#the CATTS
owlhouseismyhome · 2 years
Dana art!!
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passionfruitbowls · 2 years
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i love everything in this drawing but especially tiny luz 🥺 look at her!!
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aroacemisha · 1 year
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(lyrics from “Dirty” by grandson; tw for violence, blood and syringes in the video)
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
I know I keep bringing up Raine and Adrian as a cool duo we could've gotten, but you gotta hear me out on this: it would've been a cool thing to see a rebel Raine and Adrian at the same time in the same timeline.
Think about it. It would've been such a cool concept to have two performative magics be used in conjunction with each other/ alongside each other.
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Of course, I don't think Adrian would want to get rid of Belos because he's suddenly good or something. No.
I think a reason why he'd turn against Belos is because he'd hate being manipulated and deceived the entire time.
I mean think about it. Adrian is the Covenhead of illusion, where the main focus is about deceptive measures. (Of course he'd want to get back at Belos for that).
Kinda like "no one deceives me, I'm the master of deception here" mindset, so he'd want to see Belos go down for it.
Idk how or when he'd find out, but real fast can you imagine the dynamic of his addition to the rebellion?
Darius wouldn't trust him until he proves it or something. Once that's done, the bickering between him and Adrian will ensue over who has better plans (maybe even style too, who knows)
I imagine Eberwolf will try to get on Adrian’s nerves by biting his tail or his ankles every now and then.
Adrian will then resort to tricking Eberwolf with an illusion clone of himself any chance he can get.
Raine is like the straight person in the group who tries to mitigate the fighting.
Adrian would so try to order them around himself and come up with plans that need a person behind one of his illusions (with no one liking them unless they agree on a compromise for a plan)
And of course, (adding my HC here), Raine and Adrian just hate each other but will try to tolerate each other's presence for the sake of getting rid of Belos.
I'm just saying, can you imagine the potential that this has for them to interact and play off each other?
It'll be like a vibe, similar to a team rocket style, but actually competent.
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pra370r1an · 4 months
What if Eda went with Luz and King in the first episode?
Ed, seriously: Listen, Katya, was it? I know what you're going through. I also once spent a harrowing time inside the Conformitorium.
Eda, leaving with a wave: But now, it's almost over. So Long!
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v-murderkings · 1 year
Raine: Ugh, this rebellion is such a mess!
Darius: Alright let’s get back to talking about my outfit.
Eberwolf: Nobody was talking about that
Darius: Which is why I’m trying to get the ball rolling, so how does it look? It’s good right? 
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Heyyyy! How are you doing?
Can I please request a fic with lee! Raine and Ler! Darius from The Owl House? Raine won't stop calling their group the C.A.Ts, mostly to get a rise out of Darius (it's working😂). Fed up after Raine ignores his warnings, Darius pins him down and wrecks the shit out of him. Raine is a nervous bard, so he cannot stand tickle anticipation and Darius knows this. Cut to a few minutes later and Raine is giggling up a storm while Darius is just smiling at him and saying things like, 'I'm not even touching you...'
I am alive, thx for asking! THIS IS SUCH A GOOD PROMPT LIKE- It's cute and fluffy and I love it. I'm gonna be honest, i pumped most of this out after midnight. I hope this doesn't suck. Sorry this took so long, schoolwork started back up and I got swampedddd. Enjoy!
Lee: Raine
Ler: Darius
Summary: Raine is being a little shit and annoying Darius with the group name. He decides to teach the pesky bard a lesson.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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"Or, for short, the CATTS!"
Darius despised that name. Not because of the stupidity, and not because of embarrassment. He hated it because Raine loved to annoy him with it. Every chance they got, every set-up for a cat pun, Raine would be there to tease him about it.
Now, Raine wasn't doing it maliciously, of course. They didn't want to actually upset the other coven head. They just saw a way to make the ever-stoic and sassy Darius groan or stifle a laugh. So, like any reasonable person would, they did it as often as possible. Just to see the ghost of a smile or hear the small, choked sound of a chuckle from the man. Some days they just took it a bit too far. Today was one of those days.
Running through the halls of the base, Raine searched for Darius. They had the perfect idea for new masks. Luz had shown them some drawings of human-world cats, and they absolutely loved them. True, soft and fluffy isn't exactly a typical rebellion style, but that can change. At the very least, it'll be fun to annoy Darius with.
Finally, they found the abominations head. He was fixing some of the damaged uniforms and clothes for the members. Raine ran up to him, showing him the pad of paper. "Darius! What do you think of these new designs for the CATTS uniforms?"
He didn't respond for a second, waiting to see if that was a joke. When he found out it wasn't, he shook his head, sighing. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Raine, I don't even know where to- are those paw-pad gloves?"
Raine nodded excitedly, pointing to the glove design. "Yeah! I figured, since we're the CATTS, we might as well look the part. You, Eda, Luz and me even get tails." They smirked, turning the page to show him their outfits. They had Darius in a purple-themed calico cat outfit. They even had cat ears in the design. "I think they're purr-fect. What about you?"
