#the Literal Racists who are somehow still on this site?
monarchisms · 2 years
Staff took wereralph down, then immediately shadowbanned his new account so he can't @ people, dm anybody, send asks, or show up in searches
literally 1984
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eoieopda · 1 year
i’m going to discuss this one (1) time in full and then i will no longer devote my time, energy, or blog space to this topic. i simply cannot be assed to keep having this conversation. i will continue to block these anons as they pop up. in fact, i'll see y'all in a minute when you inevitably come calling.
here’s the tldr for anyone who is curious but does not have the capacity and/or desire to continue seeing this shit*.
*i have neither, and yet this is somehow still not over??
this whole thing is both buffoonery and goonery. i am so, so tired.
the people doing this are more concerned with hurting M and M’s friends than they are with their allegations of racism.
it’s gross as hell that people have misappropriated and devalued what could’ve been a meaningful discussion about an important topic... to instead shit on people they don't like.
i see you, besties 👀
tw: racism as written by white creators & as i have personally experienced (examples of micro-aggressions, racist messages i’ve received, etc.,) anonymous messages, harassment, cyberbullying.
p.s. i recognize that this is an exercise in futility and that literally nothing will convince these people to stop. i also recognize that saying something will probably make things worse for me. that's a problem for future jade™️, though, because present jade™️ is on one.
as we’re all aware, somebody is engineering an anonymous hate train against some of the writers on this site. these anons have been in their feelings (and the inboxes of writers, hate blogs, their own vagueposts, etc.) for weeks.
for what is probably the 100th time: my opinions are my own. i speak for myself, loudly and exclusively. not everyone is going to agree with me; that’s fine. my problem is not — and has never been — that people have different opinions than i do about the things i’m about to discuss. i’ll get into that later.
where it started:
an anon sent a message to a tea blog (read: hate blog) about M, who is white. the anon’s stated issue was that M included a depiction of racism/xenophobia in a chapter of a fic; and anon didn't feel that they should have. the position they took (if it existed in a vacuum) was valid and within their right to take. the way they went about all of this (by posting on a hate blog? in the year of our lord 2023?) was — in my opinion — sus as hell.
and that was before we all figured out what was happening here.
my position on white ppl writing about racism:
if a white writer can’t depict nuance or demonstrate any meaningful understanding of the issues they want to discuss, it’s my opinion that they have no business doing so.
for example: i’ve seen stories by white writers in which BIPOC react exclusively with violence or harsh words when confronted with racism. this, to me, is an “orange flag” because actual BIPOC have to do a lot of calculating in these situations. sure, the impulse to hulk out is there, but so is the risk that our immediate safety would be compromised further by hulking out. if that ^ kind of consideration isn’t fleshed out, i have a problem. when i see that ^ in stories, it tells me that the writer is not viewing the events they’re writing about through the lens of someone who actually experiences them and has not done their due diligence.
when i read racism as written by white authors, i primarily look at four things:
is the racist action depicted believable, or is it clear that the writer has absolutely no clue what they’re trying to talk about & made no attempts to learn?
does the inclusion of racism make sense in the context provided, or was it included for nefarious purposes (shock value, wokeness points™️, etc.)?
is there inclusion of the characters’ race, ethnicity, and/or culture in the fic outside their experiencing racism, or is that the only representation we get?
how do the characters process/react to this racism?
important context:
at the time i read the fic that sparked this whole ordeal, i’d just “met” M. this was around the time we became mutuals and started getting to know each other. all that to say, when i read this fic and formed an opinion on it, that was done as a reader, not a friend.
not as an “ass-licker,” “boba liberal,” worshipper of whiteness, and/or whatever else these anons have called me, either.
my opinion on the fic/situation hasn’t changed now that we are friends. if anything, getting to know M as a person (and not just as a writer whose fics i liked) has reinforced my opinion. regardless of what these anons have said, the M i know is a deeply empathetic and supportive friend. they consistently uplift me — and others — and make me feel seen/heard.
the only people who are indicating otherwise haven’t publicly identified themselves or stated any basis upon which their opinions (or borderline obsessive behaviors) are founded.
for what it’s worth, none of them that i’ve seen have even claimed to be asian. this will become relevant in a moment.
my position on the fic in question:
i'm a korean immigrant living in the united states. the chapter in question showed racism experienced by korean people in the united states. i'm qualified to make up my own damn mind about this.
i didn't have a problem with it, based on that four-part analysis i described up yonder. here's why:
(1) the depiction was of something i personally experience on a semi-frequent basis. in my life, racism often takes the form of micro-aggressions, as was the case in the chapter.
for example: being compared to people i look nothing like and/or aren’t korean simply because they’re also asian; people rolling their eyes when i correct the pronunciation of my (obviously) asian name like it’s not worth their effort; and tokenism/fetishizing, as if i’m a collectible item based on where i was born and not a full-fledged human being who is many things beyond simply being korean.
in my opinion, M’s portrayal of this more “subtle” racism (aka no slurs, no violence, etc.) was believable. to me, them making this choice demonstrated an understanding of what others experience, despite not experiencing it themselves.
(2) the scene made sense to me in the context of the chapter. bts encountered racism when they broke into the US, and the characters were in the US for an award show. frankly, i appreciated the acknowledgment of how asian immigrants/international tourists are treated in america because it’s not something i noticed non-asian people pointing out at all until COVID hit.
(3) the MC is a reader-insert who lives in korea and speaks korean. yoongi is obviously korean. the racism/xenophobia experienced by the characters in this chapter is not the only time i saw these things depicted in this series. importantly, the other references to korean culture were thoughtfully made, and they were either neutral or positive, not negative. the conclusion i came to was that M took this seriously, as they should have.
(4) the reaction of the characters is one i frequently have (not engaging, walking away) and i think it was communicated well in this scene why they reacted the way they did.
this was significant to me.
reading that, i got the impression that M had discussed this with BIPOC in their life and listened when they shared their experiences. that impression turned out to be accurate, though i didn’t have confirmation of this at the time i read the fic.
(conclusion) if i thought that any of these four things weren’t handled well, i would’ve brought my thoughts to M directly because it is important that these conversations happen. it’s also important that white writers listen. from where i’m standing, M has been open to those conversations with others, on or off anon. i believe that they do take this feedback to heart; and that they were taking steps to remedy those things — prior to being bullied off the platform at the end of april.
why ✨ i ✨ have a problem
i’ve discussed this issue already here, but i’ll elaborate further.
i have no reason whatsoever to believe that these anons are/were looking for changed behavior or remedial action because they continued to harass M — on M's blog, through the hate blog, and on the blogs of literally any person who has so much as perceived them — when M was addressing the issue. based on that, i have serious doubts that these anons care about the issue of racism the way they purport to. worse, they’re now harassing BIPOC in their inboxes and on the aforementioned hate blog.
on park jimin's internet, no less!
i haven’t spent much time discussing the substantive issue (hence this post) but have been very vocal about how shitty the anons’ behavior is. again, see here for the only take i’ve posted thus far (spoiler alert: cyberbullying is bad.)
for reasons that aren’t clear to me, that take resulted in metric ton of shit in my inbox. here’s a small sampling of what i've been forced to read with my own two (2) eyes in the past 24 hours:
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*i did not include screenshots of other users’ inboxes in which anon messages reference me, or untagged submissions on the hate blog that very clearly allude to me.
at some point ?? they were mad about racism ?? but now the racism ?? is calling from inside the house ??????
and one last thing before i go touch grass….
i have reason to believe that this entire situation was orchestrated by small people with big feelings about M as a person, not about what they wrote. that’s not my story to tell, though, so i won’t.
when this shit kicked up, the majority of us who were/are being harassed installed IP trackers on our blogs because the identity of these people was suspected but not confirmed. that means we can see who they are, what they do on our blogs, and how many times per day they view our blogs (hint: a lot). we know that they are jumping from one blog to another as if they’re stopping on a goddamn mail route.
some of us (myself included) have alerts set to notify us via email when they pop by for a visit.
their presence on my blog this week lines up with the hostile and blatantly racist anonymous messages i’ve been receiving. i don’t think that’s a coincidence.
they’re either the ones sending them, or they’re lurking to see if/how i react to these messages.
that’s categorically fucked up.
