#mime talks
muppetmime · 5 months
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I got this little fozzie wishable and it genuinely made cry. I have never cried because something was so sos cute but now i have. Hes sos smal and so tiny and hes sos light and its just like holding a kitten and theres subtle blushing on his cheekies and AAAAAA
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I put him in one of the dice bags i made so i could keep him near my other muppet plushies i have on my bed without getting lost and. I tear up everytime i look at him im not used to this im not usually a crier every but ive been havin a rough time and hes so soft and so sweet and he knows nothin but existing happily and im so glad.
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jadewritesficshere · 1 month
Would you rather
Eddie Munson x Reader
Synopsis: Eddie asks you a question late in the night (<1k words)
Contains: reader is not gendered, hypothetical questions, discussions of sex and oral sex (there is a reference to messy sex, specifically spit, but only one line and not in detail), clowns
You're laying on your side staring at the wall when his voice pierces the quiet. "Are you awake?" Eddie whispers in the dark. It's almost 2am. The last remnants of weed in your system should have made it easy to fall asleep, but not tonight. You roll onto your back and look over at him," Yeah?"
Eddie shuffles in the bed closer to you," Got a question." Eddie's hand lightly touches your arm, taps it a few times as if to make sure you were there, before retreating. His hand lays next to you, close enough you can feel the warmth. "It's pretty serious." He mumbles.
You can feel your heart beat faster. A pretty serious question could mean anything. Maybe it's about the Upside Down, maybe about your future togeth-
"Would you rather be considered the world's best kisser but be terrible at sex, or be the best at sex but a terrible kisser?"
You pause for a moment.
"That's your question?" You shake your head smiling. The bed shifts as Eddie presses his face into his pillow as if to hide," Nevermind, it's dum-" "It's not dumb! I'm just thinking." Your hand grasps his, squeezing it lightly. "Do i have time to make a pros and cons list?"
"Gut instinct." Eddie pokes at your side and you slap his hand away. "Clarification, does oral count as sex or kissing?" "Hmm," Eddie's brow furrows," I mean it's called oral sex right? So that implies sex."
"Oh then a terrible kisser and good at sex. Good for you and me right? Besides, what's a terrible kiss? A lil messy? You like that-" "Okay shut up!" Eddie slaps you with his pillow causing you to chuckle. Eddie shakes his head before returning his pillow to where it was.
"Now you get to ask one." Eddie's fingers tap out a rhythm against your interlocked hand. You hum, thinking deeply,"Would you love me if I was a worm?" "Thats not a would you rather!" "Okay, would you love me if I was a worm rather then a human."
"That's not- that isn't," Eddie laughs," Okay sure, uh, are you a human sized worm or a regular worm?" "Worm sized." "Do you keep your ass?" You both giggle at the imagery.
"Imagine a worm with just a huge ass," you gasp out," Do worms even have asses?" You both continue to giggle quietly, the bed shaking slightly from your laughter.
"Yeah. I would still love you. I just wake up one day and you've turned into a worm? No, yeah of course I'd still love you. Then I'd go and find the witch that cursed you. I'd galavant through the trees, singing songs of your beauty and our love. Once I find the witch, I'd fall to my knees and beg for them to turn you back." Eddie rambles on, weaving a magical tale of adventure.
"Where am I in all this?" You ask kicking his shin lightly. Eddie traps your leg in his," In my pocket. I'll knit you a little blanket. Wrap it around you. Make you a lil bed and-" You gasp," Like Slimey?" "Like Slimey." Eddie agrees shifting closer to you.
Your eyes have adjusted well to the darkness. You can see his hair going every direction. His lips are slightly chapped but still kissable. His tank top has shifted, showing off a scandalous amount of skin, tattoos, sparse chest hair, and his nipple.
"Would you rather fuck a clown or a mime?" Eddie whispers. "I already fuck a clown i fuck you." You bite your lip to hold back your laughter
Eddie's shocked gasp has you that laughter escaping. "That's it! We're done!" Eddie jokingly pushes away from you as you protest with an "I'm kidding!".
You scoot closer, grasping onto his bicep. You kiss his cheek and continue to murmur apologies. Eddie sighs loudly as he wraps his arms around you. "Calling me a clown," Eddie makes a noise of disgust whilst shaking his head.
Your laughter settles as you gaze into Eddie's eyes. Your noses are almost touching. You can feel the warm exhale of his breath against your face. Eddie kisses you lightly before looking imploringly into your eyes," No, but which would you rather fuck?"
You pause a moment to think. A grin starts to spread across your face," All I can imagine is you go to grab a clown's ass and it just makes one of those squeaky horn noises." Eddie giggles and then mimicks the noise, lightly grabbing your ass.
For whatever reason, it sets you both off laughing. Maybe it's the imagery. Maybe it's the fact that it's 2 am and you both are sleep deprived. Maybe it's the fact you both feel safe and comfortable to be yourself around each other. Maybe it's the leftover weed in your systems.
"Imagine-" Eddie wheezes on a laugh," you go to remove the underwear and as you remove it- wheeze- more just keeps coming. Like those handkerchiefs that never end." The laughter in the room grows louder.
You can feel Eddie's body shake with laughter as he holds you close. Your eyes well up with tears as you imagine Eddie doing a sexy lil dance, removing a pair of underwear from under his skirt, and more keep coming as he said.
A banging on the door causes you both to jump. "Will you two shut up, some of us are trying to sleep!" Steve's grumpy, sleep-addled voice breaks through the silence. "Sorry!" Eddie calls bashful. "Waking me up...got an early shift...need my beauty sleep..fucking fools..." Steve mutters, footsteps sounding as he walks away.
