#the adorability overtakes me and turns on my eye faucet
muppetmime · 5 months
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I got this little fozzie wishable and it genuinely made cry. I have never cried because something was so sos cute but now i have. Hes sos smal and so tiny and hes sos light and its just like holding a kitten and theres subtle blushing on his cheekies and AAAAAA
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I put him in one of the dice bags i made so i could keep him near my other muppet plushies i have on my bed without getting lost and. I tear up everytime i look at him im not used to this im not usually a crier every but ive been havin a rough time and hes so soft and so sweet and he knows nothin but existing happily and im so glad.
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wrecklessbench · 1 year
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Gibbs x reader (kinda)
A/N: I wrote this when I was feelin a little depresso <3 idk if I will continue it. Kinda want to but depends on how I wanna finish it.
As I stood on the stairs, staring down at the man I had fallen in love with sanding down his 3rd boat, I realised that this was the end. I had made a vow to myself just moments before entering his unlocked house, that whatever transpired in this basement will be the conclusion of a tragic 3 year longing. But as I silently and slowly made my way down those steps, I froze.
I took a moment to look over the scene in front of me. He was wearing the red USMC hoodie that I adored, sleeves rolled up to his elbows with forearms on show, and a pair of denim jeans that hugged him in all the right places. The small radio placed on his work bench playing soft music only he would listen to. The smell of sandalwood and bourbon made me smile in memory of past late nights in this very basement, tipsy and ruining his boat with my inexperience of woodwork.
“You gonna stare all night, or join me?” The huskiness in his voice cutting through my internal flashbacks.
I stayed still. Watching as he placed his sander down and turning towards my position on the stairs, eyebrows raised with a silent invitation. Yet, my feet would not move. The overwhelming noise of my heartbeat in my ears, breathing becoming shallower as his silent invitation became a silent question.
“Well?” He asks, stepping forward.
I say nothing, only sink into a sitting position on the stairs. My false confidence I had at his front door only moments before had vanished, and all I’m left with is the feeling of loneliness and sorrow. Head in my hands, hair falling in front of my face as if to hide the inevitable tears.
This feeling of dread overtaking me completely. Tears now freely flowing down my reddened cheeks, I let out a short sob, unable to stop myself. As I feel myself start to shake uncontrollably, I sense a warmth over me.
I remove my hands from my now soaked face, and raise my head slightly to see a red hoodie staring back at me. Raising my head higher, I’m met with these ocean blue eyes I’ve had continuous dreams about, filled with questions and worry. The corner of my mouth raises in an attempt to smile. He gives a shake of his head, motions his hand for me to move to the left, stepping forward and situating himself next to me on the stairs.
As soon as I feel his arm around my shoulders, the last bit of self preservation disappeared from my body and my eyes became a broken faucet, unable to stop the tears from flowing. All I could do was cry into him as he held me and whispered into my hair.
“I got ya. You’re okay. Right here. Not going anywhere. It’s okay.” His whispers bringing more despair into my heart.
I don’t know how long we sat there. Seemed like a life time. Eventually the tears ran dry and the sobbing became whimpers, the shaking stopping all together. His arms still wrapped around me, one around my shoulders, hand caressing my hair, and the other found itself holding onto my legs as they were semi-draped over his.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asks quietly into the side of my head, just above my ear.
I take a deep breath in, and then exhale until I can’t anymore. Another breath in. My voice corse and weak as I speak the only words I can.
“I’m leaving, Gibbs.”
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c-atm · 4 years
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Who the hell breaks into a prison? Let alone ' Megalomax' ?"
This was the question on everyone's mind and lips, inmates and staff alike, as they heard the carnage from the first floor. The sound and smell of rapid gunfire from pistols, assault rifles, and shotguns filled the air as alarmed flashed and blared all through the elite correctional center for the supernatural.  
Screams of officers resounded throughout the halls. Blood-curdling, pain-filled, last time alive screams, all followed by a feminine voice calling for her lover. Her call only brought more officers to her, soon finding herself surrounded by another battalion.
"Stand down!" A large man in Kevlar armor called out. Stepping closer to her, his voice full of authority and anger as he walked up to the hooded girl. 
"Hey, do you know where they’re keeping Bisky," The girl asked as she looked at the towering man. A small expectant look on her face. She smiled a bit when the man stepped back, fear on his face
"You…" he whispered in terror. " Oh God, you really survived?"
"Survived?" She tilted her head before her mouth opened in acknowledgment, her visible black eye narrowed as her grin grew. " You were there, weren't you.." She flicked her wrist, and a cloud in the form of a pink blade with a star hilt appeared, solidifying and transforming into an actual sword, once she grabbed the handle. "Yeah, I remember you. You led a whole battalion just like this to our home…" Her gleeful tone dropped to that of frigid tundra, and her eyes zeroed in on the large captain. " Then you let use a hailstorm of anti-magi bullets through our bedroom window." She started to step forward. "I still feel the heat searing and tearing my flesh, everything I lay in my lonely bed...It replays."
Another step forward. "The glass shattering."
Another " The Bloodstained sheets ."
Another. "The dragging of his unresponsive body after he protected mine."
She paused, placing her hand on her scarless abdominal. "The lost."
The captain felt his heart dropped; guilt overtaking his fear for the moment. "I...You were...You aren't supposed to be..."
"Another false assumption," she glared at the captain. "You fear what we're becoming. Even after we chose to run and hide...Create our own lives...You feared us, hunted us, and tried to eliminate us…" Before anyone could react, the girl grabbed the captain by his jaw and pulled him close, staring directly into his eyes. "All because you couldn't control us…" She sneered, "I know all of you, in your ivory towers, can see me through this group of lummoxes. So let me make  this clear."
'What just happened?'   was the thought of the Captain as sudden weightlessness hit him. He tried to speak, but all he could make was gargle and choke up words. He could not turn his head; he gawked as blood sprayed on his captor's brown face as her black eyes bore into his smokey gray ones.
"I'm going to get my Bisky; we're gonna burn this hellhole down..." She grinned widely. "Then we'll be moving on to you."  She increased her grip on the skull, crushing the jaw under force. "Congratulations, you got our attention, your little weapons are coming home, lucky you!"  She yelled as she threw the skull to the floor, watching the inorganic light fade from its eyes. She turned her head to the group that surrounded her, all of them too scared to make a move—the chilling look from before back on her face.
"Well... Show me where Steven Universe is kept, try your hand at taking me out, or run away. It's your damn choice." 
"It's gone silent." He mused as he sat in his cell, hands behind his head. He wasn't worried about the commotion up above, unlike the others. No...He knew what was happening. Who was doing it. He felt their presence every day since they pulled him from their bloody, bullet-filled bed and left her for dead. 
Every second of every day for the last two months, he felt her getting closer, attometer by attometer, and now...Now it was as if he was enveloped by it. So when everything went quiet and all the other fools were whispering about what could have gone down or if they killed the attacker. 
He stood up from his bed.
Washed his face and hair with the faucet in his cell. 
And waited patiently with his back to the force field. The fools will tell him when she's on this floor.
"Who's that?" "She's gonna join us in here?"  "She's the one who attacked?"  "Damn, baby. Help me outta here I'll give-
Steven smirked at the sounds of a console being destroyed and a garbled scream that filled the hall, followed by small whispers and the clacking of heels that got closer by the second.
He grinned at the reassuring voice as he turned to her, his heart soaring at the cloaked visage. "Hey, Berry."
"Wait, hold on!"  She called as she rammed her sword through the control console, destroying it and disengaging the yellow force field. 
"Ah, man...it's good to be-oof!" 
The large pink-skinned man was interrupted by the force of his lover, tackling into him with a desperate trembling hug. The feel of her tears on his torso from silent sobs shook him to his core as he held her back just as desperate.
"You're safe... It's been too long." She cried through tears before reaching up to his face with a gloved hand. "They didn't hurt you, right?" She looked at his pink bearded face with his small side smirk that displayed a few of his teeth, his pink mystifying pink eyes that, usually full of mischief, now held an endless well of love The way his brows were slanted inward, pressing the space between them a bit.
He shook his head. "I'm fine. Diamond Inc. at least knows how to treat their guests." He joked with a chuckle.
She growled, "That's not funny!" She clenched the back of his black shirt in her fist, holding him closer as if she was afraid she'd lose him again. "Not in the least."
"Yeah...Just trying to be playful."
"There are better ways, you know." The twinge of seductiveness in her voice brought his mischievousness to the front.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. It is." She nodded with a grin, wholly immersed by his husky voice and their mutual affection. She hummed and felt his toes curled as he gave her passionate and urgent lip lock. She basked in the feeling of his palm caressing her cheek and the gentle yet carnal suckling and nibbling upon her upper lip as he pulled down her hood. After a few more 'Chu' making kisses, he took a good look at her now uncovered face.
