#thats my 2cent
anawkwardlady · 2 years
re-watching the "Envy" video by Natalie Wynn, it comforts me as someone who probably embodies this sin so fucking much. Heres the thing tho, I think that since I started being open and embracing it "publicly" (online), I absolutely didn't experience any growth HOWEVER I did make it more sexy.
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prof-peach · 8 months
Hey Prof! Do you think it’s possible that Toxicroak and that extinct Sneasler evolution fill a similar niche? I mean: They’re both Poison/Fighting Types and they both have those prominent poison blades
Hm. I feel like its a case of Convergent evolution more than them filling the same niche with regards to the body shapes. Some methods of applying poison to foe or navigating require that kind of shape and style of body. The adaptions arent far off a Grafaiai (a single more poisonous finger shaped adaption) Gallade (with its boney "blades"), or even sandslash (long talons like Sneasler), it's a common evolutionary adaption to climb, tear, dig, pierce or otherwise utilise attacks in their suited environment. While ones clawed with hooks, the other is a boney straight(ish) protrusion, they differ wildly in how theyre used day to day, attacks out of the question they don't perform the same.
Both come from wildly different biomes too with ho shared genetic heritage. Mountain climbing though done by a few very large, select subspecies of Toxicroak, is not something they handle by climbing like Sneasler did. Theyre jumpers, at best theyll amble along where they can and make a leap for the next ledge. Swampy biomes tended to be too warm for Sneasler too, they only really seemed to migrate down for short periords of time to hunt, before returning to the saftey of the mountains and their dens. They havent had to adapt to the same climates, prey, predators, or environments.
Kind of like saying all normal/flying types fit the same brief, but y'know, they dont haha. A beak shape in a pidgey VS the beak shape of a hoothoot arent too far apart at a glance, but their small differences make them unique and specialised for their habitats and hunting styles.
We're also not even looking at the wild difference in autonomy in terms of Toxicroak being cold blooded, and Sneasler being warm blooded, meaning their bodies run completly differently. I dunno, i'm struggling to see the true link from a biology standpoint, but thats just me.
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packsvlog · 2 months
hi there cutie i hope you’re well! i was hoping i could get a jjk match-up? PRETTY PLEASE AND THANK YOU ❤️
- i’m pretty short, 155cm 🫣 and on the curvier side. i like to wear heels for this reason lmaoo
- i’ve always wanted to be one of those mysterious girlies who have an intense aura and makes others wonder what’s going on inside their head, but i’m too loud, bubbly and expressive to be anything like that 😔
- i’m not a shy person by any means, i love meeting new people and making friends always came easy to me. i can talk someone’s ear off about any and everything, even i’ve only known them for 5 minutes 😭 i’d like to be more reserved in that sense but ITS SO HARD bc i like to say what’s on my mind and always feel the need to put my 2cents in every topic even if no one asked.
- i make myself giggle with my own jokes.
- have been told that being around me can feel like such a ‘rush’ due to how lively and chirpy i am. i try to hold myself back bc i don’t like overwhelming people.
- really into makeup and fashion, and in general just always making sure i look my best. i’ve been told my hair and eyes are my best features.
- i can be a bit of an airhead sometimes, most of the time. i trip over air, have butterfingers, i could be looking for something only for that thing to have been in my hand the whole time, that sort of stuff 😪
- i like collecting plushies, especially cute foodie ones!
- i’m a violinist. when i play, it’s the only time i feel like i have my shit together 🤩
- i love anything taro flavoured; drinks, steamed buns, cakes, etc..
- i buy fresh flowers every week bc they’re pretty and bring life into any room/space 🌸
THATS ENOUGH IM SORRY super keen to see who you pair me with me! 🙈💕
OHH, HIII!! i’ve been waiting to do yours since the ask you send me, yayyyy!!!
•⁀➷ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . ﹫ 𝘨𝘰𝘫𝘰 ៹ ༉‧₊˚
everyone in jujutsu tech knew that the universe was against them, not because they are sorceress and their life will be short, is more for the fact that you and gojo satoru met, and it became everyone’s problem.
the moment gojo sat by your side, he a second year and you a first, he barely introduced himself before shifting his attention to your heels as part of your uniform.
“how do you run from a curse with this shoes?” he asks.
