober up enough to actually kiss each other, it’s hard to believe she’s the same woman I was convinced was nothing more than my best friend a few weeks ago. The same one I was trying to avoid for weeks. Kissing her is bliss. And now, the absolute last thing I want to do is talk talk talk.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Life Saver - Byron Langley
Request: Fluffy/cute Byron imagine where you don’t know each other but you were in the same bar and somebody roofied / spiked your drink with something, so Byron takes you back to his and joe’s place and looks after you for the night and you wake up to this GLORIOUS BRONZE DADDY and he’s so nice and gentle and it’s awkward at first but it gets cute / fluffy xx
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
Feeling the pillow hit the back of your head caused you to curl up into a ball and hold the blankets as close to your body as possible. With the weather getting colder by the minute, you immediately hated the suggestion of a night out, knowing your best friend would make you wear the shortest, thinest outfit you own.
Your world had been spinning for hours now and you were unsure if it was because of the alcohol or the massive headache you’d been suffering from. However, the minute you arrived home, you were shoved into an oversized sweater, your hair was put up into a very messy ponytail and your heels had been placed on the floor. Allowing yourself to sink into the bed, you mentally thanked God for blessing you with such an amazing best friend.
Waking up the next morning, you immediately brought your hand to your forehead, hoping it would help stop the headache from hurting so much but you sighed as you realized it was wishful thinking. Looking around the room, your eyes fixated on your heels that were placed nicely in the corner of the room but what caught your attention was the floor they were placed upon. The carpet was one you had never seen before and as you continued to scan the room, you realized you had no idea where you were.
Throwing the blanket off you, you began grabbing your belongings, praying your phone was in your purse as you didn’t see it around the room, and quietly but quickly opened the bedroom door and began searching for the way out.
“Hey, hey, hey,” You heard from the living room just as you passed the stairs. The voice was deep but relaxed as he shuffled himself towards you. “You’re leaving? Let me call you a taxi. Are you feeling okay?” Looking towards him, his brown hair rested perfectly on his head, however you could tell he was a restless sleeper by the state of it, and his toned body was definitely your type. “At least let me make you a coffee. Here,” He instructed, taking your wrist and bringing you into the kitchen. “Take some Advil.”
“I’m really sorry,” You spoke, placing your hand on your chest, preparing yourself for the answer. “and don’t take this offensively, but um...did we-”
“No,” He explained, cutting you off as he took a mug out of the cupboard. “we didn’t sleep together.” Letting out a sigh of relief, you placed your hand on the countertop as you sat down. “But, I think someone roofied you last night and um, you were talking to me and then things started going black for you and I didn’t see your friends with you. Um, you wouldn’t tell me your name, where you lived and I tried looking for a phone on you so I could call someone but I think you lost it. I didn’t really know what else to do so I brought you here...you know, so nothing else could happen to you. I know I’m probably a little bit creepy to you...or a little bit more than a little bit but I couldn’t just leave you there. I um...slept on the couch.”
Hearing the kettle go off, you watched him begin to pour the water into the mug, giving it a stir before giving it to you.
“Well that’s not how I thought my night would go.” You explained, putting sugar into you coffee. “But thank you. I probably would have woken up in a much worse place...who knows, you probably saved my life.” Looking down at the coffee, your mind traveled to all the possible outcomes of last night had you not been around this guy. So many things could have happened to you and all it took was one guy to stop it. “Oh my God, is that time right?” You asked, beginning to stand up and gather your things. “I’ve got to go, I’m going to be late.” Heading towards the door, you turned to face the boy. “Thank you, again. Honestly...I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough.” Wrapping your arms around him, you thanked him again and said, “It’s (y/n). My name’s (y/n).”
“Nice to meet you, (y/n). I’m Byron.” Holding a finger in the air, he disappeared into the kitchen but came back a few minutes later with a napkin. “Text me when you’ve arrived home, please. And text me if you ever need anything...maybe another coffee...one day.”
Smiling at him, you placed a soft kiss upon his right cheek before leaving the apartment you never knew existed.
