#thats so much drawing but its gonna look so nice and make people smile when i get it done
rzyraffek · 7 months
Hii! I’d love to see some slasher possessive tendencies (nothing dramatic, just small things that show how obsessed they are with their s/o). And I’d love to see Brahms included please and thank you! 👀💕
Ello! Most of slashers are incredibly possessive😭 good luck with that.
Gender neutral s/o!
Slashers being obsessive and possessive of their s/o
Physical touch. His hands are always on them. ESPECIALLY around when yall are around other people. Others have to know that they are together!!!
Goes with s/o EVERYTHERE. They must go to shop with them! Wanna go outside and walk in peace and silence in garden? Uhh nah he wanna go with you! Even if s/o asks nicley to leave tjem be he might spy on them :[
Will share everything with s/o! His clothes? Our clothes you mean! Please wear his shirts! Its also vice versa, s/o's jewellery and clothes are also his. They gonna catch him using their favourite cologne or wearing their jewellery!
Wants to hold hands 24/7, doesnt care if s/o sweats! He loves them too much~
Sometimes s/o can wake up and this guy will be glued to them! Im taking wrapped arms and legs around them and s/o can feel his chest moving up cuz its so close😭
Asa Emory
Bro is not letting them leave his warehouse. Yeah sweetie he loves you but you are just too too perfect for him to let you go :[
Bonds by watching animal documentaries about bugs btw
Picks clothes for s/o. He takes your style and preferences in his mind but usually forgets and just buys what would look good on you (at least what he finds cute)
Not very clingy
Lets them paint his nails if they are nice enough
EXTREMELY jelous. S/o mentioned that some guy smiled to them when they were buying groceries? He will get offended😭
The hush
8 years later and I still have no clue what his name was??? Let's call him John because people seem to call him that
John will keep his hand AND eyes on them. Hands on their legs, shoulder, or just holding their hand (thats rare, normal affection with this Goober? Nahh)
Constantly staring at them, looming around and looking what they lover is up to (up to no good surely)
Makes them play video games with him or watch them play
Checks their phone when they are asleep cuz he gotta know everything
Micheal Myers
No touching, no verbal nor physical affecion
Dude will hit them with 👍 on daily basis
He seems like he doesnt care, like he has them around for no reason. But of God, this guy knows everything about them. He watches them daily. You can't find Micheal? Oh dont worry sweetie he is keeping you safe, just dont look thrue window :3
Extreme jelousy, s/o can bearly talk to people😭
Okay okay I lied with no touching, its just rare! Sometimes he rests his head on top of theirs or puts his hands on their shoulders or hips
If s/o makes something from him (like drawing, peace of jewellery. Hell, even if they gift him random rock or something) that dude if gonna wear it till the end of the world, even if it breaks off? He has pockets or tape. Even if s/o skill improved and they made better? The more the marrier, he wants all!
Billy Lenz
Gets jelous when s/o gives too much affection and love to their pet
Lays on top of them
Bites, licks, woofs? As a sign of affection and love
He wants the bite marks or Hickeys to be visable so s/o friends know that they are taken!
Not as extreme as Micheal or Asa. S/o could have 2week trip to Egypt and as far as he gets to call them whenever he wants, he is fine
I still remember one time that someone requested Billy Lenz fic, asking for 'sloppy toppy' and it was 4 am and I didnt know what it was so I googled it and I kinda laughed very loudly and my mom woke up and took my pc away for month :( I wrote the fic btw
Anyways, barks at people when he gets jelous
Some of their behaviours might sound toxic or are literal red flag, but POOKIE THOSE ARE MURDERS😭🙏😱 idk if I still got the skill to write, it was a wild 8month break
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noctfury · 2 years
*grabs my creative process by the lapels and starts shaking*
I was supposed to draw stuff today! Why the fuck are we writing instead??
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I need to share soft sign language buddies ninogami headcanon because they’re taking over my brain always:
(This got so long, so youre welcome if youre also starved for ninogami content)
Nino’s mom is Deaf , so he grew up signing as much as speaking. When he was younger he always signed as he talked.
It turned out he’s also Hard of Hearing, so sign language is way easier for him to understand most of the time.
However, though he’s great at making friends, he’s very awkward when it comes to talking about himself. So never comes up in conversation.
It’s not a self-deprication issue. It’s just a “thinking of things to say is hard and I’d rather have someone else do the talking” thing. He’d rather talk about anyone except himself.
Additionally! He’s great at helping other people, but he’s terrible at asking for help. He does not EVER want to be like “hey i cant understand what you’re saying, my ears dont work great,” its his worst nightmare
And it doesnt help that there have been a few cases of people being rude about it when he doesnt hear them after they repeat themselves. And possibly worse, there have been even more cases of people giving over-the-top apologies instead of just,, telling him what they said. So it’s not worth the trouble in his mind
with his few close friends who still dont know, it feels like its too late and it’d be awkward to bring it up, so he just… doesnt. He’s procrastinating on telling them he cant hear them
He stopped signing as much as he talked in middle school because strangers would always be like “woah thats so cool, how do you know sign language” and he’d just panic because he was an awkward tween, and he didnt know if he was comfortable telling them he was HoH, but ALSO just saying his mom was Deaf and not mentioning himself felt like directly lying by hiding information, so he just took the “lazy” way out and signed less in public.
Sometimes fighting the anxiety was not worth it so he just let it win in that case.
Nino is so nice and energetic and loves people, but he is way more introverted and anxious than his friends think.
But when they start to get closer, Kagami who is ever-observant, notices him signing a little bit, (not ever to her, not ever on purpose, but he’d sometimes sign a word he needed to remember while speaking or sign along to emphasize something)
and she luckily for his anxiety, she doesnt know how to have a normal conversation either.
Her (platonic as well as romantic) love language is studying and research, and Nino seems very cool and she likes him, even if she is awful at holding a conversation with him or doing anything to show it.
She thinks he’s so cool and such an amazing talented kind friend. She has so much love for him that she doesnt know what to do with it. So she channels that energy into learning to sign through the internet and whatever tools she can find
And then after a while of this, she’s like “oh no, he’s gonna think that’s so creepy, I cant tell him I know sign language or he’ll be so uncomfortable”
So, like a whole idiot, she hides that she’s learning sign language from anyone. Because OBVIOUSLY if word got back to Nino, he’d assume it was because of him and that she was a weirdo he shouldn’t be friends with
But also Kagami accidentally falls in love with sign language because she has undiagnosed autism. She always assumed that communicating was just going to be impossible no matter what, but as she gets proficient in sign language she’s like,,, oh,,, OH,, this is very nice
Even just signing while she talks makes it so much easier to keep words and sentances straight, but she only does it when she’s alone with her mother, who is literally blind and would never know.
They become closer friends in late high school, and by that time a lot of Nino’s anxiety has worn off and he’s become completely comfortable letting teachers know when he needs to hear somthing, and middle school feels like a distant dream
At some point, Nino invites Kagami to his house a few times, and he signs with his mom. Nino is like “I can interpret for you,” and Kagami is like “wow thanks, I’m so lucky, because I obviously do not know any sign language, why would I have learned it, and also for the record it is brand new information to me that you can sign,” and Nino is like “cool? Its not a secret but im glad i told you if you somehow didnt already know,” and Kagami is like, “yep :)”
But then eventually as they become really close, they are texting one night, (Kagami can still barely get out of her house, so they need to communicate remotely. And both of then HATE phone calls bc its so hard to understand whats happening, but neither of them have admitted this to anyone)
Nino admits that he likes using sign language better than talking, and he wishes he could use it with his friends, but he’d feel so guilty asking them to learn an entire language just to make him slightly more comfortable. He can talk and hear OKAY so he shouldnt put the pressure on them.
and Kagami is like “you could always ask, worst case scenerio they say no, and i dont think thats an unreasonable demand” and nino is like “it is though,” and kagami’s like “ok so haha funny story, please dont hate me” and nino is like, “…what.” And kagami confesses everything and nino is like “why… why would i hate you for that?” And Kagami is like “oh wait youre right im stupid,”
And then Nino’s also like “hey if YOURE more comfortable signing too, then why dont YOU ask your friends to sign for you. Do you see what i mean? It’s hard to ask-” and kagami is like, “as your friend i will prove it is not.”
So then Kagami ends up confronting Adrien and Marinette the next day and is like “Hi. This is a sign language dictionary. Learn from it.” And they’re both like “what?” And she’s like “oh wait sorry. Backing up. I’m autistic. I decided like three years ago. Forgot to tell you. And I need you to learn to sign a little bit so you can understand if i sign something at you. If you want, of course. Please :D.” And theyre like “ok sure yeah i can do that.”
(Theyve already learned and accepted that shes extremely direct in asking for things)
So then she texts nino and is like “i did it. Youre welcome.”
But anyway both of them are uncomfortable in crowds and parties: Nino cant hear anyone and Kagami tends to get sensory overload, so they start signing mostly in those situations, and then it starts to sink in that they’re allowed to sign whenever and that the other really IS also comfortable with it.
(Both of them are much more willing to make sacrifices for others than to try something new and intimidating for themself, so this is the perfect situation to trick them into getting out of their comfort zone, ironically by trying to be more comfortable in the long run)
so they will just sit together and hang out and have long conversations while just chilling somewhere in a park or at cafes or whatever. Both of them become chattier than they’ve ever been because talking and understanding is so much easier, and its addicting
And their close friends all become proficient enough in sign language to have simple conversations.
But also Nino and Kagami start sitting together automatically even in group hangouts, and they start hanging out more with just the two of them, and soon neither of them feel bad about asking to hang out in quieter places, because they can justify it knowing that it will also help the other one, and together that makes both of them also more comfortable asking for little accomodations from other friends, if only to prove to the other that they can do it too.
And Kagami has the lesser-known autism side effect where she makes WAY TOO MUCH eye contact. She’s aware of it but that doesnt make it go away. Normally she feels so awkward about it, and overthinks her gaze because she doesnt want to scare people away. But when signing, you literally HAVE to be watching the other person constantly, so she has an excuse to just be herself, and its so relieving
(and also its kind of fun to look at Nino anyway because he can get so animated and his smile is really nice and oh no she is in love a little bit)
And Nino always struggles because he emotionally ALWAYS needs to be the nice polite one. His anxiety sometimes gets the better of him and he’s constantly worried about sending the wrong signals to his friends and coming off as rude somehow. But with Kagami, he can literally just ask?? And she will tell him her honest opinion without making it weird. And its so comfy and so good and he really loves hearing her unfiltered opinions on so many things because she sees the world in such a unique way and she gets so passionate about such little things and then oh no, he is fallen for her before he can realize it
And they also learn that they’re both artists, they both love to just observe the world because even if they;re awkward, people are actually pretty great most of the time, and its fun to observe them and try to capture the world, and they just sit together and sketch, or they watch each other sketch, and the thing is, both of them draw ONLY FOR THEMSELVES, its not a ‘skill,’ and they don;t want it to be, its just private art for relaxation. Somehow, though, its okay if they share their art with each other. They can just sit in comfortable silence for hours while one of them sketches something and the other watches patiently
And they start to get more comfortable with one of their heads resting on the other’s shoulder as they watch them doodle, and sitting so close their legs press together, and soon enough their hands start brushing against each other’s as they walk next to each other and then all of a sudden they’re casually holding hands whenever they’re not signing because it’s nice
They try to share headphones so Nino can share some of his favorite songs and his compositions with Kagami. But try as she might, Kagami can not handle the sensory of only having one earbud in. Nino knows her tells by that point, and he’s not about to let her suffer for a stupid reason, but she REALLY does want to hear his music. They somehow end up with Kagami putting a pair of headphones around her neck and turning up the volume a little bit so she can hear, while Nino rests his head on her shoulder so he can hear just enough to know where she is in the song
And then he has to sit up and scootch away just enough to see her hands so they can talk about it, and they both pretend not to notice how nice it was to snuggle as they sign. Its fine, though, because now they get the excuse to just look at each other again and sign overdramatically with exaggerated facial expressions, and no one else around can overhear their conversation, and Nino likes to go a little over the top when signing onomatopoeia and acting out particular parts of the song rhythm that he likes, and Kagami laughs, and they both mentally save the image of each other in this moment the same way that they look at reference images for artwork, memorizing the lines of each movement and the things that make each smile unique,
and Nino also shows up at every single one of her fencing tournaments, and he sits as close as he can and signs encouraging messages to her from the crowd whenever she’s not actively competing, (that her blind mom can never catch, which is somewhat of a bonus to Kagami, because every element of their friendship that her mother cant interact with makes this more personal and special and HERS). Every little sign she sends back at him, even a simple thank you, always feels so good and rebellious and free because shes supposed to be focusing on fencing but shes deciding to care more about friendship. And even if she’s expected to leave immediately afterword, she’ll find every excuse possible to find him and give him a hug, which he’ll always accept even though she jokingly warns him shes sweaty and gross
And eventually they are special best friends and it brings them instant joy to see each other and theyre able to interact for no reason other than that they want to and like each other
(And then they kiss)
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ghxstlike · 4 years
how karasuno met their s/o part 2!!
characters: yamaguchi, tsukishima, asahi, yachi, kiyoko and coach ukai!
TW: mentions of a panic attack!! be safe <3
for kiyoko and yachi, the reader is female :))
he just wanted some lunch!! he didn’t want to scare u :(
you heard a scary voice saying:
“move.” behind u
BUT HE SAID “can you move please!!!!! it’s my favorite lunch and i’m scared it’s gonna run out :(”
you looked at his face, it seemed dark and menacing. with that little stubble and man bun.
he freaked out and was SWEATING
“i didn’t mean to scare you!!!!”
you sighed in relief, “it’s okay, i thought you were gonna kill me.”
permanent :( face
he thinks ur adorable
u always have ur hair in a ponytail, so you blew ur hair out of ur face
“thank you, gentle giant.”
he’s whipped over u and he’s just speaking to you for the first time
you were singing in a empty band room
“i’m mr. loverman.”
he thought you had a GORGEOUS SINGING VOICE so he stayed near the band room for a bit
he just needed to get a drink so
your voice had so much emotion, he thought it was lovely.
you started crying and screaming
“i miss my lover, man.”
he, of course, heard, and was like NO NO NO
yes, yama, they’re fine.
the song ended, and you wiped the tears off your cheeks
“yes, i’m okay. just a bad day.”
worried baby :((
“can i help??”
“what’s wrong?”
you chuckled, “what’s your name?”