“i’ll show you.” you got up from the bench and started to run. he was impressed, but thought he could do better.
few hours later, returning from a shopping spree sponsored by the gojo clan, you both are running in stilettos on school ground. sorry to say it, but he won the race.
you can try to be a mysterious girl, and it can work the first few minutes with your friends and strangers, but never with satoru. one look at you, and he knows what you’re thinking. both of you develop this head and eye signs to understand each other, and it creeps geto and nanami a lot.
satoru loves to have you rambling whatever it’s on your mind. you read a newspaper about a random topic, such as the eldest animal alive, and somehow you will start to talk as if you personally knew the creature. gojo, always enchanted, will encourage it.
if no one asks, he does.
gojo knew he had to have you, and so he did. now, years later, when adulthood has reached, the male is still as devoted to you and your babbling as he was before.
you don’t think there has been a day you held yourself back from talking. on your first week living together in a penthouse, gojo came home tired from a mission, you kept yourself quiet while hugging him, until he tugged you along to the bathroom.
“talk to me.” he says while starting his shower, you sat on the floor while whispering of your week, and when gojo was drying himself you were already explosive yapping about anything and him mimicking you.
you’re his energy.
gojo loves to see you walking around barefoot, he is reminded of his first time seeing it. how short you became right away, how he laughed at your cuteness. you told him that it’s not big deal, he is taller than anyone no matter what. but, it’s you — his favorite person in the world, barely reaching his chest.
when you play violin and he is at the house, you know he will drop anything to come your way and sit, staring at you until your cheeks grow red and you have to pause your playing to beg him to stop.
“i’m not doing anything.” he raises his hand, innocent eyes and devilish smirk. “just appreciating the show.
so, you will play again, not daring to look at him but feeling all his six eyes on you. devoted.
a good word to express satoru’s love for you — it’s always for you, always has been and will be.
──── 𓇼 ° ⋆ FUN FACTS ᵎᵎ
۫ ּ ﹗satoru loves that he knows you better than no one, and the best way he found to prove that to himself, others and you is by spoiling. he randomly picks you up from your job and takes you to the mall, anything you stare for more than five seconds will be bought. usually those things are high heels, clothes and makeup.
۫ ּ ﹗you both know he doesn’t need you that to buy it, he knows you’d style and what compliments you the most, and vice versa as well. whenever you both go out to a fancy place, all eyes are on you. two pretty bad bitches.
۫ ּ ﹗weekly dates are a requirement, they aren’t usually fancy, because you both rather be somewhere allowed to be a little weird and loud. so, cute bakeries and picnics are a must. he always buys you the taro flavored, he also likes to ask to taste only to say it sucks.
۫ ּ ﹗you and gojo have a little play fight every week, both coming home with bouquets and trying to out-stand the other. satoru mostly looses, but every month he comes home with the flowers, a taro drink and a new plushie to your collection, so he wins.
۫ ּ ﹗he is a little shit with your antics. you trip over something and he is there to catch you, saying “did you fall for me?” yes, idiot. and if you are looking for something in your hand, he won’t tell you, he will indulge in it, searching with you. such a bitch.
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sunnydbd · 3 months
some fanart of HEAT STROKE! by @zorno-graphic on ao3 + 3L!Scar
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
text in second pic: You're a messy eater
uncensored link : ❤︎︎
twt : @ sunnybutlame
the rest of this post is just yapping abt the fic,, so light spoilers for heat stroke!
ngl im super nervous posting this and idk why??(i do, its bc im tagging the author..)
anyway, i didnt think this fic would ever be finished as the months went on and rolled over into next year but then i got the email notification and nearly screamed(yes that is embarrassing to admit..)
i cant, and probably could never, fully explain the sheer amount of detail that zorn put into this fic(and also the other fic ive read from them, Tweetheart, which is my roman empire) youll get more insight, and far less rambling brain slurry from the recesses of my animal brain, if you read both the fic and the comments as discussions on there are far more introspective citing direct quotes from the fic also have great author feedback, the rest of this post is something i wanted to note
the fic is riddled with contrasting elements(im mostly focusing on chapter 2 when i say this as its fresh in my mind) like in the descriptors, monologue, and characterization. 