Despite having blood splattered on her on the lower left half of her face, her large, black love-filled eye(the right one, the left was covered by an eye patch) shined like stars. Her brows rose as she displayed a broad, toothy smile that radiated endless adoration for her pink skin love.
"What?" She asked, voice full of bashfulness. The smile, never faltering as her cheeks heated up. 
"You are so damn Beautiful, Cloudy ." He grinned before stroking her left cheek. "Even when you're  messy."  He held his index finger up to show her the blood he wiped off.
 "Oh...I can't believe I finally saw you and I'm such a mess. "she flushed, turning around, hands on her cheeks. "Just give me a moment to- Mm~MmhAahh!!"
She was interrupted by him slipping his arms around her waist as he sucked and bit on her collarbone. Her hand instantly found his nape, keeping him in place as she shivered in bliss. " Rosey," She moaned in arousal and yearning.
"I missed you, Cloudy." He hungrily whispered into her skin as he trailed his manipulations upward toward the back of her ear.
"I missed...haha." Her chest and breath hiked when he hit a particular spot. "You as well, Rosey. So much." She leaned into him, sighing. "We..have to stop..WOOHOHO..." She bit her lip before pulling her neck away but staying in his arms, looking at him in his eyes before pecking his lips. " We'll continue this later...I promise, but we have to leave before.."
The reunited lovers turned their sight to a team of armed guards, ready to strike them down. 
The two looked at each other and silently agreed on their course of action. After sharing one more kiss, the two gave the group their full attention.
It would later be reported that Megalomax correctional center was burned to ashes. The news articles worldwide would show the image of the place ablaze, with the silhouette of an unknown couple engaging in an intimate act in front of the flames.   
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aalissy · 5 years
And we have now finished Chapter 17 :D! I only have a month before my birthday :O! That’s crazy! I really enjoyed writing this chapter! I really like the concept of Marinette and Adrien using different Miraculouses <3. Still, most of Aspik was written from pure speculation on my part. I hope I get at least some of it right lol... Lemme know what you think anyway :D
“Adrien Agreste, this is the Miraculous of the snake, which gives the user the power of hypnosis, you will use it for the greater good,” Ladybug stood inside his room, holding out a Miraculous box to the model with a gentle smile.
A nervous bead of sweat ran down his cheek as he scratched the back of his neck nervously, “A-are you sure you want to give this to me, Ladybug? I mean, I don’t know if I would make a very good superhero.”
“I trust you, Adrien. I know you can do this,” she gave him a firm nod, “As soon as we defeat the akuma, though, I need you to give the miraculous back to me for protection.”
“A-again I really don’t know about this, I mea...” Adrien trailed off as he watched her expression fall rapidly.
“O-ok, I’m really sorry for disturbing you then,” Ladybug’s eyes stared at him sadly before she turned back to the window, “I’m certain I can find another who will feel more comfortable.”
“Wait!” he grabbed onto her arm just as she had wrapped her yo-yo around a nearby building, “Do you really think I can do this?”
“I know you,” she gave him a soft look, “You’d probably make a better superhero than most of us.”
“Th-then ok,” Adrien gave a shaky nod, “I’ll do it.”
What am I doing?! How am I going to be Chat Noir and use the snake miraculous?
The heroine gave him a bright beam before holding out the miraculous box to him again. He took it reluctantly, shooting her a nervous smile before clearing his throat, “D-do you mind if I use the bathroom really quickly?”
“Not at all. Just be quick, I don’t want the akuma getting away,” she glanced worriedly out his window.
He nodded his head quickly, “Right as always, Ladybug! I’ll be right back, promise!” Adrien dashed into his bathroom and leaned backwards against the door with a loud sigh.
“You idiot!” Plagg snorted, flitting up to cackle madly at the young model, “Ladybug’s gonna realize something’s wrong when Chat Noir doesn’t show up.”
“I know, I know,” Adrien muttered, pacing the floor as he raked a hand through his hair, “But did you see her face?! How could I just let her down like that?!”
“By literally saying the words, ‘Sorry, I can’t do that. You see, I’m the famous superhero Chat Noir and if I use the snake miraculous then he won’t be around to use his Cataclysm.’”
“Shut up Plagg!” Adrien gave him a murderous glare, “You’re not helping.”
“On the contrary, I find this hilarious,” the small kwami laughed loudly, “This is exactly why I only love cheese.”
“I’m serious!” he hissed, “Is there anything I can do to be both Chat Noir and use the snake!? And please be quick because Ladybug is gonna kill me if I’m in here too long.”
“Well,” Plagg started hesitantly, “I’m not supposed to tell you this, because it’s dangerously powerful, but you can combine the Miraculouses.”
“What?” Adrien’s eyes bugged out of his head, “Are you for real?!”
“Yeah. I’ve personally never done it before, but Tikki has.”
“Ladybug’s kwami,” the tiny cat waved a hand around, “Anyway, Ladybug will still realize there’s only one of you and that you can use both Cataclysm and Pungi fairly quickly.”
“I’m screwed, aren’t I?” Adrien groaned, draping a hand over his eyes.
“Oh most definitely,” Plagg snickered.
“Adrien?” Ladybug’s voice called from outside the bathroom door accompanied by a tiny knock, “We really need to get going.”
“Coming!” he quickly flushed the toilet and turned the faucet on, splashing some cool water on his face before he went outside to greet her. “Sorry,” he murmured.
“It’s alright,” she gave him another bright smile, “Right now all I need you to do is open the box and say the words your kwami gives you.”
“Right,” Adrien said, opening the box with shaking fingers. There was a burst of teal light and suddenly a small snake was floating in front of him.
“Greetingssss,” he hissed, offering the kid a small wave, “I’m Sass. To transform you only need to say the words Sass, fangs out. This will grant you the power of Pungi, allowing your enemies to listen to your every command. For as long as you are transformed and playing the harp they will remain in this trance.”
“Right,” the boy gave a firm nod to the snake before clasping the bracelet on his wrist, “Sass, fangs out!”
It was different. Using the snake miraculous versus the cat miraculous. For one thing, Sass did not seem as reluctant as Plagg did when he began his transformation. The kwami went in willingly instead. For another, Adrien wasn’t infused with the same headstrong confidence that he normally got from being Chat. This time he wanted to slink back into the shadows, wait for his opponent to let his guard down and then strike. When he was finished with his transformation, he looked down at his outfit curiously. Finally glancing up, he noticed Ladybug staring at him expectantly.
“Wow,” he breathed out, faking enthusiasm, “That was amazing!”
“Come on,” a grin slowly overtook her face, “Let’s get going, snake boy,” she giggled.
Suddenly she was swinging in the air and he was quick to take off after her, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She was slowing down for him, Adrien realized. The superheroine not going nearly as fast as she did whenever he was Chat. Shooting her a smirk, he picked up speed, gradually overtaking her with his practice as Chat Noir.
Ladybug shot him a surprised look before she smiled adoringly, “Told you you’d make a great superhero,” she winked at him before she sped up as well, easily beating him in their mini race. Adrien laughed loudly as he followed close behind her before she finally landed on a rooftop and gestured him over.
“So where’s the akuma?” he looked around curiously.
“Right there,” the superheroine jerked her head at a man wearing a white jumpsuit that was covered in purple, red, and green spots who was cackling madly, “It’s strange. I figured Chat Noir would be here by now,” a frown overtook her features.
“Oh,” Adrien chuckled, “Well, maybe he’s just been busy.”
“Hmm,” she said hesitatingly before shaking her head furiously, “Anyway, as you can see he’s opening wormholes and sucking people into a different dimension. I need you to use your powers to slow him down enough for me to break the object the akuma is hiding in. Can you do that for me?”
“Of course,” he smiled gently at her.
“Great! See you down there then! Hopefully Chat Noir will show up soon!” Ladybug beamed at him before swooping down to land in front of the man.
Adrien pinched the bridge of his nose, releasing an aggravated sigh before he jumped down with her, landing behind the man.
“Ahh, Ladybug!” the akuma laughed madly, “Just the superheroine I was looking for! I’m Dr. Universe and I will send everyone who’s ever wronged me into a new world! One where they will always serve me! Now, where’s your partner? The little kitty cat?”
The superheroine released an angry shout, sending her yo-yo straight at his face before he opened a portal in front of him. Her eyes widening, Ladybug watched as her yo-yo continued endlessly into the vacuum of the small hole. Dr. Universe yawned, shooting her a malevolent smirk, “Too easy.” She yanked her yo-yo back from the hole just before he snapped the portal closed. “A pity,” he tilted his head mockingly, “I had really hoped to destroy your weapon with that.”
Adrien watched as the villain advanced upon his lady before he stroked the harp quickly, murmuring the words, “Pungi.”
