knuttydraws · 8 months
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Eyy, Satinalia exchange gifts reveal! (it happened on Wednesday but shhh I'm a busy woman) Part 1: Modern AU, lumberjack style Blackwall cuddles for Mersailia (@fanfictionamerica) ❤ Check the whole collection here!
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kittynomsdeplume · 2 years
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Proud to be able to share what I'd been working on leading up to Christmas - my entries for the BTV Satinalia gift exchange.
Highly recommend you go and check out the entire collection, this fandom is so wildly talented, not to mention generous.
For my assignment, I ended up writing a mostly fluffy Anders/Hawke piece for @fanfictionamerica. I don't know that anyone had difficultly figuring out my identity during the anonymous stage of the exchange, I was pretty blatant about putting a feather chewing cat in this fic 😅
I'll crawl home to her
Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 2595 Pairing: Anders/Kiara Hawke Summary: Anders doesn't want to celebrate Satinalia. There are so many other, far more important matters that need his attention. Why would he waste his precious time with such feckless frivolity?
Hawke has other ideas.
Preview: Anders thumbs through the loose pages of his manifesto, the light of a single candle dancing across the parchment. Beyond the warmth of this candle and the calm of his now empty clinic, Darktown lingers. An ever present pit of misery that roils and presses, not merely at the borders of his physical space, but against his consciousness. 
When he works; when he writes; when he lies restless in his bed. Always he can hear the endless sounds of suffering in the dark. The piteous cries of hungry children. The coughs and moans caused by the unrelenting diseases that sweep mercilessly through these wretched denizens, cast down here in abject desperation. Most infuriating of all though, is the occasional and abrupt sounds of violence, as petty criminals prey on those with little left to give but their lives.
This has been the chorus of his life for years now. An unceasing wail of despair. When he first came to Kirkwall he had such hope. Hope that he could make even the smallest of difference. Rationally, he knows that he has helped the citizens; has nursed many of them back to health and cured their ailments. On a broader scale however, he feels nothing but failure.
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fanfictionamerica · 6 years
A Love That Defies (Tony Stark x GN!Reader)
Title: A Love That Defies
Author: @fanfictionamerica (writing blog of @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel )
Pairing: Tony Stark/Iron Man x Reader (Modern!Guardian Angel AU)
Warnings: Mild language and violence, mention of a panic attack, some angst
Word count: 5,434 (whoopsie, ended up being my longest fic yet)
Tagline: A Guardian Angel’s job is never easy. But when your human charge is Tony Stark and messy feelings come into the mix, the job gets...problematic.
A/N: This is for the sweet @flatbottomholland 's Marvel Writing Challenge (apologies for taking so long). My song was Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello. While this is not a songfic, the fanfic was heavily influenced by it. This fic takes place in the MCU but where angels and demons exist. It is after The Avengers but before Iron Man 3. I should also let you know that this is my first time writing a gender-neutral reader and writing a Tony Stark fanfic, so I hope I did alright! I will be adding at least one other part to this story as well, so no worries.
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       Tony was finally ready. He'd gotten all the ingredients and done almost all the rituals to summon as the weird, old tablet called it a "being of mighty, awesome power" with "wings of light." Bruce warned him it wouldn't go well, but Tony's curiosity needed satisfaction now.        He took a deep breath in, then spoke the final words, “Oh guardian of spirits, warrior of the heavens, I call upon you to show yourself here on this earth. And please don't make me repeat those ridiculous words.” Tony knew he sounded like a complete idiot, but thankfully, no one else was in his house at present.        He waited five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds. Nothing happened. Tony looked back at the inscription translated on his screen, searching for errors.        All of a sudden, a resounding crash came through the ceiling to his workshop. The superhero jumped out of his skin, aiming his repulsors at whatever the hell just fell through his roof.        A loud groan of pain pierced through the dust-filled room as Tony edged toward the crash site.        “What in heaven's name just happened?”        The dust finally cleared to reveal the source of the voice: a being Tony could only describe as... "An angel, seriously? I should've known.”
       Your superiors told you choosing him as your first human was a bad idea. They said he grow up to be too dysfunctional and too egotistical for you to be of any help to him. Too broken, too imperfect. Not to mention the factor of his status as a "hero." The chief angels called you crazy. They thought something had gone wrong with you. "You’re making it harder on yourself," they said. The more flawed, the more "heroic" the human charge, the more difficult and more time-consuming a guardian angel's job became.        You could care less. Everyone had flaws (including angels, despite what your superiors said), some more than others. That didn't justify not protecting them from evil or helping them in their times of need. Besides, the angels who told you such things were a bunch of stuck-up bums who couldn't see good if it hit them right in the face.        That being said, you felt less than amused and more than a little pissed to find yourself sprawled out in the middle of Tony's workshop after surviving a hellish fall through Earth's atmosphere.        Your body screamed in torment so your mouth could not resist letting out a guttural groan of pain.        “What in heaven's name just happened?” you asked, sitting up while rubbing your aching muscles.        You'd been sitting in heaven, minding your own business when you suddenly felt yourself falling through the atmosphere with no way to stop.        Your powerful energy protected you from burning up as you fell, but in the process made you black out from the drain on your systems.        You saw a figure inching closer to you. Your blurry vision had a hard time making them out. But as the figure drew closer, your mind went into panic mode when you recognized them as your first human, Tony freakin' Stark.        He gaped at you then said in a disappointed tone, “An angel, really? I should've known.”        You shot him an offended look, then snapped back, “So sorry to disappoint the great Tony Stark. I'll try harder next time I get involuntarily summoned to Earth.”        And that was the start of your fascinating visit on Earth.
Two months after the summoning:        “Can I see your wings again?”        You glared at the persistent scientist. “No. You plucked a feather out of one the last time, and it hurt.”        “Oh come on, don't be stingy. You grew it back.” He flashed a boyish smile your way, causing you to scowl even more.        “If I hadn't been worried about hurting you, I would've smacked you in the head with that wing.”        Tony put a hand to his heart in fake offense. “I give you food, I give you shelter, and this is the kind of treatment I get?”        You sighed. “I'm grateful, but you're the reason I'm down here in the first place, Tony. Excuse me if I don't feel bad for wanting to smack you in the head just one time.”        Tony furrowed his brows then walked over to you and put a hand on your head. “Do you have a fever or something? Because you're a bit grumpier than usual.”        If it were any other person, you might've snapped. But you knew Tony. His words conveyed concern, despite the terrible phrasing he used. He wasn't wrong, either. You had been more on edge lately, for more reasons than one (but you wouldn't tell him that).        You took a step back and turned your head away from Tony, avoiding his penetrating stare.        “I am, I am running low on energy, that's all. Being away from home takes a toll on me,” you tried reassuring him, yet still not meeting his gaze.        A rare moment of silence passed between you two before your charge replied, “Alright Clarence, don't get your halo in a twist. You should go get what we humans call some "food." It's SO good, and you're just not you when you're hungry.”        Tony's sassy words caught you off guard, and you looked back over at him in shock. But before a retort could leave your mouth, Tony tossed a small object towards you. Your reflexes reacted in an instant and caught the object in your hand. Let's say you were less than shocked when you read the label: Snickers.        “You couldn't resist, could you? You must think you're SO hilarious.”        “Because I am.” The cocky billionaire's lips formed into that infamous smirk of his before he turned around and finally went back to tinkering with another suit.        You breathed a sigh of relief as he did so, the built-up tension leaving your body.        You see, the last few months with Tony had been eventful. You found out that he had discovered a long-lost Divine tablet, the primary purpose being to summon an "all-powerful being with wings of light." Of course, Tony with his insatiable curiosity, couldn't leave it alone and ended up summoning you, his guardian angel.        You were furious. You couldn't protect your human charge like before. Following a superhero around with no invisibility would not work out for multiple reasons. You refused to talk with Tony out of anger for a few hours. Of course, that didn't last, though. He poked and prodded you for answers, and you eventually gave in, not having the will or patience to stay silent.        You only told Tony what he needed, however. That you were his guardian angel and that you needed to get back to your home sooner rather than later. You didn't tell him the reason for the urgency. He didn't need to know that you ran the risk of being killed by a demon in your weakened state the longer you stayed or that you could be cast out of the heavens for associating with your charge.        “I still wanna see those wings of yours again,” Tony interrupted your thoughts with the same request he had the first time around.        “Tony, I already told you no,” you admonished the persistent scientist, crossing your arms in front of you.        He said nothing in reply, just giving you a carefree smile as he started walking out of his workshop.        A suspicious feeling crept over you at his lack of protest, so you quickly followed Tony up the stairs and into the living room.        “What are you up to, Tony? You're not gonna bug me about not letting you see my wings again?”        “No.” He didn't even turn around to look at you, still walking towards the back of his house.        “Tony...”        The mischievous genius pressed a few keys on a window, which opened it up to the porch outside. He stepped through it before showing you another less-than-innocent grin, then walked toward the edge of the porch.        You followed after him, stepping out onto the porch. The moment you did so, though, Tony faced you, gave you a little wave, and took one giant step backward onto nothing but air.        Your heart lurched in your throat as your legs immediately went into action, and your wings flashed into existence. You jumped off of the porch with hands reached out in front of you.        The man was already on his way to crashing into the ocean below, so you brought your wings in more as you dove and increased your streamlining.        Tony looked utterly relaxed as he fell, a smirk on his lips when he saw you racing after him. But his proximity to the water should've scared him.        Your heart pounded in your ears as you strained your arms reaching for Tony. You mustered up one last burst of energy, snatching up one of Tony's hands in yours just before he hit the water.        “What in the world were you thinking, Tony Stark? You could've gotten killed!” you shouted.        “I wanted to see your wings,” he said as if that was the most normal thing in the world.        “Besides,” he continued in a confident tone, “I knew you'd catch me. You're my guardian angel after all.”        For some reason, a warm feeling spread through your chest at his words. You began to feel slightly embarrassed again, so you hauled Tony up into your arms bridle style so he wouldn't notice.        “Looks like you're my angel in shining armor, too.” He winked up at you.        Your mouth twitched upward in spite of yourself. “I'm still angry with you, despite your attempt at charming me.”        “Then the smile you had was just my imagination.”        “Definitely.” With that final word, you took Tony back up to the house, that warm feeling still fluttering in your chest.
