#WandaVision au
the-scarlet-witch-22 · 9 months
Love and Liabilities: Chapter Two (Agatha Harkness/Fem!Reader)
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Summary: The weekend before your last year of law schools begins, you celebrate the end of your summer associate position, where you meet an intriguing woman at the bar.
Word Count: 6.6k
Tags: 18+ Minors Do Not Engage!! Smut, dirty talk, light degradation kink
A/N: Hello! I’ll be in rehearsals this weekend so I’m updating a few days early. This chapter, as well as the next few, will be set in the past and marked accordingly. Thank you so much to everyone who read chapter one, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! If you’d like to be added to the tag-list let me know. As always, I hope you enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think. 🩵
Tag-List: @aggieslittleslut @gilmorelivie @ris-ris-mind @sabstance-blog
Ten Years Prior
There was something so enticing about law school. Every attorney you ever met would warn you not to pursue law. It was their biggest regret, they would bemoan, and share horror stories of mountain high piles of readings and difficult exams that would slowly weed out the unworthy. The hundreds of thousands of dollars you would invest that wouldn’t guarantee you to pass the ever dreaded Bar Exam. The world of law was much like a game of cat and mouse; with the law student being the meek mouse and the demanding law professors and your fellow students as the prowling cats. Despite the many, many, many warnings, you ignored them.
You were the first person in your family to decide you wanted to be an attorney, so you were shocked to learn the vast majority of your classmates already had major ins to some of the top law firms in the country. It didn’t seem to matter that you received a top LSAT score, or that you were also accepted into one of the top law schools in the country, just like them. None of that mattered, you were already hundreds of steps behind everyone else. So, you conditioned yourself to work even harder. Endless hours of studying in the library, attending every office hour your professors would offer, taking any opportunity you could to network with any attorney who would reply to you on LinkedIn.
There was an even more alluring pull for you to get into corporate law, or “Big Law.” It wasn’t just the temptingly sky-high salary, or the perks that came with working for a major firm, it was the reputation. The attorneys who worked in corporate law were practically guaranteed a job in whatever other field or firm they wanted to move to next, due to the prestigious reputation they’d previously acquired. Unfortunately, you were competing against the majority of your classmates, most of whom had those direct family connections. Your ambition would always get the better of you, as it merely made you work even harder.
Eventually it paid off, as you received a summer associate position at the end of your second year at the top corporate law firm in Manhattan, Stark & Strange. You spent your summer working alongside some of the more powerful attorneys in the industry, and received paychecks that were larger than anything you had ever seen prior. The firm paid for an Uber Black to take you to and from your shoebox law school apartment, and even gave you a free gym membership. Practically every meal was comped, as you were wined and dined at restaurants where the bill cost more than your rent. It was a foreign world to you, the grueling hours made up for by designer handbags and any luxury you never dreamed of being able to afford, especially not on a summer associate’s salary.
You made a point to stay as late as they needed, and always volunteered to assist various attorneys with whatever work they needed done. Most of it was grunt work, like looking over a contract for typos, or printing hundreds of documents, but you soaked everything up like a sponge. Despite the many hours you spent at the firm, you hardly ever saw the men whose names were on the building, Tony Stark and Stephen Strange. But, you were making good connections with a few of the other attorneys.
Maria Hill, one of the senior attorneys, usually requested for you to assist her on projects. She was only slightly terrifying, and practically ran the firm like the Navy. But, she was extremely knowledgeable and always made a point to introduce you to anyone she deemed important enough. Towards the end of the summer you were working on a tedious editing assignment from one of the junior attorneys, when Maria sent you an email to stop by her office before the end of the day. This wasn’t entirely unusual, as she sometimes wanted your help with a last minute deal, and she would almost always DoorDash whatever meal you wanted if you stayed long enough.
Once you finally finished your assignment, you packed up your belongings and made your way to the top floor where Maria’s office was located. Stark & Strange was a towering skyscraper in the center of Manhattan. Even though you were in a smaller office with a few of the other summer associates, you still had a breathtaking view of the skyline. Many called the design a waste of time and money, but those people clearly never met Tony Stark. No expense was spared when designing the project, and Maria told you it took over a decade to complete. But, when you’re a multimillionaire attorney, money was but a mere object. The hallways were becoming more familiar as the weeks passed, and it was a bittersweet feeling when you remembered your time was almost up.
The door to Maria’s office was slightly ajar, but you still knocked and waited for her curt response for you to enter. She was sitting at her desk, her dark hair pulled back in a tight bun, glasses hanging low on her face as she appeared to be typing. Her office was one of your favorites, it was so open and had a comfortable atmosphere. She had a variety of plants placed throughout the room, and you figured she must have a green thumb, but her paralegal once quietly shared how Maria often committed one of the worst sins of gardening…overwatering. You awkwardly stood near the doorway, contemplating if you should come back when she appeared to be less busy.
As if she sensed your hesitation, she gently shut her laptop, and placed her glasses on the desk, looking up at you. “Sorry about that, Stephen needed a contract updated before tonight.” She motioned to an empty chair. “Come, sit.”
Taking a seat, you nervously folded your hands across your lap, setting your bag on the ground next to your feet. “So, you wanted to see me?”
“I did,” Maria confirmed, giving you a curious glance. “Your last day is tomorrow, right?”
You nodded, and felt a twinge of sadness at the thought. “My first day of classes is next Monday.”
Maria hummed, a thoughtful appearance on her face. “This is your last year of school?”
“Yes ma’am,” You replied, unsure of why she was asking you this.
“Tony and Stephen like to take out a select group of the summer associates every year for celebratory drinks,” Maria explained, and you swore you saw her roll her eyes ever so slightly before adding, “It’s mostly an excuse for Tony to brag more about the firm, but the drinks are free, and strong.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, you didn’t realize they were having another dinner. “Oh, well that sounds nice.”
Maria nodded before continuing talking. “They usually ask the senior attorneys to each invite one of the summer associates, and my pick was you.”
You felt your eyes widen, she picked you? Shaking your nerves aside, you gave her a wide smile. “Thank you so much, Ms. Hill. I’m honored.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Maria insisted, standing up and motioning for you to join her. “I know I’ve asked a lot of you this summer, but you rose to the challenge.”
Lightly blushing, you waited for her to grab her briefcase before you followed her out of the office. “I didn’t mind, I actually really enjoyed all of it.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Maria said, and she seemed sincere. “I believe Tony made the reservation for eight o’clock, but I’ll send you the details in the morning. Thank you again, I’ve appreciated your help.”
The elevator doors opened and you bid her farewell, as she went down the hallway to see if her wife was still working or was wrapping up. You could hardly believe it, sure you were sad that your summer was just about up, but you were one of the few associates selected for a special night out with all of the top attorneys and partners. A few of your classmates told you the partners would occasionally extend job offers to the top performing summer associates for when they graduated and passed The Bar, but you knew there was a slim chance of that happening to you.
Your last day flew by. You weren’t assigned much actual “work”, instead you spent most of the day chatting with the other summer associates and a few of the junior attorneys. Before you knew it, you were signing out for the last time, and handing in your key card and laptop on your way out. Maria had her paralegal forward you all the details, the bar they selected was yet another establishment you normally wouldn’t be able to afford, The Raines Law Room at The William Hotel. One of your roommates went there once with her parents, and gushed about how pretty and unique the space was, so you were excited to see it for yourself. The firm had allotted you one more Uber on their card, and you fully intended to use it.
The drive was surprisingly short, as traffic was relatively light for a Friday night. You sent your roommates a text reminding them that you’d be out late, before focusing your attention out the window. It had almost been three years since you moved to New York for law school, against your parents wishes, and you were still in awe of it. Yes, it was filthy, and there were rats and cockroaches galore, but every major city was dirty. New York was full of history and culture; there were thousands of places to explore, and millions of other people who were trying to find where they fit into this beautiful, messy story. You couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
You arrived at the bar just before eight, you had a habit of needing to be early for every social function you attended. The Raines Law Room was everything your roommate described, and even more so in person. It wasn’t the usual type of bar you’d go to, and it was broken up into multiple rooms with the actual bar in the center of it all. Many of the rooms were furnished with bookcases and cozy, expensive furniture that reminded you of a library. It didn’t take you long to find your group, as Tony had apparently rented one of the private rooms. There were only around twenty people in attendance, Maria wasn’t kidding when she told you it would be a small gathering. You recognized two of the other associates who had been invited, Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova, and you gave them a friendly wave.
Maria was in the corner of the room, sitting on one of the couches with her wife, Natasha Romanov. You’d only briefly encountered the redhead, as she did a lot of international travel for the firm. They were speaking with Tony Stark, the latter who appeared to be at the end of telling a very animated story. Maria noticed you lingering, and waved you over once Tony finished talking. You awkwardly made your way over, trying not to trip in the process; you’d always been terribly clumsy. There was an empty spot next to Maria, so you took a seat.
“I’m glad you could make it,” Maria warmly greeted you. “Do you remember my wife, Natasha?”
“Of course, it’s great to see you again,” You said to the woman sitting on the other side of Maria.
Natasha offered you a small smile, wrapping her arm around Maria’s shoulder. “Maria’s been telling me all summer how much of a help you’ve been, and believe me, she doesn’t praise just anyone.”
Maria nudged Natasha’s shoulder. “That’s not true, I just have high expectations, unlike someone.”
Natasha playfully rolled her eyes. “Right, of course dear.” She turned to Tony, who was scrolling through his phone. “Have you met Maria’s young mentee, Stark?”
He looked up at the mention of his name, and his eyes landed on you. “Oh right, I remember you. Maria’s been raving about you for the past few months, and Natasha’s right, that’s a pretty rare occurrence for her.”
Maria glared at him, clearly unamused. “Funny as always, Tony.”
Sticking out his hand, you took it and gave it a firm shake. “Thank you so much for the opportunity this summer, Mr. Stark. I’ve learned so much.”
Tony waved his hand in dismissal. “Don’t mention it. Have you met my other platonic, legal half? He’s probably lurking around here somewhere.”
“Most likely avoiding you,” Natasha quipped to Tony, her eyes scanning the room. “Looks like he’s over by my sister.”
Her sister? You turned your head to look around the room, until you saw Stephen lightly conversing with Yelena. You didn’t realize she was Natasha’s sister, and Natasha seemed to note your confusion.
“Yelena doesn’t like people to know we’re related,” Natasha explained, her tone more gentle as her eyes were locked on her sister. “She thinks people will say she only got the position because I work here.”
“Well she’s not entirely wrong,” Tony offered, ignoring the glare Natasha gave him, before wildly waving his arms to get Stephen’s attention. It didn’t take long for Stephen to notice, and you watched him frown.
“Did you need something, Tony?” Stephen questioned, annoyance clear by his tone.
“Well you keep lecturing me on not offering the summer associates jobs without you being present,” Tony pointed out, “God forbid I have any fun.”
“I only told you that because you once tried to convince half of them they could only have the job if they signed a contract saying they could only refer to you as their Overlord,” Stephen pointed out, and Natasha briefly snickered before Maria shot her a disapproving look.
“It was a joke!” Tony exclaimed, pointing at you. “Back me up here, if I told you that, you would know I was joking, right?”
“Um…” You trailed off, your brain replaying what he had just said to Stephen about jobs. “I’d probably have to read the contract first.”
Tony sighed, “The world isn’t what it used to be. Fine then, Strange, you’re up.”