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salt-volk · 9 months
Saw the post about "other sites" and I'm feeling ~salty~, so lemme give some context for where the bar is with pet sites to y'all. Maybe you've seen ads, maybe you tried playing it and quit because the tutorial is its own circle of hell, maybe you're a blessed person who has never heard of it: Sylestia. It's run by one (1) man. He codes the entire site, has exactly 0 help - by choice. People have literally offered to help him with coding stuff *for free* and he refuses to let anyone touch his precious code.  His ex girlfriend (yes you read that right) is supposedly the other admin - she barely ever shows up, posts games/events that are full of errors, once vanished in the middle of running a game, and has personally insulted players before because they dared offer feedback on one of her ugly ass designs. There is exactly one artist for avatar items and one for pets - one other artist is listed in the credits but it's unclear what regular work, if any, they do for the site. Over 200 different avatar items are released per year, and new pet traits debut anywhere between 4-8 times per year, AND the site is in the (glacially slow) process of redoing all the art for various species. The site is at least 98% RNG by volume - including items you pay premium currency for. Retired items? RNG only. Getting pets? RNG. Getting items period? RNG. And the RNG is also awful - people are constantly having to literally beg for rates to be adjusted.  Plenty of features for events are also just. straight up gambling - you can pay solid chunks of premium currency and walk away with items that are literally worth nothing. You think DV is grindy? Sylestia not only practically requires you to spend a full workday glued to it - including events that basically require you to literally not sleep for several days - the site owner is actively making new content to further encourage ridiculous amounts of grinding. Why? Because he's worried that older players will be bored without new content - so instead of fixing any of the old content on the site, or the site itself which is a mess, he makes new content that ALSO doesn't work.  As of December, the site will be in its ELEVENTH YEAR IN BETA. So when I say "not fixing old content", I'm not talking like, a couple glitches or iffy art. I'm talking *half the site is completely incompatible with the other half*.  And all of that my friends, is still somehow not the source of my salt.  Someone pointed out to the site owner that one of his avatar items was, perhaps, a bit racist. It was (I should say is, it's still on the site :) ) a stereotypical native american dress, CLEARLY based off of the stupid Pocahontas movie, titled "Pow Wow Costume". It was released with a Pilgrim costume in the site's early years. Pretty not great, yeah? Multiple people complained, provided him sources explaining why "Maybe don't keep this on here, maybe this isn't great".  He, is white. He responded by saying he a) would not remove it, b) did not think it was offensive, c) what about the Christmas items or St. Patrick's day items the site has aren't those the same, and d) he actually visited a reservation once so he knows it's OK to have those items, and e) native players should actually be HAPPY to have those items because it was to iNcLuDE tHeM.  I am not joking.  The site has 0 acknowledgement of pride month, not a banner, not an announcement, no items, no anything - it DOES however have an entire festival for the American Fourth of July holiday. The owner claims he doesn't like to have political things on his site, make of that what you will.  The owner also issued a mass ban on a bunch of people because they said some rude shit (about the racist items, the rng, his refusal to get coding help, general issues taking feedback, etc.) in a private, off-site discord server. How did he know what they said? Why, he asked some players in the server to *spy on the others for him*.   He edited time stamps out and published a bunch of the screenshots from this private server, out of context and who knows if they were edited, and threw a public tantrum about how the players were harassing him and secretly planning to destroy the site… by bitching in a private discord.  So yeah. Not excusing Anji's behavior, but happy to show y'all exactly how much worse it could be LMAO. 
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lover-official · 10 months
The way I'm seeing people consume the Barbie movie uncritically and call it a feminist masterpiece is concerning.
It's giving the same kind of energy as how this site was in the mid 2010's, where we just somehow decided collectively that Men Were All Bad Actually ™️ and like ignored all the ways that's fucked up and that categorically not just dismissing but actively shitting on and harassing a group of people based on an identity they literally can't control is bad.
Like idk I thought we were finally acknowledging the damage that did to feminism. I thought we were finally acknowledging the way that bred a self loathing into men that isolated them and stopped coalition building, and the way young men of color (especially black men) were treated in explicitly racist ways but people used the guise of "no I'm just mad at men" to justify it, and the way trans men CONTINUE to be treated on this website... but here we are, getting real fucking hype about how good the Barbie movie treats the Kens.
And the thing is that while what the Kens do is bad they aren't given genuine agency in the narrative. They didn't like. Make this choice. It's a stupid and logically inconsistent argument that they did, one that's contradicted by the movie itself. They're infantalized by the Barbies at every turn and if ANY Ken has literally any formal education they're an exception. The Barbies don't know where the Kens live (spoiler: they are literally homeless) and they don't care. The Kens are quite literally second class citizens, but the movie doesn't even look at this as a bad thing! It's uninterested in the actually feminist idea that gender should not be used to cause divides or power embalances; instead, it acts out a female supremacy revenge fantasy on screen and then pats itself on the back for being so kind about how it makes the Kens second class citizens. Like sure, it says, the Kens aren't allowed higher education, or a Supreme Court seat, or homes, which are things women do have in the western world that this movie is made for as its primary audience, but at least we're not withholding healthcare or acting sexually violently towards them! And like... that's not the flex you think it is!!!! That's the bare fucking minimum!
Some of you have never read feminist theory and it fucking shows.
bell hooks didn't write The will to change just for you all to uncritically felate a corporate propaganda film as a feminist masterwork. Audre Lorde didn't say "You do not have to be me in order for us to fight alongside each other. I do not have to be you to recognize that our wars are the same," so that you could say that coalition building isn't important, actually, and you'd rather men just suffer than for us to reach healthier societal views on gender.
I'm especially disappointed in the trans people, who should fucking know better, for regurgitating these ideas.
We have to do better about how we treat men even conceptually, because the structural power that men have is not the dominant experience many men have with regards to oppression and we would be better served to fight those battles together. We have to do better because men do not deserve to be isolated from the movement because of their gender. (And no. They don't just need a thicker skin, because a lot of this hasn't just been surface level. It's been vitriolic and insipid, for years now.) We have to do better because once we start making masculinity the devil it's so much easier to hate butches, and trans women, and any woman who's perceived to have masculine interests or features or behaviors. We have to do better because men are still fucking people and deserve to be treated with every bit of kindness and dignity that women are entitled to. (And that's not even getting into how this behavior affects masculine nonbinary people, who get the brunt of this hatred while simultaneously experiencing little to none of the privilege you insist is afforded them by the maleness you percieve.)
Idk I guess I just expected better and I just hoped we wouldn't be worshipping something that pretty clearly flies in the face of what feminists have worked for since like. The 60's. :/
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munchbuddi · 6 months
I feel like perhaps people might have a little bit of a hard time figuring out that some bad things are worse than other bad things. (at least in generally small meaningless situations, where it really doesn't matter a whole bunch, but I still wanna complain about a post I saw anyways)
Saw a post where somebody was like "I will never use Bluesky as a social media platform, because Jack Dorsey is a Crypto Bro" which is honestly fine, (because damned if I can tell you to use a social media platform that objectively sucks ass) but the problem is that they seemed to imply that posting here on TUMBLR is somehow better.
Ya know, TUMBLR!! The website that was sued by the state of New York for algorithmicly suppressing and banning users for posting LGBTQIA stuff, and even AFTER getting sued, STILL regularly flags the profiles of trans creators as NSFW!! Tumblr!! The website that literally this past month has been deleting posts and banning users who are outspoken against GENOCIDE, because let's not forget here that TUMBLR is undenyably PRO-ISREAL and PRO-IDF as a company!!! The same Tumblr that has been slowly making itself less and less accessable over the years by bloating itself with features like Tumblr Live that every user hates!! THIS IS A WEBSITE WITH BAD MORALS, AND ISNT EVEN USEABLE ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY DEFENDING!!