Four months after summoning:        The metallic stench of blood wafted up your nose as you lay on the pavement, battered and bruised.        “Pathetic angel. Did you honestly think you could defeat a demon like me in your weakened state?”        The demon stood over you and stabbed his jagged blade back into your wounded shoulder. A raw scream of pain left your mouth, but you still struggled to free yourself from the demon.        The evil being gave you an unimpressed, disgusted look. “You still fight, bird-human? Why?”        Despite the piercing agony you felt, you still managed to croak some words at him, “Because I, agh, have something worth fighting for. Also, I really want to try some, damn it hurts, shawarma. I've heard great things about it.”        The truth was, you were trying your best at keeping the demon away from Tony and the bystanders. The superhero didn't need an invisible enemy attacking him in the middle of his fight. He was battling some domestic terrorists who used alien technology to generate fear and take advantage of innocent people, so he needed all of his attention focused on them.        He had also trusted you enough to let you come on the condition that you stayed away from the main battle. You were upset about that, but he hadn't ever seen you fight before. So you agreed (begrudgingly) to staying behind. Thank goodness he did, or people might've gotten hurt. The demon may have been after Tony, but they didn't care about other humans in their way. They were considered collateral damage by the devil.   ��    The demon growled. “So you're stupid as well, angel. Can't you see that humans aren't worth your life? They are insects compared to you, yet you protect them.”        You gave him a bloodied, smug smile. “Mmm, I'd get bored otherwise, gargoyle.”        “You won't be so witty as I kill the other humans and then your human as I make you watch.” The rusty blade was removed from your shoulder, making you bite your lip in an attempt to keep from screaming again.        The demon raised his sword above his head, activating its Hellfire. Your eyes widened, and your heartbeat sped up. There was only one reason that he'd activate his power: to cut off your wings.        You tried to crawl away, but he stepped on your knee, and you heard the sickening crack of bone breaking.        You cried out, but you still crawled in spite of the agony perforating your body. You had to, for Tony.        This time he stepped on your other knee, effectively trapping you on the rough concrete.        “Prepare to-”        “Do us all a favor and stop with the terrible monologue. You just don't have the voice for it.” The familiar, pleasant voice of your charge interrupted the demon.        Your head snapped in the direction of the voice to find Tony standing a few feet away from you with his helmet off, his right repulsor aimed directly at the fiend's head.        The demon froze in shock, dropping his weapon.        The first thought that came to your mind was how in the world could he see and hear the demon? The second and more prevailing thought that came to you was Tony's safety.        You managed a hoarse warning. “Tony, get away!”        The hero kept his ground, actually stepping closer to the enemy. “Can't do that, Y/N. He's hurt my guardian angel.”        He gave you a wink before shooting his repulsor straight at the demon's face without blinking before they could react.        All that was left of his face after the blast consisted of his horns. The body promptly turned into dust, as all demons do when they die.        “You're such an idiot.” You sighed, before you fell into a coughing fit, golden blood leaking from your lips.        He rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance. “The idiot that just saved your life.”        With that, he scooped you up in his arms, careful not to jostle your injured body.        “My human in shining armor, how sweet...” you said as you drifted off from the pain, safe in the arms of your hero.
Six months after summoning:        “You aren't gonna dance, Y/N?”        You flashed Rhodey a dismissive smile.        “No, I'm good. I'm a terrible dancer anyway.”        The lieutenant colonel gave you a skeptical look and then said, “Or maybe it has something to do with the person you want to dance with is currently taken.”        You crossed your arms and avoided Rhodey's gaze. “Has absolutely nothing to do with it, absolutely nothing.”        The lieutenant colonel raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, doing a terrible job at hiding a smirk. “Whatever you say, Y/N.”        He walked off to talk with some of the other guests, making you breathe a sigh of relief. You didn't need another person bringing up feelings.        Lately, your mortal body would react in the most uncontrollable ways just thinking about Tony. The symptoms got worse whenever you were near him. You didn't feel like eating. You couldn't sleep even though your human body needed it. Your words would fail you, your brain becoming a jumbled mess. It felt like someone had injected you with a drug that wouldn't leave your system no matter what. Honestly, you considered not going to this charity ball because of the upheaval your body was going through.        It started around the time Tony saved you from the demon. After he snooped around in angel lore, he found out that the primary duty of a guardian angel was protecting their human from demons. Researching further, the engineer figured out your weakness and decided he'd create some technology using the biological components of that feather he took from you in case you needed backup. The scientist didn't tell you in so many words, but you knew he did it because he cared about you.        He visited you in the private SHIELD hospital room he'd gotten you almost every day. He'd crack jokes, update you on finding a way to get you back to heaven. It felt so nice to be cared for, especially by someone you'd spent so much time doing the same for. You got to see that beautiful heart of his firsthand, feel his hand on your shoulder, have him looking at you instead of through you. Your head denied feeling anything, but your heart screamed at you that you were and that there was nothing you could do.        “Care to dance, Y/N?” a boyish, yet smooth voice interrupted your dangerous thoughts.        Your heart fluttered in your chest, recognizing the voice of the very man you had just been thinking about.        You slowly turned around, finding Tony holding out his hand with that famous flirtatious grin of his adorning his lips.        “Of, of course.” You gave him your best smile, hoping he didn't notice your nervousness.        “Good. That saves me from having to drag you onto the dance floor.”        You shot a glare over at him, but the smile still on your face betrayed how you really felt. You snatched up the millionaire's hand in yours and guided him to the dance floor, praying he wouldn't notice your sweaty palms.        Tony took you by the waist and drew you in closer, gently swaying you to the mellow beat of the music.        However, once he pulled you closer, you felt a gush of fear and panic overcome you. These feelings, they weren't yours. They were Tony's.        You gave him a look of concern, noticing his paling skin and the sweat dripping down his face. Soon you began to feel a slight tremble in his hands. You knew what was happening, and it'd be worse in front of other people.        Your smile turned into a worried frown. “You're in no shape to dance, Tony Stark. I'm taking you outside.”        Not giving him any time for protesting, you dragged him outside into the garden by the enormous hall.        “What are you doing? Y/N, I'm fine.” Even as he said it, you felt his trembling get worse than it was before.        You took a deep breath and took him in your arms, not caring how embarrassed you were at the moment.        “Tony, you're not alright. But I'm here for you until you're ready to let me go. I got you, nothing can hurt you here,” you mumbled into his ear, rubbing a hand in circles on his back.        A moment of silence passed before he spoke in a shaky voice, “One of the reporters started talking about the Battle of New York, asking me all sorts of questions about what happened. I felt fine until I looked down at the dark floor and I was back in that wormhole, falling to my death.”        “I'm here to catch you, Tony. I won't let you die.” You held him a little tighter.        “Take a deep breath in, one two three four.” You felt his chest rise in response. “Then let it out, one two three four.” His breath tickled your ear as he let it out.        For ten minutes, you continued with this exercise, encouraging Tony to breathe and holding him in your embrace. Only once you felt the tension in his body release and his heart rate slow back down did you let your charge go.        “Whadda ya say we ditch this party and go have some real fun? Stop playing it safe and lose control?” Tony interjected, wanting a break from all the stress of the party.        Part of you wanted to tell him no, knowing those feelings brewing inside you would only grow stronger each moment you spent with the mechanic.        The better part of you told you your feelings didn't matter at this moment. Tony needed a distraction to help him recover, and you'd be damned if you'd abandon him in his moment of need.        You took your hand in his and simpered. “Let's go do just that. I've been itching to get out of here ever since I had someone sneeze on me...twice. I've never been more disgusted.”        Tony cringed in sympathy. “Agreed. What do you say about going on a night fly together? Haven't seen those gorgeous wings in a while.”        Your eyes turned downwards for a moment, slightly flustered by his offhanded compliment.        Then you met his gaze again with a twinkle in your eyes. “Why not? They've been in need of some stretching.”        A look of fake shock crossed the millionaire's face. “What, you don't do angel yoga?”        You rolled your eyes with a smile on your lips. “Funny, very funny.”        Letting your hand go, Tony took a mock bow. “Thank you.”        You resisted another eye roll, taking a step away and holding out your arms, gesturing for him to climb in them. “I can fly you to your house if you want, be faster than driving.”        “I don't know; you said someone sneezed on you. I don't need a cold, can't make as many suits,” the man ruminated, putting a hand to his chin in thought.        An unimpressed look formed on your face. Tony knew you couldn't get sick, being an angel. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer, Tony. Take it or leave it.”        He slowly wrapped an arm around your neck and draped himself into your waiting arms. “You know I can't resist being in the arms of my angel in shining armor.”        Instead of annoying you, the nickname brought about that familiar fuzzy feeling you'd been trying to avoid earlier.        “Not that nickname again,” you half-heartedly complained, hoping he didn't notice your lack of committal.        With that, you took off into the night sky and set out for Tony's house. The air might have been cold, but your heart was warm as you glided with Tony in your arms, a childlike smile that could light up the world adorning his face. For one moment, everything was right in the world.
Eight months after summoning:        No. It couldn't be. You couldn't believe it. There it stood, though, the Mark of the Damned. The pain the Mark gave you served as another confirmation.        You could pretend that you didn't know why it was there, but both your mind and heart knew. You had violated the most sacred rule of guardian angels, falling in love with your human charge.        You thought avoiding Tony would help, but it only made it worse. You missed him terribly, and it broke your heart to see him with such a sad look in his eyes.        “What is that, Y/N?”        You damn near jumped off the floor in surprise, forgetting that you had left the bathroom door open.        “Nothing you need to worry about, Tony,” you replied in a dismissive tone, pulling your shirt back over the Mark.        You saw the man cross his arms in the mirror, very clearly not satisfied with your lackluster answer.        “Deflecting is my style, not yours. A burn isn't "nothing." You're hiding something, and I wanna know what.”        You sighed, pinching your nose in frustration. “Tony, knowing might make you do something stupid or dangerous. I can't tell you.”        The hurt in his expression made your heart lurch. “Can't tell me or won't?”        You bit your lip to keep tears from falling and tried to leave the bathroom. The emotions in the room were suffocating you. However, Tony stepped in front of you and blocked the only exit, effectively trapping you.        You kept your gaze straight ahead, knowing if you met those beautiful brown eyes that you'd fall apart.        “Please move, Tony. I want out,” you pleaded, desperate to get away from him again.        “No, you can't keep running away from me, Y/N,” he replied tersely. “I'm not leaving till I get answers.”        You crossed your arms, trying to provide yourself with a kind of comfort. “What if I told you that if I revealed why I have this Mark, you'd be in danger from my superiors? Beings who are infinitely more powerful than me?”        Tony scoffed. “I've fought angry gods and homicidal aliens before. I can take on a few self-righteous halo-wearers.”        You finally looked over at him, a desperate and sad look in your eyes. “No, Tony, it's not the same. They can erase your memory or cause great injury to you. Not to mention that your technology won't work on them; they're too strong.”        You could tell that Tony didn't look the least bit swayed or bothered by what you just said.        “Does it look like I care?” he said in a matter-of-fact voice. “Just because your job is to protect me doesn't mean you can stop me from protecting you. I wanna know who hurt you.”        You broke eye contact again and looked down at the floor. Telling him would almost certainly reveal your feelings. You didn't want him to find out, but you couldn't half-ass the explanation or tell him a white lie. He wasn't stupid, and you weren't the best liar.        A moment passed before you let out a shaky breath and dived right into the explanation, Tony's expectant eyes on you. “It's called the Mark of the Damned. You get it for disobeying the most binding Guardian Angel rule.”        “And what is that?” His stare seemed to be boring into your soul at this point.        Tears welled up in your eyes, but you managed to keep them in before you said in a small voice, “Never fall in love with a human.”        You omitted the stipulation that it was falling in love with your chosen human that got you in the most trouble. You were hoping to keep Tony from finding out about your feelings for him a little longer.        “…I see. Is it the mailman who dropped packages off here as an excuse to see you or the person who kept flirting with you at the charity ball?”        