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elsehuggs · 6 years
Current mood: wanting joe to play with my hair
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I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Who? Josh Pieters
Request? No
Smut? Yes
Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, I will try to post more often. I was inspired by Josh's most recent video where he tries to learn the fortnite dances (wow that was a long time since I started this).
Please send in requests
It had been a pretty busy day at your internship, and all you wanted to do was get home and relax. Josh, one of your best friends, asked to come over to your place for some distraction, which he was pretty good at. You guys hung out and stayed over at each other's place pretty often. He was so fun to be around, you enjoyed every second of his company, sometimes a little too much, since you had started feeling some attraction towards him. However, you were too scared to say anything, as you didn't want to ruin eleven years worth of friendship.
Anyway, you got home and tidied up quickly and jumped straight to the bathroom for a calming shower. Around an hour later you heard some keys interact with your door, followed by loud footsteps and a "Y/N I'm here" from Josh.
You turned off the TV and went over to the living room to greet your friend with a hug. You asked about how his drive was while he placed some groceries he brought over for a chilled night.
You both motioned towards the couch and turned on the TV to watch Netflix. Josh sat on the corner seat of your L-shaped sofa, you followed him and lied down the opposite end, resting you head on his lap.
You watched a couple movies from the "new releases" category and then got tired of just sitting there. So you stood up and went towards the kitchen and decided to make some food. Josh wanted to order take-out, but you convinced him to cook because it would be more fun. It was a chilly night so you decided to make some comfort food. You had some premade pizza dough, and some ripe tomatoes and just random toppings so you got started on making the sauce.
"Why is your place so quiet? I will put some music on" Josh commented as he made his way to the couch where he had left his phone.
"What are you gonna play?" You asked while stirring.
"I'll surprise you" he said with a suggestive smirk.
You rolled your eyes sarcastically.
Suddenly the melody of Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" filled your flat. You motioned your focus from the homemade tomato sauce and towards Josh, who had just started playing a throwback playlist. He started dancing towards you moving his torso, particularly his shoulders, seductively.
You started laughing so genuinely at the sight of the ginger boy playing, and dancing, to such unexpected music. Barely managing to keep your eyes open from laughing too hard, you see him stripping off his white t-shirt and slowly swinging it on the air to the beat. He starts getting even closer and once he reaches the opposite end of the counter, he lowers his hand and asks you to join him. You, barely containing yourself from every feeling going through your body, turned off the stove and placed your hand on top of his, following him to his original dancing spot.
You and Josh, hands locked together start twirling, lip syncing, and swaying your arms back and forth to the beat. A couple more songs pass by and you both get a bit sweaty, which is why some bits of Josh's hair have turned slightly darker from the dampness.
Lost in the moment you mouth "you look so hot like this", immediately realizing you've just said this out loud, you blush.
"Oh what was that Y/N" he says lifting your chin to look you in the eyes.
"Oh nothing really, I better get back prepping the pizzas" you barely reply.
"Don't go I'm gonna go prep the pizzas on me like that, I know what you said" he paused " you don't look so bad yourself" he finished, biting his lip.
Confused as to what to do, you went back to the kitchen and worked on finishing the sauce, except it was so difficult, seeing as you couldn't stop shaking. Josh noticed and stood behind you without you noticing. Right when you were about to try the sauce, he placed his hand on your waist, unaware of what you were doing, making you spill some sauce on your pijamas.
"OH MY GOD JOSH YOU SCARED ME" you screamed, followed by a laugh.
"I didn't notice you had the spoon on your hand, sorry" he laughed as well. "Oh and your pijamas are stained now", he stopped for a second and carefully thought about his next words, "I guess I won't have to make up an excuse to take your clothes off anymore"
Your smile widened at the realization of what he had just said kicked in.
"Oh, I'm sorry I've been a dirty girl Josh" you mock back at him with a cheeky pout.
He rapidly grabs your waist and places you on the kitchen counter, taking your shirt off and throwing it on the floor. Slowly, he trailed kisses from you lips and towards your chest, taking extra time on your neck, making sure you would have something to remind you of him tomorrow (not like that was gonna be a problem). He proceeded to unclasp your bra, and massage your boobs with his hands, without his lips leaving yours.
