#the *worst* I have ever felt and I'm gonna have something fun to tell my therapist and psychiatrist like
pierswife · 1 year
Thinkin about little ways my F/Os would comfort me and help keep me grounded after a really really bad panic attack and it's helping a lot, admittedly.
Linhardt would like... sit down beside me and hold my hand while rubbing small circles into my hand with his thumb. He'd also speak super softly to me and tell me all sorts of different facts about anything and everything to keep me focused on him.
Lyon would do something similar, but it would be an arm around me while he hums a familiar tune to both of us. He'd rock us back and forth gently until I feel ready to try and sleep.
Diluc would let me hide. And what I mean is whoever he finds me, he asks me if I want to keep "hiding", whether it be under my blankets or in his coat. Regardless, he'd wrap his coat around my shoulders (or lay it on top of me) and promise to sit next to me while I sleep to protect me, like how a big brother should.
Flavio would just hold me tight, especially in the moment when I'm the messiest. He would hold me as tight as he could until I was ready to let go and he wouldn't care if I cried super hard to the point I could barely talk or got tears all over his shoulder. He knows that I just want to feel safe and need someone there, so to him he thinks one of the best ways to help me calm down is to just let me cling to him as much as I need to.
I'd include Trand but idk if he'd be sure what to do besides asking if I wanna get some fresh air and go for a walk to help get the energy out somewhere.
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dreamysturniolo57 · 4 months
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Insomnia - Matt Sturniolo
Summary: You moved to England when you were 13, but you've been home for a month which means you met the sturniolo triplets again who you grew up with. You all missed each other and now you are at their house for a sleepover. At night you can't sleep so you decide to go to the kitchen and then everything turns upside down.
Warning: swearing/p in v/ sweet talk
Orange: Chris
Blue: Matt
Green: Nick
Pink: reader
Nick and I were singing 'Had me at hello' from that Disney movie. We were playing karaoke. It was just the four of us. Chris was recording and I felt that someone was burning a hole in my back with his eyes. I knew it was Matt. I heard him laughing at us. He was too cool for things like this. I was having so much fun. I really missed these idiots. When we finished I layed down on the comfy couch and drank some water.
That was fun. You really have a great voice Y/N.
Yeah, you should sing more. -Chris said then put his phone down.
Thanks. Actually i like singing. -I said and put some popcorn in my mouth. For a second I looked at Matt just to not feel himself left out but he was staring at me. I don't know why but i couldn't held the contact so I turned my face the other side.
So what should we play next? -I asked rubbing my palms together.
Easy. Truth or truth.
Come on! -I said and rolled my eyes.
I'm down!
Me too. -Matt finally spoke. Great.
I sighed and prepared myself for the worst. I sat up and crossed my legs on eachother.
I'm going first! Chris have you ever had 3 days off of showering?
No, gross! Never. -we all laughed.
Y/N have you had a boyfriend in England?
I did. -they all smiled at my answer except for one person.
You gonna tell me about it girlll.
Okay. Matt... Have you ever eaten cucumber with peanut butter? -I asked him and looked in his eyes.
Unfortunately yes. -He said. I should have known he had. Sometimes they have crazy ideas. The game continued and we asked each other lots of funny questions, but then Chris asked me something I didn't want to answer.
Have you ever had a crush on one of us? -my smile disappeared and my throat constricted.
That's a stupid question. -I said and crossed my arms.
So you did. -he smiles at me. Chris some day i'll kill you... I thought. They looked at me curiously.
No! Of course not. We grew up together. -I answered.
Don't lie! -so Nick is already attacking. Super.
At least tell who would you choose? -I looked at Chris with murderous eyes. Then for some reason I looked at Matt. He watched me with a calm face.
Okay. Easy. I would choose Nick. You happy? -I asked and I sipped another dose of water to relieve my tension.
Lame. -he said.
Don't be a dick. -Matt told him. I looked at him and he noticed it. I gave him a hint of a smile.
When we felt it was time to go to bed, we all retired. I was sleeping with Nick. I've always been the closest to him, and maybe he was the only one who noticed that I was hopelessly falling for Matt. When I moved away it felt like ripping my heart out. Then I came back and I could barely recognize them and when I saw how much Matt changed all the feelings surfaced. They were never buried actually.
I was trying to sleep but Nick was snoring so loud. I turned my head and tried to shut out the sound, but I couldn't. I smiled at him and shook my head. I stood up and quietly went out. Then I carefully opened Chris's door, but I saw that he was sleeping sprawled on the bed. Great... I decided to go to the kitchen to drink some cocoa. It always helped me. I sat down and turned the little light which was above the stove. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard footsteps.
Can't sleep? -he asked and sat in front of me.
When did Nick start snoring like a bear? -he smiled at me and shook his head.
About 3 years ago. -he answered and crossed his arms. I cheekily grazed my eyes on his tattooed arm. I've never thought he is going to get one.
Did you hear when i came out? -I asked and sipped my cocoa.
Yeah but I thought you were Chris. I bought some muffins and I hid it because he always finds it. -I just laughed.
Well, don't worry. I'm not gonna eat it.
I'm happy to share it with you. -he said smiling.
Thanks, I will take the opportunity. -I responded.
Ah..I'm so tireeed. -I cried out like a baby.
You can sleep with me. -he offered then I gulped.
I don't want to bother you. You must be tired too. -I said and tried to avoid his eye contact.
Not really. I think i might have insomnia or something. Lately I've been sleeping late. -he srugghed and smiled.
You sure you don't mind? Because I checked Chris but he was sleeping like a starfish and I...-
Come on Y/N. I'm here for you too. -he said. He extended his hand to me as he stood up and nodded. I took his hand and let him pull me up from the chair, then without breaking the contact of our hands, he led me to his room. I saw blue led lights around the ceiling, which made the room very cozy. Blue is also my favourite colour.
Feel yourself home. -he said.
Thanks. -I said trying not to blush or anything like that. My stomach was flilping of excitement and I was so shy.
You need anything?
No. I'm good. -I sat down on his bed and smoothed the wine red silk cover. Matt always had a really good taste. I layed down and covered my legs with the blanket because I was wearing shorts which was too short. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. He laid down next to me on his back putting one arm under his head. I was just staring at him.
So tell me about that insomnia. What's wrong? -I asked and put both of my hands under my face.
Okay, i'm not sure I have it. I just.. can't sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes. And it's really tiring. -he sighed then continued. -I turn around a lot and feel restless.
Have you tried camila tee? Or something...-
I've tried everything. Believe me. -he sad and finally looked in my eyes. The heck... My pulse got faster.
I'll find something for you.
Thanks Ms. England.
Shut up. -I laughed.
You do have some accent. The cool british one. -he said imitating me.
That's not my fault. I lived there. Of course my accent changes. -I said.
I like it. It's cute for you. -he said. I felt a lump in my throat, which was difficult for me to swallow. I suddenly turned to my other side, involuntarily bringing the blanket with me and this led to my bottom showing. These damn pajamas only reached the bottom of my butt line.
Good night. -I said. He didn't say anything. He just inhaled the air sharply. Then I felt a squirm and that the bed was sinking right next to me.
Can I ask something? -Matt was so close to my ear I could feel his breath tickling my neck.
Yeah...-I said in a questoning tone.
Why did you lie?
About what? -I asked back still looking forward at the wall.
About who would you pick. You rubbed your right ear when you said it would be Nick. When you lie you always poke your right ear. -as he spoke i was 100% sure he was inches away from my right ear. The air stuck in my lungs and tried to calm down. How the fuck he knows I do that when I lie??!
I.. I don't know what you are talking about. -i said.
I know you do. Don't lie. -he said. Fuck.... why is he doing this to me? I was shaking inside. My stomach convulsed.
And what if I was lying? It's just a stupid game. -i groaned.
It was called Truth or truth. -how detailed he has become.
I don't care. And I don't rub or poke my ear if i'm lying. -I said.
You don't? -when he asked that, I felt his lips touch my ear. I squealed and i suddenly forgot how to breath. Then he kissed the skin behind my ear and my mind was blown. My chest rose rapidly and I squeezed the blanket. He kissed it again and he bit my earlobe too. I wasn't sure if this was real or I was dreaming. I closed my eyes and sighed.
Tell me if I was wrong. -he murmured at my neck and kissed it.
I...-I started but i wasn't able to put a normal sentence together. I was dumb. I bit my lip instead and tried not to moan. One of his hands caressed my waist then it slid to my stomach.
Tell me who did you really want to say. -he said while his hand started going under my shirt. I couldn't stop sighing. It felt like an eletric shock when his skin met mine.
Y-you...-I squeezed out of my lips. He was still kissing my neck and behind my ear. I saw dimly and I could barely open my eyes. I'm sure I looked like Bella Swan when Edward was sucking the vampire poison out of her.
That's what I wanted to hear. -he whispered. Here is where the thread broke for me. He was still close to me so I turned my head to face him and I pulled him down putting my palm on his neck. Our lips finally met and it felt like fireworks. He crawled my skin gently under my shirt then it went higher right where my tits were. He was still on top of me and I was lying on my side under him. He cupped my breast giving each mound a squeeze. I moaned into his mouth. He was eating my lips and i didn't mind. Soon I turned on my back so he can totally tower over me. Our legs were tangled. We didn't break the kiss not for a second. I grabbed his hair and pulled it then I caressed it. I've always loved how fluffy it was. He spread my legs and held one up to his waist and caressed it gently. The room was filled with heat and tension. The blue lights made it even exciting. I ran my fingers down to his shirt and he broke off just long enough to take off his shirt and throw it on the floor. I smiled at him and he attacked my neck again. He licked it and bit it gently. I was totally losing my mind.
Ah...-I moaned. I grabbed his hair again.
Can I take this off? -he asked holding my shirt between his fingers. I nodded and helped him by lifting my self up. He started going down with his kisses and he kissed every inch of my breast including my twins. He reached my stomach kissing and biting it. My eyes were closed and I was grabbing the edge of the pillow with both hands.
Matt...-I moaned his name from my lips.
Yeah? Is something wrong? Shit I went too far didn't I?-he asked and he crawled towards me again.
Please.... Do something. -I said squeezing my legs together. He felt my move and smiled at me.
Down there. Right? -he whispered near my lips. He left a soft kiss on them then he slowly led his hand to my shorts. I was holding on his neck sometimes caressing his hair. I let out a sigh when he touched my clit.
So wet. -he murmured in my ear. I crawled his back. I was aching for his touch. He continued caressing my center area and he put one finger inside me. I could feel the knot was building up in my abdomen.
One more... please...-I sighed pressing my lips. He complied with my request and inserted a second finger.
M-matt I'm gonna... I - suddenly he pulled out his fingers and I groaned in displeasure.
Noo! -I said and put my hand down so I can finish it myself but he grabbed it and put both of my hands next to my head.