“yamaguchi tadashi!” his cheeks are pink
“you also have a great singing voice 👉👈”
“what’s your name?”
he’s talking to a cute person omgomg
“can i sit with you? and you can talk about your feelings????”
he’s so scared of what ur gonna say
“sit down with me.”
u guys are in the same class :D
BUT you are so fricking shy so all you do in class is doodle
tsukki sits right next to u
he thinks ur doodles are cute but shhhhh no one but him will ever know ;}
he’s a peeping tom cuz he wants to see ur drawings
the sun was shining, the brightness coming over him in the most beautiful way. he was paying attention to the teacher, writing down notes.
why he so pretty for UGH
you decided to draw him :D
ur like AH SHIT SHIT
ur packing up so quick that you don’t notice the tsukki drawing on the floor
you run out of the room, going to ur next class.
he thinks ur the cutest when he sees ur little body shuffle out the classroom door
but when r u not cute um!!!
tsukki sees your paper fall on the floor
looks at the drawing and he’s ASTONISHED
leaves a note on the piece of paper and gives it to the teacher
he’s very careful that he doesn’t smudge it 😌
the next day the teacher hands you the paper
compliments u on it and you’re just like
“uH tHank yOu???”
you read the note;
“i like this drawing. you make me seem nice. - tsukishima.”
very blunt but you BLUSHSHAHSSJ
“you’re cute.” [ enter phone number here ]
she approached you and of COURSE you said yes
honestly you didn’t know what she was saying you were just like
prettÿ lädîe
“so happy that you’re joining!!! i’ll see you after school near the gym!” she sounds so EXCITED
you were sweating
should u ask her out?????
the answer is yes.
you saw her near the gym and approached her
she had her karasuno volleyball club jacket on
“i’m so glad you came!”
“we should go out on a date.”
she looks at you with wide eyes
smiles and says “i would love to.”
y’all are babies 😡😡
you were having a panic attack :(
she heard you hyperventilating and crying in the handicap stall
“is everything okay in there?”
she sounded so worried, but u were surprised cuz why would anyone care (PEOPLE CARE ABOUT U!!!!! I CARE ABOUT U!!!!!)
especially a stranger
you squeak out a “yeah” but she’s not convinced
“can you stand?”
she’s so caring omfg
you stand, your legs shaking, your breath quickening and your thoughts racing.
who was this girl?
you walk over to the stall door, opening it slowly
you looked into her eyes for a breif second and you saw the worry and care in her beautiful brown eyes
“hi, i’m yachi,” she said softly
you melt at the softness of her voice
“i’m y/n..” you whispered
she smiles, raising her hands to your shoulders
“is it okay if i touch you?”
you nod yes, taking a deep breath in before she touches your shaking shoulders
she does a couple breathing exercises with you, calming your heart rate.
she asks you if you wanna have lunch with her and ofc you say yes UMMMM???? she’s an angel!!!
coach ukai
he hears a loud BONK and a bunch of commotion
“what the hell?”
goes to the aisle you’re laying in
you glare at him
“i could sue you.”
“but i won’t since you’re gorgeously hot.”
you didn’t say the last part tho 🙄
you get up, balanced on the slippery floor and look him straight in the eyes
“did you not realize there was a wet floor?���
and in love with everything else about you
he’s a simp for you and he doesn’t understand what that is but it’s okay
still makes fun of u for slipping on the floor LMAO
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arhvste · 4 years
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- summary - working alongside your husband brings moments of domesticity outside your home which you reveal is about to become a little bigger - fluff - x f reader
- an - this was based off of this ask an anon sent in earlier today, i’ve posted atsumu fic that links to this one !! thank you for the idea it was nice to write domestic samu :) this is also for @zumisace because i know you love samu and i love u >:)
“Oi, Samu! Stop flirtin with ya wife right in front’a me and get cookin, I’m starvin!” Atsumu whined as he rested his head against the kitchen prep counter which was currently occupied with countless cooking utensils scattered across the cool metal surface and various ingredients dotted around.
“Yer just jealous I have a gorgeous wife and you don’t” With a smug smile, Osamu wrapped his arm around your waist bringing you in close enough for him to press a quick kiss to your flour dusted cheek.
“Yuck! Not over the food I’m beggin ya!”
You giggled and pulled your husband back in close to you before turning to give a quick smile to his irritated twin.
“Perhaps we should find you a girlfriend Tsumu! I know a few people who I’m sure would be at least willing to go out on a date with you.”
“Yeah, you’d probably have to pay em first!”
You and your husband laughed lightly at the setter’s expense causing him to groan and sit up straight.
“I have plenty of girls linin up for me dont’cha worry bout that!”
Osamu snickered and motioned for his brother to take a tray of freshly prepped onigiri out to the front of the store.
“Yer damn right ya got a line waitin for ya, or more specifically, they’re waitin for ya to bring more food out so get to it.”
Atsumu grumbled but obliged as he slumped off the stool and took the tray with ease out to the front where drooling customers were waiting to pounce on any fresh batch of onigiri they could.
“You’re so mean to him sometimes.” You hummed as you continued to shape the rice into the correct size triangles as Osamu cut seaweed grass into accurate rectangles.
“It’s all outta love darlin.” He offered a warm smile to which you happily returned. “Of course he’s gonna be jealous I have a gorgeous, helpful and amazin wife! Anyone would be jealous.”
You blushed at his words and flicked him lightly leaving small dust prints of flour on his apron. “So gross!” You whined only for him to pull you into his chest and get you to look up at his handsome face.
Despite the fact the Miya brothers were twins, you still couldn’t help but find Osamu significantly more attractive than his older twin. This was even before you’d fallen for the man. There was just something about him that made him more desirable, not intending to offend Atsumu for he definitely wasn’t someone you’d consider unattractive. Perhaps it was his mature and responsible traits or maybe it was his hardworking and determination that drew you in. It didn’t matter either way though. You loved Osamu Miya for everything he was, physical and personal traits all included. He was the man you fell in love with and he was the man who had wanted you to become ‘Mrs Miya’, a title he often liked to refer to you as.
Osamu leaned down and rested his forehead on yours sighing softly. Caressing your cheek with his warm calloused hands, he pulled your face closer to his and pressed a warm and delicate kiss to your lips before securing his hand at the base of your neck while the other found its way around to the small on your back, drawing small circles with his index finger as he tenderly kissed you.
He was always good at catching you in these moments, Osamu never shied away from showing affection towards you whenever you had a second of privacy. The long hours he worked at his restaurants and home office took a toll on your time spent together, only making his levels of clinginess heighten until eventually it would snap and he’d refuse to keep his hands off of you when he’d get to see you again.
When you had suggested helping him in the restaurant he wasn't opposed to the idea at all. He knew he could count on you and that you were more than capable at cooking after being with him for so long. He loved the feel of getting to be domestic with you outside of the warm and loving home the two of you shared.
Finally pulling away, Osamu admired the soft twinkle in your eyes that he always found himself getting lost in.
“God, I’m lucky yer my girl, my favourite, beautiful girl.”
You hummed gently as you wrapped your arms around his small waist.
“Well, I hope you’re ready to potentially let me share the title of your ‘favourite girl’...”
Osamu’s eyebrow quirked in confusion as he muttered a puzzled “huh?” before you pulled one of your arms up to cup his warm cheek.
“I’m pregnant Samu…”
His eyes widened as he searched for any sign of insincerity in your expression. Then again, you weren’t one to pull a joke like this on him in such an atmosphere, you had to be telling the truth.
“Samu?” your voice laced with concern and worry as your husbands mouth stayed shut as he studied your form with soft but shocked eyes.
“Sorry! For real? Like, yer not playin with me are ya?”
“Of course not!”
Osamu felt tears prick in the corners on his eyes and wasted no time grabbing you by the waist and lifting you in the air in pure glee.
“I’m gonna be a dad? Fuck, I love you so so much y/n!” He laughed joyously as you let your own laughter intermix with his own.
Your home was about to become a family home and Osamu couldn’t have been happier. Not only did he marry the woman he loved, but now alongside you, he was going to get to raise a child the two of you had made together. A million different scenarios and questions ran through his mind as he placed you back down and wrapped you in a tight embrace. Would they look more like him or more like you? Were you going to bring your child to work some days or should he take time off. Would his kid be able to tell the difference between him and Atsumu? Would his kid even like onigiri? Oh, who cared? Right now, the most important thing on his mind was how much he loved you and wanted this with you.
Hushed but excited mutters of ‘I love you’ were traded between the two of you as Osamu peppered your face in soft kisses. Absolutely everything was right with the world in that very moment.
“Samu! Yer gotta get out there! Animals I’m tellin ya! Absolute animals out there! It’s like feeding hour at the zoo!”
Well, almost everything was right in the world.
“Comin yer idiot.” Osamu sighed before pulling away from you after you wiped his eyes.
“Thank fuck and- oh! Were ya crying ya little pissbaby?” Atsumu snorted when he saw his brothers slightly reddend eyes.
“Oh please, yer the only pissbaby here with yer stupid corn coloured hair.”
“It’s been toned since highschool actually, Bokkun taught me how to do it so I’d appreciate it if yer acknowledged that.”
“Whatever and besides, ya can call me pissbaby however much ya like but just thought I’d tell ya, I’m the one thats gonna be the dad to a real baby soon so shut yer trap!”
Atsumu’s mouth gaped open as he looked between you and your husband, surprise shown in his expression. You shook your head at the brothers typical bickering and strode over to the two of them grabbing another tray of freshly prepped onigiri to take out to desperate customers.
“I hope we don’t end up with twins.” You muttered as both boys snickered following out behind you as Atsumu bragged back to Osamu that his kid was gonna like ‘Uncle Atsumu’ more than his own father to which Osamu childishly quarreled back.
Nevermind a child, these two were enough for you to handle for now, but you just couldn't wait for your own angel to enter the world and had no worry in the world as you knew they’d have the best dad in the world and a semi-decent uncle.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @tsukishimagizzard @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206
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buckys-other-punk · 4 years
Christmas Lies
Pairing: Chris Evans x Assistant!Reader
Request: I was thinking of Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans x (assistant) reader where reader is originally from another country and is living alone and is going to celebrate the holidays and made up an excuse  that she's celebrating with someone and is in the middle of prepping her Christmas eve dinner and was caught red handed that she's celebrating alone?😅😅 
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: cussing and some cliche fluff (the title may fool you but yes this is fluff)
A/N: Hello my loves! Wooo another request, I hope I did this justice and sorry if this sucks. I am a little late for a Christmas fic but hey its still the Christmas season right? Anyways here is a cute Christmas fic for y’all (Merry late Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Years!) As always please lemme know if you wanna be tagged in my future works and feedback is very much appreciated. This is unedited so don’t mind those mistakes. 
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Tis the season right? Yeah the season for stress and anxiety. A season where people had to find the perfect gifts for one another and hope that their gifts weren’t sold out. Luckily for you, you didn’t have to worry about that. Moving to the United States from your home country over two years ago it seemed pretty lonely, but more freeing than ever. You didn’t have any relatives that lived in America, but occasionally some would fly over to visit you. Sadly this year you were alone for the holidays. Your parents won a vacation to the Bahamas for the holidays and your older brother was expecting his first born anytime now. The rest of your family had various holiday plans and wanted to celebrate in your home country. So yeah, this year you were going to enjoy your own company.
“So do you have any plans for Thursday night?” Chris, your boss asked you.
“What’s happening Thursday?” you asked looking at him with confusion.
“Y/N, it’s Christmas Eve!” He exclaimed with a big smile.
“Oh fuck. Umm, well not really.” you shrugged. 
“Well you already know my plans. I gotta go to that party my brother wants me to attend.” Chris huffed out.
“Speaking of your brother, I got a call from him asking you to bring a date to said party.” you said to the man.
“Why don’t you come with me.” he said with a smirk.
This wasn’t the first time Chris has asked you to come with him to parties. Hell he asked you every time he was invited to one, but you always turned him down. He was your boss for crying out loud, wouldn’t it seem inappropriate to bring your assistant as your date? But, you weren’t gonna lie that the man was attractive, sweet, and you may or may not have a crush on him. He’s fucking Chris Evans. Shaking your head trying to think of a cover up of your actual plans for the night, which was nothing, and rejecting his offer just because well you don’t even know. 
“You know what, my cousin from my home country is actually visiting for a bit before she heads off to see her boyfriend in Hawaii.” you lied telling the man. Why were you lying again? Right, saving yourself from embarrassment.
“Oh, well that’s nice of her to stop by. I bet you’re gonna make a big feast.” Chris mumbled as he sipped his cup of coffee.
“You know I’m not gonna quit Y/N, you’re gonna have to go on a date with me someday.” he teased nodding your way.
“Yeah whatever.” you breathed out while rolling your eyes focusing back on your work. 
*Christmas Eve*
You were glad that the nearest grocery store was still open for you to grab some last minute ingredients for your dinner. Making a random stew recipe you found online that sounded pretty good and some brownies for dessert. Right when you got home you started making your brownies, from scratch, and once the batter was complete you put it into a tray and in the oven. You went to your room to change into your black Nike spandex shorts (since you haven’t done laundry and this was the only thing that was clean) and an oversized sweatshirt you stole from your brother before you moved to America. You weren’t trying to impress anyone since you were again alone for the holidays. Heading to the kitchen you began cutting the vegetables for your stew and boiling the broth when you heard your doorbell ring. 
“Please don’t be carolers. Please don’t be carolers.” you muttered to yourself crossing your fingers as you walked over to the door. When you opened the door you saw your boss standing in front of you wearing a black suit, looking handsome as fuck. “Chris, don’t you look nice. What are you doing here?” you said without any expression to the man.
“Y/N, you’re looking festive without pants.” he smirked, staring at you up and down.
“Fuck off. I’m wearing shorts underneath. Seriously, why are you here?” you asked again.
“I ditched my brother to hang out with you and your cousin.” he said smiling. 
“Oh thats so nice of you, but you didn’t have to come all this way.” you said trying to change the subject.
“What, that's ridiculous. I also forgot to give you your Christmas present.” he stated showing the nicely wrapped box that he hid behind his back. “Where is your cousin by the way?” Chris asked, trying to peek around your apartment.
“Oh, Mel? She’s in my room video chatting with her parents.” you lied pointing behind you.
“Aren’t you gonna let me in?” he asked.
“Yeah, sorry. Where are my manners.” you said moving out of the way for him to enter your home.
“Thanks.” he smiled as he stepped in again looking around your place. “Um, Y/N.” he said.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you asked as you shut the door behind you.
“Something smells like it's burning.” he stated looking back at you.
“Shit my brownies!!” you yelled as you ran to your kitchen. You put on your oven mitts and took out the burnt dessert and placed it onto your countertop. “Damn it!” you exclaimed.
“You forgot to put a timer on, didn't you.” Chris chuckled as he walked towards the kitchen bar island.
“Shut up.” you huffed shaking your head.
“Hey Y/N.” he started, drawing your attention back to him and not the burnt disaster. “You said your cousin was here right?” he asked.