Next, Josh moves your legs leaving an open view of your entrance, covered only by your pijama shorts, as you decided not to wear knickers that night. Josh, still with his shorts on, got between your legs and continued to kiss you passionately. You could feel his member getting harder as time went by. Having enough of his kisses for now, you jumped down the counter and grabbed his hand so he would follow you to the sofa. Once there, you took off his shorts and got on your knees to tease his member with your tongue, followed by bobbing your head back and forth to give him a bj.
"Oh... you're so good" Josh moaned, "you're making me so hard".
You slowly stopped and stood back up to kiss him, running your fingers through his hair and sometimes lightly pulling it with your grip. He sat you down on the sofa, and instinctively you opened your legs. He teased you with his fingers for a bit and then took off your shorts, so he could return the favor for what you had just done to him.
He started planting a few kisses on your thighs making his way between your legs. He finally gets to your clit and starts sucking on it, making you moan in pleasure. Then, he teases your entrance with his index and middle finger and gets them inside you, stretching you out a little. After a couple minutes of this, Josh grabs both your ankles with one hand and lifts up your legs, giving him a perfect view of what he was craving so badly. With his other hand, he grabs his member and slowly inserts it where his fingers had just been. He was so big, even bigger than you anticipated. He started drilling his cock inside you, getting faster with every thrust.
"oh my... Oh Josh...yes...you feel so good inside me" you barely moaned out.
"seems like you wanted this just as badly as I did" he said short of breath, "oh you're so tight Y/N, I'm gonna stretch out that little hole of yours".
Letting go of your ankles, Josh told you to get on your knees for him. You followed as he said and prepared yourself to be entered again. Josh held on to your ass and started spanking you, leaving marks he seemed to be proud of.
"I want you inside me Josh please" you begged as you backed up towards his body.
"I like it when you beg you dirty little girl" Josh entered you once again and started thrusting even faster this time. "You like it when I'm inside you don't you?" He asked.
"oh fuck Josh... you...you are...making me so...so...so wet...I think I'm gonna...ahh" you let out in a high pitched voice.
"oh you wanna come don't you, baby girl?" He mocked while thrusting slow and hard.
"Yes... Josh I wanna... I wanna show you how much you please me" these words made him even harder, like that was possible. You started rubbing your clit and backing up onto his dick for maximum pleasure. You just couldn't take it anymore.
"JOSH...OH MY GOD YES... YOU'RE SO GOOD" you said as you tried to catch your breath.
"Come on now finish me up, I wanna see you take me in your mouth" he smirked.
You sat down and he stood in front of you. Josh grabbed your hair into a messy ponytail and helped you out. You looked up to him with "innocent" eyes while you sucked, which drove him crazy.
"Oh...looking at you like...like that makes me want to come...you're definitely getting me off...come on Y/N...show me what this mouth does." He provoked you.
You started going as deep as you could, massaging his tip with your tongue, and giving him handjobs while you teased his balls.
Josh let out such loud moans letting you know he was getting closer, this only made you do everything faster until he finally released over your face and chest.
"you are so naughty baby girl, this is so much better than I fantasized" he went to kiss you.
He then sat down and you sat on his lap facing his body, "I always wanted a taste of your body.......I wanted you inside me so badly.....stay over so we can do this again in the morning" you said interrupting every sentence with passionate kisses.
This was exactly what you needed, like you said before, he was a really good distraction.
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tessabb7 · 6 years
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marvel-mendess · 7 years
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he’s so cute like wow 
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Cuddles : Byron langley
" babe come cuddle " Byron called out from the bedroom you had spent so many nights in "Byron I can't I have work " you said running around trying to find the black top you needed for work " where the hell is my bloody top " you yelled beginning to get frustrated " bub it's Monday you don't have work " your boyfriend told you as you walked back to the bedroom , when he said those words you felt bad and began to cry cause you thought it was Tuesday " aww babe I know you've been super busy and stressed lately it's okay " Byron wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to his warm body as you sat on the bed " I was so sure it was Tuesday " you cried out as you rested your head on his chest " I know baby please don't cry " he whispered playing with your hair to calm you down , he seriously was the best boyfriend you ever had so your tears stopped and you broke into a smile thinking how lucky you are to have someone so amazing like Byron , his right hand moved to your side rubbing circles on your skin as the two of you cuddled on the bed " your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen " he whispered kissing your face making you giggle and smile
@arewegonnagetsuedforthis sorry it's short hope you like it
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jackncon · 6 years
Friends or more?
byron for “I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.” please?? xx
Byron had texted you earlier that day, asking if you were still on for movie night at his since Joe was out. And so when you arrived at Byron’s and Joe answered the door, you were surprised to say the least. 