You bit your lip again and shook your head. “No, Tony. None of them. Think closer to home.”        Tony asked in a strained voice, “Is it Rhodey? Because I could see why.”        “No, Tony. Not him.” You finally looked up into those warm brown eyes of his, shocked by the pain you saw hiding in them. “Who's the person who never gave up on trying to get me home? Who's the person who told me to let go of control and enjoy life? Who's the person that took care of me when I nearly died? Who's the person that risked their life for mine against an unknown enemy?”         Your lips stretched into a bittersweet smile. Then those tears you'd been holding back started pouring from your eyes like rain from storm clouds. “You see, I could try to run from you, but I realize now that it's useless. Being with you has changed my life, and I'll never be the same.”        Tony stood there in shock, finding himself speechless (which was rare).         Your heart pounded in your ears, your body shaking. After a few seconds, you couldn't take it anymore. You ducked under one of Tony's arms and started walking in the direction of the front door.        However, just as you reached out for the door handle, you felt his calloused hand grab your wrist and spin you around. Before you could shout out in surprise, your lips were covered by the touch of another pair of lips. Your eyes bugged out of your head for a moment, not believing that it was Tony kissing you. Your brain couldn't compute.        The man pulled away before you got a chance to respond in kind. Then he laughed a little at the bug-eyed expression written on your face. “I thought you said no more running away, Y/N.”        The shocked expression on your face melted into a joyful smile, momentarily forgetting about the danger. You replied in a tearful voice, “Yeah, I know. I'm a nervous, confused ball of energy right now, okay?”        Tony raised an eyebrow. “Confused? How can an "a being of mighty, awesome power with wings of light" be confused?”        You let out a nervous laugh. “Being suddenly kissed by someone will do that to any being, powerful or not.”        He stuck his hands in his pockets and tilted his head in puzzlement. “Does it really surprise you that I would like you back?”        “Yes, it really does,” you said in a resigned manner. “You've known me less than a year, Tony. You're a human; I'm an angel. I could get you hurt.  Besides, part of me hoped that you didn't like me back. It would've made leaving you easier.”        Tony opened his mouth to refute you, but then your last words registered.        “Leaving you? What's that supposed to mean?”        You backed away from Tony, walking toward the front door.        “The Mark is burning, Tony. Those superiors I told you about, they're coming to take me back to the heavens. I have to stand trial for my crimes.” You attempted a happy smile, but it turned into a bitter one. “And I can't let you be near me when they do.”        “What do you mean by that?” You saw Tony take a step towards you, probably planning on stopping you. However, you couldn't have him doing that. So you raised your hand and used what little power you had left to halt his progress completely.        Tony made an effort to move forward but found himself unable to do so.        He gave you a look of disbelief and betrayal. “This is how it is, then. You'll leave, and you won't let me protect you.”        “I'm your guardian angel, after all, not the other way around.” You sent him one last smile with one final tear gleaming in your eye. Then you stepped out of the millionaire's house and flew up into the sky, not once looking back.        You enjoyed the feel of the breeze through your wings, knowing it would most likely be the last time you experience it. Almost as if on cue, you felt a great power surge, and warrior angels appeared in front of you with weapons at the ready.        “Do not resist, Y/N,” one of them commanded, “Or things will end-”        “Badly for me. Yes, I know.” You sighed in annoyance. “I'll come willingly.”        You held out your hands, waiting for the handcuffs.        They gave you a skeptical look, then one of them clasped the handcuffs around your wrists in a cautious manner. They subsequently flew on either side of you, and each took a shoulder of yours in their grasp before you all flashed back to Heaven's Court of Judgement.        You were standing in front of a vast assembly of angels, all with varying looks of disgust, disappointment, or sadness.        The room grew silent as the honorable Judge sat down in their throne with a grave expression on their face.        “Here before you stands the accused, Y/N of the lowest choir of angels. The charges against them: Letting a human summon them and defying the Guardian Angel's most sacred rule. Their possible sentence: banishment from Heaven. Y/N, do you wish to defend yourself against the charges?”        “No,” you stated in a resolute tone.        The Judge's frown lines deepened. “Do you realize the graveness of your situation, Y/N? If you do not offer up any explanation for your grievous transgressions, you will be found guilty and thrown from the sky, in which you have no guarantee that you'll survive the fall.”        Your hands shook, but you managed looked up into the other angel's eyes with a steely gaze. “I have nothing I should be ashamed of, so I don't see the need to explain myself to you or anyone else. If that deems me guilty, then so be it. If loving another is what kills me, then I'll die gladly.”        You were a bit dramatic, but you needed their focus on you. The pain you'd go through didn't matter, despite your fear of it. You'd do anything to keep them from hurting Tony. Besides, what better way to keep them distracted than by telling the truth?        “So be it, Y/N of the Guardian Angels,” the Judge replied in cold, apathetic tone. “With your blatant disregard for the rules and complete lack of penance, I find you guilty of all charges. Your punishment shall be banishment from Heaven and the pain that the fall shall bring about.”        No sound could be heard as the warrior angels grabbed you again and guided you over to the Banishment Gateway. You felt the icy coldness of fear creeping in your veins, but it wasn't nearly as powerful as you expected it to be. That warm feeling of love Tony gave you countered the fear's effects, made you feel safe.        Even as you felt yourself being thrown from Heaven, fading out and burning as you fell through Earth's atmosphere, you knew that love was all worth it in the end.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Tony Stark or other Marvel characters and their stories. Gif belongs to the creator.
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handers-time · 3 years
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Hi everyone, hope you’re having a fantastic day! The deadline is passed, and  the Handers gift exchange has officially come to an end!
Twenty-nine of you beautiful souls signed up to exchange gifts, and with the aid of a further five participants who contributed treats, we produced a whopping fifty five Handers gifts for each other. The AO3 Anders/Hawke tag - which has existed since 2011 - has a total of 4,213 items posted to it, which means that collectively this fic exchange is a little over one percent (1.31% to be precise) of all Handers items posted over the last ten years. Congratulations all around!
I’ve compiled a list of all the amazing gifts shared over the course of this exchange, but before I share it I just wanted to go through some AOB:
A huge thank you readers, artists, writers, commenters, shy people who left an anonymous kudos and people who ALL CAPSED AT LENGTH on tumblr about a particular gift. It’s people like you who make the Handers fandom a fun, hectic, frequently explicit but mostly supportive environment, and as the exchange moderator, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the enthusiasm. This exchange could not have gone ahead without you and I’d love to thank you all for your hard work, enthusiasm and cheerleading - you’ve made this exchange a joy to run. A round of applause for you - you deserve it!
All that remains is for you to read and enjoy all the badass works of art produced for this exchange - and don’t forget to comment on any gifts you received, as per the rules at the exchange sign-ups: “You must comment on any gift written for you. For a full gift, this should be a comment of at least 3 lines in length. “
Finally, I’d just like to remind you all that the AO3 collection will be open for another two weeks for any additional treats you feel like writing! The prompt list is available here as always.
With that said, here is the list of gifts! Please note all warnings on original AO3 headers.
F!Handers Gifts
Title: The Deep Sea of Sorrow by @noire-pandora for @highwayphantoms (Mature) Summary: "The Siren’s Call "sloshed through the dark teal waves, the water foaming and bubbling around it as the sails bellied under the push of the wind, rushing it away from Kirkwall.
Title: The Dangers of Rosewood by @kittynomsdeplume for @dismalzelenka (Explicit) Summary: Anders closes the rickety door of his clinic, bolting it behind him.
Title: Home by @highwayphantoms for faerieninja1337 (General Audiences) Summary: Hawke realizes she’s bleeding only after the last templar in the room is down.
Title: I'm not a kitten, I need a purramedic by @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold for @dismalzelenka(Explicit) Summary: Anders has had worse days, but fuck if he can remember any of them at the moment.
Title: Pour Away the Ocean by @kittynomsdeplume for @noire-pandora  (Teen) Summary: Varric picks his way over the littered shore, the ground strewn with pieces of broken ships and cargo.
Title: Lionheart by @dismalzelenka for @fanfictionamerica (Mature) Summary: Anders idly picks cat hair off of his sleeves and wonders with a wry smile if Kiara would be opposed to taking in a cat.
Title: Sing a Promise of Our Future by @protect-him for @brightningstar(General Audiences) Summary: If choosing to run from Kirkwall with Anders had been easy, living on the run certainly hadn’t been, though Anders made all things easier.
Title: The Silence That Follows by @dismalzelenka for @noire-pandora (Teen) Summary: She left him at Weisshaupt to run an errand.
Title: I Have A (Terrible) Plan by @fanfictionamerica for @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold (Teen) Summary: “I swear, if they don’t kiss, fuck, or go out on at least one date within the next week, I’m going to lock them in the supply closet until they do,” Fenris seethed, throwing away an empty cup with more vigor than usual.
Title: Collision by @dismalzelenka for @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold (Explicit) Summary: The end of autumn always came with the scent of fresh hay and bonfires, and Journey thought she could probably appreciate both of those things just fine in another life.
Title: Root and Branch by little-abyss for Headwig1010 (General Audiences) Summary: Soft linen, worn softer still. The tiny stitches, their colour faded now, the shapes they make wrought with precision.
M!Handers Gifts
Title: All you need is love and a cat. Or two or ten by @factorykat for @elfsidian  (General Audiences) Summary: Mornings within the estate were a rare beauty; a diamond found amongst the ugliness barely contained by harsh, jet stone walls.
Title: Not Enough Days in Forever by @factorykat for @pinkfadespirit (Mature) Summary: It used to take more effort to fully rouse him from a dead sleep.
Title: Justice is Hard (Art) by @samsnak for @ser-thirst-a-lot  (Explicit) Summary: A gift for the wonderful and amazing Ser Thirst A Lot, based on your second prompt! Animated and rendered in Blender Cycles. Hawke, Anders, room, and furniture models extracted by me.
Title: Blood Honey by Headwig1010 for @goth-surana (Teen) Summary: "Just so we're clear, I don't care about magic or mages, just do your jobs for me, quietly, and we'll have no problems, got it?"
Title: Into the Night (art) by @laniardraws for @storybookhawke (Explicit) Summary: Just Anders and Emir Hawke having some quality time together. In Hawke's bedroom. As usual.
Title: The People Will Talk by @goth-surana for @samsnak (General Audiences) Summary: Merrill was more observant than people gave her credit for.
Title: Problems by @thethirdamell for @un-shit-yourself  (Mature) Summary: Anders didn’t think about it at first.
Title: Untitled by @factorykat for @midnightprelude (Teen) Summary: It might have been peaceful if it weren’t for the tense silence, the sort that often fell before a terrible calamity, or like the fear-inducing nothingness he used to associate with nights inside the walls of Kirkwall.
Title: Days of Future, Days of Past by little-abyss for @faux-fires Summary: Hawke can’t suppress a laugh, as he looks across the classroom, all the students watching him avidly.
Title: Emir Hawke & Anders Embrace (Art) by @laniardraws for @storybookhawke  (Teen) Summary: My second art for @handers-time.
Title: With Bells On by @midnightprelude for @morganlefaye79 (Teen) Summary: Garrett had once thought the hardest part of going on a date with Anders would be asking the man in the first place.
Title: Duet on Ice (Art) by @storybookhawke for @thefoxinboots (General Audiences) Summary: Hawke, an accomplished solo figure skater, gets the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform a duet dance with Anders, a figure skater he's admired from across the rink.
Title: Last Waltz by @pinkfadespirit for @lesetoilesfous (Mature) Summary: The throne room of the Viscount’s Keep had been transformed.
Title: Blood Mage Hawke (Art) by @elfsidian for @verifiedhawke (Teen) Summary: I had sooo much fun drawing this one, thanks y’all for the opportunity!
Title: No Cure (for L'amor) (Art) by @rusted-pipe-of-wisdom for @lesetoilesfous (Teen) Summary: Handers - a dancing AU (spoiler: it's a tango move because of course it is).
Title: Tomorrow by @dismalzelenka for @faux-fires (Teen) Summary: Anders promises himself he isn't going to cry.
Title: Inquisitor!Hawke (Art) by @pinkfadespirit for @factorykat (General Audiences) Summary: What’s that strange glowing mark on Wyatt Hawke’s hand?
Title: Fancy dress (Art) by @laniardraws for @rusted-pipe-of-wisdom (General Audiences) Summary: My extra gift drawn for @handers-time gift exchange. For @rusted-pipe-of-wisdom, who requested Anders in a fancy dress!
Title: Breaking the Bed (Art) by @thefoxinboots for @factorykat (Explicit) Summary: One of the requests was for either an Inquisitor Hawke or Anders AU with the note; "Bonus points if they get to break in that big ass bed in the Inquisitor's chambers lol.", and I ran with it.
Title: What Tomorrow Brings by @brightningstar for @faux-fires (General Audiences) Summary: For Garrett Hawke it was a usual day, like every day until he came back to the estate and saw Anders sitting on the bed in their bedroom they shared since Anders moved in together with Hawke.
