#thats gonna be fanfic writers soon
sansxfuckyou · 1 year
patiently waiting for AI text generation to remove the need for anyone to ever need fic writers to exist because they can just load up a prompt and watch it happen in seconds instead of waiting weeks, months even, for a fic to update or for their favorite author to upload, kind of like the AI art debacle
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caelanglang · 10 months
I've reblogged the author's original post a while back when the first couple of chapters were written but now I finally had the time to open ao3 again and finally caught up with the chapters... BOY OH BOY ITS AMAZING PLEASE READ IT! This fic may have come from the same idea as my little prince skk childhood au BUT it's a gem on its own and has its own beautifully crafted world and written characters PLEASE PLEASE READ IT ITS SO SO GOOD!
Everyone say thank you to @uneducated-author for this beautiful work! <3 ToT I love it so so much
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liathgray · 2 years
Would you every be interested in making turtle fics? Only asking because im a longtime fan of your ao3 and i love your writing style, no pressure to write anything im just curious and love your ideas!!
Also who is your favorite turtle? And have you seen any one besides rise?
I’ve interacted with tmnt before in passing, but never like… on purpose. I’ve seen a chunk of the 2003 and 2012 shows but not really like “i sat down and watched these” just a handful of episodes here and there.
Favourite…. Oh geez I think it would be Donnie but I love all those mfs so much theyre so goofy
And to answer your fic questions, heres a look at my wips folder rn
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polariae · 3 months
Hi my loves!
So I would like to inform u of some problems about the fanfic Savior i am Co working on and the truth on how my Fanfic Ideas of my OC Izumi x Geto got taken advantage of. And how the tragectory of everything went on. From the start to the reason why I wanted her to stop/delete my FF.
As u know I have had my OC Izumi for some years now as a staple in my artworks and I got so much love and curiosity from yall to know more about her. I ofc had a whole backstory in my mind already fleshed out from the start for Izumi, since i just love to make up stories and backgrounds for OC characters. Its just something that comes naturally and all my maladapive daydream girlies will know exactly what im talkin about 😂 and after so many DMs about wanting to know more about her i was like, a fanfic would be amazing to do!
The problem was, English is not my first or second language and I just didnt had the means to bring my thoughts rightly to paper. I also am really invested in drawing here and that takes up all my freetime already. So i had no time or skills to make this FF work.
Thats how I came across a tumblr user who had open a requests on her page so I dmed her. I liked her other work she made with Geto (even tho it was kinda brutal) i liked her writing style a lot. So I asked her if she would like to write this story with me. We agreed that I would give her my ideas and she would write it. I saw her as a friend and trusted her.
But soon she wanted to add and change things up, she said that thats how it is with co writing and thats just how its gonna be. I was okay with that at first, since the changes were sometimes beneficial and it was fun to brainstorm with her. It was clear that this was my vision and any changes had to get through me. We both agreed on that but I was naïve and let myself get talked into things. I just wanted her to keep writing and was dependent for her collaboration.
For anyone who read the FF: The character Kai was never planned by me, it was a character she wanted to have in it, hes someone who abused Izumi in her captivity. He was like the prisonguard of her. I was like okay fine u can add him but i said from the beginning that I do not want him to touch Izumi in a sexual way.
I shouldve known immediately that things will go south as the writer said she wanted to add sexual abuse in it.
I was very reluctant but I sensed how she spoke that she wouldnt wanna write further so I agreed in just very mild things, which already were awful enough but i tried to make the best out of her wishes. Since she was insisting. And i hoped that if id agree to this mild things that that would be it and hopefully not picked up further in the story and at last forgotten by the readers.
My only thing i always said was: I dont want to have any of this abuse to interfere with Izumis and Getos relationship. That was a big thing since I wanted them to have a romantic and loving relationship further on. The NSFW scenes were planned to be sweet, and sensual especially cuz Geto wouldve been all Izumi knew sexually and her first (and Geto is just peak hotness and perfect for that) Izumi should enjoy her firsts with Geto fully.