“Joe! Sorry, I just didn’t think you would be here.” you cleared your throat.
“Silly me, being in my own house and all.” Joe laughed, stepping aside to let you in. “C’mon, Byron’s already making popcorn.”
You entered the kitchen, Joe trailing behind as you sent Byron evils.
You pulled him aside as Joe cooked the popcorn. 
“I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.”
Byron only smirked at this, “Not jealous, huh? Whatever you say princess,” he said with a wink before situating himself on the couch. 
You huffed, going to sit next to him, before an oblivious Joe sat right between the two of you.
“So the goonies, yeah?”
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mrs-langley · 6 years
And Nothing Less
Request:  Anon (*coughkate*cough) -  Love your writing! Can you do a ByronxReader where the reader is a little heavier (or just insecure) and feels out of the norm when it comes to dating Byron since many people may easily imagine someone like him to be with someone very model-like. Maybe where her and Byron go out with the boys, and she feels awkward around then until they openly accept her and love her? Sorry this request is kind of messy!
btw found your request lol
Words: 1159
Warning: body negativity
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I checked my make up one last time before heading into my closet, Byron’s eyes followed my body from his position on the bed. A low whistle echoed behind me causing me to roll my eyes and mutter a “shut up.”. I could hear him shuffle off the bed and make his way to closet too. He stood in the door frame, I could feel his eyes raking over me then I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders, pressing my back into his chest as he trailed quick pecks all over my neck and shoulders. I giggled and ran my hands through the clothes hanging in front of me. I pulled out various items, holding them against me then frowning and replacing them back to the hanger.
 “I love that dress!” Byron whined and I pulled the item away from my body.
“I do too, but it’s a teeny bit tight.” I sighed then pulled out another item of clothing.
“And your problem is?” he said pulling out the dress again and turning me to face him. He held the dress against me again before a warm smile fell onto his face, “See? Absolutely stunning.” He walked out to the bedroom again, feeling confident in his decision.
 “I’m meeting your friends today Byron.” I said bluntly and rolled my eyes. I placed the dress back on the hanger and went on searching. “I need to look at least a little decent.”
 “Pardon?” he said flatly as he sat up in bed even though he heard me clearly. He always did that when he didn’t like what you said, he especially does it when people say hurtful things, he likes seeing them squirm uncomfortably at having to repeat their words.
 “Don’t ‘pardon’ me Byron.” I muttered loud enough for him to hear. “You know I have to wear something rather flattering.”
 “what does ‘rather flattering’ mean?” he almost growled, “I know what you are trying to imply y/n.” he had gotten up from the bed again and was standing in the closets door frame watching me flip through the clothes.
 My stomach sank at his anger, he hated when I negatively commented about myself. It came naturally to me though these days, I had spent years seeing my reflection and grimacing at what I saw. “I’m not implying anything.” I mumbled and did not dare look up at him in fear that he’ll see my facial expression screaming it was a lie.
 “Then what does ‘rather flattering’ mean y/n?” he had crossed his arms as silence filled the space between us.
“It means you’re literally the model with attractive friends who also have highly attractive girlfriends, and I’m just a pudgy nobody.” I said after a moment of silence, “Which means I want to wear an outfit that makes me feel as if I look a little less like a pudgy nobody.” I looked up at him, his face flushed red in anger and he was clenching his fists with his arms still tightly crossed over his chest. “How dare you say these things about yourself when I can say the total opposite? I think everyone you know would actually agree with me, how about we phone your mom and see what she would say about you saying such disgusting things about the beautiful girl she made and raised” I looked down in embarrassment and waited for him to stop ranting so I could forget about this and go back to finding a slimming outfit. “I do not see this pudgy nobody y/n” he said softly and reached for my hand, he laced his fingers around mine and gave it a squeeze. He then walked up behind me and faced us opposite the mirror. “You know who I see?” he didn’t give me time to answer, “a gorgeous girl with stunning eyes and a smile, soft arms and hands…” a smirk flashed into his face, “lovely long legs and gorgeous curves right over-”
 “Okay Langley.” I cut him off as his hands started roaming down my sides.