Dr. Universe stopped, a hazy glaze forming in his eyes as he turned back to Adrien. Hawkmoth’s purple mask appeared above his face before he snapped out of his trance, “W-who are you?”
“Me? I’m Aspik, and you will listen,” he shot him a quick smirk before playing another few notes on the harp, humming along to his made-up melody. Shooting Ladybug a knowing look, he continued to strum the instrument.
She gave a fierce nod, slowly walking towards the akuma victim, so as not to snap him out of the trance he had been placed in. Hawkmoth’s mask appeared again on Dr. Universe’s face and the man began to raise his hands up. Ladybug raced forward, but it was too late, the akuma had managed to cover his ears with a pair of purple headphones and was blocking out the soft melody. Shooting Aspik a death glare, he opened a portal underneath him, which he narrowly avoided thanks to Ladybug yanking her yo-yo around his waist.
“I think now would be a good time for a Lucky Charm. I’m about to transform back,” Aspik said as he nodded down to the bracelet which gave a warning beep.
“I think you’re right,” Ladybug narrowly avoided one of the portals being shot at them as she called upon her magic, “Lucky Charm!” An amplifier fell from the sky and she let out a pained grunt as she caught it. “What am I meant to do with this?” She scanned the area around her before her eyes settled on Aspik’s harp, “Aspik quick! Give me your harp!” He threw it over to her as she plugged the cable directly into his harp, connecting it to the amplifier, “Let’s see if he can resist this!”
Aspik gave the superheroine an adoring smile as he moved over to her, quickly taking his instrument back. His fingers carefully plucked at the strings, sending a loud melody over to the villain who immediately stopped. Breaking through the headphones, Dr. Universe was sent back into the trance he was in before.
This time, Ladybug was quicker and reached for his bracelet, breaking the small item and sent the akuma flying through the air, “No more evil doing for you, little akuma! It’s time to de-evilize!” her yo-yo snapped around the creature, purifying it before it began flying away as a butterfly, “Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly,” she waved happily. "Miraculous Ladybug!" the superheroine shouted as she disconnected the amplifier and threw it into the air, sending her healing powers across the city.
“Nice job, Ladybug.” Aspik sidled up to her, giving her a wide grin.
“Yeah. I’m just worried,” she frowned, “Chat Noir never showed up.”
“Oh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously, “I’m sure everything’s fine! Like I said maybe he was just busy.”
“You’re probably right. I just figured he’d be here at some point.”
“Maybe he got sucked into a portal then,” he shrugged, “If that’s the case, I’m sure he’ll call you soon.”
“Well, if he doesn’t call me when we take you back home I’ll call him. Figure out what happened to him. Nice work, by the way, Aspik,” Ladybug shook off her worry and gave him a large grin, “You did a great job. I told you you’d make a great superhero.”
“You’re right,” Aspik chuckled awkwardly, “I suppose we should go now.”
“Yep,” she threw her yo-yo around a roof, “Race ya back,” she winked before taking off.
He smirked after her for a second before following, watching as she raced forwards. When they finally landed in his house, Ladybug let out a happy shout, “I won!”
“Hmm, a superheroine with years of practice versus a superhero with a day of practice. Yeah, I had no idea you’d win,” he laughed before he detransformed, Sass whizzing out of his bracelet.
“You did excellently,” the kwami bowed to him before turning to the superheroine, “Now, Ladybug, do you have any treats.”
“Of course,” she smiled at the small snake, “But we need to get going. I’m about to detransform,” she covered her earring as it let out a warning beep.
Adrien quickly took the bracelet off, planting it back in the box Ladybug had given him, “Thanks for putting your trust in me, Ladybug.”
“You’re welcome, Adrien. But you should be really proud of yourself. You did better on your first day then I did on mine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really need to bug out,” Ladybug winked before flinging herself out into Paris.
“Well, that worked out better then I had expected,” Plagg flew out of his pocket, “You really did do well, kid.”
Adrien chuckled, shaking his head, “Thanks. But we need to transform. Ladybug is expecting a call from us.”
“Aw come on. I really thought I wasn’t going to transform today,” the tiny cat whined.
“Sorry buddy,” he shrugged, “But Ladybug’s worried and I’ve gotta prove to her that I’m alright.”
“I expect extra cheese after this,” he pouted before he was sucked into Adrien’s ring.
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taehyungiesnoona · 6 years
02 | radiance
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⇢ summary:  You never had a purpose in life. The night you decided to end it all, you encounter a ray of sunshine that makes you question your way of thinking. Jung Hoseok’s smile is the reason you’re decide to give life a try again.  
⇢ pairing: female reader x Hoseok
⇢ genre: angst,romance, soulmate!hoseok
⇢ rating: SFW
⇢ warnings: minimal use of profanity, depression, mentions of suicide, Hobi’s smile (yes, this is still going to be in the warning hehe)  
⇢ word count : 1.6k
⇢ A/N: finally the second chapter is here! so so so sorry this took foreverrrrr for me to post. writing has been hard for me lately but i think i might be posting shorter chapters so i don’t get too burned out. hope you enjoy! happy reading~
Chapters 01 || 02 || 03
»»———— CHAPTER TWO ————-««
“Who the fuck are you?!”
The words coming out your mouth seemed to sting the mysterious man a bit. He brought a hand up to his chest, looking to be appalled by your fowl language.
“Oh my god! That’s quite the mouth you have there.”
You continued to sit there on the ground, awaiting for his response to your rather rude but straightforward question.
“But if you must know, I am your hope. I am your angel…” he made a fluttering motion with both of his fairly large hands. “I’m J-Hope!”
“Your name is...J-Hope???”
From the few minutes of encountering this man, it seemed like all you were able to do was arch your brow up at anything that came out of his mouth. You took in his name slowly, trying to decipher if that was what his parents actually named him. Truly unique and even having just met him, was all too fitting. It suited him due to the personality to which he had displayed so far.
“Yes, you can me call me J-Hope. Or Hoseok….whichever you prefer.” He looked down to you once more flashing that gorgeous smile of his.
Your gaze becoming lost in it once more, causing your heart to skip a beat. You had never seen a smile like his before. So pure, innocent and most of all genuine. What was this feeling you were experiencing now? You looked up at him, a bit starstruck as another question fell from his lips.
“What’s your name?”
Almost giving into his question, you began to feel a burning sensation coming from your forearm. Wincing a bit, you jumped back a bit on the ground causing Hoseok to do the same. Refusing to let him know you were in any kind of pain, you swiftly get yourself off the ground and rush past him, not allowing any further conversation to continue between the two of you.
Your body still feeling extremely weak but in that moment, you had to get away from Hoseok. To stop your heart from beating at the rapid pace it was, and to not think about whatever this burning sensation was. There was no way to really describe the pain you were now suffering from. The closest thing would be the same as placing your hand upon a hot stove. The covered flesh underneath your long sleeve shirt feeling as if it was being severely scalded.
Running as fast as your frail body would allow, you didn’t even care to stop. You could hear Hoseok calling after you several times.
“Hey! Hey, wait!”
For some strange reason, each time he called out to you your body felt like it was being pulled in by his voice. Almost magnetic in a sense. Your willpower though seeming to be greater than the enthralling that was being sent not only to your body, but to your heart. A million thoughts were once again flooded the cramped space that was the inside of your mind. Two things that stuck with you the whole run back home:
Who is he?
What was that back there?
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Slamming the front door shut, you quickly bolted the lock and headed straight for the bathroom. Head spinning in all sorts of directions from the events that took place tonight, you were at a loss of words. How was it that from one moment you were on the verge of ending your life, to everything you once knew being completely thrown upside down? How was it possible for your world to be shaken by a simple smile? A nice gesture that you've seen countless times but never having the effects of this caliber.
Quickly flicking the bathroom light on with your index finger, you made haste to the bathtub and turned the faucet on allowing nothing but steaming hot water to run down. Grabbing the bottle of your favorite body wash, which to you smelt like Christmas, you poured a adequate amount to the water that was now filling up in the tub. Removing the clothing from your body, you dipped your toes into the bath allowing yourself to adjust to the temperature. It felt as that of a hot springs and you could not wait to full immerse yourself in it.
Slowly easing your body down, suds were now clinging onto your bare skin. You stretched your legs in the bath, resting your head on the back of it. It had been sometime since you had take a bath of this much pleasure. Being in the funk that had taken over the last few weeks of your life, you were only able to take really quick, military like showers. During that time all you wanted to do was sleep. Anything else was not too much of importance to you. The depression that was overtaking you, had a tight hold on your daily functions. Now having a bit more control of your state of mind, you made it your priority to get the most relaxation as possible. It had been long overdue.There was no ounce in you that wanted to rush this time you desperately needed. Though your hands were sure to be wrinkled once you got out, it didn't matter.
Your mind was at ease for the first time in weeks. You needed this.