comparatively Grian’s and Scar’s characters are complete opposites, Grian’s invasive to intimacy and outright tries to deny it(trying to physically leave their house) while Scar is the one who initiates the intimacy and craves vulnerability(not saying Grian doesnt initiates anything between the two just that Scar is less repressed.)
a similar example of this is in the sex scenes, the inherent intimacy of sex and how Grian acts during(practically begging sometimes) is contradictory to his established character, standoffish(once again im directing you to the comments as lovely user sheepfriend and zorn have a great conversation further explaining Grian’s character better than i am) while Scar is so delightfully pathetic and almost takes a submissive role(??) which is against his confident demeanor throughout the fic(dunno know where else to mention this but i love the uses of dog imagery for Scar its just so good, mwah chef kiss)
 in Grian’s inner monologue he feels remorse when looking at the scars hes caused on Scar’s body but then later on, still in his inner monologue, revels in the fact that hes left his physical mark on Scar(again reading those comments from sheepfriend and zorn give far more insight) 
water and thirst is often used as a metaphor for desire in the more intimate scenes, "Water sidling up to the hard coast that is Scar’s body, the firm landing strip of bones.”, “He’s thirsty, he realizes, the withering curling need gathering on his tongue and down his throat.” this imagery is very contrasting to their environment, which is a desert, and also to the catalyst of the fic, Grian’s heat(in an etymologic sense rather than in the context of the fic)
theres in fact no thesis statement to this long post aside from the fact that zorn loves the use of contrast(thats the entirety of the 2cents i wanted to chip in,) but if you want a far better explanation of the insane rambling i just wrote i direct you to this lovely post by zorn from his blog ! i recommend if you havent read HEAT STROKE!(or Tweetheart because its good !!) you should read the fic first and then the post as it really puts the vibe you get throughout both fics into words❤︎︎❤︎︎
honestly zorn's writings have greatly influenced my writing and(when i first read Tweetheart) got me back into writing, their writing style is so good and is chalk-full of detail and care i truly cant recommend their works enough or put it into words(which is why this paragraph is so rambling,,)the sheer amount of creativity and detail in every aspect of his fics❤︎︎❤︎︎
also, didnt know where else to mention it, i love the way zorn writes Grian's and Scar's dynamic(like?? hellofjdkj???)
i have no idea if this makes any sense i havent slept in hours and its catching up to me,,.
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kittysauce · 1 year
hello hello fellow lxlight lesbian here can i add my 2cents about why its popular with lesbians imo? partially bc of the unfulfilled aspect of it. they never admit (or even realize??) their feelings for each other could be anything other than hate and begrudging admiration. And even when they do start to become 'actual friends' (aka the yotsuba arc) theres no going back, the plan is already in motion. There's so many barriers between them ideologically, philosophically, realistic, social, etc. If they met on other terms, its entirely possible they'd work well together (co-workers, romance, mentorship, friends etc) but fate has put them on opposing sides and they both refuse to back down. it has this feeling of doomed romance (VERY YURI) and unresolved or suppressed feelings (VERY YURI) and thats something a lot of lesbians can relate to. killing someone bc you cant admit you have a crush on them?? yuri. most of my early crushes were hopelessly onesided or on straight girls which feels very 'in another life we could've been great together' which is sooooooo lxlight as well.
ASKER YOU ARE A GENIUS. Thank u sm i'm gonna think about this for the rest of my life
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ok i wanted to write out my thoughts cause its something thats been making me insane but like i think a lot of the reactions to the tumblr verified thing on both sides are like. really overblown and just kind of idk bad? to explain like i think that the post circulating that has screenshots of who has the checkmark where a lot of people in the tags and replies are using it to justify harassment is really uncalled for. I know someone who like has one just because its funny and like $8 or whatever and they have so many people sending them death threats and like calling them selfish/entitled/etc despite the fact that like they're not coming from a place of a lot of money, it was just something they got for themselves as a treat. obviously this doesnt apply to like people who spent hundreds for like fake internet clout but i think that dogpiling and justifying harassment en masse to anyone with the checkmark is like a really dangerous precedent to set. the argument ive mostly seen is if they spent money on the site they arent donating and therefore are bad people and should donate just feels like youre making up a guy to get mad at and using it to justify mass harassment. On the other hand I do think that its good to be critical of supporting a site that has history of racism and bad moderation decisions. I think that it's good to be skeptical of giving money to people who've made bad decisions in the past and that while it would be nice to be able to support tumblr and make sure it stays running etc, this should also be considered in tangent with how their current staff are treating racism, transphobia, etc. The problem is we should be able to be critical of this without using this as moral high ground to harass people who are potentially also coming from a place of low income. I think these ideas need to co-exist and be dialed down like 50%. Tumblr isn't going to die outright if you dont send it $100 and people arent willingly killing people because they got 1 checkmark.