Stephen sat down next to Tony, and just like the latter did, he stuck his hand out for you to shake. “It’s nice to formally meet you. Maria’s kept us up to date on all the work you’ve been completing. How have you enjoyed your summer at the firm?”
“It’s been the most wonderful opportunity,” You raved, wondering if this conversation was heading where you desperately hoped it was. “I’m so grateful for everything I’ve learned.”
Stephen nodded, “We’re always happy to see our summer associates take the opportunity to use all of the resources we have available. Now, at the end of every summer, we like to ask our senior attorneys if they would like to refer anyone for a job. Maria, as well as a handful of others, all recommended you.”
Your brain short circuited, not quite believing what you were hearing. “You’re offering me a job?”
“We’d like to invite you to join the firm as a junior associate once you’ve graduated and passed The Bar,” Stephen continued, and you felt faint. “It’s a written offer that we can send to you on Monday morning.”
“That you’ll have one of the paralegals email out on Monday morning,” Tony corrected him before looking back to you. “What do you say? Do you want to join the greatest firm in the city? The salary is competitive, of course. Full benefits and all.”
Natasha snickered again, only this time Maria didn’t try to stop her, and you remembered how Maria mentioned Tony liked to take this time to brag. There were so many emotions swirling around in your head, but you were mostly in shock.
Stephen seemed to notice you were overwhelmed. “You can take the weekend to think it over, and take a look at the offer on Monday. I’m sure this is a lot to take in all at once.”
You nodded, grateful for that. “Thank you so much, Mr. Strange, Mr. Stark. I’m so thankful for the opportunity.”
“We’ll talk on Monday,” Tony reiterated, standing up, and practically dragged Stephen with him. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you so much,” You acknowledged Maria, who had been quietly conversing with Natasha. “I honestly can’t believe this is really happening.”
“You deserve it,” Maria insisted, relaxing ever so slightly against Natasha. “Congratulations, and I hope we’ll be working together again next summer.”
“You’re getting soft in your old age,” Natasha lightly teased her wife, giving you a wink. “Congratulations, and good luck on your final year of school.”
You thanked them both for a final time, before letting them have some privacy. There were still so many thoughts rushing through your brain, and the room was so bright and so loud, you needed to clear your head. As you started walking out of the room, you entered the main bar and decided that you didn’t need to clear your head, you needed a drink. The bar was fairly quiet, with a few patrons scattered throughout the room. You made your way to an empty stool, and waited for the bartender to finish making a drink before you ordered a vodka tonic.
There was hardly anyone else sitting at the bar, except for a woman a few stools down from you. She had dark brown hair, tucked behind her ears, and she was sipping on a glass of some variety of red wine. From a quick glance, you could see she was reading something on her phone, and you watched the frown lines on her forehead deepen every so often as she continued to scroll. The bartender came back with your drink, and you thanked him before taking a small sip.
“Come here often?” An unfamiliar voice asked, and you curiously turned your head to find the woman a few stools down was now staring at you.
“I beg your pardon?” You replied in confusion, wondering if she was talking to you.
The woman arched an eyebrow at you, and you felt your cheeks flush under her heated gaze. She stayed in her seat, but her eyes remained locked on yours. “Some people would call that a pick up line, but not you apparently.”
“Do you often hit on strangers in a bar?” You questioned, watching her take a sip of her wine.
“Well if you came and sat next to me, you wouldn’t be much of a stranger,” The woman countered, and patted the bar stool next to her.
This was crazy, you reasoned with yourself. This woman could be a lunatic, or a serial killer. But she was looking at you with an expression you couldn’t decipher, and her eyes were so blue that you could feel yourself slowly getting lost in them. Before you fully realized what you were doing, you scooted over until you were sitting next to her. Her red lips turned up in a smirk, and she shut her phone off, placing it in her bag. There was something so intriguing about her, but you couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
“So what brings a pretty little thing like yourself here on a Friday night?” She asked curiously, her eyes hungrily searching yours, and you could feel your cheeks begin to darken at her words. You weren’t used to anyone looking at you the way she was.
“Um, I’m here for a work event,” You said quietly, unsure of how much information you were willing to share with a stranger. “An internship event, rather. What about you?”
The woman nodded, taking another sip of wine. “Mmm, this and that. I’m staying at The William for a few nights while my place gets redecorated,” There was a sparkling glint in her eyes as she added, “And there’s a rather spectacular view of the city from my room.”
The color deepened in your cheeks, and you chose to take a rather large sip of your drink. “Oh, that’s…interesting.”
“Isn’t it though,” The woman agreed, and you watched her fingers lightly twirl around the glass in her hand. “I never got your name, darling.”
“You didn’t ask,” You pointed out, and she smirked at you.
“Feisty thing, aren’t you?” She guessed, gracefully scooting her stool closer to yours, looking at you expectantly.
There was something so addictive about the way she was staring at you, and it made you lower your guard as you told her your name. She let out another low hum, and repeated it back to you, saying it nice and slowly, drawing out each syllable. At this point, she was close enough that you could smell her perfume. The rich notes of vanilla and lavender swirled together through your senses, and you felt yourself becoming more and more distracted. Taking another large sip of your drink, you realized it was nearly empty. The woman also seemed to notice, as she waved the bartender over.
“What are you drinking, dear?” She asked, her voice sweet like honey.
“A vodka tonic,” You replied, and she slid your empty glass towards the bartender.
“Another one of those, please, as well as a Pinot Noir. Put her drinks on my tab,” She instructed the bartender, ignoring your protest that you could pay for your own drinks.
“Don’t be silly,” She gently chided you, one of her hands moving up to brush your hair out of your face. “You have gorgeous eyes, has anyone ever told you that?”
Every compliment was leaving you more flustered than the last, and you had no idea how she was having this strong of an effect on you. It was the alcohol, your brain reasoned, that had to be it. “No, not really,” You replied, your voice growing more timid.
The woman let out a disapproving tsk, her fingers lingering on your face before slowly pulling away. “Disappointing, but not surprising.”
The bartender returned at that moment with your drinks, and you mumbled a quiet thank you, hoping this would give you some liquid courage. You realized at that moment she never told you her name.
Clearing your throat, you did your best not to sound as intimated as you were. She was this beautiful, sort of menacing, and slightly strange woman. You didn’t want to humiliate yourself. “You know, for someone who hounded me for my name, it’s a little odd you never told me yours.”
The woman smirked again, and you thought you saw her lick her lips. “You never asked, dear,” she pointed out, and her fingers reached out to lightly brush yours. “I’m Agnes.”
Her touch, light as it was, felt like a shock of electricity coursing through your system. You kept waiting for her to let go of your hand, but instead she gently turned it so your palm was visible, and began tracing patterns on it as she sipped her wine.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Agnes,” You said, your courage slowly disappearing, and you weren’t sure what it was that you wanted from her, you just knew you didn’t want her to stop touching you.
Agnes laughed, the rich sound ringing deliciously in your ears. “Believe me, honey, the pleasure is all mine.”
The hand stroking your palm began to make its way up your arm, and you were embarrassed by the goosebumps you felt by having her hands on you. Agnes also seemed to notice this reaction, and she was looking as if she wanted to eat you alive. She leaned in closer to you, her breath hot on your ear as she whispered, “I don’t normally do this, but I’d love to continue this discussion in my hotel room. Would you care to join me?”
It would seem tonight was just full of surprises. Her face was so close to yours, and your brain was still actively short circuiting. You’d barely spent any time with this woman, and you only knew her first name, but it didn’t matter. It was clear what this was, a one night stand. This didn’t have to mean anything, and you were riding a high from your job offer; you didn’t want it to mean anything. All you knew was that her breath was hot in your ear, and her fingers were lightly gripping your arm, and you wanted more. No, you needed more. You needed her.
Fearing you wouldn’t be able to produce any actual words, you wordlessly nodded in agreement. Agnes proceeded to close out her tab, and you made a quick note of the Black AmEx card the bartender returned to her. She guided you out of the room, her hand grazing your lower back. You felt like you were floating, and the only thing grounding you to reality was the feel of her fingers stroking your back, slowly moving lower with every step you took.
Upon reaching the elevators, Agnes waited for you to enter before following, and pressed the button for her floor. As soon as the doors closed, it was as if a switch went off. Her hands were all over you, and within a moment you were against the wall of the elevator. While her right hand stayed pressed against your back, moving down to grab at your ass, her left moved up to gently cup your cheek, forcing you to look at her. Her eyes began to darken with arousal, and before you could even process what was happening she kissed you.
You’d been kissed before, and you thought you knew how good it could be, but that was nothing compared to the feel of her lips against yours. She kissed you with fervor, like a woman starving and you were her salvation. Her lips were so soft and smooth against your own, it was addictive. As she lightly slapped your ass, bringing you impossibly closer to her, you let out a moan and she took that opportunity to slip her tongue between your lips. She tasted faintly of Pinot Noir, and you eagerly allowed her to dominate your mouth. Her hips jutted against yours, creating just enough friction for you to imagine how much better it would feel to have more.
The elevator dinged, signaling you were at her floor, and she reluctantly broke your kiss. You let out a quiet whine and Agnes chuckled, leaning in to whisper, “Patience, honey. My room is right down the hallway.”
She nearly had to drag you along, as your legs were starting to shake, and the walk to her room seemed endless. When you finally reached it, she hurriedly tapped her keycard to unlock the door. Yanking you inside, she slammed your back against the door, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. Wasting no time, she began messing with the clasp of your dress, and as it became undone she helped you out of it, leaving you in your bra and panties. The older woman let out a low growl, and pulled you flush against her. Moving you towards the bed, she nearly tore your bra and panties off in the process, before laying you flat on your back.
She straddled your hips, and when you attempted to move your hands up to her waist she swatted them back down. “Be a good girl and behave,” Agnes warned lightly. “I’d hate to have to restrain you.”
You couldn’t stop the moan that left your lips at that threat. Agnes smirked again, taking her shirt off and tossing it across the room, revealing a lacy dark purple bra. She leaned down and kissed you again, lightly biting your lower lip, causing you to groan into her mouth. It felt like she was all around you, but you needed more. You always prided yourself on your patience, but you were quickly losing it. Her lips left yours to trail down your jaw and the side of your neck, stopping near your collarbone. She began to leave hot, wet kisses along it, before biting down on the flesh at the base of your neck and sucking.
“Fuck,” You cried out at the sensation, and you heard her let out a low hum in response, keeping up her ministrations.
She left dozens of marks on you, and you were too lost in the haze of how good she felt to remember you were starting classes in two days. Her hands were relentless, moving all over your body. As her lips began to alternate attention between your breasts, her right hand moved between your thighs, and you both moaned as she felt how wet you were.
“Is all this for me, baby?” She murmured, raising her head up to yours, using two fingers to lightly tease your aching pussy. “What a pretty girl, dripping for me.”
Moaning, you arched your hips up, she was so close and you needed her fingers inside, filling you. “Please, Agnes.”
Letting out a low tutting noise, she pulled her fingers back. You whined, louder this time, and her responding grin sent a shiver down your spine. “Please what, honey? Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me,” You begged, desperate to feel her fingers on you again. “Please, fuck me.”
“Good girl,” Agnes praised you, roughly thrusting two fingers inside you, going deeper than you normally could on your own.