Title: Breakfast in Bed (Art) by @kemvee for @morganlefaye79 (General Audiences) Summary: Anders is right about a lot of things. Unfortunately his choice of breakfast cereals leaves something to be desired.
Title: Spread Hawk (Art) by @laniardraws for @ser-thirst-a-lot (Explicit) Summary: If you ask Anders what he's doing, his most frequent answer, beside “fighting for mage rights” and “healing poor in Darktown”, would be “Hawke”
Title: Independence, morning blue and seashell by @morganlefaye79 for  @verifiedhawke (General Audiences) Summary: When Hawke woke up, it was already broad daylight and the first day of their 2 weeks vacation.
Title: Darkest Alleys of Kirkwall by @enigmalea for @thefoxinboots (Explicit) Summary: The heavy bass rhythm pounds through his body, deep into his soul; the mass moves with it, undulating wildly, limbs flailing, a hundred or more individuals all swept up in the semi-orgasmic pulsing of light and sound.
Title: Demon!Hawke & Anders (Art) by @verifiedhawke for @rusted-pipe-of-wisdom (Teen) Summary: prompt was for a demon hawke and anders (i went with a rage demon hawke) and a suggestion was them blowing the chantry up together so here we are!
Title: And Be All the Richer for It by @faux-fires for @midnightprelude (Explicit) Summary: Skyhold was a wreck.
Title: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by @un-shit-yourself for @hollyand-writes (Mature) Summary: The streets of Kirkwall are dangerous.
Title: Someday My Prince Will Come by @hollyand-writes for @thecryoftheseagulls (Explicit) Summary: A/B/O Royalty AU. Anders had lived all his life in a tower.
Title: Broken In Completion by @ser-thirst-a-lot for @un-shit-yourself (Explicit) Summary: A sharp twist of Hawke’s fingers tore another strangled whimper from Anders’ throat.
Title: A Dawn Worth Watching by @dismalzelenka for @pinkfadespirit (Teen) Summary: They parted in the worst of ways with a gulf between them, an endless ocean filled to the brim with a lie heavy enough to drag a man under forever.
NB!Handers Gifts
Title: Stubborn Is As Stubborn Does by @highwayphantoms for Headwig1010 (General Audiences) Summary: The first time Hawke offers to help in the clinic, he doesn’t take them seriously.
Title: Let it be a nightmare! by @morganlefaye79 for @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul (Mature) Summary: “Here, this letter was delivered to me this morning. I thought you might want to read it as soon as possible!”
Title: Keep Reaching Out (I'll Keep Coming Back) by @thecryoftheseagulls for  @rainwolfheart (Teen) Summary: Afterwards, Anders only remembers the flight from Kirkwall in pieces.
Title: Whiskers by @rainwolfheart for @protect-him (General Audiences) Summary: Someone left Anders a box of furry little problems. Thankfully, Hawke has a solution.
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ajulianromantic · 5 years
Intro to Arcana Bonanza
Hello hello, all! I hope you’re all having a lovely day!
After a few months of being very active in the Arcana fandom here on Tumblr and playing the game for about a year, I have decided to create a side blog dedicated to The Arcana! My main blog, @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel, is just too much of a mess for me to dedicate to one fandom. 
I have had the privilege to meet so many lovely individuals within the Arcana fandom and have come across so many talented creators whose work I want to dedicate a blog to. Special shout outs to @julians-chest-hair, @sketching-jess, @apprenticesofia, @harmonyowl, @ayeyocitrus, and @supersaltylikethedeadsea for inspiring me to create this new, hopefully positive, Arcana safe space. If you’re not following them and are into the Arcana fandom, I highly recommend following them as they have so much awesome content and are very sweet individuals.
Some info about myself: My nickname is America, and that’s what I’ll go by on this blog. I’m a young adult female (pronouns she/her) with a passion for romance and adventure of the literary kind. I am an INFP, a Virgo, and a Hufflepuff. My favorite LIs are Julian (ultimate favorite) and Lucio (a very close second). It goes without saying that I will not tolerate any hate towards Lucio or myself for liking him. We all are welcome to our opinions, but we must be respectful of our differences. I am also an avid writer who loves to write fanfiction and have another side blog dedicated to my writing @fanfictionamerica. I should also let you know that my inbox is always open, and you all are welcome to come by and message me, start a friendship, or have someone to rant to or fangirl with. I’m always looking for some good conversation! 
My newly created fan apprentice is Mileena Teyleir (pronouns she/her), and her love interest is Julian and maybe Lucio (I haven’t decided if I want to make a separate apprentice for Lucio or not). You are welcome to ask information about her, draw her, write about her, or ship her with your apprentices so long as you don’t steal her. I’ll be making an information post about her in the next few days, so you can get to know more about her!
(rules and more information shared below the cut)
Now, let’s lay out some ground rules. I want to keep this blog as positive and respectful of a place as possible. This means: 
• No bullying.
• No character hate.
• No depiction of non-canon abuse towards a character.
• No depictions of rape or incest or anything of that nature.
• No hate towards other users.
• No stealing or plagiarism.
• Submitted works should be properly tagged.
• No content with lots of mature language should be submitted. Content with some language will sometimes be shared, but never too intense.
• No NSFW content. Slightly suggestive content may be shared as well, but never full-blown NSFW content.
Some more information: 
• You are welcome to share your work on this blog as well as other people’s work. I have a submit button on this blog for a reason, and I created this blog to share amazing Arcana content as well as participate more in the fandom with my fan apprentice. However, if you submit someone else’s work, it must be with their explicit permission and must be properly credited to the original creator. If not, I will remove it.
• Discourse may be shared, but there will not be a lot of it and if shared, the original creators and other’s opinions must be respected. I rarely participate in discourse, so there will not be much.
• Suggestions as to content I should share on this blog are welcomed and encouraged. In the future, I might even create masterlists of different content and creators (so long as I have permission from the people themselves to do so) to organize content shared on this blog.
• Giveaways and commission information will and can be shared.
That should be it for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll update this page. I would love to see this blog to get some exposure, so the wonderful content can be shared with as many people as possible. Reblogs and shout-outs are appreciated but not necessary. I hope to create a wonderful blog that shares the beauty of the Arcana fandom and look forward to sharing my passion with other amazing people! Here’s to hoping you all enjoy this new creation.
Until next time, your fellow Arcana fan, @ajulianromantic 💜
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thefanficfaerie · 6 years
Weekly Reading List 36
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Weekly Recommendations get posted every Saturday. All stories are character x reader unless otherwise stated. Graphic by the awesome @wonders-of-the-multiverse.
How do my rec lists work? Why did my story not make it on the list?
Tropes AU Persephone Part 9/Part 10/Part 11 by @kaunis-sielu Steve Rogers Time by @fanfictionamerica Steve Rogers Something is Starting Right Now by @spiderneds Tony Stark Just A Joust by @mss4msu Steve Rogers  Brooklyn Boss by @izawrites Steve Rogers  Savior Part 13 by @spidermanswifi Steve Rogers What's Love Among Gods? by tonyscaps Stony Steven G. Rogers: Sugar Daddy by marykathryn30  Steve Rogers
Soulmate AU Coming into Focus by @ilovethings-somuch Chris Evans
Daddy!Character You Got Me Part 1-8 by @itsanerdlife Peter Parker
A/B/O Dynamics Stetsons and Schoolteachers Part 10/Part 11/Part 12 by @not-close-to-straight Stony Shield Saga Interlude by Politzania
Modern AU Boundaries Part 17 by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Steve Rogers  Paint the Town by @wordlesscaptain Steve Rogers Take A Chance by @themusicplayedherlife Steve Rogers Falling For Crime by @bettercallsabs Stucky The CEO Part 2 by @princess-evans-addict Steve Rogers An Academic Love Story by @shitty-imagines-95 Stony  Try Again by @shayla-markele Steve Rogers Someone Like You Part 4 by @mywritingsblog Steve Rogers Aurora Part 6/Part 7 by @prettyyoungtragedy Steve Rogers How Long Will I Love You by @a-splash-of-stucky  Steve Rogers Say Yes by @indominusregina Steve Rogers  Papa by naths Stony Foot, meet mouth by itsallAvengers Stony The Problem With Communication by itsallAvengers Stony The Best Thing by winterstony Stony
Avengers Steve Rogers Absolutely Smitten by @bloodiedskirtts Frozen Soldiers by @fandomfindings Carvings by @mybearyarmy Orange is the New Black by @buckysforeverprincess Where Do We Go From Here by @young-and-bitchy Promposal by @emilyevanston with Peter Parker Warrior Daughter Part 11 by @tilltheendwilliwrite Be All You Can by Part 11/Part 12/Part 13 by @goodnightwife Content by @indominusregina Obedient by @tilltheendwilliwrite NSFW Everything I Thought I Would Never Have by @becaamm Picket Fences by @valkyrieinabottle Sexiled Part 5 by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend Who I’ve Been Part 3 by @captain-ariel-barnes Revelations In Ice by @barnesrogersvstheworld Here For You by @kayla-of-shield Swipe Right Part 4 by @emilyevanston The Spark Within Epilogue by @beccaanne814
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes I Can Still Remember Just the Way You Taste by @winchesterswantmypie NSFW Vermont Vacation by @hopes-archer Perfect Memories by @until-theend-oftheline Sky and Sea by @hcwlingccmmandcs Inner Child by @acreativelydifferentlove
Steve Rogers x Tony Stark Coughs and Cuddles by @onedustyboi La Vi En Rose by @lesbianpcarter Something Borrowed, Something Blue by @lesbiansassemble Thunderstruck by @fangirlkittenwrites 'Til Death Do Us Part by itsallAvengers Guess Who by starksnack On Top of the World by starksnack If You're Happy and You Know It.. by starksnack Tony's Heart by neverthelessthesun
Steve Rogers x Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes
Law and Order: SVU Rafael Barba It Was Always You by @stvckoncarisi Roadtrip with Rafael by @madpanda75 Shelter by @bullet-prooflove Banana Pancakes by @im-way-too-many-fandoms Celebrating Sonny by @madpanda75 Watch Your Back Part 10/Part 11 by @obfuscateyummy
RPF Chris Evans Luck by Colors by @sgtevanstan The Long Wait by @forever-rogue The Best Match by chatnoirwritings
OFC Be With You by @tilltheendwilliwrite Tony Stark NSFW Qi Flows For Her Part 8 by @tilltheendwilliwrite Stucky
Misc Fandoms Caught by @thegreatficmaster Aaron Hotchner Feint by @trade-baby-blues Leonard McCoy The Golden Bird Part 2 by @annathewitch Eomer Long Way From Home by @specialagentmonkey Tony DiNozzo  Where the Heart is Part 12 by @outside-the-government Leonard McCoy Homecomings by Joules Mer (joulesmer) McKirk
tags: (strikethroughs I cant tag) @rauliskafan @pinkamour1588 @auduna-druitt @captainsbabysitter-blog @fangirlinglikeamentalpatient @randomlittleimp @thelawschooldiva @outside-the-government @isaxhorror @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @grumpykate @trashcan-to-end-all-trashcans @impalaanddemons @the-space-goddess-16 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @goodnightwife @4theluvofall @eyeofdionysus @bookcaseninja @supermoonpanda @carameldaemoncakes @castellandiangelo @reading-in-moonlight @storyteller-le @doublethetrashdoublethefun
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fanfictionamerica · 5 years
Update on my writing life
I know I haven't updated in a really long while and I apologize deeply for that. School work and school activities have been taking up a lot of my time and brain space, which has really sucked because I love writing so much😭. But I just saw Endgame and I'm feeling the creative juices flowing again (I may or may not have stayed up to 3 in the morning writing out an idea for a fic last night). I also only have two weeks of school left, so that'll free me up. Be looking out for some updates of my Marvel fics and maybe some new fics sometime in the near future 😄😍
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fanfictionamerica · 6 years
That Bucky x reader fix you wrote? So soft.10/10. Beautiful. Makes me feel all fuzzy. -3cho
Seriously 😍😳😀?!?! Thank you to the moon and back❤! I'm so happy that I could make you feel all warm and good inside with one of my fics (especially with one that I thought I didn't do very well on and wanted to take down after I posted it). I hope you have a lovely rest of your day, Anon😙!