Its really easy to also get emotionally invested in this discussion because a lot of us are suffering at the hands of capitalism and seeing someone able to spend money on something is sparking like the idea of "well that should have gone to me/someone who needs it" which is ykno something that appeals very heavily to emotion.
tldr i think that like harassing people and making huge vitriolic posts abt people with tumblr verified is preformative and reads like "there are starving children in africa" rather than like genuine criticism. it feels reactionary and overblown and is being used to justify harassment. thats just my 2cents tho
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hiii sky... i was thinking about Face and wanted to share with u. So, we know that Face started to be written by jm during PTD on stage and that Like Crazy is about jimin's problem with alcohol and feeling lost. We can see that, during PTD LV, jm and jk were being weird with eo. IMO, they were together, but they were having some problems, because we can see they were out of sync w eo. And jm told us that he started to see he was in trouble during PTD LV. Now, if we look to what happened this year: jk reacted to smf pt 2 a lot of times, but he didnt talk about Like Crazy, didnt react to the mv, only to a youtube short of jimin dancing it. He only really acknowledge the song when he reacted to jm singing an acoustic version in that show, but that was after face promotions and in a time that clearly jk was feeling better himself.
My 2cents: IMO, the problems jm and jk were facing during PTD LV had everything to do with what jm was going through. I think jk was experiencing the worst watching it all and not knowing what to do to help. Its so difficult to deal w seeing people that r close to u hurt and lost. People that r having drinking problems tend to think they r in control and that everything is ok, refusing help (jm even talked about, on suchwita, that he thought for a long time that he was just having fun), but the person that is seeing it all in the front row knows that they r not ok. Jk was lost like jimin since he was watching all of it by his side. And on PTD LV, althought they were kind off stiff w eo, we can see the love is there, we can see jk being loud and showing to the world but mostly to Jm his love for him. I think jk was being careful and trying to remember jimin that he (jm) is important to him. Then, jm finally started to get his head together and to work on Face. With Letter, jm told us that he had someone with him during all of the journey he is telling us with Face. After setting him free, he acknowledge that person and expressed the wish to repay all the help that person gave to him. This person isnt army, its Jk. Jk is proud of jimin, thats why he loves smf pt 2 so much and even let out a little smile with the part "Look at me now, I won't stop, even if they mock me". And jm is glad he has jk, so he wrote a song to him and asked him to do backing vocals to it in the most romantic part.
Hello anon,
Ooooh. This is very interesting. I like your theory.
I always found it odd how Jk didn't focus on Like Crazy. I guess some people (them haters) could see this as Jk being competitive -_- but I think that this song, since it shows how lost and lonely Jimin was, was hard on Jk too.
I also find it odd how fans would really think that the entirety of Letter is for them, when they had no idea what Jimin was going through and helped him in no way. It was Jk who was there. Letter is hidden just like Jk has had to be hidden from Jimin's life.
And yes! It definitely something the way Jk reacted to Set Me Free pt. 2. He knows more than anyone how things were.
Your theory makes sense to me!
Thanks for sharing.