"I think he means fucking clowns." You whisper in Eddie's ear. A fit of giggles fills the air again as you lay in each other's arms.
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icky8 · 2 months
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why so sad
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sarcasticmothdraws · 4 months
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I need a tracker for how many times I do silly shit with Wolfwood. This week is Priest Mime
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tmos-time · 7 months
do NOT let laios and senshi into the pokemon universe tbh. put them together and let them find a mr mime and its all over
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zaritarazi · 9 months
and the thing is, i'm not saying kaz isn't also a serious person. he's very serious. he's deeply committed to the bit, usually at the detriment of everyone around him. he has such an annoying sense of humor. like, what else is he supposed to do? he's a little jewish boy trapped in a dickensian nightmare. what can he do but laugh at himself and this whole situation? he clearly doesn't find it funny at all, but at the same time, is constantly making little remarks only for the purpose of amusing himself. and inej. and also for inej as well. let me put inej here a third time for emphasis. anyway.
like if you think about it, jesper is more obvious with using attention-seeking and humor to run away from reality, but kaz wouldn't be friends with jesper if that really bothered him. he needs that. he's not going to admit it, but jesper sure is still here, isn't he? kaz and jesper undercutting each other and chuckling to themselves is literally how they get through the day, sometimes. this isn't about how jesper makes inej laugh more and kaz is always at least 50% seething about that. he's seething about everything. that's a man who is always at a low, roiling boil. listen. listen.
look. i'm trying to say people can be many things, as i made a funny little post about him doing magic tricks but don't want him to get flattened. so while kaz is very wet and traumatized, he's also surprisingly funny and bombastic. all the crows are like this, but i don't feel like going any further into it. striated. have layer
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Percy who stays close to home for college instead of going to New Rome and needs some extra money on the side but has a hard time keeping jobs due to his wild schedule. Then he stumbles into a random bar that is probably too nice to take him on as a server and finds a huge water tank with someone swimming in it and everything clicks for him all at once.
His friends will not stop laughing that he works at a mermaid show, but honestly Percy is having the time of his life. He only wishes random gods would stop showing up to watch his show.
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queencaramilflinda · 7 months
I’ve never felt more like the target audience of something then when listening to Aabria and Erika talk about terminally online tumblr shit. I haven’t read or seen lord of the rings, the shire means nothing to me, but I know exactly what they’re referring to when talking about sexy vaporeon.
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 3 months
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Day 15 of posting whatever doodle i have until i accept an uni
Im in a car
As always designs by tins <3333
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jessieren · 5 months
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And another… watching him speak with his hands is like a lesson in semaphore… but with more movement 😁
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melikedraw · 4 months
Some mime bomb thought that aren't explicitly canon but they're canon to me:
He is not shy he is not insecure, even without his makeup (I see a lot of fics saying he is and like it's cute to have him be soft and shy I just don't think he is) (it's just my opinion tho). I feel like he just refuses to talk to people. Like selective mutism. So his vocal cords work perfectly fine and technically he can talk but he won't and will never. That doesn't stop him from being a pain in the ass tho
Also he definitely knows sign language and just mimes for the lols. He likes pissing people off for sure. Though he also finds miming to be his favourite way to express himself.
He definitely knows more languages than that though, considering he was bellum's translator for that ancient vile artifact thing in one of the last eps. Adding on to this on the last episode maelstrom said something Abt how "a genius shouldn't be locked up with a lunatic" (not a direct quote ik I can't remember the exact words but you get my drift) referring to how his cell was right beside mime bombs. I think it's funny bc obv he was calling mime bomb a lunatic but ironically maelstrom was said to be considered crazy by most people while mime bomb (my lil smartass) can translate ancient texts that only specialists like Julia was able to decifer PLUS mime it out well enough for bellum to understand.
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mochimouiemarty · 2 months
guys im actually so genuinely upset. i dreamt that there was a season five or movie abt carmen sandiego and then i fuckinb WOKE UP. i was so happy for a moment and then i remberef it was a dream
yall wont be hearing feom me. im DEVASTATED.
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sleepstudiez · 10 months
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recreation of a situation i walked in on after leaving them alone for like half an hour (its been resolved now)
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legitimatesatanspawn · 5 months
Cursed things I enjoy telling friends:
In the comics, Organic Webshooter Spider-Man is a destructive copy and the original Peter Parker turned into a giant spider and died to patch in that ability.
A dead witch possessed Bowser resulting in something not quite Koopa and not quite Witch.
Radiation's Halloween Hack (Earthbound) is where Megalovania is from.
Hojo is Sephiroth's biological father but Sephiroth didn't know who his father was. (OG PS1) Hojo canonically fucks, unfortunately.
Mr Mime's hair is flesh.
Goofy canonically fucks in multiple different canons.
And to mess with friends who take LotR too seriously yet only watch the films and claim the books are too long: the whole existence ofTom Bombadil, elves have spaceships, werewolves and vampires exist, Elrond's bio parents became a bird and a star, and not only did Sauron once lose a fight to a dog but he also struggled in an operatic rap battle.
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circus-clownn · 2 months
im going so so crazy about mime and flippy PLEASEE TALK TO ME ABOUT THEM
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fictionalsownme · 6 months
I put In Space with Markiplier on in the background when I work on my captain x engineer long fic (I have my favorite path set to a playlist and play it on mute) and even after watching the entire thing god knows how many times, I still find myself giggling and smiling at my favorite parts when I catch them out of the corner of my eye heeh
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