Going on she started to change more things.. and it got further and further away from how Izumi and all was. She started to change Izumi and her personality. Shes so far off of what I pictured her to be and what was discussed. But that wasnt the worst thing.
Then the writer just started to take things to new levels, Izumi having to be forced to suck Kai off for food, Kai fingering her to her orgasm against her will etc.
Pls know that she just posted the chapters without informing me, so i always tried to talk her into removing these scenes but to no avail.
Boiling point was now the latest chapters cuz she made Izumi have panic attack and flashbacks. Worst, she made her having one as Geto and Izumi tried to take things further in the bedroom. She made Izumi think of Kai and her sexual abuse. Tormenting Izumi with memories of Kai sexually abusing her when Geto was touching her. Its awful.
And that was what made me just so so sad. Cuz Kai wasnt even supposed to be in the story at all. And now exactly what I didnt wanted happened. At this point i wasnt even invested anymore in the story cuz it just wasnt enjoyable to read about all this mess. Izumi was snappy, her personality is weird and unpleasant and it was just such a weird vibe between Geto and Izumi. The writer always talked her way out by saying thats just how trauma works ect. Without acknowledging my wishes and my OC Izumi. Izumi and Geto just were soo weird together and after this all their whole dynamic was not there anymore. It wasnt loving, it wasnt sweet.
And i would like to add that im a sucker for Angst. Like im not someone who reads fluff. But this was even for me not even Angst anymore, it was just uncomfortable.
Like it was the drop that made it overfloat. What made me not wanting to be associated with it anymore. She wrote on many Autors Notes especially the recent ones, that she does not have the drive to write more on the FF. That she healfheartly literally ended the FF today in 3 chapters. This fanfic just has nothing to do with what I imagined anymore and im sad that i gave away all my ideas away to her tbh. If i had known I wouldve never asked her to write my ideas out. It also became her most read Fanfic. We discussed sooo many cool ideas and scenes for this fanfic till the end chapters like i just dont understand why she just insists in having this sexual abuse in it and tormenting Izumi. And also drag it over so many chapters. So many of you DMed me and said hoe uncomfortable it made u feel reading the latest chapters and how the storyline just didnt seem the same anymore. Which was as u see now absolutely true.
I asked her many times on why she insists on having sexual abuse in it so much? But shes never gave me an answer, no she tries to turn in on me saying "u agreed to it". Which as I discussed with u above was not what happened AT ALL. She says she cant remove it anymore, wether the scenes or Izumis mental torment and trauma. But she COULD.
ITS A FANFIC. U can always make it work.
Its also funny how she tries to say "im doing it for free" to hint that she can do whatever she wants. In that case i just have to say; i also gave all my ideas for free like? Its insane how this is even a conversation.
The gaslighting she is doing in the chat is hard to manage and Im srsly so sad and also annoyed that this had to happen.
I wont engage in this with her more cuz I have to keep my mental health in tact.
You saw how she is turning things around, how she manipulates and changes the context of conversations. I remember vividly how the first times she laughed at how emotionally invested i was in my story and belitteling me. I created Izumi nearly 4 years ago while I was batteling severe anxiety while i was homebound. How she always blackmailed me in saying "ur not paying me so I can do whatever I want" and when I then gave her some payed content for free she is now changing the narrative as if she never asked for money. I was the one who thought we would do this for fun and was always hurt when she talked about this tid for tad mentality.
I tried to build a friendship and let things that she said pass during our "friendship" out of good faith. I was hurt how she treated me and dismissed me and my character requirements and how now that I was the one saying I dont see her as a friend anymore she turns it around to make it seem im the "mean" one for now standing up for myself. I am still shook about this disingenious behavior. I never sent hate to her even tho she tries with all her power to say so. I even insisted to keep things kind and graceful. And after she shit on me and I saw that she wouldnt budge, I stood up for myself. Also; Calling me a bitch and telling me to fuck off is no "quirky" way to talk to people as seen below. Especially in this context.
Shes now deleting every comment that doesnt benefit her on the comment sections. Im not surprised. So be it.