AND WHERE ELSE ARE YA GONNA POST?? The fucking bird app that has the owner that regularly shares hate speech and allows PragerU to take out million dollar anti-trans ads?? The stupid short video app that is verifiably spyware that censors literally WHATEVER THEY FEEL LIKE whenever they want for no reason with no explanation?? The propaganda website run by the other awful tech dude bro who turned all our grandparents racist and regularly allows people to share harmful misinformation to interfere with foreign elections?? The photo app that's owned by the same people who own the racist grandpa app? The Other Other app that's owned by the people who own the racist grandpa app? The long video app that loves hate speech and conspiracy theories owned by the company who owns the most amount of data of any company ever, because they essentially own the internet? (in order: Twitter/X. Tiktok. Facebook. Instagram. Threads. YouTube.)
like, fuck Bluesky and all, because it is GENUINELY a pretty dog shit service, but I fail to see in the grand scheme of things how its supposedly somehow worse than any other social media platforms. Jack Dorsey is a fucking LOSER and an annoying tech bro, but unfortunately he's probably a little bit less evil than the other techbros who have 100x as much money as him!!
Also, Tumblr users really like to hate on Tumblr 24/7, but then give it a weird pass whenever it's time to hate on other social media platforms, but you GOTTA stop deluding yourselves, TUMBLR is just as legitimately evil as the others!! It's simply got a liberal coat of paint on its facist core, and has a site culture that YOU LIKE BETTER than the other sites!!!
My thoughts on this extend to NewGrounds as well, because is certainly IS annoying that NewGrounds is run by shitty edgy artists, and has a general site culture of spoiled milk, but anybody who wants to pretend that edgy artists is somehow worse than Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or whatever the fuck is going on with TikTok and Google is being disingenuine.
Use whatever Social Media platform you feel like, god fucking knows everyone out here is just trying to make meaningful connections to others and share pieces of themselves to internet users they would have no means of connecting with otherwise, but I really really implore Tumblr Users to stop acting like Their Shit Don't Stink.
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northwest-cryptid · 10 months
Genuine question, how is genshin racist towards indigenous folks? I have never heard anything about this before I avoid genshin like the mobile cashgrab it is
Quick edit here because this was asked WAY back like months ago during a time when I generally didn't want to bring down the good vibes. I do want to quickly say that if you enjoy Genshin this isn't a slight at you, I'm not calling YOU racist or something. The truth is even if I'm wrong about the story and such (given I don't play the game nor look into it past what I read on the sites discussing the topics) the truth of the matter is they still literally spoke out against Native people directly and it can be seen easily in their designs and such.
Essentially it was revealed during the earlier days of it's promotion that the dev team openly spoke out about modeling the main enemies of the game after Native American individuals claiming that they thought our ceremonial dances were silly and dumb looking. What's honestly worse is that if you actually look into Native culture you can find where they've somewhat done their research only to strip about aspects of our culture and give it to those who are shown to clearly be our "superiors" such as the fact that in my tribe when you come of age you're to go on a "Vision Quest" once you have had your vision and come back from it you're considered an adult if the teachings you learned from it show that you have matured, you're given a new name and treated very differently as you're no longer seen as a child. So funny that the very item that allows these characters to use their magic is called "a Vision" and furthermore they speak of how the animalistic dumb tribe people are losing touch with their powers/magic and such like I'll be real I sorta stopped reading it when I saw them literally say "yea we based the stupid dancing on how silly Native people look doing their ceremonial dancing!" But everything else I read was just enough icing on the cake of horrible racist shit that I sorta didn't need to see anything else.
I'll be honest though, I don't really mind if people like it, like I personally won't play it and all that but if it's your thing I'm not gonna hold it against you. I totally understand that most people don't see the enemies as being modeled after Native individuals, nor do they see the dancing as a mockery of our ceremonies and culture, they likely don't view the story implications of the power shifting from the native original inhabitants of the land to these new (non-indigenous) people who can somehow use the power better in order to you know, fight and kill the indigenous people. It's one of those things that's kind of more obvious when you grow up facing racism on the daily.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 3 years
I have a lot of very messy feelings about the proliferation of Pride flags, especially the mlm one, but ever since @princeofsparkles pointed out that we've gone back to "pink is for girls, blue is for boys," I think about it every time I see either of these.
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#Do gay men need their own flag? If everyone else needs their own flag then I say yes.#Bc we can't let mlms become the ''unmarked'' group in the queer community#If that makes sense#Gay men aren't the default type queer even if that is how it is somehow presented in the mainstream#And I occasionally see the infants on this site act like ye Olde 6 stripe rainbow flag is for gay men and everyone else needs their own#THE RAINBOW COVERS LITERALLY EVERYONE#The other flags are great but if you just put out the one 🌈 flag congrats you've covered us all. Every L G B T Q I A P 2S *#*who feel they belong under that banner... Shit's nuanced and complicated af#Putting out multiple or variations of flags is a way of specifically acknowledging and showing solidarity W certain groups#The new black and brown stripes are about highlighting poc in the queer community and their contributions and unique experiences#But that doesn't mean you're racist if you still use your old 6 - stripe#No matter how many flags you hang or stripes you add you can't specifically name everyone#Which is why we unite under a single banner#Idk I just worry about left unity a lot#We have more in common than we have different#Also pls take some intro color theory and graphic design classes before you make a new flag for your micro identity#Pride#Gay pride#Lesbian pride#Pride flags#Lgbt#Lgbtq#Lgbtqia#lgbtqia2s#Queer#Queer pride#Queer pride flags#These statements have not been vetted by princeofsparkles if you're mad leave them out of this.#vexillology#You're not excluding Indiana if you just use the Stars and Stripes. We should - but that's a different post.
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i think its interesting that youd post the original "my brother in christ meme" as proof it isnt antiblack appropriation only to show it appropriates the habitual "be" used in AAVE/BVE which is a prime example of how Black culture + specifically language is appropriated as "a funny way to talk" for jokes by people who arent Black. regardless of your race thats a pretty telling example of dismissing antiblackness, as is your doubling down afterwards.
like, at this point its not just that you didnt know better, you had every opportunity to learn, apologize, and move on. instead you decided that was beneath you and that somehow cultural appropriation that doesnt involve slurs isnt bad? like what? and no matter how you respond the vast majority of your followers will support you, you arent in danger of losing your platform by admitting that the majority of people spreading that meme are appropriating a culture that isn't theirs. You don't have to tell us your race in order to do that, or dismiss that it is antiblack regardless of whether or not the slur is used.
and just to be clear, this is a different anon.
My brother in Christ I literally said, in that exact post that you are referencing, that cultural appropriation is a serious issue. I quite literally did not know the original version of this meme until someone linked a know your meme page, this meme is not in any way still about censoring the N word. The site showed two examples of photo memes censored with the phrase. Everything else was said independently in tweets and tumblr posts because it became a funny thing to say in internet colloquial English.
Do white people appropriate AAVE? Yes. They do. They frankly embarrass themselves because they don’t know that AAVE is an actual dialect. However, with dialects in places where populations overlap, there are going to be some terms and phrases that bleed over. This whole drama is quite honestly reminding me of a few years ago when a few corners of twitter were trying to claim it’s racist to say “y’all“ if you weren’t black, despite that being a well-established part of southern US English. ”My brother in Christ“ itself was also not in fact appropriating AAVE in any way, shape or form, meaning the fact that it is more predominantly used as an absurdist thing to call people online is not an appropriation of black culture. It veered so far left of even being used to censor a slur, it’s become an independent meme at this point. This is also quite frankly the least productive thing to argue about. This isn’t white people proclaiming locs are unprofessional and banning them as a part of black culture then spinning them into a white person‘s bold and exotic fashion statement, this is people on tumblr using a meme that everyone will forget about in under a month. There just isn’t any benefit to starting a fuss over it.
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I am just going to straight up say it...
Warning, long rant ahead.
The whining about “people” shipping Bucky and Yelena instead of Bucky and Sarah started the minute one, a single soul, literally ONE person posted that they would like to see Bucky and Yelena together (Not even romantically, but as friends). 
“Too many people shipping it” my ass. It is like everyone was salty already, waiting for the first ever person to ship it in order to complain about it. I know, I was there when the first few posts were tagged with the ship.