 The smirk faded from his lips, “But do you understand? You are literally the only person that thinks up those negative comments. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever meet, you make heads turn when you walk into a room.” he turned me to face him as he praised me, “I have to give guys the death stare, so they don’t steal you from me.”. I giggled making him smile as he cupped my face in his hands, “You are beautiful and nothing less.” He mumbled before pressing a firm kiss to my lips.
 He pulled back and stared at me trying to figure out my expression, “Sorry.” I muttered embarrassed before shifting my gaze back to the floor.
 “Don’t be baby, you just need to learn that your much more than those stupid thoughts you come up with and definitely more that appearance.” He gave my hand a squeeze as I nodded softly. “You are so funny, charming and intelligent and if you think people, especially my friends would think otherwise just based on your looks you must be crazy.” He pulled out the dress again and placed it in my arms, “So please put this on for me because it looks absolutely stunning on you and please don’t ever hurt your feelings because it hurts me more than it hurts you.” He pressed a sweet kiss to mt fore head and walked back out to the bedroom.
 I pulled on the dress and smiled as I realised how good it really looked. I walked out into the bedroom earning another whistle from Byron as I stood in front of the bed modelling my outfit. I tried to hide the redness rising onto my cheeks as he gawked at me. He chuckled and got and pressed a cheeky kiss to my temple before grabbing the car keys and leading us out my apartment to Joe’s where we would meet everyone for dinner.
 Byron entered the building code and held my hand in his as we went up the elevator to Joe’s floor. He opened the door causing a rumble of conversations to drift into the hallway, I heard various greetings to Byron being yelled through the apartment before I stepped in through the door.  The room fell to a silence with everyone’s mouth hanging wide open.
“You didn’t mention she was a this attractive!” Jack accused, breaking the silence causing the rest of the room to mumble in agreement.
 Byron smiled brightly then introduced me to everyone. I knew most of them from their videos anyways but it felt good to finally meet them.
 “Well Byron you won big time, a hilariously funny sweetheart, you better treat her well.” Conor lectured just before he was about to leave.
 “Oh don’t worry I will.” He said smiling at me then pressing a kiss to my lips and Conor said his goodbyes.
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calmasf · 6 years
New imagines!
Sorry I’ve not posted much recently but school is getting stressful!! I feel like I’ve been a bit stuck for ideas on who to make imagines about so if you have any ideas on who you’d like to see more of on this blog then let me know and I’ll make gif imagines for them.
Side note: I’m really sorry but I don’t do written imagines on request because of school stress so will do another post soon listing blogs that will accept requests for written ones.
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
Fan Club (BL)
Request: Byron surprise their girlfriend with a puppy because their girlfriend has just been kinda having a horrible month and could really use something to cheer them up?
Byron sat with his girlfriend, her head on his lap as he gently massaged her scalp.
"I'm sorry we haven't had much time together babe." Y/N turns to lay on her back, looking up at Byron with a sad look. "It's just been the shittiest month."
"It's fine, I understand," Byron says and he really did. Y/N's job recently got new management who were keen on firing the dead weight in the office which put extra pressure on Y/N to work harder. The extra pressure meant Y/N fell sick for a good chunk of the month and vowed to not kiss Byron lest he get sick too so they both suffered from that.
On top of all of that, her lease for her flat didn't get renewed for the year which meant she was soon-to-be homeless even though Byron insisted that she should live with him. But they were only dating for 7 months and Y/N said it was too fast to move in together.
"The flat I'm meant to look at today was cancelled-already taken." Y/N covers her eyes with her arm. "And I have one week left at my old place."
"Babe you know I've said you could-"
"I know," Y/N cups Byron's face, squinting up at him. "I know love, thank you. But I already said I want a place of my own-you know why."
"So you can have all your other boyfriends around," Byron grumbles, rolling his eyes for extra effect.