Tbh I do not care anymore. I just made story posts but since she showed the DMs I wanted to post the truth for u to read here as well. Iwont let this negativity from her linger any longer and give her any platform.
As I said in the DM i rather had kept this private but I had to share the truth in this matter since she spread misinformation. You deserve to know how things really went behind the scenes. And im sick and tired that my kindness is always taken advantage of.
I had to speak up for myself, my Ideas and my OC. Thank u for all that messaged me and having my back! Everyone of u sent nothing but love and support my way my heart was bursting out of greatfulness.
If you've read so far im so so grateful for ur time. And in due time I will tell the real story of Izumi and Geto in a FF worthy of their love.
Latesr DMs she also posted but here with context.
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hermanunworthy · 11 months
hero hcs bc she deserves some rad facts of her own
- heros fave original anime (as in not a disney remake) is saiki k. she relates to saiki bc she too wishes to be an ordinary person w/o any special powers or destiny. saiki was also her trans awakening bc during middle school she read the manga and when saiki was able to just decide to switch genders she was like "why dont i just do that??"
- hero barely gets acne. shes actually been blessed w pretty good skin. but as soon as normal started getting acne, she subconsciously started developing a skin picking disorder out of anxiety thats left her skin looking just as bad as his (however she gets worried whenever normal takes too long in the bathroom and always tries to stop him whenever he starts to pick at his own skin)
- hero met erica and margarita through taylor and decided to introduce them to anime during the two months where margaritas dad was too busy watching anime w taylors friends so she could spite him. turns out she really really likes both these girls now. and they really really like anime (and hero too) now
- hero loves to accessorize. she particularly loves to collect hairclips and chewelry necklaces. shes also the one who taught normal how to make kandi
- hero is a decent driver but an awful parker. u can always tell which car is hers bc it will be super embarrassingly crooked. normal usually has to really squeeze in between cars when he gets out from the passenger seat
- hero is a big fan of funny novelty t-shirts. whenever shes not wearing something fandom specific u can bet that shell be wearing a shirt w some stupid text on it that she clearly bought on impulse
- hero likes to spend her tip money on little treats after every work day. sometimes even non vegan stuff bc she thinks she deserves a break every now and then (which is quite often for her). she always just lies and says work ran late
- hero actually prefers frozen yogurt over ice cream but would never admit that to her family. shell get ice cream when hanging out w others but takes herself out to froyo
- hero considers hermie one of The Girls and also treats her like a little sister (i mean they are siblings in law). sometimes she invites them to girls night or other things when hermie gets left out and gives him advice about her brother
- hero is a top student at her school and practically runs the stem program there (she wants to major in astronomy when she goes to college). she has the potential to be super good at pe too but purposefully doesnt put in her full effort so she can at least appear average at that
- hero chooses guys to have crushes on. she just picks whatever weird guy she comes across and then writes self insert fanfics about them. she might be a lesbian but doesnt even realize that (just give her time shes having fun for now)
- hero is actually a very talented writer but unfortunately she wastes her potential on the stupidest most obscure fandoms. she makes fun of normal for what he writes about but she is not much better than him
- hero swears that as soon as she gets her braces off, shes gonna be chewing bubblegum all the time. can u tell that shes very much an oral stimmer
- heros fave color is teal. her old worn out teal hoodie is one of her comfort items and she wears it most of the time
- heros glasses have been crooked since she got them and it annoys her all the time but she just hasnt gotten around to getting them fixed
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mamaspeckles · 5 months
:) :) :) >:)
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spicyraeman · 6 months
This week's batch of drawings will make you coo gentlepeople! Traumatised murder Bébé Lae'zel and happy Bébé Xan will make you melt like butter in a warm croissant! You never cared for kids? Now you do!
As a french speaker, the charisma check of a froggy frog Lae'zel would probably fail tbh. But it makes me laugh to imagine her accent being 100% harsher and the words mispronounced. They really missed a comical opportunity.
"What do you mean, wizard? Why can't I say 'I want to hit the beach' in front of the hatchlings? I had my hopes to see some phoques there. WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING SHADO-ART! We need to foc-us!"
