#the Bad batch oc
leenabb104104 · 20 hours
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Some bridges just can’t be crossed….(A flashback)
(To find out what led to this moment in Crosshair and Kahrin’s past, please read my amazing friend @legacygirlingreen ‘s beautiful story about it below):
💚Tag list 💚
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @justanotherdikutsimp @antisocial-mariposa
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echojedis · 4 months
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i updated mordred's reference!!! you can find their bio site here
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orionfrommars · 6 months
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My clone OC Atlas!
[Please do not steal, trace, repost, or do anything with my work.]
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lightspringrain · 10 days
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I am back! With Chapter 8 "Fire Against The Dark." Thank you so much for your patience! This cover's line-work was done by the amazing @collophora (her art is so good; go check her out!). Colors were done by me. I hope you like! <3
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vimse · 8 months
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Happy Taungsday friends!
I’m sorry I haven’t been posting a lot. It has been a stressful month and it doesn’t look like it will clear up anytime soon. I’ll try my best not to go crazy 🥹
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wrenkenstein · 16 days
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"You may lick your wounds, but you'll never clean the blood off of your hands, doctor."
Fun lil' experimental piece I did for some zine warmups, loosely inspired by something awesome @cloned-eyes did for the CL project ;) I love Juno's lore SO much, do not get me started or I will gush endlessly
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primedayart · 4 months
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My Bad Batch OC Lamia in ✨her first illustration.✨
She’s an ex-Jedi, (like, hasn’t been one for over 10 years before the Clone Wars even started,) medic/healer with a heart of gold and trauma-based mutism. 😂 I love her a lot, and I’m glad I finally got my shit together and made a Twi’lek OC. 😅
Biggest thanks to @iblazitastic for the background help and THE SANDWORM. Love me some giant sandworms. 🥰
I hope you like it!
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pinkiemme · 5 months
Hey, did I show you Krys?
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badbatchbruna · 7 months
Happy International Women’s Day! 💕 To celebrate I wanna share some more art of my tbb oc, shadow! These drawings are from November, April and January last year (in order). Here are some facts about her:
♡ She is born in 38 bby
♡ She is from batuu
♡ She joins the bad batch shortly after echo does
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retrospect1003 · 2 months
Calling All Skeletons
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The beginnings of my tbb x oc fanfiction! This is mainly a slow burn romance between Wrecker and oc, Doc. This takes place during season 1 episode 5 and will follow the show's story. I'm new to this writing fanfiction thing, so bare with me! I hope you all enjoy!
Word count: ~2.4k
Banner by: @blackseafoam
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Chapter 1: Crash Landing
As the Havoc Marauder glides over Ord Mantell, a seemingly recent crash site is noticed outside of the city. The smoke danced out of the dismembered ship as the batch of clones observed from the forward cabin.
“That does not bode well for us,” Tech stated as he maneuvered to the landing site.
Hunter kept his eyes on the crashed ship, “While I doubt anyone survived that crash, we’ll stay vigilant and avoid making too much noise.”
With that said, the Marauder hovers down the landing port and securely lands. The group rehashes rules with Omega and, with a placement of their helmets, they head into the city in search of Cid.
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From inside the city, a poorly disguised imperial medic stumbles out of an alleyway. Blue and green paint drips from her arms and runs down the dents and wears in the armor. Her helmeted head tilted up to the sky, a familiar ship flying overhead.
“An omicron-class assault shuttle?” The medic questioned quietly to herself as she began to assess her situation.
With a heavy disgruntled sigh, she moved forward to another alleyway to investigate the ship further. Traversing through the unknown of the city, each step taken questioned if it was going in the right direction.
“Remember the rules?” Asked an unfamiliar voice down the way.
The voice brought the medic’s feet to a halt, her eyes moving to investigate. It took no time for her to duck down behind a crate, recognizing the distinctly armored clones and observing from her place. The realization pushed through the countless questions in her mind. These were the deserter clones and child from Kamino. Wanting to solidify her thoughts, her hands typed away on her data pad and found the reports. Tucking her data pad away into a bag on her belt, the medic begins her pursuit of the assault shuttle from earlier once again. Her senses have seemingly returned to her as she searches the city’s layout and successfully finds a path to the ship port.
With some trial and error, the painted medic was gazing at the omicron-class shuttle and taking in each of its features. It was like the aura of the ship was drawing her closer to it, much different than other shuttles she’d been around. Her hand hesitated before meeting the ship’s side instinctively, her lips curling up into a small smile as her shoulders relaxed.
“I hope I’m making the right choice,” the medic whispered to herself as her hands and eyes studied the shuttle.
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“We’ll be in and out of there in no time!” Wrecker exclaims with a hearty laugh.
Tech is quick to reply to Wrecker, “While the job seems to be simple, we shouldn’t assume all will go well. When does it ever?”
Hunter examines the drive Cid handed off to them as the squad makes their way back to the ship. Saving a kid and maybe some others from slavers shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for them, right? Sounds like a breeze compared to escaping the Empire. He held the chip between two of his fingers and tilted his hand out, Tech taking it away and beginning to analyze.