Her fingers were so long, and so good, as she set a fast pace, twisting and hitting all of the sweet spots in you. You could barely breathe, all you could focus on was how good it felt to have her fucking you. Her thumb rubbed gentle circles on your clit, and the added stimulation made you cry out. You were soaked, the movement of her fingers taking you created an obscenely filthy sound that filled the room. It didn’t take long until you felt a familiar unraveling, signaling you were close to orgasming.
“Such a good little whore, you’re taking me so well,” Agnes cooed and you felt yourself clench at her words. “Do you like this? Do you like having me fuck your tight little cunt?”
“Oh my fucking-” You cried out, but were cut off as she chose that moment to add a third finger, expertly curling them and bringing you that much closer to your release.
“That’s it, slut,” Agnes growled, fucking you even harder. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good around my fingers.”
“Agnes, please,” You whined, needing to feel yourself come undone. “Please I need…”
Agnes smirked, not relenting in her efforts, and began to leave kisses around the edge of your mouth. “What do you need, baby? Use your words for me.”
“Need to come, please. I need to come,” You babbled, as she took you higher and higher with every thrust of her fingers, and your words caused the older woman to groan.
“Come on my fingers, sweetheart,” Agnes ordered, and you felt yourself lose focus as the pleasure overcame you.
It was mind numbingly good, and you barely recognized the scream that left your throat. All you could feel were her fingers inside you, gently coaxing you through your orgasm. Her fingers slowly stilled, and you felt yourself pulse around them as her thumb gently eased off your clit. Pressing a sweet, slow kiss against your lips, Agnes pulled her fingers out, causing you to whine at how empty you felt.
“You took me so well,” Agnes purred, and you felt yourself drip even more at her words. “Such a slutty little pussy, you can’t even form complete sentences when I’m fucking you.”
You groaned, the filth spewing out of her mouth was a major turn on for you. “It’s not my fault you’re turning my brain into mush.”
Agnes fake pouted at you. “Oh, poor baby,” She mocked, pressing her hips against yours. “It’s a good thing you don’t need to use that little brain while I’m fucking you.”
“Want to taste you,” You moaned out, the idea just popping into your head. “Please.”
“Oh? You want to eat me out, baby?” Agnes questioned, her eyes growing darker yet still from arousal. “Do you want me to ride that pretty little face?”
“Fuck yes,” You begged, causing Agnes to chuckle before taking off her pants and panties, and moving you closer to the headboard before she straddled your face.
You could smell her; the scent was musky and sweet and you were salivating, sticking your tongue out in anticipation. Agnes rested one hand on the headboard and the other in your hair, slowly lowering herself onto your mouth. You wasted no time, licking and sucking, tasting her arousal. The guttural moan she let out spurred you on, eager to please her. She tasted so fucking good, and your tongue lapped up as much of her as you could. Her fingers tightened in your hair as she began to rock against your face, and you moaned against her as she roughly tugged.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl, baby,” Agnes panted as she moved her hips faster. “You’re doing so well. Such a good job. Suck on my clit.”
Ever hoping to please her, you switched to swirling your tongue around her clit before sucking, hard. The moan she let out, louder than before, was entrancing. Her fingers kept your head in place as she rode your face, and you could sense her getting closer to the edge. Your tongue teased her entrance, slowly pushing inside and Agnes let out a loud hiss, encouraging you to go deeper.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Fuck,” Agnes began to grind down, getting closer with every thrust of your tongue. “Such a sweet fucking mouth. Do you want me to come all over that pretty face?”
Nodding against her, you sucked and licked, thoroughly enjoying being used by her. It wasn’t long before she began to shudder, hips thrusting even harder against your face as she let herself go. She tugged on your head as she lost herself in the throes of pleasure, and you never saw something quite so beautiful. Her eyes were closed, head back as she let out several loud grunts, the sound causing you to twitch. You moaned at the taste of her cum, eager to get as much as you could. Her hips slowly stopped, and she gave herself a moment before lifting herself off of you, collapsing on the bed. She immediately pulled you closer, wrapping her arms around you. Her body was flush against yours, and you relished at the feeling of her tits pressed against your back. She was so soft, and so warm; every part of her felt like heaven to you.
She began to nuzzle your neck, pressing gentle kisses against your skin. “Fuck that was so good. Thank you, honey.”
“It was my pleasure,” You drawled out, growing more tired with every word you spoke, slowly feeling yourself drift off.
Agnes murmured something to you, but you were too far gone to hear what she said. The last thing you remembered was the feel of her body curled up around you as you finally passed out from exhaustion. You weren’t sure how long you slept, for when you finally woke up the room was filled with bright sunlight, causing you to wince. It didn’t take you long to realize you were alone, and the already large bed felt ten sizes too big. A part of you wondered if Agnes was in the bathroom, but when you eventually made it out of bed you realized she was gone. The room was completely empty, save for you and your clothes from last night.
You weren’t entirely sure what you had expected, it was a one night stand after all. But, you had assumed she would at least still be there in the morning when you woke up. Shaking those thoughts aside, you rushed to pick up your clothes and get dressed. As you were putting on your clothes, you noticed a small folded up note with your name on it on the bedside table. You slipped your heels back on before grabbing it, and was slightly disappointed to see how short it was.
Thanks again for a great night. -A
Well, at least she left you something. You crumpled the note and stuck it in your purse, leaving the room without a second thought. The next two days were spent in a daze, trying to get everything ready for the start of classes. Your roommates were thrilled to hear about your job offer, and even more intrigued to hear of your night out with an older woman. You kept the details to a minimum, as you always kept those things more private, but they enjoyed it nonetheless. By the time Sunday night rolled around you were absolutely spent. You had just finished marking up your planner for the next few weeks with your class schedule, and double checked the time for your first class as you set your alarm for bed before finally drifting to sleep.
Unfortunately, the exhaustion from the last few days made you sleep through your alarms, which almost never happened. But, after hearing your alarms go off one after another, one of your roommates came to check on you, the knocking on your door sent you shooting out of bed. You rushed through the apartment, throwing your laptop and books in your bag. As you were getting dressed, your eyes landed on the hickeys all over your neck, and you groaned. Great. Despite it still being summer, and extremely hot in the city, you wore a lightweight turtleneck. The lecture halls and library were usually freezing, so this wouldn’t seem too out of place to anyone.
Luckily your apartment was only a few blocks away from campus, and it never took you more than ten minutes to get there. You kept obsessively checking your watch, hoping to make it to your first class in time. Finally, you reached the correct building, and pulled up the class schedule on your phone to check which room you were in. Whipping around the corner, you spotted the door at the far end of the hallway. With one minute to go, you passed other students and professors, not a thought in your mind besides making it through those doors. Reaching the lecture hall, you opened the doors and went inside.The hall was relatively full, and as you searched for an empty seat you heard your professor begin to speak.
“Welcome to Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Criminal Practice.”
Wait a second, you knew that voice. How did you know that voice? You looked up, finding the last person you ever expected to run into, and you almost fell out of your chair. Standing there on the floor of the lecture hall was a strikingly familiar woman. It was the same woman from the other night, Agnes. Her messy dark brown hair was pulled back into an updo, and she wore an expensive looking black pantsuit. She was pulling up a slideshow on the laptop, so her back was turned, but it was her. You knew it was her. The strange thing was you didn’t remember reading her first name on the syllabus that had been sent out a few weeks prior.
After she finished projecting the slideshow, she turned her focus to the crowded lecture hall. “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Agatha Harkness,” Her eyes scanned the room, until they eventually landed on you, and you watched her freeze, before quickly regaining her composure. “And I’ll be your professor for the semester.”
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thecoolsquirrel · 6 days
Wandavision Malleus??
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OKAY STICK WITH ME NOW-Hes making his own reality okay its not illegal
also I was just gonna put him in some loser guy clothes but then i thought of that black lace shirt Elvis wore and then the hair sometimes looks like it has 'horns' so malleus cosplaying elvis but YOU know what i was aiming for okay
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snaileer · 10 months
Please go read the rewritten better version here please
When Bruce woke up, his mind was filled with fog. Why? What happened to-
His wife turned in her sleep next to him, and he smiled down at her. Her red hair fell around her shoulders.. red? Bruce blinked again. Diana’s hair was black, dark ebony, not- oh, he sees, of course, her hair was just a dark, dark red, of course, how could he miss it.
He gently leaned down and kissed her temple, watching as her eyes snapped open, then blinked slowly as tenseness faded.
“It’s morning time, Diana, time to get up. We have a big day today!”
Diana smiled as she sat up, pausing to briefly rub at her forehead with scrunched eyebrows, “Of course, dear.. I’m just, I think I had an odd dream..?” Diana looked slowly around the room, confusion lacing her features, “Bruce, where..why is today a big day..?”
Bruce paused, “I… don’t kno-“
Their bedroom door slammed open, “Mom! Dad! Get up! I don’t want to be late my first day of school!”
In the doorframe stands a young boy, 14 or 15 maybe, with dark black hair and bright blue eyes.
Barbara comes up behind him, stark red hair contrasting with the teal headband pushing it back, “Come on Danny, we still have an hour, we’re not going to be late, we still have to have breakfast.”
Bruce smiles, “Don’t worry Danny, your pops can cook up breakfast fast enough to get us there on time!” He practically jumps out of bed, sweeping Danny into a hug as he goes past.
The cloudiness of his mind is easy to forget as he starts on scrambled eggs for the family. He drops the first two eggs with shells in the pan with a wince, this is why Alfred never-. Who was-?
“Here Bruce, let me take over,” Diana slides in beside him with an indulgent smile as she empties the pan and starts again.
“Thanks Di, you know I was never much good at cooking,” he leans down to kiss her.
She turns to briefly return it before grabbing a spatula, “Well, I didn’t marry you for the food, Bruce.” She smiles.
“Ughhhh! Gross parent germs!” Danny groans from the table, already eating a piece of toast.
Babs walks by with a smile, ruffling her brother’s hair, “They’re just like that Danny, you know you’ll have to get used to it right?”
“Never!” He says, but there’s a smile on his face.
They all laugh at that as Diana takes the plates and puts them in the sink.
“If you don’t want to be late we better get in the car soon Danny,” Bruce says, checking his watch even though he doesn’t remember getting dressed with it this morning.
“Dang it!” Danny shouts, grabbing his backpack and running towards the door. Babs walks calmly behind him, both already in the car when he gets there.
Bruce listens to the family chatter of his kids as they drive, only to pause at a stoplight when it falls deadly silent.
He glances back, surprised to see Danny staring out the window with a glazed, hurting look.
Bruce follows his eyes to a closed burger restaurant on the other side of the street. Yellow tape is placed across the darkened storefront.
“What’s that place Danny?” He asks, curious as to why the boy is reacting so strongly.
Danny stiffly turns forward, “It’s nothing, Dad, just go. It’s just a closed restaurant, we don’t go there anymore.”
Something scratches Bruce’s mind, “Why not, Danno?”
Danny slams his hands down on the seat, “We just DON’T, OKAY!”
A horn honks behind him, the light green and Bruce presses the gas forward.
“Have a good day at school!” Bruce says, waving at them from the car window as they get out.
Danny waves back at him, shyly embarrassed by his dad’s display, but accepting of it anyways.
His mind blurs, thick as molasses- B! Where!- gray fog that smothers his que-
Bruce watches his kids come back down the steps as school ends, surrounded by a flood of other teens.
He gets out to stand and greet them, a smile on his face as their teacher introduces himself.