Buuuuuut in french to say "my love / 🐸 my joy 🐸" you can say "mon cœur" which means "my heart". ( Coincidence? I think not!) I can almost imagine a scene where it's softly choked in a bloody pointy ear at camp after a scary fight. Almost. So just for that I can admit it can be cute. (Want more french lessons? Scream weewoo 🚑 at 3am and I'll appear on your bed, sleep-deprived with a complotist white board ! Special discount for fanfic writers and artists)
I saw briefly the translated version of the game, it's... an experience. They translated SH literally, it really brought out the cringe I probably should've felt in English but didn't. It's wayyy to close to "Shadowcunt" too, but we have Shart here so I can't really speak up. Poor girl is taking punches in every languages 😂
Also I love how everytime I send you something stuck in my brain, you come up with the most reasonable and obvious answers. Why do I forget these characters don't live in a bubble but in a society? Ofc there are gonna be pointy ears headphones 😂🤦‍♀️ All week I imagined some designs for those, then jewelries, then piercings, then I reaaally need to stop this brain. Qquipart is right too, Karlach is def a speaker user!
I live to give you cute drawing ideas. Doing the devil's work I'm sure, adding to the everlasting pile 😈
And take all the time you need to answer, obv. I'm sending a weekly rambling letter to a friend and finding an answer randomly in my mailbox ; waiting is part of the fun.
Yes! I had kids on the brain at the time! It's not something that happens often, but i couldn't resist baby Xan or Lil'zel
I find French accents incredibly endearing, not particularly attracted to them, but theres something about them i just love. An obscenely french Lae’zel would make me lose my shit, and honestly, it would fit her. I've always had the hc that lae'zels accent is waaayyy more prominent than in game and that she mispronounces words more frequently. I mean, shes probably never had to speak common to anyone before the nautiloid, how would she know how some words are pronounced?
Also bestie ya cant just drop an atomic bomb on me like that, thats too fuckin cute bro my heart 😭
As for reasonable and obvious answers, they're like that cuz ive got terminal worldbuilder disease, and as soon as you sent that ask, i took a whole day just researching headphones and IEMs. I really should draw up some designs for them 🤔 and yeaaa karlach is def bumping the speakers at full volume
It truly is an everlasting pile, i should probably actually start writing them down lmaooo
Trust me, im taking my time lol my brain works at a snails pace, but seeing an ask from you makes my week so ty <3
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nicegaai · 4 months
stuck on writing again. im gonna talk myself thru it in text post form
okay if i dont wrap this oneshot up before my brain completely burns out editing it i will lose my mind
naturally theres buildup to sex and then i really just do not want to write it. i can fade to black or otherwise gloss over it, sure. whatever. but then i have to write something AFTER IT and i also dont know what to do with that.
like i have a little bit im working on ...... as much as i dont want it to feel abrupt i just want it to be OVERRRR . i dont want to wrap up anything, i dont want to think about this. the dramatic spoiled artist in my brain is throwing a tantrum. It's Whatever. this isnt my magnum opus, its just me trying to exorcise myself of the ince/st kink demon again . it never works and i feel real weird about it. like am i propagandizing atp? im scared im passing this kink onto others accidentally. sorry im like this. nobody look at me. anyway
i dont want this to be Good as much as i want it to be Done <- lying
i could try to cut it off early . but oh my god if i ended it as soon as they start making out thats weird, i dont like that flow. if i cut it as soon as theyre in bed together thats ... tht only works if its a fade to black and then we come back afterwards right? wouldnt it be strange to have 5k words of buildup, then they kiss and it fades to black, and then thats it?
reading that, i might feel cheated. but my god i do not want to write another bj i dont want to write them actually doing it. i would NEVER get around to finishing that. like i said. i am so close to burnout i need to figure out how to end this quick. i wanna do it TONIGHTTTT.
and i think i do need to add more. i guess the morning after?
ughhhgh sghdhgshgshdskgks dgshkld gsd hsd js dsdkskfhsdkjfs dksjkhdf ksjhdfks jdhfksj dfksjdhfkjshdfkjshdf
ok ok .
because, i do want to play with the fallout a little. i have ideas. but i am also so so tired. of this i mean. (the fallout is ofc that they fuck again. which i also won't write.)
ok current game plan.
i go back into the document. i have an hr n a half. i write up a short aftersex interaction and end it whenever it feels right. do NOT make it long enough to let them leave the room. it is a SHORT conversation. then i go back and finalize the fadeout sex.
at this point i probably will have to leave (friday niteee bb) (i am a very slow writer) but when i get back i can go over the highlighted text ive marked to edit / research / etc... clean it up quickly. then do the ao3 format stuff i suppose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! add tags summary etc.
