#the English Amazon prime
wine4thewin · 1 year
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The English
"I know the horror was not mine by design. But it was I, alone, who made the choice to come to this place. I, who looked to rescue my fortunes with such wayward risk...and it was upon my trail the Devil followed."
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thelostbaudelaire · 2 years
What'd... what'd ya do wiv 'im? Did you uh... stuff 'im down the khazi?
I cherished him.
Because he drew breath. Because he never gave up. Because he knew pain and pleasure and boredom. And because he suffered, he taught me to do the same. Because you were the part that he was fighting, and I was the half that kept him alive. Because of all this. But mostly because I was his mother. Am.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
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hlxc23 · 5 months
I watched salt burn today, and it wasn’t even that bad; people are being so dramatic. My English nerd came out tho, cuz I could write a 5 page essay on the symbolism and metaphorical aspects of that movie. The bathtub scene, the vampire scene, and the grave scene all have such a deeper meaning to them THAT NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT.
To sum this up and because I don’t wanna type so much lemme just do bullet points:
‼️it’s 3am and I am exhausted so if this makes no sense I apologize in advanced‼️
- the puppet thing was a literal symbol and connection to Oliver. HE WAS A PUPPET MASTER, HE WAS CONTROLLING THE WHOLE NARRATIVE. At the end when he’s dancing and the puppet thing is there with the rocks on top, each rock is representing a puppet that he controlled that he basically created.
-Oliver was an English major. HE WAS A WRITER AND READER. Being a writer and a puppet master are one of the same. He was writing his own story; his own narrative. He was controlling everything to go just as he planned it.
- to connect to the previous point: the bathtub, vampire, and grave scenes; the three main grotesque scenes of the movie. NOW THIS IS PROBABLY ME REACHING BUT LISTEN. Oliver was a writer he was creating a story one where he himself came out on top. Every story needs a beginning, middle, and end. I believe Oliver saw his body (not himself but his body iykwim) as the physical book. Consuming the cummy bath water I think could be interpreted as him consuming the beginning of life; we all know he gets off on the idea of holding life and death in his hands so to consume these aspects of his story they became sexual in a sense. The vampire scene: he was consuming life; blood is life and by consuming that directly from a living person he was consuming the middle of his story. NOW THE GRAVE SCENE: Death; he was consuming the end of his story; everything ends in death so by fucking the grave of the man who started him on his path he was ending the story in a sense. Obviously we know that wasn’t the end because more people died BUT THE SCENES HAPPENED IN ORDER AND THEY WERE THE MOST SEXUAL SCENE CONTAINING OLIVER HIMSELF.
-to connect to the puppet point: when he kills the mom (forgot her name) and she’s dead, he is trying to keep her arms up to hug him but they keep falling and he keeps trying to put them back. This was a literal scene of him acting as a puppet master, controlling the actions of a physical form physically. If that makes sense.
-the movie started with Oliver telling the story of how he may have been in love with Felix, you don’t know who he’s talking to until the end when you find out he’s basically admitting everything he did to the mother right before he kills her. He got away with everything. He’s a narcissist and he’s pretentious (as all artists are you have to be if you’re creating something because you’re creating it for others) he WANTS someone to know what he did. He WANTS the credit for his success. So by telling the mom everything beginning to end, he’s telling his story. In doing so he admits everything.
-him dancing naked: I don’t think this was meant as something sexual. I think this scene was meant to represent the freedom Oliver felt. He got everything he wanted. He achieved his goal. To further this point he looks longingly and almost admirably at the puppet box thing with the rocks on it. That was (to him) the representation of his story, of his success; it’s like when a writer finally finishes a story or an artist finally finishes a piece of art they’ve been working on for years; he’s feeling that euphoric freedom and accomplishment and it’s represented by him dancing naked in his prize; the house.
-Yes, he was sexual, and the movie in general was a sexual thing. However, I think that was to show his all consuming nature of his plan. Being one with his story.
-Smth I wish they went into detail about: his home life; why was he the way he was? Was he just born that way? Or did something traumatic happen to him for him to become what he did?
-do I think he was in love with Felix? No. I don’t think he can feel or understand the emotion of love. I think he had an obsession with Felix because he was the start of his story, he was the one that led Oliver to everything he was to achieve.