How impatient. You know I can give you pleasure with...-he started and pressed his lap against mine. I bit my lip of the thought him being inside of me.
You want it? -he asked looking in my eyes.
Yes. I want you. -I said looking deeply in his eyes. He smiled at me and slowly pulled my pajama shorts along with my panties. He reached out to his nightstand and pulled out a condom.
Why do you have these? -I asked. I wondered how many girls he takes in his room.
Because I'm responsible?!- He said in a questioning tone.
So you bring a lot of girls here?-I asked.
I bought these when you moved back. And I don't bring anyone here. There's only one girl who can sleep in my bed and that's you. -he sighed and caressed my face.
So you mean...you are a virgin? -I asked raising my eyebrows.
No. I just didn't bring anyone here. -i smiled at him, then placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
Are you still...? -he asked this time.
I only did it once. -I said pressing my lips.
I wish I was your first. -he muttered.
You are Matt. Since we were little kids. -I said caressing his hair. He smiled at me and kissed my cheeks.
If something hurts just say and I'll stop baby. -he said and slowly pushed himself up. I bit my lip trying to hold back the painful waves.
Oh...gosh. -he cried out burying his face in my neck. He pulled out then pushed himself back and he did it again and again.
You okay? Does it hurts? -he asked looking at my face.
No. I'm alright just ahh....-i moaned when i lifted my hips a little to get comfortable.
Please Matty...-I could barely speak. He let out a little laugh and started moving. He started kissing my neck again leaving wet kisses on it.
You are so tight. -he groaned. I was trying to be quiet because I didn't want to wake the others up. He hold my legs up pressing it to my chest. He thrusted deeper and I put my palm on my mouth.
Fuck...-I cried out. His movements got faster and deeper and I was losing my mind. He intertwined our fingers and now I put my legs around his waist.
I...I love you. -he said while he started slowing down and he hit that pleasant spot. I dropped my head back for a moment.
I love you too. -I said putting my palms around his neck pulling him down for an intense kiss. He gave me the final thrust and I felt my walls clenched his dick. He moaned and stayed deep inside me then collapsed. I was trying to catch my breath but it wasn't easy.
You are amazing. -he said smoothing my hear out of my face. We were sweaty.
No no. You are. -I sighed out closing my eyes. He pulled out of me and pulled down the condom putting his boxers on. He grabbed my stuff and put it on the bed. He climbed over me again kissing every inch of my face. I laughed and felt like a little girl.
I could bear it if I had insomnia because of you. -he whispered.
Shut up. -I said. I put on my shirt and panties then laid on his chest.
This was all I ever wanted. -he said caressing my cheek.
Well I would say the same. I missed you. Actually I missed you more than Chris and Nick. But don't tell them. -he giggled at my statement.
I won't. -he responded. We were making eye contact for a long time and it's so hard to believe that this all just happened. Finally I was his.
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tomssexdoll · 25 days
hiiii can you do fanfic where reader tells Tom that she’s pregnant and Tom would probably freak out and not that he would not want the child or something he just didn’t expected that and reader would get a little sad about it but it will need that Tom would be actually happy you don’t have to do it if you’re not comfortable and i love your fanfics so much
sorry this took so long to come out
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I was freaking out, the test in my hands read back positive. Me and Tom did want a child yes, but this soon? We hadn't even talked about names or gender.
I was scared to tell him, what if he ran off? Left me and our child together? I didn't want to be a single parent, no way I'd let my child not know their father.
I took a deep breath, walking into the lounge room where Tom was, the test in my jean pocket. He turned around and looked up at me, his eyes lighting up at the sight of me, "my god, you're glowing baby, you're so beautiful" he smirked, standing up and holding my waist gently.
"Thanks honey..I..have something to talk to you about though," I lowered my head, heart thumping in my chest. "Oh, of course, come sit," he grabbed my hand, guiding me to the couch.
"Uhh..fuck.." I sighed, pulling out the test and showing it to him, "i'm pregnant.." his eyes widened, breath hitching. I cursed myself in my head, knowing this would happen, he was going to leave me.
"Tom..?" I said softly, placing the test down, his eyes still wide, mouth slightly agape. "Fuck..uh.." his voice was shaky, obviously unable to process what I just presented him with. We were only 25, people our age were still partying and having fun but here we were, pregnant with our first child.
"Tom please say something, you're freaking me the fuck out," tears started to well up in my eyes, threatening to spill out. He obviously caught onto this, reaching out and grabbing my hand, "hey baby no..don't cry honey no" he frowned. The tears just bursted out, I started to sob, the hormones already taking over me.
"Oh baby..no come here," he sighed, pulling me closer and rubbing my back softly, kissing the top of my head, "do you want to leave me? Why weren't you saying anything?" I continued to cry, my tears soaking up his shirt.
"No, I would never want to leave you honey, I'm just shocked that's all.." he lifted my chin, making me look up at him, "i'm scared Tom.." my lip quivered, mascara smudged all over my face.
"I know baby, but I'll take care of you and our baby, I'll make sure you have the best pregnancy ever," he smiled softly, kissing my lips gently.
I knew he was going to be a good father, he just had that instinct. Once a child was on the road, playing with his toys. I could tell Tom was distracted, just staring at the kid, making sure nothing bad was gonna happen.
Then a car came speeding down the roads, he immediately jumped into action, racing towards the child and grabbing him, pulling him off to the side and watching as his toys got run over.
The mother rushed out and thanked Tom, comforting the little boy who's toys were destroyed, I just looked at him with pure love in my eyes, so grateful to have such a wonderful man.
"How many weeks are you, does it say?" Tom rubbed my stomach, a little bump forming. "The test said 6 weeks, I knew something was wrong when every morning I felt super nauseous and my breast were super tender.." I sighed, "they still are and I get cramps" I whined, holding onto him tightly.
"Should I take time off work for you? Is it too early?" I chuckled at his efforts, "I'll tell you when you should stay home with me, ok?" I patted his cheek, he nodded and smirked, kissing me sweetly.
"I did notice you were super tired and you'd get up and pee all the time," he chuckled, I smiled in response, "yeah, apparently this trimester is the worst one, I can't wait for it to get to the second" I groaned.
"Yeah, well I'll be here every step of the way, we'll book some appointments for a midwife and I'll tell the band to not tour for this year," he caressed my waist softly, reassuring me that everything would be ok.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @miyukafujii @charliesgoodboy @tomsonlyslut @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @estxkios
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catdracox · 4 months
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(Story under the cut.)
It was supposed to be a simple playdate and while Sideswipe could be finishing up late paperwork that he intentionally been pushing aside, he couldn't resist the little sparklings.
Until Sentinel happened. How Optimus was friends with this mech, Sideswipe will never know, but his ego was the worst thing that was born from the new Magnus.
Edgar and Sol were playing, just having fun until Sentinel starting yelling at Edgar. Sideswipe didn't see if Edgar accidentally bumped into Sentinel or he did something to catch the Magnus's attention, but Sideswipe didn't care cause he was right up in Sentinel's face, telling him off.
It didn't take long for Elena, Strongarm and Cheetor to come in from all the commotion. Elena saw her son being comforted by Sol.
"Daddy!" Edgar cried out to Cheetor, who immediately came to his son's aid.
"Edgar!? You okay, little buddy?" He placed his hands gently on Edgar.
"H-He yelled at me and called me names!" Edgar managed to get out through his crying, pointing at Sentinel.
"Come here, sweetie." Elena came over and scooped up her son in her arms. "Momma's here. And Grandma Strongarm's here too."
Strongarm felt her spark reach out to Edgar. His crying was tearing at her. She looked up in time to see Cheetor joined Sideswipe to yell at Sentinel. It was getting more heated with each word thrown at the other. Cheetor was showing his teeth and Sideswipe's spoiler was hitched in a threatened manner.
She was immediately between the two mech and the Magnus. "Sides, don't! Not in front of Edgar!" The last thing she wants her grandsparkling to see is his grandsire being taken away for assault.
Sideswipe paid no mind. "I've had it with you and your disgust with organics, kid! I don't care that you're the new Magnus, you never EVER yell at Edgar like that!"
"Who are you to talk to me like that?! I am the Magnus!"
Cheetor growled. "I don't give a slag! Don't ever talk to my son like that!"
"I'm about to say frag it and sock you right under your big, fat jaw!" Sideswipe almost jabbed his finger into Sentinel's chest. "And it's gonna hurt, kid! I was in the war before you even hit bootcamp! I'm a fragging vet!"
He stopped and looked up at the tall femme, who was holding him back, her face full of concern and urging him to let this go before it escalates.
Sideswipe puts his hand down and looked at Sentinel with a growl. "You're not worth it. You're just a fragging brat." Before he leaves, he places a hand on Cheetor's chest. "Ignore him, kid. Go and tend to your sparkling."
Cheetor really wanted to protest, but he knew Sides was right. They just left Sentinel along and Cheetor rushes to his mate and sparkling.
Sideswipe makes a mental note to contact Optimus about this as he looked at Sol, who still continued to comfort Edgar with Elena.
Note: Don't mess with grandsire Sideswipe. He is very protective of his grandsparklings (and sparklings in general) even if his face doesn't show it.
And a big thanks to @mepzilla for giving me this idea, especially saying that the art piece gave off "beat Sentinel cause he made Edgar cry" vibes. And I went with it. And Edgar and Sol are Mep's cute and adorable fan babies.
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U or Epic should write villain getting sick from a party and throwing up n hero is there to comfort them and it's totally not like I'm asking that bc my parents r going thru the same thing (nZ I'm sick too i think. Def v tired...)
“How are you feeling?” Considering that the villain was still nearly kissing the toilet seat, it was a rather dumb question. However, the hero felt like a simple “better” or “worse” would help them more than stating the obvious. And they knew the villain understood the politeness in the question.
“…’m good…” Obviously nothing new, that. The denial and refusing help others offered. Even if their relationship was less rocky, the villain didn’t accept much from the hero.
“I’d say this is karma but I don’t believe in it.” They handed the villain the glass of water which the villain actually took from them with shaky hands.
“…always get sick when I party…” The villain sipped on the water, slowly and carefully, for the water the hero had handed them five minutes earlier, didn’t stay in their stomach. But now it seemed better. The worst was over and the hero wondered if the villain was actually improving while simultaneously daring to hope that this was the truth.
The hero couldn’t swallow their laugh. “And how you partied…”
Something between amusement and pity conjured inside the hero. The villain could be a real piece of shit, so seeing them like this, white-knuckled clawing on the toilet was a little fun. But mostly, the hero was pitying them. Being hungover and sick wasn’t fun. And after what they’d done yesterday…
They crouched down and pushed the villain’s hair out of their eyes.
“Take it easy. You’ve barely slept.”
“…didn’t do it for you,” the villain clarified. They’d closed their eyes, leaning against the wall. “They played Spice Girls all night.”
That made the hero smirk.
“I don’t see a problem with that.”