....yeah ! yeah i guess.
writing fanfic is all about learning who u are as a writer i think. id like to move on to personal projects someday yk... first thing ive learned: do not let urself edit the same 15 pages on an eternal ocd loop: u will explode and die before u get to the actual end
anyway after this i promise to write all that cousin sex. somehow i have never lost interest in that au. having friends to talk ab ur au with always makes them more fun
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ask-rw-dark-au · 5 months
Hello, you don't really need to answer this ask. I just enjoy your blog and well, idn, I just want to give a little bit of advice/encouragement. I'm bad with words, specially in English, which is not my first language, please don't take this as an insult or offense, I really tried to just come here in friendly terms (terms? That's how you said it? Idn 😅)
What I wanted to say it's, whatever you do in any fandom it's always best to do it for intrinsic motivators, specially if the fandoms are small. Having engament it's great, I'm a fanfic writer, I know that feeling of seeing any comment in my stories, but I learned long ago that I must do things for myself, for my personal enjoyment and fulfilment.
Don't get me wrong, i enjoy your blog, you will probably figure out who I am bc I'm gonna reblog stuff lmao but you know, do this for your own personal happiness, not to seek engament. I have stories from 2013 and even 2015 that to this day have no comments but I'm fine with it. I really enjoyed writing them and I'm proud of them, even if they have almost no engament at all, I wouldn't delete them for any reason <3
What I try to say it's try to not seek motivation in extrinsic motivators like engament and just do it to have fun! Do it for you, not expecting attention, but to just have fun and feel nice inside. Do gender bend, play with sexuality and relationships, explore and come out with new designs and lore, and enjoy it fully. Don't be afraid to take breaks if you need and come back when you feel like yeah, I wanna have fun with this again! I may be shooting myself in the foot since I'm saying dude take a break if you need, that it's totally fine, even tho I wnana see more of your ideas, but seriously, your personal enjoyment comes first :D
So yeah, have fun, ignore the haters and all that people that don't get what Au means can go live under a rock ;v
Have a nice day/night 😘
thank you so much for the ask !!!!! im answering it so other people can see since i think this is a really really good message,,,
i do my best to do things for my own enjoyment, and i do absolutely LOVE this au and i love making it :3333
however, ive always struggled with doing things i enjoy because of how often its ignored by friends, family, ect, so im prone to forgetting even though it was enjoyable
engagement helps me remember it exists, helps me get new ideas, and mostly helps me know that its worth posting to places. i dont enjoy doing things when nobody knows it exists, and although im not sure why, its kinda just how it goes for me idk man SHGSSGD
ive been taking breaks periodically throughout winter break, and thats why i usually answer asks in short bursts since it means they all build up and then i can answer them all at once :3 i get myself hyped to answer and then i can and it works pretty well for me,,,
fr man i think. i think that "au" is a bigpart of the "ask rw dark au"
sure, just about nothing in this au is the same as canon, but thats. thats the point of an au im just silly like that !!!!!!
ive been working on not relying on engagement to enjoy things, ive been getting better about it and i have been able to make things just because i like them
idk if it makes sense or not, but sometimes it feels like i shouldnt enjoy something when nobody else does or seems to, you know? ive struggled with people pleasing for years as well as having problems with adhd / anxiety (unmedicated) making it difficult for me to kinda just. do things guh
im not saying this bc i disagree because i dont at all i completely agree with what youre saying and i do genuinely appreciate this !!!!!
im working on getting better abt it and i think im going to delete the reblog post soon just because i dont really think its worth it, hopefully if i just keep answering asks and making designs and drawing these silly creatures ill be able to get past the worry that people dont like it and just start posting because i like it !!!
thank you so much !!!!!!!