-it’s 3 am and I can’t think of anything else but I will add if I think of smth else cuz I’m definitely leaving things out 😩
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dancingretro · 2 years
I just want to give a shout out to those writing fic for The English. (2022) We're just a wee little fandom, with only 13 fics currently on A03. But I've read every single one of them, and they are all perfection. Seriously, every single one is quality. I hope our little fandom continues to grow but considering the show is only a mini series, I think it's kind of unlikely. It's probably always going to be a small. I'm in the middle of editing my own fic at the moment. I have to tell you, I haven't written fic in well over a decade but this show just hit me so hard that I couldn't stop myself. It's certainly gotten the creative juices flowing, as good art usually does. Thank you, fellow writers. You're all *chefs kiss*
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obrienpolycule · 3 months
Hey unironically i think i should be hired by streaming sercives to fix their subtitles. I think there should be a way for viewers/streamers to report bad or inaccurate subtitles or ways they could be improved. I think they should be able to ask for better translations or ask to be told what language is being spoken if they switch languages. I think this should be an option for big blockbusters and random indie movies and international shows/movies and i think streaming companies should stop paying for the cheapest fucking options for their captioning
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
“A stunning new Western series, “The English," is elevated with authentic Pawnee culture and history.
The six-part series, produced by the BBC and Amazon Prime, is set in the 1890s American West, not long after the removal of the Pawnee from Nebraska.
Echo Hawk was involved with production from the initial script readings, and Pawnee historian and museum curator Matt Reed advised on props, costumes and tribal history.
“This was such a special project because I am Pawnee,” Echo Hawk told ICT from New York City on Nov. 11, the day the series premiered in the U.S. on Amazon Prime.  “I think the last time we had representation was in ‘Dances with Wolves.’ We've been partners with Amazon now for three years. They approached us in early fall of 2019 about this project.”
The series features Emily Blunt as Cornelia Locke, an Englishwoman seeking revenge, who meets Eli Whipp, an ex-cavalry scout of the Pawnee Nation played by Chaske Spencer, Fort Peck Tribes.
“You could knock me over with a feather when I heard that there was not only a significant Pawnee storyline, but that Emily Blunt’s lover/co-star was going to be a Pawnee and a scout,” Echo Hawk said.
“My great-great-grandfather, from where our name Hawk came from, was a Pawnee scout,” she said. “On so many levels, it was deeply personal. It just was very emotional to help ensure that this story was told in a really authentic way.”
Echo Hawk says that bringing in Pawnee people to ensure authenticity is also “about how we're building power as Native peoples in ensuring that we have a place throughout every aspect of that storytelling process...”
“The tide is shifting and there can no longer be stories about us without us,” Echo Hawk said. “When we got the call and first met Hugo, the writer-director, and his entire team, they were just so lovely and warm and welcoming. Our team did the initial reviews of all the scripts and were able to really talk to them about what we thought about storyline characters, where we thought there were potentially some issues or some things that might not be accurate.”
Echo Hawk said the [show’s] team was open to IllumiNative's notes on the detail and the authenticity to ensure that everything that made it into the film was something that the tribe was going to feel comfortable about.
“We've oftentimes dealt with production companies and writers or directors who just don't want script notes. They want you just to come in and rubber stamp the production,” she said.
“I think it's changing times,” she continued. “That was so important, that through IllumiNative’s advocacy, research, the work we've done in the industry, that we were able to create space within this production to have our Pawnee people have agency and partnership with the writer-director and the production team and Amazon.”” -via Indian Country Today, 11/21/22
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finchjadedarling · 10 months
Do you know what really Fucks Me Up? What really drives me up The Fucking Wall?
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The difference in Crowley’s reactions when Aziraphale says “I forgive you” Specifically here!
In the first frame, it’s frustration, and exasperation, and even confusion. But, it also feels sharp, and biting.
It’s a prickly, stinging kind of feeling. Like the world is far too bright, and all it’s edges are far too cutting. It’s an abundance of emotion, all fiery rage and saturated fear. He looks, and moves around like there’s too much going on inside him. Like he’s so full of rapidly-firing neurons and resentment, that he feels like he might burst. It’s restless, and charged. Like lightning striking kindling.
But, the second one…oh, the second one.
It’s not anger, or frustration, or serrated edges.
It’s mourning.
It’s the shattering of a heart he didn’t know he had. It’s heavy, and dark, and all-consuming. The kind of grief that makes you double over and cower. The kind of anguish that fills you with lead, and weighs your limbs to the ground, making you feel tied to the ground beneath your feet.
Everything is suddenly, and excruciatingly simple. It’s not the eye of the storm, it’s the end of it. The clouds clearing, and the sun returning to shine light on once-mysteries.
It’s loss. It’s the sudden, and complete absence of what used to be. It’s not the loss of someone else, it’s also the loss of yourself. It’s losing the only parts of you you could ever understand. It’s losing the only parts of you you could ever love, because they weren’t really your parts at all, they were theirs.
It’s not like losing a limb. It’s like losing your soul. The pain goes beyond the physical realm of your body. It’s inside. In places you never expected pain to be. In corners of your being that have been hidden for so long.