The entrance to the port was approaching, a sight that should be reassuring yet Hunter stops in his tracks as he brings his fist up. He noticed some colored splotches along the way  with some tracks, pointing them out to the others as he brought out his blaster. Starting to move in to watch from the entrance, there’s a single armored person who was… covered in paint?
“Who’s that?” Omega questioned.
“Not sure. Stay in the middle of us,” Hunter readied his aim on the unknown figure by the Marauder. Omega didn’t bother asking questions as she positioned herself between all her brothers with their guns ready at the aim.
Hunter moved out slowly with the batch so they all had good eyes on the target, “Drop any weapons on you.”
The medic’s body tensed at the demanding words said behind her back. Her hand found the blaster holstered on her hip and threw it to the ground before raising her hands above her head. Taking a heavy breath in and out, she turned her body slowly to the voice.
With a lighthearted sigh, the medic took a turn to speak, “I’ve been waiting to talk to you guys!”
Her hands move slowly and lift off her helmet. Her ashy brown hair is tied up in a bun, many stray hairs falling out of place messily. Her green eyes, accompanied by dark tired bags, crinkled as a smile curved her lips.
“They call me Doc,” she revealed as her gloved hand pushed back the hairs in her face, “Before you shoot me, I need some help. If you’ll hear me out.” Her brows furrowed with soft eyes.
The squad of defiant clones eyed Doc suspiciously as she moved and spoke. Doc kept her hands where they all could see them, even if her nerves were starting to tingle. Hunter eyes each of her features and gestures before lowering his weapon with a disgruntled sigh.
“You’ve got a minute to explain.”
Doc nodded as she began, “The Empire started recruiting soldiers from planetary defense forces, and I was part of the first Elite Squad as a medic. I thought the Empire was going to better the galaxy…” She struggled to find her words, “that was, until I was forced to follow unneeded violent orders. After we left Onderon and returned to Kamino, I stole a ship, I crashed it here, and I hope they think I’m dead.”
At the mention of Onderon, the brothers looked between each other. Her story seemed to make sense, and it also explained the crashed ship outside of the city. Doc shifted awkwardly where she stood, hands still raised in the air while watching them.
Omega spoke into her comm device in a whisper, “I think she’s like us.”
Wrecker was first to look at Omega and then back at the medic. From under his helmet, he was smiling eagerly. His head turned to Omega and gave her a small nod. There wasn’t much time to debate the medic’s situation as Hunter holstered his blaster, inviting the others to do the same.
“Just get on the ship. Don’t think you’re trusted yet,” Hunter glared at Doc as the hatch to the Marauder lowered.
Picking up and holstering her blaster, Doc gave Hunter an understanding nod and watched as the others loaded into the ship, “I get it. Thank you.” Doc followed behind, “Knowing some names would be pretty nice too,” she added with a cheeky smile.
Omega piped up first as she stood in front of Doc, “I’m Omega, and these are my brothers Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker,” pointing to each of her brothers.
“Brothers, you say?” Doc questioned lightly before shrugging it off, “Well, it’s nice to meet you and your brothers, Omega.”
With a nod, Omega walked off with Echo and to find her trooper toy. Doc on the other hand admired the interior of the ship as she made her way up to the front cabin. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact a group of rogue clones managed to make a ship into a home.
“You mentioned the Empire recruiting soldiers including yourself. Was it just your squad or are there others?” Tech questioned Doc with a glance before returning back to his data pad.
Doc whipped her head around, snapping out of her thoughts of the Marauder, “Well, I don’t have an exact number.” She paused for a moment before continuing on, “I know there were many more offering their services or asked by the Empire to join the Galactic Army. I was one of the first and didn’t interact many with soldiers outside of my squad.”
Hunter thought through her words before adding to the conversation, “Why would the Empire be training people to be soldiers when they’re supplied with clones?”
“I have no clue. I thought the same thing you did when they offered to train me.” Doc leaned her back against the wall, “I understand why you all left.”
Wrecker was making an attempt to listen to the conversation, but the pang of pain in his head made it a weaker attempt. He groaned as he held his head, hunched over in his seat.
Hunter turns to his brother with a hint of concern, “You all right?”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s nothing,” Wrecker groaned as he stood and began to walk away.
Doc placed a hand on the large clone’s arm to stop him from leaving, “I can run a diagnostic and provide a remedy for the ache.” She offered to Wrecker, “I’m specifically trained in this. It wouldn’t hurt to let me give it a shot.”
Wrecker’s eyes found Doc and he once again tried to shrug it off, mostly to avoid having to sit and get stuck for a diagnostic, “No, really. I’m fine-”
“Please. It’s the least I can do,” Doc nearly pleaded to Wrecker, “We can skip the in depth diagnostic if that’ll convince you.”
There was a brief pause between the two before Wrecker let out a deep sigh, “Fine, but just this once.”
“Fine, just this once,” Doc assured with a grin as she moved her arm for Wrecker to walk to the back of the Marauder.