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Are you gonna continue writing? Bc now that the news broke, a lot of my favourite writers are saying they gonna stop😭😭😭 and idk if I could withstand another of my favourite authors stop writing 💜😭
I could never stop. i'm serious.
i have been writing for the better part of the last 15 years. thats the only thing ive ever wanted to do with my life, it's been my only dream and im in too deep to give up on it now. and i hope- I think i'm finally starting to get a sorta good handle on it? like my writing's finally not half bad right?
bts have been my muses for the last 6 years since 2017, and i think i'll always be writing little bits of them into the stories that i write. weather or not i'll be writing bts fanfic in perpetuity is another thing- they say the average muse lasts for 10 years so i think you have at least another 4 of me writing bts fanfic and stuff. but i'd also really like to win the non-proverbial dream lottery and be able to support myself off my writing,
I've had this idea for a novel in my head that isn't bts related for a long time that i think i want to try and write one day soon. but definitly not before the end of bily. it would be a short story and since i regularly pull out 15k per update for bily it would only take me like...3 bily updates to write.
but anyway no! i don't have any plans to stop writing!
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demadogs · 10 months
I think red white and royal blue feels sorta fanfiction-y (not necessarily in a bad way) but it doesn’t have the preexisting emotional attachment to the characters that makes a lot of fanfiction work. I’ve read through fics that probably would have been super boring to me if they were original stories, but I was able to at least somewhat enjoy them because I already cared about the people the story was about. If the genre of story isn’t your thing there’s established investment to make you care about these characters or their story
yeah this is a good comparison. i loved the book but the movie didnt hit the same at ALL. it kinda felt like a disney channel movie. but not even one of the good ones like a bad disney channel movie that makes you cringe. it felt immature like it was made for kids or like it was a fanfic written by a kid and that was really disappointing bc the main characters are in their early to mid 20s so i was hoping for something that felt less like a high school romcom but it definitely seemed like they were targeting a younger audience.
i also think alex and henry’s actors just werent that good. not even ten minutes in i was skeptical of alex’s actor it just seemed sooo scripted and fake and it took me out of the movie immediately. idk who i wouldve casted but i dont think either of them were good choices. but maybe thats just bc of the material they were given, its hard to tell.
but yeah youre right it felt like beginner writer’s fanfic. ive read fanfics that were waaay better. i once read a rwrb au of snowbaz and it fucking slapped and im def gonna reread it as soon as im done answering this.
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
Hey Krikkit. How is life? Hope you're finding time to write and relax, despite the madness of work. I've got 2 questions as usual because I'm indecisive af.
I want to know how you lay out those emotional sucker punches and where you draw your limits in terms of tropes, character interactions or plot lines.
Also, I'm really enjoying 'Right As Rain' on AO3. (Everyone who sees this -> fic recommendation). Right, I'm meant to be editing now but I'm hungry and I blame AO3/Tumblr for distracting me. Speak soon!
hey Terra! well, i had a traumatizing experience involving a foreign object stuck in a patient's orifice so i haven't really relaxed since then, but i did post a one shot today haha! hope you're well!
thank you so much for saying that, your comment made me so happy!! i'm currently writing right as rain's next chapter but the whole fic is growing so much more than i'd planned so idk where the fuck it's gonna stop??? very excited for the ride anyway 😊
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
i love surprising turns of events, whether the funny or gut-wrenching type, although i find them particularly hard to write! i also adore writing tiny details into my fics, like little hints of my own headcanons for a ship or clues about what's coming next (in the fic or in canon), making those little inside jokes and waiting to see if commenters pick up on them. i try very hard to "show and not tell" my characters' feelings and emotions, and it makes me very proud whenever i feel like i've succeeded at doing that (i also live for indirect proofs of love and external POV in the same vein!)