I don´t know about other sites, but at least on tumblr? No one who ships Bucky and Yelena has said anything outrageous against Bucky and Sarah, but we still get called racist, acephobic and what-not in the comments for shipping something different just because Yelena is asexual in the comics. As if that matters in the MCU, as if the movieverse even pretended to respect the comics, as if canon sexual orientation had ever mattered when it comes to people´s shipping preferences, as if people were somehow forbidden or banned from having her as their asexual icon or writing her as aromantic and asexual in fanfictions just because a few other fans do, in fact, ship her. 
There are more than 200 works on ao3 filtered as Bucky x Sarah.
Bucky and Yelena? They have 17. I swear, by the way some Sarah x Bucky shippers talk about Bucky and Yelena you would think their shippers have become a plague, or that we are everywhere, when in fact: Bucklena is not even a thing in fandom and will never canon, as opposed to Bucky x Sarah, which pretty much is. Bucky x Yelena is a literal crackship, it is not a threat to either Sarah x Bucky shippers or Yelena´s canon sexual orientation in the comics.
“They haven´t even met, how can those stupid people ship them? They obviously just picked the first white woman to come to the MCU!!!” I have read, or: “You shouldn´t ship it because whites have everything!!”
“There are very few aro/ace characters, you literal MONSTER!!!” Says the one who gives the Yelena/reader whateverthehell kink smut fics a free pass.
 “Let us have this!” A few others cry.
 Have what? The shippers you are talking about can´t hand you over anything because the characters are not theirs any more than they are yours. You do, indeed, “have” them already. Enjoy. 
Most fans don´t work at Marvel, so it is not their job to ship (Or even avoid shipping) whatever you personally enjoy or makes you feel comfortable. It is not even their job to have diverse ships and/or characters. That should, in theory, be Disney´s job. 
 Also, stop pretending the only reason a small minority of the fandom ships Bucky x Yelena is because of her race. I am sure that might sadly be the case for some people, but it is clear as day most Bucky x Yelena shippers are just salty they never got Buckynat, which I think is a good enough reason to ship Bucky and Yelena, as good as any other. I read someone say this is “disrespectful” to Nat, or that we are trying to replace her, which is dumb, so freaking dumb. I mean, don´t lie, how many people started shipping Sambucky, or Winter13, or SamxSharon only after Steve left?
 Is that “diisrrespectfuulll :´(” to poor baby Steve as well? Or is the whole being “disrespectful” thing just an excuse?
Like, you don´t need to make up excuses or rant about how “problematic” that ridiculously small non-canon pairing you dislike is. "I like x character single", “I don´t like this ship” or "I prefer this other one" are literally the only reasons you need not to ship something.
I never shipped Buckynat though. Some others simply fell in love with Yelena´s character as soon as we finished watching Black Widow and immediately thought of Bucky cause we like him as well or think it would be hilarious to watch them work together considering their different personalities (Some people pair their favorite characters by default regardless of their canon sexualities or lack of screentime together, SHOCKING!!), and it doesn´t take a genius to figure out Bucky and Yelena have similar backstories (Brainwashed into being assasins, abused, lost people who were incredibly important to them in endagme, blah, blah, yada, yada). 
Is this “having stuff in common” reason for shipping superficial and basic? Sure, like 99% of crackships. Sue me, guilty as charged. 
Not enough for you to ship it or even “get” it? Hey, that is totally valid! 
Do I believe the people who say they don´t understand how anyone could ship it unless they are racist or hate asexual people? Hell no! The moment two characters share similar backstories in ANY fandom, a few people are inevitably going to notice, and some are going to start shipping regardless of whether the characters have ever met or are going to meet.
Admit it, it is not “puzzling”, it is not new or strange that people are shipping it. This fandom is not lacking in crackships. Loki and Bucky have been shipped. Steve and Loki have been shipped. Nat and Sharon, who don´t share screentime, have been shipped. Caphill and Falconhill: shipped with little to no screentime. Sam was shipped with Riley after only one mention. Peter and Shuri have been shipped without sharing any screentime, just like Bucky and Yelena, precisely because of stuff they have in common, and as I said, the haters began hating Bucky x Yelena almost the moment the pairing was born: I am pretty sure it is because they saw the similarities between the characters before or at the same time the shippers did and it made them feel threatened, so forgive me if I don´t believe the people who say it is the most random pairing ever.
Don´t get me wrong, Bucky and Sarah are definitely a thing. They were flirting, they had cute moments together, it is super obvious Bucky was trying to impress her, etc. I agree that the people who say they have no chemistry or that Bucky was remembering Steve´s mother or trying to make Sam jealous by flirting with his sister are all full of shit. He became 40s! Bucky whenever he was around Sarah, it is obvious he has a huge crush on her and viceversa.
I respect Bucky and Sarah as the canon ship, or most likely to become canon. I hope Marvel makes Yelena's asexuality explicit as well in the MCU, that they don´t pair her up with anyone, but fandom shipping and fanfiction are quite another thing. This is a hobbie, no one in the fandom owes anyone anything, no one has to ship or avoid shipping anything.
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fandom-rants · 2 years
/breathes deep/
y'all people are still out here in the land of 2022 squawking that everyone who hates Vivienne hates her at least somewhat because she's black and I just. One person even said, "I remember when all we had was a trailer and all we knew about Vivienne was that she's pro-Chantry and black and fandom hasn't changed a bit since then" (as if being pro-Chantry isn't enough of a reason to hate a character lbr fuck the Chantry) and I'm LOSING IT.
NO, that's not all we knew about her, because every single Dragon Age Inquisition character was introduced with a blurb on Bioware's official site, and Vivienne's blurb said she 'cared more about fashion than efficient armor' (paraphrasing) and I immediately snorted and thought, 'oh, great, she's a shallow Orlesian noble (info that was given to us) who cares more about her image than getting anything useful done.' And lo and behold, I was right.
But hey, I was wrong about several characters I'd read about. I ended up loving Solas way more than I thought I would and caring way less about Blackwall and I actually found The Iron Bull extremely interesting. But Vivienne I went from thinking I wouldn't like her to actively hating her, and shocker!!! One of the few things I sympathize with her for is the hate she got from that one racist noble whom she ended up manipulating into his death in a war, which... yeah, no, that's a bit too far, holy shit, but hey, he was a prick and what he said was unacceptable.
But I still hate her.
I hate her because she lies straight to your Inquisitor's face, manipulating information to make her arguments seem more palatable. "Oh, the vote in the White Spire was too close! It should have been unanimous! Oh and also the reports about templar cruelty were deeply exaggerated; after all, I come from the White Spire and everyone was nice to me!" Like. Literally all manipulations and lies. I read Asunder, bitch; I know the truth.
I hate her because she is petty enough to steal shit from my character's room and throw it up on the veranda for everyone in the Main Hall to see, showing off the 'power' she has over me because the game literally doesn't let me order her to leave, order her to take it all back and let me watch her do so, order her to carry it all to her room herself, or even let me throw it out the window to spite her. The game literally forces my character to have to stand there and watch her act like a brat and smirk at me because she's a bitch and likes manipulating people, literally enjoys power plays. The worst kind of scum.
I hate her because Fiona is literally in the same building as her and she refuses to talk to her and still pretends nothing bad happened in the White Spire. I hate her because she treats Cole and Solas and Sera like shit. I hate her because she mocks everyone, insulting the intellect of every single character and insinuating she would somehow be a better choice than anybody else on your team. I hate her because she constantly belittles every single mage who disagrees with how she wants things run, to the point of mocking the mages in Redcliffe who were desperate enough to turn to slavery before they had to return to the Spire, instead of listening when they spoke of how bad things were.
I hate her because whenever she and Sera talk, it's so disgustingly clear that Vivienne is a noble, always punching down, mocking those beneath her despite the fact that she only got her position from luck and looks and a willingness to sleep with a rich man in order to get ahead. And that's from someone who also isn't fond of Sera.
I hate her because she uses the death of her lover to garner more favor. She doesn't care about saving him. She cares about losing her position. Proven, of course, by how she uses her actions of trying to save his life by currying favor among the surviving family instead of, you know. Mourning. You can even call her on it, say she's scheming and she'll say 'always,' say she used you and she'll laugh in your face. Because she is a user, will always be a user, is proud of being a user, to the point of saying to Cassandra that there is little else as enjoyable as manipulating and bullying people.