“Punched them because the music sucked, alright?” The villain’s glassy eyes went over the hero again and again, as if they were searching for something. “Didn’t do it for you.”
“Sure…” Though the hero didn’t want to, they had to blush as they remembered how uncomfortable they’d been yesterday. Shame had overwhelmed them as the host made an extremely inappropriate comment about their outfit. It had left the hero with a bitter taste on their tongue and a feeling of being dirty. That kind of dirt they couldn’t just scrub off their skin.
And the villain, drunk and uncontrollable, had punched said individual bloody, resulting in both of them being thrown out. A silent walk to the hero’s apartment had followed, alongside with a night full of vomiting and pushing the villain’s hair out of their sight.
“I’m never gonna drink again,” the villain whispered, their eyes still closed. Both knew that was a lie.
“Are we friends?” the hero asked suddenly. Usually, the hero was the one people looked up to. They were the symbol of hope everyone turned to when all was lost. They were a beacon of courage. They were the one who stood up for everyone.
And yet, the hero realised, no one had ever done the same for them until now. No one had ever defended them like the villain had because everyone expected the hero to fight for themselves.
Though the hero was great at fighting for others, they weren’t quite sure if they could even tell a waiter they’d been served the wrong dish.
“I don’t know,” the villain said. They opened their eyes to find the hero’s. “Are we?”
“I don’t want to be friends,” the hero admitted. The villain seemed to have stopped breathing. They were paler and the hero feared it wasn’t just from throwing up all night.
“Well, there’s your answer, I guess.” The villain laughed humourlessly and it was easy to hear how tired they were. Hell, they hadn’t slept one bit. They looked more than a little weary.
“I want to be more than friends,” the hero said. “I want to be more than this. Whatever this is. Whatever we are.”
Now, it was the villain’s turn to (hide their) smile. The villain leaned their head against the wall again and sighed.
“We will destroy each other,” the villain said. “There is no way around it.”
“Then why did you punch them? Playing Spice Girls isn’t a reason.”
The villain looked at them and some kind of sadness filled their eyes. As if their fate was inevitably tragic. Bound to destroy. It seemed like both were too scared to say a word now.
So, the hero sat down beside the villain.
And the villain took their hand.
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outro-jo · 1 year
Hello gorgeous 🥰
I hope your requests are open
I just read mingi and seonghow (blurb) when reader having period and i really wish to read wooyoung version but with a little bit of twist
Like his s/o is a bit older than him and she is very independent person and she don't like to show her emotions like she keep on smiling even if if she is on extra pain and say I'm fine but with time she learns to open up and depend on wooyoung more and he picks up and wants she like something like that
If you can please 🙏🏽 make it into scenario
Have a wonderful time beautiful
Love you a lot
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader
type: imagine
summary: wooyoung learns the best way to help his partner while they learn how to let him help.
warnings: not gender specific but the reader is on their period, nothing much really, doting bf wooyo 🥰
a/n: i am definitely taking requests right now but i would recommend reading my info linked in all my works and on my masterlist before submitting for anyone else that would like to request. thank you for requesting! 🤍
masterlist | info
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dating wooyoung is always a surprise. you never quite know what you’re gonna get from one day to the next. but most of the time it’s a fun, silly, light-hearted energy. you weren’t that much older than him but you always said it keeps you young.
the thing you struggled with the most in the relationship was letting him in. in truth, you struggled to do that with most people, not just wooyoung. he always found a way to work himself in though. most of the time it was just by being his boisterous, endearing self… but not every time.
your hyper independence paired nicely with the way your mom taught you how to treat that time of the month too. “don’t tell anyone about it” was basically how you were supposed to treat it most often suffering in silence. especially since wooyoung came from a family where it was him and two brothers. sure, he was close to his mom and had a lot of friends that had their periods, but it didn’t matter. keep it quiet.
little did you know, wooyoung was much smarter than you thought. he could tell by the way you closed off each month it was going on. though he never said anything, he would do his best to let you deal with it in your own way. you never seemed to connect the two when he would plan more dates at home cuddling on the couch or when he came home with a bag of goodies from the convenience store or even came home with a new heating pad. each time he would come up with a valid excuse to blow it off.
“ah, i’m too tired to go out. can we stay in and cuddle?”
“i bought too many snacks when i went out with the boys. help me eat them.”
“my shoulder has been killing me with this new move. you can use it too if you need to.”
this is how it would continue in the relationship for almost a year but it ate at wooyoung. he wanted so badly for you to confide in him the way he should be confided in as a boyfriend. he wanted to baby you a bit more during this time of the month and care for you the way he felt you should be cared for. wooyoung was too respectful for that, though, and never wanted to push you.
that all would come to an end when the pain was so unbearable. this was by far the worst period you had experienced probably ever. when you took days off work from not being able to move, it was undeniable at this point but still you would try to play it off.
“i’m just not feeling well, babe. you should go on to work.” offering a weak smile before rolling over to rest.
it broke his heart to see you this way and still trying to shoulder this burden (and so many) on your own. wooyoung had decided it was time to have a conversation, not before finally taking care of you.
he came into the room that afternoon quietly, leaving the overhead light off as not to disturb you. his socked feet padding softly on the wood floor as he came over to you setting a glass of water on your nightstand and the heating pad tucked under his arm.
“darling, can you sit up for me?” he softly requested.
you stirred softly from your nap, rubbing your eyes to look up at him, “what?” you asked groggily.
“c’mon, love.” he carefully reached behind you to help raise you up to a seated position against the headboard. “take these, darling.” he dropped two tablets in your hand and passed over the glass of water.
“wooyoung, i can take care—“ you were cut off by him shushing you.
“it’s alright now, my love. just relax, ok?”
maybe it was how gently he was treating you or the fact that you could nearly sob with pain but you actually let him tend to you. he moved swiftly to plug in the heating pad and placed it tenderly on your stomach before helping you settle into a laying position. then he went around to the other side of the bed and cuddled in next to you, careful to give you your space in case you were in too much pain to cuddle.
“is there anything else i can do for you, love?” he finally asked.
“no, and you’ve done so much for me already, wooyoung. thank you.” you smiled weakly at him.
he shook his head, “you just rest now. i’ll be right here.”
only he wasn’t there when you woke up from your nap. you had felt a little better, enough to move around. so you got up and trudged to the kitchen where you smelled something cooking.
“you’re cooking for me?” you asked.
“ah! my baby is awake.” he walked over to you from the stove and hugged you softly, kissing your cheek. “how was your nap? how are you feeling? food’s almost ready.”
he moved to sit you down at the kitchen table before going back to finish.
“i can do that, wooyoung. i can take care of myself.” you insisted once again.
just as you said that, another wave of pain ripped through your lower abdomen. you grimaced your face, leaning forward and gripped the tables edge. wooyoung took notice, quickly removing the food from the heat and rushing over to you.
“darling, are you ok?” he knelt down in front of you.
for the first time ever you couldn’t hold back. you shook your head as tears begin to form in your eyes. wooyoung reached a hand up, his thumb stroking your cheek. he stayed with you until the pain subsided. his eyes were soft and round as he looked you over. so worried about you and empathetic to your pain. if he could switch places with you, he would do it in a heartbeat but for now he would just be there for you the best he could.
“are you ok now?” his voice was barely above a whisper. you nodded, sniffling. wooyoung leaned in and kissed your forehead softly.
“darling…” he started, not quite knowing how to get this out. “i know you can do things and you can handle yourself but i want you to know you don’t have to do it alone. i’m a grown man, maybe not as old as you…” he teased lightly, earning a playful slap to his arm. “but i just want to be there for you when you’re hurting. to hold you and take care of you. you’re more than capable of doing it on your own, you just don’t have to, ok?”
again, you nodded as he kissed your cheek.
wooyoung always knows what to say to make you feel loved and respected. he doesn’t have talks like this very often but when he does it really shows his wisdom. you really lucked out with him.
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darlingian · 14 days
🪐⚡weekly tag wednesday⚡🪐
✨ it's that time again!! lets answer some really random questions for fun ✨
thank you @deedala @energievie @mybrainismelted for thinking of lil old me
name: c h a n i
age: I was born when Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" was top of the charts.
astrological sign: A goat.
upon which continent do you reside: Turtle Island.
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🫠💀💅🌧🪠
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Peach Extra. It was discontinued like 15 years ago but I still think it's the best.
whats the last movie you watched? Jane Eyre 2011. I won't go into how often I watch that movie.
what was your worst subject in high school? Math. Lordy lordy, math just would not click for me no matter how hard I tried.
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? I worked in a call centre for two days. They literally told me when I showed up on day two that they were impressed I'd come back because apparently most new hires don't even last one full day. IT WAS SO AWFUL.
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? I love funnel cake and those huge things of lemonade where they put whole lemons in there. I love most rides except wooden roller coasters. I rode one of the wooden coasters (Mine Buster specifically) at Canada's Wonderland and it rattled my brain so hard I was convinced I was gonna die.
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? I'll take an Oktoberfest sausage with Oktoberfest mustard, diced onions, and sauerkraut. (You can take the girl out of Kitchener but you can't take Kitchener out of the girl.)
cincinnati chili, thoughts? I have no idea what that is. (Hold on while I Google it.) So it's chili on top of pasta with cheese and onions? Sounds good to me? Lol it honestly sounds like something I'd have been served as a kid growing up poor.
do you sleep with a plushie? I don't because until super recently I wouldn't let myself enjoy stuffies? I felt like as an adult I wasn't allowed. But that's stupid. lol
how do you feel about thunderstorms? Looooooooove them. They remind me of the sound of rain on aluminum roofs at camp, counting between thunder and lightning as a kid to know how far away it was, Having the power go out and reading by candlelight, the way everything smells when the rain dies down. I just love them.
what's the last animal you touched? one of my cats when I served them their breakfast! Not sure which one I touched last but I usually give them little good kitty pets as they dig in.
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "Bitch" hehehehe It's my laptop and the sticker closest to me says "Liking what I like don't make me a bitch"
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? I'm gonna be real with you and say that I don't think I turned in a single assignment in highschool on time.
tagging these peeps and please pretend I tagged you if you want to play too! @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @mickeysgaymom @gardenerian @gallawitchxx
@heymacy @heymrspatel @sam-loves-seb @crossmydna
@blue-disco-lights @jrooc @samantitheos @creepkinginc
@whatthebodygraspsnot @palepinkgoat @mmmichyyy @sluttygallavich
@thirstyvampyr @iansw0rld
Tried to tag you all earlier but the tags didn't show. I forgot about the glitch 🤦🏻‍♀️
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
hello!!! Any chance you’d be willing to write an Ezra x Reader with opal and winter??? I read your other Ezra fic and liked it so much I wanted to see another one! Preferably while he’s still with the ghost crew (like 18 or 19), if ya can! Thanks so much 😀
Life Day Conversations
Summary: It’s hard, being on the run from the Empire. You signed up for it, sure, but it’s still hard. Luckily, Ezra is always there to help you feel better about the choices you made.