That little... they're so dead. Using his magic, he sent an abomination to grab Raine, holding the bard's arms above their head and keeping them in place. He stood from his workbench, slowly making his way over to the restrained Raine.
"Raine Whispers... I belive I've told you about my thoughts on the whole cat thing, correct?" Darius placed his hand on their side, just resting it there. Raine nodded, squirming under his touch. They knew what was coming. "I thought so. And what, exactly, are those thoughts?"
Raine shrugged, a wobbly smile on their face. They knew they were screwed. The bard twisted and tugged at their arms, but the abomination didn't budge. Darius had them right where he wanted them. "Let me remind you: I am NOT AMUSED!"
With a playful growl, Darius dug his fingers into the bard's sides, roughly clawing and poking at the sensitive skin. Raine squealed, squirming and tugging at their goopy restraints. The abomination didn't budge.
"DAHARIHUHUHUS! PLEHEHEASE!" Darius going straight for their sides was not something they were ready for. Raine's laughter was loud and pitchy, their cheeks quickly reddening. It was their worst spot, after all.
"Please? I remember saying that many times when you would make cat puns or annoy me with that cursed team name. And, as I'm sure you remember, you did not stop. It's fitting that I shouldn't either."
Darius was enjoying himself. Sure, it's a bit childish, but it gets the job done. He would never harm his friend, and the tickling gets his message aross just fine. Did he need to be so cruel about it? No, but that's half the fun.
That "fun" is a very different story when you're on the receiving end. Sure, it wasn't awful, but their death spot for too long was getting a bit intense. "COHOHOME OHON! GAHAHA- GOHOHO SOHOMEWHERE EHEHEHELSE!"
His fingers immediately moved up to Raine's neck, fluttering his fingers across the pinkened skin. He didn't wanna push their boundaries. Their loud, shaky laughter turned to squeaky, almost childish giggling. It did nothing to help their blush, the red color quickly spread further down his neck and to his ears.
"Dahahahariuhus! Quihihit it!" They scrunched up their shoulder as best as they could, trying to block Darius's hands. "Maybe someone should've laid off on the feline puns." He was honestly just having fun teasing the bard at this point, though they didn't need to know that.
Raine didn't know if their face could get any more red. Their bouncy, squeaky giggles were music to Darius's ears. Though he couldn't stay there forever. That'd just be unfair, both to him and Raine. He let his hands drift downward, stopping on the bard's ribcage.
Their gigging ramped back up into laughter, though it wasn't half as loud as before. Raine tugged at their arms, but to no avail. Darius's magic held them firmly in place and at his mercy. "You know, you've really brought this upon yourself. I've told you countless times not to bring up the cat thing around me. Yet you still press me, daily, on the matter. It's almost as if you wanted this."
The bard shook their head, hastily denying the comment. They knew he was just teasing, but still. Raine wasn't exactly aiming for this result, but it's not unwelcome in the least. They might've wanted to make Darius chuckle, but they weren't against having a laugh themselves. No reason for Darius to know that, though. "GEHEHET OFF! DAHAHARIUS!"
Darius suddenly got a very fun, very mean idea. Inspired by his friend's words, he pulled his hands away, hovering them over their sides. "Alright then. If you wish, I'll stop touching you." He teasingly wiggled his fingers, just shy of meeting their skin. They giggled and twisted around, eyeing his hands nervously. Oho, that prick-
"Dariuhuhus! Thahat- this ihisn't fair!" The abomination covenhead just huffed, shaking his head. "You need to make up your mind, Raine. 'Touch me, don't touch me.' It's rather confusing." He acted like he was going to go for their sides, faking them out at the last moment. The bard squealed and jolted out of instinct, making the other coven head laugh.
"I'm not even touching you, Raine. If you're that ticklish, I think you should invest in some body armor. I mean, if Belos found out about this, you'd be toast. A few illusionists sending some feathers near your sides and poof: no more revolution." He wiggled his fingers teasingly, drawing a line in the air right above their stomach. It was kinda cute how they giggled and squirmed at the almost-touch.
"Wohohohould you juhust- quihit! This ihis ehehevil!" They hate anticipation. It's just... why? They know he's gonna tickle them again, why drag it out like that? Their giggles bounced around the room as they squirmed like a worm on a hook.
"Why would I ever do that? And what do you mean by quit? Quit stalling and tickle you again, quit teasing you, quit calling you out? There's a lot of possibilities here, Raine. You've got to be specific."
He smirked, just hovering his hands over their sides. His fingers twitched absent-mindedly, sending shivers down the other's spine. Raine knew they weren't getting out of there without getting tickled again. Might as well own it.
"Juhust- shut uhup ahand t-tickle me ahalready!" Darius could've been very mean. He had plenty of things to tease the bard with. Their burning cheeks, stuttering on the t-word, eagerness to get wrecked. But he didn't. He dug his fingers into Raine's sides once again, clawing and scratching and wiggling his fingers on their death spot.
Raine all but shrieked. The anticipation had made everything twice as bad, their laughter loud and boisterous. It's not something you see- or hear -every day. "NAHAHAHA! DAHAHARIUHUHUS! IHIT- GAHAHAHA!"