Slumping into one of the swivel chairs, Wrecker released a mild groan with a hand on his head. The sharp stabbing pain followed with throbs was too much to handle, even for a person of his strength and stature. Doc took her seat across from Wrecker, setting her data pad and backpack to the side. A few bacta patches were pulled out along with different bottled  liquids and pastes before she stood up.
“I’m going to do a quick examination to try and determine what kind of headache you have,” Doc explained gently as she placed a hand over the one on his head, “Will you let me do that?”
Wrecker had his eyes closed tightly as she spoke, up until he felt her touch. His eyes slowly peaked open to look at Doc as he moved his hand from his head hesitantly. Doc shared a soft smile before looking for any bruising and coming up short.
“This might be silly to ask,” she started with a hum, “but have you hit your head at all recently? Multiple times?”
Wrecker let out a gruff chuckle, “I hit my head all the time! Nothin’ I can’t take!” He claimed with confidence, a grimace and groan following after his words.
Doc rolled her eyes at his words as she brought out her flashlight, “Ah, right. The big tough guys don’t get hurt,” she chuckled.
“Hey! I didn’t say I didn’t get hurt, I said I can take it!”
“Yeah, yeah. Now, tilt your head up,” the medic bantered as her hand slid down his head to his chin. Her fingers beckoned him to turn his face up towards her, Wrecker complying as his eyes met hers. The touch was demanding, yet felt soft and caring, even through a glove. A warmth ran through his body and appeared faintly on his cheeks. The stare they shared was short-lived as Doc turns on her flashlight and dims it, “I’m going to flash this light into your eyes. I’m testing for light sensitivity and to be sure your eyes…”
She paused as she looked back into his eyes, focusing specifically on the left one. This then led to Doc grabbing his chin and turning his face away to get a better look at his scar. Doc managed to successfully snap Wrecker from his thoughts as he raised an eyebrow, “Uh, what’re ya doin’?”
Tilting her wrist, she brings Wrecker’s face back towards her, “Can you see from your left eye at all?”
Wrecker closed his right eye, forming a wink, “Not much. Everything’s blurry and looks like shadows.”
“Noted,” She brought the flashlight up and beamed it into his left eye, noticing little to no dilation from his pupil, “Open the other eye.”
Following her instruction, Wrecker opened his eye to be met with a light, “Agh!” He was quick to shut his eye tight, batting away the hand holding the flashlight, “What was that for?!”
“I warned you!” Doc turned the flashlight off, turning to the items she set out. Examining a bottle, she grinned, “To make up for it, I have a drink for you that’ll ease your headache.”
“Like medicine?”
“No, like tea. This isn’t anything the Empire or the Republic would’ve given you.”
Doc unscrewed the lid of the bottle and offered it to Wrecker, “It works best if you drink it slowly over the next twenty or so minutes.” Wrecker eyed the bottle, not sure if he should accept, but his headache urged him differently. He takes the bottle, bringing it to his lips and tilting it back. A silky sweet flavor danced on his tongue before he swallowed, his eyes widening and lips parting to reveal a toothy grin.
“Where’d ya learn to make this? It’s great!” Wrecker complimented as he went for another sip.
The medic sat back in the seat across from Wrecker with a short laugh, “I’m self-taught. Used to play around with herbs and stuff. I’m glad you like it.”
“You need to make more of it!” Wrecker started to take longer drinks, her instructions and his headache leaving his mind.
Doc shook her head with a shy smile, “Maybe I will.”
The two shared identical looks with one another before feeling the ship turn to land. They both stood up to get ready to go, bumping into each other before trying to awkwardly move out of the way. Doc gave up and sat back down to gather her things, “My bad, you go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Wrecker lifted his helmet, placing it on, “Nah, uh, don’t worry about it.” The words struggled in his mouth as he walked away to leave the ship. The medic muffled a chuckle before swinging her bag over her shoulders, following after Wrecker with her helmet.
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Notes: Well, that's the first chapter! Kind of a rough start, but I'm hoping to improve as I go. Thanks for reading! (Also should I upload this to AO3?)
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I simplified Ukymeī's patterning a little because it was getting hard to draw consistently so here she is now
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I know it takes away of her pizzazz a little bit it is necessary lol
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leenabb104104 · 2 months
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Happy ARC Trooper Thursday! Echo and his true love, Aiko. They’re both such gentle souls, and she’s been good for him, helping him through all his lingering insecurities (as an Aquatic Empath, she is very good at understanding him). Took them a very long time to reveal their feelings for each other, both a bit shy and uncertain. But together they are unstoppable 🥰💚💕
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futuristiccowboyshark · 2 months
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orangesparks · 1 month
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deserters on pabu 🌸
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lightspringrain · 27 days
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Hello! I am still on break but I will be back soon. In the meantime, please enjoy this piece commissioned by @dragonrider9905 . I had fun painting this. I hope you like!
You can find my commission info here.
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vimse · 29 days
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Fancy Silvie, but she’s being doubtful
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