Pairing: Ezra Bridger x Reader
Word Count: 722
Prompt: Opal - Faithful Love
Warnings: Kind of bittersweet, based off of what I know happens to Ezra
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I still haven't watched Rebels. I just don't have the time, so I hope I didn't butcher him too badly. And I'm sorry if I did.
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“Are you sure you want to stay out here?” Hera asks from the ramp of the ship, shivering as she pulls the thick winter jacket tighter around her, “It’s freezing.”
You glance at her, and flash the smallest smile, “Yeah. Just a little longer. I won’t stay out long, promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it. We can’t afford anyone catching pneumonia.” You hear the sound of her clomping back up the ramp, and you sigh and tilt your head back, your eyes drifting shut.
1 year.
It’s been one year since the day you defected from the empire. A year since the last time you saw your parents, your siblings, your nephews.
You don’t regret it. Not really.
The Empire is made up of monsters, the worst kinds of monsters. Monsters who look like your next door neighbor.
But you’ve never felt so alone in all your life.
Though, you’re fairly certain that your loneliness stems from the fact that this is the first major holiday away from your family. And as much as you love Hera and Kannan and Jacen…you can’t help but feel like you’re intruding.
You release a slow breath, your eyes opening again as you feel something cold and wet against your cheek. “Huh. It’s snowing-”
It fits your mood perfectly.
“Knock, knock.” You start at the familiar voice from behind you, and you turn to blink at Ezra, “I know you don’t like it when people just barge in, but I figure since there’s no doors-” He trails off, “I bring hot cocoa?”
“Hera is going to kill you if she catches you out here.” You note as you slide over on the boulder to let him join you.
“Pft. I’m not afraid of her.” Ezra hands you both thermos and jumps up to join you, before taking his thermos back, “I also brought a blanket, to ward off the cold.”
You shoot him a look, “What’s wrong, Bridger? Can’t handle a little cold?”
“Hera will kill both of us if either of us get sick, so scoot in. We’re gonna get cozy.”
“I thought you weren’t afraid of her.”
“Wasn’t me, must have been the devil speaking through me.” Ezra says solemnly, before he tucks the blanket around himself and then you, “So, why are you looking so glum?”
“I’m not.”
“Are too. What, you think I can’t tell what you’re feeling?” You scowl at him and he grins as he taps your temple, “Jedi, remember.”
“Is it cheating to use your god given powers-”
He laughs, and drapes his arm over your shoulder, “Come on. It’s just me.”
You’re quiet for a moment, and then you sigh and drop your head on his shoulder, “It’s my first Life Day without my family. I suppose I’m feeling a little…melancholic.”
“You having second thoughts?”
“No.” You shake your head, “Just…feeling a bit lonely.”
“Well, that’ll happen when you’re sitting out in the cold rather than celebrating with your chosen family,” Ezra points out gently, “What’s really bothering you?”
“...I don’t know.” You pause, and pull your knees up to rest your chin on them, “What happens when you leave?”
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Sure, you say that now-”
“No.” He turns to face you and holds his pinky out for you to hook, “I’m not leaving you. Not now. Not ever.” He wiggles his pinky at you, “You know a pinky promise is eternal.”
“What are you, five?”
“Five times more fun than you.” Ezra quips. “Come on, even if I do have to go away for whatever reason, I’m always going to come back to you.”
“Until you don’t.”
“Nope. Always. Forever. I’ll always be faithful to you. I love you after all.”
You sigh and hook your finger with his, “Then, I hope you know that I’ll always be faithful to you too.”
Ezra beams at you and uses your joined fingers to tug you in so he’s able to kiss you, “Now, we’d better get back inside before Hera sends Sabine after us.”
Ezra hops down off the boulder, and offers you his hand with a blinding smile, “Come on, gorgeous. It’s Life Day, you shouldn’t be alone.”
You release a quiet sigh, but slide down the boulder to take his hand. 
Maybe change isn’t so bad after all.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 9 months
Hello! Would I be able to request edric blight x m!reader. Maybe a small fix about edric asking reader to grom. Thank you in advance
A/n: I had a really fun Time writing this!! It’s a lot longer than a “small fic” but I hope that’s ok, if you would want to see another fic at some point with them actually going to Grom, I’d love to write that as well! Also please tell me if i misspelled anything. Thank you for requesting!! O_O
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Word count: 2489
Edric Blight x Male reader
TW/ None! But there is Edric being a little self deprecating!
Grom Jitters
This couldn't be happening…
This CAN’T be happening! As much as he would like to complain about it, Edric only had himself to blame. “What for?” you may be asking. Well, Starting a few days ago Edric, may or may not have let it slip to Emira and Amity that he, may or may not have a big fat crush on you. He wasn't the best at hiding secrets, especially from his sisters, but he thought he could at the very least keep this one. 
But of course, he couldn't, as soon as his sisters started talking about who they were going with to Grom, his mind immediately started to wander to you. He started thinking about the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you like, how you patiently listened to him talk, and the times you brought him snacks, even though he didn't ask for them.
He knew he had a silly crush before but he didn't realize how much he actually liked you. How much he wants you to be there with him, dance with him… just have fun with him.
“I want to go with Y/n” Edric sighs, it takes him a second before he even realizes he said it out loud. His back quickly went straight, he really hoped they didn't hear him but it was clearly written on their faces. The room was quiet for what felt like an eternity, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. But then it happened, the hurricane of questions began to be flung at him.
“Y/n?!” They both scream
“When are you gonna ask Him?” Amity asks,
“No offense but Y/n is way out of your league,” Emira says bluntly
“Rude, but… true. And I'm not going to ask Him! And even if I did, I doubt He'd want to go with me.  He probably has a date already too.” Edric says as he slumps back into his chair, hands covering his face,  excuse after excuse leaving his lips. 
“Hey, don't talk like that Ed, from what I’ve been told by Luz and him, He doesn't have one yet.” Amity reassures him, He slowly moves his hands from his face, before looking away to the corner of the room.
“Well even if that's true, I think he would just laugh at me for even asking him that.” Edic grips his hair lightly just imagining the embarrassing thought.
“OK Ed, now you're just being ridiculous, you know he wouldn’t do that!” Emira says, nudging his shoulder a bit. They were right, Y/n wouldn't do that, He is far too nice to ever dream of doing that to someone. 
“Come on Ed, you might as well try! The worst he can say is no.” Amity once again reassures. Edric Looks back at his sisters, they clearly won't take no for an answer. 
“Ugh… Fine.” He stretches his words then leans back up in his chair, “So… How do I ask him?
The girls thought for a moment
“You could write them a poem?” Amity thinks out loud
“No, the last time I did that I got stood up” 
“To be fair, you did accidentally send it to their mom” Emira snickered as Edric’s face flushed a bright red.
“How about you… bake him something? I baked Luz a Fairy pie when I had a crush on her.” Amity lists more ideas
“Hmm,  I do get good grades in the Potions track, surely baking couldn't be too different,” Edric thought  “Ok, Baking it is!” 
“Ok then, so with that settled, we will help you bake and you will ask him the day before Grom!” Emria Said clapping her hands.
3 days later
“OK Ed, I had Luz ask Y/n what his favorite flavor of cookies is, and she also gave us a recipe she memorized from the human realm, so surely this should suffice.” Amity began laying stuff on the counter “I had to get the ingredients myself as Luz is busy occupying Y/n all day.”
“Wait, Where’s Emira?” Edric asked
“Oh, she's out grabbing some last-minute things for us, she'll be back soon.”
“Alright then, Time to make the best cookies Y/n would ever try!” And with that Amity and Edric began to work.
Amity set the oven to preheat as Edric sat out the supplies they needed, then Amity began to read the ingredients and Edric put them in,
“Then after the vanilla, butter, and sugar is mixed well add in flour, salt, and-” Amity stopped.
“And what?” Edric asked, confused but then Amity carried on.
“-and Baking soda, Now, I couldn't find “Baking Soda”  but I did find this regular soda in the night market, but I doubt there will be much difference,” Amity said closing the written recipe and placing it on the counter
“How much did the recipe say to add in?” Edric asked
“The note didn't say how much, hmm will just add one can just to be safe.” 
With that, they poured the soda into the cookie mix and stirred it until ready, 
“That should do it,” Edric said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Time for it to go into the oven for…10 minutes and we can let them cool.”
As they are waiting for the cookies to bake, Emira comes through the door holding something behind her back.
“Hey, how's the cookies going? I got the stuff you wanted, Mittens” Emira says, handing Amity a bouquet of red flowers. Edric forgot the name of the flowers but he knows they are pretty common amongst couples on the boiling isles.
“What are those for?” Edric asks
“Ed, Surely you can't be that dense right?” Emira says a slight chuckle escaping her lips at her twins' oblivious nature.
“I had Emira fetch you some flowers for Y/n. According to Willow, these were Y/n’s favorites when she showed him her flower collection.” Amity said, wrapping a ribbon around the bouquet to complete it.
“Ah, looks like the cookies are done,” Amity said putting on an oven mitt and opening the door to see…”Um… Ed, we have a little bit of a problem”
“What? What's wrong?!” Ed walks in a hurry to the oven to see the issue.
Where what should have been “the best cookies Y/n would ever try” was a cookie tray filled with melting, liquid, cookie(?) mix. Amity quickly took them out of the oven and placed them on the stove. 
“Uh no! What happened?! It should have turned out good.” Edric almost yelled before sinking to the floor of the kitchen.
“I'm sorry Ed. Maybe the cookies weren't meant to happen, we still have the flowers.” Emira said, sitting next to her twin and patting him on the shoulder. 
“But I really wanted to give Y/n something before I asked him. He deserves more than just flowers.” Edric put his hand in his hand.
Everything was quiet for a moment until Amity let out a noise as if she had an idea. She slowly walked over to the tray filled with melting cookie mix and picked it up.
“What are you doing Mittens?” Emira asked 
Without answering Amity walked over to the freezer and put the tray in. 
“If I'm right, you may still have something to give Y/n,” Amity said 
“What do you mean Mittens, you saw them, there is no fixing that” Edric felt like crying, of course, it has to be him who always fails to get dates because HE can't do anything right. First with that poem now this. Everything is a disaster. 
“Just go get ready and Emira and I will handle it”
“But i don't have anything-”
“Ed, trust us ok?” Amity cut him off
Edric nodded his head and made his way to his room to get ready.
After he got ready, mainly just taking a shower and making his concealment stone make him look how he wanted,, he heard Emira call him down,
“Edric! It's almost time to ask Y/n come on down!” Emira yelled
He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Emira and Amity were. 
“Guys, I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't have a good gift, and-” Edric was cut off by Emira sticking something sweet in his mouth.