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fanfictionamerica · 6 years
I hope you feel better soon!! Take your time bby!!! I believe in youuuuu!! - 3cho
Why are you so sweet, Anon 😭😢😳?! I just flipped out when I saw this in my ask box 😍. You are such an angel 😇. Thank you to the moon and back😚! Your words of care and encouragement mean more than you know ❤
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Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of this gif.
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fanfictionamerica · 6 years
A Writing Rambling
So the past week, I've been in a mild funk since I got all my wisdom teeth removed and I haven't been able to write for the life of me. I cried on the second day because I felt so unmotivated and it felt so yucky. I've been progressively getting better and last night I had a dream that I was dating Tony Stark (fun, I know 😜😘). Now all I want to do is write my Tony Stark x Reader 😝. Thank you, universe 😄!
Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership to the gif.
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fanfictionamerica · 7 years
Smoking Love - Chapter Eight: First Kiss (Mikoto Suoh x Female!Reader)
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Warnings: Death of person, violence
A few months after your first date:
   "Miko,“ your groggy voice pierced the early morning silence.
   "What, Y/N/N?” he groaned into your mess of hair.
   "I can barely breathe,“ you gasped, patting his hands in an effort to get him to loosen his hold.
   "Oh, sorry.” The King’s arms let loose the tension they’d acquired in his sleep.
   "You had another nightmare, didn’t you?“ You twisted yourself around in his embrace to face him. He always held you tighter whenever he had one.
   "Mmm,” he hummed as you reached up and brushed aside one of the two stray strands of his hair back in a delicate, reassuring touch.
   You wiggled your body upwards, causing Mikoto to moan again as you kept bouncing the bed, “Y/N…”
   "Shh,“ you responded before giving him a small, sweet peck on the nose, your own little way of reassuring your new boyfriend that everything was alright now. You never forced him to tell you about them. All that mattered was that you helped him shake it off.
   The man wrinkled it up then peeked open his eyes to see you giving him a big, child-like grin. How could one person be so cute yet so feisty?
   "Now, you gotta let me go for like two minutes. I’m really thirsty and I want water.”
   You tried to pry yourself from Mikoto’s strong grasp, but he would not let go.
   "Mikoto,“ you whined in his ear, "pretty please.” You pouted up at him, turning up the cute factor exponentially.
   "You can wait.“ He wanted to see how you would react to his rejection (not to mention he just liked cuddling you as much as possible), and he was not disappointed.
   Your bleary eyes widened in disbelief, then you playfully swat one of his arms in chastisement, "You’re so mean. I think you enjoy teasing me too much.”
   Mikoto only gave you that normal lazy smirk of his before pulling you in closer to his person. You almost resigned yourself to the fact that you wouldn’t have that glass of water anytime soon until…a devious idea dawned on you.
   Finding a drop of brazen bravery within yourself, you discreetly slithered your hands underneath his white shirt and danced your fingers up his side in a feathery motion, testing your theory. It was soon confirmed when the ever-impassive King squirmed beneath your touch, then glared a warning at you, cheeks starting to warm up a fraction.
   That action only succeeded in encouraging your attack even more, a giggle bubbling out of your lips when you saw his mad scramble to remove your fingers out from underneath his shirt. Who would’ve guessed the Third King, the one with the most violent temper and most infamous reputation, would be ticklish? Oh, the things you could do…
   He tried to scoot farther out of your mischievous reach, though he couldn’t do it without falling out of the bed or pushing you off, neither of which he wanted to do. Meanwhile, your tickling increased tenfold, fingers going up and down on his sides at a rapid pace, causing a strange, unfamiliar noise to escape your boyfriend’s lips unexpectedly: a laugh. Albeit a small, almost indiscernible one, but a laugh nonetheless.
   It incited you to snigger more at the man, “My boyfriend, the almighty Red King, is ticklish?! How adorable!”
   Oh, you’d never let him live it down.
   After a few more seconds of the silly torture, Mikoto managed to catch your slippery hands and yank them out of his shirt in one fast motion, pinning them up above your head in a vice-like hold while hovering over your person. That sure quieted you up in a hurry. You didn’t bother struggling, either.
   His hot breath fanned against the exposed shell of your ear as he leaned down closer to you, chests almost touching. He had you trapped.
   You held your breath, your body frozen in anticipation.
   "I think someone needs to be punished for their bad behavior,“ he whispered in a breathless, husky voice, sending a shiver traveling down your spine.
   The redhead maneuvered both of your hands into the grip of his left one, shoved the other up YOUR shirt, and proceeded to give you a taste of your own medicine.
   "Miko!” you screeched, writhing underneath him like a fish out of a water, “S-stop it! M-mercy!”
   He didn’t stop, though (what a shocker). He continued on with his retribution, determined to make you pay (and laugh much more).
   "P-please! I-I promise I won’t tell anyone your secret! You’re k-killin’ me h-here!“ you pleaded, breaths coming in heaves.
   Satisfied by your promise, Mikoto took his tickling hand away from your abdomen then rested his forehead up against your own, eyes closed, tired out by the recent events.
   Your face flushed slightly in response, but you both settled down after that, enjoying the peace which followed. The soft sounds of your combined breathing were the only things permeating the silence.
   You stayed in this position for a few more seconds, loving the moment you were having. Both your heart rates slowed until they began beating in sync, neither of you gasping for air any longer, reveling in the love surrounding you two. However, you had to break it up sooner or later, because Mikoto’s arms couldn’t hold him up forever.
   Realizing this as his muscles began to tremble, he gave into your original request as he plopped himself back at your side, "You can go get your glass of water now.”
   You unfroze yourself at his words, dashing out the door before your King changed his mind, while also eager to hurry back to the warmth of his comfy bed.
   You took the steps as fast as you could without making too much noise, rushing to the faucet downstairs and grabbing a glass from the bar. You filled it up halfway then started drinking a few sips.
   "You having fun up there, Queen?“
   You sprayed out your current mouthful, choking on the remaining drops, those cheeks of yours flaming up again.
   "Kusanagi!” you cried out in admonishment, “Don’t say things like that!”
   He cruelly chortled at your embarrassment as you continued spluttering out words at him, “And I thought I told you not to call me Queen! The only thing I’m "queen” of is clumsiness and over-thinking, much less HOMRA.“
   "Well, you have been dating the King for a few months. If anyone should have the title, it’d be you, Queen Y/N,” he shot you a devious grin after heading over to the counter to clean some more glasses.
   You glowered at your Clansman. “You’re just as bad as Maiko or Chitose when it comes to teasing me, you jerk.”
   "And for your information,“ you sniffed, "I did have fun. Now, I’m going back to Mikoto’s room, where I’ll be sleeping and actively ignoring you.”
   You made a point of looking to see if he was watching you before stomping back up to Mikoto’s room, a smirk stretching your lips. Izumo shook his head at your receding figure in amusement. Your sassy, talkative personality sure balanced out the King’s impassive, lazy attitude well.
~~A couple hours later~~
   "What in all fudging hell is going on down there?“ You awoke once more with a groan, the (unfortunately) familiar sounds of yelling disturbing your slumber.
   "It’s not important,” your still-sleepy boyfriend grumbled, knowing you’d want to get up and intervene, “just let ‘em fight it out.”
   "No, I won’t,“ you responded, being your ever-stubborn self.
   "This is the third time this week they’ve fought. It needs to stop, NOW. Besides,” you continued after taking a glance at the clock, “I have a shift at the soup kitchen in about twenty minutes. I need to get up anyway.”
   You tossed your legs over the edge of the warm bed, a scowl overtaking your expression. Mikoto let you go in an instant, knowing nothing would stop you from going once your mind was made up (although less than pleased at your leaving him alone for the second time that day).
   You threw the bedroom door open without slamming it, marched down the stairs and over to where the argument was happening.
   Let’s say you were less than surprised to find Bandō screaming obscenities at Shōhei, your newest recruit. You knew of the feelings of inferiority Bandō had when hanging around Shōhei, but jeez, they could stand to settle down once in a while.
   The rest of HOMRA cleared out of your way in a hurry, sensing your scary aura. They knew to stay out of your way when you reprimanded a fellow Clansman.
   You grabbed the nearest magazine on the trek there, before smacking both of the idiots upside the head with a loud whack!
   "Hey!“ they simultaneously exclaimed at you, rubbing the back of their scalps.
   You raised your eyebrows at them in an incredulous look, "What?! Don’t you "hey” me, you two! This stupid fighting has gone on long enough.“
   That sure shut up them up fast.
   You pinched your nose in exasperation, "Anyone care to tell me what this one is about?”
   Bandō spoke up first, “Shōhei tried to hit on a girl I clearly called dibs on first!”
   Shōhei glared at him, “No! I know I saw her before-”
   "Shut it!“ you demanded, "It doesn’t matter who saw her first because one, she’s long gone, and two, you guys are friends! No one should come between you, much less a girl.”
   "Now, I want you both to apologize, sincerely, then everyone can carry on with the rest of their day.“
   You gave Bandō a harsh glare, cutting him off. He huffed in annoyance, yet apologized to his long-time friend, who in turn apologized to him. They realized how ridiculous it all was when you spelled it out for them.
   "See, I knew you were our Queen, Y/N, making us settle our disputes,“ Totsuka’s gentle tone sounded after the exchange.
   "Tatara! Not you, too!” you complained, flushing in embarrassment.
   Every one of the HOMRA members had wanted you and their King to get together. Like Izumo said, the romantic tension was killing them as well. Many of them could see the potential for a lasting, fulfilling relationship between you both. So now that you were finally together, a few took every chance to tease you about it (mainly Tatara, Kusanagi, and Chitose), the fact that you hadn’t kissed the man or how you could be considered their Queen being their favorite topics.
   "We can’t call her Queen too much, though. We all know they haven’t quite sealed the deal yet.“
   Of course Chitose had to chime in.
   "How do you know that, Mr. Smarty Pants?” you shot back, getting some pluck back, “We could’ve already done it and you wouldn’t know. Why would we want to kiss in front of a bunch of nosy creeps just to prove we have "sealed the deal?”“
   "Ooh, your defensiveness says otherwise, Y/N,” Kusanagi replied in a sing-song voice.
   You banged your forehead against a wall near your person a few times, mortified beyond belief, “Ughh, you all are like the annoying brothers I never wanted to have.”
   They laughed at that.
   "If we’re all your annoying brothers, does that mean you’re technically dating your own sibling?“
   "Stop it! You know that’s not what I meant, you guys!” you cried out over the continuous guffawing.
   You raised your arms up in surrender, backing away towards the exit, “You know what? I don’t have time for this. You are being mean to me and I have to leave or I’ll be late for my shift, so goodbye, you losers.”
   You almost succeeded in leaving without being stopped, but Kusanagi interrupted in time, “Are you sure you don’t want any of us to come with you? Just to keep you company?”
   Your Clansmen always made sure you had someone to watch over you ever since the incident at the swim shop. They were protective of you and didn’t want to see you get hurt or triggered again, especially considering the awful things you went through in that abandoned warehouse. You understood where they came from, why they did it; however, it got on your nerves sometimes. You loved spending time with others, but the constant attention could encroach on your personal alone time now and then.
   "No, I’ll be good,“ you dismissed in an instant, "I’m a strong, independent young woman who can handle herself, thank you very much.” You stuck your tongue out at him for good measure, still feeling a bit spicy at the moment.