I hate her because she will literally destroy the College of Enchanters if it's built again, because the very idea of her power being limited in literally any way infuriates her to the point where she finds it acceptable to destroy buildings with people inside (but when Anders does it, it's unacceptable).
I could have liked her if she'd used her position to help literally anyone other than herself. Or if the game showed her feeling vulnerable sometimes and eventually opening up to the Inquisitor, maybe mentioning how she sometimes left a crowd to go to the restroom and have a panic attack or something. But no. We get information about how she struggled when she was younger (because mages struggle in Circles!!), then returned and made others struggle because it made her feel powerful and important.
She's a bully. She's self-important. She's manipulative. She's cruel. She's egotistical to the point of narcissism. She thinks everyone around her is a tool to use - in fact, I believe she even says as much once. Solas calls her out on it all perfectly - "You could use those skills to improve the lives of your fellow mages. Instead you have done nothing, save consolidate your own power." What an unlikable cow.
And shockingly, none of these things have shit-all to do with the color of her skin. You kids seriously need to grow past this fantasy of yours that hating Vivienne has literally anything to do with her race.
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helenreddy · 2 years
the whole knitting.com saga on r/craftsnark is giving me life this morning.
long story short is: 2 techbros (who say they're totally not racist because they have Chinese wives, but also said that people "wouldn't want to see Asian models in videos/tutorials" when like... clearly they've never seen how prominent Japanese knitting is) spent $80,000 on the knitting.com domain name and are under the delusion that they're somehow going to revolutionize the "niche" and "untapped" knitting industry (which has been around for thousands of years) because "all that's out there" are either big companies or "grannies with 20 year old blogs." they think they'll hit $1 million in revenue in a year.
neither of the techbros knit (before the community called them out anyway, now they're "learning with their daughters" lol k) and they seemed to be shocked that most knitters don't buy off amazon... yeah, that's for a reason dumbasses (you can't even filter the search by yarn weight, the only thing we generally use it for is accessories like bulk packs of stitch markers). it's clear to anyone in the community that these schlubs are just trying to make a profit, that they put no effort into research. when they say there's "relatively low competition for quality content" they clearly hadn't found ravelry yet...
it's still not even clear what they want the site to be. they say they want it to be a curated collection of beginner resources but they're literally beginners themselves. they mentioned releasing patterns (i for one cannot wait to see those inevitable dumpster fires) and that knitters "always want some new widget" but like, what else is there to invent? the last big innovation was like... interchangeable circular needles, and i doubt anyone who wasn't big into knitting would have come up with those. but surely these two dudes who probably still can't tell garter from stockinette will come up with something our silly female brains couldn't!
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
While we're on the subject of what Tumblr users to block, I know these aren't Miraculous Ladybug-related Tumblrs, but you really ought to block weaponizedfemininityisshit and lipstickchainsaw. The former because...well, the name says it all, but she's basically a woman who's proudly not like other girls and disses femininity, thinking it's all about being weak and sexualized for the male gaze and to accomodate men, and believes that every single feminine woman is weak and brainwashed and stupid, and that we shouldn't try to reclaim femininity because it's a patriarchal construct designed to oppress women somehow.
She basically just disses women who say that it's okay to be feminine and strong, or who complain about not being taken seriously for their girly traits, or who wear makeup for themselves and not the male gaze, or who get over their previous "not like other girls" phase, because she thinks that's a phrase that only exists to slander gender non-conforming women and acts like they think they're better than feminine women, and that girly girls are solipsistic for thinking that they're oppressed for being girly. She also insults women who's Tumblr handles are cute and pink, or who dress in pink and dresses and wear makeup and glitter, and even posts gifs of girls vomiting in response to tweets about girls who have overcome their "not like other girls" phases, as stated above. She has tags such as "fuck femininity" "fuck pink" "girly girlz are soooo oppressed" "femmy-ninny-tee" and other such drivel.
To add to her immaturity, her profile picture is a Barbie doll crossed out, which is supposed to show how "strong" and anti-girly she is, even though her handle is purple with polka-dots. She won't listen to anyone who says that hatred of femininity stems from hatred of women, because she thinks it's the same as saying that to be feminine is the only way to be a woman. And speaking of the Barbie doll, she responds that Barbie is an anorexic Aryan girl to a woman who simply stated that Barbie is feminist for teaching girls they can be whatever they want to be while still being feminine and pretty.
She thinks she's doing something but she sadly doesn't realize her own internalized misogyny, and for that I pity her, although I still can't stay on her site for long because her anti-bubblegum-pop mindset makes my brain rot. And she thinks that she's so unique for going outside in sweats and tees without makeup. Even outside of misogyny, she has other problems, too, such as being aphobic and saying that aphobia isn't a thing because "nobody is forcing you to sleep with anyone"(oh yeah, tell that to rape culture!), and that all asexuals are racist, homophobic, and sexist, somehow.
And despite supposedly defending butch women, she says there's nothing wrong with sexualizing a butch character because she's "fictional anyway". So, yeah, that's it.
As for lipstickchainsaw, I can't even begin to fathom her existence. She suffers from the same internalized misogyny as weaponizedfemininityisshit, but worse, because rather than being a "not like other girls" faux feminist who thinks pink is holding the sisterhood back, she's an anti-feminist who basically parrots redpill, incel, and MRA drivel. According to her, she used to be a feminist, but stopped because feminism believes that women are babies who need their hand held to walk across the street, that they make up the concept of internalized misogyny to guilt trip women into thinking they practice self-hatred for not identifying as feminists(which they do), literally comparing it to how cults operate, and that feminism bullies men who critique it and doesn't care about their problems, apparently believes in "misandry" and thinks men's liberation groups are apparently okay and necessary, and that third-world poc dominated countries such as China and India have "real problems" and that modern western feminists complaining about objectification and the male gaze are hindering sexuality.
Oh, and she responded to a gif set(by a black guy<3) critiquing the nice guy/friendzone culture and how girls don't owe guys anything for being nice, with how BAD it makes nerdy young men(who are prime misogynist material) feel about being nice to women, because most of them don't know how to talk to women(because they don't see women as human beings or anything other than romantic options, so they never bothered to understand how they work), and end up depressed because of advice like this(You mean those guys who say they'll kill themselves if their target doesn't go out with them? Boo-hoo, go cry me a fucking river.), and how nerdy men are MORE feminist than non-nerdy women, take it from an anti-feminist(that must be why they challenge us with random pop trivia on the Mario creators' origins OH FUCK WAIT--).
Basically coddling men's poor little feels in an effort to...what, get into the boys' club? I dunno, I guess. Basically, she's a nasty little piece of work, just like weaponizedfemininityisshit, so block both whenever you can. It makes me sad to see women like them parroting the patriarchal propaganda that men nod their heads in approval to so as to be praised for being "not like other girls" and "defending men from the man-hating, frothing at the mouth feminazi spinsters", and because they're women they have more clout to spread their beliefs and other women will see this as think "well, she's a woman, so it can't be sexist right?", since all they are brainwashed, at the end of the day.
Fortunately, I'm not naive, but other women might see this and be impressionable enough to believe it. I actually remember when I used to believe misandry was a thing(though not as bad as misogyny, because I was still smart), but even then I never thought that the west didn't have "real" problems, or that feminists made up patriarchy so that they'd have something to fight against, or that feminism is the one victimizing women and not men and that we should feel BAD for guys who don't have access to women's bodies on command. So to see this shit is aggravating, but also tragedy-inducing.
It's like a quote I saw on the smart side of Tumblr, stating that internalized misogyny in women is women's mouths moving, but men's voices speaking. Kind of like these women. I do sincerely pray that these women will wake up and come to see the light once more but a part of me sincerely believes they never will. Anti-feminist women like these are often too stuck in their own beliefs and stubborn to "give in" to feminism. Though some anti-feminist women have realized they were wrong, so there's still hope for them. Mostly.
I also forget to say that, about the Barbie point, Mattel HAS made an effort to showcase more body and racial diversity in their Barbie doll designs, so that's why I was so mad about her saying that Barbie is "Aryan/anorexic", especially since, for the former, we shouldn't be throwing Nazi terminology around to talk about a fucking girls' toy, and the latter shames women who really do go through eating disorders. But she already hates asexuals, so I guess she'll go all out to prove her bigotry.