“Yeah, why?” you replied, not really paying attention to him placing the burnt tray in the trash ans cute veggies in a pot.
“Well two things. One, why is your dinner table set up with only one plate. And two, your bedroom light is off.” he said pointing at the table behind him.
“Fuck.” you whispered underneath your breath as you looked up at the man. “Maybe Mel fell asleep?” you said with a shrug.
“You lied!” he exclaimed looking at you. “You sneaky shit! Why did you lie to me?”
“Because you’re my boss and I can.” you sassily said back with your hands on your hips.
“Y/N.” he said more sternly.
“Fine.” you said as you raised your hands in defeat. You walked around the counter towards your couch motioning Chris to follow you, which he did. “I lied because I didn’t want to go with you to the party.”
“Why not?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“Because. I don’t know. Isn’t it a little inappropriate that your date to a fancy party is your assistant?” you sheepishly asked averting your eyes from the man that sat next to you.
“Y/N, that’s a bullshit reason and you know it.” he cursed at you. “Tell me the truth.”
“Fine!” you said, taking a deep breath. “Honestly Chris, I kinda have a crush on you and I didn’t want to look stupid in front of your celebrity friends.” you shrugged looking away at the man.
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” he said quietly and he gently grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “I’m glad you told me the truth Y/N.”
“What no snarky remark? No cheesy comeback?” you questioned.
“Nope.” he said with a smile.
“That’s it?” you asked looking into his greenish blue eyes.
“Yup that's it.” he smirked, staring at you.
“Hold up. I just confessed to you, my boss, that I have a crush on you and you’re not goin-” you started, but was cut off when you felt lips crash into yours. As Chris pulled away your eyes were still closed and your mind was in disbelief. Slowly opening your eyes, you stared at the man in front of you.
“Umm..did that..What just?” you were slightly panicking. Chris noted the panic. So he leaned in again and kissed you. This time you were aware that your boss was kissing you. Holy shit your boss, no fuck that CHRIS EVANS IS KISSING YOU! His eyes were closed and his hands were placed at your waist. As he began to pull away, you put your arms around his neck pulling him back towards you to deepen the kiss. The two of you pulled away, your foreheads still pressed together as you looked into each others eyes.
“Wait is that your Christmas tree?” Chris teased, still staring at you as he pointed at the small tree on the ground next to your record player. You leaned back and turned your head to look at your tree.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” you asked, looking back at him.
“It’s kinda pathetic.” he joked, placing his arm over the back of your couch.
“Hey! That was the first tree I bought when I moved over here!” you yelled in defense playfully punching his arm.
“It’s cute is what I meant to say.” he chuckled, rubbing his arm.
“Whatever.” you said shaking your head. “Are we gonna talk about that kiss?” you asked.
“Why don’t you open your present first?” he replied.
“You're ignoring my question, but fine.” you huffed out a bit irritated. “Wait, did you wrap this?” you asked, looking at gift wrapped in green paper.
“Actually you did a while back.” he said rubbing the back of his head. “I was hoping you forgot about it and luckily you did.” Chris added chuckling.
“I don’t deserve whatever this is Chris. I didn’t even get you anything!” you exclaimed with wide eyes.
“That kiss was plenty enough.” he grinned towards you.
“Shut up, I’m serious.” you sighed and looked down at the gift.
“Stop moping and just open the damn thing.” Chris said, lifting your chin up and pointed towards the present.
“Alright fine.” you stated back, slowly undoing the elegant wrapping you worked so hard on. As you opened the present it was a box that said ‘Thank you for helping me get my shit together!’ You laughed at the note looking back at Chris.
“Open the box.” he smiled trying to hold in his excitement. You opened the box and inside was filled with confetti paper and a card at the center. You took the card out saying ‘I kind of sort of maybe like you a lot’ with a heart underneath. You looked back at the man who nodded signaling you to open the card. Inside of the card it said ‘will you go out with me? P.s. here’s $100 for you. No pressure;)’ A hundred dollar bill was taped at the bottom of the card.
“Is the money a bribe?” you asked.
“Nah, it's just for reassurance.” he answered chuckling. You laughed and took out the bill from the card.
“I went through all this work, wrapping a present beautifully, just to get one hundred dollars in return.” you said seriously.
“Well, if you don’t like the present I can always take it back.” he said upset.
“Chris I’m messing with you.” you smiled as you pulled him close to you placing a kiss on his lips. “I would love to go out with you.” you said.
“Oh thank god!” Chris exhaled pulling you close into a hug.
“I better be getting more money outta this relationship!” you teased as you were engulfed in the man’s embrace feeling the vibrations of his laughter.
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A/N: This was so cliche i hate it lol. Anyways did you like this late Christmas fic? lemme know! Again if you wanna be tagged in future fics, have any requests or just wanna chat hit me up! 
Tags: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @sebtheromanianprince​​ @aquabrie​ @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan @princess76179​​ @anbrax5553​​ @wintersoldierissucharide @caplanbuckybarnes​​ @miraclesoflove​​ @kitkatd7​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​ @fandomsandxfiles​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​​
^please lemme know if you wanna be added/removed for future tags or if i forgot you^
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theyneedtobangstahp · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to you falling asleep on them
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First reaction and request !!! 
Requested by @taeyongsweave​ :> 
Genre:Fluff !
I got the gifs from pinterest so credits to the owners !! I kinda didn’t proofread ? I’m sorry if there spelling errors :< 
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` C H A N ▪
Staying up until 3 am to finish homework while having a date the next morning with Chan was a bad idea. You wanted to finish the homework as soon as possible so you won't be stressing out while on the said date with Chan, so you pulled an all nighter just to finish it. What are you doing for a date? Oh you know just gonna watch the sunrise on the beach, and running on at least an hour of sleep before you two go was kind of a bad idea. You tried staying awake during the car ride there, listening to upbeat music, ordering coffee, and talking to Chan about everything so you won't get sleepy. But that 1 hour of sleep was really taking its toll on you.
"Baby? Are you okay? Are you sure you don't want to take a nap? We still have like 50 mins until we reach the beach, you can get some shut eye while we're still far." He says while gently squeezing your thighs.
"No, its fine. I wanna stay awake so you have company baby." You say as you take a sip of your coffee. "Okay baby if you insist. But when you really can't help it just sleep okay? I'll wake you up when we get there."
50 minutes went by and you guys arrive at the beach, not a lot of people are there to watch the sunrise so it was great for you both. Chan puts the blanket on the ground and you both sit together. You put your head on his shoulder and get comfortable while he rests his hand on your waist, drawing patterns absentmindedly while you both were staring into the ocean. "It's really peaceful here." You state as you hear the ocean waves and birds chirping. "Yeah, especially when you're here." He says while kissing the top of your head. You smile at this and you both enjoy the comfortable silence while waiting for the sunrise.
Minutes passed and Chan could see a little bit of orange peeking out from the horizon. "Babe look." He states while stealing a glance at you. But he notices your eyes closed and your soft breathing prominent against your chest. He chuckles at this, he told you to sleep while you guys were in the car, and yet you didn't listen. But Chan loved you very much so he decided not to wake you up, instead, he pulled you closer to him, kissed the top of your head and made sure you were comfortable, took out his phone to remember the moment and made it his lockscreen. All while thinking how you were so cute while you were sleeping and having the yellows and oranges of light paint your face, did he truly thank you for choosing him and not someone else. Chan truly loved you with all of his heart.
` M I N H O ▪
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After a long day of school, all you wanted to do when you got home was crash on your bed and sleep the whole weekend. That was the plan. So when you got home, you didn’t expect Minho on the couch (which he kinda made into a fort that looks really comfy) with pizza on the table with your favorite drink and a movie ready to be played. 
“You’re home!” He says while standing up and hugging you, his (now yours also) 3 cats also welcoming you home. You hug him back and nuzzle your face in his neck. “I’m so tired.” 
“I know baby, thats why I made this. Now go upstairs and change into your pajamas, we’re gonna relax all weekend, we deserved it.” He pecks your lips and gently pushes you into your room to change. 5 minutes later and you guys are cuddled up on the fort he made, with Soon-ie, Doong-ie, and Dori also snuggled up next to you guys. You put you head on Minho’s chest and he starts patting your head. Both of you watch the movie, but halfway through it you feel your eyelids drooping and you really wanted to fight it because times like this with Minho were kinda rare because of both your busy schedules. But you can’t help it, everything was just so relaxing and comfortable, and before you knew it you were asleep. Minho kinda didn’t notice at first because he was so immersed in the film but when he asked you a question and didn’t get an answer he glanced at you and noticed you were fast asleep. He just kinda looks at you, not in a weird way, in a wow-I-really-love-you-and-I-kinda-maybe-wanna-spend-my-life-with-you kinda look. You just looked so adorable and soft, and his heart was melting more when Dori cuddled up to you from behind. He can get used to this, days where you guys were just relaxing with the cats, like a family. 
` C H A N G B I N ▪
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Changbin and you were only on the first stages of your relationship. You guys haven’t even had your first kiss yet. You both were just really shy because you liked each other so much, and God forbid if he saw you sleeping. Nope, you weren’t letting him see you sleep. It’s cause you had this habit of opening your mouth when you sleep, and for you it was not flattering, especially when you drool, for you it was your least favorite part about your sleeping habits. Why can’t everyone just sleep cutely? Like the ones in the movies. So when Changbin invited you over to the dorms and you stayed there until 1am, he insisted you stayed the night. 
“No, It’s fine Binnie, I can walk myself home, it’s not that far.” 
“What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let my baby walk alone at this time of night? Come on babe just stay, please?” He says while giving you a cute pout. Who can resist his pout? No one. “Okay fine, but I need to borrow some clothes, I didn’t pack any. Also no funny business okay.” 
“I promise. I respect you so much that no funny business will happen without your consent, okay ?” He leads you to his room, which he shares with the other boys, kinda uncomfortable because a handful of the boys will see your sleeping face, but you can just sleep facing the wall and hope that you won’t move as much through the night. You change into changbins sweats and tshirt, which was really big on you but he insisted that it looked just fine. Okay now you guys were kinda facing the ceiling, yes, both of you were. As I said you both were on your first months of dating so cuddling or even sharing a bed was very new to the both of you guys.
“Uhm.. Are you comfortable?” He asks. “Kinda? I think I’m gonna sleep on my side so I can get comfortable. Goodnight Binnie.” You say and kiss his cheek, turning to your left side.
“Oof, Changbin won’t get cuddles tonight, I owe Seungmin money now.” Minho states as he looks over at both of you. “Shut it.” Changbin says giving Minho a glare. Minho puts his hands up and faces the other side. You chuckle at this and internally apologize to Changbin. 
Next morning rolls by and Changbin can’t feel his left arm. He was confused as to why, but when he saw you next to him and hugging his torso, while your mouth was open, looking like a literal angel to Changbin, he didn’t mind too much. He lets you sleep a few more minutes, just admiring your beauty and being thankful that he convinced you to stay the night. 
“Awww, why you gotta cuddle? Now I owe Minho hyung money.” Seungmin says as he peeks inside the room. “Quiet, Y/N is still sleeping.” Seungmin glances at you and laughs a little. “Are you sure she’s asleep? Kinda looks a little dead to me.” Changbin Chucks a pillow at his face which makes him leave the room. “Don’t listen to him baby, you look really cute right now while you’re sleeping.” He says while moving away stray hairs that was covering your face. As if you could hear him, you smile while you were sleeping and Changbin could feel his heart beat ten times faster because of you.
` H Y U N J I N ▪
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Sitting on the dance studio's couch at 1 am wearing Hyunjins oversized sweater and shorts was not what you expected your friday night would be. Hyunjin called you over at midnight asking you to come and keep him company while he practiced the new choreo that was taught. You being crazy, agreed and went to where he was.
An hour passed of him doing the same move, you got worried. You knew that when Hyunjin over exerted himself he would get sick. And you didn't want him sick. He was extra clingy ang whiny when he got sick. Not that you minded, it was just you didn't get to finish anything when he was sick cause he will trap you in his arms the whole day.
"Hyunjin I think you should rest. You've been doing that move for over an hour. You're going to get sick if you don't rest and drink water." You say while already holding his bottle of water. He looks at you and sees just how small you looked wearing his sweater. He can't just say no when it comes to you.
"Okay-" He stops the music and walks over to you. "-just for 15 minutes though. I really need to get this one right." He sits next to you and gets the water bottle that you were handing to him. Giving you a peck on the cheek as a thank you. You rest your head back and close your eyes.
"Wake me up in 15 minutes okay? If I hear the music playing again or hear your sneakers I will drag you out of here and take you home." You say to him.
"Ooh, my baby is feisty tonight." He jokingly says. "Okay y/n I'll wake you up in 15 minutes. But I think you'll get a stiff neck if you sleep like that. Why don't you put your head on my lap? So that you're comfortable and it ensures that I stay here?"
"Nice thinking babe." You say as you put your head on his lap. He pats your head to help you fall asleep faster. "Oh when we get home you need to shower right away okay? We can't risk you getting sick." You say and shiver a little because of your exposed legs.
Hyunjin notices this and reaches inside his bag. Pulling out a jacket, he unzips it and puts it on your legs.
"Okay baby, will do." He continues patting your head, and soon enough he can hear your light snores and the subtle twitching of your fingers. Small habits that you have when you sleep. You looked so cute like this. Although Hyunjin was kind of sorry because he asked you to go to the studio at midnight.
"I can't believe you went here wearing shorts. What if some creep saw you? I won't be there to protect you." He frowns at this. "I'm sorry Y/N. Next time I'll just go home and cuddle you where you can sleep comfortably." He admires you for a couple of minutes, not realizing that his head was slowly leaning back and his eyes closing. The day of dancing was finally gaining up to him. Next thing you guys knew, it was already morning and Hyunjin was was hot to the touch.
"You didn't get to shower! Now you're sick!" You say to him.
"Hehe, I'm sorry baby." He says innocently smiling at you.
`J I S U N G ▪
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Jisung was on the bed on his phone, playing with the other boys. While you on the other hand was drowning yourself in homework for the past 2 hours. Jisung actually came home 30 minutes ago and kissed your cheek then played on his phone. He knew not to disturb you so much when you were doing your homework because when you got motivated to do your work, you don’t take a break, because if you take a break, you will procrastinate the whole day so you just hope to finish your work before 5pm so you have time to cuddle your boyfriend. 30 minutes later you close your book very loudly and practically throw yourself on Jisung who was still playing on his phone.
“Boyfriend I now acquire attention.” You say as you cuddle his chest with his arms around you so he can still continue playing the racing game.  “Wait baby one more round with the boys and I’m all yours.” minutes passed and you felt your eyelids get heavy. All the hours of being slouched on your desk answering the homework really got to you. You snuggle closer to Jisung, your face squeezed on the crook of his neck. You give him a peck there before closing your eyes.
