#thatoneaspie writes
thatoneaspie · 3 years
“I’ll Never Let You Go”
A WandaVision AU
By thatoneaspie
| Synopsis: Vision comes home after a nighttime stroll to find his pregnant wife in a scary situation. The only difference to the canon of WandaVision is that Wanda’s pregnancy is not sped up and they know they’re having twin boys. Set in the 70s episode, but “footage” was not aired as a part of the “show”; both are not wearing 70s attire. TW: pregnancy, PTSD (implied), death (implied). |
For @visionismydaddy & @spidey-adhd who wanted more pregnant Wanda fics :,-)
Vision never slept. Not because he didn’t want to. He didn’t need to. However, Wanda preferred that he laid in bed with her at night, and he wasn’t going to argue with his pregnant wife.
Once she fell asleep, he sometimes went for a stroll around the quiet neighborhood to collect his thoughts. Things in Westview, NJ didn’t always make sense to Vision. The walks became more and more frequent with twin boys on the way. With the abnormalities of his home town strewn from his mind given the impending role of being a father, he found it most pleasurable to read books on pregnancy while walking in the refreshing night air.
Usually, when he came back home and went back to their shared room, Wanda was sprawled out on the bed and in a deep sleep. She loved to sleep on her stomach, and the new tenants were making that impossible these days, much to her dismay.
This time, when Vision walked up to the closed oak door, he heard hastened breathing on the other side instead of the usual light snoring with the rise and fall of her chest.
He opened the door, and saw an unusual scene in front of him.
Wanda, in her grey night shirt, scarlet shorts and bedhead bun, was sitting straight up in bed on the furthermost side, gripping the sheets with white knuckles. Head down, her eyes were shut and she was hyperventilating.
Vision quickly glided to her side, and put his hand on hers while sitting down next to her. “Wanda? My love, are you alright?” He whispered. She didn’t seem to hear him at all.
For a moment, he feared that she was having contractions. It was awfully early, she was only 6 months along...
But then, he saw her face up close, and realized what was going on.
Another nightmare.
They had been coming more frequently now as she progressed. The doctor said it was normal in someone who had gone through all that she had, but Vision had never seen her get as bad as this.
Her face was streaked with tears, and they flowed freely and silently. Her mouth was open in a half- scream, in a continued effort to catch her breath. Vision made a mental note of her red nose and swollen under eyes, that only made an appearance after she had been crying a long while.
Vision had never seen her have a panic attack before, and wasn’t quite sure what to do. Her nightmares had only been a matter of her waking up in a sweat, then falling back asleep on his chest after they did a short round of deep breathing exercises together.
This was unprecedented.
“Wanda.” He said again, in a soft voice.
“Vizh.” She croaked back. It was so quiet that should he have been even a millimeter farther away, he wouldn’t have heard her. “Hold me. Please.”
Vision picked her up gently, coaxing her fists to release the sheets below her, and put her on his lap. She was shaking like a leaf, and she gripped the sweater he was wearing while curling up on his chest. He wrapped one arm around her, and the other stroked her hair. She was dangerously warm from her elevated heart rate and subsequent sweating. They laid there for awhile, Vision holding his wife while she cried and protecting her from the unknown horrors of her mind.
“It’s not real, Wanda. It’s not real. You’re alright. I’m here.” Vision repeated intermittently.
She opened her eyes after some time, almost out of a trance, and took him in. Her green eyes searched him in urgency, making sure everything was in place. With a trembling hand she touched the Mind Stone in the middle of his forehead, not believing it was truly real. Vision cradled her cheek with his hand, and she sunk into it with a shaky sigh of relief. He wiped the tears as they continued to fall.
“You were dead.”
Vision watched as her face grew wary again, and the tears increased in speed and her panic returned. “Thanos... killed you... you were... dead...”
“Shh, my love. Shh.” Vision whispered. “I’m right here. It was just a dream.” He had no idea what a “Thanos” was, but it wouldn’t stop him from reassuring her that he was alright.
Wanda gripped his hand and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder. She flinched at a feeling unshared by Vision.
“What is it?” Vision asked.
“The boys... they won’t stop kicking...”
Vision gently moved his free hand to her stomach, but not before asking “May I?”
He knew that he didn’t have to ask, but it always made Wanda chuckle, even in a moment like this. She nodded.
Gently pushing up the bottom of her shirt and exposing her bare belly, Vision placed his hand gingerly on the middle of her swollen stomach, taking in its curve.
“Oh my.”
“Yeah... they’re going crazy in there...”
“Hi there, little ones. It’s your dad.” Vision says, changing his tone to make it clear that he is talking to his unborn sons. “Your mommy is okay. I know you’re worried about her. But you don’t have to kick her so hard. I’m taking good care of her out here, so no need to worry.” His thumb moves back and forth on her exposed skin while his the rest of his hand stays in its original spot, tracing an imaginary line, doing his best to bring comfort to the growing babies inside and their mom alike.
Wanda gasps, sniffling. “They stopped!”
“That they did.” Vision smiles, about to move his hand.
“Wait! Don’t mov —keep it there, please?” Wanda asks, putting her hand atop his own.
Vision smiles as she looks up at him. He breathes a sigh of relief that her vitals are back to normal (he’s able to check them while they are touching) and wipes the last tear away from her face. He leans his forehead into hers, the Mind Stone cooling her glistening brow. They speak in whispers as they take in each other, eyes closed, simply treasuring each other’s presence.
“Yes, my love?”
“Can you hold me until I fall asleep?”
Vision holds her tighter, grinning as her eyes flutter open and closed. “I’ll do you one better.” He whispers, breaking their contact and kissing the top of her forehead. Wanda relaxes deeper into his chest as she drifts off again, head falling where his mechanical heart lie below. Their hands still rest on Wanda’s bump.
“I’ll never let you go.”
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
I loved your Florence birth fic so much 🥺🥺🥺 it was so good!!
Awe thank you! I was afraid people would find it boring cause I really just kept it about the labor and birth and didn’t delve too much into anything else (I’m now thinking of places I could have added stuff but oh well too late now!). But there will be more time for Florence as a baby chapters which is why I stopped it where I did. Anyway! I am so glad you liked it! Thank you so much for reading ♥️
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natsarrownecklacx · 2 years
Taken Update!!
Hey guys! Okay so don't hate me but this isn't actually a chapter update. I was reading back over the first 3 chapters while trying to write the fourth and I noticed some things I wanted to improve on and a few things I wanted to add in. I've just updated the first part and uploaded it. If any of you guys don't wanna be tagged when I update the other two, before I post the fourth part, could you comment under this post please :) I'll still leave you in the main taglist for future chapters. Oh and I will get the updates and the new chapter out as fast as I can I promise. I hope everyone is okay, please don't forget to take a break and drink some water :)
Taken Part One
Taglist: @blkmxrvelvel @namesrava @blackxwidowsxwife @zravs @ygtft-chen @ihadamarvoustime @messuhp @lanaroff @inlovewithfaberry @sapphosclosefriend @thatoneaspie @wildnightuniverse @fabgronsky @mmmmokdok @songstresstinyteacup @lorsstar1st @natflough04 @youralphawolf72 @romanoffsbish @fuzzyphantomsandwich @whhyyynottt @someobliviousgirl @lenam07 @avoyen1998
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