Oh God...
I mean, first of all, I appreciate you going into such extreme detail about it! I know that it would’ve been easier to just go, “this person is bad, block them.”
(Though, for future reference to my followers, I do always recommend checking out the users you’re being told to block, not entirely to make sure, but at the very least to see the madness first.
Definitely don’t regret mine considering that I got to read the line: “LOL of course you’re ace. It’s nearly synonymous with “misogynist” and “homophobia.”“ like wooooooow.)
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potatoof69 · 3 years
alternatives for honey impact because fuck them
I know a lot of the genshin community know that honey impact was being taken down and now is back up on another server, but I haven’t seen a lot of people that are actually taking Honey’s response seriously and not like it’s just a harmless joke:
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Yeah, no. This is literally so disgusting. Fuck honey impact, seriously. If you can still defend them after this, or even laugh at it, then you better ask yourself why you’re fine with defending someone who steals shit and profits “5 digit numbers” off of it, and then proceeds to throw a tantrum with ablest and racist insults to target game devs, not even the owners who actually call the shots. Why are you yelling at people who live off of coffee and fix bugs in their code all day? I doubt they give a shit about company revenue, they’re just trying to fix stupid bugs and remember to stick in semicolons. I know that hating on big companies is all the rage these days, but Honey isn’t even talking about Mihoyo’s greed or anything; they chose to target their ability to speak English and use mental illnesses as an insult.
Honey Impact seems like the best place to find info on genshin chars rn, but here are some alternatives to use so we aren’t giving these assholes even more money:
1. Paimon.moe. This is pretty much the best alternative I’ve found so far, even beating honey in my opinion. It has a wish counter for you to keep track of your wishes past the six month mark on Genshin’s history page, a page to see characters’ ascension materials, scalings, base stats, constellations, talents, and even a quick little guide for each character. It has calculators to find how many resources you’ll need to ascend a weapon or build a character, and even for friendship farming. It has a database with materials (and what day to farm them), weapons, furnishings (including which are the special ones for which chars), and artifacts. It’s got an achievements checklist so you can keep track on what you have to do next. It also has a reminders tab to remind you about stuff like the parametric transformer or logging into Hoyolab to get the daily rewards. It has a timeline that keeps track of all the genshin events in a neat format. Also, no ads at all on this site, yoohoo! Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t been using this earlier.
2. KeqingMains. This has base stats and scalings from level 6 onwards for each character along with their constellations and passive talents. It also has damage calculators and even lots of in depth theorycrafting guides and pages for each character. It has info on combat mechanics, artifact sets, weapons, world environment, and each enemy in the game. If you want to know all the meta about playing Genshin, here’s the site to go to. Also no ads here, so you aren’t bombarded with “i just fucked my stepmother” manga ads all the time.
3. Genshin Wiki. This has a ton of stuff, like voicelines, stories, base stats, and ascension materials for all the characters. It also has lore and scaling for all the weapons. If you want to see Artifact and book lore, it’s got that too. This is basically the go-to site for all the lore.
4. Hoyolab. Yeah, Mihoyo’s actual legal forum. They have an interactive map on the site, which actually shows a ton of useful stuff. It shows chests, oculi, world quests, NPCs, fishing spots, monsters, wood, local specialties, puzzles (sorted by what kind, too), ores, books, recipes, and even heat sources if you’re ever stuck in Dragonspine with sheer cold chasing your ass down. Along with all the puzzles, chests, and oculi are also videos on how to solve them.
5. Finally, Adblocker. If you really have to use Honeyhunter (to look at leaked chars, I guess), use adblocker. Using Adblocker makes it so the website can’t load ads and therefore owners don’t earn revenue from their ads when you’re looking at the website. So if you really have to use Honey hunter, fuck them up with adblocker. Don’t give more money to their 5 digit earnings that they’re getting by literally stealing data. The person running this site definitely makes more money than the low level employees at Mihoyo so don’t feel bad about fucking them over.
In the end, outside of leaks, Honey Impact is not that useful, nor is it particularly impressive after all. They have no content other than the shit they datamined. Everything on that website is stolen info, and now they even removed watermarks and are literally mocking the people who created all that shit in the first place. Who, by the way, aren’t the ones calling the big shots about main company policies that everyone’s upset about.
Paimon.moe made to-do lists and wish trackers, and is definitely more user-friendly. KeqingMains have better guides and people actually do contribute their own guides and stuff along with the data. Genshin Wiki is a whole database for lore, and Hoyolab has the actual interactive map.
There will always be other leakers. This entire community loves the hell out of leaks. Hell, I like leaks bc I can know ahead of time which characters are coming so my f2p ass doesn’t suffer. I used honeyhunter before all this shit happened, because I thought they genuinely liked the game and it was useful. I also didn’t know they made money off the site, which in hindsight should’ve been obvious bc of all the ads. Yeah, after this, I don’t think they’re doing this for the game or the community, it’s for the money and the clout. Hell if I’m going to contribute to the thousands they make every month after this.
What I don’t like is pretending that leakers are somehow the Robin Hoods, going around generously giving us info bc of course they have no other hidden agenda, right. Yeah, Honeyhunter made thousands off of that site and tons of internet clout, no wonder they’re trying to keep it afloat. Honey Impact won’t always be the only site that goes datamining, others are eventually going to surface and do it themselves. Hopefully those others won’t be racist, ablest, money hungry little bitches. Or Mihoyo might take another step forward and release roadmaps for the characters and render Honey Impact completely useless, who knows.
TLDR; please don’t continue to support Honey Impact. There are lots of better alternatives out there for character and weapon information that you can use. Or install adblocker. Or get your info about leaked chars’ ascension stuff through secondhand sources that repost Honey’s info, bc that way you aren’t actually accessing their site. Because going onto that website does give them money; it isn’t harmless.  
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sunandmoongobrrr · 3 years
My Take on the Whole “Zutara is Problematic” Thing
Okay, so I’m pretty new to this site (not really, but this account is), and I decided I want to sort of do a take on this rennaissance-regurgitated idea that Zutara is racist or problematic.
So, I want to preface this by saying that obviously relationships reminiscent of Pocahontas and John Smith (colonizer ships; not that the SWT was colonized, but people often argue that the power imbalances are the same) are super problematic. The idea of “civilizing” people of color (especially indigenous people) has historically been a huge issue and it shouldn’t be romanticized. But Zutara, in the vast vast majority of cases, is not about “civilizing” Ka/tara or the SWT. 
Look, maybe I’m biased here. Like, I’m mixed with white and Indian (specifically of English descent). I recognize that there’s an inherent power imbalance between my parents. My dad’s a white guy and my mom’s a brown woman (and immigrant). She is obviously going to face struggles that he won’t, and try as he might he will never truly understand what she and I go through in this country (the USA). But that doesn’t mean their relationship is problematic or racist. Just because there is an imbalance of power doesn’t mean that the relationship is wrong. Power imbalances are present in literally every interracial and or straight relationship ever. Kata///ang has a similar issue because Aa/ng’s culture is a victim of genocide and Ka/tara’s isn’t, so Ka/tara doesn’t have the same traumatic experience or expectations as Aa/ng does, as he is literally the last person keeping his culture alive (there could also be one present if Ka/tara had no other role than the Avatar’s wife, but I think it’s fair to say most aren’t adovcating for that, so we’ll stick with the one present). It is different because Ka/tara’s country didn’t initiate the genocide, but A/TLA makes it so evident that it wasn’t Zu/ko who initiated the capturing of the SWT benders. One of the main lessons of A/TLA is that anyone from any country has the ability for great good or great evil.
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And the whole point of Zu/ko’s character arc is that he’s part of the great good the FN is capable of. The FN obviously did awful things to the SWT. But fulfilled-character-arc Zu/ko makes it abundantly clear he regrets anything he’s done and is horrified by the actions of the FN.
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Zuko is literally the symbol of the future of the FN--a non-imperialistic nation that promotes tolerance and peace. 
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Katara used to not realize this. She canonically (even unintentionally) blamed Zuko for the horrible things that happened to her tribe, including the death of her mother. 