Jisung closes his phone and puts it on the bedside table. He bear hugs you and kisses your crown. “Should I wake you up? Nah you look cute right now, I can’t wake you up now.” He says in a baby voice to your sleeping form. “I can like scream right now and wake you up? A fun way to wake someone up, don’t you think baby?” Jisung was a weirdo. He moved you a little so he can entangle your legs together. He puts the blanket up to your chin to ensure that you won’t get cold and hugs you closer. 
“I can’t do that to you baby. You look so cute when you sleep I can’t possibly ruin it by screaming into your ears. I love you so much sweet dreams sweetheart.” He says as he places a last kiss on your head and drifts of to sleep with you.  
` F E L I X ▪
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Being bestfriends with Felix was very tiring, in a good way. He was always hyper and a living meme. Everytime you were with him was like being with a 6 year old with a sugar rush all day. But thats why you loved him. Yep, you loved him, you don’t know when it started, maybe it was when he brought you to your favorite cafe when you got a bad score to cheer you up, or when he smiles at you and waves when he sees you in the distance, or maybe when he does this dance when he wins a game and he sometimes asks you to join him dance. Maybe it was all of it. So when Felix texted you that he was coming over you started preparing when he was gonna come to your house. Preparing by putting on lip tint and washing your face to look a tad bit presentable. 
“Woah, are you wearing lip tint? You never wear lip tint at home though?” He asks as he takes off his shoes by the door. “I was having a little selfie session before you came?” You said, well by the way you said it, it kinda sounded like a question. “Really? Send them to me, I need a new homescreen.” You stop at this. “I’m your homescreen?” 
“Well, yeah, who else would be my homescreen? I saw your phone, and I was your homescreen so it’s normal right?” Ouch yeah, it is normal, you both were bestfriends for so long that this was normal for you guys. “I mean, sure, I’ll send them to you.” 
You both go to your room and he jumps on your bed. “So what do wanna do?” He asks. “Weren’t you the one that invited yourself? I thought you had a plan?” He shrugs at this. “I’m just winging everything at this point Y/N, mostly with maths, yeah that one, I’m really winging that one.” You laugh at this. “Want me to teach you?”
“Aren’t you also kinda failing math?” “Look lets just watch a tutorial or something so we both learn.” You say as you get your laptop and put it at the end of the bed. “But thats boring, I came here to spend time with you, not learn.” You pass him your notes and put your head on his lap. “Look, I’m not failing math, I’m good at it, average at best, but you. All I can say is you need this more than I do Lix. So just watch one episode and I’ll just be here monitoring your work.” You say as you pick a lesson that you previously had at school. “And why is your head is on my lap?” He asks. “Cause it’s comfy, now go and learn!” You say as you play the video. Felix seems to be immersed and learning things cause he was writing stuff on your notes and answering the questions the video asks. Kinda boring now because you didn’t expect Felix to actually answer them. So you decide to take a nap while he was preoccupied. 
“Hey if x is equal to 82 then the answer would be-” He glances at you and sees that you were asleep. He stops the video and puts the notebook down. “What are you doing to me Y/N?” He asks himself in particular. Felix had this crush on you, and he definitely knows when it started. He didn’t really know if you also had feelings for him, he doesn’t wanna do something that can make things awkward so he just keeps his mouth shut. But while you were looking so cute sleeping on his lap, he just can’t help but take a picture. So he does, he takes a picture of the mirror on  the front of your bed and puts a hand on your head. “Cute” He says as he makes it his lockscreen photo, saving the homescreen for the selfies you were gonna send him later. Maybe one day he’ll confess, but while he doesn’t have the courage yet, he’ll just admire you from the sides.  
` S E U N G M I N ▪
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You and Seungmin woke up extra early today because he invited you over for a beach day with the boys. When you guys arrived, they were all ready to jump in the water, but you being the mom in your friend group stopped them.
"Guys! You haven't put on sunscreen yet!" You say as you wave the sunscreen up. They all stop halfway through and runs back to you. You laugh at them of how cute they look right now. Once they were done they bolted back into the water.
The boys left you with Seungmin. "I'll help you set up babe." He says while grabbing an umbrella from you.
"No! I'll set up while you-" You take the umbrella from his hands. "-have fun with the boys. This is rare that you guys get to have a rest day, and let alone do it on the beach. So you leave this to me and you go have fun with the boys." You say while pushing him near the ocean.
"No buts! Now go have fun!" You turn away from him covering your ears to show that whatever he says will not make you change your mind. He smiles at you, even though you weren't looking at him, then runs over to where the boys were, joining in on the fun.
The day consisted of you taking care of the boys. Making sure everyone ate well and applied sunscreen again before going in the water. After lunch, Seungmin came up to you, all wet because of the ocean.
"Come on Y/N join us!" He says while trying to get you up from your sitting position on the blanket.
"I'll stay here Seung. No one will look after our belongings if I join you guys so I'll just stay." You say trying to convince him.
"Chan is gonna rest for a while, he can watch our things while he rests and you can join us. Come on we haven't even taken photos yet." He says pouting at you. How can you resist the pout? You agree and he takes your hand in his and runs to the water.
You guys have fun splashing around all day. When it was time to leave, everyone was exhausted. The drive home was silent, apart from the calm music that was playing on the speakers. You and Seungmin were at the back, your head on his shoulders and his head leaning on yours.
"Thanks for inviting me Seung, I had a really fun day." You say while closing your eyes. The tiring day taking its toll on you.
"I'm glad you had fun babe. But all you did was look after us. I really appreciate that babe, but I feel bad that you only got to enjoy the beach for a few hours. You set up everything and even grilled for us! I'm really thank-" He stops mid sentence cause he notices how your head was hanging lower and lower from the bumps that you guys were passing by. He holds your head and sighs. You probably were very tired from all the things you did the whole day. 
He felt guilty, but when he looked at the photos you guys took, he saw how your eyes were sparkling while splashing him with water, and how your smile was so big when you guys managed to bury Chan in the sand. He smiles and holds your hand, whispering something to you even though he knows you can’t hear him.
"I love you very much."
` J E O N G I N ▪
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Jeonginie, sweet baby uwu. 
So you and Jeongin were really good friends. Both of you became close because some of your friends were friends with his friends. So you guys kinda had this big ass group that did everything together. Hence the weekly movie night at one of your friends place. You guys squeezed next to each other, feeling awkward cause you both weren’t used to being this close. Everyone was immersed in the film, except Jeongin. The poor boy couldn’t think straight with how close you were to each other. The only thing running through his head was “Oh my God, oh my God, can they feel my heart beating so fast? Am I too tense? What if they think I’m weird that I’m just sitting here? Of course you’re just gonna sit Jeongin you’re watching a movie.” He continues to have thoughts like this running through his head, not thinking about the facial expressions he was showing. 
“Are you okay Innie?” What were you doing to him? When you said his nickname he felt like his heart was gonna combust. “O-oh? Y-yeah I’m good.” He says while sitting straighter than before. “If you say so.” You say and face the tv. You subconsciously put your head on his shoulder and I kid you not, he almost malfunctions. He was so red and he was shifting so much that you thought he wasn’t comfortable, so you took your head off of his shoulder. “Sorry I made you uncomfortable.” 
“No it’s nothing like that y/n. It’s just.. Look it’s fine if you do it I don’t mind.” He awkwardly reaches for your head and puts it on his shoulder. You get comfortable and Jeongin is still kinda tense but you don’t mind. 10 minutes later he feels your head was slowly slipping from his shoulder, he gently holds your head and adjust his seat so your head can comfortably rest on his shoulder while you were sleeping. 
He looks around to see if any of your friends notice what was going on and breathes out when he sees that everyone was still watching and paying no mind to both of you. He gently caresses your hair and appreciates how peaceful you look right now. Damn, he was whipped for you and for you only. He doesn’t notice it, but he eventually falls asleep too. You both wake up when hushed whispers and the sound of clicking is heard around you. Not to mention a flash that was so strong it almost blinded you by how close it was to your face. 
“Jisung! We told you to take the flash off!” You hear one of your friends whisper. “I’m sorry I thought I had it off!” Jisung says. You open your eyes and the sight that greets you is your friends and their phones close to your face. 
“What are you guys doing?” You say as you rub your eyes. “You and Jeongin just looked so cute while sleeping we needed to take pictures.” She shoves her phone to your face and you have to admit, you guys do look cute together. 
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mrs-harkness · 4 years
Run To Me (Part 2)
Pairing: Diane Sherman x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 1739
A/n: Thank you all for the love! I know Diane is chaotic and a lot of people are against writing fics on her, but I just love her. I have mommy issues so maybe thats why. Haha... Anyways, enjoy chapter two!
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"Don't move."
Diane dabbed peroxide to your forehead, eliciting a hiss from your lips. You didn't listen to her, instinctively moving your head away from her. She smiled and grabbed your chin, keeping you in place. Her grip was somehow gentle and commanding at the same time. She dabbed at it again, the sting now drawing tears out of your eyes and down your flushed cheeks. You saw her eyes dart to them, and look back to your eyes quickly, drawing in a ragged breath. She seemed uncomfortable at your discomfort, but then again she had run you over.
She put on a couple of butterfly band-aids over the cut and sat back in the kitchen chair she had put in front of you. She let go of the grip on your chin and brought her hand up to your face and gently brushed the tears that stained your cheeks away. You gasped at her cool hands on your hot skin, never having felt something so gentle and caring. She smiled at you sweetly, your heart suddenly aching at the sight. You coughed to make it go away, you didn't like to feel weak.
"You shouldn't need stitches. It's deep, but small. Why don't we get you something to eat before you take a shower. Don't need you to pass out from the steam," she said, getting up and going over to her fridge.
You sat back in the chair, looking around the kitchen. It seemed like it hadn't been updated in the last ten years, but was also incredibly clean. It was as if she didn't actually cook in it. She brought the ingredients to the counter and turned on the stove. You began to feel awkward as you watched Diane making lunch as the realization that you were sitting in a complete strangers home after they had hit you with their car. As if Diane sensed a shift in the atmosphere, she suddenly turned around, her focus back on you.
"You said you didn't have any family?" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest and biting her lip.
"Huh?" you asked, confused by her sudden nervous demeanor.
"Earlier, when I- well you said you were new here but that you didn't have any family. So what brought you to town?"
"Oh, yeah.  Someone I grew up with in one of my foster homes who I was really close with came here when she was 18 to go to the school here and get a fresh start. I heard how well it worked for her and decided to do the same thing. Plus I thought it would be easier to move across country if there was at least one person I knew in the area."
The smell of the food began to drift through the air and your mouth pooled with drool. You hadn't eaten a real meal in nearly three days. Your stomach growled and revealed just how hungry you were. It was loud and you knew she heard it, and your cheeks flushed red once again, embarrassed. You quickly picked back up the conversation to distract from it.
"So yeah, once I saved up enough money for a bus ticket, I left. The trip took about a week and a half and I was here literally ten minutes before you hit me with your car," you chuckled nervously.
Diane looked at you, worried, but you flashed her a smile to let her know you weren't upset. She seemed to relax instantly and she smiled so wide she actually covered up her mouth with her hand as if she was embarrassed. She turned around to stir the food that was now beginning to sizzle on the stove.
"So do you live here by yourself?"
Diane seemed to tense at the question, but she relaxed almost immediately afterwards, sighing loudly.
"Unfortunately, yes. But I keep myself pretty busy in my garden and teaching. A quiet life has its perks, but sometimes it gets lonely."
She came over and put a plate full of sautéed vegetables and chicken in front of you. She sat back in the chair across from you, watching you with a smile. You looked at her, almost afraid to eat it.
"Go on, take a bite. Tell me what you think sweetheart," she almost cooed at you.
Her tone and the nickname would have thrown you off guard if you weren't so damn hungry. You shakily brought a fork full into your mouth and forced yourself to eat slowly. You moaned as you swallowed, so thankful to have actual food in your stomach. Diane bit her lip and smiled again, watching you eat.
You ate an entire plate and Diane insisted on giving you more, but you were afraid you would get sick. You hunched over from being so full, and winced from a new pain coming from your back. Diane noticed immediately and shot out of her chair and to your side.
"I'm fine. My back is just hurting all the sudden," you said, trying to calm her down.
Suddenly Diane was yanking your shirt up, exposing your back.
"Hey, what are you-"
"You have what looks like road rash and a large bruise along your back. I think you should go take a shower and then I will take a closer look at it. I'm afraid if I don't it will get infected," Diane said rolling your shirt back down, completely ignoring the dumbfounded look on your face.
You sat there silent and Diane didn't wait for you to really respond. She picked up your backpack and threw it over her shoulder.
"I'll show you where the bathroom is."
You cautiously followed her down the hall to the bathroom. Diane was so kind and really welcoming, but she was also slightly forward with her actions. You two were still perfect strangers, but she had no problem lifting up your shirt without your permission as if you had known her since you were small. But did you really mind that? You had never had someone baby and care for you before, what did it matter if she didn't know you? You decided to just relax and enjoy the attention while it lasted. Even if it was because she felt bad.
You followed her into the bathroom and she turned on the shower checking the water. She turned to you then and held out her hand.
"Give me your clothes."
You stared at her.
"I'm sorry, what?"
She chuckled.
"Your clothes smell pretty bad. I will wash them for you. I'll step out of the room and you can let me know when you're in the shower and I'll come back in and grab them," she said, heading towards the door. You didn't have much time to argue as she stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind her.
You undressed quickly and tried to leave your clothes in a neat pile on the floor near the door before trotting to the shower and stepping in. You gasped at the sting of the water on your battered skin. You gave yourself a second to adjust before giving Diane the OK.
You heard her step in and pick up the clothes, and you swore you heard her footsteps grow closer to the shower. You held your breath, suddenly nervous. But they retreated as you heard her exit, the door creaking shut behind her.
You showered quickly and toweled off as best you could, changing into the softest pair of clothes you had in your bag. You stepped out into the hallway carefully, looking for any sign of the woman. You saw the door to what looked like a basement open so you headed that way. Just as you reached the frame, Diane appeared suddenly, scaring you.
"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry, the washer is in the basement," she said, closing the door immediately behind her. You found it weird, but maybe it was dirty. She probably didn't bring company down to the basement often.
"How long do you think it will take for my clothes? I'm super tired and was hoping to get to the motel to rest some."
Diane bit her lip again and brushed her hair behind her ear which you were beginning to think was a nervous habit. She crossed her arms and leaned against the door before clearing her throat.
"I-I was actually wondering if you wanted to stay here? Just for a bit. So that way I could check on you to make sure you're healing well and you can save your money while you look for something permanent,  if you're going to be staying here."
