#the *player*
hachikojesus · 2 days
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And the rain will kill us all
Throw ourselves against the wall
sryyyy, hachiko sucks at making comics-like stuff😭
anyway, reblog if you liked it
Killer Mettaton belongs to me @hachikojesus
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whalemleck · 7 months
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huecycles · 5 months
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tanblaque · 2 months
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dark-cynder49 · 7 months
Smiling Critters AU
The Player becomes the adopted dad of all The Smiling Critters
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
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@datdeadmemer @undergecko @zeol320
Kris Asks?! Wow now that’s a change of pace.
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Uh uh uh uh uh uh uhh
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infizero-draws · 1 year
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a conversation that can never be
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mertvyj-kot69 · 3 months
Part 3? working on it....
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I had problems that made me unable to draw properly....but everything is fine now
little doodles for au
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janimay-sprout-cloud · 2 months
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You have been assigned to a being called "The Batter".
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imagining an animation of kris putting the SOUL in a microwave and watching it spin for a minute in complete stillness while the hit noise plays slowly and repeatedly
when it beeps they take it out, look at it for a moment, then they stick it back in and the video loops
edit: guys look
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whalemleck · 7 months
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Don't make Mommy LL angry, or there'll be consequences. В этом AU столько всего нужно показать, но я выделю отношение между Игроком и Мамки Фламинго как " Враги приятелям"
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konatsuus-wonderland · 2 months
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Some late night doodles with my playersona (I don't like his design so much, it may change-)
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tanblaque · 7 months
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entryn17 · 1 year
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contradictory conversations with self-identified parasites
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roseapov · 1 year
TWST Self Aware AU
The difference between 'The Player' and 'The Overseer' based on my observations and some Headcannons
Warning: Mentions of obsession, slaying people, stalking, cult themes and delusional worshippers
[TWST Self Aware AU] - [Masterlist]
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The Player:
Everyone knows that Twisted Wonderland is just a game and they're the characters in it. They as a self aware AU communicate with you through Yuu, as it is their only form of communication with you (unlike the Overseer). They see you as their 'safe space' and can be/are possessive of you, cause of the comfort that you bring to them (some more than the others). They know you're somewhere out there playing and having your own life, so they really appreciate it when you do decide to play.
You don't have worshippers, just a bunch of students obsessively starved for your affection and attention - trying to harbor it all to themselves (Poor boys, shower them with affection - or not, Choose the safest option).
The Housewardens would be the most clingiest of them all. They have some real problems to overblot in the first place (-Kalim, +Jamil), but your presence seems to calm all their worries, so stay with them a little longer. Just. A. Little. Longer.
They're also not above stalking - when you play there's always someone following Yuu around, and when you're offline those with more magic than the others have the chance to infiltrate through your phone and watch your daily life through the camera as well as hear your voice through the microphone.
Since you communicate through Yuu, there are 2 options I see happening when you're offline:
Yuu is living their normal life without your influence as an npc, where they normally talk to everyone behind the scenes
When you log out, Yuu just disappears, which I think is pretty reasonable. Everyone then knows that you're offline and the only thing they can do is wait for you to log in again.
And of course, our very lonely Future Fae King tries to bring you into their world with his powerful magic, so he won't have to be alone anymore💕 The others also approve of this action, so See you soon!
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The Overseer:
The characters there are a bunch of lunatic worshippers that see you as a God/Creator, and The Overseer. You're known there internally and Nations are worshipping you (unlike The Player who is only known by the characters they met). Their level of worship is different in each county, when in some (Briar Valley) you're the highest being to ever exist, while in the others you're seen as a respectable person who watches over them, but not as the deity to offer-everything-you-can to (Sunset Savanna, since they already have a Royal Family that rules for centuries - the irony since Briar Valley also have long ruling Royal Family).
You're a perfect being that soothes them, they're totally obsessed and very possessive of your attention. They have no problems with slaying everyone who's not respecting you enough *ekhem* Briar Valley/Diasomnia. They are elated when they feel your gaze linger on them a little longer than on the others.
They can feel your gaze on them, feel your touches but your silhouette is blurred/transparent for them (thanks to the screen, cause as we all know, the screen can't compare to the real experience), so they don't know your exact look (even tho they're dying to know *ekhem* Pomefiore, cause of their Fairest Queen opinion on you).
The Great Seven also met you (thanks to the Fairy of thorns), their God and Creator. They have made various opinions on your person (all positive, cause don't forget - they're all obsessed delulus), like for example: The Fairest Queen opinion on you is that 'You're the Fairest one of them all', all said while kneeling before your beauty.
Of course our current generation is also dying to meet their creator in all of their glory, so our most powerful and most delusional Diasomnia boys (mostly Malleus and Lilia) are trying to find a way to bring you into their world to worship you endlessly like you rightfully deserve.
You're not really communicating with them through Yuu, as they can see you through the screen of your phone (although blurry). They are always talking to you, always looking at you. All those lines, all for you, towards you, so answer them, look at them or things may get really ugly.
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Some of my rambling now:
I know many days ago I posted that my first fic will appear in a few days, but it never did (sorry🙏). My first fic project was very ambitious and in the meantime I caugt a cold which numbed me totally, but it did gave me many ideas for fics in the future🤭. So instead of the fic planned to be my first one, this one will serve the purpose of being the first fic - pretty analysational and rational (I hope).
I'm still working on the fic that was supposed to be the first one, yet i have too little information on the topic to write it (it's also gonna be analysis like), so I'm going to take my sweet time with writing it and hopefully after the october (cause of the october writing challenge), succesfully release it.
I hope this fic came out good and y'all are satisfied with it, I am also open to any criticizm towards my works, so please feel free to tell me where i can improve!
I also apologize for all the mistakes that I could possibly have done here👀
Thank you all again and see you soon!💕
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