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
i don't know?? give me some examples if you want, cause i really can't think of anything.
like, it's even more interesting and challenging to write Nope At First Sight tropes, you know what i mean? i personally think a character is only OOC if you don't pave a good enough way for your reader to get to that point with you, and what's important is whatever you write that makes your character do whatever it is you wanted to get them to do.
i have no idea if thats actually answers the question lmao sorry
send me some emoji fanfic writer asks
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pnjrnk · 2 years
GUYSGUYSGUYS Ok i have a really good gregstophe idea but i cant write it cause if i do im gonna butcher it, here it is (the dialogue i wrote is optional lmao):
gregory is a missionary. hes the type that goes door to door and he gives them pamphlets before they can say anything and starts talking about sky daddy. maybe you can see where this is going.
one fateful day he knocks on a door. who else but christophe opens it. greg starts his whole spiel, but tophe straight up interrupts him “if i wanted to watch a twink suck his masters dick i would look on pornhub.” gregory is appalled “excuse me?? that is incredibly crude and disrespectful! you should be ashamed of speaking in such a vile way under the eyes of our great Lord.”
“hes a great big asshole, thats what he is,” christophe says. this sparks a very heated argument consisting of gregory talking about how good god is and christophe making quips about how he actually sucks. it gets cold, so christophe invites him inside while still arguing. gregory agrees, still arguing, and tophe makes them hot chocolate and they continue to argue. soon they order food, still arguing.
hours pass and eventually they both calm down. they agree to disagree, and they exchange numbers “so we can continue the debate some other time”. and now theyre boyfriends the end :)
to all the gregstophe fanfic writers out there: im just sayin it would be a really cute fic and i need u to write it because i 100% would mess it up if i tried
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cassidysparacosm · 1 year
King Andrias Leviathan, Lord of Amphibia. Peacekeeper of a thousand years and the first of his name.
Thank you for the ask :D
She ra
• Favorite character: Glimmer
• Least Favorite character: did the purple goat person ever get a name?
• 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Glimmadora, Scorfuma, Glitradora, and thats it
• Character I would be best friends with: bow would like be the best person to hang out with ever
• a random thought: fun fact theres a character called sans undertale. Im serious
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• An unpopular opinion: Micah deserved more screentime
• My Canon OTP: Scorfuma
• My Non-canon OTP: Glimmadora
• Most Badass Character: Scorpia
• Most Epic Villain: idk
• Pairing I am not a fan of: catradora. Im sorry. With the right redemption arc i couldve shipped it but i just dislike the way it turned
•Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
• Favourite Friendship: The og friendship squad,, i love em.
• Character I most identify with: Glimmer
• Character I wish I could be: Mermista
• When I started shipping them: gonna be honest i was pretty late on the huntlow train, it wasnt til thanks to them that i got on board
• My thoughts: its neat. Doesnt really remarkably stand out for me but i dont mind it.
• What makes me happy about them: trauma buddies helping each other recover. If thats not goals i dont know what is
• What makes me sad about them: that so much s3 was cut out so we only saw snapshots of their interactions
• Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i havnt read any huntlow fanfics
• Things | look for in fanfic: hurt/comfort
• Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I originally shipped willuz at the start of the series so probs that, but with amity included bc poly relationships are better than love triangles. As for hunter i dont really have anyone i ship him with. I think i see him as aroace lol
King Andrias
• How I feel about this character: mixed feelings. I think hes unreasonable in his past actions and hes a bit of a coward- though i get why, with aldrich and the core in his head all the time. Happy with the ending he got though. Not dead but none of his actions being downplayed by the cast.
•Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: i think if andrias hadnt changed then him and Leif and Barrel coulda been sweet together.
• My unpopular opinion about this character: i dont get why he had to be a robot? It came outta nowhere and i woulda just been fine thinking he was just immortal. It raises so many questions like did his body start decomposing at some point from old age?? Or as soon as he was king was he wired on with cyborg parts.