She waited for your reply, obviously anxious. You were conflicted. While you relished the foreign feeling of kindness and affection, Diane was a stranger. She had hit you with her car. Your foster sister didn't know where you were. You were not supposed to be venerable or trust others.  But there was something in her eyes, something about the way she obviously wanted you to stay and be near her that shattered every instinct inside of you.
"Okay, that would be really nice," you squeaked, suddenly feeling the smallest you ever had.
Diane let out the breath she had been holding and it turned into a happy laugh. She smiled at you and you couldn't help but smile back. She was nice and you liked her attention and the way she seemed so concerned with you.
"Alright then, well I'll show you to your room," she said, finally leaving the door and walking you down the hallway, nearly pulling you with her.
You found yourself in a room that seemed like a modern day teenagers room. It felt strange but some people just decorated differently you supposed. Diane sighed and patted the bed.
"This is your room. Get comfortable and rest. I am gonna go get that medication and then start dinner so you can nap if you'd like until then."
She turned and walked to the hall but stopped in the doorway, turning her head to you.
"Oh and Y/N, I only have one rule."
"What is it?" you asked, sitting on a bed that you were certain was made from a cloud.
"Don't ever go in the basement."
And with that, Diane shut the door behind her, leaving you in the quiet of your new home.
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aries-writes-shit · 3 years
Hello hi uh i hope you are doing well and are staying safe and sanitized during this whole pandemic, um I hope the matchup is still up, if not my apologies uh ig I'll get started :) (platonic or romantic is fine by me, I dont mind either or cuz I honestlydont know what I want heh...ya..) My name is Dioceline (any pronoun is fine by me but people usually go with (she/they), my nickname is Dio or Small as most of my online friends call me. I have been told that I'm very impulsive and funny but im also emotional and I stand up for what I think is right and know when to be serious. I usually take the lead of things if no one else feels comfortable enough to deal with it which has landed me into some trouble in the past but id do it again for my friends because frankly I love and appreciate them and I make sure they know it by drawing them things they love or write poems about what I love about them and what I find beautiful about them every couple of weeks. Im not very big on socializing in person but I'm very bubbly and eager to meet people online (my socialbattery does brain pretty fast so I I ti take a quick nap or go on YT for a bit before I can go back to being stupid), I'm shy at first in person but the longer you get to know me I start to get annoying and very touchy feely cuz I'm ✨touch starved✨. Im 5'7 and a half and I like to flex that I'm taller than most of my family because its known that Mexicans/Hispanics are short asf. I am a Capricorn but I don't really feel connected to my sign so I'll give you my enneagram and my mbti! I'm an Infp-T and my ennegram is 2 wing 1. My music taste is all over the place at all times and I listen to anything as long as the lyrics speak to me or the instruments sound good asf (guitars are my favorite instrument, any type of instrument with strings speak to my soul) but I have been listening to a lot of old rock singers/bands recently like Queen, AC/DC, Hombres G, ABBA, Roger Taylor, Bon Jovi, and a lot of other singers/bands. Now since I've been the middle child of 5 other siblings before my little brother was born I have developed a strange humor, it's very mixed and changes a lot but I adapt and go with the flow of anything as long as it makes people happy and laugh. I usually flirt in very awkward ways like throwing horrid pickup lines at friends or pulling the fuckboy face while saying that they look like the snack that smiles back. It's a form of breaking the ice with a people after ive concluded that I want them in my life cuz idk why but I do so ya (in a platonic way ofc). I tend to get a little overprotective and take the parenteral roll when I hear that one of my friends haven't ate or is being insulting and ir being made uncomfortable. Now for appearance, I smile with my eyes, have a cupid's bow and I have lip asymmetry on my left lip. I have a lot of beauty marks on my face and arms, I have dark brown hair and eyes. I'm on the curvier side, I have really big thighs and my chest is pretty big to so it makes it look like I have somewhat of an hourglass figure which is cool ig. I usually wear shorts and baggy sweaters that are 2 times to big for me, most of my clothes is black except for a couple of red and grey shirts/sweatshirts that I have in my closet. I love music, drawing, painting and pretty much anything to do with art. I also really like Chemistry/Science, English, and Philosophical talks, I like learning about the ocean and space but im to scared to actually go into the ocean and my family never really goes out cuz money issues and stuff but it's nice to see it on the internet. I also really enjoy the company of animals and plants :) ok I think that is all, sorry it was so long I tend to ramble and say things that aren't necessary. OH idk if this would help at all but I want to be a family therapist and will be joining the army next year after I graduate so I can get my degree without getting into terrible debt. Ok now I think that is all, hope you have an amazing day/night and stay safe!
Woah 😳, Why are yall so cool?
I think ima match you with....
C!Philza and C!Techno
Oh no, two protective anachists, what they gonna do
In all seriousness
These two are 100% very protective of you
One of them is always with you
Either making sure your safe
Or just making sure you dont do something to crazy
You play the guitar?
Expect to preform pretend concerts to Phil, Chat, Techno and all technos animals
If neither of the boys can be with you, philza's murder, Chat, as he calls them, would follow you from a distance
Phil would paint with you 100%
Techno wouldnt paint with you two, but he would watch
Philosophical talks with techno
But their like, in like the middle of the night
"Why do you think were here on earth"
"Woah, thats a good question"
Definitely would concern phil, when you two talk about the meaning of life out of nowhere.
They would definitely support your choice of becoming a therapist
And the military as well
Despite fighting for a government
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zmayadw · 4 years
And the next one as promised :)
The day i got released form hospital finaly came. I was happy about it, taking a breath of fresh air will be a welcoming change after over three weeks in here. Some bruises wer still visable, and my head hurted from time to time, but other then that the doctor gave me a green light. And having too much free time makes your toughts wonder in wrong direction too much. Thinking about Jake was my daily routine, and i hoped once i get out other things will get me occupied. Jessy wanted me to stay with her, but i managed to persuade her that i'd be better of at the motel. She reluclantly agreed, but I argued that i would still be resting most of the time, and promised her we will see eachother every day, wich made her respect my decision a bit more. She called me that moring, telling Dan will come and drive me to the motel, because she was bussy planing a surprise for me. „Oh, Jessy, pleas dont go overboard, it is my first day out, i wont be up for much.“ I protested, but she quickly reasured me its nothing big. Knowing Jessy, i was sceptical about it, but she sounded so happy that i just agreed to whatever she had in plan. I was about done packing, when Doris came bringing me my dischrage papers. She gave them to me, embracing me in a tight hug „You be good now, hun. And remember what i told you before.“ She said, giving me one more of her winks. „Thank you, Doris.“ I replied, handig her a chocholate bombonier i asked Jessy to get me. „For everything.“ I hugged her once more. „No need to thank me, hun.“  „Ahh, Doris, im jelaous, i didnt get a hug from you when i was leaving the hospital.“ It was Dan, being dramatic again. I laughed, as Doris went for the door „Schmacks dont deserve hugs!“ she grinned at him, and left. „She likes me...she just wont admit it.“ Dan said, grining. „So,you ready to leave this shithole?“ „Definatly!“ i said, taking my discharge papers and putting them in my pack. Dan took it from me, and we left the room, taking the elevator down. Stepping outside was so refreshing, i stopped at the exit for a brief moment, wich made Dan turn „You allrigh there?“ „Im good, just appriciate being outside again.“ I smiled. We continued to the car. Dan opened the door for me, putted my stuff on the back seat, and we drove towards motel. I rolled the window down letting the cool morning air blow to my face and through my hair. The drive wouldnt last that long, and Dan informed me that Jessy booked the room for me already and took the rest of my stuff there, and my car also waiting for me at the motels parking. „Dan, whats Jessy planing for me today?“ i asked. „Oh, no,no, im keeping my mouth shut!“ he replied, but i groaned at him pleading „Please, Dan, at least give me a hint. I just got out of hospital, and to be honest, im not up for big fanfaras, but i dont want to dissapoint Jessy either. And lets be honest, its Jessy wer talking about here, nothing is small or meaningless with her.“ He laughed at that „Your right about that! Alright, ill tell you, but if she realize you knew something..“ „Dont worry, i can act being genuinely surprised with no problem.“ I asured him. „Well, its nothing much, rellay. We're taking you for dinner.“ he said. Ok, thats not so bad, i tought, i do have to eat. „And she invited the gang to Aurora this evening, to celebrate your release from hospital.“ Ugh, i hoped that wouldnt happen so soon, that i would at least have a day or so for me before seeing everyone. „Ah, crap, i guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.“ I said, adding „Later would be better, tho.“ „Dont worry, Maya, ill be there to rescue you, AGAIN.“ He grinned at me, and i grinned back „Good, because i just might need some rescuing, again.“
Dan left me at the motel, and i entered the small checkin office. The woman behind the counter was eldery, and she smiled at me „Good morning, miss, what can i do for you?“. „Morning'“ i replied, smiling back „I had a room booked for me by a friend, i guess you know her, Jessica Hawkins?“. She smiled more now „Ah, ofcourse, miss Cole i presume?“ i nooded in agreement. „Yes, Jessica brought all your belongings already. I would just ask for you to fill this, please.“ She handed me that check in paper you get at every motel. I filled it, and she gave me the key.“You're at room 11, its on your right once you leave the office. And i'm Ms. Walter, fell free to ask if you need anything.“ „Thanks, i will.“ I replied, taking the key.
The room looked cozy enough. It had a big bed, with a little nightstand next to it with a lamp on it. There was a midium size table in front of a big window, wich i immidiatly felt greatefull for, since some natural light is what i prefere for my drawing work, and a closet next to it. Across from the bed was a  TV, and a little refrigeratore under it. The bathroom was small, wich is more then enough. I left my stuff on the bed, when i noticed a note on the nightstand. 'The car key is in the nightstand drawer. Get some rest, and see you later! Xoxo' It was from Jessy, and that made me smile. I took the key and went to the car to get the rest of my stuff. The day was nice and sunny, and i tought i souldnt spend the whole day in the motel. I went back to the room, unpacked, grabed some clean clothes and went for a shower. When i got dressed i sat at te table and turned my laptop on. I checked my mails, and some job offers. Its good when you're a freelancer, you can work from anywhere, and I actually felt some work might keep me occupied and not let my mind wonder to Jake.  The tought of him leaving my hospital room  two weeks ago still pained me, but i cant sit here and despair all the time, so i decided to grab my drawing stuff and head exploring. I hoped Jessy wouldt mind me going to town alone, she did promise me a grand tour of it once im out of the hospital. I took my phone and texted her „Hey hey, setteled at the motel. Going for a walk arround, but dont worry, im still looking forward for my tour arround Duskwood with you! xoxo“. She replied soon „Oh, nice, have fun! Just stay out of woods! xD See you for dinner J „. Great, now i could leave without feeling any guilt. I grabbed my backpack and left the motel.
I decidet to walk towards the marketplace, i had plenty of time since it wasnt even noon yet, and Jessy and Dan wont pick me up before 19. I passed a small bakery on my way there, and bought me some food and a bottle of water. The streets leading towards marketplace wer small and narrow, mostly with older buildings and pretty quiet. After some 30-40 minutes of slow walk,  i emerged to the marketplace, and it was comepletly different. The crowd thickened, and the place hummed with life. In the center was a nice funtain, with benches in circle arround it. Few wer occupied with people: one had an eldery couple, just sitting there on the sun and talking, on the other wer two mothers, drinking coffee while kids wer running arround, giggling and enjoying a nice day. I sat on one of the free benches, and took my drawing pad out. The warmth of the sun felt nice, and i began drawing. I can get quite zoomed out of my surroundings when drawing, so when i finaly noticed someone was standing in front of me, i jumped, and my penciles flew all over the floor. I started to stan up from the bench, at the same time that someone started to bend down to help pick them up,our heads coliding. That sent me sitting back on the banch, as both of us groaned from the impact. „Auch.“ I flinched, looking at the person stnding there. It was Jake. „Sorry, i didnt mean to sneak up on you.“ he said, still rubbing his forehead. „No, no, its fine, i was really focused, i didnt see you there.“ I barely managed to say, my voice shakey, clumsely picking my penciles from the floor.He was the last person i expected to run into. I really wasnt ready for this, the knot in my stomach starting to form, as i finaly collected all the penciles and sat back on the bench. I knew we wer gonna run at each other eventualy, but not so soon. He sat next to me, and i could notice by his body language he was a bit nervouse, too. „You look better.“ he said after a moment of silence, giving me a small smile, wich made my heart skip from joy. „Thanks, i feel much better,too.“ I replied, smiling back. He was looking at me so tenderly, and the heat from the sun made me so hot, i had a feeling my cheeks wer red as a lobster. He run his hand through his hair, and all i could think is how much i wanna do that. His look became more serious now, his eyes becoming darker, but that tenderness was still present. „Maya..“ he started „That day at the hospital.. I didnt..I'm sorry..“ but i interupted him. „No need to appologise, Jake, really.“ And he really didnt have to. I continued, before he could say anything else. „Look, its like this: you had every right to act like you did, and even tho it wasnt easy for me to hear you say those stuff, you wer right, in a way.“ He looked me a bit confused. „You wer probably right, I didnt think quite hard about every possible thing that could go wrong, and God knows i had more luck then im willing to admit. But thats just who i am: i act, i go with the flow, i make mistakes. And i appologise when I realize I was wrong, wich I would do to you if you just stayed for a while more. And i mean appologise for not telling you, or anyone about my plan, not for what i did at the end, hence me saying that you wer right in a way.“ I looked at him, he was still calm, not a trace of that anger i saw at the hospital anywhere on his face. That made me relax a bit. „Maya, just let me...“ he started again, but i interputed him once more „Please, Jake, just let me finish, then you can say whatever you wnat.“ He nodded in agreement. „ I know saying 'sorry' at that time seemed so pointless, but you have to know that i really am sorry, Jake, a thousand times sorry. Yet, i still stand by what i said, i would do it all over again, no matter the qonsequences.“ I paused for a moment, before i continued „I really hope you can forgive me. I got so used at having you in my life, and for it to end here and now...“ He looked at me, but i couldnt bring myself to look back at him. I just stared at my hands, not realizing this whole time i was clasping them so tightly. „I hope you wont shut me out of your life comepletly.“ We sat there in silence for what seemed like eternity. I got my courage and looked at him. He was staring in the distance now. „I felt helpless.“ he said, looking back at me now. „It got me...scared.“ he confessed, and i ached to just hug him. I could see this was being hard for him, saying it. „I've had that happen once before in my life, and it didnt end well.“ His eyes became so sad. „I'm not sure im ready to go through it again.“ That knot at my stomach tightened as he said it, but i took a deep breath „I understand. I'v let you down, i know. But i hope with time, you will be able to trust me again..let me be your friend, at least.“ Friend...that word felt so wrong to me. I didnt want to be just his 'friend', i wanted to be more, so much more. But, i guess at the moment i would be happy with anything. He stared at me for a moment, and before he said it, a smile formed at the corner of his lips „One step at the time.“ „Thats all im asking.“ I said, smiling shyly. He sat there in silence for a brief moment before slowely getting up. „You're good, by the way.“ He said, and i looked at him puzzeled, wich made him smile. He had such a sincere and wonderfull smile. „Your drawing, its good.“ He continued, pointing at my drawing pad. „Oh, that, thanks!“ i replied. „I better be good, i doubt i'll get paid otherwise .“ i grinned. He shook his head at me smiling, walking slowely away from the bench „See you arround, Maya.“ „See you, Jake.“ Watching him walk away this time didnt leave me in pain and agony. I felt hope again. Maybe Doris and Jessy weren't talking nonsence, afterall, I tought, not realising i was grinning like crazy.