   "Strong independent young woman who still sticks her tongue out at others and pouts like a two-year-old,“ you heard someone say behind you as you left the premises.
   You threw an "I hate you all” glare back at them before strutting down the sidewalk towards the soup kitchen.
   You stopped for a moment, flipping out a pocket mirror, checking if you looked presentable enough. You did (surprise surprise), despite having slept in your clothes and shoes last night because you were so exhausted.
   You didn’t always sleep over at HOMRA, but the debilitating nightmares started making a comeback this week, so you decided to sleep in Mikoto’s comforting embrace that night.
   Nothing out of the normal happened as you continued your way to your workplace, just as you thought…until you got within two blocks of it. Some random person shoulder checked you hard, not even stopping to apologize. You wanted to call the person out, but thought better of it, realizing it wasn’t worth making a scene about. In your daze, however, you failed to notice that the bracelet which inhibited your Strain power was no longer on your wrist.
   Once within a block of the soup kitchen, you took a peek at your wristwatch, finding you had seven minutes left until your shift started.
   'Crap,’ you thought to yourself. Walking your current route would take you at least ten minutes.
   That made you make the split-second decision to take the shortcut when you came to it, desperately not wanting to be late (a decision you regretted later on).
   Your ears picked up the faint whimper of crying as you turned another corner. You pushed down the sinking feeling you had in your gut as you walked through a damp, dark alleyway on your way there, determined to get to your destination in time, hoping your hearing was just playing tricks on you. The crying only got louder, though, as you pressed on, until you came face to face with the person whose sobbing reached your ears.
   The distraught woman was lying on the ground, dress in tatters, shaking like a leaf as a man towered over her small figure, blood dripping off his clenched knuckles. You wondered why no one else had come across the scene, then realized you were much farther into the slums of the city than you originally thought, noticing the rusted NO TRESPASSING sign looming over your head.
   You were lost, and now in real danger, because your body froze at the eerily familiar sight, the image of Rino permeating your mind. You really should’ve taken up Izumo’s offer of having someone come with you.
   You saw the perpetrator raise his fist up in a motion to hit the girl and you lost all sense of control. The distinct snap of a chain breaking above you caught your attention before a large metal safe came crashing down straight onto the man, effectively crushing him beneath it.
  His skull was completely smashed in, the crimson blood leaking out from his cracked skull.
   A blood-curdling scream shook you out of your horrified stupor, turning your gaze to the victim. Her figure shook, then her red eyes caught sight of you in her peripheral vision, fear radiating in her stare. The woman seemed to receive a revelation, for she backed farther into the corner of the alleyway in an effort to put some distance between you.
   She pointed a shaky, accusatory finger at you, “Y-you did that, didn’t you?”
   You reached for your bracelet in a nervous motion, to find that you no longer had it. Your heart stopped. She could very well be telling the truth.
   "I-I don’t know how, b-but you did it! You k-killed him!“ she shrieked at you, causing you to step back in shock, the word "kill” repeating over and over in your brain.
   In a fit of terror, you took off in a sprint, the woman’s screams of murderer bouncing off the concrete walls.
   You had no destination in mind; you only needed to escape the horrific wails and the pooling blood.
   When you finally ran out of breath, you found yourself panting outside your favorite bar: HOMRA, the one place you did not want to go to. Some of the members noticed how pale and frantic your expression was, so they rushed outside to your aid.
   Kusanagi placed a hand on your shoulder, removing it when you jerked away, “Y/N, what happened? What’s the matter?”
   His questioning fell on deaf ears.
   "I need you to l-let them take me in. D-don’t fight them, please,“ you rambled, sounding like you’d gone insane. You knew Scepter 4 would come for you, and you didn’t want your family to get hurt fighting them.
   "Y/N, what on earth are you babbling about? Let’s get you insi-”
   You shook your head furiously, “No, no. I need you to keep Mikoto from-” you licked your lips in nervousness, “from coming after me. I-I deserve to be locked up. O-oh, if you could see the blood, the blood-”
   You were so caught up in your panicked state that you failed to see your King step out of the bar, walking out towards you at a hurried pace.
   "What happened, Y/N?!“
   "He-he’s dead. I-I-” You got cut off by someone grabbing your arms and making you face them.
   Your heart dropped to your stomach when you saw it was Mikoto, “N-no. You can’t b-be here. They’re c-coming.” A stray tear trickled down your cheek as he took your face in his hands in an effort to get you centered.
   "Y/N, look at me,“ your boyfriend commanded in a low, unthreatening tone.
   You almost gave in, but you saw a certain Blue King marching towards your position in the distance, then started going into another frenzied panic.
   "M-Mikoto, th-the screams, the blood. You n-need to let me-” You tried to pry yourself away from him, digging your fingernails into his skin in an effort to do so.
   The Red King realized there was no reasoning or calming you down with words or caresses at this point, so he did the next best thing that he could think of. He hated himself for choosing this moment to do so, but he was desperate. You could hurt yourself if you kept continuing on like this.
   He threaded his fingers into the (h/l) (h/c) above your ears for a better grip then guided you forward until your trembling lips met his own firm ones, catching a taste of your cherry chapstick as he did so.
   Your racing thoughts instantly quieted up, your eyes bugging out of their sockets at the sudden feeling of the foreign touch of his mouth on yours. You caught a whiff of the familiar scent of smoke and your mind became a blank slate as you began to focus on his fervid lips melding into your flaccid ones. You fisted his soft white t-shirt and pulled him closer to you, your skewed emotional state making you as desperate as him, reciprocating his actions. It most certainly was not the way either of you expected to have your very first kiss.
   His thumbs rubbed circles on your cheekbones as more tears leaked from your eyes and he felt Kusanagi tap on his back, causing him to reluctantly remove himself from you, aware of who was coming your way.
   He turned around to meet the hard stare of Reisi Munakata, pressing you into his side in order to give you some sense of protection.
   "We are here to arrest Y/N L/N on suspicion of the murder of Hotaru Kumori. I suggest that you do not interfere.“ The cold, demanding voice left no room for debate or bargain.
   You sensed the anger boiling up in Mikoto’s body, knowing he’d start something soon and it wouldn’t be pretty. So while he was distracted by the other man, you managed to free yourself and walk over to the captain, holding out your hands to be cuffed.
   Seri Awashima clicked the restraining device onto your wrists, a grim expression written into her features.
   "Y/N…” Kusanagi murmured, shocked by your willingness to turn yourself in.
   "Please don’t fight them, guys,“ you pleaded, looking especially at your boyfriend, "I’m not worth it and I deserve whatever’s coming to me.”
   "Mikoto,“ you added, "I want you to tell Anna I-I said goodbye and tell her I-I’m sorry I never got to see that pretty swimsuit on her.”
   You had no idea how much those words broke your family’s hearts.
   You blew a teary kiss over to Mikoto then turned back to the commander, who took you in her grip and escorted you to the cold prison cell that awaited you, the sensation of his warm lips still lingering on yours.
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own the characters, their backstories, or the gif. All credit goes to GoRA and the creator of the gif. I do own the plot and any OCs, however.
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fanfictionamerica · 3 years
I Have a (Terrible) Plan (F!Hawke x Anders)
Title: I Have a (Terrible) Plan
Author: @fanfictionamerica (writing blog of @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel )
Pairing: Female Hawke x Anders (Modern!AU)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some language, allusion to sexy times
Word Count: 3,598
Synopsis: What happens when the occasionally goofy and always sarcastic Hawke who never misses a chance to tell a poorly timed joke turns into lovelorn and pining Hawke, who draws hearts on napkins and stares longingly out windows? Sounds like it's time for some timely romantic intervention from Kirkwall City's best and brightest group of misfits and miscreants.
A/N: This for @handers-time 2021 Handers Gift Exchange. This particular fic was written for @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold 💖. I had a great time writing this, and I hope you enjoy it!
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“I swear, if they don’t kiss, fuck, or go out on at least one date within the next week, I’m going to lock them in the supply closet until they do,” Fenris seethed, throwing away an empty cup with more vigor than usual.
“Is it really that bad?” Isabela asked with a lilt in her voice. “I’m sure you’re exaggerating. This is Hawke we’re talking about here.”
“Isabela, Hawke sighed and stared out the window for several minutes after Anders left until I snapped my fingers in front of her face. I wish I was exaggerating, trust me,” he deadpanned before heading back to the supply room.
“I found Hawke doodling hearts on a napkin with Anders’ name on it during her break,” Merrill chimed in from behind the counter. “It was quite cute. I wish I had someone who would doodle hearts on napkins for me.”
Isabela couldn’t help but give a little laugh, knowing about all the customers who’d tried to flirt with Merrill but failed. “Oh Kitten, there are plenty of people who swoon over you. You’re just painfully oblivious, sweetheart.”
“Maker, not you, too, Merrill,” Fenris growled as he came back into the main store. “I don’t need another lovesick coworker daydreaming in the middle of making coffee and accidentally burning themselves.”
Isabela’s eyes widened in surprise. “Hawke did that? You have got to be joking!”
“Like I said, supply closet, a week. I can take Hawke’s bad dad jokes but not her endless pining.”
“Maybe not the supply closet, Fenris, but it does sound like they desperately need an intervention.” She smirked. “And I have just the plan in mind.”
He narrowed his eyes at Isabela. “I don’t like that look on your face. This plan better not involve me.”
“Do you want to deal with a lovesick Hawke for any longer than you have to?”
Fenris’s complete silence was all the answer she needed. “That’s what I thought.”
“You can count me in, too!” Merrill added in a cheerful tone. “It’ll be like I’m in a romantic comedy.”
Fenris’s exaggerated groan of displeasure promptly ended the discussion.
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fanfictionamerica · 5 years
Don’t Ever Doubt Your Worth (Julian x GN!Reader
Title: Don’t Ever Doubt Your Worth
Author: @fanfictionamerica (writing blog of @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel )
Pairing: Julian Devorak x GN!Reader
Rating: PG-13 for slightly suggestive ending
Warnings: Slight angst, depreciating/insecure reader, slightly suggestive ending, established relationship
Word Count: 1,304
Tagline: A bad day can always turn around and become a good one whenever your Julian is around.
A/N: This is a fic dedicated to my lovely friend, @julians-chest-hair, created especially in honor of her birthday today🎉💛🥳. I know she struggles with loving her beautiful self, so I wanted to write something that would cheer her up as well as cheer up everyone else who struggles with self-love. I know what it’s like to have days where you don’t feel good about yourself, and I wanted to write something that would bring somebody who is having one of those bad days at least one small smile 💙🤗. I hope you enjoy!