Laying there still in the water for quite some time, you took it upon yourself to sit up and go on to washing your body squeaky clean. The bottle of body-wash still sitting on the ledge where you left it, your reached for it as well as your favorite loofah, the sponge itself being a cute pastel purple with an adorable horse on the top of it. You eyes trailed down your right arm to see something strange, something you never had seen before in your life. Eyes widening in shock, the breath coming out almost being taken away in an instance.
"What the-"
Placed upon your arm was a marking, its resemblance to that of a tattoo was uncanny. The redness still apparent on your skin but what was strange was that there was no pain from sitting in the scalding hot water. Your finger trembling as you slowly went to touch the marking that was now sitting on your forearm. Tracing around its shape with a careful hand, you gazed upon the image that was on your skin.This weird marking that for some reason was now on you was in the shape of a sun. Looking directly at it, you shuddered as if you could feel its radiance intensify on you.
Your instincts taking over immediately, you dip your arm into the hot water and begin to scrub against it with your loofah. Washing away at it, water splashing a bit on the floor, you grit your teeth as your motions become more intense. More furious. Clearly thinking that it would just rinse off your skin, you bring back your arm up only to prove yourself wrong.
“Aaahhh!” The frustration that was pent up inside you was now out.
There it was still, unbothered at all. Gazing intently onto it, you noticed that it looked as if it were a birthmark of some sort now, truly looking to be one with the flesh of your arm now. Once again becoming lost in the midst of your thoughts, you leaned closer in while you continued to examine it carefully. The beating from your heart thumping hard against the walls of your chest, an image coming to you.
Quickly standing up and rushing out the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around, you hurried to the living room, straight to the bookcase you kept in the far corner. Placed upon eye level was a picture of your parents. They looked to be fresh out of college, both in their early 20s. The photo seemed to be taken at night, your father’s arm clinging onto your mother’s hip. No gap was between them as they had huge smiles plastered on their faces. You found yourself smirking a bit at their happiness when your eyes shifted down their arms and onto their wrists, causing them to widen once more.  
There they were.
Upon each of their wrists was a tattoo like marking, much like the one that was present on your forearm. Instead of a sun, each on of them had two hearts, the meaning behind them you were unsure. But you knew one thing was certain. You remembered hearing the story from your father himself. That photo was taken the day the two of them met.
When they became each other’s soulmate.
Looking back down at your arm, that’s when it hit you. Had you found your soulmate? The one thing you desperately avoided to happen? Was that man...Hoseok...the person you were always meant to be tied to?
“How is this possible?” you mumbled, fingers trembling from the thought.
This was what you always wanted to avoid. Your introvertive ways was supposed to prevent this from happening. How did it so happen that he had to be there at that exact moment? Why did he stop the train from hitting you? Why?
Not wanting to think more on the matter, you scurried along back to the bathroom and threw your pajamas on. You could feel a headache beginning to form so you slid open the medicine cabinet and grabbed for the bottle of ibuprofen, shaking two pills from it and popped them into your mouth. To the side of the counter, there was a small cup which you picked up, filled with a bit of water from the faucet and drank allowing the pills to go down your throat.
Walking back into your room, you wasted no time in getting back under the fluffy comforter. Though you probably had more than enough rest, your eyes began to drift shut. Peacefully going off into a slumber, unconsciously knowing that a certain smile replayed itself in your dreams. His smile.
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a/n: if you made it to the end, yes i did include a gif of Hoseok’s sweet smile. i couldn’t resist. 
♡ masterlist
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userlando · 7 years
confessions || tom hiddleston
Summary: After a night out, Tom ends up in your apartment, slightly intoxicated and ready to confess. Warnings: Mild language, mentions of alcohol. A/N: I just had this weird image stuck in my head of a childish, intoxicated Tom trying to show you how to juggle. Then I took it further and, this happened. Honestly, I just wanted to write the juggling scene, don’t look at me.
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The silence in your room was deafening, counting out the sound from the dripping faucet from the bathroom across the hall. The sheets were too warm against your body and the moon was shining brighter than usual through the cracks of the drawn curtains.
You’d been trying to sleep for hours, but nothing seemed to be working and it didn’t get better when your lovely neighbors thought that it was a good idea to begin their usual humping session, the crude moans and the dull thuds of the headboard keeping you awake. And slightly disgusted.
So, you gave up and pulled the sheets back. The wooden floors felt cold against the soles of your feet as you swung them down from the bed, forcing your exhausted body to make the small trip to the kitchen. You pulled out a cup from the cupboard, ready to warm some milk when you heard the sounds of something scratching against your front door. You froze, hands in the air as you perked your ears up to listen for any more sounds, and then...
Somebody was definitely at your door and judging by the time, it had to be an intruder of some sort. You didn’t live in the best neighborhood. The thud sounded against the door again and you felt your eyebrows pull together in a small frown, making your way over to the hallway; Ready to yell at whoever was stroking and jabbing at the floor so rudely at two in the morning.
You peeked through the peephole, trying to ignore the thudding of your heart as the man on the other side of the door tilted his head up, revealing himself to you. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in, shaking your head at yourself from assuming the worst before unlocking your door, swinging it open.
“Tom? What are you doing here?” You asked in a slight whisper, careful not to talk too loudly just in case the next door neighbors had decided that their little session could continue some other time.
The man in question shot you a smile, one that would usually make you respond with one of your own. But you were too distracted by his eyes, taking in how glassy they looked under the fluorescent lights of the hallway. He was drunk, you could spot it from a mile away.
“I woke you up,” He frowned, smile dropping from his face as he looked around as if to inspect his surroundings. You rolled your eyes, ushering him inside and closing the door behind the two of you. “I was trying to let myself in without waking you up. Didn’t work.”
He brought his hand up and the glimmering of his keys caught your attention. You almost laughed out when you realized that he’d been trying to unlock the door with his car keys.
“That’s because those are not the right keys, dummy.” You said it with no malice in your voice, a gentle smile spreading over your lips as you watched him frown adorably, setting the keys down on the small table in the hallway. “Come on, let’s get you into bed.”
As you both entered your bedroom, you suddenly stopped in your tracks to take his appearance in. He had told you about his plans for tonight, about how he was gonna have a drink with some old friends. He’d been messaging you throughout the night, the texts stopping around midnight and you’d only assumed that he had gone to bed.
He looked amazing though, dressed in some dark pants that clung to his thighs in all the right ways, showing them off deliciously. The blue, buttoned up shirt he was wearing was slightly wrinkled - from the night’s antics, you assumed - and he had the two top buttons undone, showing off just a silver of his chest. The chest that haunted your dreams more often than you’d like to admit.
It was embarrassing, how infatuated you were. How with just a smile, he could make you do anything. You’d been friends for years, but your feelings for him never vanished and it was starting to ruin your life in many ways.
“Why did you come here?” You asked, everything to stop your mind from wandering too far. “And who dropped you off?”
Tom whirled around from where he was standing close to the bed, eyebrows scrunched together like he was trying to sort out his mind. You almost laughed at the sheer irony of it, because your mind was jumbled and you weren’t even drunk.
“A cab...” He trailed off. “I came here because I have something to ask you.”
“What is it?” You asked with a sigh, suddenly feeling exhausted.
All you wanted was a glass of warm milk, anything to soothe your mind enough to put you to sleep. Instead, you stood by the doorway and watched as Tom pulled out two oranges and an apple out of his expensive-looking messenger bag.
“Don’t,” You shook your head, withholding a giggle as you brought a hand up to dig your fingers into your eyes. “I’ve seen you juggle before.”
“You have?” Asked Tom, sounding disappointed.
“Yes, like hundreds of times,” You said. “You always juggle.”
“Oh,” He pauses, looking so thoughtful that it almost made you laugh. “Well, that’s not what I’m doing.”
The apples and oranges drop to the floor with dull thuds and bounce under the bed. You watch with bated breath as Tom digs deep into his leather bag, producing a banana.
“Will you open this for me?” He asks, handing you the banana and you take a few steps forward to reach him, grabbing it without question.
“You came all this way to ask me to open a banana for you?” You pinch the tip of it, peeling it before handing it to him. “Why do you have so many fruits in your bag?”
He sits on the foot of the bed, eyes traveling up to meet yours and you curse yourself as you feel the familiar pinch in the pit of your stomach. He was just looking at you, for God’s sake, and here you were acting like a teenaged girl who just got asked out by her crush.
“The guys dared me to steal some from the bar.” He replied.
You watched as he ate the banana, helping him out of his shoes and forcing him to drink a glass of water before putting him to bed. It took a while, but an hour into the night and you were both in your bed, lying side by side as Tom hummed on a familiar tune.
“Hey, Y/N?” He murmured quietly, voice almost too loud in the silent room.
You tilted your head to the side, trying not to recoil when you found him already staring at you. It was unnerving whenever he had his eyes on you, because it looked like he was reading whatever was going through your mind. Tom was always good at reading you like an open book, and it was a blessing and a curse depending on the situation.