After Jake left, i just sat there, letting my heart stop beating insanely. I was really happy for how our unexpected meeting went, i tought there really was some hope for us again. Oh man, Jessy will go crazy when i tell her all about it, she will so rub me her ' i told you so's' in the face! That got me laughing out loud, a few passerbys looking at me like i was crazy. And they wer right, i was crazy! Crazy for Jake. Everything about him drow me crazy: his gorgeous eyes, that ruffeled hair, and that beautifull smile. He shoud definatly smile more, i tought, his whole face smiles when he does it. The churchbell chimmed five , and i cursed under my breath. I better head back to the motel, i need another shower for sure. I quickly grabbed my stuff from the bench, deciding to grab coffee before headiding back. My toughts wer still running wild about Jake as i was walking back towards motel, i colided with a man. I almost dropped my coffe, quickly appologizing. „Be carefull there, miss, you never know who you might bump into.“  He said, a bit grim, like he was makeing a threath. I looked at him a bit astonished „Uhm, i will mister, thanks for your advice. And, sorry again!“ I slowly turned and continued my way. Strange guy i tought, but didnt pay any more toughts about it continuing back to the motel.
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brelione · 4 years
Princess Bitch (Rafe Cameron X Reader)
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Warnings:Choking,swearing,poorly written
You sat on the beach,sitting criss cross applesauce as you had been trained to do since pre school.Your adult coloring book was in your lap,a pencil case of prisma colors next to you in the sand.You had always enjoyed coloring and lucky you had upgraded from the simple rose art shitty crayons and dollar store coloring books.It helped with your shitty mental state and your need to be doing something with your hands at all times.You were partially aware of the tall kook that would look at your coloring book over your shoulder everytime he walked by your spot.Even though you were a pogue you still found yourself on the kook beaches to people watch.
It wasnt that you admired kooks or wanted to be one,you just enjoyed watching their body language and the way they’d shriek when the water hit their skin.They would bring coolers full of alcohol and fancy club sandwiches.You couldn't relate,of course.But it wasn't until today that the tall kook actually spoke to you.Your fingers held onto the seashell pink pencil,shading in a person’s face in circular motions.The lines of the picture were light brown so the colors could easily blend into the lines without looking harsh.You could feel the tall kook prince,Rafe Cameron,coming up behind you. “Thats nice...who is it?”Rafe asked,glancing over to Topper,Kelce and Barley.Barley was holding back a laugh,watching as Rafe’s cheeks turned pink and his white teeth bit on his bottom lip.The three teens had been teasing Rafe for weeks,finally getting him to go over to you.You glanced up at the boy,eyes narrowing. 
“What do you want?”You asked him.He smiled nervously,biting the inside of his cheek. “Why do you think I want something?”He asked,hands in his rich boy khakis.You raised your eyebrows,looking over at the other three boys that were pretending not to watch Rafe’s every move. “Your friends are watching you which means they sent you over here.Why?”You asked.He shrugged,looking off at the water. “Um...I wanted to see what you were drawing-coloring,sorry.”He spoke quietly.You stared up at him,studying his face for a hint that he was lying. “Its gonna be margot robbie.”You answered,placing down your seashell pink and reaching for the nectar shade.He nodded,hesitantly sitting next to you.
 “You uh...you do a lot of coloring.”He spoke,stating a fact rather than asking a question.You nodded,continuing to move the tip of the pencil along the paper. “You live on The Cut but you come around here.Why?”He asked.You looked up at him with your (Y/C/E) that he had never seen up close before,the sunlight making every line and curve of your iris visible to him.Your face was so close to him that he could see every pore and every little freckle along your sun kissed skin.Your curled eyelashes were the only thing that kept sunlight out of your eyes.You were so much prettier up close that he never wanted to leave the spot he was in.
 “Just to piss you all off.”You answered calmly,looking around at the groups of girls that kept glancing at you and your shitty clothes in disgust.He nodded,biting the tip of his tongue. “So you hate us all?”He asked.You hummed,moving onto your next pencil.He nodded. “You hate me?”He asked.You nodded. “You havent given me a reason to like you.”You answered.He smirked,thinking about what he was about to say before letting the words flow from his mouth. “Let me see your phone and ill give you a reason to like me.”He waited for you to answer.You giggled quietly,rolling your eyes. 
“You’re so desperate to impress your friends that you went for a pogue?Thats pathetic,even for you,Rafe Cameron.”You shook your head,zipping your pencil pouch shut,closing you book and slipping both into your old backpack before standing up and swinging the bag over your shoulder.He got up,not bothering to brush off the sand as he glanced over at his friends for encouragement.Barley moved his hands in rapid motions,pointing at you and looking as if he was swatting something away.Rafe looked back at you as you walked quickly,your phone in your back pocket.He caught up to you,reaching for your hand.
Your arm,almost on instinct,moved upwards and your hand clenched around his throat. “Never touch me.”You warned,squeezing tight at his jaw before letting your hand drop.He gulped,shocked by your actions. “Alright,okay.I just….I’ve been watching you for a while and I want to get to know you.”He tried to explain himself.You raised an eyebrow at him. “Youve been watching me?Fuckin stalker lookin’ ass.”You giggled,pulling your phone from your back pocket. “No-not like that.Im just-I think you’re really cute and really talented and I wanna get to know you better and ive seen you around and im shooting my shot and its not going well and if you want me to leave ill head out.”He spoke all too quickly,trying to make things make sense.
You laughed at how flustered he was. “Damn,Cameron,who know you were such a simp?”You grinned,looking up from your phone.He ran a hand through his hair,glancing around the parking lot. “So um...is that a yes?”He asked.You raised your eyebrow,questioning him silently. “And what would I be saying yes to?”You asked.He blushed. “Um….a date.With me,whenever you want wherever you want with no questions asked.If you dont like it I wont bother you again.”He tapped at his leg.You thought about it,enjoying this completely whipped version of the Kook Prince. “Give me your phone.”You demande,sliding your phone back in your pocket.He was confused by your words but obeyed you none the less.He didnt want you to choke him again,not under these circumstances,at least.You took his phone,typing your number in and giving yourself the contact name of “Princess Bitch”before turning off his phone and handing it back to him. “See you later,asshat.”You walked,purposefully swinging your hips as you disappeared from his view.
So heres an idea:If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Ik it's not Aizawa's bday yet and this is a little early, but imagine Aizawa's s/o or crush (whichever is cuter to you) getting Aizawa a bunch of cat-themed things for his bday? Like a blanket with cat patterns on it, stuffed animals, a cat pillow, cat-themed house decor, cat-themed food, etc...
Hello! Here you go, I hope it’s what you want! Today’s fic is an early gift to everyone’s favorite teacher! I did go with crush and the end is like a little suggestive but not really. Reader is neutral, I was writing this while watching the election so if they’re are mistakes blame it on the polls. If everything goes right another birthday themed fic on the 8th
Reader and Mic plan a very special day for Aizawas birthday.
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Words: 1616
You were preparing for Aizawa's birthday for months now. You were planning on finally confessing to him after years of pinning. You and Mic had prepared the perfect gifts and events to make him finally fall for you. You were beginning step one right now, you walked down the halls of UA with the bento you prepared. All of the things inside were cut into cute cat shapes, the rice ball was shaped into a cat. It was just cat, cat, and of course more cats. You even bought a cute little cupcake that was decorated like a cat. The final touch though were your cat ears, Mic made you wear them, but you couldn't lie they were a nice touch. As you pushed back the classroom door you put on your biggest smile.
“Happy Birthday Aizawa, nyah!!” You yelled with a giggle. Your voice brought Aizawa out of his dazed state. He flushed looking at you and then at Mic, then letting out a sigh.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Shouta and Thank you.” He said coming to take the food from you.
“But you won't call me y/n.” You said back as he mumbled out a ‘it's not the same’. You all took your seats as he unwrapped your bento. You bounced your legs as he opened to see your homemade kitty themed food. He let out a light chuckle before he started to eat.
“So, birthday planner what's on the itinerary today?” Mic asked, messing around with your cat ears.
“After you nerds get done here, cat cafe for sure, then off to work for you mister, and finally I’ll walk shouta home and feed the alley cats along the way.” You said taking out your pocket sized planner and reading from it.
“We don't need to do all of it.”
“Oh don't play tough now, sho! You know you like their cooking and them doting on you.” Mic said with his loud laughter. You froze as Aizawa only looked away.
“Don't be jealous cause you don't get the same treatment. Anyway my break is over, L/n, your food is the best as always. I'll see you both later.” He said stoically as he gave you back your bento container, empty.
“He's the same as always! The cat ears didn't work!” You said with a slight whine.
“Did you not see his blush! He is totally head over heals right now! Just keep on with the plan, also why didn't you make me a cute bento on my birthday.” Your blonde friend chuckled at you. You only gave him a playful shove.
“Next time instead of asking for a 200.00 dollar gift ask me to cook for you. I’m heading out to set up the cat cafe, make sure you get him there.” You said hitting him over the head before leaving. You arrived at the cat cafe promptly and now you were about done setting up.
“You are so sweet doing this for your boyfriend.” The worker said with a smile.
“Uh, um he's just a friend.” You said with your head down.
“Well sorry about that. But if i could capitalize on it, my brother is probably about your age! You two would look great together! He is so sweet and tentative, the only reason he is not with someone is because some people think he is too nice when he is in a relationship. Let me give you his number.” The worker rushed out as she grasped your hand. You were too busy trying to follow her words that you didn't notice your friends come in.
“They don't do the whole dating thing, miss.” You heard shouta say from behind you.
“Oh Aizawa! Happy birthday, nyah!” You said as you pulled the confetti cannon that rained cat themed confetti.
“I hate you both but thank you.” He said chuckling as he leaned over to pet the cat that came over to him. For some reason they always seemed to gravitate towards the stoic man. You all spent time with the cats, having quiet chatter here and there. Until the workers brought out the cat themed food.
“You two are so extra, I appreciate this if the smile on my face doesn't show it.” He said as he snuck the resident fat cat some food.
“Thats your smile? Sho?” You were overcome with laughter and had to pause. “I think you might need to work on it.” You finished still laughing. Your eyes were squinted as you laughed so you didn't see Aizawa’s shocked expression or reding cheeks.
“Oh my goodness! After eons and eons of being friends, you've finally called him by his name, a nickname at that.” Hizashi said, taking a picture of the two of you. Finally noticing your slip up you buried your face in your hands.
“Its fine, L/N, i've been trying to get you to do it for a while now anyhow.” He said with a big smile, for him anyway.
“We better get to the gift giving. I’ve got to go slave away in a few minutes.”
“Oh right! Give me the bag Mic-ey boy!” You said to him. He handed you the bag with a smile.
“To our dearest Aizawa, on his most special day! We gift him all of his favorite things plus a day of Hizashi being less obnoxious as requested. Happy Birthday aizawa, Nyah!” You said dramatically, handing him the bag. He mumbled a thank you opening it, with a small rush only you could notice. He pulled out a black cat themed blanket, black slippers, a gray cat mug, a cactus in a cat themed pot, a few bags of catnip, and cat themed sleeping bag with a small matching pillow.
“You guys know me too well, thank you both.” He said with a smile.
“There's also one more thing back at your house, but i'm glad you liked it all.” You said as you beamed at him.
“What's back at the house is of course my idea and present to you! I've gotta go but Sho, i hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday. Don't have too much fun without me of course!” He said as he got up and paid the bill. You and Aizawa were left alone.
“Let’s go feed the kitties on our way to your place.” You said as you got up.
“We don't have to if you don't want to, y’know?” He said as you guys left the building.
“All the years we've done this, do I ever look like I DON'T want to?” You said as you opened the canned food, feeding the cats as they came. Aizawa spooned it on plates, placing the plates in a line that lead to his house.
“Well thank you, I don't think it would be the same without you.” He said as you neared his house.
“You’ll always have me, aizawa.” You smiled at him as you both finally made it into his house. He immediately plopped down on his couch, his cat next to him.
“Well...i've got to do something real quick, you should open Hizashi’s gift! It's over there.” You said as you rushed away. Aizawa chuckled to himself as his cat ran after you. He leaned over to see a card with Hizashi’s writing on it and moved to open it. It was a few pieces of paper and a card which he decided to read first.
‘To my main man Sho,
You're not getting any younger and neither are they. I told Nezu your incredibly sick, which I think he knows I'm lying about it. Anyways, you need to lock them down now and i'm giving you a chance. Along with this card there is some cash, 2 tickets to that movie they wanted to see, and some tickets to the cat themed amusement park that's opening. Thank me later with a karaoke night! I've given you everything you need! Don't screw this up, dude.
Yamada Hizashi
Aizawa held his head back trying to stop the tears he felt bubbling up. He put the items back in the bag as he heard you coming. When you stepped into view aizawa almost forgot how to breathe. You were wearing a maid outfit with cat ears and tail, his cat in your arms in a similar get up, well you know for a cat.
“Mic, said you would like it at the very least it's funny but i hope you enjoyed your birthday, Aizawa, nyah.” You said softly not meeting his intense gaze, he walked toward you and took the cat from your hands placing her on the floor.
“y/n, I love you.” He said caressing your cheeks. You blink at him hearing what he is saying but not really taking it in.
“You don’t have to feel the same way but I love you too much to let another second slip away from us.” He said, his stare boring into your eyes. You didn’t say much but giggled at him.
“I think it’s pretty obvious I love you too Shouta. I’m wearing cat ears and a tail plus a maid outfit.” You said staring back at him with just as much passion.
“Well thank you for my birthday gifts. They were lovely. But since you dressed up for my birthday, I think I’m gonna undress you.” He said drawing closer to your face. Your lips inches away but before anything could happen he grabbed your wrist and pulled you toward his room.
“Wait Sho!! I want a date first an-” you stuttered as he continued to pull you chuckling.