Y/N flashes her teeth before pressing her lips together to hide her smile and Byron can't help the flash of joy he feels at having been the reason for it.
"What other boyfriends?" Y/N bites her lip to keep from laughing.
"A woman as beautiful as you must have a fan club of boyfriends," Byron says.
"Oh?" Y/N raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah-I would know. It cost me a fortune just to join." Byron grins as Y/N bursts into laughter.
"Well I promise I haven't seen a penny of it," she props herself on her elbows and kisses Byron in a slow and meaningful kiss. When she looks him in the eye, this close, he can't help notice the tired bags around her eyes. Before he could say anything about taking it easy, she pecks him on the cheek and buries her face into his neck.
"Things'll get better," Byron strokes her back.
"That's what I keep telling myself," Y/N mumbles into his shoulder. "My last flat was shite anyway-the landlord was from the deepest pit of hell."
"Didn't he try to tell you you couldn't have a TV in your flat."
"Don't get me started," she sighs.
So Byron wraps his arms around her tired frame and wishes there was a way he could just transfer all the shittiness to him so she could have one good day.
"I got it!" Y/N shrieks into the phone as soon as Byron picks up. It was 9 in the morning and he'd dragged himself out of bed to where his phone lay, his vision clear enough to make out his girlfriend's face.
"Got what?" He mumbles.
"Oh you just got up...sorry babe I was just so excited I had to call!"
"That's alright," Byron flops back onto the bed. "What happened?"
"I got this new flat that went up this morning and it's perfect! Right near the station and it's close enough to you I could walk to your flat! Walk!"
"That's awesome!" Byron tries to muster as much energy as he can for his girlfriend but it was hard since he was still trying to wake up.
"Yeah! The view's quite good and it's got no pet policy!"
"Is that a good thing?" Byron asks. From what he remembered, his girlfriend loved pets. The mere sight of a dog passing by on the street had her gushing over the canine. It was one of the things he loved about her.
"No pet policy babe? They don't have one...there are dogs in the building!"
She whispers the last bit and Byron laughs at her bubbling excitement.
"That's the perfect place for you b-"
"Oh no-Byron sorry I-shit! I'm late to work I'll call you later? Iloveyoubyebabe."
The line goes dead and Byron looks at the screen in confusion but she really had put it down. He sets the phone back on his nightstand and falls back to sleep.
Byron's phone has a dozen texts from Y/N apologising for hanging up on him, to complaining about the trouble she got in, to apologising again. She had to work late since she was late and wouldn't see him today. Unfortunately, Byron had gotten used to that.
But he could feel the disappointment from the texts his girlfriend sent which sets Byron on a hunt of what to do to make her feel better. He could cook her dinner but there was no guarantee their schedules would line up. He could book a trip away but once again...her schedule. He considered helping her move for her flat but he would be doing that anyway.
Then it comes to him.
Y/N had been talking about getting a dog-he had texts and pictures of her dream dog except her last place didn't allow pets. But now that she had a place that did...
Byron checks his messages just to confirm and finds the exact breed she wanted-a beagle. It was all she texted about when she got drunk.
So for the next few hours, he searches the web and every pet store and animal shelter in London. Even outside of London.
Over the next week as Y/N attempts to pack up her life and Byron tries to help, he visits every place that advertised beagles. And almost like a miracle, the weekend Y/N moves in, Byron spots an ad. A litter of puppies born a couple weeks ago now looking for a new home.
"I've got some business near Ilford today," Byron tells his girlfriend that Sunday. "Is it alright if you start with the furniture without me?"
"I've actually got errands-when do you think you'll be back?" Y/N asks.
They work out a plan and Byron's off to get the last part of Operation Make-Y/N's-Life-Better.
"Byron?" Y/N arrives home around 2 and notices her boyfriend's shoes by the front door. It somehow makes the place feel even more like home. "You home?"
"Hi," Byron suddenly appears from the one bedroom, closing the door behind him suspiciously. He sounds winded and his cheeks are flushed. "Hey."
"Hey," Y/N walks up to him slowly. "When did you get back?"
"Half hour?" Byron waits for her to reach him before wrapping his arms around her.