“You were saying” Emira asks i smile on her face
“I was saying-'' Edric tried to continue but the taste of whatever was in his mouth tasted delicious.``What was that?” He asked
“Our “Cookie” mix disaster” Amity said handing him another one
“What?! These can't be them, they don't even look like cookies and they definitely do aren’t melted like last time.” Edric wasn't believing it
‘Yeah, I definitely wouldn't call them “cookies” now,  it's more of a taffy or fudge now.” Amity says, handing a piece to Emira. 
“But how?-” He was cut off again.
“After I figured out that the mix clearly wasn't gonna bake, I decided to put them in the freezer to see if it would solidify” Amity explained 
“And if you look at them, I'd say she did a pretty good job, right Ed?” She cracked a smile
Edric ran up to his sisters and hugged them tight while saying more “thank you” than anyone could count.
“OK Ed, enough hugging, you'll be late for you to meet up with Y/n, Luz says she's almost out of ideas to keep him occupied,” Amity said with a slight laugh. ”We can take my staff and I can drop you off”
They then quickly put the Disaster “cookie” mix candy in a pretty thermos container (Also bought by Emira) to keep it cold and put the bouquet of flowers in Edric's bag and made their way to Y/n.
When they got there they saw Luz and Y/n hanging out on a bench by the park. Just seeing Y/n made Edric’s body hot, and he realized what kind of situation he's actually in. He is about to confess to his crush, with flowers and food. It's pretty cheesy when he actually thinks about it. 
But is he ready to do this? Some part of him thinks it may be a dream ‘This couldn't be happening, This CAN’T be happening’ he thought but he remembers everything everyone’s done for him just to have him do this. He wants to do this, he will do this. He can't keep hiding his feelings. 
After a few moments, they land and they walk over to where Luz and Y/n are sitting.
“Amity And E-Edric what a completely unexpected pair that I totally didn't know was coming! It's good to see you haha! Luz tries (and fails) to fake surprise. She then runs up to Amity and gives her a hug. “Hey Hermosa!” Edric walks over and sits next to Y/n
“Hey Edric, what are you and Amity doing here so late?” Y/n asks looking into Edric's eyes
“I umm-” he clears his throat ”-I could ask you the same Y/n” He replied giving a smile, Y/n laughs.
“Well uh, I actually don’t know,” Y/n rubbed the back of his head “Luz told me she ‘had something cool she wanted me to see’ but right after she kept telling me ‘But wait! I know an even more interesting thing’ and it just kinda went for a while hehe” Y/n explained
‘What a way to keep someone distracted’ Edric thought
“But if you want to know all the interesting things we saw, ask Luz 'cause there were way too many for me to keep track of, she should be talking to Amity over-” When Y/n went to point he saw… well nothing. Except for 2 people flying away on a staff.
“Talk to you later Y/n! Eda wants me to be back at the owl house so Amity is taking me home, byyyye!!” Luz shouts while waving bye in their direction.
“Looks like they ditched us,” Y/n laughed “but it's fine, it's getting pretty late is it?” Y/n Looked up at the sky, looking at the dim red of the evening.
“I could  walk you home if you want?” Edric asked hoping he’d say yes
“I’d love that,” Y/n smiled
Edric thought for a moment, if he didn't do it now he might not be able to on the way to y/n’s house. 
“Before we go… You wanna talk a bit?” Edric asks, trying not to sound too desperate.
“Course’ Ed, you know I like talking to you” Y/n laughed
Slowly but surely Edric began to build his confidence to ask him until finally he tried to blurt something out but was cut off.
“So about Grom, that's tomorrow, isn't it? Y/n asked, Edric only nodded “I completely forgot about it” Y/n laughed
“Are… Are you going? Edric asked 
“Hmm, I don't know,  I don't have anyone to go with, no one asked me yet.” Y/n replied his eyes looking up at the dimming sky, “I might not even go, considering I don't have a date,”
“If you had a... date, would you? Edric asked another question while slowly shuffling around.
“Yeah, but it'd have to be someone I truly care for and love,” Y/n said smiley, he then looked away from the sky and turned to look at Edric, “What about you Ed-” Y/n stopped seeing the sight in front of him, 
Edric Blight, on one knee, holding a box of candies and flowers in each hand, looking up at him,
“Y/n.. Will you please go to Grom with me? I've liked you a lot ever since I met you and I've been afraid of telling you how I feel, in fear that you’d hate me or something. But I'm asking you now.” Edric confesses
“Ed, I…” Y/n paused, shock written over his face. Edric began fearing the worst the longer Y/n took to answer. 
“You don't have to if you don't want to… We can just forget this ever happened-” Edric was cut off when Y/n bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, a warm blush covering his face.
“I would love to Edric,” Y/n finally gave his answer, 
“Really?!” Edric shot up, almost spilling the candy.
“Yes Ed, I want to go with you” Y/n laughed taking the candy and flowers from Edric before grabbing his hand to hold. “You want to walk me back Ed?
“Of course!” Edric replied swiftly
As they were walking, hand in hand, Y/n took a piece of candy out of the box and tried one
“Wow! These are amazing Edric! I've never had these before, How’d you make them?” Y/n said his eyes lighting up.
 Edric laughed, “It's a long story..”
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crimeronan · 1 year
god i know i keep half-tongue-in-cheek saying that my dad is literally belos owlhouse but. i've apparently gotten a little desensitized to Just How Bad He Is (because i have ESCAPED, YAY) & so today has been a delightful adventure.
i wrote an AITA post from his POV about stuff that happened several years ago, bc i was curious about how bad he'd get dragged - i updated the timeline but the Only fact i changed was the reason for his Woes (i blamed COVID economic struggles, which actually makes him a Hero compared to the truth. the truth being so ugly i'm not gonna detail it here good god).
i kept it true to POV by only using things that he actually did say to me at the time about why he was doing the things that he was doing, & blocking out all the relevant info about why the wronged party (me) was so upset, & having him praise his daughter (me) and go "i love her so much :) she's so smart and independent and i would never hurt her :)", & having him half-assedly admit he might've sounded unreasonable/angry/malicious, in a way that was clearly supposed to earn Good Dad points for being so Willing To Admit Imperfections, despite a continued constant doubling-down refusal to answer questions about actual important shit or fix anything ever.
cannot emphasize enough that this was not a fictionalized/embellished/creative POV. the only points of fiction were 1) my dad did not write these things on reddit, he said them to me in real life word for word instead and 2) this happened many years ago, not like... yesterday.
anyway the thread blew up and the commenters were all so kind and genuinely worried for me (as in, the daughter) and offering so much help that i hopped on a diff account to be my past self so i could reassure people i'm okay & had a plan in motion for gettin' the hell outta dodge. because i felt REALLY BAD that they didn't know i..... did in fact get out. people were so nice it made me actually fucking cry jesus CHRIST. i had in fact perhaps forgotten that these things were all as bad and worrying as they were
now. this is all a very serious and harrowing-sounding prelude to the actual point of this post, which is. a bullet list of some of my FAVORITE FUCKING RESPONSES. revel in these with me i had so much fucking fun. i have taken DOZENS AND DOZENS of screenshots to peruse whenever i need a healthy dose of Perspective
here they r:
did you even listen to yourself writing this. HOW
there's something seriously wrong with you. like on an intrinsic unfixable level
hey this happened to me too! my parent died and i had a party about it btw
your daughter is never going to speak to you again after this
(note from the future: yeah)
you're going to act confused and sad when she goes no-contact aren't you
i think you are creating your own problems and then getting mad at them. maybe instead you could not do that
is this ragebait. i can't imagine anyone this horrible actually existing
this isn't ragebait. i can tell this isn't ragebait because I Know This Kind Of Man So Intimately
you are the asshole on literally so many levels i'm going to write a 15 paragraph response line-by-line dissecting everything wrong with you
are you aware that you're lying or are you literally this incapable of 2 seconds of honest self-reflection
i need to donate to a gofundme for your daughter right now immediately
(note from the future: i am not going to scam people by pretending a long-done sitch is a current emergency on gofundme. have no fear.)
wow. okay i'm gonna go hug my mom and thank her for not being you
you are Actually Literally Empirically the Actual Literal Worst Parent who has Actually Literally Ever Existed
these vibes are so skeevy. leave her the fuck alone????
along with ASTONISHINGLY accurate inferences about exactly what was happening with the daughter (me) in all the missing missing reasons & like..... exactly how the situation was So Much More Ugly And Horrifying than an innocently confused i'm-so-well-intentioned dad-POV post would have you believe.
so. anyway. that was literally the most validating experience i've ever had in my entire life. i know i've said he's a bad guy before but i also always forget just how far beyond the pale he is. like wow that was. that was not a normal average human experience to have growing up huh.
if you guys are ever wondering why i am the way that i am about, like........ anything....... everything....... whatever......
just remember.
i was raised by belos owlhouse.
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afterdarkprincess · 24 days
Hi lovely 💕
For the sleepover questions:
- Tell us your Solo/Sami headcanons.
- Tell us your CM Punk/Drew headcanons.
- And for good measure please add your Sami/Jey & your Ambreigns headcanons as well while you’re at it.
FMK: Roman, Seth, Mox
FMK: Solo, Sami, Jey
FMK: Punk, Drew, Cody
FMK: Jade, Naomi, Bianca
FMK: Rhea, Liv, Becky
Questions, questions, questions:
- What’s an accomplishment/ thing in your life you’re very proud of?
- Name three things you love about yourself?
- What makes you furious in fandom spaces (your fandom pet peeves so to say)?
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Who’s your latest?
- Who do you adore on this website (aka tumblr crushes)?
- What do you find attractive in a person (physically and personality wise)?
- Favorite story you ever wrote?
- Favorite story someone else wrote?
- Your current favorite song?
- One ingredient/ dish you love and one you despise?
This or that:
- Cats and/or dogs?
- Coffee and/or tea?
- Hiking, cycling or swimming?
- Pizza or pasta?
- Mexican, Chinese or Indian takeout? Or something else?
- Cooking, baking or ordering in?
- Quiet night in or a night out socializing with friends?
- Cold weather or hot weather?
- Pants, skirts or dresses?
This got a little out of hand oops 😂
Feel free to answer whatever you wanna answer and skip whatever you don’t. Or answer everything. Up to you. Happy sleepover!
Hugs and kisses 💖
AHHH Thank you!!!!! I've been so excited all day to get home and hae time to answer these!!
Gonna answer under the cut because I'm sure this will be long lol 💖💖💖
💕Solo/Sami headcanons
I feel like a LOT of my headcanons on Solo and Sami come from one specific fic on AO3- The Solo Man
I love Solo as being selectively mute and/or very shy. I haven't really gotten to explore this with Solo in my fics very much, but I'm really looking forward to doing so.
I do feel like Solo has such a soft spot for Sami (I mean I have eyes) Sami was a real source of kindness for him when he really didn't have that from anyone.