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But part of her journey as a character is that she forgives Zuko; she learns who Zuko truly is and what he stands for.  
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She never even sees the FN as a whole as evil in the first place…
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...only certain people who have done horrible things. 
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She projects this onto Zu/ko and expects this of him because of his actions and the fact that he’s the Fire Prince. But one of the major points of their relationship is that she realizes she was wrong about this and she forgives him.
~Dialogue from Season 3: The Southern Raiders~~~
So/kka: So what’s on your mind?
Zu/ko: Your sister. She hates me! And I don't know why, but I do care what she thinks of me.
So/kka: Nah, she doesn't hate you. Katara doesn't hate anyone. Except maybe some people in the Fire Nation. [His eyes widen as he realizes his mistake.] No, I mean, uh, not people who are good, but used to be bad. I mean, bad people. Fire Nation people who are still bad, who've never been good and probably won't be, ever!
Zu/ko: [Interrupting him.] Stop. Okay, listen. I know this may seem out of nowhere, but I want you to tell me what happened to your mother.
So/kka: [Slightly taken aback.] What? Why would you want to know that?
Zu/ko: Katara mentioned it before when we were imprisoned together in Ba Sing Se, and again just now when she was yelling at me. I think somehow she's connected her anger at that to her anger at me.
This doesn’t mean there aren’t problematic ways to write Zutara. It would be nothing if Ka/tara hadn’t properly forgiven Zu/ko on her own accord and if he hadn’t gone through the successful redemption arc that he did. There are problematic ways to write literally anything. But that doesn’t mean all or even most Zutara shippers are proponents of racism.
Could you imagine Ka/tara having such a big position of power as Fire Lady? Being a ruler of what was formerly the most powerful country on Earth and as an outsider? Would she be resented at first (especially by the older generation)? Probably. But her presence on the throne could promote tolerance and respect for the other nations, especially if she could pull a widespread Painted-Lady situation to help the smaller FN villages ravaged by war efforts. Hardly anyone is saying she’d have to give up her culture or leave behind her family or values. If anything, most are proponents of Ka/tara keeping her values as being a person who will, and I quote “never, ever, turn my back on people who need me!”
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Again, I want to emphasize that there probably (unfortunately) are those who don’t see any issues with Ka/tara leaving her culture behind indefinitely in order to become Fire Lady. I’m sure there are some horrible fics and shippers out there. But to generalize every Zutara shipper as racists, as people who hope and wish for the demise of the SWT, especially when there are so many people of color in the fandom, is to ignore the true wants of the vast majority of the shippers, who advocate for a healthy relationship between two people that hold common values, experiences, and support each other. 
Just in preparation, I’m going to turn off any anons. If you have any constructive criticism, feel free to share. I’m just really sick of this shit lol.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
3 Anti LO Asks
1. So in LO it does this dumb thing of pretending epithets are somehow their real names. We already know Kore is not a real name and was more of a term of endearment to not actually invoke her real name, and it’s backing for it as her “real name” is almost entirely from a racist British man, so let’s not go there. So there Aidoneus, right? That’s … also an epithet. It just means “the unseen one” but that’s also a way for mortals to mention him without involving him? If RS really wanted him to have a different ~real~ name, then why not go with how the actual poets and historians called him: plouton? It not only is a name most recognize, but it also connects much better to LO’s characterization of him as a god of wealth, not him being invisible.
2. Ok, so I know part of the “excuse” to “justify” hades’ enslavement of the shades is “they didn’t worship him” so he gets to “get back at them forever”, which is absolutely deranged white person thinking, but? That’s not even correct? Just going off Theoi’s page for Hades, which also lists the sources:
Hades was worshipped throughout Greece and Italy. In Elis he had a sacred enclosure and a temple, which was opened only once in every year (Paus. vi. 25. § 3) ; and we further know that lie had temples at Pylos Triphyliacus, near Mount Menthe, between Tralles and Nysa, at Athens in the grove of the Erinnyes, and at Olympia. (Strab. iii. p. 344, xiv. p. 649 Paus. i. 28. § 6, v. 20. § 1.)
Sure, he wasn’t as popular as other gods, but the idea he was the forgotten god and he had to “get back” at the mortals for not worshipping him is a load of bs. This doesn’t even his worship when it came to death. He was worshipped even outside of funerals and burials! Surely RS researched this, no? She wouldn’t just be lying about her extensive research to make people stop questioning her, surely? Very strange indeed.
You might also notice the name “Menthe” as a name. Yes, apparently Hades was so distraught over Minthe’s demise he even named a mountain after her and made it a holy site to him! Can’t wait for LO to ignore that too because god forbid another woman actually be loved or respected by Hades in this narrative besides Persephone or his mom, who is just big Persephone.
3. May I add something? It’s BS Rachel is like “season 2 is about the women getting their power back and standing up for themselves!” When it’s like?? You’re the one who depowered them and abused them for a nearly trauma porn like level in the first place! You don’t get to suddenly now act like you’re “empowering” the literal goddesses after you spent so much time making sure they had no power, no status, noting to stand up to their abuse and suffering to only now what, implying their only power is through their bodies (actions that are still traumatizing anyway), abusing other women because they’re “bad” (minthe, Leto, Thetis), and smelling bad?
The fact this egotistical, thin-skinned, privileged white woman thinks she not only is a master of mythology but is even improving it while she butchers a real religion and culture into her Ameriboo, pro-capitalism DDLG fanfic is frankly insulting. If she wants to write some stupid fanfic of it then fine, people have for centuries now, but don’t claim you’re “empowering” literal goddesses and you’re the most educated in the subject matter when you can’t even get the country right and you think Robert Graves’ white nationalist writings are legitimate over the actual Greeks. Ugh.
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venomous-ko · 3 years
Wine Drunk while watching Godzilla vs Kong
Some major spoilers up ahead!
Mans really just annoyed the shit out of his coworker until he left so he could hack shit, huh?...I love it! 🤣🤣
You mean to tell me that the explanation for why Godzilla attacked the one tech company site by the dude who studied Kaiju communication and behavior for a living is just, “sometimes people (and creatures) change”???? Like some dumbass justifying a toxic person/relationship??? Like excuse me???? Why are the literal teenagers making more sense than you?????
Also, we’re all in agreement that this facility is either housing Ghidora’s dead head, Mecha Godzilla, or Mecha Ghidora, right?!?
Lol! “Apex Cybernetics!” That’s not foreshadowing! 🤣
Apparently, I didn’t get my fill of white nonsense from Falcon and Winter Soldier, bc someone decided to put this blonde-hair-blue-eyed little bitch in charge! That’s not ganna go wrong somehow. 🙃😑👀
Like this bitch literally wanted to send a fucking child into unexplored hollow earth territory without a second thought! 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I was literally like 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 for that entire convo.
I’m sorry! This conspiracy man just met these teenagers, and his first impulse was, “yeah, theses seem like some good people to break into a tech conglomerate with!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why are these people surprised Kong knows sign language? These are people who study Kaiju (and presumably other animals in order to draw conclusions about certain behaviors) for a fucking living!!! We have primate species that recognize and communicate in sign language already! Why is this surprising???!?! Like...has NO ONE except this precious child tried this????
Also, nothing bad better happen to this child.
That ship literally fucked around, and Godzilla let it find out! Lmao!
Kong: Hey, Godzilla...look at me...
Godzilla: >:[
Kong: ...bitch.
Precious girl: Thank you, friend 🧏🏽‍♀️
Kong: ☺️😴
Bitch-ass White Man: How’s Kong with heights?
BITCH, you really ganna try that?!?! You really think you ganna find any aircraft(s) that are ganna be able to support all that weight?? Never mind any other problems with Kong trying to nope the fuck out of that situation and all kind of other hosts of problems!
Down the Hell Naw tunnel we go!
“I think it’s romantic,”
I fucking love Millie Bobbie Brown’s character!! 🤣❤️🤣
“This is page one in the ‘Playing God’ handbook, right?”
I’ve decided I love this character! 🤣
WHY YOU GETTING INSIDE THAT THING—Oh god! 😨 Why y’all got eggs!?!? This is like if Weyland-Yutani succeeded in getting Xenomorphs! 😬
Oh shit! Apex Cybernetics think they on that Wakanda shit now!