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  Today had had every promise of being a perfect day. You awoke from a pleasant dream, wrapped up in Julian's warm, comforting embrace.   You looked at your reflection in the mirror and felt reasonably satisfied with yourself. Julian had left you thoroughly kissed and loved before he went to his clinic.   After he left, you decided to do a little shopping, wanting to update your wardrobe a bit. You decided to try on some clothing you wouldn't normally wear. It would've been fine except that there were a few things that you loved that didn't fit your body and that were in no other sizes. And of course, there happened to be another person at the shop trying things on and have no trouble fitting into those very same clothes.   You walked home, feeling a little crestfallen and insecure, but not the worst in the world. Then you made your second mistake. You started trying on your other clothes and found yourself picking apart the outfits.   “Why can't I ever be completely satisfied with myself?” you sighed, picking at yet another one of your outfits and glaring at your reflection.   The mirror in Asra's shop was quite large and adorned with the most simple, yet elegant decorations. It never failed to give you its honest impression. Lately, though, that honest impression began to remind you again of all of your bodily faults.   Your old clothes didn't seem to fit right. Your eyes seemed to be of different sizes. Your thighs looked like they were getting bigger.   You began feeling vulnerable and exposed in front of the standing mirror the longer you stood there. You felt uncomfortable in your own skin and though looking longer in the mirror pointed out more faults, you couldn't take your eyes away from your reflection.   Your skin had too many marks on it. Your abdomen looked like it was growing. You thought you could see more acne popping up on your face.   Your body started shaking, seemingly of its own accord. Then the tears started falling down your cheeks, making your eyes turn red and making you feel worse than before. Eventually, you felt yourself crumple onto the floor, hiding your face behind your hands as tears still streamed down your face.   You dared to look in the mirror again to see your eyes looking puffy and cheeks colored red. Your mind then began turning on your inward faults as well.   You weren't smart enough. You weren't kind enough. You weren't confident enough.   As you continued degrading yourself, you failed to hear the creak of the door open downstairs as your beloved entered Asra's shop.   However, you didn't fail to hear Julian bound up the steps to your room and say, “Hello, my darling Y/N. Did you miss me?”   ‘Oh crap,’ you thought. You'd left the door to your room open, so the moment Julian finished climbing the stairs, he'd see what a mess you currently were.   You only had a few seconds to try and collect yourself before he finished. But the tears would not stop falling from your eyes no matter how many you wiped away. Then you heard Julian stop going up the steps and pause for a moment.   “Y/N, are you alright?”   You wiped away a few more incoming tears while replying in a hoarse voice, “I'll be fine in a moment, Julian. You don't need to worry about me.”   “I'm sorry, my love, but it's too late for that,” you heard him respond. Right after saying those words, you listened to his footsteps come up to your room and stop once he got near you. You couldn't bare looking at him, so your face stayed hidden in your hands. The next sound you heard was a soft plunk on the floor, and then you suddenly felt strong arms wrap around your person.   It took you a few seconds to comprehend that Julian had sat on the floor beside you and brought you into his embrace.   You stayed like that for a few minutes, Julian rubbing your back and petting your hair, just sitting there until you managed to calm yourself down and take a big, deep breath.   “Darling, what's the matter?” he queried in a soft voice, slowly backing his face away from you so he could look you in the eyes.   “I'm just having a bad day is all. I just want you to hold me,” you said in an equally soft voice.   Julian gave you a knowing look and took your face in one of his hands, brushing a thumb against your cheek.   “You know, you're the light of my life, Y/N, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you.”   “Your smile fills my heart with joy.” He kissed the corner of your lips.   “Your scars remind me of how strong and brave you are.” He kissed your cheek next, right on the faded scratch it had. Now you were beginning to feel flustered, breath speeding up and your face getting warmer by the second.   “Your eyes always hold such kindness and affection for other people; it's a wonder others don't get lost in their depths.” With that, you closed your eyes in anticipation, and he kissed both of your eyelids.   “Your body holds so much love in it; people feel happy by just being in your presence.” Julian took you back into his embrace and squeezed you tight.   “I know you always make me feel loved,” he added after a few seconds.   “You always know just what to say to make my day better and somehow manage to make sense of my sometimes unintelligible doctor ramblings.” He followed with a kiss to your forehead. At this moment, you were all but a puddle on the floor.   “Your heart is so full of goodness and sincerity; you never fail to make someone's day better when they need it.” Julian backed away from you again, then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss right above the place your heart would be.   You couldn't stop the overflow of feelings you felt at this gesture, and you broke down in tears again. However, they were not tears of sadness this time, but tears of overwhelming happiness.   “And you may not feel confident about yourself now, but everyone has days where nothing feels right, and nothing looks right.  Self-esteem is an ever-changing thing. Confident people have bad days too, my love.”   “I want to promise me to try and practice self-compassion, though, darling.” He placed his gentle, loving hand on your cheek again. “It breaks my heart to see my angel tearing themselves apart. You are worthy of love, both from the outside and from the inside.”   You didn't reply, the new wave of tears and feelings still overtaking you.   “And most of all, don't feel like you have to suffer alone. You aren't weak for needing or asking for help sometimes. You taught me that, remember?” He gave a little chuckle at that and gave you the softest and most tender-hearted smile in the world.   You couldn't help but return the chuckle and the smile, saying in reply, “Yes, I did, ya big goof.”   You brushed away some tears and continued, “Now come over here, lover boy. I want to show you just how much I love and appreciate you.” You gave him a saucy wink to really hit it home.   That sweet smile of Julian's instantly turned into that infamous wicked grin of his. “As my lover commands, so shall I obey, with a very willing heart.”   You continued to show your love and appreciation for the dramatic doctor all night long. And when you felt satisfied, you found time to thank the powers above for giving you such love in the face of such sadness before drifting off in your partner's loving embrace.
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fanfictionamerica · 5 years
Someone Worth Fighting For (Julian Devorak x OC Apprentice)
Title: Someone Worth Fighting For
Author: @fanfictionamerica (writing blog of @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel )
Pairing: Julian Devorak x Apprentice Kayuri
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slight angst, slight peril
Word Count: 2,395
Tagline: Love is always worth fighting for.
A/N: This is my fic for the gift event run by @fieldsofvesuvia ​, made for the lovely @hugmnster and their apprentice Kayuri Bala. I apologize for the lateness of the post and not being able to use a read more. My computer isn't even letting me save my fic as a draft, so I have to use my phone. I hope you enjoy! This is my first time writing for an OC, writing with both they/them and she/her pronouns, and writing in the third person, so I hope I did alright! P.S. I adore your apprentice😍.
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    Julian never thought being sent to war would be a good thing. He might have been a doctor, but that never made it easier to see so much suffering. However, whenever he got a glimpse of your face or had a chance to be near you or talk to you, Julian felt his burden lessen, and his heart swell with love. 
    The war gave him more chances to see you, and those were always welcome, even if the war was not. You being the princet of Vesuvia and him being the court physician hardly gave Julian the time or the excuse to be with you as much as he wanted. The doctor would take what he could get when it came to you...which is why he was currently making heart eyes at you from the other side of the army’s encampment.
    “You’re such an idiot; you know that, Ilya?” Julian heard the voice of his sister speak up, though he didn’t fully process her words.
    “Yes, and I’m proud of it, Pasha,” he replied in a dreamy tone, not realizing what he’d just said.
    If Julian had cared to look over at his sister, he would’ve seen one of the best eye-rolls in the history of eye-rolls. 
    “You’re ridiculous, Julian. Just go over there and ask them out!” Portia exclaimed in frustration. “I can’t take you pining for them at a distance all the damn time.”
    Instead of taking the dramatic route, Julian decided to go the melodramatic route. “You know why I can’t, Pasha…” he sighed. “They’re the princet, and I’m just the court physician. We can’t be together even if we wanted to be.”
    Portia scoffed. “Uh-huh. Or you’re just using that as an excuse to be a great big coward.”
    “Pasha, stop it! You know that our difference in class is a major obstacle,” Julian said, looking somewhat crestfallen as he did so. “Everyone would be opposed, especially the king.”
    Portia rolled her eyes again and put her hands on her hips. “Now, when have impossible odds ever stopped you from getting something you wanted before?”
    Julian only looked over at the princet again and sighed forlornly.
    “You’re hopeless, Ilya, hopelessly in love. The only thing that’s gonna solve it is knowing how they feel about you.”
    Then she left the tent, knowing her brother would no longer be paying attention to her as he continued staring at the princet once more.
    Being a princet required a lot more responsibility than one might think, especially when you’re the only child of the King. However, Princet Kayuri had no problem with all of the responsibility bestowed upon them as being the heir of their father’s kingdom. In fact, they thrived on it.
    Life hadn’t been all roses and butterflies for her. The princet hadn’t lived a sheltered life by any means despite their royal status. Kayuri had experienced her fair share of trials and tribulations that made her strong and resilient. She’d seen pain and experienced grief, but because of her exceptional willpower, she always managed to get back up and support others in their difficulties. Her strong character is why when her father offered her (much to her surprise) a place by his side in the war against the neighboring country, she immediately accepted. Of course, there was another almost equally compelling reason to join the fight, but she wouldn’t tell her father that. 
    In that reason lied the only regret she had at being born a princet. Her father told her that she could choose who she married so long as they were of noble lineage. That had never bothered her before. There was bound to be someone among the relatively sizeable noble class that would catch her fancy. However, it seemed fate had not deemed it so. Her heart had been taken by the intelligent, dramatic, and generous court physician, Doctor Julian Devorak.
    They had met when Julian’s mother was appointed the court physician by her father. They often were seen together, playing doctor and patient or knight and princet (They’d take turns playing the knight and princet). However, when they both reached their teenage years, dramatic changes began occurring. They both incurred more responsibilities, Julian as a successor of his mother’s position and Kayuri as the future monarch of Vesuvia. They didn’t spend as much time together anymore. 
    Then the unimaginable happened. A deadly plague swept through the country, and before it came to a blissful end, it claimed the lives of both Julian’s mother and the queen. They both grieved in their ways. The princet distracted herself by delving into her royal studies more. Julian decided to go traveling, learning new medical techniques, and discovering new material with which to heal people.
    Several years passed before Julian and Kayuri met again. Her father had heard that Julian was an exceptional doctor and offered Julian the position his mother had once filled: court physician. Julian accepted, and the two friends found themselves reunited once more. Their first meeting was a bit awkward, but that awkwardness quickly dispelled as they began to catch up. They didn’t play knight and princet anymore, but Julian never failed to still entertain as well as educate her. They developed a strong bond with each other again, but this time, it was even stronger than all those years ago. And before she knew it, Kayuri was head-over-heels for the big-hearted, intelligent doctor.
    She didn’t regret the feelings she had developed for the doctor, despite knowing how disappointed it would make her beloved father. She hadn’t told him yet, though, for fear it would cost Julian his job and for fear that her father would never speak to her again. 
    “You’re staring again, princet,” Kayuri heard the familiar voice of her servant whisper-shout to her, making her realize how lost in thought she’d been in the middle of the war council.
    Thank goodness they called attention to it because one of the advisors asked her a question within a few seconds of regaining her facilities.
    “I apologize, counselor. Could you repeat what you just said?” With those words said, the princet remained focused on the rest of the war council, but still had thoughts of the doctor swirling in the back of her mind.
    “Your Highness, should you really be here at the front? It’s dangerous, especially with the rain,” the worried voice of their servant sounded over the trickling of rain and the stomping of horses.
    She was about to reply, but was interrupted by a familiar, sly voice, “Didn’t you know? The princet here has a penchant for danger. They thrive off of it.”
    The princet snorted in amusement. “I mean, I let you be around me all the time, so I must be attracted to danger.”
    “Ooh, nice one, Princet. I’ll take it as a compliment,” the suave doctor replied with a wink.
    Kayuri rolled her eyes in fake annoyance. “Of course you would, Julian.”
    Julian’s smirk only got bigger in return. He opened his mouth to respond in kind, clearly enjoying the banter until he spotted something moving in the bushes not too far from their current position.
    He almost brought it to the attention of the princet until he saw the flash of something shiny sticking out of the bushes. His instincts told him something was amiss. Then he saw more movement and finally saw what the shiny object was: an arrow tip, an arrow tip attached to an arrow that looked ready to fly and pointed in the direction of Kayuri.
    “Kayuri!” Julian shouted just as the assassin let the arrow fly.
    The princet looked over at him with confusion. She would not have any time to react, so the doctor knew he’d have to do something more drastic to save her. 
    He launched himself straight at Kayuri with no regards as to what would happen to him, knocking her off her stead and sending them tumbling down the hill into the forest below.
    The last thing that the princet remembered was hearing the shouts of her father before hitting her head on a rock and passing out.
    “Ughh,” Kayuri groaned, their body feeling like one giant bruise as they peeled open their eyes to look around them.
    After a precursory glance of her surroundings, she put together that she was in a cabin of some sort in the middle of the woods. Julian was sitting on a wooden chair, wringing his hands together and biting his lip.