💕CM Punk/Drew McIntyre headcanons
oh noooo my brainrot lol
They're TOXIC as fuck, they bring out the worst in each other. I can't find anything sweet or soft in them, it's obsession, it's raw, it's violent. Possessive and Obsessive.
And they fuck nasty obviously. I tend to prefer Bottom Drew, something so fun about subverting their size difference but I'll eat up anything.
💕Samijey headcanons
Ahhhh I just love them- I feel like a lot of my headcanons POP out in my fics. I feel like Jey Uso is an acts of service guy. I think he does anything and everything to make sure that Sami feels taken care of. This shows up really early on in Devil in the Details and uhhh fun fact I wrote the first part of that fic before I knew that Sami was vegan, hence why there are SO many references to Jey cooking chicken for Sami. It was too integral to how I was having Jey show his affection to take it out, so for that one fic Sami is just no pork not vegan lol
Sami talks ALL the time, and Jey pretends to be annoyed but the constant stream of consciousness is actually so comforting to him. He very rarely has to worry about what Sami is thinking or feeling because he will just tell him.
Jey cut those crop tops so Sami would look at him.
From You're My Keeper (Pull Me Deeper):
“You really like my waist, huh?” he murmured. 
As if to prove his point, Sami sank his teeth into the soft flesh under his bellybutton. “Can’t stop looking at it,” Sami whispered into his skin. “So fucking perfect. Those stupid crop tops are fucking killing me, dude.”
“Really? Hm, I thought so.”
Sami’s head shot up. “You knew?”
Jey blushed. “I guess, I kinda knew you were like… Looking. I guess I thought… Nevermind, this is fucking embarrassing.” He clapped his hands over his face. 
“You thought what?” He felt Sami tugging at his fingers, and Jey reluctantly let his hands get pulled away. Sami had the worst look on his face, smug and bemused. Didn’t he know this was absolute torture?
“I don’t know, I thought maybe if I cut the shirts shorter, then like… You know… You’d look at me more,” Jey pushed out through clenched teeth. Scratch that, this was the worst look. Sami positively beamed, fondness radiating out from him in shameless sunshine rays. If he was a dog, he’d surely be wagging his tail like a maniac. Jey tried not to linger on that thought too long.
“Jesus you are so fucking cute,” Sami wheezed, burying his face into Jey’s chest.
Literally one of my favorite fics ever- I reread it all the damn time. (If the author of this fic is on here?? let me know pls & I'll tag you💖)
And I do think that Sami/Jey switch up who tops and bottoms, but I'm always here for bottom!Jey, sweet pillow princess.
💕Ambreigns headcanons
OO this is a good one- I typically go for Ambrolleigns (bc they all have two hands) or Ambrollins because of my donut sister @elementaldoughnut12 I feel like where Dean and Seth have that very turbulent high passion love, Dean and Roman have a level of like rock solid devotion?? Someone that they can always rely on, coming even closer together after everything fell apart with Seth.
Even more than Seth's betrayal, Dean leaving spurred on the creation of the Tribal Chief. Roman, alone and brokenhearted, left by the man who he thought would never leave him, turns himself into something cold and cruel. Makes himself monstrous, surrounds himself by a cheap copy of what they had.
He wants Dean back, wants it more than anything, but some part of him is terrified that Dean will reject him, will detest what he has become.
💕Fuck, Marry, Kill
FMK: Roman, Seth, Mox
Fuck: Roman (I'm gonna need that tongue baby good lord)
Marry: Mox 100%, I'm gonna need to hit that multiple times, and also I feel like our personalities are really complimentary
Kill: RIP I'm so sorry Seth, please keep serving even in Death
FMK: Solo, Sami, Jey
Fuck: Solo- and he needs to bring the gloves okay? 🥵
Marry: Jey 🩵
Kill: Sami :( I hate to kill my hubby's hubby though
FMK: Punk, Drew, Cody
Fuck: Cody (he's hot, IDK that I'd wanna deal with him all the time)
Marry: CM Punk.... listenn
Kill: Drew- would need to take him out to marry Punk anyway
FMK: Jade, Naomi, Bianca
Marry: Naomi- Jimmy can come too
Kill: Bianca
FMK: Rhea, Liv, Becky
Fuck: Liv
Marry: Please, please Mami, I'm-PLEASE?
Kill: Becky, RIP girlie
💕Questions, questions, questions:
- What’s an accomplishment/ thing in your life you’re very proud of?
90k words posted on AO3 as of today has me feeling really good. I challenged myself at the beginning of the year to get to 100k by the end of 2024, but even where I'm at now... a year ago I would have laughed at you if you told me that. I've been writing in spits and spurts my whole life, but I really lacked confidence to do anything with my fanworks. I usually didn't even finish them. Before this last year, the most I had written was 2 NaNoWriMo attempts, both sat at around 25-30k and were never completed. And now with the all the support I've gotten here and on AO3, I've had the most creative period in my life. It makes me tear up thinking about it honestly.
- Name three things you love about yourself?
My passion, my sense of humor, and my tits lol
- What makes you furious in fandom spaces (your fandom pet peeves so to say)?
The only pet peeve I really have is like being rude and giving people shit for what they like and don't like?? Like I've been around since the days of Don't Like, Don't Read. If you don't like something, it's not for you, it costs zero dollars to shut the fuck up.
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Who’s your latest?
Oh gosh, so many. I mean the first would definitely be Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon 💖💖 Daniel Radcliffe when I got a little older and realized I wasn't going to be able to marry a cartoon. Right now? I mean all of those hot Samoans first of all. Rhea Ripley, obv. Moxley.
- Who do you adore on this website (aka tumblr crushes)?
EVERYONE lol this list is gonna be so long @feelschicken who has been my IRL bestie for like 20+ years at this point, who allowed me to drag her into Wrestling via several hour long conversations in the car where I would literally yell about the Bloodline
@elementaldoughnut12 my donut sister who has inspired so many of my fics and cheered me on through so much of this last year. Love you so much punkin 🥰
@harmshake my beloved tumblr gf, a constant source of positivity in my life 💖 Not to mention she writes the HOTTEST fics omg
@southerngirl41 who's been on the tag squad since the BEGINNING and I appreciate her comments so much
@jeysbvck Shan 💙 because we're both unhinged and feral for Jey- she just gets me
@imabillyami of course you too obviously- you are so sweet and not to mention your fics are amazing
@rollinsland who keeps my dash FULL of content of all my faves, and is so so sweet
@shanie-the-komania-toyaddict my Zowens connection, and another amazing sweet person
@motherknuckers I think we share a braincell for real
@samijey because like... A Way With Words is THE Sami/Jey fic, not to mention her amazing gif skills 😍
@thlayli-ra who definitely gave me the Punkintyre brainrot
@who-do-you-want-to-be MY SWEET KOALA FRIEND
@jeyuwuso WHOSE FIC I LINKED EARLIER, literally love all their work!!!
@taydaq her ART, especially Samijey 🥹
I know I'm missing people, I could be at this all night: @crxssjae @hypno-bear-tini @rosiel77 @mzv11 @theninthwonder @dontletme--cavein @codyswhitebelt @jobikinn if I missed others I'm so sorry 😭 and if tumblr messes up these tags I'll scream
- What do you find attractive in a person (physically and personality wise)?
Humor, they gotta be funny. They gotta make me laugh or we're not gonna work. We gotta be silly goosing.
- Favorite story you ever wrote?
Ours is still my favorite
- Favorite story someone else wrote?
oooo yay it's rec time!!! Already called out a few but here's some more:
Green - my favorite Candy fic
Losers and Loss - a Zowens fic that melted my brain into absolute goo I said The Solo Man already but also Pretty which spurred on my love of bottom!jey and Jey in pretty lingerie
Sticks & Stones and also Green-Eyed Monster - both by the Zesty Bean, all of their works are great but those are my favorites
Silver Knight and Little Clover - my donut sister knows how to make a rarepair that I'll go nuts for
And I could not forget I've got you to lose ... of COURSE 💕 maybe gimme a heads up before you post that last chapter so I can get all my favorite snacks and be prepared.
- Your current favorite song?
Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift
- One ingredient/ dish you love and one you despise?
Oo good question- I'm a big fries and ranch girlie (the midwest in me popping out) and for despise??? mmm it's gonna be pickles, they're gross to me.
💕This or that:
- Cats and/or dogs?
Cats 🐈
- Coffee and/or tea?
Coffee ☕️
- Hiking, cycling or swimming?
Swimming 🌊
- Pizza or pasta?
- Mexican, Chinese or Indian takeout? Or something else?
For takeout specifically it's gonna be Chinese
- Cooking, baking or ordering in?
- Quiet night in or a night out socializing with friends?
I love a good night out once in a while, but I prefer a night in
- Cold weather or hot weather?
Hot weather ☀️
- Pants, skirts or dresses?
whew.... that took a while but it was so fun honestly 😅
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
How has neighbor reader and Jason’s relationship changed after learning he’s Red Hood?
Jason let himself into your apartment and flopped over the back of your couch with a groan, "Why are all the women in my life crazy?"
"Are they crazy or are you just stupid?" you ask mildly, stirring your mug of tea.
"I'd be offended but you might have a point," he said, hauling himself upright with a grunt. "Do you have any leftovers I can steal? Steph broke in and took all my-"
"Half a pan of enchiladas and there's some green beans with bacon and potatoes- french bread too," you snort, rubbing the back of your neck and dropping into a kitchen chair. "Help yourself."
"Congrats, you're now the only sane woman I know," Jason declared, hauling himself to his feet and squeezing your shoulder as he passed.
"Why is my sanity contingent on you getting something?" you muse.
"Because heads tend to wind up in duffle bags when I'm hangry," Jason snorted, making a mental note to fix your squeaky cupboard door and do your dishes before he left.
"Long story. Daddy issues. Drug lord shit-"
"Say no more."
"Really it's-"
"No really," you tell him. "I get hit up 5 times a week by true crime podcasts and shit. The less I know the better."
"Do they at least offer to pay you?" Jason asked, helping himself to the enchiladas and an oatmeal cream pie before turning to rifle through your fridge for salsa.
"Not enough," you snort. "There's shit I don't even tell my therapist. I don't know why these box wine-drinking white women and sweaty out of touch comedian dudes think I wanna relive my trauma so they can make ad revenue sandwiching the worst night of my life between ad reads for Squarespace and simply safe."
Jason can't help it. He chuckles a little tossing the plate into the microwave. "If you ever did do one-"
"There is not enough pot, tequilla, or nicotine gum to EVER make that happen."
"No, I was gonna say if you did, it'd be pretty funny if you just made them squirm for a minute. Or just told a bunch of SUPER embarrassing stories about your brother."
"Nah. I'm saving that for like an actual news story. I want that shit broadcasted coast to fucking coast. That way the guards can use it to make fun of him until the day he dies."
When the microwave dinged Jason pulled the plate out with a hiss, "Diabolical. I like it."