"Are you hiding something?" His girlfriend raises her eyebrow and Byron can't stop the grin from spreading on his face.
"I got you a present," he says in a lowered voice.
"Ooh," Y/N smiles. "Did you build all my bedroom furniture for me?"
"No," Byron chuckles. "Not that sort of present."
"So what is it?" She asks eagerly.
"I know how stressed out you've been and how hard you've been on yourself and I-"
A small bark sounds throughout the house and Y/N scrunchles her eyebrows. Byron feels like his heart was thumping out of his chest.
"Is that the neighbours? I didn't realise the walls were that thin." Y/N says and her voice triggers another bark.
"I uh-shit. Okay. I swear he was asleep-okay we-I can't hide it just..." Byron sighs. This wasn't the plan but the dog was getting his own way. "Just open the door."
Y/N seems to have pieced it together while Byron rambled and another bark sounded closer to the door. Her hands immediately go up to her mouth and her eyes well up with tears.
"You didn't," she stares wide eyed at the door.
"Look and see!" Byron urges.
"Is there a..." she still remains frozen in place so Byron has to put his hand on her back to warm her back up.
"Babe go on."
"Ohmygod. Oh my god if it's a..."
The rest of her sentence is lost in a shout and then squealing and a mixture of crying and gushing as she slowly opens the door and the baby beagle pounces in front of her, his wide head turning this way and that, taking in the new space.
"Is he mine?" Y/N gasps as she picks him up and squeezes him to her cheek. "Byron did you get this for me?"
"This was the errand? How long have you been planning this!"
"Since you got the place," Byron smiles at the sight of an overjoyed Y/N-a sight that had become rare in the last month.
The dog wriggles it's body and Y/N puts him down, replacing him with Byron as she jumps into his arms.
"I love you I love you Iloveyou!" Y/N squeezes him before peppering his face with kisses.
"If you love me let me go," Byron wheezes and with a laugh she does, placing her feet back on the ground.
"I didn't think I could love you anymore than I did but I do," Y/N kisses Byron before looking around for the puppy again.
"I think you love the puppy even more than me already," Byron jokes.
"Maybe I'll name him Byron, nobody will know when I talk about how much I love him then."
"Don't you dare," Byron walks to Y/N who's trying to pick the overexcited beagle up.
"Byron," Y/N coos. "Did you know how much I love you?"
The puppy barks a small happy note and Y/N looks at her boyfriend wide-eyed.
"He's taken to the name!" She laughs.
"I'm being replaced," Byron groans.
"C'mere," Y/N loops her free arm around Byron's shoulder and tip toes to give him another kiss. Before Byron could react the dog barks between them and the happy couple can't help but laugh. They'd created their small fan club after all.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Rocket Part 2 - Byron Langley
Request: Basically you’re friends with Joe and you’ve just come back from studying abroad and you get on with Byron.
Request: You wear his clothes and the others tease you.
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :
“She’s an absolute rocket, Joe.” Jack said, as he looked over at you from the kitchen. You and Byron were still playing Rocket League, only stopping when the food had arrived, and although you wanted to get to know the others, you were having too much fun with Byron.
“Sure, Jack.” Joe said, dismissing Jack’s statement as he poured himself a new drink. Heading back over to you, Joe took the controller from your hand and shut the game off. “Beer Pong.” Following Joe outside, you took Byron’s arm and brought him over to your side, forcing him to be your partner. 
“We haven’t lost yet.” You said, smiling as you took the pong balls in your hand, passing one over to Joe to begin the game. It felt as if you and Byron were unstoppable together and after the third time losing, Joe had finally given up. 
“I should have locked you out last night.” Joe said, downing the rest of his beer, causing you to laugh.
“You and me.” You challenged, turning to face Byron. “We’ve got to see who the real champ is.” Joe and Josh headed back inside to grab themselves more beer as Byron made his way over to the other side of the table. 
“Here.” He said, beginning to take his sweater off before tossing it towards you. “I can see those goosebumps from here.”
“I’m still going to kick your ass.” You said, popping your head out from the sweater.
“Oh, I fully believe it.” The game begun and like most, it was slow at first. Both of you only sinking two cups before missing a number of a shots. “If I sink this, you finish the rest of your drink.” He teased, beginning to line up his shot. 