“I like your smile.” He whispered, the corners of his lips pulling up as his eyes roamed over your face. You couldn’t help but blush at his forwardness, thankful of the darkness of the room.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mmm,” He hummed, burrowing his head further into the pillows. “The skin by your eyes... They crinkle at the corners, it’s endearing.”
You couldn’t help but smile then, ignoring the thundering in your chest as your heart picked up speed. For a second, you were worried that he’d hear it from where he was laying.
“And your laugh,” He gave you a boyish grin. “Sets me on fire.”
You giggled, reaching out a hand to slap his arm. He let out a laugh of his own, eyes never leaving you as you rolled your eyes playfully, covering your face with your hands.
“You’re talking out of your arse.” You laughed, pulling the sheets up under your chin. Anything to distract you from the heat overtaking your face. “Go to sleep, Tom.”
He huffs but he does as you say, pulling the sheets up over his chest and turning around to lay on his side, facing you. It didn’t take him long to flutter his eyes shut, small smile playing on his lips as he drifted off.
“Love you, Y/N.”
It was a small whisper, but you heard it nonetheless.
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fanfictionamerica · 7 years
Smoking Love - Chapter Eight: First Kiss (Mikoto Suoh x Female!Reader)
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Warnings: Death of person, violence
A few months after your first date:
   "Miko,“ your groggy voice pierced the early morning silence.
   "What, Y/N/N?” he groaned into your mess of hair.
   "I can barely breathe,“ you gasped, patting his hands in an effort to get him to loosen his hold.
   "Oh, sorry.” The King’s arms let loose the tension they’d acquired in his sleep.
   "You had another nightmare, didn’t you?“ You twisted yourself around in his embrace to face him. He always held you tighter whenever he had one.
   "Mmm,” he hummed as you reached up and brushed aside one of the two stray strands of his hair back in a delicate, reassuring touch.
   You wiggled your body upwards, causing Mikoto to moan again as you kept bouncing the bed, “Y/N…”
   "Shh,“ you responded before giving him a small, sweet peck on the nose, your own little way of reassuring your new boyfriend that everything was alright now. You never forced him to tell you about them. All that mattered was that you helped him shake it off.
   The man wrinkled it up then peeked open his eyes to see you giving him a big, child-like grin. How could one person be so cute yet so feisty?
   "Now, you gotta let me go for like two minutes. I’m really thirsty and I want water.”
   You tried to pry yourself from Mikoto’s strong grasp, but he would not let go.
   "Mikoto,“ you whined in his ear, "pretty please.” You pouted up at him, turning up the cute factor exponentially.
   "You can wait.“ He wanted to see how you would react to his rejection (not to mention he just liked cuddling you as much as possible), and he was not disappointed.
   Your bleary eyes widened in disbelief, then you playfully swat one of his arms in chastisement, "You’re so mean. I think you enjoy teasing me too much.”
   Mikoto only gave you that normal lazy smirk of his before pulling you in closer to his person. You almost resigned yourself to the fact that you wouldn’t have that glass of water anytime soon until…a devious idea dawned on you.
   Finding a drop of brazen bravery within yourself, you discreetly slithered your hands underneath his white shirt and danced your fingers up his side in a feathery motion, testing your theory. It was soon confirmed when the ever-impassive King squirmed beneath your touch, then glared a warning at you, cheeks starting to warm up a fraction.
   That action only succeeded in encouraging your attack even more, a giggle bubbling out of your lips when you saw his mad scramble to remove your fingers out from underneath his shirt. Who would’ve guessed the Third King, the one with the most violent temper and most infamous reputation, would be ticklish? Oh, the things you could do…
   He tried to scoot farther out of your mischievous reach, though he couldn’t do it without falling out of the bed or pushing you off, neither of which he wanted to do. Meanwhile, your tickling increased tenfold, fingers going up and down on his sides at a rapid pace, causing a strange, unfamiliar noise to escape your boyfriend’s lips unexpectedly: a laugh. Albeit a small, almost indiscernible one, but a laugh nonetheless.
   It incited you to snigger more at the man, “My boyfriend, the almighty Red King, is ticklish?! How adorable!”
   Oh, you’d never let him live it down.
   After a few more seconds of the silly torture, Mikoto managed to catch your slippery hands and yank them out of his shirt in one fast motion, pinning them up above your head in a vice-like hold while hovering over your person. That sure quieted you up in a hurry. You didn’t bother struggling, either.
   His hot breath fanned against the exposed shell of your ear as he leaned down closer to you, chests almost touching. He had you trapped.
   You held your breath, your body frozen in anticipation.
   "I think someone needs to be punished for their bad behavior,“ he whispered in a breathless, husky voice, sending a shiver traveling down your spine.
   The redhead maneuvered both of your hands into the grip of his left one, shoved the other up YOUR shirt, and proceeded to give you a taste of your own medicine.
   "Miko!” you screeched, writhing underneath him like a fish out of a water, “S-stop it! M-mercy!”
   He didn’t stop, though (what a shocker). He continued on with his retribution, determined to make you pay (and laugh much more).
   "P-please! I-I promise I won’t tell anyone your secret! You’re k-killin’ me h-here!“ you pleaded, breaths coming in heaves.
   Satisfied by your promise, Mikoto took his tickling hand away from your abdomen then rested his forehead up against your own, eyes closed, tired out by the recent events.
   Your face flushed slightly in response, but you both settled down after that, enjoying the peace which followed. The soft sounds of your combined breathing were the only things permeating the silence.
   You stayed in this position for a few more seconds, loving the moment you were having. Both your heart rates slowed until they began beating in sync, neither of you gasping for air any longer, reveling in the love surrounding you two. However, you had to break it up sooner or later, because Mikoto’s arms couldn’t hold him up forever.
   Realizing this as his muscles began to tremble, he gave into your original request as he plopped himself back at your side, "You can go get your glass of water now.”
   You unfroze yourself at his words, dashing out the door before your King changed his mind, while also eager to hurry back to the warmth of his comfy bed.
   You took the steps as fast as you could without making too much noise, rushing to the faucet downstairs and grabbing a glass from the bar. You filled it up halfway then started drinking a few sips.
   "You having fun up there, Queen?“
   You sprayed out your current mouthful, choking on the remaining drops, those cheeks of yours flaming up again.
   "Kusanagi!” you cried out in admonishment, “Don’t say things like that!”
   He cruelly chortled at your embarrassment as you continued spluttering out words at him, “And I thought I told you not to call me Queen! The only thing I’m "queen” of is clumsiness and over-thinking, much less HOMRA.“
   "Well, you have been dating the King for a few months. If anyone should have the title, it’d be you, Queen Y/N,” he shot you a devious grin after heading over to the counter to clean some more glasses.
   You glowered at your Clansman. “You’re just as bad as Maiko or Chitose when it comes to teasing me, you jerk.”
   "And for your information,“ you sniffed, "I did have fun. Now, I’m going back to Mikoto’s room, where I’ll be sleeping and actively ignoring you.”
   You made a point of looking to see if he was watching you before stomping back up to Mikoto’s room, a smirk stretching your lips. Izumo shook his head at your receding figure in amusement. Your sassy, talkative personality sure balanced out the King’s impassive, lazy attitude well.
~~A couple hours later~~
   "What in all fudging hell is going on down there?“ You awoke once more with a groan, the (unfortunately) familiar sounds of yelling disturbing your slumber.
   "It’s not important,” your still-sleepy boyfriend grumbled, knowing you’d want to get up and intervene, “just let ‘em fight it out.”
   "No, I won’t,“ you responded, being your ever-stubborn self.
   "This is the third time this week they’ve fought. It needs to stop, NOW. Besides,” you continued after taking a glance at the clock, “I have a shift at the soup kitchen in about twenty minutes. I need to get up anyway.”
   You tossed your legs over the edge of the warm bed, a scowl overtaking your expression. Mikoto let you go in an instant, knowing nothing would stop you from going once your mind was made up (although less than pleased at your leaving him alone for the second time that day).
   You threw the bedroom door open without slamming it, marched down the stairs and over to where the argument was happening.
   Let’s say you were less than surprised to find Bandō screaming obscenities at Shōhei, your newest recruit. You knew of the feelings of inferiority Bandō had when hanging around Shōhei, but jeez, they could stand to settle down once in a while.
   The rest of HOMRA cleared out of your way in a hurry, sensing your scary aura. They knew to stay out of your way when you reprimanded a fellow Clansman.
   You grabbed the nearest magazine on the trek there, before smacking both of the idiots upside the head with a loud whack!
   "Hey!“ they simultaneously exclaimed at you, rubbing the back of their scalps.
   You raised your eyebrows at them in an incredulous look, "What?! Don’t you "hey” me, you two! This stupid fighting has gone on long enough.“
   That sure shut up them up fast.