That’s what Fucks Me Up
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hera-annwn · 2 years
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The life of a supporting fangirl/boy <3 
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luckydiorxoxo · 1 year
Emily Blunt attends the 95th #Oscars
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wine4thewin · 2 years
Okay, just finished The English on Prime. Thoughts. Beware vague spoilers!
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I like how the tale winds up and down in a slow burn manner, only to slap you brutally with a dark conflict at the heart of this series that stems from a group of men wasted on military moonshine, who go commit genocide in a native village, then traipse off to a whore house called the Hog Ranch to bang the Queen of Syphilis, get tossed in water well-jail for said unsanctioned fornication while on duty not for murder, pay fines, then go spread ‘it’ to all the women in their lives-
Ahem. Anyway.
This is probably the most realistic ‘Wild West’ tale I’ve seen in a while. To see the sheer lawlessness of such a world was suffocating, you could feel the anxiety of any character meeting someone new. No one could be trusted. It was quite good, definitely dark with a slow burn. A lot of really well done things in it and it was oh so tragic at the end OMG. My heart! 🥲 Cornelia’s tale of revenge was so much darker than imagined and my heart broke for her so many times. Her being all I’m dead, I’ve been dead for years and now I’ve come for you and David being all do it do it, guess what I’m dead too and Eli just being there for her is so emotionally raw. And the scene with Cornelia trying to scrub herself clean with sand, as if she will never feel clean until she rubs her flesh off…tragedy on screen. This will be on my mind for a while.
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…aside from Emily Blunt being mostly clean…most of the time. That wasn’t realistic 🤣 regardless, she and Chaske Spencer were amazing. Oh, I also thought the score was on point.
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unitedbydevils · 5 months
Match Review: Manchester United 3-2 Aston Villa
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United are bad for the heart, but when the win comes off they're so good for the soul.
Two first half goals for Aston Villa flattered a flat Unai Emery side who were for most part under pressure from a revitalised United side with Rashford back in the starting XI, Garnacho out at RW, and Eriksen returning to CM. The Dane's control was crucial alongside Kobbie Mainoo in keeping calm, orderly possession and allowing United to build up attacks or to play like Brighton and draw Villa in before playing fast players in behind.
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United kept up the pressure in the second half, though with a little extra zip to their play - though some of that came from Diogo Dalot no longer getting in his own way and just playing simpler passes.
Several offside rulings denied a United comeback until finally Alejandro Garnacho, off a Rashford assist, bagged the first of a brace for the young Argentine. Fate suggested a hat-trick, but it was another youngster - Rasmus Højlund - who grabbed his destiny and hit a lovely half volley off a United corner to ping in off the left post and past an outstretched Emi Martinez to give United the win.
It's a big relief for United and Ten Hag to win, but moreso to see goals and an assist for United's best front 3; a frontline that has been repeatedly lambasted by pundits and fans alike for the first half of this season.
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Bruno Fernandes spoke on Prime's post-match coverage and said he didn't want to comment on consistency going forward, given United have promised it and repeatedly failed to deliver. Forest and Spurs are up next, so United need to keep up this momentum and play the way they did today - minus the silly mistakes.
With Eriksen back, and hopefully Amrabat fit again shortly, United do have some good depth returning finally. Defence is still a risk, but Evans is having a second wind of his career, Maguire was in form before injury, and Kambwala looked tidy for his debut. It's starting to take shape this season for ETH, just too late for a proper go at the season.
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It's worth noting the above tweet too: United continues to stick by its academy and prospects. Things might not be good, but at least Eric is adhering to the club's heritage and ideals. For the most part the younger prospects have shown up their older colleagues, so perhaps we can see more from the likes of Gore, Jack Fletcher, Shea Lacey going forward and real pressure from the academy to the first team squad.
Up the reds. And up this pint of Kronenbourg.
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successionns · 2 years
So after watching The English I saw a post on twitter that said that in the late 18th century 1 in 5 Londoners had Syphilis which is just insane.
Give Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer all the awards please btw
(Tom Wambsgans syphilis joke is my head and I hate it )
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chaneajoyyy · 1 year
A life insurance policy!?
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an-aura-about-you · 2 years
the thing I've decided to do today: see how much of the movie Gomorrah I can watch and understand because all the posts about the fake Goncharov movie make it sound so interesting that now I actually want to see a crime drama
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dancingretro · 1 year
So The English has received absolutely zero nominations for Limited Series' at the Golden Globes.
wtf?? None? at all? They've been robbed. ROBBED, I tell you! Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer deserved nominations. The music, costumes and cinematography were all astounding and deserved to be acknowledged.
Emmy's 2023, you better come through, because if any show deserves some nominations, it's this one.
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