Also, why was that one Apex Cybernetics bitch bitching about how one of those HEAV crafts could power Vagas for a week if y’all clearly have a whole network or transportation using this tech!
And I never understood how tech companies kept that shit to world domination shit! Build a public transportation system with that shit! Boss man said he likes ideas that make him rich! Pretty sure that would do the trick!
Saving the rest of the last bottle for coking Gumbo, so gotta open up a new bottle
Aw, Kong is so sick of this bullshit! 😂😭
“It’s not working”
Bruh! Give it more that two seconds!
HEAV go Brrrrrrr Shoooooooooooom!!!!
LMAO!!! Monarch has their own brand of bottled water!?!?! Idk why that amuses me so much!
This hallow earth portal thing is some Pacific Rim bullshit right here, lol!
Are we...are we really Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaur-ing this shit rn??? 😂😂😂
“It’s beautiful,”
Of course it’s beautiful! No hoomins have touched it! Lol
*marvels at the creature creation ideas*
Kong’s first thought: *nom the dragon guts*
THE ROCK HAND OMG IM GANNA CRY!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 It’s the same gesture the Precious Girl did OMG!!!!
“We going in?”
The BALLS on this child!
“Sacrifice Pit”
OMG 🤣🤣🤣
“Humanity, once again, will be the apex species,”
THERE it is!
Why Mecha-Godzilla so skeeny?!? He need ta be thicc if he ganna take down REAL Godzilla!
*Ryan Bergera conspiracy voice* Is this the real reason Kong was contained!? So this douche could snatch up Skull Crawlers without Kong intervention???
OH SHIT!!! I think this thing is emitting alpha waves (or whatever we’re calling it) and THAT’s what set Godzilla off!!! He fought Ghidorah, heard this shit and went, “Nu-uh, bitch! NOT AGAIN!!!”
Monarch dude: Yo, Godzilla’s headed to Hong Kong for some reason?
This look like the door to fuckin General Grievous’s lair,da fuq?!? 🤣🤣🤣
I got waaay too emotional over that handprint, y’all! 😭😭😭
Y’all, the fucking art history major in me is fuckin screaming at this temple scene! The fact that some of these Kaiju not only had the urge and drive and capacity to build a fucking temple around this power source or some shit and create weapons like the axe that Kong just fucking Excalibured the shit out of that one skull crawler’s skull fucking implies the fact that there is intelligent civilization amongst these fucking Kaiju and all that shit! I want to know more about this shit! Take that you fucking racist-ass white historian motherfuckers!
(Note: I definitely needed to use talk to text for much of this bit, because there was no way I was going to be able to contain all my excitement in just typing, alone, lmao)
BRUH!!! Why y’all exiting g the HEAV without no breathing apparatus or lead suits or nothing!?!?! In previous movies, y’all implied that these Kaiju lived in environments in which their environments were hella radioactive compared to our own!!!
Kong is s the true heir to the iron throne, Lmao!
Godzilla! My bruh! My dude! You didn’t HAVE TO get up right where that bridge was!!! 😂😂 Ya douche bag!!!
At the same time, tho, I can just hear him going, “Ah! FUCK! NOT AGAIN!!! Sunova bitch!! Motherfuckin!! STOP BUILDING sHIT SO DAMN HIGH!!! Goddammit!”
You know, with all the Bright twinkly lights in Hong Kong, I can’t help but think of the sequel to the original Gojira movie ( that I can’t remember the title of ,rn) where he was fucking triggered by fucking lights. And I wonder if this little scene where he’s stomping all through Hong Kong is a tribute to that or whatever. But I’m probably overthinking it.
[Sober Edit: it was Godzilla Raids Again]
*GASP* HOLY SIHIIIT!!! The axe is made out of Godzilla skute!?!?! GOLY BALLS THAT’S NOT ONLY COOL BUT CONTRIBUTES MORE TO THE FACT THAT THESE KAIJU (likely Kong’s species, in particular) WERE REALLY FUCKING INTELLIGENT AMD TJOUGHT, “Imma beat this muthafucka with their own spiky thing! Bc that’s what screws us over, so, why WOULD’nt it hurt them!?!” I need SO MUCH MORE of this Kaiju/Kong culture studied and shit! HOLY FUCK!!!
It even fucking glows!! Like ... they managed to fucking piece together that its glow was a fucking warning sign like Sting or some shit!!!! Holy fuck!!!!
Also, how does that work? How are the skutes still connected even after dismemberment???
NO FUCKIN WAY WRE YOU—AAAAAAAAHHH!!! Excalibur that shit my boi!!!!
“ that’s Apex property now,”
Excuse me bitch! Are we really not gonna listen to the scientist who saying “hey we don’t understand the shit out of this fucking power! Maybe we should hold off on taking some fucking samples!”
Are we really just gonna ignore that shit???????
Kong said: TRY ME BITCH!!!!
Oh thank the GODS this Serizawa dude is taking precautions like his old man! Also, what is his relation to Ken Watanabe’s Serizawa!?!?!
“Shoot him!”
WHY!!!???!! He literally had NO problem with you before then!!!
Why does white man who don’t know anything about this vehicle suddenly know how to pilot this shit!???!?!!!!!
Y’all love had SO MUCH wine!
The FUCK this dude got a flip flop phone for!!!?!????!!!?
Da fuq!?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah that’s the most unrealistic part of this entire fucking movie! Not the fuckin Kaiju robots. Not the fucking hollow earth bullshit! The fucking flip phone! LMFAO!!!!
“Maintenance! I’M MAINTENANCE!!! This bitch ain’t buying it”
That made me laugh WAY FUCKIN harder that it should have!!!!
Y’all really ganna try to shoot at a kid!?! REALLY!?!?!??!
GAWD, I’m so glad I impulse bought these oatmeal bites from Dominos! 🤤😋
[Sober Edit: I have no idea how my autocorrect managed to convert “Parmesan” to “oatmeal,” but okay! 😆😅]
Kong be like, “Hey, bitch!!! You lookin’ for me!?!?”
Find you a partner that bites your neck like Godzilla does! Lmao!
Sorry, I’ll be crawling back into my hell hole, now.
Tumblr media
Did Godzilla just axe throw with his fuckin teefs!!!????!?!?!
“Really? Groupies, again?”
First of all, again!?! What happened last time???
Secondly, where tf are YOUR grpupies, asshole! No need to judge! Ya cunt!
“There can only be one alpha,”
Really! You really gotta bring your toxic masculinity into a fuckin monster fight, my dude!?!
Kong said, “Yeet! YEET SELF!!!”
I am living for the feral fight scenes!!!!
Kong’s expression , tho! 🤣🤣🤣
Like, “Can you ducking NOT, Godzilla?!? Can you, like, fucking chill??!!? Aight, fine! ASDASHKLSDJKLDZJL ADKLKDZDJ!!!!!!”
Awwwww! Godzilla let Kong go, bc he knows what it’s like to be the last of his species! 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
“This is how we [...] win!”
Oh, honey, you ‘bout to die! Lmao! 😂
Oh god! I knew he was going to use the sign for “coward” at the most inappropriate time! Lmao! At least the Precious Girls is smart enough to know what Dumbass White Man means, lol
Oh, thank god we do t see this dumbass in any sequels!
Dammit, he escaped!
This girl is too good!
Did y’all really think you were ganna break into a semi-sentient Mecha-Godzilla by GUESSING ITS FUCKING PASSWORD!!?!?!?!!!!???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“I was hoping to die with adults, but that’s okay,”
GOD, I love this movie!!!!
OOOOOOHHHH HOLY SHIT!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 He powering up the axe!!!!!
Kong said, “I’m done, y’all! Imma take a nap!”
“Dad. Uh...Bernie.”
I fucking love Bernie!!! 😂😂😂😂
JIA NOOOO!!! Don’t go running between two disgruntled Kaiju bby!!
Yo, why do monsters have less toxic masculinity than we do??? Lol!
Yaaaaaay! Kong has a new home!!
WELP!!! I fucking loved this movie, and I highly recommend it to everyone!!!
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