• One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: see above answer. Also wish wed seen more of his family, like his mom or something. Where did he come from??? If his species is planet destroyers is his species even originally from amphibia? Srsly tho where momdrias at
• Favorite friendship for this character: Leif and barrel
• My crossover ship: i know some people would want me to say Belosdrias but
Darkstalker andrias anyone? /j
Also thank you for the ask game! Just a heads up for others seein this, my ask box is still open and im eager to share my OSC opinions
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the-kipsabian · 10 months
🥺 🎢 ✨ ⛔ ❌ 🎃 🎯 👀 🧠 (orange cassidy :3c) 📚
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? answered here ~
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? i dooooont? really think i have one that would count in this? im leaning towards immortal fears but its not that obvious yet, but thats probably one with the twists and turns its promised to have so. that one lol
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉 im allowed to answer this one again, right lol? i like my characters with distinguished voices and i think i give them to them. and i think im good at it so
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? oh so many.. somehow most of them include chris lmao. the reunion fic with him and kip. so many with him and drew. the caring taking one after chris popped his shoulder. the blindfold fic. so so many
❌ What's a trope you will never write? answered here ~
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic? i dont think i have any up tbh lol, but ive always been very fond of christmas themed fics. i'd love to say halloween, but due to cultural differences thats never been a staple for me. even christmas is difficult cause of the same reasons, so i guess its more about seasonal stuff than holidays for me, really? so in that case yeah fall and winter tropes my beloveds
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which? years ago when everything i did was longform yeah. these days not so much, buuuuut ive had few correct speculations in tags of immortal fears. i'll leave it at that lol (and im always so happy when i see people speculating and guessing things, especially if they grab onto hooks im setting up cause nothing makes me !!!!! more as a writer actually planning my stories than that! so!!)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! this is probably a copout lol, but i have a three parter hanahaki fic with kip and chuck coming out hopefully soon! i personally really like it so far so i hope it hits more people too, but yeah its gonna be angsty! and sad!! and i love every second of it!!! i hope youre ready :)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. this is no secret, but agender!oc. hes just so beyond of caring about how he presents himself (he cares a little about how he is perceived tbh but usually he doesnt take it personally, its just how it is) and what he identifies with. hes not a man, not a woman, not in the binary. hes just orange <3
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career? i have.. wanted this for like twenty years lol. unfortunately its incredibly difficult thing to do, even more so in my corner of the world cause our circles are so ridiculously much smaller, that theres. only a handful of veeeery famous names that make a living with writing. which i guess is what always puts me back in my hopes and dreams, but maybe one day. i'd love to at least write and publish something, even if its self published. i have plenty of ideas that i would just need to write tbh, but then theres language barriers and everything so.. its a difficult thing
short answer - yes absofuckinglutely. ive always wanted that, just getting there is really hard for me
fanfic writer asks ~
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the-blaze-empress · 1 year
For the fanfic writer asks: 14, 21, and 29?
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
take my arms 100%. theres This One Scene thats gonna be in a chapter soon that would look soooo cooool as an animation oml!! but yeah take my arms my BELOVED <333
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
uhhh no not that i can remember. i get Too Attached to my darlings so i dont kill them <3. ill edit stuff down if it really needs it but otherwise i tend to work out ways so i dont have to delete stuff
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
“Are there things you’ve never told me?” Ranboo’s question was genuine, almost sad, but only in the way he tended to speak, knowing he knew so little and was doomed to never remember what was important.  “Yep.”  The sun was setting, shadows creeping up the rough stone walls steadily, bright lights of Las Nevadas flickering to life across the river. Across the single wall that had caused so much unnecessary strife.  Tubbo had laid his hand out now, had shown Quackity his ace, for better or for worse. Ranboo had fought for him, had fought beside him, and for what? For a lie, for a façade, for something Tubbo hadn’t told him. And yet here they were.  “Are there… things you told me—only me—that I’ve forgotten?” “Yep.” Tubbo sat, swinging his feet over the edge of the cliff perched building, leaning back and looking out. He had to admit, there was something enticing about the multicoloured sparkle of Las Nevadas. “Were they important?”
man i forgot how good this was, i just reread the entirety of what i have of that fic and i will NEVER be able to write a better tubbo or ranboo oml what was i ON /pos
fanfic writer ask game
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