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ice-emperor-zane · 4 years
ninjago atla au update: Fire Lord Garmadon, Azula!Harumi, and Misako’s evil plan™️, and then more about Zane and Cole from the picrews:
Okay so, we start off with Misako’s role in Garmadon and Harumi’s plan (cuz in this au we’re not going to pretend shes a nice person). You know how in ninjago, up until season 2, she was doing research on ninjago’s history and that island the overlord lived on? Well here, she’s been researching on the history of the avatars all her life, and has learnt of how Avatar Aang was able to spiritbend Fire Lord Ozai’s Firebending away, and how Avatar Korra nearly had her bending taken away by the bloodbender known as Amon, how in the days of avatar Won, bending was given/taken away from people constantly. Misako wanted to utilise the power of giving/taking bending away to the fullest, to have spiritbender/bloodbender governments and law enforcements who could take away the bending of those who step out of line and to give bending to those who are loyal.
In the age of the Avatar prior to Lloyd (Avatar Zavier) Misako befriended Zavier and convinced him to learn spiritbending so he could give Misako waterbending and give Misako’s daughter, the Fire Lord’s child, Harumi, firebending. Misako’s excuse was that they were both born non-benders and it wasn’t really acceptable in the royal family for them to be anything other than benders, especially the heir, and the public weren’t aware Harumi wasn’t born a bender, Zavier made them both benders. He died an early death not long after this, so he never learnt of Misako’s plan to make bending a privilege and to use it as a rewards/punishment system. Avatar Lloyd was born shortly after, though of course, he was far too young to understand what was going on. Fire Lord Garmadon was of course 200% supportive of Misako’s ideas, and he no doubt planned to use the spiritbending/bloodbending method of giving/taking away bending for evil reasons™️ like removing the bending from entire other nations unless they pledge allegiance to him.
Harumi didn’t take too much convincing to think that it was a great idea, not only was she like 9 at the time, but because she had been gotten her firebending abilities later than everyone else, training-wise she was behind all the other kids her age, she could never be as perfect as she should be and she hated that more than anything else. Her hatred for her lack of natural skill and her want to wipe the smiles off all the other kid’s faces made her an extreme perfectionist who never ever stopped practicing. She became a firebending master at age 14, with the blue flames Azula had in atla (caused by extremely strong hatred for something or someone).
Now we get onto some more info about Zane and Cole based on the picrews.
You know the avatar before Lloyd? Avatar Zavier? That was Dr Julien’s son, Zane was created as a replacement to help Dr Julien cope with his grief, and also in the hopes that Zane could acomplish what Zavier always wanted to as an avatar but couldn’t (to protect those who cannot protect themselves). Zane, Jay, and Cole grew up together, but to Zane, it always felt as though Cole and Jay were best friends and he was a third wheel, so he jumped at the chance to go go the northern water tribe after discovering he was a waterbender. He’s spent the past 3 years or so of his life mastering waterbending, and honestly, he’s been a lot happier there than he ever was in Zaofu. He’s found that waterbending came naturally to him and he’s already one of the best in the tribe, hes best friends with the princess of the northern water tribe, Princess Pixl. Things are going great for him. But he can’t help but feel as though he’s not doing what he’s meant to be doing, because he’s meant to be protecting people, thats his purpose, and he’s finding it really difficult to accept that he deserves happiness too.
And now, Cole. Growing up, Zaofu had been hell, its the city made of metal and he cant metalbend, it made him feel so useless. Combine that with his airbender father, who despised that his son couldn’t airbend because it made Cole a far worse dancer (Lou is still part of the royal blacksmiths, they’re a group of Airbenders who use their bending and the extra agility/gracefulness it gives them to do dancemoves that would be impossible to a non-airbender). Of course, Cole, an earthbender, is Lou’s complete opposite, but that didnt stop Lou from forcing Cole to try to learn to dance. The standards were just so high and he hated it. Albeit Cole became quite a good dancer, but the amount of extra training he’d been forced to take, the amount of ridicule he got from others for not being able to do what they could, the extent at which it made him hate himself and how he’d been born, it wasn’t worth it. He didn’t fit in with anyone arround him, except Jay, Zane, and his mom. He doesn’t know how he would’ve survived without those guys. This all comes off in his fighting style, most earthbenders use a strong wise stance and face things head-on, Cole is more prone to airbending techniques, he only actually uses earthbending to create last-minute walls/shields, he usually uses evasive manoeuvres until the opponent tires themself out. This makes him exceptionally powerful, and I don’t think anyone at Zaofu ever took notice of that (even Jay and Zane thought he was kinda weak, fighting-wise, considering he couldn’t metalbend nor was he as agile as his father hoped), but as Bumi said, earthbending is based on neutral-jing, and Cole’s techniques feel a lot more neutral than just punching stuff. And Iroh said to draw strength from many places, and considering that earthbending and airbending are opposites, it seems like a good place to look. When Cole left Zaofu to go to republic city, he was looking for people who appreciate him more, and, I’d like to think he found that in the Smith Siblings.
Oki heres some more picrews, here we have Avatar Zavier, Harumi, and Pixl (you’re gonna hear a lot more about Pixl)
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onyourmemory-ha · 4 years
Chapter One
little changes can pave lanes
Auggie broadens their horizons and meets their best friend’s girl. 
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The seats are crammed together, packing everyone in like sardines. The sweat and general body odor seem to go along with the disgustingly fishy trend. All of that Auggie could forgive but the hollering child was where they drew the line. The demon spawn pounded its fist against the back of some poor unfortunate soul’s seat and yelled about wanting to go play.
The sole reason they don’t join in and match the child’s volume is because of Trish, the woman keeping a firm hold on their hand as if reading their thoughts. And considering the type of woman she was, they really wouldn’t put it past her if that really were the case. As it is, it helps ground them and not lose it on a literal child.
“I thought your dick of an ex was rich now,” They grumble lowly, debating if they should give in to the desire of banging their head against the headrest.
“He is,” Trish tries to hide her amusement, hiding her grin behind her drink as she pushes further. “Why would you think otherwise?”
Snorting, Auggie gestures to the hell hole they’ve been forced into. “The bastard skimped out on getting the good seats. But it’s good to know Dick is just the same.”
“We’re just lucky to have found tickets at such short notice,” She gently squeezes their hand with a wordless scolding and it’s enough to have Auggie’s frown deepening.
Flushing, they look to the cloudy sky. It’s a cruel reminder, being indebted to someone like Ken of all people. Instead, they choose to focus on the reasoning behind it, easily shifting the blame onto the person who’s truly at fault. “I’m gonna beat your son’s ass when we see him, fair warning.”
And Trish, the traitor, just laughs to herself. “I love you, honey. But I don’t think you’d like who the winner was in something like that.”
“Oh, I know,” Auggie just shrugs. “But I’d get a few good hits in there and that’s all I need to ruin his day.”
This just has Trish laughing even more though she clearly tries to fight it. When Auggie snorts as a result, she lightly slaps their knee, and they both tune back into the movie playing overhead. And when Trish begins to tear up at the lovers reuniting on-screen, Auggie just squeezes her hand tighter and doesn’t mention it.
ㅤ⠀                                                        |♛|
It’s barely even noticeable, hidden beneath postering and a surprisingly fragile smile. If it hadn’t been for the years of knowing him or the sudden edge in Trish’s eyes, Auggie might have not even picked up on it. But they did and therein lies the issue.
The thing about Hardin was that he was similar to a horse. Big and intimidating but one good blow will end him for a long time. And so easily spooked on top of it. He wasn’t the type to confront, not when he was trying so hard to hide it like he was. They already knew how that would play out and it wouldn’t be pretty.
So, they did the only thing they really could do. They waited. Hardin wasn’t exactly someone subtle nor was he someone who bottled everything well. He was the explosive sort and that meant all Auggie needed to do was wait. Preferably without pushing him to that breaking point themselves but if they needed to, they would.
“Look at you!” Trish beams, holding his face gently. “How’ve you been, love?”
He places his hands over hers, his smile growing stronger. “Better now that you’re here. Was the flight okay?”
“Oh, it was fi—,” Trish goes to assure but they cut her off there, a screaming child flashing beneath their eyelids.
“It was absolute shit,” They announce with a proud grin. “I expect compensation, just so you know.”
Trish just shakes her head, pressing a kiss against her son’s forehead before pulling away. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was but you can pretend otherwise,” Auggie corrects, rocking on their heels.
He just snickers, shaking his head as he grabs Trish’s bags. “It wasn’t too bad if you’re still in high spirits.”
He walks forward without a warning, leaving the two of them to catch up. And Auggie does just that, their own bag thumping against their thigh with each step. “Of course I’m in high spirits now! I get to see my favorite white boy named Allen!”
He stops, just for a moment, and levels them a fierce glare from over his shoulder. “I’m sure they could always arrange a flight back home for you by tonight.”
“Or I could just go on with you two,” They beam, eyes wide and ready to play the innocent card.
Trish huffs at them both, her smile betraying the notion as she gestures them to hurry up. “If you two don’t play nice, I’ll ground you both!”
That has Hardin laughing, the shadows being chased away for the moment and it’s a small victory that Auggie soaks in. They walk with a purpose after that, Auggie shuffling after the mother and son duo with a smile that feels more real than any other one has in months.
ㅤ⠀                                                     |♛|
The apartment isn’t the cleanest of places but Auggie can still tell how nice it is under it all. They wonder whether or not it was another attempt on Hardin’s sperm donor to win him over and how successful it actually was considering he accepted it. The only thing out of place, besides the strewn-about clothes, is the light that streams in through the large, modern windows. It feels like the darkness should be trapped inside by thick curtains, not released to the light. They can’t help but think that maybe that was exactly the case before Hardin left to pick them up.
“Well, here we are,” He announces with little enthusiasm. “Go ahead and get comfortable.”
“Ooh, might as well draw me a bath in that case,” Auggie teases lightly before seriously considering it themselves. The warm water really would be nice right about now. “We can make it like old times and you can join me.”
“No thanks,” He snorts, dropping the suitcases in front of what they assume is the guest room. “One almost drowning was enough for me.”
“So boring,” They tsk, flopping on the couch as Trish rolls her eyes at the pair of them.
That’s when the newcomer makes themselves known, slinking out of the bedroom with a heated glare and her hands on her hips. The first thing Auggie notices is how pretty she is. It’s the type of prettiness that can be weaponized, the kind of features that were found on the faces of the popular kids back in high school. Her blonde hair pulls upon that cliche even more, cascading over her shoulders in a gentleness thats betrayed by the poison pooling behind her teeth. And it’s with a sinking feeling that Auggie realizes who this is at the same time that Trish does.
“You must be Tessa!” She exclaims after a pause, striding across the room and pulling the other girl into a hug. “Oh, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you ever since Hardin mentioned you!”
And that is very true. When they’d discovered Tessa couldn’t make it, leading to Hardin canceling as well, the woman had almost been heartbroken. That alone would have been enough for Auggie to be on guard around her. But the already set glare and the way Hardin seemed to shrink in on himself yet attuned everything to her, that did it. So Auggie stayed where they were seated, not bothering to stand up to greet the girl that their entire body seemed to rebel against.
“Oh, I thought…” She trails off, flushing with a sheepish smile. Her eyes though, they remain sharp. “It’s so good to meet you! I was just going, though.”
“No, you can’t just go now! Please stay! At least for dinner!” Trish pleads, the desperation matched in her son’s eyes.
“I mean, I told my mom I’d be there by dark…” She trails off, guiltily looking towards the door.
“Surely it wouldn’t hurt another night. It’ll be safer to drive in the morning anyways,” Trish reasons and they don’t miss the way Hardin’s eyes begin to brighten at the prospect of her staying.
It seems to be enough to convince the girl though and she gives a weary smile as her decision is made up. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
And for some reason, Auggie highly doubts it, but they keep their mouth closed for now. Although, they do throw their head against the back of the couch and let out a big sigh. “Is that bath still an option?”
ㅤ⠀                                                      |♛|
They end up ordering in food, the empty cabinets and fridge having given Hardin pause in his plans. And pause in conversations as well, it seems. Trish makes an effort, asking simple little questions to get to know the girl her son has become infatuated with, for some reason, while Hardin sits there staring at his plate like it spit in his face. Tessa, for her part, answers as politely as she can with a well timed smile.
The fakeness is stiffening and they all know it. Or at least, Auggie hopes they aren’t the only one picking it up. By Hardin’s awkward gazes between the blondes, they think they aren’t. So when Auggie is finally brought up, they’re pulled out of their overanalyzing thoughts about Hardin, the apartment, and the awkwardness. “What?”
“I was just saying how you and Hardin met,” Trish beams like the proud mother she is. “They’ve been with us through so much.”
“I had no idea,” Tessa enunciated slowly with an indescribable look leveled at their way. “Hardin’s never mentioned anyone other than his mother.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Auggie shrugs, trying to shake the edge in their voice before it's noticed. “Hardin always has been a private person. Plus he’s always been a momma’s boy.”
Tessa nods, glancing to her boyfriend before focusing back on the odd creature that Auggie must look like in their perfect apartment. “So what is it you do back in London?”
“Wiltshire,” They correct.
“What?” She frowns, sitting back in her seat with a deepening frown.
For some reason, Auggie finds relief in that. “It's outside of London. That’s where we’re from. But I mainly just help look after Mum and work down at the convenient store. Hoping to broaden my horizons soon and all that.”
“Oh,” Tessa trails off, looking towards Trish now like she’d somehow done something. “So you and Trish are close too?”
“Of course,” Trish answers with no hesitation, missing the way the girl’s smile tightens. “I practically raised this one and when Hardin moved away for uni, this sweet thing stepped up and moved in with me.”
“I’m basically the favorite child,” They grin ear to ear, nudging Hardin with their foot. “Isn’t that right?”
He, finally, stops staring after Tessa like a lost puppy and scoffs. “She only tells you to keep the peace in the house.”
That’s what Auggie considers a good opening, especially for what they’ve been meaning to discuss, and there’s nothing like biting the bullet head on. “About that.”
He turns his entire focus to them and almost looks scared. “What? What’s happening?”
Trish picks up on it immediately and sets down her drink softly. “Before you say anything, know that this was something I pushed.”
“Just spit it out already,” He snaps, hackles seeming to rise.
Auggie takes a deep breath. “Remember them broadening horizons? Well, I think it's time I actually do that and I’ve been talking with the Dick…”
“Ken? Why the fuck have you been talking with my Dad?” Hardin exclaims, eyes narrowing between them and his mother.
“I wanna go back to school and the only way I could afford that is if I had some help or knew someone. I ended up having both.” Auggie further explains gently.
It finally clicks in his head and his guards fall at once, his eyes widening. “You’re going to attend Washington?”
“If I can get a place to stay at,” Auggie slowly explains, clearing their throat. “I might need a place to stay while I get everything in order, though.”