The man was silent, just smirking as he wrecked the poor bard. Even though they had literally asked for it, Darius would feel guilty if he teased them. At least for the moment. He just tickled them, his fingers scribbling mercilessly against Raine's sides.
Barely two minutes later, Raine was practically done. Their squirming had almost stopped, their laugh taking on a wheezing edge. If not for the abomination, they would have collapsed by now. Seeing the behavior shift, Darius slowly stopped his tickling, rubbing at their sides to try and calm the phantom tickles. "You alright, Raine?"
Said bard all but went limp in the abomination's grip, hanging their head as they got the rest of their giggles out. They were exhausted, the tickling thoroughly tiring them out. Darius chuckled as he wrapped an arm around them. He dismissed the abomination, catching before they could faceplant. They mumbled a "thanks" before going limp in his arms.
Darius led them over to their bunk, laying them down and pulling the thin blanket over them. Raine didn't react much as they melted into the soft mattress. Darius shook his head, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he left them to rest.
Maybe he could make just one of those uniforms... if only to humor them. Yes, that sounds right. Sitting back at his workbench, Darius grabbed some fuzzy fabric, making Raine's CATTS design. The things he does for his friends...
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I miss them all, Tails. I miss them a lot, I’ll be back.
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bangoose · 2 years
When will my children (Probably fully grown witches) return from the war (toh character purgatory)
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Please Toh crew im begging you just a sliver of an appearance or even an end credit art
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sashonya-writing · 1 year
Because of a dm with @a-flaming-idiot I decided to do this. Who Would Smoke weed? TOH edition. (The kids have been removed for Obvious Reasons (They're Kids))
Eda would very obviously smoke weed, and be the dealer of The Best Weed in all of the Boiling Isles. (Also learned how to make the Eternal Weed, never sold it out of fear of it's power).
Lilith tried smoking once, she got so high she forgot how to breathe, never smoked after that.
Eberwolf becomes an animal after smoking some weed, more than they're normally are.
Raine becomes extremelly loud after getting high, they also become extremely untuned when trying to sing or play any instrument.
Darius literally can't get high, he's part abomination obviously he can't get high, he does bring snacks tho.
Camila smokes a bit of weed whenever she's extremely stressed, not "Hotbox a room" bit, just two puffs so she can calm down quicker. (It's a bad coping tecnique but at least she has one *side eyes Luz*)
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animerunner · 2 years
Just in general knowing thanks to KT that Eber and Darius will definitely go to bat for each other. It feels more likely that the remaining CATTs as a whole got puppified fighting in some shape or form in the early stages than playing the game.
- Raine trying to help with Eda situation (idk on details but it feels like a reversion to Owl Beast would have brought them in somehow)
- Darius and Eber probably trying to help or stop the chaos. And if one gets threatened than the other tends to back off it seems. So that’s probably how they ended up in the situation
- Steve and the BATTs I’m not as clear on. As talked about earlier they could be hiding somewhere or they could have been puppified trying to help civilians. Honestly leaning a bit more towards the later
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cattnipt · 2 months
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insert image of binghe character playlist by shen yuan with wolf in sheep's clothing in it
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aroacemisha · 1 year
Tbh I find it kinda funny how everyone got at least a slight change to their design/appearance (a minor change to their clothes at the bare minimum), except these three:
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They look identical to their pre-timeskip designs.
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karasucatt · 4 months
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pra370r1an · 2 years
How are the Catts doing?
Hooty: You know, ever since the Day of Unity, I can’t help but feel that this is the darkest timeline for us.
Darius: Oh, enough about this Timeline crap, Hooty! 
Darius: I mean, Steve is still in the hospital, Raine hasn’t stopped transmuting everything they drinks into alcohol, Amber is in the mental facility, Katya and Derwin are still missing after trying to track down Eberwolf who went full feral, Eda lost an arm! 
Darius: And Lilith lost her larynx in some dumb attempt to defeat the Collector by eating him!
Lilith, in a mechanical voice from a voicebox Alador made her: Apparently you don’t know anything about stopping Eldritch children from beyond the stars.
Darius: Everything has gone to hell, Hooty. I mean look at us! Look at me!
Eda: Darius, the Collector changed one strand of your hair blue. I lost an Arm...
Darius: Yeah, exactly, life got dark...
Hooty: Look, clearly this is the darkest timeline. But I have a plan. We will forevermore, pledge ourselves to evil and search for a way to transport ourselves to a timeline where none of that happened! 
Hooty, putting on a fake goatee: Here, I made everyone felt goatees until we can grow our own! From now on, I am evil Hooty.
Everyone groans and leaves except Lilith
Lilith looks to Hooty before slowly putting the fake goatee on
Lilith and Hooty together: 🎼 Evil Hooty and Luuuulu 🎼
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v-murderkings · 2 years
Katya in the CATTs group chat: Attention CATTs, Steve is going to fit an entire cantaloupe in his mouth, I repeat an entire cantaloupe. 
Derwin: *sends the video*
Raine, Eber, & Darius in unison during a meeting:
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