   You pinched your nose in exasperation, "Anyone care to tell me what this one is about?”
   Bandō spoke up first, “Shōhei tried to hit on a girl I clearly called dibs on first!”
   Shōhei glared at him, “No! I know I saw her before-”
   "Shut it!“ you demanded, "It doesn’t matter who saw her first because one, she’s long gone, and two, you guys are friends! No one should come between you, much less a girl.”
   "Now, I want you both to apologize, sincerely, then everyone can carry on with the rest of their day.“
   You gave Bandō a harsh glare, cutting him off. He huffed in annoyance, yet apologized to his long-time friend, who in turn apologized to him. They realized how ridiculous it all was when you spelled it out for them.
   "See, I knew you were our Queen, Y/N, making us settle our disputes,“ Totsuka’s gentle tone sounded after the exchange.
   "Tatara! Not you, too!” you complained, flushing in embarrassment.
   Every one of the HOMRA members had wanted you and their King to get together. Like Izumo said, the romantic tension was killing them as well. Many of them could see the potential for a lasting, fulfilling relationship between you both. So now that you were finally together, a few took every chance to tease you about it (mainly Tatara, Kusanagi, and Chitose), the fact that you hadn’t kissed the man or how you could be considered their Queen being their favorite topics.
   "We can’t call her Queen too much, though. We all know they haven’t quite sealed the deal yet.“
   Of course Chitose had to chime in.
   "How do you know that, Mr. Smarty Pants?” you shot back, getting some pluck back, “We could’ve already done it and you wouldn’t know. Why would we want to kiss in front of a bunch of nosy creeps just to prove we have "sealed the deal?”“
   "Ooh, your defensiveness says otherwise, Y/N,” Kusanagi replied in a sing-song voice.
   You banged your forehead against a wall near your person a few times, mortified beyond belief, “Ughh, you all are like the annoying brothers I never wanted to have.”
   They laughed at that.
   "If we’re all your annoying brothers, does that mean you’re technically dating your own sibling?“
   "Stop it! You know that’s not what I meant, you guys!” you cried out over the continuous guffawing.
   You raised your arms up in surrender, backing away towards the exit, “You know what? I don’t have time for this. You are being mean to me and I have to leave or I’ll be late for my shift, so goodbye, you losers.”
   You almost succeeded in leaving without being stopped, but Kusanagi interrupted in time, “Are you sure you don’t want any of us to come with you? Just to keep you company?”
   Your Clansmen always made sure you had someone to watch over you ever since the incident at the swim shop. They were protective of you and didn’t want to see you get hurt or triggered again, especially considering the awful things you went through in that abandoned warehouse. You understood where they came from, why they did it; however, it got on your nerves sometimes. You loved spending time with others, but the constant attention could encroach on your personal alone time now and then.
   "No, I’ll be good,“ you dismissed in an instant, "I’m a strong, independent young woman who can handle herself, thank you very much.” You stuck your tongue out at him for good measure, still feeling a bit spicy at the moment.
   "Strong independent young woman who still sticks her tongue out at others and pouts like a two-year-old,“ you heard someone say behind you as you left the premises.
   You threw an "I hate you all” glare back at them before strutting down the sidewalk towards the soup kitchen.
   You stopped for a moment, flipping out a pocket mirror, checking if you looked presentable enough. You did (surprise surprise), despite having slept in your clothes and shoes last night because you were so exhausted.
   You didn’t always sleep over at HOMRA, but the debilitating nightmares started making a comeback this week, so you decided to sleep in Mikoto’s comforting embrace that night.
   Nothing out of the normal happened as you continued your way to your workplace, just as you thought…until you got within two blocks of it. Some random person shoulder checked you hard, not even stopping to apologize. You wanted to call the person out, but thought better of it, realizing it wasn’t worth making a scene about. In your daze, however, you failed to notice that the bracelet which inhibited your Strain power was no longer on your wrist.
   Once within a block of the soup kitchen, you took a peek at your wristwatch, finding you had seven minutes left until your shift started.
   'Crap,’ you thought to yourself. Walking your current route would take you at least ten minutes.
   That made you make the split-second decision to take the shortcut when you came to it, desperately not wanting to be late (a decision you regretted later on).
   Your ears picked up the faint whimper of crying as you turned another corner. You pushed down the sinking feeling you had in your gut as you walked through a damp, dark alleyway on your way there, determined to get to your destination in time, hoping your hearing was just playing tricks on you. The crying only got louder, though, as you pressed on, until you came face to face with the person whose sobbing reached your ears.
   The distraught woman was lying on the ground, dress in tatters, shaking like a leaf as a man towered over her small figure, blood dripping off his clenched knuckles. You wondered why no one else had come across the scene, then realized you were much farther into the slums of the city than you originally thought, noticing the rusted NO TRESPASSING sign looming over your head.
   You were lost, and now in real danger, because your body froze at the eerily familiar sight, the image of Rino permeating your mind. You really should’ve taken up Izumo’s offer of having someone come with you.
   You saw the perpetrator raise his fist up in a motion to hit the girl and you lost all sense of control. The distinct snap of a chain breaking above you caught your attention before a large metal safe came crashing down straight onto the man, effectively crushing him beneath it.
  His skull was completely smashed in, the crimson blood leaking out from his cracked skull.
   A blood-curdling scream shook you out of your horrified stupor, turning your gaze to the victim. Her figure shook, then her red eyes caught sight of you in her peripheral vision, fear radiating in her stare. The woman seemed to receive a revelation, for she backed farther into the corner of the alleyway in an effort to put some distance between you.
   She pointed a shaky, accusatory finger at you, “Y-you did that, didn’t you?”
   You reached for your bracelet in a nervous motion, to find that you no longer had it. Your heart stopped. She could very well be telling the truth.
   "I-I don’t know how, b-but you did it! You k-killed him!“ she shrieked at you, causing you to step back in shock, the word "kill” repeating over and over in your brain.
   In a fit of terror, you took off in a sprint, the woman’s screams of murderer bouncing off the concrete walls.
   You had no destination in mind; you only needed to escape the horrific wails and the pooling blood.
   When you finally ran out of breath, you found yourself panting outside your favorite bar: HOMRA, the one place you did not want to go to. Some of the members noticed how pale and frantic your expression was, so they rushed outside to your aid.
   Kusanagi placed a hand on your shoulder, removing it when you jerked away, “Y/N, what happened? What’s the matter?”
   His questioning fell on deaf ears.
   "I need you to l-let them take me in. D-don’t fight them, please,“ you rambled, sounding like you’d gone insane. You knew Scepter 4 would come for you, and you didn’t want your family to get hurt fighting them.
   "Y/N, what on earth are you babbling about? Let’s get you insi-”
   You shook your head furiously, “No, no. I need you to keep Mikoto from-” you licked your lips in nervousness, “from coming after me. I-I deserve to be locked up. O-oh, if you could see the blood, the blood-”
   You were so caught up in your panicked state that you failed to see your King step out of the bar, walking out towards you at a hurried pace.
   "What happened, Y/N?!“
   "He-he’s dead. I-I-” You got cut off by someone grabbing your arms and making you face them.
   Your heart dropped to your stomach when you saw it was Mikoto, “N-no. You can’t b-be here. They’re c-coming.” A stray tear trickled down your cheek as he took your face in his hands in an effort to get you centered.
   "Y/N, look at me,“ your boyfriend commanded in a low, unthreatening tone.
   You almost gave in, but you saw a certain Blue King marching towards your position in the distance, then started going into another frenzied panic.
   "M-Mikoto, th-the screams, the blood. You n-need to let me-” You tried to pry yourself away from him, digging your fingernails into his skin in an effort to do so.
   The Red King realized there was no reasoning or calming you down with words or caresses at this point, so he did the next best thing that he could think of. He hated himself for choosing this moment to do so, but he was desperate. You could hurt yourself if you kept continuing on like this.
   He threaded his fingers into the (h/l) (h/c) above your ears for a better grip then guided you forward until your trembling lips met his own firm ones, catching a taste of your cherry chapstick as he did so.
   Your racing thoughts instantly quieted up, your eyes bugging out of their sockets at the sudden feeling of the foreign touch of his mouth on yours. You caught a whiff of the familiar scent of smoke and your mind became a blank slate as you began to focus on his fervid lips melding into your flaccid ones. You fisted his soft white t-shirt and pulled him closer to you, your skewed emotional state making you as desperate as him, reciprocating his actions. It most certainly was not the way either of you expected to have your very first kiss.
   His thumbs rubbed circles on your cheekbones as more tears leaked from your eyes and he felt Kusanagi tap on his back, causing him to reluctantly remove himself from you, aware of who was coming your way.
   He turned around to meet the hard stare of Reisi Munakata, pressing you into his side in order to give you some sense of protection.