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jiminrings · 1 year
on that discussion of oc feeling like she settled for 478jk - i know we're on 478jk hate train but i feel like thats not fair to jungkook😭😭😭 I THINK OC IS VALID!! and i know its normal to think about the "what ifs" especially after what jk did to her but so far the general trend is that oc does nothing wrong and everything is jks fault but relationships go both ways and everyone has flaws!! but everytime i read asks or drabbles it feels like oc would much rather be with someone else LMAO😭 it would suck if the only reason shes with jk is bc they have a daughter together and it would suck even more if jk knew / or felt thats one of the biggest reasons theyre still tgt🥲🥲 justicefor478jk 💔 SORRY i still love the series but wanted to give my 2cents hehe
i GET WHERE YER COMING FROM!!!! 478jk did do wrong but atm he's getting dragged thru the mud so i think all the hate (?) towards him now is belated retribution 😭😭😭 dgm wrong oc really has faults too but it happens that the general target audience for 478 (n fics in general) wud want to see oc being in the clear more than the other way around!!! the little glimpse of it was when an anon requested a drabble where this time she did all the groveling <3 dw oc Loves 478jk with everything n she's not only in it for hwayoung :)
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stonerzelda · 2 years
This is a dumb thing to be posting abt at 24 yrs old but its so annoying 2 me when ppl draw young mipha and link and mipha is like still fully grown. How do u know she wasnt just as tiny as he was huh. Huh. Just because zoras live longer doesnt mean they dont age similarly maybe they just get BIGGER maybe link and mipha ARE the same age but she died when she was like 17 or 18 or whatever, if she hadnt maybe she'd just be huge like Sidon got to be. Or her dad even Huh. Huh
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whatadaze · 5 years
it’s funny how instead of bashing on an individuals CHARACTER, people would rather bash on a whole SEXUALITY
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ang3leyes · 5 years
they arent reading the smut they just found out its his weakness and use it to their advantage (is what i like to think was implied in that post)
I hate this I hate this I hate that this is an ask I just got about that fucking pennywise post I hate this
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onehookeduphedgehog · 7 years
honestly I personally can’t stand in sonadow fics where shadow is very forward, sadistic, flirting equally if not doing all the flirting, teasing constantly, ect ect like everyone loves it and its clearly the most popular form of sonadow but I just flat out DONT like it im sorry lmao
 I’m like the total opposite, I interpret him as very reserved and shy, Sonic would have to be the one to make the first move, do all the flirting, ect. He’s not easy at expressing his feelings and is very cold and stoic overall. 
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weirdsht · 2 years
warning: a long ranting character analysis ahead. its a character analysis but i put my own personal experience in it hence why a rant. also my vocabulary sucks and i might use wrong words im sorry in advance difuhgopeihpgerty
not sure if this is because i'm a humanities student or its just i can relate because of what i realized while trying to find out about myself but i have some 2cents about Cale's personality.
everything happened late to Cale and that has a big impact on his beliefs and values
it was too late when he met the Soos and became freinds with them. it was too late when that grandma doted on him.
because from what i learned its hard to undo your mindset specially when it has been built up since you were young
consciously or unconsciously
from since he was young cale probably unconsciously concluded that he isn't worth that much and that things could always be worse than this
thats why as long as his alive that's good enough for him. even if his barely on the edge of living with his plate in shambles
like even though Jung Soo and Soo Hyuk and other people he has met later on showed him and tried to teach him that what his doing isnt okay. that he should have higher standards and not just settle for "at least i'm alive". they can't really reset years of accumulated mindset
basically what im saying is its nearly impossible to undo trauma guys
specially with what he went through during his childhood since childhoods always have a great affect in our lives
it doesn't matter if the treatment change or the one inflicting it is gone, once you get used to thinking like that it's hard to turn back y'know
idk how to explain so i'll give a personal example instead
my mom is an overachiever and is very intelligent, and as her child she also expect me to be the same or even surpass her, she's also someone who has a lot of trust issues specially in relationships
imagine that mixing and being projected lol
so for years its just her grilling me to do better. saying that i'm lazy and not putting enough effort on my studies because i can't maintain being a honor student, not realizing the fact fact that maybe, just maybe it's just that i'm not as smart as her. even her standards are crazy high, just passing isn't enough heck a passing grade is a fail for her (asian mom's amiright)
and that also became detrimental to my social life because she's always comparing. she also keeps engraving that they don't really care for me and such and u know the typical manipulation
but nowadays she's calmed downed a bit. she's more open about me having friends and she isn't as strict about me being an honorable student