"Poetic justice, I guess," you snort bitterly. "My friends can't make fun of him for me anymore to make him less scary so- I need new recruits. And these have tasers and shit."
"Fair enough," Jason said, carrying his plate to the table. Sure, he could have ordered pizza or something but- sitting alone in his apartment when you were right across the hall just felt stupid. Dinner always tasted better with company.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to say I love your work and I was wondering if you could write an Elvis x reader where the reader walks in on Elvis in the bathroom masturbating and moaning the readers name then he gets all embarrassed and apologize to the reader then the reader says it’s okay and helps him finish by giving him a handjob or something like that
this was a fun one LOL hope you enjoy! ty for the request <3
so sorry | 50s!elvis x gn(?)!reader
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warnings: minors dni, nsfw handjobs, sub!elvis
wc: 1.1k
masterlist | requests | taglist
you and elvis had been friends for a few years now, having met in your second year of high school. his parents loved you just as yours loved his and it was surprising to many that the two of you weren't already dating. however, elvis always found you attractive. he's definitely had a few dreams about you as well, but he promised himself to never bring them up to you ever.
you both had college exams coming up and decided to study together. you were sat at your desk facing elvis, your sleep shorts riding up with a chemistry book on your lap. elvis was trying to focus on his book, he really was. but the way your shorts rode up everytime you adjusted or leaned forward to point at something in his book had him going crazy. thank god for the book in his lap. eventually you stood up to grab something your bag, walking across the room and bending over to rustle through. that was it for him, he felt his cheeks warm up as he stared at the small peek of your underwear under the shorts.
"i'm gonna use the bathroom real quick." he announced, rushing off before you could notice the obvious arousal in his pants. elvis shut the door behind him and leaned against the wall, trying to think of things to get his mind off of you and those tiny shorts. unfortunately for him, everytime he closed his eyes, he'd still see those shorts. he'd see himself ripping them off and taking you right then and there in your bedroom. there was no way his dick wasn't going down and now hes fucked. the last thing elvis wanted to do was get off in your bathroom but at this point, he had no choice. he rubbed himself slightly through his pants, letting out a soft moan at the relief of finally being touched. giving the door one final glance, he shoved his pants and underwear down slightly to free his hard cock, red and begging to be touched.
he couldn't believe he was doing this, getting off knowing you were just in the room down the hall. he wrapped his hand around his cock, resting his head against the wall as he let out a sigh. he used his finger at the tip to smear his precum and getting himself slick. once he began slowly pumping himself in and out of his own fist, he couldn't help but think about all the things he wanted to do to you. all those dreams he had of him fucking you over the desk you shared in a class you both hated, behind the bleachers at prom when you didn't take him as your date to show you what you were missing, he was driving himself mad. so mad that he accidentally moaned your name as he moved his fist faster, then again and once more.
elvis bucked his hips, letting out a whine as he felt himself get closer to his own release. "fuck, god. y/n please-" he groaned.
as his stomach began to tighten, the bathroom door slightly opened and there you were. you looked through the crack and gasped as you opened the door more to a sweaty, disheveled elvis with his hand wrapped around his cock, "oh shit! elvis, i'm sorry!"
"oh my god-" he quickly pulled his pants back up. "y/n, i'm so so sorry. oh christ, this is my worst nightmare." he said, face turning a deep shade of red.
"i heard my name a few times and thought something was wrong," you couldn't help but try and hold back your laughter. "it's okay elvis, really." it was an embarrassing situation for the both of you but seeing elvis all red and ashamed was almost kind of cute. you could have easily shut the door and let him finish but you continued to stand there and stare.
elvis couldn't tell what was worse. the fact his best friend of three years just caught him getting off or the fact he's still hard even with you standing there in front of him. "i-i don't know what to say. i'm so sorry. lord, this is just so-"
you shut the door behind you and looked down at his pants then back at his eyes. you got on your knees in front of him and surveyed the expression on your face, looking for permission. "may i?"
"you don't have to. i don't wanna ruin anything for us."
you pulled down his pants and was face to face with his leaking cock, achingly hard. you'd only gotten a tiny glimpse when you first opened the door but you'd never actually seen him. your mouth was practically drooling at the sight. "oh, you're so pretty." you mumbled. his dick twitched at the sudden praise. you took him in your hand, pulling the foreskin back and listening to the pretty moans coming from elvis's mouth as you moved your hand on his cock. you gave him a squeeze, pinching his tip slightly as you watched the precum ooze out. "do i really get you this riled up?"
"you have no idea." he groaned, thrusting himself into your hand. "been hard for hours just lookin' at those pretty little shorts you got on."
"mm, bet you'd love to take 'em off and fill me with this pretty cock of yours." you began to pump faster, moaning at the sight of elvis shaking and twitching right under your hand. "gonna cum? tell me you wanna cum, lemme hear you beg."
"please, wanna cum so bad." he begged as that familiar tightening in his belly began to come back up.
you loved seeing him so needy, begging you for his release. this was your best friend. of course you thought he was attractive. oh the things you wanted to do to this man so badly. "such a good boy for me. my pretty boy, c'mon." you opened your mouth slightly and got closer to elvis, moving your hand quickly around his cock as you rested the tip on your tongue for him to spill into your mouth.
and with a few more moves of your hand, he reached his climax and spilled right on your tongue, cum and drool slightly falling onto your chin. you swallowed every drop that landed in your mouth before releasing him from your hand and wiping your chin with the back of your other. "fuck, y/n....you're crazy." he panted.
"says the one who was getting off in my bathroom." you joked, getting up from your knees. you winced slightly as the soft cracks as you got up, brushing them off softly. "now if you don't mind, we have an exam to study for." you sighed and opened the door. "but if we finish early, maybe i'll let you rip these shorts off of me and see what you've been missing."
taglist: @annoyinginternetgirl
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lexicals · 7 months
System collapse notes made as I read:
(Spoilers, obvs, mostly out of context)
Amazing opening page as usual. This feels like coming home I'm so happy
Side note, "one of you" - like, is this being delivered to an actual audience, or does mb just like to pretend it is? I know it's just an in-universe excuse for the conceit but either option is so good
ART canon tax fraud?? ART canon embezzlement???
ART @ BE ship: "people die in car crashes all the time. I just thought that was interesting :)"
The note about iris having grown up alongside ART is so funny. And the note about her being ART's ratthi is so sweet from both sides of that comparison
I adore Three so much. The fucking baby deer comparison killed me this poor construct
I could be misremembering but it feels like secunit's narration has more colloquialisms than before, which is fun if I'm right
Love than mb and mensah have the exact same reaction to the extra settlement lmao. Handshake meme
"Fun stuff like space battles and rescuing people and space monsters and throwing asteroids at planets" this bot loves its cheesy tv so much I'm gonna cry
WHY DO YOU KEEP REDACTING THINGS SECUNIT PLS THIS IS STRESSFUL. I can't tell if this is it editing out trauma discussion or something else
Mb casually using ART as a dictionary lmao
Oh god is it hurting over 2.0 specifically. Oh man of course it is. God this poor bot I'm so 😭
Mb and ART working as a team so fluidly.... best friends......
Ratthi can tell secunit is busy thinking/working just by glancing at it.... FRIENDS.....
Mb and pin-lee bonding over watching scifi car crash videos. Incredible
I'm gonna cry pls mb stop beating yourself up for being traumatised. This is exactly what you were giving mensah shit about!!!!!
"It was always my job to get hurt" I Am Going To Fucking Cry
God I feel like this poor bot spent six books building up its confidence and it's all just been shattered after the thing with 2.0. Like it's so palpable in the narration that it thinks it's broken in some way and is forcing itself to carry on regardless but with no regard for its own survival, which has always been of pretty high priority for it even in ASR!! It's let itself get beaten up in the other books but it's never been reckless like this. Mb please stop punishing yourself.....
Ohh tarik and mb shared corpo trauma..... can we talk about that maybe
Ratthi correcting iris about the ex-secunit thing.... ouuououugghghh
"Under normal circumstances that would be kind of hilarious" mb honey as a reader. That IS hilarious
Mb "so is this guy your..... ex-security..... not that I'm feeling jealous or insecure rn....."
Mb once again having the worst time of its life but being offered a media archive by a friendly bot: oh fuck yes hello there
Ooooh pre-corpo media no less......
THE ART THERAPY-SPEAK..... "that’s for humans" "this affects the part of you that is human" I'm going to yell and yell and yell
"No, it doesn't read my mind, it just knows me really well" 🥺
I feel like MW has gotten more up to date on current gender/pronoun usage since the earlier books which is nice to see. We've had neopronouns before but having pronouns attached to feed/character intros is new and appreciated
Mb: "aw fuck am I being tall and intimidating again"
Local secunit physically repelled by power phrase "sexual discussion" like a fucking skyrim shout
And ratthi is so supportive. God I'm so. AAAAUGH
Just patch out the anxiety lmao. New mental illness fix dropped please restart your OS to apply
Telling your bestie to fuck off IS a kind of love language and I'm glad that ART appreciates it 😌
Mb literally in a life or death situ rn: I could just burn part of this person's brain out to save us..... that seems mean though :/
"I lack a sense of proportional response" LMAO ART. At least it's self-aware
"I didn't come here to make friends" says the secunit who literally cannot go anywhere without forming some kind of allyship with someone
The delayed-hack though, that's fun. Wonder whether this file is gonna slowly make its way from CR secunit to CR secunit as mb gradually becomes some kind of mythic figure, lmao
"Be safe" 🥺
ART: "Oooh you guys care about me ^^ lol"
Murderbot trauma acknowledgement 😌 You go working through your feelings mb you're doing so well ily
Summary thoughts: this was really good and I like that MW has taken the time to address the NE fallout before moving on to whatever is coming next, I'm mostly just excited for that whatever-comes-next now. I didn't expect this story to still be focused on the same planet, but it's cool that it was! And now we're moving on with more machine intelligences and rogue secunits in play!! And they mentioned the comfortunit from artificial condition so hopefully that'll come back into play soon as well! I feel like something is building up wrt construct rights in the setting and I'm very excited to see that, but in the meantime I loved getting this familiar romp through MB having a very bad day and working through its emotions while also trying not to die. And it was fun having the twist on the usual formula with things being so isolated and it having to handle everything while being off its game, it felt a lot more tense than some of the other entries just by virtue of the fact that MB's narration was so much less confident than usual, and it made it really nice to hear the fire come back to its voice once we hit that point in the story. 11/10 as usual I love this bot so goddamn much
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bunniesssstuff · 12 days
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summary Getting stuck in a mystery world with all your ex crush and the boy of your dreams aka your current crush
pairing enhypen x reader
warnings none for this chapter
genre romance
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Chapter 2 : Unlucky In Love
You hate Monday, I mean who doesn't! Waking up in the morning is the worst and when you can't enjoy the Sunday because of all the homework and the assignments your teacher asked you to do is even more worse. But then you didn't hate school , you didn't love it either.