   "We are here to arrest Y/N L/N on suspicion of the murder of Hotaru Kumori. I suggest that you do not interfere.“ The cold, demanding voice left no room for debate or bargain.
   You sensed the anger boiling up in Mikoto’s body, knowing he’d start something soon and it wouldn’t be pretty. So while he was distracted by the other man, you managed to free yourself and walk over to the captain, holding out your hands to be cuffed.
   Seri Awashima clicked the restraining device onto your wrists, a grim expression written into her features.
   "Y/N…” Kusanagi murmured, shocked by your willingness to turn yourself in.
   "Please don’t fight them, guys,“ you pleaded, looking especially at your boyfriend, "I’m not worth it and I deserve whatever’s coming to me.”
   "Mikoto,“ you added, "I want you to tell Anna I-I said goodbye and tell her I-I’m sorry I never got to see that pretty swimsuit on her.”
   You had no idea how much those words broke your family’s hearts.
   You blew a teary kiss over to Mikoto then turned back to the commander, who took you in her grip and escorted you to the cold prison cell that awaited you, the sensation of his warm lips still lingering on yours.
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own the characters, their backstories, or the gif. All credit goes to GoRA and the creator of the gif. I do own the plot and any OCs, however.
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breaktimewritings · 7 years
Warmth II Chapter Four
(( In which this took me far too long to write because my fiance got back from deployment in the middle of writing the chapter and I am a tease. We got up to an Explicit rating in this chapter so be warned! ))
Chapter One I Chapter Two I Chapter Three
The water fizzed against his skin, murky white with the bath bomb’s magic. The warmth of it was heaven, but any effects it was supposed to have on his muscles were lost on him as Belle’s underwear dropped to the floor. He was unable to keep from staring, despite himself. He knew he must look like a man dying of thirst seeing a glass of ice water. Belle didn't seem to mind.
It occurred to him too late that he should have undressed her. Instead, she'd slipped off his tie and jacket and he'd hurried out of his shoes and socks and, he was fairly certain, the rest of his clothes as she filled the tub and dropped the bath bomb in. It was all a blur to him until her hand touched his bare shoulder, guiding him into the tub.
Her skin was pale. Creamy. Gold’s mouth went dry at the sight of it. She was perfection. Her breasts were perky and round and the curve of her back gave way to her buttocks amazingly. He'd never imagined anything could be more glorious than the body of Isabelle French. But then she was moving, stepping towards the tub.
Belle hummed as she stepped in the water. Gold gulped, moving to bring his knees up to give her room.
“No, no. Just sit back.” She said, turning the running water off without so much as looking at the faucet handle.
He followed her instructions, sitting back against the wall of the tub. Belle turned to sit between his legs, her knees drawn up as she settled back against him. There was just enough room for the two of them.
“This okay?” She asked, sitting back against his chest.
It was cramped. Muggy. But Belle’s skin was soft against his and her weight on him was something amazing. It was only when she gave a sigh that he willed his body to relax, little by little, giving in to the sensations of the water and fizzing bath bomb. Eventually, Belle lifted a hand to rest the back of it against his shoulder. It took him a moment before he realized he was supposed to hold it. She squeezed his fingers, her thumb drawing nonsense patterns against his skin. For a long moment, they simply sat there in silence, and Gold let his eyes flutter shut. Isabelle French was naked in a tub with him. This was better than any fantasy he could have ever dreamed up, and so much more intimate than he could have ever known. If nothing else happened that night, he could die a happy man.
“How's your leg?” Belle’s voice came.
It took a moment for His mouth to form the correct words, and he nearly forgot how to speak altogether when her other hand moved to rest on his knee under the water.
“It's fine.” Gold managed. “H-how are you?”
That was a stupid thing to say, but Belle giggled anyway. “I'm perfect.” She shifted, settling more against his back. “I don't get to take baths often. I just don't usually have the time. But when I do I try and use bath bombs. When you told me your leg bothered you when it's too rainy I did research on what would help muscles and bones and bath bombs came up. I tried to make some but it didn't work out so then...oh. I'm babbling again.”
Her hair tickled his chin as he shook his head. He could faintly smell whatever rose perfume she’d worn over the scent of the bath. “I don't mind.”
“Some do.” She began mimicking the patterns she was tracing on his fingers on his bad knee and that action alone made his bones tremble. Gold’s hands itched to touch her, but he had no idea where to start. “I'm glad you don't mind.”
“I like your voice.” Gold found himself saying, the words tumbling out on their own. Belle squeezed his hand again. Gold ran his free one through his hair. “Your accent is nice. And I...oh.”
He'd shifted away, awkwardly trying to not to disgrace himself as he made an attempt to talk to Isabelle French. However, she'd only shifted closer, and Gold blanched as he realized what he'd done.
He'd gone completely hard, and now his member was straining. It practically throbbed, happily sandwiched against Isabelle French’s lower back and his stomach.
“I-I'm sorry.” He said, his entire body freezing.
Belle turned to give him a smile. “You're naked in the bathtub with a woman. It's only natural.”
“A beautiful woman.” Gold corrected.
Her cheeks became a delicious shade of pink, and her look turned sheepish as it had before in the cafe. She moved, and for a moment Gold mourned the loss of her on him until he realized what she was doing. She turned to face him, bringing her legs apart to straddle his lap and sit back on his thighs. Suddenly, everything about his desperate fantasy the night before crashed through his mind, and he was rendered motionless.
“This okay?” Belle asked, because he must have looked like a frightened schoolboy.
He nodded shakily, his body stiff as everything in his mind came to a screeching halt. Isabelle French was naked in a tub with him. Facing him. Smelling of roses and the bath bomb and perfection and his mind had absolutely no way to process that simple fact.
Belle’s eyes never left his as slowly, she leaned forward. There was a moment where she hesitated, her eyes searching his for something. He swallowed. Gathered what little courage he could muster. Inched forward. And suddenly their lips were together.
Kissing was good. Kissing he could do. Kissing he had done. But kissing Isabelle French was something entirely new. Her lips were soft and pliant, practically melting to his. It took him a moment to remember how to kiss properly, and by the time her tongue had traced his lips he was moaning into her mouth. She tasted of the fruity tea she'd drank and the roses of her perfume and something Gold couldn't quite put his finger on. He wasn't as experienced with french kissing, but Belle didn't seem to mind taking the lead. He mimicked her movements, his hands white-knuckled on the sides of the tub. He should move one. That's how it was done, right? He should move his right hand and put it on her waist. Not too low. She'd think he was too forward. Perhaps the small of her back. Or was that too intimate?
An odd sort of strangled yelp echoed through the room, and it took Gold a moment to realize it had come from him. His arm had slid off the side of the tub in his surprise, and his heart stopped when he realized what was happening.
Isabelle French was touching him.
“Are you okay?” She asked, frozen in place. As if she'd done something wrong, laughable as that was.
Realizing how he must look, Gold forced himself to relax. As much as he could, at least. When he was settled back into the tub and felt as if he wouldn't jump out of his own skin he groaned. Her hand was soft. And warm even under the water. His head was foggy with sensations. For a moment, he wasn’t sure that he wasn’t going to finish right then and there. But then Belle shifted, her thumb stroking a wonderful spot below his head and he bit back a groan as that motion grounded him.
“Are you okay?” Belle repeated, her grip loosening
Gold nodded after he was confident the sensations her thumb was bringing wouldn't overtake him. The last thing he wanted to do was make a fool of himself.
“Yes!” He managed, too afraid she’d leave the moment altogether if he didn’t say something. “Just startled.”
Belle’s hand moved again, encircling his shaft and giving his underside a small stroke with her thumb. He whined, his eyes fluttering closed. Her hands were so much better than he could have imagined. Soft and warm and perfect.
“Easy, Gold. Let me take care of you.”
Her tone was teasing, but Gold groaned. He raked his fingers through his hair, practically yanking it out of his scalp. Belle’s lips suddenly met his chest and then neck and jaw until finally she was brushing them against his lips. Gold could have wept with how sweet her hands were as one moved to replace his in his hair and her other continued her ministrations. Her strokes were becoming harder. Firmer. More confident. But never too overwhelming. Her damp fingers raked over his scalp, soothing whatever pain he caused.
Even if she stopped altogether he was fairly certain he could finish off with the memory of her touch alone.
“B-Belle.” Gold eventually croaked, trying to keep the words alive before her thumb moved again and he lost all ability to speak. He wasn’t going to last. He couldn’t. She had to stop or he’d go mad. “I--”
“It's okay.” Belle said, her tone sweet as she brought their lips together in a chaste kiss that demanded he look her in the eye. “Do you know I love the way you listen? The way you let me babble on about everything and are still able to remember everything I said? That you never seem disappointed when I go on for hours about what I adore? Do you have any idea how hard it is not to babble endlessly to my girls about you?”