“Hi there, I’m Mr.Lancer, and you must be young Daniel’s father… Jack?” The man asks, grey hair pulled back in a ponytail.
Bruce scrunches his brows, “I’m Bruce,” he shakes the extended hand firmly, “Pleasure to meet you.”
The man’s smile brightens, sharpening at the edges in a way that makes Bruce’s head tilt, “Of course, of course! It’s a pleasure to have Danny in my class, I just have so much to teach him,” The man smirks.
“Come onnn, Dad, let’s go!”
Bruce turns around, still waving to the teacher as he gets in the car. The eyes stay on them through the rear view mirror as they drive away.
Bruce pries his eyes away from the schoolfront, glancing at his son.
“How was school, Danny?”
“Fine, I mean Dash is still here but at least he’s in different classes this year.”
“And how about you, Princess?” He says, looking at Babs.
Babs looks up at him through the mirror, a hint of tightness on her lips, “I’m… fine. My legs have been hurting all day though. I can’t figure out why.”
“I’m sure it’s no big deal. Let’s go inside.” Danny says, getting out of the car. They’re already home, though Bruce is sure it should have taken longer. The thought is lost to thick cotton in his mind.
Babs is able to get out of the car on her own, following them up to the entrance. Why does that seem odd?
Diana greets them as they come in, giving them each a hug. Bruce notices a shine around her wrists.
“What’s that, Dee, new jewelry?”
Diana looks down at the thick golden bracelets with a lift of her eyebrows, “Oh.. I was.. cleaning out the basement today… we just have so much stuff down there. I found them in a box… I think.. I think they’re from my mother.” Diana runs a gentle finger along the smooth metal surface, face soft with nostalgia.
When Bruce looks up, he sees Danny standing in the kitchen, eyes glued to the basement door with an empty stare.
“Our basement? … isn’t it…”
The doorbell rings, making Danny look over, trance lost.
When Diana opens the door, Tim and Steph are standing there. Bruce stares at them for a second, unblinking.
“Danny, your friends are here!” Diana yells, making the boy come rushing back down the stairs.
“Hi, Steph, hey Tim, ready to play DOOM?” He says with a smile.
“Of course, Danny!” Tim exclaims, pulling out a slim modified PDA, “I just downloaded the new mods, it’s gonna be sick! Maybe we’ll finally beat Steph!”
Steph playfully kicks at him with a combat boot, “As if, loser! You know I win every time.”
Bruce watches them go upstairs, both barely sparing a look at him as they follow Danny.
Why does he feel like the floor is dropping out from under him? Why do his thoughts keep getting swallowed by this… this.. fog?
Why is he…?
What’s happening?
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madwomansapologist · 2 months
━ ✧ unraveling you | chapter 5 - if it stinks...
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masterlist | pinterest board | spotify playlist |  AO3
series synopsis: Trapped inside Westview, Agatha Harkness was reduced to Agnes. The noisy neighbor and nothing more than that. Until a meteor rain brought something strong to Westview. Something strong enough to help her, and maybe strong enough to free her. You. In a journey to save herself by teaching you the ways of magic, Agatha Harkness wants one thing only: to avenge herself.
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Steams grew from the white flooring. Buds were formed, white petals moving to cover it tightly. Slowly they turned lilac, until they blossomed into purple hydrangeas. They glistened.
― A basic illusion spell ― Agatha waved her hand, the flowers multiplied across the entire floor of your bedroom. With a snap, they disappeared. ― Your turn.
You kneeled on the cold floor, placing your hands above the tile. As you breathed, you imagine the air travelled through your veins. You felt it on your inner thighs, at the end of your fingertips, on the inside of your feet.
Pearly lilies blossomed between your hands. As you moved them away, you saw a electric glow fade.
― It worked! You saw it, right?
― I saw it all ― sat on your bed, Agatha patted you on the head. You looked up, and your smile made her forget to move away. ― Well done.
Effortlessly, Agatha made the white petals dance around the room. You gazed at them, enchanted by how long those illusions were lasting. You sat besides her on the bed, your tight touching hers and fingers intertwined. Looking at her, feeling her breath against you face, you wondered if there was an way for you to get even closer.
The white petals seemed to be dancing in the air. So you took her hands into yours, pulling her with you. Agatha laughed, her body stiff as you tried to made her dance with you, and eventually decided it wasn’t worthy to act embarrassed. Instead of sitting down and letting you enjoy whatever this way, Agatha danced with you.
Laughing, you both explored the house. There wasn’t a song, not even a hum, but you both didn’t care. With your hair moving around your waist and fingers spreading towards the ceiling, you pretended to be one of those pretty girls from the movies.
― Hello! ― A female voice you both stop. After a few seconds, you heard it again. ― Are you there?
― Go practice ― Agatha walked towards the stairs. ― I’ll talk to Mrs. Hart.
That made you frown.
― Her name is Sharon ― you said. ― Sharon Davis.
To watch Agatha shrug made that good feeling inside of your disappear. She didn’t care. Somehow, the frown on your face was amplified. Agatha, of all people, didn’t care about calling someone the name Wanda chose for them?
Sat on your bed, you decided that wasn’t the true. Agatha does care. Once you called her Agnes, and you could feel how tense that made her. How scared she was, almost as if calling her that name would be enough to curse her again. No, Agatha cares about her name.
She just doesn’t care about others.
Agatha opened the door with a false smile on her lips. She had the book Sharon handed to you. It was about kings and wars, not something she’s deeply interested in.
― Thank you ― she said. ― For being good to her.
― You don’t owe me anything ― Sharon waived. Knowing her, Sharon decided not to waste her time with small talk. Specially when Sharon could see the redness of her cheeks. ― She’s… something.
― Yeah. She really is.
Opening the door of your room, Agatha expected you to still be practicing moving nature. Her last lessons were all about recreating wind’s movement on things for they not to look uncanny. Instead, Agatha found you meditating. She didn’t taught you that, but you witnessed Agatha doing so.
She didn’t expect you to be surrounded by a ever growing illusion. Arround you, a universe expanded. Eyes closed, every time you breathed a new star was added to it. Agatha kneeled down in front of you, and stood there silently for a long time.
When the universe was big enough for it to fit the entire bedroom, Agatha decided it was time to wake you up.
― What are you doing? ― she asked.
― Recalling.
As the universe suddenly disappeared, you opened your eyes. Agatha wasn’t sure if you noticed what you were doing. If you meant what you said.
― Are you hungry? ― you smiled. ― I’m not, but if you are then I’ll eat with you. To keep you company. Not that I want to eat or something.
Agatha nodded, unsure of how to deal with you. She forgets it all the time, just like someone with a headache will suddenly remember they are in pain during work, but you are off. There is something lacking on you.
For now, she didn’t search for an answer. She didn’t questioned you, or chose to think instead of enjoying the night. You wanted to eat something, Agatha wanted to walk. The truth can wait for one more night.
And so it did.
It was way past midnight when you both made to the front door. You waited for Agatha to unlock it, already taking off your jacket, but the witch didn’t move a inch.
― You don’t want to come in yet?
― I don’t want this to end ― Agatha looked at you. ― I am… glad. That you are here. That we both are here, at the same time.
― I’m not going anywhere ― you promised, holding her hand and stroking her skin soflty. ― Just inside, if you unlock the door.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
You woke up before Agatha, and used that chance to runaway.
Every other day, she wakes up before you and by the time you finished eating breakfast Agatha has a new tome for you to read and more exercises. You’re so grateful for her, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get tired.
Walking nowhere in particular, you enjoyed sunlight and that warm breeze. You nose tells you it’ll rain. Should you get her something different to eat? Sharon told you about a new bakery.
A meow stopped you.
Trying to be as silent as you could, you followed the weak sound. You entered someone’s garden, kneeling in front of a bush. You pulled some branches away, revealing to you a white cat. It looked so young and lost. Carefully, you took him in your arms and stroked his ears.
― What are you doing in here, little one? ― you whispered. He bit your fingers, but you didn’t mind it. ― Are you lost?
You heard a door opening, and watched as a man walked out with a garbage bag. He stopped after spotting you, and you never felt that much fear from anyone before. You tried to wave at him, but even that made him shake.
― I saw a cat here ― you explained yourself. ― Sorry for that.
He said nothing, immovable in front of the main door, and that made you take a step back. Was he deaf? You could hear music coming from his house. You stared at his blue eyes, and that much fear made you talk before thinking twice.
― Why are you so scared? I never did anything to you.
― You’re with Agnes ― he said, dropping the bag and crossing his arms in front of his chest. His died hair moved away from his face. ― Get out of here.
You should’ve done as he said. You were the one doing something wrong. This is his house, and you just stepped on his flowers because of a cat you never saw before. But your curiosity was bigger than your concern for what is right and wrong.
He is afraid of Agnes―Agatha. He thinks that because you know her, he must be scared of you too. You want to know why. You want to know everything there is to know. And you wanna do it now.
― I know about the hex ― you told him. ― I know about Wanda. I know everyone here stinks of sadness and fear. I know there is something lacking. I know it feels like walking inside a room someone just left. I don’t know your name.
He said nothing. You were already thinking about turning away when you heard steps coming from behind you. That acid perfume was a telltale of Sarah’s presence. She and Ralph looked at one another, and you felt there was some sort of alliance between them both.
She said nothing, but you felt her gaze burning your back.
― My name is Ralph ― he finally said. ― I think we three have much to discuss.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
general taglist: @lovelyy-moonlight
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 11 months
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don't touch that dial!
the wandavision au
(ronance edition!)
Robin wakes up with Nancy Wheeler in her house. Her house. Not her parents. Hers. Nancy’s in the kitchen, in a dress and hair curled and pinned back in a way that Robin has never seen, already making a cup of tea (Robin hates coffee, but she doesn’t remember telling Nancy that…) and greets her with a, “Hi, Robbie,” and a quick kiss on the cheek. Robin freezes. Her stomach flip-flops and she feels her face warm and she’s not totally sure how to react without shattering whatever this is. So she answers with a weak, “Hi.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, something screams THIS ISN’T REAL. Duh. She gathered that already. But the problem is it’s not her voice in her skull telling her this. She doesn’t know who it is, or why they’re telling her information that she already knows. The biggest worry in her mind is that this isn’t her Nancy. Her Nancy, the real Nancy, would be fighting and kicking and screaming because this is not the life that Nancy wanted. Robin would know too, in-between their world saving adventures, Nancy told her what her future looked like, and being a ‘50s housewife was not one of them. Robin hates the ‘50s. She hates the way her hair is done and she hates the dress she’s been shoved into and she hates the canned laughter (seriously, can anyone else hear that?) and— “Robin?” “Yes, dear?” Robin answers without thinking, going along with whatever this illusion wants. Nancy’s frowns a moment, breaking the tight smile she had on her face, and briefly Robin wonders whether she’s aware of their current predicament, too. If Nancy’s aware like she is, and just simply playing along—just better at hiding it. It’s too risky though to outright ask her, so for now she’s just going to have to read her newspaper (that doesn’t have any articles written by Nancy—seriously?) and find a way to tune out that damned laugh track.
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
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"My life has no meaning without you."
Like Real People Do - Adam Warlock x f. reader (WandaVision AU) Coming Soon!