did that change anything? not really lmaoo
because in the back of my mind i'm thinking that if i dont do well she's gonna have an outburst again, or if i tell her about my friends she's going to say all sorts of things again and i don't want to lonely again. and so the result is me being constantly on guard and her wondering why im hostile
i hope that explains how it greatly affect things
you bring those thoughts and beliefs with you even when you grow up. even when things get better. whether you realize it or not
its really just something you can't get rid of honestly
and that's what i think happened to cale
unknowingly getting the share of White Star's curse made him lose everything he loves and care for
his parents dying
his uncle abusing him
him getting abandoned
just the world falling in ruin
all those things probably made him unintentionally come to the conclusion that he isn't really worth much, and view things that other people would consider necessity, the basic necessities, a luxury
i'd like to believe that maybe he was slowly getting rid of that toxic mindset when he was with the Soos
then boom
they dead now
and so since that's what happened the one time he let his guard down his walls built up even more and his coping mechanisms got worse than they originally were
so probably thats why he acts the way he does when he finally became Cale
that's why this lovable mfer is so guarded, oblivious and so annoyingly dense
i just want for him to break out of it honestly. it wouldn't even matter to me if he realizes it or not. tbh him not realizing it is probably better. just accept the love being given to you damnit
and i thank you, thank you for coming to my ted talk HAHAHAHAHAHHASDGIUUSTPGW
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slafkovskys · 2 years
Brendan & Thom need another year at umich, with all the older guys leaving they can really benefit from an additional year where they’d be part of that leadership group and develop without being overshadowed by all the other highly rated prospects… thats just my 2cents I might be wrong tho thats just my opinion hehe
obviously the extra year of development wouldn’t hurt for either of them, but if they feel they they’re ready to be pro 🤷🏻‍♀️
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violentviolette · 3 years
Do people who have npd automatically have aspd? Or are there people with npd who do not have aspd as well? Like I see on tumblr most have npd/aspd in combo.
no, they are two distinct disorders and while they are very frequently comorbid they are not automatically so
tho iirc they do have the highest comorbidity rate among the cluster b disorders. but its absolutely possible and the most likely scenario to have one without the other
the reason u see a lot of people on tumblr claim comorbidity of these two is because when ur doing self assements and self dx its actually pretty difficult to tell the difference between the two. even in a clinical setting it takes a lot of time and a lot of introspection
these are also some of the most commonly known disorders, and it seems npd is having its Moment the way bpd did a few years ago and aspd did after that where everyone learns about trauma and cluster b disorders and dxs themselves with half the cluster
(something that is not a thing btw. 2 pds from the same cluster is common, 3 is pretty rare, and having the entire cluster at once is nearly impossible. if u fit the criteria for every cluster b PD then congrats, ur probably under 25 and severely traumatized but thats literally it)
also never hpd. u see so few ppl claim they have hpd, probably because hpd is categorized by hyper sexual and attention seeking behavior and thats not as cool. but thats just my 2cents
also for the record I'm not against self dx at all, I just think a lot of ppl are naturally going to get it pretty wrong at first, especially when theyre young, if they havent been taught genuine self awareness and especially in a climate like rn where theres tons and tons of misinformation and misatribution going around
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luanna801 · 2 years
i think the main thing that ticked people off about your "suave" explanation is the 'well akstually' tone of it. phrases like "impeding people's ability" and "keeping people from picking up on" (plus other phrases throughout) reads as very presumptive & uppity, as though you're seeking to bring enlightenment to the ignorant ship-crazy masses etc. not saying thats what youre intending, but thats the way it comes across as a reader. just my 2cents /shrug
Yeah, that's fair, and very possibly I should've worded it differently. I do have an unfortunate tendency to come across as Ye Olde Know-it-All sometimes, and I do try to be aware of it and not sound obnoxious but, y'know, clearly I don't always get it right.
... And I will cop to the fact that I'm sometimes writing because of things I've seen that annoy me, and that can bleed into my tone even when I'm trying to be as polite and even-handed as I can.
Again though, I really was not expecting that post to be nearly this popular and have thousands of people paying that much attention to every word choice I made. If I had, I probably would've been much more cautious in how I wrote it, but unfortunately there's nothing I can really do about that now.
I still stand by the point of the post, and I don't think the post in any way implies the kind of sweeping statements some people apparently took it as, but you're right that maybe the way I wrote it comes across as condescending. Obviously, all I can do about that at this point is try to do better in future posts.
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