“Fine, but if I win the game, you take me out.” Smirking as he cracked a smile, you watched as the ball hit the edge of the cup and bounced to the floor. 
“I think I like your deal better.” Finishing the game up, you headed back inside to join the rest of the group.
“So, who won?” Conor asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“I-” You began to say but Byron cut you off.
“We both did.” Looking over at him, you smiled as the thought of going on a date with him crossed your mind. 
Making your way towards the kitchen, you let out a laugh as you heard Caspar whisper, “Anyone else notice she’s wearing his sweater?”
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elsehuggs · 6 years
Byron is the only guy who can look good in a vest
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dwwak · 7 years
Jack Maynard Blurb
Word Count:729 Triggers: NONE Requested: No
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“JAACCKK!” Your voice carries down the hallway of your flat.
There’s no response but you can hear Jack’s feet come from the living room, walking toward the hallway closet that you were lost in.  You turn around to see Jack wrapped in a warm, welcoming blanket.
“Love, could you please get that bedsheet that’s at the top there.” You ask as you move back away from the closet.
“Why must I?” Jack’s voice rumbles in exhaustion of the day
You give him a small smile, “Because you care about my ability to sleep, unless you want your nights ruined too.”
Jack’s eyes widen up as he throws you the blanket from his shoulders and reaches up the closet to get the white bedsheets. Once Jack got the bedsheets you two traded for the blanket.
“Thank you, babe,” You say as you give him a kiss, “you truly are my prince charming.”
You chuckle as you walk away to your bedroom, “Babe. Come and be wrapped into my marshmallow wrap. Please! I need a cuddle. BAABEE!” Jack calls down to you.
You sprint into your room, throwing the bedsheets on the cleaned off bed you try to hide from your boyfriend. Yet, before you could do so Jack come running in with the blanket flying behind him like a cape. There’s a huge smile on his face, his cheeks warm and sweet.
You giggle, “Jack. No.” Your cheeks lift into a smile
“Babe.” He chuckled out, and with that he ran over to you and tackled you with the cloud of blanket.
You scream with joy as he tackled you, “Jack!” As you giggled out his name multiple times you two fall onto the bed. Both of you scramble for a bit, tossing this way and that moving the clean bedsheets everywhere to kingdom come. After a while of trying to fight off Jack’s warm welcome you calm down and sink into his arms with his cloud of a blanket. With his arms snug around your body Jack’s gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“See, cuddling is not a thing to run from.” Jack gave you an endearing squeeze.
“Well, I wasn’t running from this. I was running away from this.” You wiggle out one of your arms to point to his mouth and let out a giggle.
Jack takes your finger and wiggles it, “Oh really,” he says with a weird accent, “This little piggy doesn’t like my scent of manly hood?” Gibberish comes after and you just chuckle.
You caress his face with the back of your hand, “There is no way in hell that whatever smell that is coming from your mouth is manly hood. It’s the smell of the death of your manly hood, it reeks of all the food you consumed in a day just roaming with its only goal is to separate you from your dear girlfriend before you can cheat on her.” Snickering you kissed Jack again.
This time Jack gives you a finger in your face while chuckling at your sass, “Oi! Little miss prickly, you need to watch yourself.”
“Oh, I will. And so, will you.” Wiggling out of his comfortable grasp you give him a cheeky wink and started to pick up the bedsheets from the ground.
Jack rolls over to his side to watch you glide around the room picking up the bedsheets, “You truly are the only one in my eyes.”
“For now.”
Jack takes one of the decorative pillows and throws it at your head as he laughs at your joke. After the pillow hit your head you narrow your eyes at him and let a smile grow upon your face.
“You are a cruel one.” You giggle.
As you put the bedsheets on top of your dresser you didn’t hear Jack get out of bed, when you turned around Jack was barely a foot away from you. He put his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him, “You are the cruel one,” he gives you kiss, “you’re very hot,” he lands another kiss on your lips, “and you are my girlfriend,” he gives you one last kiss, “ there’s no way that anyone would believe me that you’re my girlfriend, I want you forever.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the some-what romantic words that were strung up together by Jack himself.
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