Created for @the-slumberparty's May Challenge. Ever since watching GOTG Vol. 3, I thought it would be a cool concept to write something WandaVision inspired with Adam. Sadly, I have been diagnosed with the coughs and sniffles and my brain has been foggy the past few days, but I am hopeful in writing something for this moodboard bc I absolutely love this idea :')
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krakapi · 3 months
Guess who just re-watched WandaVision? Not me but wouldn't it be epic to have an AU with Muichiro as Wanda and Genya as Vision. I've been thinking about it non stop for months 🥲
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helloliriels · 1 year
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WatsonHolmes by helloliriels | 'A future so perfect ... you might just think you're dreaming ..."
Sherlock jumped. Sherlock fell. Sherlock died.
John can't cope.
A WandaVision AU concept art | 12 Days of Johnlock | (ideas living rent free in my head) (post-reichenbach fix ♥️)
@chinike @rhasima @johnlocky @ohlooktheresabee @fluffbyday-smutbynight @missdeliadili @cortinita @peanitbear @colourfulwatson @amyreadsandstresses @totallysilvergirl @thegirlfromthesouth @gaylilsherlock @topsyturvy-turtely @pocketwatchofmycroft @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jameshavinganxiety @whatnext2020 @t-dalo @hasenkind687 @sarahthecoat @jobooksncoffee @tinchensblog @kettykika78 @kabubsmagga @john-smiths-jawline @jawnn-watson @7-percent @discordantwords @khorazir @vitruvianwatson @meetinginsamarra @mutedsilence @gregorovitchworld @nathan-no @calaisreno @peageetibbs @shiplocks-of-love @catlock-holmes @holmesianlove @blogstandbygo @wizama @thetimemoves @iamjustreading @keirgreeneyes @kittenmadnessandtea @inevitably-johnlocked @emaster875 @iwlyanmw @masterofhounds
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polgara6 · 11 months
Worstthrust TV
Bryce always had a severe amount of influence on the world in ways she didn’t even know about. So as her and Bobby lay dying she wishes for a better ending. The world bends.
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This universe and its creator have a tendency of capitulating to the whims of one Bryce Tankthrust. They both loved her far too much to do anything else. So when she laid dying next to the love of her life and had regrets, the universe decided to give her a hand. A pocket dimension was formed around the dying couple. One where she didn’t need hearts, after all she was still dying, why on earth would she need replacement hearts.
The world of suburbia formed around them. They were cleaned up and the radiation was cleansed from their system. As long as they stayed in Clamville, they would survive. As far as the neighborhood was concerned Robert and Bryce Best had just moved in. They had two next door neighbors, on the right Elmer Phitts, and on the left Donovan. Just Donovan. Across the street were David and Joesph, previously known as Suck and Swallow.
They entered their new house and everything was simply perfect, Bryce would continue to be the bread winner of course, even though the neighborhood seemed stuck in the 50s. The mayor was big on children, so if they ever wanted any the universe would happily provide. Twin boys, Luxy and Sebastian.
Bobby and Bryce’s final moments can stretch on for eternity here. This timelines final moments can live on forever here. There’s no need to be afraid, watch some Worstthrust TV. It’s the hot new show, everyone loves it. The worlds about to breathe it’s last but not in Clamville. Bryce will have her happily ever after. No matter the cost.
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creamecafe · 4 months
Someone please recommend me Loki x Reader where it's basically a WandaVision au. I read one like two months ago but I can't find the author. It was in different parts like part 1, part 2
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the-scarlet-witch-22 · 3 months
The Lark Ascending (A Chaconne Story): Chapter 2 (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
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Summary: Ahead of your first rehearsal with the Los Angeles Symphony, you become reacquainted with Maestra Agatha Harkness.
Word Count: 4.6K
A/N: Helllooo, welcome to chapter 2 of The Lark Ascending! This chapter features a very, very special piece that I strongly recommend giving a listen, I'll link an earlier post with the video. I'm going to try to do updates around every 2-3 weeks but it will sadly depend on my schedule. I'd also like to give a special shoutout to 🫂 anon, who told me of an idea they had of Agatha using her baton to secure her hair back. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the inspiration, I hope I did your idea justice. As always I hope you enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think :)
Danzón No. 2
Previous Chapter
The head of marketing for the orchestra, Pepper Potts, motioned to the promotional materials laid out in front of you. “So what do you think?” 
Squinting, you tilted your head to look at it from a different angle, taking it all in. They were certainly…interesting. Your face had been blown up on all of them, some featured you holding or playing your violin. 
“Um….” You trailed off, trying to keep your tone cheerful. “Well, they’re a little different from what I was expecting, but they look nice.”
The last time you spoke with Pepper, you had explained how you were more interested in focusing on the music than yourself, you had even brainstormed on a few different campaign ideas. At the time you thought it had been a productive conversation. 
“I know they’re not what we originally discussed, but we’ve found that interest groups respond better to a face, or rather, the face of what we’re trying to promote,” Pepper explained, laying out a few different options in front of you. “As our newest artist in residence, you are the face, the center focus. We’ve been trying to appeal to a wider audience, as well as a younger audience. This is the perfect way to accomplish it.”
“What she means to say is, your original idea was boring. But she’s too professional to say that, isn’t that right, Pepper?” Tony chimed in from where he was sitting on the opposite side of the room, scrolling through his phone. 
Pepper let out an exasperated sigh, shooting Tony a glare. “That is not right, Tony.” She gave you an apologetic smile, something she appeared to be used to doing. “Just ignore him. Everyone else does.”
Tony checked the time on his watch, before turning his attention back to you. “If we could wrap this up in a few, is there anything else we need to cover?”
Pepper glanced at her tablet, shaking her head. “We’ve gone over everything as far as marketing is concerned.”
“Fantastic,” Tony said, standing up, stretching his legs out. “Let’s get those materials finalized before next week’s Donor Gala.” As he began walking to his desk, he paused, snapping his fingers. “See if we can get Harkness to conduct something? Something more modern, maybe, but not funky Glass modern. The donors will love that. She’s so much more entertaining to watch than Strange.”
“Well that’s not too difficult to accomplish when the man conducts like he’s performing surgery,” Agatha drawled out, and you jumped at the sound of her voice. 
The door to Tony’s office was now wide open as Agatha came strolling in, followed closely by Tony’s assistant.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. I told her you were still in a meeting,” the woman profusely apologized, giving Agatha a terrified glance before adding, “but she wouldn’t listen.”
Tony waved off the apology, clearly unphased by Agatha’s behavior. “It’s fine, Sharon. Maestra! Please, come in. I hope you’ve found everything to your liking?”
“You know me, Tony, I’m not particularly picky,” Agatha replied, enunciating every last syllable as she gave you a simmering glance that resulted in you blushing and looking down at your feet. “But I must say, I’m rather enjoying my time so far.”
“Have you met our artist in residence?” Tony prompted, and you suddenly realized he had no idea of your history with the conductor. “Peps, why don’t we get a photo of the three of us for socials? Ask that one intern for a caption, she’s pretty clever. Kamala, I think?”
Pepper sighed in defeat, fishing around for her camera. “Don’t call it socials, Tony.”
Tony then turned his attention to you, as you finally broke the rather intense staring match with Agatha. “Y/N? Have you had the pleasure of meeting the Maestra?” 
Oh have you ever, you thought to yourself. Agatha merely smirked, arching an eyebrow as you stammered for a moment. “I, um, you know it’s funny you mention that, actually. I used to work for her.”
Both Tony and Pepper appeared to be equally surprised with that revelation, and the CFO’s face lit up. “You’re kidding. What a small world!”
“Y/N was my assistant a few years ago, right before she moved to Vienna,” Agatha interjected, still gazing at you with a look you couldn’t decipher. “I’ve been…quite proud of her accomplishments since.”
She was proud of your accomplishments? You knew she apparently watched a video of one of your last performances; you were curious if she had seen anything else (while also wondering why she never bothered to reach out). 
“Rather high praise coming from you, Maestra,” Tony said, folding his hands across his chest as he leaned against his desk.
“Well I wouldn’t have been able to have done any of it without Agatha,” you insisted, various memories of late night practice sessions with the conductor rushing back in nostalgic flashes. “She mentored me while I was still her assistant. She always believed in me, sometimes even more than I believed in myself.”
Tony nodded, and you watched him silently brainstorm as an idea hit him. “That’s it. The Maestra and her protegee. Who wouldn’t want to see a series of concerts with one of the most beloved conductors and her former mentee turned rising soloist? Pepper?”
Pepper was already typing on her tablet, nodding along to Tony’s words. “Already on it. I’ll book a shoot for promotional materials, and we’ll have the press release ready by the end of the week.”
Tony folded his hands together, grinning as he looked back and forth between you and Agatha. “Outstanding. What a lucky coincidence you happened to be in LA, Maestra.”
What a lucky coincidence indeed, you agreed, giving Agatha a curious look. The conductor shrugged her shoulders, her usual poker face hiding whatever emotion she was feeling. “What can I say, it must have been fate.”
Tony started rambling on to Pepper about various ideas for both the Donors Gala and marketing, all whilst you found yourself getting lost once more in the enigma that was Agatha Harkness.
Eventually, you found yourself back in the concert hall right before the start of that evening’s rehearsal. The meeting with Tony had been rather successful, even if your obligations now included doing a handful of press and events with Agatha. How the conductor felt on that subject matter was a mystery to you, as she remained uncharacteristically quiet the entire time, offering only the occasional sarcastic, witty comment whenever Tony suggested something particularly outlandish. 
Now, as you walked with your violin case in hand, you once again thought about being reunited with Agatha after all this time, as it forced you to think about your feelings for the conductor. Even after all this time, it felt as though a large part of your heart was reserved solely for her, and you weren’t entirely sure what to do with that information. Agatha wasn’t exactly the most open individual, and last time you nearly had to wrestle her feelings out of her. Plus, who’s to say she even feels the same way- you knew a lot could change in five years. 
As usual, you were getting ahead of yourself. Right now, you just need to focus on getting through your first rehearsal, and worry about your relationship with Agatha later.
You greeted a few musicians you passed, and you nearly froze as you saw someone very familiar waving at you. Standing in the front row with her violin case was your friend and formed stand partner, Monica Rambeau. You stayed in touch with the violinist after you moved to Vienna, but she never mentioned coming to LA. Running up to her, you set your violin down before embracing her in a hug, fully in disbelief she was here. 
“Monica, what are you doing here?” You breathed out, grinning at your friend who smiled back at you.
“The MSO is off for the summer while they remodel the symphony building, so a few of us are filling in out here for the season,” Monica explained, and it was then that you noticed one of the MSO flutists, Dottie and the principal cellist, Hope, up on stage.
“Dottie certainly looks happy,” you noted, watching the flutist enthusiastically chat with a few members of the orchestra on the stage. 
“I think she’s looking forward to having a break from Harkness,” Monica admitted, taking a quick glance around to make sure no one else was listening before adding, “not that Maestra was even around for the majority of the season to terrorize her.”
You felt a twinge of pity at the mention of that. Poor Dottie. Agatha did seem to get some sadistic form of pleasure from tormenting her. But it was the latter part of Monica’s sentence that caught your attention, and you gave her a curious glance. “What do you mean she wasn’t around for the majority of the season?” 
Although you and Monica had stayed in touch over the past few years, you made a point to never ask about Agatha. While Monica never knew about your relationship with the conductor, she at least knew not to bring her up whenever you talked.
Monica shrugged, grabbing her sheet music from her bag. “She was traveling a lot this year, and missed a lot of rehearsals. You know how she gets. Anytime someone would ask where she was, she would change the subject and find someone new to pick on.”