    He happened to glance over in her direction at that moment, and his eyes went wide. 
    “Oh thank the heavens!” he exclaimed, scrambling out of his seat and dashing over to wear the princet laid.
    “You’re finally awake! I wasn’t sure you’d wake up.” Kayuri heard the fear in his voice as he brushed aside a few errant pink hairs from their face.
    Kayuri gave him a reassuring smile to calm him. “Well, I’m okay now, Julian. A bit dizzy and sore, but I’m alive thanks to you.”
    “I can’t think of another reason you’d toss yourself off of your horse and tackle me off of my own,” they added a bit cheekily. 
    Julian broke out into a smile and said with a merry laugh, “You’re not wrong about that.”
    The room was silent for a moment before Kayuri spoke up again. “Where exactly are we?”
    “I couldn’t risk the assassin finding you again, and I needed to get you out of the rain, so I picked you up and walked around the forest until I found this abandoned cabin.”
    Kayuri gave a small ‘mmm’ in reply. They gave Julian a once over, noticing a small bloodstain on his shoulder, before asking another question, “Are you okay, Julian? You have a bloodstain on your shoulder. Did the arrow get you?”
    Julian craned his neck to look at the stain. “Oh, it very well might have.”
    He pulled back the collar of his shirt and looked down at his bare shoulder. There was a red slash along the area above his collarbone, confirming Kayuri’s observation.
    “You’re right; it did get me. Guess the adrenaline and worry kept me from feeling it.” He shrugged and put his shirt back in its place.
    The princet frowned. Julian may have brushed off the wound, but they certainly didn’t. The arrow had come awfully close to his neck by the looks of it. If he’d been a second later, he’d probably be dead now. Their heart seemed to stop for a second at the thought of that.
    “As much as I am exceptionally grateful for you saving my life, don’t you ever do that again, Julian. Your life is not worth mine.”
    Julian whipped his head over in their direction, looking shocked. “But you’re our princet, Kayuri. Your life is worth more than mine.”
    Kayuri gritted her teeth in frustration. “I may be royalty, but that doesn’t make my life more precious than anyone else’s. All life is sacred, Julian, and that includes you.” Not to mention how much he meant to them and how much she loved him, but she didn’t want to give away her feelings just yet.
    Julian ground his teeth together as well. “I can’t argue with that logic, but I would risk my life for yours again and again if I had to. And there’s nothing you can say that would make me do otherwise.” Then he crossed his arms in defiance, letting Kayuri know he wouldn’t budge on the subject.
    The princet narrowed their eyes at him, irked by the doctor’s apparent stubbornness. “And why on earth would you do it again? Once is more than enough. Weren’t you listening when I said your life is just as precious as mine?”
    “I was listening, Kayuri. But you must understand, my life would hardly be worth living if you weren’t in it.” The tension in the cabin was palpable at this point.
    Kayuri’s breath hitched, barely believing what she had just heard. “Why is that, Julian? What do you mean, your life would “hardly be worth living” without me?”
    The cabin got silent for a moment again, until Julian replied in a soft voice, “Do you really have to ask me why? Could you not guess?” He met her eyes with an earnest, loving gaze.
    “… You’re in love with me, aren’t you?” she guessed, her heart feeling like it would burst at any moment.
    “…Yes, and it doesn’t matter to me that you don’t return my feelings. I’ve always loved-”
    “Excuse me,” she interrupted Julian. “Did you just assume that I don’t return your feelings, Julian?”
    Julian’s eyes looked liked little dishes with how big he’d widened them. “Do-do you really return those feelings, Kayuri?”
    ‘Well, no use hiding the fact now, no matter what my father may think,’ she thought to herself. 
    She gave Julian the sweetest smile she’d ever given to him, “Of course I do, silly. How could I not?”
    Julian rushed over to her and grabbed both of her hands, squeezing them in excitement. “Really?! You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?”
    Kayuri gave him an ‘are you serious right now’ look and said, “I would never say I have feelings for someone just to make them feel better, especially to someone I love so dearly.”
    Julian’s face lit up like the sun at those words, lips spread in a wide smile
    Kayuri let go of his hands and returned the smile, then leaned up a bit to place a small kiss on his cheek.
    “I think you missed by an inch there, Princet,” Julian smirked down at her as he said so. 
    “You’re right; I think I did.” With those words, she tugged Julian down for a real kiss, melding her lips with his and running her hands through his luscious locks for a few seconds before pulling away.
    As Kayuri pulled away, she noticed a small yellow and red flower fall from his hair. It was the only flower whose name she knew by heart: coreopsis arkansa, the flower of love at first sight. He must have got it when 
    ‘How fitting,’ the princet thought as she pulled Julian in for another kiss.
    No matter the consequences of pursuing this romance, Kayuri knew that she’d always be alright so long as she had Julian by her side.
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fanfictionamerica · 6 years
A Familiar Face (Doctor Strange x GN!Reader)
Title: A Familiar Face
Author: @fanfictionamerica
Pairing: Doctor Strange x Reader
Warnings: Mild violence, mild language
Word Count: 1,253
Tagline: No one tells you that having memories of your past life could be such a burden.
Soulmate AU: People are reincarnated soulmates, but only one of them remembers their past life + soulmates are rare.
A/N: This is for @loki-the-fox 's Halloween Marvel Writing Challenge. This fic happens after Doctor Strange but before Infinity War. The Doctor is the Sorcerer Supreme in this particular fic. This happens in the MCU, but soulmates occur in this specific universe (though they are rare). Hope you enjoy! P.S. There will be a second part eventually.
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       “Curiosity killed the cat.”
       It was a proverb very familiar to you throughout all of your life. Your parents, some of your friends, and even strangers always warned you of the danger of prying into things that weren't relevant to you or exploring places not meant for you.
       That never stopped you, though, especially with the rejoinder, “But satisfaction brought it back.”
       Despite some of the danger that came along with the curiosity, your mind always had an insatiable need for new knowledge and new experiences. After all, that need is what lead you to discovering your memories of past life and therein finding Kamar Taj and your soulmate.
       “Daydreaming again, Y/N?” The stern, yet teasing voice of your friend drew you out of your thoughts.
       “Mmm, more like reminiscing,” you replied, closing the book you had been attempting to read for the past hour. You weren't getting anywhere with it anyway.
       Your friend stood a few feet away from you, browsing the shelf nearest you for another book. “Another memory of your past life came back, didn't it?”
       Your fellow student of the mystic arts knew of your soulhuman status not one week into your training, in spite of the rarity of being one. Your spaciness in the middle of battle training signaled to them that something else was going on. When your friend confronted you about it, you told them the truth: that you were a Soul Human and that you'd been having more frequent flashbacks since you came to Kamar Taj.
       “Yes, this time, I saw the first time I met my soulmate. Not a great first impression for either of us, let me tell ya.” You couldn't help but let out a little laugh at that.
       “Sounds like your first meeting of Master Strange.” You could hear the smirk in their voice.
       You scoffed, dismissing your friend's suggestion quickly. “I'm pretty sure almost everyone's first impression here at Kamar Taj of Strange wasn't that great.”
       “Well damn, that was quite a mouthful, Y/N. You only do that when you want me to stop talking.” Your friend paused, scrutinizing your expression. “He's your soulmate, isn't he?”
       “Oh, look at the time. I gotta go.” You got out of your seat and headed toward the exit, giving your comrade a guilty smile as you opened the door behind you.
       They narrowed their eyes at you. “You coward. You just wanna avoid my question.”
       You shrugged a shoulder, then said as you took a step back out the door, “You're not wrong. But you can't do anything about it.”
       You stepped fully out of the library and let out a sigh of relief. “Fwoo, that was a close one. They almost got me there.”
       The truth was, you knew that Stephen Strange was your soulmate. He may have not looked exactly the same as in your past life, but you could recognize those stark blue eyes of his anywhere. But you wouldn't readily admit that to anyone.
       “Almost got you to do what, Y/N? I thought no one gets you to do anything you don't want to.”
       You turned around and smiled at the Sorcerer Supreme. “You see, the key word in that sentence is 'almost.' They still didn't get me to do it.”
       Strange rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance. “You're ridiculous.”
       “Thank you, that's what I was going for!” A mischievous simper appeared on your face.
       “If you're done trying to be funny, we have a lead on the time traveler that's been causing us trouble.” Despite the stern tone, you could tell that he was attempting to hide a smirk at your words.
       “You should've just started with that. I would've stopped being funny earlier.”
       Strange raised an eyebrow at you. “Are you done now?”
       “Maybe I am, maybe I'm not,” you replied in an amused tone. “It's been a while since I've been on an adventure with the Sorcerer Supreme himself.”
       “There's a reason for that, Master Y/N,” he quipped back at you, smirking at your exaggerated offended expression.
       “How rude of you!” you cried as Stephen opened the library door and walked toward the room with the Sanctum portals. “I don't know if I can be friends with you anymore; I'm so hurt.”
       “Come on now, Y/N,” he chided in a playful tone. “We all know that if you were really hurt, you wouldn't be jumping at the chance to go on a mission with me.”
       “You know, I could just be following you because I'm bored and then my feelings about you wouldn't matter.”
       Strange sighed. “You're not fooling anyone, Y/N. Once, you refused to go on a mission with another student because they'd hurt your friend.”
       “…You got me there. Now let's go get that meddling time traveler before they escape.”
       The Sorcerer Supreme didn't dignify your words with a response, knowing you two would keep bantering back and forth if he did. So he stepped through the portal to the New York Sanctum and didn't look back, knowing you were following close behind.
       I'm telling you, Stephen, I feel like something's following me, you sent telepathically.
       You felt an icy breeze tingle your neck, causing a shiver to traverse down your spine. Your paranoid mind almost thought it could be someone's (or something's) breath.
       Stay calm, Y/N, you heard Stephen's voice send back. For all you know, it could be an animal or your mind playing tricks on you.
       You took a deep breath in, then a deep breath out. I know, but doing missions in the dark always freaks me out.
       You never liked being out in the dark, especially considering that it was a circumstance a lot like this one that got you killed in your past life.
       A loud bang sounded behind you, causing you to jump on reflex, spin around, and summon a shield with your magic. Instead of running away like a "normal" person, you decided to investigate whatever made that noise.
       Are you okay, Y/N? Stephen must have sensed your jolt of fear through the telepathic connection.
       You didn't respond right away, edging closer to the source of the noise. The light of your magic revealed the perpetrator, standing there seemingly unaffected by the crashing noise they had just made.
       “Well now I feel like an idiot,” you said aloud this time, disappointment and relief flooding your body.
       Standing there on a trash can looking smug as all heck was a stray cat, yellow eyes glowing in the light of your shield.
       It was an animal, wasn't it? You didn't have to see the doctor to know that he was judging you and having fun at your expense.
       Yes, and now I feel-
       All of a sudden, you felt a searing pain go through your neck, interrupting your thought. You made an attempt to yell but found you could no longer move any part of your body.
       Now you feel what, Y/N? Y/N, are you alright?
       You tried to send out a mental message back to Strange but found out (to your horror) that you couldn't do that, either.
       Your body fell onto the ground of its own volition since you no longer had any control of it. You hit your head on the pavement below you, pain coursing through your body. Your eyes began feeling heavy. Your consciousness started fading away. But just before you lost control, you saw your own face staring down at you, a needle in hand and a sadistic grin on their face.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Doctor Strange or other Marvel characters and their stories. Gif belongs to the creator.
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miss--river · 6 years
Hiya! Your Halloween challenge sounds like a hoot and I was wondering if I could have #23 for Doctor Strange x Reader? My writing blog is @fanfictionamerica (where I reblogged your post)😄. Thank you and I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day 💖
Of course, dear! Number 23 is all yours!
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