She ran her tongue over his lips, and any form of protest to the whole bloody situation he had completely died on them. It took his mind a moment to process what she’d said, and she only smiled at his apparent confusion. Finally, Gold shook his head.
“I don't understand what you mean.”
“I LIKE you, Gold.”
His body shook, and Belle’s small surprised voice was the only thing he could comprehend over his orgasm. He’d climaxed by his own hand many times. Too many times. But feeling Belle’s hand and body and hearing her voice and knowing her scent and most of all hearing her voice was something altogether different. As he came down from it, his body went cold with dread. Isabelle French had just said she liked him in her flawless voice, and now he sat there wet and spent with the water between them murky for a completely different reason that the bath bomb had nothing to do with.
“I’m sorry.” Gold said, his eyes glancing over the bathroom, trying to find his escape route.
Belle didn’t move to let him escape, only brought her hands to his legs and traced soothing patterns. “Do you like being touched like that?”
“Very much so.” Gold nodded. He didn’t understand how she was still here after he’d humiliated himself. God, he’d barely touched her. “Let’s...I’ll pay for the room, Isa-- Belle. I...we don’t have to…”
Once again, Belle was looking at him as if she were trying to piece together a puzzle. “Are you leaving?”
He should. After all she LIKED him! He should leave now and be grateful that this was happening at all. But her eyes were boring into him and he found himself unable to move. Finally, Gold shook his head, but this only seemed to confuse Belle more.
“You...you like me. And I like you, Belle. Very much. This...complicates things. Doesn’t it?”
Surely it did. One-night stands didn’t happen if you LIKED each other.
Belle only shrugged. “It doesn't have to.” Seeming to sense his hesitation. She shifted her weight off his legs. “Why don't we dry off and move to the bed?”
Gold nodded, “Yes. Yes good idea.”
She stood, and Gold’s mouth watered anew at the sight of the way the water droplets cascaded over her body. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew some of his disgrace must have gotten on her, and something utterly primal in him adored that. She offered her hand, helping him out and ruffling his hair with a towel before she grabbed one for herself.
Her voice was sweet as she spoke, holding no judgements or pity. “It's been that long, huh?”
“Yes. I'm...sorry.”
“I don't understand how.”
“I'm a...difficult man to love.”
“Hopefully not a difficult one to make love to.”
Belle gave him a wink as she took his hand and guided him out of the bathroom towards the bed, allowing him to lean on her for support.
He was sure making love to him wouldn't be difficult, but all at once a new realization struck him. One that made him stumble as he very nearly froze in his tracks. He'd never be able to please her. Not properly. Not with his experience. This was a bad idea. Had always been a bad idea.
Gold simply could not disappoint Isabelle French. He needed to stop this before he thoroughly disappointed her and she changed her mind about liking him.
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taehyungiesnoona · 6 years
02 | radiance (preview)
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⇢ summary:  You never had a purpose in life. The night you decided to end it all, you encounter a ray of sunshine that makes you question your way of thinking. Jung Hoseok’s smile is the reason you’re decide to give life a try again.  
⇢ pairing: female reader x Hoseok
⇢ genre: angst,soulmate!hoseok
⇢ rating: SFW
⇢ warnings: minimal use of profanity 
⇢ word count : 1.2k
⇢ A/N: adulting has been super rough on my end but i wanted to present you all with a longer preview of the upcoming chapter. working on this is so much fun so i do hope you all enjoy this little preview. let me know what you think. happy reading~
Chapters 01 || 02
»»———— PREVIEW ————-««
“Who the fuck are you?!”
The words coming out your mouth seemed to sting the mysterious man a bit. He brought a hand up to his chest, looking to be appalled by your fowl language.
“Oh my god! That’s quite the mouth you have there.”
You continued to sit there on the ground, awaiting for his response to your rather rude but straightforward question.
“But if you must know, I am your hope. I am your angel…” he made a fluttering motion with both of his fairly large hands. “I’m J-Hope!”
“Your name is J-Hope???”
From the few minutes of encountering this man, it seemed like all you were able to do was arch your brow up at anything that came out of his mouth. You took in his name slowly, trying to decipher if that was what his parents actually named him. Truly unique and even having just met him, was all too fitting. It suited him due to the personality to which he had displayed so far.
“Yes, you can me call me J-Hope. Or Hoseok….whichever you prefer but there’s no fun in that.” He looked down to you once more flashing that gorgeous smile of his.
Your gaze becoming lost in it once more, causing your heart to skip a beat. You had never seen a smile like his before. So pure, innocent and most of all genuine. What was this feeling you were experiencing now? You looked up at him, a bit starstruck as another question fell from your lips.
“What’s your name?”
Almost giving into his question, you began to feel a burning sensation coming from your forearm. Wincing slightly, you jumped back a bit on the ground causing Hoseok to do the same. Refusing to let him know you were in any kind of pain, you swiftly got yourself off the ground and rushed past him, not allowing any further conversation to continue between the two of you.
Your body still feeling extremely weak but in that moment, you had to get away from Hoseok. To stop your heart from beating at the rapid pace it has been going at, and to not think about whatever this burning sensation was. There was no way to really describe the pain you were now suffering from. The closest thing would be the same as placing your hand upon a hot stove. The covered flesh underneath your long sleeve shirt feeling as if it was being severely scalded.
Running as fast as your frail body would allow, you didn’t even care to stop. You could hear Hoseok calling after you several times.
“Hey! Hey, wait!”
For some strange reason, each time he called out to you your body felt like it was being pulled in by his voice. Almost magnetic in a sense. Your willpower though seeming to be greater than the enthralling that was being sent not only to your body, but to your heart. A million thoughts were once again flooded the cramped space that was the inside of your mind. Two things that stuck with you the whole run back home:
Who is he?
What was that back there?
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Slamming the front door shut, you quickly bolted the lock and headed straight for the bathroom. Head spinning in all sorts of directions from the events that took place tonight, you were at a loss of words. How was it that from one moment you were on the verge of ending your life, to everything you once knew being completely thrown upside down? How was it possible for your world to be shaken by a simple smile? A nice gesture that you've seen countless times but never having the effects of this caliber.
Quickly flicking the bathroom light on with your index finger, you made haste to the bathtub and turned the faucet on allowing nothing but steaming hot water to run down. Grabbing the bottle of your favorite body wash, which to you smelt like Christmas, you poured a adequate amount to the water that was now filling up in the tub. Removing the clothing from your body, you dipped your toes into the bath allowing yourself to adjust to the temperature. It felt as that of a hot springs and you could not wait to full immerse yourself in it.
Slowly easing your body down, suds were now clinging onto your bare skin. You stretched your legs in the bath, resting your head on the back of it. It had been sometime since you had take a bath of this much pleasure. Being in the funk that had taken over the last few weeks of your life, you were only able to take really quick, military like showers. During that time all you wanted to do was sleep. Anything else was not too much of importance to you. The depression that was overtaking you, had a tight hold on your daily functions. Now having a bit more control of your state of mind, you made it your priority to get the most relaxation as possible. It had been long overdue.There was no ounce in you that wanted to rush this time you desperately longed. Though your hands were sure to be wrinkled once you got out, it didn't matter.
Your mind was at ease for the first time in weeks. You needed this.
Laying there still in the water for quite some time, you took it upon yourself to sit up and go on to washing your body squeaky clean. The bottle of body-wash still sitting on the ledge where you left it, your reached for it as well as your favorite loofah, the sponge itself being a cute pastel purple with an adorable horse on the top of it. You eyes trailed down your right arm to see something strange, something you never had seen before in your life. Eyes widening in shock, the breath coming out almost being taken away in an instance.
"What the-"
Placed upon your arm was a marking, its resemblance to that of a tattoo was uncanny. The redness still apparent on your skin but what was strange was that there was no pain from sitting in the scalding hot water. Your finger trembling as you slowly went to touch the marking that was now sitting on your forearm. Tracing around its shape with a careful hand, you gazed upon the image that was on your skin.This weird marking that for some reason was now on you was in the shape of a sun. Looking directly at it, you shuddered as if you could feel its radiance intensify on you.
Your instincts taking over immediately, you dip your arm into the hot water and begin to scrub against it with your loofah. Washing away at it, water splashing a bit on the floor, you grit your teeth as your motions become more intense. More furious. Clearly thinking that it would just rinse off your skin, you bring back your arm up only to prove yourself wrong.
“Aaahhh!” The frustration that was pent up inside you was now out.
There it was still, unbothered at all. Gazing intently onto it, you noticed that it looked as if it were a birthmark of some sort now, truly looking to be one with the flesh of your arm now. Once again becoming lost in the midst of your thoughts, you leaned closer in while you continued to examine it carefully. The beating from your heart thumping hard against the walls of your chest, an image coming to you.
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