It didn’t take much effort for you to picture that particular scenario. “That certainly sounds like Agatha.”
“A few people think she’s looking for a job with a different orchestra,” Monica quietly told you. “But between you and me, I think she’s seeing someone.”
You froze in place, choosing your next words carefully. “Seeing someone? Why would you think that?”
“She seemed different whenever she’d come back,” Monica explained as she gently grabbed her violin from its case. “Happier, or as happy as she can be, I guess.”
You fell silent at that, trying to keep your facial expression neutral. Was Agatha dating someone? Was it serious? Is that why she came to LA? The questions began to pile on in your brain, the biggest of all being why did you even care?
As if Monica sensed your discomfort, she changed the subject. “So, have you met Strange yet? I’ve heard he’s pretty straight-laced during rehearsals.”
Strange? Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the question, until you remembered you never told Monica the news of the change in music directors. 
Clearing your throat, you nervously bit your lip. “Actually, Monica, I should have mentioned this earlier, but Stephen isn’t conducting-”
The all too familiar sound of clapping rang out from the entrance of the hall, cutting you off as everyone turned their attention to the noise, and you were unsurprised to hear frantic whispering at the sight of Tony Stark eagerly conversing with a brooding Agatha Harkness.
The conductor had changed from the outfit you last saw her in earlier that day, opting for a pair of black dress slacks and a violet button down. Her dark brown hair messily fell over her shoulders. In one hand she lightly grasped her baton, while a few music scores were held by the other. 
“Orchestra!” Tony called out, motioning for everyone to gather around him as he walked to the center of the stage. “Unfortunately, Maestro Strange will be taking a personal leave of absence for the duration of our summer season. But I’m very pleased to announce our interim conductor will be none other than Agatha Harkness. She’ll be taking over for the time being, so any questions or concerns are to be directed to her.”
From where you were standing, you watched Dottie’s face turn a sickeningly pale shade of white as Tony went on about what a fantastic marketing opportunity this was for the orchestra. 
“I’m going to turn it over to you now, Maestra. I think you’ll be pleased to see a few members from your orchestra are filling in for the summer,” Tony informed Agatha with a grin, giving her a final handshake before exiting through the side stage doors. 
Agatha leisurely strolled to stand on the podium, her music dropping down with a loud thud as she twirled the baton between her fingers. “Good evening, orchestra. I understand all of you on the West Coast tend to enjoy your relaxed, Erewhon smoothie drinking, sandal wearing, kumbaya lifestyles, but I have a lot to get through tonight. So, I would like to formally invite those of you not on stage to please grace the rest of us with your presence.”
“Sorry, I should have told you sooner,” you whispered apologetically as Monica stared in disbelief at the sight of the conductor. “She ambushed me earlier when I was practicing.”
“It’s fine,” Monica insisted, carefully managing to hold her violin and bow with one hand, while grasping her music with the other. “I’ll see you after rehearsal, good luck!”
While the rest of the orchestra filed on stage, quickly taking their seats, Agatha's eyes scanned the rows of musicians until she stopped, fixating on the empty chair directly to her left. “I see we’re missing our concertmaster? What a pity.”
As you settled in a seat towards the front of the hall, you noticed Dottie squirming uncomfortably in her seat. Unfortunately, Agatha also took notice, and you watched her shark tooth grin widen. “Dottie, I must say I’m rather surprised to see you. I don’t know if I should be more flattered or alarmed, are you stalking me now?”
A strikingly tall woman with jet black hair suddenly appeared out of nowhere, taking a seat next to you, as she gently opened a violin case on her lap. “She’s certainly something, isn’t she?” 
Cocking your head to the side, you frowned. “Who?” 
The woman nodded to the stage, where Agatha was still berating an increasingly embarrassed Dottie. “Harkness, she’s a bit of a wild one. Quite different from our usual Maestro.”
You nodded, watching as the mysterious woman applied a generous amount of rosin to her bow, before carefully placing her now empty case under the seat. “She’s definitely one of a kind. I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, I know who you are,” the woman quipped, a knowing smirk on her lips as she stood up. “Our esteemed artist in residence. I caught your performance with the Boston Philharmonic last winter. Your interpretation of Mendelssohn was…surprisingly tasteful.”
You weren’t sure if she was insulting or praising you, but you chose to believe the latter, offering her a polite smile. “Thanks, and you are?”
“Hela Odinson,” the woman introduced herself as she towered over you, giving your shoulder a brief squeeze before she turned away, adding, “now if you’ll excuse me, I have an orchestra to tune.”
Sauntering on stage, Hela cordially nodded to a few of the violinists who said hello to her, making her way to her seat at the front of the section.
It appeared Agatha also noticed the late arrival, as had she paused her verbal rant, curiously eyeing the violinist. “Nice of you to join us, Odinson. I see time management still isn’t one of your strong suits.”
“Well we can’t all be deranged tyrants, Maestra,” Hela playfully fired back, settling in her seat as she placed her bow on the stand, using her free hand to adjust her shoulder rest. “Some of us don’t feel the need to adhere to strict schedules.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Dottie nearly fall out of her chair at Hela’s comment.
Rolling her eyes, Agatha’s grip on her baton tightened, eyes narrowing. “It’s always such a treat to speak with you, Hela.” Tapping her baton on the stand, she waited for the side chatter to stop. “Orchestra, your revered Mr. Stark has requested our presence at next week’s Donor Gala. So, we’ll be switching up our rehearsal schedule. We’re starting with Márquez.”
Dropping her baton on the stand, she stalked off the stage as the orchestra began to tune, the sound of winds, brass, and strings filling the hall, making her way to where you were sitting. 
“I thought you said Stephen was sick,” you reminded the conductor as she approached you.
“A personal leave of absence is just that, dear, personal,” Agatha waved off your concern, “I promise it’s nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over.”
She looked at you and for just a moment it felt like nothing had changed, as if you were still her assistant and you hadn’t spent the past five years apart. You used to love sitting in on rehearsals, always eager for any excuse you could to watch Agatha conduct. Although you’d never willingly admit it, heaven knows her ego didn’t need it, you failed to find a conductor you enjoyed working with as much as Agatha. While most conductors shared the same stubborn, prideful qualities, there was no one quite like Maestra Agatha Harkness. 
But, as quickly as the bittersweet feeling came over you, it was gone again, and you were left with the reminder of how much changed, how much you’ve changed. Leaving you to wonder if Agatha has changed much too?
Taking a step closer to you, the conductor pursed her lips, humming to get your attention. “Did you hear a single word I just said?” The guilty expression on your face gave you away, and Agatha sighed. “I hate to do this, but I need to cut Vaughn-Williams today. You know classically trained musicians have difficulty with more…wild rhythms. I’ll need the rehearsal time to run the Márquez to beat every single last syncopated rhythm into their thick skulls.”
“It’s fine,” you insisted, and you should use the extra time to rehearse other music for the Gala, but you felt something urging you to do something else entirely. “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to stay and listen? It’s been a few years since I last played Danzón, I’d love to hear it.”
As if she was somehow expecting you to say that, she smirked. “It’s funny you mention that, because I’m short a violinist today. I know you’re a hot shot soloist now, and I’m sure this is beneath you, but why don’t you sit in with them.”
It wasn’t a question as much as a demand, but you didn’t mind. You never did when it was coming from Agatha.
“I wouldn’t say it’s beneath me, but of course, Maestra. I’d be honored,” you accepted, turning to grab your violin from its case, and your expression fell as you saw a distraught Dottie slouching in her seat. “Hey, maybe you could try to take it easy on Dottie? She really isn’t that bad, you know.”
The once familiar scent of the conductor’s perfume, subtle hints of violet, jasmine, and sandalwood, overtook your senses as she took yet another step closer to you. “I know my memory isn’t what it used to be, but I seem to recall you used to enjoy being beneath me, hm?”
Of course she brought up the memory comment you made earlier, knowing the conductor she would torture you with it for all of eternity. You felt your face grow hot as you blushed, before remembering where you were. “Agatha…”
“Besides, I thought you liked how mean I was,” the conductor murmured, in reference to your comment on Dottie, as she stood far too close to you for far too long. “This is my orchestra after all, at least for the next few months.”
Agatha gave you an absolutely filthy wink, heading back to the podium. Raising her baton, she tapped the stand to signal for the orchestra to pay attention. “We’ll be joined by our summer artist in residence, Y/N, for the rest of rehearsal.” 
She paused as the orchestra broke out into a brief round of applause, and you dared to think she looked pleased at that reaction. After a few seconds she waved her hands to cut them off. “From the top, please.”
You were thrilled to find the open chair was next to Monica, and you grinned wildly. “It’s like I’m having deja vu.”
“I know, right. I’ve gotta say, Maestra seems happier than I’ve seen in a while,” Monica said coyly, giving you an inquisitive look. 
“What?” You whispered, wondering what she was implying. Surely Agatha’s good mood had nothing to do with you, there were a few things that occasionally made her happy. She always appeared happier after picking on Dottie, for example, or when one of the interns got fired. 
“Oh, nothing,” Monica innocently replied, getting the music ready. 
Agatha raised her baton, and the room fell silent in anticipation of her downbeat. Then it began, as her hands masterfully began to conduct, cueing in the solo clarinet, piano, and then oboe with a swish of her baton. You loved almost every piece of music you ever performed, but your heart always held a special spot for Danzón No. 2. Filled with sultry and exquisite melodies, it had several different tempo changes that required you to keep your eyes locked on the conductor. In this case, you had no difficulty doing that, as Agatha Harkness was the most engaging conductor you had ever met. 
You were always surprised at how well she was able to connect with any piece and make it her own, with every flourish of her baton and wave of her hands, it was as if she was the one composing the musical masterpiece herself. Danzón No. 2 was no exception, you realized, mesmerized at the sight of Agatha in her element after so long. There was a tempo change shortly after the start of the piece, and the conductor increased the speed of her baton, urging the orchestra to follow her with little difficulty. This was a particularly fun run to play as a violinist, and you allowed your muscle memory to guide you through the familiar rhythms and notes, as it had been a few years since you had last played it, bow moving in unison with the rest of the first violin section. 
As much as you loved being a soloist, there were few things that could compare to the feeling of playing in the violin section. Mastering difficult passages while your fingers moved completely in sync, counting every rest until you were cued back in, it was a special, tingly, heartwarming feeling that you hadn’t realized you had missed until now. 
One of your favorite sections of this piece was the violin solo, and you watched Agatha cue Hela in. The concertmaster was, unsurprisingly, extremely talented, as she used an impressive amount of vibrato on all of her notes, ringing out through the hall. It was a slow, seductive melody, and every shift of her fingers was exaggerated to draw out the intended luscious sound. As you counted the rests until the rest of the section came back in, you couldn’t help but notice the prolonged eye contact between the conductor and the concertmaster. You then thought back to their brief exchange at the start of rehearsal. Did they know each other? Is Hela the reason why Agatha seemed so happy?
The solo came to an end as Hela played her final note, and as Agatha cued the rest of the section back in, she did something you had never seen before. Using the hand not holding her baton, she pulled her hair back, twisting it into a bun before securing it with her baton. Both hands now free, the conductor took more freedom with the slower tempo, leading the orchestra through the gorgeous melody. As the strings took over, Agatha exaggerated her conducting pattern to encourage the orchestra to grow in sound. Closing her eyes to truly feel the beat, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away, completely content with watching her in all her beauty.