“And it would be very generous and kind if you were to help Auggie out with this,” Trish adds on, eyes narrowed as if daring him to deny them this help.
Hardin just rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair now that he knew what the conversation was about. “Don’t be stupid. Auggie can have the spare bedroom once you leave,” Then he pauses, looking towards Tessa. “If that’s alright with you.”
If it weren’t for her white knuckles around her fork, her easy expression would have fooled Auggie. She even smiles sweetly and nods. “It’s your place too. Of course they can stay for a little bit.”
“Then that’s perfect,” Auggie claps. “I packed all that I could and once Trish gets back, she can ship me my things!”
Tessa nods, her knuckles whitening and her smile stretching almost uncomfortably. “Mhmm, perfect.”
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Hello~ may I request a matchup, plz?♡
I'm an infp 9w8 female and I'm also biromantic asexual. My zodiac is aries sun, virgo moon and capricorn rising. Also my love language is physical touch and quality time^_^♡
Personality: I'm an independent person who knows how to ask for help. I'm usually seen as intimidating at first, which is why some people get surprised at my friendly and affectionate traits. I can be quite quiet but also very talkative, it depends on my mood or the subject. I have two younger brothers who means the world to me, but I'm not so protective of them. I'm quite laid back and chill. Altough if someone dear to me got attacked, I'll not hesitate to protect that person. However I only attack if my friend doesn't do it before me. I'm open minded and I'm very interested in subjects that are seen as taboos, for example the mafia, tattoos, gangs and sexual topics. Also my dream career is being a tattoo artist with my own studio.
Hobbies: drawing, train kickboxing, reading fanfictions and manga, scroll internet and listen to music.
Likes: tattoos, anime, music, coffee, some taboos, martial arts, games, cafes, food and cuddles.
Dislikes: too strong morals, too dependent people, insects, lies, slimy things and overly religious people and beliefs.
Habits: I tend to daydream a lot and forget some things-_-"
I hope this wasn't to much text and I wish you a nice year!♡
hello fellow ace ily and you are very welcome on this blog w me and my asexuality LOL
im matching you up with pretty boy ran! (didnt even have to think much abt this one)
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you and ran are just a nice, easy breezy duo. what more could you ask for really? he's a bit of an airhead, I cannot lie to you there. but it's fine, he's a sweet airhead that also likes to make you happy and will do anything to see you smile.
ran is appreciative of your laid back nature. once you're able to break through with him, he finds it rather charming, and much enjoys your ability to adjust to being quiet or talkative. as an ISTJ, ran will value stability and routine, something your earth dominated big 3 can bring to the table.
ran is also the type of person to want to keep you somewhat hidden from the life he lives. he wont necesarrily hide it from you, but he wont be willing to talk in great detail about what he does during the day. as an INFP, this might be something you'll struggle with as INFP's tend to gravitate towards knowing the full extent of their partner. but something about ran's charm and the way he smiles down on you will make you forget all about being annoyed that he wont tell you about his day beyond "it was good love' and even though he wont really wanna tell you about his day (despite you knowing the shit that goes on) what he will do is gladly do kickboxing with you partly because he thinks its a good opportunity to make sure you're capable of handling yourself if things ever went sour, and also partly bc my boy is really only good at hitting people with objects besides his body ok so please help him a little but don't make it obvious you're helping him or he'll get a little pouty and beg you to do something different.
if anyone is gonna support your career dream its gonna be ran. he loves to sit there and watch you draw, and he'll definitely poke and prod at you to draw things he likes just because he wants to see you're thinking about him when you're immersed in drawing. he's an airhead like I said so he'll probably be hanging out on the couch with you while you draw, and he'll get a sticky note and a pen thats half dead and start drawing the ugliest fucking portrait of you like its really bad he's not good and then he'll show it to you like here!!! look what I did!!! and you'll have to just smile and nod otherwise his feelings will be hurt even though he knows its bad and he wont talk to you for the rest of the night to see how far you'll go for his attention.
sugar daddy ran will buy you a studio space and everything you need to be an artist dont worry <3
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Madelaine//i wasn’t ready then, i’m ready now, i’m heading straight for you
Request: Maybe you could do an imagine for Madeleine where reader is pregnant and is hanging out with cami Lili and Vanessa while Madeleine films a scene and she goes into labor and the girls start to panic and Madeleine has to cut the scene short & just fluff?
hey! its returned!! wooo! i hope you like this!!! also, thank you @statticghost for helping me with the title! it’s from adele’s ‘sweetest devotion’ which she wrote for her kid, which is quite nice. anyway, go check out @stattic-writes because they’re great and i like them a lot!! and have a nice day!! 
To most people, the behind the scenes of the Riverdale set is one huge maze that takes an eternity to walk through. With giant sets, an uncertain amount of rooms used for anything from storage to nap rooms and an unlimited amount of wiring lining the walls and floors. 
However to a very pregnant woman, it’s almost impossible to get through without getting lost at least twice, tripping at least five times (made even worse when you can’t see past your own stomach) and having to sit down every five minutes. Plus, the dull ache in your back you’ve been feeling all morning hasn’t really helped you. You’ve spent a good hour walking around and looking for your friends, and you’ve only now just found them, sat in what is usually the student lounge of Riverdale High. 
“Y/n? Did you swallow a planet?” Lili asks and you send her a sarcastic smile as you waddle towards her. 
Vanessa and Cami stop talking at the mention of your name, and large smiles appear on their faces once they see you. Cami and Vanessa stand to help you the last few feet to where they’re all sat while Lili moves along on the brown sofa so you can sit down. 
“It certainly looks like I did.” You huff once you’ve sat down. Your hands rest on your stomach as you take a few minutes to catch your breath. 
“Don’t listen to her. You look great.”
“You are a terrible liar Cami.”
“I’m not lying, you look amazing, especially considering the fact that you’re 38 weeks pregnant.” She argues, both Vanessa and Lili agreeing with her and you roll your eyes at your friends. They’re very sweet, but they’re all awful liars. 
“39 actually.”
“Shouldn’t you be at home?” Vanessa shifts in her seat so she’s facing you and you huff loudly, crossing your arms over your chest. You probably look like a grumpy toddler right now, with a pout on your lips and your arms crossed, but so would anybody that had been asked the same question every time they had a conversation with someone over the past few weeks.
“I should.” You nod. “But there’s only so much day time television I can take. My god its boring, I need to do something.”
“You’re gonna miss boring when they come along.” Lili glances at your stomach and you smile softly. 
“I know. But right now I couldn’t care less. I just want to talk to somebody that isn’t myself or a baby that can’t reply.”
“You’ve been talking to yourself?” Cami asks with a hint of concern in her voice. 
“I spend hours alone in the house, who else am I supposed to talk to.”
“Your friends?” She shrugs. 
“You try answering the door, or the phone with this attached to you making everything ten times harder.” You reply, sending her a look. 
“Fair point.” She nods. 
“How’d you get here then?” Lili asks. 
“With great difficulty.” You say, despite the lack of humour in your tone, the girls still laugh at your comment and even though you don’t want to, you feel a small smile breaking through your grumpy facade, until all four of you are giggling quietly. “Is Madelaine around?” 
“She’s filming at the minute, but she should be done soon.” Vanessa tells you, grabbing her phone and checking the time. You nod slowly, weighing up your lunch options while you look around. 
“Who’s facing Cheryl Blossom’s wrath today?” You ask. 
“Archie.” Lili replies, sending you a look and you grimace. 
“Poor KJ.”
“I think the stress of the baby is making her acting even better. She seems to channel all of that stress into making Cheryl the bitchiest woman ever. Its fascinating to watch.” Cami says and you smile at your friend. 
“And kind of scary.” Lili adds making you laugh. 
“Yeah. She’s kind of gone a little crazy over the past few weeks. She’s been planning literally everything. She has notebooks filled with baby things, the nursery was finished within the first month that we found out I was pregnant. And last week, she started setting alarms at weird hours of the night to get used to the sleep schedule.” You explain and they look at you with varying amounts of alarm. 
“Its sweet that she’s excited though.” Vanessa says. 
“Yeah it is.” You smile. They’ve never seen you smile like that before, full of excitement and joy and it makes them all smile too. Madelaine has the same look whenever somebody mentions you or the baby, and its very sweet to witness.
Your fingers draw light patterns over your stomach, and the baby kicks in return. Despite the pain, you smile anyway, wondering if they can hear you take about their mom.
They could come at any time really and you and Madelaine are waiting eagerly to welcome them into the world. Its something you’ve been wanting and waiting for, for two years, so you’re more than excited. Its been a long and draining journey filled with high exceptions and disappointing realities, doctors surgeries and needles and tears and frustration, but its all been leading up to this, and so its more than worth it. 
“I can’t wait to meet them.” Cami interrupts your thoughts and you look at her slightly dazed. 
“Yeah, me too.” Both Vanessa and Lili nod in agreement and you smile at the three of them. 
“Do you have any names?” Vanessa asks. 
“Nothing for certain yet. I think Madelaine’s convinced that when it comes out, it’ll just have a face that fits a name.” 
“So the answer is no then?” Cami teases. 
“Basically yeah.” You agree, laughing a little. 
“I don’t know if Madelaine has told you but, I hope you know you’re probably going to need a bigger house with all of the stuff you’re going to get just from us three.”
“Yep.” You nod. “She’s told me. And she told me about all the other cast and crew. Is it true that Casey got a huge 6ft teddy bear.” 
“Yes.” Lili laughs. “It lives in his spare room and he’s become quite attached to it.” 
“I’m pretty sure he said he was keeping that one and just buying you a new one.” Vanessa continues and the four of you laugh loudly. 
Yours however, is cut short by a sharp pain in your lower stomach. Your sudden inhale stops all laughter and the three of them look at you quickly. Your eyes screw shut while one hand grips your lower back and the other holds your stomach. 
“Y/n?” Vanessa asks quietly. “Is everything okay.” 
“Nope.” You force out through gritted teeth, slowly opening your eyes to look at them. 
Even though you’re fully prepared for this, you’ve read every book and article, some even twice because of Madelaine, now that its actually happening, all of that knowledge has gone out the window and all you want to do is cry. Nothing is right, Madelaine is busy, and its a week early and even though you love your friends dearly, the way they are looking at you is making you feel more panicked. 
The pain dulls a little at you let out a long breath, gripping the corner of the sofa and all three of the girls wince as they watch you. You feel something shift, and then another wave of pain rolls around and you grit your teeth again, pressure building up in your lower abdomen. 
“Is it happening?” Vanessa asks and you nod quickly. 
“Are you sure?” Lili asks, helping you stand when you try and do it yourself. Vanessa and Cami surround you, all of them steadying you while you’re doubled over in pain. 
“No. I’m just trying to tell this apart from a stomach ache, yes of course I’m sure. How can you not be sure that a human life is coming out of you?!” You grumble angrily, trying to focus your breathing. 
“Okay, just checking.” She apologizes. “Why don’t you sit down?” 
“I don’t want to sit down.” 
“Okay, me and Cami will help you stand, and Lili will go find Mads. Okay?” Vanessa takes charge of the situation and you’re glad somebody has. You don’t know what you would have done if all three of them stayed this panicked. 
“Okay.” You nod and Cami takes over from Lili. “Please hurry.” You hear Lili walk away, her footsteps getting quieter and you try to focus on listening for her coming back. 
“Okay, right. What do we do? I’ve never been in this situation before, what do we do?” Vanessa says frantically, looking around and trying to find something to help. Okay, maybe you were a little quick to think that she would know what to do. 
“We...breathe!” Cami says quickly. “Okay, Y/n, Y/n? Take deep breaths. In and out. In and out.” 
“Please stop saying in and out.” You cry, another contraction coming and going and the grip on her t-shirt tightens. 
“Do you want anything? A drink or something?” Vanessa asks.
“I’m, ow, ow, ow, fuck, fuck fucking, shit OW.” 
“Owwww.” Cami cries, her legs buckling slightly as you squeeze her hand. 
“Stop being a baby.” Vanessa scolds and she sends her a glare back. 
“You’re not the one thats having the life squeezed out of their hand.” 
“You’re not the one pushing a melon sized thing out of your vagina! I get to say ow and nobody else.” You interrupt, getting more and more annoyed by the second. Where the hell is Lili? 
She’s only gone for two minutes, but two minutes feel like a life time when you’re pushing a human out of you. And so when she returns with a very panicked Madelaine in tow, you don’t know whether to hug her or hit her. 
Either one wouldn’t do much to stop the pain you’re feeling, but when Madelaine places a gentle hand on your back, taking over from Vanessa and Cami, you do feel a little bit better. 
“Hi babe.” Her voice is soft and comforting and dulls the pain slightly. You manage to stand up a little to look at her, and the smile thats lighting up her face is the best thing you’ve ever seen. She looks happier than you’ve ever seen her before and if you weren’t in so much pain, you’d definitely tell her how cute she looks. 
“Hi.” You manage to reply, despite it feeling like you’re being stabbed repeatedly. Her smile fades as she watches you grimace, and now she looks worried. But she tries to hide it, painting on a slightly wonky smile as she looks back at you. 
“You’re not supposed to be here.” She says, trying to distract you and a you let out a small laugh. 
“I got bored.” 
“Not so bored now are you?” She teases. 
“Nope.” You steel yourself against her and she wraps an arm around your waist, the other holds your hand tightly as she leads you towards the door. 
“Can one of you grab my bag please?” She asks the girls and Vanessa quickly runs off to grab it. Madelaine continues to lead you out of the door and after a lifetime (a minute) of walking, you’re stood by the doors that lead into the cast and crew parking lot. Vanessa catches up with you, and follows you to the car, putting Madelaine and yours’ bag in the backseat. 
“Are you telling me I could have just walked through that door instead of wandering around for an hour.” You huff as Madelaine helps you into the car. 
“Well, I told you to stay in bed but you wouldn’t listen to me.” She replies while fastening your seatbelt and you catch her gaze, sending her a hard glare. 
“Do you really want to argue with me right now?” 
“...nope.” She shakes her head quickly, double checking that you’re safe and you have everything before moving around the car and climbing into the drivers seat. The girls have already left, off to tell various people what is happening so its just the two of you. 
Madelaine starts the car, but takes a moment to look over at you, sat panting and sweaty in the passenger seat, but she knows she’s never loved anyone more. There’s nobody else in this world that she’d rather be doing this with, you’re her best friend and her soulmate and she’s going to love you and this baby for the rest of her life and beyond. 
“I love you.” She reaches her hand over the console to hold yours and you stop what you’re doing to look back at her, a small smile twitching at your lips. 
“I love you too.” You reply and press a soft kiss to her hand. 
“Are you ready?” She asks. 
“No.” You say honestly. “Are you?” 
“Absolutely not.” She laughs. 
Neither of you are worried though, because you know you have each other. 
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