You took a deep breath and then entered your classroom. You have gotten familiar with your classmates in the last 2 months and you made a lot of friends. There were 3 girls in your class, who became your close friends, Kang Seoyun, Kim Hayun and Yang Nari.
Though you love your new friends a lot, it didn't stop you from missing Sunoo like crazy, you missed his company a lot, even though you both texted each other everyday, you still felt incomplete.
"Y/n! Come sit with me!" Seoyun shouted. You nodded immediately and took the seat beside her.
"Did you do the math homework?" Hayun asked.
"Yeah, it was pretty easy tho" You gave her your copy.
"I'm just dumb I guess" Hayun was scanning through your copy looking impressed.
Soon the class begins, first literature, then Art, then Mathematics.
"I hope everyone has completed their homework, if you haven't, please get up and go out of my class" Mr.Kim said.
"I hate Mr.Kim so much" Seoyun whispered into your ear. You agreed with her.
"Miss Song Yn and Mr.Park Sunghoon , why don't you do the equations on the board? Let's see how fast you can solve the equations?"
Sunghoon and Jay are from the same friend group and it seems that they are pretty close, they always stick together. Jay is a member of the school football team whereas Sunghoon is in the Basketball team. So practice is the only time then they are not together (yes u might third wheel later)
You got up from your seat. And Sunghoon is one of the Class toppers. Fuck. You are so doomed. You got up from your seat, took a chalk and started analysing the equation. Sunghoon did the same. You started solving the equation and peeked at what Sunghoon was doing, he hasn't even started yet! You will definitely complete it faster than him.
" Sir I have completed the equation! " Sunghoon said.
What the HELL!! how did he solve it do fast, you are only half way way done.
"Well done Sunghoon, you always reach my expectations!" Mr. Kim patted Sunghoon on the back.
"I'm done too!" You huddled back to your seat.
The class got over soon.
It was lunch after a few classes, hallways were filled with hungry students.
"I want tteokbokki!" You said looking at today's lunch menu.
"They are serving chocolate cake for dessert?!?" Seoyun eyes lit up as she saw her favourite food on the menu. She loves chocolate cake, who doesn't?
"Oh my god Oh my god!! Best day ever!!! " Nari exclaimed.
You turned around to see Park Sunghoon, THE PARK SUNGOON waving at you. Weird.
" Yeah?"
"Will you come to see today's Basketball match? It's after school"
"Of course I know it's after school and I don't think I will be able to attend it"
"You should come!! It's gonna be so fun!"
"I'll try"
You did go to see the basketball match and it was pretty fun. And you tried something you never thought you would.
And that was just the start of the chaotic friendship of you, Sunghoon ( and Jay , he is basically third wheeling).
Sunghoon just couldn't leave you, he followed you everywhere, LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. And you loved his company, even though you said you didn't. You also got used to Jay accompanying you and Sunghoon. It made you move on from Sunoo and you fell for Sunghoon.
Then came 9th grade and you needed to tell Sunghoon your feelings and you did and he rejected you kindly saying that he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now but that didn't ruin your friendship, you two grew even more close, and you kinda moved on from him. No you didn't. Sunoo's absence was killing you but now you rarely texted eachother.
Then came two new students Lee Heeseung and Nishimura Riki, Niki for short but only his close ones called him that.
Lee Heeseung was just so perfect!! You dream boyfriend. (Your new crush) You and him had a few conversations and you were over the moon. (Sunghoon wasn't really happy with you simping over a new guy but he said nothing)
You and Heeseung talked to eachother almost everyday but then a rumour started about Heeseung having a crush on some gurl from your class. Your heart broke AGAIN. You need to move on again and Sunghoon was beyond happy.
Then you decided to never fall for a guy that easily, You were unsuccessful. you stuck to your plan of not falling in love for a few months but then Jay got a little too attractive for you. He was a gentleman, he can cook, he plays guitar, he can sing, he has the face of a Greek god and an attractive jaw line, what else could a girl ask for. How does he not have a girlfriend? You fell for him hard and that's how 9th grade ended , you said simping over Jay , Jay being clueless and Sunghoon being jealous.
4 months into 10th grade and you found out that Jay does have a girlfriend. Sunghoon said that her name is Aroura and Jay met her during his trip to New York. You asked Jay and it was true. You were unlucky in love ig.
Seoyun, Hayun and Nari were slowly getting tired of this situation they decided to set you up with Jungwon on a blind date. Yang jungwon was your classmate, he was pretty and popular, known for his kind personality and charming cat-like face.
The date was going well , you were enjoying it. A LOT.
"Yn I'm sorry" Jungwon started. Oh no.
" I was kinda forced by Seoyun to go on a date with you. Don't get me wrong! You're amazing and pretty but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship" He got up and left. You sat there heartbroken. AGAIN. You were definitely unlucky in love.
Seoyun was angry. You were crying. Nari was feeding you ice cream and Hayun was making ramyeon for you. You called Sunghoon and told him everything,he comforted you and told you he was coming to your place to watch a movie with you and get you a little distracted.
Soon holidays started, you decided you don't need a boy to be happy.
Weeks before school reopens you decide to go to the park for some fresh air. Just as you were enjoying the nature, noticed Sum Jaeyun aka Jake, your classmate, playing with little kids. He must be good with kids. Just like that you fell for him.
You spend the rest of the holidays simping over him.
Later you found out that Sunoo is going to join Decelis High.
Sunoo and Sunghoon became close friends. Sunghoon assured you that he would never leave you. Sunoo and you also started to talk again.
Just like that 10th grade also added and you successfully moved on from Jake in 11th grade. Your new crush is Nishimura Riki,he is in the basketball team with Sunghoon, your prince charming.
Have you finally found your soulmate?
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Hiii! Could you write a fic where Dipper challenges Wendy to a wrestling match, and loses miserably lol. While she’s sitting on him, he’s sore loser, so she tickles him to get him to shut up. If you could have her give him a raspberry or two, that would be great too! Ty!
It's been a hot second since I've written anything Gravity Falls. Kinda straying away from this fandom, I hope this doesn't suck! Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Wendy
Summary: After Dipper looses miserably in a wrestling match against Wendy, he decides to be a sore loser. Wendy teaches him some good sportsmanship.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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"C'mon Wendy, get off!"
Dipper shoves at his older friend, who's currently pinning his arms down on her bed. They had been watching a survival show, and he had bet Wendy that he could beat her in a wrestling match. Needless to say, he's five dollars poorer.
"Then quit acting like I cheated. I won, fair and square. Now say it." She smirked down at him, sitting on his waist and pinning his arms down with one hand.
She had known she would win, easiest five bucks ever. All he has to do is say the sentence. A simple 'You're stronger than me, oh great warrior', as agreed upon before they wrestled. But he wouldn't, the little snot.
"No, you so cheated! It's your bed, you probably knew an extra bouncy spot or something to throw me off!" He's honestly just grasping at straws. There was no heat behind anything he says, he was just being a bad sport on purpose.
Wendy, being the "responsible teen" she isn't, felt it was her job to fix that attitude. Adjusting her grip, she places a hand on his stomach, smirking. "Dude, I'm giving you one more chance. Say it or suffer the consequences."
Realization dawned on him in that moment. He *could* say the phrase. It would certainly be quicker. Then again, did he really want the fun to stop? And getting tickled isn't the worst consequence in the world...
"Make me, cheater!" A smile worked its way onto his face. He has an awful poker face. Wendy quickly realized what he wanted. If her friend wants to get the snot tickled out of him, who is she to say no?
She chuckles, shaking her head. "Fine. You asked for it, dude." Her fingers dig into his belly, scribbling across the sensitive skin. Squeaky, almost childish laughter poured from his mouth.
"W-Wehehehendy!" He squirmed and wriggled at the tickling. He may have wanted it, but that doesn't mean he has to act like it. He didn't make any real efforts to get away. He's enjoying this.
It's a pretty cute sight. Wendy quietly giggled along with him, his laughter contagious. "Wow, almost forgot how ticklish you are. It's kinda adorable."
Curious at what other kind of reaction she could get, she lifted his shirt. He squeaked as he felt the cool air of the room on his bare skin. He giggles in anticipation, eyeing her hands with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. That was gonna be bad.
She scratched around his belly button, occasionally dipping her finger inside to scratch at the ticklish interior. He squealed, twisting and turning as his laughter doubled. He tugged at his arms, trying to break her grip on his arms. He failed.
"NOHOHO! NOHOT THEHEHRE!" Wendy chuckled, getting an idea. Raspberries drive her little brother up the wall. She wondered how they'd work on Dipper. Only one way to find out...
Taking a deep breath, she blew a massive raspberry right on his belly button. Dipper shrieked, tossing his head back and bucking his hips. It was both horrible and amazing, though he couldn't tell you how. It just was.
"Wohow, man. You've got some good pipes, huh? Let's see what happens if I do this..." With an evil chuckle, she leaned down, giving him multiple raspberries in the same spot while her hand danced along his ribs.
Dipper lost his mind, squirming and bucking wildly. It was overwhelming in the best way. He couldn't think, save for "oh my gosh it tickles it tickles it TICKLES!" He just tossed his head back, unable to do anything other than laugh and squeal like a deranged piglet.
Soon, his laughter took on a wheezing edge, tears of mirth sliding down the sides of his eyes. Wendy took that as her sign to give him a break and tone it down.
"Woah, remember to breathe, man. Don't wanna kill you. Stan would make me finance the funeral, and I'm broke enough as is." She chuckled, rubbing his belly to try and dull the sensations. Dipper still giggled like a schoolgirl, trying and failing to regain his composure.
After a few seconds of giggling and soothing rubs, Dipper got ahold of himself. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back. "Jeez.. that was just cruel, Wendy."
She smirking, drumming her fingers on his belly. "Who said I was done? You still have something to tell me, sore loser." She began tickling him again, much slower than before. She slowly moved across his midsection, gently fluttering her fingers against his sides, belly, ribs and navel.
He giggled like crazy, groaning as he squirmed weakly. He was tired, and the tickling was wearing him down quickly. "F-fihihine! Yohohu're strohonger than mehehe, oh greheheheat waharriohohor!"
The second he finished the sentence, her fingers lifted off him. She released his arms, laying down beside him on the bed. He pulls his shirt back down, hugging his midsection.
"You're, like, adorkably ticklish. How are you still alive?" He just groaned, lightly kicking the teen. Wendy laughted, nudging him. She could tell he was tired, and that something calm would probably be best. "Hey dude, you maybe wanna watch a movie? It's a Saturday, and I've got nothing better to do."
"...yeah, sure. Wanna turn it on to the crappy horror movie channel?" Dipper turned to face her, a small smile and blush still on his face. She nodded, grabbing the remote and turning on the Geavify Falls Extra Scary Movies channel.
They spent the next few hours poking fun at the awful movies, Dipper passing out after the third film. All in all, ot a bad day for the duo.
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