Her eyes opened, suddenly, and they landed on you, her lips twisted upwards to form a rare, but genuine, smile. You couldn’t help but smile back, you had missed this; had missed her. You never stopped missing her. The moment was broken all too soon, as the next tempo change was approaching, and the strings went back to the background syncopated rhythm, Agatha beat out the faster tempo with her hands, baton remaining in her hair. It continued on, with the brass leading the rest of the ensemble to the home stretch, as the violinists did another run up the fingerboard. 
Embracing her dramatic flair, the conductor whipped the baton back out, her hair flying every which way as she furiously laid out the last tempo change, and the orchestra followed suit. A final piccolo and piano duet played out as the brass accompanied, and you were pleased that Agatha wasn’t glaring at Dotite at all. The rest of the piece was a colorful, loud blend of syncopated rhythms and passages filled with scales that were embellished, pushing the orchestra forward with every measure, unrelenting until they reached the ending. Agatha conducted the last beat with a final twirl of her hands, effectively cutting the orchestra off.
“That wasn’t half bad,” Agatha offered, flipping back through her score and making half scribbled notes with her pencil. “If we could go back to the beginning, I need to hear more of the oboe when they come in, so strings make sure you stay below that.” She turned another page back, making a huge circle, “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, and Dottie I need you not to fall over, but that wasn’t terrible. I need more piccolo, so play out more…please.”
From where you were sitting, you noticed the MSO cellist, Hope, raise her eyebrows almost comically high from shock, and Monica stifled a gasp. Craning your neck, you watched Dottie nearly fall out of her chair once more, and you were happy for her. You knew Agatha meant well, in most cases, but sometimes she could take things a bit too far. 
In the back of your mind you were still wondering if she had something to do with Stephen’s sudden personal leave of absence, but when you looked back to the podium, those thoughts were swept aside as the woman who occupied nearly all your thoughts was looking at you expectantly, her baton lowered. She didn’t give Dottie a half-compliment because of you, did she? 
Her hair was still flying all over, as it was even more uncontrollable than normal, and you could make out the beads of sweat on her forehead from the effort of conducting such a fast-paced, intense piece. A rather intrusive thought popped in your head as you stared, reminding you the last time you had seen the conductor that out of breath and glistening with sweat was when you were naked in her bed with her fingers curling inside you as she counted how many times she could make you come. 
No, you could not reminisce on those particular memories now, you thought as you tried to keep the blush from spreading on your cheeks.
It hit you full force, for what felt like the millionth time, how much you had missed Agatha Harkness. But here she was, in all her glory, looking at you for some sort of response and all you could do was stare dumbly at her, trying to wordlessly convey every thought, every feeling you had bottled up for the past five years. 
“Thank you,” you mouthed to Agatha, grateful if she had indeed listened to you.
Finally raising her baton, Agatha gave you a wink, another one of those special, rare smiles on her face. “Let’s take it from the top!”
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somedayonbroadway · 6 months
Hi! I've been watching WandaVision, and the next episode will be the last I think, so I was wondering if you could do a WandaVision AU?
Yeeeee this is such an old ask but I am rewatching the show because I love it so much.
Sorry for such a late reply, anon.
WandaVision AU
Jack Kelly as Wanda
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David Jacobs as Vision
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Racetrack Higgins as Ralph/Pietro
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Crutchie Morris as Monica
Albert DaSilva as Jimmy Woo
JoJo as Darcy Lewis
Mike and Ike as Billy and Tommy
Joseph Pulitzer as Agatha
I absolutely love the idea of this AU. I debated for a very long time about who I wanted to make Wanda. It was between Jack and Race, as it often is, and I was leaning towards Race for a long time but I think Jack makes more sense in the part.
Jack would’ve grown up with his baby brother, Racer. The two of them lived in Sokovia when they were young, with their parents who were later killed by a missile while the kids were trapped in the debris for over two days, able to see what remained of their parents bodies. Unknown to them at the time, Jack was born with miraculous powers of a witch and is immensely powerful. When they were kids, Jack loved watching sitcoms to escape from the horrors of the world.
Jack grows fiercely protective of his brother after their parents are taken from them. The two of them grow up protesting against the industry that killed their parents until they are basically tricked into Hydra’s experiments of the Mind Stone. These experiments are painful to Jack, amplifying his magic that he was only acutely aware of. This mind stone also gives Race the power of speed and opens a psychic connection between Jack and Race so they can communicate without speaking, making them all that much closer and more dependent on each other. Of the hundreds of people taken into this experiment, Jack and Race are the only survivors.
When the head of that experiment asks the brothers to help fight against the avengers, Jack goes immediately to get revenge on who he deems responsible for his parents’ death. His role is planting nightmarish visions into the heads of his victims to lead to their downfall, whether that means weakening them and scaring them enough to attack or forcing them to kill themselves to end the nightmare. He then helps with the creation of Ultron, who he is lead to believe will bring lasting peace, however, among looking into the machine’s mind, Jack finds that Ultron is planning the extinction of humanity and convinces Race that they need to turn against him.
After seeking help from the avengers, specifically a very skilled archer by the name of Bryan Denton, a very scared and traumatized Jack fights back against Snyder, the man who forced experimental practices on him and his brother, and Ultron.
However, as Ultron is attacking Sokovia, and Jack is guarding what could be a machine of global destruction, Race, who is also taken under Denton’s wing, shields him from being shot while the man is trying to get a young child back to his mother. Race is shot six times and saves Denton’s life by sacrificing his own.
A physical pain takes over Jack when he senses the loss of his brother, who is really the only person he’s ever had. He is unable to breathe for a full minute before he goes after Ultron personally and manages to destroy him.
David, a version of technology that had been destroyed by Ultron and recovered, saves Jack’s life despite Jack walking back into the collapsing city to sit by his brother’s body.
Jack is invited to train with the avengers after this, despite the overwhelming grief and Davey grows closer and closer to him as he is learning how to be human and Jack is relearning how to live without a psychic connection with his brother.
Before long, Jack and David fall for each other and begin to live a life together, desperate to be a happy, normal couple, but as the fate of the world is threatened, are forced to come back and fight with the avengers.
However, Jack discovers that David’s soul is made of the very same stone that created Race’s powers and their psychic link and it is a stone that the world’s attacker is after.
Jack tries to remove us peacefully without hurting David, but as they run out of time, David assures him that he must take it and destroy it, which would surely kill him. After delaying as much as he could, Jack is forced to take the stone and crush it before the alien creature can get ahold of it. However, the time stone allows the alien to rewind time, kill David in front of Jack again, forcing Jack to watch his pain as he takes the stone and wins anyway.
Jack can only scream and hold the body of his love before he falls victim to The Blip and fades away to dust.
When Jack is brought back, Denton takes him in, knowing the kid had lost everything he’d ever had and known.
Then, one day, Jack wakes up in a life he’d always dreamed of, and can’t remember anything before. He is happily married with his husband, Davey and as far as he knows, that’s how it’s always been.
Jack had unknowingly released chaos magic and has painfully forced an entire society into playing roles in a real life sitcom. He tries to allow himself to be happy despite knowing that something is wrong. However, he is aware of his and his husband’s power.
After simply talking about having kids, Jack ends up pregnant, which is a complete shock to him, but doesn’t seem to surprise anyone else, other than David, as Jack shouldn’t be able to get pregnant. Yet after only a few days, he becomes fully pregnant, he gives birth to two identical twins, Michael and Isaac with the help of a neighbor named Charlie who walks with a limp and a cane. After delivering the babies, Charlie seems dazed and confused and asks Jack about Race dying at Ultron’s hand and David being killed in front of him twice, but to protect his new life, Jack telekinetically casts Charlie out of his carefully created world which Jack can recall only for a moment is the result of his own magical enslavement of the town.
After repairing his perfect home, Jack holds his sons and waits for David to come home. They only get to revel in the sight of their children for a short while before the children begin to rapidly age themselves up. Jack is amazed by this as Mike is revealed to have magic very similar to his own and Ike is a speedster just like Race. But as time continues and SWORD continues to try and disrupt Jack’s crafted reality, Jack exits his world to confront them, telling them that if they threaten his perfect world again, they will be sorry. Though Jack still isn’t aware of exactly how he created this world, he knows that everyone he needs is there and he won’t let anyone get in the way of that again.
He goes back home only to find David distraught as his husband has accidentally freed someone from Jack’s control and found that Jac is causing them immense pain. Jack starts explaining that he feels that same pain everyday and this is the only cure for that. Still David insists he stop, though he does tell Jack he loves him and he knows it will be hard.
Almost considering letting go, Jack is interrupted by a knock at the door, opening it to find none other than his baby brother waiting for him outside the door, looking happy and healthy and safe and Jack knows he can’t let that go.
Jack confides in Race, telling him he has no idea what he’s done. He can’t remember anything other than being alone, hurting and angry and all of the sudden, he was here where everyone he ever loved was.
Race comforts him, telling him that maybe it was a second chance.
But Jack can feel that something is wrong as David escapes the town to try and get help for the people, only resulting in starting to die. So Jack, feeling this, expands the boundaries of the town, retrapping Charlie and also getting Albert and JoJo.
Jack starts to lose control of the reality he created and Charlie tries to talk him down but Pulitzer, Jack’s next door neighbor who’d been his friend since beginning, takes him to his house where he reveals that he’s taken Mike and Ike and forces Jack to relive the moment where he took control of the town. The pain of reliving coming back and having no one brings Jack to his knees and he’s unable to lash out as Pulitzer reveals that Jack is the legendary Scarlet Witch, a reincarnation of a Witch that has been around since the beginning of time.
But as Pulitzer tells Jack he’s going to get rid of the kids because they’re not real, Jack fights back, feeling deep down that in some universe, those were his children.
While fighting, Pulitzer frees the town from Jack's hold, revealing to him that he’d accidentally trapped them inside their own grief and nightmares that they relived over and over again while playing their parts in his perfect world. Jack is horrified by this and loses control of his power again, nearly choking all the residents to death. He manages to stop himself and restore the town, letting the people go, but Davey and Race and Mike and Ike begin to disappear before his eyes. So he puts his hex back up in a desperate attempt to save his family.
As SWORD is able to rush into the town, Jack is able to take down Pulitzer by trapping him in his persona that he took in Jack’s dream. Charlie is able to talk Jack down and Jack is forced to say goodbye to his husband, brother and sons and promises Charlie to understand his powers.
Jack is distraught and seeks out the Darkhold that he begins to study.
However he begins to hear the screams of his two boys, Race and David and knows he can’t live without them…
Please please let me know if you wanna see anything written out from this AU!
For more mood boards and AUs, click here!
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ask-missparker · 6 months
The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing | Wandavision 60s blurb 📞
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Pairings: Wanda x Vision, Nikolai x Amelia, Marlene x Melissa
Extra characters mentioned: Agnes, Herb, Ji-Hoon, Norm
Summary: A nice day in WestView isn’t it, neighbor? Just a nice day for a talent show in the park.
Click here to read them in the 50s episode
“Why are we doing this again?” He yelled from across the room.
“Because it is our neighborhood duty to participate.” She called back.
“And who’s brilliant idea was that?”
She looked up with doe eyes shaking her head and said, “No. You were your normal amount of drunk when you came and suggested it.”
“Oh.” He repiled looking surprised for a moment and turned back on track, “Well I’m not going.”
As he turned on his heels, she yelled, “They are serving free drinks and well made sandwiches.”
He stopped his tracks, amused by the latest news and began walking backwards, “What I meant to say was I’m not going without a quick shower to fresh up.”
She smiled and winked at the camera with a shrug. She crossed her eyes, “How about we did a little dance at the talent show tonight as well?”
He yelled from that bathroom, “Only if you wear that sassy little number that make your eyes pop and fit you in all the right places!”
“Now you sound like yourself.”
“Wouldn’t be if I wasn’t!”
“And it’s for the children.”
“We already got one, who needs more?”
“I love you too!”
At the town meeting, Nikolai was sitting down near the round table stuffing his face with a donut half listening to what Ji-Hoon saying as Marlene muttered his ear to share the food.
Herb was talking about the Jesters new playground in the front yard and how they should all invest in their lawns looking just as good.
That’s when Vision walked in standing all awkward and said, “I’ll just stay here and be as quiet as a church mouse.”
Nikolai yelped pulling up a chair, “Nonsense man, come sit! More the merrier. Maybe you can make the place more interesting. Uh, no offense Norm.”
He muttered, “None taken.”
Marlene snorted at the comment, handing Vision a box of doughnuts in which Nikolai stole from his grasp.
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She rolled her eyes instead passing around sandwiches and said, “You’ll love them. My wife made ‘em this morning.”
Vision kindly denied, “Oh no thank you. I don’t eat food.”
“Uh what?”
“..uhh what I meant to say is that I don’t eat food inbetween meals, but at meal time. I’m a regular eating machine.”
“Well more for-“ Ji-Hoon exclaimed about to put them a little to-go box for later but Marlene slapped his hand away, “-ow!”
“No more! Then you won’t be able to fit into your pants later.” Marlene respones scowled at him then turning back to Vision, “Would you like a stick of gum instead?”
Norm was about to say ‘is gum even food’ but one glare from Marlene shut the man up. Vision shrugged saying it couldn’t hurt and took a stick of gum from Herb which made him act kinda funny. They all assumed it was the flavor must’ve been different to his taste buds.
Nikolai and Herb smirked saying it would be great to have a game of horseshoe out back. Vision nodded excited which had Marlene and the others holding back their laughter.
The ladies however had an interest time at Dottie’s house. Amelia arrived somewhat easily carrying Milo in her arms as the the puppy playing patty cake with Geraldine. She thanked the women for keeping her company as they waited for the others. The girl said it was her pleasure to do so, she wasn’t sure why she came in the first place because she thought it would be more fun. Melissa arrived just in time, saying that her and her wife were having some exact fun that morning.
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Both girls laughed.
Dottie looked around counting head and raised an eyebrow, “Uh Amelia right?”
“Hm?” She asked.
“Uh I don’t remember saying dogs could come.”
Melissa smirks as she added, “And I don’t remember you saying that florals were on the list today. I guess we’re both disappointed.”
Dottie looks down at her loud floral dress, flowers rounding her tables set up and the floral curtains. She groaned and walked away as if she was fuming. Melissa smirked to herself as Geraldine and Amelia giggled, they liked florals but this was overkill. Agnes, Wanda and the other ladies finally joined in. Her puppy was being treated well by the staff members there, which made her smile.
Dottie was discussing the incident and plans for today, reminded them that this whole show was for the children. In which the other ladies repeated in unison.
“Did I walk into a cult or something...” Marlene muttered to herself as Amelia snorted.
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That earned a little smile from her other friends. Agnes was just drinking meanwhile Wanda was biting down on a cookie that she forgot what was happening.
She removed the cookie from her mouth to clap and repeat along, “For the children.”
Afterwards some ladies went to get ready for the show, but Amelia, Melissa and Wanda stayed behind to help clean up with Dottie.
“Thank you for helping us clean up today, we feel so lucky.” Wanda said with a smile, picking up plates.
“You are.” Dottie responded with a fake ass smile.
Melissa muttered, “I should’ve ran out when I had the chance.”
“You and me both.” Added Amelia with a smile.
The four of them wanted to correct the situation, trying to avoid any confusion and become friendly. Everything was going fine. Melissa was fixing fix up a few napkins hearing the girls speak when the radio started to turn into an oddly specific voice asking ‘Can you hear me, Wanda? Who’s doing this to you girls?’
Dottie got concerned asking who they are, in pure curiosity and shock the glass in her hand shattered as the radio returned back to normal. But she was bleeding a daring red as Amelia rushed over with some napkins to clear that mess up. Dottie was looking between both girls in confusion and slight embarrassment then calmly smiling like a perfectly good housewife should. Wanda stood there with no words coming out of her mouth as Melissa tried to defuse the situation.
“How do you know this much?” Dottie asked.
Amelia smiled, “Well, when your married for so long and had mishaps..you know when to stay calm..”
“Good. I’ll take care of this.”
“But you sure?”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
Dottie just walked away leaving the girls and Wanda to themselves wondering how uptight and strange the blonde could be. Amelia rushed over to see is the redhead was okay as Wanda nodded saying she was fine, having to get ready for the show.
The show at the park was in full swing, as couples were in their fun acts. Marlene and her wife, Melissa, did a little balancing act for the whole crowd. Everyone clapped and cheered for their performance.
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Ji-Hoon was hosting the show talent show dressed in his trademark suit, as Amelia and Nikolai were up next doing their best dance routine yet. The two dance Jailhouse Rock on the stage, doing swings, kicks and twirls. Their footwork was excellent in their eyes, having the whole stage be their dance floor.
They finished off the dance with Nikolai dipping Amelia’s head with a classic grin and wink to the audience. She giggled and smiled across the crowd as they clapped loving their performance.
It didn’t matter if they won, they could all tell the couple had way too much fun. But winning would be nice of course.
The two raced off the stage watching Wanda and Vision getting ready. Amelia noticed that Vision looked like he was drunk, as she muttered if Nikolai had of them drink during their meeting. He just put a finger to his lips chuckled, when in reality he had no idea what happened to Vision.
But they got their answer once Wanda and Vision were performing on stage. It was honestly hilarious on their own magic act how silly Vision was out of the loop meanwhile Wanda was playfully showcasing their tricks.
Some of the crowd was confused, others were laughing meanwhile the whole time everyone was entertained piecing together the magic up.
Suddenly Vision walked off the stage and yelled, “Stand up, Shebert! Say hello to the crowd.”
Herbert stood up awkwardly, “Actually it’s Herbert..”
“Pipe down Sherbie and pick a card!”
Vision was fumbling around with his words, instructing Herbert to do as told. Afterward the tall blonde shuffled the cards then flipping one out with a confident expression.
“Is this your card?”
“Uh no.”
“I beg to differ.”
He threw the card over his shoulder and went to pick another one, as Hebert kept telling him, ‘no’. Vision made a grumping noise flipping across the card rapidly in front of the other man’s face repeatedly asking the same question.
All the cards went flying around the park until Vision held up the last one in frustration asking, “Is this your card?”
Herbert smiled, “It is!”
“It is what?!”
“It’s my card.”
Vision scoffed exclaiming, “Well pardon me, Herbert, have it back!” As he shoved the card onto his chest scrambling away and onto the stage saying he did the trick right. The crowd clapped and laughed.
Vision went on and on with tricks running around the stage like a maniac trying to get a hold of himself but failing. Marlene snorted as Melissa laughed. Poor Wanda had to deal with all of her husband’s mishap, covering it up with fake magic to go ahead his real magic act. Soon enough it was over.
Everyone clapped and cheered at their performance, as Ji-Hoon and Dottie called up all the acts to the stage for hand out awards. Everyone got a little ribbons or small trophies, but the real winner was Wanda and Vision. 
All that mattered is that everyone had fun!
Marlene took Melissa on a walk along the park afterwards then home for a special little treat of their own. All Amelia knew that Melissa was blushing after something her wife said in her ear before they left, Nikolai snorted loudly knowing those two were gonna have fun. He decided to take his wife home where he was greeted by their growing puppy Milo was leaping into his lap the moment he sat down on the couch.
“Sometimes I think you love that little mutt more than me.” Amelia joked putting their small trophy on the coffee table before taking a seat beside them.
Nikolai was kissing Milo’s face who was licking and curling up against him ignoring his wife’s jokes as he smirked. That was tall tale sign that she was right about that. He then pressed a kiss to her face as she tried to scurry away.
“You got dog slobber on you!” She yelled giggling.
“Really?! Can you remove it?” He shouted jokingly, picking up Milo who licked her cheeks as well.
“Ahh! You boys will be the death of me!”
“Take it back!”
Nikolai and Milo were attacking Amelia with kisses and doggie breath, as laughter and yelling echoed the room.
The two heard a small rumbling sound coming from outside the house, pausing to look outside the window to see thunder and lightning coming. Nikolai’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment sensing something in the air, as Amelia stayed curious onto the sudden weather conditions.
Which meant a short stormy night for them, but a cozy one. As the pair looked at one around their respective features gleamed in the only bright lights of the living room.
The room temperature dropped then rising again for a moment as a wave of shifting sparkles washed over their home. The streets started to brighten up in brighter shades as well.
Every single house was turning into actual color. It felt completely natural and refreshing to the eyes of everyone in town.
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Instead of black and white, they were all in color now.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this addition to wonderful world of WandaVision. Anything you liked? Let me know 🎶
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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denzel-shadow · 10 months
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Klarions wandavision au doodle
“You want to know the true tragedy in this, I can’t even remember what her eyes looked like but whenever I close my eyes….All i can hear is her voice”-Klarion
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
Like Real People Do masterlist
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Pairing ▹ Adam Warlock x f. reader (WandaVision AU)
Genre ▹ tbd
Synopsis ▹ You finally have everything you want - a loving husband, an adorable pet, and a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. Could your perfect little world get any better than this?
Notes ▹ I decided to make this a series with no definite plot. With that said, I am open to taking requests for fics that fall under this AU. I'll accept smut, fluff, angst, crack, and some dark requests/thoughts/suggestions. Please be mindful of what I will NOT write in this AU. Aside from that, thank you for all the love and support towards this ongoing fic bbs 🫶🏽
The Warlocks' soundtrack | Help build the story | inspo tag
divider by @silkholland
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My Love, My Darling coming soon
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
Sokka x Azula WandaVision idea! After the war, Azula escapes and the Gaang try to find her, somehow, Azula and Sokka are trapped.
The spirits are literally holding them ransom.
They think that they’ve been there for years but in actual facts it’s been 9 months. They have children and everything.
Katara and Aang find them, convinces Sokka and he tries to leave. He tries to convince Azula, but she doesn’t want to leave the children.
They end up leaving but the children are part of that world! So they cannot leave that world.
Azula tries to find a way to get her children back but Sokka doesn’t want to. He wants to go back to Suki.
She’s literally finding a way to get her children back, Zuko doesn’t know about any of this. She might become the anti-hero.
Thanks for the ask!
I love this idea so much!!
The idea that neither of them know it’s all fake is such a good idea!
If they have twins, like in the show, they’d probably name them Yue and Kya. I can see Azula got wanting to lose the best part of her life and trying to keep Sokka there.
Azula might have another breakdown if she has to leave her children and again when Sokka leaves her for Suki.
I can see her being a villain for similar reasons to Wanda. She just wants her family and doesn’t care how far she has to go to get it.
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